
Cough with sputum without fever: treatment and prevention

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Causes of cough with sputum without fever

Cough is not a disease, but only one of the many symptoms of respiratory disease in humans. The reflex is caused by foreign particles, mucus, bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms. If at first there was a dry cough that irritated the surfaces, over time it transforms into a wet cough with the release of liquid secretion.

A wet cough is mucus produced by the protective lining of the bronchi. Together with sputum, microbes and their waste products are removed from the respiratory tract.

Mucus color

Depending on the chemical composition, the thick liquid that separates can have a variety of shades - from transparent to brown and even black.

Cough with sputum without fever: treatment and prevention

Know! The color of the sputum indicates the underlying causes of the cough. Some diseases can give mucus a putrid odor.

Cough with gray or brown mucus

Bronchitis, sinusitis or sinusitis are characterized by coughing up mucus with purulent brownish patches. The chronic course of these diseases can lead to irreversible changes in the body, so the help of a doctor in such a situation is mandatory. The remission stage occurs without a rise in body temperature.

A bacterial infection caused by smoking provokes a wet cough with gray-brown sputum. Toxic substances absorbed into the epithelium of the respiratory tract can cause cell degeneration, cancer of the larynx or tongue.

Green or yellow sputum

Green sputum when coughing appears in cases where the infectious disease becomes chronic. The shade is formed by purulent discharge. Bacterial pneumonia and tonsillitis turn coughed secretions light green.

Clear or white secretions when coughing indicate the presence of a viral infection. Yellow sputum will be separated from a common cold, ARVI with secondary bacterial infection.

Cough with rust-colored or bloody sputum

Sputum containing blood clots may indicate an acute form of bronchitis, pneumonia, or infectious damage to the vessels of the throat or larynx.

A prolonged cough with blood indicates a malignant neoplasm of the respiratory system. This symptom is characteristic of central or peripheral lung cancer, bronchial tumors.

In the last stages of the oncological process, with tissue breakdown, black sputum may be released.

Attention! Sometimes a one-time cough with rust-colored sputum can be a consequence of previously eating chocolate, fruit, or drinking compote or juice. If the attacks do not recur, there is no cause for concern.

If the sputum is colorless or white

Infection of the lungs with the tuberculosis bacillus greatly reduces human immunity. The color of expectorated mucus is white. Also, secretion with white sputum may be a consequence of taking antibiotics or indicate the presence of a fungal disease in the body.

Transparent or white viscous sputum is discharged in case of bronchial asthma, allergic reactions of the body. In this case, it is important to eliminate the irritant that provokes the attacks.

Attacks during the day

The time the cough intensifies depends on the cause. Morning attacks can mean smoker's bronchitis, runny nose, sinusitis.

If a painful cough accompanies a person throughout the whole day, tracheitis, bronchitis or a cough form of bronchial asthma are suspected.

In some diseases (bronchiectasis), the cough can be long and painful. It is not always possible to clear your throat completely.

Cough with sputum without fever: treatment and prevention

Important! Smoker's bronchitis leads to deformation of the bronchi. Their changes provoke a prolonged cough with mucus in the morning.

No fever or runny nose

A wet cough without fever or runny nose can occur with acute respiratory infections and other pathologies:

  • swelling or inflammation of the respiratory organs;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • neoplasms in the lungs and mediastinum;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pulmonary infarction;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • malignant tumor;
  • allergic reactions;
  • nicotine poisoning;
  • smoker's bronchitis.

For a child, the list is supplemented by other provoking factors:

  • dry air in the living room;
  • parasite infestations;
  • whooping cough;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • foreign object in the respiratory tract.

In any case, you cannot do without the help of a specialist.

Who to contact and diagnosis

First, you should make an appointment with a therapist. First of all, the doctor will draw up a clinical picture of the disease by interviewing the patient. If serious pathologies are suspected, the therapist will refer the patient to a pulmonologist, phthisiatrician or oncologist.

Cough with sputum without fever: treatment and prevention

The specialist will prescribe the patient to undergo the necessary tests and diagnostic procedures. It could be:

  • general blood analysis;
  • Mantoux test or Diaksintest;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • chest x-ray;
  • bacteriological culture of sputum.

Attention! When the causes of the cough are clarified and an accurate diagnosis is established, the doctor will draw up a treatment regimen and tell you what to do to reduce attacks.

Treatment with medications

You can get rid of an infectious disease using comprehensive measures. A prolonged cough without fever caused by bacteria is treated with antibiotics. Doctors use the following means:

  • penicillins (Augmentin, Flemoclav, Amoxicillin) destroy bacteria;
  • macrolides (Sumamed, Clarithromycin) interfere with the vital activity and reproduction of bacteria resistant to penicillin;
  • Cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone, Cefazolin, Suprax, Cephalexin) suppress the growth and reproduction of infection and are effective for bronchitis.

Additionally, antiseptic drugs are prescribed, which in combination with antibiotics contribute to the patient’s rapid recovery (Miramistin, chamomile infusion, Furacilin, Chlorhexidine). You need to gargle several times a day.

Know! To eliminate allergic spasm of the bronchi and swelling of the mucous membrane, you should take an antihistamine.


A wet cough is the path to recovery. Constant expectoration is necessary to remove microbes that accumulate in the throat and respiratory organs.

Cough with sputum without fever: treatment and prevention

There are various means that promote complete separation and removal of mucus:

  • Doctor Mom;
  • Thermopsis;
  • Bronchicum-S;
  • Codelac Broncho;
  • Pertussin;
  • Gerbion.

If, after taking medications, a severe cough does not stop, and sputum is difficult to clear, you should switch your attention to thinning drugs - ACC, Fluditec.

Important! Not all products sold in pharmacies are suitable for treating wet cough. But all medications have contraindications. To avoid overdose or poisoning, it is advisable to consult a doctor first.

Mucolytic agents

Difficult sputum must be dealt with with special compounds. Prescribed medications to thin mucus:

  • ACC;
  • Acetylcysteine ​​powder;
  • Fluimucil solution;
  • Ambroxol;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Bronchicum.

Some products based on herbal ingredients (coltsfoot, thyme) give good results.

Inhalations for adults

Physiotherapy is prescribed as an auxiliary measure. Inhalation based on medicinal herbs helps a lot:

  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • plantain;
  • marshmallow root.

Cough with sputum without fever: treatment and prevention

Know! The procedure is carried out at home using a nebulizer. If it is not possible to purchase an inhalation device, you can use a physiotherapy room in a medical institution.

Treatment with folk remedies

You can get rid of a debilitating cough that is not accompanied by a fever at home using traditional medicine recipes. Among the plants there are quite a lot of herbs that have expectorant and mucolytic effects.

Treatment with folk remedies helps cope with infection, clears mucus from the respiratory tract, and helps restore immunity. The following are recognized as effective methods:

  1. Potato compresses. A vegetable boiled in its jacket (3-4 tubers) is peeled and mashed with a fork. Mixed with 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, place on a double layer of gauze. The material with its contents is placed on the right side of the patient’s chest, covered with a warm blanket or blanket. After 20 minutes, the compress is removed. The procedure is repeated daily before bed for a week.
  2. Medicinal tincture. Boil 20 g of plantain, mint, thyme and marshmallow root in 0.3 liters of water for about 10 minutes. Then the contents are cooled and filtered. Add honey to the resulting liquid and stir well. Use 1 tbsp. l. before meals several times a day.
  3. Syrup from natural products. Mix puree from a couple of bananas with honey (3 tbsp), add 1 tbsp. l. onion juice. After mixing, you need to consume 1 tsp. 5-6 times daily.

Cough with sputum without fever: treatment and prevention

Attention! Honey, lemon, onion, garlic are the first helpers in the fight against infectious diseases. During the cold season, these products should be consumed without waiting for a cold to appear.


The prognosis for wet cough without fever in adults is favorable. There will be no trace of the disease if the cause is identified in a timely manner and treatment is started. After all, a cough is just a symptom of the disease.

Advanced forms of diseases, as a rule, lead to serious changes in the body and transformation into more severe pathologies. If the source of coughing attacks is a tumor, the outcome of treatment will depend not only on the timeliness of therapeutic actions, but also on the type of tumor.


A wet cough and runny nose can mean a common cold. But in other situations, such a symptom signals a serious illness in the body. If you have a strong wet cough for 3-5 days, but there is no fever, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor. The same applies to sick children.

Important! In children, diseases develop faster than in adults, since the immune system is not yet fully formed.

In order to prevent diseases, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • eliminate bad habits;
  • ventilate the living space at least twice a day;
  • take vitamins and immunomodulatory drugs;
  • try not to come into contact with infectious patients;
  • eat healthy foods, fruits, vegetables;
  • rest, follow a daily routine.

Preventing a disease and its complications is much easier than treating them for a long time. Paying attention to your health will allow a person to avoid serious health problems in the future.


Cough with sputum without fever

Cough with sputum without fever: treatment and prevention

What is sputum, why is it produced, what is it like?

It is a viscous liquid with a thick consistency. Produced by the mucous membrane. Consists of water, immunoglobulins, glycoproteins and lipids. Based on the chemical composition, it can be of different shades: white, yellow, pale yellow, brown (with blood), green.

A strong cough with phlegm should be accompanied by the removal (expectoration) of this mucus, which is full of toxins and pathogenic microbes - this is a natural cleansing of the respiratory system from pathogenic viruses.

If this does not happen, the inflammatory process continues, and medication treatment in this case should be mandatory.

Important moment! In a patient who smokes and has a cough of any form, the fine hairs of the respiratory system are paralyzed, which makes the expectoration process significantly more difficult.

Yellow sputum when coughing

Indicates the presence and development of diseases such as sinusitis, bronchitis or pneumonia in the body. Any viral respiratory disease requires urgent treatment, the above ones even more so.

Especially in cases where there is a cough with purulent sputum, of any intensity and strength. Here you need to submit sputum for laboratory analysis, collecting it in the morning - always on an empty stomach. Before collecting the analysis, be sure to rinse your mouth with an antiseptic.

When coughing, yellow sputum may be separated and expelled in a long-term smoker.

Read also:  How to choose the right inexpensive and effective cough syrup

a useful article on the treatment of pneumonia without fever, but with cough.

White sputum when coughing

Mucus of this color with a cheesy consistency can be considered evidence of the presence of a fungal infection or tuberculosis in the body (respiratory system).

  • The first pathology can be caused by long-term use of antibiotics against a background of weakened immunity. The consequence of this is often the development of pathogenic microflora on the mucous membrane.
  • In the presence of the second pathology, the amount of mucus secreted is small, but present. And white sputum with blood in a patient with tuberculosis indicates a complication - damage to blood vessels in the larynx.

A cough with white sputum of a watery consistency may also be the body’s response to an external irritant, the development of an infectious disease in the respiratory system.

Important clarification! Transparent liquid discharge during expectoration indicates the absence of inflammation. Thick transparent ones are a signal of beginning bronchitis, inflammation in the lungs, allergies or asthma. If the volume of sputum produced increases, then something needs to be done about it. The best solution is to see a doctor. This is fraught with poisoning of the body. Allowing mucus to stagnate in the bronchi is unacceptable.

Good to know - How to treat coughing up blood?

Bloody sputum when coughing

This is clear evidence of the presence of a disease in the lungs and the respiratory system as a whole. Sputum with blood when coughing is an alarming signal and an undeniably important reason to seek medical help. It is possible that the patient has cancer in the respiratory system. Especially if blood streaks are visible in the mucus.

Although bloody sputum can be released in the presence of bronchitis in the acute stage of its course. Fresh traces of blood in the sputum can also be seen with the development of pneumonia. The only way to find out the reasons that caused this phenomenon is to visit a doctor.

Only he can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

Green sputum when coughing

Cough with sputum without fever: treatment and prevention

May indicate intense inflammation in the trachea, bronchi and lungs. As a result, the exudate, accumulating and entering the secretion secreted by the mucous membrane (sputum), transforms it into a purulent form. A cough with green sputum is a signal of the development of diseases such as:

  •         chronic or acute bronchitis;
  •         tracheobronchitis;
  •         bronchopneumonia;
  •         pneumonia;
  •         purulent pleurisy;
  •         lung abscess.

A severe cough without fever in an adult, accompanied by green sputum, may indicate that the patient’s body is affected by a mild abscess. Or signal the presence of gangrene.

Tracheobronchitis may be accompanied by the release of greenish sputum. The disease begins with a simple runny nose, which people rarely pay attention to, and then gradually descends into the bronchi.

Which is the reason for the discharge of green sputum.

Important! The sputum produced when coughing is green in color and has a specific odor. It is impossible not to notice this and at the first manifestations you need to urgently consult a doctor. Foul-smelling green sputum is considered an extremely dangerous symptom and the complications can be too severe.

Helpful - Saliva with blood without coughing.

Prolonged cough with phlegm

If a person coughs for a long period - 4 weeks or longer, he is seriously ill. It is imperative to be wary here, since these serious diseases include lung cancer and tuberculosis. Especially if a persistent cough in an adult is accompanied by the release of sputum mixed with blood or pus.

If a prolonged dry cough smoothly “flows” into a wet one, the patient may progress to pneumonia and he does not know about it.

Yellow or grayish discharge changes color - this is a signal that the activity of bacteria in the respiratory system is increasing. This is why you should visit a doctor if your cough does not go away and gets worse.

Even in cases where medications are taken. This can only mean one thing - the drugs do not work, the therapy is incorrect.

To avoid this, preventing the development of dangerous complications in adults, you need to undergo diagnostics, take appropriate tests, be treated correctly, and follow all doctor’s instructions.

Cough with sputum during pregnancy - article on the topic.

Other causes of sputum production when coughing

Prolonged cough with sputum can be caused not only by viruses, but also by other diseases:

  1.   Allergy. A cough in an adult is expressed here as a defensive reaction to the presence of an allergen in the body. The patient has copious discharge of snot, tears, swelling of the larynx and a strong wet cough, but without fever.
  2.   Cordial. Occurs immediately before a heart attack. Doctors believe that the consequence of this phenomenon is a lack of oxygen, which provokes a cough without sputum.
  3.   Foreign object. Any foreign body that gets into the respiratory tract and lingers there causes. To reduce irritation in the mucous membrane, a secretion of liquid consistency is released, a person develops a reflex cough, so the body tries to independently push out an object stuck in the respiratory tract.
  4. Toxic substances. These include: acrid smoke, strong unpleasant odors, ammonia, chlorine and others. The causes of severe coughing when inhaling these substances are irritation of the mucous membrane. Here, cough is also considered a defensive response of the cougher with copious secretion of mucus and sputum. In this case, the symptoms are very similar to allergic ones, but without an attack of suffocation and bronchospasm.
  5. Venereal diseases. They can also cause a wet, prolonged cough with sputum. This is explained by a severe weakening of the immune system. An increase in the patient's body temperature during the period of remission is not observed.
  6. Smoking. Heavy smokers often cough, especially in the morning. A cough is always accompanied by sputum production. This is explained by the fact that mucus with tar from tobacco accumulates in the bronchi during sleep. And when a person wakes up, they actively try to get rid of them.

Good to know - How to treat morning cough with sputum?

As can be seen from all of the above, a prolonged cough is caused by various reasons. Non-infectious ones are much easier to eliminate. It is much more difficult to get rid of an infectious one. Here you need to establish the correct diagnosis, choose effective treatment and strictly follow the instructions. What to treat and how - the doctor will say, this is exclusively his prerogative. Self-medication can only make the problem worse.


Cough with sputum without fever: treatment and prevention

Making an accurate diagnosis is a set of measures that includes:

  1.   Biochemical and general analysis for the presence of inflammation.
  2.   Examination of secreted sputum (bakposek) makes it possible to determine the type of pathogen. Doctors using this analysis can test mucus for interactions with drugs that are supposed to be prescribed to the patient.
  3.   Bronchoscopy is an examination of the bronchial mucosa to identify pathological formations.
  4.   Spirometry is a study that allows you to accurately determine important indicators of the health and general condition of the lungs, including determining vital capacity.
  5.   X-ray. A study that allows you to confirm or refute a diagnosis such as tuberculosis, pneumonia and other (hidden) foci of inflammation.
  6.   CT scan. The most accurate study of the general condition and health of the lungs. Used in cases where other methods fail to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Sometimes related specialists are involved in making a diagnosis: an allergist, an immunologist, a pulmonologist and an infectious disease specialist. After passing a medical examination, the patient is prescribed treatment.

It is very important, in the presence of serious infectious diseases, to be treated strictly as prescribed by doctors. You cannot interrupt treatment, make your own adjustments, change medications or their dosage.

How and how to treat cough with sputum in men and women

There is no difference between the sexes: both men and women are prescribed the same treatment. The patient may be prescribed drug therapy, physiological or complex. This is the only way to cure a disease diagnosed by doctors completely, quickly and safely.


Cough with sputum without fever: treatment and prevention

It is prescribed to a patient who has a long cough with sputum, but without fever. It can be:

  1. Inhalations based on mineral waters, decoction of sage, pine needles, essential oils or thyme. Do them once or twice a day for 15 minutes. And for bronchopulmonary infectious diseases in acute forms, ultrasonic inhalations based on pharmaceutical solutions are prescribed. This therapy allows the active ingredients of medications to penetrate deep into the lungs and bronchi, stay there and fight pathogenic microflora.
  2. Paraffin therapy. Warming up the respiratory system. Facilitates breathing, dilates the bronchi, improves blood circulation and quickly removes phlegm from the body. They do it every other day in special physiological rooms.
  3. Electrophoresis. This is both warming and treatment at the same time. With the help of electrodes, the medication, penetrating deep into the body through the skin, accelerates the patient’s recovery. The therapeutic course is up to 10 sessions of 7 to 10 minutes each.
  4. UHF. Provides extremely deep heating. Used for pneumonia. The patient does not feel any physical impact. The duration of the procedure is on average up to 10 minutes. Therapeutic course - as prescribed by the doctor.

At home, you can warm up the respiratory system with warm baths with the same thyme decoction, a few drops of essential oil (no more than 20 drops), infused on pine branches. It’s good to take a bath and do inhalation at home at the same time.

We advise you to read the article - How to treat phlegm without coughing?

If you have a wet cough with sputum, you should rinse your throat and mouth as often as possible. This manipulation is needed to remove mucus from these places so that it does not enter the gastrointestinal tract. Despite the fact that it does not cause any harm to the stomach, the infection can spread through the blood to other organs and cause poisoning.

Drug therapy

Cough with sputum without fever: treatment and prevention

Depending on the severity and type of infection that provoked the development of a lingering cough with sputum, the doctor may prescribe:

  1. Expectorant medications. Aimed at quickly removing mucus from the respiratory system. Prescribed for colds with thin, transparent sputum.
  2. Antitussive medications. They are prescribed by a doctor in order to cure a patient’s dry and unproductive cough.
  3. Mucolytic drugs. Treat cough with sputum that is difficult to separate, very viscous and thick.

Under no circumstances should you self-prescribe medications to treat cough with phlegm. It is even more dangerous to combine medications without first consulting with your doctor. This should be done by a doctor and only him.

Home methods

Cough with sputum without fever: treatment and prevention

As an additional therapy, you can use traditional methods of treatment. The procedure for rinsing the mouth and throat promotes rapid expectoration:

  • a solution of iodized or sea salt;
  • antiseptic compounds: “Chlorophyllipt” or “Furacillin”;
  • decoctions of calendula, chamomile or St. John's wort;
  • adding essential oil from cedar, thuja or pine to the rinsing solution.

You need to rinse your mouth and throat up to 6 times a day. Make sure that the humidity in the house is within normal limits and ventilate the room frequently.

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It is possible to cure a prolonged cough with sputum without fever in an adult.

It doesn’t matter what infectious diseases it is caused by, if you turn to doctors for help in time, correctly determine the nature, prescribe and strictly adhere to the regimen and dosage of medications.

Otherwise, this will lead to the development of more serious and dangerous complications not only for health, but also for life.



How to treat cough with sputum without fever in an adult?

Cough with sputum is one of the most common symptoms indicating the presence of various diseases and pathologies in the body. This is also a very important function of the body, allowing it to remove pathogens and their toxic waste products.

On the other hand, it can sometimes be painful – it prevents a person from sleeping and eating normally and creates a feeling of discomfort. And the etiology of the disease is often unclear, since there is no natural immune response - temperature.

Let's consider what a cough with sputum without fever can be like in an adult, the treatment of which is possible independently, as well as with the help of medications.

Cough with sputum without fever: treatment and prevention

Types of cough with phlegm and their causes

It can be classified according to the time and period of its manifestation.

For example, many people suffer from a chronic morning cough caused by excess sputum production (there are many reasons for this - smoking, chronic diseases of the respiratory system, allergic reactions).

If the cough is paroxysmal and does not go away for more than a month, this is an alarming symptom indicating a serious pathology. A visit to the doctor and an x-ray in this situation are mandatory. Notice your cough when it:

With yellow sputum

Yellow discharge usually appears with bronchitis, pneumonia or sinusitis, as well as other bacterial infections in the bronchi. They are also often found in active smokers.

With white sputum

White, curd-like sputum may indicate a fungal infection or, worse, tuberculosis. These two diseases differ in the abundance of mucus - in tuberculosis patients there is usually not a lot of it, while fungal infections are characterized by copious sputum production.

Sputum with blood

One of the most dangerous symptoms, indicating serious diseases such as acute bronchitis or lung cancer. If you find blood clots in your sputum, you will need to consult a doctor and undergo all the necessary tests.

If you have a sore throat and a constant desire to cough, this is also an alarming symptom. We wrote about it in detail in this article.

Cough with sputum without fever: treatment and prevention

How to treat? Traditional medicine

Of course, the first step, if an adult is suffering from a cough with sputum without fever, is to treat the immediate cause of the disease. Some will have to be treated for bronchitis, others may need to quit smoking. However, official medicine with medications can alleviate the patient’s condition.

For ARVI or bronchitis, if there is little sputum production and the person cannot cough properly, the doctor may prescribe one or more mucolytics (sputum-thinning drugs), or expectorants that promote more copious sputum production. They can be either synthetic or natural plant based.

Agents with resorptive effects are used much less frequently. They are taken orally, after which they begin to irritate the bronchial mucosa, causing the body to produce more mucus and remove it faster.

Drugs with a reflex effect work in a similar way, only when they are used, the gastric mucosa is irritated, which in turn provokes the vomiting center (the patient will not vomit, but the production of mucus will increase).

Are antibiotics needed?

In most situations, treatment of cough with sputum without fever does not require the use of antibiotics. Toxic substances, smoking, roundworm infection, prolonged contact with dust - antibiotics will not help with all of this. A doctor can prescribe this kind of medication only if a patient has tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia or tuberculosis.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

The absence of temperature allows you to widely practice various physiotherapeutic procedures - paraffin therapy, inhalations, electrophoresis, ultrasound therapy with deep heating, taking warm baths with essential oils and herbal decoctions. The patient can perform most of these procedures at home, but some will require visits to the clinic.

Cough with sputum without fever: treatment and prevention

Home methods

In some cases, it is possible to treat a cough with sputum without fever in an adult at home. Treatment with folk remedies is always justified if you feel well and understand that antibiotics are not necessary.

In addition, if a person is allergic to medications, it is worth starting with them. At home, collections of healing herbs are good, consisting of flaxseeds, linden, plantain, coltsfoot.

All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, after which a tablespoon of the mixture is brewed in a glass of boiling water and drunk like tea. Here are some examples of recipes:

Linden tea with honey

For a glass of water you need 200 grams of honey and 100 grams of linden blossom. You can add birch buds (100-150 grams). The entire mixture is heated for 20 minutes, then filtered and drunk. It is advisable to drink after meals and at least three times a day.

Badger fat

An excellent anti-inflammatory agent that also works well against coughs and improves the patient’s well-being. A small amount of fat is rubbed onto the patient’s chest and back, after which he is wrapped in something warm (woolen scarf, sweater). You can do such rubdowns on the patient before going to bed.

Milk with figs

One tablespoon of milk per 150 grams of figs. All this is boiled, after which it is infused for about half an hour and ground into a mushy consistency. Take the mixture one tablespoon three times a day.


A good “drainage” method, since this powerful composition expels all phlegm from the bronchi. Take one medium aloe leaf and squeeze its juice thoroughly into a jar. Add the same amount of honey and mix well. Take a tablespoon of the mixture three times a day half an hour after meals. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Infusion of thyme, coltsfoot, St. John's wort

A very simple method that will quickly get rid of phlegm. Infuse 1 tbsp in a water bath. herbs in a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes. Take it warm, a tablespoon 6 times a day for 5 days.

Cahors, aloe, honey

Mix 300g of honey, 300g of crushed aloe leaves, 0.5l of good quality Cahors wine in a separate bowl.

It is advisable to first keep the leaves in the refrigerator for 2 weeks (it is believed that during this time they “accumulate” energy). Leave the infusion in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks.

After the expiration date, take 1 tbsp three times a day. An excellent method for preventing the occurrence of pulmonary diseases.

Anise or fennel infusion

Buy anise or fennel seasoning at the supermarket. Two tbsp. pour a glass of boiling water over the grains and leave in a water bath for 15 minutes. Take the infusion 6 times a day, a tablespoon.

Onion juice

Cut one medium onion into a jar. Add regular sugar or honey. After a few hours, the onion will release juice. Take 1 tbsp. five times a day after meals. A good mucolytic agent.

Radish with honey

Make a hole in the black radish and pour honey into it. The method is described in great detail in this article.

In any case, the patient and his family should approach the use of experimental treatment methods with caution, since they are often characterized by side effects in a particular individual situation.

For example, linden, marshmallow and plantain, which are often used in antitussive mixtures and even included in medications, have many negative effects. If in doubt, it is better to ask a specialist for advice.


Cough with sputum: types, causes, diagnosis and treatment methods, prevention

Cough is a natural protective reaction of a person to negative processes occurring in the body. There are different types of this reflex: the cough can be dry or with a viscous thick liquid - sputum; in any case, the breathing process becomes difficult, the person experiences discomfort. A cough can only be eliminated if the cause that causes this natural reflex is completely eliminated.

Is coughing with phlegm contagious?

The contagiousness of a cough is determined mainly by the cause that caused it. If a natural reflex occurs against the background of a viral or bacterial infection, then, of course, a coughing person is contagious and should not appear in public places.

But it often happens that after an illness and even after taking antibiotics, the illness does not go away, and the secreted contents when coughing still remain viscous and thick.

In this case, the cough is called residual; the person does not pose a danger, but systematic treatment must continue to be continued.

In addition, we must not forget that cough is often caused by an allergic reaction or chronic diseases of the pulmonary system and heart. In this case, the disease is not contagious.

On a note. The presence of worms and other parasites in the human body, especially children, also causes a desire to cough, only in this case the cough will be dry.

Cough with sputum: types, causes and symptoms

It is quite difficult to understand the causes of a persistent illness; it is necessary to take a blood test, as well as a nasal swab to check for the presence of fungi and bacteria in the mucous secretions.

Prolonged cough with sputum for more than a month

If a cold has long passed, but a frequent cough with phlegm does not go away and has become protracted, think about the following reasons for its occurrence:

  • Working environment and professional activities of a person: exclude the entry of toxic harmful substances into the respiratory system, get rid of dust in the workplace.
  • They remember the last time they underwent fluorography and took an x-ray of the lungs; perhaps the person had cancer or tuberculosis.
  • Smoking.
  • If the illness is accompanied by a slight fever, consult a therapist; the person may have chronic bronchitis or untreated tonsillitis.
  • Checking the heart.
  • Detect the presence of allergens.
  • They review their diet and give up fatty and highly spicy foods.

Such a signal from the body as a long, constant cough with phlegm for more than a month cannot be ignored; it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo the appropriate tests.

With phlegm in the morning

A regular wet cough with sputum discharge in the morning indicates stagnant processes in the pulmonary system of the body. If there is prolonged residual breathing in the morning with sputum, it is recommended to lead an active lifestyle, walking before bed.

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This phenomenon may also signal the onset of a cold or an allergic reaction.

With yellow sputum

Sputum colored yellow indicates the activity of pathogenic bacteria in the body and disorders in the mucous system. If a deep cough does not go away within 3 days, you should consult a doctor; yellow contents may indicate pneumonia or pneumonia. The causative agents of pathogenic microflora can be:

  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • Klebsiella;
  • streptococci.

Another probable cause of yellow sputum may be bronchiectasis, sinusitis.

With phlegm and blood

This combination cannot go unnoticed and requires immediate consultation with a doctor; sputum discharge, even with a small amount of blood, is a sign of a serious illness and may indicate bleeding in the lungs. If blood in the secreted fluid appears after an infectious disease, it is necessary to take a culture tank to identify bacteria and fungi, and also need to do an X-ray and computed tomography.

The main causes of sputum with blood:

  • heart attack;
  • oncology;
  • parasitic, bacterial, fungal infection of the lung;
  • pneumonia or pneumonia;
  • injury;
  • abscess.

Among the causes of blood in sputum that are not dangerous and do not require surgical intervention, the consequences of surgical operations and drug interventions stand out.

White, light sputum with foamy inclusions is taken when there is a fungal infection of the human respiratory system. If white lumps appear in the discharge, you should consult a doctor to determine the type of fungal pathogen.

Green sputum when coughing

Green sputum is the result of bacterial activity. If a person regularly produces green lumps in his sputum, this may be the first sign of a terrible genetic disease - cystic fibrosis.

A smoker's lungs, which are regularly exposed to nicotine, can also produce green mucus.

A persistent runny nose, causing sputum with green contents, may be a consequence of chronic sinusitis or adenoiditis in the acute stage.


Transparent viscous mucus means that the body’s defenses are turned on after an illness, and the normal functioning of the organs has not yet been restored.

During this period, to stop the residual post-infectious cough, it is necessary to consume plenty of fluids and vitamins.

But if the sputum foams and consists of lumps, and the illness does not go away for more than a month, you need to consult a doctor.


Brown sputum with an unpleasant odor is a sign of the presence of dried blood in the mucous contents. This symptom cannot be ignored. The nicotine contents of the lungs can also turn the discharge brown and cause a paroxysmal involuntary reflex.

Thick brown mucus is secreted in the last stages of tuberculosis or in the initial stages of cancer.


Gray sputum looks unpleasant, but is completely acceptable. Most often, its presence is a sure sign of viral damage to the bronchi or throat. Allergic reactions can also provoke the formation of mucus of this color. Dead cells of bacteria and viruses give sputum a specific color.

Cough without fever

Cough without fever is a fairly common occurrence. It can be residual (post-infectious) after an acute respiratory viral infection and can be sharp and bother a person for several weeks. The reflex can be paroxysmal, with scanty or, conversely, abundant secretion of foamy sputum.

An allergic cough always occurs without fever. If the temperature remains within the subfebrile range, you need to consult a doctor; perhaps hidden inflammatory processes of non-infectious etymology are occurring in the body.

On a note. “Cardiac” cough and smoker’s cough also do not affect a person’s body temperature and can bother the patient for a long time.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

A prolonged, severe cough brings discomfort to a person and does not allow a person to live normally and comfortably; in this situation, it is necessary to consult a doctor. A painful cough, as a reflex, always has a reason that needs to be found and eliminated. Often behind such a harmless symptom lie complex inflammatory processes that require immediate medical intervention.


If the illness does not go away, the first doctor you should turn to for help is a therapist. A medical specialist will order the necessary tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • bacterial culture for microflora;
  • X-ray of the lung or fluorography.

When establishing a correct diagnosis, you need to pay attention to additional symptoms:

  • pain in the sternum with and without expectoration;
  • presence of elevated body temperature;
  • general malaise;
  • noise in ears;
  • headaches, nausea, dizziness;
  • concomitant nasal congestion and sore throat.

Pay attention to how regularly and at what time of day the coughing attacks occur, what color and quantity of sputum is produced. If you have regular attacks of suffocation and prolonged coughing, do not put off visiting a doctor and be sure to give up bad habits and do not self-medicate.

Treatment options

Modern pharmaceuticals offer a lot of drugs that relieve coughing attacks. Such drugs must be treated with caution and not used without a doctor’s prescription. Sputum production and coughing are a natural protective reaction of the body aimed at cleansing the respiratory system of bacteria, viruses, toxins, allergens and other foreign components.


With the help of expectorants, the lungs, trachea and bronchi are cleared of accumulated mucus, which significantly alleviates a person’s condition during attacks of rare coughing. Medicines may come in the form of sprays, tablets or syrups. As a rule, folk expectorants contain licorice, ivy or plantain.

Mucolytic agents

Sputum accumulates, but the reflex does not occur, the bacterial contents descend lower, and inflammation occurs. In this case, the use of mucolytic cough stimulants is justified. Popular drugs: “Bromhexine”, “Ambrohexal”, “Mukaltin”.


An effective way to treat cough in children is inhalation. These procedures can be carried out using medications or done with saline using an inhaler. A popular way to soften a cough and thin sputum is to inhale the vapors of boiled potatoes or collect medicinal herbs.


Warming the throat and nose area with a UV lamp is a popular method of physiotherapy, but only a doctor can prescribe such procedures, otherwise you can harm the body and provoke attacks of suffocation.

Folk recipes

In folk medicine, there are a large number of ways and means to get rid of a prolonged cough. As a rule, these methods and means are used as a supplement to the main treatment and are used only after an accurate determination of the cause of the cough and its type.

Linden tea with honey

A proven remedy for attacks of dry cough without sputum production. Honey helps relieve sore throats, and linden has an antibacterial effect. When preparing such a drug, it is important to follow the rule - the tea must be warm; honey should not be poured into a hot drink.

Cahors, aloe, honey

From these components you need to prepare a tincture. For the potion, it is better to use flower or linden honey, home-made aloe juice, and aged Cahors. All components are taken in equal proportions and mixed thoroughly. You need to drink this remedy three times a day, after meals, and is used for prolonged attacks of dry cough.

Aloe + honey

This remedy can be used for children, if allergic reactions are not detected, the dosage is halved, the tincture can be diluted with a small amount of boiled water. You can make warming compresses from this mixture.

Milk with figs

Figs with milk are used as a strengthening vitamin remedy during the ARVI season, as well as for heart pathologies. Milk soothes sore throats, and figs improve immunity and fight viruses. The drink turns out to be tasty and healthy, and with regular use it relieves attacks of dry, irritating cough. Suitable for both adults and children.

Radish with honey

A folk remedy for treating deep cough with bronchitis. A small hole is made in the medicinal vegetable, reminiscent of a “bowl”, into which honey is poured, closed with a lid made from the cut out part of a turnip, and left to infuse overnight in the refrigerator. The drug must be taken three times a day after meals, the disease will no longer bother you.

Onion juice

Onion juice has been used by healers to treat colds and prolonged coughs for centuries. The disinfecting effect allows you to get rid of bacteria and viruses in the shortest possible time. Do not use concentrated juice; it must be diluted with water and a few drops of vegetable oil added.

How to treat a cough?

The disease can be cured with the help of medications, physiotherapy, and traditional medicine. You can use all the means in combination. It should be remembered that only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment after determining the cause of the cough.

Treatment of cough in children

Cough causes trouble for young parents in the first years of a child’s life. A sick baby must be constantly monitored, otherwise the child may choke on mucus.

Only properly prescribed treatment can quickly get rid of the disease.

All medications must be prescribed by a doctor; the use of antibiotics is justified in cases of bacterial infections; in cases of acute respiratory viral infections, the use of antibiotics is inappropriate.

In folk medicine, not all remedies are safe; concentrated juices must be diluted; it is important to follow the dosage and recipe. Before using the products, make sure there are no allergic reactions.

During pregnancy

Coughing during pregnancy disrupts the process of oxygen supply to the fetus and brings a number of physiological inconveniences to the expectant mother, so it is necessary to cure this unpleasant phenomenon.

The first step is to understand the reasons; even simple heartburn can cause coughing attacks in pregnant women. When prescribing medications, make sure they are safe for the baby; some herbs are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Honey, citrus fruits and mint can cause severe allergic reactions.

In an adult

Adults have fewer restrictions when coughing. You can combine herbal treatment with prescribed medications and physical therapy. But the components of therapy must be correctly selected and not have mutually exclusive effects.

Preventive actions

Rather than treating a cough, it is better to prevent it by taking a set of preventive measures to prevent its occurrence:

  • They walk more and breathe fresh air.
  • Drink plenty of fluids and humidify the air in the room.
  • During the period of colds, the diet is filled with vitamins.
  • Do exercises and visit the pool.
  • Give up bad habits.

Every person should monitor their health, undergo annual medical examinations and consult a doctor promptly if signs of illness appear. They do not self-medicate and do not ignore a protracted illness.

Author of the article: Yulia Kalashnik


Cough with sputum without fever: treatment and prevention Link to main publication
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