
Fibrocystic mastopathy: clinical picture and pathology treatment methods

Fibrous mastopathy is a benign pathology of the mammary glands that occurs in women of reproductive age. The basis of this disease is a pathological process, which is characterized by increased proliferation of cells in the breast tissue. Treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy FCM of the mammary gland consists of normalizing the imbalance of hormones in the woman’s body.

Treatment of mastopathy FCM - DFCM consists of drug and non-drug therapy

Drug treatment of FCM fibrocystic mastopathy of the breast in the clinic - includes taking medications or surgical treatment. 

Fibrocystic mastopathy: clinical picture and pathology treatment methods

  • Fibrocystic mastopathy: clinical picture and pathology treatment methods
  • Drugs are divided into those containing hormones and those not containing:
  • Mabusten - the drug reduces the level of the hormone stimulating prolactin, denatures and reduces the level of the hormone estrogen (estradiol).
  • It is used to localize cell growth and reduce tumor processes in fibrotic (FCM - DFCM) mastopathy of the mammary gland, contains a large amount of iodine, which helps restore normal functioning of the thyroid gland. 

Fibrocystic mastopathy: clinical picture and pathology treatment methods

Fibrocystic mastopathy: clinical picture and pathology treatment methods

Mabustin has some analgesic effect. Release form: tablets, taken in 1 piece. 2-3 times a day. Should be used with caution in women with thyroid dysfunction.

Mastodinon is a homeopathic medicine that stabilizes the level of the hormone prolactin in the blood. Due to this, cell growth in the mammary gland slows down slightly.

It has an analgesic effect and smoothes out PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Release form: drops (2 times a day, 30 drops, pre-diluted in water) and tablets (2 times a day).

The course of treatment is at least 12 weeks.

Wobenzym , a drug used to treat mastopathy, also has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Release form: tablets, taken 2 times a day, 3 pcs. The course of treatment is no more than 12 weeks.

Fibrocystic mastopathy: clinical picture and pathology treatment methods

COCs (combined oral contraceptives), such as Mercilon, Jess, Yarina. They are used for the treatment of DFCM fibrous mastopathy by women who have reached reproductive age.

Helps restore the menstrual cycle and eliminate pain. Long-term use of these drugs helps eliminate the symptoms of mastopathy.

Take 1 time per day at approximately the same time.

Fibrocystic mastopathy: clinical picture and pathology treatment methods

Tamoxifen - reduces estrogen production in the female body. It has an analgesic effect, restores the menstrual cycle, and stops the growth of cells in the mammary gland. Release form: tablets, taken 2 times a day. The course of therapy is determined depending on the time of onset of the positive effect.

Parlodel – balances the production of progesterone and estrogen in the body. Release form: tablets, taken 3 times a day. The course of treatment is determined individually.

Fibrocystic mastopathy: clinical picture and pathology treatment methods

· Preparations for local use:

Progestogel is a gel that reduces the concentration of estrogen. Has an analgesic and anti-edematous effect. Apply a thin layer to the mammary glands, without smearing the nipples and their halos. Use twice a day for 12 weeks.

Fibrocystic mastopathy: clinical picture and pathology treatment methods

Non-drug therapy for the treatment of FCM - DFCM mastopathy includes:

1. Diet. A balanced diet plays an important role in the treatment of both fibrous and cystic mastopathy. It implies the exclusion of spices, smoked meats, seasonings, and chocolate. It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, as well as foods containing large amounts of vitamins.

2. Herbal medicine (treatment with medicinal herbs). The basis of this therapy is decoctions and compresses. For decoctions, antitumor (wormwood, birch, celandine, burdock) and immunostimulating herbs (aloe, elecampane, propolis) are used. Compresses are mainly made from mint or honey.

Fibrocystic mastopathy: clinical picture and pathology treatment methods

Surgical treatment in the clinic for breast mastopathy

It involves the removal of affected tissue in the mammary glands. Most often, this method can cure fibrous or fibrocystic mastopathy when conservative therapy is ineffective.

When tissue is removed, the biomaterial is sent for histological examination in order to determine the nature of the neoplasm - benign or malignant.

Further treatment tactics will depend on the results of this study.

Fibrocystic mastopathy: clinical picture and pathology treatment methods

Treat or operate >>

Goals for the treatment of DFCM of the mammary glands

Most often, mammary hyperplasia occurs due to a violation of the level of hormone production in the female body. Most often, the development and treatment of FCM fibrous mastopathy is influenced by an imbalance of hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, and less often insulin. Let's consider the factors influencing the level of hormone production:

  1. Inflammatory formations in the pelvic organs (adnexitis), endometriosis, benign neoplasms (uterine fibroids) - disrupt the production of hormones by the genitals;
  2. Pathology of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism) – the production of hormones T3, T4 and TSH is disrupted;
  3. Diseases of the pancreas (diabetes mellitus) – insulin production is impaired;
  4. Diseases of the adrenal glands - the production of corticosteroid hormones is disrupted.
  5.    But there are other reasons for the development of mastopathy:
  6. 1. Hereditary predisposition;
  7. 2. Frequent medical abortions;
  8. 3. Permanent injury to the mammary glands;
  9. 4. Long-term hormonal therapy;

5. Bad habits (alcohol, smoking).

Medicines for mastopathy >>

Clinical symptoms at diagnosis

  • The difference between FCM mastopathy and malignant breast disease is that with fibrous mastopathy the lesion is always bilateral (both breasts are affected).
  •    The main symptoms include:

· Engorgement and nagging pain in the mammary glands.

  The pain is characterized by cyclicality: its peak occurs on the 1-2 day of menstruation, and at the end of menstruation it subsides.

· Pathological discharge from the nipples;

· The presence of nodes (nodular form of mastopathy) or compaction (diffuse form of mastopathy) in the upper part of the mammary glands. The fibrocystic form has both of the above complaints.

Diagnostics in the treatment of fibrous FCM

  1. Diagnostic examination for FCM consists of clinical and additional studies.


  2. Clinical researches:
  3. · Taking anamnesis;
  4. · Collection of complaints;

· Feeling (palpation) of the mammary glands - the structure of the breast, the presence of pain and any neoplasms are determined. Using this method, the attending physician can make a preliminary diagnosis.

  • Additional research:
  • · Blood test for hormones;
  • · Ultrasound examination of the mammary glands;
  • · X-ray examination of the mammary glands - mammography;
  • · Puncture examination - puncturing the detected node in order to determine its structure.

Self-examination is of no small importance - a woman examining her mammary glands. This examination is recommended to be done immediately after the end of menstruation.

  1.    Rules for conducting self-examination:
  2. · The examination is performed in front of a mirror;
  3. · Conditionally divide the mammary gland into 4 parts;
  4. · It is necessary to palpate each part;
  5. · Raise both hands up to assess the condition of the nipples: they should be at the same level, and there should be no dips or depressions on the gland itself;
  6. · Press on the nipples to identify the presence and nature of the discharge.
  7. The development of any pathology of the mammary gland may be indicated by the appearance of discharge from the nipples and their irregular shape, painful sensations in the mammary glands radiating to the shoulder, scapula; the presence of compactions and depressions in the chest.

The mammary gland plays an important role in the female body. This is an important organ that requires regular examinations and studies. Preventive measures and regular visits to the doctor can prevent the development of many unwanted pathologies. After all, preventing the disease DFCM is easier than treating it.


Fibrocystic mastopathy: symptoms, treatment, dangers, causes and diagnosis

Fibrocystic mastopathy is a benign formation that occurs as a result of changes in the tissue of the mammary glands. The appearance of fine-grained lumps in the breast area warns of the possibility of a malignant tumor.

The occurrence of mastopathy in women is accompanied by pain and hardening in the mammary glands. ICD-10 classifies this phenomenon as a benign pathology of the female breast, assigning code No. 60.

Together with heart attack, stroke, gastritis and ulcers, mastopathy is considered a disease of a psychological nature.

Types of mastopathy

Depending on the signs, pain and the impact of this phenomenon on the woman’s health, there are three stages in the development of this disease:

  • Diffuse mastopathy is an early stage of disease progression. During the initial stage, slight hardening and growth of the seals is observed. This stage of the disease does not pose a threat of cancer, but it does cause a lot of discomfort.
  • Nodal stage is a precancerous condition of the breast. This stage is characterized by the appearance of cystic formations. The next stage of this stage is oncology.
  • Mixed stage of the disease - nodular formations in the mammary gland are felt. This type involves the appearance of nodes and compactions in the tissues of the mammary gland. Symptoms at this stage may not appear for some time, which is the main reason why women seek medical help late.

Mastopathy with a predominance of the fibrous component is a form of the disease that occurs due to the proliferation of connective tissue and a decrease in the glandular epithelium in the breast. If the disease is not treated in time, it progresses and moves to the next stage.

Symptoms of the disease

The following symptoms indicate the occurrence of FCM:

  • Lumps and aching pain in the chest are the first symptom of mastopathy.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Nipple pain.
  • Fibrosis accompanied by chronic inflammation of the mammary gland.
  • White or brown discharge mixed with blood from the nipples.
  • Feeling of discomfort.
  • Redness and pinching of the glandular body in the chest.

Fibrocystic mastopathy: clinical picture and pathology treatment methods


The causes of this disease are not clear, but it has been proven that the slightest hormonal imbalance affects the development of this phenomenon.

After all, a woman’s mammary gland is a natural indicator that responds to the slightest changes in the body. When the concentration of hormones in the blood increases or decreases, the breast reacts accordingly.

Social, psychological and physical causes of this phenomenon:

  • heredity;
  • termination of early pregnancy;
  • infertility;
  • prolonged breastfeeding;
  • diseases of the female genital organs;
  • lack of iodine in the body;
  • ovarian diseases and disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • poor nutrition;
  • bad habits, including nicotine and alcohol addiction;
  • stress, insomnia, mental disorders;
  • polluted environment;
  • irregular sexual activity;
  • passive lifestyle and obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis;
  • synthetic, tight underwear that negatively affects the reproductive organs.

Fibrocystic mastopathy is psychological in nature. This is confirmed by science - psychosomatics, which studies the occurrence of diseases as a result of psychological processes. The list of diseases includes cancer. Psychological and hormonal reasons are the main causes of mastopathy.

Does mastopathy pose a danger to the body?

Gynecologists define this disease as benign, but with prolonged progression it develops into a malignant tumor.

From a medical point of view, the issue has not been resolved: one group of doctors is inclined to think that mastopathy is a precancerous stage, while the other is confident that the phenomenon is exclusively benign.

But representatives of both sides come to a common opinion: the problem should not be ignored and you should consult a gynecologist.

Fibrocystic mastopathy: clinical picture and pathology treatment methods

The pathology is dangerous because it increases the risk of cancer. In addition to a cancerous tumor, women may experience inflammation of the mammary gland or a cyst. This disease cannot be cured completely, but modern drugs can help stop the progression of the disease. In gynecology, doctors have come to a consensus: 60% of patients develop this disease by the age of 40.


The first signs of mastopathy are easy to identify by independently palpating the mammary glands. If you find the slightest hint of this disease, contact your gynecologist. It is not difficult to identify this disease thanks to technological progress in medicine.

Diagnosis by palpation and examination of the mammary glands is not enough; methods such as mammography and diagnosis using ultrasound should be added here. These methods can give an accurate idea of ​​the diagnosis.

X-ray is a method that allows you to detect the disease at an early stage in 90% of cases.

Doctors recommend mammograms every two years for women over 55 years of age and once a year for women under 55 years of age for preventive purposes. It is also recommended to undergo ultrasound examinations regularly.

Mammography also includes diagnostic methods such as optical mammography, tomosynthesis, ultrasound and MRI mammography. Their advantages are safety, efficiency and accuracy. Another popular method is puncture.

To determine the disease, the mammary gland is pierced with a hollow syringe, and the fluid taken from the organ is sent for further research.

Such methods help to detect pathologies of the mammary glands and inflammation of the lymph nodes. After confirming the diagnosis, the woman must undergo hormonal examinations. In 80% of cases, the cause of mastopathy lies in this.

Treatment of mastopathy

FCM of the breast is not a fatal disease and turns into cancer in 25% of cases. But it is almost impossible to get rid of this disease. Treatment is aimed at relieving inflammation and reducing hardened areas and depends on the degree of development.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, a person has two treatment options: medication and folk remedies. Further actions of the doctor depend on the severity and fibrocystic form of the disease. People resort to the medicinal method much more often than the folk method.

Let's take a closer look at each treatment option.

Fibrocystic mastopathy: clinical picture and pathology treatment methods

Treatment with drugs

  • Taking non-hormonal drugs. This category includes vitamins, minerals, substances that relieve inflammation and diuretics. The most popular drug is Wobenzym. This is a remedy consisting of substances of animal and plant origin, and thanks to which many women feel relief during the first month. The medicine is taken together with hormonal pills, as it can mitigate the side effects of them. The drug increases the body's defense reactions, improves immunity, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents the growth of cysts and malignant tumors.
  • Use of ointment for mastopathy. It refers to a non-hormonal method. This type of drug treatment is intended for external use and is combined with hormonal drugs. In mammology, this remedy is prescribed for diffuse mastopathy. Popular remedies include Zorka, Troxevasin ointment, Apilak and Indovazin. Troxevasin has an anti-inflammatory and strengthening effect. This gel is part of a comprehensive treatment and does not replace taking hormonal medications. You need to rub the gel into your chest twice a day. One of the most effective remedies is heparin ointment. It can speed up recovery and increase the effect of other medications taken. Creams, gels and ointments will help effectively fight inflammation and redness of the mammary glands.
  • Taking hormonal medications. Hormonal disorders are the main cause of this disease, so the main task is to correct the hormonal balance. For this, Duphaston, Progestogel gel, Utrozhestan and other gestagenic drugs are used.
  • Taking homeopathic remedies. Homeopathy is a new method of treating diseases of the mammary glands, based on the intake of components of animal origin. They strengthen the body and restore hormonal balance. Popular drugs include Mastodinon, Klimadinon, Femiglandin, Cyclodinone and Femiwell. It is prohibited to take the listed medications on your own.

Fibrocystic mastopathy: clinical picture and pathology treatment methods

  • Treatment with diet. The patient must adhere to a plant-based diet. But, first of all, it is advisable to get rid of bad habits, especially smoking tobacco products and alcohol. Eliminate harmful foods. These include flour products, sweets, and caffeinated drinks. If a woman wants to cure mastopathy, she will have to forget about coffee in the morning and drink warm water with lemon, smoothies or herbal tea. Gynecologists urge, first of all, to monitor nutrition, because this is one of the most important factors in the occurrence of breast disease. You need to make a schedule for eating and take care of saturating the body with useful vitamins and microelements (silicon, iodine and magnesium). A diet for mastopathy involves the introduction of fiber into the diet. Doctors advise taking vitamin tablets.
  • Restoring mental balance. A woman's mental health plays an important role. Excessive workload, insomnia, stress, nervous tension, inability to rest and abstract from routine bear fruit. If you do not pay attention to the state of your psyche in time, you can reach a precancerous state not only of the mammary glands, but also of other organs. It is advisable to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist. Stabilizing the mental component and establishing nutrition will bring the first results within two months. With timely intervention by gynecologists, the tumor can resolve over time.
  • Taking ASD. This is an antiseptic and a stimulant in one bottle. The medicine normalizes hormonal levels, eliminates pain, relieves inflammation and prevents the development of complications. The drug has no side effects, and pregnancy will not prevent the use of this medicine.

Treatment with folk remedies

Surgical intervention for mastopathy is not necessary and can be cured with the help of herbal medicine. But mammologists perceive this method as additional to drug treatment. Therapy with folk remedies is gaining more and more admirers, as it has no unpleasant side effects.

Fibrocystic mastopathy: clinical picture and pathology treatment methods

  • Decoction of medicinal plants. Tinctures must be taken orally. The following plants are useful for mastopathy: linden inflorescences, valerian, wormwood, burdock root, mint leaves and lemon balm. Recommended to be used in combination with folic acid.
  • Herbal tea belongs to a separate category, since drinking the drink in combination with oils and tinctures gives excellent results. It is worth using this method because plants are also rich in phytohormones. The practice of herbal medicine is coordinated with menstruation to avoid recurrent hormonal imbalance. The course of treatment lasts a maximum of three months.
  • External use of plants. You can make a chest compress from burdock and cabbage leaves. With this you can relieve inflammation and reduce pain. This is one of the safest treatment methods recommended for use during pregnancy.
  • Healthy oils. To get rid of this disease, the patient eats foods and takes medications containing phytoestrogen. Flax and apricot kernel oils contain high amounts of this natural hormone. The seeds of the plant contain healthy omega-3 and omega-6 fats, which correct the hormonal state of the body. It is recommended to consume one tablespoon of oil in the morning on an empty stomach. The result is noticeable within two weeks. Apricot kernel oil is a super remedy in the fight against cancer, including mastopathy. The healing properties of the seeds are determined by B vitamins. The first effect is felt within a month. Almond oil is no less useful in this case. Excessive consumption of oil causes side effects: headaches, constipation, weakness and vomiting.
  • Benefits of red brush root. Red brush is a root plant containing salidroside. This substance has anticancer and antibacterial properties. A tincture from this plant helps restore hormonal levels and the functioning of the endocrine glands, has a beneficial effect on the vascular system and removes toxins from the body. Recommended for use during menopause.

Fibrocystic mastopathy: clinical picture and pathology treatment methods

  • The benefits of celandine. Celandine tincture has a positive effect on the reproductive system of the female body and on hormonal balance. It is better to prepare the decoction yourself. To do this, grind the plant, add hot water and leave for 15 days in the refrigerator. After the expiration date, take a couple of drops in the morning on an empty stomach. The course should be completed no more than a month.
  • The benefits of boron uterus. Hog uterus (Ortilia unilateral) is a herbaceous plant rich in antioxidants, phytohormones and has anti-inflammatory properties. The leaves and stem contain tannins that remove toxins from the mammary glands. Borovaya uterus for mastopathy is a remedy that normalizes hormonal balance and does not harm the female body.


Even after a woman has undergone basic treatment, the possibility of relapse remains and residual mastopathy may occur. This disease is dangerous because it can lead to breast cancer. Residual effects are observed in 25% of patients and this is indicated by the following symptoms:

  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • chest pain;
  • nipple discharge.

Residual effects are similar to the symptoms that occur with fibrocystic mastopathy and do not cause negative consequences, but in 5% of women oncology occurs.

Consequences of ignoring mastopathy

Fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary gland occurs in 40% of women, but not everyone pays due attention to it. But the fact that the tumor is benign does not mean that there is no need for treatment or regular examination.

If the disease is not treated on time, advanced mastopathy develops into breast cancer, which subsequently requires surgical intervention. As a result, the woman will lose her breasts. The presence of this disease is equal to a hormonal imbalance in the body.

This negatively affects the body's condition and lowers immunity.

The occurrence of mastopathy in older women is dangerous. After 50, the female body weakens and menopause occurs. Ignoring such a disease at this age is fraught with negative consequences. In an advanced stage, breast cancer spreads to the axillary lymph nodes, which threatens the occurrence of lymphostasis.

In addition, the following complications arise:

  • Deterioration of health;
  • The appearance of cysts;
  • The occurrence of residual phenomena.

If you pay due attention at the initial stage of mastopathy development, the dense tissue in the breast can resolve. Ignoring the disease will cause unpleasant consequences.

Preventive measures

Prevention is the first thing a woman should think about when it comes to her reproductive health. To identify the disease at an early stage, you need to visit a gynecologist at least once or twice a year. It is important to observe the following preventive measures:

  • monitor your mental health;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • switch to proper nutrition;
  • give up caffeine forever and drink herbal tea;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • have regular sex life;
  • give birth at least twice;
  • give birth to your first child before the age of 27;
  • breastfeed up to 6 months;
  • minimize exposure to sunlight on the chest area and avoid going to the solarium and sauna;
  • introduce healthy fats into your diet: almonds, flaxseeds, chia seeds, fish oil, avocado and walnuts.

If the occurrence of mastopathy cannot be avoided, you need to consult a mammologist more often in order to slow down further development.

Fibrocystic mastopathy is a common phenomenon in the modern world. It does not pose a danger to women's health if mastopathy is detected at an early stage.

Treatment at the initial stage of mastopathy promises to be effective and painless.

To avoid surgery, you need to take preventative measures and carefully monitor your psychological health.

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23. Dyshormonal diseases: mastopathy. Reasons, classification. Clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis. Conservative and surgical treatment. Prevention. Mastopathy

With this disease, a wide
range of clinical and histological changes

is characterized by a combination of small and medium- sized

fibroadenomatosis, fibroadenosis), stromal proliferation

dysplasia of the epithelium of the ducts and gland

all gland tissues are involved in the process.
However, there is a predominance
another tissue, which leads to a variety of

from cysts to fibrosis, fibroadenosis, proliferation

ductal epithelium with elements of cell atypia

In accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health
of the RSFSR (1985), it is customary to distinguish between nodular and
diffuse mastopathy.
In turn, with the diffuse form of mastopathy,
4 forms are distinguished:

  1. with a predominance of the glandular component (adenosis),

  2. with a predominance of the fibrous component,

  3. with a predominance of the cystic component,

  4. mixed form.

According to the sources of occurrence, it is observed:

1) ductal (diffuse) mastopathy,
emanating from extra-lobular small
milk ducts (fibrous-cystic

2) lobular (nodular) mastopathy,
caused by hyperplasia of the lobules,
proliferation of the epithelium, and the formation of
dense nodes - “tumors”
limited only to the lobule of the gland.
They are difficult to distinguish from hyperplasia of the epithelium
of the terminal part of the gland lobule.

According to the severity of atypia, proliferation
of cells of the lobules and mammary ducts of the gland

  1. Benign parenchymal dysplasia without epithelial proliferation.

  2. Benign parenchymal dysplasia with epithelial proliferation without cell atypia.

Parenchymal dysplasia with epithelial proliferation and moderate atypia.

Dysplasia of the parenchyma with proliferation of the epithelium and frequent atypia

More than 90% of patients with mastopathy
have benign dysplasia
without proliferation or with slight
Less than 5% have mild, moderate or severe atypia.

In the ZA stage, changes associated
with mastopathy are considered precancerous, and
changes characteristic of ZB
are considered carcinomainsitu.
Precancer conditions are
benign diseases in
which tissues are more
prone to malignant degeneration

In case of carcinoma insitu, the criteria
characteristic of carcinoma are histologically detected, but without signs
of invasive growth and a tendency to

Changes in the gland during mastopathy
occur as a result of the reaction of the stroma and
epithelium of the gland to various imbalances
of hormones circulating in the blood,
local secretory hormones and
growth factors.

mastopathy is the most common
breast disease
in women aged 35-40 years.

The disease can affect one or both
in some cases, changes are observed within one or
more segments.

Etiology. The disease
is associated with a violation of the hormonal
status of patients.
It has been established that the content of prolactin, estradiol,
androgens, and follicle-stimulating
hormone in mastopathy is usually increased.
In the postmenopausal period, the concentration
of follicle-stimulating and luteotropic
hormones is reduced.

The decrease in the concentration
of these hormones is associated with
the suppression of the secretion of gonadotropic
hormones by prolactin and estradiol.
Some patients experience
progesterone deficiency or relative
A decrease in thyroxine (T4) and an increase
in the concentration of thyroid-stimulating
hormone (TSH) and prolactin
are often observed usually
no clear signs of hypothyroidism.

Changes in hormonal status
must be taken into account during treatment.

Thus, an important role in the development
of mastopathy belongs to prolactin and
disturbances in the ratio of estrogen and
progesterone, as well as an increase in the level
of follicle-stimulating hormone
of the pituitary gland.

Under the influence of endocrine
disorders, the cyclicity
of physiological processes in
breast tissue changes, which creates conditions
for the development of fibrocystic

Patients often experience
disturbances in ovarian-menstrual
and reproductive functions.

Pathological anatomy . During
pathological examination,
nodular and diffuse mastopathy are distinguished.
Nodular mastopathy is characterized primarily

of nodular formations

as adenofibromas, fibroadenomas, adenoses, fibromatosis

In the diffuse form,
fibrosis of the connective
tissue of the gland predominates and the formation of many
intracanalicular, barely noticeable cysts
ranging in size from a few millimeters to
large ones, more often observed in the elderly.

(cystadenomas) predisposed to
may be detected inside the cysts .

or less pronounced hyperplasia and
dysplasia of the epithelium of the mammary
gland lobules and tubules, fibrosis of the periacinar
and pericanalicular connective
tissue (sclerosing adenosis) may be observed

a biopsy was performed, then special
attention should be focused on
patients who exhibit
hyperplasia of the epithelium of the tubules and lobules of the mammary

Cystic changes are of less significance
Diffuse and nodular changes
in the gland can coexist together
or separately in different combinations.

It should be emphasized that similar
changes, expressed to varying degrees,
can be observed in the normal gland,
especially in elderly women.

Due to
the lack of a clearly defined clinical
and pathological-anatomical syndrome
of mastopathy, the question arises
whether these changes should be considered characteristic
of one disease - mastopathy,
especially considering the lack of a clear
association between fibrocystic
mastopathy and cancer.

Some authors,

a large number
over , came to
the conclusion that it was advisable to abandon
the term “mastopathy”, and instead
propose to consider each
pathological component of this
disease separately (S. D. Haagensen).

Thus, it is recommended to consider
fibrocystic mastopathy not as
a special nosological entity, but
as an excessively pronounced, abnormal
reaction of the mammary gland to various
physiological stimuli, observed
in most women and posing
a health risk in only a few.

Clinical picture and diagnosis .
Patients most often complain of

the nipples, nodular formations and hardening

Pain in the mammary glands often occurs
in girls and young women, occurring a
few days before and during menstruation
Upon examination, apart from soreness of the gland and some
swelling of the tissue, no changes
are detected.

This clinical
picture is referred to as mastodynia.
This is a temporary, physiological hyperplasia
of the gland.

For pain that causes significant
concern, symptomatic treatment

herbal preparation, painkillers

With diffuse mastopathy, the mammary
glands are painful on palpation.
In the gland, diffuse compaction

or oval
cysts nodules are detected.
After menstruation, these changes almost completely disappear.

There remains slight pain, heaviness, and
uniform compaction of the breast tissue
The mammogram reveals multiple shadows of irregular shape
diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of fibrosis

dense fibrous strands are determined by palpation.

The X-ray image
reveals layers of dense homogeneous
areas with pronounced heaviness.
If the cystic
component predominates, palpation reveals
multiple small cystic
formations of elastic consistency,
clearly demarcated from the surrounding

An x-ray reveals
a large-loop pattern with multiple clearings

to 6 cm or more.

With nodular mastopathy,
single or multiple, slightly painful,
tumor-like mobile nodes that are not
associated with the skin and nipple are identified.
The size of the nodes varies from a few millimeters
to 2-3 cm or more.

These changes are regarded
as fibroadenomatosis (adenofibromas,
fibroadenomas, adenosis), cysts of different
sizes (fibrocystic mastopathy).
The axillary lymph nodes are not
After the menstrual cycle

Some “nodes” enlarge

a cancerous tumor.

For differential diagnosis, ultrasound and mammography are used.
Currently , it is believed that ultrasound is more informative
than mammography.

Ultrasound in combination with
fine-needle biopsy makes it possible to more accurately
differentiate cystic formations
from dense nodes (adenomas), compacted lobules

Benign nodes (adeno-fibromas,
fibroadenomas, adenosis) have an oval
shape, clearly defined edges.

malignant neoplasms, the edges
of the tumor are irregular and wavy.
The structure of the node is finely lobed.
Strands and sometimes deposits of calcium salts
in the gland
are detected Areas of darkening caused by nodes
of clearing - cysts.

A reliable
diagnosis of nodular mastopathy can be
made only by examining
tissue obtained from a fine-needle
biopsy or histological examination
of a removed tumor (nodule).

Conservative and surgical treatment
is used Conservative treatment is indicated
for patients in whom, using ultrasound,
puncture biopsy of suspicious
nodes under ultrasound control and mammography,
it is possible to exclude the malignant
nature of the disease.

It should be
aimed at correcting existing
hormonal imbalances.
For the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy,
danazol (danol), a synthetic
derivative of ethisterone, which suppresses the production of
gonadotropic (follicle-stimulating
and luteinizing hormones) by the pituitary gland, is successfully used.

When treated
with this drug, in most patients
the size and number of nodular
formations in the mammary gland decrease,
pain disappears, the density of the
gland tissue decreases, and the layer of subcutaneous
fat increases (according to ultrasound and
For progesterone deficiency, a progestin, estroprogestin, is used.

(tamoxifen, linestrenol) and enzyme therapy
using Wobenzym for these purposes
are used with good effect Studies have shown that the effectiveness
of Wobenzym is higher than linestrenol.
Along with this, antiprolactin
drugs (bromocriptine) and vitamins are recommended.

Coffee, strong tea, and chocolate
the diet For mastodynia and mild forms of mastopathy,
mastodynon or other painkillers
Large cysts are aspirated under ultrasound guidance or removed.

In case of mastopathy, accompanied by
cell proliferation and atypia,
the most altered part of the gland is resected.
If the lesion is widespread and
cancer is suspected, a subcutaneous
or simple mastectomy is performed.
For nodular mastopathy, sectoral
resection of the mammary gland with urgent
histological examination
of the macroscopic specimen is indicated.


Medicines used in the case of fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary gland: what is it and how to treat it?

  • Fibrocystic mastopathy is a disease that can be diagnosed in every woman.
  • Therefore, any representative of the fair sex should know useful information about the main methods of treating this disease of the mammary glands.
  • In the article we will look in detail at whether it is possible to cure fibrocystic mastopathy completely, as well as treatment methods.

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Is it possible to cure fibrocystic mastopathy completely?

This disease requires mandatory treatment, sometimes for a long time. If you choose the right treatment methods, the prognosis is favorable.

After surgical treatment or drug therapy, fibrocystic mastopathy can be cured. But no doctor can give a woman a 100% guarantee that this disease will not reoccur.

How long will it take?

This disease does not have a clear treatment program, since it is selected individually, taking into account the age and general health of the patient.

Therefore, there are no accurate forecasts about how long the treatment course will last.

Treatment of this form of mastopathy is complex and lasts quite a long time.

In general , the disease is treated successfully and permanently in most cases . In some patients, improvements occur as early as 3-6 months of treatment.

Some require repeating several treatment courses.

What methods are used? 

Therapeutic treatment of this diagnosis is always complex. Conservative methods include taking hormonal and non-hormonal medications, as well as following a diet.

In some cases, doctors prescribe surgical treatment for FCM to their patient. In most cases, the indications for surgical intervention are the large size of breast tumors or their too rapid development.

Consequences if left untreated

If such a disease is detected, every woman should be registered with a mammologist. If you do not monitor the condition of the breast and do not start treatment on time, this can lead to the patient experiencing discomfort, which can be expressed as a burning sensation and pain in the chest.

Attention! An advanced stage of fibrocystic mastopathy may be a harbinger of the appearance of breast cancer.

In case of menopause

Very often, such a diagnosis as FCM occurs in a woman during menopause. This can easily be explained by the fact that menopause causes serious hormonal changes, which are the main factor in the development of all types of mastopathy.

A woman who has entered menopause should be more responsible about the health of her breasts and regularly visit a mammologist, as well as do an independent palpation examination of the breast.

There are also risk factors that increase your chances of developing this disease. These factors are:

  • too early onset of first menstruation;
  • a large number of pregnancies;
  • childbirth after 30 years, especially if this is the first pregnancy;
  • refusal to breastfeed or the impossibility of long-term breastfeeding of their children;
  • the presence of any menstrual irregularities;
  • excess weight;
  • diabetes mellitus and thyroid diseases;
  • gynecological diseases such as endometriosis, cervical polyps or fibroids.

FCM during menopause occurs due to local disturbances in the process of proliferation of connective tissue. In this case, cysts form in the dilated milk ducts. On palpation, the fibrocystic form of the disease manifests itself as small blisters against the background of compaction or as small nodules.

IMPORTANT! Such a disease during menopause can lead to very serious consequences. For example, to the development of the inflammatory process. Therefore, it is very important for a woman to pay attention to her well-being and at the first signs of intoxication or an increase in body temperature, she should visit a doctor.

Disease control scheme

Treatment of this disease is divided into conservative and surgical. Any specialist tries to do everything possible to prevent surgery. But sometimes surgery is the only option.

Conservative treatment

This treatment consists of non-hormonal and hormonal therapy. The non-hormonal therapy regimen for fibrocystic mastopathy includes the following points:

  1. following a non-strict diet. It should include a large amount of vegetables, fruits, seafood, as well as foods that contain a lot of fiber. Drink enough water. Also, a woman with this diagnosis should exclude cocoa, coffee, chocolate and foods that contain a lot of fat from her diet.
  2. The right way of life. A patient diagnosed with this form of mastopathy should give up alcohol and smoking. Moderate exercise will also be beneficial.
  3. Avoiding ultraviolet radiation. Women with these diseases should not sunbathe either on the beach or in a solarium.
  4. Taking vitamins. It is very important to avoid vitamin deficiency during this disease. Therefore, doctors often prescribe patients to take vitamins A, D, E and C. The course of taking vitamins must be repeated every couple of years.
  5. Taking medications that stabilize the nervous system and other non-hormonal drugs that the doctor prescribes based on the patient’s medical history. Hormonal correction.

Hormonal therapy, in most cases, includes taking medications with antiestrogens and progestogens. Moreover, the latter type is used much more often. Such drugs help reduce the level of estrogen in the blood and get rid of the negative effects of increased levels of this hormone.

Surgical intervention

Most often, surgery for FCM is prescribed in the presence of fibroadenoma or large cysts.

The most common methods of surgical intervention in this case are:

  • sectoral resection, in which neoplasms are removed along with part of the gland;
  • Enucleation of the cyst.

Any of these types of operations requires the use of general or local anesthesia. In addition, after surgical treatment, doctors can prescribe non-hormonal treatment, the scheme of which was described above.

Means and preparations

Medications used in the treatment of this disease should help eliminate the cause of the disease, as well as restore the body. The list of prescribed medications includes drugs from completely different drug groups.


For the treatment of mastopathy, vitamins A and E are prescribed , which have an antioxidant effect. In addition, patients with this diagnosis are often prescribed vitamin B6, which can normalize the state of the nervous system.


For the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy , hormonal agents are used such as:

  1. inhibitors of prolactin secretion (“Serocriptine”, “Lactodel”, “Apo-Bromocriptine” and other drugs);
  2. inhibitors of the production of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones (Danol, Danazol);
  3. drugs of the gestagenic type (Utrozhestan, Orgametril, Micronor and other drugs).

IMPORTANT! Only a doctor can prescribe a woman to take hormonal medications, since the wrong choice of medications of this type or the wrong dosage can lead to very serious consequences.


Such remedies help reduce the production of tarragon, an increased content of which leads to the occurrence of fibrocystic mastopathy.  

Taking such contraceptives allows you to get rid of the symptoms of mastopathy after just a few months of use. Also, such remedies are good for preventing this disease.

The most prescribed means of this kind are:

  • "Linestrenol". This drug suppresses ovulation and has a progestogenic effect. This drug is often recommended not only for mastopathy, but also for gynecological diseases.
  • "Silest". This contraceptive is a combination drug that prevents ovulation and prevents the release of gonadotropins.

Read about the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy with folk remedies here.

Fibrocystic mastopathy is a serious disease, which, if treated negligently, can significantly ruin a woman’s life and even develop into oncology. Therefore, it is very important to be examined by doctors and follow their instructions for treating this disease.


Fibrocystic mastopathy: clinical picture and pathology treatment methods Link to main publication
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