
What diseases require consultation with an osteopath?

Osteopathy is a branch of alternative medicine in which distortion of the structural and anatomical connections between different parts of the body and organs is considered as a factor causing diseases. This phenomenon is usually referred to as osteopathic dysfunction.

Specialists who use similar techniques in their medical practice are called osteopaths.

What diseases require consultation with an osteopath?

This area of ​​healing was formed more than 130 years ago in the USA, when surgeon E.T. Still founded the osteopathic school and outlined the principles of osteopathy. It came to Russia in the 80s of the last century. The osteopathic method of treatment was officially recognized after approval by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on October 27, 2003.

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What is the essence of osteopathy?

  • At the dawn of its development, osteopathy opposed traditional medicine of that time, denying its methods, in particular the use of drugs.
  • Today, there remains an ambiguous attitude towards osteopathy; opinions differ regarding the effectiveness of the techniques used.
  • Most of the therapeutic tools practiced by osteopaths are based on the concept of fascial release.

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This tissue surrounds the muscles, ligaments, joints, ligaments, blood vessels, and human organs as a kind of case. At the same time, all the fascia of the body communicate with each other, thus forming a single complex.

What diseases require consultation with an osteopath?

In osteopathy, fascia is considered as a system that encloses various components of the human body.

According to osteopaths, fascia has bioenergetic potential and can contract and relax. When a traumatic effect occurs, a tension area is formed inside it, and all surrounding organs and tissues react to it. Up to a certain point, the body compensates for this condition, but there comes a time when the defense mechanisms fail and the person becomes ill.

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Directions of osteopathy

  • Structural , in charge of musculoskeletal ailments. This includes working with muscles, joints and ligaments to restore their functions.
  • Visceral , aimed at getting rid of pathologies of internal organs and normalizing metabolic processes.
  • Craniosacral , regulating the functionality of the meninges, the relationship of the skeletal systems of the human skull, pelvis and spine.

What diseases require consultation with an osteopath?

Today, new sections are being actively studied and introduced in osteopathy:

  • Posturology, which studies techniques for restoring bodily balance.
  • The bodily-emotional direction, the goal of which is to get rid of psycho-emotional stress, minimize the consequences of various stresses and traumas by removing fixations on negative facts.
  • Biodynamic direction, including restoration of cellular potential.

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Osteopath and chiropractor: what is the difference

Both specialists use their own hands in treating patients, and this coincidence often gives reason to believe that these are two different names for the same medical specialty.

What diseases require consultation with an osteopath?

In fact, this fact ends the similarities between osteopathy and manual therapy.

In the first case, the emphasis is on treating not local foci of the disease, but the entire body as a single system, and gentle effects on ligaments, muscles, ligaments, fascial cavities, as well as relaxation are used as therapeutic methods. The chiropractor applies mechanical action to the bones and joints.

Osteopathy has no age restrictions for use, while manual therapy is not recommended for older people and children.

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What does an osteopath treat?

The branch of medicine under consideration is based on the comprehensive healing of the whole organism, therefore osteopathic methods of treatment are very widely used.

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What diseases require consultation with an osteopath?

  • Pain in the back associated with osteochondrosis, protrusion and hernia of the spine, including myofascial pain syndromes of vertebral osteochondrosis: pain in the limbs, occipital headache, etc.
  • Neuroses, chronic fatigue, sleep disorders.
  • A variety of headaches, including the consequences of skull injuries.
  • Meteor dependence
  • Chronic joint diseases.
  • Sports injuries.
  • Gynecological ailments: uterine fibroids, menstrual irregularities, adverse effects during menopause.
  • Frequently recurring colds, hearing and smell disorders.
  • Functional pathologies of the digestive system.
  • Sexual dysfunctions.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Pathologies of the urinary system.
  • Consequences of various surgical interventions.
  • Blood pressure disorders, vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Problems during pregnancy (pain in the back, swelling of the limbs, psycho-emotional disorders, increased tone of the uterus, during prenatal preparation).

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Pediatric osteopathy

Experts in the field of osteopathy claim that many children at birth receive a birth injury (upper spinal region, skull, sacrum).

A baby born by cesarean section is subject to a sharp drop in intracranial pressure immediately after removal from the uterine cavity.

In both the first and second cases, osteopaths offer their own methods for correcting birth defects in children.

What diseases require consultation with an osteopath? to contents ^

When should you contact a pediatric osteopath?

  1. Osteopathic doctors argue that the first visit to a specialist in this field should occur immediately after birth, even if there are no obvious reasons for this: it happens that during the birth process the baby receives microtraumas that are invisible to the eye.

  2. According to experts in this field of medicine, the help of an osteopath immediately after discharge from the maternity ward is required if there was a caesarean section or the use of forceps during natural childbirth.
  3. In addition, the following conditions may be a reason to contact an osteopath.

  • The baby cries a lot for no apparent reason, has difficulty falling asleep, needs constant rocking, and from time to time he shudders convulsively and tenses.
  • The newborn has asymmetry of the face or head.
  • The baby has difficulty swallowing, sucks poorly, and burps frequently and profusely.
  • There are problems in the baby's behavior: excessive excitability or, conversely, lethargy and drowsiness.
  • An older child is susceptible to frequent respiratory illnesses, is ill for a long time, with relapses and complications.
  • Violation of posture is visually noted.
  • The child often complains of headaches, gets tired quickly, and is constantly in an excited state.
  • There were injuries, particularly head impacts.

The sooner osteopathic treatment is started, the greater the results that can be achieved.

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What does an osteopath treat in children?

  • Consequences of various birth injuries, including conditions after cesarean section.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Developmental delay.
  • Severe behavioral deviations that are difficult to correct.
  • Frequently recurring colds.
  • Autism.
  • Stuttering.
  • Neurosis-like conditions, enuresis.
  • Difficulties associated with learning, deterioration of attention and memory.
  • Posture disorders.

What diseases require consultation with an osteopath?

Visits to a pediatric osteopath are not an alternative to consulting a pediatrician. Osteopathic therapy only complements pediatric observation.

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Contraindications to the use of osteopathy

In some situations, contacting this doctor is not advisable: the patient requires the help of other specialists.

  • Acute ailments of the brain and spinal cord, including disorders of cerebral and spinal circulation, inflammatory diseases (meningitis).
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Infectious processes.
  • Active tuberculosis.
  • Acute heart attack and stroke.
  • Circulatory disorders, systemic blood diseases, bleeding.
  • Acute mental disorders.

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Appointment with an osteopath

For your first consultation with this doctor, you should take data from previous examinations: results of ultrasound, laboratory tests, x-rays, etc.

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An appointment with an osteopath begins with a confidential conversation. The specialist finds out what worries the patient, when it appeared and how it manifests itself, what treatment was used.

Next comes a medical examination, which is also the basis for diagnosis. It includes a variety of testing methods.

What diseases require consultation with an osteopath?

  • Active tests. Under the supervision of a doctor, the patient bends, flexes, extends, and twists.
  • Passive tests. The specialist makes movements in the patient’s joints without his participation.
  • Axial load tests. The doctor applies controlled pressure along the central spinal axis, placing his hand on the patient’s head. Sometimes this test is performed in a lying position, with pressure on the legs.
  • Tension tests are techniques that allow you to evaluate how elastic the muscles, spine, joints, and fascia are, thus determining the area of ​​osteopathic damage.
  • Fascial tension testing. The doctor, by laying hands on the patient’s body, controlling the pressure, determines the presence of fascial tension in the direction of the localization of the pathology.

This type of diagnosis is defined as one of the most accurate in osteopathy; it requires the doctor to have high hand sensitivity and serious work experience.

  • Determination of craniosacral rhythm. The method is based on the statement of osteopaths about the micromobility of the bones of the human skull. With each release of intracerebral fluid that occurs in the ventricles of the brain, the cranium expands somewhat, and the same thing happens with the fascia of the body. When this substance is absorbed, the reverse process occurs - compression. This is the craniosacral rhythm, which is distorted in osteopathic lesions, and this is determined by an osteopath during diagnosis.

After conducting tests and determining which areas of the patient’s body require correction, the doctor begins treatment.

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How an osteopath works: therapeutic methods

This specialist's arsenal includes a variety of therapeutic techniques.

What diseases require consultation with an osteopath?

  • Mobilization and articulation methods , during which the specialist makes rhythmic movements in the patient’s joints. Gradually, the periarticular muscles relax, the tension disappears, and the problem area returns to its original state.
  • Muscle-energy methods that are similar to manual therapy techniques. The doctor acts on the muscles that surround the problem joint. A combination of periods of muscle relaxation and tension is used.
  • Musculofascial techniques , as a result of which pathological tissue tension is removed and organs return to their normal functions.
  • Biodynamic fluid techniques . Osteopathy is based on the postulate that liquid tissues carry information throughout the body, thus uniting all systems. Using these techniques, the doctor interacts with the patient’s body fluids and normalizes their movement.

The activities of osteopathic doctors are described in this video:

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How to behave after an appointment with an osteopath: recommendations from specialists

Immediately after the treatment session, doctors do not advise driving a car, but wait at least a quarter of an hour. It is advisable to take a leisurely walk along the street.

In the first 2-3 days after the procedures, increased physical activity (workouts in a fitness club, swimming pool, heavy housework and gardening) will be inappropriate. High emotional stress should be avoided.

In the days following a visit to an osteopath, massage sessions and other methods of treatment based on bodily influence are not recommended.

Experts strongly recommend keeping a diary of observations of your condition so that at subsequent osteopathic sessions the doctor can accurately track the dynamics of treatment.

Today osteopathy is actively developing, the number of its supporters is increasing. Contacting an osteopathic doctor will allow you to adjust the general condition of the body towards better health. However, it should be remembered that osteopathic treatment methods are not a panacea and cannot completely replace observation by specialists in other medical fields.

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How many osteopathy sessions are needed for full recovery?

How many osteopathy sessions are needed?

How many times do you need to go to an osteopath to correct the problem? In about 1-3 visits, the main complaints disappear. Repeated visits eliminate compensations of the nervous system - the so-called “bad habit” of the body to get sick.


What diseases require consultation with an osteopath?A specific specialist can tell you how many times you need to go to an osteopath only after reviewing your medical history, visual and palpation diagnostics.

Treatment with an osteopath: how many sessions are needed?

Osteopathy is a branch of medicine that deals with restoring the function and relationships of the entire body. Disruption of the structural balances and physiological relationships of organs, fascia, muscles, bones, nerves and blood vessels leads to a problem that gives rise to pain - the main complaint of the patient. The doctor is trained to diagnose and treat with his hands, by palpation.

Features of treatment in osteopathy

Osteopathy improves the patient’s condition in a wide range of diseases, and not just in pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Any professional is required to give an approximate number of sessions required for a particular condition. But in osteopathy this is difficult, because each organism is unique.

Features of osteopathic treatment differ from appointments with other medical professionals:

  • you need to touch the body to talk about its condition;
  • the cause of the disease is determined by palpation;
  • it is impossible to say in advance how the body responds to treatment;
  • the whole body is subject to restructuring (the cause may be in the foot, and the pain in the neck);
  • there are complaints that patients do not remember;
  • affects the emotional state of a person, stress.

The osteopath decides what exactly to do with the patient after listening to the body.

During the consultation, the osteopath forms the first idea about the problem and the work necessary to improve well-being. A specialist can tell you approximately how many osteopathy sessions an adult or child needs. Usually the first appointment turns out to be more than what actually happens. The duration of repeated sessions is usually shorter.

The first visit to an osteopath is a consultation. The doctor asks many questions about your medical history and other conditions related to the problem. A physical examination is required. The patient is asked to perform various joint movements to assess ease and range of motion. Structures are palpated for tenderness and stiffness.

Many osteopaths successfully treat recent and acute injury in just 1-3 sessions. Old diseases and chronic pain take longer to correct because the body has made many compensations for the lost function. On average, it takes 5-6 sessions to see a positive result.

Frequency of osteopathic sessions

The question of how often to visit an osteopath is related to relapses of the problem. Patients accustomed to massage therapists are determined to complete a course of ten sessions and forget about pain for a specific period.

What diseases require consultation with an osteopath?Typically massages are scheduled twice a year.

Osteopathy works differently. The goal is to find the original dysfunction that led to the structural and functional limitation. For example, an injury caused muscle ischemia and changed the position of the bones of the lower limb, pelvis, and organs.

Dysfunction can go up to the cervical region and skull, leading to headaches. Birth injuries, starting in the back of the head, can manifest themselves as digestive disorders, scoliosis, and lower back pain. Over the years of life, the initial problems “overgrow” with compensations.

Their number and effect on the body determines how many times you need to attend sessions.

Primary dysfunction is detected and corrected at the first meetings. The osteopath then looks at how the nervous system adapts to function without the previous limitation. In the following sessions, the osteopath eliminates compensatory changes in muscles, ligaments, vertebrae and joints.

How often can you go to an osteopath after correction? Some adaptations of the nervous system are stable because they are ingrained into postural habits.

The patient is accustomed to crossing his legs, sitting, bending over or turning to one side, supporting his head with his hand, looking for support for his elbow.

Therefore, after correction, the patient often requires periodic maintenance procedures to help the body adapt and relieve decompensation.

Almost all osteopaths recommend various exercises to strengthen previously weakened muscles in order to improve posture.

Periodic treatment helps optimize ongoing recovery and protects the results achieved during the initial therapy.

Depending on the problem, patients may be advised to undergo repeat treatments every 3-6 months. Not every person takes this approach. Some return only if the pain returns.

Do I need to see an osteopath again?

Treatment is a joint process, the interaction of the patient and the doctor not against the disease, but to maintain health. During the session, the osteopath shows the nervous system a path without pain and dysfunction.

The therapeutic effect consists of releasing structures - not only bones, but also the membranes and ligaments of organs, arteries, and nerve nodes.

In fact, osteopathy “resets” the errors of the nervous system over a certain period of life.

Therefore, the complaints of one adult go away faster than those of another with a similar problem - for example, an intervertebral hernia. It is necessary to take into account many factors: age, general health, psycho-emotional status. Most patients should experience noticeable improvements after 2-3 sessions.

Errors accumulate as a result of life: after infections, food poisoning, stress, injuries. Therefore, the body can return to a pattern of “dysfunction”, which again manifests itself as pain. Then the patient can go to an osteopath for correction, which is carried out much faster, since the main dysfunction was corrected during the first visits.

How often should you visit an osteopath? Usually the specialist gives an approximate time frame for correction, based on the volume of corrected and unchanged (organ) lesions. For chronic diseases, one session per month is prescribed, for emotional stress - as fatigue accumulates. To maintain a healthy course of the nervous system, it is enough to go to a session once every six months.

What to do between sessions?

The path to health must be supported by the patient. Research shows that people who commit to rehabilitation in addition to osteopathic treatment experience several benefits:

  • speedy recovery;
  • more lasting result.

What diseases require consultation with an osteopath?The patient must understand that if the previous lifestyle led to pain, then if it persists, relapses are possible.

Disturbances in organs, joints, and dura mater manifest themselves through muscle spasms and ligament injuries—arthrosis. Arthritis appears with metabolic disorders associated with the function of the gastrointestinal tract. However, external manifestations and complaints are associated precisely with the reaction of the muscular system united by the fascia.

It is important for the patient to perform the exercises recommended by the doctor to strengthen the muscles. An osteopath pays attention to proper breathing, which is important for the health of the lumbar and cervical spine. Some recommendations may relate to nutrition.

The function of the muscles and the condition of the vertebrae largely depends on the condition of the duodenum, liver, pancreas, and parts of the colon.

Sometimes an osteopath will prescribe vitamins and minerals or ask you to limit the consumption of a particular food or alcohol.

How often can you visit an osteopath? After injuries, severe stress, infectious diseases, excessive physical and work stress, and alcohol consumption, each patient can, if desired, eliminate the influence of negative factors on the body.

Working with newborns and children

The baby and his body are deeply respected by osteopaths as the standard of a nervous system that is not influenced by lifestyle factors.

Difficult labor and gestation, cesarean section, rapid labor, breech presentation, entanglement of the umbilical cord are conditions that create the preconditions for further dysfunction.

The baby's skull undergoes deformation as it passes through the birth canal.

The baby also experiences stress associated with entering the world outside the walls of the mother’s womb, a poor psychological climate in the family, lack of breastfeeding, and illness.

Problems associated with birth trauma manifest themselves as restless sleep, colic, and poor weight gain. Generic dysfunctions should be corrected before the age of one year.

Otherwise, problems caused by compression of the skull bones can lead to delayed speech development (SDD), scoliosis, and early gastritis.

An osteopath examines children at one month of age. Depending on the degree of damage, he prescribes 1-3 doses up to one year of age at different periods of development. When does a child begin to crawl, walk, and talk? An osteopath eliminates problems of the jaw, nerves that support the tongue and eyes, making it easier to learn new skills.

Craniosacral therapy helps eliminate primary problems. How many osteopathy sessions are needed for a child? If the initial complaints cease to bother you, it is enough to undergo correction twice a year. Sometimes the problem is solved in one visit.

Further sessions are carried out as new factors and other postural problems are exposed.


Osteopathy works with the problems and complaints of each patient individually. The number of sessions depends on age, accumulated dysfunctions, lifestyle and the ability of the nervous system to adapt. The main symptoms go away in 2-3 sessions, and additional treatment is required no more than once every 3-6 months.


What is included in an osteopathic treatment?

Having decided to visit an osteopath, patients usually begin to wonder what is included in an osteopathic appointment. The first visit can be very exciting for the patient, but an experienced doctor will do everything to ensure that the session takes place in the most comfortable atmosphere.

No special preparation is required to visit an osteopath. If you have the results of previous examinations (X-rays, ultrasound, CT, MRI, laboratory tests, etc.), be sure to take them with you. All this data will help the osteopathic doctor make an accurate diagnosis and choose the optimal method of treatment in your particular case.

What diseases require consultation with an osteopath?

An appointment with an osteopath begins with a detailed conversation, during which the patient discusses his complaints with the doctor, specifying the time and sequence of their occurrence. The more detailed your answers to the osteopath’s questions, the more complete the picture he will be able to draw about your disease.

The next stage of an appointment with an osteopath is an examination. In order to diagnose any disorder, the doctor uses a number of different tests:

  • active tests - the specialist will ask you to perform bending, bending, extension, twisting and other movements to assess the degree of mobility of the spine and muscle tension;
  • passive tests - the doctor himself performs certain movements in the patient’s joints while he is in a relaxed state;
  • axial load tests - the osteopath places his hand on the patient's head and presses along the central spinal axis to assess the stability of the entire bodily system;
  • stretch tests - during such tests, the patient lies on his back, and the doctor performs traction on the head or legs, assessing the elasticity of muscles and bone structures;
  • Fascial tension tests are one of the most significant diagnostic techniques, in which the doctor places his hands on the patient’s body in a certain significant area and palpates, adjusting the pressure;
  • craniosacral rhythm tests in the skull and various parts of the body
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After osteopathic diagnosis, the doctor determines the optimal treatment tactics. In osteopathy, there are a huge number of techniques that can be used to eliminate one or another dysfunction. An individual approach is the basic principle of osteopathic treatment, ensuring its high effectiveness.

Having completed the necessary manipulations, the osteopath will ask the patient not to get up abruptly from the couch, but to lie down for a few minutes. This is important so that the body can adapt to the restructuring that has occurred in it. To assess the effectiveness of the treatment, the doctor may perform several other simple tests. After this, the patient is prepared to rise.

  • At the end of the session, the specialist will give all the necessary recommendations and set the time for the next appointment, if necessary.
  • You can make an appointment with OSTEOPATH EVDOKIMOV in Moscow by phone. +7(499)390-29-66

What diseases require consultation with an osteopath?


Osteopathic doctor: who is he, what does he treat?

An osteopath is a master of palpation, a person who can distinguish with his hands even small changes in the condition of fascia, muscles, joints, bones, determines their effect on other organs of the body and is able to carry out successful treatment, also relying only on the capabilities of his hands.

What does an osteopathic doctor do during an appointment? First, the specialist discusses in detail with the patient what specific health problems are troubling him, how long the discomfort and pain last, when the discomfort first appeared; clarifies the presence of contraindications to treatment with this technique.

Then a detailed inspection begins. Osteopathy is famous for its large number of different diagnostic techniques, which are divided into the following types:

  • active tests - at the request of the doctor, the patient bends, bends or straightens various parts of the body; in this case, the osteopath manually assesses the degree of muscle tension or mobility of elements of the musculoskeletal system;
  • passive tests - the doctor himself carries out movements in the joints, while the patient is completely relaxed and does not take active part - this technique allows you to assess the range of movements, plasticity, elasticity;
  • stretch tests - to identify the elasticity of muscles, ligaments, spine, areas of spasm, the osteopath performs light traction on a certain area of ​​the body;
  • axial load tests help assess the body’s attitude to external load and compensatory capabilities;
  • fascial tension test - the doctor palpates various areas of the body, determining the condition of organs, tissues, blood vessels and nerve trunks.

This kind of manipulation requires a specialist to have high finger sensitivity and work experience.

What does an osteopath do after diagnosis? After thorough testing, the doctor begins treatment.

What diseases require consultation with an osteopath?

What diseases does an osteopath treat?

What diseases does an osteopath treat? An osteopathic doctor eliminates the following problems:

  • disorders of lymph and blood circulation - stagnation, swelling, lymphostasis;
  • muscle spasm and tension;
  • metabolic disorders, including hormones;
  • functional deviations;
  • displacement of organs, bone structures;
  • changes in the spinal column, nervous system.

All these disorders are the underlying cause of most common diseases in the modern world. By eliminating these deviations, the osteopath successfully treats the following pathologies:

  • respiratory diseases - frequent bronchitis, acute respiratory infections, bronchial asthma;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system - arthritis, arthrosis, scoliosis, osteochondrosis;
  • neurological problems: neuralgia, radiculopathy, headaches;
  • ENT diseases: chronic sinusitis, otitis;
  • diseases of internal organs: cholecystitis, pancreatitis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • for women: treatment of algomenorrhea, infertility, cycle disorders;
  • for men: prostatitis, impotence, prostate adenoma.

In addition, the osteopath is responsible for birth injuries, other childhood pathologies, back pain during pregnancy, recovery after childbirth, postoperative adhesions, contractures, post-traumatic situations, rehabilitation after an accident.

Patients often ask the question: does an osteopath treat scars? Of course, even a doctor of this class is unlikely to completely eliminate a scar on the skin - there are special absorbable ointments and cosmetic products for this.

But any scar affects the general condition of the body, disrupting the reflexogenic zones through which it runs. And the osteopath is able to eliminate the negative impact of scar changes in this case, restoring blood flow and innervation.

What does an osteopath treat in children?

It is much more difficult to treat young patients using conventional methods than adults - many drugs are contraindicated for them, any intervention in the body should be as gentle and safe as possible. Therefore, osteopathy, famous for its manual practices, is especially indicated in the case of children - the doctor’s manipulations are distinguished by caution and a certain ease.

What does a pediatric osteopath do, and what pathologies can he help with?

  1. Hyperactivity and all related problems.
  2. Child development delay (CHD, ZPRD).
  3. Meteosensitivity.
  4. Headache.
  5. Congenital and acquired changes in the spinal axis (scoliosis, other postural disorders, torticollis, subluxations of the cervical vertebrae), as well as dislocations in the shoulder girdle.
  6. Hip dysplasia.
  7. Sleep disorders, enuresis, epileptic syndrome, other neurological problems.
  8. Decreased immunity (“frequently ill child”).
  9. Visual impairment.
  10. Autism.
  11. Dysfunction of the digestive system, dysbacteriosis.

What diseases require consultation with an osteopath?

Osteopathic treatment is painless and mild and can be used in the first months after birth. Practice shows that this direction gives very significant results in the treatment of childhood pathologies, especially in the treatment of postpartum injuries.

What does an osteopath treat in adults?

The list of main diseases for which you can contact an osteopath has already been listed above. It is worth adding to this list:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD);
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • neuroses, sleep problems (insomnia, nightmares);
  • emotional instability;
  • chronic cerebrovascular accidents;
  • dyskinesia of the digestive tract;
  • internal tension.

Many may argue, how can an osteopath eliminate disorders that sometimes have a psychological basis? The human body is a single whole, and the basis for overwork or sleep disturbances, depression is often a banal disturbance of blood flow, due to which the brain experiences oxygen starvation.

An ordinary muscle spasm can cause serious discomfort without even manifesting itself outwardly; it also happens that the patient does not even suspect the presence of tension. By eliminating the cause of the disease, the osteopathic doctor thereby allows all organs and systems to function as fully as possible.

How an osteopath treats: video

In order to find out what manipulations an osteopath performs in practice and how the appointment takes place, it is not necessary to immediately make an appointment. If you are interested in what an osteopath does during an appointment, you can watch a video about it below.

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What is osteopathy, how does a session work and what diseases does an osteopath treat?

We are faced with an incorrect formulation - “Manual osteopathy treats osteochondrosis.” In practice, manual therapeutic effects and osteopathic techniques are two completely different approaches to human health: an osteopathic doctor treats not a specific disease, but the human body as a whole.

What is osteopathy? The main law of osteopathy is the unified interconnection of all organs of the human body. If a problematic organ slows down, all body systems are involved in compensating for its work, causing pain symptoms, inflammation and other dysfunctions.

How osteopathy works, types of osteopathy

An osteopathic doctor does not need a scalpel, dropper or pills to treat Its goal is to restore blood flow and biomechanics of the body, without the use of pharmacological components. Using palpation, the osteopath finds problem areas where the craniosacral rhythm is disturbed, and in a couple of sessions restores lost health.

Osteopathy is a highly effective type of treatment for a huge range of diseases, aimed at treating, diagnosing and rehabilitating dysfunctions and pathological diseases of the patient’s musculoskeletal system and visceral organs, excluding the use of any pharmacological drugs.

The main reasons contributing to the patient’s choice of osteopathy are that the technique uses more than one and a half thousand techniques in treatment, differing:

  • high precision efficiency;
  • safety of use during treatment;
  • impossibility of complications;
  • absence of pain symptoms;
  • application of techniques from the birth of the “patient” to old age.

An osteopath relieves pain, diagnoses and cures identified dysfunctions, even chronic ones, and also launches the restorative mechanisms of the immune system.

Two or three sessions of osteopathy will radically improve the patient’s health, restore normal lymph circulation, normalize blood flow, and rehabilitate damaged tissues.

The author of the book “Tissue Approach to Osteopathy,” Pierre Tricot convinces the reader that the coordinated work of the body’s systems makes it possible to achieve a standard of living that goes beyond the boundaries of the body. In other words, dysfunction of tissues and organs signal problems in the body, the main cause of which lies both in the consciousness of the bodily shell and in the spiritual consciousness of a person.

And the work “Trigger points and muscle chains in osteopathy” talks about an actually osteopathic model of myofascial unity, including the nervous and myofascial systems.

Types of osteopathy

Osteopathy is divided into several areas :

  1. Craniosacral (CST, cranial) osteopathy . Direction based on gentle manipulation of the bone tissues of the coccygeal bone, skull and spine.
  2. Visceral osteopathy . Methods of visceral osteopathy allow you to work with the visceral components and systems of the body, relieving it of adhesions, clamps, and displacement of internal organs.
  3. Structural osteopathy . This technique contains CST techniques, but its scope of action also includes the rest of the musculoskeletal tissues of the human body.
  4. Sacral osteopathy . Eliminates dysfunctions associated with stabilizing body position. This is loss of balance and other related dysfunctions.
  5. Aesthetic osteopathy . Osteopathic cosmetology, correcting skin problems, normalizing the tone of muscle tissue.
  6. Energetic osteopathy . Combining the methods of alternative Chinese medicine with classical osteopathy.

How does an osteopathy session work?

Treatment by an osteopath involves the following scheme. A request for treatment of a diseased organ, diagnostics with the collection of data, including the results of studies (CT, MRI, ultrasound), health complaints, examination of the patient with further palpation.

session is often compared to a massage. The patient is placed on a massage table, sometimes exposing the area of ​​the body where the doctor’s work is needed. Palpation is absolutely painless, unlike massage procedures; a person does not experience pain, abnormal pressure or body weight of the doctor.

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The main areas affected are the bones of the skull, correction of the cervical spine, the diaphragm - the most important component of the impeccable functioning of the heart and lungs, the pelvic bones - the foundation for the spine, the abdominal organs, the knees - the most vulnerable part of the psychosomatic influence and the feet, which receive various types of movement in space.

The duration of the session ranges from 35 minutes to an hour. The number of sessions is individual for each patient and depends on the state of health and its diagnosis.

Often, only 1 session is needed to relieve the symptoms of the disease, but in particularly advanced cases it can take about 10. Pain and discomfort during the disease will decrease after 1 session.

Recommended frequency of sessions is once every 5-7 days.

What diseases does an osteopath treat?

How osteopathy works and what it treats is the main question that patients ask. Osteopathy is indicated for adults and children with the following diseases:

  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (musculoskeletal system);
  • VSD diseases (vegetative-vascular dystonia);
  • sleep problems;
  • neurosis;
  • gynecological dysfunctions;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • slow intellectual development;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • pain symptoms of trigger points;
  • migraines, headaches;
  • instability or balance problems;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • pain in joints and musculoskeletal tissues;
  • coxarthrosis, scoliosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis;
  • post-traumatic, post-operative recovery and rehabilitation;
  • endometriosis, hemorrhoids, cystitis, enuresis, constipation;
  • inflammation of fascial tissues;
  • infertility, postpartum rehabilitation;
  • epilepsy, varicose veins, sinusitis;
  • adhesive predisposition.

Osteopathy during pregnancy is a useful and absolutely safe procedure. It helps relieve swelling, relieves back pain, eliminates toxicosis, and helps to position the pelvic bones for childbirth. All of the above during pregnancy, plus uterine hypertonicity, are direct indications for visiting an osteopath.

Osteopathy methods for children

Osteopathy is also widely used in pediatrics. The basic postulates of osteopathy for children are also based on influencing the body as an integral unit, including the coherence of all systems. The following can be treated:

  • infants (~2 years);
  • children (2~6 years old);
  • teenagers (6~ years old).

What diseases require consultation with an osteopath?

The first years of a baby’s life lay the foundation for future health. Since osteopathic procedures can begin from birth, it is important to diagnose and remove birth injuries. Regardless of the natural biological birth state, almost 83% of infants have birth injuries.

Birth injuries of newborns

In practice, the following birth injuries and their consequences are encountered:

  • child hyperactivity;
  • motor problems;
  • brain dysfunctions;
  • torticollis;
  • hypertonicity;
  • delay in normal development.
  • head asymmetry;
  • weather dependence.

After a session with an osteopath, frequent crying disappears, the child’s sleep normalizes, and colic disappears. Speech dysfunctions are successfully cured and coordination of movements is built. Osteopathic treatment can be a catalyst for a child’s development ahead of their age.

The osteopath works with the baby’s central nervous system, restoring lymph flow and optimizing blood circulation. Pediatric osteopathy sessions last from 20-50 minutes at intervals of 1 week. In most cases, improvement in health is noticeable after the first session.

Contraindications to osteopathic treatment

The limitations that osteopathic treatment is subject to are contraindications to treatment. If you are not sure, you can undergo a diagnostic procedure to check for contraindications that have hidden symptoms. In practice, there are a number of conditions in which you should not contact an osteopath. These are diseases and conditions that require urgent medical or surgical attention.

Contraindications for pathologies of internal organs:

  • high blood pressure (190/110 and above);
  • severe abdominal pain with abdominal syndrome;
  • vomiting accompanied by indigestion;
  • dizziness, low blood pressure accompanied by sweating;
  • 3-4 degree of ischemic disease with swelling.

Contraindications for pathologies of the cardiovascular system:

  • obliterating symptoms of veins (severe pain, lack of arterial pulsation in the lower leg area).

Neurological contraindications:

  • cauda equina syndrome;
  • acute state of paresis;
  • sudden neck spasms;
  • acute migraine accompanied by gag reflexes.

Gynecological contraindications:

  • fainting state;
  • ovarian rupture;
  • contractions or vaginal bleeding.

Mental contraindications:

  • exacerbation of stages of mental disorder;
  • suicidal state;
  • treatment of incapacitated patients without the express consent of the guardian.

You can also add to the list recent surgical interventions, early stages of pregnancy, internal bleeding and suspected fractures.

Osteopathy is not a universal treatment tool for any disease. This is an unconventional branch of medicine, which is characterized by both a self-sufficient therapeutic approach and an integrated approach in conjunction with medical treatment, depending on the severity of the patient’s symptoms, as well as the degree of complexity of his disease.


Appointment with an osteopath

What diseases require consultation with an osteopath? An osteopathic doctor is a specialist who treats many diseases using manual osteopathic practices. Osteopathy sessions are absolutely painless and very effective for the whole body.

Osteopathic methods of diagnosis and treatment help in the correction of many diseases for patients of all ages: from newborns to adults and pensioners. Let's list the main ones:

  • Gynecological diseases (infertility, fibroids, endometriosis, inflammation of the appendages, adnexitis, menstrual irregularities, etc.)
  • Pain in the heart, headaches, dizziness as a result of pathological changes in various parts of the spine
  • Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels (arrhythmia, heart failure, varicose veins, tachycardia)
  • Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels (arrhythmia, heart failure, varicose veins, tachycardia)
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, curvature of the spine, arthrosis and arthritis)
  • Diseases of the genitourinary area (prostatitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, etc.)
  • Pathologies of the ENT organs (sinusitis, laryngitis, enlarged adenoids, etc.)
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (irritable bowel syndrome, pancreatitis, diarrhea, etc.)
  • Nervous disorders and diseases of the nervous system.

This is not a complete list of pathologies and conditions for which osteopathic treatment is indicated. Even pregnant women come to see an osteopath to ease the period of bearing their babies.

How does an appointment with an osteopath work?

The first appointment with an osteopath always begins with a thorough diagnosis. As a rule, the patient is worried about symptoms that may indicate the development of a disease in almost any organ.

For example, headache, weakness, back pain, mood swings.

In order to find out the true cause of the symptoms that appear, the osteopath examines the patient, assesses the location of the pelvis, head, neck, spinal column and limbs, checks joint mobility and muscle elasticity.

What does an osteopath do during an appointment?

After examining the patient and finding out the causes of the ailment, the specialist begins the first osteopathic appointment - a treatment session. In his work, a doctor can use more than 1000 techniques, as well as combine osteopathic methods.

Everything that an osteopathic doctor does during a session is aimed not only at treating a specific pathology, but also at restoring the entire body as a whole.

The main idea of ​​osteopathy is that the body itself is capable of self-healing; it only needs help to activate the necessary points on the body, relax the muscles and ligaments, and return the natural position of the internal organs. After the first appointment with an osteopath, patients feel better.

Children's osteopath

In many countries, studies such as an appointment with an osteopath are included in the mandatory monitoring program for babies after childbirth. During pregnancy and birth, a child can receive a number of diseases and injuries that are easier to cure during the first year of life.

The children's body is characterized by softness and plasticity, so children are most susceptible to osteopathic treatment. It is believed that it is better to visit the first osteopath during the neonatal period.

After taking an osteopath, children feel better: colic in the stomach goes away, sleep patterns improve, and tremors in the arms, legs and chin go away.

Recommendations after visiting an osteopath

After an osteopathy session, the patient may experience slight dizziness - this is normal. A manual massage performed by an osteopath improves blood supply to the brain and spinal cord and stabilizes lymph flow.

Therefore, after visiting an osteopath, you should not make sudden movements or immediately get behind the wheel. In some cases, after the first session, an exacerbation of the disease may occur - no need to worry, this is also normal. Just let your specialist know at your next appointment.

Service Duration Cost
Diagnostic consultation with an osteopath One-time 30 minutes 5,000 rub. SIGN UP
Osteopathic treatment One procedure 30 minutes 10,000 rub. SIGN UP
Osteopathic treatment course Reception + 4 procedures 30,000 rub. SIGN UP

Make an appointment


Appointment with an osteopath in Moscow. Free doctor consultation

At the Free Movement medical center, visitors have the opportunity to undergo a free consultation with an osteopath. Osteopathy is a relatively young field of medicine, which involves a gentle, painless, but effective effect on the patient’s body.

Why is a preliminary consultation necessary?

Even taking into account the fact that a good osteopath, in fact, treats not a specific organ, but the body as a whole, stimulating all its systems, before starting therapy it is necessary to draw up an individual plan for each patient.

Osteopathic effects are divided into three broad categories:

  1. Craniosacral therapy is a method of working with the cranial-sacral system that allows one to eliminate disorders and treat many diseases, ranging from headaches to mental disorders.
  2. Ventral therapy – treatment of internal organs, ligaments and muscles.

    Allows you to cope with organ prolapse, restore their normal functioning and optimize metabolism in the body.

  3. Osteopathic effects on the spine are gentle techniques for working with the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, aimed at treating a whole range of pathologies.

As a rule, already during the first appointment, the osteopathic doctor identifies the cause of the symptoms that are bothering you. But sometimes additional research may be required to accurately determine the pathology and develop the most effective treatment plan.

X-ray, MRI, computed tomography, laboratory and functional diagnostic methods - all this will allow the specialist to create a complete picture of the disease.

Examinations, which are prescribed at a preliminary consultation with an osteopath, are extremely important for choosing treatment tactics and eliminating possible contraindications.

For what symptoms do you need to make an appointment with an osteopath at our Free Movement Center?

  • sleep disorders,
  • pathologies of the digestive tract,
  • posture changes,
  • tachycardia, vegetative-vascular dystonia and other diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • prolapse of internal organs, or visceroptosis,
  • lymphostasis and lymphatic drainage disorders,
  • rehabilitation of women after childbirth.

An appointment with an osteopath, during which an individual treatment regimen will be developed, methods of intervention and the required number of treatment sessions will be determined, will be an effective start to your path to full recovery!

Make an appointment or call us at +7 (495) 505-30-40

Doctor's consultation is free. Do not self-medicate, call and we will help +7 (495) 505-30-40


What diseases require consultation with an osteopath? Link to main publication
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