
Symptoms of genital herpes and methods of treating the disease

Genital herpes is an infection transmitted by contact. Doctors distinguish between primary and recurrent herpes, which is divided into typical and atypical varieties and can be asymptomatic. Genital herpes is common in the population of all countries.

Symptoms of genital herpes and methods of treating the disease

Genital herpes is an infection transmitted by contact. This disease is common in the population of all countries.

What is genital herpes

With typical herpes, there is always a lesion on the skin and mucous membranes of the external genitalia. The localization of the genital rash is first observed on the external genitalia in the perineal area.

In people with a strong immune system, the disease is often asymptomatic. The infection is detected using data from a virological examination, during which pathogenic agents obtained from a smear are isolated.

Atypical forms of herpes are detected in the treatment of chronic inflammatory process in the pelvic organs in women after diagnostic studies.

Herpes in the throat
About herpes under the nose
more about herpes on the chin here .

Primary genital herpes

Symptoms of herpes developing in the genital area appear for the first time due to a weakening of the body's protective functions. The blistering rashes caused by the herpes simplex virus are a place where pathogenic microflora multiply. The affected areas provide entry for aggressive microflora into the lymph and blood.

During a primary infection, viruses invade the nerve endings of the skin or mucous membrane. The pathogens then reach the sensory ganglia of the central nervous system, where they remain for the rest of the infected person’s life, releasing scout cells that check the level of immunity.

Symptoms of genital herpes and methods of treating the disease

The blistering rashes caused by the herpes simplex virus are a place where pathogenic microflora multiply.


Signs of the disease are determined by the traditional form of genital infection. Patients complain of severe itching and pain in the intimate area.

Multiple painful blisters appear on the genitals of men and women, tending to merge and transforming into pustular rashes.

The appearance of the rash is accompanied by pain, itching, and hardening of the lymph nodes in the genital area. After opening the papules, the wounds hurt when rubbed and urine gets on them.

During relapses, the rash gradually affects the internal genital organs. This may reveal erosion of the cervix, causing severe pain during sexual intercourse.

A papular rash appears in the perineal area and can spread throughout the genital area.

The virus often affects the lower urethra, causing severe pain when emptying the bladder. Herpetic blisters can cover the mucous membrane of the anus and rectum, which complicates the process of defecation (more details here). Children and adults infected with the herpes virus often experience numbness in the skin of the perineum, difficulty urinating and constipation.

Asymptomatic herpes will occur in people with a well-functioning immune system. The absence of problems in the sexual sphere and the inflammatory process will continue as long as the body suppresses the causative agent of the disease.

What does genital herpes look like?

The manifestations of genital herpes are difficult to confuse with other skin diseases. Specific rashes on the genitals in women directly indicate the development of a herpetic infection.

Herpes that affects the skin in the genital area appears at the site of initial penetration of the infection. Before the rash, severe itching appears on the mucous membranes and skin, which is difficult to eliminate.

Then red round spots appear, dense and slightly painful to the touch. Then, in the middle of the spot, several papules form, which tend to unite.

Several small blisters or one large blister may form.

When the skin on the rash bursts from excess infected fluid, weeping ulcers form that ooze for about 5 days if they are not treated with special products. After the formation of a dry crust, the regeneration process begins.

Symptoms of genital herpes and methods of treating the disease

When the skin on the rash bursts from excess infected fluid, weeping ulcers form, which then become covered with a dry crust.

Stages of development

Symptoms of herpes appear, gradually increasing, which makes it possible to distinguish between the stages of the disease. Genital infection lasts for 3 weeks or more and is characterized by:

  • first, a feverish state at low temperature;
  • itching and burning in the intimate area;
  • swelling of the affected area;
  • pain in the groin;
  • skin rashes;
  • formation of bubbles;
  • rupture of papules;
  • the appearance of a weeping ulcer;
  • scab formation.

Herpes on the genitals develops according to one scenario, but at the beginning it can be stopped.


The causes of infection are sought in weakened immunity, the ability of a pathogenic agent to resist interferons and adapt to the environment. Herpes is caused by 2 types of the Herpes simplex virus.

Symptoms of genital herpes and methods of treating the disease

Herpes is caused by 2 types of the Herpes simplex virus.

Type 1 virus most often affects the lips and is called herpes labialis. With a sharp weakening of the immune system, herpes simplex virus type 1 can cause primary skin lesions on the genitals. Herpes type 2 affects only the genitals. If an exacerbation of the disease occurs several times a year or is chronic, then HSV-2 is to blame.

Secondary exacerbation in the genital area is caused by a weakening of the immune defense due to a sharp change in ambient temperature, physical or mental trauma, alcohol intake, or changes in the hormonal cycle.

How is genital herpes transmitted?

Type 2 genital herpes is transmitted by airborne droplets, contact, and transfusion. It can be contracted through organ transplantation. During pregnancy, there is a risk of infection of the fetus through the transplacental or transcervical route.

Primary infection most often occurs through airborne droplets at an early age.

The source of infection is relatives suffering from an acute form of herpes infection.

In adulthood, vaginal contact with a virus carrier leads to infection and the development of a primary infection if the immune system was weakened during intimacy.

Symptoms of genital herpes and methods of treating the disease

Vaginal contact with a virus carrier leads to infection and the development of a primary infection if the immune system was weakened during intimacy.

If there was oral contact, the rash will affect the throat, causing symptoms of pharyngitis. In the future, the presence of the virus in the body will reduce immunity, and a genital infection will manifest itself.


The genital herpes virus can be controlled with a specially prescribed course of treatment. Pharmacists offer drugs that stimulate the immune system or replace its deficiency with active interferons.

To get recommendations, you need to contact an immunologist who will determine the causes of decreased immunity and recommend antiviral therapy.


Doctors use various diagnostic methods. An initial examination of the affected area makes it possible to make a preliminary diagnosis. The results of laboratory tests allow you to see the exact picture of the disease. The presence of antibodies to HSV type 2 in the blood gives reason to the attending physician to prescribe treatment.

You can undergo a virological study, in which the contents of the vesicles are placed on special cellular media to allow the virus to multiply. This allows us to determine the type of pathogenic agent.

Symptoms of genital herpes and methods of treating the disease

Today, modern gene diagnostics makes it possible to detect viral DNA in secretions taken for analysis from a sick person.

Gene diagnostics makes it possible to detect viral DNA in secretions taken for analysis from a sick person.


To prevent relapses of herpes spreading in the genital area, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. During the cold season, it is recommended to take care of the immune system, strengthening it with herbal preparations. Good nutrition and hardening promote stable remission.

Genital herpes and pregnancy

The disease can interfere with conception. To prevent complications during pregnancy, you should plan your pregnancy and undergo a medical examination before conception.

If a herpes virus is detected in a woman’s blood, the patient will undergo treatment that will suppress the pathogenic agent for the entire period of gestation. If there is no relapse during childbirth, the baby can be born healthy, although there is always a risk of infection penetrating the placental barrier.

Symptoms of genital herpes and methods of treating the disease

To prevent complications during pregnancy, you should plan your pregnancy and undergo a medical examination before conception.

Why is genital herpes dangerous?

The consequences of genital herpes are dangerous for people of all ages. Constant relapses suppress the immune system, which leads to a decrease in quality of life and the appearance of various diseases. The nervous system is severely affected; a person with a genital rash often experiences depression.

The development of relapses can cause complications in the internal genital organs, which leads to infertility. An exacerbation during pregnancy infects the fetus and causes spontaneous abortion.

People with short periods of remission are at risk of developing leukoplakia. With this disease, the epithelium lining the inner cavity of the bladder turns into a stratum corneum. The walls of the organ lose their elasticity, which leads to dysfunction of the urinary tract.


Genital herpes: treatment with complex effective medications

All information on the site is for informational purposes only and requires additional consultation with your doctor.

Disappointing statistics show that most of the world's population (up to 80-90%) are carriers of one or more types of herpes simplex virus.

In particular, the genital herpes virus, which belongs to the herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2).

For many years, the virus can remain in a latent form and not manifest itself in any way. After infection, the virus remains in the human body and requires periodic symptomatic therapy.

The main prerequisite for the manifestation of herpes virus type 2 is a decrease in the body’s immune defense. Pregnant and lactating women also face this problem.

Herpes affects the mucous membranes and skin.

The following types of herpes virus exist:

  • type 1 (HSV-1, rashes, mainly on the face, lips, mucous membranes);
  • type 2 (HSV-2, genital);
  • Type 3 (Herpes zoster, chickenpox, herpes zoster);
  • type 4 (EBV, Epstein Barr);
  • type 5 (HCMV, cytomegalovirus);
  • type 6 (HHV-6A, HHV-6B, sudden exanthema);
  • the remaining types have not been fully studied by medicine.

Symptoms of genital herpes and methods of treating the disease

Introductory information

The majority of genital rashes are caused by HSV type 2. Every second person out of 10 infected people has genital lesions caused by herpes simplex virus type 2. Sexual transmission of the virus is common. The carrier transmitted by the pathogen may not have obvious manifestations of pathology.

A mother can transmit HSV to her child during natural childbirth. The method of transmission of infection from mother to baby is called vertical. Contrary to popular belief, it is impossible to acquire pathology through dirty toilets, ponds, or through household methods.

Having penetrated the patient’s body, the pathogen starts an incubation period lasting 1-26 days.

Pathology defines 2 types of course:

  1. Primary infection (accompanied by fever, burning of the skin in the genital area, malaise, and the appearance of blisters);
  2. Relapse, exacerbation (passes easier, has no obvious disturbing signs, except for ulcers).

Diagnosis of pathology

It is not possible to reliably determine the presence of HSV on your own. Symptoms will help you suspect an infection. A visit to a doctor can confirm any suspicions that have arisen. Diagnosis of the disease takes place in several stages:

  1. study of complaints, existing medical history (the doctor writes down disturbing symptoms, checks for the possibility of reoccurrence);
  2. external examination (a specialist examines the skin, mucous membranes, diagnosing the nature of the rash);
  3. laboratory diagnostics (PCR).

A detected infection obliges the doctor to prescribe treatment for the patient. Therapeutic methods are chosen by the doctor based on the results obtained. Patients are given individual recommendations.

Treatment methods

Treatment of genital rashes caused by a viral infection requires an integrated approach. It is not enough to take a universal medicine; you will need several medications. The task is to complete the tasks:

  • relieving unpleasant manifestations of the disease, painful symptoms;
  • reducing the duration of rashes;
  • rapid healing of resulting ulcers;
  • strengthening the body, reducing the likelihood of relapse.

Correction of HSV is divided into episodic and suppressive:

Symptoms of genital herpes and methods of treating the disease

  1. Suppressive treatment is preventive. Therapy is used for latent infection. Medications must be used to prevent recurrences of exacerbations. Suppressive treatment is prescribed to patients with relapses that recur after 1-2 months, and to people who have a hard time tolerating the active course. Mandatory prophylaxis is prescribed for partners without antibodies to HSV.

A feature of the pathology is the lifelong presence of the pathogen in the body. There are no medications that can completely eliminate the infection. Medicines prescribed by doctors transform the acute course of the disease into a latent one. Remission lasting longer than a year is a good result.

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Pharmacy products for genital herpes are prescribed by a doctor after the results of the study. Most of the drugs are over-the-counter products, but you cannot use them on your own.

Antiviral drugs

Symptoms of genital herpes and methods of treating the disease

  • oral;
  • injection;
  • external.

Common treatment methods combine oral and topical treatments. Injections that eliminate the pathogen are prescribed less frequently for complications of the pathology. Most patients are treated with systemic and local medications that have a negative effect on the pathogen.


Systemic medications are designed to stimulate the immune system to respond to the pathogen. Oral medications do not work directly against the virus. The active action is aimed at spurring one’s own immunity, provoking it to fight. Medicine is accustomed to treating genital herpes with antiviral drugs:

Symptoms of genital herpes and methods of treating the disease

  • valacyclovir;
  • famciclovir.

The task of the active substance is to change the DNA of the pathogenic cell, leading to the death of the pathogen. Episodic therapy chooses a short course of use with a volume dosage. Suppressive treatment methods prefer to use smaller volumes of drugs over a long period of time.

Reception scheme

The method of using the drug of the same name differs for patients.

Active substance Characteristic Drug names Episodic therapy Suppressive therapy
Acyclovir Acyclovir medications are contraindicated in hypersensitive patients. Use with caution during pregnancy and lactation. Acyclovir, Zovirax, Virolex, Medovir, Herperax. Orally 200 milligrams of the active substance, daily dose 5 doses. The duration of treatment is 5-7 days. Orally 200 milligrams of acyclovir 2-4 doses. The duration is set individually.
Famciclovir Long-term use causes irreversible changes in cells. Prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Famfir, Familar, Minaker, Famciclovir Teva. Orally, with a comfortable amount of water, 500 milligrams twice. Duration of treatment is 7 days. Orally, with a comfortable amount of liquid. A single dose is 250 milligrams, taken morning and evening. The duration is selected individually.
Valciclovir Prohibited for hypersensitivity, severe kidney disease, and obvious symptoms of HIV. There is no teratogenic effect. Valtex, Valcicon, Valvir, Valaciclovir. Orally, 500 milligrams of the active substance twice. Course duration is 3-5 days, extension up to 10 is possible. Orally, 500 milligrams once. The duration is set in accordance with the state of the human immune system.


Local treatment of genital herpes involves treating the affected skin and mucous membranes. Medicines similar to the systemic composition are used. The use of external medications is a must.

The main goal is to prevent the release of the virus by opening bubbles and prevent the spread of infection over a large area. An additional advantage of local formulations is symptomatic treatment. Medicines relieve the clinical manifestations of the disease (itching, burning, hyperemia).

Practice shows a favorable prognosis for the early use of ointments, creams, and gels. Symptoms of the disease disappear within 2-3 days.

  • Acyclovir, Zovirax are external agents based on acyclovir. Creams are used to treat the affected skin, covering healthy areas. The course of application is 5-10 days.
  • Fenistil is an antihistamine with antiviral activity. Relieves itching, redness, eliminates the virus. The gel enhances the effectiveness of antiviral agents and requires 2-3 applications per day.
  • Panavir is an antiviral agent that requires 5 applications. The course of treatment is 5-10 days.
  • Hyporamine is a herbal ointment with antiviral activity. Treatment involves 6 approaches, duration of application is 3 weeks.
  • Viru-Merz Serol is a gel that actively eliminates viruses of types 1 and 2. The substance is applied in 3-4 applications over 3 days.

Local treatment of genital herpes is carried out exclusively on clean skin. The patient will need a separate towel and personal hygiene products. When treating affected areas, you must wash your hands. The prescription of several external medications obliges the patient to comply with the established treatment regimen.


For genital herpes, immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed. Tablets, capsules, injections, suppositories will help antiviral drugs work effectively. Immunostimulants are designed to increase resistance and boost immunity.

A decrease in the body's resistance often causes recurrent rashes. In order for the use of immunomodulatory compounds to be most effective, you should first undergo tests.

The information obtained will help the doctor choose an effective medication.

Drug name Usage diagram Operating principle Contraindications
Imunofan Intramuscularly, a single dose is 1 milliliter. Break – 24 hours. The course includes 5 ampoules. Antiviral, hepatoprotective, detoxifying effect. Effectiveness lasts 4 months. Contraindicated for hypersensitive people, pregnant women with Rh incompatibility, and children under 2 years of age.
Cycloferon Orally, 4 tablets. The duration of treatment is 10 days (according to a separate scheme). Injection 0.25 milligrams for 10 days. Immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, antiviral effect. Contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women and children under 4 years of age. Prohibited for persons with cirrhosis of the liver, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.
Immunomax 200 units in a single dose according to an individual regimen. Activates inactive parts of the immune system, allowing you to protect the body from viral and bacterial infections. Prohibited for hypersensitive people and children under 12 years of age.
Galavit Orally 1-2 tablets three times. Injection 100 milligrams for 5 days. Affects the functional and metabolic activity of macrophages. It has a bactericidal effect and increases the body's defenses. Contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women and hypersensitive persons.

Popular immunomodulatory pharmaceutical products have become:

  • Viferon, Kipferon, Genferon - candles;
  • Interferon, Reaferon – powder substances;
  • Isoprinosine, Lykopid - tablets.

Suitable medications and a regimen of use are selected by a specialist after an examination.

Folk remedies

Patients prefer to treat genital herpes with folk remedies. People consider such therapy safe, inexpensive, and effective. Doctors are skeptical about this approach. Traditional medicine involves the use of the following methods:

  • Echinacea tea (strengthens the immune system, encourages the fight against the virus);
  • calendula tincture (involves topical application);
  • chamomile decoction (apply compresses);
  • licorice root (take orally with caution);
  • celandine (has anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect);
  • aloe (daily rubbing of the rash with a leaf of the plant disinfects and accelerates regeneration).

Practice shows that various folk remedies cannot compare with qualified treatment with pharmaceutical products. Doctors do not prohibit supplementing the prescribed therapy with grandmother’s recipes. However, it is impossible to replace the intended purpose with natural, self-prepared compounds.

Advice for patients

Doctors who prescribe medications for genital herpes give patients individual recommendations. The advice boils down to following the correct regime and changing your lifestyle.

  1. Create the right attitude. You can’t despair, you can’t give up. Modern medications will help minimize the likelihood of relapses and unpleasant symptoms of the disease.
  2. Strengthen your immune system. The weakening of the immune defense encourages the virus to attack the body. It is recommended to use any methods that strengthen the immune system. You can increase the body's resistance by following a proper diet, daily routine, and sports activities.
  3. Maintain good hygiene. Primary blisters, accompanied by a burning sensation, prompt a person to smear himself with everything available in the home medicine cabinet. The use of oil creams, products that make it difficult to saturate tissues with air, aggravates the course of the disease. Use soap and water. Do not rub blisters.
  4. Wear cotton underwear. Genital rashes cause pain to a person. Loose, breathable clothing made from natural materials will help to avoid unnecessary friction.
  5. Please use caution. It is unacceptable to open the formed bubbles. Piercing the blisters will cause pain, discomfort, and cause a secondary bacterial infection. It is forbidden to tear off the resulting crusts of ulcers. Compliance with the established rules will speed up healing and prevent complications.
  6. Eat well, drink more water. A virus that affects the genitals occurs due to vitamin deficiency and bad habits. The patient needs good nutrition, a drinking regime, and abstinence from harmful addictions. Alcohol is considered to be a causative agent of infection.

The rising temperature caused by the initial infection is reduced by antipyretics. Experts recommend taking an antipyretic when the thermometer shows a value of 38-39 degrees. You can use Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, Ketorolac. The drugs will lower the temperature, eliminate pain, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Doctors allow taking antipyretics for 3 days.

Prevention of relapse of the disease

The main rule necessary to prevent infection is to exclude promiscuity. It is recommended that a regular sexual partner get tested and have antibodies determined. An exacerbation of the disease obliges the patient to completely avoid sexual contact. Maintaining an active lifestyle, proper nutrition, and exercise will help prevent a decrease in immunity and prevent infection.

Preventive measures include the use of Miramistin. Treat the genitals with the solution after each sexual intercourse. People with strong immunity can do without manipulation. Consult your doctor and find out ways to prevent infection.


The first two types of herpes virus can manifest as rashes that affect the genitals. Men and women are equally susceptible to the disease. A person may not be aware of the presence of the virus in the body for a long time. It is easy to establish this fact precisely. Laboratory tests need to be carried out.

The first symptoms of genital herpes, which appear suddenly, should force a person to seek medical help. Early therapy will help solve the existing problem in a short time and prevent the development of complications.

Effective methods of treating genital herpes Link to main publication Symptoms of genital herpes and methods of treating the disease Symptoms of genital herpes and methods of treating the disease


Genital herpes

Symptoms of genital herpes and methods of treating the disease

Genital herpes is a viral infection of the genital mucosa, characterized by the appearance of a group of blisters, and then erosions and ulcers. Accompanied by a local burning sensation, swelling, hyperemia, enlarged inguinal lymph nodes and symptoms of intoxication.

It is prone to relapses and can subsequently lead to serious complications: a decrease in local and general immunity, the development of bacterial infections of the genitals, damage to the nervous system, the development of cervical and prostate cancer. It is especially dangerous in pregnant women, because...

increases the likelihood of spontaneous miscarriage, pathology and even death of the newborn. It is included in the group of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Genital herpes is a viral infection of the genital mucosa, characterized by the appearance of a group of blisters, and then erosions and ulcers. Accompanied by a local burning sensation, swelling, hyperemia, enlarged inguinal lymph nodes and symptoms of intoxication.

It is prone to relapses and can subsequently lead to serious complications: a decrease in local and general immunity, the development of bacterial infections of the genitals, damage to the nervous system, the development of cervical and prostate cancer. It is especially dangerous in pregnant women, because...

increases the likelihood of spontaneous miscarriage, pathology and even death of the newborn. It is included in the group of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

The causative agent of genital herpes is a type of herpes simplex virus (HSV). The incidence of herpes infection among the world's population is about 90%.

There are several types of herpes virus that cause damage to the skin, mucous membranes, central nervous system and other organs (herpes simplex viruses types 1 and 2, cytomegalovirus, varicella zoster virus, Epstein-Barr virus, herpes zoster, etc.).

Herpes simplex viruses types 1 and 2 cause oral and genital forms of the disease, with HSV type 1 affecting mainly the face, lips, and wings of the nose, and HSV type 2 most often causes genital herpes.

HSV is often detected in association with ureaplasma and cytomegalovirus.

Genital herpes has a sexual transmission route; with various forms of sexual contact, it easily penetrates through damaged skin and mucosal epithelium. After infection, HSV migrates to the nerve ganglia, remaining there for life. Reproduction of HSV in epithelial cells of the skin and mucous membranes leads to their degeneration and death.

The infection is characterized by a chronic course and manifests itself cyclically: periods of activity or relapses (2-21 days), accompanied by the appearance of rashes in the form of blisters, alternate with periods of remission, when clinical symptoms disappear.

Often, genital herpes is asymptomatic, but patients are still a source of infection.

Symptoms of genital herpes and methods of treating the disease

Genital herpes

Primary infection with HSV usually occurs by airborne droplets in childhood (in the population of children 6-7 years of age, the incidence rate is already 50%). The reasons for this are high population density, low socio-economic standard of living, and poor hygiene.

Secondary infection usually occurs as a result of sexual contact. A high incidence of genital herpes is observed among people aged 20-30 years.

This is due to the early onset of sexual activity, promiscuity, frequent changes or the presence of several partners, and unprotected sexual intercourse.

Venereology also includes internal causes as risk factors for genital herpes:

The human immune system reacts to the penetration of HSV by producing specific antibodies, and with a normal level of immune reactions, clinical manifestations of infection are not observed.

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Under the influence of a number of unfavorable factors that reduce the body’s immune reactivity, HSV is activated, which is manifested by rashes on the skin and mucous membranes, and neuralgic pain.

Episodes of relapse of genital herpes often occur against the background of chronic stress, lack of vitamins, hypothermia, overheating, climate change, and colds.

Infection with genital herpes most often occurs through the mucous membranes of the genitals, rectum, urethra or damage to the skin during genital, oral-genital and anal-genital contact.

HSV transmission is also possible:

  • airborne droplets;
  • vertically from a sick mother to the fetus (during childbirth in contact with the mother’s birth canal, transplacentally, ascending from the mother’s external genitalia through the cervical canal into the uterine cavity);
  • in case of self-infection - autoinoculation (a sick person himself transfers the infection from infected areas of the body to uninfected areas - from the face to the genitals);
  • by household means - rarely (through wet hygiene items).

Typically, infection with genital herpes occurs when the infected partner does not even know about the disease, since he does not have clinical manifestations of the disease (in the case of asymptomatic virus carriers).

According to the clinical course, a distinction is made between primary genital herpes (the first episode of the disease) and recurrent (all subsequent episodes of the disease).

Recurrent genital herpes can occur in typical, atypical clinical forms and the form of asymptomatic virus carriage.

Primary genital herpes

The earliest symptoms of primary genital herpes include swelling, redness, pain, and burning in the area at the entrance gate of the infection. Local manifestations of genital herpes are often accompanied by fever, malaise, headache and muscle pain.

After a few days, herpetic rashes appear - small blisters with transparent contents. The rupture of the vesicles is accompanied by the formation of painful erosive and ulcerative elements. When ulcers are localized on the genitals, painful urination is noted.

Healing of the rash occurs within two weeks.

Genital herpes in women usually affects the external genitalia, the perineal and anal areas, the urethra, and the inner thighs. In men, rashes with genital herpes are most often localized on the head of the penis and foreskin, less often in the urethra, and are sometimes accompanied by the development of herpetic urethritis or prostatitis.

Recurrent genital herpes

The development of relapses of genital herpes occurs in 50-70% of patients who have suffered a primary infection. Depending on the frequency of repeated episodes, several forms of recurrent genital herpes are distinguished:

  • mild form (exacerbations no more than 3 times a year)
  • moderate form (exacerbations 4 to 6 times a year)
  • severe form (monthly exacerbations)

The course of recurrent genital herpes can be arrhythmic, monotonous and subsiding.

The arrhythmic course of genital herpes is characterized by alternating remissions from 2 weeks to 5 months. Moreover, the longer the periods of remission, the more intense and prolonged the relapses of genital herpes, and vice versa.

With a monotonous course of genital herpes, frequent episodes of the disease are observed after slightly changing periods of remission. This type includes menstrual herpes, which has a persistent course and is difficult to treat.

Genital herpes of the subsiding type has a more favorable course. It is characterized by a decrease in the intensity of relapses and an increase in periods of remission.

The development of relapses of genital herpes occurs under the influence of various factors: hypothermia, sexual intercourse, stressful situations, overwork, and the occurrence of other pathologies (influenza, ARVI).

Symptomatically, relapses of genital herpes are milder than the primary disease, however, their consequences can be much more serious.

Rashes with genital herpes are accompanied by extreme pain, making it difficult for the patient to move, go to the toilet, and disrupt sleep. The psychological state of a person often changes: irritability, fear of new rashes, fear for the health of loved ones, suicidal thoughts, etc. appear.

Atypical forms of genital herpes

Atypical forms of genital herpes occur gradually, in the form of chronic inflammation of the external and internal genital organs (vulvovaginitis, colpitis, endocervicitis, urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis, etc.).

d.). The diagnosis of genital herpes is based on laboratory confirmation of the presence of herpes infection. Atypical forms of genital herpes account for more than half of clinical cases - 65%.

The atypical form of genital herpes is characterized by mild swelling, areas of erythema, pinpoint blisters, persistent burning and itching, and profuse leucorrhoea that cannot be treated. With a long course of genital herpes, enlargement and soreness of the inguinal lymph nodes are noted.

Based on the localization of herpetic eruptions, there are 3 stages:

  • Stage I - genital herpes affects the external genitalia;
  • Stage II - genital herpes affects the vagina, cervix, urethra;
  • Stage III - genital herpes affects the uterus, appendages, bladder, prostate.

The higher the herpetic infection penetrates the genitourinary tract, the more serious the prognosis. An advanced form of genital herpes can lead to a state of immunodeficiency, and in women it increases the risk of developing infertility and cervical cancer. HSV is dangerous for people with weakened immune systems (HIV-infected) and those who have undergone organ transplantation.

During pregnancy, genital herpes poses the greatest danger in the case of a primary infection, if no manifestations of the disease have previously been observed.

There is a possibility of developmental defects if the mother’s illness occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, when the fetus is developing all the organs and tissues. HSV can be transmitted through the placenta, affecting mainly the nervous tissue of the fetus.

Genital herpes increases the risk of spontaneous miscarriage, premature birth, fetal deformities and death.

Pregnant women with atypical forms of genital herpes are examined twice for HSV in the last 6 weeks of pregnancy. If a herpes virus is detected, a cesarean section is performed routinely to exclude possible infection of the fetus during passage through the birth canal.

The best option is to screen women for HSV at the stage of preparation for pregnancy, as well as during pregnancy during each trimester.

Most often, infection of the fetus occurs in the first 4-6 hours of labor after rupture of the membranes, or during the passage of the fetus through the birth canal of an infected mother.

Typically, HSV in newborns affects the eyes, oral mucosa, skin, and respiratory tract. After primary infection of a newborn, HSV spreads in the body through hematogenous or contact routes.

The likelihood of infection in newborns increases when the mother is infected with genital herpes in the last trimester of pregnancy.

With a localized form of herpetic infection in newborns, redness, vesicles, hemorrhages of the skin and oral mucosa may appear, meningoencephalitis, keratoconjunctivitis and chorioretinitis (inflammation of the blood vessels and retina), and clouding of the lens may develop. Children infected with genital herpes often suffer from permanent neurological disorders.

Genital herpes can cause a generalized infection in newborns. Signs of a generalized herpetic infection appear 1-2 weeks after the birth of the child. Local symptoms include refusal to eat, vomiting, fever, jaundice, respiratory distress, bleeding, and shock. The death of a child can occur from acute blood loss and vascular insufficiency.

When diagnosing genital herpes, the venereologist takes into account complaints, medical history and objective examination. Diagnosis of typical cases of genital herpes is usually not difficult and is based on clinical manifestations. Herpetic ulcers that exist for a long time should be distinguished from syphilitic ones.

Laboratory methods for diagnosing genital herpes include:

  • methods for detecting HSV in material from affected organs (scrapings from the vagina and cervix, smear from the urethra, histological material from the fallopian tubes, etc.). For this purpose, the method of growing HSV in tissue culture and subsequent study of its properties is used; the method of recognizing the virus under an electron microscope is used;
  • methods for detecting antibodies to HSV in blood serum (immunoglobulins M and G). They allow you to detect genital herpes even with asymptomatic cases and determine antibodies to HSV types 1 or 2. These include ELISA - a method of enzyme immunoassay.

Current medications for HSV can reduce the severity and duration of genital herpes, but are not able to completely get rid of the disease.

To avoid the development of HSV resistance to classical antiviral drugs, including those intended for the treatment of genital herpes (acyclic nucleosides - Valaciclovir, Acyclovir, Famciclovir), it is recommended to use them alternately, as well as in combination with interferon drugs. Interferon has a powerful antiviral effect, and its deficiency is one of the main causes of relapses of genital herpes.

A ready-made medicinal product containing both acyclovir and interferon is Gerpferon ointment.

It also contains lidocaine, which provides a local anesthetic effect, which is extremely important for painful manifestations of genital herpes.

The use of Herpferon in patients with genital herpes ensures healing of rashes already on the 5th day and significant relief of local symptoms.

A way to prevent primary infection with genital herpes is to use condoms during casual sexual contact.

However, even in this case, the likelihood of HSV infection through microcracks and damage to mucous membranes and skin not covered by a condom remains high.

It is possible to use antiseptic agents (Miramistin, etc.) to treat areas where the virus may enter.

The recurrent course of genital herpes is observed with a decrease in the body's protective reactions: illness, overheating, hypothermia, the onset of menstruation, pregnancy, taking hormonal drugs, stress.

Therefore, to prevent relapses of genital herpes, a healthy lifestyle, good nutrition and rest, and taking vitamin supplements are important.

Measures to prevent genital herpes also include maintaining intimate and sexual hygiene, and timely detection and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.

A patient infected with HSV must warn his sexual partner about this, even if he does not currently have symptoms of genital herpes. Since infection through sexual contact is possible even in the absence of herpetic eruptions, in this case the use of a condom is also necessary.

After questionable unprotected sexual contact, you can resort to the method of emergency prevention of genital herpes with a locally active antiviral drug in the first 1-2 hours after intimacy.

To prevent self-infection, when the genital herpes virus is transferred by dirty hands from the lips to the genitals, it is necessary to fulfill basic hygiene requirements: thorough and frequent hand washing (especially in the presence of fever on the lips), using separate towels for the hands, face and body, as well as every family member.

In order to reduce the risk of HSV infection in newborns, surgical delivery (cesarean section) is recommended for pregnant women with genital herpes. When planning a natural birth, women with recurrent genital herpes are prescribed a prophylactic course of taking acyclovir.

After unprotected sexual intercourse, when planning pregnancy, as well as during sexual relations with an HSV carrier, it is recommended to be examined for genital herpes and other STDs.


Genital herpes: symptoms, effective treatment with folk remedies and medications /

Herpes is an infectious disease caused by the virus of the same name. Once in the body, it is embedded inside cells, causing the normal immune defense to weaken. Under certain circumstances and a sharp decrease in immunity, genital herpes appears, the treatment of which causes difficulties.

Currently, there are 8 types of this virus (HSV) known to exist. The causative agents of the genital form are HSV-2 (80% of cases) and HSV-1.

During the absence of clinical manifestations, virus carriers are not able to infect their partners.

Causes of genital herpes

The disease is most often transmitted through sexual contact, both regular and during anal sex. In rare cases, infection occurs through personal hygiene items.

Genital herpes can be contracted from a partner with herpetic rashes in the mouth area, since during oral contact with the genitals the infection spreads from the lips to the genitals.

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Risk factors that increase the chance of contracting this disease:

  1. Impaired immune function due to illness, stressful situations or medications.
  2. Minor damage to the mucous membrane and skin.
  3. Simultaneous presence of several sexual partners.
  4. Having sex without a condom.

Characteristic symptoms

Symptoms and treatment of genital herpes have their own characteristics. During primary infection with HPV-2, the disease occurs in a latent form in 90% of cases. Therefore, the first episode of herpes is, in fact, a relapse.

It can be triggered by sexual contact, a stressful situation, an infectious disease, hypothermia, alcohol abuse, as well as surgical interventions under general or local anesthesia.

With genital herpes in the fairer sex, the rash is localized:

  • near the external opening of the urethra;
  • in the vestibule of the vagina and on the labia;
  • on the cervix;
  • near the anus or in the buttocks area.

In men, during exacerbation of herpes, the rash is located on the skin or mucous membranes:

  • scrotum;
  • around the anus or on the thighs;
  • on the head or foreskin of the penis.

For primary infection with herpes, the incubation period is up to 8 days. Then the following symptoms appear:

  • itching, redness and burning in the genital area;
  • small blisters filled with cloudy liquid form on the skin or mucous membrane;
  • burst blisters transform into small erosions or ulcers covered with a crust;
  • itching and tingling sensation during urination;
  • when the cervix is ​​affected, the mucous membrane becomes hyperemic, erosive, with purulent discharge;
  • the lymph nodes in the groin are enlarged.

Sometimes there is general weakness and malaise. It may take up to 30 days for the symptoms of the disease to completely disappear. Effective treatment of genital herpes shortens this period.

With secondary infection, the disease manifests itself with similar symptoms. Once the virus enters the human body, it turns him into a carrier of the disease. In this case, periods of remission are replaced by exacerbations.

The herpes virus lives in the spinal nerve ganglia, and not on the mucous membranes and skin, so before the appearance of the rash, warning symptoms appear in the form of nagging pain along the nerve ganglia, itching and burning in the area where the rash appears.

Have you noticed unpleasant symptoms, but don’t know which doctor treats genital herpes? If there are signs of this disease, women should contact a gynecologist, and men should contact a urologist or andrologist.

A virus received from a partner does not always lead to rashes; the state of the immune system plays a decisive role in this.

Diagnosis of the disease

Depending on the state of immunity, there are three types of recurrent course of the disease: arrhythmic, monotonous and subsiding.

With atypical genital herpes, its symptoms are disguised as other diseases, and with an asymptomatic course, the disease can only be recognized with the help of special tests.

To correctly diagnose the disease and find out how to cure genital herpes, you need to consult a specialist. In addition to collecting anamnesis, a number of laboratory tests are performed to determine the type of herpes.

For virological research, the contents of the vesicles are taken and placed in a special environment where the pathogen multiplies. This method is not very accurate, so its results are often questioned.

More reliable information is provided by gene diagnostics, which uses the polymerase chain reaction (the presence of viral DNA is determined).

The analysis allows you to identify the pathogen and distinguish it from others. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is used as an auxiliary method to determine the presence of antibodies to the virus in the patient’s blood.

Treatment of herpes

Many people are interested in the question of how to cure genital herpes forever? Unfortunately, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the disease, since the virus, once it enters the body, remains there. With the help of medications, you can only quickly eliminate the clinical manifestations of the disease and prolong the period of remission.

Drug treatment

Therapy is carried out with tableted medications, as well as ointments for external use.

Effective drugs for the treatment of genital herpes:

  • "Acyclovir" ("Acivir", "Zovirax", "Acyclovir-BSM", "Virolex", "Lizavir", "Ciclovax");
  • Famciclovir (Valtrex);
  • "Penciclovir."

There are two ways to use antiviral drugs - in the form of episodic administration (short course of up to 10 days) and preventive (within a month or two).

More often in medical practice, Acyclovir (in tablets or capsules) and its analogues are used. Adult patients are prescribed a therapeutic dose of the drug in accordance with the instructions. Taking medications early in the course of the disease helps prevent the rash from appearing.

If you start treatment after the bubbles appear, the symptoms will become less severe and healing will occur faster. With frequent relapses of the disease, it is worth taking antiviral drugs for prevention.

How to treat genital herpes with topical products? For this purpose, ointments are used as part of complex therapy for the disease:

  • "Acyclovir";
  • "Zovirax";
  • "Virolex";
  • "Fukortsin" (if the skin is affected);
  • Oxolinic ointment.

Immunomodulators are prescribed together with antiviral drugs:

  • "Amiksin";
  • "Polyoxidonium";
  • "Lykopid";
  • "Interferon".

The listed drugs affect the immune system of patients with genital herpes, stimulating its specific and nonspecific factors. This allows you to block further spread of the virus and reduce the frequency of relapses.

Treatment regimen for the disease

There are certain treatment regimens for genital herpes. The choice of a specific one depends on the type of disease, its duration and the patient’s condition. Taking medications during primary infection

Drugs Treatment regimen Duration of use
"Acyclovir" 200 mg 1 tablet 5 times a day 5-10 days
"Zovirax" cream 5 times a day 7 days
"Amiksin" 250 mg "Amiksin" 125 mg once a day every other day 2 daysmonth

Treatment of recurrent genital herpes

Drugs Scheme Duration
"Acyclovir" 200 mg 1 tablet 5 times a day. If the patient is immunodeficient, the dosage must be increased to 2 grams per day 5-10 days
"Amiksin" 250 mg "Amiksin" 125 mg "Amiksin" 125 mg 1 tablet once a day 1 time per day 1 time every 7 days 2 days14 days2 months
Polyvalent herpetic vaccine Subcutaneously 1 time per day, 0.2 ml. They begin to use it after the patient has completed the course of treatment. Within 10 days

Treatment of genital herpes in women

Drugs Treatment regimen Duration of treatment
"Acyclovir" 200 mg 1 g per day, divided into 5 doses 5-7 days
Antiherpetic immunoglobulin Once every 72 hours 14 days
"Taquitin" 1 ml every 3 days 14 days
Vitamins B6 and B1 1 ml once a day, alternate 14 days
"Phenazepam" 1 tablet twice a day 7 days
Calcium chloride 20 ml once a day 21 day
Eleutherococcus tincture 3 ml 3 times a day (last dose no later than 16-00) 21 day

Antiviral therapy is not recommended during pregnancy. The exception is severe forms of genital herpes, complicated by other diseases that threaten the patient’s life.

For effective treatment in this situation, human immunoglobulin is used. It is administered intravenously at 25 ml 3 times (every other day) in the first, second and third trimester (two weeks before the expected date of delivery). Viferon may be prescribed in complex therapy.

Folk remedies

In addition to medicinal methods, it is possible to treat genital herpes with folk remedies:

  1. Tea tree oil. To use, add 10 drops of oil to 400 ml of boiling water. Use the product to wash the genitals. The procedure should be performed before bedtime.
  2. Herbal collection. Mix equal amounts of birch leaves, red clover flowers, calendula, dandelion root and motherwort grass. 10 g of collection pour 350 ml of water. Boil the broth over low heat for 5 minutes. After cooling, it is filtered and used for washing or douching. The procedure is performed once a day before bedtime for two weeks.
  3. A series. To relieve itching at the initial stage of herpes, you need to pour 10 grams of dry herbs into 250 ml of boiling water and let it stand for an hour. Strain the infusion, soak a piece of gauze in it and apply to the affected area for 10 minutes. The product can also be taken orally (100 ml twice a day).
  4. Chamomile. Has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps relieve pain. 5 grams of dried flowers are poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left for 40 minutes. Strain and use for irrigation of mucous membranes or douching. You can use this infusion 2 times a day.
  5. How to treat genital herpes with sea salt: 50 grams of sea salt are dissolved in 10 liters of boiling water and after the product has cooled, it is used to take sitz baths. The procedure is carried out daily (a quarter of an hour for 14 days). There is no need to rinse off the saline solution; just gently blot the external genitalia.
  6. Echinacea root. Used to strengthen the immune system. To prepare the product, you need to pour 20 grams of crushed raw materials into 100 ml of 70% alcohol. The tincture is kept for a week in a cool, dark place. Then, filter the product and take 25 drops 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 months. It can be repeated if necessary.

What should you not do if you are sick?

If symptoms of the disease appear, there is no need to panic, since long-term remission is possible with proper treatment. You should also abstain from sexual activity until the symptoms of herpes completely disappear. It is not recommended to consume alcohol, which serves as a provoking factor for this disease.

Before visiting a doctor, do not rub the affected areas or touch them with your hands. This contributes to the spread of the virus and the appearance of new rashes. It is strictly prohibited to treat blisters with alcohol, as it is not intended to treat such problems and can cause chemical burns to the mucous membranes or skin.

Many patients are interested in the question: is it possible to cure genital herpes without going to the hospital? The answer is negative. Self-medication will only worsen the condition and cause frequent relapses.

Possible complications

You need to know how to quickly cure genital herpes, since complications may occur if you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Without timely treatment, genital herpes causes:

  1. Dysuria or neuropathy causing acute urinary retention.
  2. Massive infection of internal organs. This occurs in rare cases, mainly in immunodeficiency (the hands, buttocks, and mucous membranes of the eyes are affected, and stomatitis, cheilitis, or pharyngitis occurs during oral sex).
  3. In women, having genital herpes increases the likelihood of developing cervical cancer.
  4. Psychological problems and tendency to depression.
  5. With primary genital herpes in pregnant women, in 50% of cases the fetus becomes infected. More often this happens during the passage of a child through the genital tract affected by herpes, and is excluded during a cesarean section. Infection of the fetus leads to damage to its eyes, skin and nervous system, and sometimes to disability.

Disease prevention

Methods of specific prevention include the use of vaccines. But due to the fact that the virus is designed in a special way, it is not always possible to obtain a lasting effect.

Nonspecific measures to prevent genital herpes are:

  • moderate exercise and a healthy lifestyle;
  • cessation of drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • use of barrier contraception for any type of sex Read more about barrier contraception →;
  • proper personal hygiene (do not use other people's underwear, towels, etc.).

If you are already infected with the herpes virus, to prevent frequent exacerbations, avoid overheating and hypothermia, take vitamin complexes for prevention. Be attentive to your body and always stay healthy!

Inna Verbovaya, especially for


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