
How to treat a cough in a 2 month old baby and when it is necessary

How to treat a cough in a 2 month old baby and when it is necessary

Parents react to a baby's cough in different ways - some ignore it, especially if the temperature is normal and there is no runny nose, while others rush to treat it with both folk and pharmacy remedies. Both options can be called extremes, since when an infant coughs, both at 3 months and at 6 months or older, its cause should be found out and only then should any treatment be started.

How to treat a cough in a 2 month old baby and when it is necessary

This is the name of a reflex that helps clear the respiratory tract of any foreign substances, for example, dust particles, allergens, viruses, crumbs, accumulated mucus or pathogenic bacteria. In infants, a cough is a sharp, loud exhalation, during which air comes out of the respiratory tract at an increased speed.

Depending on the factors that cause cough, it is divided into physiological (needed to cleanse the respiratory tract) and pathological (appearing in many diseases).

Cough can be a symptom of the following diseases:

  • ARVI
  • Angina
  • Laryngitis
  • Pharyngitis
  • Bronchitis
  • Tracheitis
  • Sinusitis
  • Pneumonia
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Tuberculosis
  • Whooping cough and other infections
  • Allergy
  • Helminth infection

How to treat a cough in a 2 month old baby and when it is necessary

If you pay attention to the coughing up of sputum, then there are such types of cough as dry (no sputum is produced) and wet (it is also called productive or wet). Normally, a newborn, infant 2 months or older can cough up sputum in the morning, as it accumulates during night sleep. Later during the day the baby will not have a cough, and the general condition will not change.

Having assessed the sound of a dry cough in an infant, you can define it as:

  • A barking cough is a loud cough that sounds like a dog barking and usually occurs with laryngitis.
  • Pulmonary - exhausting paroxysmal cough.
  • Superficial - characteristic of pharyngitis.

How to treat a cough in a 2 month old baby and when it is necessary

  • An infant may begin to cough due to a foreign object, such as small toys or parts thereof, entering the respiratory tract. In addition to the sudden onset of a cough, the child may lose his voice, have difficulty breathing, and may have blue skin. This situation should be a reason to immediately call an ambulance.
  • The occurrence of cough in an infant, for example, at the age of 5 months, can also be caused by an allergic reaction. A baby can react by coughing to pollen, food allergens, dust, down pillows and many other substances and objects. To help a child with such a cough, it is important to identify the allergen and eliminate its exposure.
  • Another cause of cough without respiratory diseases is helminthiasis. The larvae of some types of worms, developing in the child’s body, can pass through the lungs. During coughing, they pass along with mucus into the gastrointestinal tract and thus reach the intestines.
  • We also note that the cause of a dry cough in infants may be excessively dry air in the room. In this case, the problem can be easily solved using a humidifier or other sources of moisture (water containers, wet towels).
  • Breasts may also cough while eating if the milk comes in too quickly. Changing the position when breastfeeding or changing the nipple when bottle feeding will help eliminate this cough.

How to treat a cough in a 2 month old baby and when it is necessary

Parents need to be wary and show their baby to the doctor as soon as possible if:

  • The cough appeared suddenly and did not stop.
  • Simultaneously with the cough, the baby began to wheeze, which could be heard from afar.
  • The cough occurs at night in the form of attacks.
  • The baby coughs up red or green mucus.
  • The cough lasts longer than three weeks.

When a cough of any kind appears in a baby, for example, at 4 months, you should first determine whether it is normal or caused by a disease. To do this, you need to show your baby to a doctor, since any medications against cough in children under one year of age should be taken only after being prescribed by a pediatrician or ENT specialist.

In addition to medications, the following are used in the treatment of infants with cough:

  • Inhalations. Depending on the method of implementation, they can be steam or nebulizer. An infant should be held very carefully over steam to avoid the risk of burns. Only saline solution or Borjomi should be filled into a nebulizer for inhalation in infancy without a pediatrician's prescription.
  • Drainage massage. It is given to babies who do not have an elevated body temperature, from the 4-5th day of illness to improve sputum separation. With this massage, the baby’s head is located below the body. First the back is massaged, and then the chest. After the massage, the baby should be wrapped up and placed in a crib, changing body position regularly.
  • Folk remedies. These include the use of herbal infusions, cakes with honey and rubbing with badger fat.

How to treat a cough in a 2 month old baby and when it is necessary How to treat a cough in a 2 month old baby and when it is necessary How to treat a cough in a 2 month old baby and when it is necessary

Among the medications that a doctor can prescribe for a baby for coughing are medications from the following groups:

  1. Antitussive drugs. They reduce the activity of the cough center and are prescribed only for debilitating severe dry cough. It is important to remember that drugs of this group are not combined with expectorants.
  2. Expectorants. Their effect is to improve expectoration of sputum. Up to the age of one year, babies are prescribed Gedelix, Prospan, Linkas, Herbion ivy, Bronchipret or licorice root syrup.
  3. Mucolytics. Such products reduce the viscosity of sputum, which contributes to its better separation. These include ambroxol preparations approved for use in infants.
  4. Antihistamines. Such medications are prescribed in cases of allergic cough.
  5. Antibiotics. Their appointment is necessary for bacterial infections manifested by coughing, for example, pneumonia or tonsillitis.

How to treat a cough in a 2 month old baby and when it is necessary

To treat cough, medicinal herbs are often used, combining them in different combinations in the form of chest preparations. Such collections may contain marshmallow, anise, coltsfoot, plantain, licorice, sage, oregano and other herbs. However, in order to avoid allergies and other side effects, experts advise giving infants single-component decoctions.

This medicinal plant is often used before the age of one year, as it has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. If you brewed chamomile for a baby for the first time, give this herbal remedy a few drops to check the reaction of the baby’s body.

To prepare the decoction, take a tablespoon of dried flowers and a glass of boiled water, cover the container with a lid, and strain after 10 minutes. It is recommended to give this chamomile tea three times a day, half an hour after feeding, in an amount of up to 30 ml for children in the first months of life.

Chamomile can also be used for inhalation. Brewed dried flowers need to be left for 40 minutes, then boil a liter of water and pour the decoction into it, then bring the baby to the container so that the baby can breathe in the steam for 5-10 minutes.

How to treat a cough in a 2 month old baby and when it is necessary

For such procedures in the bathroom, a little boiling water is poured into the bathtub so that the room is filled with steam. Then they enter the room with the infant and sit in it for about 10 minutes. If your baby is not prone to allergies, you can add a little eucalyptus oil to the bath.

A well-known doctor calls cough a natural reaction of a child’s body to the entry of any foreign substances into the respiratory tract. If such a cough occurs in a baby, Komarovsky recommends contacting a pediatrician and not giving the baby any medications on your own for up to a year.

When it comes to cough medications, the popular pediatrician recommends focusing on other ways to make a dry cough productive—humidifying the room and drinking plenty of fluids. According to Komarovsky, these methods are no less effective than any expectorant syrups. The following short video is about this.

  • Regularly ventilate the room in which an infant with a cough is located, because he really needs fresh air.
  • It is advisable that the temperature in the room does not exceed +22°C.
  • If your baby's body temperature is normal, be sure to go for a walk with your baby.
  • Change your baby's position in the crib and pick him up more often.
  • To encourage your child to drink more, offer him drinks from a cute new mug, through a straw, or from a brightly colored sippy cup.
  • If a child has a runny nose in addition to a cough, rinse the baby’s nose with water and sea salt, for example, aquamaris.


Note to parents: how to treat a cough in a 2 month old baby

Cough occurs most often. As a protective reaction of the body to various irritants - pathogens, dry air, dust, foreign bodies, and so on. To know for sure what to do, you need to recognize the nature of your baby’s cough. Let's look at what to do when a 2-month-old baby starts coughing, how to treat it and what measures to take.

Causes of cough in infants

How to treat a cough in a 2 month old baby and when it is necessary

To identify the cause of a cough, you need to pay attention to additional symptoms.

When a two-month-old baby starts coughing, parents panic, especially if this is their first child and they have no experience caring for babies.

The most important thing to remember is that the diagnosis must be made by a pediatrician. Babies can cough for a variety of reasons.

Here are the most important ones:

  • Infectious. Since the child’s body is not yet strong, the baby can “catch” an infection. Parents need to know that at 2 months the body does not react to ARVI in the same way as an adult. Most often, at this age, the infection does not cause fever or runny nose. The entire reaction may be limited to a cough. At this age, children often suffer from bronchitis, laryngitis, and allergies.
  • Natural causes are those in which coughing occurs 2-3 times a day. This occurs because the baby is constantly in a horizontal position and food residue, dust, saliva, or perhaps the baby has burped and coughed up on the back wall of the throat. This cough is considered normal. Even adults cough up mucus or dust several times during the day, which forms a “lump” in the throat.
  • Physiological reasons, which include the following factors: foreign bodies entering the neck, excessive amounts of saliva (during this period there is profuse salivation; infants do not yet know how to fully swallow). In this case, it is necessary to examine the throat and if the cause is indeed saliva, then it is better to place the child on his side rather than on his back, so as not to cause him unnecessary discomfort.
  • Household problems that cause coughing in infants are most often dry air in the children's room. It is very important to maintain temperature conditions and maintain relative humidity. For children, the ideal temperature is 18-221 degrees. In this case, it is necessary to ventilate the room daily, regardless of the weather or time of year. You also need to get rid of animal hair, which can make it difficult for the baby to breathe, and from chemicals - perfumes or air fresheners. They negatively affect the upper respiratory tract of a two-month-old baby.

If the cough is moderate and is not accompanied by a runny nose and a fever above 38.5 degrees, there is no reason to worry.

Treatment with medications

How to treat a cough in a 2 month old baby and when it is necessary

Treatment depends on the type and cause of cough

It is very important that parents do not “stuff” their little child with medications for no reason or no reason. You can’t listen to friends, grandmothers or neighbors. Remember, you are responsible for your child.

It is better to call a pediatrician, or at least contact him for consultation.

In infancy, medications can harm the baby’s health and development, so self-administration of medications is considered a crime.

When choosing a cough remedy for a 2-month-old baby, you must take into account that there are two types of cough - dry and wet. With one, it is necessary to remove the sputum, and with the second, it is also necessary to liquefy it first.

Modern medicine provides a wide selection of medicines for newborns, which do not contain chemicals, have a mild and harmless effect and most often have a pleasant sweetish taste, which allows you to give the baby medicine without hysterics.

There is one more nuance when taking expectorants - after them the cough intensifies.

This is considered normal, since the mechanism of operation of such drugs is aimed at increasing and thinning sputum. To get it out, you need to cough. So don’t worry if your child starts coughing more – that’s how it should be.

It is important to consider that if the cough is caused by an infectious disease, then it is necessary to take antiviral drugs. If you have a fever, you can use Nurofen or Paracetamol. Children under one year of age are strictly prohibited from using Analdim (suppositories or injections with the composition Analgin + Diphenhydramine).

You can learn more about how to properly massage a cough from the video:

How to treat a cough in a nursing mother: medications and recipes

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Traditional methods of treatment

Although traditional medicine is considered loyal, inexpensive and effective, if it is not used skillfully, it can harm the health of your child. You must first consult with doctors and take into account the age of the children.

Features of delicate skin (mustard plasters are prohibited) and the possibility of an allergic reaction (especially to products of bee origin).

It’s the 21st century outside and you don’t need to listen to grandmothers who recommend floating your feet, putting out jars and giving honey in tablespoons. Such a benefit can leave burns or cause allergies.

Warming with salt, honey, onion, lemon and other methods are prohibited for children under 6-9 months.

Two-month-old babies can be given herbal infusions in small quantities - it is best to use chamomile and do massages.

Massage for coughs

How to treat a cough in a 2 month old baby and when it is necessary

We massage your child correctly!

When an infant coughs, massages are effective. Percussion massage has several positive effects:

  • Gently rubbing the baby’s skin with warm mother’s hands increases blood circulation, which activates intracellular processes, and the disease goes away faster
  • lightly patting the back (not the spine) or the chest, creates vibrations due to which the sputum is more quickly separated from the bronchi and comes out with a cough

To give a two-month-old baby a cough massage, you need to lay him on his tummy on a changing table and completely undress. A small pillow is placed under the pelvis so that the baby is positioned at an angle. Hands should be washed and warmed.

For convenience and comfortable gliding, it is better to use oil for children's skin. First, you need to completely rub the baby’s body with your palm until it turns slightly red - this will be a sign of increased blood circulation.

Movements should be carried out from the lower back to the neck, as if “expelling” phlegm.

After this, you need to tap on the back, only very gently and carefully. Upon completion of the massage, the baby must be picked up in a “column” so that he can cough up the mucus that separated during the massage.

For greater effectiveness, at least 5 procedures must be performed per day. It is forbidden to massage a baby when the body temperature is above 37 degrees.

Dangerous symptoms that require medical attention

How to treat a cough in a 2 month old baby and when it is necessary

Has your temperature risen? Need a doctor

To avoid problems with the child’s health, it is recommended to call a doctor (or at least call a pediatrician) whenever necessary. Of course, if the baby coughs slightly and there are no other signs of illness, then you can manage on your own.

But there are a number of reasons when it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance:

  1. the child coughs constantly with a lingering and barking cough
  2. During expectoration, green, brown, or reddish sputum appears
  3. The child's body temperature has increased
  4. a runny nose appeared, the throat became red
  5. the body is covered in a rash

All these signs are a reason to seek help. It is not recommended to take measures to treat a child on your own.

To avoid coughing in infants, you must follow the following recommendations from experts:

  • maintain a temperature of 19-22 degrees in the children's room
  • humidify the air regularly
  • Ventilate the room at least twice a day
  • dress the child according to the weather. It is better for the baby to be a little cold than to overheat. No caps are needed in the apartment
  • When bathing, you should not close the door to the bathroom so that there is no large temperature difference after a steamed bath in the room
  • daily wet cleaning not only in the nursery, but throughout the entire apartment
  • strict hygiene when there are animals in the house
  • maintaining the baby's immunity through breastfeeding (if possible)
  • do not start complementary feeding ahead of time and do not provoke allergies in children

By following the basic rules of caring for your baby, you can avoid any diseases.


Cough in a newborn 2 months

How to treat a cough in a 2 month old baby and when it is necessary

Children in the first year of life who are breastfed usually have good immunity and very rarely get colds. But bottle-fed and premature babies often get sick. Factors that further reduce immunity include rickets, insufficient or excessive weight gain in the child, poor care, rare exposure to fresh air, and heredity.

Treatment of cough in infants: features

The main reasons for coughing in infants:

  1. ARVI, the most common symptoms of which are cough, runny nose and fever.
  2. Inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which are bacterial complications of acute respiratory viral infections and are also manifested by coughing.
  3. Polluted air indoors or outdoors, too dry air in the child’s room.
  4. A reflex cough that occurs when a foreign body enters the upper respiratory tract. It appears against the background of complete health during meals, especially when eating nuts or dry cookies, as well as when the child plays with a severe coughing attack. Occurs with inflammation of the middle ear due to irritation of the eardrum.

Treatment of cough in children under one year of age depends not only on the causes of the cough, but also on the type of cough. There are the following types:

  • dry, unproductive (without sputum production) and wet, productive (with sputum production);
  • acute (up to 3 weeks) and chronic;
  • constant and short-term, as well as episodic and paroxysmal.

How to treat a cough in an infant?

In infants, treatment of cough, especially with home methods, is possible only in the absence of elevated body temperature. If the temperature is elevated, then treatment of cough in infants is carried out only in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

If we are treating a cough without fever in a newborn, then first of all we must take care of the microclimate in the room where the child is. The room must be regularly ventilated - at least 2 times a day, the temperature should be 20-22 degrees, and to increase the air humidity in the room, you can hang a wet diaper or place open containers with water.

To improve coughing, the child is given a light massage of the chest and abdomen. To reduce intoxication and to prevent dehydration, the child is given a sufficient amount of liquid to drink.

Fresh air will be very beneficial for a child with a cough, so you should not avoid walking outside and it is recommended to put your baby to bed on a well-ventilated veranda for a nap, but only at normal body temperature.

If a child has a dry cough, it needs to be made moist, for which compresses are often used.

Medicines for the treatment of cough in the first year of life How to treat a cough in a 2 month old baby and when it is necessary

If the cough is wet, then to facilitate the removal of sputum, they use means to thin it out (Lazolvan, Ambroxol) in children after 3 years of age, as well as sprays, and to remove phlegm they use special massage techniques, teas with chamomile and coltsfoot, compresses and rubbing chest with eucalyptus ointment, mustard plasters through several layers of gauze.

At high temperatures, the doctor prescribes antipyretic drugs. And in case of purulent inflammation, an injection course of broad-spectrum antibiotics (most often from the group of cephalosporins) can be added.

How to treat a cough in an infant?

How to treat a cough in a 2 month old baby and when it is necessary

Causes of cough in infants

1. Due to acute respiratory viral infection.

2. Due to an allergic reaction.

3. If the laryngeal area is inflamed.

4. When a foreign body entered the respiratory tract, the child choked on liquid or milk.

5. Due to bronchospasm.

Adhering to an infant's cough regimen

It is important that a child who is ill does not overexert himself, plays calmly, and moves moderately. Please note that he should not be allowed to play or spin around; when he moves, the bronchi will be able to quickly clear the mucus that has accumulated in them and the child will be able to recover immediately.

When coughing in infants, it is important to perform a small massage of all vital points; lightly massage the chest and feet. Gently pat or tap, so the phlegm will go away faster; if you are not allergic, you can use a herbal balm.

The child should breastfeed as much as possible; for older children, give warm milk, fruit puree, and jelly. The more the child drinks, the faster a large amount of toxic substances will be released from his body, the sputum will be liquefied and eliminated.

Methods for treating dry cough in an infant

In some situations, it is necessary to take mucolytic and expectorant medications.

Plants such as elecampane, coltsfoot, juice prepared from black radish, plantain help well; it is recommended to add honey to it; you can also treat a cough in a baby with the help of anise seeds.

Medicines based on ivy are valued; the leaves are used for preparation; treatment with Gedelix and Prospan is especially effective.

If a child has difficulty clearing sputum, the therapist prescribes special medications that can be used to remove sputum more easily, so that the cough is moistened and the child feels much better.

The baby can be prescribed mucolytic drugs such as Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Ambrobene. For the first month of life, a child may be prescribed treatment with Ambrohexal, which can quickly remove phlegm and strengthen the immune system.

You can cure a child's cough using inhalation. For this you will need baking soda, Borjomi alkaline mineral water, and potato broth. Hold your baby in your arms over the steam.

Traditional methods of treating cough in an infant

When a child has a high temperature, warming procedures such as mustard plasters and compresses are prohibited. Onions with honey help well; for this, they are first crushed, honey is added, and everything is infused for an hour. The juice must be expressed and the child must be given a coffee spoon.

Herbs for cough for infants

After two months, it is recommended to use a decoction based on plantain, coltsfoot. If the child is already 4 months old, he can be given a decoction, which includes plantain, coltsfoot.

To prepare it, you need to take 250 ml of boiling water, brew the herb in it, and consume it before meals.

This is the best expectorant medicine, please note that the child may often vomit, so you should monitor the dosage.

The roots of marshmallow, elecampane, and licorice have a positive effect on the respiratory organs. The plants are mixed, then you need to pour boiling water, half a liter is enough, leave for 10 hours. The child should consume it three times a day.

Cough compress for babies

If the child is not allergic, you can use a compress with honey; for this you need to prepare a cake with honey, flaxseed oil, and a small amount of flour. Make a dense cake, it should not spread, then apply it to the baby’s chest area. From 6 months you can add a small amount of mustard to the cake.

Potato compresses use goat or badger fat to warm the breast well; gauze must be placed on top.

It is important to follow the rules when making compresses:

1. You must first take the fabric and fold it.

2. Medicine.

3. Place a diaper on top.

4. Polyethylene.

5. Gauze; if not, you can use a diaper.

6. The compress can only be placed on the chest area; it is not recommended on the back to avoid pneumonia.

If you use goat fat, you should rub it not only on the chest area, but also on the feet. This way the phlegm will go away faster. When a child has a dry cough, you need to frequently ventilate the room to humidify the air.

Inhalations for an infant

You can prepare passive inhalation for a two-month-old child, you need to heat the bath with boiling water, the room should be steamed. This type of inhalation is carried out for 10 minutes. If your child does not suffer from allergies, you can add eucalyptus oil.

Rules for treating cough in an infant

1. An infant should not be prevented from moving, otherwise the sputum will begin to stagnate.

2. Do not use traditional methods on your own; it is better to consult your doctor to avoid serious consequences.

3. Bathe your child in a warm bath with the addition of chamomile, sage, and thyme.

Thus, a cough in an infant should never be neglected; it must be treated promptly, because serious complications can arise. It is not always necessary to immediately give a small child antibiotics and a host of other medications.

First you need to find out what caused the child’s cough, how it proceeds, what type of cough the child has - dry, wet. Then make a decision about treatment. It is imperative that you immediately contact the treating doctor, he must listen to the child, and you may need to take some tests to clarify the diagnosis.

Also remember preventative methods to prevent coughing in an infant.

Tip 1: What cough remedy can be given to a baby?

How to treat a cough in a 2 month old baby and when it is necessary

Cough is a symptom of many diseases. In an infant, severe coughing attacks can lead to hoarseness, vomiting, restless behavior, and worsening of the condition.

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Causes of cough in infants

Most often, cough is a symptom of acute respiratory infections, in which the inflammatory process affects the respiratory system.

Also, the cause of cough can be direct inflammation of the respiratory system and enlarged adenoids.

A cough with signs of suffocation occurs when a foreign body enters the trachea or bronchi. In this case, immediate medical attention is necessary, as there is a serious threat to the life of the newborn. An infant is not able to cough independently and get rid of a foreign body.

Effective cough remedies for infants

First of all, it is necessary to establish the reason why the cough occurred. After examining the baby, an experienced specialist will prescribe the correct treatment to quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptom. You should not self-medicate before a doctor arrives, as adverse consequences may occur.

Before the pediatrician arrives, you can pick up the child and gently pat him on the back. Such massage movements help remove accumulated mucus, clearing the airways.

The air in the room with a sick baby should be quite humid, so in the winter season it is necessary to put wet towels on the batteries or use a humidifier. Dry air provokes frequent coughing attacks.

For an infant, herbal preparations are ideal for thinning mucus and effective expectoration.

As a rule, these are decoctions of coltsfoot, elecampane, anise, thyme, wild rosemary, licorice, marshmallow, etc.

A modern cough syrup for children is “Gedelix”, which, due to the beneficial properties of ivy, increases the amount of mucus, enhances bronchial contraction and promotes the release of phlegm from the body.

When an infant coughs, you can rub the chest and back with Vitaon. It contains a large number of medicinal plants and essential oils that relieve inflammation and improve the baby’s condition.

In the absence of fever, warming compresses are effective. For example, spread a cabbage leaf with honey and apply it to the baby’s chest. Secure the compress with a bandage on top and put the baby to sleep. In the morning, the skin under the leaf will turn pink.

During illness, provide your baby with plenty of fluids, which perfectly irrigates the throat and eliminates dry mouth. The drink should be warm, otherwise the mucous membrane will be irritated, increasing the pain.


How to treat a cough in a baby

We all know that cough is an important protective reaction of the body, thanks to which the airways are cleared of foreign substances such as sputum, pus, mucus, dust, etc. However, cough in an infant is always more difficult to treat due to the characteristics of childhood. How not to harm your baby with treatment and what will help cope with a cough in a newborn - this is what our article is about.

Cough as a symptom of illness

As we have already mentioned, coughing does not appear just like that.

Often a newborn's cough in the morning can be explained physiologically: during the night, mucus from the nasopharynx accumulates and flows down the wall of the larynx, thereby causing a cough reflex. This is due to the inability of babies to blow their nose on their own. You can consider such a process absolutely normal and not worry about it.

Sometimes a child coughs because the air in the room is too dry. Dust particles settle on the respiratory organs and their dry mucous membranes, causing a cough. In this case, the problem is solved by humidifying the room in every possible way.

A newborn’s cough may appear during meals, when the little “greedy” one absorbs milk too quickly and, not having time to swallow, chokes on it. Try changing your feeding position.

How to treat a cough in a 2 month old baby and when it is necessary Timely vaccination helps to avoid dangerous diseases such as whooping cough

However, often the reason why an infant coughs is some kind of illness, for example:

  1. ARVI and acute respiratory infections. This is the most common cause, appearing as a secondary symptom somewhere on the third day after the onset of the disease. Often the child coughs and sneezes as the infection spreads to all ENT organs.
  2. Bronchial asthma is recognized by a specific whistle when exhaling. It does not arise out of the blue; most likely, it was preceded by chronic bronchitis or an untreated allergy for a long time.
  3. Croup Its hallmark is a barking, dry cough that occurs due to inflammation in the larynx. The disease often occurs in children from 3 months to three years.
  4. Whooping cough. With this infectious disease, a paroxysmal spastic cough is observed, which cannot be confused with anything. A strong cough can cause vomiting. It is debilitating and especially dangerous for children under one year old, as it provokes seizures, which, along with a lack of oxygen, can lead to respiratory arrest. Needless to say, how important it is to vaccinate a baby against this dangerous infection on time.
  5. ENT diseases (laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, inflammation of the middle ear). A chesty cough may indicate inflammation in the bronchi and lungs, when bronchitis or pneumonia is diagnosed.
  6. An allergy can be caused by tobacco smoke, if one of the relatives has the habit of smoking in the apartment, detergents, or plant pollen. To cope with an allergic cough, you need to remove the cause of its occurrence.

What to do if your baby starts coughing?

What to do when a month-old baby suddenly starts coughing and you understand that it is clearly not caused by physiological reasons? The best decision in any treatment for babies under 1 year of age is to call a doctor. Especially if we are talking about a baby who is only 1 or 2 months old. It is strictly forbidden to prescribe medications yourself; this can greatly harm the child.

How to treat a cough in a 2 month old baby and when it is necessary A specialist should prescribe treatment for an infant

What can mom do

  • Regularly ventilate the room where the baby is located, giving access to fresh air. The room temperature should, if possible, not exceed 22 O C. Some diseases, such as croup and whooping cough, are mainly treated with fresh air. If the disease occurs without fever, you can and should walk outside.
  • Humidify the room by hanging wet towels over the radiators, placing containers of water, spraying with a spray bottle, or in a modern way - using a humidifier.
  • Give more liquid: breast milk or water, compotes. This is necessary to prevent dehydration.
  • Change the position of the child in the crib, carry him in your arms more often.
  • If you have a cough with sputum that is difficult to clear, for example, with bronchitis, you can do a drainage massage. It is approved for children from 6 months of age in the absence of fever and inflammatory processes in the trachea and larynx. If in your case it is possible to do such a massage, the doctor will show you how to perform it correctly. The idea is that the child is placed on the knee with his tummy down (the head is below the horizontal) and tapping movements are made with the fingers on the back, starting from the lower back, towards the back of the head
  • A folk remedy is to rub the baby’s chest, back and feet with animal fat, such as badger fat. The procedure is done before bedtime so that the child can be “kept warm.” Keep in mind that many pharmaceutical ointments are contraindicated for children under 2 years of age due to the menthol and camphor content. In addition, they cannot be used for certain diseases.

How to treat a cough in a 2 month old baby and when it is necessary Position of the child during drainage massage

If your child often suffers from respiratory diseases, consider purchasing a nebulizer. This is, in fact, a modern inhaler capable of breaking down a medicinal substance into the smallest particles and delivering it in the form of steam to the lower sections of the bronchopulmonary system. Even just allowing your baby to breathe with regular saline solution, you will achieve maximum hydration of the mucous membranes in the thoracic region.

Cough medicines

Although medications can only be prescribed by your doctor, it would be a good idea to understand the types of these medications and know when they are prescribed.

  1. Antitussives. A serious group of drugs that suppresses the cough reflex at the brain level. Prescribed for severe dry debilitating cough. Representatives: Oxeladin, Glaucine, Butamirate.
  2. Mucolytics are agents that thin sputum and facilitate its evacuation from the lungs; their peculiarity is that the amount of secretion (mucus) does not increase. Representatives: ambroxol, bromhexine, acetylcysteine, licorice root syrup. Their use is justified only in cases where there is thick, difficult to separate sputum.
  3. Expectorants. Their goal is to dilute sputum, increasing its quantity, making it easier to pass, and increasing the activity of the ciliated epithelium. These are mainly herbal preparations based on ivy (Gedelix, Prospan), marshmallow (Mukaltin, Alteika), and licorice.
  4. On sale you can find a breast mixture of three or four herbs, such as coltsfoot, oregano, marshmallow, plantain, chamomile, sage, anise. However, some experts believe that it is better for children up to one year to brew one-ingredient teas.

How to treat a cough in a 2 month old baby and when it is necessary Expectorants are made mainly from herbs

Serious mistakes that cost your life

In medicine, from time to time there are cases when, due to overly proactive parents, children have to be evacuated in intensive care, and sometimes such actions lead to death. Therefore, take the following information seriously and remember it:

We recommend reading: How to treat a cold in an infant?

  1. You cannot give a newborn child antitussives without a doctor’s prescription! Imagine that your baby’s cough is not dry, but with slight signs of sputum. By coughing, the child tries to get rid of mucus and germs, freeing the airways. What will happen if at this time you give the baby a medicine that “turns off” the cough? The phlegm won't come out anywhere. It will accumulate in the bronchi and lungs, clogging them and preventing normal air circulation. Usually such a story ends in complications.
  2. You cannot give two types of drugs (expectorant and antitussive) at the same time! This is the biggest mistake in treating children, and adults too: giving a drug that increases the volume of sputum and making it impossible to remove it by turning off the cough center. After such procedures, the child almost always requires hospitalization.

To summarize: cough in infants cannot be ignored. Be sure to show your child to a specialist so that they can establish a diagnosis and choose treatment tactics.

If the cough is persistent, lasting more than a month, you may need to consult an otolaryngologist, pulmonologist, phthisiatrician, allergist; in general, it is imperative to find the cause. Remember that after an acute respiratory viral infection, a child may cough for another 3-4 weeks. Don’t forget to give your baby enough to drink, take frequent walks, and the cough will most likely disappear without a trace.


A two-month-old baby is coughing - reasons, what to do

A cough in a small child often causes panic among parents.

It is important to know that at 2 months, short chest spasms in a baby can be a manifestation of the digestive system or a banal reaction to new smells or changes in air temperature.

It is necessary to seek help from a pediatrician and begin treatment if the problem is protracted or there are accompanying symptoms of an infectious or viral infection.

What can trigger uncontrollable chest spasms?

First of all, the pediatrician will advise you to exclude the influence of external factors.

If a 2-month-old child has a cough without fever, swelling and redness of the oral mucosa, then it is necessary to make sure that the baby does not have an allergic reaction.

This can be done by removing any possible irritants from the room: soft toys, pillows (they collect dust), indoor plants, pets.

It is very important to make sure that the child does not choke. At 2 months, children still do not show much interest in toys, so the likelihood of a foreign body getting into the throat is minimal.

Parents should make sure that the airways are not clogged with saliva or food debris.

This happens if you position your baby incorrectly after feeding. A child at 2 months should be placed on his side.

Unfortunately, there is a risk that the cough is caused by an infection or viral infection. You should know that in infants the immune system works differently than in adults. Often ARVI or acute respiratory infections occur without high fever or runny nose. The disease may manifest itself as a dry, unproductive cough.

When you need medical help

A cough in a 2-month-old baby may be a sign of insufficient activity. If the baby lies on his back for a long time, mucus accumulates on the back of the throat, causing chest spasms. This condition is considered normal. Parents just need to help the baby burp the accumulated lump.

For which symptoms should you seek help from a doctor:

  • the baby coughs non-stop;
  • wheezing is heard during breathing;
  • body temperature jumped;
  • expectorated mucus is not transparent (green, brown, red);
  • a rash, redness of the skin and oral mucosa appeared.
Read also:  Cough after an acute respiratory infection: causes of the phenomenon and possible complications

Many pediatricians recommend calling an ambulance at the first suspicion of ARVI or acute respiratory infections. Often, timely examination helps to select the optimal therapy.

How to treat a cough in a 2-month-old child

It is strictly prohibited to select medications for your baby on your own. Often the side effects of such medications cause more problems than the underlying cause of the cough. Pharmacotherapy is prescribed by the pediatrician depending on the severity of the disease and the nature of the chest spasms (dry or wet).

What can a 2 month old baby do for a cough?

  1. "Ambroxol". The mucolytic drug is approved from the first month of life. The dosage should be minimal.
  2. "Ambrobene". Children's syrup can be given to infants for dry, non-productive cough from birth.
  3. "Gedelix". The natural preparation is diluted with water and is recommended for thinning sputum.

Many parents try to protect their baby from the negative effects of medications. This is the right approach, but moderation is important in everything. If a child has a severe cough, a fever, or swollen lymph nodes, then it is most likely impossible to do without the use of pharmacological agents.

How to treat a cough in a 2 month old baby and when it is necessary

Traditional medicine and manual therapy

Natural ingredients are considered a relatively safe way to alleviate the patient's condition. It should be understood that a 2-month-old child may react to such exposure completely differently than an adult.

It is prohibited to use mustard plasters or any other compresses or applications containing substances that irritate the skin. Possible burns.

Diluted honey and chamomile decoction are good for coughs. The main thing is to strictly monitor the baby’s condition in order to avoid allergic reactions.

Pediatricians recommend periodically performing percussion (drainage) massage. Light pats on the back, chest, and gentle rubbing of the baby with warm hands will increase blood circulation, helping the body cope with the cause of the cough.

The impact should be directed from the lower back to the shoulder blades. In this way, the discharge of mucus accumulated in the respiratory tract is stimulated. Manual therapy is not performed on a 2-month-old child if the body temperature is above 37°.

General recommendations from experts

In order to avoid the appearance of symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, and allergic reactions, it is necessary to ensure comfortable conditions in the room. Most pediatricians agree that the optimal air temperature in a child’s room during sleep should not exceed 25°. It is important to regularly ventilate the apartment and use household steam generators (analogous to moisturizing inhalation).

Daily walks in the fresh air will not be amiss. Babies at 2 months should be dressed according to the weather. If a child sweats in the cold, then most likely a cold is guaranteed. The best prevention of cough and runny nose is breastfeeding. Mother's milk contains all the necessary elements to support immunity. Therefore, you should not start complementary feeding too early.


Cough in infants at 1 month: how to treat?

When a baby appears in the family, he begins to receive all the attention from his parents. Any symptoms or changes in habitual behavior are immediately recorded and eliminated. This also includes signs of disease. For example, when a child coughs in the first month, his parents immediately begin to run to doctors, consult and look for treatment methods.

Is it really that important? Absolutely yes. A cough cannot be ignored, because it can cause the development of respiratory failure. Let's look at the causes of cough and give ways to treat it.

Where does cough come from in newborns?

When a child is only a month old and already coughing, this does not always indicate some kind of disease. Sometimes this is a typical physiological process that has no other symptoms.

Reasons why cough occurs in infants:

  • Excess mucus. When there is too much mucus in the nasal cavity, it begins to gradually flow down, entering the respiratory tract. In this case, the baby may develop a cough in the morning. In this case, there is no reason to panic, since coughing in this case is a normal protective function of the body. You can remove the symptom by turning the baby on its side.
  • Irritants in the air. A slight cough can be caused by common dust that flies in the air. Various strong aromas and dry crusts in the nose can also lead to a cough.
  • Allergy to foods that mother eats. In this case, in addition to coughing, the child also has other allergic manifestations - in particular, runny nose, tearing, skin rash, etc.
  • Dry air. In winter, as a result of the active use of heaters, the air in the room becomes too dry. As a result of low humidity, the mucous membranes dry out, which is why a cough appears. To remove the symptoms, wet cleaning is required. Another way out of this situation is to buy an air humidifier.
  • Ingress of foreign objects. If a child accidentally inhales a small part or object, he may cough violently. Everything happens suddenly, the baby appears scared, agitated, and his skin turns reddish or bluish.
  • Problems with the respiratory system. In the case of viral or infectious diseases, the baby’s cough is also accompanied by a runny nose and a rise in temperature. The child is very lethargic, constantly wants to sleep, has a decreased appetite, and breathing through his nose is very difficult.

A cough can sometimes appear even during breastfeeding. In this case, the baby may have choked on food. You need to carefully calm the child down and allow him to rest a little. After some time, you can continue feeding.


In the first month of life, cough in children can manifest itself in different ways, depending on the cause of its occurrence.

If this is associated with a foreign body, then the cough will be sharp and bubbling.

If the cough is associated with an infection, then at first it will be mild, while the child’s temperature will rise and a runny nose will appear. If you ignore the problem, these symptoms will only get worse.

Cough can be of two types:

Dry. Wet.

A dry cough is usually associated with the appearance of thick sputum in the bronchi. It can also be complicated by swelling of the mucous membrane. The cough begins from the moment of a strong inhalation, but the mucus does not come out.

A wet cough is associated with sputum in the bronchi, which has a liquid appearance. Coughing up mucus gives some relief. When coughing, wheezing is heard, and characteristic vibrations can be felt in the chest area.

Treatment for cough largely depends on the symptoms present. It is worth remembering that under no circumstances should you prescribe any medications to a one-month-old baby on your own - this should be done by a doctor.

A doctor’s examination – in what cases is it necessary without delay?

Parents immediately begin to panic when their 1 month old baby coughs. What to do in such a situation? Sometimes a cough does not threaten the newborn in any way, but most often an urgent visit to the clinic is required.

Symptoms that require you to see a doctor:

  • General lethargy, severe weakness, increased body temperature, poor appetite
  • Blue skin, difficulty breathing.
  • Coughing in fits and starts with vomiting. This indicates whooping cough.
  • Loud hacking cough.
  • Wheezing with whistling.

Any of these symptoms requires contacting a doctor. It doesn’t matter what time of day it happened, delay is unacceptable here. If you cannot reach a doctor on your own, you can call an ambulance.

Helping your baby: what you can do at the initial stage

When your baby develops severe breathing problems, it is better to immediately call a doctor. There is no need to risk the health of your newborn. However, there are a few things you can do while you wait for the doctor to arrive:

  • Calm your child by holding him in your arms.
  • Remove your baby's tight undershirts or diapers.
  • Let your baby breathe clean air. You can open a window indoors. The child should be dressed warmly.
  • Give your child a warm drink.
  • Mucus from the nose can be removed using an aspirator.

All this will help relieve symptoms before the doctor arrives.

How is cough treated?

Treatment can completely eliminate the cough. The doctor must examine the child and draw conclusions about which therapy is suitable for him. The doctor may prescribe:

  • Antiviral drugs, antibiotics.
  • Expectorants.
  • Antipyretic drugs.
  • Antihistamines (if there are complications).

You should not prescribe treatment for your baby yourself. It will not always be correct. All this can only lead to allergic reactions, a decrease in overall tone, as well as interruptions in the functioning of the internal systems of the body.

What activities are strictly prohibited?

If a child develops a cough at 1 month of age, you should consult a doctor, as we wrote above. But not all parents do this. Often adults try to solve the problem on their own by performing the following manipulations, which are contraindicated for the baby’s health:

  • Self-prescription of antiviral drugs. If the baby has a fever, then he needs to be given antibiotics. This approach is fundamentally wrong. Only the doctor himself can choose therapy, and only he can make the final diagnosis.
  • Wait until the cough goes away on its own. A consultation with a doctor will never be superfluous. If you ignore the symptoms, then all this can result in depression of the respiratory centers.
  • Rub the child with ointments or alcohol. Children have very sensitive skin, and therefore this approach can only lead to additional problems.
  • Do inhalations. Breathe over potatoes - why not try this method? In fact, it is simply not suitable for children at 1 month of age. The baby will easily catch a burn to the mucous membrane.
  • Timely treatment of the child will help completely eliminate all negative symptoms.
  • Health to you and your baby!


How to help a two-month-old child with a cough? - cough in a two-month-old child

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