
Prostatitis: division into various categories and principles of treatment

Prostatitis is an inflammatory process in the lobes of the prostate gland. Today, inflammation of the prostate is quite common among men of all age categories. There are several generally accepted classifications of this disease. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

  • Prostatitis: division into various categories and principles of treatment

By what principles is the disease classified?

Prostatitis: division into various categories and principles of treatmentAll types of prostatitis are grouped according to several main characteristics:

  • the reasons that led to the development of the inflammatory process;
  • forms of the disease;
  • flow features;
  • prevalence among patients.

Infectious and non-infectious prostatitis

Prostatitis: division into various categories and principles of treatmentDepending on the factors that caused inflammation, two types of disease are distinguished:

  • infectious inflammatory processes are usually provoked by pathogenic microorganisms; internal classification in the group takes into account the type of bacteria and viruses, as well as the method of penetration into the prostate;
  • non-infectious inflammation of the prostate gland can be caused by congestion, the presence of stones or age-related changes in a man’s body.

Classification of infectious inflammation of the prostate

In the presence of infectious pathogens, the type of pathogenic organism is first determined.

Depending on what infectious agent is present in the gland, prostatitis can be defined as viral, mycoplasma, trichomonas, etc. Let's look at them in more detail.

Viral inflammation is called inflammation caused by cytomegalovirus, herpes, and influenza. The main danger of this type is the high probability of spreading to nearby organs.

Prostatitis: division into various categories and principles of treatmentThe main reason for the development of mycoplasma prostatitis is the penetration of pathogenic intracellular organisms - mycoplasmas - into the prostate. If not treated in a timely manner, mycoplasmas can enter the organs of the urinary system, causing inflammatory processes there too.

Trichomonas, fungal and gonorrheal inflammation develops when the corresponding infectious agents enter the prostate. The cause of infection can be promiscuity and sexual contact without the use of protective equipment.

A mixed disease is a disease in which several types of infectious pathogens were detected in the patient’s secretions and urine.

Since there are different ways of infection entering the prostate tissue, the internal classification provides for division on this basis.

The following types of bacterial prostatitis are distinguished:

Rising Bacteria, viruses and fungi enter the gland ducts from the urethra.
Descending This diagnosis is made in the presence of inflammatory processes in the organs of the urinary system.
Lympho- or hematogenous Pathogenic cells were transported, respectively, by lymph or blood from other sites of inflammation.
Mechanical The cause of such prostatitis is injury to the gland tissue as a result of surgery or other medical procedures.

Infectious inflammation can become severe with the formation of a large amount of pus and its subsequent release through the urethra. In this case, acute purulent prostatitis is diagnosed. In addition to purulent discharge, this form is characterized by a rapid increase in body temperature to 39 degrees.

Treatment of infectious forms

Prostatitis: division into various categories and principles of treatment

For chronic inflammatory processes, treatment can last several months with alternating antibacterial agents, the use of various physiotherapeutic procedures, and herbal remedies.

Types of non-infectious inflammation of the prostate gland

In the absence of pathogenic microflora, the following types of prostatitis of non-infectious etiology are distinguished:

Calculous Calculous is a disease in which inflammatory processes are caused by the formation of calcium formations in the lobes and ducts of the prostate. With small stones, the disease can be practically asymptomatic. If the size of the stones reaches a diameter of 0.5 to 2 cm or more, the patient begins to experience sharp cutting pains, a decrease in the volume of ejaculate is noted, and sometimes a small amount of blood is present in the urine and seminal fluid. Symptoms are aggravated after intense physical activity, with constipation and difficulty defecating, after sexual intercourse.
Stagnant Congestive prostatitis develops as a result of circulatory disorders and untimely removal of secretions from the glandular tissues of the prostate. The reasons for the development of such phenomena are a sedentary lifestyle and low sexual activity. Stagnation leads to insufficient supply of tissues with oxygen and necessary substances, the lobes of the gland swell, pain and discomfort appear during urination and after sexual intercourse.
Age-related Age-related changes can also cause prostatitis-like symptoms. After 40-45 years, the balance of male and female sex hormones changes, which leads to the onset of hypertrophic processes in the gland. Sometimes they are practically asymptomatic, and in some cases they are accompanied by pain and urinary disorders.

Basic principles of treatment of non-infectious forms

Prostatitis: division into various categories and principles of treatment

For large formations, ultrasonic crushing is used. If the stones have caused atrophy of nearby tissues, surgical treatment is performed to remove part of the prostate gland. In especially severe cases, when the organ contains a large number of large formations that have led to irreversible changes, complete removal of the prostate is required.

Treatment of a congestive inflammatory process is aimed at activating blood flow and timely removal of prostatic juice.

For this purpose, means are used that improve blood circulation in the pelvic area and accelerate metabolism, massage the prostate gland, and apply therapeutic microenemas, baths, and physiotherapy.

It is very important to move more and perform a set of exercises daily to help eliminate stagnation. For age-related inflammation, the therapeutic regimen includes hormonal drugs, analgesics, and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Acute and chronic forms

Depending on the nature of the inflammation and its dynamics, acute and chronic prostatitis are distinguished:

Acute form It is characterized by rapid development and pronounced symptoms. At first, the temperature rises sharply, and nagging pain occurs in the perineal area. Further, the man notes pain and discomfort while visiting the toilet and after sexual intercourse. With the subsequent development of the disease, pain can spread to the anus and radiate to the external genitalia, red blood cells appear in the urine, and potency and libido decrease.
Chronic form It has a less pronounced clinical picture, and during periods of remission the disease can be practically asymptomatic. Chronic inflammatory processes develop independently or are a consequence of inadequate or incomplete treatment of the acute form. In the absence of therapeutic measures, the disease can cause a number of complications: irreversible changes occur in the structure of the prostate gland, affecting the composition of the secretion and causing infertility; nearby tissues and organs can be involved in the inflammatory process.

Features of the treatment of acute and chronic inflammation

If you start treatment at the first signs of acute prostatitis and follow all the doctor’s recommendations, the likelihood of a complete cure is very high. Therapy is carried out with antibacterial agents (they are used both in the presence of pathogenic microflora and in its absence), immunomodulators, and anti-inflammatory drugs.

To quickly relieve symptoms, the use of rectal suppositories with antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects is effective. Additionally, UHF, ultrasound, and magnetic therapy are used. In case of a chronic process, almost the same techniques are used, but the course of treatment can last more than one month.


Typology, classification and stages of development of prostatitis

Before we talk about the stages of prostatitis, we will give an idea of ​​the degree of relevance of the problem.

On a forum dedicated to the problems of men's health, a man writes in a message: “The doctor diagnosed: “Chronic asymptomatic non-infectious prostatitis in the catarrhal stage.”

Dear forum participants, who can explain this stream of consciousness to me? I am a fairly educated person, I have two higher educations, but I don’t understand what the doctor wanted to say.

At what stage of development is the disease that has befallen me? Until recently, I believed that there are two stages of the disease - acute and chronic. However, there is also catarrhal...? We have prepared material that will help men understand what stages of prostatitis development exist and what this disease is.

Prostatitis: division into various categories and principles of treatmentYou cannot endure the pain; at the first signs you need to urgently consult a specialist doctor

General information about prostatitis

Prostatitis - from lat. “Prostatitis” is an inflammatory disease of the prostate. The prostate is a purely male secretory organ, and the diseases associated with it are exclusively male ailments that do not affect women.

Therefore, it is incorrect to say “prostatitis in men” - such a semantic error is often found on the Internet. Because of it, one gets the impression that prostatitis also occurs in the fair sex.

Can not be!

Another common mistake in non-professional descriptions of the disease on the World Wide Web is the identification of prostatitis with prostatodynia. Prostatodynia is a non-inflammatory disease. More precisely, not a disease at all, but a pain syndrome associated with the prostate gland.

It is correctly called “non-inflammatory chronic pelvic pain syndrome” or “neurovegetative prostatopathy.” Therefore, you need to understand that when they write on the Internet about prostatodynia as a type of prostatitis, this is a serious mistake.

With prostatodynia, you need to contact a neurologist, not a proctologist.

Environment of spread of pathology

This fact is explained by the physiological characteristics of this age. Starting from the age of forty, a man’s metabolism undergoes certain changes. For some they begin earlier, for others later, but one thing is certain - these changes are inevitable for everyone. Aging of the body is a “disease” that could only be slowed down; we have not yet learned how to treat it.

The occurrence of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland (prostate) is associated with the quality of blood flow in the pelvis. If the gland is poorly washed with blood, stagnant processes may occur, leading to the onset of inflammation of the prostate.

The most common cause of deterioration of blood flow in the pelvis is prolonged sitting. All activities that involve sitting for long periods of time will contribute to the development of prostatitis.

Therefore, the professions of a driver, office worker, and network administrator create an environment where the occurrence of prostatitis is more than likely.

Another cause of inflammation in the prostate gland is infection. Invasion of pathological microorganisms is a rarer cause of prostatitis than blood stagnation. The statistical ratio between these types of prostatitis is 5:1.

This means that for one infectious lesion of the prostate gland there are 5 cases of congestive prostatitis. Note that the gland is reliably protected from infections of any kind by the surrounding tissues. Provided that the prostate is normally washed with blood, the occurrence of an infectious inflammatory process seems unlikely.

However, if you make some efforts, harming your own health, you can achieve “success”:

  • Poor hygiene, coupled with a poor diet, leads to hardening of stool. The feces become so hard that they can damage the tissue surrounding the prostate during bowel movements. The gland, having lost its protection, becomes vulnerable to infection.
  • The tissues surrounding the prostate can be damaged mechanically. Unprofessional massage of the prostate creates conditions for infectious damage to the organ. For the same reason, non-traditional forms of sexual relations are dangerous.
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Difficulties of prostatitis typology

Prostatitis: division into various categories and principles of treatmentMen need to include meat dishes in their diet

Modern medical science has not been able to complete the work of creating a generally accepted typology and classification of this pathology. This situation is not unique - it reflects a general trend in modern medicine.

For a long time, domestic medicine developed in isolation from the Western therapeutic tradition. She was able to develop her own unique scientific language, clearly structured terminology, and well-developed methodology. Western medicine is a conglomerate of several influential scientific and therapeutic areas with several separate movements, such as homeopathy and urine therapy.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the barriers separating domestic medicine from foreign medicine collapsed. In addition to the positive cross-fertilization of scientific knowledge, a negative has also arisen - confusion around the structuring of medical experience. Therefore, situations where several typologies exist in parallel regarding the course of a particular disease are considered normal.

Examples of prostatitis typology

The most common typology of prostatitis is the division of pathology into acute and chronic forms. Let us note that the Western medical tradition puts much more into the concept of “acute prostatitis” than is customary in domestic medicine. Let us dwell on the main factor, which allows us to unconditionally distinguish the acute form from the chronic one:

  • Acute form: the disease occurs for the first time and is recorded for the first time in the patient’s medical history.
  • Chronic form: the disease occurs repeatedly, both anew and recurrently. The disease has a documented history.

Attention! The distinction between acute and chronic forms of the disease will be relevant for other diseases, not only for prostatitis.

Depending on the cause of inflammation of prostatitis, the following occurs:

  • Infectious form. This form, in turn, is divided into: bacterial, viral and fungal (candidal) prostatitis, depending on the type of infectious agent.
  • Non-infectious form. Most often this refers to congestive pathology that affects the prostate gland. Sometimes we can talk about a rare type of pathology – autoimmune prostatitis.

The types of typology presented are classic; they do not include atypical forms, which we will consider separately. Less commonly used classifications (NIH) include the division of prostatitis into four categories. In the post-Soviet space, this type of classification is practically not used.

Atypical forms of prostatitis

There are several forms of prostatitis that do not fit into any type of classification of this pathology. Let's look at them separately.

Asymptomatic form

In the Western NIH classification, this form is classified as category 4 prostatitis. We are talking about an illness that occurs without pronounced symptoms. That is, there is no way to clearly determine the type of disease. What is typical for the course of the disease is accompanied by a rich clinical picture:

  1. There is bacteriuria (an increased amount of a certain type of bacteria), but it is insignificant. That is, there are not enough bacteria in the analysis to consider infection as the main cause of the disease.
  2. There are leukocytes in the secretion, there are more of them than normal, but tests do not show the presence of a pathogen.
  3. Rheumatoid factor is slightly elevated, but close to normal, which excludes the autoimmune form of the disease.

Thus, with a sufficiently large number of symptoms, there is no basis for a clear definition of the type of disease. This uncertainty led to the classification of this form of prostatitis as atypical.

Cognitive form

Prostatitis: division into various categories and principles of treatmentAny medications are taken only as prescribed by a doctor

Domestic medical science is not inclined to mix psychology, psychiatry with classical medicine. It cannot be said that in the West there is such a mixture everywhere, but what is difficult to deny is the high authority of cognitive sciences in foreign medicine.

The power of human suggestion is an amazing ability that has not yet been fully studied. Truly powerful abilities are attributed to her - to perform miracles of self-healing, to create imaginary worlds, to overcome insurmountable obstacles, to achieve unrealistic sports results.

There is a popular science theory that claims that the power of suggestion can stop and start pathological processes.

Many studies have been devoted to this issue, on the basis of which we can conclude that the cognitive form of prostatitis is an ailment, the cause of which can be precisely the power of suggestion plus the power of a person’s imagination, multiplied by his mental potential.

Conventionally, two subtypes of cognitive prostatitis can be distinguished:

  • Vegetative non-inflammatory. The patient experiences pain and discomfort in the pelvic area and may have an elevated temperature. A clinical study shows the absence of an inflammatory process.
  • Autonomic inflammatory. The patient is deeply convinced that he is sick. Can describe his feelings at length and in detail. Shows the whole gamut of symptoms characteristic of the infectious form of prostatitis. Clinical research shows the presence of an inflammatory process, but cannot establish its nature.

Attention! The cognitive type of prostatitis is rarely recorded in domestic clinical practice. The number of cases of detection of this disease is so small that medical statistics do not record it separately.

Classic classification of clinical stages (forms) of prostatitis development

Since prostatitis is an inflammatory disease, its stages are characterized by intensification of the inflammatory process. The classic classification of the inflammatory process is its division into the following stages (forms): catarrhal, follicular, parenchymal, phlegmonous. In real clinical practice, stages rarely occur separately from each other.

Important! The characteristics of the stages of inflammation do not depend on the type of prostatitis, but determine its form, which is why the stages of the inflammatory process are mistakenly perceived as types of the disease.

Catarrhal stage

The word “catarrhal” comes from the Greek “katarrhoos” - swelling, discharge. Catarrhal prostatitis is understood as inflammation of the mucous membrane of the prostate gland, accompanied by the release of exudate. Based on the prevalence and intensity of the inflammatory process, the catarrhal stage can be considered as the initial, weakest of all.

Catarrhal prostatitis is characterized by three forms of disease severity, which are classified according to the composition of the exudate:

  • serous;
  • mucous;
  • purulent.

During the course of the catarrhal form of the disease, a man experiences minor difficulties with urination and sporadic pain in the pelvic area. Temperature may rise to febrile levels.

Follicular stage

Prostatitis: division into various categories and principles of treatmentRegular examination allows you to detect pathology in time

The word “follicular” is derived from the Latin “folliculus” - pouch. A “follicle” is a round, oval or pear-shaped organic formation that performs a specific biological function.

By follicular prostatitis we mean focal damage to the lining of the prostate gland, accompanied by the release of purulent exudate, impaired blood supply to the prostate, and inflammation of the nerve fibers.

The gland increases in size and puts pressure on the urethra. As this stage of the disease develops, the patient experiences severe pain when urinating and defecating.

The increase in temperature is losing its sporadic nature, remaining stably at around 38.

Parenchymal stage

The word “parenchyma” is derived from the Greek “parenchyma” - literally translated means “poured nearby” - this is how the Greeks called the pulp of plants. In medicine, parenchyma is a type of tissue with thin-walled cells. The endocrine glands, liver, and spleen are built from this tissue in the human body.

Parenchymal prostatitis refers to complete damage to the entire organ. Inflammation covers all tissues of the gland. The gland greatly increases in size, the exudate is exclusively purulent.

The patient experiences serious discomfort during bowel movements and urination. The situation may be so serious that urination becomes possible only with the insertion of a catheter.

The man experiences constant pain of varying degrees of intensity. Body temperature – 38° and above (up to 41°).

Phlegmonous stage

The word “phlegmonous” is derived from the Greek “phlegmone” - heat, inflammation. “Phlegmonous” means the formation of “phlegmon.” In medicine, phlegmon is understood as purulent melting of tissue. The most severe stage of pathology development. The inflammatory process ceases to limit itself to the glandular organ, spreading further to the surrounding tissues.

With phlegmonous prostatitis, the tissues of the urethra, vascular tissues, nervous tissue, seminal canals, and testicles are affected. The disease becomes deadly. Acts of urination are impossible without therapeutic intervention. Stool is seriously difficult. The patient has a high or very high temperature.

The prognosis is favorable with intensive care measures.

Treatment prognosis at each stage of pathology development

Each of the stages of disease development we have described can cause a lot of problems for the patient. Even the catarrhal form is very painful for a man, albeit tolerable to some extent.

With timely therapeutic intervention, prostatitis can be treated in any form. A serious difficulty in treatment can be caused by just one complication – blood poisoning in severe, advanced forms of prostatitis.

With extensive blood sepsis, a significant threat to the patient’s life is created, which doctors cannot always overcome.


Types of prostatitis in a variety of forms and types of disease | Prostatilen - official website of the drug for prostatitis

Prostatitis: division into various categories and principles of treatment

In a broad sense, the concept of prostatitis (from the Latin prostata and the ending -itis) denotes the fact of an inflammatory process in the tissues of the prostate gland. However, the term itself cannot describe the disease, since there is a huge variety of forms of the disease that differ in the causes caused - by etiology, by symptoms or clinical manifestations, as well as by the outcome or consequences of prostatitis.

Various approaches in medicine to the formation of classifications of prostatitis

It is important to note that previously there was a significant variety of descriptions and classifications, to the point that each country had its own and could be radically different from other options.

At the moment, generally accepted in the vast majority of countries is the approach formed on the basis of recommendations of the expert industry community within the WHO - the world health organization.

It includes almost all the points that influence what types of prostatitis there are.

Classification of prostatitis based on WHO principles

Based on the recommendations of the WHO - World Health Organization and industry protocols, the division into the following types of pathology is generally accepted:

  1. Acute prostatitis marked by an etiological factor - most often bacterial, ending with complete recovery;
  2. Acute prostatitis, ending with recovery with minimal, clinically unexpressed dysfunctions;
  3. Chronic form of prostatitis, after acute;
  4. Primary chronic process – with some types of pathogens;
  5. Clinical syndrome of chronic pelvic pain with minimal or severe signs of inflammation;
  6. Clinical chronic pelvic pain syndrome – without clinical or laboratory signs of inflammation;
  7. Asymptomatic carriage and isolation of bacteria, in the proven absence of other diseases of the genitourinary system;
  8. Granulomatous form followed by fibrosis;
  9. The combination of inflammatory and non-inflammatory processes in the prostate gland is most often prostatitis and adenoma.
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The most common causes of prostatitis

If we talk specifically about the causes of prostatitis, then in this case we highlight predisposing factors on the one hand, and the immediate causes on the other.

The direct factors may be different. They themselves do not cause disease, but as a result of their influence, conditions are created under which the disease occurs. These factors are:

  • Age-related changes - in this case we mean both a general decrease in the effectiveness of the body’s immune system and local changes in the gland, which consists of a gradual decrease in the intensity of blood supply after a period of functional activity.
  • Hereditary vulnerability - indicates a greater predisposition to the occurrence of various types of prostatitis in hereditary and congenital diseases, in the clinic of which there are physiological or anatomical anomalies of the genitourinary system.
  • The usual rhythm of intimate life - from a certain moment a man enters into a rhythm of sexual activity that is acceptable to him. In this case, there is mutual regulation. The reproductive system, through complex hormonal influences, determines the frequency of contacts, and they, in turn, strengthen this influence. If, for some reason, long-term abstinence follows, or an increase in the intensity of contacts stimulated by medications, then after a certain time either stagnation of the secretion or functional depletion of the gland occurs. Both conditions weaken local defense mechanisms.
  • Local hypothermia - in this case, a decrease in the temperature of the perineal organs leads to a decrease in the intensity of metabolic processes and blood supply in response to the cold. The result is the formation of a “place of least resistance,” which is an ideal condition for the further development of infection.
  • Low level of physical activity, sedentary work - constant physical inactivity sharply reduces the quality of blood flow to the genital organs, which leads to gradual functional decline of the prostate and a drop in local immunity with the subsequent development of infection.
  • Infection of the genitourinary system - both STIs - sexually transmitted infections, and infectious damage to the kidneys or bladder. The causes of prostatitis in this case may be direct ascending or descending infection.
  • Frequent contact with different partners is a risk of STIs, as well as non-specific flora, which behaves as natural in one person, but in another can cause a rapid infectious process.
  • Unfavorable external conditions include living and professional activities, including stress. These factors significantly reduce the level of stability of the whole organism, and also negatively affect the reproductive system, significantly reducing activity.
  • Side effects of drugs - this applies to both medically determined use - the side effects of many drugs directly negatively affect the organs of the genitourinary system, and the use of substances as part of chemical dependencies (due to promiscuous sexual activity, direct infection and toxic effects of compounds).

The more and more intense the unfavorable factors affect the body, the easier the formation of the disease occurs. The direct causes of prostatitis, if considered, will be as follows:

  • Nonspecific microorganisms (usually bacteria) that are part of the normal human microflora;
  • Pathogenic microorganisms that do not cause STIs;
  • Causative agents of STIs;
  • Viruses;
  • Microscopic fungi;
  • Autoimmune inflammatory reactions.

Main types of prostatitis based on classification criteria

Acute bacterial prostatitis. The causative agent is bacteria, which can be natural to the human microflora or initially pathogenic.

In any case, most often the inflammatory process begins acutely, with the appearance of general symptoms in the form of fever, chills and manifestations from the genitourinary organs - impaired urination, severe pain, often discharge and disturbances from the intimate area.

Early and accurate diagnosis, as well as a competent approach to the treatment of the disease, completion of treatment and adherence to strict recommendations after recovery - this is the key to a complete cure and the creation of conditions to reduce the likelihood of the disease occurring in the future.

The consequence of prostatitis of this form is complete recovery, most often without consequences.

Acute prostatitis caused by STIs. In this case, the symptoms of sexually transmitted infections – syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and others – initially come to the fore. After subsiding during the treatment process, against the background of relative well-being, a clinical picture of damage to the prostate gland develops.

Although often these manifestations are minimal, and the patient simply may not pay due attention to them.

Since these pathogens have a greater affinity for the tissues of the genitourinary system, most often the process becomes chronic with periodic exacerbations, which usually occur against the background of unfavorable factors - hypothermia, stress, alcohol consumption, and other diseases.

The degree of damage to prostate tissue is deeper, and patients do not always complete treatment, focusing on imaginary well-being. In this case, the consequences of prostatitis are more serious with a gradual increase in anatomical changes and a sharp functional decrease in the activity of the gland.

Prostatitis caused by viruses and microscopic fungi. Normally, in the body of a healthy person, the cells of the immune system quite successfully fight these pathogens. The optimal conditions for the occurrence of the disease is a weakening of general or local immunity.

Most often these are immunodeficiencies. The disease is generally asymptomatic for a long time or with minimal clinical manifestations. Symptoms of prostatitis caused by fungi or viruses are subtle, and often there may be no pain at all.

However, gradual chronic inflammation and damage to gland tissue leads to persistent changes in the structure of the organ, physiological disorders and functional decline.

As a rule, the consequences of such prostatitis with a long course and lack of treatment are reduced to irreversible changes and functional inactivity.

Autoimmune mechanisms can arise due to systemic immune disorders, when for various reasons the body attacks its own tissues.

Initially, the genital organs are separated from the systemic blood flow by a blood-tissue barrier, but with micro- or macrotraumatization, with unsuccessful surgical interventions, conditions are created when the cells of the immune system actively attack the tissue of the gonads and the prostate, among them.

The process itself almost always proceeds unnoticed, with minimal manifestations in which general organismic manifestations predominate. In this case, gross changes form in the prostate tissue. Moreover, since it is not possible to protect it from the cells of the immune system, the depth of these changes will constantly increase.

Most often, inflammation is predominant, followed by irreversible sclerosis, which disrupts nutrition and further aggravates the changes. Among all the options, the consequences of this prostatitis are the most unfavorable.

Other, rarer forms of the disease that occur are not recognized by all authors and for this reason the expert community did not include them in the classification.

Forecasts for various types of prostatitis

Initially, there are variants of the disease with different types of progression. Some of them are more favorable in themselves, others less so. At the same time, there is an opportunity to reduce the chance of developing the disease, and if there is already existing inflammation, it is possible to speed up treatment, making it more complete.

Prevention is preventing the initial development of the disease. This is creating conditions and avoiding predisposing factors. Normalization of the daily routine and physical activity, healthy eating, proper rest and regular sex life with a regular partner, in the absence of bad habits and avoiding hypothermia - these measures are in many ways sufficient to prevent the development of the disease.

If you suspect you have prostatitis or complaints from the genitourinary system, you should never ignore the peculiarities of your condition. It is very dangerous to engage in self-diagnosis and even more so self-medication. It is very important to get an appointment with a specialist as quickly as possible.

The diagnosis always requires laboratory, instrumental or microbiological confirmation - just an examination is not enough. Treatment prescribed by a doctor must always be completed in full and not stopped when the pain disappears.

It is imperative to undergo periodic examinations as recommended by a specialist.

Secondary prevention is the prevention of recurrence of the disease. In addition to general instructions, an important point is the use of a relatively new group - organotropic drugs. They are represented quite widely and are used in many countries around the world.

In our country, the most justified, in view of its proven effectiveness, is the use of the drug Prostatilen, which can be used in the form of suppositories or in other dosage forms. Recent studies have clearly shown the effectiveness of Prostatilen when included in the standard treatment protocol.

A faster and more complete recovery is achieved, after which you can switch to prophylactic use of the drug outside of exacerbations, according to the frequency prescribed by specialists.

Kazak Alexander Alexandrovich,


Classification of prostatitis

Diagnosis and treatment of prostatitis in Kyiv

Prostatitis is a disease with a proven inflammatory process in the prostate gland. Depending on the duration of the disease, acute and chronic forms of prostatitis are distinguished. The diagnosis of chronic prostatitis is established when the disease lasts more than 3 months.

Chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) is a disease that is not infectious in nature, but has symptoms similar to bacterial prostatitis. Today, the most common and used classification of prostatitis proposed by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 1995.

Head of the German Federal Institute Klaus Seehofer Medical practice: more than 30 years. Prostatitis: division into various categories and principles of treatment

I have been treating prostatitis for many years. I can say with confidence that prostatitis is almost always treatable, even in very old age.

Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries, pharmaceutical corporations sell expensive medications that only relieve symptoms, thereby hooking people on one drug or another. This is why in these countries so many people suffer for years from chronic prostatitis.

The only medicine that I want to recommend and it is also officially recommended by the Ministry of Health for the treatment of prostatitis is - This drug allows you to forget about the unfortunate disease in the shortest possible time, literally from 4 days, and cure even very complex cases within a couple of months. In addition, within the framework of the federal program, every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can receive it for FREE.

  This classification of prostatitis is based on clinical signs, the presence or absence of leukocytes and microorganisms in the prostate secretion, ejaculate and urine.

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 National Institutes of Health (NIH) Prostatitis Classification

Category Title and description
I Acute bacterial prostatitis
II Chronic bacterial prostatitis
III Chronic abacterial prostatitis – chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS)
A. Inflammatory CPPS (presence of leukocytes in seminal fluid/prostate secretion/3rd portion of urine)
IN. Non-inflammatory CPPS (absence of leukocytes in seminal fluid/prostate secretion/3rd portion of urine)
IV Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis (histological prostatitis)

Prostatitis is one of the most common male diseases in the world. But few people know that seven out of ten men suffering from prostatitis die due to prostate cancer.

Particularly scary is the fact that the majority of men completely ignore the symptoms of prostatitis, and when they go to doctors, they can no longer help.

Symptoms of prostatitis:

  • Drawing or cutting pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum or perineum
  • Frequent urination, burning in the urethra
  • Feeling of "not completely emptying the bladder"
  • Difficulty urinating (weak stream)
  • Deterioration in the duration and quality of erections
  • Premature ejaculation or problems achieving it
  • Increased fatigue and irritability of the body

Even one of these symptoms should give you pause. And if there are two of them, then have no doubt - you have prostatitis.

How to cure prostatitis when there are a large number of medications that cost a lot of money?

Most medications will do no good, and some may even be harmful! Doctors are trying to treat using outdated technologies, which do not give the desired effect and the disease continues to develop. At the moment, the only effective medicine for self-treatment of prostatitis, which is officially recommended by the Ministry of Health, is.

together with the Ministry of Health, is implementing a Federal program. Within the framework of which the drug is available FREE OF CHARGE to all residents of the Russian Federation and the CIS! Category I Acute bacterial prostatitis is an acute infectious inflammation of the prostate gland with all the signs of inflammation of the prostate (increased number of leukocytes in the urine, the presence of bacteria in the urine) and general signs of a serious infection (fever, symptoms of intoxication). Category II Chronic bacterial prostatitis - characterized by the presence of relevant symptoms, on the one hand, and the presence of an increased number of leukocytes and bacteria in the prostate secretion, ejaculate and urine obtained after prostate massage. Category III Chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) - the leading clinical symptom is pain for more than 3 months in the absence of pathogenic microorganisms in prostate secretions, ejaculate and urine obtained after prostate massage. The criterion for dividing into III A and III B is the presence of an increased number of leukocytes. Category III A Inflammatory syndrome of chronic pelvic pain - characterized by the presence of pain and symptoms of prostatitis, while there is an increased number of leukocytes in the secretion of the prostate gland, ejaculate and urine, after prostate massage, pathogenic microorganisms are not detected in these samples by standard methods. Category III B Non-inflammatory chronic pelvic pain syndrome - characterized by the presence of pain and symptoms of prostatitis, while there is no increase in the number of leukocytes and pathogenic microorganisms are not detected by standard methods in prostate secretions, ejaculate and urine obtained after massage prostate. Category IV Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis - the absence of symptoms characteristic of prostatitis, the disease is detected incidentally during histological examination of prostate tissue samples obtained in connection with diagnosis for other reasons (for example, a prostate biopsy due to an increase in PSA (prostate-specific antigen) levels).

Other articles on the topic prostatitis diagnosis:

Diagnosis and treatment of prostatitis in Kyiv here.


Types and forms of prostatitis in men, acute and chronic forms of the disease

Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate gland.

Signs of the disease

Since the prostate is a functional element only of the male reproductive system, this means that the problem concerns only men.

Despite the fact that the disease under discussion is localized in a specific organ, its consequences can spread to the entire pelvic area.

Note that the forms and types of prostatitis are different concepts. When we talk about the type, we mean the cause of the disease and rarely its manifestations.

The form of the disease is determined precisely by its manifestations, and much less often by its causes. This is to be correct.

In modern medicine, there are no clear boundaries between forms and types, so you can come across the same name, called both the form and the type of prostatitis.

We will try to group all known types of prostatitis according to three criteria:

  • Nature of the disease;
  • Forms of the disease;
  • Features of the pathological process.

So, according to the nature of the disease, they are distinguished:

  1. Infectious prostatitis, which in turn is divided into subgroups, depending on the pathogen and the route of its entry into the prostate;
  2. Non-infectious.

The latter also has an internal classification and is divided depending on the processes occurring in the prostate and the body into:

  1. Stagnant;
  2. Calculous;
  3. Age.

READ ON THE TOPIC: Other signs of prostatitis in men.

Let's take a closer look at each prostatitis.

Nature of the disease


Prostatitis caused by microorganisms, viruses or microscopic fungi entering the prostate gland is called infectious.

This means that somehow the infection got inside the prostate gland. Perhaps through the genitourinary system, or through the bloodstream.

The infectious process is classified according to two criteria:

  • Based on what the infectious agent is;
  • Depending on the route of entry of the agent into the prostate gland.

Classification depending on the pathogen.

This group should include prostatitis caused by the following microscopic organisms:

  • Viral prostatitis;
  • Mycoplasma;
  • Gonorrheal;
  • Trichomonas;
  • Fungal;
  • Tuberculous;
  • Mixed and many others.
  • As you understand, the listed types are determined by the causative agent of prostatitis and the predominant number of them are the culprits of STDs.
  • We can safely say that every microorganism that causes sexually transmitted diseases can cause prostatitis.
  • The defining feature of all of these groups is that in addition to the symptoms of acute or chronic prostatitis, the patient experiences concomitant diseases of the genitourinary system or the whole body.
  • This could be gonorrhea, tuberculosis and other systemic diseases.
  • In the mixed type, prostatitis is caused by several microorganisms.
  • Also, E. coli and viridans streptococcus can be common culprits of prostatitis.
  • How they get into the prostate is an ambiguous question, so let’s look at the following classification of infectious inflammation of the prostate.
  • Classification depending on the route of entry of the pathogen.
  • The classification was created based on where the infection came from in the prostate gland.
  • Ascending prostatitis;
  • Descending;
  • Descending;
  • Hematogenous;
  • Lymphogenic;
  • Mechanical;
  • Canalicular.
  1. The infection can come from the lower urinary tract, then we will talk about an ascending infection.
  2. When the microbe comes from the kidneys or bladder, doctors talk about descending prostatitis.
  3. Infection can occur through blood or lymph - accordingly, the types of prostatitis will be:
  • hematogenous;
  • lymphogenous.

In this case we are talking about septic phenomena. Despite the fact that the blood-testis barrier is quite powerful, many STD pathogens easily penetrate through them.

  • If the infection comes from the testicles, it is the canalicular type.
  • And finally, if there was an injury and the microorganism came from the environment or the skin, then mechanical prostatitis occurs.
  • Non-infectious.
  • Prostatitis caused by lifestyle, pathology of the urinary system or age-related changes in a man’s body is called non-infectious.
  • Its main symptoms will be difficulty urinating and pain in the pelvic area.
  • Often, authors distinguish a subtype of this type of prostatitis into an independent taxonomic group - congestive prostatitis.
  • It should be remembered that congestive prostatitis is a vivid example of a non-infectious process when microorganisms have nothing to do with the disease.
  • Within the group there are three types of disease:
  • Calculous prostatitis;
  • Stagnant;
  • Age-related prostatitis.

In the first type, stones form in the prostate gland (its ducts) as a result of urine reflux.

The second type, stagnant, is, on the one hand, the cause of calculous prostatitis, and on the other, an independent subtype of a non-infectious process. It could be either way.

The age type appears when a man reaches 40-45 years of age. It may not show up at all.

POPULAR WITH READERS: Causes of acute prostatitis, symptoms and treatment

Let's take a closer look at all three types.


Full information about bacterial prostatitis can be found here.


The stones are located in the ducts of the prostate gland. The main symptom of this type is acute pain during ejaculation or a small amount of sperm.

The cause of stone formation can be both stagnant processes and pathological reflux of urine into the prostate ducts.

READ ON THE TOPIC: Chronic calculous prostatitis, symptoms, treatment methods.


  1. With a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work and low sexual activity, stagnation of prostate secretion occurs in its ducts.
  2. As a result, inflammatory processes begin, the prostate swells, and the man feels all the symptoms of prostatitis.
  3. All the details of congestive prostatitis are here.


Read all the information about congestive prostatitis here.


After 35-40 years, every man increasingly turns to a urologist.

Going to the doctor becomes a regular activity. This is due to the fact that under the influence of changing concentrations of sex hormones, the prostate begins to hypertrophy.

Most men do not feel this at all, while others are much less fortunate - they experience symptoms of acute or chronic prostatitis.

Forms of the disease

  • Acute prostatitis.
  • When it comes to acute prostatitis, doctors mean the sudden and violent occurrence of an inflammatory process in the prostate gland.
  • This type (type) of prostatitis is characterized by sharp and pronounced symptoms:
  • It is difficult and painful to urinate;
  • The pain goes to different parts of the pelvis (forward, backward, to the side);
  • There may be red blood cells in the urine, and the urine is whitish in color.
  1. Read more about acute prostatitis on this page.

  2. Chronic prostatitis.
  3. This type of inflammation of the prostate gland is characterized by a slow and sluggish course; all the symptoms indicated in the previous type of prostatitis appear weakly or do not appear at all.
  4. READ ON THE TOPIC: Is it possible to cure chronic prostatitis.

  5. You should know that all other groups of prostatitis can occur in acute or chronic form.

What is the difference? In the severity of manifestations and laboratory parameters. Read on the topic, diagnosis of prostatitis in men.


Prostatitis: division into various categories and principles of treatment Link to main publication
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