
Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

If a child begins to cough, then various medications can be used to eliminate this symptom. Some drugs directly affect the brain, inhibiting the cough reflex, others affect the mucus produced in the respiratory tract, and others improve its coughing.

"Siresp" is one of the popular medicines that helps get rid of both dry and wet cough. It is often used in the treatment of various respiratory diseases by both adult patients and children.

Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

Siresp is available in only one form, which is a sweet-tasting syrup. It appears transparent and can be either colorless or yellowish.

The smell of this drug is raspberry or orange. The medication is sold in plastic bottles of 150 or 250 ml.

A dosing spoon or dosing syringe is attached to the bottle to correctly measure the required amount of medicine.

The main component of the drug "Siresp" is called fenspiride hydrochloride. It is contained in the syrup in the amount of 2 mg per 1 ml. Among the inactive substances of the drug are citric acid, glycerol, methyl and propyl parahydroxybenzoate, as well as potassium sorbate and water. The sweet taste of Sirespa is due to sucrose and sodium saccharinate, and the smell of the medicine is provided by raspberry or orange flavoring.

Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

The active component of Sirespa has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties and also affects the condition of bronchial smooth muscles - this activity of fenspiride is called antibronchoconstrictor. Once in the patient’s body, the drug affects the production of certain substances that provoke bronchospasm and the inflammatory process, and inhibits their production.

Hydrochloride also has the ability to block histamine receptors and alpha-adrenergic receptors. In addition, the medication has an antispasmodic effect.

Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

Siresp is used as a symptomatic cough medicine for various respiratory diseases.

Syrup is prescribed to children for such ailments as:

  • laryngitis;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • acute bronchitis;
  • influenza, measles or whooping cough;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • other infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, the symptom of which is cough.

In addition, the drug is included in the complex treatment of sinusitis and otitis, regardless of the cause of such diseases (including those of an allergic nature).

Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

The paper leaflet for the syrup, which is in the Sirespa package along with the bottle, states that this medication is not for use by children under two years of age.

If a cough occurs in an infant or a one-year-old baby, you need to select a suitable analogue together with your pediatrician, since giving Siresp to such patients is prohibited.

Siresp is not prescribed to patients with hypersensitivity to hydrochloride or any of the auxiliary ingredients of the syrup.

Since the composition of the drug includes sucrose, this medication is also contraindicated in case of genetic disorders of sugar absorption, for example, with poor glucose absorption syndrome or lack of sucrose in the body. For diabetes mellitus, the use of Sirespa requires medical supervision.

Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

During treatment with Siresp, abdominal pain, nausea and other signs of indigestion may occur. Less commonly, the drug causes moderate tachycardia, an allergic reaction or drowsiness.

If a young patient exhibits any of the adverse symptoms, it is necessary to stop feeding the syrup to the child and consult a doctor.

It is recommended to give Siresp to the child before meals, measuring the medicine with a dosing spoon, if it is in the box. It holds 5 ml of the drug, from which the patient receives 10 mg of the main component (fenspiride).

For older patients, you can use a regular tablespoon, which holds 15 ml of medication and, accordingly, 30 mg of the active compound.

If a dosage syringe is included in the package, you can use it to draw 10 or 15 ml of syrup.

The required amount of medication per day is determined individually, calculating the dosage taking into account the baby’s weight. Having found out the child’s body weight in kilograms, it is multiplied by 4 mg.

For example, if a small patient weighs 20 kg, then the daily dose of the main component for him will be 80 mg (4x20).

Since so much active substance is contained in 40 ml of syrup, and the calculated dose must be divided into two or three doses, the medication is given 20 ml twice a day.

How long to use Siresp for coughing should be checked with your doctor, since the list of pathologies for which this syrup is used is quite large.

For example, if a baby has an acute respiratory viral infection, then the course of treatment will not be very long, but in case of bronchitis or a more serious illness, the medication will have to be given longer. The possibility of re-use after completion of treatment should be consulted with your doctor.

An excessively high dose of the drug may cause nausea, drowsiness, vomiting, tachycardia or restlessness. If an overdose is detected, it is recommended to rinse the stomach and immediately consult a doctor. Siresp can be combined with medications from different groups, including antibiotics and other cough medications.

It is not recommended to drink the syrup together with drugs that have a depressant effect on the central nervous system.

To buy Siresp at a pharmacy, you must first consult a doctor to obtain a prescription for such a medication.

The medicine should be stored at home at a temperature below +25 degrees, placing the bottle in a place hidden from children. The shelf life of a sealed drug is 3 years, but from the moment of first use of the drug, an opened bottle can be stored for only 6 months.

Users respond mostly positively to the use of the drug. Siresp is praised for its convenient dosage form and effective action against different types of cough, but some children do not like the taste of the medicine, and many mothers consider the composition of the medicine to be too “chemical”.

The most well-known drug that can fully replace Siresp is Erespal.

This French medicine contains the same active ingredient and therefore has the same healing effects.

In addition to syrup, which is used by children over 2 years of age, Erespal is also available in tablets, but they are not used in children. The difference from Sirespa is the higher price of this analogue.

If the pharmacy does not have either Sirespa or Erespal, then you can purchase another medicine based on the main component.

The child can take Epistat syrup from the Gedeon Richter company, the domestic drug Eladon, or Erispirius syrup produced by Sandoz.

All these medications have a sweet taste, contain 2 mg of active substance in each milliliter and are used for the same indications.

If a young patient is found to be intolerant to the main component, or “Siresp” turns out to be ineffective, then an analogue with a similar effect on the respiratory tract is selected, for example, one of the drugs ambroxol (“Lazolvan”, “Ambrobene”, “Bronchorus” and others) or which some herbal medicine (“Prospan”, “Gerbion”, “Bronchicum”, “Bronchipret”).

Dr. Komarovsky talks in more detail about the treatment of children’s cough in the video below.


Siresp - cough syrup: instructions for use for children and adults, dosage, composition

Cough, which accompanies various diseases, greatly worsens health and can persist for a long time.

Despite the fact that this is only a symptom and not an independent disease, it must be treated in a timely manner, otherwise complications cannot be avoided.

One of the effective means of complex action intended for the treatment of various inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract is Siresp - syrup for children and adults.

Siresp - cough syrup: release form, composition

Siresp is a syrup based on fenspiride hydrochloride. It is available in bottles with a capacity of 150 or 250 ml. Each package of the medicine is equipped with either a special spoon or a syringe, which are designed for the correct dosage of the medicine.

Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

The syrup is available in two types - with raspberry or orange flavor. The drug itself is bitter, but does not contain alcohol.

One milliliter of syrup contains 2 mg of the main active ingredient. In addition to a number of formative components, the drug contains sucrose, dyes and flavors. The presence of these substances must be taken into account by people prone to allergic reactions and patients with diabetes.

Pharmacokinetics and indications for use

The pharmacological properties of the drug are determined by the action of the active substance - fenspiride hydrochloride. This drug reduces the disturbance of bronchial conduction, characteristic of inflammatory diseases of the bronchi, and blocks histamine receptors in the respiratory tract.

Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

Properties of the drug:

  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • antispasmodic effect;
  • normalization of bronchial tone;
  • reducing the intensity of coughing attacks.

The drug does not increase sputum production, but affects the mechanism of development of the inflammatory process.

As a result, the amount of sputum decreases and the bronchi are cleared of accumulated secretions naturally.

The drug is used in therapy:

  • otitis media;
  • laryngitis;
  • rhinopharyngitis;
  • chronic bronchitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • asthma.

The main indication for use is bronchospastic syndrome in children and adults. As prescribed by a doctor, the medicine can be used as an additional drug for ARVI and influenza.

Since the medication has an anti-inflammatory effect, it is advisable to use it for coughs resulting from inflammation or an allergic reaction.

Taking syrup does not replace antibacterial therapy for infectious diseases.

At what age can the drug be given to children?

Siresp syrup for children can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. The instructions say that the medicine can be given to children over two years of age. At the same time, as prescribed by a pediatrician, the drug may be taken by young children. In this case, the dosage regimen is selected on an individual basis.

Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

Due to the specific composition, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of developing an allergic reaction before starting treatment of children with Siresp syrup.

For which cough should you take the syrup, dry or wet?

The syrup is used in the treatment of cough of any type that occurs against the background of an inflammatory process. The medicine does not affect the cough center of the brain and does not have an expectorant effect. In this regard, the drug is prescribed not as symptomatic therapy, but as a means to relieve the inflammatory reaction in the bronchi caused by the production of histamine by respiratory tract receptors.

Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

The effect of the syrup is manifested by a decrease in the frequency and intensity of coughing attacks, regardless of its type. Thus, the drug can be taken for both dry and wet coughs, but only if it is caused by the production of histamine.

When taking the drug, a slow cumulative effect is observed. The first results of treatment should be expected no earlier than two days after the start of therapy.

Instructions for use and dosage

Instructions for use for children warn: taking the medicine must be agreed with the attending physician. Despite the standard dosages given in the description of the drug, an individual approach is required in each case, especially if the syrup is given to a child.

The syrup does not have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa, so it should be taken before meals, about half an hour before meals. This recommendation is general for children and adults.

For adults

The daily dosage for adult patients is 40 – 90 ml of syrup. This corresponds to 9 – 18 measuring spoons, which are contained in the package with the bottle of the medicine. The daily dosage should be divided into 3 doses. Thus, an adult patient is advised to take 3 to 6 tablespoons of medication before each main meal.

Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

If the dosage spoon is lost, it can be replaced with a tablespoon. The maximum permissible daily dosage of the drug is 6 tablespoons (90 ml of syrup).

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For children

Children's cough syrup is taken according to the child's weight. The general recommendation is to take 4 mg of the active substance of the drug per 1 kg of the child’s weight per day.

Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

It is usually practiced to take syrup in the following dosages:

  • weight up to 10 kg: 10 – 20 ml of medication per day;
  • weight 10 – 35 kg: 30 – 60 ml of syrup per day;
  • weight over 40 kg (teenagers): 45 – 80 ml per day.

The volume of one measuring spoon is 5 ml. Dosages are given in milliliters to facilitate the calculation of the required dose if the medicine is supplied with a syringe.

 cough syrup for children

How many days should children and adults take syrup?

The instructions do not provide precise information about the maximum permissible duration of treatment. Since the syrup is used for various diseases, the duration of the course of medication depends on the severity of the symptoms and is selected individually for each patient.

On average, children are prescribed medication for a week. Adults are allowed to increase the course of therapy to 10 days.

Siresp syrup during pregnancy and lactation

The safety of taking the medicine during pregnancy has not been established, so the syrup should not be taken during pregnancy.

Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

There is no exact data on whether the active substance passes into breast milk, so you should also stop taking the medication during lactation. If the drug cannot be stopped, breastfeeding should be stopped and the child should be switched to special formulas.

Drug interactions with other drugs

The syrup should not be taken with drugs that depress the nervous system. This combination may result in increased sedative effects of sedative medications. Siresp should not be taken with alcoholic beverages.

The syrup should also not be taken at the same time as barbiturates, allergy medications and analgesics.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

Absolute contraindications to taking the medication are intolerance to the main active ingredient or other components of the composition. The syrup is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under two years of age. The drug contains sucrose.

Patients with diabetes should take into account that one scoop of medicine corresponds to 0.3 bread units.

Side effects:

  • drowsiness;
  • mild form of tachycardia;
  • indigestion;
  • nausea;
  • allergic reactions.

The drug contains parabens and dyes, which may cause an allergic reaction in some groups of patients.

An overdose of syrup is manifested by depression of the central nervous system, nausea with vomiting, and sinus tachycardia. In such conditions, gastric lavage and symptomatic supportive therapy are performed.

Analogues of the drug

If necessary, Siresp cough syrup can be replaced with analogues.

Drugs with a similar composition and principle of action include:

  • Epistat;
  • Erespal;
  • Erispirus.

The drug Episatat is a tablet based on fenspiride hydrochloride. This medicine is intended for adult patients only. Erespal and Erispirus are available in the form of syrups. These medications are complete analogues of Siresp syrup and can also be used to treat children over two years of age.


"Siresp" (syrup): instructions for use, indications, analogues, reviews:

Cough is a symptom of many diseases. It has a different form of flow, it can be wet or dry, bacterial or viral, allergic. It is better not to treat a cough on your own, since you will not be able to reliably establish its cause.

Modern pharmaceutical companies offer a wide variety of drugs to treat this symptom. These can be suspensions, drops, tablets or capsules. The inhalation use of the compositions is highly effective. Today we will talk about one of the medications used to relieve this symptom.

Its trade name is "Siresp" (syrup). The instructions for its use will tell you how to properly carry out the treatment.

Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

Release form, composition and cost of the drug

The medicine with the trade name “Siresp” is a syrup. The instructions for use say that the medicine contains the main component fenspiride hydrochloride.

One milliliter contains 2 milligrams of this substance.

The manufacturer also uses additional compounds necessary to create the drug: citric acid monohydrate, dyes, flavors, sugars, potassium sorbate, glycerol, methyl parahydroxybenzoate.

The medicine is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The cost of a bottle containing 150 milliliters of suspension is 200-250 rubles. In each region, the price of the medicine may vary slightly.

Effect on the patient

How does Siresp work? The syrup's instructions for use position it as a cough treatment. The medication has a bronchodilator effect, it relieves inflammation and spasm.

The medicine suppresses the activity of histamine receptors and has a relaxing effect on the muscles. The drug eliminates substances that increase bronchial tone and provoke inflammation.

The medication is an anti-inflammatory and antibronchoconstrictor agent. Its effectiveness may vary for each person.

Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

What does Siresp help with?

If you have been prescribed the drug Siresp (syrup), there are certainly indications for this. The use of the medication is advisable for infectious and inflammatory processes in the upper and lower respiratory tract. The medicine is used for:

  • pharyngitis and laryngitis, accompanied by a cough in the form of a spasm;
  • bronchitis and tracheobronchitis (acute or chronic);
  • diseases that cause an annoying cough and loss of voice;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • sinusitis and otitis media;
  • rhinorrhea (seasonal or constant).

The instructions state that the medication has more of a symptomatic effect than a therapeutic one. Therefore, in addition to it, it is necessary to take other drugs that directly eliminate the cause of the disease.

Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

Contraindications to the use of the medicine

Can everyone use Siresp syrup? The instructions for use indicate that the medicine is prohibited in case of high sensitivity to the active substance or any other component. It is also not prescribed to persons with fructose intolerance and sucrose deficiency.

It is contraindicated to use Siresp during pregnancy and lactation, since the manufacturer does not have sufficient data to confirm its safety and the absence of negative effects on the child. The medication is not prescribed for children under two years of age.

If it is necessary to treat children, replace “Siresp” (syrup) with drugs similar in action. You can learn about them later in the article.

Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

How to take Siresp syrup?

The dosage of the medication depends on the age of the patient. The duration of treatment is determined by the individual characteristics of the patient.

  • For children over 2 years of age, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 4 milligrams of the active substance per kilogram of body weight. The daily dose should be divided into 2-3 doses. If your child weighs, for example, 15 kilograms, then he needs 60 milligrams of fenspiride per day. This amount is contained in 30 milliliters of syrup. In such a situation, it is advisable to take the medication 10 ml three times a day.
  • Adult patients and children over 15 years of age are recommended to take the medicine 80 milligrams 2 times a day. The doctor can give other recommendations that are individually suitable for your disease.

A measuring spoon is included with the medicine. With its help, you can measure the indicated dose as accurately as possible. For children, it is permissible to pre-dissolve the medication in a bottle of milk or juice.

Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

Adverse reactions

If you use Siresp (syrup) for children without permission or give the drug to children under two years of age, then the risk of developing unpleasant reactions increases several times. The medication often provokes dyspeptic disorders. They are manifested by nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea.

Also, the medication can affect the functioning of the central nervous system, which is quite dangerous. This manifests itself as drowsiness, irritation, agitation or aggression. If you take the syrup in unlimited quantities, you can get tachycardia or an allergic reaction.

With proper use of the medication, their risk tends to zero.

If any unpleasant reaction to taking the medication occurs, you should urgently contact a specialist. The treatment strategy will probably have to be changed. Find out below what medications are suitable for this.

Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

additional information

  1. The medicine "Siresp" (syrup) for children and adults cannot replace the use of antibiotics. You should not use antimicrobial drugs if they are prescribed by a doctor.
  2. Prescribing medicine to persons with diabetes mellitus should be done very carefully.

    Please note that 5 milliliters of suspension (measuring spoon) contains 3 grams of sucrose.

  3. Parabens and dyes included in the medication can cause a skin rash.
  4. The active substance can inhibit the patient's reaction and cause drowsiness.

    Therefore, during treatment you should refrain from driving and performing potentially hazardous activities.

  5. It is unacceptable to combine medicine with alcoholic beverages. The likelihood of toxic effects and adverse reactions with such a combination increases significantly.

  6. If you are additionally prescribed antihistamines, you should review the dosage of medications. Otherwise, you risk guaranteed drowsiness and lethargy.

"Siresp", syrup: reviews

The medicine forms different opinions about itself. Most of them are still positive. With proper use of the drug and the right combination with other medications, the effect of therapy is noticeable quite quickly. Consumers say the syrup has a pleasant vanilla flavor, making it easy to give to children.

This is an important advantage of the medication. After using the composition, there is a decrease in the urge to cough. This effect is due to the relief of bronchial spasm. It often happens at night.

Patients taking the medication "Siresp" (syrup) leave positive reviews, reporting improved night sleep and normal breathing.

Doctors say that the medication is not addictive. But it should not be used for longer than recommended by a specialist. In case of severe adverse reactions such as drowsiness and lethargy, the dose of the medication must be reduced or replaced with an analogue.

Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

What to replace the drug with?

Medicine "Siresp" - syrup. You already know what kind of cough it helps with. If you want to choose an absolute analogue based on fenspiride, then the drugs “Erispirus”, “Erespal”, “Eladon”, “Fenspiride” are suitable.

You can replace the medicine with other means that can cope with a cough. Among them the following stand out:

  • anti-inflammatory (“Doctor Mom”, “Gerbion”);
  • expectorants (ACC, Ambroxol);
  • antitussives (“Sinekod”, “Kozhelak”) and so on.

All substitutes should be selected in conjunction with your doctor. Do not use the advice of experienced friends and pharmacists. Only a doctor can correctly determine the nature of your cough and prescribe appropriate therapy.


This article provides you with information about the drug "Siresp". In most cases it has positive characteristics. Only some users remain dissatisfied with the result of treatment and want to change the medication.

You already know what analogues you can use. Be aware of the restrictions on the use of the medicine and its side effects. Doctors recommend seeking help again if you do not feel better within 3-5 days of treatment with Siresp syrup.

All the best, don't get sick!


Polpharma cough syrup SIRESP - review

I recently became acquainted with siresp syrup (an analogue of the famous erespal). I have two children, and they have to treat their cough quite often.

I wrote a revealing review about ERESPAL syrup. After I came across a fake (from my point of view), I decided to try the same main substance (fenspiride hydrochloride 2 mg/ml), only from a different manufacturer. Siresp is produced in POLAND.

This is not a cough medicine, as many people think. But it has a very powerful anti-inflammatory effect and also dilates the bronchi. Siresp relieves inflammation, the bronchi are dilated, the cough gradually decreases and goes away.



Cough comes in different forms. It happened that with a slight wet cough (infrequent), only this remedy was enough. Helped very quickly. But lately, I treat coughs due to ARVI in children as follows: I give Siresp + an antitussive drug, which contains components with multidirectional effects (reduces the viscosity of sputum, expectorant and relieves bronchospasm).

  • I’m surprised myself, but the child’s cough goes away in literally 2-3 days.
  • I really liked this combination of drugs, precisely because of its effect against wet cough.
  • __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Now specifically about SIRESP syrup:
  • The syrup is an orange liquid.
  • TASTE is sweet, but there is a bitter aftertaste.

The set includes a dispensing spoon (5 ml). Personally, I give all the syrups from a syringe for antipyretics. It’s more convenient for me (it also contains 5 ml).

Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

siresp review

Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

box contents

Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

  1. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. Indications can be seen in the photo.

Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

CONTRAINDICATIONS include children under 2 years of age. But in my practice I know that pediatricians prescribe it in the first year of life. The drug is quite well tolerated, because its main effects are the relief of inflammation and bronchospasm, and in children there is a physiological tendency to obstruction (narrowing) of the bronchi.

  • I myself gave it to my second-year-old child, and he tolerated it perfectly.
  • But I know several cases when the drug did not help; mothers did not notice any effect at all.
  • __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • TAKE 20 MIN before meals
  • The pediatrician himself calculates the drug based on the child’s weight (4 mg/kg/day).
  • Children up to 10 kg are usually prescribed 1 spoon *3 times a day
  • Children weighing more than 10 kg - 1 dessert spoon (10 ml) * 3 times a day.
  • Everything is described in detail in the instructions (see photo)
  • I give 2 syringes (10 ml) * 3 times a day
  • Adults take 1-2 tbsp * 3 times a day

Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

  1. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

An open bottle must be consumed within 6 months. Although the medicine can be stored for 3 years when unopened.

In such cases, I write the month and year of opening the bottle on the medicine box , because you won’t remember in any case.

  • __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • PRICE 188 rubles
  • Made in Poland.

Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice

siresp price

  1. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Siresp is an effective medicine. It works both independently and in combination with other medications (allowing you to get rid of cough even faster). Tested more than once. I am very pleased with the drug. The cough goes away very quickly (I treated it only with these two remedies), even without inhalation.

If your doctor prescribed it, I highly recommend trying it. You will be as surprised as I am by such a quick effect.


Siresp syrup - instructions for use for children: analogues, composition, difference with Erespal - which is better, for which cough to give

Siresp cough syrup relieves inflammation, treats bronchial diseases accompanied by broncho-obstructive syndrome and dry cough. The drug has a pleasant aroma and is often prescribed to children over the age of two years, based on body weight. The instructions for use accompanying the syrup contain complete information about its effect on the body.

Composition and release form

Siresp suspension, the composition of which is considered universal for adults and children, has a slow effect. The patient begins to feel changes in the body 6 hours after administration.

The main active ingredient of the children's drug is fenspiride. The following additional components are used:

  • vanilla flavoring;
  • sucrose;
  • yellow dye;
  • potassium sorbate;
  • purified water;
  • honey flavoring;
  • citric acid monohydrate;
  • E422.

This is interesting! What does ambroxol help with: instructions for using syrup for children

The drug is produced in the form of a transparent orange syrup, packaged in containers of 150 and 250 ml. The package includes a measuring spoon and instructions for use for children and adults. Pharmacists produce the drug in tablet form, but do not prescribe it to children.

The time of absorption into the blood depends on the patient's condition. In case of chronic and acute diseases of the intestines and stomach, the suspension enters the circulatory system more slowly . Scientific experiments have shown that taking liquid helps fenspiride penetrate the blood more quickly than when treated with tablets.

Important! The medicine is stored for 3 years in a dark, dry place, at temperatures up to 25° C. Country of origin: Poland. Siresp has analogues, including the domestic cough syrup Erespal.

Mechanism of action

Fenspirin blocks the action of histamine, a substance that promotes the development of inflammatory processes. Under the influence of histamine, blood vessels dilate and mucus secretion increases.

Together with swelling of the walls of the bronchi and trachea, such phenomena lead to broncho-obstructive syndrome. Against this background, the permeability of the mucous membrane increases, which makes it vulnerable to pathogenic bacteria.

Under the influence of histamine, venous stagnation occurs and bronchospasm intensifies.

For a better therapeutic effect, the medicine should be taken together with antibiotics . Fenspiride relieves inflammation and prevents spasms. The drug increases bronchial tone and eliminates cough.

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The components are well absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract . The active substances are excreted from the body by the kidneys 12 hours after administration. This should be taken into account when prescribing medicine to patients with pathologies of this organ.

Parents who treated their children with syrup note:

“It has a bitter taste, but it does the job successfully . The main thing is to start taking it immediately after detecting a cough in your baby. The suspension quickly makes coughing easier and sputum begins to come out.”

“Sirespa contains flavorings that caused my son’s allergy. I had to change the medicine. True, after the first dose the cough stopped.”

“My daughter has to be forced to drink the product because it is bitter. But it’s worth being patient - the medicine quickly stopped the cough, sore throat, and sore throat. Now she breathes easier.”

Indications for use

Self-medication is unacceptable. The doctor prescribes the drug based on the symptoms identified during the examination of the patient.

If necessary, prescribe additional studies using special equipment. Based on studying all the data, the specialist makes a diagnosis.

Despite the fact that Siresp does not have a very pleasant taste, children take the suspension calmly.

This is interesting! For what cough do you take Lazolvan for children: instructions for use

The syrup contains sucrose. The drug should be taken with caution by people with diabetes, since after consuming the suspension the level of glucose in the blood increases.

The medicine is prescribed for:

  • chronic bronchitis, accompanied by difficulty breathing;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • laryngitis;
  • otitis;
  • rhinopharyngitis;
  • rhinotracheobronchitis;
  • bronchospastic syndrome.

The drug is indicated for the treatment of whooping cough, measles, and influenza, accompanied by respiratory disorders.

Important! Since cough medicines are not produced for children under two years of age, the doctor can prescribe a suspension to the child before he reaches the age limit.

The medicine is used in complex treatment for shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, pale or bluish skin, and dry cough. The drug is prescribed to eliminate allergies that manifest themselves in the respiratory system. These are allergic rhinitis, atopic bronchitis.

Dosage for children

Based on examination and study of test results, the attending physician prescribes Siresp syrup. How to give to children is calculated based on the required amount per 1 kg of the child’s weight.

The usual rate of the main substance is 4 mg/1 kg of weight per day . Based on these data, the daily dosage is calculated and divided by the number of doses.

Children weighing less than 10 kg are given 2–4 spoons per day. The dosage for body weight more than 10 kg is 6 – 12 tablespoons of medicine.

When scheduling treatment time, 24 hours are divided by the number of appointments. Dependence on food intake is different. Some experts argue that this is not of fundamental importance in the case of a suspension. Others prescribe the medication 30 minutes in advance. before meals. Only the attending physician will correctly prescribe the method of taking the drug.

When asked by parents which cough Siresp syrup helps best with, pediatricians answer. The drug is used in the complex therapy of dry cough or with small sputum secretions.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. You cannot stop the course of therapy on your own. If necessary, re-treatment is carried out after some time.

Typically the course duration is 1 week.

Before you start giving medicine to children, you should carefully read the instructions for using the syrup.

Side effects

In prescribed doses, the medicine does not cause negative effects. In rare cases, it causes an adverse reaction in the body.

Failures in the functioning of housing and communal services can manifest themselves in the form of:

  • stomach pain;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • dyspepsia.

Problems with the cardiovascular system are expressed in the appearance of tachycardia . The effect on the nervous system leads to drowsiness and irritability in the child. Dizziness is possible.

If you are sensitive to the components of the drug, an allergic reaction appears in the form of urticaria, itching, and Quincke's edema.

During treatment, adults should avoid drinking alcohol or limit the amount of alcohol.

If you notice any of the above symptoms, you should immediately stop giving the syrup to your child and consult a doctor. After interrupting treatment, symptoms disappear. To remove the drug, the patient's stomach is washed.

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If necessary, the doctor prescribes similar medications . Only a specialist decides whether Siresp or Erespal is best for the baby to take.

The drug reduces concentration. During treatment, you should avoid or be careful when driving a car or engaging in potentially hazardous activities.


Doctors do not prescribe medicine during pregnancy and lactation. In rare cases, when the harm caused to the fetus by the drug is less than the risk of illness to the mother, the syrup is prescribed under the supervision of a doctor. The same applies to suspension treatment during breastfeeding. Contraindications for use are:

  • diabetes;
  • having an allergy to aspirin;
  • poor sensitivity to fructose;
  • lack of enzymes in the intestines for carbohydrate breakdown.

When should you start taking medication?

Interaction with other drugs has not been studied. Since the drug has a sedative effect, you should avoid prescribing drugs with a similar property, as well as those containing ethanol.


Often the doctor is forced to abandon therapy with the suspension, given the side effects. As substitutes, pharmacists offer products with a similar effect.

Name Release form Manufacturer country Cost, rub.)
1 Eladon Tablets 30 pcs./60 pcs. Russia 236/463
2. Epistat Tablets 30 pcs. Hungary 186
3. Erespal Syrup 150 ml/tablets 30 pcs/syrup 250 ml. France/France/Russia 259/387/519
4. Erispius Syrup 150 ml/tablets 20 pcs./tablets 30 pcs. Switzerland 172/228/234

Siresp and Erespal syrups, the difference between which is that the first contains dyes and the second does not, have similar pharmacological effects. It's difficult to determine which is better. Synthetic additives make the Polish product bitter in taste, but aromatic.

The Russian remedy uses honey and other natural additives. The remaining substances are similar in both products, so Erespal is the most commonly used substitute for Sirespa. Good taste is considered an argument in favor of using Erespal. Children drink it without coercion.

Important! A sediment appears at the bottom of the bottle with Erespal. He poses no danger. To get rid of the unpleasant phenomenon, you need to shake the bottle with its contents well.

Video: How to treat a disease with syrup

The advantage of Sirespa is its lower cost. The drug is popular among consumers due to its effective action. It is a little difficult to give it to babies, since you have to measure the portion several times, and also because it tastes bitter. Considering the positive results of the treatment, this is easy to accept.


Siresc cough syrup

Composition, packaging, description

In what packaging is the drug “Siresp” (syrup) sold? Instructions for using the medication are included in a cardboard pack. It also contains a dark plastic bottle, sealed with a screw-on polyethylene cap with a guarantee ring.

The drug in question is orange in color and also contains an active substance such as fenspiride hydrochloride.

In addition, the suspension also contains additional ingredients in the form of methyl parahydroxybenzoate, glycerol, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, potassium sorbate, sodium saccharinate, orange and yellow dye, sucrose, honey flavor, vanilla flavor, citric acid monohydrate and purified water.

Pharmacological properties

How does the drug "Siresp" (syrup) work? The instructions state that the active substance of this drug has an anti-inflammatory effect and also counteracts bronchoconstriction.

These properties of the drug are the result of the interaction of interrelated mechanisms:

  • The anti-inflammatory effect is associated with a decrease in the production of pro-inflammatory factors. By the way, some of them also have a bronchoconstrictor effect. Although such effects are observed only at very high concentrations or doses of the drug.
  • The antagonistic activity of the drug occurs at the level of histamine H1 receptors.


As for the half-life, it is 12 hours. The active substance of the drug is excreted through the kidneys.

Indications for use

For what diseases is Siresp prescribed? Syrup for children and adults is used for nasopharyngitis, otitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, rhinotracheobronchitis, maintenance therapy of complicated and isolated bronchial asthma, respiratory symptoms in the presence of measles, influenza and whooping cough.

Contraindications to taking medicinal syrup

Are there any contraindications for use of the drug "Siresp"? Cough syrup is not prescribed to patients with hypersensitivity to the main substance or additional ingredients included in its composition. It is also not recommended to give the suspension to children under two years of age.

Medicine "Siresp" (syrup): instructions for use

This drug should be taken orally, immediately before meals. Its dosage depends on the type of disease, as well as the patient’s age and weight.

Children over two years of age are usually prescribed 4 mg of the drug per kg of body weight per day.

  • Up to 10 kg: 20 ml of syrup or 4 measuring spoons per day (that is, 40 mg of fenspiride hydrochloride).
  • More than 10 kg: 60 ml of syrup or 12 measuring spoons per day (that is, 120 mg of fenspiride hydrochloride). It is recommended to divide the indicated dose into three doses.

How is Siresp (syrup) prescribed to adolescents and adults? The instructions indicate the following dosages:

  • 50-90 ml of syrup or 10-18 measuring spoons per day (that is, 100-180 mg of fenspiride hydrochloride). The indicated dose of the drug should be divided into several doses.

The duration of treatment with this drug is determined by the treating doctor.

Cases of overdose

In case of an overdose of Siresp, patients may experience adverse reactions such as nausea, drowsiness, vomiting, agitation and tachycardia.

To eliminate these symptoms, gastric lavage is performed, and an ECG is performed.

Side effects

What side effects may occur while taking Siresp? Syrup for children, reviews of which are positive, sometimes causes the following phenomena:

  • cardiac disorders and moderate tachycardia (the latter stops after reducing the dosage);
  • vomiting and diarrhea;
  • from the digestive tract, the patient quite often experiences nausea, gastrointestinal disorders and stomach pain;
  • drowsiness;
  • allergic reactions in the form of erythema, angioedema, rash, fixed erythema pigmentosa;
  • due to the presence of para-hydroxybenzoate in the syrup, the patient may develop urticaria;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • dizziness.

The occurrence of any of the listed side effects, as well as those that were not included in the list, should be immediately reported to your doctor.

Drug interactions

Is it possible to combine the drug “Siresp” (syrup) with other medications? The instructions do not contain any information on this matter. But, taking into account the antihistamine properties of this medication, one should expect negative reactions when the drug in question interacts:

  • with barbiturates;
  • other antihistamines, narcotics, analgesics and sedatives, as well as MAO inhibitors and alcohol.

Special recommendations for the use of medicinal syrup

What should the patient be warned about before prescribing Siresp (syrup for children)? The instructions state that for infectious diseases, treatment with this medication must be carried out in conjunction with standard antibiotic therapy.

Due to the content of preservatives such as propyl parahydroxybenzoate and methyl in the suspension, its use may cause allergic reactions (delayed effects are possible).

The composition of the drug "Siresp" includes a yellow "sunset" dye. As practice shows, this component often causes allergic reactions in both adults and children (delayed effects are possible).

Does the medication Siresp affect the patient’s ability to operate complex machinery and drive vehicles? No studies have been conducted on this matter.

Analogs and cost of the drug

What can replace Siresp cough syrup? Analogues of this drug are the following: “Erespal”, “Eladon”, “Erispirus”.

As for the price, the suspension in question is not very high. You can purchase 150 ml of medicinal syrup for 200-230 rubles.

Patient reviews of the drug "Siresp"

The drug "Siresp" is very popular among patients. This is primarily due to the fact that it has a relatively low cost and also has high therapeutic effectiveness.

As for negative reviews, most of them are associated with the following adverse reactions: nausea, rash, stomach pain, urticaria.

Tell me an effective cough remedy for a 3-year-old child


~♥~ [email protected] ♥ [email protected] ~♥~

The doctor will tell you. Cough cough discord

Natalia Kalter

I spray Tantum Verde in my mouth... he doesn’t take pills or potions. and tantum verde in a spray - a spritz and you're done!)) ) patience and good luck)))

Tatiana Klemez

Siresp syrup relieved our suffocating cough within a day.


Tantum verde for a sore throat, if anything. And for cough Lazolvan, 1/2 measuring spoon 2 times a day.


Better see a doctor. We don’t see your child’s throat and don’t know what kind of cough he has. Dry or wet.


It’s better to consult a specialist - self-medication is not always the answer, especially with children

Maria Zinchenko

First you need to know what kind of cough, dry or wet, and based on this you can recommend cough syrups. But without a doctor’s examination, I would not give syrups, because the wrong syrup can only worsen the cough.

What can be recommended without a doctor's examination is inhalation with saline solution or alkaline mineral water, for dry cough, inhalation with mineral water helps remarkably. When I cough, I rub it with tiger balm, it helps reduce the cough and also helps reduce and remove phlegm.

If there is a temperature, then I don’t rub it, but apply it pointwise, it’s a kind of inhalation, because it contains essential oils, and they also help.

Also, with a wet cough and in the absence of fever, compresses help remarkably, I like them with cabbage leaves and honey, I put this compress on for two hours, during the day, for 4-5 days, usually even less.

All cough expectorants for bronchitis

For acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis and a wet cough with poorly separated sputum, it is recommended to use medications that either thin the sputum - mucolytic drugs, or facilitate its separation - cough expectorants. These include both herbal products and synthetic drugs.

Many of us prefer to limit the intake of medications not obtained from natural remedies, however, we should always remember that any medicinal plant, no matter what positive properties it has, just like synthetic drugs, has side effects and has a number of contraindications.

Since the composition of all medicinal plants is very complex and rich, in addition to useful and medicinal, herbs and herbs contain a lot of other, sometimes toxic, harmful substances. Moreover, these days, the majority of the population suffers from various types of allergies, and any drug, even the most expensive, effective and safe, can cause an inadequate reaction in the body.

Classification of drugs that relieve cough and promote rapid recovery

All cough relief products are divided into antitussives, expectorants and mucolytics.

  • Antitussives, as well as combination drugs, are indicated for dry, unproductive coughs that interfere with sleep and appetite (see article antitussives for dry coughs).
  • Expectorants - indicated for productive coughs when the sputum is not thick or viscous.
  • Mucolytic agents - indicated for productive cough, but with thick, difficult to separate, viscous sputum.

Any cough medications should be prescribed only by your doctor. Antitussives cannot be used for treatment simultaneously with mucolytic drugs, however, there are combination drugs that have a weak antitussive and expectorant effect.

Expectorants - drugs that stimulate expectoration, are also divided into:

  • Reflex action - these drugs have an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, and this in turn stimulates the vomiting center, but vomiting does not occur, and the production of mucus in the respiratory tract increases. The peristalsis of the smooth muscles of the bronchi and the activity of the epithelium, which removes mucus from small to large bronchioles and into the trachea, also increases. The result of such irritation is easier expectoration of mucus and removal of phlegm from the bronchi. These are mainly herbal preparations - thermopsis, wild rosemary, coltsfoot, marshmallow, plantain, thyme, etc.
  • Direct resorptive action - after these cough expectorants are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, they cause irritation of the bronchial mucosa, thereby increasing the secretion of liquid sputum.

Mucolytics are drugs that thin sputum:

  • Mucolytic agents that affect the elasticity and viscosity of bronchial mucus (ACC, etc.)
  • Mucolytic agents that accelerate the removal of sputum (bromhexine, ambroxol)
  • Mucolytic drugs that reduce mucus formation (Libexin Muco, M-anticholinergics, glucocorticoids).

Reflex cough expectorants

The use of infusions from thermopsis herb should be treated very carefully. In children, the slightest overdose may cause vomiting. Moreover, cytisine (an alkaloid) included in its composition in large doses can cause short-term stimulation of breathing in children, which is then replaced by respiratory depression.

Side effects: allergic manifestations, rarely nausea, vomiting


Siresp cough syrup and its use in clinical practice Link to main publication
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