
Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

Fibrocystic mastopathy is a disease in which there is an excess of hormones, leading to cystic tissue growth and the formation of growths. Usually occurs in women under 50 years of age.

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

Fibrocystic mastopathy: symptoms, treatment


Fibrocystic mastopathy can develop as a result of many predisposing factors. The occurrence of the disease can be influenced by congenital predisposition, negative environmental conditions, and poor nutrition.

On a note! Hormonal imbalances negatively affect hormonal levels, causing dangerous changes in the body.

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

What is fibrocystic mastopathy

Common causes leading to fibrocystic mastopathy:

  1. Lack of sexual intercourse associated with psychological disorders.
  2. Inability to have children as a result of abortion or menstrual irregularities. In some cases, fibrocystic mastopathy occurs in women who did not breastfeed.
  3. Pathologies of metabolic processes. The onset of the disease can be affected by diabetes mellitus, excess body weight, and hyperthyroidism.
  4. Psychological disorders caused by severe stress.
  5. Congenital predisposition. The presence of this factor can be clarified by finding out whether the closest relatives have a corresponding diagnosis.
  6. Pathologies that negatively affect the organs of the reproductive system. Mastopathy occurs when treatment for cystic formations or endometritis is refused.
  7. A lifestyle that negatively affects the condition of internal organs. Mastopathy can occur in women who have suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome for a long time and do not allocate enough time for rest.
  8. Eating too much food, not following the diet recommended by your doctor, not eating enough fiber.

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

Risk factors for breast diseases

Video - Fibrocystic mastopathy


Main manifestations of the disease:

  1. Presence of places where lumps are noticeable in the chest area. Patients usually discover them on their own.
  2. Pain syndrome localized in the chest area. Patients often complain of aching pain, a feeling of heaviness, and other disorders. The pain can be either constant or occur periodically.
  3. Pathological discharge that is dark or light in color, and the appearance of pus is also possible.
  4. Enlarged lymph nodes. This symptom does not occur in all patients.

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

Mammary glands with mastopathy

The listed symptoms may appear periodically; in some cases, patients do not notice all the signs. Sometimes the mammary glands increase in size, causing pain on palpation. Women suffer from edema, the severity of which varies depending on the menstrual cycle.

On a note! Mastopathy can cause headaches and emotional disorders.

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

Clinical manifestations of mastopathy

Features of symptoms

85% of patients complain of severe pain in the chest - the main symptom of the disease. Sometimes there is discharge from the nipples. These symptoms occur on the eve of menstruation. Seals are also diagnosed, and their elasticity is noted upon palpation. The cystic areas are separated from the surrounding tissue.

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

Self-examination for mastopathy

Video - Symptoms and treatment of mammary gland mastopathy

Treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy

To ensure that the symptoms of the disease are relieved, it is advisable to conduct a competent diagnosis and consult a doctor.

An integrated approach is used to treat this disease, including changes in diet, the use of comfortable underwear, the use of vitamins, anti-inflammatory and sedatives, and in some cases the use of hormonal and homeopathic medications.

Nutrition correction

It is advisable to completely eliminate products that can affect the formation of fibrous tissue and the appearance of fluid in the structure of the cyst.

Doctors often recommend giving up coffee completely and limiting the consumption of tea, chocolate, and sweets.

Many experts believe that any pathology of the mammary glands occurs as a secondary phenomenon after the formation of disorders in the intestines. It is advisable to completely eliminate constipation and normalize the bacterial flora.

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

Visible signs of breast

If you have been diagnosed with mastopathy, it is advisable to eat foods that contain the maximum amount of fiber. Eat vegetables and fruits, greens daily. Drink enough water. Get rid of bad habits, in particular, drinking alcoholic beverages.

On a note! Do not cook foods that are too fatty; it is advisable to completely exclude from your diet foods that can irritate the gastrointestinal tract.

Using the correct underwear

If you suffer from mastopathy, it is advisable to review your entire wardrobe, in particular your underwear. Measure your measurements carefully to avoid purchasing clothes that are uncomfortable. Pay attention to all elements of the underwear, make sure that the clothes do not cause discomfort.

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

Clinical manifestations of types of mastopathy


  • Useful microelements are necessary to improve the condition of the immune system, stabilize hormonal levels, and also activate the endocrine system.
  • Experts recommend primarily using vitamins B, A, and E for mastopathy.
  • Use the drug Aevit (dosage: 1 capsule per day for 30 days) or Triovit (dosage: 1 capsule per day for 2 months).


If the disease is not treated in time, most patients suffer from edema. They may spread throughout the body. To get rid of negative effects, it is enough to use light diuretics. It is advisable to stop using medications and replace them with special teas based on medicinal herbs.

On a note! You should reduce the amount of salt consumed daily.

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

Development of mastopathy

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Doctors often advise using Nise , Diclofenac , which allow you to completely get rid of pain. Unpleasant sensations intensify before menstruation. It is advisable to use these drugs if you experience severe discomfort. A course of therapy with nonsteroidal drugs for mastopathy is not provided.

Sedative drugs

Necessary to eliminate psychological stress factors, which allows you to reduce the intensity of the symptoms of the disease in a short time.

Use an infusion of valerian or motherwort . You can use special teas. Many people use sage tea . To prepare it, place 1 tsp.

chopped herbs in 1/2 tbsp. boiling water, brew, then take 2-3 times a day.

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

Etiology of fibrocystic mastopathy

Hormone therapy

If a hormonal imbalance occurs in the body, the functioning of the mammary glands without disturbances is impossible. It is necessary to monitor the level of estrogen and progesterone.

With mastopathy, the amount of hormones increases, which causes the mammary glands to grow. Medicines necessary to suppress estrogen activity should be used.

Doctors often prescribe Toremifene and Tamoxifen .

To suppress the secretion of excessive amounts of hormones, oral contraceptives are used, in particular Marvelon . With their help, you can eliminate the increased production of almost all female hormones and stabilize the functioning of the endocrine system.

Diagnosis of mastopathy

Non-hormonal drugs

To restore the balance of hormones and reduce the intensity of breast growth, Mammolen . The drug is made on a plant basis and is used to increase the amount of female hormones.


These medications help reduce the amount of prolactin without significant side effects. Doctors usually prescribe Remens , Mastodinon .

Clinical breast study

Iodine preparations

It is used in this case if, together with mastopathy, women suffer from disorders of the thyroid gland. Doctors prescribe them for severe hypothyroidism. If autoimmune mechanisms are activated in the body, these medications are not prescribed. Popular drugs from this group: Iodomarin , Mamoclam .


In some cases, drug therapy does not produce the expected effect. A decision is made to perform surgery. Surgery is also mandatory if an oncological tumor develops.

On a note! In order to promptly detect fibrocystic mastopathy, it is advisable to regularly undergo diagnostic examinations and consult a doctor if symptoms of the disease occur.

Fibrocystic mastopathy has a conditionally favorable prognosis. If the disease is not treated, the pathology will progress.

It is worth starting therapy as early as possible, since the patient’s condition with this disease worsens upon reaching the age of 30 years. If you carry out proper treatment, you can avoid the occurrence of a cancerous tumor and other complications of mastopathy.

The left side in the lower abdomen hurts, study the link. What can hurt in the left lower abdomen, read our article.

Video - Breast treatment


Fibrocystic mastopathy of the breast - symptoms and treatment



Signs and symptoms of mastopathy. Fibrocystic mastopathy: symptoms:

Women's health is quite fragile and requires increased attention. But often representatives of the fair sex forget that in this case we are talking not only about the reproductive system, but also about the breasts. So, mastopathy: symptoms, treatment with folk remedies, schedule of doctor visits and possible consequences.

Women's health

Hormonal fluctuations in women that accompany the menstrual cycle, and especially disruptions in them, unfortunately, often lead to problems not directly related to the reproductive system.

For some reason, very little attention is paid to diseases related to breast health, unless it is cancer.

And if cancer prevention is quite actively carried out among older women, young girls are not even aware of how to monitor their breast health and in what cases to consult a doctor.

Meanwhile, seemingly non-serious diseases can cause no less problems and cause serious consequences. We are talking, for example, about mastopathy.

Medicines for its treatment are advertised everywhere, but little is said about what the symptoms of mastopathy are, how it occurs and is diagnosed. But women’s health is so fragile! Therefore, it is simply necessary to know about this.

Moreover, any pathologies in the breast tissue can result in extremely unpleasant consequences.

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

What is mastopathy?

The signs and symptoms of this disease can be ignored for a very long time, taking them for the norm. Perhaps this is why the disease is the most common in mammology. In essence, mastopathy refers to the pathological proliferation of glandular tissue and its secretion.

She may not show herself for a very long time, or her signs will simply be ignored. Women will mistake chest pain before menstruation as a manifestation of PMS, they will neglect self-examinations, as well as visits to doctors, and as a result, treatment will begin much later than it could.

And very often this results in a large number of procedures and tests that could be avoided.

Types of disease

Mammologists distinguish many different forms of manifestation of this disease, but there is no generally accepted classification yet. However, large groups are usually distinguished:

In the first case, one large formation is observed in the mammary gland, and in the second - many small ones. Diffuse mastopathy, the symptoms of which occur even in young girls and girls in puberty, is not considered dangerous. As a rule, everything goes away as hormone levels normalize. Sometimes doctors prescribe homeopathic medicines, for example, Mastodinon.

In turn, the last group includes several more varieties. The most common is mixed fibrocystic mastopathy, the symptoms of which do not allow one to distinguish it from others; only mammography and ultrasound help with this.

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

So, the types of disease are determined by the nature of the tissue changes. The following are distinguished:

  • Fibrous mastopathy. Symptoms usually do not change, but ultrasound shows that the changes mainly affect the connective tissue. The lumps may be painful with slight pressure.
  • Cystic mastopathy. The symptoms are still the same again. The difference is that bubbles filled with fluid appear in the mammary gland. They may break through, which is unlikely to bring positive feelings. All this is also clearly visible during ultrasound examination, especially if the cysts are large.

These varieties are relevant not only for diffuse, but also for nodular mastopathy, which often develops without proper treatment of the former. And then the treatment becomes much more serious, and the pain is much more intense.


FCF, or fibrocystic mastopathy, the symptoms, as well as the causes of which are usually common with any other varieties, are very common. Breast tissue reacts very sensitively to everything that happens in the female body.

Hormonal imbalance, vascular disorders, gynecological diseases, diabetes mellitus, liver and gall bladder diseases, minor injuries and bruises, even stress - all this can trigger the development of a disease such as breast mastopathy.

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Symptoms of this disease can be found in almost all women of all ages. Interestingly, according to statistics, those who became mothers of two children before the age of 25 and practiced breastfeeding have a much lower risk of getting sick.

However, this cannot be called a guarantee, although in mild forms doctors sometimes simply advise girls to give birth to a child. And after breastfeeding, the problem disappears by itself. But in this case, it’s more about normalizing hormonal levels.

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

Perhaps the modern lifestyle is to blame for this, which often involves bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol, the fashion for tanning, abortion, promiscuous or irregular sex life, reluctance to have children or practice breastfeeding, etc.

, but the fact remains that mastopathy has simply become the scourge of city women. It’s not for nothing that doctors urge all women over 35 to have regular mammograms - with the onset of menopause and menopause, the risk of getting sick increases many times over.

Treatment during this period is selected individually in accordance with hormonal levels.

Do not think that there is no danger from this disease. It can have very serious consequences, and although the symptoms of mastopathy can cause serious inconvenience, many choose to ignore them for a long time.

Women probably forget that any pathology of breast tissue can lead to cancer in the future.

Of course, cancer today is treated quite successfully if it is detected on time, but you still shouldn’t neglect your health, even if the diagnosis is mastopathy that seems innocent at first glance.

Signs and symptoms

One of the first sensations that should immediately alert a woman is aching pain in the chest area. At the beginning and at the end of the menstrual cycle, it may intensify, which is due to an increase in estrogen levels. Sometimes discomfort can spread to the axillary lymph nodes.

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

The second symptom that must be taken into account is the appearance of compactions in the tissues of the gland. They are usually quite easy to feel, and with regular self-examination, this sign will signal a problem even before pain appears.

Another possible change is swelling and increase in breast size, accompanied by engorgement. Sometimes fluid may be released from the nipples, either independently or with pressure.

It is not difficult to remember what symptoms of mastopathy occur. It is much more difficult to force yourself to find time to visit a doctor, because it seems that it is not serious at all.

Meanwhile, the appearance of any kind of discharge from the nipples is a reason for an emergency trip to the mammologist, since it may indicate a precancerous condition. Well, the symptoms of mastopathy during menopause should, at a minimum, cause serious concern.

And if it is possible to ignore the pain, then is it wise to ignore the danger to life?

Possible consequences

In almost all women diagnosed with nodular or diffuse mastopathy, the symptoms of which are very noticeable, benign formations are found. In addition, any pathology of the mammary gland in the future can lead to the appearance of malignant tumors.

The growth of tissue in itself is abnormal, and any neoplasms may well degenerate.

Is it worth the risk if treatment, as a rule, does not take much time and effort, especially if it is started on time? If you ignore unpleasant sensations for a long time and delay going to the doctor until the last minute, you may end up having a mastectomy and partially lose your femininity. And this is not the worst case, because the treatment of cancer in some cases requires not only surgery, but also chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Is it really worth taking it to such an extreme? Of course, in recent years, statistics on breast cancer have begun to please. But, firstly, there is always the danger of becoming an exception, and secondly, there is no point in bringing yourself to such a state in order to then heroically overcome it. If you are going to get treatment, do it right away.

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis


One of the simplest and most obvious ways to monitor breast health is regular self-examination. It must be carried out once a month, from the 6th to the 12th day of the menstrual cycle. In order to suspect that there is mastopathy, symptoms and photographs of the affected breast are not needed, and besides, they will be uninformative.

It’s simple - having felt nodules or lumps, it is better to visit a doctor once again, who will use additional diagnostic methods and make an accurate diagnosis. To put your mind at ease, you can consider whether there is a mass on both sides or just one.

The fact is that, as a rule, mastopathy affects both mammary glands at once, and cancer affects only one.

The main methods for assessing the condition of breast tissue today are mammography and ultrasound. They complement each other and can be used both in combination and separately.

These modern procedures are completely painless, so there is nothing to fear. As a rule, the woman is first sent for an ultrasound examination, which is safe even for pregnant and lactating women.

However, with its help it is quite problematic to record formations smaller than 1 centimeter.

And then mammography, using X-rays, comes to the rescue. It is rarely performed on women under 35, but everyone older is required to undergo it regularly.

Mammography is highly accurate and efficient and can detect even the smallest formations.

So diffuse mastopathy, the symptoms of which may not even be felt yet, will not pass by the doctor’s eyes unnoticed.

If we are talking about the cystic form, another research method can be used - pneumocystography. To do this, liquid is pumped out of large formations with a syringe, replacing it with air, after which a picture is taken. This allows you to assess the condition of the cyst walls, and also produces a high therapeutic effect.

If formations are detected, a biopsy is usually performed - a minimally invasive sampling of the cells that make up the lumps. They are analyzed, and then the mammologist chooses treatment tactics. As a rule, it includes actions in several directions at once.

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis


Traditionally, medicine offers two paths: therapeutic and surgical. As a rule, the latter is resorted to only in the most difficult cases or when conservative treatment methods are ineffective.

So, if the tissue proliferation has just begun or it is obvious that the form is diffuse, as a rule, some medications are prescribed to begin with. To identify possible causes, the patient may be sent for additional consultations with specialists.

Complex therapy may involve taking hormonal drugs, or may include homeopathy, physiotherapy, iodine preparations, immunomodulators and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, as a rule, a diet is prescribed.

Older women most often receive vitamins A and E, as well as additional calcium.

Hormonal therapy is used only in special cases, when in addition to changes in the breast tissue, the background also needs to be normalized. The range of drugs used is extremely wide, so only a doctor should select them. Moreover, mammologists can prescribe hormonal therapy only after a series of studies confirming such a need, and based on the patient’s condition.

If treatment is started in a timely manner, it is often possible to achieve complete recovery. If the form is nodular, surgical intervention cannot be avoided.

With surgical treatment, doctors remove the affected segments of the gland. After the operation, complex drug therapy is also prescribed. Cell samples are sent for histological examination.

If it is discovered that the formations are malignant, the scope of intervention is expanded.

The most important thing is that there is no need to be afraid of surgery if the doctor insists on this option. The sooner this happens, the more gentle the procedure will be, the easier it will be to recover and the faster all this will become just a memory. It is much worse to hear the words that the tumor is inoperable, so while you can, it is better to follow the recommendation of a professional physician.

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

In the most severe cases, when the patient refuses the operation until the last minute, and then still agrees, even after that she constantly analyzes her well-being, thinks that she has mastopathy.

Symptoms, photos of the disease, consequences - thoughts about them cause horror in her, because now she knows that she could get by with much fewer victims. And those who want to restore the aesthetic appearance of their breasts have to agree to another operation - breast reconstruction.

It is probably not for nothing that the course of treatment for some patients also includes psychotherapy. It is very difficult for many to give the symbol of their femininity into the hands of surgeons, knowing that after the operation everything can seriously change.

By the way, this is not least due to the fact that many women hope to cure nodular mastopathy with folk remedies. They make compresses from plant leaves, drink tinctures from them, and prepare ointments. This calms them down.

But the most important thing that self-medication practitioners almost always miss is control. Analysis of the dynamics of the condition of the mammary gland using the same mammography and ultrasound will allow the doctor to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment tactics and, if necessary, adjust it.

The duration of even prescribed treatment depends on a large number of factors and in fact can last for years.


Oddly enough, representatives of the stronger half of humanity also sometimes suffer from this disease. However, this does not happen often due to the absence of such hormonal fluctuations as in women.

The problem is that most of them do not pay too much attention to their health, much less the condition of their breasts.

Therefore, it comes as an absolute surprise to them to receive a diagnosis such as mastopathy.

Symptoms in men, in general, are no different from the signs that women may notice in themselves. This list includes breast enlargement, pain, lumps, and discharge.

But the reasons can be quite serious:

  • pituitary tumor;
  • neoplasms on the adrenal glands;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • abuse of beer and strong alcohol.

By the way, it is the last reason that can be considered the most common. Fans of alcoholic beverages do not always think that they contain phytoestrogens, which affect their hormonal levels.

In order to reassure a man who has noticed symptoms of mastopathy, a series of studies are carried out. A blood test for female sex hormones, and, if necessary, ultrasound and mammography - these simple procedures help establish a diagnosis. Treatment, by the way, in this case will be much easier and faster.


Unfortunately, it is virtually impossible to talk about any serious actions to prevent the development of this disease. You can only try to reduce the risk of mastopathy by leading an appropriate lifestyle - avoiding stress, eating right and treating any diseases in the body in a timely manner.

In addition, a woman can closely monitor her well-being and regularly conduct self-examinations. Of course, if you notice symptoms of breast mastopathy, you must immediately visit a mammologist.

In addition, even if there is no cause for concern, regular preventative medical examinations are necessary. The doctor can notice little things that the patient herself would not pay attention to.

So, having felt any changes regarding the health of the mammary gland, you need to find out where the nearest mammology clinic is located and go there.

By the way, it is important to talk about what you should not do if you feel a lump in your chest. There is no need to apply heat or actively massage the mammary gland. Of course, you need to avoid injury. Otherwise, all your actions should be aimed at obtaining an urgent consultation with a mammologist.

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And, of course, you shouldn’t take the advice of your friends as a guide to action, even if they know what mastopathy is. Symptoms, treatment with folk remedies and medications, and the dynamics of the disease should be monitored by a doctor. Of course, you can use proven recipes.

But some of them may simply give you a false sense of peace. So treatment without visiting a doctor is out of the question.


Attention! Every woman needs to know the symptoms of mastopathy.

HomeTypes, symptoms and causesAttention! Every woman needs to know the symptoms of mastopathy.

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

Mastopathy is a disease of the mammary glands, which is manifested by the proliferation of glandular tissue. It affects 50% of women of childbearing age; there are cases of mastopathy in men; this type of disease is called gynecomastia. Lumps in the breast with mastopathy are mostly benign, but it can develop into cancer or precancerous conditions. The earlier treatment for mastopathy is started, the more successful it is.

Therefore, every woman should know the symptoms of mastopathy so that they immediately seek medical help, undergo examination, and begin treatment.

Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, based on data from a physical (examination, palpation), instrumental (mammography, ultrasound) examination of the patient, supplemented by laboratory tests.

But when identifying the first signs of the disease, self-diagnosis plays an important role.

Breast self-examination to identify signs of mastopathy

Having mastered the techniques of primary self-examination of the mammary glands, spending 5 minutes on this procedure every month, a woman can independently detect the initial signs of mastopathy. Illustrated information booklets are published on the technique of self-diagnosis of mastopathy, cancer, its techniques are taught in the antenatal clinic, at an appointment with a gynecologist, mammologist.

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

It is recommended to examine the breasts in the first days after the end of menstruation, when they do not react so painfully to touch, and signs of the disease are easier to recognize. Self-diagnosis is carried out while standing in front of a mirror or lying down.

Self-examination techniques

Standing in front of the mirror with your arms down, evaluate the contour of the breast, the condition of the nipples, skin, and compare the sizes of the left and right mammary glands.

Spread your arms to the sides, lift them up, bend and twist your torso, assessing the symmetry of the movements of the mammary glands. Then their contour and mobility are assessed in a position with shoulders and elbows pulled forward (hands on the belt).

The skin is inspected from all sides to examine it from below, the chest is lifted. A fold of skin is grasped to assess elasticity.

Each gland is felt with the opposite hand, and the hand on the side of the examined gland is raised above the head and moved slightly back. Palpation is performed with the pads of the fingers, they are pressed flat against the chest, the pressure gradually increases. Palpation techniques:

  • a large circle is described clockwise;
  • starting from the nipple, expanding circles are described;
  • radial movements are performed from the nipple in all directions;
  • a series of parallel movements is performed from top to bottom, moving from the sternum to the cavity under the armpit.

Finally, the axillary and supraclavicular areas are palpated with deep finger pressure. Then they examine, gently palpate, squeeze both nipples with the thumb and forefinger, check to see if any discharge has appeared.

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

Lying on your back, place a flat pillow under one shoulder blade. The left and right glands are examined alternately. The arm on the side of the examination is first thrown behind the head, then taken to the side, then lowered along the body. In each position, the gland is felt with the second hand. 2 methods are used:

  • the left and right glands are mentally divided into 4 sectors, each is carefully palpated from top to bottom to identify possible nodules and compactions;
  • place the pads of the fingers under the armpit, describe movements with them clockwise, narrowing the spiral and approaching the nipple.
  • An examination of underwear and bra can be informative - discharge from the nipples leaves marks on it.
  • Warning signs
  • The following signs indicate the development of mastopathy or a more serious illness:
  • the breasts look unusual, their size and shape have changed, and pronounced asymmetry has appeared;
  • the skin is excessively stretched or wrinkled, with bulging or sunken areas;
  • the shape and color of the nipples have changed;
  • when the mammary glands move or the nipples are squeezed, discharge appears;
  • palpation is accompanied by pain, including pain radiating to the arm, neck, and under the shoulder blade.

80% of lumps in the mammary gland are benign and can be treated conservatively at an early stage.

Only a mammologist can accurately determine the nature, form, and stage of the disease, and it is recommended to contact him if alarming symptoms are detected during self-diagnosis.

You should not postpone the visit; when diffuse mastopathy transforms into nodular mastopathy, the risk of malignancy increases and treatment becomes more complicated.

Types and forms of mastopathy

There are general symptoms of mastopathy that are characteristic of any form of this disease, but different types and varieties have distinctive features. Pathological processes can occur in one or both mammary glands.

There are 2 types of mastopathy in women:

  • diffuse;
  • nodular (tumor).

First, a diffuse one develops, the tissues grow, and small compactions form in them. If this disease is not treated, the size of the compaction increases, they take on the character of painful nodes. The pain becomes prolonged and intense.

Diffuse mastopathy can be glandular, fibrous, cystic, mixed. The variety of shapes is due to the fact that in women the breasts consist of glandular, connective and adipose tissue, and all of them can grow.

The growth of adipose and connective tissue with the replacement of glandular tissue during menopause is not a disease; mastopathy includes the growth of glandular or connective tissue in women of reproductive age. In half of the cases, this process is accompanied by the formation of pathological cavities (cysts).

Depending on which tissues grow more actively and whether there are cysts in the gland, the following types of diffuse mastopathy are distinguished:

  • adenosmammary glands - proliferation of lobules of functional glandular tissue, the most common type;
  • fibroadenomatosis - connective tissue grows and replaces glandular tissue;
  • mastopathy with a predominance of the cystic component - cavities with fluid form in the breast tissue;
  • mixed (fibrocystic) – connective tissue grows and cysts form.

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

Discharge from the nipples does not necessarily indicate fluid accumulation in cysts; they are also characteristic of non-cystic forms. Without an instrumental examination, it is impossible to accurately determine the presence of a cystic component. Cystic mastopathy is more dangerous; in 25% of cases, calcium deposits form in the cavities, this can serve as an impetus for the development of cancer.

Nodular mastopathy can be fibrous (fibroadenoma), cystic, fibrocystic. In places where fluid stagnates in the dilated ducts, connective tissue capsules filled with this fluid are formed.

These are cysts, but they take years to form.

Therefore, fibroadenoma develops mainly in women under 30 years of age, and cystic and fibrocystic mastopathy - after reaching this age .

Symptoms of different forms

With diffuse mastopathy, changes occur throughout the gland, not so much the density of the tissues increases, but their size. With nodular mastopathy, the foci of changes are localized, have clearly defined boundaries and are characterized by increased density.

Signs of diffuse mastopathy:

  • engorgement and enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • mastalgia – their soreness;
  • mastodynia – swelling and increased sensitivity of tissues;
  • uniform, extensive or scattered fine-grained compactions are palpated (the size of each does not exceed a grain of rice);
  • possible discharge from the nipples.

The pain can be aching, bursting or pulling, with a feeling of heaviness. Soreness and swelling intensify a week before the start of menstruation and become less pronounced during and after menstruation.

As the disease progresses, periodic pain in mastopathy becomes permanent. The growing tissues compress the nerve endings, so the pain can radiate to neighboring areas, be felt under the armpit, in the arm, in the shoulder, under the scapula.

In 10-15% of women, diffuse mastopathy is painless, this is due to individual pain sensitivity.

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

Fever is atypical for mastopathy; the patient’s body temperature remains normal or rises to a maximum of 37°.

In women with an aggravated reaction of the immune system, the temperature during mastopathy may increase to low-grade fever, more often this occurs against the background of PMS.

If the body temperature is above 37°, the cause most likely lies in a concomitant disease, an inflammatory process caused by an infection.

The discharge can be transparent, similar to colostrum, yellow-green, greenish-brownish. Mastopathy in women develops against the background of hormonal changes, an excess of the hormone prolactin causes the production of a secretion reminiscent of milk. At first it is transparent, but if the milk ducts are blocked and the secretion stagnates, the discharge becomes greenish in color.

Bloody discharge from the nipples, as well as a temperature above 37°, may indicate oncology; such signs are not typical for diffuse mastopathy.

Symptoms of nodular mastopathy

With fibroadenoma, many symptoms are similar to those of the diffuse form - pain, swelling, discharge.

The pain becomes more pronounced, appears regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle, is accompanied by a feeling of fullness in the chest and intensifies when touched.

A specific sign of fibrous nodular mastopathy is that upon palpation, movable dense nodes with clear boundaries, ranging in size from 2 mm to 5–7 cm, are palpated.

In the cystic form, pain is localized mainly in the places where the cysts have formed and has a dull, aching character. The larger the cysts, the more intense the pain, possibly a burning sensation. In 10% of women, the lymph nodes located under the armpit become enlarged and painful, and the surrounding tissues swell.

One or both mammary glands increase in size, multiple oval, round lumps or a single lump can be felt in their tissue. Unlike fibrous nodes, cysts are soft and elastic because they are filled with fluid. The fibrocystic form is characterized by a combination of features of the other two varieties.

Against the background of stagnation of fluid and poor circulation in the mammary gland, favorable conditions are created for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Therefore, with nodular mastopathy there is a risk of developing an inflammatory process with the addition of infection.

 In this case, the discharge becomes purulent, the temperature rises above 37°, the skin of the chest is red and hot to the touch, and health deteriorates sharply.

Mastopathy develops in girls and women during the period from the beginning of menstruation to the onset of menopause. Monthly self-examination helps identify symptoms of the disease at an early stage.

But only a mammologist can conduct a detailed examination and prescribe diagnostic procedures to determine the type of disease.

Since malignant and benign tumors initially manifest similar symptoms, it is unacceptable to begin self-medication without a professional diagnosis.

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Breast mastopathy | Signs, causes, nutrition, diagnosis

Breast mastopathy is the growth of connective tissue in the mammary glands, which has several varieties - diffuse tissue growth, nodular growth in the form of dense lumps.

This disease is multifactorial and combines several groups of diseases.

According to statistics, from 60 to 80% of Russian women suffer from this disease between the ages of 25 and 45 years. The disease is common and occurs even in men (according to statistics, 850 cases of mastopathy in men are registered annually). But the disease is still more dangerous for women.

Types of mastopathy of the mammary glands

1. Diffuse mastopathy is the initial stage, when the connective tissue begins to grow, uniform compaction of the mammary gland and small nodules form.

2. Nodular form of mastopathy is the next stage of development of the disease. Against the background of diffuse compaction of the gland, individual nodes (neoplasms) appear; they can be either small or the size of a walnut. There may be single or a group of nodes that can be easily palpated. Doctors find small nodes; larger women palpate them themselves.

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

3. Fibrocystic (FCM) is an alternation of brushes with areas of compaction (fibrosis). When the milk ducts dilate and become slightly compressed by fibrous tissue, these cysts form.

A cyst is a cavity filled with fluid. The liquid may be milk or some liquid that is not milky in nature. If there is a formation in the mammary gland in which the fluid is a cyst, if it is dense, then it is cancer.

FCM is the alternation of tissue that is either hard or soft when palpated when you feel your breasts.

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This disease mainly affects middle-aged women who menstruate. When they end, the incidence of the disease decreases.

4. Cystic mastopathy - when a space-occupying formation appears in the breast, which is palpated by the hands of both the doctor and the patient herself. And this formation can be quite dense and infected, but does not pose a great threat when it first appears. The fluid is evacuated, examined, and if there is nothing dangerous there, the patient is left on therapy (conservative treatment), without surgery.

Causes of mastopathy

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

1. First of all, this is a change in the hormonal sphere. The cause of hormonal imbalance may be:

  • Disruption of the ovaries, diseases of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland (since it regulates the functions of the mammary glands). By examining the thyroid gland, we determine the complexity of the disease that precedes mastopathy. Affects mastopathy and liver diseases, because it removes steroid hormones, and if the removal process is difficult, some of the hormonal levels may change in the body.
  • Hormonal imbalances are caused by thoughtless independent use of oral contraceptives (without a doctor's prescription or supervision), abortions and miscarriages (a sharp decline in hormones occurs in a woman's body).
  • And also overweight, because female sex hormones - estrogens - accumulate in adipose tissue. Accordingly, the more adipose tissue, the more estrogen accumulates, which leads to hormonal imbalance.

2. Stress and overwork, disruption of a healthy lifestyle.

3. The psychological reason for young girls may be a reluctance to become a mother and fulfill the main female purpose and suppression of the function of breastfeeding future children.

Signs of breast mastopathy

It can be asymptomatic, and a woman consults a doctor when she palpates small mobile nodules.

A symptom of mastopathy can be pain in the mammary glands (both moderate and severe), which intensifies during the period of ovulation (in the second half of the menstrual cycle) and before menstruation. The pain may radiate to the armpit area, or may not radiate anywhere.

Sometimes there is discharge from the nipple of various colors - yellowish-greenish, transparent, bloody, of varying consistency and intensity.

Swelling of the breast in the second phase of the cycle due to swelling of the connective tissue and an increase in the gland up to 15%.


First of all, examination and palpation of the mammary glands. Palpation examination is an integral part of a visit to the gynecologist, which should be 2 times a year. But the final diagnosis is made by a mammologist.

If the doctor does not have enough objective data, he prescribes either an x-ray examination (mammography) or an ultrasound examination (ultrasound of the mammary glands)

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

diffuse fibrous mastopathy

  • If a pathology is detected, the doctor takes the puncture for cytological analysis
  • He also prescribes tests to study hormonal levels to find out the level of estrogen, prolactin, and progesterone.
  • Self-diagnosis (breast examination technique)
  • Self-palpation is carried out once a month on the 3-5th day after the end of menstruation.

Before palpation, an examination is required to see if there is any discharge from the nipple or areas of keratinization (crusts on the chest). Then palpation begins.


  •  The use of oral contraceptives only on the recommendation of a doctor
  •   Lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid stressful situations
  •  Watch your weight, eat healthy, get enough iodine in your food
  •   Avoid abortion
  •  We choose a bra without wires, with wide straps, which fits the chest well (so that it does not hang), but does not squeeze it. The breasts should fit well into the cups. The right choice of underwear is the first point of your mammary gland health.
  • Constant examination and palpation of the mammary glands, self-diagnosis (every month)
  • Every year visit to the gynecologist and ultrasound of the mammary glands
  • Gestation, childbirth and breastfeeding

Why is mastopathy dangerous?

Nodular mastopathy is dangerous, which can lead to degeneration into cancer, other mastopathy, which belongs to the diffuse form, does not give any changes towards cancer, the only danger is whether a cancerous tumor is hidden behind the cysts.

The nodular form is subject to certain examination. There should be a consultation with an oncologist and an examination at an oncology clinic with clarifying diagnostics.

If there is any doubt whether the tissue there is benign or malignant, a control biopsy is performed. If the biopsy is negative, then the tissue is benign and this allows conservative treatment. If there are malignant processes in the tissue, then the patient is sent for surgical treatment or other types of treatment (chemotherapy, X-ray treatment, etc.).

Nutrition for mastopathy

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

Foods to include in your diet

  • foods rich in fiber (cereals, fruits, vegetables), protein foods, different types of oil, more clean water

What not to eat

  • Eliminate or limit fats, reduce salt, tea, coffee in the diet - this helps reduce pain.

How difficult is the treatment?

It happens that it is complex and requires long-term observation. Examination and treatment of the thyroid gland, ovaries, which affect the breasts. The mammary glands are target organs and therefore, everything connected with them is a reflection of the processes that occur in the body.

Read more about the treatment of mastopathy here

Painkillers - those that help you best

Cysts grow under the influence of estrogens (female sex hormones), and in severe cases, drugs that have an anti-estrogenic effect are used - danazol


Symptoms of mastopathy

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

For a long time, mastopathy can be asymptomatic. At the first suspicious changes in the mammary glands, a woman should consult a mammologist. In some cases, mastopathy can cause the development of a malignant process.

Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

What is mastopathy

Mastopathy is a benign disease of the mammary glands, the development of which is usually associated with hormonal imbalance.

Currently, the reasons for the development of mastopathy are not fully understood. Medicine only knows for certain that the occurrence of this pathology is influenced by various factors, namely:


  • change in the level of sex hormones (decrease or increase);
  • changes in thyroid hormone levels;
  • some endocrine diseases;
  • liver diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus (rare).

At the onset of the disease, connective tissue grows, which leads to the appearance of small nodules and cords. This form of mastopathy is called diffuse. During the premenstrual period, painful sensations in the mammary gland may appear, which, as a rule, disappear with the onset of menstruation.

Mastopathy is characterized by the appearance of small spherical seals in the upper part of the chest. It is extremely important to pay attention to this and go for an examination. It is during this period that mastopathy is most easily cured.

If the disease is left to chance, then over time (after months or years) dense nodes appear, the size of which ranges from 0.5 to 3 centimeters in diameter. This is a nodular form of mastopathy, which is characterized by increased pain in the chest. In some cases, the pain radiates to the shoulder or armpit area.

As the disease progresses, painful sensations bother the woman even with a slight touch to the breast. There may be clear or bloody discharge from the nipples, and when palpating the breasts, a granular or lobular structure is felt. In this situation, painful symptoms do not disappear with the onset of menstruation.

Reader Questions Mastopathy: symptoms of the disease and the possibility of self-diagnosis

Hello! Tell me, if I have diffuse cystic mastopathy, can I get pregnant, give birth, or breastfeed with this diagnosis? October 18, 2013 Hello! Tell me, if I have diffuse cystic mastopathy, can I get pregnant, give birth, or breastfeed with this diagnosis? Or it is contraindicated for such women.

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Seals with mastopathy can appear and disappear again without causing any harm to the woman. At the same time, such compactions can be one of the links in the beginning of malignant degeneration. This is why women with mastopathy have an increased risk of developing breast cancer.

It is noteworthy that lumps characteristic of mastopathy are often noted in young girls. This is due to hormonal changes in the body.


How to recognize mastopathy?

Women's breasts are a symbol of motherhood, femininity, one of the most important secrets of female attractiveness. But, worrying about the size and shape of the breasts, not every woman thinks about her health. Meanwhile, the mammary glands are susceptible to various pathologies.

Entering reproductive age, a woman usually blossoms, but at the same time, not only favorable changes occur in her body.

The peak of many diseases occurs precisely during this period of life, and mastopathy is no exception - one of the most common pathologies of the mammary glands.

Every second representative of the fair sex between the ages of 18 and 45 will sooner or later learn about this diagnosis.

What is mastopathy?

Mastopathy is the proliferation of dense connective tissue of the mammary glands, as a result of which cavities filled with liquid are formed in it. There are two types of this disease - diffuse and nodular mastopathy.

  1. 1. Diffuse mastopathy is characterized by multiple nodules, each of which is no larger than a millet grain. The structure of the evils can be different, depending on this, mastopathy can take the following forms:
  • With a predominance of the ferrous component
  • With a predominance of fibrous component
  • Cystic form
  • Mixed form

This form of mastopathy is more common in women under 35 years of age.

  1. 2. Nodular mastopathy, which is characterized by the presence of single, but larger seals (nodules). Nodular mastopathy can be in the form of a cyst or a benign formation - fibroadenoma. This form of mastopathy affects women over 35 years of age.

Causes of the disease

One of the main reasons for the development of mastopathy is hormonal imbalance - excess estrogen hormone and low progesterone levels.

In some cases, the provoking factor is increased production of prolactin by the pituitary gland. Increased levels of this hormone are observed in women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Outside this period, excess prolactin contributes to the development of mastopathy.

In addition to hormonal imbalance, the causes of mastopathy are:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the ovaries
  • Pathologies of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland
  • Liver diseases
  • Lack of regular sex life
  • Frequent abortions
  • No pregnancy or childbirth before age 30
  • Hereditary predisposition
  • Frequent stress, neurosis, depression
  • Alcohol abuse, smoking
  • Injuries to the mammary glands, including microtraumas caused by wearing tight bras with metal underwires
  • Obesity

The onset of the disease is usually characterized by the absence of any obvious symptoms, and this is one of the main problems of mastopathy. Most patients consult a doctor with an already advanced form of mastopathy, which significantly complicates treatment. Meanwhile, be wary

Early signs of mastopathy include:

  • Aching breast pain that usually appears before menstruation
  • Feeling of heaviness, discomfort
  • Changes in breast shape and size, especially before menstruation
  • Breasts become rougher

In addition, at the initial stage of the disease, changes in mood may be observed: increased irritability, anxiety, and signs of depression. If you have the slightest doubt, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination to confirm or exclude the diagnosis of mastopathy. In the absence of appropriate treatment, mastopathy develops into an advanced form, which is more difficult and longer to treat.

Late symptoms include:

  • Constant, pronounced pain in the mammary gland, which sharply intensifies when touched
  • Soreness in the armpit area
  • An even greater increase in breast volume, a feeling of severe heaviness
  • Presence of serous discharge from the nipples

Mastopathy does not pose a threat to a woman’s life, but against the background of this disease much more dangerous pathologies develop, including breast cancer. Therefore, the treatment of mastopathy should be taken very seriously.

We should not forget about the importance of early detection of the disease. To do this, it is recommended to regularly conduct self-diagnosis, examining the mammary glands to identify nodules. This must be done especially carefully immediately after the end of menstruation, since it is during this period that the signs of mastopathy - if any - are expressed most clearly.


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