
Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growths

Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growthsWarts formed in the intimate areas (the second name of which is condylomas) are also caused by the papilloma virus, but their appearance, disease process and symptoms differ significantly from their usual relatives, located, for example, on the hands (read about the treatment of warts on the fingers here). In appearance, condylomas resemble dense processes with pointed ends that form on the surface of the genitals above their mucous membrane. The color of the growths is identical to the color of their surrounding environment, namely the mucous membrane.

Causes of warts in intimate places

What can cause warts on intimate places? They can appear after a person is infected with the papilloma virus, and this happens for the following reasons:

  • improper conduct of sexual life (indiscriminate change of partners, neglect of protective measures and early sexual life)
  • the disease is predisposed to infections transmitted during sexual intercourse (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, herpes and thrush)
  • the carrier of the infection may be a woman who has a disease such as cervical cancer; microflora disturbance in intimate places
  • reduced immunity, vitamin deficiency and increased stress
  • pregnancy
  • neglect of simple hygiene rules (using shared towels, washcloths, etc.)
  • the virus thrives and multiplies when underwear is wet for a long time
  • oral sex
  • Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growthsThe infection can occur in large quantities in places such as a bathhouse .
  • When a naked person sits on a shelf, the virus easily enters the body.
  • To avoid such situations, it is recommended to have personal rugs or bedding with you.

Symptoms of anogenital warts

Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growths

Warts that affect the genitals look like a growth on a thin stalk. When they grow strongly due to crowding, they resemble cockscombs or cauliflower. Rarely observed as a single manifestation. The top of the growth becomes covered with plaque and becomes wet, and during the inflammatory process, manifestations of purulent masses and an unpleasant odor are possible. They are easily damaged, after which erosions of a bright pink color with bleeding areas appear.

Features of warts on intimate places in women

Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growths

Vaginal condylomas become inflamed and bleed more than other condylomas, and also tend to disintegrate, after which they begin to grow more intensively. Another negative property of such neoplasms is their ability to degenerate into malignant tumors.

Rectal and anal growths are dangerous due to the easy penetration of various infections through their microcracks, resulting in the formation of various purulent foci. As a result, blood poisoning occurs.

Features of warts on intimate places in men

Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growths

All types of warts on intimate places are very contagious for the patient himself. The virus can spread throughout the body, causing new growths on the mucous membranes and skin.

How to treat such warts?

Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growths

How to remove warts on intimate parts using modern methods:

  • at the inflammatory stage, laser therapy can be used
  • the growth is eliminated using liquid nitrogen - cryotherapy
  • Using electric current, warts that are located in prominent places are removed - electrotherapy
  • radio wave removal allows healthy tissue not to be affected
  • The most reliable method is surgical removal

All methods are effective, but a good result must be supplemented with immunomodulating drugs such as Cycloferon, Neovir or Pyrogenal. During treatment and the period of healing of damaged areas, sexual intercourse is stopped.

It is not recommended to remove warts on the genitals of women and men with medications due to the characteristics of intimate places, but still, if the attending physician allows this to be done due to any circumstances, then the following remedies can be used:

Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growthsTrichloroacetic acid (80% solution) has a necrotic effect on condyloma. The composition is applied to the damaged areas using a special applicator. Since the medicine can cause a strong burning sensation, the procedure should be performed very carefully. After taking this solution, ulcers and scars may remain. The procedure is repeated depending on the foci of infection.

Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growths“Solcoderm” (ointment or cream) affects warts due to a combination of lactic, acetic, nitric and oxalic acid, as well as copper nitrate. The product is applied using a glass spatula to the papilloma itself, trying to avoid healthy tissue as much as possible. If the wart is not completely removed, the procedure is repeated.

Treatment with folk remedies

Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growths

  • Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growthsThe most common way to get rid of warts on intimate parts is the use of celandine juice. The wart itself is treated with fresh juice, but you need to be very careful, since in large portions the plant is considered poisonous. If it is not possible to constantly extract fresh juice from the plant, it can be replaced with a product such as “Superclean”, which is sold in pharmacies.
  • Fresh potato juice or fir oil is a very effective way to remove warts on the genitals. To do this, juice or oil is dripped onto the wart twice a day, for a month.
  • If the site of infection allows you to make compresses, you can use Kalanchoe leaves. For a compress, make a paste from the leaves of the plant, apply it and leave it on the infected area for 6 hours.
  • A good way to get rid of warts is propolis tincture, which is used for two weeks, lubricating the papillomas 3 times a day.

Read more about home treatment here.

Since the virus progresses most in people with reduced immunity, you should not avoid proper nutrition, which excludes fatty foods in favor of vitamins.

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Warts on the pubis - what are they, in men, photos, appeared, small, flat, how to get rid of them

  • Warts on the pubic area, called intimate warts, are as common as on the hands and fingers.
  • According to statistics, half of the world's inhabitants suffer from these obsessive growths, which are rarely isolated.
  • This indicates a high prevalence of the disease.
  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS !
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but to make an appointment with a specialist !
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

In most cases, there are many warts in intimate places; they often grow to other areas of the genital organs and look extremely unpleasant.

What is this

  1. Warts on the pubis have a dense structure, pinkish color, they are small (their size is no more than 2 cm), painless, and can become inflamed.
  2. These are external manifestations of the papilloma virus, which is the only culprit of all types of warts and papillomas.

  3. Any person who may be completely unaware of it can be a carrier of the pathogen.

  4. Papillomavirus is a conditionally pathogenic organism, that is, it becomes harmful only when favorable conditions are created for its life activity (exacerbation of diseases, hormonal imbalance, weakness of the immune system, nervous strain).


Types and localization

Warts on the pubic part are genital warts, one of the types of benign neoplasms.

Some of them are caused by an oncogenic strain of the virus and can therefore cause cancer.

In addition to condylomas, there are the following types of warts:

  • ordinary , growing on the surface of the arms, legs, around the lips;
  • plantar , appearing on the feet;
  • seborrheic – brown perennial growths (keratomas) in older people on the back, neck, face and arms;
  • juvenile – flat neoplasms on the face, elbows, found more often in adolescents and children;
  • filamentous warts have an elongated shape and stalk, growing on the face, neck, armpits and mammary glands;
  • periungual growths appear on the cuticle, under and near the nail plate, similar to a callus, with a rough and rough surface.

Condylomas can grow not only on the pubis, but also affect surrounding tissues and organs.

 In men, growths appear:

  • in the anus and perineum;
  • around the head and on the surface of the penis;
  • in the area of ​​the urethra and on its inner walls.

The most common condylomas in women are:

  • in anticipation of the anus;
  • on the skin of the labia majora and minora;
  • in the vagina;
  • on the cervix;
  • in the urethra.

Genital neoplasms often affect the mucous surface of the throat, tongue, inner cheeks and lips.

Reasons for appearance

Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growths

infection through sexual contact

  • The virus can easily be contracted through close contact with a sick person.
  • Warts on the genitals indicate sexual transmission of infection.
  • There is also a high probability of transmission of the virus during oral-genital intercourse and through kissing.

The virus becomes active:

  • during pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • after childbirth;
  • in case of non-compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • during the period of imbalance of the microflora of the genital organs;
  • with vitamin deficiency;
  • after long-term use of contraceptives;
  • stress.

There is a high probability of contracting the disease with frequent changes of sexual partners, promiscuity, or early onset of sexual activity.

Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growths

condylomas in the anal area

Warts in the anal area often appear in gay men.

  • If a person has warts on intimate places, then the probability of transmitting the virus to his sexual partner is 100%.
  • There is a risk of self-infection, for example, after shaving and breaking the integrity of the skin.

The virus remains viable in the air for some time, so you can become infected through bed linen, towels and other household items.

Video: “Oncogenic HPV”


If at first the neoplasms do not cause significant inconvenience to their owner, then as they spread, they become injured during friction with the underwear.

  • There is pain, a burning sensation, itching, warts bleed, can become inflamed and emit an unpleasant odor.
  • In turn, injuries and the blood released from them contribute to the spread of the virus to healthy skin.

These growths are oblong in shape, hanging, merging with each other, forming a tumor similar to cauliflower.

Most often, condylomas appear in women and men aged 20 to 30 years.

Symptoms of warts on the pubic area

At the initial stage, the appearance of warts is difficult to notice.

Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growths

neoplasms in the pubic area

A person should be alert to the following symptoms:

  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • one or more whitish, pinkish, gray spots on the pubis;
  • pigmentation unusual for the skin;
  • thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis;
  • if there is bleeding;
  • cracks.


Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growths

colposcopy method

Specialists - dermatovenerologist, gynecologist, urologist and proctologist - can diagnose and advise how to treat warts.

  • New growths must be examined and blood taken for analysis to find out whether warts could be a manifestation of a sexually transmitted disease. For example, to exclude the presence of syphilis, in which condylomas are a common occurrence.
  • In some cases, consultation with an oncologist, biopsy of wart tissue, and colposcopy are required.
  • The presence of viral DNA is determined using the polymer chain reaction method (PCR test).
  • After excision of the wart, its tissue is examined for histology, which makes it possible to detect cancer in 100% of cases.


The simplest and most effective way to get rid of warts is removal.

Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growths

laser treatment

Modern removal methods are:

  • excision with a scalpel is a reliable but traumatic method used for large affected areas; relapses occur in half of the patients;
  • laser therapy - evaporation of the wart layer by layer with a heat beam, allowing the growth to be completely removed in 90% of cases;
  • electrocoagulation – exposure of growth tissue to electric current, causing necrosis, is effective in 80–90% of cases;
  • cryotherapy – freezing the wart with liquid nitrogen, the probability of relapse is 10–15%, and the effectiveness of the method is about 70%;
  • cutting with a radio wave knife is the least traumatic method.

If the growth is single and small in size, then it is treated with a special antiviral ointment or spray (for example, Panavir), however, such treatment does not always help.

Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growths

a drug with an antiviral effect and to strengthen the immune system

Treatment of warts on the pubic area should be comprehensive.

  • Therefore, the doctor prescribes drugs that have a detrimental effect on the virus, strengthen the immune system (“Viferon”, “Cycloferon”, “Neovir”), and vitamins.
  • Immunotherapy is contraindicated during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, with bronchial asthma, in the presence of implants, vaginal infections, fungus, during flu and fever.
  • Nutritionists advise excluding fatty foods and smoked foods from the diet. Instead, eat more greens, fruits and vegetables, rich in beneficial microelements.

Traditional methods

Some plants contain natural ingredients that can burn off warts.

  • Of the folk remedies, the most effective is the use of freshly picked celandine juice or its pharmacy analogue - extract.
  • Before removing warts, you should definitely consult a doctor to avoid overdose and side effects.
  • The juice of raw potatoes, which is dripped onto the warts 2 times a day for a month, will help get rid of warts.
  • Fir, rose and castor oil have a similar effect and method of application.

Garlic is good for removing pubic warts.

Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growths

using garlic pulp

  • To prepare a medicinal ointment, you will need any fatty cream and gruel of grated garlic in equal proportions.
  • The product is applied to the condylomas, fixed with a bandage or plaster, left for 3 hours, after which it is thoroughly washed off with warm water.

It should be remembered that violation of the integrity of the wart can lead to its modification and degeneration into a malignant form.

Warts can also multiply, so self-medication is risky.


In some cases, warts may go away on their own without treatment, but you shouldn't really hope for it.

Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growths

degeneration into cervical cancer

Condylomas in intimate places are a dangerous manifestation of the virus; according to statistics, they are the harbingers of cancer much more often than other types.

After removal of condylomas, provided you follow the doctor’s recommendations and take prescribed medications, the prognosis for recovery is favorable.

The risk of relapse always exists, however, if you follow preventive measures, lead an active lifestyle and strengthen the body, then warts are unlikely to cause trouble again.

In place of warts, scars, white spots, pigmentation and scars often remain.

Questions and answers

Answers to the most important questions will help you understand the danger of pubic warts, and also seek help from a doctor in time.

What is the danger

The main danger is the degeneration of condyloma into a cancerous tumor.

It is very unpleasant when multiple growths, merging with each other, form a rough crust on the surface of the genitals, which constantly rubs against the underwear, is damaged and bleeds, which becomes the cause of infections.

When to see a doctor

Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growths

If there are any changes in the tumor, you should definitely see a doctor

Any changes to the wart require immediate consultation with a doctor:

  • redness, purulent discharge and inflammation;
  • bleeding;
  • ineffectiveness of self-medication;
  • pain;
  • many warts that continue to multiply;
  • with diabetes or a weak immune system;
  • change in the shape, color and size of the wart.


Prevention of infection with the virus consists of the following actions:

  • it is necessary to observe basic hygiene rules, use individual towels, toothbrushes and other items of daily use;
  • try not to touch warts on other people’s skin (for example, while shaking hands);
  • carefully choose sexual partners, use condoms;
  • even after touching your own wart, you must wash your hands with soap;
  • treat shaving cuts, scratches and any other wounds on the skin with an antiseptic.

Preventing a disease is always easier than treating it.

Therefore, you should not neglect preventive advice that will help maintain your health, beautiful appearance, and sometimes even life.

Video: “Papapilloma - symptoms, treatment, prevention”


Pubic warts and other types of female papillomas

Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growths

Women may develop warts caused by the sexually transmitted papilloma virus .

The virus worsens against the background of deterioration of the immune system , during pregnancy, stress, hypothermia and under the influence of other infections.

How is the virus transmitted?

  • Warts can be transmitted sexually , through tactile touch or household objects.Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growths
  • The papilloma virus lives on the surface of wet objects for quite a long time.
  • This could be someone else's wet towels, floors in public showers, saunas and swimming pools, toothbrushes and other personal hygiene products.

To avoid becoming infected with the papilloma virus, you must refrain from tactile contact with people who have warts. Read more about the causes of warts here.

You should also be careful when visiting public places and always use only personal hygiene products, underwear and towels.

It is necessary to lead a correct lifestyle and maintain the immune system so that the papilloma virus does not worsen and manifest itself in the form of skin growths.

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There are several types of skin growths:

  • Common warts are lumps on the skin that have a dark tint. They may form dark, raised constellations on the patient's skin;
  • Chicken growths that form on the feet and soles. They can appear in places where the skin rubs against uncomfortable and tight shoes. They have a grayish color, are dense to the touch, and cause discomfort when walking;
  • Flat skin growths, most often on the forehead. Most often, such warts appear in children and young people;
  • Genital condylomas , which form on the mucous membranes, armpits and intimate places.

Women, like men, can also have senile or filiform warts.

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On the body

Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growths

Women who have regular sexual contact with carriers of the virus and pregnant women experiencing stress .

On the chest

The HPV virus can provoke the appearance of papillomas on a woman’s chest. Often a wart appears on the nipple . The reason may be:

  • Mechanical damage to the mammary gland, especially during feeding;
  • Microscopic cracks on the surface of the nipples;
  • Failure to comply with hygiene requirements;
  • Uncomfortable, synthetic bra.

The formation of a wart on the nipple is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the chest area: burning, tingling. The sensitivity of the nipple becomes worse, and whitish or milky discharge may appear from the ducts of the mammary gland.

Based on the results of the examination, the mammologist or oncologist makes a diagnosis: intrastream papilloma. The disease may occur without symptoms at the initial stage, but later its manifestations worsen and become painful.

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On the pubic area

Viral warts often affect a woman’s intimate area. Factors contributing to their occurrence include:

  • Unprotected sexual intercourse, as a result of which the papilloma virus came into contact with the mucous membranes of the skin;
  • Reduced immunity and disturbed microflora of the genitals;
  • Other viral diseases: chlamydia, gonorrhea, thrush, herpes;
  • Poor hygiene;
  • Pregnancy, lactation and stress.

Intimate skin growths can be removed using a laser, liquid nitrogen or radio waves, or removed at home.

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Treatment of skin growths in the clinic in the chest and nipple area comes in several types:Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growths

  • Removal of skin epithelium using laser . The laser does not cause bleeding or inflammation, and does not leave scars or scars. It is used to remove simple types of papillomas;
  • Therapy is carried out using liquid nitrogen and exposing the formation to low temperature. Sometimes there are negative consequences after cryotherapy;
  • Exposure of skin growths to current and high temperature - radio waves ;
  • Surgical removal of excess epithelium.

The most effective ways to remove warts are laser and cryodestructive methods. But which is better to choose? The pros and cons of each method are described in detail here.

Some doctors advise treating warts with pharmaceutical products:

Among the traditional methods for treating pubic warts, the following are suitable:

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The female body has a weaker immune system than the male one, so the papilloma virus often causes the formation of skin papillomas and condylomas in the intimate areas of a woman. Pharmacy and folk remedies, laser or cryogenic therapy are offered as treatment.

  1. To remove warts, it is strongly recommended to take care of your own health, limit unprotected sex, maintain hygiene, avoid using public places, watch your diet, exercise and eat a balanced diet.
  2. Watch the video: genital warts on the genitals.
  3. For more information on the topic “Warts” see our section.


Warts in intimate places: causes and treatment

Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growths

Warts in intimate places: causes

The culprit behind the appearance of warts is the human papillomavirus. Penetrating into the blood through the skin or mucous membranes, it is able to “hide” for a long time, without outwardly appearing in the carrier. The virus “wakes up” when the immune system is weakened and makes itself known by the appearance of warts in a variety of places - on the face, neck, chest, arms, legs, armpits, intimate parts of the body, mouth and throat.

Ways of infection with genital warts

  1. Sexual – with unprotected sex, including anal and oral.

    The probability of infection is almost 100% and even a condom does not always provide the necessary protection, since it does not cover all genital warts

  2. Contact-household - in direct contact with the affected area of ​​the body or using shared towels, washcloths, sitting on uncovered benches in the shower, a bath after an infected person - the virus survives well on surfaces, especially wet ones
  3. From infected mother to baby in labor
  4. Self-infection - “migration” of the virus from affected areas to healthy areas

Risk factors for the appearance of warts on the genitals

Genital warts are highly contagious, affecting men and women equally.

Frequent and random changes of sexual partners, neglect of personal hygiene rules and factors that reduce immune defense increase the likelihood of infection:

    1. Chronic diseases and their exacerbations
    2. Sexual infections
    3. Allergies
    4. Vitamin deficiencies
    5. Stress
    6. Hormonal imbalances during pregnancy or oral contraception
    7. Treatment with antibiotics, intestinal and vaginal dysbiosis
    8. Skin damage
    9. Chemotherapy.

Types and locations of damage

Pubic warts most often belong to one of the types caused by papillomavirus:

  1. Condylomas acuminata
  2. Flat papillomas.

Usually these are benign tumors, their size is from 1 mm to 2 cm, and the color is similar to the color of the mucous membranes.

Condylomas are dense, pointed formations. They often form groups resembling cauliflower or cockscomb, but can also be found alone. Genital warts are usually found in young people - under 30 years of age.

Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growths

  • Warts on the genital organs of women are located on the labia minora and majora, the clitoris, in the vestibule of the vagina and on its walls, and the cervix may be affected.
  • Condylomas are also observed around the anus, in the urethra, and the mouth of the urethra - regardless of gender.
  • Genital warts are usually painless, but flat papillomas, which look like small bumps, can cause itching and pain.


The appearance of warts on the genitals is usually not accompanied by any special symptoms. They can be detected by examining the genital organs - on the labia, penis, if the growths arise in the external part, and not in the vagina, for example.

Redness, pain, bleeding, itching, unpleasant odor, and abnormal discharge appear due to injury to intimate areas - during sexual intercourse or wearing tight underwear - and the addition of a secondary infection. Against the background of such complications, women may develop cancer of the vagina or cervix.


For timely detection of intimate warts, women need to visit a gynecologist twice a year. For diagnosis, the doctor examines the woman on a gynecological chair using a speculum and takes a cervical smear to determine under a microscope the presence of atypical cells in the wash.

Men with possible infection should consult a urologist or dermatovenerologist.

To exclude the malignant nature of condylomas and according to indications, anoscopy, urethroscopy, colposcopy, histological and cytological studies, acetic acid test and biopsy are used.

Treatment of warts on intimate places

Warts on intimate parts of the body can disappear on their own over time, but sometimes they become inflamed and cause significant discomfort, and in advanced cases they develop into cancerous pathology.

You cannot remove tumors on your own, without examination and examination by a doctor! They can be malignant, in which case the disease is treated by an oncologist.

An effective method of treating or removing condylomas should be chosen by a specialist, depending on the location, number of growths, and the presence of inflammation.


Genital warts are removed:

  1. Laser
  2. Radiosurgical knife - using the Surgitron device
  3. Cryotherapy - freezing single tumors with liquid nitrogen
  4. Electrocoagulation - cauterization with high-frequency current
  5. Treatment with acids - pointwise, in small areas: with Solcoderm or trichloroacetic acid
  6. Surgical excision under local anesthesia. Rarely used to prevent the growth of large tumors.

Inguinal warts in men are removed with a laser, condylomas in the anus with liquid nitrogen, and pubic warts with radio waves.

Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growthsDrug therapy

After removal of genital warts, antiseptic and antiviral agents and immunomodulators are prescribed.

During pregnancy, only laser or cryotherapy is used; medications are contraindicated.

We treat warts in intimate places at home

You can independently remove intimate warts in accessible places - on the penis, pubis - by:

  1. With the drug Condilin
  2. Celandine - juice or Super celandine. The product is poisonous, it may leave scars, it is used on the labia without pain, but on the mucous membranes it is very sensitive
  3. Potato juice
  4. Fir oil
  5. Aloe juice
  6. Garlic ointment
  7. Propolis tincture
  8. Castor oil.

You cannot bandage or cut off condylomas - this is fraught with inflammation, spread of infection to other places, or tissue necrosis.

Prevention of warts on the labia

Significantly reduce the likelihood of genital warts and the development of their complications:

    1. Using high-quality condoms for any intimate contact
    2. Avoiding casual sex
    3. Vaccination of girls against highly oncogenic strains of the papilloma virus with the Gardasil vaccine
    4. Strengthening the immune system, hardening
    5. Good nutrition, vitamin therapy
    6. Compliance with the rules of hygiene of intimate parts of the body
    7. Use of personal accessories when visiting a swimming pool, sauna, bathhouse.

Intimate warts are not so much an aesthetic drawback as a threat of degeneration into cancerous tumors, as well as infection of sexual partners, household members, and the child by the mother during childbirth. If condylomas are detected or suspected, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible. Self-medication is allowed only for a small number of warts, after confirming their benignity.


Warts on the pubic area in women photo

  • 01 August
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Contents: [hide]

  • General characteristics
  • Where did the virus come from?
  • Signs of defeat
  • Treatment
    • Surgical methods of treatment
    • Conclusion
  • Warts on the pubis in men and women: where does the attack come from?
    • Appearance of neoplasms
    • Reasons for appearance
    • Symptoms and diagnosis
  • Types of genital formations
  • What diseases can growths indicate?
  • Are pubic growths dangerous?
    • For men
    • For women
    • During pregnancy
  • In what cases should you seek medical help?
  • Should they be removed?
  • What is this
  • Types and localization
  • Reasons for appearance
  • Video: “Oncogenic HPV”
  • Peculiarities
  • Symptoms of warts on the pubic area
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Traditional methods
  • Forecast
  • Questions and answers
    • What is the danger
    • When to see a doctor
  • Prevention
  • Video: “Papapilloma - symptoms, treatment, prevention”

Papillomas on the pubis in men and women indicate penetration into the body, medically known as papillomavirus. More often, neoplasms are benign. Without treatment, papillomas in the pubic area can develop into malignant tumors.

Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growths

General characteristics

Pubic warts resemble ordinary moles. But, if you pay attention to the color and shape of the formations, the differences are noticeable. Papillomas blend in color with the skin and have a convex shape. At the location of the growths, itching is felt, they are easily injured, pain and bleeding appear.

It is easy to injure a tumor. This happens as a result of wearing tight underwear, after shaving the pubic area, or carelessly washing the body. Inside the wart there is a liquid that is released when injured; it begins to bleed and hurt. When liquid leaks out, an unpleasant odor is felt.

Pubic condylomas in men and women do not look aesthetically pleasing. Patients with this pathology feel uncomfortable during sexual intercourse, and as a result, complexes develop. Doctors recommend removal of papillomas in the intimate area, since they have a tendency to malignant degeneration.

! The danger of papillomavirus in the intimate area lies in the long incubation period. From the moment the virus enters the body until its active action, it can take either a month or several years. A virus of an oncogenic strain that enters the body can lead to oncology in 5-30 years.


What to do and how to deal with warts on the pubis?

Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growthsWarts on the pubis are as common as cancer on the face and fingers. Some patients do not even pay attention to the appearance of dense growths in the intimate area. What makes them see a doctor is pain and increased discomfort in the groin. And then - this happens after a long search for recommendations on the Internet on the treatment of warts with folk remedies. Dermatologists do not recommend risking your health so much and ignoring the seriousness of tumors on the body. Why? Because the cause of warts is the human papillomavirus (HPV), which, if left untreated, can cause cell malignancy. That is, an ordinary wart risks bringing your meeting with an oncologist closer.

About the disease

According to statistics, warts on the pubic area occur in every fifth person in the world. There can be so many of them that they completely cover all the genitals.

It looks unaesthetic, causes a lot of discomfort to a person and, worst of all, leads to such a terrible diagnosis as cancer. In appearance, the formations on the pubis are flat, pinkish-yellow, small in size (up to 2 mm), painless to the touch.

With mechanical damage (for example, after shaving), the warts become inflamed and then grow even more.

Warts appear on the body due to damage to the body by papillomavirus.

What is this? Human papillomavirus is a viral infection that penetrates epithelial cells and, under other provoking factors (for example, reduced immunity), provokes the formation of warts.

Virus activation can be triggered by: hormonal imbalance in the body, chronic diseases, physical and mental exhaustion, depression and constant nervous tension. The virus often progresses during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as through indiscriminate sexual contact.

In women, papillomas most often occur in the armpits, mammary glands, labia and vagina. In men, warts can be found on the penis and in the anus.


Pubic warts can occur:

  • After sexual intercourse with a new partner;
  • After kissing or oral sex;
  • In women during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding;
  • When using other people's hygiene items;
  • Against the background of hormonal disorders (often as a result of long-term use of oral contraceptive pills by a woman);
  • Due to neurological symptoms (after prolonged stress, nervous behavior, fears and depression);
  • In men and women at the beginning of sexual activity;
  • In persons of unconventional orientation.

Important! If you find flat warts on your body, then in 100% of cases your sexual partner will also have them. Warn him about this and start joint treatment.


It is difficult to notice a newly formed wart on the body. But, there are a number of signs that should alert a person and force him to see a doctor. Let's list these symptoms:

  • The appearance of pinkish-white spots on the pubis, near the anus and on the outer labia;
  • Skin pigmentation;
  • Thickening of the epithelium by several millimeters;
  • The appearance of bloody discharge from a small skin growth;
  • Cracks in the skin.

At the first stages, the neoplasm in the groin area does not cause any discomfort. When wearing daily underwear and hygiene products (pads for women), mechanical friction occurs between the wart and the fabric.

The papilloma is damaged, the person feels itching, pain, burning in the area of ​​the growth. The wart begins to bleed, fester and emit a foul odor.

Since blood emerges from the neoplasm during injury, the risk of infection of the healthy surface of the skin increases.

Pay attention to the photo - this shows the initial stage of a tumor on the pubis (insert photo)

HPV and cervical cancer

Why does the human papillomavirus provoke the occurrence of cervical cancer in women? Because HPV has the ability to completely penetrate the epithelium of the cell. As a result, warts or papillomas arise (the name comes from the definition of the virus that causes them). Then time passes - several months and even years.

A person ignores a tumor on the body and does not go to the doctor to diagnose and begin treatment. HPV in a cell combines with its DNA (genetic material) and provokes the formation of cervical dysplasia. Gynecologists consider this stage to be precancerous. Each cell into which the virus has penetrated begins to secrete a malignant protein called E6.

Gradually, the so-called reprogramming of the affected cell occurs. And here there are two possible options for the development of the disease. If a person has a strong, stable immune system, then HPV does not cause cancer.

In the case of a combination of immunodeficiency and a genetic predisposition to cancer (direct relatives - mother, father, grandparents had cancer), a malignant neoplasm develops.

To avoid the degeneration of a wart into a cancerous tumor, you should immediately consult a doctor when a tumor is detected. Remember - in this case, treatment with folk remedies is unacceptable. You are dealing with a viral infection that needs to be treated with medication.


Which doctor should you contact after you have discovered a wart in your groin area? A specialist dermatovenerologist will help you solve this problem. Women will need to additionally contact a gynecologist, and men will need to contact a urologist and proctologist.

What will the doctor do at the first appointment? A dermatovenerologist will examine the warts, collect anamnesis (ask questions about when the tumor appeared, how often you change sexual partners, whether you use other people’s hygiene products, etc.). Afterwards, the patient is given a referral for a blood test (including for sexually transmitted diseases). This is necessary because papillomas are a common symptom of syphilis.

If the doctor suspects that the wart is malignant, he will give a referral to an oncologist.

In this case, it will be necessary to perform a biopsy and colposcopy of the tumor, as well as a blood test for tumor markers.

Immediately after removal of the wart, its tissue should be sent for histology. The results of this analysis will confirm or refute the likelihood of cancer developing in the body.


How to get rid of warts in the groin area? The most effective method is laser removal. However, in each individual case, the doctor will recommend a specific method. If the wart is large, it will most likely require excision with a scalpel. Yes, this is a traumatic procedure, but otherwise it will not be possible to get rid of a tumor larger than 5 mm.

A medium-sized growth is removed with a laser. At the time of such therapy, a persistent heat ray acts on the wart, evaporation and coagulation of tissue occurs. The laser helps avoid the risk of bleeding and does not leave scars or scars. If you read patient reviews on the Internet, you will notice that laser removal is the most popular, less traumatic and effective.

Other methods of resection of papilloma will be:

  • Exposure to electric current, provoking tissue necrosis - the process of electrocoagulation;
  • Freezing tissue with liquid nitrogen – cryotherapy;
  • Using a radio wave knife;
  •  The use of antiviral drugs in the form of Panavir - if the growth on the skin is small, then such an ointment will cope with the neoplasm.

Whatever method of removing a wart in the groin area is chosen, the doctor will definitely prescribe the patient drugs that strengthen the immune system - Neovir or Viferon. Contraindications include pregnancy, lactation, hormonal treatment, and chronic genital tract infections.

Traditional methods of treatment

How to remove a wart using traditional methods? This can be done using fresh celandine juice or its extract, which is sold in its pure form in any pharmacy. But it is not recommended to do this. Why? Because improper removal of a skin tumor can provoke its further growth and malignancy.

To avoid complications, you need to contact a dermatovenerologist, undergo a list of tests, undergo diagnostics, and after discovering the cause of the wart, decide how to remove it. After all, if papilloma is caused by a sexually transmitted disease, then using celandine juice will not help.

The problem needs to be solved with the help of serious medications.

However, if you decide to try to remove a wart at home, then it would be a good idea to talk about effective methods:

  • Use pure potato juice directly on papilloma for a month, 3-4 times a day;
  • Make a compress of garlic pulp at night - in the morning the wart will become smaller;
  • Apply castor oil to the growth several times a day;
  • Every day, drip fresh celandine juice onto the wart and monitor the results.

Note! Violation of the integrity of the wart leads to its growth. If you decide to remove the tumor, it is better to consult a doctor.

To summarize: pubic warts are an unpleasant, painful and dangerous phenomenon. If you start delaying the removal of the growth for several months, this can lead to the degeneration of the papilloma into a malignant formation.

Don’t risk your health, contact a dermatovenerologist, get diagnosed and start treatment now. You will be surprised, but you can remove a wart in 10 minutes, but you can put off this process for several years.


Warts on the pubis: causes of development and methods of treating growths Link to main publication
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