
There is no cough, but there is sputum in an adult: how to treat the patient

In a healthy person, it is transparent, mucous and is released exclusively in small quantities when coughing, and then only if he smokes or works in conditions of increased dust formation.

Therefore, when a patient is tormented by constant phlegm in the throat without a cough, the cause of its occurrence should be sought among ailments of the ENT organs, since diseases of the lungs or bronchi are almost always accompanied by a more or less pronounced cough.

Causes of phlegm in the throat

The human respiratory organs are designed in such a way that they are capable of self-cleaning from the smallest particles of dust, microorganisms and other substances that enter the body along with the inhaled air. Special cilia that make oscillatory movements from bottom to top, and goblet cells that produce mucus are responsible for this.

They line the mucous membranes of the bronchi. Therefore, even in completely healthy people, sputum accumulates and is separated every day, but its volume is so small that a person does not even notice how regularly he swallows mucus removed into the pharynx from the respiratory system.

But sometimes situations arise when phlegm is constantly felt in the throat. Where does it come from in such cases? The main reason for this is either increased production of tracheobronchial secretions or a violation of its excretion. This is typical for:


Reflux esophagitis. This pathology is characterized by the reflux of stomach contents through the esophagus into the larynx and pharynx. In such situations, people complain of hoarseness and a sore throat.

In addition, from time to time there is an irresistible desire to cough, because without this the feeling of a lump in the throat does not leave them. Other signs of pathology include heartburn, sour belching or air.


Esophageal diverticulum. The essence of this disease is the formation of a protrusion in the esophagus, in which pieces of food collect. The course of decay processes provokes the release of substances that irritate the mucous membranes and contribute to the production of discharge.


Pharyngitis. Various forms of this disease can also cause a buildup of clear or greenish mucus, but in addition, sufferers suffer from a scratchy and sore throat. Although in most cases, pharyngitis is accompanied by a dry cough.


Acute sinusitis. With the development of this disease, the presence of discharge in the mouth is a secondary symptom, since a feeling of general malaise, discomfort in the maxillary sinuses, painful headaches, runny nose and nasal congestion come to the fore.


Chronic sinusitis. Unlike the acute form of the disease, with chronic sinusitis it is the discomfort and accumulation of thick mucus in the throat in the absence of a cough that is one of the main symptoms, since it constantly flows down the nasopharynx. In addition, people suffer from difficulty breathing through the nose, loss of sense of smell and increased fatigue.


Chronic tonsillitis. Today, at least a third of the population suffers from this disease.

It is characterized by the persistent presence of bad breath, which cannot be removed for a long time. During an exacerbation of the disease, a whitish coating with a sharp, repulsive odor forms on the enlarged tonsils, but it can also be present in small quantities during remission. It is the accumulation of these fetid masses that leads to the feeling of the presence of a foreign body. By the way, some have even learned, by making certain muscle movements, to push plaque particles out. Quite often, the development of tonsillitis is provoked by a fungal infection. In such cases, the patient will be bothered by a mucous-white discharge.


Chronic catarrhal rhinitis. With this disease, phlegm is a consequence of the fact that thick, abundant mucus flows down the nasopharynx. Its main manifestation is the blockage of half the nose in the cold in the relative absence of rhinorrhea.


Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis. As with catarrhal rhinitis, discomfort in the mouth is a consequence of snot draining from the nose. But for the hypertrophic form of rhinitis, headaches are typical, and only on the side of the affected half of the nose. Taste and smell are also impaired, and the voice acquires a slight nasal tone.

More information on the topic:

How to remove phlegm from the throat? This issue may bother the patient for a long time or arise suddenly. If this symptom is not accompanied by fever or pain...


Vasomotor rhinitis. A characteristic sign of the disease is the occurrence of attacks of sneezing and tickling in the nose when overworked, experiencing stress, changing air temperature, for example, after entering a room from the street, etc.


Sjögren's syndrome. This severe autoimmune pathology, the essence of which is the destruction of endocrine gland cells, mainly salivary and lacrimal, is manifested by dry mucous membranes. Therefore, the oral cavity dries out, and the patient has a false sensation that there is phlegm stuck in the throat.


Heart problems. Often various cardiac pathologies are accompanied by congestion in the lungs. Therefore, the produced tracheobronchial secretion is poorly removed, which is accompanied by the formation of a feeling of the presence of mucus in the throat and the desire to cough.


Adenoiditis. Inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil occurs in both children and adults. Patients feel normal, if you do not take into account nasal congestion and nasal sounds.


Allergy. Contact with food or inhaled allergens causes irritation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, resulting in active production of secretions. In this case, other signs of an allergic reaction are often observed, such as lacrimation, rhinorrhea, skin rashes, sneezing, etc.

Attention! Sinusitis and rhinitis are characterized by the production of yellowish sputum.

However, the accumulation of tracheobronchial secretions in the throat can also be observed against the background of complete health, for example, when consuming alcoholic beverages, spicy, cold or, conversely, hot foods, that is, foods that irritate the mucous membranes.

Diagnostic clue: sputum in the morning

If a person experiences the sensation of a lump of mucus in the throat exclusively in the morning, first of all he should suspect the presence of:

  • reflux esophagitis;
  • chronic sinusitis;
  • cardiopathologies;
  • adenoiditis.

If viscous sputum is not yet coughed up, then the cause of its appearance should be sought in an unfavorable environment. Most often, this occurs among allergy sufferers and people working in chemical, paint, pharmaceutical and other industries associated with the release of dust, toxic substances and tiny solid particles into the air.

This can also be the result of banal dry air in a room where a person spends a lot of time, for example in an office or bedroom.

Important! Air conditioners greatly dry the air, so it is recommended to use them only simultaneously with household humidifiers.

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Phlegm in a child's throat

The most common cause of phlegm in the throat in children in the absence of other symptoms is adenoiditis. This insidious disease is not accompanied by fever, cough and other signs of acute respiratory infections. But it is typical for him:

  • difficulty in nasal breathing;
  • nasal voice;
  • noisy breathing.

Although even these signs may be absent for a long time. Therefore, only an ENT specialist can make a correct diagnosis and determine the cause of the mucus.

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Phlegm in the throat during pregnancy

Almost all pregnant women suffer from heartburn.
This is no secret to anyone. Most often it is caused by reflux esophagitis. Therefore, the fact that discharge collects in the pharynx can serve as a secondary sign of the development of a defect in one of the gastric sphincters. As a rule, after childbirth the problem goes away on its own, since the reason for its occurrence is compression of the abdominal organs by the pregnant uterus.[ads-pc-1][ads-mob-1] to contents ?

How to remove phlegm. What do we have to do?

The first thing to do when an unpleasant feeling appears in the throat is to make an appointment with an otolaryngologist, because only a doctor is able to establish the true cause of its occurrence and prescribe treatment appropriate to the circumstances. However, before visiting an ENT specialist, you can take several measures to improve your condition and remove accumulated mucus.

  • Carry out inhalations with decoctions or infusions of herbs, mineral water or saline. This remedy will help soften the mucous membranes and facilitate the removal of discharge.
  • Take homeopathic medicines. If the patient suspects the presence of sinusitis or rhinitis of any origin, you can start taking Sinupret or another similar medication. They will help remove swelling and improve nasal breathing, so that more mucus will be removed through the nose and flow down the nasopharynx in smaller quantities.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of purified water per day, since the accumulation of discharge is often the result of a lack of water in the body.
  • Stop smoking.

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Medicines against phlegm

Drug treatment is prescribed only by a doctor after examining the patient and conducting a number of additional studies! Depending on the detected cause of sputum accumulation, the ENT recommends that the patient take one or another medicine, in particular:

    • antihistamines (Eden, Loratadine, Suprastin, Diazolin, Erius, etc.), if discomfort is the result of an allergic reaction;
    • antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs if the patient has green sputum and the presence of a bacterial infection in the sinuses or mouth is proven;
    • antiseptic sprays and lozenges (Efizol, Strepsils, Orasept, Tantum Verde, Yox, etc.) are used in the presence of tonsillitis or pharyngitis;
    • antacids (Almagel, Rennie, Maalox), prokinetics (Motilium, Motilak) and antisecretory (Omez, Lanza) drugs necessary for gastrointestinal diseases.

Almost always, otolaryngologists advise their patients to do inhalations. They are effective in both chronic and acute inflammatory processes, since inhalation of vapors from decoctions of medicinal herbs quickly dilutes tracheobronchial secretions and facilitates its removal.

At the same time, expectorants and mucolytics, for example, ACC, Lazolvan, Ascoril, Ambroxol, Libexin, Bromhexine and others, are usually not used to eliminate discomfort in the throat , since their action is mainly aimed at eliminating discharge from the bronchi and lungs.

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Traditional methods of getting rid of phlegm

Quite often, doctors themselves recommend that patients use folk remedies to eliminate discomfort in the throat. But if in some situations they can be used independently, in others only as an auxiliary therapy. Therefore, before starting to use any folk remedies, you still need to consult an otolaryngologist.

The most effective of them are:


A mixture of honey and aloe leaf pulp. To prepare it, mix 1 tsp. honey with a mass obtained by passing 1 aloe leaf through a meat grinder. Half of the finished product is taken in the morning, and the other half at night.


Propolis tincture. It can be prepared at home or bought at a pharmacy. The tincture is consumed 1 tsp. three times a day.


Gargling with a solution obtained by adding 1 tsp to 1 glass of warm water. a mixture of dry crushed calendula flowers and honey, taken in equal quantities.

Thus, phlegm in the throat can be either a sign of the development of a particular disease or a consequence of addictions or work in hazardous industries. Nevertheless, it is not difficult to get rid of discomfort; the main thing is to contact a specialist in time to find out the true cause of its occurrence and receive competent recommendations on how to eliminate it.

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How to remove phlegm from the throat: video


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I can’t cough up: what to do if you can’t cough up sputum

The appearance of sputum is associated with inflammatory processes in the bronchi or lungs. Harmful microorganisms and mucus come out of the lungs along with sputum during coughing. But sometimes the cough does not clear and the phlegm does not come out. In this case, treatment is necessary.

Causes of sputum retention

The most common reason for not coughing up mucus is untreated colds or viral diseases. When a patient spends a lot of time on his feet, neglects doctor's prescriptions or self-medicates, complications often arise. The patient begins to complain of pain, debilitating or night cough, as well as attacks of suffocation.

This condition is typical for long-term acute and chronic obstructive bronchitis. In the first case, sputum stagnates in the bronchi, in the second, changes in the bronchial wall lead to the fact that you want to cough up, but you can’t.

Mechanism of sputum retention

In pneumonia, when the lower lobes of the lungs are affected, the source of inflammation is located deep in the lungs, and this can also affect the discharge of sputum.

The same thing happens with a lung abscess - sputum accumulates deep in the lung cavity and is not released out with a cough. The wall of the bronchi, changing during bronchiectasis, causes sputum to accumulate and prevents its release.

With this disease, dark-colored sputum may appear, in this case it is a mixture of blood and pus in the mucus.

The x-ray shows light areas - signs of pneumonia

People who work in mines often suffer from pneumoconiosis. Because they have little mucus in their sputum, it is often difficult to cough up and is dark in color due to coal dust filling the lungs.

In all the described cases, the patient complains of chest pain and frequent coughing, during which it is difficult to cough up sputum.

Important information: this cough is also common in smokers. An important step in its treatment is giving up a bad habit, but relief will not come immediately, but only after some time.

Drug treatment

In order to stop an incessant cough as quickly as possible, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive drug treatment aimed at combating not only the cough, but also the disease that caused it.

Preparations for sputum removal

The following medications help thin the mucus so that it begins to come out when you cough:

Ambrohexal, Ambrobene, Lazolvan and other drugs in the form of syrups, tablets or solutions for inhalation containing ambroxol This substance stimulates fluid secretion, increases the motor activity of the epithelial cilia that line the bronchi, and, due to this, improves sputum discharge
Fluimucil, ACC, Bronchobos and other drugs in the form of tablets and granules for oral administration, solutions for injections and solutions for oral administration The main effect of these drugs is to reduce the viscosity of the secretion, due to which the mucus begins to be coughed up
Herbal preparations such as Travisil Should be taken to facilitate sputum discharge along with other medications for symptomatic treatment

Your doctor may also prescribe exercises to make coughing easier. But you need to remember that all treatment must take place under the supervision of a doctor, otherwise the situation can worsen.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

When a person is suffering from a constant cough, the doctor often prescribes physiotherapy as an addition to treatment. They are indicated for patients of all ages who are unable to clear their throat. Physiotherapeutic procedures are especially often prescribed if it is not possible to limit yourself to medications due to intolerance to certain drugs.

  • Inhalations are the most effective way to help a patient, especially during coughing attacks. During this procedure, the bronchi expand and mucus begins to be released. Often, solutions of the above medications are used for inhalation - thus, the active substance enters directly into the bronchi, and its effectiveness increases.
  • Electrophoresis helps deliver the drug directly to the bronchi or lungs using an electric current.

Electrophoresis is the application of current to certain areas of the skin.

  • If the patient is unable to cough, ultraviolet irradiation may be prescribed to the anterior wall of the chest. Ultraviolet light has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect and promotes rapid recovery.
  • A special massage, during which the patient’s chest or back is tapped, also helps fight stagnation of phlegm. After it, as a rule, it begins to be possible to clear your throat. Often, during a massage, warming ointments are applied to the patient’s chest or back.


With the consent of the doctor, when treating at home, you can also resort to traditional medicine - infusions of medicinal plants and decoctions of medicinal herbs, rubbing and ointments.

Honey with lemon

When the cough does not clear, lemon and honey can help. You need to prepare a drink from them by taking a glass of warm water and adding 20-40 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey.

You need to drink this drink at least three times a day, before meals.

Lemon and honey included in its composition not only increase immunity, and, therefore, the body’s resistance to colds and viral diseases, but also have a mucolytic effect.

Advice: the drink is only suitable for those who do not have digestive problems or allergic reactions to honey.


Another remedy, also based on honey, is prepared using radish. You need to finely grate the radish, squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass and add a few teaspoons of honey to it. Infuse the resulting drink for several hours, and then take 2 tablespoons twice a day.

What to do if a patient is allergic to honey? This ingredient can be replaced with sugar by adding it to radish juice.


A decoction of thyme helps thin mucus and remove it from the body. It’s easy to prepare – pour a pinch of herb with boiled water and put on low heat for 5-7 minutes. When the decoction is ready, it must be removed from the heat, after which the patient should cover himself with a blanket or bedspread and breathe over the saucepan with steam.

After the broth has cooled, you can drink it. For a better effect when drinking, honey is added to it.

Tea with elecampane

It is useful to make tea with elecampane roots. To do this, you need to fill one root with hot boiled water, adding a slice of lemon to the container. When the tea is steeped, it should be dark in color and can be drunk like regular tea throughout the day. You can add honey, which will have a good effect on the immune system and help you no longer get sick.


A clearing cough also appears when using various compresses. Traditional recipes recommend using melted goat fat for such compresses, applying them to the back and chest. This procedure is best performed at night, after applying fat, warming yourself with a scarf.

When a person begins to be unable to clear their throat, it is important to seek medical advice as soon as possible. Self-medication can be dangerous, as it often leads to progression of the underlying disease and complicates the recovery process.


What to do if you can’t cough up sputum: ways to get rid of the problem

Sputum is one of the symptoms of the development of pathological processes in the organs of the respiratory system. It occurs on the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree. Difficult sputum discharge is associated with its high level of density.

Thick mucus adheres to the bronchial tree, causing a dry cough. In the presence of chronic diseases, sputum accumulates and is not coughed up for a long time. To improve the expectoration process, mucolytic drugs are used.

Causes of difficulty with sputum discharge

Healthy bronchi secrete enough mucus to keep the respiratory system functioning normally. Secretion of mucous membranes increases with the development of pathologies. The active division of harmful bacteria leads to an increase in the thickness of the mucus. Sputum is formed, which consists of microflora, protein breakdown products, toxins, blood components and plasma.

The thickness and color of sputum depends on the saturation of its components. Depending on the severity of the pathology, the mucus will be accompanied by serous and purulent discharge with streaks of blood.

Diseases leading to the formation of sputum:

  • acute or chronic bronchitis;
  • lower lobe pneumonia;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • laryngotracheitis;
  • polyps and neoplasms in the bronchi;
  • candidiasis.

The cause may also be a psychosomatic factor.

Sputum that is difficult to clear is highly dense and thick. It is impossible to push it out of the bronchi by coughing. Sputum sticks to the mucous membranes, causing the urge to cough up. Prolonged and unproductive cough leads to injury to the bronchi and respiratory system, which aggravates the course of the disease.

Long-term, active smoking affects the formation of sputum. Smoker's bronchitis develops - a chronic inflammation of the bronchi, the development of which is associated with the effects of cigarette smoke on the respiratory tract. The sputum is brown in color, does not clear well and causes bouts of dry cough.

If the child's sputum does not come out

Cough in children occurs due to the presence of viral, fungal or bacterial infections. Due to insufficient development of the chest muscles, the child does not expel mucus even if it is present in the bronchi.

Attacks of dry cough in a child can continue for a long time. In severe cases, the baby loses the ability to breathe normally.

The constantly recurring urge to cough makes it impossible to inhale air, and the child’s general well-being deteriorates.

The most common causes of dry cough in a child:

  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • laryngotracheitis;
  • whooping cough.

Due to the fact that sputum is not coughed up, the child’s abdominal cavity is in constant tension. A strong urge to cough significantly increases the risk of developing an umbilical hernia.

In addition to colds and respiratory infections, a dry cough occurs due to foreign bodies entering the respiratory system.

Thick phlegm is released as a reaction of the body to dry air, dust, city smog and car smoke.

The danger of difficult sputum discharge during pregnancy

Infection of the body during pregnancy is dangerous due to complications in the form of premature birth, miscarriage, defects and various defects of the fetus. In addition, a constant cough reflex is dangerous for a woman. It is able to influence the tone of the muscles of the uterus, leading the organ to unexpected contraction.

The danger of dry cough depends on the stage of pregnancy:

  1. In the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman's immune system weakens, which causes infection to quickly spread. At the moment of coughing, the abdominal wall is overstrained, as a result of which the uterus becomes tense. Increased tone of the uterus complicates the process of attachment of the embryo to the mucous membrane.
  2. In the second trimester, a dry cough is practically harmless. The baby is protected by the placenta, which takes on the blow of viruses and bacteria. The threat comes from the presence of a source of infection in the body, which leads to the development of placental insufficiency. There is a risk of developing various fetal abnormalities associated with malnutrition.
  3. In the third trimester, a persistent cough increases the likelihood of premature birth. This happens because viruses and bacteria lead to rapid aging of the placenta, and this process especially accelerates towards the end of pregnancy.
Read also:  How inhalations with saline solution are performed for coughs in children


If there is difficulty in sputum discharge, mucolytic drugs are prescribed. They affect the bronchial mucosa, increasing secretion production.

Complex mucolytics change the composition of sputum, making it less viscous. The drugs reduce inflammation, speeding up the healing process.

Most products are available over the counter, but their use may be limited to children or pregnant women.

Drugs that improve sputum discharge for adults:

A drug
Dosage and Application
Codelac broncho Take 1 tablet morning and evening. A combined drug, each of the components of which has a specific effect on the bronchi. Increases secretion of mucous membranes, relieves inflammation and thins mucus
Ambrobene The drug stimulates the synthesis of surfactant, a substance that prevents the alveoli and small bronchi from sticking together. Increases the concentration of the active substance of antibiotics in the secretion. Take 1 capsule 2 times a day
Fluimucil It is prescribed in the form of tablets, but for seriously ill patients the drug is used in the form of injections. Contraindicated in case of exacerbation of gastrointestinal ulcer. Take 1 tablet 1 time per day

When a pregnant woman does not cough up sputum, you should be more careful in choosing medications.

Most of them contain elecampane root, anise, ivy, violet, oregano, thyme, coltsfoot, plantain, licorice root and pine buds. All these components are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy.

They release a certain amount of toxins that poison food. In addition, the listed herbs increase the tone of the uterus, increasing the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

Acceptable mucolytic drugs during pregnancy:

A drug
Dosage and Application
Bromhexine Available in the form of drops for oral administration. The daily dosage is 8 mg 3-4 times a day. The product has a mild effect on the respiratory system
Mukaltin Has anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects. Take 1 tablet 3 times a day

Mucolytic drugs are prohibited for children under 2 years of age. They are used mainly in the form of syrups, since a child may choke on tablets or capsules.

Acceptable mucolytic drugs for children:

A drug
Dosage and Application
Liquorice root Available in the form of syrup. Children over 2 years old are prescribed 2.5 ml 4 times a day. At the age of 10-12 years, 7.5-10 ml 3-4 times a day
Pertusin The dosage is 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day. In case of overdose, allergic reactions are possible, which manifest themselves as a rash on the skin
Gedelix Children over 2 years old are prescribed a dosage of 2.5 ml 3 times a day. At the age of 10 years, the daily intake of the drug reaches 5 ml 3-4 times a day

Carrying out inhalations

Inhalations are carried out using a drug dissolved in water. Prescribed in cases where sputum has not been coughed up for a long time. Compared to tablets, this method has the following advantages:

  • the active ingredient of the drug reaches directly the affected areas of the mucous membrane;
  • sputum is moistened with steam, becomes liquid and comes off easily;
  • Accelerated removal of bacteria from the bronchi occurs.

Doctors recommend inhalation using a nebulizer. The device converts the drug into an aerosol, which is delivered into the respiratory tract through a mask. During the procedure, the nasal canals, throat, tonsils and bronchi are treated. Inhalations with a nebulizer are safer because there is no risk of accidental burns to the respiratory tract.

Steam nebulizer with inhalation mask

Rules for inhalation:

  • start the procedure 1 hour after eating or exercising;
  • clothing should not restrict the chest;
  • you need to be in a clean, ventilated room;
  • inhalation cannot be combined with taking mucolytic drugs in the form of tablets or syrup;
  • after the procedure, do not leave the room for 1 hour;
  • the amount of the drug dissolved in water should not exceed 5 ml.

Time for one procedure:

  • children over 2 years old - no more than 1 minute;
  • adults - up to 5 minutes 2 times a day.

Preparations for inhalation:

  • ACC-100 (10% solution);
  • Bromhexine 4 Berlin-Chemie;
  • Fluimucil;
  • Overslept.

It is prohibited to carry out inhalations in the presence of purulent lesions of the respiratory system. Before the procedure, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction to avoid complications such as bronchospasm.

Inhalation technique:

  • you can use a nebulizer, or any other sterile container;
  • add 5 ml of the drug to the water, heat it to steam;
  • inhale steam through the nose, slowly and calmly;
  • it is forbidden to talk;
  • it is necessary to close your eyes to prevent burns;
  • After the procedure, you should remain in bed.

If any discomfort occurs, you must stop the procedure.

Traditional medicine

You can improve sputum discharge at home using traditional medicine recipes. Such therapy should not replace drug treatment, but is suitable as an auxiliary practice.

Treatment of dry cough with folk remedies:

Milk with figs You need to take 1 fig and cut it into 2 halves. Place the fruit in a gauze container and pour 0.5 liters of milk. Place on low heat, cook for 10 minutes. Drink cooled 3 times a day. Milk has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract, and figs help remove mucus
Onion juice You will need 100 g of honey and several onions. Grind the onions until smooth and add to honey. Mix everything until smooth. Take 2 teaspoons 2-3 times a day
Honey with horseradish Mix the ingredients in 1:1 proportions. Take 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach. This product improves not only mucus discharge, but also sweating
Licorice root decoction Grind 20 g of root, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Cook for 30 minutes. Cool and strain before serving. Take 2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day
Honey with lemon You should cut the lemon into 2 parts and squeeze the juice out of it. Add 1 spoon of honey. Mix everything until smooth and place in the refrigerator to freeze. Take a teaspoon before meals

If you have candidiasis of the bronchi, it is highly not recommended to use recipes containing sugar. You should completely avoid confectionery products, as well as any products containing yeast. Otherwise, the cough will last a very long time, and the medications will have little effect.



Constant coughing up mucus - causes and treatment

Sputum production when coughing is not an independent disease. This is just a symptom, but it is very common and characteristic of many respiratory diseases. This manifestation occurs both with a common cold and with serious pathologies. The severity of the disease can be judged after examining the secretions.

Possible reasons

The accumulation of mucus occurs mainly in the bronchi, on the mucous membrane of the larynx and trachea, as well as in the lungs. Normal breathing is disrupted and a cough appears as a reflex reaction, coughing up mucus in the morning . The most common reasons are:

  1. Tobacco smoking: passive smoking is not excluded. Constant irritation of the mucous membrane of smokers contributes to the frequent and rapid occurrence of infection. Smoker's bronchitis slowly begins to develop. It is very difficult to treat, even after getting rid of the bad habit;
  2. Occupational hazards: sputum discharge is often observed during prolonged contact with industrial aerosols or low-quality fuel combustion products. Moreover, the most severe irritation of the mucous membrane is caused by incompletely burned fuel.
  3. Bronchitis is a chronic stage: the cause of bronchitis is an incompletely cured acute respiratory viral infection. In the future, even the mildest cold causes an exacerbation and transition to a chronic form.
  4. Laryngitis: little sputum is produced, but the cough is painful and frequent.
  5. Pneumonia: in this case, a lot of secretion comes out. Its color is greenish or white-yellow.
  6. Bronchial asthma: more often observed after certain physical or emotional stress.
  7. Genetic change in chromosomes: the framework structure of the lungs suffers, which leads to the formation of obstructive bronchitis.
  8. Cardiovascular lesions: against this background, little sputum is produced, and there are no other signs of lung disease.
  9. Oncological diseases of the respiratory tract: the discharge of secretions is observed against the background of a prolonged painful cough. Moreover, there are no symptoms of intoxication. There is severe pain in the chest that persists after coughing.
  10. Severe infectious diseases (tuberculosis).

Expectoration of mucus from the nasopharynx

The mucous membranes of the oral cavity, larynx, nasopharynx and other respiratory tracts are an excellent breeding ground for many bacteria. All this contributes to the active development of the inflammatory process and the appearance of bad breath.

The discharge of mucus from the nasopharynx mainly indicates colds. This symptom is typical for tonsillitis, chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis.

During diagnosis, it is necessary to exclude gastro-enteral reflux, in which mucus is often coughed up after eating. This pathology is characterized by the flow of food from the stomach back into the esophagus.

As a result, a small amount of liquid enters the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, causing irritation.

Expectoration of mucus from the lungs

This symptom is observed with bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis or oncological pathology. These diseases share very similar symptoms. These are cough, fever, general malaise, chest pain.

When coughing, mucus and blood may be coughed up. This manifestation indicates severe forms of the disease. Most often, blood appears due to damage to the lungs by tuberculosis or oncology.

But blood cords are also observed with a common cold, when the removal of sputum is difficult and the cough is dry. In this case, small vessels burst, and blood enters the mucus.

This is not a serious pathology and is not destructive.


When examining sputum, pay attention to its color and consistency. To carry out a correct diagnosis, the secretion must be fresh. White or colorless liquid indicates the presence of acute bronchitis or early stages of pneumonia. The volume of sputum is small and not every time it is released after a cough.

When it becomes chronic, the secretion becomes viscous and foamy. The volume increases, sometimes several times. But in the case of viral or allergic pneumonia, its amount remains scarce.

Serous sputum is characteristic of bronchiectasis. With pulmonary edema, bloody streaks appear in the serous contents. Purulent-serous mucus with a foul odor is observed in patients with a lung abscess or infected bronchiectasis.

Purulent sputum is yellow or greenish-yellow in color. These include patients with tuberculosis, the last stage of lung cancer, as well as with abscess and bronchiectasis.


Therapeutic measures depend on the form of pathology that caused the accumulation and secretion of mucus.

After clarifying the diagnosis and conducting a bacteriological examination of sputum, an individual course of treatment is prescribed. All medications and methods are prescribed by the doctor.

Correct intake, according to the plan and following the doctor’s recommendations will help you get rid of the problem quickly and without complications. The following is recommended as a therapeutic effect:

  • Antibacterial drugs;
  • Expectorants;
  • Phytotherapeutic effects and traditional medicine;
  • Antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral agents;
  • Drink plenty of fortified drinks;
  • Drugs that expand the lumen of the bronchi;
  • Breathing exercises;
  • Immunomodulators.

Find out the causes and treatment of mucus in the throat that does not clear up.

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Why do you produce sputum without coughing?

Hypersecretion of the bronchi and nasopharynx leads to the fact that patients begin to be bothered by sputum without coughing. There are many reasons for this activity of the glands of the mucous membrane of the respiratory system, but most often the trigger of the process is an infection. If sputum is not coughed up, it means that some pathological process has started.

The sooner you consult a doctor about this, the easier it is to make a diagnosis and carry out adequate therapy. Otherwise, there is no doubt that serious complications will develop.

What does phlegm in the throat without coughing indicate and its causes?

Normally, mucus in the bronchial tree is an urgent need, since the mucous membrane must be moisturized to effectively cleanse the airways. It is physiological for the natural environment of the bronchopulmonary system.

However, the accumulation of sputum in the bronchi, especially without a cough reflex, indicates the onset of some disease and requires establishing the cause of this pathological condition.


Most often, the triggers of the problem are:

  • Inflammation of the branches of the bronchial tree. In this case, green mucus is intensively produced with unstable discharge to the outside.
  • Sensitization of the body causes abundant secretion without attempts to remove the secretion from the bronchi. At the same time, a feeling of a constant secretory lump appears in the throat.
  • Metabolic disorders are another reason for increased sputum production. This is the result of a hormonal or metabolic failure.
  • Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, first of all, is manifested by an incomprehensible abundance of sputum in the lungs. Here you need to listen to the accompanying symptoms: night sweats, low-grade fever, weakness.
  • Laryngitis, pharyngitis, laryngopharyngitis - inflammation of the throat with pain. There is no cough because the patient is afraid of it, the pain is so severe.
  • A runny nose with viscous discharge gives a constant sensation of snot running down the back wall of the nasopharynx, but does not cause a cough, rather a gag reflex.
  • Respiratory infections - acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, colds, tracheitis. Cough in these cases can occur in the later stages of the disease, and mucus is present initially.
  • Bronchial asthma and pleurisy are, rather, complications of mucus syndrome without cough that is not treated in time, but they also become causes during the next exacerbation.
  • Sinusitis causes mucus to accumulate due to inflammation.
  • Bad habits: alcohol and smoking create favorable conditions for structural changes in the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and bronchi, provoking hypersecretion, but not causing a cough.
  • Fast food, spicy food, medications are another provocateurs of mucus without coughing.

Coughing up white mucus without coughing

Enveloping the larynx with white mucus without a reflexive attempt to remove it is a common reason for patients to see a doctor. Most often, this is pure physiology, not dangerous to health: unfavorable ecology, food irritating the mucous membranes, alcoholic drinks.

If, in addition to sputum, cold symptoms appear: runny nose, headache and fever, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Most likely, acute respiratory infections provoked an exacerbation of a latent process, which is localized in the upper respiratory tract and does not manifest itself in anything other than hypersecretion of mucus. The pathology does not descend into the bronchi, so there is no cough. But such “innocence” may hide tumors of the nasopharynx, so consultation with a specialist is necessary.

For prevention purposes, any expectoration of white mucus without coughing for a couple of days is a reason to visit a therapist.

An examination with special equipment and a series of tests will allow you to determine the true cause of hypersecretion and prescribe therapy or send you to a specialized specialist.

Is it possible to swallow phlegm in the throat?

The accumulation of mucus in the throat forces the patient to pay attention to it. There are only two options: expectoration or swallowing. Both processes are physiological.

Swallowing is harmless: sputum passes into the stomach and is broken down into components. Enzymes in the gastric juice transform mucus into water, which returns to the body and brings only benefits. Harmful components are digested and excreted naturally.

The feeling of mucus in the throat due to hypersecretion of the glands of the respiratory system is normal. These nerve endings signal stagnation of phlegm. The main thing is the absence of suffocation, which is a dangerous sign of the development of events: swelling of the larynx with a threat to life.

Only in the morning

Sometimes the feeling of mucus in the throat is exclusively a morning problem. This happens with reflux esophagitis - retrograde passage of food from the stomach into the throat. The essence is weakness of the sphincter at the border of organs.

It is accompanied by heartburn, which is what causes the greatest concern for patients. During pregnancy, this occurs constantly due to compression of the abdominal organs by the growing uterus.

In other cases, you need to look for the reason. This condition is caused by sinusitis. frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, adenoids, developing bronchiectasis, gradually beginning bronchitis. Decompensated heart failure may also be a trigger.

Bezokov explains: sputum without cough for helminths

A special case is helminthic infestation. It causes profuse hypersecretion of the glands of the respiratory system without coughing. Most often, the pathogens are round or flatworms, which live in minimal quantities in the large intestine and are not dangerous to humans.

But as soon as a result of a change in the environment: decreased immunity, hypothermia, infection, they become more active and begin to multiply, capturing more and more new territories.

Their larvae migrate with the bloodstream throughout the body and infect vital organs.

Wherever there are cavities, clusters of helminths appear. They can block the lumen of the intestines, ureter, and bronchi. The easiest way is to use the collar vein, adjacent to the intestine.

During gas exchange, the larvae travel from the veins to the arteries and through the pulmonary circulation to the lungs. Here they go through the entire development cycle and do not remind anyone of themselves. They only cause increased mucus secretion.

That is why patients need to pay attention to this symptom and not brush it off, but seek help from doctors.

The combination of hypersecretion with increased salivation and a constant desire for sweets is pathogenetic for helminthiasis.

Diagnosing the pathology at an early stage will greatly facilitate treatment and prevent the development of serious complications.


If you have a constant feeling of phlegm in your throat for a week, you should seek medical help from a physician (pediatrician) or general practitioner. Diagnosis is the key to success in treatment.

The survey methodology is as follows:

Anamnesis collection, physical examination, auscultation, consultation with an ENT specialist, pulmonologist.

  • OAC, OAM, biochemistry and immunology of blood.
  • X-ray of the chest organs.
  • CT, MSCT, MRI of the lungs.
  • Ultrasound of the mediastinum.
  • Bronchoscopy and bronchography.
  • PCR.
  • Sputum culture, microscopy of discharge.
  • Puncture of the suspected source of infection.


Therapy for pathological sensations is different and depends on the task at hand.

Relief of physiological accumulation of sputum

This is the simplest treatment option: adjusting the diet, calculating the drinking regime, giving up cigarettes if we are talking about a smoker. Dosed physical activity, breathing exercises, walks in the fresh air.

In other words, a healthy lifestyle will radically solve the problem. Much attention is paid to the environment, it must be environmentally friendly, the place of work - hazardous industries are prohibited.

At home, a humidifier must be constantly running, since dry room air irritates the mucous membranes and provokes secretion.

Gargling and nasal rinsing, ultraviolet radiation are recommended. In complex cases, puncture and histology are performed so as not to miss a serious pathology.

For diseases

Pathological triggers cause serious illnesses and require complex therapy, consisting of a combination of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic drugs, physiotherapy and background herbal therapy.

Cause of hypersecretion Treatment regimen Runny nose of various origins: rhinorrhea is viscous, thick, often blocking the nasal passages, causing difficulty breathing, shortness of breath. Antiseptics: Rinostop, Dolphin, Aqualor as solutions for regular nasal rinsing. Aspirators can and should be used for these purposes.

For small children - a regular rubber enema. The following will help relieve swelling: Otrivin, Nazivin, Snoop. Their course is no more than five days. If the causative agent is bacteria, the use of Dioxidin, Vicks, and Pinosol is pathogenetic. During a viral attack - Grippferon, TRS-19, any interferrons.

There are special recipes, the composition of which only the doctor knows, he also writes out prescriptions with them and they are prepared in pharmacies in special departments, manually. Usually antibiotics are added to them in minimal dosages. Dental pathology, pharyngolaryngitis, sore throat without cough, but with a lot of mucus.

The basis for relieving diseases is the use of antiseptics and agents that relieve inflammation: Doctor IOM, Miramistin, Strepsils, Faringosept, Hexoral, Stomatofit, Tantum Verde.

At the same time, antibiotic treatment is carried out to determine sensitivity to them, especially when it comes to tonsillitis: Flemoxin Solutab, Amoxiclav, Levofloxacin, Ceftriaxone - in tablet form or by injection. Diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, as a rule, demonstrate the accumulation of phlegm in the throat without coughing as a secondary symptom.

The pathology is based on a latent course of inflammation with abundant hypersecretion. Pus in the mucus is especially dangerous; it indicates the possible formation of an abscess. The goal of therapy is to stimulate the cough reflex in order to remove sputum from the primary focus of its accumulation while simultaneously stopping the infectious onset.

Mucolytics and expectorants, antibiotics aimed at suppressing a specific pathogen are used. Recommended: ACC, Ambrobene, Ascoril. Before determining the type of pathogen, in severe general condition of the patient, a short provocative course of antibiotics and antiviral drugs is prescribed. They use, for example, Summed and Tamiflu.

Exacerbation of diseases stimulates coughing and cleansing of the bronchi. The treatment regimen is individual and is the prerogative of the attending physician. In children, the drug of choice among antibiotics is Suprax. The allergy produces abundant secretion without the slightest sign of cough, accompanied by typical skin rashes. Antihistamines are prescribed: Tavegil, Suprastin, Loratadine.

Negative symptoms go away almost immediately. No additional medications are required. Reflux esophagitis, causing mechanical irritation of the oropharyngeal mucosa. It is treated only by a gastroenterologist, sometimes requiring surgical intervention. They use antacids: Rennie, Almagel, Maalox, peristalsis stimulants: Motilium, antisecretory drugs: Omez. Neoplasms of various origins, causing viscous discharge without coughing. They are treated by oncologists using cytostatics, immunosuppressants, radiation and chemotherapy.

Folk recipes

Discomfort in the throat is well relieved with herbal decoctions: chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot, burdock, sage, eucalyptus, which have expectorant properties. Coniferous infusions and inhalations have proven themselves to be excellent.

Black radish juice, oats, milk with honey help cope with hypersecretion. Pharmacies sell special, ready-made herbal mixtures and propolis tincture.

Before taking any folk remedy, you need to consult a doctor. He will recommend the best option, having previously carried out the necessary examination and allergy tests for individual intolerance to plants and food.

Doctors usually prescribe aloe and honey to be taken orally. This is a strong immune stimulating agent: a natural adaptogen and a source of microelements and vitamins in one bottle. It’s easy to prepare: a spoonful of honey is mixed with a leaf of aloe, crushed in a blender. Take in the morning and at night.

An excellent remedy is artificial sea water: add three drops of iodine and a teaspoon (without top) of salt to a glass of warm boiled or distilled water. The result is a hypertonic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory solution for gargling, which literally draws mucus out.


There is no cough, but there is sputum in an adult: how to treat the patient Link to main publication
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