Vulgar warts are one of the most common types of benign skin viral tumors. They occur in 70% of human papillomavirus carriers. Typically, this type of HPV affects children and adolescents aged 12-16 years. It is impossible to completely get rid of this disease, but the activity of the virus can be suppressed in various ways.
Causes of warts vulgaris
Vulgar warts are viral skin lesions. Papillomavirus type 2 is responsible for the appearance of these growths. The main route of entry of this pathogen into the body is contact. It is easily transmitted in everyday life from an infected person to a healthy person through handshakes, touching, and the use of shared objects.
This virus is very common, and contact with it usually occurs in childhood. The “gates” for infection are often cuts, abrasions, and irritation of the epidermis, which often happens in an active child. Therefore, many children and adolescents have vulgar warts.
The incubation period for HPV can be different and range from 1 month to several years. This is due to the fact that the pathogen is able to maintain vital activity for a long time in the deep layers of the epidermis and at the same time not manifest itself.
The following factors are favorable for the development of papillomavirus: a general decrease in immunity, hypothermia, colds, chronic illnesses, addiction to unhealthy food, smoking, drugs, alcohol, pregnancy, hormonal imbalances, reduced physical activity, severe stress. Against the backdrop of deteriorating health, vulgar warts usually appear. In addition, shaving, the habit of biting nails and the skin around them, and various peelings contribute to the formation of growths.
A characteristic feature of viral growths is their tendency to autoinoculate. This feature is expressed in the spread of simple warts to healthy areas of the epidermis.
Some people may never develop these tumors even though they are infected with HPV. But, knowing what causes warts vulgaris, the patient remains a carrier of the virus and poses a danger to healthy people.
Another characteristic feature of vulgar warts is their tendency to self-heal. Often these formations disappear in children after stabilization of the immune system or hormonal levels. After a person has had this disease once, a more or less stable immunity is formed and warts may never appear again.
- See also the main causes of papillomas
Symptoms and diagnosis of vulgar warts
Photos of vulgar warts
The “favorite” place to be affected by vulgar warts is the back of the hands and feet. Less often they appear on the palms and face. Almost never affects mucous membranes.
The growths range in size from 2 to 10 mm, are flesh-colored, sometimes yellow, pink, or grayish. The older the wart, the darker it becomes. They can form singly or in groups. Usually, daughter ones appear near one large neoplasm.
A distinctive feature of such warts is their tendency to appear symmetrically. Such growths are also called “kissing warts.” As a rule, they are located on both sides of the skin fold or along the fold line of the phalanges of the fingers.
Often, vulgar warts form near the nails, along the line of the nail fold. Most often, this arrangement occurs in children and adolescents who tend to bite their nails and the skin around them, which often develop hangnails. Skin trauma is a provoking factor for the formation of warts.
Typically, vulgar warts remain on the skin for 2 to 12 months. After this period, they tend to die off on their own. However, they often form elsewhere afterwards if HPV is not treated.
Most often, the diagnosis of “vulgar warts” is made at the initial appointment during a visual examination of the patient. But if there is some doubt about the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations.
Tests are carried out to differentiate wart vulgaris from skin tuberculosis, basal cell carcinoma, keratoma, lichen planus, manifestations of syphilis, molluscum contagiosum and verrucous nevus.
Usually, to clarify the diagnosis, patients with suspected warts are sent for a PCR test. It allows you to identify the content of papillomavirus in the blood and its strain. After this, you can accurately determine the cause of the growths.
- what does a wart vulgaris on the hand look like?
Treatment methods for warts vulgaris
In most cases, vulgar warts go away on their own within a certain time and do not require medical intervention. However, there are a number of indications for the treatment of vulgar warts.
For example, numerous growths, a pronounced cosmetic defect, severely weakened immunity due to cancer, HIV.
It is also recommended to remove tumors if they interfere with physical activity or the patient is undergoing major surgery.
Removal of vulgar warts
If the tumor causes significant physical or psychological discomfort to the patient, and also if there are direct indications for removal of the growth, the most effective method is destruction of the wart. These are various techniques that help remove a tumor without a trace using certain tools and substances.
Let's look at the most popular methods for removing vulgar warts:
- Cryoremoval . This procedure uses liquid nitrogen or dry ice. The specialist treats the growth with a substance, and the soft tissue of the wart is frozen. After this, a bubble resembling a burn forms on the skin. After some time, it dries out along with the growth. After exfoliation of the affected epidermis, healthy, clean skin remains underneath. The advantages of the method are relative cheapness and availability. Disadvantages - there is a possibility that several procedures will be required before the tumor is completely removed, and scars may also form on the skin. The price of cryoremoval of a vulgar wart is 450-1100 rubles in Russia and 200-450 hryvnia in Ukraine.
- Radio wave removal . In this case, a special device “Surgitron” is used, which produces high-frequency radio waves. They evaporate the liquid from the wart cells. Thus, the neoplasm dries out and falls off after a few days. The method is highly effective, non-invasive, and is characterized by a rapid process of tissue regeneration. After such removal of a vulgar wart, scars rarely remain on the skin. One of the disadvantages of radio wave exposure is the high cost of the method. The cost of the procedure is 1800-2650 rubles in Russia and 470-1200 hryvnia in Ukraine.
- Laser removal . As in the previous method of removing growths, the laser beam evaporates the growth tissue. Only a small crust forms at the site of exposure, which falls off after a few days along with the remnants of the vulgar wart. This method of removing tumors is considered the most popular, as it is very common, accessible and effective. Laser destruction rarely leaves noticeable marks on the skin. The price of the procedure is 750-2150 rubles in Russia and 280-700 hryvnia in Ukraine.
- Electrocoagulation . Removal of tumors occurs using a metal loop to which an electric current is applied. The manipulation is carried out only under local anesthesia, as it is quite painful. A thermal burn often forms at the site of exposure. Recently, it has been used quite rarely, as more painless and effective methods for the destruction of vulgar warts have appeared. The cost of the operation is 700-1150 rubles in Russia and 230-500 hryvnia in Ukraine.
- Surgical excision . The procedure is performed under local anesthesia using a surgical scalpel. Sutures are placed at the excision site. A traumatic and painful manipulation, which is used only to remove large growths, as well as those that are prone to malignant degeneration. Scars may remain at the surgical site. The price of the operation is 530-850 rubles in Russia and 200-300 hryvnia in Ukraine.
- Chemical exposure . For this procedure, locally necrotizing and keratolytic substances are used. These are aggressive concentrated acids and alkalis. They cause chemical burns and subsequent tissue death at the site of exposure. It is recommended to do it in a doctor's office. The following products are used: Supercelandine (from 120 rubles), Verrukatsid (from 270 rubles), Lapis pencil (from 150 rubles), as well as analogues - Collomak (about 550 rubles), Duofilm (about 1,500 rubles), Solkoderm (about 500 rubles) .
, how to treat a wart after cauterization with nitrogen.
Medications for warts vulgaris
In the photo are drugs for vulgar warts
To completely remove vulgar warts from the skin, you should treat them comprehensively.
As a rule, it is impossible to protect yourself from the reappearance of growths after the destruction of existing tumors. Therefore, the doctor may prescribe the patient to undergo a course of drug therapy.
It helps reduce the concentration of the virus in the body, suppress its activity, in order to prevent relapses.
To treat vulgar warts, two groups of drugs are used: immunomodulators and antiviral agents.
The former have a stimulating effect on the human immune system and are involved in the production of interferons that fight viruses and bacteria.
As a rule, the following drugs are prescribed for HPV: Cycloferon (from 180 rubles), Kagocel (about 350 rubles) and the analogue Imiquimod (from 3,200 rubles).
Antiviral agents actively suppress the pathogen, preventing it from spreading throughout the body and infecting new areas of the skin.
Most antiviral drugs against HPV and warts vulgaris also perform an immunomodulatory function.
The following products have proven themselves quite well: Panavir (from 170 rubles), Isoprinosine (from 750 rubles) and their analogues - Viferon (from 200 rubles), Oxolinic ointment (from 120 rubles).
It is worth noting that the above medications have different release forms. The most effective therapy is considered to be one that combines drugs for external use and oral administration. The complex effect gives the best results in a short time.
Folk remedies against vulgar warts
In some cases, when there are few vulgar warts on the body and they do not tend to grow, traditional medicine can also help. Most recipes are rather weakly effective, and therefore it is recommended to use these remedies for a long time in order to notice positive dynamics.
Pay attention to the following methods of treating vulgar warts:
- Herbal remedies for external use . Certain plants have a pronounced antiviral and cauterizing effect. Therefore, people often use their juice to treat warts or compresses based on them. If you want to get rid of wart vulgaris at home, use the following herbal remedies: garlic, celandine, wormwood, potatoes, euphorbia. The juice from these plants should be applied to the growth several times a day or a compress should be made from crushed raw materials and applied to the growth overnight. It is usually necessary to treat in this way for about a month to notice the effect.
- Remedies for improving immunity at home . It is possible to stimulate the immune system without the use of medications. Herbal remedies can also be quite effective. To enhance the body's protective functions, decoctions and infusions of the following plants are used: rose hips, berries and leaves of raspberries, black currants, strawberries, blueberries, eleutherococcus, ginger root, lemon. It is also useful to drink natural freshly squeezed juices and eat sprouted wheat grains.
It should be remembered that a healthy lifestyle also helps strengthen the body at home. Review your diet, give up bad habits, try to be less nervous and sleep 7-9 hours a day. It is also useful to walk in the fresh air more often, exercise and strengthen yourself. If all the above conditions are met, vulgar warts will not recur.
- what herbs can treat papilloma virus
Watch a video about the treatment of vulgar warts:
Treatment of vulgar warts is not always justified, since these growths tend to go away on their own without any medical intervention. However, they need to be controlled to avoid injury, malignancy and increase in number. If there are any alarming symptoms, it is necessary to show the tumor to a specialist.
- Related article: Which doctor treats warts in children and adults
Wart vulgaris: causes, treatment
There are a variety of warts, but most often people suffer from vulgar warts, popularly called common warts. They often strike at a young age, but can also appear in adults. This wart has a whitish tint and causes pain.
This problem is worth fighting. Contents: Wart vulgaris appears for certain reasons. Its occurrence is provoked by the papilloma virus. You can become infected with a wart through contact with the pathogen. People who have poor immunity are especially susceptible to this.
Often a person becomes infected with the virus in childhood, and warts in children are quite common.
The virus can be picked up in the following places:
- In the pool, sauna
- In places where there are a lot of people
- From contact with someone who has warts.
No person can 100% protect themselves from infection, since it occurs unnoticed. To do this, it is enough to hold on to a handrail in a tram, a door handle in a public place, or walk barefoot on the floor in a swimming pool, where a huge number of people walk.
There may be a minor injury to the skin, but the virus can easily penetrate through it. Therefore, you should strengthen your immune system. Every person has a minimal amount of the papilloma virus in their body. But not all people develop warts, as this is often affected by weakened immunity. Vulgar warts are localized on the hand. But they also appear on the palms, face, and hair. Rarely can such a wart be found on the oral mucosa. But these are not all the places where this formation can appear. In childhood, the appearance of a wart near the knee joint was often recorded. They can also be localized on the nail folds. But the wart does not appear alone, they grow in a group. A dark dot can be seen in the central part of the papule. These are capillaries that have thrombosed.
Often, warts can appear in those people whose work is related to meat products, when a person cuts meat. The formation is localized on the hands and forearms.
Warts can appear on the fingers, while they touch one another. In men, these papules are found on the neck and facial skin. They can also occur near the nails, and they destroy the nail plate.
If a wart appears on the eyelids, it can cause conjunctivitis.
Only 2% of people experienced warts on the genitals. If these papules appear in an adult, he should think about strengthening his immunity, since it is precisely because it has decreased that formations occur. In most cases, warts go away on their own. But, nevertheless, it is worth consulting a doctor who will prescribe proper treatment.
Often, a vulgar wart does not interfere with a person’s normal functioning. If several of them appear, then there is no need to worry; in such a situation, you don’t even need to carry out treatment. After some time, they will disappear on their own. If their number increases, then you should think about removing them. But some doctors advise eliminating warts in all cases, even if only one papule appears. This will stop the spread of the virus.
Vulgar warts should be removed in the following cases:
- If a person is planning a trip to the pool
- If the papule is located in a place where it is constantly exposed to injury
- If there are too many warts
- If the neoplasm affects the appearance.
To remove vulgar warts, surgical treatment methods are used. If these tumors interfere with your life, you should definitely consult a doctor for help. He will conduct a diagnosis and offer options for removing warts. There are several of them. The patient can choose from these most common methods of eliminating papules. Namely:
- Application of laser. This technique has gained the most popularity among all methods of wart removal. A laser beam is directed at the papule, which eliminates its tissue. A crust will remain where there was formation. It will disappear over time.
- Radio waves. In this case, high-frequency waves are directed at the warts that appear. This causes the tissue to begin to evaporate. This technique is similar to a procedure using a laser. But removal using radio waves has a higher price, so it cannot be found in all clinics.
- Electrocoagulation. Initially, anesthesia is given. Next, the surgeon eliminates the wart using a metal thread under the influence of current. In this case, local anesthesia is used.
- A liquid nitrogen. This technique involves a procedure by which the wart tissue is frozen. This is done using liquid nitrogen. After this, a bubble appears at the site where the procedure was performed. But after some time it disappears and the skin heals.
- Removal with a scalpel. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The surgeon removes the wart using a scalpel. Today, this technique is rarely used, since such removal causes injury to the skin.
Traditional methods of fighting warts
Some people turn to traditional methods for removing warts, many of which are effective. Before you start using a specific method at home, you should consult a doctor. But with the help of traditional methods, you can eliminate a small wart.
Here are the most common methods for removing papules:
- Celandine juice. For this method, you need to pick the fresh leaves of the plant. They will begin to release orange juice. They should be applied to warts. To get results, you should repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day. The wart will not fall off quickly; it will take several weeks.
- Rowan juice. Rowan juice is also used to combat warts. To do this, berries are collected and a paste is made from them, which should be applied to the papule. This mixture should remain on the affected area overnight. It can be secured with adhesive tape.
- Garlic juice. In this case, you should smear garlic juice on the wart and cover it with a band-aid. You can also add a slice of garlic. This procedure should be repeated for a month, constantly changing the compress.
It should be remembered that vulgar warts appear in those who have a weak immune system. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from the occurrence of these tumors, you should eat well in winter and take vitamins. If the wart does not interfere, then you can not touch it, but wait until it disappears on its own.
Among the traditional methods there are some other methods:
- It is recommended to treat warts with chalk. This method has its own nuances, but often it brings the desired effect.
- Pulling formations with thread. Previously, people were often inclined towards this method of eliminating warts. But this is a dangerous procedure, since a relapse can occur, and a malignant formation may begin to develop in the affected area.
- Conspiracies. This is a method of alternative medicine. It rarely produces results, but some people choose it.
- Still, it is recommended not to take risks, but to consult a doctor and choose among proven methods for removing warts. They do not destroy the virus, but only eliminate external formation, but they are considered safe, which cannot be said about traditional methods.
If the wart is constantly injured, it can become inflamed. But timely treatment will help avoid such consequences. At the same time, in the modern world there are many medical centers that offer a wide selection of wart removal procedures.
Some people confuse warts with lichen, or molluscum contagiosum. The second disease is a consequence of infection with the smallpox virus.
It is accompanied by the appearance of a new formation of balls, which has a translucent color. It can grow small, but sometimes reaches the size of a pea.
If you press on this formation, a grayish mixture begins to emerge. After 3 months it disappears.
If a person is affected by verrucous verrucosa, a papule appears with a purple tint and has scales. In appearance, it is similar to a wart. Therefore, you should be careful, always consult a doctor, and do not self-medicate.
To prevent warts from appearing, you should follow the following hygiene rules:
- You need to wash your hands with soap every time after visiting a public place.
- You need to be careful when visiting the pool. Shoes should be worn in such places.
- If a small wound appears, you need to treat it, as the virus can penetrate through it.
- If the person you are talking to has warts, you need to be careful. You should not use personal items, and you should wash your hands thoroughly after communicating.
By watching the video you will learn about warts.
So, if a wart appears, do not worry, as it is not dangerous. But to avoid some consequences, it is better to remove it.
Vulgar warts: causes, treatment, removal
Warts vulgaris are viral warts on human skin. The cause is the human papillomavirus. This is the most common type of wart in humans. Synonyms: simple or common warts. Treatment by a dermatologist. The treatment method is removal.
For doctors and students - ICD10 code: B07 (viral warts). Now I will consider everything related to this skin disease: the main causes, symptoms, I will tell you how to treat vulgar warts, how to remove them and how to prevent their occurrence in the future.
Cause and mechanism of infection
In the photo - human papillomavirus
Infection occurs in childhood. The virus gets onto injured skin (abrasions and scratches are common in children) and penetrates the skin. While in the body, it gradually multiplies in the basal layer of the skin and after a few months ordinary warts appear.
It should be clarified that not all children develop symptoms in the form of warts. If the child’s immunity is strong enough, then he can cope with the infection without allowing the disease to appear on the skin. The virus will simply be in the body, but there will be no manifestations of the disease.
But, unfortunately, at present there are very few children with high immunity, and almost 90% of children develop such ordinary warts.
The clinical manifestations of the disease are simple.
Rounded elevations ranging in size from 3 to 10 mm, no more, appear on the skin of the fingers and on the back of the hands and feet. A characteristic feature of this disease is the multiple nature of the rashes.
That is, next to one simple wart on the hand, a second, daughter wart may soon appear, then another one nearby, etc.
Vulgar warts on the fingers
Another sign characteristic of vulgar warts in most cases is the so-called kissing warts. This is their location when two simple warts appear on two adjacent fingers, opposite each other, touching each other when the fingers are closed.
Exactly the same location may be characteristic of their plantar and palmar localization, when they grow on both sides of some fold of skin, for example, from a fold when bending a finger or toe.
Caution: Plantar warts appear on people's soles and palms. Let’s say right away that this is a variety of ordinary ones, and they are caused by type 1 of HPV and are larger in size.
Read a detailed article about plantar warts.
The duration of the rash is usually several months. After 6-8 months, or even earlier, ordinary warts go away on their own.
Remember: if simple warts do not go away on their own after a year, and their number even increases, this indicates a sharp decrease in immunity! It is imperative to be examined by a general practitioner or immunologist!!!
Read in detail about how to strengthen your immune system.
The diagnosis is made simply by appearance. Even a novice dermatologist will make a diagnosis without difficulty. If the patient wishes, a PCR test can be done - this helps in determining the type of HPV virus.
At the initial stage, warts vulgaris should be distinguished from molluscum contagiosum (read about molluscum in more detail).
Remember: without treatment, vulgar warts go away on their own within 3-6-8 months, and sometimes after 1-1.5 years.
When should they be treated by a dermatologist in a cosmetic clinic?
1) When they interfere (when walking, when writing, when working with musical instruments, when playing sports, etc.)
2) When there are a lot of them and they bring cosmetic discomfort (it is impossible to say hello, give a hand, etc.)
There are 3 areas of treatment for vulgar warts:
- Removal
- Antiviral therapy (used for multiple warts and high prevalence)
- Strengthening the immune system (used for obvious signs of decreased immunity)
The fastest method of treatment today is surgical, that is, removal.
1) Removal of vulgar warts with laser.
The laser beam gradually evaporates the tissue of the formation, in its place a small crust forms. This crust will then definitely fall off and healthy skin will appear in its place. Laser removal is a cheap and effective modern method.
Read an article about the laser method for removing warts.
2) Removal with liquid nitrogen.
The doctor dips a cotton swab in liquid nitrogen and freezes the wart tissue. In this case, after freezing, a small bubble forms in the skin, like after a burn, which then heals, and the growth falls off, leaving healthy skin.
- The method is also cheap and accessible to everyone.
- Read detailed material about removing papillomas with liquid nitrogen.
- 3) Radio wave method using the Surgitron apparatus.
- The wart is exposed to high frequency waves that literally evaporate the tissue.
- This method is somewhat similar to laser removal, but in comparison it is more expensive and is not available in all clinics.
- Read the article about radio wave removal of warts.
- 4) Electrocoagulation.
- After anesthetizing the tissues with novocaine, the surgeon excises the wart using a metal thread under current (the device works using the method of a wood burner - there is also a thread under current).
This method is performed only in surgical clinics under local anesthesia. Currently, it is used very rarely, since laser and radio wave removal are less traumatic and more effective.
5) Removal with a scalpel.
Performed by a surgeon under local anesthesia. Today, this method is also used very rarely, since there are less traumatic and less expensive ones (laser, liquid nitrogen).
- 6) Removal with cauterizing agents
- Local necrotizing agents are used that cause skin burns and death of the wart.
- — super celandine (detailed instructions for super celandine)
- — solcoderm (read the instructions for the drug)
- — verrucacid, or feresol (read about the drug)
- — lapis pencil (read about lapis)
- — duofilm (read about the drug)
- — collomak — acts gently (more details).
Folk remedies
Can. Especially in cases where warts are just beginning to appear on the skin, only the size of a match head.
1) Lubricating with celandine juice. In the summer, when celandine grows, you should pick it and lubricate the surface of the wart with its orange juice. Do this several times a day. Healing usually occurs within a few weeks.
Grass - celandine
2) Lubricate with garlic juice, or apply a piece of garlic. The plastic is cut from the garlic and applied to the surface of a common wart. On top is a patch. They do this every day. The result is also cure within 1 month.
Other methods and methods of traditional medicine are ineffective. And, speaking seriously, if you don’t touch vulgar warts at all, they will go away on their own in 3-4 months.
- 3) Applying nail polish.
- The method itself is to read
- Review
- 4) Lubrication with BF6 glue. The method itself and review - go
- 5) Method with dry potassium permanganate. Method and review - read
There is no way to prevent the appearance of common warts. Because it is impossible to completely protect a child from playing outside and from communicating.
But it is very necessary to increase the child’s immunity level against a viral infection. Then the degree of clinical symptoms and manifestations will be significantly less.
- 1) Wear loose shoes (warm in winter, ventilated in summer)
- 2) Physical education, hardening
- 3) Vitamins, juices, fruits
- 4) Less stress for the child, at least at home
- 5) In the cold season - herbal infusions and decoctions, with honey (if there are no allergies) and frozen berries
- 6) Teach your child to observe the rules of personal hygiene in public places
Remember: adults should not have vulgar warts!!!
And if they appear, this is a signal of reduced immunity. We must take measures to improve it.
I also recommend reading these materials:
Vulgar warts
Vulgar warts (simple, common) are a disease of a viral nature, which is characterized by the appearance on the skin of a small round-shaped benign epidermal neoplasm. It is widespread. In the general structure of dermatological diseases in adults, it accounts for 45%, and in children and adolescents – 60%.
Vulgar or simple warts can affect people of any age, but are more common in children
The cause of the formation of warts vulgaris is infection of the body with the human papillomavirus (HPV). The main routes of infection are:
- contact – in close contact with a patient or virus carrier, as well as their personal belongings;
- autoinocular (self-infection) – transfer of infection from affected areas of the skin to healthy ones (for example, in children who bite their nails).
Predisposing factors to the onset of the disease are:
- violation of personal hygiene rules;
- visiting public swimming pools, baths, saunas;
- animal care, carcass cutting.
The human papillomavirus enters the body through microtraumas of the skin. For a long time it resides in the cells of the basal layer of the epithelium and does not manifest itself clinically.
When immunity decreases due to exposure to various negative factors (infectious diseases, hypothermia, severe stress), the virus becomes more active, resulting in characteristic growths appearing on the skin.
Approximately 90% of patients undergo spontaneous recovery within a year from the moment of infection (provided there is no further self-infection). In the remaining 10%, the disease takes a chronic course with periods of remissions and exacerbations. Exacerbations occur against the background of a decrease in the overall defenses of the body. During them, the infection spreads and new formations appear on the skin.
Vulgar warts are usually located on the skin of the fingers and the back of the hands. Much less often, the skin of the palms, feet or mucous membranes becomes their localization site. In children who tend to bite their nails, the growths are located around the nail plate.
The size of epidermal neoplasms ranges from a few mm to 1.5 cm. Most formations are flesh-colored, but sometimes they can have a yellowish or pink tint. Long-lasting warts gradually darken.
Simple warts can be single or multiple (papillomatosis). In the latter case, one formation with larger dimensions always stands out. It's called a mother's wart.
A characteristic sign of the disease is the appearance of “kissing” warts on the fingers - symmetrically located on opposite sides of the skin folds of the neoplasm.
Without treatment, the disease lasts in most cases 6-12 months. During this time, antibodies to HPV are formed in the human body and self-healing occurs. In patients with reduced immunity, rashes persist for a long time and new ones appear periodically.
Diagnosis of the disease is usually not difficult and is carried out by the presence of characteristic growths on the skin. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe a PCR test for the presence of human papillomavirus.
Vulgar warts should be differentiated from a number of other dermatological diseases:
Special clinical atlases on dermatology provide some assistance in carrying out differential diagnosis. They contain numerous photographs depicting various types of rashes and neoplasms that occur with skin diseases.
After removal of the epidermal neoplasm, the resulting tissue is necessarily sent to the laboratory for histological examination.
- 9 myths about skin cancer
- Celandine treatment: 6 homemade remedies
- Nutrition for healthy hair and skin: TOP 7 healthy foods
Treatment of vulgar warts
Given that in more than 90% of cases, simple warts tend to heal on their own, therapy is usually not required. Patients are only advised to lubricate the skin around the tumors with ointments with an antiviral effect to prevent further spread of the infection.
The main indications for treatment are:
- multiple rashes;
- weakened immunity (chronic infectious or somatic diseases, leukemia, malignant neoplasms, HIV infection);
- discomfort and pain during work;
- cosmetic defect.
The procedure for removing warts is carried out on an outpatient basis using various methods presented in the table:
To prevent relapses of the disease, patients are prescribed antiviral and immunostimulating therapy. In particular, the following may be prescribed (only a few names of medications are given for informational purposes):
Oxolinic ointment is used as an additional treatment for vulgar warts
Treatment at home
You should not try to treat vulgar warts on your own. Self-medication poses a huge risk to human health, associated with a high likelihood of complications.
In order to remove skin growths, traditional medicine recommends lubricating their surface with celandine juice, vinegar essence or alcohol tincture of iodine. However, long-term use of these products leads to chemical burns of the skin and traumatization of warts, which can provoke their malignancy, i.e. degeneration into a malignant tumor - cancer.
You should also not try to bandage the base of epidermal tumors with a thin thread. This method of “treatment” is not only ineffective, but very often becomes the reason for increased growth.
If epidermal tumors appear, you should consult a dermatologist and carry out treatment, carefully following all the specialist’s recommendations.
The prognosis is favorable. The disease is completely cured in 90% of cases. The remaining patients experience periodic formation of new skin growths, despite complete and timely treatment.
Epidermal neoplasms that persist for a long time, as well as those that are subject to frequent trauma, can become malignant.
To prevent infection with papillomavirus, it is important to carefully observe personal hygiene measures, especially when visiting public pools and baths, as well as when contacting animals.
We offer you to watch a video on the topic of the article.
Treatment of vulgar warts
Often specific skin growths – warts – appear on the body. The pathology can affect the upper and lower extremities, head, and torso. Rashes may also appear on the mucous membranes of internal organs (larynx, lungs, bladder, uterus).
What is a wart?
Warts are benign growths of flesh-colored, brown or light yellow color, characterized by a dense structure.
The growths can be located on any part of the skin surface. They are infectious in nature and can spread throughout the body.
Types of warts
The following types of warts are distinguished:
- Vulgar (ordinary). Have no more than 10 mm. in diameter. Cover the fingers and can be single or multiple.
- Flat: occur in children and adolescents, size does not exceed 5 mm. The sores have uneven borders and are localized on the neck, face, palms, and legs.
- Pointed. The rash consists of small blisters that form pointed projections, most often located near the mouth, on the genitals, or in the anus.
- Filiform (acrochords) are elongated neoplasms, reaching 1 cm and capable of merging with each other. Appear on the face, neck, and armpits.
- Plantar. They are distinguished by their flat shape, placed on the soles of the feet, similar in appearance to calluses.
- Senile. Formed on the body in old age due to the aging of the body, they are not associated with viral origin.
Causes and mechanism of infection
The source of vulgar warts is the human papillomavirus. Infection occurs by direct entry of the pathogen into the blood.
Favorable conditions for the life and active reproduction of HPV are a humid environment and warmth. Therefore, you can become infected:
- visiting public places (transport, baths, saunas, swimming pools);
- when shaking hands with a sick person;
- during unprotected sexual intercourse;
- when using shared towels, someone else's shoes and clothes;
- if sterility is not observed during the pedicure procedure, walking barefoot.
The appearance of warts may be due to transmission from mother to child during childbirth.
The disease does not develop overnight. The papilloma virus can remain in the human body in a hidden (latent) form for several years; it manifests itself only during periods of exacerbation of infectious diseases.
People most at risk of infection are those who have:
- skin wounds, scratches, cracks;
- reduced immunity, susceptibility to colds, ARVI, HIV;
- diabetes;
- vascular diseases (varicose veins);
- nail fungus;
- tendency to excessive sweating;
- disorderly intimate life.
The likelihood that vulgar warts will appear on the hands is significantly increased by poor environment, stress, unstable hormonal levels, and pregnancy. Newborn children and adolescents are also at risk.
Types and treatment of flat warts
Common warts are dense formations of an uneven configuration, rough to the touch, having gray, pink, and burgundy shades.
The growths do not bring physical discomfort to their owner; they are only an unpleasant external defect in appearance, create psychological discomfort, and indicate a weakness of the immune system.
Diagnosis of pathology occurs through a visual examination of neoplasms by a dermatologist. Additionally assigned:
- dermatoscopy – microscopic examination of the patient’s epidermis;
- PCR diagnostics – establishing the presence of a pathogen in the body;
- biopsy is an in-depth detailed analysis of pathological tissue.
To delete or not to delete?
Vulgar warts are not malignant structures and do not pose a threat to human life and health.
Their danger lies in the fact that they represent a source of infection for surrounding people. If a skin outgrowth is injured, the infection through the bloodstream can spread and affect other parts of the sick person’s body.
It is strongly not recommended to pick vulgar warts on your own. Removal of growths is carried out by a doctor in a clinic using special instruments.
Direct indications for getting rid of warts are:
- change of their color;
- bleeding;
- active growth and reproduction;
- causing physical and psychological discomfort to its owner.
Simple warts are removed using electric current, surgery, topical ointments and creams, freezing, and laser radiation. Traditional methods are also quite effective. Treatment should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor and have a direct effect on the cause of the pathology – the virus. Otherwise, the possibility of relapse cannot be ruled out.
Surgical removal
It is rarely prescribed: in cases where vulgar warts on the fingers are large. It involves the use of local anesthesia, after which the foreign tissue is cut out with a scalpel.
Pharmacy remedies for warts
Medicines for the treatment of vulgar warts are prescribed for external application to problem areas of the skin. Among them:
- "Ferezol";
- "Verrukacid";
- "Mardil zinc max";
- "Superclean";
- "Solocoderm";
- "Salipod" (plaster);
- "Lapis" (pencil).
Before starting therapy with these drugs, you should consult a doctor about the possibility of their use in each specific case and the frequency of treatment of the affected areas.
Physiotherapeutic methods
The use of physiotherapy is indicated in cases where there is an active increase in the size of warts, and drug treatment is ineffective. Getting rid of pathological formations should be carried out in the clinic by a qualified specialist.
Cauterization with nitrogen
The substance negatively affects benign foreign cells, cools them, as a result of which all vital processes inside the growths stop.
The advantages of the cryotherapy (freezing) method are:
- efficiency: treatment usually takes a few minutes;
- effectiveness: the result of getting rid of vulgar warts is positive in 90% of cases;
- does not require preliminary preparation;
- exclusion of bleeding and undesirable consequences.
Among the disadvantages are:
- feeling of pain after surgery;
- the need for careful treatment of the postoperative wound;
- lack of control over the depth of tissue damage;
- the presence of small scars and marks at the site of the removed vulgar wart.
Methods for treating spines on the feet
Laser removal
Laser rays have a detrimental effect on benign formations. Under the influence of irradiation, the growths become deformed and die.
Positive aspects of the method:
- speed (takes 1-2 minutes);
- painlessness;
- no violation of skin integrity;
- efficiency of healing;
- no scars are formed after the manipulation;
- almost complete elimination of the risk of recurrence of sores.
Another advantage of the procedure is the low likelihood of side effects. Laser therapy can be used for both adults and children.
Before carrying out treatment using laser coagulation, it is necessary to ensure that there are no malignant neoplasms.
It involves applying high frequency current to the wart. After the procedure, the neoplasm is destroyed and a dense crust forms in its place, which disappears after a few days.
The method is rarely used. This is due to the fact that after surgery, unpleasant marks and scars remain on the body. A procedure is prescribed to remove small warts that have a thin stalked base. Not used in cases where the growths are large and grow into the deep layers of the epithelium.
The main contraindications to the procedure are:
- herpes rash or wounds in the areas where warts are located;
- acute periods of infectious diseases;
- poor blood clotting.
Wart after cauterization
After removing the wart, a small depression appears at its location, redness of the skin, and swelling are observed (under the influence of liquid nitrogen, a bubble appears in the area of the removed sore). Then the injured surface is covered with a dense crust, under which healthy skin cells develop. After a few days, the keratinization disappears.
In order for the wound to heal well and quickly, it is necessary to provide access to fresh air in order to create a drying effect and prevent moisture from entering it.
Do not lubricate the sore spot with creams or Vaseline, or stay in the open sun for a long time: this can cause the problem area to dry out.
If the wound surface becomes infected and purulent discharge appears, then mandatory treatment with an antiseptic agent is required: furatsilin, hydrogen peroxide or a solution of potassium permanganate. The procedure must be performed by a doctor.
The new epidermis also requires special care:
- do not use scrubs or cosmetics containing alcohol;
- use gentle hygiene products without aggressive components;
- refuse pumice and hard washcloths, shaving the problem area;
- Do not use decorative cosmetics;
- When going outside, it is recommended to lubricate young skin with sunscreen.
It is necessary to follow these rules for several months until the newly formed skin cells acquire a natural healthy shade.
Folk remedies
Traditional healers offer many options for getting rid of pathology based on the use of natural ingredients. Among them the most popular are:
- Celandine juice. They apply it to warts several times a day. With regular use of the method, the disease disappears after a few weeks. An apple and rowan are also useful for the same purpose.
- Garlic: cut off the peel from the clove and rub on the affected areas. The procedure is done daily. You can chop the vegetable and apply it as a compress overnight. They are treated in this way for a month. The growths are also treated with leek juice.
- Birch bark. It must be soaked in water, placed on the affected area under a bandage, and left overnight.
- Vinegar: a drop of liquid is dripped onto the growth. It is important to prevent acid from coming into contact with healthy tissue. You can use lemon or apple juice in the same way.
- Viburnum: the berries are ground into a paste, applied to the growth, and secured with a plaster on top.
- Propolis. The beekeeping product is softened, made into a cake, glued to the wart, and removed after 2-3 days.
- Dandelion: the flower is picked and the warts are treated with milk.
- Kalanchoe: the cut leaf is bandaged to the wart, the action is repeated every day at night. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to grind the plant to a paste.
- Herbal teas made from St. John's wort, rose hips, black currants, raspberries, and mint will help strengthen the immune system.
- It is recommended to rub chalk or cement into sore spots every day.
How to get rid of a wart on the lip?
HPV spreads just like any other infection. To protect yourself and your loved ones as much as possible from infection with warts vulgaris, you must follow the rules of prevention:
- strictly monitor personal hygiene;
- wash your hands after each visit to the street, public places, or traveling in public transport;
- avoid direct contact with a sick person;
- do not wear other people's things and shoes;
- buy clothes made from fabrics that have a natural composition and are highly breathable (cotton, linen), select comfortable shoes that fit;
- walk in bathhouses, swimming pools and saunas only in rubber slippers;
- avoid promiscuity;
- perform manicures and pedicures only in specialized salons with strict adherence to sterility;
- to the extent possible, avoid injury to the skin, treat cuts and scratches promptly and competently;
- monitor the condition of the skin: properly cleanse and moisturize, protect feet and hands from dryness and cracking, select cosmetics suitable for a specific skin type;
- treat the immediate sources of the disease (vascular pathologies, diabetes, infectious diseases);
- strengthen the immune system: eat right, exercise, lead a healthy, physically active lifestyle, follow a sleep and rest schedule;
- monitor the moral and psychological state, prevent stress, psycho-emotional overload.
Vulgar warts are not life-threatening, but they cause significant psychological discomfort both for the patient himself and for the people around him.
To get rid of the disease once and for all, you should influence the cause of its occurrence, as well as regularly take preventive measures aimed at maintaining your health.
Treatment of vulgar warts: Video