Today, prostate adenoma and cancer are among the most common diseases in older men. Most patients seek medical help only when the clinical picture becomes maximally pronounced and the pathological changes in the prostate gland are irreversible.
To prevent the development of a benign or malignant tumor in the prostate, it is important to seek help at the first symptoms
The lack of specific knowledge often leads the patient to incorrect conclusions regarding his own condition and denial of the possibility of developing cancer.
The treatment process in the later stages of any illness is not only long, but also involves many unpleasant and sometimes painful procedures. That is why it is important to contact a specialist as soon as the first warning signs appear.
In this case, the likelihood of successful recovery is maximum.
General clinical picture
According to modern statistics, the majority of representatives of the stronger half of humanity deny the possibility of developing any urological disease, even if the clinical picture of the disease is clearly expressed.
This is partly due to fear of treatment, and often the reason for this is the elementary delicacy of the problem.
That is why the vast majority of patients see a specialist only when the disease is in the “blooming rose” stage and requires long and persistent treatment.
It is important to learn to promptly recognize the signs of any ailment and consult a doctor even if minor unpleasant symptoms appear. Only such a measure will protect the patient from the use of radical methods of treatment, and will eliminate the pathology through a minimum set of therapeutic measures.
The development of prostate cancer or adenoma leads to erection problems
Despite the fact that adenoma and prostate cancer have different pathogenesis, etiology and clinical picture, some symptoms of the disease are partly similar. As a rule, this similarity appears only in the early stages of development. Among the identical symptoms are the following signs:
- Difficulties of various types that arise during urination, for example, pain, burning, itching, the systematic appearance of a feeling of fullness of the bladder even after a recent visit to the toilet.
- Constant urge to urinate, occurring mainly at night and in the evening.
- Erectile disorders of various kinds, for example, weakened potency, lack of intimate desire, decreased libido.
- Painful sensations, burning, itching that occur in the groin area, thighs, and lower abdomen.
Pathologies are accompanied by pain in the groin and problems with urination
- Severe pain that occurs during the act of defecation.
- Symptoms such as deterioration in general health, fatigue, weakness, headaches, and a decrease in the body’s immune defense cannot be excluded.
Any of the above signs is a direct prerequisite for contacting a specialist. Ignoring alarming symptoms can lead to the development of complications or the disease taking an advanced form.
Symptoms of prostate adenoma
As a rule, the main signs of prostate adenoma, regardless of the stage of the disease, are almost identical to the manifestations of oncology in the early stages. These include, first of all, problems with urination, erectile disorders, as well as deterioration in general well-being.
The main and most important difference between adenomas is the course of the disease. As hyperplasia progresses, that is, pathological tissue proliferation, a benign tumor increases evenly. Against the background of these changes, a narrowing of the urinary ducts occurs, which causes the symptoms described above.
As the adenoma grows, the urinary ducts narrow and problems with urination appear.
At later stages of adenoma development, that is, as the disease progresses and the tumor grows, the patient may be bothered by the following symptoms:
- Bladder emptying is not complete. After visiting the toilet, the patient again feels a strong urge to urinate. The reason for the appearance of this symptom lies in the narrowing of the urinary canal, that is, a significant portion of urine is not released when visiting the toilet.
- In the early stages of adenoma, the patient notes the appearance of problems with urination only at night. As the disease progresses, this symptom also appears during the day, and is often accompanied by severe painful sensations.
- Severe pain during the act of defecation, pain in the anus, and lower back are also possible.
Men with adenoma experience pain when visiting the restroom
All of the above signs indicate that the disease is in the second or third stage. It is impossible to delay treatment during this period; only if you consult a doctor in a timely manner is it possible to carry out conservative therapy. At later stages, surgical intervention will be required, which is fraught with multiple complications and a long period of rehabilitation.
Symptoms of oncology
Symptoms of cancer, that is, the formation of a malignant tumor, have some similarities with the manifestations of adenoma only in the early stages. As the disease progresses and metastases grow, the symptoms take on a different character; not only local, but also general symptoms are noted. Among the most common are:
- Often, during the process of ejaculation, a man feels severe pain, in addition, it is possible that bloody streaks may appear in the sperm or the seminal fluid may turn pink. At later stages of cancer, purulent masses may be released during ejaculation.
The development of prostate cancer is accompanied by weakness and lack of appetite
- Blood in the form of streaks may also be present in the urine. In this case, the process of urination is accompanied by acute pain in the urethra and lower abdomen. Discharge of pus is also a characteristic sign.
- As the malignant tumor grows, general health deteriorates. The patient complains of the following symptoms: complete or partial lack of appetite, progressive loss of a large number of kilograms, systematically occurring dizziness, fatigue, weakness.
It is possible to distinguish an oncological disease from a benign tumor in the early stages only through appropriate diagnostic methods, which are often called biopsy. However, there are still some differences in the course of the disease.
A man with prostate cancer may lose weight rapidly
Unlike prostate adenoma, the growth of metastases and malignant tumors occurs unevenly, but outward.
Narrowing of the urinary canals and, accordingly, problems with urination may not bother the patient at all.
However, it is metastases, that is, damage to internal organs and pelvic tissues by pathogenic cells, that are the main causes of symptoms such as weight loss and deterioration in general condition.
It should be noted that malignant tumors progress at a relatively slow pace and are practically not accompanied by a negative clinical picture. This is why most men go to a medical facility only with an advanced form of the disease.
Important! The only measure to prevent prostate cancer is regular visits to the doctor and testing to detect malignant tumors. Currently, it is quite possible to completely cure a cancerous tumor in the early stages of development.
In the field of practical medicine, there is a certain classification according to which the degrees of cancer are determined. It is also permissible to apply a similar scale to such a disease as prostatic hyperplasia.
It is worth noting that in the first two stages of illness, the prognosis is almost always positive.
The combination of drug and surgical treatment makes it possible to completely eliminate benign and malignant tumors and return the patient to his normal life.
Adenoma and prostate cancer have distinctive symptoms
In the second and third stages, the forecasts are not so optimistic, especially for oncological diseases. Most often, during these periods, radical growth of metastases occurs.
Cancer cells penetrate not only the tissues of the pelvic organs, but also the bone mass.
Such pathological changes are often irreversible and are accompanied by severe pain, which can only be relieved with the help of potent medications.
As illustrative examples of the symptoms of a malignant and benign tumor, according to the stages of development, the following can be cited.
First stage of cancer
It occurs against the background of the complete absence of any symptoms.
The disease can be detected during this period only if a preventive examination is carried out or in the presence of concomitant diseases.
With prostate adenoma, the patient may feel slight discomfort, which manifests itself mainly at night, during the act of urination or during sexual intercourse.
At the initial stage, the disease can be recognized by the appearance of unpleasant symptoms at night
Second stage
It is characterized by the absence of any symptoms that bother the patient. However, during this period, during a rectal examination of the patient, for example, with concomitant diseases, a dense tumor-like growth in the prostate gland is revealed.
As a rule, the presence of this node is not accompanied by pain or discomfort; the appearance of metastases at this stage is almost completely excluded. As for prostate adenoma, during this period the prostate organ undergoes significant pathological changes, which negatively affects the patient’s condition.
The main symptom in this case: difficulty urinating.
Third stage
It is characterized by the growth of metastases into soft tissues and pelvic organs. During this period, the patient may notice a deterioration in general condition, loss of a significant number of kilograms, and the appearance of hemalymph in the urine.
As a rule, such signs appear systematically, and a temporary improvement in well-being is possible.
If the prostate gland is affected by a benign formation, the patient may feel a constant urge to urinate, pain in the groin area, and general weakness.
In the final stages, surgery is required
Fourth stage
Often entails irreversible consequences. In addition, it is practically untreatable. During this period, the tumor reaches its maximum size, metastases grow in soft tissues and bones, the patient suffers from severe pain, the general condition deteriorates significantly, and the patient loses a significant part of his total weight.
Prostate adenoma at the fourth stage is characterized by symptoms such as: bleeding in the urine or seminal fluid, impotence, lack of sexual desire, pain in the groin and pelvic area.
Treatment of prostatic hyperplasia at this stage is possible only through a combination of conservative and radical therapy, that is, surgery and the use of potent medications.
Important! It is almost impossible to completely eliminate metastases and cure cancer in the third and fourth stages, but the main symptoms of the disease appear precisely at these stages. In order to avoid irreversible consequences, it is recommended to visit a doctor for a preventive examination annually.
Tips and tricks
Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to prevent any disease, including prostate adenoma and malignancy. Often these ailments are not the result of lifestyle, but, for example, a genetic predisposition.
Any preventive measures, including giving up bad habits and unhealthy foods, maintaining a proper and healthy lifestyle, are unlikely to be effective enough.
However, strengthening the immune defense is an important point, because it is an excellent help in the process of carrying out therapeutic measures.
Regular monitoring of your health will allow you to detect the disease in time and quickly recover
The only method that will help to timely detect a benign or malignant tumor is regular preventive examinations. Do not forget that the disease in the early stages, when the treatment process gives maximum results, occurs against the background of an almost complete absence of characteristic symptoms.
The appearance of even the most minor troubling signs is a direct prerequisite for seeing a doctor. After all, as mentioned above, even minor symptoms may indicate a formation of a benign or malignant nature.
The doctor will provide additional information about prostate cancer in the video:
Prostate adenoma and prostate cancer: differences, features
The prostate is one of the main organs of the male reproductive system; a man’s reproductive capabilities depend on its condition. Very often this organ is exposed to various diseases. The most common is prostatitis, but there is also prostate adenoma and organ cancer, which are also diagnosed quite often. The main difference between adenoma and cancer is that in the first case, a benign neoplasm develops in the organ, and in the second, a malignant one. In addition, these pathologies have other differences, which will be discussed in this article.
Is prostate adenoma cancer or not?
Prostate adenoma and cancer are 2 different diseases. Many patients think that an adenoma can transform into cancer. However, doctors believe that this is not entirely true.
In 25% of cases, adenoma and cancer form simultaneously. Often, when removing an adenoma, surgeons discover oncological tumors. Typically, in such situations, cancer is at an early stage of development, so it does not spread beyond the gland. However, the tests showed no signs of cancer.
Can prostate adenoma develop into cancer? An adenoma never degenerates into cancer, but can provoke its appearance. This depends on several reasons:
- disorder of the hormonal and immune systems;
- stagnant processes in the organ;
- hereditary predisposition to cancer.
Despite the fact that an adenoma does not develop into cancer, the disease must be treated. The fact is that the risk of developing cancer always exists, although it is minimal.
In urology, there are different options for combining these two pathologies:
- the malignant neoplasm is located inside the adenomatous nodes;
- cancer affects adenoma nodes and the prostate;
- a malignant tumor is localized in the adenoma, spreading to healthy prostate tissue.
The main differences between the diseases
Prostate adenoma and prostate cancer are characterized by a non-bacterial inflammatory process and proliferation of organ tissue.
However, with cancer, healthy tissue cells begin to degenerate into abnormal (cancerous) cells.
Also, in oncology, cells have the ability to spread throughout the body with the flow of lymph or blood, affecting other tissues and organs. With adenoma this phenomenon is not observed.
With prostate adenoma, organ tissue grows. Upon palpation, the doctor detects an enlarged prostate, and it has a soft consistency. In oncology, the tissue is affected in smaller quantities. Upon palpation, an enlarged prostate is detected, but it will have a lumpy surface with the presence of nodes, as well as a hard consistency.
The adenoma leads to urination disorders, as it pinches the urinary canal. However, this happens gradually. The first stage of prostate adenoma can develop over a long period of time, for example, from 1 to 12 years, while the disease can be asymptomatic. At the second stage of development, difficulties with emptying the bladder are observed.
At the third stage, urinary incontinence develops at night and pain appears. The last stage of development is characterized by acute urine retention, which can cause dangerous consequences and even death. Therefore, it is important to carry out complex treatment using medications or surgery.
After a course of therapy and a period of rehabilitation, a man’s reproductive function is preserved.
Prostate cancer
Cancer progresses faster. The tumor can grow for about four years until the disease reaches its final stage. The neoplasm spreads to tissues and organs that are nearby, and metastases can penetrate even to distant places.
At the first stage, cancer cannot be determined either by palpation or ultrasound. Only a biopsy can reveal pathology. In the second stage, one half of the organ is most often affected, but it is possible that the disease will affect the entire prostate.
The third stage is characterized by tumor growth beyond the capsule; the disease may involve the seminal vesicles. The fourth stage is characterized by the spread of the cancer to other organs.
In this case, metastases penetrate even the most distant parts of the body.
In order to prescribe adequate treatment, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis. When diagnosing the disease, the doctor prescribes a test to determine the PSA level . With adenoma, its value should be in the range of 2.5 – 3.5 ng/ml, which is normal.
If it exceeds these indicators, then additional research is prescribed to make an accurate diagnosis. This could be, for example, a biopsy with further histological examination of the biological material taken. The results of histological examination accurately show the nature of the tumor and its structure.
Prostate ultrasound, MRI and CT may also be used during the examination .
Treatment tactics depend on which diagnosis is confirmed.
When a cancerous tumor forms inside the prostate in the early stages, a radical prostatectomy is performed. If surgery is not possible, brachytherapy is used. In the second and third stages of cancer, hormone therapy and chemotherapy are used. At the last stage of development of the pathology, operations are not performed, and the person dies within several years.
For prostate adenoma, a complex of medications is usually prescribed. Surgery is performed only in 10% of cases. Treatment usually leads to complete recovery.
Thus, adenoma and prostate cancer are two different pathologies that have different origins and similar signs of development. Adenoma rarely leads to death. With effective treatment of this disease, all processes in the body are restored, and the person continues to live a full life.
A cancerous tumor can metastasize and spread to different organs and tissues. Its symptoms are rapidly increasing, and at the last stage of development of the pathology, a person can expect death.
When the first signs of disease appear, you should immediately consult a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis. You cannot self-medicate and trigger the disease.
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What is the difference between adenoma and prostate cancer?
Prostate adenoma and cancer are common diseases of the genitourinary system in men over 40 years of age. In both diagnoses, the prostate is affected, however, the etiology of the diseases is different.
Males often worry whether prostate adenoma can develop into cancer? These worries are groundless, since adenoma means a benign growth of tissue, and with cancer, neoplasms of a malignant form occur.
Causes of diseases
With adenoma, the tissue of the adenomatous glands grows, which are located around the prostatic urethra. Leads to the disease:
- alcohol abuse;
- frequent hypothermia;
- habit of postponing going to the toilet;
- age over 45 years.
It is harmful to endure the urge to urinate; you must empty your bladder as soon as possible!
Those at risk for prostate cancer are:
- smokers;
- persons who abuse alcohol;
- men with negative heredity (close relatives had cancer
- prostate gland);
- workers in hazardous industries where cadmium is used.
Dangerous factors also include:
- bad ecology;
- lack of fiber in the diet;
- an abundance of fatty foods in the daily menu;
- age over 60 years.
Adenoma and prostate cancer have only one link: an increased amount of testosterone in the blood. The higher the hormone content in a man’s body, the higher the risk of these diseases.
The signs of the two diseases are largely similar, and the tumor can occur against the background of an existing adenoma. However, it is a mistake to say that one disease has developed into another.
The difference between prostate cancer and prostate adenoma is that the oncology occurs unnoticed by the patient who is busy treating benign growths.
Also, an adenoma can become the first step to cancer if it is not treated in time.
Adenoma is characterized by:
- Disorder and increased frequency of urination. The symptom cannot be called constant and precise, since its manifestation depends on the direction in which the prostate gland enlarges. If the tissue grows towards the urethra and bladder, then signs will appear early. When directed to the lateral lobes, urination is not impaired, despite the significant increase in size of the adenoma.
- Immediately after the urge, a man experiences an urgent need to empty his bladder.
- When urinating, a small volume of urine is released, and the pressure of the stream decreases.
- The urge to urinate increases as night goes on.
- The appearance of spontaneous urination.
If, with difficulty urinating, there is fever, pain and discharge from the urethra, the development of prostatitis can be suspected.
The symptoms of prostate cancer are similar to prostate adenoma, but there are differences:
- Frequent urination (especially at night).
- Urination is accompanied by a low stream pressure and a burning sensation.
- There is blood in the urine.
- There may be a prolonged absence of urination, despite the urge.
- Pain in the sacrum and pelvis area, radiating deeper. If the pain spreads to the back and ribs, we can talk about the presence of metastases.
- In the final stages, weight loss, weakness and loss of appetite are noted.
If any of the listed symptoms appear, it is important to consult a doctor and not self-diagnose or self-medicate!
Both diseases are diagnosed by a urologist. The inspection includes several stages:
- Digital examination of the prostate.
- Analysis of urine.
- A blood test for hormone levels and the presence of antigen, which allows you to diagnose a malignant tumor.
- Ultrasound of the genitourinary system.
- Transrectal ultrasound.
- Urodynamic and urethrocystoscopic examination.
If cancer is suspected, the doctor will also order a prostate biopsy.
Stages of diseases
When prescribing a course of treatment, the doctor focuses on the degree of complexity of the disease, which is impossible to do on your own at home. For adenoma, three stages of disease development are noted:
StageSymptomsCompensated | There are no painful sensations even during examination; there are no problems with urination. The stage can last for 3 years. |
Subcompensated | The prostate increases in size, and this affects urination. Spontaneous urine leakage is possible. |
Decompensated | Urinary retention occurs, which leads to deterioration of the kidneys. This is the last stage of adenoma, which is accompanied by anemia and constipation. |
For prostate cancer, there are 4 stages of development:
StagePrognosis for patientsFirst | The tumor is difficult to detect using conventional diagnostics (examination) because its size is too small. If cancer is detected early and appropriate treatment is given, the survival rate is 100% |
Second | The tumor is located in the prostate area and does not yet extend beyond it. Diagnosed by ultrasound examination, and with timely and high-quality treatment, the survival rate is 100% |
Third | The tumor spreads beyond the prostate to nearby tissue. If cancer is diagnosed and treated, the survival rate is about 50% |
Fourth | The last stage is accompanied by the spread of numerous metastases to vital organs (lungs, liver, skeletal system). If cancer is detected at this stage, the patient can live 1-3 years |
The tables clearly demonstrate the value of time in illness. Ignoring alarming symptoms will lead to irreversible consequences both in adenoma and oncology. However, the diseases differ in that an adenoma is a benign tumor, and cancer is a malignant one.
Over time, cancer cells spread through the lymphatic and bloodstream, affecting other organs and cells and forming metastases. With adenoma, such a scenario is completely excluded.
Modern doctors have come to the conclusion that there is no connection between these two diseases, since a benign formation is not capable of becoming malignant.
Another significant difference between diseases is the growth of tumors. With adenoma, the prostate enlarges both inward and outward, pinching the urethra. In oncology, the tumor grows only outward and poses a threat to nearby organs. Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis after a personal examination and a series of tests.
The difference between prostate adenoma and prostate cancer lies not only in the symptoms, but also in the prescribed therapy:
- Adenoma is treated surgically or with medication, depending on the stage of the disease. For the first stage, medications are prescribed; for the second stage, only surgery is used. Unfortunately, most men seek medical help too late, postponing their visit to the doctor.
- Treatment of malignant tumors includes radiotherapy and brachytherapy.
A course of medication for cancer does not lead to a complete recovery, but it can improve the patient’s condition, prevent the occurrence of metastases and stop the growth of the tumor. Oncology requires strict adherence to all doctor’s instructions:
- medications should be taken strictly according to schedule;
- when metastases are detected in the spine, it is necessary to limit physical activity;
- If metastases are detected in the hip joint, you should use crutches or a cane when walking, and also refuse physical therapy.
The advisability of physical exercise can only be determined by a professional. If the cancer is at the stage of metastasis, it is impossible to be completely cured. Treatment is aimed at reducing patient complaints, delaying the development of the disease and prolonging the patient's life.
Treatment methods for adenoma
Conservative therapy includes the use of:
- Blockers. They reduce the production of male hormones, which leads to a reduction in the size of the prostate and stops its enlargement.
- Alpha adrenergic blockers. They improve and facilitate the process of urination.
Gentle methods include:
- Cryodestruction. The affected areas of the prostate are removed under the influence of low temperatures.
- Balloon dilatation. The doctor places a balloon in the urethra. Subsequently, the balloon dilates the ureter due to its own inflation. Instead of a balloon, a special stent can be used.
- Thermotherapy. Radio waves are used that are directed exclusively at the affected prostate tissue. Experts also note the effectiveness of using focused ultrasound.
Surgery for adenoma can be minimally traumatic:
- Minimally invasive surgery. During surgery, the device is transported to the affected area of the prostate through the urethra.
- Transuretal resection of the prostate gland. The equipment is inserted through the ureter, and during the operation only the affected prostate tissue is removed. The intervention is not carried out blindly, since the surgeon monitors the progress of the process using special equipment.
- Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate gland. It is considered a modern and very effective technique. Under the influence of a high-power laser, the affected tissue is exfoliated. Next, its pieces enter the cavity of the bladder, from where they are removed using an endomorcellator. Among the advantages, experts note the absence of any complications and consequences.
- Open surgery is used in very rare cases when the use of other methods is impossible for one reason or another.
If you have prostate adenoma, you cannot visit the bathhouse, have massage sessions or do warm-ups.
Cancer Treatment Methods
All types of treatment have their own nuances:
- Radiation therapy does not guarantee complete elimination of cancer, but it can prevent the appearance of metastases and slow down the growth of malignant tumors.
- Surgery can be completely curative if the cancer has not metastasized. The surgeon removes the entire prostate, after which the patient is prescribed an additional course of treatment.
- Hormonal therapy. The effect is observed in 80% of patients, but is used if other methods are contraindicated for various reasons. The earlier this method is prescribed, the higher the chance of survival and the lower the risk of complications. Hormonal therapy slows down the growth of the tumor and is not aimed at a complete recovery, but at reducing the patient’s painful symptoms.
- Brachytherapy is an alternative treatment method, since its use is justified only in the initial stages of cancer. This is similar to radiation therapy, but its effect is aimed specifically at the affected area of the prostate. Capsules with radioactive iodine are injected into the prostate gland under ultrasound guidance. The session takes about an hour and does not require additional hospitalization.
- Chemotherapy. The patient must take medications that block further growth and development of malignant cells. The disadvantage of the technique is the fact that chemotherapy negatively affects both affected and healthy cells. Negative consequences include hair loss, sensitivity of a weakened body to external infections, decreased immunity, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract and weakness.
- Forced break. The doctor may choose to wait and wait, during which treatment is temporarily withheld. If the tumor is not growing and its location is localized, regular examinations and ultrasounds are prescribed. The method is used for elderly men with serious concomitant diseases.
- Cryotherapy. A small tumor is destroyed when exposed to low temperatures. A high effect is observed with a combination of cold treatment and the use of hormones.
Any medications are prescribed only by a specialist after passing the necessary tests and assessing the general condition of the patient!
Additional recommendations
According to research, not only therapy is important for recovery, but also a properly formulated diet. Doctors' advice to patients is almost identical. For prostate adenoma, a sample menu looks like this:
As a priority, it is advisable to excludeHigh fiber foods | Simple carbohydrates |
Vegetable salads | Red meat and offal |
Fruits | Legumes |
Raw pumpkin seeds | Hot spices |
Low fat foods | Soups with rich broth |
Vegetable oils | Alcohol |
Products containing omega-3 | Chocolate |
It is important to make a balanced diet not only for the period of therapy, but also for the recovery course. The formation of prostate cancer is promoted by high-calorie foods, as well as an excess of animal fats in the menu.
It has been scientifically proven that vegetarians have a lower risk of prostate cancer. This does not mean that you need to completely give up food of animal origin, but a reasonable measure has never harmed anyone.
It is useful to include broccoli and cauliflower in your diet, as they contain immunomodulatory substances.
Modern medicine is not able to provide effective methods for preventing these dangerous diseases. However, a balanced diet, giving up alcohol and smoking, and moderate physical activity will help you cope with the disease.
The earlier the diagnosis is made, the higher the chances of a full recovery. It is important to prevent the disease from progressing to the next stage. You should not be embarrassed to contact a specialist and come up with excuses.
It is important to undergo timely medical examinations, even if the above symptoms are absent and there are no health complaints.
Prostate adenoma and prostate cancer
Diseases of the male genitourinary system most often occur with damage to the prostate gland, and their clinical manifestations are similar, which complicates the process of diagnosis and treatment. Against the background of changes formed as a result of structural and functional disorders, the disease can progress or create conditions for the emergence of another pathology. Due to the similar symptoms that appear in the early stages of prostate adenoma and prostate cancer, these diseases are often considered interrelated. The classification indeed classifies them into the same group of tumor diseases, but despite the commonality of symptoms and the presence of structural hyperplastic changes, the basis of pathogenesis and principles of treatment for these types of pathology are different.
Relationship between diseases
The confusing situation with the concepts of adenoma and prostate cancer in urology is due to the fact that between these diseases there are both common features and symptoms, and significant differences. At the same time, theoretical and medical data about various types of prostate tumors may differ depending on the source of information:
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- From a scientific point of view, adenoma and prostate cancer are two completely different diseases that affect the same organ, often occur simultaneously, but are formed as a result of different pathological reactions at the tissue level. In this case, it is incorrect to say that these diseases are stages of damage to the prostate gland by a tumor.
- In clinical medicine, to establish the exact nature of the pathology, differential diagnosis of prostate adenoma and cancer is carried out, which is associated with the presence of similar symptoms. At the same time, the mechanism of formation of benign hyperplasia and cancer is fundamentally different, although cases of joint detection of two pathologies are also not uncommon.
Scientists and doctors agree that there is a relationship between adenoma and prostate cancer in men, the causes and manifestations of the diseases are almost the same, and it is almost impossible to distinguish the early stages without highly specialized tests.
Experts identify several parameters that indicate the presence of similarities, but separately clarify the difference between oncology and a benign tumor:
- Formation mechanism. The main criterion for classifying prostate adenoma and cancer in one group is the presence of hyperplastic changes during the development of these pathologies. As a result of negative external and internal influences that affect the functioning of the prostate gland, cellular activity malfunctions. Pathological growth of prostate tissue leads to a general increase in the volume of the organ, which, due to its anatomical location, begins to put pressure on the bladder and neighboring structures, leading to pain and dysuria, as well as disrupting erectile function. The difference lies in the structure of the cells, which in case of adenoma remain within normal morphofunctional values, but in case of cancer they lose signs of differentiation and cease to be structural units of the prostate.
- Etiological criteria. The causes of prostate adenoma and cancer are similar, as is the lack of scientifically proven data on the etiology of the tumor. Excessive cell growth can be provoked by external and internal risk factors - poor environment, bad habits, poor diet, stress, the presence of inflammatory diseases of the urinary organs, hormonal imbalance and genetic predisposition. All these negative effects can provoke disruption of cellular activity and cause extensive proliferation of prostate tissue, which is observed in cancer and adenoma. Failure of the endocrine system is the link between the two diseases. In the case of cancer, most often a malignant tumor is associated with burdened heredity and the influence of carcinogens, and in the development of prostate adenoma, inflammatory diseases and unhealthy lifestyle come first. Changes in prostate tissue can occur under the influence of a complex of provoking factors, which also complicates the process of differentiation and diagnosis.
- Symptoms. The clinical manifestations of adenoma and cancer in the early stages of development of the pathological process are the same, so it is difficult to distinguish the diseases. Typical symptoms of prostate damage are impaired urination, erectile dysfunction and pain, and laboratory data indicate an increase in PSA levels in the blood and excess testosterone concentrations. In the early stages, prostate adenoma and cancer proceed in the same way, but as they progress, the clinical picture changes. A malignant tumor is characterized by an increase in pain, as well as the appearance of symptoms of dysfunction of distant organs, which is caused by metastasis of cancer cells and poses a risk due to the failure of vital systems. With benign prostatic hyperplasia, dysuric disorders increase, putting a person’s life at risk due to kidney failure.
The insidiousness of adenoma and prostate cancer lies in the fact that as diagnosis becomes easier and the degree of tumor development increases, it becomes more and more difficult to treat them. This criterion is common not only for the group of benign and malignant tumors, but also for all groups of diseases in general.
Can an adenoma develop into cancer?
There really is a connection between prostate adenoma and cancer. According to statistical studies, the likelihood of developing oncological pathology against the background of a benign prostate tumor increases. At the same time, it is incorrect to say that an adenoma can develop into cancer, since the formation of diseases is based on various pathological processes.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia leads to changes and is accompanied by an increase in the volume of the organ. Against the background of disorders caused by the pathological condition of the prostate gland, as well as as a result of side effects of drugs used to treat adenoma, conditions are formed for a decrease in the protective functions of the immune system and the processes of stagnation in the tissues increase. These reactions create unfavorable conditions and, under the influence of additional risk factors, lead to malignant changes in cells.
The development of cancer in most cases occurs in areas of the prostate that were not affected by the adenoma, so there is no reason to say that one type of tumor has degenerated into another.
Despite the common symptoms and similar causes for the development of pathology, the diseases have a number of differences, which are the basis for differential diagnosis at the stage of examining men with prostate lesions. As stated above, the main difference between adenoma and prostate cancer is the morphological characteristics of the cells:
- With adenoma, the prostate tissue does not undergo structural changes, and all the symptoms typical of hyperplasia develop as a result of an increase in the volume of the organ and dysfunction.
- With cancer, cells lose their ability to differentiate, and depending on the severity of the disorders, the course of the tumor differs in terms of aggressiveness.
Adenoma is characterized by a clear localization within the capsule of the prostate gland, and cancer tends to penetrate beyond the organ. The main means of establishing the type of tumor is histological analysis, which is taken from men by biopsy.
Prostate cancer and prostate adenoma are characterized by staged development, which is accompanied by similar symptoms at the initial stage and differs as the disease progresses.
The clinical picture acquires distinctive features when cancer cells begin to grow into neighboring tissues or give distant metastases throughout the body.
The appearance of blood in urine and semen, as well as an increase in general symptoms with severe pain, is characteristic of prostate cancer, and for advanced adenoma the development of renal failure is typical.
Difference in treatment
Medical tactics for treating malignant and benign tumors are also different:
- Conservative methods of treating adenoma in the early stages bring good results. Medicines to slow down hyperplasia and eliminate the consequences of prostate dysfunction enable a man to completely get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Drug correction of prostate cancer is recognized as ineffective, so surgery becomes the main treatment method.
- Radical prostatectomy is used to eliminate the threat of cancer cells spreading and involves removing the prostate gland, as well as accompanying structures, completely. This method allows you to avoid metastases and restore the patency of the urinary tract. Additionally, radiation and chemotherapy sessions are carried out, which are aimed at destroying possible malignant foci.
- For adenoma, another surgical treatment option is used - adenomectomy, in which only the affected area of prostate tissue is removed, and after the operation a maintenance course of conservative therapy is carried out using hormones or drugs that block cell activity.
Traditional methods are used as an aid for both adenoma and prostate cancer, but their role in the treatment regimen is reduced to eliminating symptoms and alleviating general well-being. No one has yet been able to cure a tumor of any origin using unconventional methods.
Doctor of the highest category, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Diploma in General Medicine, Russian State Medical University named after. N. I. Pirogova (2000) Experience 17 years
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How are prostate cancer and prostate adenoma related?
Prostate cancer - what is it? This is a complex cancer disease that leads to severe symptoms, decreased quality of life and the risk of death for the patient.
Clinical manifestations of the disease are associated with disruption of the urination process, pain syndrome and the occurrence of erectile dysfunction. Diagnosis and treatment should always be carried out in medical institutions, taking into account modern standards of therapy.
It is important for men to understand the difference between adenoma and prostate cancer, since these conditions differ in treatment requirements and risks to the patient’s health.
Relationship between prostate adenoma and prostate cancer
Prostate adenoma is a benign formation associated with an increase in the volume of prostate cells and tissue. As a rule, this diagnosis is made to men in old age, which does not allow the adenoma to degenerate into a malignant tumor. An ordinary adenoma manifests itself in the patient with disturbances in the process of urination and frequent nighttime urges to go to the toilet. With further progression of the disease, erectile dysfunction, anuria and other severe symptoms may occur.
In turn, a malignant tumor of the prostate gland, which is often called prostate adenoma cancer, is characterized by the appearance of unlimited growth capacity in the cells of the organ, which leads to damage to nearby tissues, the possible appearance of metastases of cancer cells to other organs and other negative events.
A malignant tumor of the prostate gland poses a great danger to the health of the patient. The disease requires the use of chemotherapy, surgery or radiotherapy, depending on the patient's indications or contraindications, as well as the stage of the cancer.
Main causes of oncology
A number of recent studies show that if there is a family history of prostate cancer or breast cancer, the risk of prostate tumors increases several times, which is also associated with altered genes that are inherited.
Malignant prostate adenoma is associated with the impact of unfavorable environmental factors on the male body: radiation energy, smoking, prolonged consumption of alcoholic beverages, uncontrolled treatment with testosterone and its analogues, poor nutrition with a deficiency of vitamins and microelements. These effects lead to the accumulation of additional mutations in the tissue, which causes tumor transformation of cells.