
Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?

There is hardly a person who does not know what chickenpox is. Chicken pox is a common childhood disease that occurs with the formation of itchy blisters on the skin.

Everyone is familiar with the typical manifestations of this disease, but non-standard symptoms and complications of chickenpox do not occur often. The question of whether there is a cough (runny nose) with chickenpox in children often worries parents if their baby is sick.

Briefly about the pathogen

Chickenpox is caused by the herpes simplex virus Varicella Zoster. The most common method of infection is airborne. At high and low ambient temperatures, exposure to ultraviolet radiation and bactericidal substances, the virus quickly dies.

However, the instability of existence in the external environment is compensated by a high degree of infectivity due to volatility.

There is no doubt: if there is a child with chickenpox in the entrance, neighbors aged 6 months or older have a very high chance of becoming infected with this disease.

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?

Signs of the disease

Standard manifestations of chickenpox include:

  1. Bubbles with transparent contents on the skin and mucous membranes.
  2. Symptoms of viral intoxication: general weakness, chills, headache, hyperthermia (+37...+39°C).

More rare manifestations accompanying chickenpox:

  1. The addition of a streptococcal infection is detected by clouding of the vesicles and the formation of purulent erosions after opening the vesicles.
  2. Sterptococcal fasciitis.
  3. Secondary meningoencephalitis.
  4. Rhinitis.
  5. Stomatitis.
  6. Bleeding of various localizations: nasal, gastric, pulmonary.
  7. Arthritis.

Complications from the respiratory system:

  • false croup;
  • bacterial pneumonia;
  • viral pneumonia.

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?

Respiratory problems with chickenpox often manifest as coughing.

Note! Complicated chickenpox is a rare occurrence. However, each of the complications is usually severe and requires specialist intervention.

Causes of cough

Sometimes parents may notice a cough in a child with chickenpox already in the first week of illness. This symptom is associated with the occurrence of the following processes:

  1. The formation of numerous herpetic blisters on the mucous membrane of the pharynx and trachea. In this case, irritation of the receptors in the lining of the respiratory tract occurs, which provokes the occurrence of a dry cough. In addition, cellular inflammation triggers hyperproduction of mucus in the respiratory tract, which the body perceives as an obstacle, trying to get rid of it faster. This will also result in a cough. The mechanism of the occurrence of a runny nose in this disease is also similar. Thus, cough and runny nose with chickenpox in children is a strengthening of the body’s defenses. The appearance of vesicles on the inner surface of the larynx is dangerous due to the development of false croup. Since inflammation of the mucous membrane is accompanied by swelling, the lumen of the respiratory tube narrows, difficult wheezing occurs, and the voice becomes rough and hoarse. Active breathing using all the muscles does not lead to the desired effect, the lack of the required amount of oxygen aggravates the situation, and the child may turn blue. The disappearance of vesicles from the respiratory tract during the natural course of the disease leads to the disappearance of cough.
  2. The development of pneumonia of a bacterial or viral nature.

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?

Pneumonia due to chickenpox

Coughing during chickenpox in a child is sometimes provoked by pneumonia.

With viral pneumonia caused by the Varicella Zoster virus, the cough is dry, unexpressed (coughing), may be accompanied by a low-grade fever.

With a complicated course of viral pneumonia, a nonproductive cough acquires a debilitating barking character, shortness of breath and severe hyperthermia occur.

Bacterial pneumonia is caused by the addition of a secondary bacterial infection. The cough will also be dry at first, and then turn into wet with purulent sputum. Bacterial pneumonia almost always occurs with a high fever. The general condition of the child also suffers, especially against the background of very severe itching of the vesicles.

Note! Dr. Komarovsky draws attention to the fact that chickenpox is especially dangerous for children aged 6 months to one year.

At the age of six months, the child’s immunity received from the mother ceases to function, and his own is not yet sufficiently formed.

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?

How to treat a cough with chickenpox in a child

Treatment of cough and other symptoms of chickenpox in children includes the following methods:

  • access to fresh air;
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • antihistamines;
  • antipyretics;
  • antibacterial agents.

The famous Ukrainian pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky recommends that if a cough occurs with chickenpox, give the baby an antihistamine. Drugs in this group will help relieve the main symptoms of the disease (itching, anxiety), and with them cough, since they reduce the production of the main inflammatory mediator (histamine) by the body's cells.

As histamine levels drop, itching in the blisters will decrease and mucus production in the upper respiratory tract will decrease. Babies from one month old can be given Fenistil drops orally. If the child is 3 months old, the use of the product is limited to three drops 2-3 times a day.

Finistil gel can also be used to lubricate the itchy elements of the rash to alleviate the child’s general condition.

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?

To prevent the addition of a secondary bacterial infection, it is necessary to prevent the child from scratching the blisters on the skin. To do this, Dr. Komarovsky advises distracting the baby with games, as well as monitoring the condition of the nails (cut short, clean), and wearing cotton anti-scratch gloves at night.

Features of the course of the disease

In case of excessive sweating, it is recommended to rinse the child with cool water (or take a bath), then pat dry (do not wipe!) with a towel. Underwear should be changed several times a day as needed. Clothes should not be very warm so as not to cause excessive sweating, which causes itching.

It is necessary to regularly, several times a day, ventilate the room in which the sick child is located.

A person suffering from chickenpox during the contagious period should not go outside so as not to infect other children.

Therefore, access to fresh air is one of the conditions for alleviating the patient’s condition and speedy recovery, especially if there is a cough. Adequate humidification of the room is also necessary, at least 50-70%.

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?

For drinking, you can give plain water, not very sweet compote of dried fruits, non-concentrated juice from currants and rose hips.

To relieve swelling of the larynx, Dr. Komarovsky recommends immersing the child’s feet in hot water, provided there is no high temperature.

If the child's temperature is above 38°C, it is recommended to take Paracetamol, Nurofen, Ibuprofen in suppositories or tablets. Taking aspirin is contraindicated.

If the temperature is below 38°C, you should not lower it, since in this way the body fights the disease and activates its own immune forces. At high temperatures, bed rest is recommended.

If parents know that any, even low-grade (up to 37.5°C), increase in temperature can cause convulsions in the child, they need to reduce it without waiting for a strong increase.

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?

Treatment of pneumonia

A cough that occurs in children during or after chickenpox, accompanied by an increase in temperature, may indicate the addition of pneumonia. If the complication is viral in nature, the doctor may prescribe antiviral drugs in tablets or suppositories.

If the pneumonia is more likely to be bacterial in nature, antibiotics are prescribed for a course of 5 to 7 days, orally or by injection. Thus, the answer to the question of how to treat cough with pneumonia after chickenpox in children depends on the nature of the pneumonia that occurs.

It should be noted that taking antibiotics must be accompanied by the use of agents that restore intestinal microflora. The child's nutrition should be balanced and easily digestible. It is better to cook the dishes that the baby loves and not feed him if he does not want to.

The body spends energy on recovery, and heavy food will not benefit the patient.

Note! Smoking by parents can cause a cough in the child. It would be optimal for mom and dad to stop using tobacco during and after illness.

If the course of chickenpox in an infant is complicated by a cough or any other unusual symptom, it is necessary to call a doctor to decide on the issue of hospitalization. This will help to avoid critical situations in the patient’s condition and speed up recovery. Typically, hospital stay lasts no more than a week.

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?

Preventive measures based on the principles of a healthy lifestyle will help you survive chickenpox without undesirable consequences:

  • walks in the fresh air 2-3 times a day;
  • nutritious food rich in microelements and vitamins,
  • sufficient physical activity for the baby during the day;
  • hardening (cool shower, swimming).

Following all the doctor’s recommendations will ease the course of the disease, calm the cough, if any, and speed up recovery.


Cough during or after chickenpox in children and adults: treatment

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?

Cough with chickenpox in a child is not a specific sign of the disease. It can occur as a complication due to the addition of a bacterial infection. A weakened body is not able to resist the invasion of infectious agents, which easily penetrate the respiratory system through the irritated mucous membrane of the throat and trachea. Cough is an alarming symptom that requires immediate treatment.

Features of the course of chickenpox in children

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?

Chickenpox is a common infection that affects most children between the ages of 2 and 10 years. The causative agent of the disease is the herpes simplex virus Varicella Zoster. This type of virus is characterized by a high degree of contagiousness (infectiousness) due to its volatility. The infection is spread by airborne droplets and spreads very quickly in children's groups.

The incubation period for chickenpox lasts from 10 days to three weeks. All this time, the carrier of the infection does not feel signs of the disease, but at the same time infects others. The pathogen is released into the air when talking, sneezing, quickly spreads in enclosed spaces and can even spread through ventilation between floors.

In childhood, the infection is much easier to tolerate, and complications do not occur as often. After an illness, the child’s body develops lifelong immunity. But sometimes the course of the disease is aggravated by nonspecific manifestations.

Difficulty breathing, cough and runny nose with chickenpox indicate that bronchopulmonary complications are developing, which can lead to pneumonia.

Parents should carefully monitor the baby’s condition and, if the condition worsens, immediately notify the attending physician.

In an adult who did not experience the infection in childhood, chickenpox is much more severe, accompanied by general intoxication of the body and serious complications.

Cough with chickenpox in adults indicates damage to the bronchopulmonary system and the possible development of pneumonia, which requires a serious set of therapeutic measures.

Therefore, doctors recommend that adult patients who are not immune to the disease be vaccinated against chickenpox. This will help maintain health and avoid possible serious consequences.

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How does chickenpox manifest?

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?

After the end of the incubation period, the baby shows the first signs of the disease, reminiscent of a common ARVI. The child becomes lethargic, gets tired quickly, is capricious, refuses to eat, and complains of a sore throat. The manifestation of the disease begins with a sharp rise in temperature, headache and the appearance of small red spots on some parts of the body. These spots resemble hives and many parents mistake them for an allergic reaction.

But after just a day, the spots transform into blisters filled with clear liquid, which are very itchy and quickly spread throughout almost the entire body.

They even appear on the scalp, oral mucosa and genitals. The liquid inside the blisters contains a collection of viral particles.

After opening the vesicle, they are released into the environment and spread to healthy areas of the skin.

At this stage, the disease is most contagious and a sick child poses a danger to others who do not have immunity to chickenpox. During the acute period, it is necessary to carry out thorough antiseptic treatment of rashes and prevent scratching of itchy blisters, otherwise unsightly scars and scars will remain on the skin in the future.

It is difficult to explain to a small child that itchy rashes should not be scratched, so parents are advised to cut the baby’s fingernails short and wear light gloves or mittens on their hands at night.

If a child scratches itchy skin, there is a high probability of a bacterial infection, which can lead to the development of purulent complications.

In the future, deep wounds will appear in place of the blisters, and after recovery, characteristic pockmark scars will remain on the face, spoiling the appearance.

Chicken pox cough

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?

Chickenpox rash affects not only the skin, but also mucous membranes. Characteristic rashes may appear on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, pharynx and trachea. After opening the vesicles, painful ulcers remain, through which pathogenic bacteria easily penetrate into the weakened body. This can lead to the development of serious complications.

One of the alarming signs is a severe cough with chickenpox, indicating that the infection has penetrated the respiratory tract and affected the bronchi.

The baby's condition is complicated by difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, and in severe cases, purulent sputum mixed with blood may be produced. If urgent measures are not taken, pulmonary edema may develop.

In such a situation, the child needs hospitalization. In mild cases, treatment can be done at home.

Parents often wonder if chickenpox can start with a cough? This situation is quite possible, because during the incubation period the virus actively multiplies in the body and although there are no visible manifestations of the disease yet, symptoms reminiscent of a cold appear. Coughing, runny nose, general malaise and weakness may appear.

When numerous herpetic blisters appear on the mucous membrane of the pharynx, irritation of the receptors of the respiratory system occurs, accompanied by a sore throat and inflammatory reactions that increase mucus production.

When a high temperature appears, the mucous membrane dries out due to general dehydration of the body, as a result, the microbial microflora is activated, which releases toxic substances that further irritate the sensitive receptors of the pharynx.

The result is a dry cough with chickenpox.

Possible complications

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?

The appearance of chickenpox blisters on the surface of the larynx provokes inflammatory reactions, against the background of which the lumen of the respiratory tube narrows. The baby develops wheezing, difficulty breathing, hoarseness of the voice, and a barking cough, which may be a symptom of a complication such as laryngitis or false croup. The child suffers from a lack of oxygen, he does not have enough air, he may turn blue. This is a very dangerous condition, fraught with pulmonary edema, airway obstruction and suffocation. In this case, the baby needs emergency medical care.

Common complications of chickenpox include bronchitis and laryngitis. Diseases can develop in a mild or complicated form.

With a mild course of the disease, there is a slight separation of sputum, a dry cough gradually becomes more productive, and with proper treatment the child recovers quickly.

If complications arise, cough after chickenpox in children can persist for 2 weeks.

Another serious consequence of chickenpox is pneumonia. With viral pneumonia, the cough is not expressed; a dry cough is combined with a low-grade fever that lasts for a long time.

If the course of the disease is complicated by the addition of a bacterial infection, the cough becomes debilitating, exhausting, shortness of breath occurs, and the separation of purulent sputum streaked with blood begins.

Such changes occur against the backdrop of a sharp rise in temperature. The child's condition worsens, and general symptoms of body intoxication are observed.

In this case, the baby is hospitalized, and further treatment is carried out in a hospital setting.

Basic principles of treatment

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?

Treatment of cough and other nonspecific symptoms of chickenpox involves the use of the following medications:

  • Antihistamines (Tavegil, Claritin, Loratadine). Their action is aimed at blocking the production of histamine, the main mediator of inflammation. This eliminates the painful itching and irritation that triggers the cough reflex. The drug Fenistil has a pronounced antipruritic and antihistamine effect. Fenistil drops can be taken orally, and the gel can be used to lubricate itchy areas. The dosage of the drug for a child is determined by the doctor, taking into account the patient’s age and the severity of the condition.
  • Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen) are used to relieve severe fever. If the body temperature rises slightly (no more than 38°), you should not give a fever pill. Thus, the body itself fights the infection.
  • Antibiotics. Their use is justified only in complicated cases (with the addition of a bacterial infection), since antibacterial therapy does not affect viruses. The attending physician should select the dosage of drugs, the regimen of use and the type of antibiotic.
  • Immunostimulants. Such funds are necessary to strengthen the body's defenses and maintain the functions of the immune system. The child is usually prescribed safe herbal preparations - tincture of ginseng, echinacea, eleutherococcus, as well as multivitamin complexes.

When treating chickenpox, local treatment of the rash is of particular importance. For this purpose, antiseptic agents with an astringent and drying effect are used.

Chickenpox rash can be treated with brilliant green, potassium permanganate solution, Fukortsin, Furacilin, Tsindol, Calamine. A specialist decides which of these remedies will be optimal for your child.

This treatment will help relieve itching, dry out the rashes and prevent infection of the wounds remaining at the site of the opened blisters.

In addition to medications, it is necessary to provide the child with adequate nutrition and plenty of fluids. The baby needs to be given more fluids, this will help remove toxins from the body faster. You can drink green and herbal teas with lemon and jam, warm milk with honey, still mineral water, and berry fruit drinks.

If you have chickenpox, parents should carefully follow hygiene requirements. Treatment of chickenpox blisters should be carried out several times a day. Before the next procedure, the baby’s skin must be wiped with a damp towel. It is not advisable to bathe a child during an acute period, since water procedures can only aggravate the condition and increase the risk of a bacterial infection.

How to treat a cough with chickenpox

How to deal with the cough that accompanies chickenpox? Cough remedies with expectorant and mucolytic effects will help with this.

If the cough is severe, hysterical and dry, the doctor can prescribe strong antitussives (Sinekod, Codelac Broncho) for a short course, which directly affect the part of the brain that is responsible for the cough reflex.

Treatment will help improve the patient’s condition, relieve painful coughing attacks, and ensure restful sleep. Such drugs should be taken with caution and in short courses, as they have many unwanted side effects.

As soon as the cough subsides and sputum begins to clear, mucolytics and expectorants should be used. Popular mucolytics for children are Ambrobene syrups, Ambroxol, Mucaltin tablets.

They thin out thick and viscous mucus and facilitate its evacuation from the respiratory tract. The action of mucolytics is enhanced and complemented by expectorants - Alteyka, Licorice, Pertusin, Doctor Mom, Gerbion syrups, etc.

The range of such drugs is very wide; for children it is better to choose safe syrups and suspensions based on natural herbal ingredients.

Important! Drugs with mucolytic and expectorant effects should not be used simultaneously with antitussives. This can cause accumulation and stagnation of mucus in the lungs and increase the risk of developing purulent complications or pneumonia.

Additional recommendations

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?

During the treatment process, parents must carefully follow all medical recommendations regarding the treatment process and methods of caring for a sick child. This will help avoid complications and speed up recovery. The basic rules are as follows:

  • Ventilate the room more often, do wet cleaning daily;
  • change your underwear several times a day, do not wrap your child up, so as not to provoke increased sweating;
  • if one of the parents smokes, the sick child should not be allowed to breathe tobacco smoke - this can provoke a coughing attack, spasms of the larynx, and the development of suffocation;
  • ensure that the diet is balanced; the child should receive the necessary proteins, fats and vitamins;
  • give your baby fresh fruits, juices, vegetable salads, this will help provide the body with important microelements and vitamins and support it in the fight against the disease;
  • the child should drink a lot of liquid (tea, juices, fruit drinks, compotes, mineral water, rosehip decoction), this will help remove toxic substances released by the causative agent of the disease.

Additionally, you can give your baby vitamin complexes recommended by your doctor. This approach will help to quickly cope with the disease and prevent severe complications affecting the bronchopulmonary system.

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How to properly treat a cough with chickenpox in a child

Many children under 10 years of age suffer from chickenpox. The disease tends to be accompanied by a cough and runny nose. His character can be debilitating, unproductive, and barking.

How to treat a cough with chickenpox depends on its type and the age of the child. The therapy is determined by the doctor after a preliminary examination.

Parents are advised to familiarize themselves with methods of dealing with coughing caused by chickenpox.

Symptoms of the disease

Clinical manifestations of chickenpox cause a lot of discomfort to the child. In addition to the appearance of bubbles on the mucous membrane of the pharynx with transparent exudate, symptoms of viral intoxication, certain signs from the respiratory organs are identified. These include:

  • rhinitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • arthritis;
  • pneumonia;
  • streptococcal fasciitis;
  • pneumonia of a viral or bacterial nature;
  • false croup

An increase in temperature is also noted. Malfunctions in the functioning of the respiratory system lead to coughing due to chickenpox. The above conditions are considered to be complicated by the course of infection. They are usually accompanied by a runny nose and shortness of breath.

Photo No. 1 - severe form of chickenpox, photo No. 2 - chickenpox rash in the mouth

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?1 Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?2

Causes of cough

Cough attacks in a child are often combined with rhinitis; the symptoms are similar to the clinical picture of a cold. Especially if they are accompanied by high temperature. The appearance of cough and runny nose with chickenpox in children is preceded by a number of factors.

Common causes of cough due to chickenpox:

  • drying of the tissues of the respiratory tract due to dehydration of the body;
  • activation of microbial flora in the oral and nasal cavities;
  • toxic effect of viral poisons on cough receptors.

As the disease progresses, the body becomes severely dehydrated, and fluid is distributed in favor of vital organs - the brain and heart. The respiratory tract is not one of these, so blood circulation in it worsens.

Due to hyperthermia, tissue drying is aggravated. Due to changes in the properties of the epithelium and their loosening, the activity of microbes inhabiting the oropharynx increases.

Irritation reaches the edematous phase, causing a barking cough during chickenpox, and rhinitis joins it.

The main irritant of cough receptors is considered to be mucus, which is formed as a result of inflammatory processes that have begun in the upper respiratory organs. The swelling increases and further aggravates the gas exchange disorder. This entails a disruption of metabolism and energy in the body, causing even greater intoxication and dehydration.

Inflammation of the lungs due to chickenpox

Against the background of the development of pneumonia with chickenpox, coughing may also appear. With pneumonia of a viral nature, the cough is dry, unexpressed, accompanied by a low-grade fever. In case of complications, the non-productive cough symptom becomes debilitating, accompanied by shortness of breath and hyperthermia.

Bacterial pneumonia is characterized by the addition of a secondary infection. The cough is dry at first, then becomes wet with purulent mucus. The cough can be severe, leading to vomiting. Typically, lung disease is accompanied by high fever. The general condition is getting worse.

Professor Komarovsky believes that chickenpox poses the greatest danger to infants from six months to 1.5 years. Then their immunity, which they received from their mother, ceases to function, and their own protective functions are still weak. The disease is more severely tolerated than in older children, and there is a high risk of secondary infection.

Pneumonia – School of Dr. Komarovsky


To identify the cause of coughing with chickenpox, a series of tests are prescribed. These include:

  • X-ray examination of the sternum to determine the lesion;
  • A laboratory blood test to determine whether there is a viral or bacterial infection.

Based on the results of examinations and assessment of the baby’s condition, a suitable therapeutic regimen is established.

What should parents do?

When a cough occurs in children with chickenpox, you should call a pediatrician. You cannot prescribe medications and carry out therapeutic measures on your own, and you should not rely on the advice of friends.

The doctor will look at the nature of the rash and listen to the patient’s breathing. Only after examination, the doctor determines the severity of the virus and prescribes therapy.

If the condition is severe, the doctor will suggest hospitalization.


The therapeutic scheme for combating cough with chickenpox and its accompanying symptoms implies an integrated approach:

  1. Taking antiviral drugs. The most effective is Acyclovir.
  2. Antipyretic medications – Paracetamol, Nurofen.
  3. Antihistamines. Among the effective ones are Zodak and Loratadine.
  4. Immunomodulatory drugs - tinctures and decoctions of echinacea, ginseng.
  5. Antibacterial agents – Augmentin, Zinnat, Sumamed.

Acyclovir and Sumamed

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?1 Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?2

The given regimen is prescribed for the treatment of both chickenpox itself and complications arising from it. It is also important to supplement therapy with bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids.

The baby should be given foods rich in beneficial microelements - vitamins, iron, fats, carbohydrates, proteins.

It is better to feed him soups, fruits, vegetables, steamed meat and fish, cereals, and dairy products.

The standard steps for cough treatment are as follows:

  1. Expectorant drugs with resorptive action. They help thin mucus and increase its volume. These include potassium iodide, sodium iodide, sodium bicarbonate.
  2. Mucolytic agents. Among the effective ones are Bromhexine and Ambroxol.
  3. Expectorant medications with a reflex effect. They should be used carefully and only after consulting a doctor.

Potassium iodide and Bromhexine

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?1 Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?2

Unconventional methods are also used: inhalation with a decoction of expectorant herbs. They are done in the absence of hyperthermia.

Do not let your child drink hot or cold drinks. They should be at room temperature. The same goes for food. Too cold or hot food irritates the cough receptors.

To reduce the frequency of coughing, you should control the air temperature - it should be no more than 22 degrees. In a hot room where the patient is, infections multiply. You need to purchase an air humidifier, or put a bowl of water under the radiators. Dry oxygen irritates the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, causing coughing.

How to eliminate a runny nose due to chickenpox in a child:

  1. Irrigation of the nasal passages. To make the liquid, take a 1% solution of water and salt in equal proportions. The procedure relieves itching and swelling of the mucous membranes. Do the treatment once a day before bedtime.
  2. Remove pathological exudate from the nasal passages in a timely manner by blowing your nose. First, blow your nose in one sinus, then the second. Babies do not know how to blow their nose, you need to make sure that the mucus is removed in time and they breathe normally.

For a very young child, you can purchase special devices for pumping out exudate. It is better for adults to use disposable napkins, as pathogenic agents can accumulate in the handkerchiefs.

Mucolytic and expectorant medications should not be used simultaneously with cough suppressants. This can cause accumulation and stagnation of mucus in the lungs, increasing the risk of purulent complications and pneumonia.

Chickenpox – School of Dr. Komarovsky

Consequences and complications

Chickenpox sometimes causes negative consequences. These include:

  • scars that appear after the healing of the vesicles;
  • penetration of infection into wounds;
  • purulent sputum with blood;
  • inflammation of the brain.

A dry cough can cause complications, especially if it is due to pneumonia. In severe cases, pulmonary edema occurs, followed by death.

The inflammatory process in the lungs after chickenpox is not a complication, but the result of a secondary infection. Antibacterial therapy is indicated, but these remedies are not effective against chickenpox itself.


Children usually tolerate chickenpox easily; it rarely causes complications. Doctors advise children under 10 years of age to be vaccinated against viral infections that cause chickenpox.

It is important to vaccinate a child with weakened protective functions, since the disease can cause serious consequences in them. Vaccination is carried out for children from 5 years old, and adolescents from 11 years old. Afterwards, vaccination helps to transfer the disease easily.

To prevent it, hardening procedures are carried out.

These include:

  • eliminating the child’s excessive consumption of sweets, smoked foods, fast food, and flour - a healthy diet is the key to a strong immune system;
  • taking vitamins;
  • going to the pool;
  • summer swimming in the sea.

Doctors advise walking more in the fresh air, 2-4 hours a day. You should not dress your baby too warmly; clothes should be appropriate for the weather. These measures will help strengthen the immune system and cope with infectious diseases.

Causes of cough and its treatment

Cough with chickenpox is not considered a serious complication unless it is pneumonia. Usually coughing appears due to the addition of a secondary infection.

It is necessary to combat the condition immediately after detecting changes in the child’s condition. If you follow medical recommendations, the therapy is successful.

Typically, the treatment course takes 2-3 weeks, depending on the nature of the cough complication and the degree of neglect of the condition.


Why does cough occur with chickenpox and how to treat it

Cough with chickenpox in children and adults is not a specific sign of the disease and occurs against the background of a viral or bacterial infection of the lungs with a weakened immune system or in the presence of irritating factors on the mucous membrane of the throat and trachea. It causes a lot of trouble for patients and requires mandatory treatment so as not to provoke possible bronchopulmonary complications.

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?Chickenpox cough occurs against the background of a viral or bacterial infection of the lungs with a weakened immune system.

Symptoms and causes of cough with chickenpox

To the characteristic symptoms of chickenpox caused by the herpes zoster virus (high body temperature, rashes on the body), nonspecific manifestations of the disease are often added: runny nose, dry, severe cough, breathing problems.

In mild cases of the disease, cough can be triggered by irritating factors such as the presence of herpetic eruptions in the mouth, on the mucous membrane of the pharynx and trachea.

Irritation of the nerve receptors in the respiratory tract occurs, causing a dry, barking cough. During the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract, increased production of mucus occurs, which the body seeks to get rid of.

With the disappearance of herpetic blisters in the respiratory tract, negative symptoms also disappear.

Chickenpox caused by a viral infection, in severe cases, can be aggravated by the addition of pneumonia, which is of a viral or bacterial nature.

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With bacterial pneumonia, the cough becomes wet, and in some cases there is the release of purulent sputum with blood.

Treatment of cough with chickenpox

The cough that occurs with chickenpox should be treated along with treatment for the disease that is its cause. Various antipyretic, antiviral and antihistamine drugs are used to eliminate the symptoms of chickenpox. For bacterial lung disease, antibiotics are used.

Drinking plenty of fluids, using inhalants, expectorants and mucolytics, and periodically ventilating the room where the patient is located helps relieve cough symptoms. The necessary medications are prescribed by the attending physician after diagnostic studies.

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?For bacterial lung disease, antibiotics are used.


Diagnosis of chickenpox is not difficult due to the presence of characteristic symptoms of the disease and is carried out at home with a visual medical examination. In case of a complicated course of the disease, additional studies may be required: urine and blood tests, x-rays of the lungs to determine the lesions.

What else to read What to do if your throat hurts with chickenpox?


Drug treatment of chickenpox includes taking antiviral (Acyclovir) and antipyretic drugs (Paracetamol, Nurofen, Ibuprofen), various immunomodulatory drugs (tinctures of ginseng, echinacea, eleutherococcus), and the use of antiseptics to treat the rash.

Coughing during chickenpox can be relieved by antihistamines, which relieve redness, itching and swelling of the rash.

By reducing the production of histamine in cells, which is the main mediator of the inflammatory process, mucus production in the upper respiratory tract is reduced and breathing becomes easier.

Drugs such as Claritin, Loratadine, Fenistil drops are used (suitable even for babies from 1 month). Fenistil gel can be used to lubricate rashes on the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx.

Expectorants and mucolytics that help reduce cough (Bromhexine, Ambroxol) stimulate mucus production and suppress the cough reflex.

Medicinal inhalations with herbal decoctions and essential oils, which increase mucus discharge and make breathing easier, have a good effect. They should be used only in the absence of purulent sputum, high fever and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In the event of a bacterial infection, antimicrobial drugs are additionally prescribed, which should only be recommended by the attending physician. Before determining the type of infectious pathogen, broad-spectrum antibiotics (Amoxiclav, Flemoxin Solutab, etc.) can be prescribed.

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?Amoxiclav is a broad-spectrum antibiotic.


The best protection against chickenpox in childhood is timely vaccination, which is carried out from 1 year to 11 years. Introducing a weakened strain of the virus into the body causes the immune system to produce antibodies that help fight the infectious pathogen throughout life.

Additional measures to prevent chickenpox and other viral diseases are the rules of a healthy lifestyle: physical activity, spending time in the fresh air, a balanced diet, taking vitamins and drugs that strengthen the immune system.

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?One of the additional measures to prevent chickenpox is physical activity.

How to treat chickenpox in the mouth?
Read here. Chickenpox vaccination


Against the background of an infectious infection that provokes chickenpox, various complications associated with damage to cells of the bronchopulmonary system may occur. Chickenpox cough often occurs in children in families where there are smokers. There the child is forced to inhale tobacco smoke, which irritates the mucous membrane of the throat and bronchi.

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The inflammatory process can also trigger chickenpox pneumonia caused by a viral infection.

If shortness of breath, cough and painful sensations when breathing appear, it is necessary to report these symptoms to the doctor, who will prescribe an x-ray examination to determine the extent of the lesion.

With minor inflammation and adequate treatment, symptoms decrease within two weeks and completely disappear after a month.

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?Chickenpox cough often occurs in children in families where there are smokers.

Chicken pneumonia

With a strong decrease in immunity, a bacterial infection can join a viral infection, causing an acute inflammatory process in the tissues of the lungs. The symptoms in this case are much more severe: there is a sharp increase in body temperature, severe shortness of breath, cyanosis, cough with the discharge of purulent sputum with traces of blood.

This disease requires immediate hospitalization of the patient and is most dangerous for women during pregnancy and the elderly, because

Within 1-2 days, pulmonary edema may develop, which can be fatal.

When the first symptoms of this dangerous disease appear, you should contact a medical institution for diagnosis and prescription of the necessary antibacterial drugs.


Why does cough occur with chickenpox?

In addition to the usual signs of chickenpox in children and adults (rashes on the body and face, high fever), symptoms such as cough and runny nose may also appear.

Cough with chickenpox often occurs as a result of weakened immunity and the addition of a bacterial infection to a viral infection.

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?

Cough with chickenpox often occurs as a result of weakened immunity and the addition of a bacterial infection to a viral infection.

Symptoms and causes of cough with chickenpox

With a mild course of the disease, the symptoms of chickenpox in children and adults will be only rashes and minor itching, causing virtually no discomfort.

A dry cough may appear due to the body's attempt to get rid of the herpes virus.

This may also be due to the presence of chickenpox blisters in the mouth, on the mucous membrane of the pharynx and trachea, which causes irritation of the throat and cough.

In case of weakened immunity, the infection penetrates the lungs and provokes a more severe form of the disease - chicken pneumonia, accompanied by cough.

In the future, the pathology may be complicated by the addition of a bacterial infection.

Manifestations of a complicated course of the disease:

  • difficulty breathing and shortness of breath;
  • dry, severe cough, turning into wet when a bacterial infection is attached;
  • possible pulmonary edema;
  • purulent sputum with blood.

The reason for the occurrence of such symptoms lies in the bacterial nature of the disease, which occurs as a result of a decrease in the protective properties of the body and damage to the cells of the respiratory system by pathogenic microorganisms.

Treatment of cough with chickenpox

Cough treatment is carried out simultaneously with chickenpox therapy. It is necessary to follow all recommendations of the attending physician. The patient undergoes the necessary tests and undergoes an examination to determine the cause of pneumonia.


In case of severe illness, the patient may be placed in a hospital while the necessary examinations and clarifying tests are carried out.

An X-ray examination of the chest is performed to determine the lesion and a laboratory blood test to identify the viral or bacterial nature of the disease. Based on the examination results, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?

In case of severe illness, the patient may be placed in a hospital while the necessary examinations and clarifying tests are carried out.


Cough during chickenpox can be relieved with the help of antihistamines, antipyretics, and antibacterial agents. Antihistamines help relieve itching by reducing the production of histamine, which causes inflammation. Medicines reduce mucus production in the upper respiratory tract and help reduce coughing.

Fenistil drops have a good effect, the oral administration of which is allowed for children from 1 month. You can use Fenistil gel to apply to rashes to reduce itching.

It is also recommended to use inhalation products (herbal infusions, essential oils) to facilitate breathing and expectoration. It should be remembered that inhalations can be carried out only in the absence of high body temperature, heart problems and purulent discharge. The final recommendations for the use of such procedures are given by the attending physician.

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?

Inhalations for chickenpox make breathing easier and promote the removal of sputum.

If complications associated with a bacterial infection occur, treatment is with antibiotics.


Most children experience chickenpox in a mild form and without complications. Doctors recommend vaccination against the viral infection that causes chickenpox for all children under 10 years of age.

It is important to vaccinate children with weakened immune systems because... In them, this disease can provoke severe forms of complications. Vaccinations are given to young children from the age of 5, and then in adolescence from the age of 11. In the future, vaccination helps to transfer chickenpox or shingles in a milder form.

To prevent the disease, you should carry out hardening procedures (swimming pool, summer swimming), walk more in the fresh air and eat food containing all the necessary vitamins. This will help strengthen the immune system and cope with infectious diseases, avoiding complications.

Can a child have a cough with chickenpox and how to treat it?

To prevent the development of chickenpox, you should walk more in the fresh air.


If you have chickenpox, it is important to start treatment in a timely manner, which is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Often the cause of complications is the lack of timely diagnosis of the disease and improper treatment, which provokes the penetration of infection into the internal organs.

Chickenpox cough, which appears as a result of a viral infection, is a symptom of a lung disease - chickenpox pneumonia.

Chicken pneumonia

The development of pneumonia against the background of chickenpox occurs when the virus enters the bronchi and lung tissue. Children are less susceptible to this disease, and in adults the incidence rate is 16% of the total number of cases of chickenpox with a high mortality rate.

The risk of getting sick is greatest among smokers, people with weakened immune systems and lung diseases, and women in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

The clinical picture of chickenpox a few days after the onset of the disease is supplemented by specific symptoms of pulmonary inflammation: shortness of breath, cyanosis, hemoptysis and pulmonary edema. The likelihood of death is high in the first 2 days of the disease, especially in people with immunodeficiency and pregnant women.

Based on an X-ray examination, blood and sputum analysis, a conclusion is made about the viral or bacterial nature of the disease and treatment is prescribed.

Therapy is carried out with antihistamines, antivirals and antipyretics, and in the case of a bacterial infection - with antibiotics.

Bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, and taking vitamin and mucolytic medications are indicated.


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