
What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels?

What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels?

The human head and brain are penetrated by a network of blood ducts. All of them are of exceptional value; their health affects not only a person’s well-being, but also his life.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been helping us study the complex interweaving of blood structures in the brain for some time.

Let's figure out how this device works and what MRI of brain vessels shows.

Basics of the method

What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels?

MRI of the head and cerebral vessels makes it possible to visualize and examine soft tissues. The brightness and detail of its results is higher than that of radiography or CT.

  • The device provides tools for assessing the anatomical integrity, conductivity, and performance of the vascular system of the head and cervical region using angiography.
  • The method can be described as reading the electromagnetic reflection of a central atomic part, usually hydrogen, from the soft components of the human body located inside a magnetic field.
  • The tomograph produces electromagnetic radiation and reads the time and speed indicators of the response signals of elementary particles.
  • The vibrations resonate with the body and draw a three-dimensional model of the patient on the screen with all the information about his structures, parts and body systems.

As a rule, the power of a standard device is 1.5 Tesla. A large diameter tunnel pipe is surrounded by a magnet. The patient lies motionless on a table, which slides into the tunnel during the examination.

The length of the tunnel varies depending on the purpose. There are non-fully enclosed devices for very obese patients or for those who cannot tolerate closed spaces.

Nearby there is an office where the resulting image is processed on a computer.

The device and its maintenance are quite expensive, require trained specialists and are available only in large medical centers. The service can cost from two to five thousand rubles. Certain segments of the population can get tested at a discount.

Differences from X-ray examination

What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels?

X-rays work using radioactive x-rays, under the influence of which only hard bone or cartilage structures of the body are clearly visible on film. It will not be possible to see organs or vessels on it.

A small dose of radiation during an X-ray for a healthy person is unacceptable for some patients: children, women expecting a baby or breastfeeding mothers, patients who have already been exposed to a certain dose of radioactivity.

MR angiography

What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels?

This is a radiation scan to identify problems specifically in the vascular network of the head. It allows you to non-invasively obtain a clear and comprehensive picture of blood movement, the condition of arteries and even the smallest capillaries.

The lymphatic network of the brain is also well visualized.

And the possibility and likelihood of curing many pathologies depends on early diagnosis of cerebral vessels on MRI.

A three-dimensional picture of the desired area is obtained by a combination of angiographic examination and computed tomography, even without the introduction of contrast. It is used only if cancer is suspected.

Method capabilities

MR imaging has a wide range of diagnostic applications. It makes it possible to fully and harmlessly study the circulatory system of the head in all details, in general and in specific areas, to evaluate the biophysics and biochemistry of the brain.

  1. Angiography is effective in detecting early symptoms of apoplexy, its monitoring and prognosis.
  2. Cancerous tumors, various pineal cysts and their position, size and distribution along the vascular pathways are also well visualized.
  3. At the same time, the consequences of all kinds of injuries and concussions of the base of the skull and brain, hemorrhage, and intracranial aneurysms are also visible.
  4. This makes it easier to detect the source of the problem and helps surgeons prepare effectively for surgery on such an important and fragile organ.

Areas of application

What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels?

In neurology, MRI of the brain and its vessels is done to determine brain abnormalities, problems with the locomotor system, anomalies and defects of various organs and systems.

It helps to examine fibrocartilaginous tissue, connective and nerve fibers. The versatility of the method lies in its coverage of all types of tissues and systems of the body up and down, in its safety and high accuracy, three-dimensional result.

Purpose of MRI

  • A person with suspected neurological problems of the cerebral vessels, such as hematomas, acute disruptions in blood flow in the brain of various nature, or autoimmune diseases, can receive an appointment for MRI.
  • Tomography is indicated for patients with injuries and damage to the skull and neck.

In oncology, MRI is also usually used to clarify the diagnosis. In this way, neoplasms of the chiasmatic-sellar zone and pituitary gland are examined.

MRI is also done if there is a history of neurological infections, purulent processes, central nervous system disorders, epileptic seizures, pathological dilations or narrowings of the bloodstream, in the postoperative period.

Such ailments as multiple sclerosis, prolonged inflammation of the sinuses, arteritis, hypertension, congenital structural heart defect, nasal bleeding, diseases that destroy brain cells necessarily require tomography. It happens that the method is used to diagnose athletes whose daily loads and training are associated with head injuries and physical overexertion.

MRI in children and pregnancy

Carrying a child is not a reason to refuse the examination completely. But still, during this important period, MRI of cerebral vessels can be done only for serious medical reasons and after the first trimester.

In any case, expectant mothers should not be injected with a contrast agent.

Children, if they have a doctor's prescription, can undergo this procedure completely safely. The baby's ears must be protected with headphones.

Parents and doctors should emotionally prepare the child for what will happen, tell and explain in a playful way why it is so important to lie still.

After all, this is a prerequisite for successful results. While in the tomograph, the baby can hear the encouragement of his parents and immediately report his inconveniences or unpleasant sensations.

The idea of ​​doing an MRI of the brain vessels of your baby may come up with the following problems:

  • the baby regularly loses consciousness;
  • headache often;
  • involuntary muscle contractions occur;
  • hearing and vision indicators fall;
  • the baby develops late in terms of speech and motor skills;
  • the baby has become dramatically different in everyday life;
  • the child is engaged in active and traumatic sports;
  • There are suspicions of epilepsy.

MRI picture

What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels?

A competent specialist will glean a lot of information from an MRI image of the cerebral vessels or a three-dimensional image. In a healthy person, all brain tissue is intact and does not contain neoplasms or darkening.

In this case, you can use different angles of view on individual zones or highways, and detect the slightest blockage of blood flow in the deep veins of the neck.

Any vascular defects, cancerous degenerations, aneurysms and narrowings, congenital anomalies, inflammation of the brain parenchyma, damage by pathological microorganisms, hydrocephalus are easily detected.

Preparing to Scan

What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels?

As before many types of diagnostic procedures, before MRI of the brain vessels you will be given an agreement to sign.

Before signing it, make sure that you tell the doctor about all the important features of your health: chronic illnesses, allergies, claustrophobia or pregnancy. If it is difficult for you not to move for a long time, ask your doctor to prescribe sedatives for you.

So, we remove from ourselves wristwatches, any jewelry, hearing prostheses, credit cards, cufflinks, bobby pins, and clips. We get rid of removable dentures, glasses, pens, piercings, buckles.

We take off clothes with zippers and underwear with underwires. If there are implants or staples in the body, this may make the scan ineffective or even dangerous.

Ideally, you will be given loose clothing to change into. You can eat and drink as usual before the procedure. But, of course, refrain from tobacco and alcoholic beverages for a couple of hours.

The introduction of contrast increases the accuracy of the image; sometimes other methods fail to clarify the diagnosis.

Tomography process

The patient lies down on a retractable table, his legs are secured with belts, and, if necessary, sedatives are administered intravenously. The head is located on a special elevation, and wires taking readings are connected to it. The table slides into the magnet and the process begins.

Sensitive people may experience a slight rise in body temperature. A friend or relative can sit with you in the room, having first removed all magnetized objects.

The operation of the device is accompanied by the characteristic knocking sound of a high-frequency magnet. You can relax a little between shots; sometimes the doctor asks you not to breathe for a while.

You can muffle the sound of the device with earplugs or music. All events take three quarters of an hour. When using a contrast agent, the procedure can take up to an hour and a half.

After completion, the patient can immediately continue his business or work; no rest is required.

Complications after MRI

  1. What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels?
  2. Problems may arise if an allergic response to the substance injected into the veins occurs or the excretory system is unable to remove the contrast, but this rarely happens.
  3. Some problems with MRI of cerebral vessels can also be caused by exceeding the dose of sedative medications.

Tomography results

What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels?Example of MRI results of cerebral vessels

After the scan, the patient receives a series of images, which are analyzed and deciphered by the radiologist, who also writes a report.

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As a rule, this takes no more than one day. Next, the interpretation is carried out by the attending doctor.

If the results are uninformative, it is possible to continue the diagnosis with other methods.

Prohibition on the procedure

What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels?

Like all, even the most modern, diagnostic methods, MR angiography is contraindicated in a number of cases. Under some conditions it can be carried out with extreme caution.


It is hardly worth scanning if a person takes neurostimulators, has non-ferromagnetic implants built into the inner ear, wears prosthetic valves in the heart, or contains an insulin pump in the body.

Also, a replacement for MRI should be sought for patients with heart disease. Tattoo inks sometimes contain microparticles of metal.

There is a list of circumstances under which it is strictly prohibited to undergo a magnetic resonance scanning procedure. First of all, these are cases when the patient has an artificial pacemaker installed.

Also, if there are non-removable metal or electronic implants, joints, hemostatic cerebral vascular clips.

Other ways to study cerebral blood flow

In addition to MRI of cerebral vessels, there are a number of other methods for studying the cerebral vascular network. Rheoencephalography and Doppler ultrasound help to study in detail the blood circulation in the brain.

With a CT scan, the patient is exposed to a low dose of radiation, which must be kept in mind.

Carrying out contrast radiography of the blood flow assesses its functionality and reveals bypass channels.

Certain methods help to identify defects in fat metabolism in the body and find atherosclerotic deformations. A coagulogram gives an idea of ​​the health and speed of blood clotting.

Now you probably understand what a brain MRI is, how to analyze the data obtained and how effective this method is.


Differences between MRI diagnostics of the brain and blood vessels

To determine pathologies of a person’s head, the doctor may refer the patient for MRI diagnostics of the brain or MRI of brain vessels. What is the difference between the two procedures is unclear to most patients.

Despite the fact that the scanning is carried out using an MRI scanner, the sessions are different because they provide non-identical resultant information. To determine the difference between diagnostics, it is worth delving into the details.

This type of diagnosis demonstrates exclusively the vascular structure of the organ (arteries, veins) - the brain itself is not visualized.

What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels?Vascular MRI

MRI helps to study in detail the physiology and anatomy of the circulatory system, to determine the course of biological and physicochemical processes occurring in the brain.

Indications for MRI diagnostics of blood vessels may include:

  • frequent migraines of unknown origin;
  • dizziness;
  • ear noise;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • ischemia.

The result of the scan is a three-dimensional demonstration of the process of blood supply to individual areas of the brain in a given projection.

The advantage of such MRI is the ability not only to visualize the structure of blood vessels, but also to assess the level of functionality.

What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels?MRI shows the structure of the brain without demonstrating the vascular network of the organ. During scanning, it is possible to detect disturbances in the structure of an anatomical unit, including micro-stroke at an early stage. This procedure is necessary in case of concussions.

In the absence of the possibility of conducting research, there is a possibility of a medical error: a contusion or hematoma may not be detected, which, if timely therapy is carried out, completely disappear. The same method helps to conduct an accurate study, bypassing the stage of tissue puncture.

Comparison of techniques

Despite differences in outcome data, there is no underlying difference between procedures for a specific patient. Both diagnostics are carried out using tomographs, the operating principle of which is no different.

The difference between the scans is that magnetic tomography of the brain helps to identify lesions in nerve tissue and is effective for tumors and neoplasms. MRI of the vascular network is aimed at studying the blood supply to tissues and the process of blood circulation.

Depending on the specialist’s recommendations, both diagnostics can be performed using a contrast agent.

However, the basic element in both cases remains the power of the equipment, which should not be less than 1.5 Tesla - since such a unit provides the highest quality results.What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels?

The procedures take about 20 minutes. In some cases, a combination of diagnostics is justified, in which it is possible to conduct a full assessment of the state of health.

Lists of diagnosed pathologies

MRI of the brain is “responsible” for the structure of the anatomical unit and helps diagnose a number of the following diseases:

  • concussion;
  • tumors (intracranial, neuromas, etc.);
  • stroke, micro-stroke at an early stage of development (impaired blood supply to an organ leading to the destruction of nerve cells);
  • meningitis (inflammatory process in the soft tissues of an anatomical unit);
  • encephalitis (infection of the membrane and tissue of an organ, leading to the development of inflammation);
  • congenital structural pathologies;
  • dropsy (fluid concentration in the brain cavity);
  • epilepsy;
  • head injuries;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • decreased visual acuity, inner ear dysfunction;
  • malfunction of the pituitary gland;
  • vascular diseases (aneurysms, occlusions, thrombosis);
  • dementia (disruptions in the process of blood flow in the vascular network of the organ).What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels? A brain tumor
  • MRI of cerebral vessels is performed using the same equipment, only in angiography mode.
  • The method helps to see arterial and venous walls and assess the speed and volume of blood flow over time.
  • The procedure helps diagnose the following pathologies:
  • atherosclerosis (accumulation of cholesterol in blood vessels);
  • abnormal collections of arteries and veins;
  • stenosis (narrowing of the vessel wall);
  • ischemia (lack of blood supply to the brain);
  • aneurysm (expansion of the arterial lumen);
  • blood clots;
  • hematoma;
  • neoplasms in blood vessels;
  • vasculitis (inflammatory process of vascular walls);
  • vascular damage and uneven blood flow due to the development of diabetes mellitus.What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels? Cerebral aneurysms

Consequently, an additional difference between the procedures lies in the indications for their implementation. It is also important to note that the two types of MRI diagnostics are not interchangeable.

Contraindications to examinations

  1. The choice of a specific technique is preceded not only by an assessment of the sheet of indications, but also by familiarity with the limitations of scanning.
  2. Among the absolute contraindications for both types of examinations is the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

  3. Devices and metal elements implanted into the patient’s body can become an obstacle to scanning:
  • pacemaker;
  • bracket systems;
  • vascular clips;
  • surgical braces;
  • implants;
  • prostheses. What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels? What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels?

The list of contraindications in the case of contrast scanning has been expanded. Such diagnostics are not carried out for pregnant women throughout the entire pregnancy. The procedure is also prohibited for people suffering from kidney failure.

Among the relative restrictions on the use of MRI diagnostics:

  • the patient’s weight is more than 120 kg (it is possible to use specialized equipment);
  • neurotic disorders (the use of sedatives is possible);
  • claustrophobia (diagnosis in an open-type tomograph is indicated);
  • children under 7 years of age (if the examination is necessary, anesthesia is used).

Analyzing scan results

After MRI of brain vessels or magnetic tomography of an organ, the resulting images are interpreted by a radiologist. Then the doctor analyzes the information, draws up a conclusion, which he hands over to the patient.

  • Even if we take into account the fact that the procedure is maximally informative, after transmitting the research conclusion, the attending physician often requires the results of additional diagnostics.
  • In some cases, the images may be of poor quality and require re-examination (sometimes using contrast).What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels?
  • Duplicate scanning may be necessary if it is necessary to monitor the patient’s condition and evaluate the ongoing therapeutic course.

Is it possible to diagnose children?

With regard to restrictions on the examination of pediatric patients, different types of MRI do not differ. Each of the diagnostics can be performed on children if there are the following medical indications:

  • the child complains of periodic pain in the head, dizziness;
  • fainting of unknown etiology;
  • significant changes in behavior;
  • the patient's developmental delay;
  • rapid deterioration of hearing and vision;
  • frequent seizures.What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels?

MRI diagnostics are safe for children's health. When examining small patients, anesthesia may be used. In some cases, the use of sedatives is justified.

Preparing a child for examinations does not differ from a number of identical ones. If a contrast agent is used, the patient should not feed 5-8 hours before the procedure.

Attention should be paid to preparing the child for the upcoming event: explaining what will happen in the doctor’s office, how to behave during the scanning process.

The appointment of an MRI of the brain or organ vessels is preceded by ultrasound diagnostics. If the obtained data is insufficient, they resort to using a magnetic resonance imaging scanner.

Magnetic tomography of the brain and MRI of the vessels of an anatomical unit do not differ for the patient. The essence of the method remains identical. The basic difference is the result of the scan and the indications for the examination.

Diagnosis of the vascular system of the brain is necessary when planning treatment for migraine, the presence of an aneurysm and other pathological phenomena.

This technique assesses the condition of the arteries, veins of the organ, and the nature of blood flow over time.What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels?

MRI of the brain does not visualize the vascular system of an anatomical unit, but it helps to evaluate the structure of brain tissue. Such diagnostics are indispensable if tumors, neoplasms, stroke, or head injuries are suspected.

The restrictions on conducting surveys are the same in both cases. The procedures are safe for the health of adults and children, so there are no restrictions on scanning small patients.



MRI of cerebral vessels and MRI of the brain difference

MRI is a highly effective non-invasive method that allows you to detect various pathological processes in the brain structures and vascular system.

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For the study, a specialized device is used - a tomograph, the advantage of which is the absence of radiation exposure to the body.

Due to this, the diagnostic procedure is widespread for identifying various abnormalities of the central nervous system in infants.

What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels?

When referred for MRI of the brain and MRI of cerebral vessels, most patients do not see the difference between these studies. The difference in the procedures lies in the difference in the final results, that is, each method examines separate structures.

Features of the MRI procedure of cerebral vessels

What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels?MRI of cerebral vessels (MR angiography) allows you to obtain a clear picture of the state of the vascular system, evaluate its anatomical structure, and examine hemodynamic features.

The technique is based on the use of the nuclear magnetic resonance effect - during the procedure, the device distinguishes impulses emanating from moving blood protons from other stationary tissue structures. This makes it possible to perform angiography without using a contrast agent.

If it is necessary to study the vessels of the brain in more detail and obtain the clearest possible picture, contrast is used (gadolinium is introduced, which does not pose a health hazard and does not cause allergic reactions).

MRI of the brain is aimed at studying the structures of the central nervous system without the ability to assess the condition of blood vessels. Using tomography, various pathological changes are diagnosed, necrotic areas resulting from thrombosis or narrowing of the arteries are visualized.

When comparing which is better than MRI or ultrasound, it should be noted that during tomography, a layer-by-layer image of the examined tissues and arteries reveals the slightest neoplasms and atypical changes. The ultrasound technique is unable to visualize such accurate data, so after it is carried out, the patient is prescribed an additional examination.

When choosing between MRI of the brain or MRI of cerebral vessels, it should be noted that quite often these methods are combined together and carried out in a complex.

Features of the procedure

The procedure does not require special preparation and is performed in the same way when studying the structures of the cerebral cortex and blood vessels. The procedure takes no more than 20-30 minutes.

The stages of implementation consist of the following points:

  • preparation - the patient is provided with information about the upcoming event, asked to remove existing jewelry;
  • the patient lies down on the retractable table of the tomograph, the medical worker fixes it with belts;
  • Contrast is administered according to indications;
  • the table moves in, and the health workers move to another room to the monitor to view the image;
  • If discomfort occurs in a confined space, the patient can communicate with the doctor using a two-way communication system.

Indications and contraindications

The indicators obtained during the procedure make it possible to assess the condition and anatomical structure of the brain structures under study, in particular the image of blood vessels, diagnose existing abnormalities, and determine the exact location and stages of the pathological process.

The main indications for performing a diagnostic test are:

  • regularly occurring migraines, dizziness;
  • the need to assess the condition of tissue structures and arteries before surgery and in the postoperative period;
  • infectious diseases;
  • impaired visual acuity and hearing loss not associated with pathologies of the visual system and hearing organ;
  • stroke, which is an acute disorder of the blood supply to the brain;
    presence of neurological symptoms, frequent loss of consciousness;
  • diseases of the vascular system;
  • neurological diseases (more often with auditory and visual lesions);
  • decreased intellectual abilities, memory and concentration;
  • confirmation of a tumor neoplasm;
  • abnormalities in the development of the central nervous system in the prenatal period;
  • diffuse axonal damage to gray matter;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • TBI;
  • monitoring the dynamics of the cancer process after therapy;
  • contraindications to performing CT.

In childhood, MRI of the brain or cerebral vessels is prescribed for lagging psychomotor development, stuttering, aggressive and irresponsible behavior at home for no apparent reason, regularly occurring convulsions and fainting.


The use of a magnetic resonance imaging scanner does not harm the body, but despite this, this technique has its contraindications - relative (diagnosis is allowed under certain conditions) and absolute (prohibited).

The absolute ones include:

  • the presence of a pacemaker (the equipment emits powerful magnetic radiation that affects the operation of the installed device);
  • built-in hearing aid devices with metal elements;
  • orthopedic metal structure that fastens bone fragments (Ilizarov apparatus);
  • the presence of implants made of ferromagnetic material.

Relative contraindications are:

  • insulin pumps;
  • taking psychostimulants;
  • non-ferromagnetic prosthetic products in the internal part of the hearing organ;
  • presence of prosthetic heart valves;
  • end-stage heart failure;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • fear of closed spaces;
  • psychologically insane state of the patient, inappropriate behavior;
  • tattoos for which dyes containing metal components were used;
  • extremely serious condition of the patient.

Carrying out a diagnostic test in contrast mode has additional contraindications: blood pathologies in which rapidly progressive destruction of red blood cells occurs, increased sensitivity to the administered drug, renal failure, gestation period, regardless of gestational age.

How does MRI of the brain differ from MRI of the blood vessels of the head?

MRI of brain tissue differs from angiography in the results obtained, but there is no significant difference in the procedures performed. In both cases, during the diagnostic procedure, the equipment visualizes layer-by-layer images of the organs being examined.

During diagnostic testing of arteries, their condition and hemodynamics are assessed; when visualizing the gray matter, specialists study the condition of tissue structures and determine the presence of pathological foci without examining the vessels.
What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels?
How does MRI of the brain differ from vascular diagnostics? In the process of angiography, only an image of the structure of blood vessels is obtained, and the presence of developmental anomalies and pathologies is identified without examining the central nervous system. Conversely, when examining the brain, there is no data on blood supply and the condition of the arteries.

Both instrumental methods are performed with or without contrast, it all depends on the main indications. In obtaining a clear image, the main role is played by the power of the equipment - 1.5 Tesla is considered the most acceptable. The duration of the vascular and brain MRI procedure varies on average from 20 to 30 minutes.

Quite often, both diagnostic tests are combined to obtain a complete picture of the health status.

What do studies show and what diseases can be detected?

MR angiography is a highly informative procedure that allows us to identify many different vascular pathologies and thoroughly study the volumetric velocity of blood flow. Thanks to the technique, specialists are able to diagnose diseases such as:

  1. Cholesterol deposits.
  2. AVM (pathological connection between veins and arteries, usually congenital).
  3. Marked narrowing of the arterial walls.
  4. Coronary artery disease (oxygen starvation develops due to abnormal narrowing of the arterial walls).
  5. Protrusion of a section of the vascular wall.
  6. The formation of blood clots that interfere with normal blood circulation.
  7. Hematomas.
  8. Tumor neoplasms (benign and malignant).
  9. Inflammatory processes.
  10. Generalized vascular damage in diabetes mellitus.

After an MRI of the brain, the following pathologies can be diagnosed:

  1. Necrotic changes in neurons.
  2. Tumor formations.
  3. Arachnoiditis (serous inflammation of the arachnoid membrane).
  4. Disseminated encephalomyelitis.
  5. Degenerative-dystrophic changes in tissue structures.
  6. TBI.
  7. Damage to the myelin sheath of nerve fibers.

Using a tomograph, it is possible to differentiate tumor tumors with a volume of 1 mm or more, as well as establish their nature. Diagnostics is often an indispensable method in monitoring changes occurring in the postoperative period or after a stroke.

Using a diagnostic test, various hematomas and other pathologies are identified, timely treatment of which allows you to get rid of further development of complications. For example, early diagnosis of micro-strokes allows for correct treatment and prevention of the development of acute circulatory disorders (stroke).

The painless MRI procedure visualizes changes occurring in the head, eliminating the need for a ventricular puncture.

Both procedures are indispensable for identifying various pathologies of the brain and blood vessels, so it is not entirely correct to say which method is more effective. More often, the two procedures are combined, which allows a more detailed assessment of the patient’s health status.

Is it possible to refer children for the procedure?

Magnetic resonance imaging does not pose a threat to the child’s body, there is no dangerous radiation, so the procedure is often prescribed to study the blood vessels of the brain in children from an early age if there are indications.
What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels?
A special feature of diagnostics in children under 5-6 years of age is the need to remain completely still to obtain a clear image. To do this, before the start of the study, the child is given a medication with a sedative effect.

The instrumental method with contrast is not carried out until the age of 3, since the drug can harm the child’s not yet fully formed body.

MRI of the brain and vascular structure is indispensable in identifying serious diseases; timely examination allows one to prescribe adequate therapy and avoid the development of complications in the future.


MRI of the brain: decoding what shows diseases

What magnetic resonance imaging is is well known not only to doctors, but also to most patients. Its essence is to register the responses of body tissues when electromagnetic waves pass through them. This is one of the most modern methods of examining internal organs.

It allows you to obtain data about their condition without using an invasive (penetrating) method.

The advantage of a magnetic tomograph over an X-ray examination is not only its relative harmlessness, but also the fact that it allows you to obtain a three-dimensional image, making it possible to examine the pathological focus almost in its real form.

Magnetic tomography is widely used to determine the condition of the intracranial area. Having learned what an MRI of the brain shows, the doctor can make a diagnosis more quickly and correctly. The diagnostic capabilities of MRI of the brain and cerebral vessels are difficult to list.

The state of the cerebral circulatory system can also be examined in detail using this method. Having a clear picture of what an MRI of the brain vessels shows, it is much easier for a specialist to prescribe the necessary treatment and monitor its progress and effectiveness.

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Indications for MR imaging of the head

What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels?Typically, brain tomography is prescribed by a neurologist if serious diseases are suspected. They are characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Severe headaches.
  2. Dizziness.
  3. Fainting.
  4. Cramps.
  5. Deterioration of vision.
  6. Memory impairment.
  7. Problems concentrating.
  8. Speech impairment.
  9. Impaired coordination and sensitivity.

When answering the question of what exactly a tomogram of the brain region can show, you should first understand: brain pathologies arise if the following reasons exist:

  • traumatic brain injury;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • stroke, heart attack;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes in brain tissue;
  • anomalies of the pituitary gland and sella turcica;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • neoplasms of benign and malignant nature.

Naturally, this list is far from complete, and only a highly qualified specialist can accurately determine what an MRI of the brain shows.

Magnetic resonance imaging techniques

When diagnosing various diseases, different tomographic examination techniques are used. For example, in case of strokes, a functional technique is used, when a kind of “map” of brain areas responsible for certain functions appears on the monitor screen: speech, visual, motor, etc.

By performing certain tasks of the doctor, the patient stimulates blood flow to these areas, allowing the specialist to identify possible disturbances in their activity.

The use of a contrast agent administered through a vein makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of MRI examinations in identifying tumor tissue lesions, determining the nature of the tumor (benign or malignant), as well as foci of inflammation and various anomalies of both congenital and acquired nature. In addition, the contrast method is very effective in examining the vascular system of the head.

Survey tomography of the brain area allows the doctor to observe a three-dimensional branched image of both this organ as a whole and its individual parts: the pituitary gland, as well as the processes of movement of intracerebral fluid and blood flow.

Magnetic tomography of blood vessels in the intracranial region

What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels?Often phenomena - dizziness, fainting, loss of consciousness - are provoked by dysfunction of the vessels supplying the brain with blood. In such cases, the doctor prescribes a survey tomography of the intracranial area. The special capabilities of the magnetic tomograph (angiographic mode) allow you to monitor the movement of blood in real time, clarifying such functional indicators as spasmodic manifestations, decreased blood flow speed, etc. The overview picture shown by the tomograph helps the angiologist to “penetrate” this difficult-to-reach area, obtaining a clear idea of ​​the nature and extent of the damage. The presence of painful changes will be shown by a magnetic tomogram of the head and its circulatory system, identifying blood clots, organic lesions and other vascular pathologies.

Indications for vascular magnetic tomography

Reasons for prescribing a magnetic resonance examination of the head, in addition to those already listed, may be the specialist’s suspicions of the presence of:

  • vascular malformation - pathological interpenetration of arteries and veins, leading to mixing of arterial and venous blood;
  • aneurysm (excessive thinning) of the vessel wall, which can lead to cerebral hemorrhage;
  • atherosclerotic phenomena;
  • vascular vasculitis arising against the background of rheumatic diseases of various origins.

Also, brain MRI in vascular mode is necessary if there is a prospect of surgical intervention on this organ or its circulatory system. In this case, it is important to know in advance what an MRI of the brain will show.

Types of magnetic resonance imaging of blood vessels

There are several types of MRI examination of the vessels of the head:

  1. Arteriography (examination of arteries).
  2. Venography (examination of the venous system).
  3. Magnetic resonance angiography (study of arteries and veins).

What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels?

Venography provides a complete image of the venous system of the cerebral region and is necessary in the diagnosis of strokes, fresh and old traumatic brain injuries, thrombosis, anomalies in the development and position of blood vessels.

General angiography is prescribed to identify various vascular pathologies, as well as before and after surgical interventions in the intracranial area. Everything that an MR angiographic examination shows will allow you to monitor the healing process and prescribe the correct treatment.

Contraindications for examining the head with a magnetic tomograph

Despite the high effectiveness of magnetic resonance imaging, it also has contraindications. They can be divided into conditional and absolute. The first include:

  • fear of closed spaces (claustrophobia);
  • manifestations of heart failure;
  • the presence of non-ferromagnetic implants in the inner ear;
  • artificial heart valves;
  • insulin pumps.

In such cases, research is possible if special conditions are created for it: for claustrophobia, open-type tomographs are used.

Absolute contraindications for any type of magnetic tomography include:

  1. Pacemaker.
  2. Metal implants.
  3. Vascular hemostatic clips.
  • Even piercings or tattoos can become an obstacle to conducting this kind of research if dyes that contain compounds of any metals are used.
  • Therefore, before carrying out the procedure, you should definitely warn the doctor about the presence of any of the listed factors.
  • In all other cases, magnetic tomography (including MRI of the head) is the most convenient, effective and gentle way to obtain information about the state of the human body.


MRI of the brain shows what diseases! simed center!

MRI of the brain is a diagnostic procedure that uses powerful magnetic fields and high-frequency pulses. This allows us to examine the structure of the brain in detail and identify affected tissues. In this article we will look at what an MRI of the brain is and what diseases this diagnosis shows.

Today, anyone can get an MRI of the brain. To do this, he does not need to have a special referral from a doctor. Moreover, with the results of the examination ready, it would be better to consult a doctor.

MRI of the brain is indicated in the following cases:

  • head injuries, which may be accompanied by internal bleeding;
  • oncological pathologies of the brain and suspicion of their development;
  • infectious lesions of the nervous system (HIV infection, abscess, meningitis);
  • vascular pathologies (thrombosis, aneurysm);
  • epilepsy;
  • chronic headaches;
  • acute pain in the head that does not have a specific cause;
  • nausea, dizziness and vomiting without an identified etiology;
  • sinusitis.

Today, an MRI of the brain can be done in almost every clinic that has modern equipment. At the same time, experts advise giving preference to high-profile tomographs with a power of 1.5 Tesla, since they can detect the smallest changes in tissues. This will help to identify the disease in time and begin the necessary therapy.

You can find out detailed information about the features of MRI of the brain, which diseases are shown in St. Petersburg at the SIMED clinic, as well as about the diagnosis of other departments, by calling +7 (812) 414-98-53 or by filling out the online registration form. We will advise you on all your questions regarding MRI and choose the most convenient time.


Not all patients will be able to undergo an MRI of the brain, as the study has several contraindications. Relative prohibitions to the procedure are pregnancy, the presence of tattoos with metal connections, claustrophobia and alcohol intoxication.

Absolute contraindications to MRI are:

  • Built-in pacemaker.
  • The presence of large magnetic metal implants.

Features of preparation

Before you do an MRI of the brain, you should undergo certain preparation. To do this, a person needs to remove all metal objects.

Some clinics provide patients with a loose hospital gown, but usually allow them to remain in their own clothes. The main thing is that it should be without metal parts.

Sometimes the patient needs to abstain from food and water.

If a person is afraid of closed spaces, he can take a sedative.


MRI of the brain has the following advantages:

  • absence of harmful x-ray radiation;
  • high information content of the procedure;
  • You can undergo an MRI of the brain even during pregnancy;
  • the procedure is permitted for children;
  • painlessness of the study;
  • accurate result;
  • the ability to obtain three-dimensional images of tissues.

Moreover, it should be noted that MRI of the brain can detect diseases in the initial phase, when a person has no complications. This greatly increases the chances of a full recovery if treatment is started in a timely manner.

MRI of the brain: what diseases does it show in patients?

Many patients wonder what a brain MRI is and what diseases it shows. Experts claim that this procedure makes it possible to see any abnormalities in the tissue structure.

She is also able to diagnose vascular deformation, physical disorders and abnormalities in blood supply, which is of great importance for the early diagnosis of stroke.

MRI is very effective in cases of suspected cancer. In this case, the patient may be injected with a contrast agent to obtain a clearer image.

The contrast itself is well tolerated and rarely causes negative reactions in a person.

If a patient has a brain injury, an MRI shows the presence of a hematoma, its size and structure. There are no other diagnostic procedures that can also accurately identify such pathologies.

In addition, there are the following diseases and abnormalities that MRI can detect:

  • Vascular atherosclerosis.
  • Acute heart attack or stroke.
  • Traumatic brain injuries and consequences after them.
  • Infectious inflammatory diseases of the brain.
  • Vascular aneurysm.
  • Vascular malformation.
  • Intracranial pressure disorders.


What pathologies and disorders are detected by MRI of cerebral vessels? Link to main publication
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