
Choosing a cough remedy that is inexpensive and quite effective

One of the most common symptoms of an infectious disease is a cough, which creates discomfort and leads to dangerous complications. How to choose an inexpensive but effective cough remedy to get rid of debilitating attacks in the shortest possible time.

Choosing a cough remedy that is inexpensive and quite effectiveCough often occurs with inflammation of the respiratory system

The respiratory tract and their mucous membrane constantly produce sputum, even if a person is absolutely healthy. Thus, the respiratory canal is moistened, which ensures free breathing. In pathological processes, mucus production increases. The reason for this is infectious, respiratory diseases:

  • influenza, ARVI;
  • inflammation of the respiratory system;
  • bronchitis, tracheitis, etc.

When there is copious mucus secretion, the body reflexively tries to get rid of it using a reflex - a sharp spasm, a release of air caused by irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory ducts.

Choosing a cough remedy that is inexpensive and quite effectiveCough is a reflex phenomenon that requires special therapy

What is a cough and why does it occur?

There are two types of cough: wet (productive) and dry (non-productive). For each of them, a remedy with different components is needed that specifically acts on the cause and its elimination.

Only a specialized specialist can help with this; the doctor collects a complete medical history and, if necessary, examines the patient’s body. Only after a series of studies is an effective cough medicine prescribed.

To get rid of a non-productive symptom, drugs that suppress the reflex are needed, but when it is wet, such drugs are absolutely unacceptable. There is a risk of mucus accumulating in the tracts and clogging the bronchi with excessively secreted mucus. Expectorant tablets are also useless for dry cough, since the symptom can be caused by an allergic reaction, a response to mechanical irritants.

Important: each specific case of the disease requires an individual approach and the prescription of only certain types of medications.

Choosing a cough remedy that is inexpensive and quite effectiveThe doctor must determine the type of cough and prescribe the correct medicine.

The list of main categories of cough remedies includes:

  • suppressing reflex;
  • bronchodilators;
  • mucolytics;
  • removing phlegm;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • combined.

To inhibit cough receptors

They have a depressing effect on the center located in the brain, suppressing the symptom. Tablets for dry cough are indicated only for non-productive symptoms, without sputum production, and may contain narcotic substances or without them.

  • Codeine, Morphine and other narcotic drugs cause adaptation and are not indicated for use in the treatment of children.

Choosing a cough remedy that is inexpensive and quite effectiveSinekod is an effective non-narcotic bronchodilator

  • Free of narcotic substances: Sinekod, Glauvent, Sedotussin.
  • With a peripheral effect on nerve roots and cough receptors, Gelicidin, Levopront, and the popular Libexin are used. They are well tolerated by patients of any age category and do not cause addiction.

Bronchodilator names

The rapid development of the pharmaceutical industry allows, if necessary, to choose from a variety of exactly the right drug, affordable and with an excellent effect. Products are available in the form of syrup, tablets, injection solutions, aerosols, and nebulizers. According to the type of effect on the human body, they are divided into the following types:

  • Anticholinergic blockers type M are used for acute attacks of suffocation and obstruction. Relaxes adrenergic receptors, affecting the tone of the muscle tissue of the bronchi. They exist in the form of solutions for inhalation, the most common names: Metrocin, Atropine Sulfate, Berodual.

Choosing a cough remedy that is inexpensive and quite effectiveFenoterol relieves bronchial cough

  • Drugs from the group of adrenergic agonists: Fenoterol, Epinephrine, Salbutamol are also used for obstructive attacks.
  • Means for relaxing the smooth muscles of the bronchial canals, improving ventilation and stimulating the activity of the diaphragm: Euphylline, Theophylline.
  • To stabilize mast membranes, Ketotifen, Cromolyn, Nedocromil are prescribed; they are used only for preventive purposes.
  • Corticosteroids are used to relieve attacks of bronchial asthma, or to prevent recurrence of suffocation. The group includes: Hydrocartisone, Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, etc.
  • When bronchospasms occur, calcium pathways must be blocked to relax the muscles and prevent calcium from entering the cells. To do this, take Isradipine, Nifedipine.

Choosing a cough remedy that is inexpensive and quite effectiveHydrocartisone is used to relieve asthma attacks

Bronchodilators should be used with caution, under the supervision of a physician.

The drugs have side effects that pose a risk:

  • tachycardia;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • dizziness, headaches;
  • nausea, vomiting, etc.

Mucolytic drugs

This series is intended primarily to eliminate dry cough; the components restore irritated mucous membranes and improve pulmonary elasticity. Presented in the form of tablets, lozenges, syrups, powders containing acetylcysteine, carbocisteine, ambroxol, guaifenesin.

Choosing a cough remedy that is inexpensive and quite effectivePreparations with acetylcysteine ​​are effective if it is necessary to facilitate sputum discharge

The following list of medications can be distinguished:

  • The most effective are those containing acetylcysteine. The component specifically acts on the bundle of mucus components, breaks them, which increases the discharge of sputum. At the same time, the drug is an excellent antioxidant. In acute respiratory diseases accompanied by cough, the body is subjected to severe intoxication, which entails the risk of developing dangerous complications. Acetylcysteine ​​produces a unique substance - glutathione, which provides a powerful cleansing of the body from poisons that accumulate during the breakdown of microbes and healthy cells. Acetylcysteine ​​also easily thins any type of sputum.
  • Carbocisteine ​​is one of the effective agents for thinning mucus and facilitating the separation of phlegm. It has the same properties as acetylcysteine, the only drawback is that it does not cope with purulent mucus.

Choosing a cough remedy that is inexpensive and quite effectiveAmbroxol is an effective mucolytic and anti-inflammatory agent

  • Ambroxol - improves the functioning of the epithelium of bronchial tissue and facilitates the separation of mucus. It has anti-inflammatory properties and regulates the production of surfactant, a substance that ensures pulmonary elasticity. Often, to increase the effectiveness of treatment, doctors combine ambroxol-based drugs and antibiotics in therapy, since the former improves the permeability of antibacterial agents.
  • Cough preparations based on guaifenesian have a dual property - they improve mucus secretion and have a mucolytic effect, promoting the production of surfactants for lung elasticity.

If we consider contraindications, then in rare cases, taking mucolytics negatively affects the state of the gastrointestinal tract - diarrhea, nausea occur, an allergic reaction to the drug has been recorded in isolated cases. Doctors recommend combining mucolytic drugs with drinking plenty of water, tea, compotes, and juices.

Choosing a cough remedy that is inexpensive and quite effectiveSometimes taking mucolytic drugs leads to nausea and stomach upset

Caution: It is strictly forbidden to combine mucolytic drugs with cough suppressants. The category is assigned if there is sputum in the bronchi and lungs, but it is viscous and difficult to clear. Before writing a prescription, the doctor must make sure that with a dry cough there is mucus in the bronchial lumens.

Expectorant cough medicines

The most effective and affordable are the inexpensive tablets we are used to: mucaltin and medications containing thermopsis herb, which accelerate the secretion of mucus and regulate its removal from the respiratory tract.

The secrotolytic Mucaltin is created from marshmallow extract, which helps to liquefy and remove mucus from the respiratory canals, which greatly facilitates the process of coughing. At the same time, it has a slight anti-inflammatory effect, envelops the mucous membrane, creates a film under which the epithelium is restored.

Choosing a cough remedy that is inexpensive and quite effectiveMucaltin - an affordable natural cough remedy

Reception is indicated for the following diseases:

  • tracheobronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pneumoconiosis, etc.

Doctors recommend the drug upon reaching the age of two. This cough remedy is inexpensive, but its effectiveness has been proven many times.


  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • age less than two years;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • individual intolerance.

Mucaltin is not prescribed to children under 2 years of age

Thermopsis is a cheap drug containing a plant extract, as well as sodium bicarbonate, a cytisine alkaloid. The components enhance the process of liquefaction and removal of mucus, facilitate coughing, and stimulate the respiratory center.

Contraindications for use are:

  • pregnancy;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • lactation period;
  • peptic ulcer.

Important: it is not recommended for children under 12 years of age, as the composition contains ingredients to which children are hypersensitive.

Thermopsis-based cough tablets are an inexpensive and effective remedy for relieving wet coughs.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

In complex therapy, cough tablets are prescribed, which are inexpensive but very effective. Doctors use drugs with anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, bronchodilator, anti-exudative and bronchodilator effects, which mainly include non-steroidal drugs.

Erespal or Fenspiride is the main component of the diazospirodecanone composition, which inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria.


  • persons with excessive sensitivity to the components;
  • in acute phases of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, brain;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnant women and during lactation.

Erespal is contraindicated for pregnant women

Children under 14 years of age are prescribed the drug in syrup form, for example:

  • Bronchipret, which contains only natural ingredients, in particular thyme extract, inhibits the proliferation of microbes and has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. Prescribed for tracheitis, bronchitis. In combination with other antibacterial drugs, it is intended for the treatment of acute forms of respiratory tract diseases.
  • Sinekod, the active ingredient is butamirate. Its properties are not inferior to expensive categories. It has a depressing effect on the cough center, and also relieves the inflammatory process, improves expectoration, reducing the resistance of the tract. Indicated for paroxysmal coughs, it significantly speeds up the healing process and helps remove phlegm.

Prescribed from the age of two months, does not contain narcotic substances. Can be used for long-term treatment and does not cause negative consequences from the gastrointestinal tract.

Bronchipret is a fairly reliable and effective antispasmodic agent.

In rare cases, possible side effects:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • headache;
  • allergic signs: urticaria, itching, swelling, etc.

Combination drugs

An excellent effect in the treatment of prolonged cough, inflammatory processes from a combination of components that affect not only the symptom, but also accelerate the process of expectoration and recovery. For example, breast mixtures based on a combination of several types of herbs improve mucus secretion and thin sputum.

Medicines that include several categories of components will help you cope with a cough. According to experienced doctors, it is much better to use several drugs with a similar effect in treatment than one drug in high doses.

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To enhance the effect and speed up treatment, doctors often prescribe a combination of drugs

Complex drugs can be different, their effect depends on this:

  • The combination of a mucolytic and expectorant components - sputum is eliminated faster, the lungs and bronchi are cleared in a matter of days.
  • Antitussive and expectorant compounds are prescribed for acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. The combination allows you to get rid of a painful, debilitating cough within the first hours after taking it.

Important: medications of this type can be taken for no more than two days. As soon as a productive cough occurs, it is necessary to switch to expectorants.

  • Mucolytics and antitussive names. Doctors rarely prescribe this type of combination. On the one hand, a mucolytic thins and promotes coughing, while antitussives inhibit the reflex. Obstruction of the respiratory tract and flooding syndrome of the bronchi and lungs may occur.

Pharmacies will offer you a wide range of cough tablets, but you should choose only after consulting a doctor

  • A combination of antibiotics with antitussives: expectorants, reflex suppressors, mucolytics. Additionally, antihistamines, fever reducers, sympathotimetics, etc. may be included.

There are different cough remedies; the range of medicinal names intended for the treatment of cough is simply huge. As we have already understood, the correct selection of the drug is necessary, taking into account the patient’s symptoms and test data. Therefore, take any medication only as prescribed by a doctor and under his strict supervision.

You will learn what cough medications are in the following video:


Top 5 inexpensive but most effective cough medicines

Often, many viral and colds are accompanied by such an unpleasant symptom as a cough, which causes a lot of inconvenience not only to the sick person, but also to those around him.

In this case, cough is not only a consequence of a cold, but also a protective reaction of the body or a response to exposure to an allergen. Therefore, it is very important to be able to recognize the cause of a cough, its type, in order to treat it in time and prevent possible complications.

Of course, only a qualified specialist can prescribe the most effective cough medicine , but if it is not possible to see a doctor, then you need to get at least a little familiar with the whole variety of antitussive medicines.Choosing a cough remedy that is inexpensive and quite effective [contents]

Recommendations for taking cough medicines

In order to decide which cough remedies are worth taking and which ones will not have the desired effect, you need to understand the complex classification of these drugs. Thus, all common antitussive drugs are divided into several categories .

They are as follows:

  • Expectorants ;
  • Mucolytic drugs that help thin sputum;
  • suppressants .

Which remedy to use depends on the type of cough, which can be determined by the sick person himself. So, for a dry cough, it is necessary to use products that soften and moisturize the mucous membrane - syrups, rinses or lozenges.

To improve sputum discharge, it is recommended to use mucolytics , which increase the amount of mucus and have an expectorant effect.

Choosing a cough remedy that is inexpensive and quite effectiveSputum is a secretion formed due to pathologies of the trachebronchial tree. It can be different, and in order to more accurately select the most effective cough medicine, it is advisable to determine the nature of the sputum.

It is recommended to use lozenges, herbs (in the form of rinses), and syrups as depressant antitussives .

However, such drugs can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, as they greatly affect the functioning of the brain and can negatively affect its daily activities.

[box type=”shadow” ] Useful site article: Thrush. Treatment is fast and effective. Medications. [/box]

Top 5 inexpensive but effective cough remedies

The modern pharmaceutical industry regularly replenishes pharmacies with a wide variety of medicines, including effective cough remedies. But, unfortunately, price is not always an indicator of the effectiveness of a medicine . The pharmaceutical market offers a wide selection of inexpensive products, the effectiveness of which has been tested more than once.

These are the following drugs:

  1. Falimint is a lozenge-coated lozenge. The product has an antiseptic and mild anesthetic effect, eliminates dry cough, when consumed in the mouth and throat, a feeling of coolness occurs, but numbness of the mucous membranes does not occur. The drug is contraindicated for women during pregnancy and lactation, children under 6 years of age and people with diabetes (due to the sucrose content). The average price of the drug is about 200 rubles. per pack of 20 pcs.
  2. Codelac is a fairly effective cough medicine that eliminates dry coughs, thins sputum and has a long-lasting antitussive effect. The active ingredient of the drug is codeine together with sodium bicarbonate, licorice root and thermopsis herb. Despite the fact that the manufacturer allows almost all categories of the population to take the medicine, even children (from 2 months) and pregnant women from the second trimester of pregnancy, doctors still do not recommend taking it unless absolutely necessary due to the content of codeine, which is addictive . Available in the form of drops, syrup and tablets. The price of the drug is from 160 to 200 rubles.

Choosing a cough remedy that is inexpensive and quite effective[box type=”warning” ] Be careful! Codeine enhances the effect of sedatives and may affect the reaction rate. [/box]

  1. Herbion syrup with plantain is the most effective homeopathic medicine with antitussive, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. The cough medicine contains extracts of plantain leaves, mallow flowers and vitamin C, thanks to which it is approved for use even by children from the age of two. The average price of the drug ranges from 200–220 rubles.
  2. Glaucine is an effective antitussive agent that blocks the cough center in the medulla oblongata. The active ingredient is glaucine phosphate, which does not cause addiction or drug dependence. The average price of the drug is 90–105 rubles.

Choosing a cough remedy that is inexpensive and quite effective[box type=”info” ] Important to know! Glaucine can cause drowsiness and slower reactions, so it is not recommended for people whose activities require increased concentration.[/box]

  1. Libexin is the most effective cough medicine due to its pronounced antitussive and antiseptic effect. The active ingredient of the drug is prenoxdiazine hydrochloride, which acts directly on the cough center and reduces the sensitivity of the nerve endings responsible for the respiratory tract. In this case, there is no direct effect on the nervous system, due to which there is no addiction or dependence on the medicine. The drug is available in the form of tablets, 20 pcs. packaged. The price in different regions of Russia fluctuates around 340 rubles.

Choosing a cough remedy that is inexpensive and quite effective[box type=”shadow” ] Useful site article: Levomekol. What is the ointment used for, instructions, price, analogues, reviews [/box]

Effective medicines for dry cough

The most common precursor to various inflammatory diseases is dry cough , so it is very important to correctly recognize its causes and begin appropriate treatment.

It is often difficult for the average person to understand the variety of medications and choose the most suitable drug. In this case, this review of the most effective medications for dry cough will help solve this problem.

These are the following medications:

  1. Sinekod is an antitussive syrup with vanilla aroma, the active ingredient of which is butamirate, which blocks cough but does not depress respiratory activity. Available in the form of syrup for patients over 3 years of age, drops that are used to treat cough in children over 2 months of age, and tablets for older patients. The drug in some cases causes drowsiness, as well as diarrhea, nausea and various allergic reactions, so the use of this drug should be monitored by the attending physician. The price for Sinekod in the form of syrup fluctuates around 300 rubles, tablets – 200 rubles, drops – 250 rubles.

Choosing a cough remedy that is inexpensive and quite effective[box type=”note” ] Important to know! It is strictly not recommended to use the drug for more than 7 days, but if no improvement in your health is observed during this time, you must stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.[/box]

  1. Stoptussin is a drug with an antitussive and expectorant effect, available in the form of drops, tablets and syrup, the dosage of which depends on the patient’s weight. Contains 2 active ingredients – butamirate and guaifenesin. Butamirate weakens cough by local action on the nerve endings of the bronchi, and guaifenesin promotes the discharge of sputum. Children under 12 years of age are recommended to take Stoptussin in the form of drops. The price of the drug ranges from 110-140 rubles. for tablets (pack of 20 pcs.), 170 rub. for syrup and 100-200 rubles for drops, depending on the volume of the bottle.
  2. Alex Plus - acts similarly to the previous remedy, that is, it suppresses cough by reducing the sensitivity of the bronchi, has an expectorant effect and helps remove mucus from the lungs. However, long-term use of the drug is not addictive. Available in the form of lozenges, which can be used from 4 years of age. It is prohibited to use the drug to suppress coughing attacks caused by bronchial asthma during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug (namely dextromethorphan, terpin hydrate and levomenthol).
  3. Bronchicum is one of the most effective cough medicines, helping to cope with the disease at any stage. The active ingredient is an extract of thyme herb, which has a pronounced expectorant, antimicrobial and antispasmodic effect, that is, taking the drug helps not only remove mucus, but also suppress pathogenic microflora. Available in the form of lozenges and syrup with a faint honey aroma. Lozenges are approved for use from 6 years of age, but syrup can be used to treat infants starting from 6 months. The price of lozenges ranges from 250 rubles, syrup – 350 rubles.
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Choosing a cough remedy that is inexpensive and quite effective[box type=”warning” ] Please note! The drug should be taken with caution in diseases of the brain, liver and epilepsy. During pregnancy and lactation, the drug can be prescribed strictly after consultation with your doctor.[/box]

  1. Tercodin is an analogue of Codeine, with the active substance codeine, sodium bicarbonate and terpin hydrate. Available in the form of tablets, taking them for longer than 5 days without consulting a doctor is not recommended. The drug has a sedative effect, so its use is not recommended for people whose work requires increased concentration.

[box type=”success” ] Interesting fact! The active ingredient of the drug codeine is considered doping, therefore it is not recommended for use by athletes during competitions, as the most effective cough medicine.[/box]

These are just a few of the most common and effective drugs for dry cough. However, their effectiveness often depends not so much on the active ingredients, but on the patient’s body.

In addition, it is quite difficult to correctly determine the true cause of a dry cough , so such drugs are best taken after a thorough examination.

Choosing a cough remedy that is inexpensive and quite effectiveScheme of possible causes of dry cough in relation to the time of its occurrence.

[box type=”shadow” ] Useful site article: How to get your period if you’re late. All ways and means. [/box]

Effective medicines for wet cough

Treatment of a wet cough comes down to liquefying sputum and removing it from the lungs , that is, it is a little simpler than in the case of a dry cough - here you do not need to look for the reasons, but only get rid of the problem.

Here are the drugs you should pay attention to:

  1. Doctor Mom is a herbal preparation, produced in the form of syrup, ointment and chewable lozenges, which has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. The ointment, in addition to treating coughs, can relieve headaches during colds and flu. Due to the herbal composition of the drug, its use is not contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. The cost of Doctor Mom drugs depends on the form of release and ranges from 150 rubles. for lozenges (20 pcs per package), 170 rub. – ointment (20 g) and 210 rubles. – syrup (100 ml.).
  2. ACC is a mucolytic drug with the active ingredient acetylcysteine, which thins mucus and removes it from the respiratory tract.Choosing a cough remedy that is inexpensive and quite effective The drug can accumulate in amniotic fluid, so its administration and dosage are prescribed only by the attending physician. Available in the form of effervescent tablets, syrup and powder for preparing a drink, the dosage of which depends on the weight, age of the patient, as well as the nature of the disease. The cost of the drug ranges from 120-150 rubles. for powder, 250-300 rubles. for syrup and 240-320 rubles. for effervescent tablets depending on the number of pieces in the package.
  3. Bromhexine is a mucolytic drug with an expectorant effect, the active ingredient of which is bromhexine hydrochloride. It is not recommended for use in children under 6 years of age, during the first trimester of pregnancy, with stomach or duodenal ulcers, as well as in case of individual intolerance to the components. Available in the form of tablets of 10-100 pieces. in a package costing 25-75 rubles. depending on the quantity, as well as in the form of syrup, 50, 60 and 100 ml, costing 80-150 rubles. depending on volume.
  4. Pertussin is a combined herbal-synthetic drug with thyme extract as an active ingredient. Available in syrup form, it has an expectorant effect, thins mucus and removes it from the body. The drug contains ethyl alcohol, so its use during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended. For the same reason, the remedy should not be used to treat cough in children under 3 years of age, persons with heart failure, liver disease and alcoholism. The cost of 100 ml of syrup ranges from 25 to 40 rubles. depending on your region of residence.
  5. Ambroxol is a mucolytic drug, an analogue of bromhexine, which reduces the viscosity of sputum and promotes its removal from the bronchi. Available in the form of tablets, which are recommended for use in adult patients, syrup for children, and also as a solution for inhalation. The cost of a 100 ml bottle of syrup is 70-150 rubles, a pack of 20 tablets. will cost 30 rubles, a solution for inhalation with a volume of 100 ml - about 270 rubles.

Choosing a cough remedy that is inexpensive and quite effective

After watching this video, you will expand your arsenal of knowledge about the most effective cough remedies:

From this video program you will gain additional knowledge about cough, its types and means of effectively combating it:

I wish you good health and success in curing your illnesses!


Cough medicines, inexpensive and effective, what to choose

Before you go to the nearest pharmacy and purchase a cough medicine, you should find out exactly the reason for its appearance, because the course of treatment depends on the underlying disease.

Choke attacks can be triggered by colds, heart problems, allergic reactions and even helminths, and each of these diseases will require a special approach.

What cough medicines, inexpensive and effective, should you choose and in what cases are they best used?

Choosing a cough remedy that is inexpensive and quite effective

Cough medicines for dry cough – what to choose?

When starting to choose a good cough medicine, if you have a dry cough, you should pay attention to antitussive drugs that promote the formation of viscous mucus. The choice offered by modern pharmacology is huge, so you can easily find a remedy that will be effective in one case or another.

Cough medicines, inexpensive and effective:

  1. Bronholitin (not only activates the removal of mucus, but also helps to ease breathing and fights bronchospasm);
  2. Sinekod (release form - syrup and drops, can be used even for infants, has virtually no contraindications);
  3. Terpincode (reduces the viscosity of mucus, promotes expectoration);
  4. Libexin (does not complicate breathing, does not affect the nervous system, thins mucus and subsequently promotes its discharge).

When using medications, you should remember one important requirement that contributes to treatment - you cannot mix different drugs without a doctor’s prescription. The wrong approach will not only delay recovery, but can also cause complications.

Cough medicines for wet coughs, which one should you choose?

If you have managed to cope with suffocating, irritating attacks, it is recommended to continue treatment with expectorants, which facilitate and accelerate the removal of mucus. Cough medications for wet coughs can be divided into several groups:

  1. mucoregulators (control the volume of sputum);
  2. mucolytics (thin the mucus);
  3. mucokinetics (removes phlegm from the respiratory tract).

In order not to make a mistake in choosing the most effective remedy, it is better to leave this to specialists - the doctor will accurately diagnose the disease and select the optimal treatment option.

Cough medications are inexpensive and effective, which will help clear mucus:

  1. Bromhexine (used for difficult mucus discharge, recommended for the treatment of bronchial asthma, all types of bronchitis, pneumonia);
  2. Pertussin (a herbal-based drug, most often used for colds, whooping cough, and various types of bronchitis);
  3. Ambroxol (has a slight effect on cough, but perfectly thins mucus and stimulates its elimination).

The use of any medication has its own contraindications and features, so it is better to first get a detailed consultation with a doctor.

Read more Wet cough

Choosing a cough remedy that is inexpensive and quite effective

Good medicines for dry cough in children

A cold in a child can cause panic in parents, because most pharmaceutical drugs not only have a considerable number of contraindications, but are also not recommended for children. What remedies to choose for dry cough in children, so as not to harm and quickly relieve painful attacks?

It is recommended to pay attention to herbal-based preparations - they have the least number of contraindications. Despite this, it is better not to risk the baby’s health and first consult a doctor about each step of treatment.

Preparations intended to combat dry cough, containing herbal components:

  1. Licorice root syrup (in addition to stimulating the discharge of mucus, it can relieve inflammatory processes that occur during colds);
  2. Doctor Mom (a drug that has a huge range of effects - completely relieves bronchospasms, localizes inflammatory foci, thins viscous mucus and actively removes it);
  3. Chest elixir (usually prescribed in the presence of sputum, which is very viscous and practically does not separate from the walls of the bronchi).

Side effects are rare when taking herbal medicines. If the baby has problems with bowel movements, excessive rashes or redness of the skin, or other alarming symptoms, treatment should be stopped immediately and the help of another drug should be sought. It is desirable that its composition differs from the ingredients of the previous medicine that caused complications.

Read more Dry cough

What medications are intended for children over 2 years of age?

Colds in children require a special approach, because it is very easy to harm a small organism and provoke complications.

Many parents make the mistake of starting treatment on their own without first consulting a doctor.

If it is not possible to visit a doctor, and you have doubts that coughing attacks are caused by a cold, you can try to get rid of the problem with means that have almost no contraindications and are completely safe.

For children over 2 years old, the following medications can be used for treatment:

  1. Mucaltin (a drug whose active component is licorice root; thanks to its beneficial properties, it has not only an expectorant, but also an anti-inflammatory and even enveloping effect);
  2. Linkas (a rich composition of a dozen herbal components will provide quick and effective treatment of coughing attacks; in addition, it has analgesic, antimicrobial and antispasmodic effects);
  3. Herbion (the components of the medicine dilute mucus, remove it, while facilitating expectoration and acting as an antiseptic).
Read also:  A child’s wet cough has turned into dry: what can be done

If there are concerns that you will not be able to cope with the disease on your own, it is better to show your child to a doctor. If the doctor finds no complications, for minor coughing attacks he may recommend using gentle folk remedies.

Choosing a cough remedy that is inexpensive and quite effective

What topical medications can be used for dry cough in adults?

In addition to oral medications for dry cough in adults, medications that act externally can be used. They not only perfectly dilute accumulated mucus, but also quickly remove it from the respiratory system.

Such pharmaceutical products include:

  1. inhalations (there is a huge selection of different solutions that can help with the disease);
  2. mustard plasters;
  3. ointment.

Treatment will be more effective if several remedies are used .

For example, take medications that thin out mucus during the day, and at night rub your chest and back with ointment or apply mustard plasters.

If there are doubts that the integrated approach will be carried out correctly, you can first find out from a specialist how to speed up recovery and what means can be combined for this.

The effect of pharmaceutical drugs and folk remedies (compresses or rubbing), which you can prepare yourself at home, will increase. Most of them have no contraindications and can be used even for adults suffering from severe illnesses.

How to get rid of coughing attacks without the help of drugs

A milk-banana mixture will be a great help for any type of cough , which will certainly appeal not only to children, but also to adults. It’s easy to prepare a tasty medicine:

  1. Using a blender, puree the banana after peeling it.
  2. Add 45 gr. cocoa powder, mix the mixture thoroughly.
  3. Boil 200 ml of milk, be sure to cool and pour the lukewarm liquid into the banana mixture.
  4. Add 20-25 gr. good honey (it is better to take a liquid product).

Drink a chocolate-banana mixture before bed. Improvement occurs in the morning, but do not stop treatment, drink the medicine until complete recovery.

When purchasing cough medicines that are inexpensive and effective, you should not hope that the disease will disappear instantly - treatment should be continued until the suffocating attacks completely stop.

If complications are observed, you should not delay your visit to the doctor - it is very likely that the drug was chosen incorrectly.

More information is available on the website, where everyone can not only find interesting materials, but also share their experiences in reviews of articles.

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Inexpensive cough remedies: a detailed review

Coughing causes discomfort not only to the patient, but also to those around him. To get rid of it quickly and effectively, you need to choose the right remedy. A doctor may prescribe an expensive drug, but it is possible to replace it with a more affordable analogue.

  • Inexpensive medicines for dry cough
  • Inexpensive drugs for wet cough

When the cough is unproductive, that is, the phlegm does not come out, it is called dry. In this case, you can use the following drugs.

  1. "Falimint." It has a similar effect to menthol. After the tablets are absorbed, a feeling of freshness and coolness appears in the mouth. After the first use, the reflex attack stops. A big advantage is that it does not dry out mucous membranes. "Falimint" is produced in the form of dragees. They can be used for children from 5 years of age. As for contraindications, there is only one – hypersensitivity to the components.
  2. "Libexin." These combined tablets are very effective: they reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings, thereby relaxing the bronchi and reducing the reaction to irritation. They are usually prescribed for severe cough. The effect of the medicine occurs within 4 hours. "Libexin" is produced in tablets and syrup. Children can use it. Side effects include allergies, increased fatigue and dizziness.
  3. "Codelac" - herbal tablets. But there are also other forms: syrup and elixir. "Codelac" is a combination drug: it reduces excitability and increases the viscosity of sputum during a wet cough. A significant disadvantage is addiction. That is why the drug is taken for a strictly limited time. The drug is contraindicated in children under 6 years of age.
  4. Syrup "Gerbion" with plantain. The medicine has antibacterial and antitussive properties. Stimulates sputum production and reduces its viscosity. Contains vitamin C, which improves immunity. "Gerbion" creates a protective film on the mucous membrane of the respiratory system, reducing irritation and stopping inflammation. It can be used from 2 years of age. Moreover, there are practically no contraindications to it.
  5. "Halixol" is a very effective remedy. It thins mucus and also relieves irritation from the mucous membrane. The effect after administration occurs within 30 minutes. "Halixol" can be taken by children from 5 years old, but it is prohibited during pregnancy and gastrointestinal diseases. It has a number of contraindications.
  6. "Lazolvan." Most often it is prescribed for acute bronchitis and pneumonia, chronic sinusitis. The effect is noticeable almost immediately and lasts up to 10 hours. "Lazolvan" relieves cough, reduces the viscosity of sputum, and relieves irritation from the respiratory mucosa. "Lazolvan" for cough can be purchased in the form of tablets, syrup and solution. It is used for children from 6 years of age.
  7. "Ambrohexal" is indicated for acute / chronic diseases of the bronchi, rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis. It is also used to stimulate the fetus during pregnancy and after surgery to treat complications. The active substance is ambroxol. "Ambrohexal" is a mucolytic expectorant.
  8. "Omnitus". The medicine comes in the form of tablets and syrup. The product effectively relieves inflammation, fights infections, relieves attacks of dry cough, and also has a positive effect on the body during colds. Like other drugs, it has contraindications (under 6 years of age, pregnancy) and can cause negative reactions (drowsiness, vomiting, dizziness, stool upset).
  9. "Stoptussin" is a combination medicine: it has a mucolytic and antitussive effect. It can be used for both dry and unproductive coughs. "Stoptussin" can be purchased in the form of tablets, drops and syrup. The medicine is herbal.
  10. "Lorraine" is an effective remedy for dry cough. It is produced in tablets, capsules, powder, solution and suspension. This drug quickly and efficiently relieves the symptoms of colds, acute respiratory infections, and also has an antipyretic effect. But it can only be used by 6-year-olds. Has side effects: mild irritability, dizziness, increased blood pressure.

When sputum is produced, the cough is called productive or wet. Treatment of such attacks is accompanied by taking drugs with an expectorant effect.

Effervescent tablets thin the mucus and improve its discharge. The effect of taking it is noticeable already in the first days of treatment. "ACC" has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. However, the tablets cannot be combined with paracetamol, drugs based on it and other cough medications. "ACC" is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.

Doctor Mom preparations are herbal remedies. The products effectively fight diseases of the upper and lower respiratory systems, and also quickly relieve runny nose, bronchitis and colds. "Doctor Mom" ​​is produced in the form of lozenges, syrups, ointments and roller pencils. "Doctor Mom" ​​can be given to children from 2 years of age.

This drug has been known for a long time and is still popular today due to its combination of effectiveness and price. Suppresses the cough center, quickly eliminates acute respiratory infections, relieves swelling of the mucous membrane and removes phlegm. Very effective in treating children.

  • Side effects: allergic reactions, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure.
  • It is advisable to use the medicine for acute and chronic diseases of the bronchi, when sputum is difficult to clear.
  • "Bromhexine" can be given to children from 6 years of age; it is well tolerated, combines with antibiotics and even promotes their penetration into the mucus produced by the bronchi.
  • During treatment with Bromhexine, drinking plenty of fluids is recommended.
  • At the same time, it is necessary to exclude control of complex mechanisms, performing dangerous work and driving a vehicle.

This drug has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. But it can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of respiratory tract infections. "Ambroxol" helps to quickly cope with tracheitis, pneumonia, bronchitis and whooping cough.

These tablets are based on the marshmallow herb. They have long been popular due to their naturalness and affordable cost. "Mukaltin" effectively thins mucus and promotes its removal. However, the first result can be noticed only a few days after the start of treatment.

Although Mukaltin is not addictive and natural, it can only be drunk from the age of 12. The drug is contraindicated in diabetes, allergies and gastrointestinal diseases.

A synthetic drug that has a thinning and expectorant effect. The medicine improves the outflow of bronchial mucus.

Sold in the form of syrup, capsules, tablets, solutions. The latter are used for inhalation and injection. The effect occurs within half an hour after taking the medicine and lasts up to 10 hours. Ambrobene can be given to children from 2 years of age.

This medicine has been familiar to many since childhood. The product is inexpensive, but very effective for wet coughs. “Pertussin” thins mucus well, improves its elimination, and also has an expectorant effect.

The composition includes both plant and synthetic components. The basis of the medicine is thyme (thyme). It can be given to children starting from the age of 3, diluted with water.

For every expensive product you can find a cheaper analogue. However, you should always choose medications based on the causes and type of cough, and only then be guided by their cost.

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.


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