
How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision?

How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision?

Most often, people encounter this concept when passing a medical examination to obtain a driver’s license.

A medical examination of drivers is mandatory for everyone without exception. The law provides for the procedure and rules for its implementation.

An ophthalmologist's opinion is issued based on a vision test in the following areas:

With an understanding of the visual acuity testing process, as a rule, no questions arise. Regarding the point of checking for color perception, clarification and explanation, this will be necessary for drivers preparing to undergo an inspection.

A person's color perception is determined by heredity. In the central part of the retina of a healthy patient there are color-sensitive nerve receptors, the so-called cones. Each cone contains pigments of protein origin. There are only three such pigments.

The task of the specialist conducting the examination is to determine the norm or identify anomalies in color perception. Testing is carried out for these purposes.

Based on the test results, the following types of color vision are accurately identified:

  1. The normal type is trichromate. All three pigments (red, green and blue) are present.
  2. The anomalous type is dichromate. Only two of the three possible pigments are present.
  3. The abnormal type is achromat. Complete absence of color-sensitive pigments.

Why is this check needed?

Incorrect color perception or color blindness makes it difficult, and sometimes completely eliminates, the ability for a particular person to engage in a certain type of activity. Color blindness is often a reason for removal from duties where color perception is a fundamental and integral part of the job.

Persons driving vehicles belong to this category. The driver is obliged to react correctly to color signals, as this is directly related to road safety. Traffic lights and road signs are not perceived properly.

A transport worker's color blindness caused a train accident in Sweden in 1975. This event marked the beginning of research in this direction, and the first test for color blindness was developed for transport workers.

But during the life and professional activity of some people, it is possible to change. Therefore, testing by an ophthalmologist for color perception, as well as visual acuity, is mandatory and requires a certain frequency (medical examinations).

When is a color vision test performed?

Color perception is an important component of healthy vision, the key to a person’s correct reaction to surrounding circumstances and an adequate assessment of reality, which is so necessary when driving a vehicle.

When undergoing a medical examination, every driver is required to visit an ophthalmologist. The specialist examines vision parameters, including, in addition to visual acuity, a test for color perception.

To obtain the correct result of a color perception test, certain rules must be followed:

  1. Natural lighting in the room (testing under artificial lighting is prohibited).
  2. The patient's well-being should be normal and rested.
  3. There should be no direct sunlight.
  4. Test items should be placed at a distance of 1 meter in a strictly vertical position.
  5. The time for each image is given no more than a few seconds.
  • Thus, if you are going to drive a vehicle or your professional activity is directly related to the recognition of color signals, then you will have to undergo color perception testing.
  • As you age, you may also need to conduct a similar diagnosis, as your vision parameters change.
  • In case of injuries of various types affecting the visual apparatus, an ophthalmologist will observe and track trends in changes in your color perception through testing.

Rabkin table - what is it, principle of operation

A simple diagnostic method for detecting abnormal vision is the spectral method.

Rabkin's tables help to identify and accurately differentiate three forms of deviation in color perception:

  • deuteranomaly - impaired perception of the green spectrum;
  • protanomaly - impaired perception of the red spectrum
  • Tritanomaly is a disorder in the perception of blue.

In each of the anomalies, three degrees are determined:

  • A - strong;
  • B - average;
  • C - light.

With color blindness, a partial or complete absence of color perception, the person being tested does not distinguish individual colors and sees a uniform pattern. While each image consists of a large number of multi-colored circles and dots of the same brightness, but different in color.

Rabkin table - for color perception with answers

The Rabkin table test for color perception makes it possible to identify the form and degree of color blindness.

Test and answers:

How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision?

  • norm (trichromate type) - 96;
  • protanomal-96;
  • deuteranomal - 96.

How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision?

  • norm (trichromat type) - triangle and circle;
  • protanomal - triangle and circle;
  • deuteranomal - triangle and circle.

How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision?

  • norm (trichromate type) - 9;
  • protanomal-5;
  • deuteranomal - 5.
  • How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision?

  • norm (trichromat type) - triangle;
  • protanomal-circle;
  • deuteranomaly - circle.
  • How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision?

  • norm (trichromate type) - 13;
  • protanomal-6;
  • deuteranomal - 6.
  • How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision?

  • norm (trichromat type) - circle and triangle;
  • protanomal - does not perceive;
  • deuteranomal - does not perceive.
  • How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision?

  • norm (trichromate type) - 96;
  • protanomal-96;
  • deuteranomal - 6.
  • How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision?

  • norm (trichromate type) -5;
  • protanomal—;
  • deuteranomal - -.
  • How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision?

  • norm (trichromate type) -9;
  • protanomal-6 or 8;
  • deuteranomal - 9.
  • norm (trichromate type) -136;
  • protanomal-66, 68 or 69;
  • deuteranomal - 66, 68 or 69.
  • norm (trichromat type) - triangle and circle;
  • protanomal-triangle;
  • deuteranomal - circle/circle and triangle.
  • norm (trichromate type) -12;
  • protanomal-12;
  • deuteranomal - -.
  • norm (trichromat type) - triangle and circle;
  • protanomal-circle;
  • deuteranomal triangle.
  • norm (trichromate type) -30;
  • protanomal-10, 6;
  • deuteranomal - 1, 6.
  • norm (trichromat type) - triangle on the right, circle on the left;
  • protanomal - two triangles at the top, a square at the bottom;
  • deuteranomal - triangle at the top left, square at the bottom.
  • norm (trichromat type) -96;
  • protanomal-9;
  • deuteranomal - 6.
  • norm (trichromat type) - triangle and circle;
  • protanomal-triangle;
  • deuteranomaly - circle.
  • norm (trichromat type) - horizontally eight single-color squares, vertically colored squares;
  • protanomal - vertically single-color squares in the 3rd, 5th, 7th row, horizontally early-colored squares;
  • deuteranomal - vertically single-colored squares in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th row, horizontally colored squares.
  • norm (trichromate type) -95;
  • protanomal-5;
  • deuteranomal - 5.
  • norm (trichromat type) - circle and triangle;
  • protanomal - nothing;
  • deuteranomal - nothing.
  • norm (trichromat) - vertical six single-color squares, horizontal multi-colored rows.
  • normal (trichromate) -66;
  • protanomal-6;
  • deuteranomal - 6.
  • normal (trichromate) -36;
  • protanomal-36;
  • deuteranomal - 36;
  • with severe acquired pathology, the number is not visible.
  • normal (trichromate) -14;
  • protanomal-14;
  • deuteranomal - 14;
  • with severe acquired pathology, the number is not visible.
  • normal (trichromate) -9;
  • protanomal-9;
  • deuteranomal - 9;
  • with severe acquired pathology, the number is not visible.
  • normal (trichromate) -4;
  • protanomal-4;
  • deuteranomal - 4;
  • with severe acquired pathology, the number is not visible.
  • norm (trichromate) - 13;
  • protanomal - nothing;
  • deuteranomal - nothing.

Interpretation of test results

To identify deviations, a check using 27 images is sufficient. In the case of simulation or other circumstances, at the discretion of the specialist, control tables (20 more) are used to accurately determine the problem.

First of all, the tested patient’s weakened perception of green or red colors is revealed. This deviation is considered an anomaly and is called dichromasia.

Dichromasia involves impaired color perception and the distinction of not all colors.


  1. Lack of color vision for red, called protanopia. Protanopia is characterized by a darker vision of red and its merging with dark green and dark brown. In this case, the green color becomes close to light gray, light yellow and light brown. The reason for the deviation is the lack of photosensitive pigment in the retina.
  2. Lack of green color vision, called deuteranopia. Deuteranopia involves the inability to distinguish green from pale orange and light pink. And red can be perceived as light green and light brown.

Protanopia and deuteranopia are congenital disorders of color receptors. Tritanopia is much less common and is most often acquired.

Then the anomaly form is classified into three types:

  1. A complete lack of perception of red and green colors is classified as type A.
  2. Significant color vision problems are classified as type B.
  3. Slight deviations in color perception suggest type C.

In addition to the above deviations, more rare species are recognized using tables:

  • monochromasia (all three colors are not perceived);
  • abnormal trichromasia (inability to determine the difference in shades of three colors, when determining the three primary colors and with a reduced presence of pigments).

Thus, if you have all three pigments, you are able to correctly distinguish the primary colors (red, green and blue). If any of them is missing, then you suffer from various types of color blindness.

How to pass a color vision test well as a driver

In the absence of deviations, passing the test does not require additional preparation or special effort on the part of the test taker.

You need to follow the simplest basic points:

  1. General health should be within normal limits.
  2. Make sure there is sufficient and natural lighting in the testing area.
  3. Position your back to the main light source.
  4. Make sure the image is at your eye level.
  5. Look at the picture quickly, spending a few moments on each one.

Identification of deviations is not a reason for upset, much less resentment towards the doctor. Most likely, this is a call to action. In this case, the ophthalmologist does not read out your verdict, but perhaps tries to come to your aid and protect you from much greater troubles (for example, accidents).

Violation of color perception should not provoke the search for workarounds for its passage. If there is pathology in color perception, it is not possible to pass the test successfully. Memorizing the tables is useless, since the images are provided selectively and in any order.

Understanding the seriousness of this issue can affect not only your safety, but also save the lives of those around you . The likelihood of difficulty in determining the change of traffic lights should make you think that you should not risk driving or working as a driver.

What to do if the driver is found to have violations

There are two main types of color blindness: congenital and acquired. Congenital pathology of the retina, unfortunately, cannot be corrected at the moment. A way for colorblind people to see the world in the same way as other people is to wear specially designed contact lenses.

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Scientists are also working on technology for introducing the corresponding genes into retinal cells.

Age-related color blindness is incurable. But sometimes when the lens is replaced, color perception returns to normal.

If color vision impairment was caused by damage from a chemical drug, there is a possibility of complete recovery when it is discontinued.

Loss of color vision is often caused by injury. In this case, the result of restoring the vision of colors depends on its severity. Sometimes a complete cure occurs and vision returns to normal.

In general, deviations from the norm in color perception do not in themselves pose a danger to human health. However, if this anomaly is detected in persons whose professional activity is related to color recognition, then it is necessary to take this issue seriously and find a more suitable type of activity.

Restrictions in activities for people with color vision impairments

Certain professions require mandatory vision testing for color blindness.

These include:

  • drivers;
  • machinists;
  • sailors;
  • pilots;
  • highly specialized doctors.

Identification of visual impairments associated with color blindness does not allow people to get a job in these professions or continue their professional activities.

Color blindness prevents you from correctly perceiving and recording road signals. In some countries, people diagnosed with color blindness are denied a driver's license.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, at different periods of time, the rules regarding the issuance of driver's licenses and the assignment of a certain category of driving a vehicle have undergone some changes.

If in 2012 a violation of color vision was the reason for refusal to issue a driver’s license regardless of their category, then in 2014 there was a reduction in requirements and only achromatopsia can serve as a basis for refusal to drive a vehicle.

In all countries of the European Union there are no restrictions on the issuance of driving licenses related to color blindness. The exception is Romania.


Rabkin table for drivers online

How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision?Before going to a driving school, a person must undergo a medical examination. In addition to a narcologist and a psychiatrist, he is referred to an ophthalmologist. This is necessary not only to determine his visual acuity, but also to conduct a test for color blindness.

Impaired color perception can provoke an emergency situation on the road, which can lead to death.

To carry out this test, Rabkin tables are often used. They are pictures consisting of colored circles from which numbers or figures are composed.

Before you start taking the test, you need to calm down and adjust your computer monitor to a comfortable brightness level. The eyes should be a meter away from the image. No more than 5 seconds are allocated to view the picture, after which you need to click on the “Find out the answer” button and compare the description with your received image.

If any deviations in color perception are detected, you must immediately contact an ophthalmologist and identify the cause of the pathology.

Rabkin table

How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision? The picture shows the number 96. It can be seen by both people with normal color vision and those with color blindness.How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision? The image is presented to ensure that the patient understands the essence of the test. Both colorblind and normal people see a square and a triangle.How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision? The picture is also presented to demonstrate the essence and exclude the simulation. For people without the disease - 9. Patients who do not distinguish between red and green colors see 5.How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision? Trichomats see a triangle, colorblind people see a circle.How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision? People with normal vision see the number 13, those with impaired color perception see 6.How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision? The picture shows a circle and a triangle.How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision? How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision? Colorblind people won't see any of these figures. Usually people with normal and impaired color vision see 5. However, the latter find it difficult.How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision? In advanced forms of color blindness, patients do not see numbers at all. Trichomats and deuteranopes (who do not distinguish the color green) recognize 9. Protanopes, that is, people who do not distinguish the color red, see 8 or 6. Patients without pathology see the number 136, colorblind people - 66, 68, 69. All people recognize the number 14. Trichomats and deuteranopes (who do not distinguish the color green) recognize 12. Protanopes, that is, people who do not distinguish the color red, do not see anything. In the picture, people without pathology see a circle and a triangle. Deuteranopes are just a triangle. Protanopes are only a circle. Patients with normal color vision see 3 and 0 at the top. Deuteranopes -1 at the top and 6 at the bottom. Protanopes - 1 and 0 at the top, 6 at the bottom. Trichomates are distinguished in the upper part on the right by a triangle, on the left by a circle. Deuteranopes - square at the bottom, triangle at the top left. Protanopes - 2 triangles at the top, a square at the bottom. Patients without pathology see 96. People who do not distinguish between the color green - 6, red - 9. A triangle and a circle are depicted. Deuteranopes see a circle, protanopes see a triangle. For trichomates, all the rows are the same color, and the columns are different. Deuteranopes see columns 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and all rows as one color. Protanopes - 3, 5, 7 columns and all rows of the same color. Patients without pathology see 25. People who do not distinguish between green and red see 5. A triangle and a circle are depicted. People with impaired color vision cannot distinguish figures. Patients without pathology and protanope see 96. People who cannot distinguish the color green - 6. Usually people with normal and impaired color vision see 5. However, the latter find it difficult. In advanced forms of color blindness, patients do not see numbers at all. People without pathology see columns as one color and rows as multi-colored. Colorblind people see columns as multi-colored and rows as monochromatic.

Poor vision significantly worsens the quality of life and makes it impossible to see the world as it is. Not to mention the progression of pathologies and complete blindness.

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Color blindness test

Color blindness test

How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision? 1. Before starting the test, turn off any screen filters and sit at arm's length.2. Test results may be affected by lighting conditions and your screen settings. 3. Remember that this test is for informational purposes only; to make an accurate diagnosis, consult an ophthalmologist. How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision?

Impaired color perception

According to the test results, you have severely impaired color vision, however, glasses for colorblind people can help you. More than 80% of colorblind people begin to distinguish colors with our help. For more detailed advice on a specific type of lens that will be most effective for you, please , contact us via the application form, or by phone +7(499)288-2820

Thank you!

How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision?

Impaired color perception

According to the test results, you have severely impaired color vision, however, glasses for colorblind people can help you. More than 80% of colorblind people begin to distinguish colors with our help. For more detailed advice on a specific type of lens that will be most effective for you, please , contact us through the application form, or by phone +7 (499) 288-2820 Thank you! How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision?

Impaired color perception

According to the test results, you have impaired color vision, however, glasses for colorblind people can help you. More than 80% of colorblind people begin to distinguish colors with our help. For more detailed advice on a specific type of lens that will be most effective for you, please, contact us via the application form, or by phone +7(499)288-2820

Thank you!

How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision?

Impaired color perception

According to the test results, you have impaired color vision, however, glasses for colorblind people can help you. More than 80% of colorblind people begin to distinguish colors with our help. For more detailed advice on a specific type of lens that will be most effective for you, please, contact us via the application form, or by phone +7(499)288-2820

Thank you!

How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision?

Impaired color perception

According to the test results, you have impaired color vision, however, glasses for colorblind people can help you. More than 80% of colorblind people begin to distinguish colors with our help. For more detailed advice on a specific type of lens that will be most effective for you, please, contact us via the application form, or by phone +7(499)288-2820

Thank you!

How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision?

You have no problems with color perception! When a person with normal color vision wears Pilestone glasses, they experience a color enhancement effect: colors become more saturated and the outlines of surrounding objects become clearer. This eye response is attributed to the chromatic contrast enhancement provided by Pilestone's special multi-layer lenses. Tell your loved ones about our glasses who still have the problem of color blindness and we can help them!


Test for color blindness: tables of Rabkin, Yustova, Ishihara, cards for testing color perception and color perception

All people want to have good vision, but about 11% of all people are susceptible to a disease such as color blindness. This disease can be either congenital or acquired. The most important thing is to notice the disease in time.

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Briefly about the disease

There are three main colors - blue, red and yellow. All colors mix to form many other shades. When one or more pigments are missing, color perception is impaired.

How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision?

Color blindness (color blindness) is a visual impairment, more precisely the function of color perception. If such a pathology is present, then the person does not distinguish between one or more colors.

There are several different types of visual impairment that are associated with the inability to perceive one of the main colors. And if objects are painted in these primary colors, then the patient will see them as gray.

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It is rare to experience complete color blindness, in which a person cannot distinguish any shades or colors.


There are many reasons for this disease. This:

  • The pain may be caused by a brain injury.
  • Congenital color blindness.
  • Benign or malignant formations.
  • Retinal degeneration.
  • Exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Age-related macular degeneration.
  • Also due to the development of cataracts.
  • Temporary loss may be caused by poisoning or intoxication.


There are two main causes of deviation: congenital and acquired. People only knew about the hereditary form, but later it turned out that color blindness can be acquired during life. Most often this happens due to various eye injuries.

Congenital color blindness. It is associated with a defect in the X chromosome. It is this chromosome that contains the genes responsible for color-sensitive pigment. If color blindness was inherited, then color perception is equally impaired in both eyes at once. The violations are not severe and do not get worse. This gene is passed on through generations, manifesting itself in grandchildren or great-grandchildren.

: It’s interesting to know: how colorblind people see

How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision?

Acquired color blindness. Very often, an acquired disease manifests itself only in one eye if the cause is an injury or illness.

This type can progress, but it is worth remembering that in some cases it can be treated.

Certain types of disease appear due to complications in the functioning of the nervous system, damage to the retina of the eye, or the use of potent drugs.

Colorblindness is divided into colors whose perception is impaired. The following types of this disease are defined:

  • Monochromacy. In this case, you can only perceive one color. The disease is accompanied by fear of light.
  • Achromasia. It is impossible to distinguish all three primary colors. A person recognizes only shades of gray. This deviation is quite rare.
  • Dichromasia. Allows you to distinguish between two colors. It is divided into several more points.
  • Trichromasia. It is possible to perceive all three colors. But there is normal and abnormal trichromasia. Anomalous is something between trichromasia and dichromasia. A person does not recognize shades of primary colors.


To diagnose the disease, a color test is used in medicine. The research work is carried out using an anomaloscope and Rybkin’s polychromatic tables. It is quite difficult to diagnose hereditary color blindness, since most often people often name colors with generally accepted concepts.

The first diagnosis is to undergo an ophthalmologist. Patients also undergo tonometry, perimetry, ophthalmoscopy, biomicroscopy and refractometry.

Test Description

Ishihara color test. It consists of pictures depicting multi-colored spots. Together, all these spots create a certain pattern.

Part of the drawing falls out of the patient’s field of vision, so he cannot name what exactly is depicted. The test also contains images of figures - simple geometric symbols and numbers.

A person with color blindness sees only backgrounds and not figures.

How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision?

There is another FALANT test, which is used only in special cases (hiring for a job with special vision requirements), therefore it is not the most popular in Russia and is almost never used. This test is mainly used in America to examine candidates for military service.

: Secrets of genetics: how color blindness is inherited


To obtain accurate results, you must adhere to the test algorithm:

  • The diagnostic test is performed only in daylight. The pictures are placed vertically at eye level.
  • The patient should position himself at a distance of at least a meter from the computer monitor.
  • The ophthalmologist stands opposite the patient.
  • Next you need to relax. You can’t look closely at the image.
  • The next point is not to rush. At least seven seconds are given to review each picture.
  • The final point is checking the results.

Reference! The test can be performed if the patient feels well.

Interpretation of results

The test result will depend on the number of correct and incorrect answers. If the patient gave all 27 correct answers, then there are no violations. A person distinguishes three primary colors.

If between 1 and 12 errors were made, this means that the subject has anomalous trichromasia. This is a color vision disorder. Poor perception of one of three colors.

There are generally three types of trichromasia: tritanomaly, protanomaly and deuteranomaly. If twelve or more errors were made on the test, a diagnosis of dichromasia is made.

If a person does not recognize the color red - protanopia, blue - tritanopia.

How to take the test

To get accurate results, you must follow your doctor's recommendations. For example, if the picture will be displayed on the monitor, then the brightness is adjusted to a medium level. Also, tables are installed at human eye level. This is necessary to ensure that the images are not distorted. Be sure to give some time to study the tables.

In case you know you have a disease and want to take a test to obtain permission to work or obtain a driver's license, you can find Rabkin's tables with the answers. For an initial examination, this may be enough, but with an in-depth examination, your deception will be revealed in no time.

Important! If you want to deceive the ophthalmologist with memorized polychromatic cards, think about it, color vision disorders can lead to harm for you, as well as the life and health of others!

Online tests to detect the disease

By taking a free online test, you can find out for yourself whether this deviation exists or not. There are many color perception tests on the Internet, some of which are paid. The most commonly used test is with numbers and geometric shapes.

: It’s interesting to know: how colorblind people see


Color blindness test for color blind people - trichromat with answers to color perception and color perception, protanopes, color blindness

Color blindness is a pathological process that manifests itself in a person’s inability to distinguish colors and shades. The world first learned about this phenomenon in 1794, when John Dalton’s book was published. In it, the scientist described in detail the characteristics of color perception, based on personal experience.

Types of color blindness

Color blindness can be hereditary or acquired.


An inherited pathological process, the transmission of which occurs from relatives on the X chromosome. Moreover, color blindness is more often diagnosed in the male population than in the female population.

For color blindness to be transmitted to a man, only one maternal chromosome with the gene for this pathology is necessary. But in women, color blindness is diagnosed only if this gene was passed on from the mother and grandmother on the father’s side. If we look at the statistics, color perception disorders occur in 0.4% of cases in women, and in 2-8% of men.

There are several types of color blindness, among which the rarest is achromatopsia (in 0.2% of cases).


Acquired color blindness can occur against the background of damage (angiopathy) to the retina or optic nerve atrophy. This color blindness occurs equally in both men and women.


This form of color blindness affects about 8% of men and 0.5% of women . Most often it is congenital and is called protanopia. This deviation is accompanied by the inability to distinguish certain shades in the yellow-green range, as well as shades of purple-blue flowers.

Protanope is characterized by the absence of photosensitive pigment in the cones of the retina of the visual organ. This pigment is called erythrolab. It has maximum spectral sensitivity in the red-orange region of the spectrum.

People perceive light green as orange, and they find it difficult to distinguish purple from blue. At the same time, protanope is able to distinguish blue from green and green from dark red. It is currently not possible to correct this defect.

Read about glasses against color blindness in the article.


This is a deviation from the norm of light perception. It is diagnosed extremely rarely, in only 1% of the population.

This form of color blindness is based on the inability to distinguish between certain colors and shades belonging to the blue-green spectrum.

Deuteranope does not have a special photosensitive pigment in the caps of the retina, the name of which is chlorolab. It has maximum sensitivity in the yellow-green range.

Patients see light green and light blue perfectly well, but are unable to understand where purple is and where yellow-green is. But deuteranopes can distinguish lilac from green and green from red. The type of color blindness in question is congenital, so it is impossible to get rid of the defect.


This type of color blindness is accompanied by the inability to distinguish shades and colors in the blue-yellow, violet-red sectors. This pathology is diagnosed extremely rarely and is predominantly hereditary in nature.

Color blindness test

To diagnose color blindness, the patient will be asked to take a color blindness test. There is nothing complicated about this. You just need to look at special pictures and say what is shown on them.

To successfully pass the test, you must have pictures for the vision test and follow simple recommendations:

  1. Relax, look at the images at a distance of 1 m.
  2. Do not rush, because the patient is given about 5 seconds to study each picture.
  3. Now all that remains is to read the text written under the image and compare it with the results seen in the picture.
  4. If you note certain deviations, then you should not immediately panic. If you read text on a computer, the problem may be caused by incorrect image settings or monitor color settings. But it still won’t hurt to see a doctor.

Now you can proceed directly to taking the test.

Picture 1

All normal trichromats, abnormal trichromats and dichromats in the pictures equally correctly distinguish numbers such as 9 and 6. These images serve to demonstrate the method and detect malingerers.

  • Read more about the vision test here.
  • Figure 2
  • All normal trichromats, abnormal trichromats and dichromats in pictures equally correctly see two figures - a circle and a triangle.
  • Figure 3
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So, here is a picture. If you see the number 9 on it, it means that you are a normal trichomate. But those that 5 saw will relate to protanopes and deuteranopes.

Figure 4

Looking at the next image, normal trichromats will see a figure there - a triangle. But for protanopes and deuteranopes there will be a circle there.

Also read about mixed astigmatism in both eyes, see the link.

Figure 5

If we look at this image to normal trichromats, they will see the numbers 1 and 3. But protanopes and deuteranopes will read the number 6.

Figure 6

If, looking at this picture, you notice two figures - a triangle and a circle, then you are a normal trichromat. And those for whom there are no figures in this image belong to protanopes and deuteranopes.

Figure 7

Normal trichromats will see numbers such as 9 and 6 in the picture. But deuteranopes will only be able to see the number 6.

You can find eye exercises to improve your vision here.

Figure 8

If you find the number 5 in the picture, then you are a normal trichromat. But those who noticed these numbers with difficulty or did not distinguish them at all will be classified as protanopes and deuteranopes.

Figure 9

If you can see the number 9 in the picture, then you are a normal trichromate and deuteranope. But you can see 6 or 8 protanopes there.

Figure 10

For normal trichromats, the picture will show the following numbers - 1,3,6. But for protanopes and deuteranopes there will be only two numbers - 66,68 or 69.

Figure 11

When studying the picture, normal trichromats will be able to separate the circle and the triangle there. Moreover, for protanopes there will be only a triangle, and for deuteranopes there will be a circle, as well as a circle and a triangle.

Figure 12

If trichromats and deuteranopes look at the picture, they will see 1 and 2. But for protanopes, these numbers will not be visible.

Read about night blindness in the material.

Figure 13

Normal trichromats will see a circle and a triangle in the picture. But protanopes can be seen only as a circle, and deuteranopes as a triangle.

Figure 14

Normal trichromats will have numbers like 3 and 0 at the top of the picture, but nothing at the bottom. Protanopes will read 1 and 0 at the top, and 6 at the bottom.

Figure 15

In normal trichromats, when looking at the picture above, you will see a circle on the left and a triangle on the right. But protanopes will be able to read two triangles at the top and a square at the bottom. Deuteranopes will have a triangle at the top and a square at the bottom.

Figure 16

Normal trichromats will be able to see 6 and 9 in the picture. In protanopes, only 9 is visible, and in deuteranopes - 6.

Figure 17

If you are a normal trichromat, you will see a triangle and a circle in the picture. Protanopes can only lament a triangle, and deuteranopes can only lament a circle.

Figure 18

For normal trichromats, in the picture shown there are horizontal rows with 8 squares each. In this case, the horizontal rows are of the same color. But they will perceive vertical ones as multi-colored.

Figure 19

When reading a picture, normal trichromats manage to see 9 and 5. But protanopes and deuteranopes only see 5.

Figure 20

Normal trichromats, looking at the picture, will see a triangle and a circle there. But for protanopes and deuteranopes these figures will be absent.

Figure 21

Looking at the picture, normal trichromats can read vertical rows of 6 squares each. The vertical row is one color. But the horizontal ones are multi-colored.

Figure 22

Normal trichromats, looking at the image, will see the numbers 66. But protanopes and deuteranopes will be able to read only one number.

Figure 23

Normal trichromats, protanopes and deuteranopes will be able to see the number 36 in the picture. But patients who have a severe form of acquired color vision defect will not see these numbers.

Figure 24

Normal trichromats, protanopes and deuteranopes will be able to read the number 14 in the picture. But people with a severe form of acquired color blindness will not see these numbers.

Causes of swelling of the upper eyelids

Treatment of macular degeneration of the retina with folk remedies is described here.

Treatment of demodicosis of the eyes in humans

Figure 25

Normal trichromats, protanopes and deuteranopes, looking at the picture, see the number 9. People who have a severe form of color blindness will not be able to read this number.

Figure 26

People belonging to normal trichromats, protanopes and deuteranopes will be able to read the number 4 in the picture. But patients suffering from a severe form of acquired color blindness will not see this number.

Figure 27

If a person is a normal trichromat, then he will see 13 in the image. But protanopes and deuteranopes cannot see these numbers.

Why are the whites of the eyes yellow?

Red eyes - causes and treatment are described in this article.

Eye ointment with antibiotic Oftocipro



Color blindness is a vision defect that results in a person being unable to distinguish certain shades of color. Such a disease leads to the fact that a person cannot be a driver, sailor or machinist. Due to the fact that the eye cannot perceive some colors, people will not be able to distinguish road signs. Also, people suffering from color blindness need to take a color vision test.

Also read about the effectiveness of diagnostics using the Orlovo table for testing vision and about the developed method for restoring vision by Professor Zhdanov.


Colorblindness test: 8 pictures for self-test

If you opened the article to test your color perception and find out if you are color blind, then you are on the right track. Below we will present a theory that reveals the whole essence of the problem of color blindness and pictures directly that allow you to assess whether your color perception is correct.

Everyone has been tested many times by an ophthalmologist, who showed pictures consisting of many multi-colored circles; drivers especially often have to undergo this test. Since this is a mandatory test to obtain a license.

As promised earlier, a little theory. Color blindness is also called “color blindness,” meaning a person cannot distinguish between primary colors such as red, blue and green. Most often, color blindness is a congenital hereditary disorder of color perception.

But it happens that color blindness appears during a person’s life; such color blindness is called acquired. The cause of this disorder can be: eye diseases, complications after viral infections, nervous strain, a consequence of a heart attack and stroke, age. To avoid problems with color perception, try not to be too nervous; healthy nerves will give you a big boost to your health.

It is worth noting that color blindness is transmitted through the female line, but men suffer from color blindness 20 times more often than women.

Types of color blindness

A dichromat is a person who is able to distinguish only two primary colors.

Protanope - unable to detect the color red. In color perception, red is replaced by brown, gray and even black.

Deuteranopic dichromate is not capable of detecting green color. For such a person there is no difference between green and blue.

Achromatopsia - a person with this deviation does not distinguish colors at all.

We've sorted out the theory, now let's move on directly to the tests.

Color blindness test

You should make some small preparations before taking the test. Take the test in good light, do not look at the pictures directly, look at ease without tension and do not rush. Good luck, I hope you can correctly distinguish everything that is shown in the pictures.


If you saw “99”, everything is fine, if you couldn’t distinguish the numbers and saw only a chaotic mosaic, you should be concerned.


We were able to distinguish “98”, excellent, perception is fine. It didn’t work out, which means not everything is going smoothly. You should see a doctor; there is no point in starting the problem.


We couldn’t find the number at first glance, this is one of the difficult tests. The picture shows the number "9". We saw it, great, your perception is completely in order.


This picture is from Rabkin's table. Normally you should see the number “9”, but if you see “5” then you have problems identifying red or green.


Normally you should see a triangle with the base at the top of the picture. If you saw a circle, then you are color blind - protanope.


What could you see? Geometric figures? Order. If you don’t see anything, then there are problems with color perception.


Here is another picture that may confuse many. The numbers “9” and “6” are depicted. If you don’t see green well, then the left side of the picture will be empty for you (without numbers).


How do you like this test? What number could you identify? “66”, “68”, “69” you need to think about it and take more serious tests from a specialist. If you can easily identify “136”, you are in perfect order. Congratulations!

If the article is useful, then by all means, just be sure to like (Cool!) and subscribe. Thank you!


How is the test for color blindness carried out and is it possible to restore vision? Link to main publication
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