
Snoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methods

During pregnancy, a woman's eating habits, skin condition, and appearance change. Most expectant mothers experience toxicosis in the form of nausea, a constant feeling of fatigue, many suffer from insomnia, and excess weight.

But pregnant women have a hard time imagining that snoring is possible during pregnancy.

Ronchopathy in pregnant women (snoring) may not cause visible problems for female representatives, so not everyone pays attention to the disease, although the condition is considered pathological and sometimes poses a danger to the health of the expectant mother and fetus.

Snoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methods

Research indicators show that snoring during pregnancy occurs in 25 - 30% of female representatives, and in 26% of cases, expectant mothers stop making shrill roulades after childbirth. Most often, ronchopathy is diagnosed from 29 to 40 weeks of pregnancy.

The danger of rhonchopathy in pregnant women

Snoring is a problem of society and modern medicine. During pregnancy, the victims of rhonchopathy are the expectant mother and the fetus.

When an air stream passes through the nose, nasal, or oral part of the pharynx, some pregnant women emit a characteristic sound caused by the beating of various moving structures against each other. Narrowing of the lumen of the larynx in females leads to a high risk of snoring.

With an excessive reduction in the airways in a sleepy state, pharyngeal collapse develops - pharyngeal collapse, which provokes night apnea - temporary cessation of breathing during sleep.

Pregnant women suffering from complete or partial obstruction of the upper respiratory tract experience the following complaints:

  • Sleep with abrupt awakening, anxious;
  • Weakness, tendency to sleep, migraine after waking up;
  • Night asphyxia;
  • Nervousness, hot temper;
  • Desire to sleep during the day;
  • Depressive state;
  • Absent-mindedness, forgetfulness.

Snoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methods Anxious sleepSnoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methods WeaknessSnoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methods Night asphyxiaSnoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methods Nervousness

Due to periodic pauses in breathing during sleep, a pregnant woman does not breathe for 2 to 3 hours during the night.

Each apneic interval entails hypoxemia - a decrease in the oxygen content in the blood, and numerous episodes of night apnea (from 100 to 400 times) provoke the development of symptoms of hypoxia (oxygen starvation) and malnutrition (slow physical processes) of the fetus, gestosis, arterial hypertension - late toxicosis , and sometimes - renal dysfunction.

If apnea syndrome occurs during sleep in a pregnant woman, the condition is also fraught with oxygen starvation of the fetus due to a decrease in uteroplacental blood flow. Vasospasm during apnea makes it difficult for the baby to feed himself, which is why there is a likely risk of delayed growth and development of the baby’s body.

Causes of snoring during pregnancy

Snoring occurs when the body's muscles relax and the upper airways narrow, making it difficult to get enough air through the mouth and nose. Physiologically, slight narrowing of the airways does not pose a danger.

If the expectant motherSnoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methods suffered from snoring before pregnancy, being in position may intensify a specific process with a rattling sound and vibration.

In humans, snoring usually occurs due to endocrine pathologies, diseases of the nasopharynx, obesity or smoking. During pregnancy, the provoking factors for the occurrence of rhonchopathy are:

  1. Changes in hormonal levels, in particular an increase in the concentration of progesterone in the blood. Even normally, the steroid hormone promotes muscle relaxation and affects not only the pelvic muscles, but also the larynx. Estrogens are hormonal substances produced by the ovaries, leading to swelling of tissues and promoting swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose.
  2. Weight gain - most often, an increase in a pregnant woman’s body weight is not associated with the growth of the fetus, but with increased nutrition and minimal physical activity - during the period of bearing a child, a female representative can gain 20 - 30 kilograms. Often, excess weight is fat that accumulates not only under the skin, but in any part of the body, even in the respiratory area.
  3. Exacerbation of vasomotor rhinitis - 30% of women suffer from a runny nose due to hormonal changes. Symptoms of nasal congestion with sneezing, itching, mucous discharge cause a narrowing of the airway lumen due to swelling of the pharyngeal mucosa, which causes snoring.
  4. “Pregnant” edema is a common phenomenon associated with the accumulation of fluid in the body. Especially pathological swelling (due to the pathogenesis of the circulatory system, kidney disease, preeclampsia, gestosis). Snoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methods
  5. Temporary deformation of the organs of the respiratory system - displacement of organs due to active growth of the fetus and an increase in the size of the uterus. A strong displacement of the abdominal organs - the stomach, intestines - occurs with polyhydramnios, a large fetus, or multiple pregnancy, which puts pressure on the respiratory organs, when it is difficult to breathe not only at night, but also during the day.
  6. An increase in the size of a pregnant woman's neck by 1 cm provokes snoring.
  7. Stressful situations - stress leads to snoring. The breathing rate increases due to physical, mental, and emotional stress. Pregnant women may even experience digestive stress when an excessive amount of food enters the stomach. Increased breathing rate combined with relaxed laryngeal muscles leads to rhonchopathy.
  8. Uncomfortable sleeping position - in the later stages, with strong pressure from the uterus with the fetus on the lungs and trachea, snoring also appears.

After several tests, doctors found that, unlike non-pregnant women, pregnant women have a narrower opening in the airways, so obstruction is possible during sleep.

Associated symptoms and complications of rhonchopathy

If a woman snored before pregnancy, and during pregnancy the snoring intensified, the female representative had a predisposition to:

  • Obesity;
  • Enlarged tonsils (tonsil hypertrophy);
  • Displacement of the articular head of the lower jaw;
  • Chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa;
  • Diseases of the ear, nose and throat of a chronic nature.

The cumulative impact of factors due to snoring during pregnancy provokes the following complications:

  • Persistent increase in blood pressure;
  • Risk of diabetes;
  • Symptom complex of metabolic problems;
  • Severe swelling of the limbs;
  • Fetal growth retardation.

It has been proven that snoring pregnant women with apnea syndrome have an increased risk of breech presentation of the fetus - the baby is overly active due to lack of oxygen. Also, a violation of the respiratory system threatens possible entanglement of the umbilical cord and the formation of knots on the umbilical cord.

Snoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methods

How to get rid of snoring during pregnancy

If night snoring is accompanied by daytime fatigue, headaches, and memory problems, the pathological condition requires immediate consultation with a specialist. In case of respiratory dysfunction, the woman will be prescribed appropriate treatment. To ensure round-the-clock monitoring of the condition of the expectant mother, therapy is carried out in a hospital setting.

If a pregnant woman snores at night, but no pathological disorders have been identified, she should be more attentive to her own sleep, diet and diet. To do this, the expectant mother is recommended to adhere to the following measures:

  1. Learn to breathe correctly - maintain breathing through the nose to reduce the time it takes for oxygen to reach the brain;
  2. Try to adopt a sleeping position on your left side - the position promotes proper blood flow. To help, it is advisable to purchase special orthopedic pillows that will prevent you from turning over on your back and throwing your head back during sleep;
  3. Humidify and thoroughly ventilate the living space before going to bed - for proper sleep and rest for a pregnant woman, it is necessary to maintain the air temperature in the bedroom no more than 18 ͦ C to avoid stuffiness and dryness. To easily control humidity levels, use a humidifier;
  4. Instead of physicalSnoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methods exercise, the expectant mother is advised to take walks in the fresh air before bed, or sign up for yoga for pregnant women. Relaxation and meditation are effective means to combat stress, which is one of the causes of snoring;
  5. Eliminate substances that narrow the respiratory lumens - sedatives, cigarettes, alcohol;
  6. For nasal congestion, rinsing with soda solution is recommended - to cleanse and moisturize the mucous membrane;
  7. Try to promptly inform your obstetrician-gynecologist about your experiences and concerns - to get rid of existing problems, timely counteract further development and the occurrence of complications;
  8. To strengthen the muscles of the larynx and prevent narrowing, doctors advise pregnant women to sing - half an hour of singing a day prevents snoring at night.

Dietary activities

If a pregnant woman snores more than three nights a week and suffers from arterial hypertension, obstructive apnea syndrome is likely. Do not perceive the process of snoring as a funny nuance and be sure to report the pathology to your doctor, who, based on anamnesis, will recommend contacting a somnologist - a doctor involved in the prevention and treatment of sleep disorders.

Snoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methods

During pregnancy, it is important to maintain a proper nutritional diet.

If the expectant mother begins to snore at night, she should reconsider her own diet:

  • Avoid salty, spicy, fried, canned foods - food promotes fluid retention in the body, resulting in swelling and snoring;
  • Limit consumption of caffeine-containing drinks and strong tea - caffeine is a psychostimulant, promotes insomnia and increased blood pressure;
  • Do not overeat - you should eat no later than 3 hours before going to bed. If you feel hungry, you can drink a glass of kefir and eat a slice of apple. Avoid eating sweets, as sugar increases your breathing rate;
  • Do not drink a lot of liquid at night to avoid swelling - the daily water intake is 1.5 - 2 liters, but you should drink liquid during the day, and not before bed.

Exercises against rhonchopathy

If the expectant mother suffers from rhonchopathy in pregnancy, the following exercises, which must be done regularly, will help get rid of the pathological process:

  1. Hold a pencil or wooden sushi stick between your teeth. Start with light pressure with your teeth, gradually increasing the pressure. The exercise should be repeated for 2 - 3 minutes;
  2. Stick your tongue out as far as possible. Hold for 10 - 15 seconds in the protruding position, try to reach the tip of your nose, then return your tongue back. Repeat the action 10 - 15 times;
  3. Yawn loudly 10 - 15 times;
  4. Stretch your lips as much as possible in a smile, stay in this position for 10 seconds. Then close your mouth as if preparing to kiss. Repeat the exercise 10 times;
  5. Move your lower jaw in front - back, left - right. Use three sets of 20 reps.

If a pregnant woman often snores, this exercise will help: stretch out the vowels “i”, “u”, “s”, sing the sounds. At the same time, it is important that the tongue and muscles of the larynx tense. It is advisable to do the manipulation daily in the fresh air with your head thrown back up.

Traditional remedies

Experiments with folk remedies are fraught with complications for the expectant mother and fetus, so it is not recommended to experiment with alternative treatments, but rather consult with a specialist regarding the harms and benefits. This method of combating snoring is often recommended: combine Leuzea root and Eleutherococcus.

Both plants are contraindicated during pregnancy - they have a tonic effect on the body. When consuming medicinal plants, the risk of uterine hypertonicity simultaneously increases, which can lead to miscarriage.

Effective folk remedies against snoring:

  • Eat baked carrots, make vegetable caviar;
  • Place a drop of sea buckthorn oil in your nose before going to bed. But the drug is an allergen, so if allergy symptoms occur, the drug should be discontinued.

It is not recommended to use cabbage juice to treat rhonchopathy - cabbage causes fermentation in the intestines.

Pregnant women are prohibited from treating snoring with medications so as not to harm the baby. However, you can resort to the following tips:

  1. Gargle - folk remedies intended for gargling contain approved aromatic oils that have a softening and soothing effect, eliminating swelling and signs of irritation;
  2. Aerosol Snorex, which combats sleep disorders and respiratory disorders, is allowed in all trimesters - a harmless product with natural oils and plant extracts;
  3. Use anti-snoring devices - mouthguards, clips, bandages. During pregnancy, a special clip made of hypoallergenic medical silicone is suitable. In 2 - 4 weeks you will be able to save yourself not only from snoring, but also from bruxism - teeth grinding, temporary cessation of breathing at night. But any device is approved for use after visiting a somnologist and obstetrician-gynecologist.
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Gargle Aerosol Snorex Anti-snoring devices


In order for the expectant mother to be in good health, she needs good sleep. If you are prone to snoring, it is recommended to perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the throat and palate.

Choose a higher pillow, minimize salty foods in your diet, watch your weight, and treat a runny nose in a timely manner.

If all medical prescriptions are followed, the airways will remain open for oxygen to enter the body of the expectant mother and baby. If you do everything correctly, the disease will no longer bother you.


Snoring during pregnancy - main causes and treatment

Snoring is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, because it brings significant discomfort to others, depriving them of normal sleep.

The occurrence of rhonchopathy (the medical name of the disease) is combined with excessive alcohol consumption or an excess of “harmful” foods.

In some cases, the sounds produced indicate the development of a pathology of the body’s internal secretion; for example, snoring during pregnancy may be a consequence of a woman’s hormonal imbalance. How to get rid of this problem is described below.

Causes of the disease

The mechanism of development of sound vibrations is associated with a violation of air passage into the upper respiratory tract. During night sleep, snoring occurs in 60% of pregnant women and is associated with incomplete entry of air into the lungs.

Snoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methodsAcoustic waves may be absent before pregnancy, and a woman may encounter them for the first time at a significant period of gestation.

Pregnancy is not the cause of snoring, but it can be one of the triggering factors. As the gestation period increases, the uterus and the fetus residing in it grow. The surrounding internal organs experience pressure from the reproductive organs, in particular the lungs, in which the air exchange process occurs.

Due to compression of the respiratory organs during restful sleep, a certain amount of oxygen is retained in the nasopharynx, and when exhaling, the uvula is combined with the back wall of the larynx - a sound or snoring appears.

Its intensity, volume and depth are individual, and with increasing gestation, an increase in sound vibrations may be observed.

Factors and reasons for the development of “pathological” breathing are exogenous or endogenous. The main reasons include:

  • Change in hormonal levels. The ratio of hormones changes, and for a favorable course of pregnancy, progesterone is produced in increased quantities, in contrast to non-pregnant patients. Progesterone relaxes muscle tissue, which leads to subtle relaxation of the laryngeal tissue - snoring occurs.
  • Excess body weight due to improper redistribution of adipose tissue. Pathology appears due to endocrine pathologies, in particular diabetes mellitus and thyrotoxicosis. In both cases, the thyroid gland suffers, the neck circumference increases and a sound vibration occurs. The sounds a woman makes are directly proportional to the degree of the underlying pathology being diagnosed.
  • Snoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methodsObesity is another reason for the appearance of an unpleasant disease. Due to the large body mass, breathing is difficult in the lower segment of the lung tissue. There is not enough mucus in the bronchi, and air is retained in the nasopharynx. In obese patients, the course of pregnancy is complicated by many factors, and snoring can be a signal for the development of pathology.
  • Smoking is the cause of many pathological phenomena. In heavy smokers, rhonchopathy occurs 10 times more often, and it is not associated with gestational age and can be observed long before pregnancy.
  • Swelling of the mucous membranes is a pathological phenomenon during gestation. It develops against the background of general instability of the urinary tract and leads to sleep disturbances.
  • Local allergic reaction to allergen particles. Interestingly, allergic rhinitis causes snoring before, during and after pregnancy. It is extremely difficult to eliminate it.

The causes of the pathology may be exogenous, that is, not related to the condition or habits of the pregnant woman. There is a genetic predisposition and short-term diseases of the ENT organs.

Note! Conditions such as depression or stress can cause low-frequency acoustic vibrations. They account for up to half of the cases of rhonchopathy. Fatigue, anxiety, restlessness - excite the nervous system and disrupt sleep. In this case, snoring intensifies, bringing severe discomfort to the other half.

The causes of the pathology are the basis for the spread and formation of the disease, but there are a number of factors that provoke snoring. Factors provoking rhonchopathy:

  • Snoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methodsChronic rhinitis;
  • Tonsillitis;
  • Adenoiditis;
  • Thyroiditis;
  • Otitis;
  • Pose in a dream.

Colds and acute respiratory viral infections are also factors for the appearance of acoustics, but they are characterized by inconstancy and, fortunately, disappear after a few days.

Snoring during pregnancy can be a “catastrophe”:

  • Firstly, the quality of life and the course of pregnancy deteriorate in moral terms;
  • Secondly, it is a huge discomfort for the husband, who is not capable of deep sleep and is forced to go to work. His moral side and efficiency suffer;
  • Thirdly, lack of sleep among “colleagues” in the ward while in the hospital.

A pregnant woman is unable to hear the sounds she makes due to hormonal changes and fatigue during the day. Therefore, if a girl in the immediate vicinity snores, she needs to be told about it - she will not guess about the problem on her own, and will mistake the symptoms for a physiological phenomenon of gestation.

Symptoms of snoring during pregnancy

The symptoms of snoring can vary and be more or less severe. In most cases, the clinical picture of pregnant women is characterized by a mental state. The presence of snoring during sleep can be determined by several signs:

  • Snoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methodsChronic fatigue during the day;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Headache;
  • Feeling "broken".

If a woman snored before fertilization, then during pregnancy the symptoms worsen, the signs of pathology become chronic, and lead the patient to a severe depressive state. Prolonged pregnancy with rhonchopathy is combined with disability.

In the early stages of gestation, snoring occurs only in case of acute disruption of nasal breathing due to hormonal rhinitis. A runny nose, frequent sneezing reflexes and itching in the nasal cavity develop.

Thus, snoring is part of the symptoms of allergic or hormonal rhinitis. In late pregnancy, general fatigue develops against the background of increasing weight and uterus.

If there is a sleep disturbance and sound vibrations, there is an increased risk of developing a psychoneurotic syndrome.

In some cases, snoring in pregnant women leads to disruption of the sleep period itself:

  • Snoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methodsA pregnant woman does not feel like she slept at night. She is bothered by fatigue and swelling of the face and upper extremities.
  • Sleep does not enter a deep phase and the woman does not rest. The cells experience oxygen starvation, which subsequently affects the child’s well-being.

Symptoms of acute and chronic snoring may not just be a manifestation of an “interesting” situation, but also carry possible anomalies in the development of pregnancy or poor health of the expectant mother.

You should sound the alarm and seek help if you experience shortness of breath while awake and apnea (short-term cessation of breathing) during sleep. Complications due to apnea can have a detrimental effect on the baby’s health.

At the moment when a pregnant woman falls into deep sleep, in the presence of a pathology of difficult nasal breathing, the first signs of snoring appear: the depth of breathing changes and snoring is added.

Subsequently, sounds appear, and the more deeply the patient sleeps, the louder the acoustic vibrations she produces. If this process becomes chronic, then a significant danger appears in the future.

At least 300 apnea “attacks” are monitored in one night. Their duration does not exceed 10 seconds. Holding your breath leads to serious disturbances in brain activity and such pathological conditions as:

  • Snoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methodsLate gestosis;
  • Late toxicosis;
  • Preeclampsia;
  • Hypoxia;
  • Cerebral vascular ischemia;
  • Complication of pregnancy.

Snoring itself does not cause these diseases, but provokes their appearance due to the pronounced discomfort of the pregnant woman in the form of stress and depression. With increased susceptibility, girls develop hypertension, which affects the fetus and kidneys of the pregnant woman.

It is important! Apnea is not a physiological phenomenon that can lead to very serious problems. An increase in asthma attacks may indicate the onset of asthmatic syndrome.

A short-term disruption of the respiratory process is characterized by oxygen starvation of the fetus, or rather a violation of the uteroplacental blood flow. This condition leads to entanglement of the umbilical cord and fetal growth restriction syndrome.

Which doctor should I contact?

Snoring during pregnancy, which causes significant impairment of activity and leads to frequent stoppages of breathing, must be treated promptly. This pathology is dealt with by somnologists.

Due to the “interesting” situation, patients are prohibited from using a large number of medical diagnostic methods.

Somnologists deal with sleep disorders and breathing disorders during the period of night or daytime rest.

The doctor’s competence includes the following types of diagnostics allowed for pregnant women:

  1. Snoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methodsElectrocardiogram;
  2. Polysomnography, which includes measurement of EEG, EMG and EOG parameters;
  3. Pulse oximetry is the determination of oxygen levels in the blood using special devices.

Only a somnologist can determine the true cause of snoring during pregnancy and prescribe appropriate treatment. However, before turning to a specialist for help, it is necessary to consult doctors of narrow specialties: a cardiologist, an endocrinologist and a gynecologist.


In most cases, the appearance of snoring is associated with the girl’s new position and does not entail catastrophic changes in the cardiovascular system. If the causes of ronchopathy do not have a pathological basis and are not associated with an abnormal course of pregnancy, then treatment of the disease can begin.

You can eliminate the phenomenon of rhonchopathy yourself by using traditional medicine. To prevent negative consequences, it is necessary to consult with your gynecologist. Conservative drug therapy has a number of limitations, and therefore is not used in the treatment of snoring during pregnancy, with the exception of homeopathy.

Traditional methods

Alternative medicine methods include exercise therapy and healing decoctions for oral and local administration.

  • Exercise therapy – therapeutic physical training of breathing during the gestational period eliminates the causes of snoring.
    • Snoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methods1 exercise. Performed in a sitting position, with the head thrown back. As you inhale, open your mouth wide and pretend to “gargle” your throat. Duration – 20 seconds, 5 times a day.
    • Exercise 2. Stick out your tongue as much as possible, pointing it down. Repeat 25-30 times, each time hiding your tongue behind your teeth. Do the exercise in the morning immediately after sleep, and in the evening before going to bed.
    • Exercise 3. Inhale deeply through your nose, and as you exhale through your mouth, form your lips into a tube and blow on an imaginary piece of cotton wool.

    The exercises are performed during a period of complete calm, and for effectiveness they are combined with traditional medicine recipes.

  • Decoctions and infusions are presented in a whole range of different recipes. It is important, when using this or that method, to monitor the well-being and activity of the fetus.
    • Snoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methodsSea buckthorn oil, purchased at a pharmacy, is dropped into the nose several times a day. The last use of the oil should be made no later than 18 hours.
    • Gargling with the following composition: for 200 ml of water, 1 drop of any essential oil and 50 g of dried lemon balm, previously soaked in boiling water. Gargle with the solution in the evening before going to bed.
    • A decoction of chamomile, mint and black currant normalizes sleep and eliminates swelling of the nasopharynx. All components are mixed in equal quantities and 500 ml of boiling water is poured. During the day, the infusion must be drunk.

The methods are effective only in the case of a physiological phenomenon of the disease. If the causes are heart or respiratory diseases, then treatment should be aimed at eliminating the underlying cause.


To prevent rhonchopathy, women in an interesting situation need to normalize their diet,, if possible, get rid of existing excess body weight and tidy up the nasopharyngeal cavity. In other cases, preventive measures will consist of the following:

  1. Snoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methodsTrain the muscles of the larynx.
  2. Sleep on your right side with your head elevated.
  3. Breathe fresh air more often.
  4. Stop smoking.
  5. Before going to bed, rinse the nasal cavity.
  6. Reduce coffee consumption and completely eliminate alcohol.
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Preventive measures are applied regardless of the cause and symptoms of the pathology.

Most often, the symptoms of snoring disappear after the birth of the child, and the woman’s body gradually returns to normal.

If the patient snored before pregnancy, then there is a high probability that symptoms will persist in the postpartum period.

In order to minimize the manifestation of the disease in both cases, it is important to observe preventive measures to a greater extent, then the development of complications is excluded.

Savinkova Daria


Snoring during pregnancy: causes and treatments

Snoring is observed in 60% of expectant mothers. It is normal, especially in the last stage of pregnancy. It is not recommended to restore night breathing on your own, since many medications and herbs can cause side effects. Therefore, familiarize yourself with the features of rhonchopathy and report the problem to your gynecologist.

Peculiarities of breathing in a pregnant woman

During pregnancy, a woman experiences physiological and hormonal changes that resolve immediately after childbirth. Every day the uterus grows, putting pressure on neighboring organs.

From 30-32 weeks, the diaphragm shifts. A woman who has not previously suffered from snoring experiences a lack of air, both at night and during the day.

This is why most pregnant women start snoring in their sleep.

Ronchopathy can also be caused by involuntary muscle relaxation during sleep. This occurs especially often in pregnant women, as hormones are produced to reduce muscle tone. As a result, the palate, uvula, and the walls of the pharynx close, forming a barrier to the passage of air.

Development of snoring during pregnancy

If snoring occurs during pregnancy, you should inform your gynecologist about it. Most often it bothers a woman in the last trimester. During this period, the fetus and uterus reach their largest sizes, and muscle tone decreases.

Snoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methods

Causes of pathology

Difficulty breathing during sleep occurs due to complete relaxation of the muscles at night. A woman whose organs are under pressure from an enlarged uterus also develops snoring during pregnancy, its causes:

  • severe weight gain;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • swelling of the nasopharynx, hormonal rhinitis;
  • late toxicosis;
  • respiratory diseases, allergies;
  • stress, nervous breakdowns;
  • smoking.

A decrease in clearance in the upper respiratory tract may be associated with the presence of chronic tonsillitis or pathology of the thyroid gland. The influence of external factors cannot be ruled out: an uncomfortable bed, a hard pillow, a dusty or stuffy room, tight clothing, incorrect sleeping position (on the stomach or back).

Attention! Pregnant women are not recommended to have a large dinner or drink more than two liters of fluid per day.

At-risk groups

Women who are overweight or have gained more than 15 kilograms during pregnancy experience snoring during sleep. If before becoming pregnant a girl suffered from rhonchopathy, night attacks intensify, there is a risk of developing apnea. Most often, snoring occurs in women with the following characteristics:

Snoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methods

  • tendency to allergies;
  • pathology of the skull structure;
  • chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • hearing aid pathology;
  • tonsil hypertrophy, grade 3 and 4 adenoids;
  • pathologies of the heart, kidneys, liver.

When planning pregnancy, it is recommended to get rid of the smoking habit. Tobacco smoke not only disrupts the functioning of a woman’s lungs, but also interferes with the sufficient supply of oxygen to the fetus.

Also, if snoring occurs, it is necessary to examine the ENT organs.

The mechanism of occurrence of breathing disorders during sleep

The central nervous system is responsible for regulating breathing at night. The mucous membrane of the pharynx, soft palate and uvula should close and open during inhalation and exhalation.

There are two main reasons why pregnant women snore in their sleep:

  1. Narrowing of the airways due to allergies or respiratory disease. Snoring also occurs due to the presence of a foreign body in the nasal passages and enlarged tonsils. In the last months of pregnancy, late toxicosis may develop, which leads to swelling of the legs, arms, and mucous membranes.
  2. Decreased muscle tone. This phenomenon is observed due to changes in hormonal levels and increased production of progesterone. Snoring also occurs against the background of pathological functioning of the thyroid gland.

If severe snoring occurs, it is necessary to check the patency of the airways, the tone of the palate and uvula. With prolonged closure of the walls of the larynx, breathing completely stops; this attack can last up to several minutes.

Associated symptoms

Pregnant women who start snoring in the third trimester most often suffer from swelling and shortness of breath. These signs appear with excess weight.

Snoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methods

  • runny nose;
  • itching;
  • sneezing;
  • tearfulness;
  • sore throat.

Prolonged and severe snoring increases blood pressure. If you experience dizziness and nosebleeds in the morning, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Ways to eliminate snoring in pregnant women

To get rid of snoring during pregnancy, it is recommended to pay attention to external factors that provoke the disorder. Do wet cleaning more often, ventilate the room, and clean the pillows annually.

Advice! Do not rush to treat rhonchopathy with aerosols and nasal drops, as their effect can have a detrimental effect on the fetus.

Set of exercises

To reduce or completely eliminate snoring, special exercises have been developed that are performed at home. They increase the tone of the muscles of the larynx, palate, and uvula.

It is recommended to carry out the complex before going to bed or after waking up from an attack of holding your breath.

  1. Take a wooden pencil or stick and hold it between your teeth for several minutes. Initially, the pressure should be light; towards the end of the exercise, bite the object harder and harder.
  2. Try to touch the tip of your tongue to your chin and hold this position for 10 seconds. Then reach for the uvula. Do this exercise 10-15 times.
  3. Snoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methods

  4. Open your mouth wide and stay in this position for a few seconds. Close your lips and stretch them as much as possible in a smile, finally stretch them forward. It is necessary to repeat the exercise 10-15 times.
  5. Grasp your chin with your hands, and at this time try to move your jaw back and forth. Do 30 times.

In case of lack of muscle tone, it is recommended to perform the complex daily. After a few weeks, the snoring will stop.

Devices and products approved for pregnant women

The pharmacy offers many anti-snoring medications, but not all of them are approved during pregnancy. If you have rhinitis or a dry nasopharynx, it is recommended to use safe sprays based on saline solution.

The most positive reviews are about Aquamaris and Aqualor. You can also fight rhonchopathy using drops or aerosols with essential oils.

To completely cure snoring, somnologists recommend carrying out SINAP therapy, which will not affect the woman’s well-being and the baby’s development. With the help of a special apparatus, breathing is improved and swelling is eliminated.

Traditional methods

If you haven’t had snoring before and it arose during pregnancy, traditional medicine will tell you how to get rid of it. It is recommended to consume oven-baked carrots, young cabbage salad, and tea with lemon every day. Before going to bed, drip your nose with sea buckthorn oil.

In the absence of individual intolerance and allergies to rose hips, chamomile, and dandelion, medicinal teas and decoctions are brewed. It is recommended to consume them 100-150 ml a few hours before bedtime.

Additional recommendations for healthy sleep for expectant mothers

Chronic diseases worsen during pregnancy, and due to constant pressure on the diaphragm, snoring can be triggered even by an uncomfortable position during sleep. Therefore, somnologists have developed additional recommendations for women who experience symptoms of rhonchopathy.

Choosing the right posture

Sleeping on the stomach and back is contraindicated for pregnant women. These positions are dangerous not only for women, but also for the fetus. Incorrect body position provokes stagnation of blood circulation in the pelvis.

The baby in the womb begins to suffer from a lack of oxygen. Also, to prevent snoring, you should not tilt your head back. The most optimal position is to sleep on your left side.

If you are tired, you can sleep for about an hour in a semi-sitting position on two or three pillows.

Organization of a sleeping place

For a good night's sleep, purchase a special orthopedic mattress and pillow. The latter should be low and hard, similar to a roller. It is also recommended to ventilate the room at night, regularly clean and clean carpets and rugs. In the room it is necessary to maintain an optimal level of humidity and temperature (no more than 22o).

Evening walks

Movement for a pregnant woman is necessary not only for the prevention and elimination of snoring. During walking, blood circulates better in the pelvis, and the fetus receives more oxygen.

It is recommended to take a walk in the fresh air every day. If you start snoring while sleeping, take a walk in the park after dinner. Be careful later. If there is severe swelling of the legs, moderate physical activity and consult a gynecologist.

Snoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methods

Nutrition and drinking regime before bedtime

To treat and prevent snoring, it is recommended to pay attention to your diet. You should not eat fatty or too salty foods, which cause swelling of the tissues. During pregnancy, avoid coffee and strong black tea, or drink a maximum of one cup in the morning.

To ensure that nothing disturbs you while you sleep, do not eat at night. Monitor your weight gain every week; it should not be more than 300 g. If you suffer from edema, do not drink more than 1.5 liters of fluid per day.

You should also avoid drinking drinks and water an hour before bedtime.

Dangers of snoring for women and fetuses

A complication of heavy snoring during sleep can be sleep apnea. This is the medical term for holding your breath. Attacks of this syndrome can be repeated up to 200 times per night and last about 2 minutes. Such long stops lead to fetal hypoxia, intrauterine development of hydrocephalus and other abnormalities.

If snoring develops due to serious illnesses, the following consequences are possible:

  • hypertension;
  • preeclampsia or eclampsia (last stage of gestosis);
  • diabetes;
  • delayed physical and mental development in a born child.

When the lumen of the respiratory tract is completely closed, which lasts more than 6 minutes, a gradual failure of the functioning of all vital systems occurs. Obstructive apnea leads to coma or death. Therefore, if you suffer from severe snoring, it is recommended to consult a somnologist in a timely manner.

Snoring in pregnant women is usually a physiological consequence of hormonal imbalance during pregnancy. It can be caused by pressure from the enlarged uterus on the diaphragm.

In both cases, the symptom is normal and goes away on its own after childbirth. If you are expecting a child and have chronic diseases of the ENT organs, heart, kidneys, or thyroid gland, you need to consult a specialist doctor.

Sleep disruption can harm not only the expectant mother, but also the baby.


Causes and treatment of snoring during pregnancy

Many women patiently endure certain changes that pregnancy brings to their body and life in general.

It’s probably no secret to anyone that an interesting position changes your figure, taste preferences, and makes adjustments to the condition of your skin.

Of course, the sudden appearance of snoring during pregnancy against the background of these and other quite serious changes seems to be the most insignificant problem for a woman. Therefore, some prefer not to pay attention to it.

Doctors warn expectant mothers that snoring during pregnancy can be dangerous in some cases. Women expecting the birth of a baby should be very careful about this phenomenon. Indeed, with rhonchopathy in pregnant women, a situation may arise when treatment will have to be done immediately.

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Why do pregnant women start snoring?

Snoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methods

So why do pregnant women snore? As the fetus increases in size, the woman's uterus grows proportionally and puts pressure on the diaphragm. Because of this, pregnant women find it difficult to breathe, and snoring occurs when lying down.

Throughout the 9 months of pregnancy, a woman’s blood levels of reproductive hormones are elevated. A large amount of estrogen causes tissue edema and swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity.

Blood volume also increases by about 50%, increasing swelling. High levels of progesterone relax almost all muscles in the body. This is very good for the uterus - its tone decreases.

But for the muscles of the pharynx - not so much, since their weakening provokes snoring.

Note that today some women find out about their pregnancy while being overweight. It is clear that it will no longer be possible to actively fight it while expecting a child. You can also gain extra pounds within 9 months. If excess fatty tissue forms around the neck, it can cause pregnant women to snore.

In the process of finding out the cause of snoring in pregnant women, for some reason such an important point as stress is overlooked. It affects breathing and is quite capable of causing such trouble. Stress of any type causes your breathing rate to increase. If rapid breathing is combined with relaxed throat muscles, then snoring during sleep is practically unavoidable.

Uncomfortable posture while resting at night can also cause snoring. This is especially true in the third trimester, when the belly is already quite large.

Associated symptoms and complications

All snoring pregnant women can be divided into 2 groups:

  1. Snoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methodsThose who snored even before conception, and as the fetus grew, they began to snore even more. As a rule, these women suffered from some chronic diseases even before pregnancy. They may also have factors that contribute to snoring - for example, excess weight, enlarged tonsils, nasal obstruction. In this case, women do not pay attention to snoring, since they are well aware of this “feature” of theirs. Still, it’s better to play it safe and consult a doctor about this.
  2. Those who started snoring during pregnancy. In addition to the symptoms mentioned above (weight gain and decreased airway clearance), these expectant mothers develop swelling. It may indicate diseases of the heart, blood vessels or kidneys. In this case, in addition to snoring, there is a significant deterioration in well-being.

During pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, women are often bothered by a stuffy nose, constant sneezing and itchy skin. Doctors have united this symptomatic complex under one concept called “rhinitis of pregnant women.” Of course, the symptoms are unpleasant. A woman has difficulty breathing through her nose and her sleep is restless. This may cause her to start snoring.

Under an unfavorable combination of factors, seemingly harmless snoring can result in very dangerous ailments.

It can lead to the development of:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • metabolic syndrome;
  • severe swelling of the extremities;
  • delays in embryo maturation.

How to get rid of snoring

Snoring cannot be tolerated. You can and even need to fight it. True, pregnant women are prohibited from treating it with any medications. Of course, this is very inconvenient.

However, you should always remember that medicine taken at your own risk can significantly harm the baby.

If the expectant mother begins to snore, but does not experience breath holding at night, you can use the following recommendations:

  • Snoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methodsGargle. Pharmacy medications or folk remedies intended for rinsing contain harmless essential oils. They are characterized by a softening effect, so they effectively eliminate swelling and irritation.
  • Use special devices to combat snoring. They are presented in a variety of mouthguards, clips or bandages. The Anti-Snoring clip is suitable for pregnant women. Hypoallergenic medical silicone is used for its production. In just a couple of weeks, it can help you get rid of not only snoring, but also teeth grinding and sleep apnea. Please note that any device can only be used after consultation with a doctor.

Before contacting a specialist, the expectant mother can try to fix the problem herself . To do this you need:

  1. Try to sleep on your side.
  2. Singing - to train the muscles of the larynx.
  3. Do an exercise to strengthen the velum palatine - press your tongue to the roof of your mouth and strain it as much as possible.
  4. Avoid drinking large amounts of liquid before going to bed.
  5. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and walk more often.
  6. Avoid caffeinated drinks.
  7. Before going to bed, humidify the air in the room.
  8. Instill sea buckthorn oil into the nasal passages. This should be done before bed. To get rid of discomfort in the nasopharynx, 1-2 drops are enough.

If you don’t want to bother with a pipette, you can use the convenient MySleepGood spray. It contains only natural ingredients, no chemical dyes, fragrances or GMOs. The product is certified and, most importantly, it has no contraindications.

An alternative, but no less effective option is Snorex aerosol. This is an absolutely safe drug based on natural oils and extracts of medicinal plants. It fights breathing disorders that disrupt sleep and manifest as snoring.

A pregnant woman, before using any remedy or method to eliminate snoring, must consult with her doctor.

And finally

Snoring during pregnancy: causes and treatment methodsIf snoring is not complicated by holding your breath, you can get rid of it yourself. To do this, the expectant mother should choose a higher pillow, minimize salty foods in her diet, control her weight (as much as possible), do special exercises for the muscles of the larynx and tongue, and treat a runny nose in a timely manner. If everything is done correctly, snoring should no longer appear.

When snoring is accompanied by short-term pauses in breathing, it will be impossible to cure it at home. In this case, the pregnant woman will have to contact a somnologist.

With timely identification of the cause of this trouble and proper treatment, you can quickly and effectively bring breathing during sleep back to normal. Thanks to this, the child will be able to develop safely and fully.

Yulia Zablotskaya


Snoring during pregnancy

The pregnancy period is happiness for any woman. Especially if the child is long-awaited and planned. But in addition to the understandable joy, pregnancy itself also brings a number of unpleasant moments.

During these 9 months, every woman’s body undergoes changes at the physiological level. For example, during pregnancy, snoring appears and increased fatigue is felt.

Let’s keep silent about excess weight and toxicosis.

An unpleasant surprise

Imagine the situation. You are a young beautiful girl, you have a loving husband, you are expecting a baby. And then one morning you wake up, and your spouse is not there.

It turns out he went into another room to SLEEP! And all because you, a fragile and gentle princess, began to snore unbearably in your sleep!!! Agree, an unpleasant surprise.

And for some ladies this can cause a real shock, since snoring is more often associated with large men. And here you are – a small, slender girl.

Causes of snoring

An interesting experiment was carried out by Scottish scientists. They studied a hundred women. Moreover, none of them ever complained of snoring. However, by approximately the third trimester of pregnancy, every second test subject was snoring.

This fact undoubtedly interested scientists. They carried out a series of tests, measuring the thickness of the airways. It turned out that in pregnant women they are much narrower, and during sleep this narrowing is even more aggravated.

It turned out that during pregnancy, snoring occurs due to the fact that a woman gains significant weight. The enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on the lungs and trachea. In addition, pregnant women increase their neck circumference (by about 1 centimeter). This is another reason for snoring.

Symptoms and complications

All women who developed snoring during pregnancy can be divided into two groups.

The first option is when snoring was present before conception, but intensified with the development of the fetus. Such women may well have had concomitant factors and even chronic diseases. For example, fullness, nasal obstruction, tonsil hypertrophy. Well, in this case, women do not worry much about snoring, since they have had it before. However, it is better to consult your doctor once again.

In the second case, snoring developed only during pregnancy. In scientific language this is called “obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.” In some way, this is a disease preceded by the following processes:

  • In addition to the symptoms described above (weight gain and narrowing of the airways), pregnant women experience swelling. This may be due to diseases of the cardiovascular system or kidneys. As a result, general health deteriorates significantly.
  • Pregnant women often experience nasal congestion, sneezing, and itching. Doctors combine these symptoms into a single concept - “rhinitis during pregnancy.” It appears in half of all women around the third trimester. The symptoms are very bad. It becomes difficult for a woman to breathe through her nose, and this, in turn, leads to snoring during pregnancy.

In some cases, snoring can lead to the development of the following diseases (in addition to sleep apnea):

  • Hypertension
  • Toxemia – high blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Severe swelling of the limbs
  • Delays in embryo development


In principle, there is nothing terrible about a little snoring for a woman or child. Unless, of course, it intensifies and leads to respiratory arrest. This is where there is cause for concern.

During pregnancy, snoring cannot be treated with medication. This is, of course, an inconvenient moment, but nothing can be done. Any pills and mixtures can cause irreparable harm to the fetus. Therefore, various gymnastics and breathing exercises have been invented for pregnant women. Well, don’t neglect folk remedies.

But it’s important to remember that before you self-medicate, don’t be too lazy to go to the antenatal clinic and ask your doctor for advice.

To defeat snoring, basic exercises for the tongue and larynx can help:

  • Try to push your tongue forward and down as much as possible. And hold it in this position for a few seconds. It is recommended to perform the exercise 20-30 times twice a day.
  • Massage your lower jaw. Hold it with your hand and move it back and forth. Once a day, 30 movements.
  • Before going to bed, hold a stick between your teeth (for example, a toothbrush) and hold it tightly for about 5 minutes.

Traditional methods

You will be surprised, but a simple whistle helps with snoring. When you walk down the street during the day, whistle your favorite tunes. This will lift your mood and improve your health.

While sleeping, try changing your usual position. If you snore while lying on your back, sleep on your side. And vice versa.

In folk medicine, there are also some recipes that can help you overcome snoring:

  • A few hours before bed, drop one drop of sea buckthorn oil into your nostrils.
  • Crush the cabbage leaf and mix it with honey. You need to eat before bed.
  • They say that eating baked carrots helps with snoring.
  • You can grate the lemon (with the peel) and mix it with garlic. You should take one spoon in the morning and in the evening.


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