
Do they take into the army with prostatitis: answers to questions from conscripts

The age threshold for many diseases has decreased significantly, and today young people are at risk of developing diseases that were previously traditionally considered only characteristic of middle-aged and older people.

We will not try to determine the reasons for such dramatic changes over the last decade, but we simply must state this fact, if only because conscripts are increasingly asking questions regarding the formulation of these diagnoses.

Prostatitis is considered among such “rejuvenated” diseases. Due to the fact that the cause of its occurrence can be of a different nature, more and more young people are complaining of inflammation of the prostate gland.

It is quite reasonable that they have a question: “Do they take you into the army with prostatitis?” We have repeatedly indicated how you can independently search for answers to such questions, but this does not clarify the situation in any way.

As before, according to data from various sources, analysis of the activities of the draft commission is the most pressing topic concerning the army.

Do they take into the army with prostatitis: answers to questions from conscripts

Clinical picture of prostate disease

If a conscript is wondering about serving in the army with a disease such as prostatitis, then, for sure, he already has an idea of ​​​​the regulations of the draft commission.

The Schedule of the Disease contains an article that describes the symptoms of prostatitis, but obtaining the coveted exemption from the army is not so easy.

We will return to this issue later, but now we will consider the key concepts characteristic of this disease in order to subsequently operate with them competently.

Prostatitis is, first of all, an inflammatory process that develops in the prostate gland. This disease refers to diseases of the genitourinary system and manifests itself in middle-aged men. But we have already noted that age limits have changed today, as the nature of the causes of the disease has expanded.

In order to determine the patient’s attitude towards the army according to the Schedule of Diseases, it is necessary to divide the course into three types:

  1. spicy;
  2. asymptomatic;
  3. chronic.

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Acute prostatitis is characterized by clearly expressed symptoms and occurs in the form of an attack with sharp pain. It usually does not last long and is isolated in nature.

Asymptomatic prostatitis develops gradually, so the patient often cannot determine exactly what is bothering him. The hard-to-treat form is chronic.

It is characteristic of long-term development and insufficient treatment of the disease.

The most striking symptoms by which you can independently recognize prostatitis include problems with urination. The patient experiences urges, but that’s where it all ends. The deceptive sensation of a full bladder causes discomfort.

The reason for this is the inflamed prostate gland, which, increasing in size, puts pressure on the urethra. A secondary problem of a psychological nature develops.

Since prostatitis is considered a purely male disease, leading to erectile dysfunction, some complexes develop on this basis.

Do they take into the army with prostatitis: answers to questions from conscripts

Without urgent medical intervention, the disease continues to develop. Discomfort is replaced by real pain. In especially severe cases, discharge and fever are observed. In most cases, an advanced disease leads to the development of an adenoma, but it is possible that the development will follow a negative scenario with the formation of an oncogenic tumor.

Classification of the disease

We have already presented the simplest division of the disease by type, but due to the fact that the root causes are different, we can present another classification.

  • Infectious prostatitis is caused by infection and subsequent inflammation of the prostate gland and ureter. Symptoms appear sharply and consist mainly of pain. Depending on where the source of infection is localized, it is divided into follicular prostatitis, catarrhal or parenchymal.
  • Bacterial prostatitis develops when various bacteria enter and multiply. It can occur as a complication after chlamydia, caused by Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa or gonococci.

Do they take into the army with prostatitis: answers to questions from conscripts

  • Congestive prostatitis is considered one of the popular types, as it develops in men who ignore mobility as a way of life. It must be emphasized that in this manifestation the disease will recede before qualified treatment.
  • Calculous prostatitis is a rather complex form of the disease. It is characterized by the formation of concretions or stones. Diagnosis of this type requires mandatory surgical intervention, since it is impossible to get rid of the formations with medication. Lack of treatment other than pain will lead to the development of irreversible pathological changes.

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Military service with this disease

Whatever the provisions in legislative documents regarding military service for conscripts who have been diagnosed with diseases, first of all, the requirements for the health status of young men are drawn up from the point of view of logic and common sense. Thus, a young man cannot serve if military life will harm his health, if he must follow a special daily routine or diet, and also if he is required to undergo treatment in a hospital.

Article 73 of the Schedule of Diseases is based on these principles, which describes in detail cases when someone diagnosed with prostatitis can be taken into the army. A conscript will be released from service only if periodic hospital treatment is required.

Moreover, the number of sessions should not be less than three in one year. The article provides for one more case. It is associated with a disease leading to the formation of stones localized in the prostate gland.

With such a disease there is always a risk of exacerbations, and, as we have already mentioned, it is impossible to help the patient with medication.

When conducting an individual examination, the military commission may decide to assign the young man fitness category “B” even when the overall picture does not fit any description, but the disease has led to serious pathological changes in the body.

Do they take into the army with prostatitis: answers to questions from conscripts

Statistics show that Article 73 is not the most favorable in terms of providing exemption from military service.

In fact, the vast majority of guys who complain about this disease cannot prove the development in a form that allows them to receive the coveted category.

As a rule, the doctor will write down in the medical record: “chronic prostatitis”, and without the specified additions, such an entry in the medical documents will contribute to being sent to the army.

To achieve your goal, you must first undergo a number of independent diagnostic procedures, such as prostate examination, ultrasound, general blood test, secretion analysis, urinalysis, biopsy.

The attending physician will advise you on a complete list.

If it is impossible to prove the presence of stones or the need for inpatient treatment over a period of four months, then it is better to try to obtain release for another disease, which an experienced specialist will probably find.

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Are men allowed to serve in the army if they suffer from chronic prostatitis? – we figured it out, but what to do when the draft commission makes a decision that clearly diverges from the provisions on the VEC? Under no circumstances try to waste your nerves proving you are right at the military registration and enlistment office. The law must be respected, and there are competent authorities ready to monitor this. Thus, the conscript has the right to appeal to the prosecutor’s office or appeal the commission’s decision in court.

Lawyers recommend that with such a disease you make every effort to stay at home and not serve.

Prostatitis is dangerous because in an advanced stage it imposes known problematic restrictions on personal life, and for a young man this is very important. Family, children and a full-fledged existence in society are ahead.

However, you should not take this advice as a way to “slope”. What is meant here is that the time provided should be spent on a complete cure for the disease.


Do people with prostatitis join the army? Military Medical College

Are you drafted into the army with prostatitis? We will help you! Currently, many young people are concerned about the question: are they recruited into the army with prostatitis? It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question. After all, a lot depends on the form of the disease.

General information about pathology

Prostatitis refers to inflammation of the prostate gland. The disease is provoked by the following factors:

  • prolonged stress;
  • hypothermia;
  • infectious diseases.

There are several forms of the disease:

  • acute prostatitis. With this disease, fever, pain in the groin area, and discomfort when urinating are often observed. In advanced forms of the disease, purulent discharge from the genitals appears;
  • chronic form of the disease. In this case, the symptoms of the disease are not clearly expressed. Prostatitis, as a rule, makes itself felt periodically;
  • calculous form of the disease. In this case, the young man has stones in the prostate gland;
  • stagnant course of the disease. With this form of prostatitis, problems arise in sexual life, since there is a violation of the outflow of seminal fluid.

Do they take into the army with prostatitis: answers to questions from conscripts

Chronic prostatitis and the army

Young men with an old form of chronic prostatitis are not allowed to serve in the army. In this case, it is necessary to prove the fact that the young person requires regular treatment in a hospital (at least three courses of treatment per year).

Chronic prostatitis can be suspected if the following symptoms are present:

  • urinary disturbance;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • discomfort in the groin area.

Do they take into the army with prostatitis: answers to questions from conscripts

Is acute prostatitis a reason to defer military service?

Acute prostatitis occurs in both young people and mature men. Pathology may accompany prostate adenoma.

Acute prostatitis often occurs due to hypothermia or infection in the urethra. A common cause of inflammation in the prostate gland is injury to the pelvic organs. The disease can occur after medical manipulations in the area of ​​the urethra.

Acute prostatitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the presence of bloody spots in the urine;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • weakening of sexual desire;
  • burning in the urethra;
  • disturbance of urine outflow;
  • deterioration in general health;
  • frequent urination;
  • increase in body temperature.
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You can read about the delays in 2020 on our website.

Do they take into the army with prostatitis: answers to questions from conscripts

Do they take into the army with calculous prostatitis?

Patients suffering from calculous prostatitis, both acute and chronic, are not conscripted into the army.

With this form of the disease, stones form in the prostate gland or its ducts. As a result, urinary function is impaired. A young man suffering from calculous prostatitis experiences the following unfavorable symptoms:

  • irritability;
  • apathy;
  • problems in sexual life.

A patient suffering from calculous prostatitis often needs surgical intervention.

The formation of stones in the prostate area is preceded by an inflammatory process. The development of calculous prostatitis is provoked by the following factors:

  • passion for alcoholic drinks;
  • addiction to smoking;
  • irregular sexual activity;
  • complications arising after prostate surgery.

A patient with calculous prostatitis requires serious treatment. For this form of the disease, antibacterial drugs are used:

If there are stones in the prostate or urethra, anti-inflammatory medications are also prescribed and physiotherapy sessions are performed.

In some cases, the patient is indicated for surgery. During lithotripsy, stones are crushed using a laser. There are no scars left after the endoscopic procedure.

Do they take into the army with prostatitis: answers to questions from conscripts

What to do if the disease arose during military service?

In some situations, prostatitis occurs during military service due to hypothermia or stress. If you experience pain in the groin area or problems with urination, you must report a deterioration in your health to the medical staff.

The young man will be sent to the hospital to clarify the diagnosis and determine an individual treatment regimen for the disease. If a chronic or calculous form of prostatitis is detected, the soldier is discharged from the military unit.

In case of acute illness, the young man will undergo an appropriate course of treatment in the hospital. After that, he will return to the army. In this case, it is possible to transfer a young man from special forces to another unit for further service.

Young men suffering from chronic or calculous prostatitis are not subject to conscription into the army. If a young man has calculous prostatitis, timely treatment is necessary. The disease can lead to complications such as infertility and bleeding from the urethra or prostate gland.


Do they take into the army with prostatitis: answers to questions from conscripts


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Do people with chronic prostatitis join the army?

  • Urologist-andrologist 1st category Denis Georgievich
  • 33066
  • Update date: December 2019

The question of whether people are recruited into the army with prostatitis, and whether this diagnosis is a reason for postponing compulsory military service, is of interest to young people of military age and their parents.

As practice shows, such a disease is increasingly being detected in men at a young age.

This can be explained by promiscuity, the spread of sexually transmitted infections, bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, drug addiction) and unfavorable environmental conditions. Another reason can be called a neglectful attitude towards one’s health at a young age.

Chronic prostatitis and the army

Military commissions are guided by accepted instructions, a register (list of illnesses) intended for doctors involved in the medical examination of young people called up for compulsory military service.

Prostatitis is highlighted in the specified schedule in section No. 73 as a disease of the male genital organs. Looking ahead and answering the question posed, we can say that prostatitis can indeed become a reason for exemption from military service, but only at a certain form and stage of development.

In other cases, the conscript will definitely be accepted into the army.

Do they take into the army with prostatitis: answers to questions from conscripts

Deferment from military service is given only for severe forms of prostatitis

As experts note, chronic inflammation often has no symptoms. Therefore, a man may not suspect anything about his condition. If left untreated, changes in the tissues of the genital organs and disruption of their functioning are observed, which can lead to impaired reproductive function.

Doctors call the main cause of the pathological condition infectious processes and congestion in the pelvic organs.

The following symptoms may occur with prostatitis:

  • a feeling of discomfort during urination and incomplete emptying of the bladder, frequent urge to go to the toilet at night;
  • feeling of heaviness in the groin area, perineum, lower abdomen;
  • disorders in sexual life, expressed in decreased physical desire, weakened erection and premature ejaculation.

An exacerbation of the disease can occur for the following reasons:

  • weakening of immune defense against the background of other pathologies;
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • state of hypothermia;
  • poisoning from alcohol-containing products.

So, do people with chronic prostatitis join the army? As you know, before conscription, every young man undergoes a medical examination, during which relevant tests are taken.

If any deviations from normal values ​​are detected, the man is sent for additional examination.

Doctors, guided by the schedule of illnesses, assign the young man a category of fitness for military service, and a special commission decides whether to call the person for military service or not.

Do they take into the army with prostatitis: answers to questions from conscripts

You can get into the army with chronic prostatitis

Chronic prostatitis and the army are completely compatible concepts, but only if:

  • exacerbation of the disease occurs less than 3 times during the year;
  • the disease is currently in a stage of long-term remission, and treatment of the disease was previously carried out on an outpatient basis;
  • Complications such as the occurrence of stones in the tissues of the prostate gland and the replacement of healthy gland tissues with connective tissue are not observed.

Young people with a similar diagnosis have every chance of becoming soldiers. They are not granted a deferment from service in the Russian armed forces.

Acute form of prostatitis

Acute prostatitis is a rare but very serious disease that requires urgent treatment only in a hospital setting. Its signs appear very clearly, and therefore the patient will definitely notice the development of the disease.

The main symptoms of the disease include:

  • sharp and throbbing pain in the groin that radiates to the rectum or back area;
  • difficulty urinating and defecating, causing pain;
  • increased body temperature and a feeling of weakness throughout the body;
  • lack of sex life.

If it so happens that the period of development of acute prostatitis and the time of conscription for military service coincide, then the young man receives a deferment from the army until he has fully recovered. It is given for 1-2 calls, but not more than a year.

After health is restored, the young man must be called up for compulsory military service. The same situation occurs with chronic exacerbations.

When can I get a release from service?

In accordance with the schedule of illnesses, a person can be exempted from military service for chronic prostatitis only in 2 cases. The first of these is the appearance of stones in the prostate gland against the background of a prolonged chronic inflammatory process of prostate tissue. In this case, the following signs of a pathological condition appear:

  • persistent pain in the perineum, rectum, scrotum and pelvis;
  • pain during erectile function, ejaculation, urination and bowel movements;
  • the appearance of blood impurities in urine and semen;
  • general state of weakness;
  • disorders of a nervous and mental nature.

The patient's ability to work decreases and signs of pathology increase during any physical activity, and the quality of life deteriorates.

Do they take into the army with prostatitis: answers to questions from conscripts

Acute prostatitis is a reason to postpone

And the second point that allows young people to receive exemption from conscription for military service is the stage of exacerbation of prostatitis. Exemption from the army is possible if the pathology requires hospital treatment at least 3 times a year.

Stones in the prostate ducts form 8-10 years after the onset of the disease.
This happens when the symptoms of the pathology are completely ignored. In the overwhelming majority of cases with inflammation of the prostate gland, they are recruited for military service. If one of the two cases indicated above is diagnosed, regardless of the general state of health, the young man is not drafted into the army and receives a white military ID. However, a man may be called up to serve in the rear, for military training.

It is also worth noting that prostatitis makes it impossible to serve in elite troops or on a contract basis. Young people from a young age should think about their health and avoid casual sex, take care of their health, and play sports.

It is worth getting rid of bad habits, including smoking and drinking alcohol, not to mention drugs.

This will provide an opportunity to serve in the army, giving back to the state, and also to build a career by enrolling in a military school, if such a desire arises.

Until August 10, the Institute of Urology together with the Ministry of Health is conducting the program “Russia without prostatitis .” Within which the drug Predstanol is available at a discounted price of 99 rubles. , to all residents of the city and region!


Do they take into the army with chronic and acute prostatitis?

  • Urologist-andrologist 1st category Petr Viktorovich
  • 32127
  • Update date: December 2019

Statistics show that prostatitis is increasingly affecting young men.

This is due to their neglectful attitude towards their health: promiscuous unprotected sexual intercourse (leads to infection and spread of infections transmitted from a sexual partner), drinking alcohol, smoking, including soft drugs (significantly reduces the body’s immune strength), a certain lifestyle.

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Provoking factors also include the level of ecology and a number of congenital diseases. Accordingly, the question of whether people with prostatitis are recruited into the army is becoming increasingly relevant.

Symptoms of prostatitis

Signs of pathological processes in the prostate gland differ depending on the type of disease. You should carefully monitor the manifestations of atypical symptoms and promptly contact a urologist. The success of therapy depends on this.

Acute form

Do they take into the army with prostatitis: answers to questions from conscripts

The disease is accompanied by acute and painful symptoms

Acute pathological conditions in prostate tissues occur relatively rarely. But this condition is very serious and difficult for the body, and therefore requires treatment on an outpatient basis under the regular supervision of a doctor. It is almost impossible not to notice acute prostatitis, since its symptoms are pronounced and annoying to the patient. Among them are:

  • a pain syndrome appears in the small pelvis, pulsating and sharp. It spreads to the entire perineum, radiates to the anus and sacrum;
  • going to the toilet (urination and defecation) is painful and difficult;
  • general weakness, soreness, increased body temperature;
  • lack of sexual desire and physical impossibility of sexual intercourse.

A young man can count on a deferment from military service if the diagnosis of acute prostatitis is confirmed. As a standard, it is issued for a period of 12 months, but no more.

After successful therapy, the man is obliged to serve in accordance with the procedure established by law. Patients with exacerbation of the chronic form can also count on a deferment.

In this case, prostatitis and the army are incompatible concepts.

The root cause of acute inflammation of the prostate gland is most often pathogenic microflora, which may be present in the body in small quantities. At the first favorable factors (for example, hypothermia, stress, chronic fatigue), a colony of aggressive microorganisms begins to develop, which leads to inflammation.

Chronic form

Do they take into the army with prostatitis: answers to questions from conscripts

Frequent night visits to the toilet lead to the inability to get a good night's rest and, as a result, constant fatigue

The inflammatory process in the tissues of the prostate gland in a chronic form has mild symptoms.

The development of a pathological condition can last for years, since representatives of the stronger sex rarely pay attention to minor changes and signs that appear in the body.

Thus, morphological changes occur in the tissues of the prostate gland, which disrupts its functions.

Manifestations of the chronic form, despite their mild severity, can still be noticed. Among them:

  • frequent night urges to go to the toilet, while the man experiences some discomfort, there is a feeling of incomplete emptying;
  • rare and mild pain in the groin is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the perineum and lower abdomen;
  • disturbances in intimate life, which are manifested by decreased libido levels, weak erections, premature ejaculation or prolonged absence.

Such symptoms alternate with long-term remissions, and therefore are often regarded by men as temporary manifestations due to decreased immunity or fatigue. The exacerbation stage usually occurs for one of the following reasons:

  • nervous stress and physical strain, lack of normal rest;
  • a decrease in the body’s immune forces against the background of other diseases;
  • hypothermia;
  • alcohol intoxication.

Chronic prostatitis may be a reason for deferment from military service, but only under certain conditions.

Are people conscripted into the army with prostatitis?

Do they take into the army with prostatitis: answers to questions from conscripts

A person liable for military service may not go into the army with a diagnosis of “Prostatitis”, but not always

It was mentioned above whether people are recruited into the army with acute prostatitis, and that a deferment can only be obtained for a certain period of time, sufficient for a complete recovery. As for the chronic form, there are nuances that you should pay attention to.

During the medical examination, the conscript is sent to undergo general tests during the examination. If controversial issues arise or deviations from the norm are identified, an additional examination is prescribed.

The commission makes its conclusion based on a document called the “Schedule of Diseases.”

Based on it, it is determined whether a man should be allowed into military service and what category of fitness to assign to him.

Chronic prostatitis cannot be a valid reason for deferment from military duty in the following cases:

  • the disease worsens less than 3 times every 12 months;
  • there are no serious complications, for example, replacement of glandular tissue with connective tissue, or the formation of stones in it;
  • after outpatient treatment, the pathological process is in a stage of long-term remission.

Let’s take a closer look at whether people with chronic prostatitis are recruited into the army. When stones form in the prostate gland, which occurs with prolonged inflammation, the following symptoms are observed:

  • constant pain in the pelvis, perineum, rectum, scrotum;
  • pain becomes stronger during bowel movements, ejaculation, urination, erection;
  • there is blood in the urine and/or semen;
  • general weakness and depression;
  • nervousness, apathy, aggression, etc.

In addition, ability to work is significantly reduced; even minor physical activity leads to increased symptoms. The formation of prostate stones leads to serious complications if left untreated. Among them are cysts, suppuration, thrombosis of local vessels, as a result of which tissues die.

Regular resumption of the inflammatory process in the prostate and the formation of stones is quite rare, and especially at military age.

Another condition for removal from military service is the need for hospital treatment more than 3 times a year. It should be borne in mind that regular observation in a hospital is required in cases where chronic prostatitis has not been properly treated for about 10 years.

If a man has one of the diagnoses confirmed, he will receive an army white card. This document gives a deferment from military service for a certain period. But in accordance with the established procedure, a young man can be called up to serve in logistics units.


Do they take you into the army with prostatitis?

Military conscription is an important step in the life of every man. Today, military service has become honorable; many young people strive to repay their debt to their homeland and join the elite troops. A big disappointment is the decision of the military medical board that a potential recruit is “unfit.” In this article we will figure out whether prostatitis and the army are compatible?

About prostatitis

Several decades ago, inflammation of the prostate gland was considered a disease of mature men. Unfortunately, many diseases “get younger.”

And today young people are diagnosed with prostatitis.
Inflammation of the prostate can be acute or chronic.

The acute form occurs abruptly, occurs with pronounced symptoms, and with proper treatment passes quickly and no longer bothers the man.

Do they take into the army with prostatitis: answers to questions from conscriptsThe chronic form of the disease indicates that the inflammatory process in the relevant tissues lasts for a long time.

The chronic form has less severe symptoms, but there are periods of remission and exacerbation.

If this inflammation is not treated, it can spread to the bladder and kidneys, which can lead to very serious illnesses.

In addition, if treatment is not timely, there is a risk of impotence and infertility. Therefore, prostatitis must be treated in the early stages.

For a man, any illness “below the belt” can be a real blow, because it is very embarrassing to see a doctor with such a problem. The mere thought of a rectal examination causes horror, so young people prefer to endure the pain and self-medicate, and turn to the doctor in the extreme stages of the disease, when it can only be cured by surgery.

Draft commission

If you turn to the register of medical diseases and read column 73 “Diseases of the male genital organs”, you will see the following:

  1. Acute form of prostatitis. The patient experiences purulent discharge, pain when urinating, fever, and general health deteriorates.
  2. Chronic form of prostatitis. The patient experiences periods of exacerbation at least 2 times a year, when he requires treatment from a doctor. The condition is stable, but discomfort is constantly felt.
  3. Infectious form of prostatitis. Accompanied by severe intoxication of the body, the infection spreads quickly, pus and bloody discharge from the urethra appear. The patient has very severe pain and urination is extremely difficult.
  4. Calculous form of prostatitis. Characterized by the formation of stones in the prostate gland due to improper metabolism, stagnation of salts and internal secretions of the prostate occurs.
  5. Congestive form of prostatitis. Occurs due to circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs. It is quite easy to treat, it requires a change in lifestyle to a more active one.

Do they take into the army with prostatitis: answers to questions from conscriptsBefore being drafted into the army, all men undergo a mandatory medical examination.

After a general examination, if a conscript is suspected of having prostatitis, he must bring the data of all tests and an ultrasound of the prostate to the military registration and enlistment office so that the commission can make a decision on conscription or deferment.

Is prostatitis a death sentence?

Now the time has come to answer the main question: is prostatitis a reason to receive a military ID, or can a conscript with such a diagnosis defend the Motherland?

For prostatitis, each conscript, depending on the form of the disease, receives a deferment for a certain period:

  1. Calculous prostatitis requires mandatory hospital treatment. By personal consent, surgical treatment is carried out. If no positive dynamics are observed in the rehabilitation process, the conscript is given a white ticket. A patient with stones cannot be drafted into the army.
  2. Chronic prostatitis also requires serious treatment. During this time, the conscript receives a deferment by providing the military registration and enlistment office with information about the course of the disease and test results. If treatment is successful, he may be allowed to serve in the army.
  3. All other forms of prostatitis give the conscript a deferment for up to 1 year, after which he undergoes the commission again. If the illness subsides, he can go to military service. If prostatitis enters the chronic stage, treatment continues and a new deferment or a white ticket is given, depending on the patient’s condition.
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Now we can confidently answer the question of whether people with chronic prostatitis are recruited into the army. The answer is negative, but with successful treatment, the conscript has every chance of serving in the army.

How to identify prostatitis in yourself?

If a young man really doesn’t want to serve in the army and is trying by any means to get a deferment or a military ID, then prostatitis is not the best solution. This disease has the following consequences:

Do they take into the army with prostatitis: answers to questions from conscriptsThe disease begins with painful urination.

For any man, such complications are undesirable, so it is necessary to monitor your health. It is also necessary to know the symptoms of prostatitis in order to recognize the disease in time:

  1. Decreased potency
  2. Pain and discomfort during intercourse
  3. Pain in the anus
  4. Urinary retention
  5. Painful sensations when urinating and defecating
  6. Increased body temperature
  7. General deterioration in health, loss of appetite

Who to contact and how to treat?

Prostate diseases are treated by a urologist. It is to this doctor that the conscript will be sent if he is suspected of having prostatitis. The doctor performs an examination by palpating the prostate gland rectally. An experienced doctor can immediately make a diagnosis.

After this, the patient undergoes tests that reveal the presence of infection and purulent inflammation, an accurate diagnosis is made according to the form of prostatitis, and the man is sent for treatment. The acute form can be treated at home, all others require mandatory hospitalization. It is necessary to take measures even with mild symptoms of the disease.

For chronic prostatitis, hospital treatment and routine examinations 2-3 times a year are required.

After removal of stones from the prostate gland, the patient must undergo a course of rehabilitation, as well as register with a urologist and undergo periodic tests to avoid relapse.

Prostatitis is not just a reason to “shun the army.” This is a serious disease that can ruin a man’s not only sexual life, but also his life in general.

Inflammation of the prostate creates self-doubt and provokes the development of complexes, so it is very important to monitor your health and pay attention to alarming symptoms in time.

Originally posted 2018-01-25 11:09:37.


Will people with prostatitis be accepted for military service in the army in 2020?

Do they take into the army with prostatitis: answers to questions from conscripts

Many conscripts are interested in the answer to the question: are they accepted into the army with prostatitis and is it possible to get a deferment for this disease. The list of diseases, which is used by medical commissions at the military registration and enlistment office, contains in the section on diseases of the genitourinary system in Article No. 73 a detailed description of the conditions for which a deferment, exemption from service is required, or in which cases they are called up to serve in the armed forces. When reading the article on the list of diseases, it becomes clear that the decision of the draft commission will depend on the specific situation of the conscript: the disease was first identified at the time of conscription, the pathology has become chronic with frequent exacerbations, or hospital treatment of the disease and its complications is required.

Forms of prostatitis

Urologists distinguish the following forms of the disease:

  • Acute form of prostatitis. With this form, fever, deterioration in general health, pain in the groin area, and discomfort when urinating are often observed. In advanced forms of the disease, purulent discharge from the genitals appears. In the absence of adequate and timely treatment, this form of the disease can lead to serious complications, so conscripts with this form of the disease can count on exemption from conscription during the period of treatment. Acute prostatitis is examined according to Article 78 of the Schedule of Diseases.
  • Chronic prostatitis. This is a prolonged course of inflammation in the prostate tissue, due to chronic infections and a number of other reasons, which leads to disruption of the functioning of the prostate and changes in its morphology. The most common symptoms of the disease in chronic form are pain in the pelvis and genitals, urination problems, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, and sexual dysfunction. Although often this form is completely asymptomatic.

When you are not called up for military service

Young people with frequent exacerbations of the disease can receive exemption from military service. Examination of chronic prostatitis should be carried out according to article 73 of the disease schedule.

If you refer to this document, you will notice that exemption from conscription is given only if the pathology manifests itself with moderate or significant impairment of functions.

Thus, you can get a military ID only in two cases when the diagnoses are indicated:

  • chronic prostatitis requiring inpatient treatment 3 or more times a year;
  • chronic prostatitis with prostate stones.

If inflammation of the prostate gland bothers you less than 3 times a year and does not require treatment in a hospital, the young man will be assigned fitness category B-3. After the decision of the draft commission is announced, the young man will receive a summons to be sent.

What is necessary to obtain a military ID for prostatitis?

Prostatitis and the army are a very sensitive topic for many men. As our practice shows, many conscripts are in no hurry to go to a hospital or clinic with such a delicate diagnosis, they are embarrassed to share their complaints with doctors, because they think that chronic prostatitis and the army are compatible.

This attitude towards one’s health leads to the development of a chronic process in the prostate gland, although there are modern and effective methods of treatment. When complaints arise during the next exacerbation, they prefer to self-medicate, so it is important to record visits to a urologist with each exacerbation.

In the absence of recorded requests in the medical record, such citizens may be denied the assignment of fitness category B and drafted into the army. The decision of the military registration and enlistment office to draft in such a situation will be illegal only if the examination, as directed by the military registration and enlistment office, reveals microliths (stones) in the prostate gland.

In other cases, to enroll in the reserve, you will definitely need medical documents confirming regular requests for medical care. At the same time, the Schedule of Diseases clearly states the requirement for exemption from the army with prostatitis - chronic prostatitis, requiring treatment in a hospital setting 3 or more times a year.

If a young man is unable to document the frequency of exacerbations and the fact of treatment by hospital doctors, he will most likely be sent to serve even if he has a non-conscription diagnosis.


Do they take you into the army with prostatitis? | Recruit Assistance Service

Prostatitis can occur differently for each man.

For some, the disease appeared for the first time at the time of conscription, for others it became chronic with rare relapses, and some are forced to regularly consult urologists and go to the hospital to alleviate the next attack.

As each of these situations differs, so will the categories of eligibility for service.

People with acute prostatitis are not accepted into the army. If a conscript proves that he requires medical attention, he will receive a deferment until the next conscription.  

The acute form of prostatitis can be quickly and successfully treated if you consult a urologist or andrologist in a timely manner. However, if a man delays visiting a hospital or clinic, the disease may become protracted, lead to various complications, or become chronic.

Who is not accepted into the army with prostatitis?

The chances of release increase if the young person regularly experiences relapses of the disease. In this case, the relationship between the diagnosis of “chronic prostatitis” and the army will be considered under Article 73 of the Schedule of Diseases.

If you refer to this document, you will notice that exemption from conscription is given only if the pathology manifests itself with either significant or moderate dysfunction. Thus, you can get a military ID only in two cases:

  1. inflammation requires hospital treatment at least three times a year,
  2. The patient has prostate stones.

If inflammation of the prostate gland bothers you less frequently and does not require a hospital stay, the young man will receive a “B-3” fitness category. As soon as the draft commission announces its decision, the young man will receive a summons to be sent.

Conscripts who want to receive a military ID due to their health either do not know whether it is possible not to serve with their illness, or do not understand how to be exempt from conscription due to their diagnosis. Read the real stories of conscripts who received a military ID in the “ Practice ” section.Do they take into the army with prostatitis: answers to questions from conscripts

What is necessary to obtain a military ID for prostatitis?

The army and prostatitis are a very sensitive topic for many men.

As the practice of the Conscript Assistance Service shows, many young people prefer not to go to a hospital or clinic and, when the next exacerbation occurs, self-medicate.

Unfortunately, such citizens may be denied the “B” fitness category. The decision of the military registration and enlistment office in this situation will be legal, unless, during an additional examination, doctors find stones in the prostate gland.

In other cases, to enroll in the reserve, you will definitely need medical documents confirming regular requests for medical care.

At the same time, the Schedule of Diseases strictly states the requirement “inpatient treatment at least three times a year.”

If a young man fails to document the frequency of relapses and the fact of contacting doctors, he may be drafted even if he has a non-conscription diagnosis.  

With respect to you, Anna Nikolaeva, lawyer of the Assistance Service for Conscripts.

We help conscripts obtain a military ID legally.

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