
Coughing on the street: is it possible to go for a walk with a sick child?

Coughing on the street: is it possible to go for a walk with a sick child?

But often parents show excessive zeal in caring for their children. Complete isolation from the outside world during illness is not always beneficial and promotes good health.

The question of whether it is possible to walk with a child with a runny nose worries those parents who are aware of the importance of fresh air and active walks and do not want to deprive their children of their usual lifestyle.

When are children allowed to walk when they have a runny nose?

A runny nose (rhinitis) is a protective reaction of a child’s body to viruses, bacteria or allergens. Before deciding whether it is possible to walk with a child with a runny nose, you should determine the cause of its appearance.

In addition to infectious or viral origin, rhinitis can be a consequence of the body’s reaction to teething, occur due to too dry air in the room, or be an allergic reaction to dust or pet hair.

In infants, a runny nose occurs quite often due to the physiological characteristics of the nasal sinuses and the imperfection of the immune system.

If the cause of rhinitis is an allergy, the child must be taken outside. Walking in the fresh air will only benefit him. If you have a severe allergy to tree blossoms, it would be wiser to wait out this period at home. Coughing on the street: is it possible to go for a walk with a sick child?

Fresh air will be no less effective than some medications. It promotes:

  • improving blood circulation;
  • eliminating accumulated microbes;
  • removing toxins from the body;
  • moisturizing the respiratory tract and eliminating dry mucous membranes;
  • improving the functioning of the respiratory system.
  • In addition, walks contribute to the baby’s good mood and positive emotions, which is also important for his recovery.
  • While your baby is outside, you can leave the windows open to ventilate the room well and clean it of pathogenic microbes.
  • Walking in the fresh air in spring and summer in sunny, windless weather is especially useful.

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Is it possible to go for a walk when a child has snot?

Many parents fall into real panic when their child is sick. They are sure that a baby with a runny nose and especially green snot should definitely be kept warmly dressed and indoors.

Meanwhile, going for a walk with a child with a runny nose is not only not dangerous, but also useful.
Coughing on the street: is it possible to go for a walk with a sick child?
The causes of green mucous discharge from the nose in children can be various inflammations of the nasal cavity, sinusitis, complications after allergic rhinitis.

Daily walks not only promote recovery, but also serve as an excellent prevention of the development of possible complications and the most affordable way to strengthen the immune system.

Coughing on the street: is it possible to go for a walk with a sick child?

If there is frost, wind or rain, the festivities should be cancelled. Komarovsky also emphasizes the importance of nasal breathing while outdoors.

Before going for a walk, it is necessary to clean the child’s nasal passages as thoroughly as possible. This is necessary in order to ensure their passability. Breathing through the mouth, especially during cool winter months, can aggravate the disease.

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Is it possible to walk with a baby with a runny nose?

Parents are especially worried about the slightest manifestations of the disease in infants. The baby seems extremely fragile and delicate to them to take him outside when he has snot.

Such parents need to take into account that nasal discharge is a normal physiological process and walks are not contraindicated for a one-year-old baby, as well as for older children.
Coughing on the street: is it possible to go for a walk with a sick child?
Many mothers are afraid to go outside when they have ARVI, citing the fact that their son or daughter will “catch the virus.”

In fact, the risk of contracting a viral disease while outdoors is lower than from close contact with sick adults or other children indoors.

Walking with a baby aged 8 months and older is quite acceptable if the baby has:

  • no elevated body temperature;
  • a good appetite;
  • the discharge is not complicated by frequent sneezing and hacking cough;
  • good mood and sound sleep;
  • there is no restless behavior and constant crying.

If the temperature is above 37 C, severe paroxysmal cough, copious continuous discharge from the nasal cavity, or pronounced general weakness of the child, it is better to cancel walks.

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Is it possible for a child with sinusitis to walk outside?

  1. In the acute course of the disease, patients of all ages are advised to remain in bed.
  2. But with normal body temperature, absence of purulent discharge and overall satisfactory health, walking in warm, dry weather is quite acceptable.

  3. With inevitable exposure to cold, vasoconstriction occurs, which negatively affects the condition of the respiratory system.

Coughing on the street: is it possible to go for a walk with a sick child?
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Is it possible to walk with a child if he has a cough?

Should children be restricted from staying outside the home if they have a cough without fever? Doctors note that you can walk outside both with a wet and dry cough. If it is caused by allergies or bronchial asthma, you should be careful when choosing a place for a walk.

The reason for canceling exposure to air should be periods of acute illness, during which chills, severe sore throat, headaches, and general weakness are noted.
Coughing on the street: is it possible to go for a walk with a sick child?
With moderate air humidity, walks in a park or square can replace inhalation. But in frosty weather, heavy rain or wind, you should refrain from festivities.

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Preparing for a walk: what to wear?

The idea that a child needs to be carefully wrapped up before going outside is still very tenacious.

In parks or playgrounds you can find a large number of children dressed in warm jackets and hats, even in very warm weather. What can we say about children with symptoms of a cold?

Caring mothers and grandmothers consider it their duty to dress their baby as if he is going to conquer the North Pole.

Sometimes adults do not take into account the fact that children are very active and love active games. Under several layers of warm clothing, actively moving, a child can quickly sweat and then become hypothermic. Such changes only bring harm and can aggravate the course of the disease.

It is also not recommended to tie a warm scarf over the baby’s nose and mouth: this action only causes the accumulation of moist air in the mouth.

Clothing during a walk should be comfortable, not restrict movement, made from light, high-quality materials without many zippers, buttons and fasteners.

Coughing on the street: is it possible to go for a walk with a sick child?
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Rules for walking with rhinitis

In order for a walk to bring joy, good mood and contribute to a speedy recovery, you need to adhere to some rules.[ads-pc-1][ads-mob-1]

  1. Dress the child so that it is as easy and comfortable for him to move as possible. The presence of snot should not be a reason for excessive wrapping.
  2. Do not walk in the rain, in strong winds and dampness, or in air temperatures below 5 degrees below zero. Damp, chilly weather can worsen the baby's condition.
  3. Make sure that the walk does not last too long. The optimal time to stay outdoors is 30-40 minutes. Longer walks can make your child tired and overstimulated.
  4. Immediately before leaving, it is necessary to thoroughly clear the nasal passages of mucus. It is better to use a bulb or aspirator. Free breathing through the nose is the key to a speedy recovery.
  5. Avoid crowded places, streets with busy traffic, areas near industrial enterprises. The best places for walks are quiet parks or public gardens. If a child’s illness is infectious, it is better not to allow him to have direct contact with other children.
  6. Avoid noisy games and excessive activity when walking. While spending time outdoors, it is better to observe the beauty of natural landscapes, read a book or magazine with your baby, and spend time with your pets.
  7. If a walk is not possible for any reason, you can provide your child with fresh air by spending time with him on the balcony or near open windows.

Rhinitis in children is not a reason to deprive them of fresh air and walks. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the general state of health and be attentive to any manifestations of the disease.

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Is it possible to walk with a child with a runny nose: 5 contraindications for walking

A runny nose (rhinitis) is a very common problem in children. The nasal mucosa is a barrier to the penetration of pathogens. There are special villi in the nasal cavity; they stop microorganisms and dust entering the body with air.

And when immunity is lowered, and there are a lot of viruses and bacteria in the nose, the body launches its defense mechanism. This is how a runny nose develops - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

Rhinitis can occur as an independent disorder or be a manifestation of a disease (for example, ARVI).

It happens that a runny nose is not associated with bacteria or viruses, but is a manifestation of a normal physiological process aimed at cleansing the nasal cavity. Infants often develop rhinitis due to dry, stale, stale air.

The body's allergic response is one of the causes of a runny nose. In this case, it is necessary to identify what provoked the reaction. This can be food, plant pollen, animal hair.

To correctly identify the cause of rhinitis in a child, you should show him to a doctor. It is preferable to call a specialist to your home, since in a medical facility the baby can become infected with an infection from sick people.

Coughing on the street: is it possible to go for a walk with a sick child?

Is walking allowed?

A simple runny nose disappears after a couple of days if treatment is organized correctly. In children, rhinitis is not a serious disorder, but it causes many inconveniences: loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, and deterioration in general mood. In order to protect the baby from factors complicating the disease, parents stop daily walks. Is this justified?

Experienced pediatricians say that walking with a runny nose is possible, but certain factors should be taken into account:

  • what is the child's illness?
  • general condition of the baby;
  • weather conditions;
  • means and methods of treatment;
  • organizing a walk.

The most important point to consider is the well-being of the child as a whole. It is forbidden to take an exhausted child for a walk during the acute stage of the disease.

The problem is that a large number of parents do not realize the true benefits of walking when sick. At this time, changing the environment, playing on the playground, communicating with peers are not the purpose of being outside. At the moment, all that moms and dads should care about is the speedy recovery of their child.

At birth, the baby's respiratory system is still far from perfect. Features of its structure include:

  • compared to adults, infants have narrow openings and tiny sizes of respiratory organs;
  • mucous membrane is excessively tender;
  • cartilage tissue is soft;
  • There is no elastic fabric.
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Also, in infants, the organs of the respiratory system work differently, and this manifests itself in irregular, frequent shallow breathing.

For young children, fresh air is vital due to the insufficient development of the respiratory system. It helps cleanse the respiratory tract of dust, moisturize the mucous membranes, saturate the blood with oxygen, which in turn activates all body systems, improves appetite and sleep, and strengthens the immune system. And this leads to the healthy growth and development of the child.

An adult makes about 20 thousand respiratory cycles (inhalation - exhalation) per day, and about 8 million per year. And the respiratory rate of a newborn is 2 times higher, and it gradually decreases, reaching an adult level by 12 years.

In winter, there is no need to be afraid of taking a child with a runny nose outside due to sub-zero temperatures. The main condition is the absence of snow, since a walk will bring neither pleasure nor benefit.

For a child with rhinitis, calm and quiet walks are recommended. Therefore, you should not walk with your baby when he is unable to sit still. Dynamic games and running around can aggravate the situation, as the child will sweat and overheat, and then become hypothermic, and the nasal mucous membranes will dry out and not be moistened. With rhinitis, such overloads will delay recovery.

When the child behaves calmly, you can spend half an hour in the fresh air. A walk in sunny, dry weather will be beneficial for the baby - ultraviolet rays destroy pathogens, which speeds up recovery.

Coughing on the street: is it possible to go for a walk with a sick child?

When walking with your child, you should make the right choice of place in order to achieve maximum benefits. The main conditions are a large number of green spaces and distance from roads. In such areas there is a lot of oxygen required by a child with rhinitis.

You should definitely avoid places with large crowds of people (transport, shops, etc.); contact with other children is also not encouraged. This is explained by the fact that the child’s defense system is in the mode of fighting rhinitis; the child’s body is vulnerable to other unwanted microorganisms.

Any green tree is a source of oxygen, but conifers are especially noteworthy. They secrete phytoncides - biologically active substances that kill harmful microorganisms.

If there are coniferous plantings near your area of ​​residence, then this will be the best place for a walk with a child with rhinitis.

Researchers have found that there are only 200–300 harmful organisms per cubic meter in the air of a coniferous forest. This air is almost sterile compared to city air, which contains millions of pathogens.

Coughing on the street: is it possible to go for a walk with a sick child?

There are conditions when a walk should be postponed. You need to wait if:

  • rhinitis is a consequence of an allergic reaction, and the irritants are flower pollen, poplar fluff, etc. During the flowering period of the allergy pathogen, you should put a gauze bandage on the baby while walking, or leave the child at home and humidify the air in the room using special means ( humidifier, wet towels on the radiator) so as not to aggravate the situation;
  • The child has a high fever. Everyone understands that walking with this symptom is contraindicated at any time of the year. However, this issue sometimes becomes the subject of debate. For example, when in hot summer weather the stone walls of a house heat up to 40 °C, and at the same time in the shade under a tree you can find a comfortable place with a temperature of +25 °C, this will lead to an improvement in the child’s well-being;
  • there is a bad environmental situation. You should cancel your walk if there is a plant in your area of ​​residence that regularly pollutes the air with emissions. Staying outside will not bring a positive result, and the nasal mucosa will be irritated even more;
  • there are certain diseases of the respiratory system: sinusitis, diphtheria, tonsillitis, etc.;
  • The home has all the necessary conditions for recovery. When a child has his own room, where other family members do not live, and the temperature and humidity in it are maintained at an optimal level, this is equivalent to being in the fresh air.

Coughing on the street: is it possible to go for a walk with a sick child?

If your baby has an attack of wet cough while walking, this is not a reason to end the walk. This manifestation does not indicate a deterioration in the child’s condition. On the contrary, coughing helps clear the airways of accumulated mucus, which speeds up recovery.

For a speedy recovery of the child, it is necessary to properly organize a walk.

  1. Clothes should be comfortable. Don't overwrap your baby. Dress it according to weather conditions. He should not be hot or cold.
  2. Try to spend quiet time outside. If a child has rhinitis, it is not recommended to run or jump. A quiet walk in the park in the fresh air will be useful.
  3. It is better to wait until you have completely recovered from communicating with peers and visiting places with large crowds of people. There is a risk that the child will infect others, and also catch some kind of infection, since with rhinitis, immunity is reduced.
  4. Cancel your walk if it is raining or wet or windy outside. Such weather conditions are unfavorable for inflamed mucous membranes, and, on the contrary, lead to copious mucus secretion.
  5. Don't walk for a long time. In good weather, in summer 1 hour will be enough for a walk to be beneficial. In winter, when it’s frosty, staying outside should be limited to 20–30 minutes.
  6. Carefully clear the child's nasal cavity of mucus before going outside. This will allow him to breathe freely through his nose, otherwise breathing will be through his mouth, which is unacceptable in the frosty winter.

The younger the baby, the more beneficial the walk is for him. For babies, walking is essentially just sleeping in the fresh air. As the child gets older, the number of aspects that should be taken into account before going for a walk increases.

Rhinitis is not a reason to cancel a walk, but when a runny nose is accompanied by fever, cough, lethargy and other manifestations of ARVI, then in this case going outside is contraindicated.

Weather conditions will also influence the final decision. Take your child for walks as often as possible, as being in the fresh air will benefit both babies and older children. The most important thing is to follow simple rules.

Only then will the walk be useful and enjoyable.

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When to go outside with a child with a cough and runny nose

Coughing on the street: is it possible to go for a walk with a sick child?

Walking and playing in the fresh air are extremely important for children, and when suddenly the baby shows signs of illness, many fathers and mothers do not know what to do - is it possible to walk with the child with a runny nose and cough, or is it better to leave him at home until will recover. Of course, this is an obvious excess - such reinsurance is absolutely not justified, but there are cases when children are indeed contraindicated to go outside and it is better to remain in bed.

Is it possible to walk with a child with a runny nose?

  • The benefits of a child being in the fresh air are obvious, even if he has a runny nose.
  • This is confirmed by all doctors who work with children.
  • Main advantages:
  1. The child hardens, his body adapts to temperature changes, and ceases to be afraid of cold and wind.

    As a result, the functioning of his immune system is significantly enhanced;

  2. Since clean air increases blood circulation, pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed and removed from the nasal cavities - after all, sometimes only on the street the baby manages to blow his nose and cough normally;
  3. Due to the cleansing of the respiratory tract and its moisturizing, all internal organs of the child’s body receive oxygen in sufficient quantities, and this improves their functions.

Advice. It is especially useful to walk with children in a park or in a forest area where coniferous trees grow.

The air filled with phytoncides of these plants has a bactericidal and disinfectant effect on the existing infection. Treatment at home, where the air is drier and contains particles of dust and pet hair, will not be able to provide such a healing effect.

To improve the baby’s well-being, a good mood is also important, which becomes more positive while being outside. At the same time, while the child is walking and recharging with energy, parents have the opportunity to thoroughly ventilate the room, thus clearing it of germs and eliminating dryness.

On the other hand, if the cause of rhinitis is allergens, for example, pollen from certain plants during spring flowering, of course, it is better to leave your son or daughter at home until this dangerous period has passed. When allergic rhinitis is caused by other conditions, the child needs to breathe clean air as often as possible.

The real worries for parents begin if the baby develops snot. Purulent, greenish discharge is especially frightening for adults.

The fact is that green mucus can be a consequence of inflammation of the maxillary cavities, but if the child does not have a fever and this is the only symptom of malaise, air baths are simply necessary for him.

In their own way, they prevent more serious diseases by strengthening the body's barrier forces.

An exciting question is whether it is possible to walk with a child with a runny nose in the winter. It is possible and even necessary, except in cases of severe frost or strong gusty winds. You should not practice walking in bad weather.

That is, these restrictions are partial - you should always focus on the average thermometer readings, since no one needs extreme sports and is even dangerous. It is important that the baby always breathes through his nose when outside, and to do this, before going out, you should clean his nose of crusts and secretions.

In addition, mouth breathing in frosty weather can lead to inflammation of the throat and larynx.

  1. For the information of adults, it is much more difficult to catch a viral disease on the street than when a child comes into contact with other children and adults in a residential or public building.
  2. There are no contraindications to such walks for infants either.
  3. You can take them for a walk under certain conditions:
  1. the little one is not shivering, he has a normal temperature;
  2. he quickly falls asleep and rests fully throughout the night;
  3. the child is in a great mood and has a good appetite;
  4. there are no signs of concern.

If the baby is already eight months old, the nasal discharge is not constant, and he is alert, then a walk will only bring benefits and will help quickly cure congestion.

The question of walking becomes no less important when you have sinusitis. When a child does not have a fever, purulent discharge and does not feel weak, you can go for a walk, but only when it is warm and dry outside. What you should not do is take a baby with an acute phase of illness for a walk, or even in satisfactory condition, in cold weather, especially in winter.

Coughing on the street: is it possible to go for a walk with a sick child?

Is it possible to walk with a child when he has a cough?

Children develop cough for many reasons. It is a symptom of various diseases or precedes them. If treatment is not carried out in time, a cough may be followed by a runny nose, swelling of the throat tissue, and painful sensations.

The reasons for it are:

  • allergic reaction to dust, feathers, wool, chemicals included in hygiene products, plants and their pollen;
  • in infants this is a sign of dry air - in this way they try to clear the airways of foreign particles;
  • infectious lesions, accompanied by a dry and then a wet cough, as well as difficulty breathing, fever, redness and sore throat;
  • it can also be pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchitis and other very dangerous diseases.

Adults need to know the exact diagnosis of the pathology, and the possibility of walking will depend on this.

A dry, unproductive cough, prolonged and hysterical, should cause concern. It is usually accompanied by fever, and the sputum may be purulent or mixed with blood.

Is it possible to walk with a child if he has a cough? It turns out that yes, doctors recommend taking walks even during a viral infection and an accompanying runny nose, as this helps the baby recover faster. Of course, this does not apply to severe conditions and serious pathologies.

When and how to do this:

  • while on the street, if a child has a cough, he should not run and frolic, so the mother should immediately explain to the baby that the purpose of going out is therapeutic;
  • You can’t walk with your baby in extreme cold or heat - in the summer, this can be done in the evening, when it gets cooler; in winter, low temperatures should be avoided;
  • You can walk little by little, literally for 20 minutes, the main thing is that the child can breathe fresh, clean air, while you need to monitor his condition - if it worsens, it is better not to take risks and consult with a pediatrician.

It is useful to take a walk just before going to bed and in a place where there are no busy roads and a lot of people; the best option is in nature. If the air is humid enough, it is even useful for coughing, but there should be no dampness or rain. The walking time can be gradually increased to one and a half hours if such trips bring improvement in well-being.

Whether it is possible to walk with a child with a runny nose and cough depends on the diagnosis and the child’s condition, so in this matter you need to follow the doctor’s advice and requirements.

Video: Cough and walking

When should a child not go for a walk if he has a cough?

Definitely, you should not go outside if your baby has a fever or a fever associated with a symptom such as cough. Even at 37 degrees it is too dangerous to do this. Dads and moms need to keep in mind that in bad weather, severe frost and wind, the signs of any disease can worsen, so this is not a good time for walking.

You should also not take risks when your child:

  1. Cough caused by allergens. Its causes include food, plants, household clothing, carpets, linen, laundry and detergents, and household chemicals. If parents smoke, the baby may develop a cough due to harmful tobacco smoke. The prerequisites are certain medications, infectious diseases of the respiratory system, and helminth damage. In this case, going outside can aggravate the condition and even cause swelling of the face (Quincke) and an allergic rash (urticaria). In this case, only antihistamines taken before going out can help.
  2. You cannot go for a walk if at that time there is an epidemic of influenza or other childhood disease in the city. During this period, in general, it is better not to be in crowded places. If necessary, it is advisable to take precautions - any disinfectants, external creams and ointments can be used to prevent infection.
  3. You should refrain from walking during pneumonia, pleurisy of the lungs, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the trachea and pharyngeal tonsils. This is especially dangerous during an exacerbation of these ailments, as they can lead to various complications. In mild cases, the pediatrician may allow short trips when it is warm outside.
  4. You cannot take your son or daughter outside if they have contagious diseases such as scarlet fever, diphtheria, tuberculosis or chicken pox. After all, they can transmit an unpleasant illness to other children and adults.
  5. If there is severe weakness, headache and dizziness, which often accompany ARVI, children should not be taken out for a walk. In this state, it is better for them to remain in semi-bed rest, and they can breathe fresh air at an open window or on a loggia. In this case, it is necessary to dress the child warmly, but so that he does not sweat. However, the time of such air baths should be limited to 10-15 minutes.
  6. Parents should monitor their child - when the cough is paroxysmal, accompanied by nausea and the urge to vomit, he needs urgent medical attention, and a walk can weaken his body and worsen his health.

In order not to harm the child’s body, it is better not to experiment and consult a pediatrician. A qualified doctor will tell you when walking is advisable and when it can be harmful.

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Is it possible to walk with a child with a runny nose and cough? Basic rules for walking

Rules for parents to follow:

  • in any case, before going for a walk with your child, you need to show him to the pediatrician and find out what caused the disease;
  • even with a low-grade fever (37.5 degrees), it is better to refuse to go outside;
  • if there is severe weakness and malaise, it is better to postpone the walk until you recover;
  • hardening does not mean that you can walk with your baby in any weather, if it is raining, windy and severely cold outside, you do not need to do this;
  • walking in the rain is just as dangerous as in freezing temperatures - if a child’s feet get wet, he risks getting even more sick;
  • You should not put a lot of clothes on your child, as children are very active and can sweat, and with an existing cough or nasal congestion, this can very quickly lead to a cold;
  • it is acceptable to walk with a runny nose, but if the baby may be exposed to additional irritants on the street, then it is better to protect him with a special gauze mask;
  • if a mother is walking with her baby in a stroller, you should not cover it with a curtain, otherwise the baby will not be able to get a sufficient portion of fresh air;
  • to determine how a child feels, just touch the back of his neck - if the baby is hot, it will be hot;
  • It is always better to walk away from public places, including large crowds of people; you should not take a child with a stuffy nose to the playground, where he can not only become infected from other children, but also become a carrier of the infection himself;
  • if it is not possible to go outside at all, you can at least take him out to the balcony so that his body can get enough fresh air.

Before going outside, parents need to ensure that the child blows his nose and breathes only through his nose. In addition, based on the weather, walks should be strictly regulated - in cool air and wind - this is no more than 20 minutes, while in clear, warm weather - from 40 minutes to an hour.

Not all parents know whether it is possible to walk with a child with a runny nose and cough, and they are sincerely confident that this should not be done. But as medical practice shows, this is a necessary condition for the baby to recover as soon as possible. It is much more dangerous to keep him at home, where the illness can drag on indefinitely.


Is it possible to walk if you have a cough without fever?

The effect of spending time in humid weather is equivalent to productive inhalation

What is a cough? This is a protective-adaptive reaction aimed at restoring and maintaining airway patency. Irritation of cough receptors occurs not only upon contact with fine dust, mucus or foreign objects, but also as a result of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, bronchi, and trachea.

Pathological cough is a common denominator for diseases of different etiologies. The main root causes of its occurrence are compared with acute respiratory viral infections, pharyngitis, sore throat, sinusitis, and laryngitis.

Disturbances in mucociliary clearance in childhood can be caused by abnormalities in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, localization of benign and malignant formations, and allergies.

Therefore, before deciding whether it is possible to walk with a child when he has a cough, it is necessary to consult an otolaryngologist, analyze the weather conditions and the general well-being of the baby.

Pathologies and conditions when it is preferable to avoid taking air baths are presented in the following list:

  • The stage of pronounced manifestations, which lasts 2-3 days. These are arbitrary figures; they may change up or down depending on the treatment regimen. The period of exacerbation is characterized by an increase in painful symptoms and the emergence of new clinical forms.
  • High body temperature, weakness, malaise, feverish condition. The patient needs bed rest.
  • Adverse weather conditions. In winter, this means a drop in temperature to -15⁰C and below (for sick children under one year old there is a reason to stay at home if the thermometer shows -5⁰C), gusty winds, snow and rain, and a blizzard. Sultry heat and high humidity have a detrimental effect on a weakened body.
  • Residual cough. The last word remains with the attending physician. Taking into account the baby’s physiology and the characteristics of the disease, the pediatrician determines the frequency and duration of walks, especially when it comes to children under one year old.

In addition, destabilizing environmental factors include excessive concentrations of chemical elements in the atmosphere (typical of industrial areas), smog and heavy smoke during agricultural work.

If a child coughs more often and more intensely after a walk, this is a natural reaction that indicates a positive dynamics of recovery.

Humid air reduces the stickiness of sputum, which makes it easier to expectorate, thereby activating the process of self-cleaning of the bronchial tract.

During an attack, it is necessary to allow the baby to cough outside, since this will be problematic at home due to lack of oxygen.

Coughing on the street: is it possible to go for a walk with a sick child?

It is harmful to go outside immediately after therapeutic procedures (inhalations, taking warm liquids, rubbing).

The simplest and most effective way to saturate a child’s body with oxygen is to spend more time in the fresh air. What if the child gets sick? Is it possible to walk outside if you have a cough?

A weakened immune system needs additional energy to resist viruses and bacteria, but where to get strength if the baby is constantly in a closed, unventilated room? Therefore, if the baby’s condition is satisfactory, take the child to the park or forest as soon as possible.

For respiratory diseases, sea air is very useful. It contains a record amount of ozone and oxygen, so there is no room left for viruses and bacteria

The benefits of air baths are manifested in the following actions:

  • normalization of immune status;
  • improvement of transport functions of the mucociliary apparatus;
  • increased blood circulation in the bronchi;
  • increasing the productivity of secretory glands;
  • migration of a dry cough into a wet one;
  • strengthening the bronchopulmonary apparatus.

When getting your baby ready for the promenade, you should take into account the fact that attacks of allergic cough worsen on the street during the flowering of trees, flowers, and gusts of strong wind.

When the respiratory organs are filled with oxygen, the lumens in the bronchi actively expand, the quality of breathing is restored, which shortens the recovery time and minimizes the risk of relapse of the disease.

Does the age of a child affect the ability to walk with him?

If the child is in infancy, you should pay attention to the weather conditions, and it is easy to believe that the general state of health will normalize.

If the temperature rises, there are severe coughing attacks, breathing problems are diagnosed, or shortness of breath occurs, you should not go outside even if the weather is favorable.

A sharp deterioration in health and an increase in unfavorable symptoms are possible.

You should not neglect walks with children under 5 years of age, even in the presence of frost, but going outside is permissible at temperatures above -5 degrees.

You should not walk with your children if the wind is too cold, it is raining or the temperature is very high.

When children reach the age of more than 7 years, you can hope for a safe walk even in unfavorable weather conditions. At this age, people have properly formed thermoregulation.

Is it possible to walk with a child with a runny nose and cough? Basic rules for walking

Rules for parents to follow:

  • in any case, before going for a walk with your child, you need to show him to the pediatrician and find out what caused the disease;
  • even with a low-grade fever (37.5 degrees), it is better to refuse to go outside;
  • if there is severe weakness and malaise, it is better to postpone the walk until you recover;
  • hardening does not mean that you can walk with your baby in any weather, if it is raining, windy and severely cold outside, you do not need to do this;
  • walking in the rain is just as dangerous as in freezing temperatures - if a child’s feet get wet, he risks getting even more sick;
  • You should not put a lot of clothes on your child, as children are very active and can sweat, and with an existing cough or nasal congestion, this can very quickly lead to a cold;
  • it is acceptable to walk with a runny nose, but if the baby may be exposed to additional irritants on the street, then it is better to protect him with a special gauze mask;
  • if a mother is walking with her baby in a stroller, you should not cover it with a curtain, otherwise the baby will not be able to get a sufficient portion of fresh air;
  • to determine how a child feels, just touch the back of his neck - if the baby is hot, it will be hot;
  • It is always better to walk away from public places, including large crowds of people; you should not take a child with a stuffy nose to the playground, where he can not only become infected from other children, but also become a carrier of the infection himself;
  • if it is not possible to go outside at all, you can at least take him out to the balcony so that his body can get enough fresh air.

Before going outside, parents need to ensure that the child blows his nose and breathes only through his nose. In addition, based on the weather, walks should be strictly regulated - in cool air and wind - this is no more than 20 minutes, while in clear, warm weather - from 40 minutes to an hour.

Not all parents know whether it is possible to walk with a child with a runny nose and cough, and they are sincerely confident that this should not be done. But as medical practice shows, this is a necessary condition for the baby to recover as soon as possible. It is much more dangerous to keep him at home, where the illness can drag on indefinitely.

Author Kudelya Larisa


Is it possible to walk with a child if he has a cough?

The child is bothered by a cough, but after a long period of confinement at home, he really wants to go outside. Is it possible to go for walks with a child who has a cough?

To the question “Can a cough be cured with folk remedies?” answers Ekaterina Vladimirovna Uspenskaya – Ph.D., doctor of the highest category, pediatrician

Coughing on the street: is it possible to go for a walk with a sick child?

But a cough may not be so harmless: in some cases it can be an important symptom of serious diseases, for example, chronic bronchitis, lung or heart diseases, and others.

Therefore, in order to correctly determine the cause of a child’s cough, immediately consult a doctor - only he can make a diagnosis and, if necessary, prescribe the necessary examinations and treatment.

When a child is bothered by a cough, before planning walks with him, it is important to clearly understand and take into account the nature of the disease and its severity. It is also important what age the child is and how his body usually reacts to certain factors and stimuli.

If the cough occurs against the background of an acute respiratory viral infection, then for the first few days of illness you should not walk with the child, because in preschool and primary school age, acute respiratory viral infections are often quite severe and are accompanied by a sharp deterioration in the general condition - high temperature, weakness, headache, chills.

In this case, the child needs bed rest, which should be observed until the temperature returns to normal.

Treatment of ARVI should be comprehensive and include taking anti-cold medications approved for use in children (for example, oscillococcinum or influenzaferon), as well as warm and plenty of fluids. Vitamin C will also help the body cope with the disease - give your child citrus fruits (of course, if there is no allergy to them) and berries or berry infusions (cranberries, raspberries, etc.).

And for proper and effective treatment of cough, you need to know its type. When the cough is dry, without the formation of sputum, drugs that suppress the cough reflex are used. When coughing with sputum, the doctor usually prescribes mucolytics - they thin the sputum and have an expectorant effect.

If it is difficult to unambiguously determine the nature of a child’s cough, a remedy that simultaneously affects both dry and wet coughs (for example, Stodal) is suitable. Well, instead of walking during the active stage of the disease, ventilate the room in which the child is usually located.

Just make sure the child is in another room before doing this.

When the child is recovering, walks in the fresh air can be recommended as part of therapy that helps get rid of cough and improve the health of the body as a whole. The fact is that fresh, cool air normalizes and deepens breathing and helps thin mucus.

Therefore, if during a walk you notice that your child’s wet cough has intensified, do not worry, this is even good. The fact is that when inhaling cool air, the blood supply to the bronchial mucosa increases, the work of the secretory glands is activated, the sputum is moistened and increases in volume. So, with the help of coughing, the body gets rid of accumulated mucus.

But if you suddenly see that your child has become significantly worse, return home immediately.

It is better to avoid spending time in the fresh air even when there is a strong wind or very low temperature outside, just as if the illness is accompanied by difficulty breathing in the child, a frequent deep cough or obvious disturbances in the general condition (in infants this may be characterized by sudden agitation or, conversely, lethargy, poor appetite, frequent regurgitation).

It is better if the first walk after illness is short - 15-20 minutes. If it goes well and the child’s condition is normal, gradually increase the time spent outside every day. Make sure that the walk is calm.

Active recreation during this period is unsafe for the child, because his body is still very weak for any physical activity. If the child is very small, it is best to slowly roll him in a stroller.

And explain to an older child that running and jumping should be left until complete recovery.

If you understand in advance that you will not be able to protect your child from energetically spending time outside, it is better not to take risks and limit yourself to a “walk” on the balcony or ventilating the rooms, because it is air free from house dust that promotes recovery.

Walking can become a kind of ally in the treatment of cough and ARVI in a child. Moreover, the recovery process will go faster the sooner you start them. But remember that it is better to do this when he is already on the mend. And, of course, always pay attention to the child’s complaints and noticeable changes in his mood and well-being.

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