
Viferon for warts: method of use and contraindications

In dermatology, the use of Viferon for papillomas is practiced. Regular application of ointment or gel eliminates the main cause of the disease - viruses from the Papoviridae family. And the auxiliary ingredients from external products moisturize and soften the skin, saturate it with bioactive substances.

Papilloma: what is it, symptoms and causes of appearance on the body

Papillomas are a pathology that affects epithelial cells and skin. Human papillomaviruses are classified depending on their ability to degenerate into malignant neoplasms. There are infectious agents with high and low oncogenic risk.

Positive reviews of Viferon ointment against papillomas come from both doctors and recovered patients. The effectiveness of the drug is based on preventing the activation of papillomaviruses transmitted by contact. Their penetration into the human body is facilitated by the presence of microtraumas, cracks, and abrasions on the skin.

Factors that provoke infection include:

  • immunodeficiency states;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • pregnancy;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements in the body;
  • endometriosis.

At the initial stage of the disease, viruses infect basal cells, and after some time their reproduction accelerates. Papilloma consists of connective tissue and contains small vessels.

Therefore, when it is damaged, bleeding occurs. Typically, benign formations are localized on the skin of the arms, neck, and legs.

They can blend in color with the body or over time acquire a dirty brownish color.

The antiproliferative effect of the drug Viferon does not depend on the type of HPV that provoked papillomas. The drug is capable of inhibiting pathogens of papillomatosis and accelerating tissue regeneration.

Viferon for warts: method of use and contraindications

The effectiveness of treatment with Viferon

Viferon ointment and gel for papillomas effectively eliminates tumors on the skin, which is confirmed by numerous reviews.

The medicinal properties of drugs are based on their effect directly on the cause of the pathology, and not just on the symptoms.

The advantages of medicines include ease of use and a small number of contraindications. Viferon is low-toxic and is used in the treatment of pregnant and breastfeeding women. It is effective not only against ordinary papillomas in the form of hard lumps.

The drugs can relieve a person of other human papillomavirus tumors within a few months:

  • plantar neoplasms, including mosaic papillomatosis;
  • filamentous papillomas localized around the eyes, in the groin, in the armpits and on the neck;
  • Lewandowsky-Lutz papillomas, which look like multiple red-brownish spots, most often affecting the hands and feet;
  • genital warts, most often sexually transmitted.

The drug Viferon for local application has a gentle effect on all layers of the epidermis. At the end of the treatment, there are no marks left on the skin - scars, scars, depressions or spots. Another undoubted advantage of an ointment or gel is the absence of unpleasant sensations (itching, burning) after application.

Viferon for warts: method of use and contraindications

Description of the drug

Viferon ointment is used in the treatment of papillomas, both as a single-component treatment and in combination with other drugs. It is able to stop the spread of infection to healthy areas of the body by increasing immunity.

After applying the ointment or gel, the virus stops multiplying and the growth of the tumor stops. Gradually, the connective tissue cells exfoliate and the size of the papilloma decreases.

Viferon stimulates the body's production of its own interferon, so after treatment, relapses are rarely diagnosed.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Viferon for warts: method of use and contraindicationsViferon ointment (cream) and gel help get rid of papillomas, herpetic rashes, and prevent ARVI infection. This allows the drugs to be classified as antiviral drugs. And the ability to increase the body’s resistance to infectious agents determines their immunomodulatory effect.

The antioxidant and regenerating properties of Viferon are based on the presence of water- and fat-soluble vitamins in the composition.

pharmachologic effect

Positive reviews from doctors about the use of Viferon ointment for genital warts confirm its antiviral effect.

These tumors form after various strains of HPV enter the body.

The active ingredient interferon is capable of disrupting the replication of papillomaviruses, regardless of their belonging to a specific type. It is characterized by the following operating principle:

  • inhibition of enzymes that stimulate the production of proteins necessary for the construction of viral DNA;
  • acceleration of death of infectious agents due to loss of ability to grow and reproduce.

The bacteriostatic effect of interferon has also been established. Course use of external agents leads to an increase in the body's defenses. When pathogenic bacteria are detected, the immune system produces a large number of leukocytes and macrophages. They quickly destroy foreign cells, stopping the growth of streptococci, staphylococci, and E. coli.

Viferon for warts: method of use and contraindications

Release form and composition

A domestic manufacturer produces Viferon against warts in the form of a gray ointment and a yellowish gel.

To enhance the immunostimulating effect, doctors recommend combining them with rectal suppositories of the same name.

External dosage forms are packaged in aluminum tubes of 12.0 g. Secondary packaging is cardboard boxes with attached instructions for use.

The ointment contains the following ingredients:

  • interferon;
  • lanolin;
  • petrolatum;
  • cosmetic peach oil;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • Vitamin E oil solution.

The gel contains fewer active ingredients, but its composition is improved by the addition of methionine. Its chemical structure contains a sulfur molecule. The microelement significantly enhances the anti-inflammatory and aseptic properties of the drug.

Viferon for warts: method of use and contraindications

Instructions for use

Unlike other antiviral drugs, Viferon ointment is used for papillomas located in intimate places. It not only does not damage the mucous membranes, but also improves their condition due to accelerated healing. The use of the drug is especially important in patients who often suffer from viral pathologies.

Including it in therapeutic regimens allows you to:

  • increase immunity;
  • prevent malignant tissue degeneration;
  • gradually reduce the size of the tumor.

Viferon is an external drug intended for application to the skin and mucous membranes. In some cases, this process must be entrusted to a doctor. For example, lubricating the palatine tonsils in children with gel to prevent respiratory infections.

Viferon for warts: method of use and contraindications

Indications and contraindications

The use of Viferon ointment or gel for condylomas is not the main indication. Most often, the drug is prescribed by doctors for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory infections and influenza. Often, a product with interferon is recommended for patients who have been diagnosed with bacterial or fungal pathologies.

Viferon also exhibits antiviral activity against pathogens of herpes infections:

  • simple and genital herpes;
  • chickenpox and herpes zoster;
  • cytomegalovirus disease.

Viferon for warts is rarely used as monotherapy. Its therapeutic effectiveness increases in combination with keratolytic and exfoliating agents.  

The ointment is not used in the treatment of children under one year old, but the gel is intended for therapy from the first days of life. If individual sensitivity to the components of the drug is detected, it is replaced with another, safer immunostimulant.

Directions for use and doses

Viferon for warts: method of use and contraindicationsThe drug should be applied in a thin layer to the papillomas 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment varies from 14 to 30 days, depending on the size of the tumor and its location.

If the papilloma has not disappeared during this period, then you should ask your doctor about the possibility of extending therapy. He will adjust the dosage and frequency of use of the ointment or replace it with another external agent.

Papillomas in intimate places are eliminated using Viferon in the same way. To increase the effectiveness of the ointment, patients are prescribed additional antiviral drugs.

Side effects

The use of Viferon gel in the treatment of warts in children is rarely accompanied by side effects. This dosage form is safe for children, as it contains a reduced concentration of ingredients. It is extremely rare for a dermatologist to diagnose allergic rashes or skin itching in adults and young patients.


If it is impossible to remove papillomas with Viferon ointment, it is replaced with analogues. Good reviews are left by patients who were prescribed the following drugs to destroy papillomaviruses:

  • Genferon;
  • Interferon lyophilisate;
  • Kipferon.

Acyclovir ointment or its imported analog Zovirax can be used as an antiviral agent.

Viferon for warts: method of use and contraindications


I have only positive reviews of Viferon ointment for papillomas. I immediately refused surgical removal, so the doctor solved the problem conservatively. He prescribed me an ointment with a 2% salicylic acid solution. I treated papillomas with them one by one for a month. There were no spots or scars left on the skin.

Constantly removed papillomas using chemical freezing. But after a couple of months, new skin growths appeared. The dermatologist recommended Viferon gel to stimulate local immunity. Only he helped me get rid of papillomas.


Viferon for warts - ointment, reviews, against, papillomas, price, gel, instructions for use, suppositories

  • You can get rid of warts not only in a radical way.
  • Conservative treatment is also used.
  • It is usually quite effective because the use of medications takes into account the viral nature of these tumors.
  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS !
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but to make an appointment with a specialist !
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

One of these drugs is Viferon ointment for warts, the use of which has good reviews.

What's happened

A wart is a growth on the skin that appears as a result of the activity of the human papillomavirus.

  • As a consequence of the pathological proliferation of skin cells, warts can take various forms: be in the form of flat spots, papillae, cone-shaped outgrowths, and bumps.
  • Usually their sizes are small. A growth of more than 1 cm in diameter is already considered large.
  • In severe cases, formations can be multiple in nature and coalesce, forming conglomerates.

The number of growths is an additional indicator of the activity of the virus and the state of the immune system.

Warts are benign formations, but the risk of their malignancy under the influence of unfavorable factors should never be excluded.

And some strains of the virus initially have an increased ability to degenerate growths.



Some doctors distinguish warts from papillomas and condylomas, although all these neoplasms are caused by the same cause - papillomavirus, only by its different subtypes.

These essentially identical concepts are used to designate the appearance and location of outgrowths.

  • Actually, warts are often called hard, keratinized growths on the arms and legs.
  • Condylomas are growths in the genital area, and papillomas are formations on other mucous membranes.

In dermatology, the following classification is often used:

  • simple (vulgar) warts - growths in the area of ​​​​the fingers and hands, less often - on other parts of the body, have the shape of a round bump with a hard surface;
  • flat - often formed on the face of adolescents in the form of round or irregularly shaped spots with a smooth surface, they rise slightly above the skin and can cause itching and inflammation;
  • plantar - hard spots that form on the foot, can have a smooth surface or consist of many small outgrowths; they are distinguished from calluses by their dense structure and sharp pain when stepped on;
  • thread-like - elongated outgrowths with an uneven edge, thin and small (no more than 5 mm), usually formed in areas of thin skin or in folds (face, neck, armpits, groin);
  • anogenital (genital condylomas) - this type of papillomavirus affects mainly the intimate area (penis, vagina, perineum and area around the anus), they are outgrowths with cone-shaped apexes.
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Due to their specific appearance, warts are easily distinguishable from other skin growths, but diagnosis is still necessary, at least to determine their benignity.

Reasons for appearance

Warts are the result of the action of the papillomavirus.

  • It is he who, having entered the skin cell and settled in it, causes it to quickly divide and grow.
  • The cell loses its original functions, and the growth itself becomes a neoplasm alien to the body.
  • Each particle contains the DNA of the virus, so if the integrity of the growth is damaged, the virus can infect healthy tissue around it.

Typically, the virus develops its activity by taking advantage of the weakness of the immune system. Therefore, any disease or stressful condition can trigger the appearance of growths.

The reason for the growth of these tumors may be:

  • inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • overwork;
  • situations of nervous tension;
  • insufficient skin hygiene.

Determining the cause helps to choose the right treatment tactics.

Treatment with drugs

There are a number of medications that are used in the treatment of warts.

Viferon for warts: method of use and contraindications

necrotizing agent

They are divided into groups depending on the effect they provide:

  • necrotizing - under the influence of these agents, the vital activity of the wart cells stops, it dies. This group includes Ferezol, Verrukacid, Condilin, lapis. They must be applied carefully so as not to damage healthy areas of the skin. Treatment with iodine also causes a necrotizing effect;
  • immunomodulatory and antiviral agents. Typically, anti-wart medications combine these actions for better results. Some of their components prevent viral particles from multiplying, while others stimulate local immunity. The use of drugs in this group gives very good results: Isoprinosine, Viferon, Panavir, Oxolinic ointment, Riodoxol ointment, Aldara cream;
  • keratolytic agents. The use of keratolytic drugs is indicated for hard, keratinized growths. Getting rid of flat warts with their help is quite difficult and fraught with complications. These agents act by softening and dissolving the hard structure of growths, which leads to their death and detachment. Such drugs are Salicylic ointment, Collomak, Antipapillom gel, SuperClandestine, Salipod patch;
  • drugs with cryofreezing effect. These are two popular products - Wartner Cryo and Cryopharma. They act similar to removing warts with liquid nitrogen. Only the temperature regime of exposure is adapted for use at home. After freezing, the growth loses its viability and dries out.

Viferon for warts: method of use and contraindications

drug for cryofreezing

You can buy these drugs at any point in the pharmacy chain, but self-medicating warts can be dangerous.

It is better to visit a doctor and take his prescriptions.

The use of Viferon against warts

  1. Very often, doctors prescribe Viferon for the treatment of warts.
  2. This drug can be used as part of combination therapy or as an independent remedy.
  3. In both cases, it helps to cope well with the problem.

Release form

Viferon is available in several forms:

  • gel;
  • ointment;
  • rectal suppositories.

This makes it possible to use it for different types of warts.

Viferon for warts: method of use and contraindications

rectal suppositories

For example, suppositories can be used not only for genital warts located in the anus, but also for warts in the vagina. And ointment and gel are used for external growths.

How it works

The drug is based on recombinant human interferon. This is a protein produced in the human body in response to the penetration of viruses.

It acts on a cell infected by a virus in such a way that it is unable to divide, that is, multiply.

  • But we know that most often growths appear against the background of a sharp decrease in the body’s defenses.
  • This is a deficiency in the immune system that Viferon helps fill.
  • But it acts locally, only where its support is needed, namely in the center of the accumulation of viral particles.

Thanks to the action of Viferon, the growth of warts first stops, and then the growth dies, because the lifespan of each skin cell is short, and the virus cannot produce new cells.


There are several advantages to using Viferon:

  • the viral nature of neoplasms is taken into account, the fight is directly against the virus that caused their appearance;
  • local immunity is enhanced, which makes it possible to act purposefully;
  • suitable for almost any type of wart;
  • very easy to use;
  • the treatment is painless and does not cause any discomfort;
  • fairly quick results (from a week to a month);
  • after treatment of warts, no marks remain on the skin;
  • absorption of components into the systemic bloodstream is negligible, which makes it possible to use Viferon even in pregnant women, breastfeeding and children.

Video: “Removing warts on the hand with a laser”

Indications and contraindications

Instructions for use of Viferon indicate that this drug can be used:

  • for viral lesions of the skin and mucous membranes of any location;
  • for the prevention and complex therapy of influenza and ARVI in children and adults;
  • for prevention and in complex therapy of stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis;
  • in the treatment of acute or exacerbation of chronic herpes infection;
  • for infectious and inflammatory diseases of newborns;
  • for chronic viral hepatitis B, C, D.

Of course, each release form of this drug has specific indications.

Viferon is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of its composition, which can manifest itself in various allergic reactions.


For external manifestations of papillomavirus infection, the instructions for the drug advise choosing the form of an ointment.

Viferon for warts: method of use and contraindications

Viferon ointment

How to use it correctly?

Mode of application

The method of using Viferon ointment is very simple:

  • daily, a small amount of ointment is applied to the wart and lightly rubbed in; this procedure can be performed up to 4 times a day;
  • if there are several foci of the disease, then the ointment should be applied to all warts;
  • The ointment shows the best results in the treatment of fresh growths;
  • treatment of warts with ointment is recommended in combination with the use of Viferon rectal suppositories;
  • If you do not notice any improvement within a month, you should consult a doctor.

Side effect

Sometimes the use of ointment can cause allergic reactions in the form of rashes, itching, and slight swelling of the skin.

  • In this case, the use of Viferon should be discontinued.
  • No specific therapy is needed, all changes will go away on their own within 3 days.
  • But to treat warts you need to choose another remedy.


There are no analogues of Viferon ointment.

Viferon for warts: method of use and contraindications

antiviral drug for warts

Ointments have a similar effect (immunomodulatory and antiviral):

  • Panavir;
  • Oxolinic;
  • Riodoxol;
  • Aldara.

Analogues of Viferon candles exist:

  • Genferon;
  • Kipferon;
  • Vitaferon;
  • Laferon;
  • Laferobion.

Buying Viferon is not a problem; it is available at any point in the pharmacy chain.

The price (in rubles) for its different forms in Moscow pharmacies is presented in the table:

Pharmacy Ointment Gel Suppositories
36,6 189 174 588
Doctor Stoletov 164 157 511
Pharmacies Stolichki 163 157 458
Samson-pharma 177 175 581
Pharmacy IFC 190 186 537

Folk remedies

Folk remedies also help against warts.

It is better if the use of these recipes is accompanied by taking vitamin teas to strengthen the immune system (for example, with rose hips, raspberries, currant leaves, honey, lemon).

The following methods have worked well:

  • celandine juice. It should be applied to the wart. To prevent burns, apply every other day. A decoction made from the green parts of this plant is more gentle on the skin; dry raw materials can also be used. 1 teaspoon is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused. After cooling, wash the wart with the decoction 2-3 times daily. Celandine can also be infused in vodka, and then the tincture can be applied to the wart once a day;

Viferon for warts: method of use and contraindications

celandine products for removing growths

  • garlic is used to treat warts fresh, by cutting off a plate from a clove or finely grating it. A plate or paste is applied to the growths and fixed with a band-aid for a couple of hours. You can simply rub the wart with a fresh cut of garlic;
  • Onions have properties similar to garlic, so they are used as described above. To enhance the effect, you can infuse the onion in a solution of table or apple cider vinegar for 5 hours, then cut off a thin strip and bandage it to the growth overnight. This method helps well with plantar growths;

Viferon for warts: method of use and contraindications

removing tumors with garlic

  • Vinegar cakes are effective for plantar warts. They must be used carefully, since the base is acetic essence (acid). A teaspoon of it is mixed with flour until a thick, homogeneous mass is obtained. A hole is cut in the patch for the wart and applied to the growth. The hole is filled with the resulting paste. After drying, secure with a bandage and leave overnight. In the morning the wart will come off along with the cake;
  • aloe has keratolytic properties. A piece of leaf cut lengthwise is attached with a cut to the wart using a plaster and left for 6 hours or overnight. Gradually, the structure of the wart will soften; dead scales must be carefully cleaned off with soft pumice.

Before using traditional methods, you should make sure that the growth is benign, otherwise the consequences may be negative.


Below are reviews of people who have used Viferon in the treatment of warts.

If you have your own experience using this drug, you can also share it in x.

Viferon is an effective remedy for the manifestations of papillomavirus, because its main purpose is to stimulate local immunity and antiviral activity.

It gives especially good results if treatment is started immediately after the growths appear.

But the use of this drug does not replace a visit to the doctor.

Are hanging warts in the groin dangerous? Find out here.

Why do warts multiply on the feet and palms? Read on.


How to use Viferon for warts and will this drug help?

Warts are unsightly skin growths that are caused by infection with the papilloma virus. Once such formations appear on their own, they rarely disappear, which is why wart removal products are in great demand. Viferon is considered a very effective drug for removing skin growths.

This antiviral agent can be used to remove all types of benign skin growths. But it is very important to consult a doctor before using it and rule out malignancy of the formation on the skin.

Composition of the drug and pharmacological action

This antiviral drug is produced in various dosage forms, namely as:

Viferon for warts: method of use and contraindications

The ointment is recommended to be used to remove warts. It is a viscous homogeneous mass of a yellow hue, with a characteristic lanolin odor. The ointment can be purchased in pharmacies in cardboard packages containing:

  • Cans made of polystyrene, weighing 12 g;
  • Tubes made of aluminum, weighing 6 or 12 g.
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The drug is always accompanied by instructions for its use, which must be carefully studied before using the product.

Advice! It is not recommended to use the gel to treat warts. It has a lighter consistency, as it is made on the basis of Vaseline. This remedy is more effective as a prevention of viral infection and has no age restrictions.

The basis of Viferon is recombinant human interferon alpha-2. This substance is found in the human body and helps fight viral infections. Moreover, interferon also actively fights bacteria and protozoa.

Viferon for warts: method of use and contraindicationsThe peculiarity of the substance is that infectious agents do not develop resistance to it. Scientists have synthesized a protein that fully corresponds to its natural analogue and enhances the natural protective properties of the body. In addition to interferon, Viferon ointment includes the following components:

  • Medical petroleum jelly, on the basis of which the drug is made, it provides a softening and protective effect on the treated area of ​​the skin;
  • Tocopherol acetate, which is a highly active antioxidant that enhances the immunomodulatory effect of the drug;
  • Anhydrous lanolin, which ensures thermal stability and viscosity of the ointment, and also promotes the penetration of active substances into tissues;
  • Purified water to obtain the desired, easy-to-use ointment consistency;
  • Peach oil, as a source of vitamin E, which eliminates the development of the inflammatory process, accelerates the regeneration and healing of the skin surface damaged by warts.

A well-chosen formula of the drug allows you to destroy the papilloma virus in cells and prevent its spread. When using the drug, a stable antiviral and immunomodulatory effect is ensured.

Viferon for warts: method of use and contraindicationsThe antiviral agent is used with great success not only in the complex treatment of benign tumors, but also for prophylactic purposes to prevent relapses during re-infection with the papilloma virus.

Using ointment to remove warts

Viferon ointment is intended for external and local use. In 1 g it contains 40,000 IU of interferon alpha-2b. Using a remedy against warts, the development of which on the skin is caused by the papilloma virus, is extremely simple. All you need to do is lubricate the surface of the benign skin formation 2-4 times a day.

If there are several lesions on the skin, then ointment should be applied to all growths at the same time. The course of treatment is carried out until the benign skin formations completely disappear. As a rule, even the most complex formations are removed with the help of Viferon within a month.

Advice! Before you begin removing skin tags, you should consult a dermatologist. It should be understood that the effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the size of the wart and the depth of its roots. Therefore, in addition to Viferon, other drugs compatible with the drug may be prescribed.

Most of those who have used this drug to remove skin growths note the high effectiveness of the drug.

If we analyze the reviews, we can note the following advantages of Viferon as a means to combat the clinical manifestations of human papillomavirus infection:Viferon for warts: method of use and contraindications

  • Possibility of treating any type of benign skin formations caused by the papilloma virus;
  • The procedure for removing skin growths is absolutely painless, eliminating the formation of scars.
  • Ease of use of the drug.

Contraindications and side effects

According to the instructions, the drug has no contraindications or side effects. It is not recommended for use by people who have an individual intolerance to the components of the product or hypersensitivity.

Advice! Despite the manufacturers' claims that there are no allergic reactions when using the drug, in some cases, as reviews indicate, slight redness occurs around the area of ​​skin treated with ointment, accompanied by a slight burning sensation and itching. In this case, the use of Viferon should be abandoned. Manifestations of an allergic reaction disappear within a few days.

The drug is characterized by low absorption and dissolution in the human body. It is effective only at the site of application, and not only destroys the viral infection, but also increases local immunity. In this regard, Viferon ointment for the purpose of removing benign skin growths is allowed for children from one year of age, as well as for pregnant women and women during breastfeeding.

Viferon for warts: method of use and contraindicationsThe shelf life of the ointment is one year. After its completion, it is not recommended to use the product. The storage location must be out of reach of children. The optimal temperature range for storing antiviral ointment is 2° C - 8° C. You should be aware that the drug should be stored in the refrigerator after opening:

  • In tube no more than 1 month.
  • In the bank no more than 14 days.

Despite the fact that modern medicine offers a huge number of ways to combat human papillomavirus infection, removing warts is always a very difficult undertaking. Therefore, it is important to remember that preventive measures can reduce the risk of contracting the virus.

It is imperative to treat accidental damage to the skin. In addition, you should always take care of strengthening your immune system, that is, exercise, give up bad habits, eat a balanced diet, and promptly treat all seasonal diseases, preventing them from becoming chronic.


Using Viferon ointment for warts: is the product effective?

Choosing the right effective remedy that will help get rid of warts is not easy. Very often, doctors prescribe Viferon for warts. This is an antiviral drug with a minimum of side effects and contraindications. With regular use, it can remove unpleasant growths on the skin.

Viferon for condylomas, warts and papillomas

Complex therapy for the treatment of growths on the skin involves the use of external agents in the form of ointments (Veruxin, Salicylic), solutions (Ferezol), tablets. In addition to these medications, Viferon ointment is widely used, as well as a gel for condylomas and warts with the same name.

The human body produces a protective protein called interferon. Its task is to resist infections. In laboratory conditions, a protein was created that is similar in action to interferon.

This component is the basis of Viferon, which can be used when warts appear. These formations, if treated in a timely manner, are eliminated without any negative consequences.

The drug is prescribed by a dermatologist after examining the patient.

Composition and properties of the drug

Viferon, in addition to ointment and gel, is also produced in the form of rectal suppositories. To remove warts, Viferon is usually used in the form of a gel and ointment. This is a light, homogeneous substance with the smell of lanolin. The composition of the drug, in addition to interferon, includes:

  1. The component is medical Vaseline, which softens the skin affected by warts during treatment.
  2. Tocopherol acetate, which accelerates the removal of toxins and enhances the immunostimulating effect of the ointment.
  3. Lanolin, which gives viscosity to the product and promotes healing of damaged skin.
  4. Antiviral activity and enhanced regeneration of healthy cells are also enhanced by peach oil enriched with vitamin E.

Thanks to the optimally selected composition of the drug Viferon, the activity of the virus is inhibited. After just a few applications to the wart, the ointment improves local immunity and prevents the spread of the virus to healthy areas of the skin. Before using Viferon ointment for the treatment and prevention of warts, you should consult a dermatologist.


The use of Viferon ointment for warts has a number of positive aspects:

  • Suitable for treating any warts on the human body.
  • After the treatment, which is painless, no scars remain.
  • The drug Viferon is highly effective. The course of treatment varies from 5 to 30 days, it all depends on the stage of progress of the wart.
  • If there are plantar warts or growths on the foot, they should be removed with the described remedy, which copes even with the long roots of the seals.
  • No contraindications, except for individual intolerance to any component.

Use with caution on the face. Delicate skin may become irritated, resulting in burning and redness.

How to use

The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on correctly selected therapy. It is prescribed by a specialist after examining the patient and conducting the necessary examinations.

In some cases, it is recommended to use Viferon in the form of an ointment in parallel with its other forms of release, for example, suppositories. This treatment will show better results in treating warts.

After all, the body suppresses the activity of an unsafe virus, which is difficult to fight, especially during a period of weakened immunity.

Skin tumors are removed in stages:

  • The wart is carefully cleaned of external contaminants and cosmetics with warm water and soap.
  • Further, in order for the treatment to be more effective, the growth and adjacent skin are treated with Viferon several times throughout the day.

The drug enters the skin in a short time; there is no need to wash it off or carry out additional manipulations. In the form of a product for external use, it does not interact with other medications. Before use, you need to read the instructions for using the ointment for warts.

The growth of warts under the influence of Viferon stops. Since the lifespan of the papilloma virus is short, and new viruses are not produced due to the ointment, the growth dies and disappears completely.

Contraindications and unwanted effects

The drug Viferon has virtually no side effects or contraindications.

Strictly as prescribed by the doctor, it is used in the treatment of warts and other skin formations in newborns and pregnant women (3rd trimester only). Until recently, it was practically not prescribed to nursing mothers.

However, studies have shown that anti-wart cream based on interferon is not dangerous, since the female body independently produces the recombinant component.

When expectant mothers have problems such as thrush, genital herpes, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, therapy with Viferon is prescribed.

It is necessary to refuse the removal of papillomas with this remedy in the case when the human body reacts to any of its components with an allergic reaction.

Contraindications and side effects are rare, so Viferon is widely used.

Ointments similar in effect

In cases where Viferon does not have a strong enough effect on existing infections or causes allergies, other antiviral drugs are prescribed in the form of Interal, Lipint.

Such medications have similar pharmacological effects. You should not use Viferon ointment in parallel with these medications.

This remedy fully copes with warts or is completely replaced by other drugs.

Viferon for warts: method of use and contraindications


Viferon for papillomas and warts: effectiveness, detailed instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Warts are benign growths that are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). For the treatment of warts, cauterizing drugs and hardware procedures are used.

The above methods for removing formations do not guarantee that the papilloma will disappear and will not reappear. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system using Viferon for warts.

The medicine helps with warts of any type: flat, plantar, at different locations (intimate areas, face, feet).

Types of HPV with oncogenic risk

Currently, there are more than 600 types (strains) of papillomavirus found in humans. Of these, approximately 40 can cause damage to the anogenital tract of men and women, which is manifested by the formation of condylomas or the development of precancerous changes within the epithelium with the subsequent development of cancer of the cervix, vagina, vulva, anus, and penis.

All types of papillomaviruses are divided into three groups according to their oncogenic danger to humans1:

  • human papillomaviruses of low oncogenic risk: 6, 11, 40, 42, 43, 44;
  • viruses of intermediate oncogenic risk: 35, 51, 52, 58;
  • viruses of high oncogenic risk: 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 56.
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The oncogenicity of the virus is explained by its ability to integrate its DNA into the genome of human cells.

Reviews of Viferon ointment

Marina: I had several papillomas on my hand. The doctor prescribed Viferon, in the form of an ointment. I applied it in a thin layer four times a day and washed it off only after a few hours. Before applying the ointment, I treated the skin where there were papillomas with a soap solution. The growths fell off after about 1.5 weeks.

Evgeniya: I removed papillomas using Viferon gel. The effect was very fast and good. Two weeks after starting therapy, all the growths fell off. There were no burns.

What types of HPV exist?

HPV infection of anogenital localization can occur in latent, subclinical and clinical forms. In the latent form, the virus is detected, but there are no changes in the epithelium.

Subclinical infection is detected only using a test with 3% acetic acid and manifests itself as small flat warts.

The clinical form of human papillomavirus infection can occur in the form of intraepithelial lesions (within the epithelium) in women and men, which are not visible to the naked eye, but are detected by colposcopy and cytological/histological examination and can lead to precancerous diseases and cancer. And also in the form of genital warts, which are soft papillary formations on a stalk, prone to fusion. Merging, they form colonies that look like cauliflower.

The manifestations of human papillomavirus are variable and depend on the type of virus. HPV of low oncogenic risk also leads to the appearance of warts and papillomas:

  • Vulgar warts are hard growths more than 1 mm in diameter with a rough, keratinized surface. It is possible for papillomas to merge to form large areas of damage.
  • Plantar warts are hard, flat formations on the skin of the foot, rising above its level and covered with a layer of keratinized epithelium. They have a protruding rim. Sometimes one wart produces daughter warts.
  • Flat warts are skin formations in the form of flat nodules up to 5 mm in size. Flat warts, as a rule, are multiple and are located in groups on the face, back of the hands, and legs.
  • Threaded papillomas affect the area around the eyes, groin, neck and armpits. They are elongated formations of elastic consistency measuring 5-6 mm.

There are three known routes of transmission of HPV:

  • contact and household;
  • sexual (genital, anal, oral-genital);
  • in childbirth from mother to child.

Predisposing factors that contribute to infection and the development of infection are vitamin deficiency, immunodeficiency, smoking, endometriosis, physical overload and chronic fatigue, pregnancy, urogenital infections, as well as any chronic diseases that negatively affect the immune system. The risk of infection increases with frequent contact with bare human skin, for example during massage.

Composition of the drug Viferon

Viferon contains recombinant interferon, as well as other components:

  • peach oil;
  • Vaseline (medical);
  • purified water);
  • lanolin (anhydrous);
  • tocopherol acetate.

Today in pharmacies you can purchase drugs of this brand for rectal and external use, in the following dosage:

Form of the drug Units Dosage
Ointment IU/G 40 000
Gel IU/G 36 000
Suppositories (candles) ME 150 000; 500 000; 1 000 000; 3 000 000

Viferon suppositories for HPV

Since infection with the virus and the appearance of papillomas and condylomas on the skin and mucous membranes are inextricably linked with the state of the immune system, treatment when the human papillomavirus is detected in the body includes drugs that not only fight viruses, but also help restore immunity.

One of these drugs is VIFERON, which has a wide spectrum of antiviral activity and strengthens the immune system. Recombinant interferon alpha-2b, which is part of this drug, has immunomodulatory, antiviral properties (blocks virus replication) and helps restore the immune system.

It is identical to human interferon alpha-2b, but is produced using modern technology without the use of donor blood.

Release form and composition

The drug, which is available in the form of suppositories, gel and ointment, was developed as a result of fundamental research in the field of immunology, which has proven that in the presence of antioxidants (vitamins C, E), the antiviral effect of interferon is enhanced.

VIFERON Suppositories are produced in the form of bullet-shaped rectal suppositories of white-yellow or yellow color. The drug suppresses the activity of viruses and increases the effectiveness of the body's own immune response to pathogenic microorganisms.

Cocoa butter, which is part of the drug, contains phospholipids, due to which the medicinal substances are evenly distributed throughout the suppository, which ensures their rapid and almost 100% entry into the blood.

Unlike cocoa powder, butter does not contain natural allergens and does not irritate the mucous membrane.

The properties of cocoa butter make it possible to avoid the need to add synthetic toxic emulsifiers, which, in the case of using solid fat as the basis of suppositories, are used to uniformly distribute and increase the bioavailability (absorption) of the active substance.

Indications for use for HPV

The drug in the form of suppositories can be used during pregnancy (from the 14th week), as well as during breastfeeding and when treating children.

The drug is used in children and adults as part of complex therapy to combat a number of diseases, including infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract in adults (human papillomavirus, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus infection, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, bacterial vaginosis, recurrent vaginal candidiasis, mycoplasmosis). It reduces the frequency of relapses and prevents the progression of cervical pathology associated with HPV infection.

VIFERON suppositories for HPV: drug dosage

Information on how to use VIFERON Suppositories for human papillomavirus is contained in the instructions. The recommended dose for adults is VIFERON 500,000 IU, 1 suppository 2 times a day after 12 hours every day for 5-10 days. According to clinical indications, therapy can be continued.

Before using suppositories, check their expiration date. It is not recommended to use candles that have expired. Before using a rectal suppository, you should wash your hands thoroughly. The candle wrapper must be carefully cut with scissors and its contents removed.

Then you need to lie on any side convenient for the procedure, completely straightening your lower leg and bending your upper leg towards your stomach. Then you need to slowly insert the suppository into the anus, pushing it past the muscle sphincter with the tip of your finger.

After inserting the suppository, the buttocks should be brought together and held in this position for several seconds.

The use of Viferon suppositories against HPV during pregnancy

Pregnant women from the second trimester of pregnancy (starting from the 14th week of gestation) are prescribed VIFERON 500,000 IU, 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours daily for 10 days, then for 9 days 3 times with an interval of 3 days (on the fourth day) 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours.

Then every 4 weeks until delivery - the drug in a dosage of 150,000 IU, 1 suppository 2 times a day after 12 hours every day for 5 days.

If necessary, the drug is prescribed before delivery (from the 38th week of gestation) at a dosage of 500,000 IU, 1 suppository 2 times a day after 12 hours every day for 10 days.


If it is impossible to remove papillomas with Viferon ointment, it is replaced with analogues. Good reviews are left by patients who were prescribed the following drugs to destroy papillomaviruses:

  • Genferon;
  • Interferon lyophilisate;
  • Kipferon.

Acyclovir ointment or its imported analog Zovirax can be used as an antiviral agent.

Truths and myths about human papillomavirus

FACT 1. Human papillomavirus can cause cervical pathology in the form of precancerous changes and cervical cancer

This is true. Certain types of virus can cause serious health problems. The virus is found in most patients with cervical cancer. Human papillomavirus of medium and low oncogenic risk leads to the appearance of condylomas, papillomas and warts throughout the body and genitals. These lesions are not precancerous and require treatment for cosmetic reasons.

FACT 2: Condoms and other barrier contraceptives protect against HPV transmission

It is a myth. Of course, using condoms reduces the risk of contracting the virus, but they are not able to completely protect against infection. Especially in cases where formations in the intimate area are located outside the organs protected by the contraceptive.2

FACT 3. The presence of human papillomavirus in the body is determined by a blood test for antibodies

It is a myth. Antibodies in the blood can be detected as evidence that the body has previously encountered HPV. The virus itself can only be detected in squamous epithelial cells, which are present on the mucous membranes and skin.

FACT 4. You can completely get rid of the human papillomavirus

It is a myth. At the moment, there is no method of combating the virus that would permanently eliminate it from the body. However, the manifestations of the virus can be successfully combated with a course of treatment with immunomodulatory drugs with antiviral activity, including the drug VIFERON.1,2

FACT 5. Human papillomavirus can disappear on its own without treatment

This is true. This phenomenon is called “self-elimination”, which is possible within 6-24 months after infection, as a consequence of an adequate immune response. Most often it happens to women under 26-30 years of age.2 After 30 years, the likelihood of self-healing decreases significantly and the majority remain carriers of the human papillomavirus.

  • Reference and information material
  • Author of the article
  • Belyaev Dmitry Alexandrovich

  Genital warts and condylomas - treatment, causes and photos

General doctor


1. Early pregnancy. From prenatal preparation to healthy gestation” / Ed. V.E. Radzinsky and A.A. Orazmuradova. – 3rd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Editorial office of the magazine StatusPraesens, 2018. – 800 p.

2. Gynecology: national guide / ed. G.M. Savelyeva, T.G. Sukhikh, V.N. Serova, I.B. Manukhina, V.E. Radzinsky. M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2019. – 1008 p.


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Instructions for use of Viferon

Instructions for using ointment and gel against condylomas:

  1. Apply Viferon ointment for papillomas to the applicator and smear the wart. Avoid accidental contact of the medicine on clean areas of the skin.
  2. The course of treatment is until the symptoms disappear completely.
  3. For the treatment of papillomas, the gel (ointment) is applied to the damaged area 3-4 times a day and lightly rubbed in. The course of therapy is 5-7 days.
  4. The ointment has an oily consistency. To avoid leaving marks, you need to get dressed after the drug has been absorbed.
  5. Dosage forms are not applied to the surface of wounds or burns.


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