
Cough rub: a reliable method for eliminating cold symptoms

Cough rub: a reliable method for eliminating cold symptoms

Many people are familiar with such a remedy as mustard plasters. They are used for deep heating, treatment of colds and its complications. But mustard plasters cause a number of unpleasant symptoms.

It is especially difficult to place them on children. There are warming ointments that provide a pronounced therapeutic effect and are easy to use. Pharmaceutical companies offer a lot of such drugs.

It is useful for parents to know which warming ointment for colds is best for children to buy.

Review of the most effective drugs

Warming ointment for colds for children helps eliminate such unpleasant symptoms: dry mouth, unproductive cough, nasal congestion. This effect is achieved due to the presence of substances in the composition that have an irritating effect on biological receptors.

Cough rub: a reliable method for eliminating cold symptoms

Below is a list of the most popular drugs:

  • Doctor Mom;
  • Dr. Theiss ointment;
  • Turpentine ointment;
  • Badger;
  • Vicks Active balm.

Doctor Mom

The drug is one of the most popular for the treatment of colds in children. It is characterized by a natural composition. Doctor Mom ointment contains levomenthol, eucalyptus and turpentine oils, camphor, white paraffin, thymol and nutmeg oil.

The active components have an anti-inflammatory, warming, local irritant and analgesic effect. The drug has no systemic effect on the child’s body.

Cough rub: a reliable method for eliminating cold symptomsIndications for use of Doctor Mom are:

  • angina;
  • pharyngitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • runny nose;
  • joint pain.

When coughing, apply the remedy to the area between the shoulder blades, back, chest, and when you have a runny nose - to the wings of the nose. The therapeutic course consists of daily rubbing for 5 days. If during this period the baby’s well-being has not improved, then you should contact your pediatrician. Doctor Mom ointment is allowed for use by children over two years of age.

Dr. Theiss ointment

This is a natural effective remedy. Made from eucalyptus. The ointment also contains pine needle extract and camphor. Additionally, the preparation includes corn oil, hard fat and wax. The medicine has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, analgesic, antiviral and antibacterial effects.

Cough rub: a reliable method for eliminating cold symptoms

Dr. Theiss ointment

Helps with colds and various pathologies of the upper respiratory tract . It is actively used for pharyngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, and sinusitis. Dr. Theiss ointment is approved for use by children over two years of age.

Apply the product to the chest and back. To increase the therapeutic effect after treating the body with ointment, the child should be wrapped in a warm blanket. The substances in the drug can provoke an allergic reaction. Therefore, you need to use the product carefully.

It should be borne in mind that warming ointments cannot be used for hyperthermia, as they will contribute to an even greater increase in temperature.


This is a drug made on the basis of turpentine oil. The auxiliary components are water, polysorbate and lanolin. It has antimicrobial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and irritant effects.

Pediatricians often prescribe this remedy to children from one year of age. The medicine is used for colds, tracheitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, and acute respiratory infections. Turpentine ointment should be applied to the back, chest, and heels in a thin layer, rubbing in.

The product should be used once a day, at night.

To reduce the likelihood of side effects, before use it is recommended to combine the ointment with a neutral cream in a 1:1 ratio. The drug is especially effective if it is used at the first sign of a cold. The medicine helps prevent the infection from spreading in the body.

Turpentine ointment gently eliminates symptoms and improves the baby’s well-being. The medicine is well tolerated by children. In rare cases, mucous discharge from the nose, loss of appetite, nausea, and allergic manifestations in the form of rash, swelling, itching and burning are observed.


This is a warming agent made from badger fat. This substance has long been famous for its medicinal properties and is used for pathologies of the upper respiratory tract.

Cough rub: a reliable method for eliminating cold symptoms

Ointment Badger

In addition to badger fat, the composition contains hot red pepper, petroleum jelly, water, parabens, camphor, alcohol, stearin, and wax. The ointment accelerates metabolism, saturates tissues with useful substances, improves immunity, and improves blood circulation. Helps cure cough, rhinitis.

The drug is applied to the feet, back, chest and rubbed with light massage movements. It is advisable to warm the child after treating the body (wear a sweater, socks). After bathing, do not use the ointment to avoid itching and rash. Badger is allowed to be used to treat children over three years of age.

Vicks Active balm

Cough rub: a reliable method for eliminating cold symptomsThe product contains levomenthol, camphor, paraffin, thymol, eucalyptus, turpentine and cedar oils. Used to treat cough, pharyngitis, swelling of the nasal mucosa, runny nose, sore throat.

The drug is approved for use in children over three years of age. For a sore throat or cough, apply the balm to the neck and back, and in case of rhinitis - to the chest.

To obtain the desired therapeutic effect, the product should be used 2-4 times a day. The medicine can also be used for inhalation. For this purpose, a couple of teaspoons of balm are added to water heated to 90 degrees and the child is allowed to breathe in the vapor.

It is recommended to close your eyes while doing this so as not to cause irritation to the mucous membranes. When used externally, Vicks Active can cause an allergic reaction in the form of hives, redness, and skin irritation.

Cough rub: a reliable method for eliminating cold symptoms

Vicks Active balm

The inhalation method of treatment sometimes provokes lacrimation, cough, bronchospasm and laryngospasm.

Typically, warming ointments are used before daytime and nighttime sleep. The thermal effect helps you fall asleep quickly.


In addition to the external remedies described above, other medications can be used for colds. A list of effective drugs for children with a brief description is given in the table below.

Name of medicine From what age can it be used? Compound Action Features of application
Golden Star 3 years eucalyptus oils, peppermint, clove flowers, basil, cinnamon, camphor, menthol Relieves inflammation, has an antiseptic and warming effect, improves blood circulation, dilates capillaries The ointment should be applied in a thin layer to the skin several times a day. To eliminate headaches due to colds, apply the drug to the temples, wings of the nose and the back of the head.
Eucabalus 2 months pine needle oils, eucalyptus Facilitates and accelerates sputum discharge, warms up Used for rubbing the chest and back. It is recommended to apply the drug before bedtime.
Pulmex Baby 6 months rosemary oils, eucalyptus oils, Peruvian balsam Has an expectorant, decongestant, antiseptic effect The drug should be applied to the midline of the back and chest in a thin layer. After application, the child should be wrapped in a warm blanket
Roztiran 3 years oils of menthol, fir, eucalyptus, nutmeg, camphor, thymol Eliminates headaches and signs of colds (cough, rhinitis), improves immunity, improves sleep Apply with massage movements before bedtime
Vishnevsky ointment from birth as prescribed by the doctor castor oil, birch tar, xeroform Treats wet cough, has a weak warming effect. Eliminates infections, viruses, bacteria The drug is used in the form of compresses. Gauze cuts with ointment are applied to the chest and back for 3 hours.

What is best to use for a cold in a child?

There are a lot of preparations for rubbing against colds. Therefore, the question of what is best to use to treat a baby is relevant for parents.

When choosing a medicine, you need to take into account the age, individual characteristics of the body and the general health of the child.

In most cases, pediatricians do not recommend using modern warming ointments, as they often provoke allergies and aggravate the child’s condition, especially for newborns and infants.

For children over two years old, it is better to choose Doctor Mom ointment. Children from the age of three are recommended to use Badger.


Rubbing when coughing, a list of good remedies for rubbing the back and chest, how to rub correctly

Various decoctions, infusions and means for external use have long been popular. Rubbing a cough is one of the procedures used in conjunction with drug therapy. It is suitable for both children and adults, but it is important to know about some of its rules and contraindications.

The benefits of rubbing

Massaging the chest, back and feet helps relieve severe coughing and speed up the patient's recovery. This effect is achieved due to:

  • warming;
  • stimulation of blood flow and metabolism at the cellular level;
  • strengthening the immune system and increasing body tone with the help of healing agents;
  • thinning mucus, facilitating coughing and gradually freeing breathing.

Cough rub: a reliable method for eliminating cold symptomsRubbing when coughing

Thanks to rubbing, a person tolerates infections better and is less likely to catch a new disease. In addition, during the procedure the patient warms up and calms down, which is important for a full and healthy sleep. As a result, not only cough decreases, but also runny nose, weakness, headache and muscle aches - the main symptoms of bronchitis, ARVI and colds.

However, before starting the procedures, you must consult your doctor about the advisability of rubbing, as it has contraindications. It is also not recommended to use this method for more than a month.

Basic Rules

There are several recommendations that should be followed to increase the effectiveness of antitussive massage:

  • Rub cream, oil, fat and gel gently, using massage movements in a clockwise direction. In this case, the layer of the applied product should be thin so that everything is well absorbed into the skin.
  • If the medicine for rubbing is liquid, then it should be soaked in a cotton handkerchief. The moistened cloth is used to massage the chest or back, and can also be applied as a compress.
  • You should not pinch the skin or tap on the sore area, nor should you make sudden movements.
  • As a rule, the chest and back areas are chosen for rubbing.
    Cough rub: a reliable method for eliminating cold symptoms To enhance the therapeutic effect, massage the feet, as there are many vessels and nerves located there. Wool socks for the night
  • At the end of the massage, the patient needs to put on clean, warm clothes that absorb well and woolen socks. The best time to perform the procedure is before bed; in this case, the patient can be covered with a blanket for greater insulation.
  • You need to lie in bed after rubbing for about 3 hours. The warming effect of drugs causes a person to sweat, causing the body and clothes to become wet. If you go outside in this state, you can worsen your already weakened immune system.
  • After 3 hours spent under the blanket, it is recommended to drink hot herbal tea: it is rich in vitamins, helps to relax and warm up.

An adult, teenager or infant should not be rubbed if they have a strong cough if they are allergic to the components of the drug. In this case, you can choose another recipe that does not include the irritant. In addition, gels and ointments should not be applied to damaged areas where there are skin diseases, cuts, wounds and ulcers.

It is important to remember that at the acute stage of the pathology it is forbidden to use rubbing. The fact is that at the initial stage of the disease, the patient’s temperature rises, and external influences aimed at warming up the body will only worsen the situation.

Rubbing products

Cough rub: a reliable method for eliminating cold symptomsAnimal fat

Natural animal fat is popular. Its effect is explained by its high biological activity, since it warms well: animals accumulate it for the cold winter. You need to be careful and purchase the rubbing product from trusted hunter-procurers, as they offer the most natural product possible. In pharmacy format, chemical impurities can be added to bottles, and it is unknown how they will affect health. A one-month-old baby should not be rubbed with fat, as it is indicated only from the age of 2 years.

There are several types of fat:

  • Badger. Effective for strengthening immunity, stimulating blood circulation and warming. It contains vitamins A and B and a number of amino acids.
  • Goat. This fat is rich in vitamins of various groups, which have a beneficial effect on the healing of the bronchi and the human immune system, and also stimulate the expectoration process.
  • Bearish. The rubbing product is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and reduces the risk of complications and relapses.
  • Mutton. Cattle lard helps relieve swelling and provide warmth for a long time. Has mucolytic properties.
  • Goose. If the patient coughs heavily, the fat provokes the creation of sputum and its removal from the bronchi.

Cough rub: a reliable method for eliminating cold symptomsBadger

Pharmaceutical preparations are also used for rubbing. Each product has a number of contraindications, so you must carefully study the instructions for use.

Ointments Pulmex, Doctor Mom, Teddy Bear, Badger, Doctor Theiss can be found on the list of most pharmacies.

Turpentine-based ointment is also sold in pharmaceutical stores and contains a number of useful substances for the treatment of coughs, such as turpentine oil, alpha and beta pinenes. In addition to turpentine, the composition includes water and petroleum jelly.

Read also:  Turpentine cough ointment: properties and application features

Home treatment uses honey, camphor or butter. Vodka is sometimes used, but this product is usually used for rubbing adults, since children's skin does not tolerate alcohol.


Tablets and syrups are recommended to be used simultaneously with physiotherapy and rubbing, as the combined effect gives the best result. In this case, an unconventional approach is used for both infants and adults, however, consultation with a doctor before including rubbing in the therapeutic course is still necessary.

To combat coughs, honey is useful not only for massage, but also for preparing decoctions and compresses. Before starting the rubbing procedure, it is necessary to warm the product to 36–37˚C, that is, to body temperature. The product should be rubbed in gently and gradually. Honey relieves inflammation, strengthens the immune system and warms the bronchi. It is good because it can be used to treat newborns.

Cough rub: a reliable method for eliminating cold symptomsHoney for rubbing

In general, this beekeeping product can be used in combination with other products. For example, honey and badger fat work well in tandem, providing a double warming effect. However, you need to remember that animal fat should not be applied to the heart area.

To use camphor oil for cough rubbing, it must first be heated to 37˚C. After this, the chest and back are rubbed, and for greater effect, you can apply mustard plasters. Sometimes by 2 tbsp. l. camphor laurel oil add 1 tbsp. l. turpentine, but this product can only be used for children who are already 3 years old.

Butter works alone or in combination with herbs, honey and shortening. Before rubbing, the product must be melted, then rubbed on the patient’s skin and covered with polyethylene to enhance heat transfer. You can add fir or eucalyptus essential oil to the product.

Vodka-based products are often used to treat adults:

  • You need to pour water and vodka into a bowl in equal proportions.
    Cough rub: a reliable method for eliminating cold symptoms After this, 9% vinegar is added to the mixture. Hot peppers
  • Red pepper has long been known for its warming properties, so it is added to plasters, compresses and rubbing ointments. In 1 liter of vodka you need to put 10 small pepper pods. In this case, the spice should be red, without foulbrood. After 2 weeks, the product will be ready, just moisten a cotton scarf with it and rub it on your chest and back.

When treating a baby using the rubbing method, you need to make sure that the ointment for the procedure is not too burning or hot. An adult can adequately react to the inconvenience, but children will not be able to help themselves.

Rubbing a cough is a supportive therapy that not only relieves the symptoms of the disease, but also treats the body as a whole. The main condition is to obtain the doctor's approval and follow the rules of the procedure so that it does not cause harm.


Cough rubs: recipes and features

Both small and adult patients can use rubbing when coughing. Stimulation of blood supply and valuable components of the drugs used will help to quickly overcome the disease that caused bronchospasm.

Relief of the patient's condition is observed already 2-4 days after the start of therapy.

To avoid unpleasant complications, you need to take into account all the features of the procedure and choose the most suitable ointments and natural products for it.

What is the secret of recovery?

Cough rub: a reliable method for eliminating cold symptomsCough rubbing has been used for many years. The procedure has a beneficial effect on the body, since a light massage promotes overall health. Also, the medicinal substances that are part of the rubbing products have unusually powerful healing powers. These can be biologically active components of plant, animal and chemical origin.

Ointments and mixtures have the following effect:

  • give a warming effect;
  • stimulate blood circulation;
  • improve metabolism at the cellular level;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • increase vitality;
  • facilitate expectoration;
  • thins mucus and promotes its removal;
  • fight infections;
  • have a calming effect.

Recommendations for rubbing

Cough rub: a reliable method for eliminating cold symptoms

  • chest (except for the heart and nipples);
  • back;
  • Feet.

After the procedure is completed, the patient should be dressed in warm pajamas and wrapped in a blanket. The patient remains in this position for at least 2 hours. Do the cough rub a maximum of 3 times a day; it will work best if the patient immediately goes to bed. Keeping the patient warm for a long time will allow him to sweat well.

Do not rub the skin in the first days of the disease. It is at the height of infectious diseases that body temperature rises. The use of this procedure may aggravate the situation, since it is aimed at warming the patient.

You should start treatment on the 4-5th day of quarantine or at a time when the cold is just beginning and has not yet had time to cause fever.

Grouting fat

Natural fat is widely used in folk medicine. It has very high biological activity, since beneficial substances in animals accumulate in the internal fat.

It is best to purchase lard from hunter-procurers, or, as a last resort, at a pharmacy. However, be careful with pharmaceuticals: they may contain harmful impurities.

Let's look at how fats of different origins affect the body when coughing.

Type of fat Benefits in treating cough
Badger Increases immunity, enhances blood circulation, warms, contains vitamins A and B, amino acids and microelements beneficial for the body.
Goat The fat contains vitamins A, B, E, C and D, the product improves blood flow and metabolic processes, stimulates the discharge of sputum, the healing of damage to the bronchi, and increases the body's resistance to infections.
Bearish Contains vitamins, amino acids, minerals and other beneficial substances, relieves inflammation, significantly increases local and general immunity, and prevents complications.
Mutton It warms perfectly and retains heat for a long time, thins mucus and removes it from the respiratory tract, relieves inflammation and swelling.
Goose Used as an expectorant, it stimulates soft and effective expectoration of sputum.

To rub a patient with fat, you need to melt the lard first. Some products have a fairly low melting point; they just need to be kept at room temperature for a while. Other products should be brought to a liquid consistency by heating.

Do not use a microwave oven, open fire or electric stove under any circumstances - at temperatures above 40ᵒ almost all animal fats lose their medicinal properties. It is better to heat the lard in a water bath.


Cough rub: a reliable method for eliminating cold symptoms

  • "Badger";
  • "Teddy Bear";
  • "Doctor Mom"
  • "Doctor Tice";
  • "Pulmex".

Folk remedies

In addition to massage using fat, in folk medicine there are other rubbing methods that help cure coughs. Products that have antibacterial, warming, immunomodulatory, expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties can be used as ointments. Let's look at some of them and their features.

  1. Cough rub: a reliable method for eliminating cold symptomsHoney. Cough rubbing with honey is an ancient remedy for fighting colds. It is best to use a liquid bee product heated to body temperature. It is rubbed into the skin with gentle movements, after which the patient is dressed in warm underwear and socks and left under the blanket. Honey has an anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and warming effect.
  2. Camphor oil. Warm the product to 37ᵒ C and rub it on the patient’s chest and back. You can additionally apply mustard plasters, this will enhance the effect of the procedure. The oil perfectly warms, disinfects and relieves inflammation. You can also mix it with turpentine in a 2:1 ratio to improve coughing.
  3. Butter. Full-fat butter can be used as a stand-alone remedy or combined with other medicinal products. Keep the oil at room temperature until it becomes soft and pliable. After rubbing the medicine, the skin should be covered with polyethylene, this will enhance the warming effect.

Precautionary measures

When using natural or pharmaceutical rubs, you should remember that they all have contraindications. Each specific drug is characterized by a separate set of risk factors; we will consider only the main ones:

  • Cough rub: a reliable method for eliminating cold symptomsintolerance to components;
  • children under 1 year of age;
  • skin infectious diseases;
  • acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the treated areas;
  • the presence of bruises and hematomas in places of rubbing;
  • enlarged cervical and supraclavicular lymph nodes;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • acute cardiac pathologies.

Let's sum it up

Rubbing the feet, chest and back gives a good therapeutic effect if the patient has no contraindications to the procedure. You can use any folk or pharmaceutical remedies for massage only after consulting a doctor, since some of them can harm the body.

In order for the treatment to give the desired result, you should follow all the doctor’s instructions and follow the recommendations for cough rubbing.

Dasha Pashchenko



How to rub a child with a severe cough

Many respiratory diseases are accompanied by a cough. Prolonged attacks exhaust the child’s body and damage the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. Rubbing with pharmaceutical preparations and traditional medicine reduces the intensity of the symptom and helps to cure the disease faster.

Rubbing with pharmaceutical preparations

Before rubbing, carefully read the instructions for use of the drug. Make sure that the product does not contain allergens or aggressive substances. Do not use the medicine after the expiration date, if the jar is damaged, or if storage conditions are not met.

"Doctor Mom"

The ointment is used for rubbing children over three years old. It contains a complex of natural components. Turpentine, menthol, nutmeg oil, camphor, thymol are used.

Immediately after rubbing, the child feels a slight chill on the skin. Soon a feeling of pleasant warmth appears. To maintain the therapeutic effect, give your baby warm milk and soda to drink, and then cover him with a blanket and put him to bed.

 "Pulmex Baby"

The ointment is used for children from 6 months to 3 years. Thanks to the gentle concentration of active ingredients, the rubbing does not burn the baby’s delicate skin, but at the same time has a coughing, warming, and anti-inflammatory effect.

The composition of "Pulmex baby" includes:

  • rosemary oil;
  • eucalyptus oil;
  • Peruvian balsam.

If the cough is accompanied by a runny nose, apply the ointment to the sides of the child's nose. The volatile substances of the drug destroy microbes in the nasopharynx, increase the lumen of breathing, and reduce the formation of mucus in the nasal sinuses.

"Doctor Theiss"

Rubbing with the scent of eucalyptus helps cure coughs in children over three years of age. It includes:

  • eucalyptus oil;
  • pine needle oil;
  • camphor.

To treat diseases of the respiratory system, apply the product to the chest, back or neck. Do not touch the area of ​​the heart, nipples, or thyroid gland. All movements should be circular, smooth, without sharp pressure on the skin.

Ointment "Badger"

The basis for the drug is badger fat. Scientists have found that the fat reserves of animals that hibernate have pronounced medicinal properties. They help cure cough, inflammation in muscles, ligaments, and joints.

In addition to badger fat, the rub contains:

  • petrolatum;
  • camphor;
  • purified water.

The Badger rub is recommended for children over three years of age for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. The product is also used as a cream for restorative massage and elimination of muscle pain after competitions.

Balsam "Eucabal"

The rub is indicated for the treatment of cough in children from two months of age. The drug is made in the form of a balm, which can be used as a base for inhalation. It contains eucalyptus and pine needle oils.

For greater effectiveness, rubbing can be combined with taking Eucabal syrup.

When rubbing children under one year of age, make sure that the skin does not become inflamed. After the procedure, put a vest made of natural fabric on the child, cover him with a blanket, and put him to bed.

Ointment "Pinosol"

For diseases of the upper respiratory tract, when a cough is accompanied by a runny nose, you can use Pinosol ointment. It includes:

  • pine and eucalyptus oil;
  • levomenthol;
  • thymol;
  • vitamin E.
Read also:  Which cough will Lazolvan be the most effective remedy for?

For children 2-6 years old, the wings of the nose and the area between the eyebrows are rubbed. Schoolchildren can apply the ointment to the mucous membrane of the nostrils. To do this, dip a cotton swab into the tube, remove the excess, and lubricate the nasal passages.

Cough rub: a reliable method for eliminating cold symptoms

Traditional medicine recipes

The advantage of rubs prepared according to traditional medicine recipes is the absence of synthetic components. But, despite the natural composition of the product, you should consult your pediatrician before using it. Remember, improper treatment of cough can lead to a deterioration in the child’s well-being and the development of dangerous complications.

Goat fat

Fresh, high-quality goat fat is white in color and has a uniform texture. It crumbles easily with a knife and does not have a pungent odor. This product is stored for a long time and is consumed slowly.

Rubs with goat fat are allowed for children over one year of age.

To prepare the rub, melt a small piece of goat fat in a water bath. Place your baby on his stomach and massage his back. After the skin has warmed up slightly, lubricate your hands with warm product and rub it in with smooth circular movements.

Honey based rubs

Honey contains many useful substances (vitamins, minerals, acids). When rubbed, they penetrate the pores of the skin and increase local immunity. To ensure that this beekeeping product does not lose its healing properties, store it in a container with a tight lid at a temperature of 4-20°.

If the honey has a liquid consistency, heat it in your hands to body temperature. Melt the candied product in a water bath.

“Knock” it into the skin of the child’s back with light tapping movements of your fingers. Place a clean plastic bag on top and put on a T-shirt made from natural fabrics.

After the product is completely absorbed, remove the bag. If necessary, remove sticky residue with a wet tissue.

Honey can only be heated to room temperature. At 45° and above, the beneficial components of the product are destroyed.

Honey rubs warm up the back and chest area. Thanks to this effect, blood vessels dilate, and beneficial components enter the bloodstream. As a result, coughing attacks are weakened, chest pain is relieved, and phlegm is liquefied and eliminated.

Butter based rubs

High-quality butter is made from natural cream without impurities or thickeners. The product should be pale yellow in color, uniform in texture, set in the refrigerator and crumble when cut.

For rubbing, it is better to use butter with 82.5% fat content. To do this, melt the product to a liquid state and wait until it thickens to the consistency of sour cream. Thanks to useful lubrication, hands will easily glide over the child’s skin, effectively warming up the body in the area of ​​sore respiratory organs.

Butter goes well with propolis, aloe juice, and infusions of medicinal herbs. To make a cough rub, melt the product in a water bath, mix the ingredients, and freeze again in the refrigerator.

Cough rub: a reliable method for eliminating cold symptoms

Rubbing baby's feet

You can rub not only the baby’s back and chest, but also the baby’s legs. This treatment method is suitable for diseases of the upper respiratory system. So, when steaming and rubbing the feet, blood flows from the nasopharynx to the lower extremities. As a result, swelling decreases, breathing improves, and attacks of dry cough are weakened.

For rubbing, use petroleum jelly, baby cream, animal fat, or any product that reduces the friction of your hands on the baby's skin.

Steaming and rubbing your feet should be done in the evening before bed. Next, pour one teaspoon of dry mustard into the child’s socks. Thanks to the irritating and distracting effect of the powder, the baby will be able to breathe deeply all night long and not wake up from coughing attacks.

Contraindications and side effects

Rubbing with any preparations can be done only when the child’s body temperature is normal. In addition to fever, contraindications include:

  • tachycardia;
  • violation of skin integrity;
  • intolerance to the components of the product;
  • exacerbation of diseases of other internal organs.

To promptly identify intolerance to the drug and prevent a deterioration in the child’s well-being, conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the skin in the forearm area. If after half an hour no signs of allergy appear, you can begin the cough rub procedure.


How and with what can you rub a child’s cough?

Cough is a common symptom that plagues both adults and children. Among traditional methods of treatment, rubbing for coughs for children is common, and this procedure is suitable even for babies under one year old.

Thanks to rubbing the body using special means, a dry cough turns into a wet one and sputum begins to be actively produced. To achieve results, it is important to choose an ointment recipe and carry out the procedure correctly.

To get the result, you need to take into account several rules. Since both pharmacy and folk remedies mainly consist of natural ingredients, the baby may experience an allergic reaction.

This is especially true for children under one year of age, whose immune system is not fully formed.

That is why it is worth starting the procedure with an allergy test, for which you apply a small amount of the product to the back of the baby’s wrist and look at the reaction. If there is the slightest deviation, for example, rashes or redness, rubbing should be avoided.

It is best to carry out the procedure before bedtime, so that the baby warms up under the blanket, which will improve the result. The selected rub for colds is applied to the area between the shoulder blades, to the chest, to the heels and wings of the nose. It is important not to rub the area around the heart or nipples, as the increased temperature can cause other health problems.

Rubbing circular movements should be repeated for 3-6 minutes. After this, the baby should be wrapped up and given warm tea or herbal decoction to drink. This will allow you to sweat a lot, which will promote recovery. It is forbidden to rub if the child has a fever. It is important to avoid contact of the selected product with mucous membranes and face.

During the period of active spread of viruses, a huge number of children suffer from coughing, and sometimes attacks interfere with sleep and cause many other problems. To get rid of this unpleasant symptom, you can buy a fairly wide range of ointments at the pharmacy that have a mild warming effect.

Typically, such products are of plant origin. The ointment has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, thinning and local irritant effects. If the ointment contains eucalyptus, camphor or pine needles, then it will also have an antiseptic effect.

The advantages of ointments include the fact that they act locally, that is, on the area that needs to be heated. It is impossible not to note the soft effect, which allows you to avoid burns on the delicate baby skin.

Today in pharmacies you can find the following products:

  1. An ointment containing natural oils, such as eucalyptus or camphor. This is a universal remedy that quickly helps with the symptoms of childhood cough. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects. The most popular ointment in this category is Doctor MOM. It is worth considering that this product can cause allergies in children under 2 years of age.
  2. Turpentine ointment is a popular remedy that contains gum turpentine, which has an expectorant effect. It is considered most effective for colds. Contraindications include somatic pathologies of the liver or kidneys, as well as dermatological problems. Do not forget about individual intolerance;
  3. There are ointments that contain eucalyptus, rosemary or balsam of Peru. These drugs have a comprehensive effect on the biomechanisms of cough and runny nose. Among these products we can highlight “Pulmex baby”.

For ten years now, the warming ointments “Badger” and “Bear Cub”, which contain the internal fat of a badger or bear, have not lost their popularity. The disadvantages include an unpleasant aroma, as well as a high risk of allergies.

Despite the wide range of pharmaceutical drugs, many still choose folk remedies that are affordable and easy to use. Let's look at the most popular options for children.

Camphor oil. Can be used by children over 2 years old. The oil alleviates the symptom and helps to cope with it in a short period of time. Camphor oil is prohibited for use in infants, as it can harm the baby’s heart.

There are several options for using oil:

  1. First, the baby’s chest should be rubbed with oil until it turns red, and then mustard plasters should be applied, insulating the body;
  2. Melt unsalted lard, add 1 teaspoon of turpentine and 4 drops of oil. Rub it before going to bed and wrap your child up;
  3. Combine 1 tbsp. a spoonful of turpentine with a couple of large spoons of warm, comfortable oil. This recipe can be used no earlier than 3 years.

Vodka. Doctors categorically do not accept this option, but it is considered effective for coughs, since the result can be obtained after 2 procedures.

It’s enough just to lightly rub the back with vodka, and then wrap the baby up. After applying the mustard plasters, you need to rub the chest with slightly warmed vodka, and then spread liquid honey on the same place.

Wrap the child in film on top and wrap him up. It is recommended to leave everything until the morning.

Badger fat. Grandmother’s remedy, which is even accepted by many doctors.

It helps children with dry and wet cough. Internal fat allows you not only to cope with the symptom, but also to treat the disease itself. It is also suitable for rubbing babies. Melt the fat in a bathhouse, and then carry out the rubbing. You can additionally take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, which will speed up recovery. The result can be seen in 3-5 days.

Goat fat. This ancient method will also help children cure their cough, since goat fat contains various vitamins and nutrients.

There are several use cases:

  1. Combine fat and honey in equal proportions, and then apply a large layer of the mixture onto baking paper. Place it on your chest and wrap your baby in a blanket. This remedy will relieve a strong cough;
  2. Melt the fat in a bathhouse and add 20 ml of propolis tincture. This recipe should be used if the cough occurs frequently;
  3. If you hear wheezing, then add a little dry mustard to the melted fat. Rub the resulting mixture onto your child overnight.

Honey. For this procedure, you should use high-quality honey with a liquid consistency. They should rub the baby's back and cover it with a cabbage leaf. It is also recommended to rub the soles with honey and put on socks.

Wrap up your child and give him a warm drink. Another option is to spread warm honey on the back and sprinkle fine salt on top. Gently massage until the salt dissolves. Leave on for 5 minutes and then rinse off with a wet towel.

Wrap up your baby and put him to sleep.

We have presented you with several effective remedies for rubbing and treating coughs in children. Follow these recommendations and recipes, which will allow you to see results in a short period of time.

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.


Cough ointments: list of effective drugs

Finding cough ointment has always been more difficult than choosing tablets or capsules. Even when choosing a syrup, there are no such difficulties as with ointments and rubbing. Why? In 85% of cases, doctors bypass such appointments.

For various reasons, people refuse to use the funds. And the first to appear is forgetfulness. In fact, the ointment is an excellent alternative to the standard prescription for eliminating the symptom.

Cough is a reflex production of sounds that occurs in the respiratory tract. They are provoked by the immune system. The body's protective functions diligently try to get rid of pathogenic microorganisms, and reflex spasm helps with this.

With the help of ointments, rubs, balms, the immune and respiratory systems “work together” to eliminate symptoms.

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The benefits of ointments

Basic cough medications are prescribed for adults and children. They taste unpleasant, and in 70% of cases they contribute to the destruction of microflora, causing problems with the liver and kidneys.

Cough ointments for adults can replace standard therapy. As for children, rubbing acts as an additional component.

Dosage form in the form of a cream is a group of drugs developed by pharmacists based on traditional medicine and created chemically. They can be used for inhalation, but this is rare.

Purpose: elimination of cold symptoms, as well as pathologies associated with the respiratory tract. Application: external. It is rarely prescribed, if we draw an analogy with tablets, syrups, and antibacterial substances.

The positive aspects for using ointments as a cough remedy are:

  • wide selection and affordable price;
  • 90% of ointments have a complex effect on the human body, which is a clear advantage over other drugs;
  • predominantly the composition of ointments, balms and rubs is natural, plant-based or essential oils;
  • convenient and easy to use;
  • can be used from the moment of birth.

Rubbing with cough ointment affects the body gradually. The key point is the evaporation of the substances included in the composition. Mechanically, this is possible due to the lipophilic bases: wax, paraffin.

Evaporating, microparticles begin to affect the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx:

  • sections of the bronchi (upper);
  • trachea and nasal part;
  • throat.

Since ointments are mostly fatty and gel-like, the local effect provides the corresponding structures with stabilization and functioning. Thanks to this, blood circulation is normalized, and the elimination of provocateurs is accelerated.

How much the substance will heat up, and how much it will warm up as a result, depends only on the selected type of drug.

You can use this type of medication yourself, but only if you have an initial respirator or a mild form of a cold. If the bronchial tissues have received a serious organic change, you will need to consult a doctor.

Need to know! A one-year-old child or infant should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor. All necessary appointments are made by a specialist. It is prohibited to apply ointments on your own. Most of it strongly heats the surface of the skin and can cause burns to the dermis.

Types and uses of ointments

In order for the ointment to be used as intended, it is necessary to know the exact diagnosis. Before purchasing, consult a therapist to ensure that the product does not cause harm. In pharmacies you can buy several types of drugs based on the principle of action, age is also taken into account:

  • for newborns. The substances in it actively affect the pathological process in the respiratory organs. At the same time, they do not cause damage to the skin;
  • Vishnevsky ointment. Its qualities are suitable for literally everyone, but it has a disgusting specific smell;
  • turpentine liquid;
  • warming.

  Cough syrups for newborns: recommendations for choosing

The latter type helps relieve inflammation and has antibacterial properties. This type of ointment is often prescribed to speed up the healing process. Used for dry and wet cough.

These drugs are divided according to their ability to remove dry cough or with sputum. The composition of cough ointment can be of homeopathic or synthetic origin.

Warming ointments for coughs

It is recommended to warm the bronchi in order to prevent inflammation only with the help of warming ointments. The substances ensure the normalization and functionality of the upper tract of the respiratory system.

Basic action: irritation (local) of nerve endings and receptors, which will cause expansion inside the blood vessels.

As a result, we get: blood flow increases, and the temperature in the place where the cream was applied heats up.

Used for therapy in case of diseases of the bronchi or trachea. Promote the disappearance of productive and non-productive reflex. It thins and removes mucus, and the symptoms of the disease associated with the respiratory system go away.


  1. Cough remedy called Doctor MOM. The drug is created on the basis of natural ingredients: turpentine and nutmeg, eucalyptus and camphor, menthol. Has a pleasant smell. Has analgesic properties. It is also allowed for application to injured areas of the skin. Which significantly minimizes discomfort.
  2. “Doctor Theiss” has similar properties. Based on: eucalyptus oil and camphor. Used for dry coughs to thin mucus, and for productive coughs to remove mucus from the respiratory tract.
  3. Turpentine ointment is often recommended. But it has a specific smell, since it contains turpentine oil, which is obtained from pine needles. After application to the bronchi or other areas, the medication takes effect within 7-15 minutes. Relieves inflammation, kills germs and infections. The price of the medicine is low, but the result is high.

Medicinal ointments for dry cough

Provided that the children's warming cough ointment is not suitable for some reason, but a non-productive cough causes many problems. If the child feels a strong deterioration in his condition, it is recommended to use special ointments to eliminate and combat a dry cough (do not use if it is wet).

This appointment is rare. Mechanism of action: reduction of irritation, inflammation that occurs in the receptors of the bronchial mucosa or other upper respiratory organs. Used to stimulate expectoration.

The list of medications for dry cough is small: only two types of ointment: Propolis and Theraflu. Both drugs are based on natural ingredients. Suitable for therapy against colds, during the initial form of inflammation. Helps inhibit pathogenic microorganisms. Requires warming up before applying to skin.

  Linkas cough syrup for children and adults

Using distractions

You can always put into practice cough medications that are included in the group of distractions. There is a kind of switching of brain activity from pathology to other organs. Warming with such drugs is also possible. These include:

Asterisk (category: balm) Oils: clove, eucalyptus, cinnamon Complex effects: relieving inflammation, cleansing the nasopharynx, pain relief, improving breathing
Vicks Active (ointment-balm) Oils: eucalyptus, turpentine, menthol It can be called a distracting drug, but the effect is complex. Helps in the treatment of upper and lower tract organs

Important! Distracting drugs, such as ointment-balm, are used not only to rub the surface of the skin. Many experts recommend using it for inhalation procedures. “Asterisk” is especially good.

They are also allowed to be used by adults and children over 6 years of age to prevent colds. Reviews show that inhalations with such ointments are effective and efficient.

Other varieties

Warming ointments for coughs, also those classified as medicinal ointments for dry coughs, are popular and in demand.

But there is an additional list that points to excellent drugs. You can use it after consultation with your doctor. 25% will significantly help eliminate symptoms and cough reflex in babies.

Cough remedies are classified as balms:

  1. To reduce the reflex and cold symptoms, Bryonia is suitable. The basis of the product is a white step. The herb is used provided that the patient does not have hypersensitivity to the plant. The step is used in microdoses, but may have an undesirable effect.
  2. Herpferon is recommended as an antiviral agent for coughs and elimination of pathogens. It is based on a substance produced by humans – interferon. The severity of the cough reflex is significantly reduced, since the effect occurs directly on the pathogen. At the same time, the endogenous protective functions of the human body are influenced and stimulated.
  3. Anti-inflammatory ointment, which is used in many medical practices - Vishnevsky balm. As a single cough remedy, it does not significantly alleviate the patient’s condition (if we consider cough specifically). But an excellent component for creating an ointment from several drugs at home.

Balms and creams for children

Rubbing a problem area in a child requires a mandatory preliminary examination, diagnosis and selection of cough medicines. Turpentine ointment helps a lot. But it’s not suitable for every baby.

20% of parents complain of an unpleasant odor, which interferes with rubbing and causes a gag reflex in children. It should be noted that this ointment’s consistency and color are not entirely pleasant.

To prevent this from happening, doctors prescribe grinding the substance in small quantities. Apply with gentle massage movements to the chest and neck area.

Be sure to avoid the territory of the heart. Rubbing should be done on the back and chest. To reduce odor, children wear cotton clothes. After which they put him to bed, but cover him up to the chin. It is also recommended to dilute 1:1 turpentine ointment and baby cream.

How to use ointment for children under one year old

For infants, it is impossible to arbitrarily determine balms for use. Only a qualified doctor will tell you specifically whether rubbing with the chosen ointment is possible and will indicate the dose and number of sessions. This is due to the fact that the drugs can harm a fragile body and cause thermal burns.

  Treatment of cough with Thermopsol tablets in children and adults

One of the harmless but effective ones is called badger fat. It is allowed to be given to both infants and if the patient is a one-year-old child. Used as a rub, an additive to tea or milk. Badger fat has absolutely no side effects, does not cause allergic reactions, and is tasteless.

Important! Apply a thin layer of any prescribed children's cough ointment not only to the back, chest, but also to the feet. This increases the chances of a quick recovery.

Ointments for children from one year old

If a one-year-old child is sick, you will need to approach therapy carefully. A positive point is the possibility of prescribing a large number of balms. The choice is made not by the parent, but by the doctor. In accordance with the indications and instructions for use.

Popular and effective ones include “Badger”, Doctor MOM and Theiss. The drugs relieve the inflammatory process, strengthen the body's protective functions, and have a minimum number of contraindications and adverse reactions.

Use for pregnant women and lactation

Pregnancy is an important and dangerous period for a woman. Responsibility also rests with the doctor to whom they turned for help. Ointments (especially warming ones) can change the structure of mother's milk, taste, or completely eliminate it.

In 70% of cases, dosage forms affect the development of the child, as they penetrate into the blood and have a negative effect through the umbilical cord.

A particular risk for use during pregnancy and lactation concerns turpentine ointment and Vishnevsky liniment. These drugs, even in small quantities, spoil the composition of milk and cause undesirable reactions in the body.

Contraindications and side effects

Cough ointments are medications. This means they can give side reactions and become dangerous. To avoid irritation, swelling and problematic effects, you should not apply the ointment to the surface of the body where there are open wounds or the child’s condition is classified as serious.

All appointments must be made by a specialist. In addition, parents are required to study the instructions. If a danger is detected, inform your doctor.

Cases of intolerance to herbal and chemical-based drugs have become more frequent. Which manifests itself in the form of dysfunction of the kidneys and liver. It is strictly forbidden to use balms if you are prone to bronchial spasms.

A taboo on treatment with ointments occurs in patients with diseased kidneys and liver, and bacterial diseases of the skin. Pregnant women should visit a doctor, but still try not to apply dosage forms during illness.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Well-known children's pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky claims that when a child is one year old or more than 6 years old, it is useful to use cough ointment. This format of the medicine is harmless. Research proves this: the substance is applied externally, which means it will not cause harm to the liver or gastrointestinal tract.

They have a plant base, which strengthens the immune system. It is also important that balms are stored longer than tablets, syrups or other medications. The price is lower than antibacterial cough remedies.

The main thing for parents is instructions. It is necessary not only to study the composition or application, but also to further understand the mechanism of action on the human body at any age.


Cough rub: a reliable method for eliminating cold symptoms Link to main publication
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