
Device for the treatment of prostatitis: the most effective physical devices

Prostatitis is exactly the disease that awaits every third man aged 20 to 50 years. Medicine has a wide arsenal of means and methods for treating this pathology. One of them is a device for the treatment of prostatitis.

Who can benefit from a device for the treatment of prostatitis?

Device for the treatment of prostatitis: the most effective physical devicesMen are reluctant to see a doctor about genitourinary problems

Most often, representatives of the stronger sex strive to find methods of treatment in a calm home atmosphere. Therefore, first of all, they pay attention to traditional medicine, proven medications and devices for the treatment of prostatitis.

But before you start self-medicating, you need to know that there are two main reasons for the development of prostatitis:

  • Poor circulation in the pelvic area;
  • Bacterial infection.

A device for the treatment of prostatitis is guaranteed to help in two cases:

  • If the cause of the disease lies in poor circulation in the pelvic area;
  • If the disease is at an early stage of development.

In all other cases, an integrated approach is required. If prostatitis is bacterial, appropriate drug therapy is carried out. As a concomitant treatment, it is possible to take herbal medicines. With this approach, the use of devices for the treatment of prostatitis at home will be effective.

It is worth noting that no matter what device is chosen, healing procedures must be performed regularly. Using the device from time to time is useless. All manufacturers of this equipment directly warn about this.

Contraindications to the use of devices for the treatment of prostatitis

Devices that affect the genitourinary area are not a toy. These are physiotherapeutic devices, the use of which cannot be ineffective. The prostate will always be affected. Therefore, there are contraindications to the use of devices to restore men's health.

Device for the treatment of prostatitis: the most effective physical devices

  1. Complications of hemorrhoids;
  2. Open wounds in the affected area;
  3. Oncological processes in the prostate, bladder or rectum;
  4. Bleeding disorders;
  5. Concretions (stones) in the prostate ducts;
  6. Exacerbations of diseases of the genitourinary system.

When self-medicating at home, a person himself makes the decision to use this or that remedy. He is responsible for his own decisions. Before proceeding with the procedures, you must read the manufacturer's instructions. This requirement applies to all medical devices.

Types of devices for the treatment of prostatitis

All modern devices designed to affect the prostate gland belong to one of three groups:

  • Rectal;
  • Non-invasive;
  • Transurethral.

The therapeutic effect can be achieved using different types of exposure:

  • Ultrasonic;
  • Mangit-pulse;
  • Vibration stimulating;
  • Electropulse.

Any device, regardless of the type of its effect, eliminates congestion in the prostate. They are caused by a complex of reasons, as a result of which a secretion, which is otherwise called “prostate juice,” gradually accumulates in the prostate.

During urological finger massage, the process of squeezing out secretions and improving blood circulation occurs. In this way, congestion is eliminated. You can get the same effect yourself by using an effective device for restoring men's health at home.

The range of medical devices includes many models of prostate massage devices. Judging by the reviews, domestic ones are no worse than expensive imported ones, since these devices do not have any complex designs or electronic circuits. The most popular models are:

  • "Androgyne";
  • "Soyuz Apollo";
  • "Sirius";
  • "Yarovit";
  • "Mavit";
  • "Akutest";
  • “I’ll just”;
  • "Intraton"
  • "Intramag".

  What is calculous prostatitis and methods of its treatment?

Rectal devices for the treatment of prostatitis are designed in such a way that it is as convenient as possible to massage the prostate through the anus. Minimally invasive are intended for external exposure through the skin.

Series of devices "Intraton"

Device for the treatment of prostatitis: the most effective physical devicesIntraton devices belong to the group of transurethral devices. The operating principle is based on electric pulse action. Prostate massage is carried out using special catheter electrodes.

The devices are designed to treat prostate diseases and help in the most advanced cases. The developers of these devices adhered to the main principle of purulent medicine: first remove the pus, then treat.

Models and principles of operation of Intraton devices

In chronic prostatitis, blockage of the excretory ducts of the gland is observed. In some cases, purulent microabscesses are present. To eliminate the manifestations of this pathology, Intraton devices were developed in several modifications: “3”, “3P”, “4”, “4F”, “5”, “5E”, “5P”, “5A”. These devices are distinguished by such functions as:

  • Maximum air vacuum in the catheter;
  • Maximum vacuum in the phallomassage glass;
  • The ability to carry out, in addition to the urethral, ​​rectal exposure.

All other parameters are the same:

  • Session time 10-15 minutes;
  • The maximum amplitude of stimulating pulses is 110 mA.

The “3P” and “5P” devices have distinctive properties: they provide the effect of electrophoresis with a maximum current of 1 mA and provide the possibility of rectal electrical stimulation. Models “4” and “5A”, in addition to electrical stimulation of the prostate, perform vacuum drainage of its ducts. This promotes faster removal of stagnation products.

Device for the treatment of prostatitis: the most effective physical devices Device for the treatment of prostatitis: the most effective physical devices

How do Intraton devices work?

The devices consist of a control unit and two electrodes. Before starting the physiotherapeutic procedure, one catheter is placed under the sacrum, the second is inserted into the urethra to the level of the seminal tubercle. Next, select the most convenient electrical stimulation mode and turn on the device by pressing the button on the control unit.

The use of Intraton devices in combination with drug treatment allows you to achieve positive results in a short period of time. The devices can be used for self-treatment of chronic prostatitis in a non-acute form.

Physiotherapeutic device "Mavit": characteristics and application

Device for the treatment of prostatitis: the most effective physical devicesThe physiotherapeutic device “Mavit” provides effective assistance not only in the prevention of prostatitis. According to clinical trials, pronounced improvements are noticeable after several sessions of exposure and in chronic prostatitis.

The functioning of the urinary system is normalized and potency is restored.

The device is harmless, painless, and highly effective. With daily use for 14-15 days, stable improvements are observed in more than 90% of men. The operation of the device is based on three principles of influence:

  • Magnetic;
  • Thermal;
  • Vibration.

All these three types of influence mutually reinforce each other during operation of the device. The action of the device is aimed at activating blood circulation in the pelvic area. The device consists of a rectal nozzle and a control unit. Before using the device, you must read the manufacturer's instructions and familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications.

Ereton device: characteristics and application

The Ereton device is well known to urologists for its effectiveness in the treatment of chronic prostatitis, prostate adenoma, and neurogenic erectile dysfunction. In combination with taking medications, it allows you to restore potency and eliminate the symptoms of prostate diseases.

Device for the treatment of prostatitis: the most effective physical devicesThe operating principle of the device is based on three therapeutic physical factors:

  • Low frequency electric current;
  • Mechanical vibration;
  • Constant magnetic field.

The device is designed in such a way that all types of influence can be used both in combination and separately.

As a result of using the device, blood microcirculation is enhanced and congestion in the pelvic area is eliminated.

The Ereton device belongs to the rectal category, is a self-sufficient remedy for the treatment of the initial stages of prostatitis and is effective in the prevention of this disease.

Indications for use:

  • For bacterial prostatitis in combination with drug treatment;
  • BPH;
  • For diseases that reduce the tone of the bladder sphincter.

The price of the device is low, and it can be recommended to every man for independent restoration of his reproductive health.

Device "Prostam": characteristics and application

The Prostam device has a simple design. It consists of a control unit and a nozzle connected to each other by an electrical cord. The device is a rectal type; to ensure an effect on the prostate, the nozzle is inserted into the anus. The control panel contains device operation indicators:

  • Device for the treatment of prostatitis: the most effective physical devicesGreen – the device is turned on;
  • Red – the device is faulty;
  • Yellow – the device is turned off.

The manufacturer guarantees trouble-free operation of the device for 3 thousand hours. The Prostam prostate massager has three types of effects:

  • Magnetic;
  • Vibromassage;
  • Warming.

The device is compact. The dimensions of the control unit are 150x85x60 mm. The maximum heating temperature of the rectal nozzle is 35°C. Recommended for use in the following pathological processes:

  • Urethritis;
  • Chronic prostatitis;
  • Adenoma;
  • Erectile dysfunction.

Triple transrectal exposure eliminates pain and relieves inflammation. The recommended course for the prevention of prostatitis is 9 procedures lasting 10-15 minutes. Before using the device, it is recommended to consult a urologist.

Apollo Soyuz apparatus: characteristics and application

Healthy lifestyle experts recommend that men be attentive to the condition of their reproductive system. The most important role in it is played by the prostate, the organ that produces seminal fluid. Diseases of the gland are fraught with urination disorders, pain, and the development of more serious complications.

Device for the treatment of prostatitis: the most effective physical devicesYou can normalize the condition of the prostate using home physiotherapeutic procedures. For these purposes, the Apollo Soyuz apparatus was developed.

This is one of the oldest devices, as it was first released in the Soviet Union, but has not yet lost its relevance.

Apollo Soyuz was developed for use in the space industry, hence its “space” name. It successfully passed all tests and gradually gained popularity among urologist patients. Currently, the device has been modernized: the design of the power supply and packaging has been changed.

"Soyuz Apollo" is a medical device. Intended for the treatment of sexual dysfunction in men caused by vascular diseases, poor lifestyle, and excess weight. When exposed to the device, the following occurs:

  • Blood circulation is activated, which ensures the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the prostate cells;
  • The lymph flow is activated, which ensures the removal of stagnation products from the gland.
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As a result of using the device, the risk of developing diseases of the genitourinary system is reduced and the general well-being of a man improves. The Soyuz Apollo device is a device of combined vacuum-vibromassage action. The low-frequency rarefied field has an anti-edematous and analgesic effect.

The vacuum helps improve blood supply to the prostate and penis. The man regains full erectile function.

As is the case with other devices for the treatment of prostatitis, independent use of the Apollo Soyuz device requires prior consultation with a urologist.

If you do not want to visit the clinic, you must carefully read the operating instructions that are included with the device.


Devices for the treatment of prostatitis: use and contraindications

Prostatitis is swelling of the tissues of the external tubular-alveolar gland. The pathology manifests itself only in men, since this gland is inherent only in the male body.

When the prostate becomes infected, it puts pressure on the urethra, and the male body fails to urinate, which is the main sign of the formation of prostatitis. Therapy for this pathology can be carried out only after an accurate diagnosis of the type and form of the disease, since treatment methods are different.

Devices and instruments for the treatment of prostatitis

Urologists recommend devices for the treatment of prostatitis in a hospital setting or for personal use. Due to the comprehensive influence on the disease area, the effectiveness of therapy increases significantly.

There are several types of special devices for the treatment of the pathology in question:

  1. Electrical devices that act on inflamed tissue using an electrical impulse. The main effect is on the walls of blood vessels, improving blood circulation, metabolism in tissues, and regenerating prostate cells.
  2. Vibroacoustic devices , which are based on the effect of vibrations on the external tubular-alveolar gland, relaxing the muscles of the gland.
  3. Magnetic therapy is also used in physical therapy. Today, such treatment is widespread. It reduces swelling, relieves pain, and improves blood circulation.
  4. Laser therapy is based on infrared laser exposure to soft rays on inflamed external tissues and is carried out exclusively by specialists.

Devices for the treatment of this pathology provide a positive effect in various types and forms of the disease, as well as in the prevention of relapses. Experts assure that treatment with such devices will help the patient quickly achieve the desired recovery.

Modern medicine is developing rapidly. Now devices for the treatment of prostatitis have a rapid therapeutic effect , which is achieved in a short time.

One of these effects is the ability, with the help of devices, to eliminate a benign formation that has affected the gland, which is in an acute form of inflammation. This has a qualitative preventive effect on the reappearance of pathology.

Indications and contraindications for use

Hardware procedures are recommended only in the area of ​​the urogenital unpaired muscle, located between the genital organ and the anus.

Indications for the use of devices for the treatment of prostatitis are the following factors:

  • Chronic form of the disease.
  • Infectious granulomatous form of the disease.
  • Adhesions and constrictions of the tissues of the external tubular-alveolar gland.
  • Disorders associated with nervous system disorders.
  • Difficulty in the outflow of venous blood with normalized arterial blood flow in the pelvis.
  • Decreased sexual desire.
  • Disruptions in the process of removing urine from the urethra.
  • Sexual dysfunction (impotence).

Special therapeutic devices that are used to cure this disease should not be used thoughtlessly. Their influence cannot remain without results. There will always be an effect on inflamed tissue and, in some circumstances, the result may be negative.

The following factors are contraindications to the use of devices:

  • Advanced stage of hemorrhoids.
  • Enlargement of the colon.
  • Purulent inflammation of the pelvic tissues.
  • Pathological formations.
  • Rectal prolapse.
  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • Damage to the anus.
  • Acute pathologies of the urinary system organ complex.
  • Hard deposits in the gland ducts.

Intolerance to treatment methods using physiotherapeutic devices, which are based on insertion into the body cavity through the rectum, is also a contraindication. In this case, therapy is prescribed using external mechanisms. They are not so popular due to the fact that the effect of use is less compared to invasive devices.

The most popular devices

There are two types of devices for the treatment of prostatitis:

  • Rectal physiotherapy devices are designed in such a way that tissue massage can be performed through the anus.
  • Minimally invasive devices are designed for external influence.

There are simply a huge number of devices and devices. They differ in types of construction and types of impact.

Among the most common models are the following:

Device for the treatment of prostatitis: the most effective physical devices

This device is produced in Russia. It affects inflamed tissues using electric pulses, magnetic fields and low frequency vibrations. Quite compact. Due to the peculiarity of the combination of three combinations of effects, it allows treating pathology at different stages and in different forms.

Device for the treatment of prostatitis: the most effective physical devices

Became a novelty in the field of treatment of prostate diseases. It is characterized by ease of use, connects to a computer, and has several electrodes of different voltages. Produces laser beams and a magnetic field.

Under the complex influence, blood density decreases, tissues are saturated with oxygen, and the pelvic muscles are activated.

Let's just say
Device for the treatment of prostatitis: the most effective physical devices

A fairly compact device consisting of a control panel, an attachment and a connecting cord. Acts directly, administered through the anus. It has three types of effects on inflamed tissues: magnetic, warming, vibration massage. Eliminates pain symptoms, relieves inflammation. Comprehensive treatment with the device in combination with medications is recommended.

Device for the treatment of prostatitis: the most effective physical devices

The most common device that is recommended by many experts. Like Prostam, it has a complex effect. Painless, due to its size and ease of use, it can be treated at home. Improves blood circulation in affected areas, increases the absorption effect of medications. Promptly eliminates signs of the disease.

Device for the treatment of prostatitis: the most effective physical devices

Also recommended by experts. Safely acts using thermal electrodes. The procedure does not require pain relief; treatment with such a device at home is impossible. The device is designed in such a way that there is no need to monitor the rectal temperature.

Device for the treatment of prostatitis: the most effective physical devices

The device is designed to relieve tissue swelling independently and at home. Based on vibroacoustic influence, it has several modes depending on the emitted frequencies. Restores blood circulation.

Many men over 35 years of age are susceptible to prostatitis. At the first symptoms of the disease, you should consult a doctor.

This pathology can be eliminated quite quickly thanks to drug therapy, as well as treatment with physiotherapeutic devices.

In modern medicine, there are many different devices that take into account all types, forms of disease and individual characteristics of the body.


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Device for the treatment of prostatitis: the most effective physical devices

  • Medical devices for restoring the functions of the male reproductive glands are prescribed by a doctor.
  • The presented devices act directly on the problem area of ​​the organ and activate hemodynamics.
  • Devices for the treatment of prostatitis and adenoma inhibit catabolic reactions.

As practice has shown, medical devices are effective in eliminating chronic pathologies. Thanks to their action, hemodynamics in problem areas are restored and pain is relieved.

Professional medical devices intensify the synthesis of bioactive compounds in the patient’s body, which regulate the functioning of the genital organs. Transrectal medical devices instantly eliminate signs of the disease.

The most popular methods of instrumental therapy for the prostate include the following techniques:

  1. Laser therapy. One type of alternative therapy is based on the use of a monochrome beam of light of a certain wavelength. The laser effect depends on the wavelength.
  2. Vibroacoustics. One of the types of vibration therapy, the therapeutic effect is carried out using shock waves of a liquid or a magnetic field.
  3. Electrical stimulation. Exposure of the body to microwave pulses in order to excite, strengthen and restore the functions of a weakened organ.
  4. Magnetotherapy. The method is based on the use of a static magnetic field.
  5. Ultrasound therapy. This method is based on the use of high-frequency ultrasound. The therapeutic effect of ultrasound is associated with thermal, mechanical, physical, reflex, and chemical effects.

Device for the treatment of prostatitis: the most effective physical devices

According to the place of application, all devices for the treatment of prostate adenoma and prostatitis are classified into transrectal and non-invasive equipment. Thanks to the use of transrectal techniques, it is possible to achieve the effect of stable remission in the absence of exacerbations and complications.

Prostate massage is the best way to restore its functionality. Minimally invasive methods of therapy are less effective, but do not require special knowledge and training, so they are more often used at home.


Physiotherapy methods are actively used to combat pathologies of various etiologies. They are able to cure the patient in a short time.


The medical device for prostatitis is used in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • neurogenic dysfunction;
  • impotence;
  • prostatovesiculitis;
  • urethritis;
  • stones in the prostate gland;
  • dysuria;
  • infertility;
  • erectile disfunction.


Devices for prostatitis cannot be used if:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • proctitis;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • rectal prolapse;
  • anal fissures;
  • thrombosis;
  • hyperplasia;
  • destructive processes in the rectum;
  • Hirschsprung's disease;
  • malignant tumors;
  • hypersensitivity.

In the acute course of diseases, instrumental devices for prostatitis in men cannot be used. There is a high probability of developing undesirable effects that are associated with the generalization of the pathological process.

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A modern urological apparatus can use the following types of influences:

  • electric. The technology activates the restorative functions of the body, allows tissue stimulation, and improves blood circulation in the male genital organs;
  • laser Urological equipment of this type provides a painless therapeutic effect on the prostate, triggering tissue regeneration processes;
  • vibration and vacuum. Both technologies involve mechanical action, which is an artificial stimulator of natural processes. Tissue training has a tonic effect, allows the body to remember the algorithm for the correct functioning of the genital organs;
  • thermal Helps normalize metabolism and has a positive effect on blood circulation. Widely used in urology and gynecology;
  • magnetic. Forces tissue cells to work in enhanced mode, increasing the regenerative properties of the body;
  • acoustic. Different types of waves are used for medicinal purposes, opening up wide possibilities for therapeutic effects.
  1. — antispasmodic and neurotropic effects of vibration and magnetic field;
  2. — reducing venous stagnation, accelerating capillary blood flow, increasing vascular tone;
  3. — acceleration of lymph outflow;

- pronounced anti-edematous effect.

Hardware physiotherapy for prostate diseases is relevant for intensive treatment of chronic prostatitis or benign hyperplasia. Active stimulation of blood circulation in the prostate parenchyma reduces tissue swelling, eliminates perivascular vessels, and restores blood flow.

The prostate treatment device has a positive effect on the production of enzymes, specific prostate secretions necessary for its normal functioning. Inhibition of connective tissue growth while improving blood flow and intracellular respiration allows this method to be used not only in the treatment of prostatitis, but also in prostate adenoma.

Transrectal exposure quickly eliminates unpleasant symptoms due to the direct effect on the posterior surface of the prostate through the intestinal wall. The use of this method makes it possible to achieve stable remission and the absence of exacerbations for a long time.

Non-invasive exposure through the perineal tissue is less effective, but can be freely used independently at home, without requiring specialized training. Non-invasive vacuum devices indirectly affect prostate blood flow by balancing the pressure inside the corpora cavernosa of the penis.

Hardware techniques include:

  • electrical stimulation, carried out by the attending physician through microcurrent exposure;
  • vibroacoustics, microvibration massage against edema, suitable for self-administration;
  • laser therapy, infrared laser exposure to soft rays on prostate tissue, carried out by specialists;
  • magnetotherapy, creating a magnetic field over the source of inflammation at home.

Reviews of devices for prostate treatment differ depending on the brand of the device. The classical method of exposure to a magnetic field (Almag, Mavit, Prostam, Ranet) has more positive reviews due to the rapid onset of the therapeutic effect. Men note a long-term absence of exacerbations, in some cases - reverse growth of the hyperplastic prostate gland.

• chronic prostatitis • chronic pelvic pain syndrome • overactive bladder • enuresis

• ganglioneuritis

• vulvovaginitis

• pelvic pain due to PID

• vaginal dysfunction in postmenopause

• stimulation of fallopian tube activity

• congestion of the pelvic veins in virgins

Prostate Treatment Devices

To relieve chronic inflammatory reactions in the pelvis, various hardware techniques are used. It is important to choose the most effective one. All medical devices are classified according to indications, cost or principle of operation.

Professional physiotherapeutic devices often have a combined effect. The table shows the most common devices.

Before purchasing a device for the treatment of prostate adenoma or a device for the treatment of prostatitis, you need to clarify all the details of therapy and exclude possible contraindications. Only a specialist will be able to correctly assess the situation and predict the result of the therapeutic action.

This group of devices is considered the most effective. A positive therapeutic result is observed in 80% of cases. Electrical impulses enhance the passive peristalsis of lymphatic capillaries and activate the work of the prostate.

Treatment of prostate adenoma with electrical impulses is not recommended. 

Device for the treatment of prostatitis: the most effective physical devices

Electrical stimulation is prescribed for the following ailments and complaints:

  • pain in the genital area;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland of infectious and non-infectious origin;
  • as a preventive measure.

Thanks to electrical stimulation, there is a decrease in the rate of atrophic and sclerotic changes in tissues.

Equipment for electrical stimulation:

  • Sirius;
  • AndroGyn;
  • Flexing Flavio;
  • Ultratone;
  • Shuboshi.

Vibration devices

Disturbances in the functioning of the male genitalia are most often observed in patients who lead an unhealthy lifestyle and do not have regular sexual relations.

A device for the treatment of prostate adenoma mechanically stimulates the muscle fibers (myocytes) of the gland, restores their tone, and relieves signs of irritation in the urethra by improving the evacuation of secretions.

Some devices combine the effects of microvibration, infrared radiation and a magnetic field. During the procedure, a double effect is achieved. The cost of vibration devices is relatively small, so they are very popular in our country.

Patients most often buy the following devices:

  • Aerosmith;
  • Intramag;
  • Nanoprost.

The magnetic field has a beneficial effect on the functioning of a living organism. Innovative devices use frequency-resonant oscillations. When the frequency of the magnetic field changes, tissue heating is observed.

To eliminate signs of prostate adenoma, doctors often prescribe thermometry. This method is also effective in eliminating signs of chronic prostatitis.

Appliances for home use:

  • Ermak;
  • Almag;
  • Mavit;
  • Rennet;
  • I'll just say it.

Ultrasound therapy

Perhaps this is the best device for treating the prostate at home. Reviews from patients and doctors confirm this. The operating principle of the device is based on microwave thermotherapy. Low-frequency waves have a beneficial effect on the functioning of neurocytes and somatic cells.

Experts strongly recommend installing applicators on bioactive points responsible for the functioning of the male genital organs.

Laser therapy

A physiotherapy device is often used to normalize prostate function. The applicator is inserted through the rectum to the location of the prostate. Laser radiation activates the process of tissue regeneration, provides an analgesic effect, and enhances cellular respiration and immunity.

Professional devices are much more powerful than household devices. But devices for home use can also be used for therapeutic and preventive purposes.

The most popular devices include the following:

  • Matrix-Urologist;
  • Yarovit;
  • Milta;
  • AndroGyn.

DETAILS: Urology male treatment physiotherapy vacuum procedure

A transrectal medical device for prostatitis should not be used in the presence of acute proctitis, as well as in pathologies associated with destructive processes. When treated with the Milta apparatus, there are no consequences such as pain, complications, swelling and relapses.

Rikta apparatus

Treatment of prostate adenoma with the Rikta apparatus is very effective. Its structure is quite complex and therefore requires certain knowledge and skills. Before you understand how to use it, you need to study the basic principles of its operation and security nuances. You can operate the presented unit yourself without much difficulty.

Rikta equipment affects bioactive points. The device comes with an additional set of optical attachments.

  • All of these factors stimulate the body’s immune resistance, which helps fight many pathologies.
  • The Rikta device is used by men and women, and this is not surprising, since the device can be used to treat more than 150 diseases.
  • When treated with the Rikta device, the risk of relapse is minimized.

Characteristics and purpose of Irbis

The Irbis medical device is quite popular among men who do not want to advertise their diagnosis and are ready to be treated at home. Home devices for the treatment of prostatitis are a good alternative to using medications.

The medical product Irbis has an anti-inflammatory effect in two ways: vibration and ultrasonic waves. Treatment of prostatitis with the Irbis device is comfortable and does not require significant time investment.

Device for the treatment of prostatitis: the most effective physical devices

Rectal insertion of optical attachments (applicators) requires the use of additional means (lubricant, condom, disinfectants). The course of therapy is 7 to 10 sessions.

Vibrate mode continuous and modulated
Modulation type chaotic
Modulation frequency adjustment range from 0.1 to 3Hz
Vibration frequency 50 Hz
Vibration amplitude 1-2mm
Heat adjustable, surface, switchable
Maximum heating temperature  50°C
Magnetic field strength in the working area (at a distance of 40mm-60mm from the surface) 15mT
Maximum set procedure time 15 minutes
Power consumption from 220V/50 Hz, no more 50 V•A
dimensions 300x70 mm
Vibrator pillow with heating element 1 PC.
Electronic unit of the device "AVIM-1" 1 PC.
Network cable 1 PC.
Passport combined with operating instructions     1 PC.

The electronic unit of the device is equipped with a mounting device for installing it on the instrument rack of a urological or gynecological complex.

(812) 438-10-48, 554-03-88, 554-03-79


Any drug for prostatitis, if used incorrectly, can be harmful to health, so there are some restrictions on their use.

Before prescribing physiotherapy, it is necessary to conduct a clinical examination of the patient. The device for the treatment of prostatitis must be used according to the established instructions.

Device for the treatment of prostatitis: the most effective physical devices

Instrumental therapy in combination with medications allows you to achieve maximum results in urogenital practice.


Device for the treatment of prostatitis: use at home, principle of operation

Device for the treatment of prostatitis: the most effective physical devices

The use of devices in the treatment of prostatitis is a modern method of therapy for men with inflammatory lesions of the prostate gland or adenoma. Locally irritating massage effects in combination with various types of physiotherapeutic radiation are widely used in urological practice, due to the rapid onset of remission and rare exacerbations after treatment.

Indications for the use of medical devices for the treatment of prostatitis include:

  • chronic prostatitis;
  • granulomatous prostatitis;
  • adhesions, constrictions of prostate tissue;
  • erectile disfunction;
  • urinary disorders;
  • venous stagnation of the pelvis;
  • decreased libido;
  • neurogenic disorders.
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The acute stage of inflammation is a relative contraindication to the use of devices for the treatment of prostatitis due to the high risk of complications and spread of infection to nearby pelvic organs. Hardware procedures are indicated only in the area of ​​the urogenital diaphragm, located between the penis and the anus.

Contraindications to the use of devices for the treatment of prostatitis:

  • severe stage of hemorrhoids;
  • anal fissures;
  • rectal prolapse;
  • megacolon;
  • neoplasms (regardless of the stage, localization of the process);
  • pelvic abscesses;
  • thrombus formation;
  • acute surgical pathology.

Individual intolerance to invasive methods of hardware exposure through the rectum leads to the use of external physiotherapy devices or traditional medicine methods. The effect of such procedures is significantly lower compared to specialized invasive devices for the treatment of prostatitis.

The medical market offers a wide selection of devices for the treatment of prostatitis; choosing a suitable device often causes difficulties for men.

Pay attention to the following devices:

  • Mavit (vibration-massage, thermal effects, magnetic field over the lesion).
  • Soyuz-Apollo (non-invasive pulsating electromagnetic field with different frequencies of influence, vacuum effect).
  • Simple (pronounced thermal effect, magnetic field, soft vibration attachment).
  • Uzormed (laser infrared induction, pulsed microcurrents).
  • Ermak (non-invasive magnetotherapeutic effect, vacuum effect).
  • Acutest (low-energy bioresonance waves).
  • Thermex (Israeli device, thermal radiofrequency exposure).

When choosing a device for the treatment of prostatitis, it is necessary to rely on the availability of clinical trials and a proven level of safety of the device. For example, the little-known devices Redan and Irbis do not have a state certificate from the Ministry of Health, there is no data on the clinically proven effectiveness of these devices and their effect on the male body.

The principle of operation of devices for the treatment of prostatitis is based on a direct effect on damaged prostate tissue and restoration of blood circulation. Elimination of hyperthermia with the help of drug therapy leads to a decrease in swelling of the prostate parenchyma, preparing for the effects of microvibration.

In case of chronic diseases or dysfunctions of reproductive activity, the cause is often a sedentary lifestyle, leading to venous stagnation in the pelvis. The hardware effect restores the patency of the vascular bed, provokes active blood flow, and reduces the risk of collapse of the vessel walls.

The use of devices for the treatment of prostatitis at home is becoming more and more comfortable , which is due to innovative developments that allow a man to relax during the procedure. Computerized technologies automatically control the process of manipulation, time and force of influence, depending on the parameters specified in the program.

Device for the treatment of prostatitis: the most effective physical devices

The prostate treatment device has a positive effect on the production of enzymes, specific prostate secretions necessary for its normal functioning. Inhibition of connective tissue growth while improving blood flow and intracellular respiration allows this method to be used not only in the treatment of prostatitis, but also in prostate adenoma.

Transrectal exposure quickly eliminates unpleasant symptoms due to the direct effect on the posterior surface of the prostate through the intestinal wall. The use of this method makes it possible to achieve stable remission and the absence of exacerbations for a long time.

Non-invasive exposure through the perineal tissue is less effective, but can be freely used independently at home, without requiring specialized training. Non-invasive vacuum devices indirectly affect prostate blood flow by balancing the pressure inside the corpora cavernosa of the penis.

Hardware techniques include:

  • electrical stimulation , carried out by the attending physician through microcurrent exposure;
  • vibroacoustics , microvibration massage against edema, suitable for self-administration;
  • laser therapy , infrared laser exposure to soft rays on prostate tissue, carried out by specialists;
  • magnetotherapy , creating a magnetic field over the source of inflammation at home.

Reviews of devices for prostate treatment differ depending on the brand of the device. The classical method of exposure to a magnetic field (Almag, Mavit, Prostam, Ranet) has more positive reviews due to the rapid onset of the therapeutic effect. Men note a long-term absence of exacerbations, in some cases - reverse growth of the hyperplastic prostate gland.

Device for the treatment of prostatitis: the most effective physical devices

The Mavit device is one of the most popular devices for the treatment of prostatitis; it has a proven level of safety and a wide range of clinical studies. Vibration has a pronounced local irritating effect, which, together with thermal effects, allows you to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect.

The Nanoprost device is a method of non-invasive therapy and is much less effective compared to rectal administration. Microvibration, magnetic and thermal effects on the penis lead to an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse, increases libido, but does not have a direct effect on prostate tissue.

The Happy Men device is an analogue of the domestic device with clinically proven effectiveness, Soyuz-Apollo, and differs from it in the function of jet water massage of the glans penis. Non-invasively used to treat problems with potency, blood stagnation in the corpora cavernosa, and poor sperm motility.

The EOS device affects the prostate gland with electrical vibrations of various frequencies; the latest modification of the device includes a rectal attachment with the possibility of microvibration massage. The device is extremely effective in the treatment of many diseases of the male reproductive system and urogenital tract.

Prices for devices for the treatment of prostatitis depend on the range of effects, brand, and country of manufacture.

The most expensive devices are “EOS”, “Mavit”, “Termex”, the cost of which ranges from 30 to 75 thousand rubles.

The Mavit device has more affordable analogues, designed specifically for the average consumer; their price ranges up to 12 thousand rubles.

The most affordable devices for the treatment of prostatitis are vacuum pumps , the cost of which is up to 3 thousand rubles, however, the effectiveness of these devices in the treatment of prostatitis has not been clinically confirmed. The average price for the most effective devices ranges from 1800 to 7900 rubles.


Device for treating prostatitis at home

Prostatitis requires close attention to the health of the prostate gland. To ensure maximum effectiveness of therapy, you can think about which device to choose for treating prostatitis at home.

Device for the treatment of prostatitis: the most effective physical devices

By itself, it is not capable of leading to complete recovery. But as part of complex therapy it can show very good results. In particular, such devices can improve blood circulation and lymph flow. And also: relieve swelling and reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process, have a bacteriostatic effect.

Features of hardware treatment

Physiotherapy can be quite time-consuming. Therefore, some men, having the financial means, prefer to buy a device for the treatment of prostatitis directly at home, which saves time and does not have to adapt to the clinic’s schedule.

According to their focus, devices are distinguished:

  • Magnetic (lead to improvement of local immunity and metabolic processes).
  • Vibroacoustic (relieves swelling from the prostate and triggers the regenerative functions of cells).
  • Electrical (contract muscle tissue and prevent congestive symptoms).
  • Bioresonance (activate the functioning of the patient’s systems and organs in a healthy manner).
  • Laser (have an antibacterial effect and provide tissue restoration).
  • Vacuum (improves blood circulation and lymph flow, which leads to normalization of processes in the prostate).

The devices can be used non-invasively or transrectally. In the first case, we are talking about superficial exposure through the skin and other tissues of the human body. It is very convenient, does not require special preparatory procedures and provides maximum comfort when used at home.

The transrectal method of using the devices involves introducing a massager directly into the area of ​​the prostate gland through the anus. Due to the targeted action, blood circulation in the pelvic organs improves, swelling of the prostate decreases and the intensity of the inflammatory process decreases. Popular devices today are:

Transrectal devices can be an alternative to direct prostate massage if the patient is unable to visit the clinic for some reason. However, the use of such therapies should be agreed with your doctor.

A personal examination will help identify indications or, conversely, contraindications for starting a massage course. Not every type of prostatitis allows transrectal exposure to the prostate gland.

Device for the treatment of prostatitis: which one to choose?

First you need to know your diagnosis accurately. Simply suspecting prostatitis is not enough to make the right choice among a wide range of modern medical equipment. There are devices with a specific focus, and possibly a complex effect on the genitourinary area of ​​a man.

Device for the treatment of prostatitis: the most effective physical devices

So, for the prevention and treatment of congestive prostatitis, it is best to use a device that sends electrical impulses to the prostate organ. It promotes intense contraction of muscle tissue, which neutralizes congestive symptoms. However, in case of calculous prostatitis, the use of such a device is strictly contraindicated.

In preventing the worsening of chronic prostatitis, attention should be paid to the complex effect on the genitourinary system. Therefore, it is worth choosing a device for treating prostatitis at home that can have an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect and, if necessary, neutralize swelling of the prostate gland.

For quick and effective resolution of acute prostatitis, thermal exposure is indicated. And mechanical is unacceptable. It is best to give preference to physiotherapeutic devices that heat the area where the prostate is located.

This improves blood flow, helps the immune system work intensively, relieves inflammation and relieves pain. Some devices can even have a sedative effect, which leads to normalization of the patient’s general condition.

In matters of prostatitis prevention, vacuum and non-invasive devices are becoming leaders. They are easy to use and do not involve any physical discomfort. This device for treating prostatitis at home is very easy to use. And the effect is in no way inferior to transrectal and bioresonance effects.

The price range of devices for the treatment of prostatitis varies greatly. The cheapest representatives are located in the segment of electrical medical devices. The starting price starts from one and a half to two thousand rubles. But there are also professional physiotherapeutic devices, the cost of which exceeds 50,000 rubles.


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