
Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment

A prostate tumor can be considered the most common type of cancer affecting the male population. Prostate tumors in men are not so rare. The disease is classified as dangerous, so you should consult a doctor if you have the first symptoms.

When treatment is started at an early stage, the disease can be successfully managed. Even the most severe cases can be kept under control with the help of modern medical advances.

Malignant tumors give metastases if the disease has reached a serious stage of development. Sometimes even surgical intervention is ineffective, so treatment should be done as early as possible.

This will help not only preserve male strength, but also live for many more years.

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment

What is the prostate gland

The prostate is the male internal gland. It consists of identical three lobes and measures 3x4 cm. It looks like a chestnut. The location area is just below the bladder in the small pelvis, the urethra is surrounded by a gland. For this reason, an enlarged prostate brings difficulties with the complete removal of urine from the body.

The functions of the prostate gland are:

  • Increases sperm activity and increases their production;
  • Produces a secretion that has the ability to liquefy sperm;
  • Helps bring it out;
  • Takes part in orgasm and enhances libido;
  • During erections, it closes the outlet of the bladder.

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment

The prostate has a special structure. It includes prostatic glands, consisting of glandular epithelium and making up most of the organ - their number can be 30-50 pieces. They resemble tubes that are surrounded by bubbles. The task of the elements is to ensure the production of prostatic juice, which represents a third of sperm.

The prostate contains smooth muscles, the contraction of which ensures the removal of prostatic juice from it. When this fluid stagnates inside the organ, inflammation can begin.

The outer part of the organ is covered with a capsule consisting of connective tissue. Elastic partitions go inward from it, and glands are placed between them.

The prostate gland can be easily felt through the wall of the rectum. It is located approximately 5 cm from the anus. An ordinary healthy gland is elastic, elastic when touched, and does not contain compactions or tissue nodules.

Features of the disease

There are few types of prostate tumor. Most often, patients are diagnosed with cancer or adenoma, which is benign hyperplasia of the organ. It can form due to changes in hormonal levels in men over fifty years of age.

An adenoma can develop from the stroma of an organ or its glandular tissue. If treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, the functioning of the pelvic organs may be disrupted.

With an adenoma, a small nodule is formed in the thickness of the gland, which will gradually grow.

The prostate is located close to the urinary organs, so the growth of the formation will gradually put pressure on the urethra and lead to a deterioration in the urinary process, as a result of which the outflow of urine is disrupted.

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment

Sometimes a lump in the prostate gland, which is characterized as a benign formation, can take on a malignant form. In this case, the main criterion for diagnosis becomes a certain content of prostatic antigen in the blood.

Benign adenoma is a fairly common pathology - approximately half of older people consult a doctor with complaints about the signs of this disease. In relatively young people, this situation occurs quite rarely.


BPH - benign prostatic hyperplasia - is a common disease of unknown origin. It is believed that the development of a tumor can be provoked by the following factors:

  1. The patient is advanced in age;
  2. Endocrine disorders;
  3. Changes in the amount of androgens contained in the blood.

Factors such as STDs, irregular sex life, alcohol and nicotine abuse can also affect the development of tumors. Tumor formation begins in the center of the organ.

Its size gradually changes, and with it the location of the bladder.

The formation tries to grow in several directions - towards the rectum, towards the bladder, under the triangle in its area.

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment

Symptoms of a prostate tumor may include:

  • Frequent urges, most of which turn out to be false;
  • Uncontrollable night urination;
  • Problems with urine excretion without retention;
  • Pain during the urination process;
  • Weak jet pressure;
  • A feeling that the bladder is not completely empty.

If the disease has progressed quite far, the above symptoms may be accompanied by poor urinary retention and urine output in drops.

Often, with this condition, acute urinary retention occurs, and blood may appear in it. Complications of this condition are cystitis, renal failure, vesiculitis, pyelonephritis, inflammatory process in the urethra.

Prostate cancer

If an unknown lump is found in the prostate, it can also be diagnosed as a cancerous tumor. It develops from the epithelial tissues of the gland.

The disease occurs quite often and poses a considerable danger to life.

The main problem is that such a disease may not manifest itself for a long time, and with late diagnosis, the effect of treatment is significantly reduced.

Prostate cancer can be tubular and alveolar, squamous cell, polymorphocellular, scirrhous, and there is also a type called adenocarcinoma, which is diagnosed more often than others. In second place in popularity is squamous cell carcinoma. Most often, cancer affects the peripheral parts of the prostate. It has not yet been possible to establish the exact cause of the development of the pathological process.

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment

A prostate tumor in men can occur due to the following risks:

  1. The patient is often located in an ecologically unfavorable area (lives or works there);
  2. Carcinogenic substances penetrated into the human body;
  3. Old age or racial characteristics;
  4. Poor quality nutrition, bad habits;
  5. Hormonal changes;
  6. Progressive tumor development.

A malignant prostate tumor in men requires careful treatment. Their manifestation most often begins when the body is exposed to harmful carcinogens and toxic substances.

These include gases that are produced during welding, cadmium salts, and substances contained in rubber and released during combustion.

It is very important to eat right to avoid such health problems.

The risk arises from excessive consumption of food rich in lipids of animal origin; there may also be a lack of dietary fiber and retinol in the diet - these factors are also considered unfavorable. It is especially necessary to monitor your health for men whose family has already had cases such as prostate swelling or tumor.

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment

The most common signs that a node in the prostate is a sign of cancer include increased desire to visit the toilet, incontinence and urge in vain, the patient’s weight decreases, there is general malaise, urinary incontinence or sluggish pressure, and the act of urination may suddenly stop for no reason. With more severe development, organ functions may be impaired. It may turn out that metastases have affected the lungs, liver, and pelvic bones.

Diagnosis and treatment

If a tumor is detected, the doctor will select treatment. It is prescribed only after the patient has been fully examined. The diagnostic process involves the following studies:

  • Collection of medical history and life history;
  • Rectal studies;
  • Ultrasound examination of the prostate;
  • Blood test - general and biochemical;
  • Urography, uroflowmetry;
  • Assessment of prostatic antigen content;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Biochemistry;
  • MRI.

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment

To treat a benign prostate tumor, a conservative or surgical method can be chosen. When selecting medications, preference is given to alpha-blockers; traditional methods that use decoctions and infusions can also be included.

If a man is diagnosed with a prostate tumor, surgery may be the most effective option. The intervention can be open or minimally invasive. Surgery may be prescribed for recurrences of massive hematuria, simultaneous development of urolithiasis, secondary infections, or urinary retention.

If urinary retention is noted, your doctor may order an emergency catheterization procedure.

In the early stages of the disease, ablation, radiation therapy, and prostatectomy can be used to improve the condition. When the disease reaches the fourth stage, external irradiation is performed, which is also combined with the use of hormonal drugs, antiandrogens, and castration can be organized.

Late diagnosis of prostate cancer always has an unfavorable prognosis; such patients may live no more than a few years. Therefore, you should not neglect preventive examinations, and if prostatitis or adenoma is detected, examinations must be carried out at least once a year.

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Prostate cancer: symptoms and signs of development

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment

What is the prostate, its functions. Causes of prostate cancer and predisposition factors.

Methods of prevention and early diagnosis. Signs and symptoms of prostate cancer in men. Techniques and methods of examination. Forecast for the development of the disease.

The prostate gland, or prostate, is an internal glandular organ located under the bladder and covering the urinary tract.

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About the disease

The gland, being part of the reproductive system, produces a secretion that ensures the viability of sperm. In the total volume of seminal fluid, this secretion can account for about 30 percent. The prostate is also important in providing the ability to hold urine inside the bladder.

What is prostate cancer: symptoms, prognosis? Prostate cancer is considered a common disease; it is a malignant tumor that develops inside the glandular tissues. Prostate cancer can metastasize, like any malignant neoplasm.

Prostate cancer - symptoms, life prognosis: according to medical statistics, the disease affects over 12% of men over fifty years of age. Death from prostate cancer in the world is in third place in frequency after cardiovascular diseases and lung cancer in older men.

Every year, over 400 thousand cases of prostate cancer are recorded worldwide. In localization statistics, signs of prostate cancer in European countries rank second after lung cancer. In Russia, the incidence is up to 6% and is one of the most frequently recorded cases of cancer.

It is known that residents of Asia, South America, and Africa are less likely to suffer from this type of cancer than residents of North America and Europe.

Reasons for development

Medicine does not have accurate data on the factors causing the disease. It has been established that the cause of a malignant tumor is DNA changes in gland cells, the cause of which has not been established.

Read also:  Examination of the prostate: its role in diagnosing gland diseases

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment

  • According to the findings of medical statistics, the hereditary factor plays a significant role.
  • The presence of prostate cancer among direct relatives increases the risk of the disease by 2 times or more
  • Research has established that the disease is associated with excess testosterone, the male sex hormone.
  • The likelihood of the disease and the aggressiveness of the tumor directly depend on the level of testosterone in a man’s blood.
  • Official medicine suggests the following risk factors for the occurrence of the disease:
  • excessive consumption of animal fats, lack of fiber in the diet;
  • age over 50 years;
  • cases of prostate cancer among direct relatives;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • poor environmental situation;
  • harmful production factors (work in a printing house, welding work).

The risk of disease increases for lovers of fatty foods, “red” meat - beef, pork, lamb against the background of reduced fiber consumption.

You can reduce the risk of disease by using several rules:

  1. Including enough plant fiber in your diet.
  2. Active lifestyle, playing sports.
  3. Maintaining normal weight levels.
  4. Moderate consumption of animal fats and “red” meat.

How to recognize the disease?

The first signs of prostate cancer are not felt, there is no discomfort until the malignant tumor begins to grow. For this reason, men over 40 years of age are recommended to undergo regular preventive examinations to identify prostate pathology.

How does prostate cancer manifest in men?

The first symptoms of prostate cancer in men:

  • Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatmentburning sensation when urinating;
  • the urge to urinate again within 30–60 minutes after the previous one;
  • feeling of incomplete emptying after urination;
  • decreased pressure and intermittency of the stream during urination;
  • reducing the time between visits to the toilet, mainly at night.

The presence of several or one of the listed symptoms is enough to visit a specialist - a urologist or oncologist.

The first symptoms of prostate cancer in men:

  • erectile dysfunction;
  • impotence;
  • decreased sperm volume during ejaculation.

Such symptoms of prostate cancer often occur in men over 50 years of age. The symptoms of prostate adenoma, which is a benign tumor, are the same as for cancer. Therefore, you should urgently undergo examination at a medical institution to make an accurate diagnosis.

In later stages of prostate cancer, you may experience:

  • blood in semen or urine;
  • with prostate cancer, pain in the perineum.

In advanced cases of metastasis, the first symptoms and signs of prostate cancer in men:

  • pain in the spine, hip area or chest;
  • Urinary retention may develop due to tumor growth.

Late stages are characterized by cancer intoxication, which manifests itself in:

  • a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • weaknesses;
  • rapid fatigue.

In this case, the patient’s skin acquires a characteristic pale earthy tint.

Read more about the stages of prostate cancer development here.

IMPORTANT! A timely visit to a specialist will help the patient overcome the first signs of prostate cancer in men and the disease in general. If you have any alarming symptoms, you should consult a specialist.

Prostate cancer symptoms - photo:

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatmentProstate tumor: how it is detected and its treatmentProstate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment


While the disease has a limited localization and the period of metastasis has not begun, there may be no symptoms, so it is important, as a diagnosis, to periodically undergo a test for the presence of PSA, or prostate specific antigen, which is produced by a healthy gland and is found in the blood.

An increase in this factor in the blood serum, as well as a change in the ratio of free and bound forms of the antigen, is a probabilistic factor indicating the presence of a malignant neoplasm. The higher the PSA reading, the higher the likelihood of cancer.

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatmentWhen examining a patient for prostate cancer, a number of tests and studies are performed:

  1. An extensive blood test, which includes determination of PSA and tumor markers.
  2. Urine tests - general, biochemical, and culture.
  3. Ultrasound examination of the genitourinary area, MRI of the prostate gland.
  4. Studies of the skeletal system using computed tomography to detect metastasis.
  5. Consultative examination by an oncologist.
  6. Palpation, examination of the gland by palpation.
  7. Biopsy of prostate tissue.

Chances of healing and methods of therapy

According to medical statistics, more than 80 percent of patients successfully overcome the disease after diagnosis. Often, obvious symptoms of the disease appear in the later stages, when the disease is advanced, and the chances of a quick cure are rapidly declining.

The main favorable factor is timely diagnosis, as well as the use of advanced treatment methods.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment should begin immediately. If the tumor is clearly localized, endoscopic or surgical removal of the prostate is indicated. An effective method is radiation therapy using advanced medical equipment.

Patients after surgery or radiation therapy are prescribed long-term antitumor therapy aimed at blocking testosterone. Chemotherapy is also used.

IMPORTANT! For timely detection of the disease, men over 40 years of age are recommended to undergo preventive examinations with a urologist at least once every 6 months.


Prostate tumor: treatment, symptoms, prognosis

More and more men are facing prostate cancer. Cancer of this organ is most common in males over fifty years of age, but every year the average age of development of the disease becomes younger.

Any man can become a victim of a neoplasm, so it is extremely important to know what factors can contribute to the appearance of cancer cells, what symptoms are accompanied by prostate adenoma (benign tumor) and malignant types of pathology.

Knowing the symptoms of prostate cancer, you can identify the pathology in time and consult a doctor for examination and treatment.

The prostate is a male organ belonging to the genitourinary system. This is a gland that produces part of the substances included in sperm. When a man ejaculates during intercourse or masturbation, the prostate helps block the urinary tract.

This function is under the control of the pituitary gland in the brain, which promotes the production of androgens and estrogens. Hormonal changes lead to the size of the gland increasing, the tissues of the organ becoming denser, and this is how an adenoma appears.

Malignant neoplasms are often the result of malignant adenoma or metastasis from other organs (bladder, rectum).

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment


The exact causes of prostate tumors in men are unknown, but scientists believe that hormonal disorders may be the causes of cancer of the male genital organs, including the prostate gland.

Doctors believe that a prostate tumor occurs when the production of testosterone in a man’s body decreases, but the synthesis of dihydrotestosterone (a derivative of testosterone) remains preserved.

In addition, pathology can arise due to hereditary predisposition if there have already been cases of prostatic tumors of any nature in the family.

Predisposing factors may include:

  • old age (the tumor most often occurs after sixty-five years);
  • inflammatory processes in the prostate in the past;
  • poor blood circulation in the pelvis;
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • pathologies of the foreskin, head and shaft of the penis;
  • pituitary adenoma of the brain;
  • hormone-producing adrenal tumor.

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment

Often, a combination of several factors leads to the formation of tumors in the prostate.


Initially, neoplasms are divided into benign and malignant. There is also precancer, that is, a transitional state between these two types of neoplasms.

Adenoma or BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) is a benign tumor of the prostate, which is expressed in thickening and proliferation of the organ.

Such a pathology can develop into a malignant neoplasm, and therefore must be treated. Precancer occurs when the tumor begins to become malignant, and can be:

  1. Atypical adenomatous hyperplasia;
  2. Microacinar proliferation;
  3. Intraepithelial neoplasia.

Prostatic cancer is very dangerous and is classified according to the type of tissue from which the tumor is formed. The following types of cancer exist:

  • Sarcoma is formed from muscle or fibrous tissue and is a rare type of pathology.
  • Carcinoma - arises from the epithelial tissue lining the prostate. Ninety percent of carcinomas form from glandular tissue and are called adenocarcinomas.
  • Daughter neoplasms are metastases from other organs.

There are also squamous cell carcinoma, solid, alveolar, tubular, scirrhous, and polymorphic cell carcinoma, in which the tumor consists of different types of tissue. Cancerous tumors are classified according to their degree of malignancy into:

  1. Poorly differentiated – tumor cells are categorically different from healthy tissue cells;
  2. Moderately differentiated - atypical cells have differences from healthy ones;
  3. Highly differentiated - the cell structure is almost the same as that of healthy tissues.

The type of tumor and the degree of differentiation in cancer patients is determined through diagnostic measures.


Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment

There are four stages of development of a prostate tumor in a man, if we are talking about a malignant neoplasm:

  1. In the first stage of cancer, it is a small tumor that is limited to the prostate. Since there are no symptoms at this stage, and the formation itself is small and soft, the pathology can only be detected with the help of equipment. At the first stage, it is impossible to detect a lump during rectal examination.
  2. At the second stage, the cells have not yet spread beyond the gland, but the doctor can already determine the presence of a tumor by performing rectal palpation, since the structure of the neoplasm becomes rigid.
  3. In the third stage, malignant cells spread to other tissues and organs nearby.
  4. The fourth stage is characterized by metastases to the bones and liver, lymph nodes, pancreas and any nearby or distant organs.

In the later stages of the disease, prostate cancer is dangerous not only to the health, but also to the life of every man who encounters it, therefore it is important to recognize the signs and be examined as soon as possible.


In the early stages, there may be no specific symptoms, and treatment is usually carried out with a delay. The main signs of a benign prostate tumor are as follows:

  • frequent urination, which is difficult and intermittent due to compression of the urinary ducts by the tumor;
  • the urge to empty the bladder occurs mainly at night;
  • the patient does not feel relief after urinating;
  • at the end of urination, a burning and stinging sensation is felt in the groin and urethra;
  • libido becomes weaker;
  • erectile dysfunction develops.

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment

If the tumor has reached a large size, urine is released drop by drop, causing acute urinary retention. When this condition develops, urgent medical care is mandatory, since there is a direct threat to the man’s life.

The patient may also notice the presence of blood in the urine. If the tumor is malignant and has metastasized, then signs of damage to one or another organ are added to the symptoms described above.

Read also:  Treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia

Tumors in the prostate can lead to complications such as:

  1. Cystitis;
  2. Kidney failure;
  3. Pyelonephritis;
  4. Inflammatory processes in the urethra;
  5. Vesiculitis.

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To select a therapy that would be effective, it is necessary to conduct a complete examination of the patient.


In case of prostate tumors, it is necessary to thoroughly examine the man and only then prescribe him treatment. Doctors use different methods to diagnose cancer, each diagnostic method is important and helps in making an accurate diagnosis:

  • listening to complaints and taking anamnesis;
  • rectal palpation of the prostate;
  • ultrasound examination of the prostate gland;
  • blood tests (biochemical and general clinical);
  • blood test for PSA (prostate specific antigen);
  • general urine analysis;
  • urofluometry;
  • excretory urography;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • fine needle biopsy;
  • histological examination of taken tissues.

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment

These measures make it possible to identify a malignant formation at an early stage of development, when there are no manifestations yet.


If the prostate tumor is benign, then, depending on the size of the adenoma, conservative treatment or surgery may be prescribed. The patient is prescribed alpha-blockers and Finasteride. Therapy can be supplemented with traditional medicine.

If the patient has urolithiasis, acute urinary retention, secondary infections or blood in the urine, then a more effective method would be to remove part of the gland. This method of therapy allows you to remove the tumor and at the same time preserve the male sexual function.

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment

If the tumor is malignant and there are metastases, treatment is carried out comprehensively: chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy. The doctor can also select other effective methods based on the growth rate of the tumor, the degree of its spread, the patient’s age and his general condition.

Before therapy, it is imperative that the expected benefit for a man be compared with the risk of possible complications. If carcinoma is detected at the first stage, doctors wait until it grows in size. This is because a larger tumor is easier to remove. At the same time, the patient’s condition is monitored by a doctor.

Doctors can provide treatment in the following ways:

  • Surgical intervention. The most effective treatment for cancer is organ removal - radical prostatectomy. Modern methods make it possible to maintain the functionality of the bladder sphincter so that the patient does not have incontinence after surgery. In most cases, it is even possible to preserve some part of the sexual function, but much depends on the stage at which the pathology was discovered.
  • Cryodestruction. The neoplasm is destroyed with liquid nitrogen, but the use of low temperatures is justified only at the initial stage of the pathology.
  • Brachytherapy. An alternative to radiation, in which the doctor injects radioactive iodine into the prostate under ultrasound guidance. With this therapy, radiation is maximum only in the gland, while healthy tissue remains untouched. This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and takes no more than an hour.
  • Hormonal therapy. Prostate carcinoma is a hormonally active neoplasm and therefore can be treated with antiandrogens if other methods are not available.
  • Radiation therapy. Radiation is used in the presence of metastases or before surgery, but this method has a number of side effects, for example, baldness, impotence, and urinary incontinence.
  • Chemotherapy. Chemical treatment is prescribed if a man has contraindications to surgery or if the tumor has metastasized. As a rule, prostate cancer metastasizes to the bones, which is very dangerous. Chemicals have a negative effect not only on cancer cells, but also on healthy tissue cells. Side effects of chemical therapy include baldness, nausea, and vomiting. A man gets tired quickly, and intestinal dysfunction may occur. The immune system also suffers, and the patient becomes susceptible to infections.

According to statistics, chemotherapy for prostate cancer is less effective than for cancer of other organs.


How long people live with a malignant prostate tumor depends on the stage of the pathology. The prognosis of prostatic oncology also depends on the patient’s age, his general health and other factors.

Cases of 5-year survival after removal of the prostate, if there are no metastases, are at least eighty percent. With metastasis, the prognosis worsens.

Removal of a benign adenoma almost always leads to a cure.


In order to prevent the occurrence of prostatic tumors, it is necessary:

  1. Be examined annually, especially after the age of forty and in cases where there are similar diseases in the family;
  2. Eat right, limiting the consumption of fried and fatty foods, giving preference to plant foods;
  3. Play sports, as it is beneficial for the whole body.

Timely diagnosis gives a better chance of cure.


Prostate tumor: symptoms and treatment in men

Over the past decades, the incidence of prostate tumors among men has increased significantly. Most often, the disease develops after forty years and progresses more and more with each decade.

One of the most significant factors influencing the development of this pathology is the hormonal background of the male body. There are several forms of this disease.

In our article we will describe the symptoms and treatment of tumor processes in the male gland.

Causes of prostate tumors

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment

A benign prostate tumor or organ hyperplasia most often develops against the background of hormonal age-related changes in the male body. With age-related changes, a man's metabolism and balance of sex hormones are disrupted. Against this background, the concentration of female sex hormones in the blood increases. Chronic prostatitis can also cause the disease.

Malignant tumors of the prostate gland in men occur at an older age (from fifty to 60 years). This prostate tumor in men is formed from cellular alveolar epithelial elements. There are many more reasons influencing the appearance of this neoplasm. Malignant pathologies of the prostate gland occur for the following reasons:

  • progressive organ hyperplasia (adenoma);
  • genetic reasons;
  • carcinogenic factors (environment, smoking, alcohol abuse).

Important! The development and functional activity of the male gland is primarily influenced by the concentration of androgens - sex hormones in the blood serum.

Types of tumors

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment

There are two types of tumors of this organ:

  • benign prostate tumor;
  • cancer (malignant neoplasm).

Benign hyperplasia is called adenoma. This disease belongs to the category of the most common diseases in men over sixty years of age. Typically, the first manifestations of the disease are recorded at the age of forty years.

A malignant disease often develops against the background of an untreated adenoma, but can also develop without previous benign hyperplasia. Prostate cancer is the leading cancer pathology among men in our country.

If we talk about symptoms and treatment, different types of prostate tumors give a certain clinical picture and are subject to different methods of therapy. Let's take a closer look at the signs of the disease and the features of treatment.

Clinical manifestations of prostate tumors

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment

The first symptoms of a benign prostate tumor may not appear immediately. Prostatic hyperplasia (abbreviated as BPH) has been developing for decades. Initially, microscopic nodules form that do not give any symptoms. They grow slowly and increase to significant sizes. Only after this the tumor makes itself felt with a set of symptoms.

The same can be said for prostate cancer. In the initial stage, the disease may be asymptomatic if there was no previous adenoma. The first manifestations of the disease appear when the tumor reaches a certain size.

Benign neoplasms

A benign prostate tumor in men is manifested by the following set of symptoms:

  1. Due to the proliferation of hyperplastic tissue, compression of the channel through which urine is excreted occurs, which contributes to the disruption of the outflow of urine. All this leads to the appearance of the following signs of the disease:
    • weak stream;
    • difficulty emptying the bladder;
    • frequent urge;
    • burning;
    • unpleasant smell of urine;
    • pain when urinating;
    • incontinence;
    • acute retention of urination;
    • residual urine.
  1. Against the background of impaired urine outflow, purulent-inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis) develop.
  2. Salt deposition in the bladder is often observed.

Malignant neoplasms

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment

If prostate cancer is diagnosed, symptoms in men can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Symptoms of urinary dysfunction: intermittent or sluggish stream, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, nocturia, frequent urination, frequent urge.
  2. Signs of illness that are associated with the growth of a neoplasm: blood in semen, hematuria, erectile dysfunction, pain in the lower abdomen, and possibly lower back pain.
  3. Signs of tumor metastasis: pain in the skeletal system, swelling of the extremities (occurs when the lymph nodes in the groin are affected), weight loss, cachexia, anemia.

Important! Symptoms of prostate tumors in men may vary depending on the stage of the disease.

Methods for diagnosing prostate tumors

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment

If a prostate tumor is suspected in men, treatment can begin only after a thorough diagnosis of the disease and determination of its form. Regardless of the classification of the organ tumor, diagnostic measures begin with the following studies:

  1. Blood serum testing for the presence of PSA (abbreviated name for prostate-specific antigen). This is the most important tumor marker for diagnosing and monitoring the course of adenoma and cancer. However, it is worth considering that the PSA level can be elevated against the background of prostatitis, after urinary catheterization, TRUS or rectal digital examination.
  2. A biopsy of the gland is performed when the PSA level is elevated, as well as on the basis of ultrasound, MRI and digital examination data. Organ samples are sent for histological examination.
  3. Rectal digital examination. With this examination, you can evaluate the size of the organ, its consistency, the surface of the gland and pain. The mobility of the intestinal mucosa over the gland is also assessed.
  4. Uroflowmetry is an assessment of the speed of urine flow. The data allows you to evaluate the dynamics of therapy and make a decision on the advisability of surgery.
  5. Ultrasound (transabdominal and transrectal examination, voiding cystourethroscopy). The methods allow us to study the condition of the organ and adjacent tissues.

Treatment of malignant prostate tumors

To begin with, it is worth noting that traditional methods of treating this dangerous disease will not only not relieve you of the disease, but will also force you to waste precious time, during which the disease will progress without adequate drug treatment.

To treat cancer at an early stage, medications can be prescribed, which often achieve good results. However, a more favorable prognosis will be if the disease is treated comprehensively. At the same time, surgical treatment provides a lot of undeniable advantages:

  • complete removal of the pathological neoplasm;
  • the ability to accurately determine the stage of the disease (which is important for selecting adequate drug treatment);
  • absence of relapses for a long time;
  • high patient survival rate.
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Today, the following methods of treating male gland cancer are used:

  1. Radical prostatectomy of the organ along with the seminal vesicles. This is the most difficult method of surgical treatment, since it is important not only to remove the affected organ, but also to provide the patient with a normal standard of living (not to worsen the erection and functions of the urinary system). The operation is usually performed laparoscopically. This is a minimally invasive technique that allows you to preserve the patient’s normal existence as much as possible.
  2. Remote radiation therapy. During the procedure, the prostate gland and nearby lymph nodes are irradiated.
  3. HIFU therapy is a minimally invasive cancer treatment technique that uses focused, highly effective ultrasound ablation of the organ. The operation is performed endorectally under epidural anesthesia. The destruction of tumor cells occurs under the influence of converging ultrasonic waves. The method allows you to either completely get rid of cancer or reduce the size of the tumor.
  4. Interstitial radiation therapy. The second name of the method is brachytherapy. To get rid of the disease, grains containing radioactive drugs are injected into the tumor.
  5. Organ cryoablation. During the procedure, pathological tissues are frozen. The method allows you to accurately determine the area of ​​necrosis and the depth of exposure in order to preserve healthy cells.
  6. Monotherapy with antiandrogens is used less often.

How long the disease will be treated and how effective the treatment will be usually depends on the stage of the disease. The earlier adequate therapy is started, the higher the chances of completely getting rid of the disease and protecting yourself from relapses in the future. This is why today so much money is spent on screening and early diagnosis of this disease.

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Benign and malignant prostate tumors in men: symptoms, treatment and prognosis

  • Urologist-andrologist 1st category Denis Georgievich
  • 49373
  • Update date: December 2019

One of the serious and, unfortunately, common diseases is prostate tumor in men. The pathology occurs in the age group over 65 years and is caused primarily by age-related changes. The prognosis for recovery depends on the type of tumor.

Causes of the disease

Regardless of the type of disease, the reason for its development lies directly in male physiology. The exact causes of the tumor are unknown, but doctors put forward a hormonal theory.

According to experts, tumors of this organ develop due to a decrease in the production of testosterone, while maintaining the synthesis of its derivative, dihydrotestosterone.

Excess of this substance is absorbed by the prostate gland, as a result of which its size increases to the size of a tumor.

Genetic predisposition plays an important role in the development of tumor tumors.

Factors predisposing to the development of pathology:

  • age over 65 years;
  • history of prostate inflammation;
  • circulatory disorders of the pelvic organs;
  • genitourinary infections.

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment

In old age, the likelihood of developing pathologies, including tumors, increases significantly

The disease is asymptomatic for a long time, which makes timely diagnosis and treatment difficult.

Symptoms of the disease

Diagnosis of the tumor is difficult due to the lack of specific symptoms in the initial stages. As the prostate increases in size, a pain syndrome appears, which is caused by the pressure of the organ on the surrounding tissues. However, discomfort is noted only in the later stages.

You can suspect the development of a tumor by noticing an increased urge to urinate. They usually intensify at night. As a rule, there is no discomfort after urination with a tumor, unlike prostatitis.

Nonspecific symptoms are impaired potency or weakened erection. In this case, any pain during sexual intercourse and after ejaculation may be completely absent.

In rare cases, instead of discomfort in the perineum, a man may experience pain in the lower spine. Quite often, urinary incontinence occurs, which is caused by disruption of the urinary system.

If you suspect something is wrong and discover alarming symptoms, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible, but do not let the disease take its course.


Diagnosis of a prostate tumor comes down to excluding inflammatory diseases and testing to determine PSA levels. This substance is released into the blood only when a tumor forms in the prostate gland.

A slight increase in the indicator, not exceeding 10-15 units, allows you to diagnose prostatitis or a benign neoplasm.

A malignant process is indicated by a high level of this protein, over 50 units.

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment

A PSA test helps determine the malignancy of a tumor.

If a tumor process is suspected, when the symptoms make you wary, an MRI of the prostate gland and an ultrasound scan of the organ are prescribed. These methods make it possible to determine the location of altered cells and suggest the type of tumor in the organ.

Types of tumors

There are two types of neoplasms – benign and malignant.

A benign prostate tumor is an adenoma or BPH. Approximately 25% of older men experience adenoma. The pathology significantly impairs the quality of life, but is not cancer. However, with adenoma, timely treatment is important, otherwise there is a risk of hyperplasia cells degenerating into malignant ones.

A malignant prostate tumor or cancer is a dangerous disease that requires radical measures. Chemotherapy is used for treatment; in the absence of contraindications, complete removal of the tumor or prostate gland is indicated.

Having noticed the first symptoms, it is important to undergo timely diagnosis to exclude a malignant tumor.

Principle of treatment of adenoma

A benign prostate tumor is treated with medication. For this purpose, drugs from the group of alpha-blockers and prostatoprotectors are used. Drug therapy is aimed at reducing symptoms, improving organ functionality and reducing the rate of disease progression. The latter is achieved by taking antiandrogenic drugs.

Among folk remedies, treatment with pumpkin seeds is used. The seeds contain substances that have a positive effect on the prostate gland by reducing the production of dihydrotestosterone and improving the trophism of the organ.

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment

Pumpkin seeds can also be taken to prevent glandular diseases.

Alpha-blocker drugs are used to normalize urination. These medications relax the bladder and help prevent urinary retention. In some cases, when hyperplasia interferes with the outflow of urine, catheterization of the bladder is performed.

In the later stages of hyperplasia or adenoma, surgical treatment methods are used. They are indicated for patients who cannot reduce the symptoms of the disease with drug treatment due to the long course of the disease. Methods of operations for adenoma:

  • laser exposure;
  • radical prostatectomy;
  • transurethral resection of adenoma.

Laser treatment is practiced in the initial stages of small tumors. For prostate adenoma, laser surgery is a gentle treatment method that involves layer-by-layer removal of hyperplasia tissue and does not affect healthy organ tissue.

Transurethral resection involves removing hyperplasia by accessing the organ through the urethra. A special instrument with a loop at the end is inserted into the urethra, with the help of which the affected tissue is removed.

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment

Transurethral resection is less traumatic than abdominal surgery

Radical prostatectomy is the complete removal of the prostate gland. For adenoma, such an operation is rarely performed. In the initial stages, complete removal of the organ is not advisable, and in the later stages it is not safe, since the adenoma takes a long time to progress, and the average age of patients with severe hyperplasia is over 75 years.

Treatment of malignant neoplasms

For the treatment of prostate cancer, the first choice is watchful waiting. For several months, the oncologist and urologist monitor the patient’s well-being and the condition of the tumor. This tactic is justified for prostate cancer in older men (over 70 years old). Some radical methods in this case can lead to negative health consequences.

If the tumor is growing rapidly, the patient is prescribed a course of chemotherapy. Patients with cancer are often given interstitial chemotherapy, which delivers radioactive drugs that reduce cell growth directly to the prostate gland.

Another treatment method is hormonal castration. It is based on taking special drugs that inhibit the production of male hormones, which stops the rate of progression of the disease. The disadvantage of hormonal therapy is that it must be taken for life, but not all patients tolerate such medications well.

Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment

Drug suppression of hormone production inhibits tumor growth

A radical method of treatment is prostatectomy, that is, complete removal of the prostate gland and lymph nodes. It is preferable to perform the operation in the early stages of oncological pathology, since in this case the survival rate among patients reaches a record 90%.


With adenoma, life expectancy is not reduced, but quality suffers. Many patients choose to have their prostate removed after years of fighting the adenoma with medications.

For prostate cancer, the prognosis depends on the timeliness of treatment. How long patients live can be predicted depending on the stage of the disease. With complete removal of the prostate at the first stage of cancer, life expectancy reaches 10-15 years, but with the condition of regular examination and taking special medications. At the same time, the male's sexual function is preserved.

If the prostate gland is removed at the stage of the beginning of the development of metastases, the patient has about 5-7 years to live.

The number of patients who have lost to cancer is inexorably growing from year to year, which is primarily due to the lack of timely treatment due to the fact that the man does not see a doctor. It is important to remember: if cancer is detected in a timely manner, it is possible to defeat it. How long a man will live depends on how quickly he reacts to alarming symptoms and consults a doctor.

It is very difficult to prevent the development of a malignant or benign neoplasm. There is no specific prevention for these diseases.

If you notice minor discomfort, difficulty urinating or pain in the perineum, you should visit a urologist as soon as possible.

Timely detection of pathology and initiation of treatment, if it does not guarantee complete relief from the disease, is at least a guarantee that the disease will not progress.

Until August 10, the Institute of Urology together with the Ministry of Health is conducting the program “Russia without prostatitis .” Within which the drug Predstanol is available at a discounted price of 99 rubles. , to all residents of the city and region!


Prostate tumor: how it is detected and its treatment Link to main publication
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