
Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and cons

Prostate adenoma (benign prostatic hyperplasia - BPH) is considered one of the most difficult and unpleasant diseases for men. It brings discomfort, distracts from usual activities and takes a lot of time for treatment.

As with other diseases, adenoma is best treated at an early stage. In this case, it will be possible to do without complex operations, and the functioning of the organs can be restored with the help of prostate massage .
Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and cons

How does the disease manifest itself?

In general, all prostate diseases can be divided into 2 groups:

  1. tumor diseases;
  2. inflammatory pathologies.

The first type is an adenoma. It is much more difficult to identify, because symptoms may not show themselves for many years, and after their first manifestation they may proceed in a fairly calm manner.

If you have an adenoma, you won’t have to suffer from discharge, fever, inflammation, or severe pain.

Prostatitis is caused by hormonal changes. This disease is much easier to treat, and it can also be noticed at an early stage. In addition to problems with going to the toilet, you will notice pain when palpating the groin area.

Despite the fact that the diseases are of a different nature, they equally noticeably increase the size of the prostate and negatively affect the functioning of the organs of the excretory system.
Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and cons

The appearance of an adenoma is indicated in cases where ultrasound diagnostics show prostate enlargement. Typically, such changes are observed in people over 45 years of age, because it is at this age that hormonal changes manifest themselves.

Symptoms accompanied by prostate adenoma:

  1. problems with urination;
  2. pain in the bladder area;
  3. frequent urge to go to the toilet.

Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and cons

It is necessary to dwell in detail on how the disease progresses at each stage:

So far, the symptoms are almost invisible or appear extremely rarely. This period can last up to three years. During this time, it is not always possible to detect changes in the boundaries of the prostate gland during diagnosis. Only the middle sulcus changes noticeably: it is felt by the doctor by palpation.

  • Subcompensated stage

There are noticeable changes in the functioning of the bladder. For example, habitual urination is disrupted: urine comes out partially, and retention occurs. In cases where the bladder is full, it may be released uncontrollably.

  • Decompensated stage

Patients who consult a doctor at this stage complain of painful, frequent urination. The urge to go to the toilet reaches 10-15 times a day, while 1-2 drops can be released during one trip.

The bladder does not empty normally, becomes full and causes problems with the kidneys and the excretory system as a whole.

The patient complains of lack of appetite, he loses weight, and stops bowel movements normally. The skin becomes thinner, bruises from light blows appear more often, and dry mouth occurs.

  How to cure prostate adenoma without surgeryProstate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and cons

The decompensated stage is called the most complex and advanced. It is more difficult to treat than others and greatly complicates the patient’s life. It is very important not to bring yourself to this state and consult a doctor at the first symptoms.

Is it possible to massage the prostate with BPH?

No doctor can answer this question unambiguously. This is due to the fact that the effectiveness of the procedure depends not so much on the nature and duration of the disease, but on the individual characteristics of the patient and the rules of the procedure. Rectal massage is considered the most popular .

With its help, the process of urination is facilitated: the bladder empties naturally. The most important thing is that a regular trip to the toilet no longer brings so much pain and discomfort.

Before you decide that prostate massage for adenoma will save you from the disease, check out the possible consequences:

  1. pain and discomfort when urinating will persist;
  2. the prostate will increase in size, going to the toilet will become even more difficult;
  3. Stones form in the urethra, which, when massaged, will cause damage to soft tissues.

Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and cons

Thus, it is almost impossible to predict the effect of therapy. There are often cases when people turned to the first massage therapist they came across, who did not really study their medical history. Such doctors selected a standard technique in each individual case.

This should not be done under any circumstances, otherwise further treatment may require surgical intervention.

The benefits and harms of prostate massage for adenoma

Massage is a fairly classic way to prevent disease. It helps normalize blood circulation in the pelvic organs. This reduces congestion and generally normalizes the condition of the urinary system.

If the patient already has a diagnosed disease, massage can be prescribed only in the following cases:

  1. Indirect effect on the prostate when the doctor massages the sacrolumbar region. In this case, blood flow to the organs increases. Patients note improvements, including in sexual life.
  2. When diagnosing the disease in the early stages, when the patient's condition can worsen only as a last resort. In this case, massage helps relieve pain, as well as facilitate bladder emptying.

Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and cons
If you feel that your illness has worsened during massage therapy, tell your doctor as soon as possible. It is possible that therapy has already begun to negatively affect the course of the disease.

Errors discovered in time are easier to correct, but patience with pain, on the contrary, can cause the tumor to degenerate into cancer. The first dangerous symptoms: blood, difficulty urinating.

Massage techniques for prostate adenoma

Prostate massage can only be performed by a urologist. You can massage the adenoma yourself only after consultation with a specialist who will tell you about the basic techniques and check that they are performed correctly.

You can practice several types of massage at once. Below are some of the most popular ways to perform prostate massage:

The doctor acts on selected points on the body. In this case, the most important thing is to decide on the zones and make sure that the impact on them will not cause harm.

The procedure should be performed in the morning; it can charge the body with energy. An approximate massage course lasts up to 2 weeks.

Technique: Press your finger on the selected point and release sharply. Your task is to get the effect of light vibration.

As soon as the therapy is over, rest for 10-12 days and repeat the massage course again.

  • Massage using a massager

Massagers can only be used at an early stage. For therapy, select small, not too powerful devices so as not to damage soft tissues.

Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and cons

Use the idea that the massager should apply slightly more pressure than your finger. It is best to consult a doctor before choosing a device.

Using a massager, you can relieve tension after the procedure in the prostate area and surrounding muscles. This way you can prevent the development of pathology.

Do not massage using a vibrating massager under any circumstances. Strong vibrations cause tissue enlargement. In addition to new healthy soft tissue cells, adenoma-affected cells can also grow over time.

Perhaps the safest and most reliable method. Light stimulation of the soft tissues promotes normal discharge of prostate secretions. Over time, the inflammation will subside, and urination will return to normal.

Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and cons

It is necessary to carry out hydromassage for 20 minutes before going to bed. Before you begin the manipulation, administer an enema.

To fill it, a solution of potassium permanganate, chamomile decoction or furatsilin is suitable. The temperature of the injected liquid should reach approximately 25 degrees.


Before prescribing a massage, the doctor clarifies the patient’s contraindications. Often, because of this, it is necessary to replace the massage course with another type of treatment.

Below is a list of contraindications that can provoke the development of complications of adenoma after massage:

  1. malignant tumor;
  2. exacerbation of adenoma;
  3. cysts in the prostate;
  4. prostatitis in acute form;
  5. discharge of blood from the anus.

Thus, massage is a good way to prevent the onset of the disease and even alleviate its course at an early stage, but not in all cases. Like any other treatment method, this technique has its contraindications.

It is important not only to read recommendation articles on medical websites, but also to consult a doctor. Only timely diagnosis and study of the medical history will help you choose the right treatment.

There are contraindications, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

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About the benefits and harms of various types of prostate massage for men

Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and cons

The use of massage in the treatment of prostatitis has been practiced for many years. It is used both in the presence of a disease and for its prevention.

Many men are afraid of this method of therapy, but its benefits are justified by many years of practice.

However, the procedure is not available to every patient. Is prostate massage beneficial? You can find the answer later in the article.

Finger massage of the prostate: benefits and harms

Finger massage is used to relieve inflammatory processes in the prostate gland and is one of the most effective modern therapeutic methods of urological treatment. With sufficient qualifications of the massage therapist, the procedure will completely restore the normal functioning of the organ.

Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and consBenefit:

  • prostate massage stimulates blood flow and dilates blood vessels, which leads to improved blood supply and oxygen saturation of the organ;
  • reduces pain;
  • relieves swelling due to the production and outflow of gland secretions;
  • reduces the frequency of symptoms of diagnosis;
  • normalizes the patency of the urethral canal;
  • the effect of drugs is enhanced;
  • restores erectile function;
  • eliminates pathogenic microorganisms that lead to inflammation;
  • minimizes the risk of re-inflammation of tissues;
  • has a beneficial effect on the rectum, urethral walls, seminal vesicles;
  • helps relieve prostatitis.

Massage can have a harmful effect on the course of the disease only if the procedure is carried out in the presence of contraindications. These include:

Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and cons

The massage procedure should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor after examining the man’s body so that it does not cause complications. Therefore, the benefits and harms for each patient are assessed individually.

It is worth considering that if pain occurs, the massage should be stopped immediately.

Stimulation of the prostate gland in men with a massager: pros and cons

Prostate massagers are quite common and effective in treating various forms of prostatitis.

The main advantages of prostate stimulation with a device are:

  • massage promotes vasodilation due to rectal effects on the prostate gland. This property helps improve blood circulation, which helps in the restoration processes of the gland;
  • thanks to active massaging, the supply of various nutrients and oxygen to the prostate tissue significantly increases, which in turn affects the acceleration of recovery processes;
  • during massage procedures, juice is released, which is one of the main advantages, because it prevents possible stagnation of prostatic secretion;
  • After the necessary procedures, potency improves.

The disadvantages of prostate massage include:

Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and cons

  • If the massager is used incorrectly, unpleasant or painful sensations may occur. Therefore, when using this device, you must follow the instructions or consult a specialist;
  • These devices cannot be prescribed for severe diseases of the prostate gland, since if there is, for example, a cancerous tumor, the patient may accidentally injure it, thereby accelerating growth.
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Does external massage help with prostatitis in men?

Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and consThis method affects the prostate gland externally without penetration, and thanks to this massage it is possible to quickly restore the lost functions of the organs of the reproductive system, as well as get rid of congestion occurring in the pelvic organs.

If you influence the male genital organ, then this massage can improve the quality of potency. This method is used to prevent various pathological processes in the organs of the reproductive system.

External massage is not as effective as internal massage, but it still brings benefits.

This technique cannot cause any psychological discomfort to the patient, which is why it is used in most cases.

Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and consThe use of external equipment is available in the following cases:

  • with the development of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland;
  • congestion in the pelvic organs;
  • for the prevention of various diseases of the reproductive system;
  • with asymptomatic prostatitis.

Can I do it myself at home?

Self-massage of the prostate is quite possible.

Usually it is done by a man either himself or with the help of his wife. As a rule, a transrectal type of procedure is used.

Others require the use of a bougie, and this requires certain knowledge so as not to harm the patient. Transrectal massage should be performed for 2 minutes from 3 to 7 times a week.

To perform the procedure, a man needs to determine the most comfortable position for himself in order to reach the prostate as easily as possible.

Each time you should use new medical gloves, lubricate your index finger with Vaseline and insert it to a depth of about 5 centimeters. Massaging should be neat and gentle, not causing pain.

Massagers are used at home; there are several types of them, however, their therapeutic effects are the same. Use them for 30 minutes daily for one to two weeks.

If a woman is going to do the massage, she should study this procedure in more detail in advance in order to help her husband fight the disease.

Who is doing harm rather than benefit?

Despite the benefits that prostate massage brings, it is not suitable for every patient.

In some cases, the procedure can cause irreparable harm, so it is not prescribed for:

Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and cons

  • stones in the prostate gland;
  • prostate tuberculosis;
  • urinary retention;
  • exacerbation of prostatitis;
  • benign or malignant prostate tumor;
  • fissures of the anus and rectum;
  • prostate cancer;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • prostate cyst;
  • acute bacterial prostatitis;
  • hemorrhoids.

If there are such indications, prostate massage can increase or develop swelling of the prostate gland, as well as multiply the infection, which will lead to the spread of the disease into the urinary tract.

What sensations indicate an incorrect procedure?

When the patient is tense and mentally attuned to negative thoughts, pain sensations can be caused by these factors.

Also, a massage therapist can lead to unpleasant feelings if he makes too sudden and intense movements. Moreover, this applies to both internal and external massage.

Pain can occur for a number of reasons:

  • intense pressure;
  • excessive muscle tension;
  • accompanying illnesses;
  • inept actions.

If after the procedure the patient feels discomfort, burning in the urethra, problems with urination, pain, and the symptoms do not go away after a few hours, this may indicate the development of complications. You should stop the massage and seek advice from a specialist.

Folk remedies that help enhance the effect of the procedure

If you perform massage procedures at home, then for maximum results it is recommended to use medicinal herbs together.

Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and consThe most popular recipes are:

  • celandine juice. The first step is to squeeze the juice out of the herbs, then dilute the alcohol with celandine in a 1:1 ratio. It is recommended to drink this product 30 minutes before the start of massage procedures on an empty stomach. To use it, you need to use 1 drop of decoction per 50 milliliters of water. It is recommended to take this remedy for 60 days daily;
  • golden root (Rhodiola rosea). In order to make a decoction, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of the root with 300 milliliters of boiled water and, after mixing everything thoroughly, cook in a water bath for about 20 minutes. After preparing the decoction, it must be left for approximately 45 minutes and filtered. It is recommended to use this product in the morning and evening, half a glass;
  • Kalanchoe. To prepare this decoction, you need to pour a glass of Kalanchoe leaves with 500 milliliters of vodka and leave to infuse for 6 days. You need to drink this remedy one teaspoon per day;
  • There is also a second option for preparing the third recipe. To do this, you need to take 100 grams of Kalanchoe leaves and grind them through a meat grinder, then put everything in a fairly deep container and add 200 milliliters of alcohol. After completing these processes, the broth must be allowed to brew for 20 days, and then filtered. You need to drink 1 teaspoon three times a day.

Video on the topic

About the benefits of prostate massage for men in the video:

Prostate massage is a fairly effective and useful way to treat prostatitis. There are several varieties of it: external and internal, with and without the use of additional equipment. One of the advantages of this procedure is the ability to perform it yourself at home.


Prostate massage for adenoma: by wife, by yourself, the correct technique

Men are at risk of developing prostate adenoma. This is a serious illness in which the patient experiences severe pain and other unpleasant symptoms. One of the treatment methods is prostate massage for adenoma. Let's figure out in which cases it will be beneficial and in which it will harm.

Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and consAccompanied by severe pain in the groin area.

Is it possible to massage the prostate with adenoma?

Doctors disagree on whether it is permissible to massage an internal organ for this pathology. For prostatitis, massage treatment is effective, but for adenoma it can be harmful. During manipulation, blood flows to the tissues, making urination easier. But sometimes the process provokes accelerated cell growth.

Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and consMassage relieves pain and improves the functioning of the internal organ.

The effect of implementation depends on what stage the disease is at, as well as how the massage is performed. Increased stimulation of the prostate gland is prohibited, as it provokes a deterioration in well-being. But the right actions, carried out under medical supervision, relieve pain and improve the functioning of the internal organ.


Before starting treatment, it is necessary to assess the possible harm of the procedure. It has several contraindications in which exposure to the gland is prohibited. We are talking about the following conditions:

Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and consDifficulty urinating.

  • exacerbation of prostatitis;
  • serious urinary problems;
  • cystic formations are present in the gland tissues;
  • malignant tumor;
  • the adenoma is in the acute stage;
  • the patient has hemorrhoids or other diseases of the rectum that cause bleeding.

Advantages and disadvantages

Massage for adenoma has its pros and cons. Its advantage is that blood circulation improves, which makes stagnant processes less unpleasant. However, the benefit can only be assessed if an indirect effect occurs. It is best to massage the sacrolumbar region.

The procedure is useful if the adenoma is at an early stage. In this situation, you can slow down tissue growth, improve blood flow, and reduce discomfort.

But you need to pay attention to any deterioration in health. If an exacerbation occurs after massaging, then it needs to be stopped and consult a doctor. Otherwise, the risk of developing cancer, severe pain, and rectal fissures increases.

It is necessary to follow the doctor's instructions so that the manipulation does not cause harm. But even this does not exclude the risk of complications. Therefore, evaluate the possible pros and cons before starting a treatment course. Listen to the advice of your doctor, as he can draw an accurate picture of the disease and draw the right conclusions about the advisability of a massage.

Basic massage techniques

The risk of complications will be lower if you trust your urologist. You can carry out the procedure at home, but you will need to follow all instructions exactly. There are several popular techniques, for example, classical (using hands), hardware (using rubber bulbs, other devices).


Before using any method of prostate stimulation, a number of procedures must be performed:

  1. Before performing a massage, it is recommended to do a cleansing enema. You can use a ready-made pharmacy option, or make your own from boiled water or chamomile infusion.
  2. After the rectal cleansing procedure, you need to drink 300-400 ml of liquid. This will help remove various infections and bacteria from the body with urine at the end of the massage.
  3. If the massage is at home, then before the procedure you should take a hot bath.

Manual stimulation

This is a classic type of prostate massage for prostate adenoma. It does not require the use of additional equipment. The doctor influences the internal organ with his hands. There are direct and indirect methods of intervention.

Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and cons

In direct contact with the gland, intervention is carried out through the rectum or urethra. This is a complex type of acupressure that requires high qualifications. The sensations during manipulation can be quite painful.

The indirect method involves acting on active points. Typically, the intervention is carried out in the area of ​​the lumbosacral region or perineum. The points are stimulated, thereby improving metabolic processes.

The average course duration is a couple of weeks. Sessions are held daily, but they usually do not last long. Excessive exposure may cause increased tissue growth.

Massage using devices

The next type of manipulation is the use of devices and applying them to the abdomen or to those areas where biologically active points are located. You can purchase equipment and carry out the procedure yourself, but it is better to consult a doctor. Since the patient cannot always determine the desired degree of exposure, the risk of complications increases.

Massagers are not recommended for use if the adenoma has already grown significantly. They are effective only for small tumors. With their help, they relieve tension in the glands and muscles, which slows down the progression of the disease.

It is forbidden to use devices with vibration, as they provoke inflammation and cell proliferation. Stimulation also occurs when heated. Therefore, massage equipment must be prescribed by a doctor. If used incorrectly, there is a possibility of damaging even healthy prostate cells.

The hydromassage has proven itself well. It involves physical and chemical effects on the affected area. The patient is placed in a bath, and aromatic oils are added to the water. The effect on the internal organ is mild and does not cause any complications.

The next type is vacuum massagers. However, they may have too strong an effect on the prostate.

At home

Although doctors recommend not to carry out the manipulation yourself, some trust their wife to massage prostate adenoma at home. Or they make it themselves. It is important to follow several rules if you dare to take action on your own:

  • First learn the correct technique. See a doctor who will demonstrate the basic movements and tell you the sequence. Do not start treatment without this step, otherwise you may harm yourself;
  • if you use an indirect type of influence, then do it in a relaxing environment. Take a soothing bath with aromatic oils;
  • any movements should be soft and smooth. Don't push too hard, whatever type of intervention you choose;
  • You should not perform more than 1 session per day to avoid excessive stimulation of the internal organ;
  • A comfortable position for self-massage is knee-elbow. You can also lie on your back and bend your legs.

Recommended technique:

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Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and consPut on a glove and apply Vasiline.

  1. Immediately before the massage, put on medical gloves.
  2. Then the index finger is lubricated with Vaseline, and it is carefully inserted into the patient’s anus with a light movement.
  3. A hard tubercle is found on the anterior wall of the prostate gland and they begin to massage it with light pressing movements.
  4. The massage itself should take no more than 1.5-2 minutes. Repeat no more than 10 times a day.
  5. It is advisable to carry out the procedure at least 3-4 times a week.

A large number of men who are embarrassed about their problem use this method.

Preventive massage

Preventive massage for prostate adenoma helps prevent the development of the disease. It is also prescribed in cases where the patient is healthy.

When stimulating an internal organ, blood circulation improves, nutrients are better absorbed, which allows you to maintain functionality for a long time. However, as in the case of diseases, you should first consult with your doctor.

He will tell you what technique should be used and how often to carry out preventive maintenance.

If you have adenoma, massage should not be prescribed to yourself. The technique must be agreed upon with the attending physician. The consequences of the procedure are unpredictable, so it is carried out only under the supervision of a medical professional.


Prostate massage for adenoma: can it be done, are there any contraindications?

  • Urologist-andrologist 1st category Petr Viktorovich
  • 28612
  • Update date: December 2019

Whether it is possible to massage the prostate with prostate adenoma is a controversial issue.

Massaging is not a treatment for prostate hyperplasia, but in some cases it can reduce symptoms. Here, much depends on the massage method and the degree of development of the benign tumor.

Only a doctor should prescribe a massage; self-medication can be harmful to health.

The benefits and harms of prostate massage

Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and cons

Prostate massage eliminates congestion in the organ

If we consider prostate massage separately from adenoma, this procedure is very useful for men's health, but has a number of contraindications. Massaging the organ helps improve blood supply to the prostate and enhance metabolic processes. This procedure normalizes the tone of the prostate gland and prevents the development of congestion in the pelvic organs.

Prostate massage helps:

  • prevention of prostatitis;
  • prevention of stagnation of prostate secretions;
  • normalization of organ tone;
  • stimulation of prostate contractility;
  • improving the composition of prostate secretions.

In addition, it has a positive effect on potency. Prostate massage can improve erection, so it can be used to prevent impotence.

This method is the most effective way to treat and prevent chronic prostatitis, which is manifested by congestion and decreased tone of the prostate.

However, in some cases, massage can harm a man's health. For example, if there are stones in the prostate (calculous prostatitis). Transrectal massage of the organ in this case can set stones in the prostate tissue in motion. As a result, they damage the tissues of the organ, which is dangerous due to bleeding.

Massage negatively affects the course of prostate cancer. Stimulation of metabolic processes and blood circulation in the organ entails the rapid progression of the malignant process.

If there is stagnation of urine due to pressure from the prostate on the bladder, massage can also be harmful to health. The fact is that blood rushes to the prostate, and it swells even more, so dysuria can only get worse.

Massage is also dangerous in case of acute infectious inflammation in the organ, as it can provoke infection into the general bloodstream and infection of the entire body.

Thus, whether it is necessary to massage the prostate depends on the diagnosis. In some cases, this procedure can bring great benefits to men's health, but sometimes massage can greatly harm the body.

Massage for adenoma

The benefits of prostate massage for prostate adenoma is a rather controversial issue. The procedure is widely discussed in folk medicine and is positioned as a panacea for adenoma. However, conservative medicine absolutely disagrees with this.

The fact is that people who are far from medicine, including traditional healers, often replace the concept of prostatitis with adenoma. These are completely different diseases that require different approaches to treatment.

By calling prostatitis and adenoma the same disease, people make a big mistake, based on which they incorrectly treat the disease.

Direct prostate massage is an effective way to treat congestive prostatitis, but for adenoma it is not recommended and can be dangerous.

Some types of massage for prostate adenoma can be practiced. We are talking about indirect massage, which does not irritate the prostate gland.

In addition, whether it is possible to do massage with adenoma will depend on the degree of the disease. So, doctors say that you can massage the prostate with grade 1 adenoma. In this case, the procedure will reduce the swelling of the organ and make urination easier, although the effect will be temporary.

For prostate adenoma of the 2nd and 3rd degrees, massage is prohibited. In such cases, massaging has the same effect as for cancer - stimulating blood flow to the prostate gland increases the volume of the prostate, worsens the symptoms of the disease and can cause an increase in hyperplasia.

In any case, you need to consult a doctor. It is also important to accurately diagnose the disease and exclude the possibility of prostate cancer.


Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and cons

Massage is not recommended for colds and high temperatures.

Prostate massage is prohibited in the following cases:

  • infectious prostatitis;
  • prostate abscess;
  • calculous prostatitis;
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • prostate cancer;
  • adenoma of 2 and 3 degrees.

The procedure should be abandoned if there are any infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. The fact is that there is a risk of infection spreading through the bloodstream, and then it will be carried into the prostate gland. In the case of adenoma, this threatens the addition of infectious prostatitis.

Doctors also recommend avoiding massage in case of general malaise, flu and ARVI.

Another contraindication is severe dysuria.

Disorders of urination are associated with the fact that the enlarged prostate gland puts pressure on the neck of the bladder, as a result of which its tone increases.

After a massage, blood flow to the prostate increases for a short time, and it puts even more pressure on the bladder, so symptoms may worsen. In severe cases, this leads to acute urinary retention.

How to do prostate massage?

If a man is determined to use massage for prostate adenoma, first he should clarify the degree of the disease. However, regardless of the degree of the disease, direct transrectal massage of the prostate with hyperplasia is contraindicated.

A massage for adenoma, done by a wife, a doctor, or using a special device, should be considered as a preventive procedure, but not a therapeutic one.

For adenoma, you can do indirect massage, which affects the sacral region or perineum. This massage will not harm the prostate, but will improve metabolic processes in the pelvic organs. As a result, swelling decreases and blood and lymph flow normalizes.

Self-massage methods

Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and cons

It's best to run your hands under hot water to warm them up first.

Every man needs to know how to massage himself to prevent prostate adenoma and congestive prostatitis. It is not worth considering such a procedure as a therapeutic one; in case of adenoma of the 2nd and 3rd degrees, it is better to refuse it. There are several methods of indirect self-massage of the prostate.

  1. Take a small amount of massage oil, apply to the perineal area and gently rub in a circular motion with your thumb and forefinger for 15 minutes.
  2. When taking a bath, direct the shower stream to the perineum. Expose to water for 10 minutes.
  3. Gently massage the area around the groin folds, thighs, then move to the perineum and area around the anus.

Any massage must be performed for at least 10 minutes. It is better to use pumpkin seed oil as a massage oil. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the prostate gland. Before starting the massage, you need to warm your hands and oil.

Back massage

To massage BPH, you will need to enlist the support of your wife, since the next massage for prostate adenoma is impossible to perform on your own.

The man should lie comfortably on his stomach. The massage therapist warms up the lumbosacral area with gentle movements, then the buttocks, hips and legs, and then returns to the back. Each zone is massaged for 5-7 minutes. Afterwards it is recommended to do a relaxing massage of the entire back.

Impact on the lumbosacral region reduces pain in prostate adenoma. This massage also improves blood supply to the genital organs and prostate gland, and improves lymph outflow. As a result, swelling of the prostate gland decreases and the process of urination becomes easier.

Application of special devices

In medical equipment stores and sex shops you can find many special devices for prostate massage. The medical device is a special vibration massager. In fact, this method refers to physiotherapy.

Sex shops offer a wide range of prostate stimulants. They have a mechanical effect on the organ, stimulating blood circulation.

In case of adenoma, the use of such devices is prohibited. The fact is that manual and vibration massagers can aggravate the swelling of the organ, which leads to an exacerbation of symptoms.

Such massagers are good to use for the prevention of stagnant processes, but not for the treatment of adenoma. An alternative is a magnetic therapy device, which gently applies heat to organ tissue.

It is not advisable to use transrectal attachments for adenoma; the plates of the device should be installed on the lumbosacral region, buttocks or perineum.

The use of magnetic therapy is allowed only for grade 1 adenoma.

Massage for prevention

Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and cons

Men leading a passive lifestyle should visit the clinic more often to massage the prostate gland to avoid problems with it in the future

For preventive purposes, you can use any type of prostate massage, the main thing is to exclude conditions in which it is contraindicated.

Your best bet is to get regular massages at your doctor's office. Rectal finger massage is recommended for prevention for all men over 40 years of age.

Just 3-5 procedures every six months reduce the risk of developing congestive prostatitis in men.

However, even such a massage cannot prevent the development of adenoma, since hyperplasia is caused by the peculiarities of the production of sex hormones, and not by stagnation.

The risk of developing congestive prostatitis increases in the absence of regular sexual activity. To prevent thickening of prostate secretions, men can use special prostate massagers, hydromassage with warm microenemas, and self-massage of the perineum.

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Useful tips

The effectiveness of massage for benign hyperplasia is quite questionable, so it is recommended not to self-medicate. It is better to consult with your doctor about whether massage is necessary for adenoma, and how it can be dangerous. It is also important to consider the contraindications of prostate massage, which is strictly prohibited for grade 2 and 3 adenoma.

An alternative to massage can be special Kegel exercises, which strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. This allows you to ease the flow of urine and better control the stream of urine when going to the restroom.

It is important to remember that prostate adenoma must be treated comprehensively. For first-degree tumors, drug methods can quickly relieve symptoms.


Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: can it be done, massager

After detecting benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), the urologist draws up a treatment regimen using primarily medications.

The therapy is complemented by various physiotherapeutic techniques, which can significantly slow down the course of the pathology until the patient recovers.

One of the effective ways to get rid of negative symptoms is prostate massage for prostate adenoma, and its implementation requires mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Is it possible to have a massage?

An integrated approach to the treatment of diseases in many cases involves the use of a combination of techniques of mechanical and reflex effects on body tissue. In other words, patients are referred to massage sessions, thanks to which their health gradually returns to normal. Urological diseases, in particular benign prostatic hyperplasia, are no exception.

However, before agreeing to the procedure, you need to understand: is it really possible to massage the prostate with adenoma?

If the patient is diagnosed with signs of BPH, massaging the gland is allowed, but only in certain cases.

Has the meaning:

  • method of influence (direct/indirect);
  • stage of the disease;
  • presence of contraindications.

The question of the advisability of prostate massage for prostate adenoma is decided exclusively by a specialist after receiving diagnostic data.

Indications and contraindications

Massaging the gland in the presence of a benign tumor must be treated with extreme caution. If the procedure is performed correctly and by a qualified doctor, you can count on the most positive results.

Direct prostate massage for prostate adenoma would be appropriate:

  • at initial symptoms of the disease;
  • for prophylactic purposes to prevent relapses.

If an indirect effect on the prostate is envisaged, the procedure can be carried out regardless of the stage of the pathology.

Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and cons

Despite the positive effect on the organ, this method can cause serious harm.

Thanks to massage, changes are observed in the form of:

  • improving blood flow in the gland;
  • eliminating congestion;
  • elimination of painful sensations;
  • normalization of urination.

In order not to worsen the course of the pathology, it is important to consider contraindications.

The procedure is prohibited if:

  • malignant tumor;
  • exacerbation of BPH;
  • calcifications and cysts in the prostate;
  • hemorrhoids or anal fissures.

Massage is also not performed if body temperature rises.

Features of massage manipulations

The impact on the prostate gland is carried out in two ways - indirect and direct. The first option involves massaging the lumbar and sacrum areas, as well as certain points in the lower extremities.

Direct prostate massage is stimulation of the organ through the rectum.

The procedure is performed:

  • manually;
  • using massagers.

The fight against the disease is often carried out with the help of hydromassage. The technique is suitable not only for use in a clinical setting, but also for independent use.

What massage practices can be used?

If the diagnosis confirms that it is possible to massage the prostate in one way or another for prostate adenoma, the urologist will recommend the most appropriate techniques. When direct stimulation of the gland is not possible, you can knead, for example, the sacrolumbar region.

Using a massager

If there are no contraindications, massaging the prostate can be done rectally, with the doctor wearing gloves. The patient takes a knee-elbow position or lies on his back with his legs pulled up to his stomach.

The finger is inserted into the rectum to a depth of 4-5 cm, after which stroking is performed towards the center and from top to bottom, alternating with light pressure. The correct actions of the specialist are indicated by the appearance of small discharge from the urethra.

Rectal massage is often carried out using special devices - massagers. Drop-shaped products are made of silicone, medical plastic, thermoplastic rubber.

The device is designed in such a way that when inserted, it cannot penetrate further into the rectum, but does not fall out during operation.

The action of urological massagers is based on the transmission of:

  • heat, which has a positive effect on blood circulation and relieves congestion;
  • vibrations that increase muscle tone and help cleanse the ducts;
  • magnetic fields, thanks to which urination is normalized, tissue regeneration is enhanced and accumulated secretions are liquefied.

You should not use the listed devices without the knowledge of your doctor, since their use may be dangerous for some patients. Massage using devices helps get rid of prostate adenoma, but only in the initial stages. If the disease progresses, direct exposure to the gland is prohibited.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines. To make the manipulations easier to bear, doctors advise filling the bladder. The device must be disinfected, after which a condom is put on the tip. To lubricate the anus and the device, you will need a water lubricant.


There are several options for performing massage, which indirectly affects the gland tissue:

  1. Manipulations are performed in the direction from the lower back to the area of ​​the sacrum, buttocks and hip joints. The movements are encouraged to be gentle, stroking, kneading and rubbing, which will ultimately help improve blood flow in the pelvis. The duration of the session is 15-20 minutes.
  2. You can massage the perineal area, and you will need to apply a little oil (castor/sesame) to the skin. The product is gently rubbed into the skin in a circular motion. At the final stage, stroking is performed in the direction from the anus to the scrotum.
  3. It is useful to stimulate biologically active points located on the inside of the ankle, as well as on the back of the shin just below the knee. The duration of massage clockwise is 20-30 seconds. The session is held daily for 2 weeks.

Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and cons

This approach to eliminating the disease is more gentle, however, compared to direct massage, it is not as effective.


The essence of the technique is that due to the filling of the rectum with water or an antiseptic solution, a reflex muscle contraction occurs. Accordingly, blood circulation increases, muscle tone increases and the outflow of prostatic secretions is normalized.

For hydromassage you need to stock up:

  • rubber bulb with a volume of 300-500 ml;
  • boiled water;
  • Vaseline;
  • enema solution.

Stages of the procedure:

  1. First, attention is paid to water procedures, after which an enema is given.
  2. After cleansing the intestines, 15 minutes later, a solution of furatsilin or potassium permanganate (400-700 ml) is administered. You can prepare a decoction of chamomile. The liquid should be at room temperature.
  3. If the urge to defecate is too strong, the amount of solution must be reduced.

The best time for hydromassage is 1.5-2 hours before going to bed.

The technique is contraindicated for patients with cancerous tumors formed in the pelvic area and with hemorrhages from the genitourinary organs.

What threat might arise?

The benefits of massage for prostate adenoma are quite obvious, but its use in later stages is fraught with serious consequences. In particular, we are talking about the rectal method of influencing the prostate.

Its stimulation can result in:

  • increased pain;
  • worsening urine outflow due to increased swelling of the glandular lobes;
  • tissue damage due to the presence of stones, which often form in the prostate gland with prolonged progression.

The most dangerous complication is malignancy (malignancy) of the tumor.

Preventive prostate massage

Stimulation of the prostate gland with massage movements is recommended not only for medicinal purposes, but also for the prevention of urological diseases. At home, men can resort to using special devices. The main thing is to consult your doctor first.

You can also perform digital rectal massage yourself.

Recommended poses:

  • legs bent at the knees, on the side;
  • on your back, pressing your knees to your chest and spreading your legs slightly to the sides;
  • squatting.

Hands are thoroughly washed, and nails must be trimmed. Manipulations are performed using medical gloves. During the session you need to listen to your feelings. If pain and discomfort occurs, the procedure should be discontinued.

It is best to contact qualified specialists to prevent violations.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is eliminated thanks to an integrated approach. Taking medications can be supplemented with prostate massage. This technique allows you to relieve unpleasant symptoms, normalize the urination process and slow down the further development of the disease. The main thing is to undergo the examination in a timely manner.


Is it possible to perform prostate massage at home?

Prostate diseases require the use of not only medications, but also non-drug approaches. One of these procedures is prostate massage.

Many patients read that a similar procedure is indicated for prostate adenoma, however, this is a big misconception, since prostate massage for adenoma can lead to adverse consequences for a man.

In this regard, it is important to understand the biological effects of this treatment, as well as to know the main indications and contraindications for its use in the patient.

Carrying out massage for BPH

Prostate massage for prostate adenoma: pros and cons

In this regard, the patient often faces the question: is it possible to massage the prostate with adenoma?

Urologists say that this method of therapy can be effective in the initial stages of the disease, when the size of the prostate gland increases slightly. In all other cases, the procedure can cause the development of various complications.

Effect of massage

Prostate adenoma is classified as a benign tumor, which is characterized by an increase in the size of the organ, but does not lead to the germination of tumor tissue into the surrounding anatomical structures and to metastasis.

The causes of the disease are different, however, as a rule, there is a certain genetic defect, which, under the influence of environmental factors (sexually transmitted infections, traumatic injuries, etc.)

), leads to the proliferation of prostate tissue.

Various types of massage treatments aimed at the prostate can be used to prevent the disease. This effect is due to the fact that against the background of such an effect, there is an improvement in blood flow in the pelvic organs, and congestion almost completely disappears.

Medical professionals allow the use of prostate massage for prostate adenoma in the following cases:

  1. Manifestations of benign organ hyperplasia in the early stages of its development, when exposure to the organ reduces the intensity of pain and stimulates the work of muscle tissue in the bladder and urethra.
  2. The massage is not aimed at the organ, but at the lumbosacral area of ​​the back. Manual manipulation of this area improves blood flow in the prostate, which has a positive effect on the course of the disease.

It is important to note that the patient should under no circumstances perform prostate massage on his own at home, as this is fraught with the development of serious complications.


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