
Is it possible to make mantu for a cough and runny nose for an adult and a child?

Dear readers, today we will consider the question of whether it is possible to make mantu for a runny nose. You will find out how long it will take after complete recovery if you decide to refuse the procedure due to the presence of cold symptoms in your body.


This test is an immunological test; it allows you to determine whether the baby’s body is infected with the tuberculosis bacillus. Tuberculin test is a diagnostic method of research, carried out by subcutaneous injection of tuberculin.

The result is assessed after three days. The appearance of the “button” determines a positive or negative reaction to tuberculosis. You need to understand that mantu is not a vaccine. Live bacteria are not introduced into the toddler’s body.

This study allows us to detect the presence of antibodies to Koch's bacillus.

Runny nose

The mucus that is produced in the nasal passages prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms and drying out of the cavity. Abundant secretion of mucous substance and snot indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the nasopharynx, which is a runny nose.

It can occur independently, for example, due to hypothermia, or be the result of an allergic reaction, or it can act as a concomitant sign of a viral disease.

Do not forget that babies have not yet fully formed internal structures of their nose. Narrow nasal passages impede the intensive outflow of mucus.

Prolonged runny nose can cause complications.

Test and rhinitis

Tuberculin tests are given to toddlers in kindergarten or school, or when visiting a clinic. It is not uncommon for a child to show signs of a cold when it is time to do the test. Some parents agree to take manta, even if they have a runny nose, because they do not want to go to the clinic on their own later. It is much easier for them to have the procedure carried out at school. However, it must be taken into account that severe allergies or viral infections may be a contraindication to this procedure. If a child with this condition undergoes a mantoux test, can the result be considered reliable? In such cases, it is advisable to contact a pediatrician so that he can identify the cause of rhinitis. Only a doctor will be able to finally decide whether this procedure needs to be performed now or whether it is better to postpone it until recovery.

Before deciding to perform a manta, it is better to make sure that the child is completely healthy:

  • no high temperature;
  • no cough, runny nose;
  • the skin is clean;
  • breathing is even;
  • good appetite;
  • active child;
  • has a sound sleep.

If the baby just recently got sick and even at the moment there are no characteristic symptoms of a cold, then it is still advisable to wait a little. Officially, a runny nose is not a contraindication to mantu.

However, it is worth considering that rhinitis may be a symptom of some more serious process in the body. A test in this condition may result in a false positive or false negative result.

When my son develops cold symptoms, in particular a runny nose, when it’s time to do mantu, I refuse this procedure until he has completely recovered. This is exactly what happened to us last year. The doctor said that there was nothing wrong with this and that we could undergo diagnostics.

But I decided not to risk it, wrote a refusal at the school and then, two weeks after a complete recovery, I took my son to the clinic for a mantoux test.

I believe it is pointless to undergo this procedure if you have any cold symptoms, because the result may be unreliable.

Mantoux and colds

Colds are usually caused by viruses or a mixed infection. This triggers a number of inflammatory processes in the respiratory system. Occurs:

In this case, it is impossible to carry out a mantu test. The result in this condition may be false positive. Only with hyperthermia alone does the synthesis of bradykinin and histamine, characteristic of an allergic reaction, increase.

Rhinitis after the test

The occurrence of a runny nose after mantoux may indicate both a side effect and the fact that at the time of diagnosis the child was already a carrier of a viral infection or is susceptible to the direct influence of allergens. In any case, the occurrence of such a side effect must be reported to your doctor. He will be able to examine the baby and determine the etiology of the runny nose and, if necessary, prescribe medications.

Recovery period

If mantu was not performed for a cough and runny nose in a toddler, and you decided to postpone this procedure until complete recovery, then how long will it take to completely cleanse the body of viruses? Indeed, often in the absence of external manifestations, the infection can still persist. It is believed that it is better to wait 14 days, no less, in some cases a month or two, for example, with pneumonia. To make sure that the baby is truly absolutely healthy and there is no longer any trace of viruses left, you can take a clinical blood test.


In situations where it is not possible to do a tuberculin test, specialists may offer another option.

  1. Diaskintest. It is based on the introduction of tuberculosis allergen (recombinant) intradermally. It is he who provokes the development of the immune system reaction.
  2. Clinical blood test. Confirmation of tuberculosis may be indicated by a high increase in segmented and band neutrophils, while a low level of monocytes and lymphocytes and an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate will be observed.
  3. Quantiferon test.
  4. Polymerase chain reaction for the determination of Koch bacillus DNA.

Whether or not to make mantu for a child with a runny nose is your right. Always try to consult your doctor first. Remember that it is better to carry out the test when the child is absolutely healthy and there are no signs of a cold or allergy.


Is it allowed to perform a Mantoux test when a child has a runny nose?

Once a year, in all schools and preschool institutions, children are tested for the Mantoux reaction. It is carried out to determine the degree of impact of tuberculous mycobacteria on the immune system. It is first performed upon reaching one year of age to prevent the incidence of tuberculosis and its spread.

Sometimes, during the period prescribed for diagnosis, a boy or girl catches a cold, and mom or dad doubt whether to do Mantu for a child with a runny nose or to abstain in order to avoid negative consequences. Such fears are not unfounded, as discussed in this article.

Is it possible to do a Mantoux test if a child has a runny nose?

The first vaccine against tuberculosis that a child receives after birth is BCG. Often anti-tuberculosis diagnosis is also called “Mantoux vaccination”, which is incorrect.

It is designed to determine the body’s response to the tuberculosis virus and identify the presence of infection. If the result is positive, a conclusion is drawn about infection. But this is not a statement that the patient is sick.

This only means that he is in a high-risk group and needs more careful health care.

The test site for tuberculin injection is the skin of the hand. The injection area should not be scratched and, preferably, not wet. After a three-day period, based on the volume of the papule (a small elevation that appears at the injection site), the doctor determines the body’s resistance to the effects of the tuberculosis bacterium.

Depending on the size of the papules, the following types of reactions are distinguished:

  • negative. There is no hyperemia and compaction, diameter is up to 1 mm;
  • doubtful. Small compaction, slight redness, diameter - from 2 to 4 mm;
  • positive weak. Diameter – from 5 to 9 mm;
  • positive. Diameter – from 10 to 14 mm;
  • positive expressed. Diameter – from 15 to 16 mm;
  • hyperergic. Diameter – from 17 mm.

At an early age, a runny nose in a child is quite common. It can be the result of ARVI, influenza, or the most common cold. Before admission to tuberculin diagnostics, the exact cause of its appearance is determined.

If you have an allergic reaction to something, the injection should definitely be postponed until another time of the year. If the described symptom is observed all year round, in combination with sneezing, coughing, but without fever, then an injection is allowed.

When diagnosing a disease of infectious etiology, it is advisable to postpone the test for a long time.

Any doctor will tell you how compatible Mantoux and a runny nose are. Although there is no consensus among them on this topic. Each side brings its own arguments. Mantoux is not a vaccination or vaccination, but a simple test. But even to conduct it, the person being tested must be healthy. Therefore, the final decision on the existing dilemma remains with dad or mom, especially since the law is on their side.

Is Mantoux acceptable for coughs and acute respiratory infections? Here it would be wise to wait for recovery and then decide on the test, since the administered substance helps to detect antibodies, and it is important to get the body’s correct response. Although some pediatricians are inclined to believe that the Mantoux test for minor coughs and runny noses is acceptable, and this is not a reason for refusal.

Inflammation of the nasal mucosa is the main symptom of a cold.

And, if parents are interested in the question of the need to perform Mantoux on a sick child, then they must keep in mind that in case of rhinitis, the administration of a tuberculin injection can provoke a false reaction.

If we take into account that the test itself does not give an absolute result, then Mantoux in a child with a runny nose will become a provoking impulse that can mislead the doctor when checking the papule.

Is it possible to give Mantu for a runny nose to a one year old child?

Any sane parent can answer this question on their own. This test is given to children only when they reach one year of age.

And only if the legal representatives did not give a written refusal. After the first year of life, testing is carried out annually, as children are at high risk.

As was said earlier, giving Manta to a sick baby for snot is not the most reasonable decision.

Is it possible to do Mantu for a cough?

A cough, like a runny nose, is a sign of an acute respiratory viral infection or an allergic reaction. Based on everything that has been said about these symptoms, it is easy to conclude that Mantoux is undesirable for coughing.

Why do some doctors say that the procedure can be done, what are the pros?

Let the opinion of doctors who insist on performing Mantoux on a coughing child remain on their conscience. The only argument justifying such insistence is the universally accepted statement about the safety of the administered antigen, which is not a vaccine and therefore cannot cause even the mildest form of tuberculosis. This is where the argument ends.

Arguments against"

There are many arguments against tuberculin diagnostics against the background of presenting signs of illness. Mantoux for a runny nose and cough is undesirable due to the fact that obtaining an accurate test result is doubtful and there is a high probability of developing a false reaction. This is one of the arguments against.

In addition, a runny nose indicates an acute respiratory infection, that is, a viral infection that weakens the immune system, and the injection can give it an additional burden.

The predominant part of doctors insists on prescribing manipulation only to a healthy person. To the question of whether Mantoux is allowed to be given to a baby with snot and cough, there is no definite answer, since the “plus” indicator is possible in both a healthy and a sick patient, but, as already noted, even if the throat just hurts, this indicates an infection , which may distort test results.

The main argument against it is that a severe allergy to the antigen or a complication of an existing viral process is likely.

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Why is it better not to do a test if you have a runny nose?

This can give a distorted result and worsen the child’s health. Obtaining an accurate test result is of great importance for the early detection of tuberculosis; it is advisable to exclude any factors that may distort it.

Any symptoms of illness indicate that at the moment the immune system is aimed at fighting the disease. It is better to reschedule the test, let the baby recover and get stronger, and rescheduling the test to a later time is not at all critical.

During the test, a small, safe dose of tuberculin is injected into the patient's body. For a healthy person, according to doctors, it does not pose any danger. However, it is advisable to refuse this procedure if he is sick, since the reliability of information about the absence of undesirable consequences for well-being in a weakened state is still controversial.

Often, medical workers at school and preschool institutions vaccinate their children without notifying the father and mother. You should be aware that such actions are illegal.

There is a corresponding article 7 of part 3 of the Law “On preventing the spread of tuberculosis in the Russian Federation”, which regulates this provision.

It clearly states that anti-tuberculosis measures against minors are possible only with the consent or refusal of their legal representatives. The basis for refusal may be the child’s ill health and the likelihood of obtaining an unreliable false positive result.

Usually, parents trust doctors when it comes to the safety of Mantoux during colds. Some consider this event necessary. Although there are some pediatricians who are categorically against this.

Impact on study results

Mantoux with a runny nose, as noted earlier, can have the most unfavorable effect on the results of the study, the main one of which will be a distorted reaction.

The body reacts to tuberculin with the size of a papule. It must be taken into account that tuberculin itself is, to a certain extent, an allergen, and if the child is allergic, then it is possible to obtain a biased result.

Reasons that change the reliability of the test are:

  • recent infections;
  • baby's age;
  • immunity developed to non-tuberculosis microorganisms;
  • improperly performed injection.

Taking into account all these factors, no result can serve as a guarantee of infection with the tuberculosis bacillus or, conversely, its absence. For a more accurate diagnosis, fluorography, sputum culture and other studies will be required.

Often, in the presence of tuberculosis bacteria, the body does not produce any reaction. The reasons for this may be:

  • the immune system does not respond to this antigen;
  • infection has already occurred;
  • the required age (1 year) has not been reached.

To understand whether it is possible to do a Mantoux test if a child is sick, it makes sense to remember the above information and the fact that an infectious disease, even in a mild form, changes the response algorithm of T-lymphocyte behavior, and the meaning of testing is lost. Moreover, it can have a depressing effect on the baby’s immune system and cause unwanted complications.

Consequences for the child

This procedure can be performed for respiratory viral infections, even with redness of the throat and fever.

However, what could happen if you give an injection to a sick child? The first thing to clarify is: what is a runny nose? This is the body’s reaction to an attack by pathogenic bacteria, and rhinitis is the result of a strained immune system.

The introduced antigen, even to the smallest extent, affects the immune system, and any disturbance in it tends to negatively affect the overall well-being of the baby.

Based on the degree of danger to the health and life of the child, tuberculin diagnostics is not so critical and harmful. However, with direct contraindications, which will be mentioned below, the consequences can be quite unpleasant.

This is due to the fact that the administration of even a small dose of tuberculin “strains” the immune system, and if it is still weakened by the current illness, this can lead to its complications, be it a simple cold or flu.

In the latter case, the health hazard is quite real.

Mantoux after a runny nose: how long after you can do it

After the child has recovered and his snot and cough have gone away, 5-7 days should pass, after which a test can be performed. Some pediatricians prefer to extend the medical withdrawal for two weeks. Taking into account the fact that the established frequency of tuberculin diagnostics is one year, half a month “will not make a difference.” But such a decision will have a positive impact on the reliability of the study.

Let's summarize: we decide whether to bet Manta or not

Is Mantoux used for runny noses in children? As far as possible, we have analyzed positive and negative arguments. Based on the above, we can make a clear conclusion that it is not worth doing it if you have any disease.

In addition, there are certain conditions that are direct contraindications for tuberculin diagnostics:

  • skin pathologies, including inflammatory ones;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • any acute conditions, including exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Each of these factors is a reason to delay testing.
The test is not a vaccination, but some complications are possible after it. They can be expressed in deterioration of health, weakness, slight redness and itching at the injection site, and a cough is possible after Mantoux.

So if children cough after the test, there is no need to worry, this is a normal reaction. Snot may also intensify after Mantoux - this is a common response of children’s bodies to tuberculin. Therefore, we must calmly accept the fact that injection and runny nose are closely interrelated.

So, Mantoux is definitely undesirable for any manifestation of an infectious disease, without real signs of tuberculosis. It makes sense to wait out the illness, cure the child and only then carry out testing.


Mantoux for cough

The Mantoux test is familiar to every person since childhood - in schools, children are given this test in order to identify children infected with tuberculosis. Adults should also have this test done occasionally. Today, tuberculosis is widespread in our country and has long received the status of an “epidemic”. Many parents are interested in the question: is it worth making mantu for a cough? Let's try to figure it out!

What is a tuberculin test?

The tuberculin test, also known as mantoux, is an immunological test that helps determine whether the child’s body has ever come into contact with tuberculosis pathogens. This test is carried out annually in educational institutions and it is highly desirable that it be done to every child who has no contraindications to the test.

The decision regarding the timing of the test must be made by the pediatrician caring for the particular child. Due to certain circumstances (which we will discuss later), this test may be delayed.

When performing a tuberculin test, an antigen obtained from Koch bacilli, the causative agent of tuberculosis, is injected subcutaneously in the area just above the wrist. After 72 hours, you can evaluate the test results:

  • If the papule size is up to 5 mm, there is nothing to worry about; this size of the mark left after the introduction of the antigen indicates a negative reaction;
  • A papule measuring 5 to 10 mm is an intermediate condition that may indicate possible infection with Koch's bacillus. Such children are at risk;
  • If the papule size is more than 15 mm and the formation of suppuration, we can talk about a probable infection with the tuberculosis bacillus.

I would like to note that the results of the Mantoux test are not a 100% test for tuberculosis and the results of this test cannot make a diagnosis. There is also a certain number of cases in which the reaction can be positive, even if the child has not had any contact with the pathogen or patients.

— Is it possible to get vaccinated if you have a runny nose: Mantoux, DTP.

Mantoux and cough

There are certain rules, contraindications and indications for conducting a tuberculin test. Just a few decades ago, all these rules were ignored and this test could be performed on a child in almost any condition.

Today, circumstances are different. Before performing the Mantoux test, the pediatrician examines the child and communicates with the parents. If it turns out that the baby has a cold or has recently suffered a serious illness, this diagnostic procedure is postponed.

The parent also fills out a special “questionnaire” in which he talks about the child’s chronic and acute diseases, informs about HIV infection, and also gives permission to conduct a Mantoux test on the child.

Mantoux should not be used for coughing or other signs of acute illness. A coughing, sneezing child with a runny nose should undergo a diagnostic test until he or she gets better.

Next we will talk about when you can give Mantoux to a child.

You may also be interested in reading whether it is possible to make mantu with a runny nose.

Is it possible to do Mantoux when a child coughs?

To summarize, and even looking ahead, it should be said that Mantoux should not be given to a child when coughing.

Also, if a cough appears after Mantoux, you must notify your doctor. Most likely, the test results will be biased.

Why you can’t get vaccinated if you have snot, cough, fever

Is it possible to do Mantu for a runny nose, cough, rhinitis, although these are faithful companions of colds that arise due to viral invasion? Is it possible to do Mantu for a child’s cough?

During this period, the child’s body is busy fighting a viral infection and all the resources of the immune system are mobilized, so the introduction of even a small amount of antigens causes a strong response from the body’s defenses.

Due to general weakening of health, active growth of the papule is possible, which is regarded as a positive test result. Naturally, having seen this, you and the child will be forced to visit a specialized institution for the purpose of further diagnosis, without paying attention to the fact that the result is unreliable due to the child’s illness.

Please draw the pediatrician's attention to the fact that your child is behaving unusually, feeling unwell, and not being active enough. A doctor seeing a baby for the first time may not pay attention to minor sniffles and coughing.

If the child's cough is minor, a test can be done, although the result may still not be true. After Mantoux, the cough may become more active!


Mantoux for cough Komarovsky

The health of the child and control over it is the direct responsibility of the parents. There are many ways to do this in the modern world. The Mantoux test is one of them. This is a diagnostic method that is carried out from 1 year to 15 years, which helps prevent the development of pathologies such as tuberculosis.

Read also:  There is no cough, but there is sputum in an adult: how to treat the patient

However, many mothers are interested in the question of when such a procedure can be performed, and in which cases it is better to postpone it. For example, is it possible to give Mantu for a runny nose or cough, will it become an excessive burden on a weakened child’s body (see also: is it possible to get a DTP vaccine if a child has a runny nose?)?

Mantoux test - what is it?

The Mantoux test is done to check a person’s reaction to tuberculosis antigens by performing a test on the skin. Thanks to this, you can find out whether a tuberculosis infection is present in the body. This procedure is not a vaccination intended to develop immunity to the disease. For these purposes, the child is given BCG while still in the maternity hospital.

Until the age of 14, children undergo Mantoux tests annually. If the reaction is positive, this indicates that pathogens are present in the child’s body, but this does not mean at all that the baby is sick. He simply falls into a risk group, which is why enhanced control over the baby’s health is necessary for several years.

The test itself is carried out as follows:

  1. Introduction of tuberculin in small quantities. This is the reagent that helps identify tuberculosis, obtained from its weakened mycobacteria. It is injected under the skin in the forearm area.
  2. Reaction assessment. It is carried out by a doctor 72 hours after the test is performed. A ruler is used for this.

Caring for the injection site is important. Violations of recommendations can negatively affect the result and distort it. For this reason, you should not get the injection site wet or scratch it.

As for the Mantoux reaction, it manifests itself in the form of redness or thickening at the injection site. It is standard practice to divide it into several subspecies presented in the table:

Reaction Description, pulp diameter
negative injection point does not exceed 1 mm
dubious slight redness and thickening, size reaches 2-4 mm
weak positive 5-9 mm
positive 10-14 mm
strongly positive 15-16 mm
strongly positive more than 17 mm

Indications for the test

This diagnostic method, such as the Mantoux test, is used after the child reaches one year. From this age it is carried out once a year until the age of 15-16 years.

This regularity is justified by the fact that children's bodies are most susceptible to tuberculosis infection.

It is given to babies who have been vaccinated with BCG.

If vaccination against tuberculosis was postponed to a later period or was not carried out, then before vaccinating the baby, he is first given a Mantoux test to make sure that he is not infected.

However, the result is not an accurate indicator. Mantoux allows you to suspect a problem in order to send the baby for additional examinations and tests in order to confirm or refute the presence of tuberculosis.

This procedure is not mandatory, and parents may refuse to do it. However, in return, they must provide their child with another alternative diagnostic method, the results of which must be provided in writing to the educational institution that the child attends. These include:

  • radiography;
  • general blood analysis;
  • enzyme immunoassay blood test.

Grounds for medical withdrawal

The tuberculosis antigen, which is injected under the skin during the Mantoux test, is non-living mycobacteria subjected to thermal and chemical treatment. As a result, it is impossible to become infected after the procedure; it is absolutely safe for children and adults and does not affect the immune system.

For the same reason, many doctors answer in the affirmative to the question whether Mantoux can be done for coughs or snot, which are a residual phenomenon. The nuance is that at least 3-4 weeks must have passed since the illness that caused such symptoms. During this period, the body is completely restored.

However, it is cough and snot that often accompany acute respiratory infections, colds and other respiratory diseases. During the acute period of the disease, testing for tuberculosis is strictly prohibited. In addition, cough syndrome can be a sign of the onset of an inflammatory process, so Mantoux with a cough and runny nose is dangerous for the development of unpleasant complications.

Other contraindications to performing Mantoux include:

  • quarantine and the period for a month after it;
  • acute skin disease;
  • epilepsy;
  • allergies during exacerbation;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • ARVI and other infectious pathologies;
  • chronic pathological processes at the acute stage.

It is also contraindicated to administer the Mantoux test simultaneously with vaccines against other diseases.

The minimum period that must pass since the last vaccination with non-live vaccines should be a month. If the drug is live, for example, as a vaccine for MMR (measles, rubella, mumps), then this time interval increases to 6 weeks (we recommend reading: how MMR vaccination is done and possible adverse reactions).

What will happen to a child if Mantoux is given to him with a runny nose and cough?

A cold, which is accompanied by a runny nose and cough, is usually a direct contraindication to the Mantoux test. However, this opinion is controversial. Some doctors believe that snot is not a reason to postpone the test. Much depends on the nature of rhinitis:

  1. Allergic. As a manifestation of an allergy, a runny nose can cause complications after an injection, so the test cannot be performed.
  2. Catarrhal. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, Mantoux will only worsen the baby’s condition.
  3. Inflammatory. At the same time, the throat turns red and the temperature rises. It is strictly forbidden to further burden an already weakened immune system.

The nature of the discharge also plays an important role. If they are transparent, then the reagent can be administered with caution. Mantoux for a runny nose, when a child has green or yellow snot, can cause complications and distort the results.

Moreover, tests should not be carried out if this symptom is accompanied by a cough. If you only have a cough, you should also undergo the manipulation, since this is a signal about the beginning of the development of a pathological process in the body.

Of course, we cannot exclude the development of side effects that may occur after the procedure:

  • elevated temperature;
  • skin rashes;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • inflamed lymph nodes located under the armpits and in the groin area.

How will a cold affect the test result?

The main danger posed by the Mantoux test, carried out at a time when the child is sick, coughing and sneezing, is the distortion of the test results.

Since this diagnosis allows the detection of a serious disease such as tuberculosis at an early stage, reliability is of paramount importance.

In fact, according to some children's specialists, a runny nose and cough will not affect the child's health in any way, but will affect the accuracy of the test, since the body throws all its strength into the fight against pathology.

However, despite the fact that the viruses and bacteria that are responsible for the development of tuberculosis and ARVI are of a completely different nature, and therefore the latter are not able to affect the sample, they can sharply worsen the condition of the baby. For this reason, it is better to wait for the baby to fully recover, especially since postponing Mantoux, which is performed once a year, for 2-3 weeks is not so important.

Unfortunately, a healthy child is not a 100% guarantee that the test will be correct. There are cases when a baby without signs of illness experiences a false reaction, while a child with a runny nose has a normal result. It all depends on the individuality of the organism.

Who decides whether Mantoux can be given to a child?

In fact, the parents have the final say. A doctor can perform a Mantoux test only with written permission from the person responsible for the child. Also, withdrawal from testing must be confirmed by parents in writing.

As for the baby’s health directly and postponing the test for a certain period due to illness, runny nose or cough, the parents must also make a decision. However, in each individual case, doctors can give their recommendations after examining the baby, namely, whether it is worth carrying out the test or whether it is better to wait.

In most cases, a specialist will recommend performing the Mantoux test on an absolutely healthy child. The final decision rests with the parents. However, it is worth understanding that today this is the only officially recognized method for diagnosing tuberculosis, which cannot yet be replaced by anything else, although there are other ways to detect pathology.

Pediatrician, allergist-immunologist, graduated from Samara State Medical University with a degree in Pediatrics.

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You can make manta for coughs and runny noses

The Mantoux test is not a vaccination, but there are no less questions and controversies around it.

Vaccinations during a child's illness are, as a rule, postponed to a more prosperous time, but when it comes to the tuberculin test, opinions differ.

Even doctors do not give a clear answer to the question of whether it is possible to make manta if the child is sick. To do this, in each case it is necessary to know the causes and characteristics of the disease.

About mantu

To understand whether Mantoux can harm a sick child, it is necessary to understand the nature of the substance that is used to detect tuberculosis bacteria in the body.

Tuberculin is not a vaccine or a medicine; it is used solely as an indicator and, according to doctors, does not have a pronounced effect on the body.

An exception may be adverse reactions of varying severity:

  • slight increase in temperature;
  • skin rashes;
  • headaches and joint pain;
  • general weakness.

Normally, these manifestations disappear within 1-3 days from the moment of the injection, unless they are caused by an infection developing in the body. Such coincidences can cause additional discomfort in the patient and complicate the diagnosis.

Is it possible to do?

For runny nose and cough

It's better not to take risks

Many children, unfortunately, are susceptible to frequent colds, but this does not eliminate the need for tuberculin tests. If a child is sick, parents fear that the administration of tuberculin will further worsen their child’s condition.

First, you should make sure that your runny nose and cough are actually caused by a cold and not an allergic reaction. The symptoms of the two can be very similar. If an allergic reaction in the form of rhinitis is regular, this is not a reason to refuse the Mantoux test.

If the problem is still a cold, then rhinitis and cough, dry or wet, will not become stronger under the influence of the drug for mantoux. In some cases, general weakness may appear that is not associated with a cold.

But a weakened body can give a false positive reaction to a tuberculosis test, so it is better to wait for complete recovery , and only a couple of weeks after that return to the question of performing Mantoux.

Read also:  Dry tearing cough: causes of the symptom and its treatment


During viral infections, the body's defenses are undermined, and the immune system is aimed at fighting the causative agent of the disease. Therefore, if at this moment the child was given a manta, the reaction can also be positive or questionable.

In many cases, viral infections are a strong stress for the body and are sometimes expressed by unexpected symptoms. it is better to wait with any intervention during this period until the immune defense is completely restored.

At a temperature

A rise in temperature is evidence of a malfunction in the body. Perhaps this is a signal that the child is beginning to develop an infection or inflammatory process. It is worth observing his condition for several days before deciding whether mantu can be done, and then consult with a pediatrician.

If this is a short-term temperature jump associated, for example, with the vigorous activity of a child who has just been energetically running and jumping, this is not a reason to cancel the test . In any case, before administering tuberculin, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the throat and general health.

For other diseases

You can wait out the infection, but what to do if there is a chronic pathology in the body? Is it possible to administer manta to a patient who has been suffering from dysfunction of internal organs and systems for a long time? There are clear contraindications to the test when:

  • epilepsy;
  • rheumatism;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • severe allergies;
  • rashes and other skin disorders at the injection site.

Tuberculin has no effect on the course of these diseases, but the test results cannot be considered reliable.

For any other serious chronic disease in the acute stage, it is recommended to refrain from taking the mantoux test until the period of remission. Another important contraindication is vaccination.

If a month has not passed after any of the vaccinations, you should wait a while with mantu .

How might this affect the results?

Any disruption in the functioning of the body when you are sick, be it a weakening of the immune system, a hormonal surge or an inflammatory process, can change the clinical picture of the blood, and with it the body’s ability to produce antibodies and respond to various irritants. Testing for tuberculosis in such cases may give unexpected results.

But even if the reaction suddenly turns out to be questionable or positive, parents should not panic. This means, first of all, the need for additional examinations and systematic medical supervision.

Other diagnostic methods

A child or teenager whose body reacted to an injection with a papule of more than 15 mm or its growth in comparison with last year’s sample will most likely be offered one of the alternative research methods that will confirm or refute the carriage of Koch’s bacillus.


  1. This can be either Diaskintest - a similarity to the Mantoux test, only as a reagent, not natural tuberculin, but its synthetic analogue, is injected under the skin of the forearm.
  2. An even more accurate result is shown by a special analysis of venous blood using the PCR method. In the presence of certain chronic diseases and individual reactions, tuberculosis control can be carried out using this method, bypassing skin tests.


Caring parents should not be afraid of the negative impact of the Mantoux test on the child’s health, but it is still worthwhile to be attentive.

It is the parents who can notice the malaise that has just begun and discuss with the doctor the need to postpone the procedure to another time. After all, if you give Mantoux to a sick child, the results may be different from reality.

In each specific case, this decision depends on the cause of the disease and the general condition of the body.



Is it possible to do a Mantoux test if a child is coughing?

Checking for an inflammatory process in the pulmonary system caused by Koch's bacillus (Mantoux test) is done regularly. Already in adolescence, X-rays are recommended instead of vaccinations. But from 1 year to 14 years old, Mantoux must be performed at least once a year.

This allows parents to be confident in the health of the child. Before carrying out the procedure, the doctor must examine the little patient in order to prevent sad consequences from the procedure.

The main question for parents remains whether Mantoux can be given to a child with a cough or runny nose. After all, a slight cough or allergic symptoms in the form of snot or cough can provoke a reaction with a plus sign to the administered vaccine. In fact, an increase in papules indicates the development of tuberculosis.

Is it possible to do a Mantoux test when coughing?

Carrying out a Mantoux or immunological (tuberculin) test is mandatory for everyone in childhood. This procedure shows and establishes the body’s contact with the pathogen – Koch’s bacillus (tuberculosis).

Recommended for everyone except those who have contraindications. Many parents think that the procedure is harmful and hazardous to health. In fact, the test helps to identify the problem in a timely manner. If there are contraindications, testing is postponed to another day.

The papule is made with an insulin syringe just above the wrist. Everyone knows that the injection site should not be wet. But few people know that foods can be used to redden the injection site. The time for the “work” of the administered drug is exactly 72 hours. After which measurements of the papule are taken:

From 15 cm The body’s reaction can be not only in the form of a huge red spot, but also like an abscess Indicates infection with tuberculin bacillus. The infection is spreading rapidly. Need help, then treat with antibiotics
5-10 cm Risk group. Intermediate state An increase in the papule to the specified size indicates a possible infection. This reaction is possible after suffering from pneumonia, colds, or flu.
Less than 5 cm Norm The vaccination was successful. There is no need to worry, there is no need to undergo additional examination. Evidence of a negative reaction of the body to the pathogen

  Causes and treatment of dry cough in children

The sample cannot be called a vaccination. The test is similar to an allergy test, since the Koch bacillus allergen (antigen) is injected under the skin. The main advantage of vaccination is the absence of consequences.

It is not possible to become infected with tuberculosis after receiving the vaccine. Reason: tuberculin consists of an extract of mycobacteria. When administering BCG (it is necessary to vaccinate a newborn), a weakened bacillus is used.

It is not recommended to use Mantu for a dry or wet cough. Since in 65% of cases the papule increases by more than 5 cm. But this does not mean at all that the child has tuberculosis. This is how the body reacts to the antigen.

After any illness, the baby’s immune system is weakened. Therefore, he reacts immediately. Take a test after undergoing treatment for a cold, if there is a residual cough - get a positive reaction.

Interesting fact! By the age of 21, everyone has the tuberculosis bacillus in the human body. There are no exceptions. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that a person will be sick, since the body has sufficiently produced antibodies that can fight the infection and prevent the Koch bacillus from multiplying.


Doing a Mantoux test when a child starts coughing is irrational and pointless. The parent sees the condition of his child, knows when he fell ill and how long the residual cough or rhinitis lasts.

Therefore, it is worth warning the pediatrician examining the child before the procedure. Doctors cannot insist on performing Mantoux. The parent, in turn, only asks for a deferment, since Mantoux is placed annually from the moment of birth. If you do a test after an illness or during a period when the child begins to cough, it is difficult to obtain a reliable result.

One dose of the drug contains no more than 2 tuberculin units. If the child is healthy, then they pose no danger. At the onset of a cold or at the end of inflammatory processes, there is a threat of incorrect results.

  Causes and methods of treating wet cough in a child

Immature immunity perceives the vaccine as a threat. This is where adverse reactions and contraindications appear.

Contraindications to the Mantoux test include not only a severe cough, rhinitis or residual effects after a cold. The list is large, approved by the Ministry of Health, and applies to all children's groups during recommended tuberculin diagnostics.

First of all, children with allergies during exacerbation are excluded. These same children are recommended to be further examined, since they more often than others develop redness without the presence of tuberculosis. It is strictly prohibited to conduct examinations in places where there is a quarantine. And also when:

  • exacerbation of rheumatism;
  • allergic cough;
  • infections;
  • epilepsy and psychogenic diseases;
  • skin diseases and rubella.

If individual intolerance to tuberculin is detected, it is strictly forbidden to do the Mantoux test. In people with this reaction, swelling of the throat occurs to the point of complete asphyxia.


Checking a child's health using Mantoux is an important procedure. But taking into account all the pros and cons, the parent must control the need and possibility of conducting the test. If you have a cough, even a mild one, immediately inform your doctor about health problems. Also indicate the occurrence of an allergy to any product (the allergy may not manifest itself for a long time).

It is strictly forbidden to make test injections during inflammatory processes and with other vaccinations. It is best to administer Mantu before scheduled vaccinations or after 1 month. The result will be more reliable.

It is also advisable for the parent to check who supplies the vaccine to the hospital, the batch number, certificates, and documents for the substance.

Possible exacerbations after Mantoux

A cough often appears after Mantoux. Appears within 24 hours. Has two decryption options:

  • presence of tuberculin bacillus;
  • weakened immune system by viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms.

Additional research will help determine the true cause.

Adverse reactions are:

  • itching and rashes at the injection site;
  • nausea and the appearance of a gag reflex;
  • temperature above 38 degrees and dizziness;
  • headache.

  Treatment of cough in a newborn

Mantoux is safe and does not cause tuberculosis. But you shouldn’t neglect the rules. The parent, before signing the consent, must check the baby’s temperature, redness of the throat, and runny nose.

If there is even a slight malaise, it is better to reschedule the test to another day. Don't rely solely on your therapist's review. Remember the human factor.


It is necessary to perform a Mantoux test. Avoid if there are obvious contraindications. The procedure is safe. Requires special care at the injection site. Therefore, the parent should make sure that the child does not scratch the papule or wet his hand at the injection site.

You cannot glue the patch and treat it with antiseptics. It is also recommended to exclude from the diet foods that can cause an allergic reaction. These include all types of citrus fruits (even in small quantities), chocolate, honey and nuts, red vegetables and fruits.

It is not advisable to refuse annual testing. Thanks to Mantoux, the human body produces antibodies against tuberculosis. This will help you avoid infection in the future.


Is it possible to make mantu for a cough and runny nose for an adult and a child? Link to main publication
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