
Back pain when coughing: how to diagnose and treat it

Back pain when coughing: how to diagnose and treat it

Coughing is the body’s protective reaction to a foreign body entering the respiratory tract. Back pain during coughing is not always associated with diseases of the spine. They can be a symptom of serious pathologies of internal organs.

Many people try to get rid of pain with the help of analgesics, thereby making the situation even worse. To prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to find out the cause of the pain and begin treatment by eliminating it.

Back pain when coughing and sneezing

Help : there are several types of cough: dry, wet, with sputum, light, suffocating, etc. With the help of cough, the body gets rid of waste products of microorganisms.

Back pain when coughing: how to diagnose and treat itIf there is no sputum discharge, then such a cough will be unproductive and hysterical. When trying to cough, a person tenses the muscles of the upper body. There is excess pressure on the thoracic spine. Nerve fibers are also stretched. The muscles experience prolonged tension, so pain develops not only during, but also after coughing, when taking a deep breath. The pain may persist even at rest.

In addition to pain and cough, the patient has other symptoms that may indicate in which organ the pathological process is developing.


The causes of back pain when coughing are divided into two types:

  • Associated with diseases of the spine.
  • They are a sign of diseases of the internal organs.

Among the ailments of the spine, in which the back hurts during coughing, the following are distinguished:


Back pain when coughing: how to diagnose and treat itDamage to the cartilage tissue of the vertebrae, which causes degenerative changes in the discs. The disc flattens, becomes smaller, and osteophytes grow on the vertebrae. This leads to displacement of the vertebrae and pinching of the nerve roots. At the initial stage of osteochondrosis, the pain syndrome is mild, the pain intensifies with movement, coughing, and after prolonged sitting. At a later stage, the pain syndrome is permanent.

Ankylosing spondylitis

A genetic autoimmune disease that affects joint tissue. The changes primarily affect the spine. The vertebrae fuse, the mobility of the back is lost, so pain occurs with any movement, including coughing.


Pathology of the peripheral nervous systemBack pain when coughing: how to diagnose and treat it , characterized by compression of the nerve roots of the spinal cord. The main symptom is pain along the pinched nerve; in a chronic course, it can be mild and intermittent, manifesting itself during coughing and physical stress. Associated manifestations: deterioration of sensitivity of the limbs, impaired motor function.

Back injuries

Any sprains or bruises are manifested by the formation of a focus of inflammation. Swelling tissue puts pressure on nerve endings, causing pain when moving and coughing.

Sometimes a blow or fall causes cracks in the vertebrae. Pain when coughing is a characteristic sign of a vertebral fracture .

If treatment is not started, irreversible changes will occur and the patient may remain disabled.


A disease in which skeletal muscles become inflamed. This occurs due to infections, hypothermia, heavy lifting, and chronic stress. A painful focus forms in the affected area, and a protective muscle contraction occurs. Muscle spasm is the main cause of pain when coughing. As the disease progresses, muscle weakness and partial muscle atrophy develop.


Back pain when coughing: how to diagnose and treat it

Pathology of the nervous system, characterized by damage to nerve fibers. Single nerves or several at once are affected. The patient experiences decreased sensitivity and acute pain at the site of nerve destruction. The pain intensifies when coughing, shaking, or turning the body.

Pain syndrome when coughing manifests itself in diseases of internal organs:


This is a complication of pneumonia, manifested by inflammation of the outer lining of the lungs (pleura). The patient experiences pain when breathing, coughing, or bending over. Associated symptoms: wet, hysterical cough, low-grade fever, increased breathing, night sweats.

Lungs' cancer

Back pain when coughing: how to diagnose and treat itA malignant tumor of the lung, formed from the epithelium of the organ. It occupies one of the first places among the causes of death. For a long time, the disease is asymptomatic, since there are no nerve endings in the lung tissue. Cough and pain appear at an advanced stage, when the tumor spreads to the pleura. The patient also has the following manifestations: cough with blood, chronic pneumonia, low-grade fever, exhaustion of the body. Back pain can be caused by tumor metastases in the spine.

Inflammatory process in the kidneys of a bacterial nature. It can be acute, chronic, unilateral or bilateral. In the chronic course, the pain is intermittent and is expressed when coughing.

Typically the pain is felt in the lower back and radiates to the abdominal area.

The pathology can be differentiated by characteristic symptoms: pain when urinating, weakness, fever, loss of appetite, nausea.


Back pain when coughing: how to diagnose and treat itA viral disease characterized by severe pain. The pain is girdling in nature and spreads to the entire lower back and abdomen. The disease begins with unexpressed pain along the trigeminal nerve, which intensifies with coughing and physical stress. Then other signs appear: skin rashes, itching, burning at the site of the lesion, temperature, enlarged lymph nodes. After the rash disappears, the patient continues to have herpetic neuralgia, which requires long-term treatment.


Koch bacilli (the causative agents of tuberculosis) affect the lungs, spine and other organs. Characteristic signs of the disease are a prolonged cough with sputum and blood, chest and back pain, low-grade fever, loss of appetite .

With spinal tuberculosis, destructive changes occur in the tissues of the vertebrae. The process begins with one vertebra and gradually spreads to neighboring ones. The pathology is accompanied by a curvature of the back and a pain syndrome that goes away after rest.

At an advanced stage, the patient develops a pronounced hump, the back muscles partially atrophy, and the patient becomes disabled.

Heart diseases

Back pain when coughing: how to diagnose and treat itDuring a heart attack, the heart muscle partially dies and the heart is unable to pump the required volume of blood. Cough occurs due to congestion in the lungs. The pain syndrome is localized in the left side of the chest, affecting the forearm. The pain is constant and does not depend on body position. The patient experiences heart rhythm disturbances, decreased blood pressure, weakness, and pale skin.


Inflammation of the pancreas is accompanied by acute girdling pains, which become pronounced after eating; they intensify when coughing. Associated symptoms: bloating, nausea, unpleasant taste in the mouth, vomiting, tachycardia; fever is indispensable.

Help : sometimes a completely healthy person’s back hurts when they cough. This happens after severe physical stress due to fatigue of muscles and ligaments. For example, such pain is well known to athletes. A person needs a short rest to normalize the condition.

Back pain when coughing: how to diagnose and treat it

Where and why does it hurt?

For initial diagnosis, it is important to determine the nature and location of the pain syndrome. It can be sharp, aching, constant, occurring at a certain time.

Localization of pain in various diseases:

Disease Nature of pain Localization
Osteochondrosis Cutting during exacerbation, unexpressed during remission Depends on in which department the dystrophic changes occurred
Radiculitis Sharp, cutting, irrigates into the leg, abdomen, groin area Usually in the lumbar region
Myositis Weak, increases with palpation, tension, during sleep Distributes along the entire spine, irrigates the neck, chest, ribs
Pleurisy Intermittent, dull, worsens when coughing Between the shoulder blades, in the chest
Pyelonephritis Aching, dull Below the shoulder blades
Shingles Shingles, acute, permanent Under the ribs, in the lower back, around the entire circumference of the abdomen
Tuberculosis Intermittent, manifests itself during coughing Between the shoulder blades
Lungs' cancer At the last stage - constant, acute In the chest, between the shoulder blades. If there are metastases, the pain is localized at the site of their spread
Neuropathy Acute, more pronounced with coughing and palpation Gives to the arms, legs, neck, abdominal area
Back injuries Depends on the nature of the injury, can be acute or mild Depends on where in the back the injury occurred. Delivers to internal organs
Heart attack Acute, permanent, not going away Behind the sternum, between the shoulder blades, in the left forearm
Pancreatitis Acute, unbearable, subsides slightly when lying down with knees pressed to the stomach Along the entire circumference of the abdomen, extends to the shoulders, neck


To determine the cause of the disease, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination. The patient will need consultations with specialists such as:

  • Vertebrologist.
  • Traumatologist.
  • Orthopedist.
  • Neurologist.
  • Cardiologist.
  • Pulmonologist.
  • Urologist.
  • Oncologist.

Back pain when coughing: how to diagnose and treat it

Laboratory methods:

  • General blood and urine analysis. Detects the inflammatory process.
  • Biochemistry of blood. Particular attention is paid to renal and liver tests.
  • Sputum examination. Required if tuberculosis is suspected.
  • A biopsy is necessary if cancer is suspected.

Instrumental diagnostic methods:

  • X-ray of the spine. Allows you to detect cracks, tumors, destructive changes.
  • X-ray of the lungs is the main method for diagnosing pulmonary tuberculosis, pleurisy, and pneumonia.
  • Bronchoscopy is indicated to identify tumors in the lungs and bronchi.
  • Electrocardiogram. It is performed for heart rhythm disturbances to diagnose heart attack and heart failure.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs and spine. Reveals the source of inflammation, changes in the structure and size of the organ.
  • MRI, CT. The most reliable and safe methods. Allows you to detect and clarify the nature of damage to the spine and internal organs.


The choice of treatment methods will depend on the nature of the pathology. The first priority is to eliminate the underlying disease. It is also necessary to carry out symptomatic treatment to alleviate the patient's suffering.

In any case, drug treatment is prescribed with the following drugs:

Disease Drugs Other methods
Osteochondrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, myositis, neuropathy, radiculitis Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, muscle relaxants, B vitamins, in difficult cases - glucocorticosteroids, antidepressants Physiotherapy

  • Massage
  • Manual therapy
  • Exercise therapy
Pleurisy, pneumonia Antibiotics

  1. Pleural puncture
  2. Compresses
  3. Inhalations
Pyelonephritis Antibacterial drugs
Herbal medicine
Shingles Antiviral

  • Hormones
  • Analgesics
  • Antidepressants
Tuberculosis Antituberculosis drugs High calorie diet
Surgical treatment
Lungs' cancer Chemotherapy (alkylating agents, antimetabolites, cytostatics) Operation
Radiation therapy
Spinal injuries Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Wearing orthopedic corsets
Heart attack Antiarrhythmic drugs

  1. Normalizing blood pressure
  2. Blood thinners
  3. Analgesics
Bed rest
Pancreatitis Antibiotics

  • Enzymes
  • Antispasmodics
  • Antisecretory agents
Herbal medicine

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Back pain when coughing is an alarming syndrome. It may indicate serious pathologies of the spine and internal organs, many of which require urgent treatment. If this condition lasts for a long time, then a detailed examination and immediate treatment are necessary.


Back pain when coughing

One of the body's protective elements is the cough reflex. Its main task is to clean the upper and lower respiratory tract.

By coughing and releasing sputum, dust particles, foreign elements, microorganisms and their waste products are removed.

It is necessary to use antitussive drugs with caution, which can interfere with the natural discharge of sputum.

The main cause of back pain when coughing is a non-productive cough, in which little or no mucus is produced. As a result, coughing occurs with strong strain, involving the muscles of the trunk in this process.

The vertebrae in the chest and upper lumbar region are subject to excess pressure. Because of this, the back continues to hurt after clearing the throat and during deep breaths.

Physical effort leads to the formation of lactic acid in the muscles, causing unpleasant painful sensations.

Causes of back pain during coughing

To find out the causes of pain, a comprehensive examination of the patient is carried out.

Back pain when coughing: how to diagnose and treat it

The main causes are considered to be various inflammations that occur in the respiratory organs. These diseases are accompanied by a cough, during which the intercostal muscles tense. It is with their help that normal physiological breathing is ensured. With increased physical activity, muscle fibers accumulate lactic acid, which causes minor inflammation.

Pain may be felt as a result of cardiac pathologies such as angina or myocardial infarction. In this condition, pain is felt not only in the back. These diseases often cause heart failure. The heart cannot cope with pumping blood in the required volume, which leads to congestion in the lungs. Against this background, cough also leads to back pain.

Sore throat and dry cough

Renal colic and other kidney diseases cause increased pain even with a slight cough. During the course of the disease, the size of the kidney increases and the renal capsule stretches. During coughing, a change in intra-abdominal pressure begins, causing shaking of the diseased organ. As a result, pain occurs in the lumbar region.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Despite the large number of reasons, back pain when coughing appears due to diseases of the spine. During these diseases, the intercostal nerves that emerge from the openings between the vertebrae are often inflamed and pinched.

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Back pain when coughing: how to diagnose and treat it

The main cause of such conditions is considered to be osteochondrosis, in which the cartilage in the intervertebral discs gradually loses its functions. The discs become thinner and become displaced, causing intercostal neuralgia. Because of this, pain appears, which intensifies during inhalation and coughing.

Other causes of back pain

  • A serious cause may be tuberculosis, which affects both the lungs and the spine. In this situation, pain in the spine occurs along with a painful, lingering cough.
  • One of the reasons is myositis, which causes inflammation in the skeletal muscles, including the back muscles. In this place, the muscles are exposed to physical stress and hypothermia. As a result, inflammatory processes develop, during which back pain is felt during coughing and breathing.
  • Back pain can also be felt as a result of injuries to the chest, spine and abdominal cavity.
  • Sometimes, the internal organs themselves, being in a painful state, contribute to the appearance of a cough. In such cases, the pain when inhaling intensifies, and the person tries to breathe in a gentle manner. Because of this, the lung tissue is not sufficiently ventilated, which leads to the formation of congestion and, ultimately, to cough.

The causes of back pain caused by coughing are diagnosed sequentially. Diagnostics includes examination, an initial interview with the patient, and instrumental and laboratory tests. It turns out how long and with what intensity the pain has been bothering you.

Back pain when coughing: how to diagnose and treat it

The spine is checked for possible curvature. The productivity of the cough is studied, blood and urine are examined. Based on the results of blood tests alone, it is possible to determine the presence of inflammatory processes in the body. If necessary, a separate examination of expectorated sputum is carried out.

Instrumental diagnostics include ultrasound, radiography, magnetic resonance and computer therapy, with the help of which the spine and internal organs are examined. An electrocardiogram is required to be recorded.

How to treat back pain when coughing

Therapeutic measures are aimed at treating those diseases that provoke back pain when coughing.

Along with this, treatment is carried out aimed at pain relief and elimination of the cough itself, especially if spinal diseases are identified.

In this case, analgesics are used, such as analgin, dexalgin, renalgan and others. They are taken orally or injected intramuscularly.

Ointments Fastum gel or Finalgon relieve pain, relieve inflammation and help improve local blood flow in the muscles. Cough is eliminated with the help of traditional drugs Ambroxol, Lazolvan, and other drugs that inhibit the cough reflex and facilitate the discharge of sputum.

With the help of secondary treatment, the negative consequences caused by the spine and muscles as a result of increased stress are eliminated. Special treatments are used here, including massage and manual therapy.

Unusual Causes of Cough


Back pain when coughing: causes, treatment, how to relieve, diagnosis

Many nerves emanate from the spinal canal and extend to various organs and tissues. Therefore, back pain can occur due to various organic lesions and pathologies.

Diseases of the internal organs manifest themselves as such a nonspecific syndrome, since discomfort from them erodes along the nerves to the dorsal region.

What to do if the pain radiates to the back when coughing, what does this mean, what danger does it pose?


Symptoms of this type are always a sign of pathology that must be promptly diagnosed and treated. If your back hurts after coughing, this could be a sign of one of the following pathologies:

  1. Problems with internal organs, respiratory problems - bronchi, lungs;
  2. Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (musculoskeletal system) - muscles, joints, spine;
  3. Problems with nerve centers - neuralgia, neuritis, solaritis.

The list is so long because the lungs are located close to the nerve tissue of the spinal canal. The pain in them can erode into the back. Also, coughing causes muscle tension, for this reason discomfort with it can indicate pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (musculoskeletal system).

Back pain when coughing: how to diagnose and treat it

Cough and place of pain

The patient is able to guess approximately what exactly causes a strong cough and back pain based on the location of the appearance of uncomfortable symptoms.

With a certain pathology, discomfort occurs in one or another part of the back.

It is important to try to determine the location of the most severe pain as accurately as possible in order to notify the doctor about this during the appointment, since this is a significant diagnostic sign.

Chest and back pain

With bronchitis, colds, and coughs, the back hurts in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, as well as behind the sternum. Symptoms may appear with deep breathing. However, if there are no cold symptoms, the cough turns out to be one-time, then the discomfort can indicate the process of inflammation in the nerve bundle of the “solar plexus” - solarium, neuritis, neuralgia.

Back pain when coughing: how to diagnose and treat it

Back pain in the shoulder blade area

Cough and back pain between the shoulder blades can indicate:

  1. Pneumonia;
  2. Bronchitis;
  3. Asthma;
  4. Tuberculosis;
  5. Rarely – about oncological diseases of the trachea.

If the cough is unsystematic, then the pain may be a sign of hypertonicity, spasm of the muscles of the thoracic back, pinching of a nerve node there, exacerbation of osteochondrosis, because when coughing, the muscles and spine receive a sharp, unexpected load.

Right back pain

If, when coughing, back pain on the right side occurs once, and the cough is unsystematic, then, as in the previous situation, this indicates a pinched nerve, an exacerbation of a chronic disease of the spine. But if the cough is constant, there is weakness, and the body temperature is elevated, then this is a sign:

  1. Right-sided bronchitis;
  2. Right-sided pleurisy;
  3. Right-sided pneumonia.

Sometimes the pain in neuritis, neuralgia, and solarium erodes asymmetrically.

What does dry cough mean?

A weak cough that causes pain in the back area can indicate:

  1. Exacerbation/onset of asthma;
  2. Heart pathologies;
  3. The beginning of bronchitis.

Theoretically, such symptoms can also be present in oncology, but this is quite individual.


When a pronounced frequent dry/wet cough is accompanied not only by discomfort in the dorsal region, but also by increased body temperature, this is a sign of an inflammation process occurring in the respiratory organs. The following pathologies are most often diagnosed:

  1. A slightly elevated temperature, dry cough and back pain are characteristic of the onset of bronchitis;
  2. Prolonged coughing with a wave-like change in body temperature - for tuberculosis;
  3. Frequent, severe cough, significant increase in temperature, weakness, chills, cold sweat indicate pneumonia;
  4. The same symptoms, but supplemented by pain, heaviness in the side, and difficulty taking a deep breath, are common for pleurisy.

Back pain, cough, fever are dangerous symptoms. If you notice such symptoms, immediately visit your general practitioner/phlebologist. If fluid forms in the pleura, you may also need to consult a surgeon.

Diagnostic methods

When coughing, pain in the back under the shoulder blade or in another spinal area, it is important to make a correct, timely diagnosis, since inflammation in the respiratory organs can develop very quickly with weak immunity. The following methods are used to diagnose lung pathology:

  1. Ultrasound of the chest;
  2. Fluorography, x-ray of the lungs;
  3. CT, MRI.

If there are no obvious symptoms of pulmonary pathology, there is reason to suspect a pathology of the musculoskeletal system, then an X-ray of the spine is used. A manual examination plays an important role in diagnosing muscle strain. An electroneurogram allows you to assess the condition of the nervous tissue.

Back pain when coughing: how to diagnose and treat it

Complex treatment

If, when coughing, there is pain in the back below the shoulder blades or in other parts of it, then treatment is prescribed in accordance with what pathology was identified by the doctor:

  • Bronchitis is treated with general antibiotics (Ciprofloxacin) in combination with immunostimulating drugs (Polyoxidonium) and expectorants (Codelac). Inpatient treatment is indicated, but if the patient’s condition is satisfactory, it can be treated at home;
  • Pneumonia is always treated inpatiently. Typically, a treatment regimen consisting of two types of antibiotics of different spectrum (Ceftriaxone, Amoxiclav), immune drugs, and expectorants (ASA) is prescribed. Inhalations are indicated;
  • For pleurisy, treatment is carried out according to the same scheme as for pneumonia, but in the case of fluid formation in the pleura, surgical intervention (pleural puncture) is indicated. At the recovery stage, sanatorium treatment, physiotherapy (UHF), and therapeutic exercises are prescribed. It is also treated inpatiently;
  • For asthma, treatment is carried out with hormonal drugs that relieve swelling of the bronchi (Prednisalone, Dexamethasone). They are prescribed in individual dosages depending on the severity of the situation. Also, the severity of the situation depends on how they are administered - by injection, orally, or in the form of an inhaler. Exacerbation of asthma requires hospital treatment only in the most severe cases;
  • Tuberculosis is treated in a tuberculosis dispensary for a long time, with a three-component complex of specific anti-tuberculosis drugs, individual in each case. Therapy lasts from three months in a hospital, and about the same period continues at home or in a sanatorium. The patient's relatives also receive appropriate prophylaxis;
  • Treatment of neoplasms, both malignant and benign, if they cause severe symptoms, is carried out surgically. In the case of benign formations, treatment ends with physiotherapy and immunostimulants. In the case of malignant neoplasms, the use of radiation and chemotherapy continues;
  • Neuritis, solaritis, and neuralgia are difficult to treat with medication. B vitamins may be prescribed to improve the general condition of the nervous tissue. More targeted treatment is carried out by physical therapy (UHF). Otherwise, rest, general warmth, and avoidance of drafts are indicated;
  • Why does my back hurt when I cough? The cause may be spasm, muscle hypertonicity, which is relieved by general warmth (hot shower), rest in the first days, application of locally irritating warming ointments (Tiger Balm), patches (Pepper). Sometimes even mustard plaster can help, but this is only permissible if you are absolutely sure that there is no pathology in the lungs;
  • A pinched nerve is treated with massage, therapeutic exercises, pain is relieved by taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as needed (Ibuprofen, Ortofen). If this is an exacerbation of a chronic condition, then the course of NSAIDs is extended for 7-14 days (1 tablet 2-3 times a day). For osteochondrosis, it is supplemented with external, oral use of chondroprotectors (Chondroxide), massage, and therapeutic exercises. For radiculitis, physiotherapy has a good effect; for more rare pathologies, treatment is prescribed individually.

Timely determination of what causes back pain and early initiation of treatment are the key to ensuring that the therapy will be as effective as possible and the patient’s condition will improve faster.


When your chest and back hurt when you cough, this is, in most cases, a harmless symptom.

Most often, he talks about a serious pathology that can progress quickly (especially when accompanied by other pathological symptoms).

Therefore, if this symptom is detected, the patient should be more attentive to his health, identify the accompanying symptoms of the pathology and promptly consult a doctor.


Back pain when coughing - the most effective ways to eliminate the problem

Back pain when coughing: how to diagnose and treat itPain when coughing

This article talks about why a person experiences back pain when coughing - whether it is dangerous and whether such pain is always associated with lung diseases. Advice on the treatment of such conditions is given.

What are the mechanisms of pain

Coughing is a complex process that involves several muscle groups at once. That is why back pain occurs when coughing - from intense work of the back muscles.

A cough is formed as a result of irritation of the receptors of the pharynx, larynx and bronchi. In this case, active contraction of the bronchial muscles and auxiliary muscles occurs. These include the intercostal muscles and the muscles of the thoracic back.

Frequent, prolonged coughing leads to constant tension in these muscles and the appearance of pain in the back. Patients often complain that “my back hurts when I cough” and consider this to be due to another disease, although this is not always the case.

Causes of pain

Pain in the back muscles during coughing movements can occur in different cases - not only with diseases of the lungs themselves, but also with pathology of the back itself (and coughing only intensifies the pain, but is not its cause).

When coughing, back pain is observed in the following cases:

Pulmonary causes Extrapulmonary causes
Chronical bronchitis Osteochondrosis
Long-term pneumonia Chronic myositis
Pleurisy and pleuropneumonia Fibromyalgia
Lung abscess Intercostal neuralgia
Pericarditis, angina attack
Kidney diseases
Injuries and tumors of the thoracic spine
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How does pain feel?

Painful sensations when a cough radiates to the back can be described differently by different people. Of course, these pains do not depend on whether the cough is wet or dry.

Painful sensations are the result of muscle fatigue - their nature is aching, constant. The intensity will depend on the duration of the cough. Some patients have an itchy back even when they cough.

In pulmonary diseases, back pain when coughing does not appear immediately, but after some time has passed from its onset. If the cause lies in pathology of the muscles or bones, pain occurs immediately when coughing begins.

Cough in pulmonary diseases and the pain that occurs with this are combined with other symptoms characteristic of the inflammatory process:

  • Increase in body temperature - to subfebrile or febrile levels;
  • General malaise and headache (see Headache when coughing: what could be the cause);
  • A cough appears while lying on your back - as a result of the accumulation of sputum;
  • The appearance of sputum - scanty or abundant, purulent or transparent;
  • The pain appears not only in the back, but also in the chest, and is diffuse in nature;
  • Breathing becomes difficult.

If coughing pain in the back occurs due to extrapulmonary diseases, then their symptoms will be slightly different:

Diseases of the cardiac system Pathology of nerves and bones Kidney diseases
Dyspnea Combination of back pain with headache Pain is localized in the lumbar region
The pain has a clear localization - between the shoulder blades and in the sternum area Severe back muscle tension At the same time, urinary problems appear
Cough does not get better when lying on back Intensifies after physical activity and prolonged uncomfortable body position If the cough goes away, the pain still remains
The pain is stabbing or pressing in nature The pain does not have a clear localization, most often it is of a diffuse, encircling nature


It is necessary to diagnose why your back hurts when you cough - as a result of what disease. This is necessary in order to prescribe the correct treatment.

Important! If the pain is localized not only in the back, but also radiates to the sternum, this may be a sign of an acute heart attack. To exclude it, an electrocardiogram should be immediately performed.

To diagnose pain due to pulmonary diseases, laboratory and instrumental research methods are used:

  • A general blood test will reveal signs of an inflammatory process - accelerated ESR, leukocytosis of varying severity, increased levels of C-reactive protein;
  • Minor changes appear in the biochemical blood test - glucose and fibrinogen may increase;
  • If there is sputum, its bacteriological analysis is carried out to identify the causative agent of the disease;
  • An X-ray examination is required; it is carried out in two projections to determine the localization of the pathological process.

If all pulmonary diseases are excluded, a further diagnostic search is carried out.

To diagnose each pathology that can cause back pain and cough, different research methods are used:

Heart diseases Kidney diseases Other pathologies – bones, muscles, nerves
Electrocardiogram to diagnose acute angina, arrhythmias, and pericarditis Ultrasonography Dopplerography of neck vessels
Ultrasonography General urine analysis Electromyography
Biochemical blood test with determination of kidney parameters X-ray examination to exclude injuries and tumors


After determining the cause of back pain that occurs when coughing, comprehensive treatment is prescribed. Inflammatory diseases of the bronchopulmonary system - the main cause of back pain during coughing - are treated primarily with antibacterial drugs. The choice of antibiotic is based on identifying the pathogen that caused the disease.

However, bacteriological analysis takes at least three days, and treatment should be started as early as possible. Therefore, from the first day of the disease, a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug is prescribed - it suppresses the activity of almost all microorganisms that cause inflammation of the bronchi and lungs. One such drug is ofloxacin.

What are the properties of ofloxacin? The drug is available in the form of tablets with a dosage of 200 or 400 mg, as well as in the form of an infusion solution. Ofloxacin acts on the genetic material of the microorganism and causes its death.

The second stage of treatment is to eliminate the cough, since in this case it is the cause of the pain.

Depending on the type of cough, various drugs are used:

Dry cough Moist cough
Stoptussin. A drug containing two active antitussive components - guaifenesin and butamirate. Available in the form of tablets, drops and syrup. Butamirate suppresses the cough center, and guaifenesin thins sputum. Lazolvan. The main active ingredient is ambroxol. The drug is available in the form of tablets, syrup and solution for inhalation. Liquefies thick mucus and promotes its rapid removal.
Gerbion. A herbal preparation in the form of syrup. Contains plantain, ivy or primrose extract. Improves sputum discharge, thereby stopping coughing. Bronchobos. The drug is in the form of capsules and syrup. The active substance is carbocisteine. Stimulates the motor activity of the cilia of the bronchial epithelium, thereby removing phlegm.
Omnitus. The drug is in the form of syrup and tablets with the main active ingredient butamirate. Has a central antitussive effect.

Back pain when coughing: how to diagnose and treat itCough preparations

Simultaneously with measures to eliminate cough, back pain is treated. For this purpose, drugs that have a distracting effect or pain relief are used. The most effective for such pain are local remedies - patches, ointments, creams.

Each drug contains instructions indicating how to use it for back pain. The price of drugs may vary, but even a low cost does not mean the drug is ineffective.

  • Voltaren is a patch and cream with an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. This drug contains diclofenac. The cream is applied to the back in a thin layer and lightly rubbed in. It can be used up to three times a day. The patch has an effect within 24 hours. The use of the patch is not indicated if the cough worsens while lying on your back.
  • Doctor Mom, Suprima-Broncho - ointments with a warming and distracting effect. For coughs and back pain, apply to the back and chest, and tie a woolen scarf or scarf on top. Can be used twice a day.
  • Regular mustard plasters have a good effect on back pain caused by coughing. Their action is based on a distracting effect.
  • Ben is gay. Two-component ointment with a warming and analgesic effect. Indicated for muscle pain of any etiology. It is enough to use once a day.

In addition to medications, you can use medical cups as a good pain reliever - you can put them on your back when you cough, if there are no direct contraindications to this.

Due to the vacuum formed under the jar, the inflammatory process and infiltrate in the muscles are effectively resolved (pictured).

As a result, the cough is weakened, and, as a result, back pain when coughing is also eliminated.

Back pain when coughing: how to diagnose and treat itSetting up cans

If the pain when coughing radiates to the back for another reason - not due to bronchopulmonary diseases - then even eliminating it will not relieve the pain. In this case, the main treatment should be aimed at the immediate cause of the pain, as well as at relieving it.

In case of heart disease, the back hurts from coughing as a result of the transmission of nerve impulses from the myocardium to the muscles. Therefore, here you need to take drugs to treat the heart. The fastest-acting agents are nitrates - in the form of sublingual tablets or spray. It is best if a doctor deals with heart diseases - self-medication here can seriously harm.

Cough and back pain, which intensifies, often appear with intercostal neuralgia. Its treatment consists of taking painkillers - most often from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. For severe pain, intramuscular use of painkillers is allowed.

If you experience back pain when coughing, you can watch the video in this article, which explains the causes of this symptom and how to eliminate it.


Why does your back hurt when you cough?

When back pain occurs when coughing, work capacity decreases and sleep deteriorates. The patient himself begins to take medications to reduce discomfort.

This attitude towards health can lead to extremely unfavorable results. After all, all painkillers and herbal medicines can be prescribed by a specialist.

After certain examinations, the doctor will prescribe therapy.

Back pain when coughing: how to diagnose and treat it

Why does your back hurt when you cough?

Sometimes when coughing there is pain that radiates to the back. With such manifestations, it is necessary to promptly find the factor that provoked the symptom, since back pain means the development of diseases and organ pathology:

  • breathing;
  • hearts;
  • urinary system;
  • spinal column;
  • diseases associated with the central nervous system.

The effectiveness of therapy depends on identifying the underlying cause of back pain when coughing.

A competent doctor will determine the examination, be able to establish the correct diagnosis based on the studies, and choose a treatment method with drugs in combination with other treatment options.

Let's look at painful conditions and find out why your back hurts when you cough. A coughing attack is considered to be a reflection of a pathological process, which relates not only to the respiratory organs, but also to the work of the heart.

What diseases cause back pain and cough?

Back pain when coughing is considered a prerequisite for the development of serious pathologies in the human body. Let's consider the main diseases:

  • inflammation of the lungs, pleura, the two-layer membrane lining the chest cavity;
  • dysfunction of the heart and blood vessels;
  • kidney problems;
  • the problem of compression, irritation of the intercostal nerves;
  • a complex of dystrophic pathologies in articular cartilage.

When the back hurts when coughing, caused by inflammation of the lungs or pleura, a person’s state of health constantly changes. A powerful cough appears, which is localized on both sides of the chest, body temperature increases, a feeling of chilliness and lethargy appears.

  • Diseases of the genitourinary system and coughing are not combined, but can appear at the same time.
  • Unpleasant pain in the lower back becomes stronger during inhalation and movement, then we can talk about intercostal neuralgia.
  • When the back regularly ache when coughing, the patient feels discomfort in the lower back or neck, then we can talk about the likelihood of a spinal disease.

Pleurisy and pneumonia

Pain occurs as a result of problems with the respiratory system, due to an infectious, inflammatory process. Coughing and back pain are characterized by fever, aches, depression, and excessive sweating.

Painful sensations also shift to the sternum area. The sick person involuntarily tends to lie down on the side that hurts, because the pain is practically not felt.

For diseases of the respiratory system, it is necessary to take cough suppressants.

Pathology of the circulatory system

When the examination showed pathology of cardiac functions, an inflammatory process of the outer lining of the heart, the pericardium, may appear. The patient's well-being is observed with the appearance of shortness of breath. Pain appears between the shoulder blades; if you take a position lying on your back, the painful sensations worsen, so it is better to lie on your side.

Kidney pathology

A factor in the appearance of painful sensations in the back is kidney pathology: nephritis or urolithiasis.

Such feelings are formed as a result of stretching of the organ capsule due to the inflammatory process of the parenchyma or pathology of the outflow of urine.

Painful sensations are limited to the area of ​​the lower back, have a stable character, but different levels of severity. Other warning signs include:

  • change in urine: quantity, color, transparency;
  • disturbances in the act of urination;
  • increased body temperature above 37 degrees;
  • painful condition.

If you don’t take action and don’t visit a doctor, the condition will end in severe or prolonged renal failure.

Intercostal neuralgia

Back pain that worsens when coughing indicates the presence of intercostal neuralgia. So, the intercostal muscles infringe on the nerve, for example, due to spasm in the muscle or inflammation.

Shooting pains occur, which are unilateral or bilateral.

Often the disorder is characterized by an unpleasant sensation of tingling or “crawling” on the skin, a decrease in its susceptibility in the area of ​​the damaged nerve.


If your lower back regularly ache when you cough, unpleasant feelings are aggravated by inhalation, there is pain in the lower back and neck, then the prerequisite is osteochondrosis. For such symptoms, the most important thing is to prescribe complex treatment with exposure to sinusoidal modulated currents, moderate physical activity, and medications.

Read also:  Who should undergo a CT scan of the spine?

Diagnosis and treatment of back pain when coughing

During the examination, the doctor determines when the unhealthy feelings arose and how severe the pain is. Then the patient must donate blood and urine to determine whether there is inflammation. In addition, sputum is collected and examined for bacterial activity.

Such a condition as back pain when coughing is considered a pressing issue for many patients, since almost everyone has experienced discomfort.

However, for one it is a short-term condition, and for another patient the pathology will last a lifetime (if you do not go to the clinic in time).

Which doctor should you contact?

When the back hurts and a cough appears, the patient should consult a local doctor. He keeps a log of all tests, vaccinations, the last x-ray, and information about chronic diseases.

It is the local doctor who will conduct an examination and refer the patient for tests, and tell which doctor to contact with these symptoms. As a rule, a neurologist deals with back diseases. After the examination, the doctor will tell you whether hospital therapy is needed.

When the disease requires systematic medical supervision, the doctor will tell the patient to go to the hospital for a full course of therapy. If you experience pain in your back along with a cough or fever, you should definitely visit a pulmonologist.

The study is important because pneumonia and tumors also have a sign of prolonged back pain.

Diagnostic procedures

Back pain when coughing: how to diagnose and treat it

Why a cough occurs with pain in the back, in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, can be found out on the basis of a multilateral study, which must include not only a medical examination, but also auxiliary methods. Taking into account the types of serious diseases, the following studies remain relevant today:

  1. Blood and urine tests.
  2. Blood sampling for biochemical analysis.
  3. Urine sample to examine kidney function (Zimnitsky test).
  4. Laboratory examination of urine to assess the condition of the urinary tract (urinalysis according to Nechiporenko).
  5. Bacterioscopic examination of sputum.
  6. Pleural puncture.
  7. Study of the internal structure of the spinal column and lungs.
  8. Ultrasound study of the kidneys and heart.
  9. Method for studying the bioelectrical activity of the heart.
  10. MRI.

Based on the results of the research, an accurate conclusion is created and a treatment regimen is determined. The sooner the examination is performed, the faster the patient will return to his previous lifestyle.

Treatment methods

Therapy begins with eliminating the preconditions for this disorder. However, symptomatic therapy (pain relief and cough prevention) is carried out constantly, especially for spinal pathologies.

Anesthesia is performed by oral or intramuscular injection of analgesics.

The most effective is the local use of ointments, for example, Finalgon, which relieves pain, inflammation, and improves blood circulation.

Treatment is aimed at suppressing cough and facilitating mucus clearance. Expectorant medications (Ambroxol) are used. Codeine is prescribed for cough, but it is used only as directed by the doctor.

Therapy for diseases of the cardiovascular system is prescribed only by a cardiologist. The doctor monitors the therapy process, the results of treatment, and, if necessary, issues a referral for repeated tests.

Therefore, when you experience back pain with cough, you should immediately contact the clinic.


When coughing it radiates to the back: causes of pain, associated symptoms and treatment

Quite often a situation arises in which there is a pain in the back when coughing. This disorder can be a consequence of various pathologies. For treatment to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to establish the provoking factor. The symptom may be associated with infectious diseases or pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. To determine the causes and choose treatment, you should consult a doctor.

Mechanism of occurrence and nature of pain

The appearance of a cough is caused by a contraction of the smooth muscles of the bronchi and a change in pressure in the chest. This is necessarily transmitted to the elements that make up the human back. As a result, skeletal muscles contract, motor activity of joints and stretching of nerve fibers decrease. This causes back pain when coughing.

If such a symptom occurs, it is worth trying to establish its true causes. The causes of pain syndrome include various anomalies affecting the following elements of the human body:

  • respiratory system;
  • urinary system;
  • elements of the circulatory system;
  • spine and adjacent structures;
  • nervous system.

Causes of back pain when coughing

There are many factors that provoke back pain. It will be possible to determine the cause by localizing the anomalous processes.

If there is pain under the shoulder blades

The appearance of pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades on the back right or left is a consequence of the following conditions:

  • physical overexertion, which is accompanied by tearing of muscle tissue;
  • an advanced cold that is complicated by bronchitis or pneumonia;
  • inflammation of the membranes, which led to damage to the lung tissue;
  • osteochondrosis, which appears not only under the shoulder blades, but also in the lumbar region;
  • radiculitis;
  • smoking;
  • shingles;
  • lungs' cancer.

If it hurts in the chest area

The appearance of pain in the thoracic spine can be a consequence of the following disorders:

  1. Pneumonia. With this disease, pain occurs in the hypochondrium. To reduce discomfort during therapy, it is important to try not to cause attacks. Be sure to stay in bed and reduce physical activity.
  2. Pinched nerve. Pain in the chest is often caused by intercostal neuralgia. Discomfort increases with movement, becoming unbearable. An osteopath will help you cope with it.
  3. Injuries. Violation of muscle structure is accompanied by pain when coughing. In this case, the aching pain in the side increases with a sudden contraction of muscle tissue.
  4. Unilateral pleurisy. It can be an independent disorder or a consequence of complications. In this case, the side of the chest often hurts. Flatulence and other manifestations often occur.

Lower back pain

Discomfort in the lower back is caused by compression or stretching of the spinal nerve roots. This is due to a decrease in the height of the disc or the appearance of a hernia in this section. As a result, the distance between the vertebrae increases.

Such pain is most often superficial and is predominantly felt in the skin rather than deep in the tissues. It increases sharply with sneezing and coughing. Also, discomfort increases with load on the spine. It is this discomfort that feels like a classic lumbago that radiates along the nerve root.

Acute back pain that occurs when coughing can manifest itself as lumbago. In this case, the person experiences severe discomfort. It is piercing and shooting in nature and is present for several seconds or hours. Discomfort is felt throughout the lower back and increases with coughing and sneezing. Sometimes it decreases in a horizontal position, especially if the patient is in a comfortable position.

Another factor that provokes this symptom is stenosis. Most often, pathology occurs in old age. Such people find it difficult to walk and feel weak in their legs.

Diagnostic procedures help identify decreased thickness of the spinal discs.

Associated symptoms

Back pain when coughing may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • feeling of weakness;
  • fever;
  • heavy sweating - predominates at night.

When pain occurs, a person tries to lie on the side on which the discomfort occurs. This helps reduce discomfort. The most dangerous condition is considered to be pneumonia and other inflammations of the lung tissue. They pose a serious threat, especially when intoxication occurs and the temperature increases. Such violations can be suspected based on the following signs:

  • feeling of weakness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • muscle pain.

Which doctor should you contact?

If unpleasant symptoms appear, you should first consult a therapist. After this, he will write out a referral to a specialist. Based on the results of the examination, consultation with an osteopath, rheumatologist, neurologist or traumatologist may be required.

Diagnostic methods

To identify the causes of pain when coughing, it is worth conducting diagnostic studies. They should include the following components:

  • examination and interview of the patient;
  • tests;
  • instrumental procedures.

During the examination and interview, the doctor is interested in the time of onset of the symptom, the severity and nature of the pain. It can be shooting, aching or pressing. Of no small importance is the presence of a visible curvature of the spine and the characteristics of the cough - it can be dry or wet. You should definitely take urine and blood tests. Thanks to this, it will be possible to identify acute inflammation in the body.

A urine test helps evaluate the health of your kidneys. If necessary, a sputum examination is performed.

Based on the results of laboratory tests, instrumental studies are prescribed. To do this, perform the following procedures:

  • ultrasound examination of internal organs;
  • radiography of the spine;
  • CT scan;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • electrocardiogram.

General rules of treatment

To cope with the unpleasant sensations in the back that appear when coughing, it is worth treating the underlying pathology that caused this symptom.

Drug therapy

To eliminate discomfort, comprehensive treatment is carried out. The following remedies are usually prescribed:

  1. Syrups or tablets for dry cough. Effective remedies include Herbion, Omnitus, Stoptusin. They dilute mucus and promote its removal from the body. Some drugs affect the cough center of the brain and reduce the severity of cough.
  2. Tablets for wet cough. Effective drugs include Lazolvan, Bronchobos, Ambrobene. Such substances stimulate the expectoration process and activate the bronchial epithelium. This helps remove phlegm.
  3. Ointments to reduce back pain. Effective substances include such products as Ben-gay, Doctor Mom. It is also permissible to use Voltaren. Such substances are available in the form of creams and ointments. They help warm muscle tissue and eliminate pain. Such substances have a complex effect. Mustard plasters help cope with discomfort. However, they have a distracting effect.


Due to vertebral disorders, intercostal neuralgia occurs. It is often accompanied by pain when coughing. In this case, physiotherapy will help achieve good results.

The most effective methods include the following:

  • laser exposure;
  • magnetic influence;
  • vacuum treatment;
  • electrical stimulation;
  • manual influence.

Quite often, acupuncture methods are used to eliminate back pain. In this case, the procedure is carried out using special needles that have rounded ends.

It is prohibited to perform the procedure yourself, since you need to know the location of biologically active points on the body. To relieve discomfort, it is worth doing a massage. This procedure is permitted if pain occurs due to severe muscle tension.

In such a situation, even a small impact will bring relief.

Surgical correction

Surgical intervention is required for complex spinal injuries, hernias, and ring ruptures. Doctors usually recommend such methods when there is no effect from medications. Today, minimally invasive procedures are commonly used that do not damage the skin or internal organs. A hernia can be removed using the radio wave method using punctures.

Folk remedies and recipes

In simple cases, you can cope with back pain when coughing on your own. It is important to choose the right method of therapy and consult a doctor.

Self-medication poses a serious danger as it can lead to negative consequences.

If the general condition remains within normal limits, traditional methods will help to cope with unwanted symptoms. The most popular options include the following:

  1. Banks. This method can only be used in the absence of contraindications. It is recommended to place the jars on their backs to create a vacuum inside. As a result, it is possible to stop inflammation. It is worth considering that the procedure causes pain and leaves bruises on the body.
  2. Decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants. To eliminate pain, it is allowed to take general restoratives. They help alleviate the condition, eliminate obsessive cough and normalize the condition. Mint, rose hips, and chamomile are highly effective.

Possible complications

If left untreated, there is a risk of developing dangerous consequences. Complications depend on the causes of the cough. Common consequences include the following:

  • fainting;
  • pneumothorax;
  • traumatic damage to muscle tissue or nerves.


To avoid back pain caused by coughing, you should pay attention to preventive measures. To prevent discomfort, you should follow these recommendations:

  • watch your posture;
  • play sports - but overload should be avoided;
  • When sitting for a long time, do a warm-up;
  • sleep on a semi-hard bed;
  • promptly begin treatment of infectious pathologies;
  • systematically conduct a medical examination.

The appearance of back pain due to coughing is observed quite often. This is due to a variety of factors.

To avoid undesirable health consequences, it is necessary to correctly determine the cause and select adequate therapy.

Author of the article: Yulia Kalashnik


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