
Choosing effective medicinal lozenges for coughs and sore throats

  • Sore throat is one of the manifestations of influenza, sore throat, ARVI, pharyngitis and other diseases of the ENT organs.
  • In addition to medications for a systemic effect on the underlying factor that provokes inflammation, the use of symptomatic agents that promote local pain relief is required.
  • Local preparations contain antiseptic, antibacterial components and plant extracts.
  • The active substances do not enter the general bloodstream, so the likelihood of developing systemic adverse reactions is minimal. 

Lozenges and lozenges are first aid remedies for sore throat.

They act superficially, and the inflammatory process can affect, for example, the depths of the palatine tonsils.

Tablets bring a strong but short-term effect, so one use is not always enough. 

Groups of lozenges

Antiseptics – help eliminate bacteria that are located on the surface of the mucous membranes. Not active against viral infections.  

  • Anesthetics – block nerve conduction, eliminate pain.
  • Local antibiotics – suppress the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. 
  • Herbal preparations have a softening and anti-inflammatory effect. Suppress the production of inflammatory mediators, relieve local symptoms such as pain and sore throat.  
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are drugs with pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. They do not always have an effect on microorganisms that provoke discomfort, but quickly eliminate the symptom itself.  
  1. Before choosing a suitable remedy, you must consult a doctor and identify the exact cause of the development of pain and inflammatory reaction.
  2. Read also: what types of throat diseases exist and what they look like in the photo.
  3. Before taking the drug, you should carefully study the instructions, taking into account the method of use and duration of use and possible adverse reactions. 
  4. The cheapest tablets with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties are:
  • Agisept – from 90 rub.
  • Gorpils – from 80 rub.
  • Suprima Lor - from 100 rubles. 
  • Doctor Mom - from 130 rubles. 
  • Chlorophyllipt tablets – from 100 rub. 

Patients with a tendency to allergic reactions should be especially careful when using herbal-based tablets and those containing dyes. 

Medicines with anesthetic

Septolete Plus (from 200 rubles) – contains benzocaine and cytylpyridinium chloride. It has a pronounced anesthetic and antiseptic effect.

Allows you to relieve sore throat caused by laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis. Not for use in case of individual intolerance to the components, treatment of patients under 18 years of age.  

After treatment of the throat with Septolete Plus, it is not recommended to drink milk, which reduces the anesthetic effect of benzocaine.

Combined use with non-narcotic analgesics (paracetamol, analgin, baralgin, ibuprofen) enhances the effectiveness of the anesthetic substance Septolete.

If there are open wounds in the oral cavity, it is better to refrain from using the drug, since the antiseptic substance can help slow down their regeneration. Hexoral tabs (from 170 rubles) A ​​drug with a pronounced local anesthetic and antiseptic effect based on benzocaine and chlorhexidine.

Indicated for sore throats, pharyngitis and other inflammatory diseases of the pharynx. Not recommended for individual intolerance, wound and ulcerative lesions of the throat and oral cavity, low concentration of cholinesterase in the blood plasma.

Long-term use of tablets can lead to changes in the color of the tongue and tooth enamel, short-term taste disturbances and numbness of the tongue. 

The tablet is held in the mouth until completely dissolved. Treatment begins with the first signs of the disease and continues for several more days after the symptoms disappear.  

  • 4-12 years: up to 4 pcs. in a day.  
  • 12 years old - adults: 1 pc. every 60-120 minutes. No more than 8 tablets per day.  


Benzocaine can reduce the antibacterial effect of drugs that belong to sulfonamides and aminosalicylates. 

Grammidin Neo with anesthetic (from 270 rubles) is a multicomponent medicine with local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and softening effects.

In addition to analgesic and antimicrobial substances, it contains menthol and eucalyptus oils. 

During the process of resorption of the tablet, salivation increases, ensuring cleansing of the oral cavity from pathogenic microorganisms and their waste products.

The drug can be used up to 4 times a day for 6 days. As a side effect, a temporary decrease in the sensitivity of the tongue may develop.  

Antibiotic tablets

Faringosept (from 120 rubles) - inexpensive tablets with bacteriostatic, antiseptic and antimicrobial effects.

Used for the following indications:

  • for the treatment of pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, stomatitis;
  • to prevent the development of occupational laryngitis. 

The active substance demonstrates effectiveness against a large number of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, including streptococcal and staphylococcal infections. It begins to act 30 minutes after taking the medicine.  

The tablets should be used half an hour after meals. For 2 hours after using Faringosept, you should refrain from eating food and water.

Children from 3 to 7 years old are prescribed up to 3 tablets per day, adults - up to 5. The course of treatment is no more than 4 days. 

Grammidin (from 250 rubles) contains an antibacterial component as an active substance for topical use for inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx.

It breaks stability and leads to the death of microbial cells, and is not addictive.

It is well tolerated; in rare cases, allergic reactions have been reported. 


Septolete (from 210 rubles) - suckable throat tablets with antiseptic properties based on benzalkonium chloride, levomenthol, peppermint, thymol, eucalyptus oil.

  • The drug affects gram-positive organisms and fungi of the genus Candida, and is active against lipophilic viruses.
  • Thanks to menthol and essential oils, it is possible to achieve a moderate analgesic effect and reduce mucus secretion. 
  • The drug is used 1 lozenge every few hours:
  • patients from 4 years old – up to 4 pcs. per day;
  • from 10 years – up to 6 lozenges per day;
  • from 12 years – up to 8 lozenges per day. 

Septolete is dissolved before meals; simultaneous use with milk is contraindicated. Tablets should not be used in conjunction with other local antiseptics.  

Neo Angin (from 130 rubles) is an antiseptic with a local anesthetic and antimycotic (antifungal) effect.

  1. Active against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, staphylococci, pneumococci, fusobacteria, pathogenic and yeast fungi.
  2. Neo Angin is well tolerated and has a pleasant taste, and can be used in the treatment of patients from 6 years of age. The following points need to be taken into account:
  3. Neo Sore throat contains a dye that can provoke allergic reactions and have a destructive effect on tooth enamel.
  4. The manufacturer produces the medicine in several versions: with and without sugar.
  5. In rare cases, the development of allergic reactions, irritating effects on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and stomach, has been reported. 

It is recommended to dissolve the medicine every few hours. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 6 tablets. Sebidine (from 139 rubles) - absorbable throat tablets based on chlorhexidine and ascorbic acid with antibacterial and bactericidal properties.

The drug must be used 1 pc. up to 5 times a day after the patient has eaten and brushed his teeth.

For several hours after using the tablets, it is recommended to refrain from rinsing the mouth, drinking water and other liquids in large quantities. 

Sebidine does not affect microorganisms such as acid-fast bacilli, viruses and spores.

Local anti-inflammatory 

Tantum Verde (from 240 rubles) - lozenges with a good analgesic and antiseptic effect for the throat. Stabilizes cell membranes and inhibits the production of inflammatory mediators.

When used topically, the active substances are quickly absorbed and penetrate into the site of inflammation.

Tablets can be used by patients over 6 years of age in accordance with the following indications: for gingivitis, glossitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, candidiasis, after surgical interventions in the oral cavity. 

Tablets should be used after meals: 1 pc. three times a day. Hold in mouth until completely dissolved. The duration of treatment should not exceed 1 week.

If there is no improvement during this time, or new symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor. 

Particular care is required in the treatment of patients with bronchial asthma due to the high likelihood of developing bronchospasms.

In childhood, Tantum Verde is used only under adult supervision in order to prevent swallowing of the tablet. T-Sept (from 130 rubles) - effective tablets for treating the throat with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and analgesic properties.

  • The active component gradually accumulates in the thickness of the mucous membrane, the patient’s well-being returns to normal 48 hours after starting to use the medicine.
  • In this case, the substances do not penetrate into the general bloodstream and the likelihood of systemic exposure is minimal. 
  • Patients over 6 years of age should take 1 tablet up to 4 times a day.
  • The duration of treatment should not exceed 1 week.
  • T-Sept can provoke undesirable effects in the form of laryngospasms, hypersecretion of gastric juice, hyposecretion of the salivary glands, Quincke's edema, anaphylaxis.
  • If the patient notices the described or any other adverse reactions, the use of the tablets should be stopped immediately and consult a doctor. 

Herbal preparations

Travisil (from 110 rubles) is a drug with a herbal composition. It has immunostimulating, antiseptic, deodorizing, antitussive, and antiemetic effects.

Contains more than 10 active components of plant origin. Recommended for use for coughs (including those of asthmatic origin), as well as infectious diseases of the respiratory system: tonsillitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis.  

The lozenge must be sucked until completely dissolved: one piece up to 3 times a day. Travisil is well tolerated by patients; in some cases, allergic skin reactions are possible.  

Linkas (from 99 rubles) - inexpensive but effective tablets, which contain extracts of licorice, galangal, pepper, adhatoda, violet, and hyssop. Demonstrates a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and helps fight cough.

Indicated for the following diseases:

  • Flu.
  • ARVI.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Tracheitis.
  • Pneumonia. 

Lozenges are used 1 pc. every few hours. The duration of treatment should not exceed 1 week. The drug may provoke the development of allergic reactions.

The lozenges contain sugar, which must be taken into account in patients with a history of diabetes. Linkas is not used in conjunction with antitussive drugs, as well as drugs that help reduce sputum formation.  

Doctor Mom (from 130 rubles) is a herbal multicomponent preparation with anti-inflammatory, expectorant, distracting and local irritating effects.

Lozenges are prescribed for the symptomatic treatment of acute and chronic diseases accompanied by a dry cough: pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis.

May provoke the development of allergic reactions. Dr. Mom should not be used in conjunction with antitussive medications.  

Adults are recommended to dissolve 1 lozenge every few hours. The maximum daily dose is up to 10 tablets.

Duration of use – 14-20 days. Patients with diabetes should take into account that the lozenges contain sugar.  

Tablets that can be given to children

The selection of a safe and effective local drug for the treatment of the throat is the prerogative of the pediatrician after an in-person examination of the patient and according to the diagnostic results.

On the recommendation of a specialist, the following medications can be used, the best tablets for the throat:

  • Hexoral tabs – from 4 years. 
  • Faringosept – from 3 years. 
  • Grammidin for children - from 4 years old.
  • Lizobakt – from 3 years. 
  • Isla Mint – from 4 years old. 
  • Strepsils without sugar for children - from 6 years. 
  • Linkas lozenges – from six months. 
  • Septolete – from 4 years old. 
  • Travisil – 3 years. 

Any of the drugs described is not intended for self-medication. Before starting use, consult a doctor.


The best cough and sore throat remedies for adults and children

The change of seasons is always a test for the human body, especially when we move inexorably from the warmth of summer to the cold of winter. We are accompanied on this journey by unpleasant companions - runny nose, cough and sore throat.

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These symptoms are a sign of an infection in the body. And so that you can meet it fully armed, we will tell you about the best remedies for coughs and sore throats.

Important: all of the remedies described below have contraindications and possible side effects. Before taking any of them, you should consult your doctor.

The best cough tablets for adults

3. Grammidin

The average price is 270 rubles.

Typically, the basis of all remedies for cold symptoms are antimicrobial drugs that slow down the growth and development of bacteria. Grammidin is that rare bird that contains an antibiotic, namely gramicidin C. It fights streptococci and staphylococci, and over time the bacteria do not become resistant to it.

There is both “pure” Grammidin on sale - it contains only an antibiotic (not counting excipients), and in combination with an anesthetic. We recommend the second type of medicine, because 30-40 minutes after taking it, a person feels relief and can swallow without pain.

In addition to colds, Grammidin can be used for diseases or injuries of the oral cavity (for example, wounds).

The main disadvantage of this good drug for sore throat is its price. It will cost about twice as much as other tablets.

2. Faringosept

The average price is 160 rubles.

One of the best cough tablets that were used back in Soviet times. The main active ingredient of the drug is ambazone. It has proven itself in the fight against microbes that usually cause infections of the mouth and upper respiratory tract (streptococci and pneumococci).

And for taste, cocoa extract is added to these tablets, so they look a pleasant coffee color and taste sweet, with chocolate notes. For those interested, they recently began producing a lemon version.

It is recommended to take Faringosept after meals and then not eat or drink for another couple of hours. Or at least refrain from drinking for about half an hour, because it is after this time period that the medicine has its maximum disinfecting effect.

1. Neo-angina

The average price is 110 rubles.

Inexpensive and effective Neo-angin cough tablets disinfect the oral cavity due to the presence of two antibacterial substances in the composition. And another substance, levomenthol, is responsible for a local irritating effect (that’s why many who dissolved the tablet noted that it “stung” - this is the effect of levomenthol).

Neo-angin also has a weak anesthetic effect. And especially for diabetics there is a Neo-angina formula without sugar.

Using the drug is as easy as shelling pears. True, as patients noted, sometimes resorption turns into a real test due to the abundance of levomenthol and essential oils in the composition. You have to hold the tablet between your teeth so that your mouth can “rest.”

The best cough syrups for adults

3. Ambroxol (Ecolab)

The average price is 46 rubles.

This is a domestic, inexpensive analogue of expensive drugs, well-known (and widely advertised) foreign drugs. These include Lazolvan, Ambrobene and many others.

All of them are made on the basis of abmroxol hydrochloride - this product reduces the viscosity of sputum, eases the cough, turning it from “dry” to “wet”, and helps remove accumulated phlegm from the respiratory tract.

The product from the Ecolab company is distinguished by the presence of medical alcohol among the excipients. Because of this, it doesn't taste very pleasant, and even banana flavoring doesn't help the situation. But Ambroxol from Ecolab will cost much less than its imported counterparts. And it will serve just as effectively.

2. Herbion primrose syrup

The average price is 283 rubles.

This effective and delicious cough syrup is plant-based. It contains extracts of primrose and thyme, as well as levomenthol. It has both an antitussive and anti-inflammatory agent, and also limits the growth and development of pathogens.

It helps if the cough is severe and the sputum is very thick, viscous and difficult to clear. The main disadvantage of the drug is that it contains quite a lot of sugar, so it is not suitable for diabetics.

1. Stoptussin

The average price is 237 rubles.

This drug can be found in both tablets and liquid form. Its two active ingredients, guaifenesin and butamirate citrate, are responsible for cough suppression.

Unlike Gerbion, Stoptussin increases the viscosity of sputum. It happens that it is so liquid that the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi cannot cope with its removal and it accumulates in the respiratory tract. Stoptussin corrects this by thickening the mucus to make it easier for the body to get rid of it.

The drug is very effective, but, like Ambroxol from Ecolab, it contains alcohol. He also has a children's version.

The best cough lozenges for adults

3. Doctor MoM

The average price is 160 rubles.

Inexpensive cough lozenges Doctor MoM come in a variety of flavors: there are berry, lemon, raspberry, and pineapple. The main active ingredient of the medicine is licorice root extract, proven over generations.

In addition to licorice, there is also an extract of ginger roots and the fruits of Emblica officinalis. Levomenthol is also present.

To the credit of the creators of the lozenge recipe, they managed to disguise the pronounced and memorable taste of licorice roots so well that it is almost not felt, and levomenthol tingles pleasantly in the mouth without burning it.

Lozenges have an expectorant, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and mild analgesic effect.

2. Bronchicum

The average price is 222 rubles.

This drug comes in two forms: syrup and lozenges. It is created on the basis of extracts of medicinal plants, the main of which are thyme and primrose. These herbs have an anti-inflammatory effect and help loosen mucus and clear the throat.

1. Septolete

The average price is 238 rubles.

Septolete lozenges are a whole storehouse of essential oils: they contain mint, eucalyptus, and the well-known menthol. However, they also contain other active ingredients - thymol and benzalkonium chloride, intended to slow down the growth and development of gram-positive bacteria, which most often cause colds.

Thanks to essential oils, Septolete relieves pain and irritation in the throat, and eucalyptus helps the patient breathe, if not fully, then definitely more freely than before taking the drug.

The only disadvantage of these lozenges (apart from heightened individual sensitivity to the components of the drug) is the presence of sugar, up to 175 mg. So they are not suitable for diabetics.

The best sprays (aerosols) for sore throat for adults

3. Inhalipt

The average price is 126 rubles.

The top three among sprays and aerosols is opened by the Russian product Ingalipt. Its main advantage over sore throat remedies in other forms is ease of application.

Thanks to pressure supply (created automatically, like aerosols, or manually, like sprays), small drops of the drug evenly cover the inflamed surface and reach even the most inaccessible corners.

Important: before using sprays and aerosols, you will need to rinse your mouth thoroughly. And, of course, it is recommended to use these drugs after meals.

Ingalipt differs from other products in the rating by perhaps the most diverse composition.

  • It contains both extracts of medicinal herbs and essential oils, as well as medical drugs norsulfazole and streptocide.
  • If the former relieve pain, refresh the mouth and throat and disinfect, then the latter fight germs.
  • And since all these substances are contraindicated only for people with acute individual sensitivity, Ingalipt can be used by everyone - from pregnant and lactating women to children.

The main disadvantage of the drug is that its main “weapon”, antimicrobial agents, are already outdated. They have been used in medicine for many years, and most microorganisms have developed resistance to them. But if you just have a common cold, then Inhalipt will quite effectively relieve pain and inflammation.

2. Yox

The average price is 185 rubles.

The name of the drug is telling - it is immediately clear that it contains iodine. And it’s true, Yox is a modern, improved and more pleasant to use version of a product that has been proven literally for centuries - iodine solution.

It is worth considering that modern iodine solutions are made based on its organic form, which has a better effect on the body. Allantoin (local pain reliever), traditional menthol fragrance and other medicinal and cosmetic substances are also added to the Yox solution.

The drug disinfects the mouth and throat and fights germs, and also relieves inflammation. You can use it frequently - up to an interval of only 3-4 hours, if necessary.

The main disadvantage of Yox is its main active ingredient. When iodine enters the body, it inevitably begins to affect the thyroid gland, as well as metabolism. If you use it often and for a long time, there may be an excess of iodine in the body - the so-called. iodism.

True, it is tolerated by an ordinary healthy person without any problems, but in people with acute sensitivity to iodine or thyroid diseases, the consequences can be unpleasant. Yox should not be used by expectant mothers or breastfeeding women, as well as by children under 8 years of age.

1. Maxicold Lore

The average price is 240 rubles.

One of the best cold sprays contains the substance hexethidine. This is a disinfectant that prevents pathogenic microorganisms (gram-positive and some gram-negative bacteria, as well as fungi) from growing and developing. In addition, hexethidine also has a weak analgesic effect, which, you see, is a very valuable property in the midst of an illness.

After application, the drug remains on the mucous membrane for a long time, maintaining an active – that is, destructive for bacteria – concentration. And traces of it remain in the mouth and throat for about two and a half days.

Several drugs contain hexetidine on the Russian market, for example, the French drug Hexoral or its domestic analogue, Maxicold Lor. Inside the can there is a liquid, which, in the best traditions of dentistry, is flavored with mint.

It’s not in vain that we talk about dentistry, because the drug, thanks to its antimicrobial and analgesic effect, is actively used in this area. It is prescribed for inflammation in the mouth, gingivitis, stomatitis, after tooth extraction and other invasive dental operations.

For colds and sore throats, it is enough to spray the drug in the mouth twice a day; This is usually done after a meal so that the drug remains in the mouth in active concentration for as long as possible.

Hexethidine has virtually no contraindications, unless we are talking about a rare individual intolerance to the drug.

The best cough and sore throat remedies for children

Children need special dosage forms that differ from adult medications. For example, it is not recommended to use sprays and aerosols for very young children, due to the fact that many babies are not able to hold their breath.

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It is better not to give lozenges to children under three years of age (they simply swallow them); the tablet may also get into the windpipe.

3. Eucabal cough syrup

The average price is 234 rubles.

The main active ingredients of this syrup are plantain and thyme extracts. It is prescribed if a child suffers from a cough with poorly produced sputum or a debilitating spasmodic cough.

According to reviews, this is a good syrup that helps with both dry and wet coughs. In addition, it contains a minimum of “chemicals”, but parents usually try to buy cough remedies for their children with a large number of natural ingredients and a minimum amount of excipients.

2. Gedelix cough syrup

The average price is 377 rubles.

If there is sputum, but it is difficult to separate, Gedelix syrup will come to the rescue. This is one of the best symptomatic remedies for flu and colds, created on the basis of ivy plant extract. It helps loosen mucus and cough it out, clearing the airways.

Gedelix can be given to children aged one year and older.

1. Dr. Theis syrup with plantain

The average price is 260 rubles.

One of the main advantages of Dr. Theis syrup is its taste. Some children even became upset when they realized that they had recovered and they would no longer be given syrup.

This product is created on the basis of herbal preparations, and the main one among them is plantain extract. In addition to it, the composition also contains chamomile, gum, fennel, lemon balm, and so on.

The syrup is thick, with a pleasant taste and smell. Of course, it does not act as quickly as products with synthetic drugs, but the child will drink it with pleasure and without any problems. It is used when the cough is wet, and when you need to help the child get rid of mucus accumulated in the lungs and respiratory tract.


10 best lozenges for sore throat

Place Name Characteristics in the rating
Top 10 best lozenges for sore throat
  • 18 best remedies for sore throat

Colds are the most common. Neither adults nor children are immune from pain and sore throat. Unpleasant sensations, even if not accompanied by elevated temperature, cause discomfort and interfere with work and rest.

To relieve cold symptoms such as pain and sore throat, pharmaceutical companies offer customers a variety of lozenges and lozenges. Most of them do not have a pronounced therapeutic effect, but quickly bring temporary relief.

Based on reviews from customers and doctors, we have compiled a rating of the best lozenges for sore throats, which are commercially available in any pharmacy.

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

Homeopathic medicines often cause mistrust among representatives of official medicine and patients. Many people consider them insufficiently effective. But, studying customer reviews, you can come to a completely different conclusion.

The main active ingredient in these lozenges is sage in the form of dry extract and essential oil. Despite the absence of medicinal substances, lollipops have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and expectorant effect.

The drug can be used for any diseases of the mouth and throat.

The main points in the positive reviews about these lozenges are their pleasant taste, quick recovery and completely natural composition. After a couple of days from the start of use, all doubts regarding the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines among buyers dissipate. The fact is that sage not only relieves symptoms, but treats a sore throat.

These lozenges contain two main active ingredients - menthol and eucalyptus oil. In addition to them, you can find an impressive list of other plant components in the composition.

A natural homeopathic remedy has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect, helps to quickly reduce even severe sore throat.

Doctors often recommend this drug for inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Eucalyptus lozenges have been tested for years and are very loved by customers. Many people always keep them in their first aid kit in case of illness, as they are sure that they will definitely help relieve pain and ease breathing.

The taste is not for everyone - cold due to menthol and eucalyptus, but knowing the effectiveness of the product, buyers do not particularly think about its taste.

Lollipops have one more advantage - a very low price.

Natural homeopathic lozenges that relieve irritation and reduce pain in the throat.

It is not entirely clear which components are included in the composition, since the manufacturer indicated only “Swiss herbal extract”.

Everything else is fine - vitamin C, menthol, a little peppermint. Refreshing lollipops will soothe your throat and boost your immunity. The cost of the drug is quite affordable.

In reviews, customers write that the lollipops taste like regular candy. But they are also suitable for diabetics, since they are made with the addition of a sweetener. According to users, they are not effective enough for severe sore throats, but they relieve sore throat well and suppress coughing attacks.

A completely homeopathic remedy that can be recommended for sore throat and mild sore throat. The composition includes many essential oils of medicinal plants - mint, lavender, sage, lemon balm, anise, thyme, Chinese cinnamon.

Together they have antiviral, antiseptic, expectorant, analgesic, and immunomodulatory effects.

Thanks to their wide spectrum of action, lollipops will help not only with pain and sore throat, but also soothe cough and help boost immunity.

According to users, this is a fairly effective remedy for mild colds or at the very beginning of the disease.

They do not give an immediate effect, like medications, but they have a natural composition, a wide spectrum of action and a very pleasant taste.

Some buyers prefer to use them for disease prevention. The main disadvantages of lollipops are that they are expensive and are not sold in all pharmacies.

An effective drug in the form of lozenges with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Suitable for use by adults and children.

Thanks to the optimally selected composition, medicinal lozenges have a complex effect - antiseptic, bactericidal, fungicidal, analgesic. Therefore, lozenges help with sore throat, regardless of the pathogen.

Additionally, mint and eucalyptus oils included in the composition refresh, make breathing easier, and instantly reduce pain.

Most reviews about the drug are good; doctors often prescribe it as part of complex treatment. According to users, this is a very effective drug that helps cope with even severe sore throat. The only drawback is the unpleasant medicinal taste of the candies.

Hexoral lozenges are one of the most popular remedies for pain and sore throat for children and adults.

The main active ingredients amylmetacresol and 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol have a pronounced antiseptic and antimycotic effect and are often recommended by doctors for the treatment of diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity.

Thanks to the mint oil contained in the composition, immediately after resorption of the tablet, noticeable, albeit temporary, relief occurs.

In reviews, users often call Hexoral the best lozenges for sore throats. They instantly relieve the condition and eliminate soreness. In addition to this, users note a very pleasant, refreshing taste. Many people believe that these lollipops should always be in the home medicine cabinet. Despite all the advantages, the cost of the drug is not higher than for other similar products.

Faringosept can hardly be called classic lollipops. This is a complete medicine for adults in the form of lozenges with a not very pleasant taste.

But this remedy has been tested for years, generations, so it can deservedly be considered one of the best medicines for a sore throat.

The main active ingredient ambazon has a powerful antiseptic effect, due to which it quickly removes inflammation, pain and soreness.

The composition of the product is safe, rarely causes allergic reactions, but is not recommended for diabetics due to the sugar content. Faringosept is popular with both doctors and their patients. The only drawback is the not very pleasant taste, but this is fully compensated by the effectiveness of the lozenges.


Cough and sore throat lozenges

Sore throat is a common symptom of many colds. Typically, it is accompanied by inflammation, swelling and the appearance of white plaque on the tonsils.

Treating it with tablets can be problematic due to pain during swallowing, therefore, it is not surprising that lozenges for sore throats have recently gained popularity.

They are great for relieving discomfort and starting treatment. In addition, throat lozenges can be used for preventive purposes. This medicine has several advantages:

  • Pleasant taste;
  • Cooling effect and soft enveloping effect due to essential oils;
  • Excellent for treating children;
  • Quickly relieves pain;
  • Affordable price;
  • Effective for angina;
  • Convenient packaging and the ability to take medicine in any situation.

Lozenges for sore throat eliminate sore throat, which helps in treating cough.

Which lollipops are better?

Medicinal candies are made with a variety of flavors and additives. Some common ones are menthol, lemon, honey, eucalyptus and raspberry.

But don’t forget that behind the bright packaging and sweet taste lies serious medicine. Many of these drugs come with an antibiotic and uncontrolled use can cause a lot of harm.

Typically, antibiotic medications are taken with a doctor's prescription. They are aimed at accelerating recovery in chronic forms of diseases.

You should be careful and not take such medications without consulting a physician, because antibiotics are contraindicated during viral diseases, and the cause of the disease can only be identified after testing.

If antibiotic lozenges are prescribed by a doctor, you can take them without any worries. The most popular drug of this type is Koldakt Lorpis.

It is an excellent pain reliever, softens the mucous membrane of the throat and promotes a speedy recovery.

Preparations with sage extract and essential oils

Lollipops with sage extract are an excellent solution for treating a sore throat. If they also contain honey, the effect of this medicine will significantly increase. This combination of components is better than any other and brings good results:

  • Relieves inflammation and reduces swelling of the throat mucosa;
  • Restores voice;
  • Eliminates soreness and pain;
  • Freshens breath.

Candies for coughs and sore throat symptoms with essential oils in their composition require special mention. They are the safest because they contain natural ingredients. Available for children and adults, and very inexpensive.

Choosing effective lollipops

Cough drops come in a huge variety and finding out which ones are the best is often very difficult. Many of them have no effect on the course of the disease, but this does not mean that they are bad.

Most likely, they are simply not suitable for a particular organism. Therefore, there is no need to rush to write negative reviews about the drug; it is better to spend time identifying a suitable drug.

Of the popular cough lozenges that can be used to treat a sore throat, the most effective are the following:

  1. Strepsils;
  2. Doctor Mom;
  3. Carmolis;
  4. Agisept;
  5. Grammidin.
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Strepsils usually contains eucalyptus, menthol, mint and anise oil. It perfectly relieves pain and inflammation in the throat, which makes it a good remedy for sore throat. Strepsils is available in a convenient package of twenty-four tablets and comes in different flavors:

  • Raspberries;
  • Eucalyptus with menthol;
  • Sage with honey;
  • Lemon;
  • Propolis.

These lozenges are used to treat coughs and relieve sore throat and sore throat.

Carmolis is produced in several types:

  • With sugar;
  • Sugarless;
  • Children's with honey and vitamin C;
  • Adult.

Its flavor palette is rich, but the most common variety is honey. These lollipops are sold in small bags and look like small candies. Their composition is rich in oils of alpine herbs.

Of all the cough drops presented, this type of cough drops is the lightest and is more suitable for preventing the disease rather than treating it.

Agisept has established itself as an effective drug for pain and irritation in the throat. In addition, it reduces nasal congestion and promotes a general improvement in the patient's condition. Before taking Agisept, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules:

  • Cannot be used to treat children under six years of age;
  • For best effects, you need to take one tablet every three hours;
  • The daily norm for an adult is eight lollipops;
  • In case of overdose, you need to be prepared for effects such as diarrhea, vomiting, nausea.

Grammidin is recognizable on pharmacy shelves by the bright scarves on the packaging. This is a wonderful product with the following properties:

  • Antiseptic;
  • Painkillers;
  • Anti-inflammatory.

Grammidin is used in the treatment of cough and sore throat during sore throat. He can cope with the symptoms of the disease within three or four days. This is a very strong remedy, and before taking it, you need to read the instructions and list of contraindications.

It is better to find out which of the listed drugs you should buy from your doctor. After all, only he can correctly diagnose and prescribe effective treatment.

If any of the medications cause mistrust, you should not risk your health. You need to use only doctor-approved and time-tested products.

The video in this article will discuss the nature of sore throats, it is very interesting and informative.

Why are overdoses of lozenges harmful for sore throat and cough?


Evgeny Fedorov

So the candies are different in composition. Some contain anesthesin, others contain chlorhexidine, etc. It is necessary to look at the active substance. Although in most cases the lollipops are entirely homeopathy, there is nothing to poison them with...

Elena Potapova

It says it causes diarrhea. look in the instructions there is an overdose.


Be sick

Nadezhda greenhouse

I was at the seaside in the summer and caught a cold, well, the first thing I had was a sore throat, I bought lollipops and everything was according to the instructions - 2 lollipops every three hours! and the result was not quite expected!!! first of all, my throat didn’t go away, and the worst thing I could imagine was that I burped these candies for a day, my stomach hurt for a long time and the aftertaste was constant from those candies! These are such miracle candies!!!

Shulev Ivan

A lot of sweets are harmful. That's why they are candy.

The best cough lozenges

What types of throat and cough lozenges are there?

Reviews of throat and cough lozenges are in most cases positive. After all, almost all of these products contain herbal ingredients. We are talking about extracts of useful medicinal plants.

There are other lozenges that contain extracts of lemon, honey, and raspberries. Many consider them to be the best cough drops. These include Doctor MOM lozenges, as well as Hol's candies. The price of these funds ranges from 60 to 120 rubles.

Therefore, everyone can afford to buy such cough drops.

Sweets designed to soothe the throat are most often prescribed for dry coughs. After all, this type of symptom is the most painful and debilitating. When wet, they are recommended for use only if the sputum has a thick consistency and does not drain well.

The best herbal cough drops

According to reviews, herbal cough drops are considered the most effective. Here is a list of the best lozenges containing herbal ingredients:

  • "Travisil." These lozenges come in several types. The most common of these are cough drops with eucalyptus, blackcurrant, mint and lemon. The main advantage of these tablets is that they do not contain sugar, which means they can be used by people suffering from diabetes.
  • "Dr. MOM." Herbal cough drops contain several medicinal plants: amblica, licorice, ginger and menthol. These ginger cough drops are designed to treat bronchitis, tracheitis and pharyngitis. They are also indicated for use in tonsillitis.
  • "Sage". Lollipops with sage have a gentle effect on the throat and relieve the feeling of congestion. They also do not contain sugar. It is worth noting that these tablets have a specific taste.


11 best remedies for sore throat

During the cold season, most people experience a sore throat at least once. What are some ways to relieve this symptom? Top 11 best drugs for sore throat in an article by therapist Olga Tufanova.

1. Lollipops Grammidin Neo

Modern lollipops to eliminate this unpleasant symptom are not just a pleasant treat. Local treatment for sore throat is a very effective remedy that allows you to quickly cope with discomfort and unpleasant sensations.

The composition of the lollipops includes an antiseptic and anesthetic. The first substance has a disinfecting effect, and the second has an analgesic effect. In addition, sucking lollipops increases the production of saliva, which washes away viral particles from the surface of the mucosa.

2. Hexoral Tabs

This medicine for sore throat is intended for resorption, because it must be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved in saliva. It will begin to act within 20-30 seconds.

Hexoral Tabs contains an antiseptic, an anesthetic and a number of excipients that give a mint taste. The medicine remains in saliva for up to 8 hours. Thus, it is enough to take 3 tablets per day for the therapeutic effect to last the whole day.

3. Stopangin

This drug was created to treat pharyngitis, a disease that most often causes sore throat.

Stopangin contains a local antimicrobial agent and an anesthetic. It is also available in the form of lollipops, which turns treatment into a pleasant process of sucking sweet candy.

Stopangin is also available in the form of a spray or solution for application directly to the pharyngeal mucosa, so this medicine for sore throat is convenient for people with different preferences.

4. Septolete Neo

These are medicinal lozenges intended for the treatment of ENT diseases. In addition, Septolete is used for dental diseases.

These lozenges contain an effective antiseptic that fights microorganisms in the oral cavity. In addition, Septolete enhances salivation, due to which viral particles are quickly washed off from the surface of the mucous membrane. The effect lasts 3 hours, after which you can get a new lozenge.

Septolete Neo is contraindicated for children under 4 years of age.

5. Faringosept

This medicine for sore throat comes in the form of tablets that have a pleasant coffee taste.

Faringosept contains an antiseptic substance that is active against the causative agents of colds. The tablets should be placed under the tongue and kept there until completely dissolved.

It is important to remember that eating significantly reduces the effectiveness of Faringosept, so you should refrain from both eating and drinking for 2 hours after its use; it is better to do this in advance.

6. Tea with honey and raspberries

Tea with honey and raspberries can be called the most popular folk remedy for sore throat. The cheap components of this “medicine” can be purchased in every store and then used more than once or twice.

Honey and raspberries contain vitamin C, which is important for health, which speeds up recovery, and plenty of fluid intake helps quickly remove viral particles from the mucous membrane of the throat and excretion from the body. However, make sure that the temperature of the tea is not too high. It should not exceed 40°C, because too hot tea can cause burns to the mucous membrane, which is irritated, inflamed and sensitive.

7. Ice cream

Oddly enough, some medical experts consider ice cream to be a food that relieves sore throats. The mechanism is simple: cold is a kind of anesthetic that blocks the sensitivity of receptors in the oral mucosa. A person simply stops feeling this pain for a short period of time.

For this reason, ice cream is recommended to be used after tonsil removal, because vasoconstriction helps to quickly stop bleeding after surgery.

However, if you have bacterial tonsillitis, you should not eat ice cream.

8. Baking soda rinse

Rinsing the mouth with a solution of baking soda is a traditional method of relieving toothache, but it is also used for discomfort in the throat.

Soda does not have any therapeutic effect, but when rinsing, viral particles are washed off from the surface of the mucous membrane. This helps to quickly cure both pharyngitis and sore throat.

9. "Lion Pose"

To quickly reduce a sore throat is breathing exercises. However, not all types of gymnastics are suitable for this. The best way to help with discomfort when swallowing is a simple exercise called the lion pose. For the exercise to help, you must follow the correct technique.

First you need to sit on your knees, place your palms on your thighs and spread your fingers wide apart. Next, stretch your neck, while pressing your chin to your chest.

Then you need to kneel down and pull your tongue down with all your might. You need to remain in this position for 10 seconds, and then return to the starting position.

One cycle of such exercises includes 10-20 approaches, after which you can take a break.

You can do several such cycles during the day, but the more, the better. The criterion for effectiveness is the feeling of warmth that occurs in the root of the tongue after exercise and a real reduction in sore throat. “Lion Pose” promotes a rush of blood to the mucous membrane and increases its circulation. Good blood supply allows you to quickly cope with the disease.

Breathing exercises are suitable for both adults and children. Gymnastics will be very interesting for children, as the exercise can easily be turned into a fun game and distract the child from illness.

10. Inhalations with saline solutions

An inhaler is the simplest physical therapy device that can be purchased for personal use. Its use does not require medical knowledge, you just need to carefully study the instructions.

Sore throat does not require the use of special drugs (bronchodilators, mucolytics, corticosteroids). To reduce discomfort, it is enough just to carry out inhalations with saline solutions (mineral water, saline solution, Aqualor, etc.). The procedure helps to moisturize the oral mucosa, reducing dryness (which is often the cause of pain), and provides distraction.

11. Neck massage

Massaging the neck area is a great addition to other methods for relieving a sore throat. It has no contraindications and you can perform it yourself.

Active stroking, massaging, rubbing the submandibular area on both sides increases blood flow, distracts and relaxes. It is enough to perform a massage 3-4 times a day for 10 minutes.

What to do if medications don't help

If a sore throat is accompanied by high fever (above 38°C), cough, headache, severe enlargement of the submandibular lymph nodes, difficulty breathing and other serious symptoms, you should not self-medicate. You need to seek help from a doctor.

  • Sore throat: what to do
  • Azithromycin for sore throat
  • Antipyretics for high fever


Choosing effective medicinal lozenges for coughs and sore throats Link to main publication
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