
Treatment of prostatitis: effective methods at home

Inflammation of prostate adenoma is a male disease that affects a fairly large percentage of people, especially if there is a predisposition.

Over a long period of study of this disease, it was possible to identify methods that demonstrate maximum effectiveness in the treatment of prostatitis.Treatment of prostatitis: effective methods at home

The most common cause of the disease is a bacterial infection, so most methods fight it. To prescribe effective treatment for prostatitis, it is necessary to take into account many aspects, including the patient’s age and the state of his immunity.

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Treatment of prostatitis: effective methods at home
Our regular reader got rid of PROSTATITIS using an effective method. He tested it on himself - the result was 100% - complete relief from prostatitis. This is a natural remedy based on honey. We tested the method and decided to recommend it to you. The result is fast. EFFECTIVE METHOD.

When immediate treatment is required

There are a number of manifestations in which you should immediately contact a specialist. Treatment of inflammation at an early stage is most effective. There are the following symptoms, if detected, you should be examined by a urologist:

  • pain in the perineum;
  • problems with urination;
  • decreased libido and erection;
  • general malaise.

The disease most often affects older people, but absolutely all men are at risk. To avoid problems in the future, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations and be treated at the first manifestations of the disease.

Many men neglect therapy; this is a serious mistake, since after a certain stage the disease either becomes more complicated or becomes chronic. After this, it will take longer to heal. In some cases, it is not possible to get rid of the disease, and the person periodically suffers from certain symptoms.

What is used first

If a person discovers any symptoms and consults a doctor, then first of all he will be given a diagnosis. It is one of the most important stages of the entire treatment, as it helps to clarify the disease, its type and severity.

First of all, the specialist prescribes a blood and prostate juice test. This may be sufficient to diagnose simple bacterial prostatitis. Additionally, the following procedures may be prescribed: Treatment of prostatitis: effective methods at home

  • studies of urethral flora;
  • rectal examination of the prostate;
  • ultrasound examination of the perineum.

The disease can be caused by so-called stagnant processes. In this case, the methods of treating prostatitis will change significantly. At the diagnostic stage, it is possible to determine the cause of the disease and begin competent therapy, which will ultimately cure prostatitis.

Only a specialist can prescribe effective treatment for prostatitis. Treatment should be appropriate to the severity of the disease. In some cases, you may need to go to the hospital (if urination is very difficult or there is a fever and severe pain). In an inpatient setting, they will be able to quickly relieve pain and conduct an accurate diagnosis.


An integral part and the most effective way to treat prostatitis of a bacterial nature are antibacterial agents.

They can also be used to get rid of the stagnant type, since very often against the background of stagnant processes, the prostate is affected by infections.

They become the basis for getting rid of the disease, but very often it is necessary to use an integrated approach to get results.

In addition to antibiotics, doctors prescribe various immunostimulants to cure prostatitis faster. If you do not use an integrated approach, there is a high probability that the disease will return. Relapses are very common, especially if the lesion is chronic. They can also use folk remedies that complement traditional medicine.

Classic way

Most often, acute infectious inflammation can be cured with medications alone. The best drugs in this case:

  1. Antibiotics. They allow you to destroy pathogenic microflora. Drugs are selected based on test results; broad-spectrum antimicrobial drugs are usually used. Treatment of prostatitis: effective methods at home
  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They allow you to relieve the symptoms of the disease, thereby alleviating the patient’s condition. They are applied rectally and are often in the form of suppositories.
  3. Local and internal immunostimulating agents. The use of this type of medication is necessary to stimulate the body’s own reserves, which will completely destroy the infection. It is immunity that finally cures a person.

This technique is used to treat acute uncomplicated inflammation of the prostate gland. It may vary slightly to suit the individual characteristics of the body. Independent use of any medications without diagnosis and consultation with a doctor leads to complications and side effects.

The combination of various forms of medication allows you to quickly defeat the disease. Do not neglect various rectal suppositories, as they help deliver the active substance directly to the affected area. The use of this form of the drug can effectively cure any form of prostate inflammation.

Therapy for congestive inflammation

If a person suffers from congestion in the pelvic area, a specialist will prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures. An effective treatment for congestive prostatitis is to use the so-called prostate massage. It is a direct massage of the inflamed organ using the rectal method.

After this procedure, it is possible to get rid of all stagnant fluid (prostate secretion, venous blood). In addition, the following procedures may be used: Treatment of prostatitis: effective methods at home

  • magnetic therapy;
  • ultrasonic influence;
  • use of high frequency current.

Physiotherapeutic procedures have contraindications. They are usually not used for acute illness. Most often they are used at the time of remission in chronic cases in order to obtain lasting results and complete cure.

Before use, a person undergoes a detailed examination so that the procedures do not cause harm to health. The appropriateness of use is determined by a doctor.

Prostate massage can make a significant contribution to defeating inflammation and rid the affected area of ​​stagnant processes.

Only a good specialist can perform physiotherapeutic procedures. To perform prostate massage, you must be highly qualified, otherwise harm will be done instead of benefit.

Traditional methods

All available means are used to treat complex diseases. There are a number of effective folk remedies that contribute to getting rid of the disease. They are mainly aimed at increasing one’s own immunity.

Some medications have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects throughout the body. It is worth noting that such products can only be used as a complement to traditional medicine.

Treatment of the prostate with folk remedies for infection may involve the use of:

  • vitamin decoctions and fruit drinks;
  • herbs and substances that stimulate the immune system.

Treatment of prostatitis: effective methods at homeThe most effective folk remedy for prostatitis is wormwood, as it has an antibacterial effect. It is used both dry and brewed. The decoction is used 3 times a day in a dosage of 50 ml. To make 150 ml of brewed wormwood, you need to pour boiling water over a teaspoon of dried herb. It is advisable to consult a doctor before use. Wormwood has a general effect on the body, it stimulates the immune system well and fights inflammation, but it has contraindications; it cannot be used for a long time in large dosages.

Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies can be carried out using honey. It will need to be consumed as usual or as an additive to tea.

Honey should be used to replace regular sugar, but you should not eat more than 150 g per day. This honey product contains a large number of useful substances.

It can be used on an ongoing basis, the main thing is to reduce the consumption of other sweet foods to a minimum.

Another remedy is simple parsley. It contains all the necessary elements for successfully getting rid of acute or chronic inflammation. It is enough to use it in a convenient form regularly to get benefits.

You can only use parsley juice, in which case to achieve the effect you will need to consume 3 tablespoons of this substance daily.

Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies should not interfere with the main therapy; you should not abandon pharmaceutical medications in favor of the listed remedies.

Surgical intervention

Treatment of prostatitis: effective methods at homeSurgeries for the treatment of prostatitis are used extremely rarely. Since at the moment they are ineffective and cause a lot of side effects (erectile dysfunction, ejaculation disorders). In some cases, surgical intervention is simply necessary. This occurs if the disease has become complicated and a life-threatening condition has arisen. Various abscesses, inability to urinate, suspicion of a tumor are indications for surgery.

The intervention itself consists of complete or partial removal of the prostate gland; drainage of the abscess can also be performed to get rid of suppuration.

Depending on the severity of the complications encountered, the appropriate type of operation is selected. Postoperative recovery takes about 10 days. In approximately 50 percent of cases, complete cure can be achieved through partial removal.

This percentage scares many people away from this method of getting rid of the disease.

What side effects may occur during therapy?

To get rid of the disease, serious drugs are used. Antibiotics require monitoring of the functions of certain organs if they are used for more than 1 month. Taking antibacterial agents internally destroys beneficial intestinal microflora and also wears out the liver. Other medications used in treatment rarely cause side effects.

The following side effects may occur due to improper or prolonged use of antibacterial agents:Treatment of prostatitis: effective methods at home

  • deterioration of general condition;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit.

It is important to use all medications in accordance with the instructions or direct instructions from a specialist. Do not exceed the dosage or use additional agents without prescription.

If the condition worsens, you should contact a specialist to adjust treatment. Due to the danger that arises when taking the tablet form of antibiotics, it is necessary to focus on restoring your own immunity.

This is the only way to quickly get rid of the disease without causing serious harm to other organs.

Actions for a speedy recovery

In addition to drug therapy, a person must follow certain rules. If the lesion is acute, then it is necessary:

  • maintain bed rest;
  • refuse sexual intercourse;
  • drink enough liquid.

If the disease is chronic, it is important:Treatment of prostatitis: effective methods at home

  • move and give light load to the pelvic area;
  • try to have regular sex life (especially during remission);
  • Healthy food;
  • be examined regularly.

After a certain period of time without relapses, as well as when testing confirms the absence of infection, the disease is considered cured. To achieve a complete cure, it is necessary to adhere to specialized prevention.


To consolidate the results of therapy, you need to use prevention. Preventive actions can begin to be used during the chronic course of the disease. When inflammation is acute, most of them are contraindicated.

Prevention is aimed at eliminating stagnant processes, maintaining immunity, and eliminating concomitant diseases. It is extremely important to eliminate the root cause of the disease (stagnation, transfer of infection from another area).

After prostatitis is cured, some actions will need to be performed constantly. They are quite simple and general in nature: Treatment of prostatitis: effective methods at home

  • you will need to give up bad habits;
  • lose excess weight (if any) and start eating right;
  • Visit doctors regularly for examination.

Regular testing is a vital part of prevention. Every man should visit a urologist at least once a year. Examinations will help avoid re-infection. Examination and diagnosis are also effective for primary prevention, as they help to identify the preconditions for the disease and quickly get rid of them.

Time to cure from inflammation of the prostate gland

The actual treatment for prostatitis depends on many factors. Firstly, this is influenced by the individual characteristics of the body (age, immune system, heredity). Secondly, this is influenced by the timeliness of contacting specialists and prescribed therapy. Properly selected medications help to completely get rid of the disease.

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In general, the acute form, diagnosed early, can be cured within one month. The chronic form requires longer exposure.

Very often people say that they were unable to get rid of this disease. Treatment for chronic inflammation may take several months. At a minimum, it is possible to achieve remission and relief of all symptoms.

With the right therapy, almost everyone can count on a cure.

If the disease cannot be treated with medication, then additional research is carried out.

It is important to check every part of the body for the presence of concomitant diseases and specific immunodeficiency conditions. All negative factors must be eliminated.

Doctors have effective methods of therapy and research of the body at their disposal, so you should not think that the disease is difficult to treat.


Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies, the most effective recipes at home

Treatment of prostatitis: effective methods at home

Inflammation of the prostate gland is a fairly common disease that many middle-aged and older men face. There can be many reasons for its occurrence: from congestion in the pelvic area to the presence of infections in the body. Prostatitis is a very insidious disease that can lead to various negative consequences. Therefore, his treatment is mandatory. This can be done using traditional methods using medications. But no less effective is the treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies. How to do this correctly?

When and how does prostatitis manifest?

The risk group for the likelihood of prostatitis includes overweight men leading a sedentary lifestyle. At the same time, factors that contribute to the prostate becoming inflamed include:

  • The presence of various diseases of the genitourinary system, including sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Smoking.
  • Alcohol.
  • Frequent constipation.
  • Sexual abstinence.

Treatment of prostatitis: effective methods at home

Prostatitis develops when blood circulation in this area is disrupted. In this case, harmful microorganisms can easily penetrate here, causing an inflammatory process.

Symptoms of prostatitis may differ for each patient. At the same time, you can suspect its development in yourself based on the following signs:

  1. A nagging pain sensation appears in the perineum and lower back.
  2. The patient notes fatigue and excessive irritability.
  3. A burning sensation occurs in the urethra.
  1. The sperm becomes liquid and cloudy.
  2. The process of urination is painful, the stream of urine becomes thin.
  3. White threads may be noted in the urine.
  4. Decreased potency and pain during ejaculation.

The chief urologist of the Euromedica clinic, I. A. Izmakin, will tell you more about the signs of the disease:

Having noticed such signs, a man should contact a urologist, who, after assessing the situation, can prescribe the necessary therapy. For this purpose, both medicinal and traditional methods of treating prostatitis are used.


For centuries, people have tried to cure prostatitis using traditional medicine methods, which are based on the use of decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs. During all this time, numerous recipes have accumulated that are still used today. The most common and effective folk remedies for prostatitis:

  • Pumpkin seeds. They contain a lot of zinc, an essential element for men's health. Those who have noticed the first signs of prostatitis are recommended to eat about 30 of these seeds daily. They are advised to use not only for prostatitis and impotence, but also for those who have prostatic hyperplasia.
  • Pumpkin with honey. To prepare this product you need 500 g of pumpkin seeds - it is important that they are raw. Grind them using a meat grinder or food processor and mix with 200 g of natural honey. From the resulting mixture you need to roll balls slightly larger than hazelnuts. The product should be stored in the refrigerator. Several times a day (necessarily before meals), you need to dissolve 1 ball. From this quantity of products, the number of balls for the entire course of treatment is obtained.

Treatment of prostatitis: effective methods at home

  • Aspen bark. It must be collected in early spring, before the first leaves begin to appear on the tree. The thickness of the bark should not exceed 3-5 mm. The collected raw materials are dried in the oven and crushed. Place the bark in a liter jar so that the container is 1/3 full. Fill the jar to the top with water and leave for 2 weeks. The place for this should be dark and not hot. After this, strain the infusion and drink before meals (1 tablespoon). This remedy is not suitable for patients who have experienced intolerance to any of its components, those who suffer from constipation, dysbacteriosis and various chronic ailments.
  • Hazel. Reviews say that one of the most effective folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis is prepared from this plant and guarantees an effect after just a week of use. To prepare it, use hazel leaves and bark (it is important that all raw materials are fresh). All ingredients are crushed. 1 tablespoon of pre-prepared raw materials is brewed in 200 ml of boiling water and infused for about 30 minutes. It is convenient to use a thermos for this. After this, the medicine is filtered, divided into 4 equal parts and drunk throughout the day.
  • Chestnut shells. This decoction is used for prostatitis and adenoma. The shell is crushed, brewed with boiling water and drunk instead of tea. The decoction increases appetite, so periodically it is recommended to do a cleansing enema.

Treatment of prostatitis: effective methods at home

The photo shows a decoction of seeds and chopped parsley roots

  • Parsley is an excellent folk remedy for the treatment of prostatitis. This plant has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. There are several treatment options. One is to use fresh juice from the root of the plant before each meal. In addition, you can use parsley seeds, which are ground to a powder and made into a decoction. To prepare such a medicine, 4 teaspoons of powder, which is prepared from the seeds of the plant using a coffee grinder, are poured with boiling water (about 200-250 ml) and boiled for 15 minutes in a water bath. Next, the container with the broth is set aside until it cools completely. After cooling, strain the broth and drink 1 spoon at regular intervals up to 6 times a day. Reviews from patients prove that treatment of prostatitis in men using parsley seeds or roots is very effective.
  • Pear. Wild varieties of this tree will help cure prostatitis. To do this, it is enough to drink compote made from pears (or dry ones) every day. Already on the 3-5th day of taking it, the prostate will bother the man less.
  • Garlic. Prostatitis can be treated at home using garlic. To prepare the remedy, you need to cut 5 cloves of garlic into small pieces and pour 500 ml of boiling water. The medicine is infused overnight. In the morning, filter the product and drink 50 ml 2 times on an empty stomach.
  • Natural juices. Even chronic prostatitis can be treated if you drink 1 glass of freshly squeezed juice daily from asparagus, cucumber, carrots and beets, taken in equal quantities.

You will find even more recipes in the video:

Herbal treatment

The use of folk remedies for prostatitis in men will be more effective if they are combined with prostate massage. In folk medicine for prostatitis it is suggested to use:

  1. Radiola pink. To prepare the remedy, use the root of the plant, which is pre-crushed. 1 tablespoon of raw material is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes over very low heat. After the broth has cooled, it needs to be strained. Take the medicine 2 times a day, 100 ml.
  2. Celandine. The juice is squeezed out of the plant and mixed with alcohol in equal proportions. You need to drink this remedy on an empty stomach, diluting it in 50 ml of water. It is necessary to start treatment with 1 drop, adding a drop daily and so on until the daily dose is 30 drops. After this, it is necessary to reduce the dosage daily by 1 drop per day. The course of treatment in this way will be 2 months. After a break of 2 weeks, you need to repeat the course of treatment.
  3. Kalanchoe. The recipe for using it is as follows: crushed leaves of the plant (1 glass) are poured into 500 ml of vodka and left for 5 days in a dark and cool place for the drug to infuse. The finished tincture is taken 1 teaspoon per day. After the signs of prostatitis disappear, you will need to take 1 teaspoon of tincture per week as a preventive measure.

Treatment of prostatitis: effective methods at home

Preparing Kalanchoe settings with vodka

  1. Another recipe with Kalanchoe: 100 g of fresh leaves of the plant are ground in a meat grinder and poured with 1 glass of medical alcohol. You need to infuse the drug for 20 days in a dark place. After this, it is filtered and drunk 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Reviews indicate that such treatment with folk remedies reduces pain and other symptoms of prostatitis.
  2. Wheatgrass. Herbalists know the anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties of this plant. To make medicine from it, you will need the roots of the plant, which are crushed and filled with cold water so that it completely covers the raw material. Leave the product in a dark place for 10-12 hours. The next morning the roots will swell. Now they need to be poured with boiling water (1.5 liters), wrapped and left for 1 hour. The medicine is taken 3 times a day, 100 ml.

Use of bee products

Folk remedies for prostatitis not only treat the disease, but also help normalize the functioning of the body as a whole.

For example, honey and propolis are used as a prophylactic for heart and vascular diseases. They also lead to rejuvenation of the body, saturate it with useful substances, and have an antibacterial effect.

Traditional treatment of prostatitis can also be carried out using various beekeeping products:

  • Honey. In the morning after waking up, you need to eat 1 tablespoon of natural honey.
  • Pollen. To treat prostatitis, take 1 dessert spoon each time before meals.
  • Podmore. For treatment, 2 tablespoons of dead bees, which can always be purchased from beekeepers, are poured into 500 ml of water (room temperature) and brought to a boil. After 2 hours, strain the medicine and drink 1 tablespoon of the decoction mixed with a small amount of honey. You need to take the drug 3 times a day. The broth should be stored in the refrigerator.

A very unusual way to treat inflammation of the prostate gland is bee stinging. Alexander Zabyty tells more about the method:

  • Propolis. Its tincture can be bought at every pharmacy. Mix 40 drops of tincture with 100 ml of water and drink half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 1.5 months.
  • Another effective remedy based on propolis is an enema. To prepare it, 40 g of propolis are mixed with 1 glass of medical alcohol and 2 g of cocoa butter. 2 g of the resulting mixture is dissolved in 100 ml of water, which is used for an enema, which must be done daily for 2 months. After 1 month, the course of treatment is repeated.
  • Candles with honey have a good effect. To prepare them, you need to mix 1 medium-sized egg, 1 teaspoon of high-quality honey (preferably before it has time to sugar) and 3 tablespoons of rye flour. The result should be a tight dough, from which you need to roll candles that are stored in the freezer. Every morning and evening, you need to light a candle.
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The main condition for using propolis is high-quality raw materials. Good propolis has a light aroma and light shade. It is better to buy it from trusted sellers.

Hot baths

Treatment of chronic prostatitis with folk remedies can be supplemented with baths. But they should only be done with the permission of the attending physician.

  1. Make a decoction of chamomile, linden, sage and thyme, mixed in equal quantities. Pour 5 tablespoons of the mixture into 2 cups of boiling water and let it brew for at least 1 hour. This folk remedy is poured into a basin. You need to sit in the broth for at least 25 minutes. Duration of treatment – ​​2 weeks.
  2. After such a bath, the patient needs to douche.


Herbal medicine is used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of prostatitis in men. For preventive purposes, you can use the following means:

  • Fireweed herb (2 teaspoons of dried raw material) is brewed with 500 ml of boiling water. Cover the container with the medicine and leave until it cools completely. Only then can the infusion be filtered. Take it before meals in the morning and evening.
  • Men who want to always be healthy are recommended to eat honey and propolis daily, which is crushed and mixed with food.
  • 1 kg of peeled walnut kernels and the same amount of sunflower seeds are passed through a meat grinder. Every morning on an empty stomach you need to mix 1 tablespoon of this product with 1 finely grated onion.

106 videos! 106 videos, dear readers, on the treatment and prevention of prostatitis using traditional medicine. Choose what you like (to view the list, click on the playlist icon):

Benefits of folk remedies

When starting to treat prostatitis with folk remedies, every patient should remember that this is a fairly long process and requires an integrated approach. Treatment is based on medication. Folk remedies and normalization of lifestyle (HLS), which means rational nutrition and exercise, can make them more effective.

The advantages of using folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis, as in the case of other diseases, include:

  1. Good tolerance.
  2. Absence of various side effects.
  3. Strengthening the body's defenses.
  4. Getting rid of concomitant diseases.
  5. The ability to combine various traditional treatments.

Whatever folk remedy is chosen for the treatment or prevention of prostatitis, you need to pay attention to your lifestyle. Analyze how much you work and rest, how you eat and sleep.

To enhance the effect of folk remedies, it is important to perform certain physical exercises that will be aimed at strengthening the pelvic muscles. One such exercise can be called squats.

But we should not forget about regular sexual activity, since abstinence often leads to congestion in the pelvic area, which in most cases becomes the root cause of prostatitis.

Treatment of prostatitis: effective methods at home

All folk remedies used in the treatment of prostatitis should be combined with massage.

When starting treatment using medicinal herbs and other folk methods, the main thing is to prepare yourself for a long course of therapy (at least 30 days, although there are situations when treatment lasts at least 3-6 months). During this period, it is important to take medications regularly and on time. This is the only way to completely defeat prostatitis and protect yourself from its reappearance.

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How to quickly cure prostatitis at home in men - Advice from a Urologist

Treating prostatitis at home quickly is possible. Regardless of whether a man is tormented by an acute or chronic type of such an unpleasant disease. Recipes of good old traditional medicine and reasonable stress on the body are excellent assistants in this delicate matter.

Methods for calculating prostatitis?

Of course, only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis for a man. But there are symptoms that will help to identify prostatitis earlier and begin treatment sooner. The most common form of prostatitis in men is chronic. It develops slowly, and all signs are revealed only over time. Symptoms of any type of prostatitis include:

  • Discomfort in the groin or penis;
  • Erection disorders;
  • Constant trips to the toilet.

If your health worsens and the pain increases, this indicates an acute form. And its signs are:

  • Painful trips to the toilet;
  • Pain in the groin area;
  • Urinary incontinence;
  • Changes in the general condition of the body for the worse;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Deterioration of erectile function.

After visiting a doctor, a man must undergo tests. Medicines will help quickly resolve this problem. Their effectiveness will be significantly increased by a variety of home treatment methods.

How to cure prostatitis at home?

There are a great many options for treating prostatitis at home. Eg:

  • Folk remedies;
  • Massages;
  • Physical exercises;
  • Specialized devices for physiotherapy.

All this will help quickly return your strength and overall health to normal. High-quality treatment of prostatitis in men at home is possible only in cases where the disease is not complicated in any way. Relapses of prostatitis require more effective methods of therapy.

What can folk remedies offer a man?

If a man tries to treat himself at home, using folk methods as a basis, this will provide all possible assistance in relieving pain, eliminating inflammatory processes, and even normalizing trips to the toilet. Additionally, it will increase the activity of the entire body and strengthen its resistance to bacterial diseases.

Hazel decoction

To start treating prostatitis, the bark or leaves of this plant are suitable. The decoction can be made alternately - either from the bark or from the leaves. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the bark takes longer to brew, because it is much tougher.

The recipe is not at all complicated. A tablespoon of the ingredient is steamed in a glass of hot water. Afterwards you need to wait half an hour and filter.

The decoction is prescribed to be taken orally, a quarter of a glass four times a day. And for a new portion glass it will be better to take fresh ingredients. It will be enough to drink this decoction for one week.

This will help speed up the home treatment of prostatitis.

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Thanks to wormwood, it will be easy for a man to cure most ailments, including prostatitis. In this case, the most effective solution would be treatment consisting of taking dried wormwood and washing the urethra with an appropriate decoction.

You need approximately a hundred grams of dried wormwood. It must be ground, then sifted through a sieve. The course lasts about a week. Dry wormwood can be drunk both before and after eating. One pinch should be swallowed and washed down with water. It will be most convenient to perform rinsing and enemas in the evenings.

And decoctions are made like this: a teaspoon of dry wormwood is poured with a liter of hot water. When it cools down to about forty degrees, it is filtered. For each procedure you need about fifty milliliters. Enema and rinsing are carried out using a syringe.

It is necessary to inject sharply into the urethra to ensure good progress through the canal. For each procedure, the syringe must be separate. As a visual aid, you can find a video on the Internet for free.

pumpkin seeds

Their healing effect is due to the fact that they contain a very large amount of zinc. A man can often complain of a lack of zinc. And this is not surprising, because it ensures the health of the body. To carry out treatment with pumpkin seeds, dried seeds are usually taken. But under no circumstances are they fried.

For the entire course of treatment you will need approximately 0.5 kg of pumpkin seeds. They must be peeled and consumed as food. The course should last until these seeds run out. If a man does such treatment annually, then there is a good chance of reducing the likelihood of an exacerbation to zero.

Variations in consumption:

  • Every day before meals you should eat three dozen seeds. But slowly. You must chew thoroughly.
  • Pass the peeled but raw seeds through a blender and add about two hundred grams of honey. You need to mix it well, and then roll the resulting mixture into balls, approximately the size of a walnut. During treatment, before breakfast, lunch and dinner, you need to eat a couple of these balls. But you shouldn't swallow them right away. These balls need to be chewed and sucked for at least a couple of minutes.

Treatment thanks to parsley

Parsley is a vitamin treasure. It perfectly helps relieve inflammation and normalizes erectile function. Despite the fact that parsley is very popular in the culinary field, it is still a healing herb, since it contains a lot of minerals and other beneficial elements.

For example, one hundred grams contains a couple of daily requirements for retinol. If we remember about ascorbic acid, there is four times more of it than in lemon. Parsley also contains inulin - organic “insulin”. It controls blood sugar levels and can also be called the best source of nutrition for intestinal microflora. This means it will be an ideal complement to medications prescribed by the doctor.

It is important to drink a tablespoon of its juice three times a day, thirty minutes before meals. The seeds of this greenery are no less useful. You need to crush four teaspoons of seeds and pour a glass of hot water, then boil for about fifteen minutes and let cool. It is advisable to drink one tablespoon of this infusion five times a day.

Treatment of prostatitis with vegetable juices

To perform this home treatment for prostatitis, you will need a juicer and standard food products. For example, vegetables. Under the influence of vegetable liquids, the secretion of uric acid is activated in a man. Inflammatory processes in the prostate are slowed down, microbes are destroyed. These juices are very effective:

  • Elderberry - half a glass before meals for ten days in a row;
  • Vegetable - six hundred milliliters;
  • Asparagus - half a liter day after day.

Treatment of prostatitis with propolis

To treat prostatitis at home, propolis is used as homemade suppositories. They are easy to make. Ten grams of propolis should be poured with thirty milliliters of alcohol and allowed to brew for ten days, remembering to stir.

When the deadline expires, the tincture must be put on gas. The alcohol should evaporate until only a brown liquid remains.

Then add twenty grams of butter and, placing the mixture in a water bath, bring it until smooth.

This volume of mixture will make ten candles. Each should be wrapped in foil and placed in the refrigerator. A man suffering from inflammation of the prostate gland should use such suppositories for treatment for twenty days. It is advisable to immediately prepare a double portion of the mixture. The “window” is ten days, and after that it is advisable to repeat the course.

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Massages to treat prostatitis

To prevent and treat prostatitis, experienced doctors advise men to massage the prostate, in addition to taking medical medications. This simple, but very, very effective process can help get rid of chronic prostatitis in any form, including chronic.

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Why massages are so effective:

  • Ensure the outflow of secretion fluid;
  • Increase the effectiveness of drug treatment;
  • Increase muscle activity;
  • Stabilizes blood flow in the penis;
  • Normalizes male sexual function.

Massage can be performed rectally or on the groin tissue.

Prostate massage is called the most effective. Access to it is through the opening of the anus. A man is able to do this massage on his own, or he can ask a loved one. But it would be better to seek help from a doctor. The prostate itself is very delicate and it is easy to damage it.

If you still decide to carry out such a massage at home, a man can use special massagers or ask his wife for this delicate service. If this is the first time you will be doing the process yourself, it is better to look for relevant free videos.

A simplified type of massage is external. A little less effective, but a relief for men is that no penetration is required. You need to push and make circular gestures in the groin area. You can also take massagers.

If they are not available, you are allowed to take something from the means at hand. An alternative could be a tennis ball. He is placed on a chair, and the man sits on it and carefully rolls back and forth. This procedure can be repeated several times a day. But this massage must be performed right in the morning. Literally five minutes is enough.

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An important point: in order for such a massage at home to give the required healing effect and not cause any damage, you must clearly understand where the prostate gland is located. All movements must be done very carefully. It is necessary to remember about contraindications.

When not to massage:

  • There are stones or a cyst in the prostate;
  • There are symptoms of a malignant tumor;
  • Acute prostatitis.

Exercises and other ways to treat prostatitis

For a disease that occurs as a result of stagnation, there is no better warning than frequent physical activity. If prostatitis already exists, simple exercises on the body will quickly help a man cure it. There is no particular need to do them day after day. Three times a week is enough.

It would not be a bad idea to take a short course of specialized physical therapy at the clinic. But most of the loads can provide effective treatment of prostatitis at home.

You don’t need to put in any extra-great efforts, and you don’t need any special conditions either.

But these loads will be an ideal addition to the previously chosen treatment, which will allow you to quickly and effectively get rid of prostatitis at home.


This exercise is as physically exhausting as it is effective. Squats help stabilize blood flow in the pelvic organs, including the prostate. It is advisable to sit down a hundred times. But there is no need to do all hundred at once. It would be better to divide this number into two or three approaches with short breaks.

If even in this situation, one hundred squats is difficult, then it is permissible to start with a much smaller number and gradually increase the load. During the exercise, your arms should be raised up and lowered as low as possible.

What other types of physical activity will help during the treatment process?

Squats are far from the only possible load option. A man will be helped to supplement his therapeutic training by:

  • Lying on your back, you need to pull your legs higher to your chest, clasp them and remain in this position for no longer than twenty minutes;
  • Scissors (crossing legs while lying down) - twenty repetitions;
  • Put your legs together, squat down on a quarter and take turns pushing your knees forward - five minutes twice a day;
  • Raising straight legs from a lying position on your stomach - twenty times.

There are many free videos on the Internet with similar types of exercises. Additionally, ordinary walking will be an excellent type of exercise. It will help stimulate blood circulation in the pelvic area. You need to walk whenever the opportunity arises - for example, take frequent walks and stop using the elevator.

Taking warm baths

To stimulate blood circulation, a man will benefit from a relaxing bath with warm water from time to time. It is worth considering that the water in the bathroom should not be hot, but warm. And you shouldn’t relax there for more than fifteen minutes. To enhance the effect and speed up treatment, you can add herbal infusions instead of water.

a very important point: under no circumstances should you take a bath if your body temperature is elevated - this will only worsen the condition.

Specialized devices that can help in the treatment of prostatitis

The general development of the medical field has led to the creation of many devices to provide feasible assistance in the treatment of prostate diseases. Using them, you can overcome prostatitis at home with great success. They stimulate the prostate, stabilize blood flow, and thereby eliminate congestion.

These various devices are divided into:

  • Vibrating;
  • Laser;
  • Magnetic;
  • Using alternating current.

Each type of these mechanical devices has its own advantages. For example, vibration ones are more effective at eliminating congestion and increasing muscle activity. And magnetic ones relieve pain, eliminate swelling and inflammation.

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As you can see, treating prostatitis in men at home is not so difficult and quite doable. It is only important to comply with all instructions and consistency of actions. Then the effect will really be quick and noticeable. Prostatitis is not a pleasant diagnosis, but it is far from a death sentence. And the sooner and sooner it is detected, the easier and faster it will be to cure it.


7 approaches to treating prostatitis

Treatment of prostatitis of any origin involves the use of antibacterial, symptomatic (to relieve pain and swelling) and restorative drugs (to regenerate gland tissue and strengthen its immunity). The effectiveness of the drugs used is enhanced by physiotherapeutic procedures.

Treatment regimen with drugs

It is impossible to cure an infectious lesion without medication support . Antibiotics are also included in the treatment regimen for congestive prostatitis (congestive), since inflammation does not occur without the participation of pathogens. For the treatment of the prostate, only those drugs are suitable whose substances are capable of penetrating into its tissues and accumulating there in the required concentration.

Antibacterial therapy

For the treatment of chronic prostatitis of various origins, (Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin) are most valuable Modern treatment methods include the latest generation drugs: Avelox, Tavanik. Their active ingredients retain their activity in alkaline and acidic environments.

The drugs not only effectively suppress infection, but also stimulate the prostate’s own immunity - increase the phagocytic activity of neutrophils. This means that special cells (granular leukocytes) begin to absorb pathogens more actively.

In combination, trimethoprim (Bactim, Biseptol) can be prescribed, an antibiotic that enhances the effect of fluoroquinolones.

Urologist-andrologist Nikolai Konstantinovich Soloviev on the treatment of prostatitis with antibiotics

In the acute form of bacterial prostatitis, 3rd generation cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone) are used. In the first days, medications are administered through a dropper, then intramuscularly.

If necessary, treatment is supplemented with macrolides (Fromilid, Sumamed) and tetracyclines (Unidox Solutab), which are effective for mycoplasma and chlamydial prostatitis.

Fluoroquinolones destroy the infection (bactericidal effect), and macrolides and tetracyclines slow down its development (bacteriostatic effect).

The duration of taking antibacterial drugs is from two to four weeks, then the dynamics are assessed. If it is positive, then treatment can be extended for another month.

Suppositories for prostatitis

Suppositories (rectal suppositories) provide the fastest possible delivery of medications to the prostate, since the rectum is located next to it . For prostatitis, the following types are used:

  1. Painkillers: with belladonna, Anestezol.
  2. Anti-inflammatory: Diclofenac, Voltaren (relieve prostate swelling and reduce pain).
  3. Combined: “Proctosedyl” with an anti-inflammatory substance and an antibiotic active against E. coli, staphylococci and streptococci. Does not affect fungi and viruses.
  4. Antibacterial: Rifampicin, Azithromycin (effective for chlamydial prostatitis).
  5. Immunostimulants of animal origin (based on prostate extract): “Vitaprost”, “Prostatilen”. They improve blood circulation and reduce swelling of the gland, alleviating the symptoms of urinary disorders.

Rectal suppositories for prostatitis

  1. Phytosuppositories: with pumpkin seed oil, “Gemo-pro”, “Bioprost”, “Cocoa-phytosuppositories”.
  2. On beekeeping products: “Prostopin”, “Propolis DN”, “Phyto-propolis”. They reduce inflammation and have a pronounced antibacterial and immunomodulatory effect.
  3. With ichthyol (a substance obtained from oil shale). Effective against yeast fungi, staphylococcus, streptococcus. They have an analgesic effect and dilate blood vessels.
  4. With enzymes: Longidase. Stimulate tissue restoration at the cellular level.

Suppositories made from natural raw materials are used as a component of auxiliary therapy for prostatitis in parallel with antibacterial drugs. Rectal suppositories enhance their effectiveness and help restore damaged gland tissue.

Ancillary drugs

To facilitate urination in case of prostatitis, alpha-blockers (Omnik, Gentamicin) and antispasmodics (No-Shpa) , which relax smooth muscles and relieve spasms. Elderly men may be prescribed hormonal drugs to reduce the activity of androgens and prevent the proliferation of prostate tissue (Flutamide, Androkur).

To treat chronic prostatitis, many urologists prescribe injections of the drug "Prostacor", which contains the same substance as the "Prostatilen" suppositories - an extract of the prostate of cattle. The product effectively relieves swelling of the gland, tones the bladder, and prevents thrombosis of the pelvic veins.

Immunomodulatory drugs of animal origin include the drug “ASD-2” (biogenic antiseptic-Dorogov stimulant). It is not officially recognized as a medicinal product. For prostatitis, it is used to enhance the immune response of the entire body (prostate extract acts selectively - specifically on the gland).

Treatment of prostatitis: effective methods at homeASD fraction 2 in the form of candles is sold at a price of about 350 rubles

Blood-thinning and anti-inflammatory dietary supplements play a positive role in the treatment of prostatitis:

  1. Based on pumpkin oil: “Tykveol”, “Peponen”, “Prostamed”.
  2. With sabal palm fruit extract: “Prostamol Uno”, “Prostaplant”.
  3. With beekeeping products: “Cernilton”, “Adenoprostal”.

The degree of effectiveness of these drugs for prostatitis depends on the characteristics of the body. They help some men literally in a week, while others do not feel any results.

Which drugs for the treatment of prostatitis are suitable for you?


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