
Sore throat and dry cough: treatment and prevention of pathology

A sore throat is a symptom that indicates irritation of the epithelium of the respiratory tract. Its appearance often indicates inflammation of the respiratory tract.

To determine how to treat a sore throat that causes a cough, immediately find out the causes of its occurrence. Irritation of the mucous membrane is provoked by infection, dusty air, allergies, and smoking.

As a result of treatment of the underlying disease, associated symptoms are eliminated - cough, sore throat, high fever, feeling of a lump in the throat.

Possible reasons why your throat feels sore and you want to cough

A debilitating cough and sore throat are caused by external and internal negative factors. Experts count dozens of causes of inflammation of the respiratory tract and the appearance of an unpleasant symptom.

According to patients, a painful cough occurs when going to bed, inhaling cold air, drinking water or talking loudly.

This reaction indicates swelling of the pharyngeal mucosa and increased sensitivity of cough receptors.


Cough without fever and watery eyes are the first signs of an allergic disease. Symptoms arise due to the penetration into the body of substances that provoke irritation of the mucous membranes of the ENT organs.

Sore throat and dry cough: treatment and prevention of pathologyIf you suspect an allergic reaction, it is necessary to do special skin tests that will help identify the allergen. After this, appropriate therapy will be prescribed and medical recommendations will be given to relieve allergic manifestations.

The most common allergens include:

  • fumes from household chemicals;
  • fungal spores;
  • animal hair;
  • house dust;
  • food products (honey, chocolate);
  • perfumery.

Inflammation occurs due to an inadequate response of the immune system to the penetration of irritating substances into the body. After initial contact, it begins to produce antibodies to them, so when allergens re-enter, swelling of the throat, lacrimation, cough, rhinitis, etc. occurs.

Respiratory diseases

Most often, a sore throat and dry cough for a long time occur against the background of ENT diseases of infectious or allergic origin. Inflammatory processes in the ciliated epithelium lead to an increase in the secretory activity of glands in the bronchi and trachea. In this regard, mucus begins to accumulate in the respiratory organs, causing coughing.

Ciliated epithelium lines the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract (and some other organs). It consists of cilia that vibrate and thus move mucus towards the exit of the throat.

With an infectious lesion of the respiratory tract, a burning sensation occurs, which is associated with irritation of the ciliated epithelium. In 82% of cases, cough and sore throat are caused by the following ENT diseases:

  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • flu;
  • pleurisy;
  • laryngotracheitis;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tonsillitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis.

A runny nose (rhinitis) and other manifestations of a cold also cause soreness and burning in the laryngopharynx.

Due to the increased sensitivity of cough receptors, mucus flowing down the walls of the pharynx causes coughing attacks.

With chronic rhinitis, postnasal drip syndrome occurs (the doctor can explain this as “snot running down the throat”), which leads to even greater irritation of the airways and deterioration of well-being.

Diseases of other organs

A persistent cough and sore throat sometimes appear against the background of pathologies that are not accompanied by inflammation of the respiratory system. In some cases, disturbances in the functioning of the digestive, nervous, and endocrine systems become the cause of an unpleasant symptom. A burning sensation or sensation of a lump in the throat can be caused by:

  • endemic goiter;
  • thoracic osteochondrosis;
  • gastroesophageal reflux;
  • pharynx neurosis;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • syphilis;
  • organic brain damage;
  • bulbar palsy (as a result of damage to large nerves);
  • complications of diphtheria.

Unpleasant sensations in the throat appear with psycho-emotional stress, tumor diseases of the brain or neurasthenia. If the cough is not accompanied by signs of inflammation of the ENT organs, you need to consult a specialist. Delayed treatment of extrapulmonary diseases is fraught with serious complications.


If you constantly have a sore throat and want to cough, you should think about giving up bad habits. Tobacco smoke contains resins that form a sticky layer on the surface of the ciliated epithelium.

Because of this, the functioning of the mucociliary system, which consists of a mucous membrane and cilia formed by cells with small villi, is disrupted. They push mucus and foreign bodies out of the respiratory tract.

Sore throat and dry cough: treatment and prevention of pathologyA sore throat from smoking is a very unpleasant symptom, which can also be evidence of some negative processes occurring in the body. Therefore, it is imperative to find out the root cause of this sensation, because this is the basis of the answer to the question of how to quickly get rid of a sore throat.

In smokers, the mucociliary system does not function properly, as the villi stick together due to resin sticking to them. This leads to the activation of compensatory mechanisms that clear the respiratory tract of foreign objects through coughing (the so-called smoker's cough).

Foreign body

The entry of foreign objects into the respiratory tract often causes acute respiratory distress and coughing attacks. Most often the throat is irritated by:

  • seeds;
  • nut shells;
  • buttons;
  • plant grains;
  • paper clips;
  • toy parts;
  • screws, etc.

They penetrate the respiratory system by aspiration, that is, by inhaling air, or by throwing gastric secretions into the respiratory tract (gastroesophageal reflux disease).

Dry air and mucous membranes

When relative air humidity is below 40%, the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs dry out. This leads to disruption of their protective functions and deterioration of well-being. Insufficient air humidification in the room is indicated by:

  • sore throat;
  • peeling of the skin on the face;
  • chapped lips;
  • coughing attacks to the point of tears;
  • wheezing when inhaling air;
  • electrification of hair.

Mucus, which is secreted by the glands of the pharynx, bronchi and trachea, cleanses the airway from harmful microorganisms, dust and allergens. Drying of the ciliated epithelium is dangerous because it increases the risk of infections entering the ENT organs.


If your throat does not hurt, but it is scratchy, and the cough has been bothering you for 1-2 weeks, you need to visit a therapist or gastroenterologist.

The penetration of stomach contents into the upper parts of the respiratory tract often causes irritation of the laryngopharyngeal mucosa.

In this regard, a paroxysmal cough occurs, which intensifies when the person lies down. Such symptoms in 93% of cases indicate reflux (heartburn).

Treatment of sore throat and dry cough with pharmaceutical preparations

To determine what to do when coughing and burning in the throat, the reasons for their occurrence are determined. Therapy for colds is aimed at eliminating inflammation, reducing the viscosity of sputum and removing it from the respiratory system.

First aid - lozenges, lozenges and sprays

Resorption preparations disinfect the mucous membrane of the laryngopharynx and accelerate its recovery. They contain components of synthetic and plant origin that relieve swelling and stop coughing attacks.

Effective medications for a sore throat include:

  • Doctor Mom - lozenges with anti-inflammatory and secretolytic (expectorant) properties. To improve your well-being, take 1 lozenge every 2-3 hours.
  • Strepsils with menthol - lollipops with moderate analgesic and antitussive effects. Adults and children over 8 years old are recommended to take up to 7-8 lozenges per day.
  • Tantum Verde is a spray with antiphlogistic (anti-inflammatory) action. To eliminate a burning sensation in the throat, use 5-7 doses every 3 hours.
  • Dr. Theiss is an effective remedy for sore throat, eliminating irritation in the mucous membranes. Eliminates cough, hoarseness and inflammation. The daily dose is up to 5 lozenges per day.

Lollipops and lozenges are classified as symptomatic drugs. They do not treat the underlying disease, but make it easier.


If a sore throat and a dry cough do not stop within 3-5 days, use antitussive medications:

  • Codeine - inhibits the functions of cough centers, reduces the severity of pain and discomfort in the throat.
  • Sinekod - blocks cough centers in the brain, relieves inflammation and expands the lumen in the bronchi.
  • Libexin - relieves sore throat, reduces the sensitivity of cough receptors.
  • Ledin - suppresses the mechanisms of cough centers, which helps eliminate cough.

It is not recommended to combine antitussive medications with mucolytics or expectorants, as this will lead to the accumulation of mucus in the lungs.

Bronchodilators and mucolytics

Severe sore throat and spasmodic cough are eliminated with medications that expand the lumen of the bronchi (bronchodilators) and reduce the viscosity of sputum (mucolytics):

  • Theophylline is a bronchodilator drug that suppresses spasmodic cough.
  • Bromhexine is a tablet with mucolytic and expectorant properties.
  • Lazolvan - lozenges that accelerate the liquefaction and removal of mucus from the bronchi.
  • Terbutaline is a bloncholytic drug that relaxes the smooth muscle muscles of the bronchi and increases their internal diameter.

The drugs are used in the treatment of bronchitis, laryngitis and other diseases that are caused by inflammation of the lower airways.

Medicines for infections

A scratchy cough most often indicates an infection of the throat mucosa.

Sore throat and dry cough: treatment and prevention of pathologyTo quickly get rid of discomfort in the throat, you need to switch your dry cough to a form with sputum production as quickly as possible.

To eliminate the symptom, tablets and syrups are used that destroy pathogenic bacteria or viruses:

  • Clarithromycin is an antibiotic that is used to treat bacterial bronchitis, pharyngitis, and tonsillitis.
  • Amoxicillin - eliminates bacterial inflammation in the ENT organs, is used to destroy infections in pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and rhinopharyngitis.
  • Ingavirin is an antiviral tablet that eliminates cough during influenza and adenoviral infections.
  • Remantadine is an antiviral agent that inhibits the proliferation of viruses in the mucous membranes of the airways.

To strengthen the immune defense, immunostimulating drugs are also prescribed - Kagocel, Amiksin, Lavomax, Genferon.

It is forbidden to take medications from these groups without a doctor’s prescription.

Eliminating allergies

To combat spasmodic cough and burning throat caused by allergies, inexpensive but effective antihistamines are used:

  • Gismanal;
  • Telfast;
  • Zyrtec;
  • Fexofast;
  • Xizal;
  • Erius.

Antiallergic tablets eliminate coughing attacks, swelling and inflammation in the throat caused by allergic reactions. They are also used to eliminate swelling, itching, burning and other symptoms of ENT diseases of infectious origin.

Inhalations, rinses and compresses

Local therapy for inflammation of the respiratory system should be accompanied by gargling, inhalations and the use of compresses. For inhalations with a nebulizer the following are used:

  • antiseptics – Furacilin, Gentamicin;
  • mucolytics (secretolytics) – Fluimucil, Lazolvan;
  • bronchodilators - Berodual, Atrovent.

To eliminate the burning sensation and sensation of a lump in the throat, gargle with the following drugs:

  • Chlorophyllipt;
  • Stopangin;
  • Furacilin solution;
  • Eludril.

To eliminate cough and throat discomfort, the procedure is performed up to five times a day during exacerbation of the disease. As a supplement, warm compresses are made with Dimexide or medical alcohol diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

How to relieve or relieve discomfort using folk remedies

Alternative medicine products soften the throat and stop coughing attacks no worse than pharmaceutical drugs. Decoctions with medicinal herbs reduce inflammation, relieve swelling and irritation, thereby speeding up recovery. To get rid of a cough and soothe your throat, use:

  • Solution for inhalation. 300 ml of water is mixed with essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus, St. John's wort (2-3 drops each). Heat up to 40-45°C and pour into a steam inhaler. The procedure is performed for 10-15 minutes 4 times a day.
  • Decoction. Mix coltsfoot, sage and oregano in equal amounts. 7-10 g of raw material is poured into 1 liter of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes. Drink 200 ml 3 times a day.

Steam inhalations are performed in the absence of acute bacterial inflammation and high temperature. If, when taking the decoction, the cough intensifies or adverse reactions occur (urticaria, itching), stop using it.

How to get rid of a sore throat when coughing using non-medicinal methods

  • If your throat is sore and a debilitating cough appears, this is not necessarily a consequence of inflammation of the airways.
  • Irritation of the ciliated epithelium in the laryngopharynx is often provoked by edema that occurs against the background of insufficient air humidity and poor nutrition.

Air humidification

If you have a very sore throat during the cold season, in 60% of cases this indicates low air humidity.

To restore the secretory activity of the glands in the mucous membrane of the ENT organs, you need to humidify the air in the room. For this purpose, ultrasonic or mechanical humidifiers are used (hung on a battery).

To reduce the risk of inflammation of the airways, lemon essential oil is added to the water.

Diet and drinking regimen

To eliminate discomfort in the throat and stop coughing, you need to review your diet. For ENT diseases, exclude from the diet:

  • spicy dishes;
  • spices;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • oranges.

Such products only irritate the mucous membrane and aggravate the course of the disease. To restore the functions of the ciliated epithelium and increase immunity, it is worth including in the menu:

  • dried fruit compotes;
  • dairy products;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • greens (parsley, celery);
  • dietary meat.

Every day you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water, tea, compotes.

A paroxysmal cough is a good reason to consult a doctor. Its appearance often indicates inflammation of the respiratory system. But in some cases, a sore throat and coughing attacks indicate disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine, immune, digestive and cardiovascular systems.


Sore throat and dry cough: treatment. Medicines and folk remedies

Concomitant pathologies - a constant dry cough and tickling can occur due to nervousness, as a result of frequent stress, or be a sign of heart failure or diabetes.

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Hypothyroidism and previous thyroid surgery, which resulted in damage to the laryngeal nerve, can cause hoarseness and a sore throat.

Also, regular coughing is observed when using diuretics and ACE inhibitors in hypertensive patients. The cause of constant irritation of the larynx can be gastroesophageal reflux, when the contents of the stomach are thrown back into the esophagus, burning the mucous membrane.

Allergic reactions are provoked by constant contact with an irritant, which includes street and house dust, pollen, cosmetics, medications, food, animal hair, etc. A dry, scratchy cough occurs, the throat does not hurt, but is constantly irritated.

Non-infectious causes - smoking, constant presence in a room with dusty air, exhaust gases, lack of humidification. Because of this, the throat is constantly irritated, coughing and the desire to take a few sips of water appear.

A professional problem for singers, teachers, speakers, presenters is irritation of the ligaments due to their regular overstrain. Soreness and dryness in the larynx are not inflammatory in nature, but also cause a lot of discomfort.

Oncological diseases - manifest themselves in the initial stages with a dry throat cough. Sometimes it is precisely by this symptom that it is possible to identify the pathology in time, before it reaches an advanced stage.

Injury to the laryngeal mucosa - causes include unchewed rough food, bones from fish and poultry, crumbs from hard crackers. Such small particles injure the epithelium, often causing a secondary infection.

If a cough with tickling does not go away for a long time, you should visit a specialist and undergo an examination.
Sometimes a formidable disease, masquerading as a common cold, can become chronic, requiring long-term therapy. Source:

  • If your throat is constantly sore and you are bothered by a non-productive cough, the symptoms will depend on the cause of such manifestations.
  • When infected with an acute respiratory infection, soreness and soreness are accompanied by fever, general weakness, muscle and joint pain.
  • Gradually, a simple tickling in the throat turns into an edematous inflammatory process, often in a purulent form.
  • Laryngitis is a lesion of the ligamentous apparatus, which causes a “barking” cough, signs of suffocation, discomfort and a burning sensation in the throat.

Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the posterior laryngeal wall, which often occurs without fever, or it remains within the subfebrile range. The main symptoms of pharyngitis are diffuse redness of the mucous membrane, its swelling and dryness, and the appearance of an unproductive, obsessive cough.

Bronchitis usually occurs with the release of a large amount of sputum, which is difficult to expectorate, but in the initial stages the disease manifests itself as a dry, unproductive cough. As pathogenic microbes multiply in the respiratory tract, sputum begins to be produced in large quantities, involving the nasopharynx in the process.

The allergic nature of dryness, itching and constant coughing reveals itself with other accompanying symptoms. This is lacrimation, itching in the nose, rhinitis, sneezing. You can verify the allergic cause of a dry cough by noting the time of its occurrence.

Sore throat and dry cough: treatment and prevention of pathology


In patients with diabetes, the larynx often becomes dry, especially at night. Such patients are forced to place a glass of water next to them at night so that they can take a couple of sips during a dry cough attack. People suffering from stomach diseases constantly experience a burning sensation in the larynx due to the acidic liquid being thrown there.


With the development of problems with the thyroid gland or the formation of a tumor, hoarseness of the voice gradually appears, the throat is sore, dry, and regular coughing is bothersome. With the neurological nature of the syndrome, coughing and soreness in the throat are accompanied by a feeling of the presence of a foreign object, as if there is a lump in the way.

If the larynx is constantly dry and itchy, this situation requires immediate resolution. If you do not pay attention to irritation of the mucous membrane, gradually a rare cough will turn into painful attacks that will cause a tearing feeling in the larynx.

Hoarseness will appear, the cords will quickly tire, causing a feeling of discomfort during long conversations.
Sore throat and dry cough: treatment and prevention of pathology
The sooner the patient seeks help from an otolaryngologist, the more successful the treatment will be. The list of recommended examinations includes:

  • a detailed survey by a specialist regarding contacts with infectious patients (suffering from acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis), whether there are problems with the stomach, thyroid gland, whether the patient is registered with a neurologist (if the neurological nature of the syndrome is suspected);
  • examination of the laryngeal cavity using a pharyngoscope;
  • laryngoscopy using an optical rigid laryngoscope or a flexible fiber laryngoscope - allows you to clarify the condition of the mucous membrane and ligaments;
  • endoscopy - examination of the nasopharynx if an inflammatory process is suspected of transferring to the throat from the nasal sinuses; X-ray examination is also often performed for this purpose;
  • taking a swab from the throat to determine the causative agent of the pathology, if tickling and dry cough are accompanied by fever, weakness and other signs of active inflammation.

If necessary, the patient is referred for consultation to specialized specialists (neurologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, allergist), when during the examination swollen, inflamed tissue of the throat mucosa was identified, but it is not of an infectious nature.

What can't you do?

A cough from a sore throat can be eliminated on your own if it is not caused by serious causes, such as an allergy, tumor or gastrointestinal disease. But you need to know what not to do, so that instead of benefit you get more harm from treatment:

  • Steam inhalations cannot be performed if the temperature rises above 37°C - the procedure is useful for softening the mucous membrane and eliminating dry cough, but not in all cases. At elevated temperatures, there is a risk of active proliferation of bacteria and the addition of a secondary respiratory tract infection.
  • Smoking - if the epithelium of the larynx is irritated by dust, exhaust gases and hazardous production products, nicotine will further dry out the mucous membrane, aggravating the unpleasant symptoms.
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited for the same reasons as smoking. Ethyl alcohol additionally dries out the mucous membrane, causing coughing attacks to become constant. In addition, if the doctor prescribed pills, most of them cannot be combined with alcohol intake.
  • Taking antibiotics without a doctor's recommendation - the cause of tickling and cough reflex may not be related to a bacterial infection, so taking antibiotics unnecessarily can only cause harm. These drugs, used for the viral or allergic nature of the disease, develop resistance in the body and at the right time (when the infection is caused by bacteria) simply will not help.
  • Gargle with a concentrated saline solution - dry mucous membranes require hydration. Therefore, it is better to use decoctions of soothing anti-inflammatory herbs.


Sore throat and dry cough

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30.11.2019 Sore throat and dry cough: treatment and prevention of pathology

In everyday life, every person regularly clears his throat, freeing himself from mucous accumulations and small foreign objects that have entered the respiratory system. These actions are performed unconsciously, at the level of reflexes. However, if a sore throat and dry cough do not stop for a long time, this indicates some kind of disorder in the body.

Why does my throat feel sore?

The main causes of this condition include inflammation of the respiratory organs or heart failure.

If a cough occurs for a long time without interruption, this indicates an acute or chronic variant of the pathology. A constant feeling of discomfort and scratching in the throat leads to reflex coughing.

The cause in such cases is not the accumulation of sputum, but the inflamed and irritated mucous membrane in the respiratory tract.

When you have a sore throat and a dry cough, these signs are highly likely to indicate pharyngitis. This disease is characterized by viral manifestations and is an inflammatory process that affects the pharynx.

Most often, it occurs chronically due to late consultation with a doctor and improper treatment. The mucous membrane is irritated by the influence of dry air, spicy food, cigarette smoke and other negative factors.

The causes of a tickling and exhausting cough are often laryngitis, in which inflammation affects the larynx. In this case, a dry cough in an adult is caused by pathogenic microbes, and a long course occurs as a result of constant stress on the voice, bad habits, and poor living conditions.

In addition to direct damage to the respiratory tract, there are other factors for a sore throat:

  • Allergic reactions to certain types of foods and flowers, household chemicals, dust accumulations, cat and dog hair, etc.
  • Problems with the thyroid gland.
  • Occupational diseases associated with work in hazardous conditions. For example, the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract may be regularly irritated by fumes from substances used in production technology.
  • The presence of polyps in the nose, a deviated nasal septum, adenoids, manifestations of chronic runny nose, inflamed paranasal sinuses. All these factors lead to nasal breathing problems, which forces you to constantly breathe through your mouth. As a result, the pharyngeal mucosa becomes dry, causing discomfort and severe soreness.
  • Weakening of the muscle ring between the esophagus and stomach. Because of this, the contents of the stomach with high acidity enter the esophagus and then into the pharynx. By acting on its mucous membrane, the acid leads to inflammation and further soreness.

Consequently, a sore throat and dry cough appear for various reasons and not only of an infectious nature. Therefore, in some cases, it is necessary to visit several doctors in order to establish an accurate diagnosis, on which the prescribed treatment completely depends.

Unpleasant sensations associated with tickling and coughing, which appear for various reasons, will differ in their symptoms, depending on a particular disease.

In the case of acute respiratory infections, in addition to cough, there is fever, pain in the throat, joints and muscles, and general weakness.

Unpleasant sensations from ordinary tickling pass into the stage of inflammation with swelling, often taking a purulent form.

Other diseases manifest themselves as follows:

  • With laryngitis, the ligaments are affected, which causes the so-called barking cough and burning sensation in the throat. A suffocating cough gradually sets in.
  • Pharyngitis manifests itself as an inflamed back wall of the larynx. No elevated temperature is observed; it generally remains at a subfebrile level. The main symptoms manifest themselves in the form of extensive redness of the mucous membrane, its dryness and swelling. The patient suffers from constant unproductive coughing.
  • In the initial stage of bronchitis, a dry, unproductive cough is observed. Gradually, pathogenic microbes begin to actively multiply in the respiratory tract, which leads to the production of large amounts of sputum, involving the nasopharynx in this process. The cough becomes wet, and sputum is coughed up with great difficulty.
  • Allergies not only cause a sore throat, dryness and constant coughing, but also other symptoms. They manifest themselves in the form of rhinitis, sneezing, itching in the nose, and tears almost constantly flow from the eyes. The allergic cause of a dry cough is determined by the method of exclusion, by checking possible influencing factors one by one.
  • Dryness of the larynx is observed in diabetes mellitus, especially at night.
  • Cough and sore throat cause hoarseness and appear in diseases of the thyroid gland, especially when a tumor begins to form.


If you have the above symptoms, you may need to consult several specialists at once. In order to get a complete picture of the disease, you will have to contact an otolaryngologist, therapist, allergist and endocrinologist.

In many cases, to make a diagnosis it is enough to examine the patient and talk with him. Pharyngitis is manifested by severe soreness, a reddened throat, and the back wall of the throat is covered with thick mucus.

All this happens against the background of elevated temperatures. Laryngitis, on the contrary, is distinguished by the presence of a dry cough, in some cases provoking vomiting. The voice becomes hoarse, and in young children the larynx may sharply narrow.

The child begins to experience serious difficulty in inhaling.

If the disease is prolonged, the patient does not know what to do, and the initial treatment does not give positive results, the patient is prescribed a more detailed in-depth examination, including:

  • Carrying out a general blood test, in many cases, allows you to accurately determine the causes and nature of inflammation.
  • Nasopharyngeal swabs are taken for bacteriological examination to isolate the potential causative agent of the disease. It is carried out in case of prolonged soreness and suspicion of a bacterial infection.
  • Advanced studies to assess the condition of the esophagus and stomach.
  • A separate blood test regarding thyroid hormones.
  • Tests that determine the presence or absence of allergic reactions to different types of irritants.
  • The occurrence of chronic pharyngitis and constant sore throat may be associated with diabetes mellitus. This is determined by a separate blood test for sugar concentration.

Correct diagnosis is the key to successful treatment. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease you should consult a doctor.

We follow the rules of treatment

Any therapeutic measures require certain treatment tactics, in compliance with the rules of the attending physician. In this case, the treatment of diseases, including those associated with the respiratory tract, will be much more effective.

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First of all, the patient needs to be provided with the most suitable conditions and know what not to do. This is due to the increased sensitivity of the throat to external irritants in the form of dust, too cold, dry or hot air.

Wet cleaning, ventilation of rooms, adjustment of heating radiators and other conditions are of paramount importance. In summer, it is recommended to refrain from using air conditioning, since it dries the air no worse than radiators.

When a patient appears, you should avoid household chemicals with strong odors.

Great importance is attached to proper nutrition. Sometimes a dry paroxysmal cough is caused by certain foods, so they should be avoided and excluded from the diet. Most often, unpleasant sensations arise from mustard, adjika and ketchups, pickled vegetables and spicy snacks, sour fruits and lemons.

It is necessary to avoid too cold cocktails, hot tea or coffee, and carbonated drinks. During illness, it is recommended to switch to products with an enveloping effect that soften the mucous membrane. Patients are traditionally fed oatmeal, broths, jelly; bananas, milk, and yoghurts with high fat content have proven themselves.

All foods, including drinks, must be warm.

While the sore throat is being treated, it is recommended to give up bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol, which irritate the throat. Sick children should be protected from tobacco smoke, since it is as harmful to the respiratory system as active smoking.

During illness, the throat must be protected. First of all, you should not talk a lot or loudly, as this creates additional stress on the respiratory system and promotes coughing.

In winter, during frosty periods, it is recommended not to breathe directly with cold air, which irritates already inflamed organs.

How to treat a sore throat

When there is a sore throat and a dry cough, in such situations treatment is carried out using various medications. Medicines should be divided into several groups.

The first group includes immunostimulating agents. They successfully suppress viral infections, especially at an early stage of the disease, subject to timely diagnosis.

These medications do not have a direct effect on the throat and are not able to directly eliminate a scratchy cough. However, thanks to them, the immune system is activated, preventing re-infection.

This group includes the following drugs:

  • Amiksin in tablets based on the active substance – tilorone. Recommended for children aged 6 years and above.
  • Tablets for sucking Anaferon based on the active component - antibodies to interferon gamma of the human body. Recommended for adults without restrictions and children starting from 1 year.
  • Immune stimulant Arbidol based on the active substance – umifenovir. It is prescribed to adults and children from three years of age when there is a sore throat and cough.
  • Ribomunil. A bacterial-based immunostimulant with membrane fractions of bacteria that can infect the respiratory organs. Release form: dragees or granules for the production of medicinal mixtures.

The second group of medications includes various sprays that can effectively treat dry cough and tickling. At the same time, they have a disinfecting and soothing effect on the affected area. Sprays are often found as part of a complex used for treatment. The most popular are the following:

  • Tantum Verde. A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug for a sore throat based on the active substance – benzydamine. Suitable for adults and children from 3 years old.
  • Strepsils Plus. It is an antiseptic and analgesic.
  • Derinat. An immunostimulating drug based on deoxyribonucleate.

The third group of drugs is represented by various types of lozenges:

  • Dr. MOM. Vegetable origin with fruit flavour. Intended for adults only, excluding pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  • Children over 6 years of age are allowed to use Bronchicum. It has a mucolytic effect, turning a dry cough into a wet productive one.

Sore throat and cough

Sore throat and dry cough: treatment and prevention of pathology

Co-author, editor and medical expert – Maksimov Alexander Alekseevich.

Last updated: 10/22/2019

A sore throat and dry cough are characteristic signs of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Their severity can vary - from a slight tickling in the throat to severe discomfort, rawness and pain in the throat, from a rare cough to an obsessive, paroxysmal and debilitating dry cough.

However, regardless of the severity of these symptoms, from the very first days of their appearance it is necessary to begin treatment that will avoid severe forms and complicated course of the disease.

Causes of sore throat

Inflammatory. The most common cause of a sore throat and dry cough is acute respiratory diseases. These are infections caused by various pathogens:

  • viruses (parainfluenza, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus, enterovirus);
  • bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci);
  • fungi (for example, yeast of the genus Candida).

Infections are transmitted mainly by airborne droplets, as well as by contact. Their maximum incidence is observed in the cold and damp seasons.

An infectious agent, penetrating the body, is fixed on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, where, in response to its penetration, a protective reaction in the form of inflammation is triggered.

Swelling and redness of the mucous membrane develop, leading to discomfort, pain and sore throat, causing coughing.

Non-inflammatory . A sore throat and dry cough can also occur with non-inflammatory damage to the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract:

  • for allergic pharyngitis, laryngotracheitis, bronchitis;
  • thermal irritation of the respiratory tract (inhalation of hot or cold air);
  • irritation from chemical agents (ingress of particles and vapors of varnishes, paints, household chemicals, gasoline, etc.);


Dry cough and sore throat for a long time: What to do

If you are worried about a sore throat, try to quickly begin treating this problem. Most often, dryness, itching and cough pass quickly without leaving any consequences. This article will help you understand the causes of cough.

Sore throat and dry cough: treatment and prevention of pathology

Many people have experienced a sore throat. It comes unexpectedly. The larynx begins to tickle. This causes a cough that is difficult to stop for several minutes.

 This symptom is often associated with the development of a cold. But it is not always the case.

Discomfort in the throat can be caused by various reasons, so if the unpleasant process continues for several days, consult a doctor for a diagnosis.

What causes the pathological process?

It has long been known that coughing is a protective reaction of the body . It cleanses the bronchi from pathogenic microorganisms, dust and protects against the adverse effects of the environment.

A dry, frequent cough is often provoked by external causes. One of the main culprits for its appearance is dry indoor air. Normally, the humidity in the room should range from 50 to 60 percent. When its level is lower, significant harm is caused to human health. The mucous membrane of the larynx dries out, causing soreness and discomfort in the throat.

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To prevent the development of a dry cough, it is recommended to purchase and install an air humidifier in the apartment. If for some reason this is not possible, a wet towel hanging on a hot radiator or several cups of water placed on the windowsill can help.

People living in large cities have to breathe air poisoned by the smog of working factories and machines. They suffer from coughing more often than residents of small villages.

This happens because polluted air irritates the mucous membrane, causing an annoying tickling in the larynx.

To soothe irritation and moisten the throat, residents of the metropolis need to constantly carry a bottle of water and periodically drink from it. This will partially help soothe the unpleasant irritation.

The pathological process that causes itching in the throat is provoked by bad habits. Heavy smokers often suffer from bouts of dry cough.

This is an alarming symptom that indicates that it is time to urgently give up cigarettes.

If smoking has not caused serious disturbances in the respiratory system, after liberation from nicotine addiction, the bronchi will quickly clear, the discomfort will go away, and breathing will become easy and free.

Itching in the throat sometimes begins from taking medications. If you experience an irresistible urge to cough while treating high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease, consult your doctor. It may be necessary to reduce the dose of tablets or prescribe another drug.

Sore throat and dry cough: treatment and prevention of pathology

Causes of infectious cough

Inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract in most cases provoke discomfort when swallowing. Patients complain that their throats are sore and the resulting cough is difficult to relieve. If such symptoms are accompanied by sneezing and high fever, an infection most likely develops in the human body.

It can be:

  • diseases of the nasopharynx, such as laryngitis, pharyngitis, sore throat;
  • bronchitis or tracheitis;
  • contagious infections - whooping cough, scarlet fever or measles.

Treatment of such diseases must begin quickly, because they can bring many complications. If therapy is started on time, after a few days the sore throat softens and mucus begins to clear from the bronchi.

When coughing up mucus occurs with difficulty for a long time, you need to be wary. This symptom often occurs with pneumonia . In order not to risk your health, you must undergo an examination and find out the cause of the cough.

People often complain that a sore throat gets worse at night . The resulting cough is very exhausting and interferes with sleep.

Unpleasant sensations are aggravated by the fact that in a horizontal position, blood circulation in the lungs slows down. The mucus in the bronchi begins to dissolve worse. This leads to its accumulation in the respiratory tract.

To cleanse the bronchi, the body activates a protective reflex—cough.

In some cases, during sleep, mucus accumulates in the nasopharynx. Its excess slowly flows down the back wall of the larynx, irritating the cough receptors. To get rid of a night cough, you need to find out what disease provokes the accumulation of mucus, and use all your efforts to eliminate it.

Non-infectious causes of cough

Sore throat is caused by diseases of the nervous system. Laryngeal neurosis can begin in response to severe stress, negative environmental influences, and bad habits. Sometimes the culprits of the pathology are spinal osteochondrosis, chronic tonsillitis or laryngitis.

The disease provokes cough as one of the main symptoms. In addition to it, the patient may experience other negative processes. Numbness and tingling in the throat, pain in the ears and tongue. In severe cases of the disease, it is difficult for a person to swallow food.

It is impossible to cure the pathology on your own. To avoid adverse consequences, it is necessary to make a complete diagnosis of the respiratory and nervous system and undergo a comprehensive examination. After receiving the results, the attending physician prescribes therapy on an individual basis.

Allergic reactions are a common cause of coughing. An itchy throat that causes a cough is accompanied by a runny nose and watery eyes. This is how the body reacts to the allergen.

The painful condition can occur under the influence of dust, animal hair, perfume or flowering plants. To get rid of pathology, you need to identify the allergen and protect the person from its influence.


Sore throat and cough all the time, how to treat it

Sore throat and dry cough: treatment and prevention of pathology

What to do when you have a sore throat and want to cough? This question is often asked at a therapist’s appointment. There is no simple answer. In order to prescribe the correct treatment, it is necessary to identify the source of irritation of the mucous membrane. Sometimes the environment becomes the cause of an unpleasant manifestation of pathology; under certain conditions (fever, runny nose, headache), the “culprit” is viruses, bacteria or fungi.

Causes of reflex contractions of the chest

It is not always possible to independently identify the sources of irritation of the mucous membrane. The exception is for reasons related to professional activity and individual characteristics of the body.

Many experts note that tickling and prolonged cough are often signs of residual infection and recovery of the body after illness. Sometimes the discomfort does not disappear within 4-6 weeks.

At your doctor’s appointment, you will definitely be asked about the nature and time of onset of chest spasms. It is much easier to prescribe treatment if you understand how the disease, characterized by a dry or wet cough in an adult, develops.

Sore throat appeared suddenly

The sudden appearance of an irritating cough is usually associated with respiratory infections or an improper reaction of the immune system to negative external factors.

Breathing problems occur when:

  • influenza (a viral disease characterized by a dry barking cough without sputum discharge, headache, aching joints);
  • sore throat (bacterial infection is manifested by plaque on the tonsils, purulent discharge, and a sharp increase in the patient’s body temperature);
  • fungal pharyngitis (it is quite difficult to distinguish this pathology from ARVI, acute respiratory infections due to the similarity of symptoms).

An allergic reaction should be highlighted separately. It’s not uncommon to have a sore throat and want to cough or sneeze when in contact with household chemicals, animal hair, or dust. Another common cause of the pathological condition is physical trauma to the larynx and chest, causing inflammation and swelling.

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Symptoms do not go away for a long time

It is somewhat more difficult to diagnose a disease without accompanying manifestations of the disease. If there is no body temperature, redness of the mucous membranes, or pain, then you should think about the correct organization of the living space. Often the rooms are very hot and the air dries out. This leads to irritation of the larynx and a constant desire to cough.

What else you need to pay attention to if you have a persistent dry cough:

  • diabetes mellitus (endocrine disease causes rapid drying of tissues and provokes a cough reflex);
  • throat tumors (benign and malignant neoplasms have symptoms similar to respiratory pathologies);


Find out 10 causes of a sore throat: how to cure the disease - the doctor's secrets


A sore throat, which is often accompanied by a dry, painful cough, causes severe discomfort to a person. However, a rare patient will consult a doctor, considering these phenomena only a sign of a mild cold. But the causes of a sore throat are not limited to hypothermia or respiratory infections.

If you have a sore throat, your doctor will help you choose individual treatment

A sore throat and a dry cough are only the external manifestations of some deep and serious problem. They say incipient, ongoing or untreated illness. Correct determination of the etiology of the disease is the only key to adequate treatment and rapid recovery.


The patient complains of discomfort in the throat: a sore throat, a burning sensation, a tingling sensation, an itchy throat and a cough, which can be mild or turn into painful attacks. The tickling itself is not painful, but extremely unpleasant and irritating.

It is accompanied by a feeling of a foreign object, heartburn.
If your throat is sore for more than a few days, your voice becomes hoarse. In most cases, there are signs of inflammation on the mucous membrane: redness, swelling, and unpleasant odor. The overall body temperature often increases.

A dry throat and dry cough cause a feeling of thirst.

10 reasons for a sore throat

These symptoms are usually not taken seriously, the sick do not pay attention to them, endure them “on their feet”, without trying to determine what caused them. If you constantly have a sore throat and want to cough, a person thinks that he has a cold or has contracted a viral respiratory infection. This assumption is sometimes justified, but there are other reasons.

  1. Unpleasant sensations can indeed be associated with irritation of the inflamed mucous membranes lining the respiratory tract. This causes a tickle in the throat. Inflammation of the pharynx accompanies the development of most respiratory diseases (ARVI), as well as tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis of various etiologies (viral, bacterial, fungal).
  2. A sore throat and cough are often caused by spasmodic contractions of the bronchial muscles during allergic reactions (to pollen, wool or ordinary dust). An allergen entering the body provokes the production of histamine and other compounds that cause muscle spasms. This is how the body tries to get rid of a substance that is unpleasant to it. Expectorants are effective only for a productive, wet cough! Do not use them if your cough is dry!
  3. Nicotine irritates the mucous membranes, irritates the throat, and toxic substances in the surrounding air (in industries) have a similar effect, which is why smokers and chemical industry workers most often experience a sore throat.
  4. Many chemicals can cause bronchospasm. Some medications contain inhibitors of body enzymes responsible for regulating the lumen of blood vessels. They are used to lower blood pressure in the treatment of hypertension. Their side effect may be a dry cough.


Sore throat and dry cough - treatment if it is very sore, lump, causes of coma in an adult or child, irritable syndrome

Severe sore throat and dry cough - these unpleasant symptoms are familiar to every person. However, they are not always associated with a viral or bacterial infection.

This problem can arise due to allergies, pathology of the central nervous system, thyroid diseases and various occupational diseases.

This may even be one of the signs of diabetes, but in this case the discomfort disappears after a sip of water.


If your throat is sore or sore and your cough does not go away for more than 2 weeks, you should definitely consult a doctor. You should not self-medicate, as this may be a symptom of serious illnesses.

The most common cause of symptoms such as a sore throat and a debilitating, dry cough is a common ARVI or bacterial infection. In this case, the cause is an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane of the pharynx and respiratory tract.

Delayed treatment can lead to serious complications.

In this case, the cough is a consequence of irritation of the mucous membranes in the nose and throat. Often the third symptom is a runny nose, causing swelling of the nasal mucosa. In this case, the person is forced to breathe more through the mouth, which leads to drying out of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

These may be symptoms of such unpleasant diseases as:

  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • ARVI;
  • angina;
  • laryngitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • tracheitis;
  • flu;
  • parainfluenza

In all these cases, a symptom such as a “lump in the throat” may appear in parallel. The most effective antibiotics for sore throat in adults in tablets are presented in the article.

You should not take these symptoms too lightly, since the inflammatory process can “descend” into the lower respiratory tract. This can lead to complications such as bronchitis or pneumonia.

There are also many non-infectious causes that can cause a sore throat, as well as a debilitating dry cough. What to do if there are no signs of a viral or bacterial infection, but the discomfort in the throat does not go away? In this case, it is worth analyzing the causes of the problem, and if necessary, seek help from a doctor.

Such symptoms are especially dangerous in children, so you should not self-medicate. Folk remedies often only temporarily relieve symptoms, but do not solve the problem.

If the cause of these problems is not inflammation, an annoying sore throat combined with a cough may be signs of such troubles as:

  1. Allergy. Allergic rhinitis often provokes irritation of the throat mucosa, which causes such unpleasant symptoms. They are usually accompanied by a runny nose, sneezing and itching.
  2. Neurosis of the pharynx. For example, it could be “irritable throat syndrome.” This pathology of the central nervous system can provoke not only a nervous spasm or a feeling of a “lump in the throat”. This may be a periodically occurring tickling sensation that provokes a dry cough. It can often be accompanied by sensations of numbness, tingling and sore throat.
  3. Thyroid diseases. The formation of pathological growths or nodes in the pharynx can provoke unpleasant sensations in the throat, causing an annoying cough.
  4. Diabetes. Oddly enough, one of the signs of endocrine system diseases can be unusual symptoms. Sometimes this is an occasional sensation of sore throat that disappears with a sip of water. This is because this disease can cause gradual destruction of the throat lining.
  5. Oncological diseases. These may be the first signs of cancer of the pharynx or larynx.
  6. Occupational diseases.


Dry cough and sore throat

A dry cough and a sore throat do not always indicate the onset of an inflammatory process. This symptom may be a reaction to respiratory or internal irritation - dust, dry air, pollen, animal hair, medications or food.

The reasons for a sore throat can be – as already mentioned – inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases.

Emerging pathologies include:

  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • ARVI;
  • ENT diseases;
  • chronic diseases;
  • tumors in the respiratory organs.

The following conditions can cause sensations of irritation in the larynx and a lump behind the sternum.

  1. Allergies – most often occur with respiratory irritations.
  2. Neurosis - impulses reaching the swallowing muscles are disrupted due to nerve damage. In this case, other symptoms appear - numbness in the tongue or larynx, tingling in various parts of the nasopharynx - in the ears or the root of the tongue.
  3. Throat diseases caused by professional activities - overwork in teachers, announcers, actors.
  4. Thyroid diseases. In this case, the soreness appears due to a narrowing of the larynx caused by the formation of growths and polyps.

A cough due to a sore throat can occur unexpectedly - with increased dry air. As soon as the humidity returns to normal, it disappears.

Treatment of acute inflammatory diseases, the symptoms of which are a sore throat and dry cough, is carried out according to the basic therapeutic regimen - in each individual case the condition is corrected.

With pharyngitis, laryngitis, sore throat and other manifestations of ARVI, one of the first symptoms is pain when swallowing due to inflammation of the mucous membrane.

The etiology of diseases can be different - viral, bacterial or fungal. If left untreated, the infection can spread through the bloodstream and cause general inflammation.

In this case, it is necessary to use local and broad-spectrum antiviral, antifungal or antibacterial agents.

In Asian countries - China and Japan - the onset of ARVI is stopped by gargling with saline solutions and rinsing the nose. These measures clear the airways and eliminate irritation and soreness in the larynx.

Dry non-productive attacks must be converted into a productive wet form. To do this, irritation of the larynx is relieved by rinsing with solutions of furatsilin, "Chlorhexidine", lubrication with oil solutions of "Chlorphyllipt", "Lugol" or iodinol. You can use cough lozenges and lozenges.

At the same time, mucolytics and agents that stimulate sputum production and dilute it are prescribed. When attacks of tickling acquire a productive form, it begins to be treated with expectorants.

The atrophic or subatrophic form of pharyngitis causes severe soreness. The mucous membranes dry out, acquire a pale pink color, and blood vessels become visible through them. In this case, treatment begins with irrigation with oil products. Inflammatory diseases are usually accompanied by fever.

How to get rid of an obsessive dry cough caused by other problems?

Symptoms of dryness and the urge to cough can cause cancer. At the very beginning, an unpleasant sensation of dryness occurs, the temperature constantly remains at 37.2 ºС.

The first signs of throat cancer are not specific; they are similar to the symptoms of chronic pharyngitis, tonsillitis or other ENT diseases. First, a sensation of a foreign body appears in the larynx, then the timbre of the voice changes. If treatment is not started at this stage, the swallowing process may be disrupted, and coughing attacks will intensify - they will become protracted and prolonged.

At this stage, sensations of pain appear that spread beyond the sternum. Further, the internal organs are affected, eating food causes vomiting.

The oncological process can grow rapidly - the condition will worsen within a few days. Similar symptoms occur with thyroid pathology and endocrine disorders.

You can’t take a sore throat lightly - if you can’t get rid of it within 10 days using conventional means, you need to put yourself in the hands of official medicine. Cancer can be cured at an early stage.

  • To treat dry cough caused by allergies, not only antihistamines are used, but also corticosteroids and anti-edema agents.
  • It is necessary to identify the allergen and eliminate contact with it.
  • Irritation is removed by conventional means - rinsing with emollients: tincture of mint, oak bark or lemon balm, oil preparations, medications.

It is very important to prevent secondary infection - the addition of a bacterial infection. During acute allergies, the body's immune status decreases.

Laryngeal neurosis, a common cause of organ irritation, can be caused by:

  • deviations in the innervation of the pharyngeal nerves;
  • bulbar palsy – with damage to the cranial nerves; additional symptoms – involuntary leakage of saliva, difficulty swallowing, lump in throat
  • diseases of the spine - atrophic changes in the cervical region;
  • complications after diphtheria or purulent tonsillitis;
  • syphilis – stage 3;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • brain tumors of various types.

Attacks and irritation of the larynx often occur with neurasthenia - women are more susceptible to it. The condition is affected by increased suspiciousness, self-doubt against the background of reduced immunity and endocrine disorders. The treatment is specific.

Forms of laryngeal neurosis:

  • anesthesia - the swallowing function is impaired, irritation of the larynx is almost not felt;
  • paresthesia - this condition often develops in women at menopausal age;
  • hyperesthesia - the sensitivity of the throat mucosa increases, any irritation causes soreness, which forces you to cough frequently.
  1. Neuroses are treated by neurologists and ENT doctors; the cough disappears when the condition improves.
  2. Do you really have to change your job if the cough is a consequence of your professional activity?
  3. Occupational factors that cause irritation of the throat mucosa can be divided into 2 groups.
  • Environmental factors include dry air, air pollution, and the presence of fine dust in it. Constant adverse effects cause coughing, the attacks of which become stronger and more frequent over time.

This condition most often occurs in plasterers, flour millers, librarians, metallurgists, builders, asphalt layers...


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