
Mastopathy: why it occurs and how the disease is characterized

The causes of mastopathy are divided into several groups. Some of them develop independently of a woman’s behavior, while others are caused by her herself. You can really correct them yourself or with the help of a specialist.

A woman cannot change some reasons, since it is not up to her.

These include:

  • Unfavorable environmental situation.
  • Bad heredity. It is necessary to take into account all the diseases that women in the immediate family have.

The situation can be corrected if the following causes of pathology are present:

  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Pathologies of the reproductive system.
  • Poor nutrition and bad habits.
  • Reproductive behavior.
  • Psycho-emotional disorders.

The main influence is hormonal levels. In many women, during examination, specialists often discover several causes of breast pathology.

Concomitant diseases and hormonal disorders

Mastopathy: why it occurs and how the disease is characterized

Women's mammary glands are very vulnerable to the effects of hormones. Any disturbances in their functioning can cause mastopathy or other health problems. An imbalance between estrogen and progesterone plays a decisive role in the occurrence of breast tumors.

Typically, during examination, women suffering from mastopathy are found to have high levels of estrogen with insufficient amounts of progesterone.

In this situation, estrogens have a stronger effect on the mammary glands, which causes fibrotic processes. Because of this, the sensations that usually appear before menstruation (pain and swelling of the breasts) become permanent.

Mastopathy: why it occurs and how the disease is characterized

There are cases when male hormones predominate in women. Which can also cause mastopathy.

The state of the reproductive system has a great influence on the development of breast diseases.

The chances of developing mastopathy increase if:

  1. The first sexual intercourse occurred at an early age.
  2. The first pregnancy ended in abortion.
  3. The first birth took place after 35 years.

With the onset of pregnancy, the mammary glands begin to rebuild, preparing for the upcoming lactation. The maturation of the glandular epithelium and the expansion of the ducts begin. Therefore, breasts increase in size already in the first weeks of pregnancy.

Mastopathy: why it occurs and how the disease is characterized

In addition, scientists have found that women who have had an abortion are several times more likely to develop breast cancer.

To avoid the development of mastopathy, it is necessary not only not to have abortions and give birth to children under 30, but also to observe the culture of breastfeeding.

Feeding the baby must continue for at least six months. It is during this time that the mammary glands can completely rebuild.

Stopping lactation using artificial methods can have bad consequences for the breasts. There are special drugs to suppress the production of prolactin. Their consumption can cause the formation of cysts in the breast tissue.

Mastopathy: why it occurs and how the disease is characterized

Diseases of the reproductive system can also cause mastopathy, as they often lead to hormonal imbalances.

The following diseases pose a danger:

  1. Endometriosis.
  2. Uterine fibroids.
  3. Chronic inflammation of the ovaries.

These pathologies are characterized by an increase in estrogen levels. Therefore, most patients suffering from these diseases have disturbances in the structure of the mammary gland tissue.

Mastopathy: why it occurs and how the disease is characterized

The liver is responsible for the disposal of estrogens. Various diseases, such as hepatitis and cirrhosis, reduce liver performance. This often causes hormonal imbalances in women.

Mastopathy, and even cancer, can appear if the mammary glands have been injured. Consequences can occur even many years after the injury.

Nutrition and lifestyle

Alcohol and cigarettes have a detrimental effect on women's bodies. Smoking can cause ovarian disease, which increases estrogen levels and subsequently affects the breasts.

Hormonal imbalance can be a consequence of alcohol abuse. Alcohol leads to increased production of prolactin and estrogen and reduces the amount of progesterone.

Mastopathy: why it occurs and how the disease is characterized

A healthy diet is key to health and plays an important role in breast health.

If the diet is dominated by fatty, salty and smoked foods, semi-finished products, fast food products, preservatives, then the condition of the liver and gastrointestinal tract worsens and the risk of fibrocystic processes in the breast increases.

Methylxanthines are harmful to the mammary glands. Therefore, you need to avoid products containing them, namely tea, coffee, cola, cocoa, chocolate. They lead to the accumulation of fluid in the cysts and stimulate the formation of fibroids.

Mastopathy: why it occurs and how the disease is characterized

Poor nutrition leads to obesity. If you are overweight, fat cells begin to accumulate estrogen, which greatly aggravates the course of mastopathy.

Poor nutrition and bad habits lead to weakened immunity and reduce the body's resistance to stress. This can lead to many health problems, including mastopathy.

Mastopathy: why it occurs and how the disease is characterized

You should also avoid wearing bras with metal inserts to lift your breasts. They can put a lot of pressure and lead to microtrauma of the mammary glands.

Psychological causes of mastopathy are stressful situations, neuroses and depression, which put women at great risk of developing mastopathy. Psychological factors are considered one of the main causes of mammary gland pathologies.

How to identify the disease in time

Mastopathy: why it occurs and how the disease is characterized

The disease reveals itself by the following signs:

  1. Severe pain in the chest area, which can radiate to the armpits, shoulder, and neck.
  2. Engorgement and increase in the volume of the mammary glands.
  3. Unpleasant sensations intensify before menstruation.
  4. When you feel the mammary glands, you may notice small lumps.
  5. In later stages, discharge appears from the nipples. When you press on the nipple, a clear, yellow or brown liquid may appear.
  6. Lymph nodes in the armpit area may become enlarged.

Mastopathy: why it occurs and how the disease is characterized

Some women do not experience any discomfort with mastopathy. It depends on the level of pain sensitivity. In this case, the disease can only be determined during an examination by a mammologist. To detect pathology at the initial stage, it is necessary to regularly visit a doctor. Preventive examinations should be carried out at least once every six months.

Self-examination can also help to detect the disease in time. If for some reason you can’t visit a mammologist often, you can examine your breasts yourself whenever you want. But you need to know on what days to do this.

Choosing the right day is very important, since at different periods of the cycle the mammary glands have different conditions. It is recommended to examine the breasts on the seventh day of the cycle.

It is after menstruation that the hormones subside, excess fluid leaves the body and the breasts are easier to examine for mastopathy.

To notice changes in nipple color or asymmetry, you need to stand in front of a mirror in a well-lit room. It is worth paying attention to the condition of the veins on the chest. By lightly pressing on the nipple you can check if there is any discharge.

After this, raising your hand, you need to carefully feel the gland, and repeat the same with the second breast.

If during the examination there was pain or other unpleasant sensations, or if new growths were felt, it is necessary to visit a specialist for further examination.

To avoid the development of the disease, you must:

  1. Strengthen the nervous system, make sure that psychological stress does not throw you out of balance.
  2. Choose the right underwear.
  3. Avoid junk food, alcohol and smoking.
  4. Visit a mammologist and gynecologist regularly.
  5. Examine your mammary glands yourself.

Pathologies of the mammary glands arise for various reasons. For the most part, it depends on the woman herself whether the disease will appear or not. For prevention, you need to monitor your health.

Maintain a culture of sexual life, have regular sex life, give birth to children at a young age and continue breastfeeding for at least six months.

These simple recommendations can significantly reduce the risk of developing mastopathy and, subsequently, breast cancer.


Cystic mastopathy: causes and treatment

Mastopathy: why it occurs and how the disease is characterized

Cystic mastopathy is a disease characterized by excessive growth of connective tissue of the mammary gland with subsequent formation of cysts. The disease, which occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance, is most often diagnosed in women aged 30 to 45 years. The cyst is a benign formation, but untimely treatment of cystic mastopathy can lead to the development of a dangerous disease - breast cancer.

The growth and development of the mammary glands is regulated by hormones - progesterone, prolactin and estrogens. With excess production of hormones and hormonal imbalance, cystic mastopathy develops.

Cystic mastopathy (fibrocystic disease) is accompanied by benign changes in breast tissue, characterized by the proliferation of connective tissue and a decrease in the epithelial component.

One or more cysts—tumors filled with liquid—form in the breast. The formations have clear boundaries and are separated from the glandular tissue of the breast by connective tissue. Unlike a cancerous tumor, a cyst is mobile and has a smooth, clear contour.


The disease manifests itself as local or general damage to breast tissue, depending on this it is classified into several forms:

  • diffuse - small neoplasms are found in all parts of the breast;
  • nodular - on one side a node, which is a cyst, is palpated;
  • mixed.

Cystic mastopathy also occurs:

  • multiple (bilateral) - several cysts affect both breasts;
  • solitary (one-sided) - a single benign formation in one of the glands.

Based on the severity of symptoms, cystic mastopathy is classified into mild, moderate and severe.


The main cause of the disease is hormonal imbalance, in which there is a lack of progesterone, excess production of estrogens, prolactin and prostaglandins. A woman’s hormonal background, in turn, is influenced by a combination of various factors - heredity, nutrition, environmental conditions, diseases of internal organs.

The main causes of hormonal imbalance and the development of cystic mastopathy include:

  • impaired reproductive function (cystic mastopathy is often diagnosed in women suffering from infertility);
  • menstrual irregularities, early puberty, late menopause;
  • ovarian dysfunction caused by irregular sex life;
  • frequent abortions;
  • first pregnancy over 40 years of age;
  • refusal to breastfeed after childbirth or a short period of lactation;
  • chest injuries, wearing uncomfortable, tight underwear;
  • endocrine pathologies (hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, tumors of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland);
  • liver and kidney diseases (accompanied by impaired hormone production and insufficient removal of fluid from the body, which leads to the development of mastopathy);
  • metabolic disorders, obesity;
  • long-term diseases of the reproductive system (endometritis, adnexal cyst, salpingoophoritis, fibroids);
  • genetic predisposition (diseases in women on the maternal side).

The development of the disease also contributes to:

  • nervous disorders, stress;
  • chronic fatigue, lack of sleep;
  • poor nutrition, adherence to a strict diet;
  • bad habits.


Mastopathy: why it occurs and how the disease is characterized

The main symptom of cystic mastopathy is the presence of one or more nodular lumps in the breast. The neoplasm has a round shape and clear boundaries and remains mobile. But the formation cannot always be felt by palpation - a cyst localized in the deep tissues of the mammary gland can only be detected by instrumental diagnostic methods.

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The following signs may indicate the development of cystic mastopathy.

  1. Dull, aching or sharp pain (can spread to the shoulders, armpits), a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the mammary gland. The pain may occur several days before the start of menstruation, or it may be a constant concern. When touched or pressed, the pain intensifies.
  2. Edema is an enlargement of one or two glands.
  3. Periodic itching in the nipple area.
  4. Light, dark or purulent discharge from the milk ducts (the nature of the discharge depends on the severity of the pathological process, and the appearance of brown or bloody impurities indicates the development of a malignant tumor).
  5. Enlarged axillary lymph nodes.

The disease can manifest itself with only 1-2 or all symptoms at the same time. In addition, a woman may experience a psycho-emotional disorder (nervousness, irritability, tearfulness), headaches, and dyspeptic disorders. As a rule, unpleasant phenomena disappear in the first days of the monthly cycle.


Diagnosis of cystic mastopathy includes:

  • external examination (shape of glands, presence of asymmetry, size, color of skin);
  • palpation of the mammary glands, sub- and supraclavicular, axillary lymph nodes;
  • ultrasound examination of the breast (allows you to study the condition of the epithelial tissue of the breast and nearby lymph nodes) and pelvic organs (to identify diseases of the uterus and ovaries);
  • mammography - an X-ray examination of the breast (allows to detect a tumor, is not performed on women under 40 years of age, pregnant or lactating women);
  • analysis for the content of progesterone, estrogens, prolactin, and, if necessary, thyroid and adrenal hormones;
  • puncture biopsy and subsequent histological examination of the material taken (to identify malignant cells);
  • cytological analysis of secretions from the milk ducts;
  • biochemical blood test (liver enzymes, blood sugar levels and other indicators).

If necessary, additional diagnostic methods are carried out:

Diagnosis and treatment of mastopathy is carried out by a gynecologist and mammologist.

Breast examination is carried out from 4 to 12 days of the monthly cycle. On other days, there is a high risk of misdiagnosis, which is associated with the peculiarities of the physiological processes occurring in the female body.


Treatment of mastopathy is carried out conservatively or surgically. The choice of treatment method is carried out taking into account the severity of the disease, age and individual characteristics of the patient.

A prerequisite for successful treatment is correction of diet and drinking regime. It is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid daily and avoid foods that provoke the growth of fibrous tissue and the formation of liquid contents in the cyst (chocolate, tea and coffee, sweet carbonated drinks, fatty foods, alcohol).

Conservative therapy

Drug treatment of cystic mastopathy is aimed at eliminating the causes of the pathological process and alleviating unpleasant symptoms - pain and swelling. Therapy is carried out comprehensively, including the prescription of several groups of drugs, including hormonal ones.

Hormone therapy is based on the following:

  1. Toremifene and Tamoxifen - suppress the production of estrogen, prevent significant changes in hormone levels, taken continuously for 3 months;
  2. combined oral contraceptives (Zhanin, Marvelon, Rigevidon) - indicated for violations of the second phase of the cycle for women under 35 years of age;
  3. progesterone preparations, otherwise gestagens (Duphaston, Utrozhestan, Pregnin) - suppress the synthesis of estrogen and normalize the content of progesterone, thereby slowing down the growth of the pussy, promoting its subsequent resorption, taken for 4 months;
  4. Parlodela - suppresses prolactin synthesis;
  5. Buserelin, Zoladex - inhibit the synthesis of gonadotropic hormone;
  6. androgens (Methyltestosterone, Testobromlecid, Danazol) - suppress the synthesis of pituitary hormones, accordingly inhibit their effect on the ovaries, are used in the treatment of women over 45 years of age, prescribed in a continuous course for 4-6 months.

Hormones should be selected by the doctor, taking into account the results of the analysis of the woman’s hormonal status.

In addition to hormonal drugs, the following groups of drugs are prescribed.

  1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Reduce inflammatory processes in breast tissue, eliminate swelling and pain. They are prescribed in short courses, since long-term use can cause serious adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract and other systems.
  2. Diuretics. They remove excess fluid, help eliminate swelling of the breast, as well as swelling of the arms and legs, which often accompany cystic mastopathy. Typically, light plant-based diuretics are prescribed (lingonberry tea, diuretic or renal tea). It is also recommended to limit your salt intake.
  3. Vitamin complexes. To strengthen the immune system, normalize hormonal levels and liver function, vitamins A, E, C, and group B are especially useful. Vitamin A suppresses the production of estrogen, vitamin E enhances the effect of progesterone, vitamin B6 reduces the content of prolactin. Ascorbic acid, vitamins P and PP strengthen vascular walls, normalize microcirculation and reduce swelling of the mammary glands.
  4. Sedatives. Sedative herbs and teas, remedies based on valerian and motherwort are prescribed in cases where psycho-emotional disorder is the cause or concomitant symptom of cystic mastopathy. The drugs normalize the state of the nervous system, increase resistance to stress, and normalize sleep.
  5. Iodine preparations. Iodomarin, Mamoclam and other iodine preparations are prescribed if cystic mastopathy is caused by hypothyroidism (insufficient production of thyroid hormones). Mamoclam reduces the manifestations of mastalgia, premenstrual syndrome, and leads to regression of cysts. Can be used during pregnancy and lactation if the amount of iodine does not exceed physiological doses: no more than 250 mg/day. However, in case of hyperthyroidism and thyroiditis, these drugs are contraindicated.
  6. Homeopathic medicines. Plant-based products (Cyclodinone, Mastodinon, Remens) normalize hormonal levels, and have virtually no side effects or contraindications.

Surgical intervention

Surgical treatment of cystic mastopathy is indicated for:

  • lack of positive results of conservative therapy;
  • suspected oncology (based on the results of histological examination);
  • rapid increase in cyst size;
  • recurrence of the cyst after a previous puncture.

There are three main methods of surgical intervention:

  1. sectoral resection of the mammary gland - removal of the cyst with excision of nearby healthy breast tissue;
  2. enucleation - exfoliation of pathological cyst tissue through a small incision (carried out to remove small formations);
  3. laser ablation - burning of pathological tissues with laser beams without damaging nearby healthy tissues.

Alternative medicine

To treat mastopathy, various herbal preparations, infusions and tinctures are used, which are used internally or for compresses.

  1. Corn oil, aloe and radish juice. Mix the ingredients in equal quantities, add 70% alcohol, leave for a week. Take a tablespoon three times a day half an hour before meals.
  2. Peppermint tea with lemon balm. Drink daily an hour before bedtime.
  3. Dill with milk. Brew 100 g of dill seeds in ½ liter of milk, leave for 2 hours in a warm place, strain. Divide the finished product into 3 equal parts and drink throughout the day half an hour before meals. The treatment course lasts three weeks and is repeated after a week break.

External means:

  1. lightly beat off the cabbage leaves, grease with honey, apply to the chest at night for two weeks (after a twenty-day break, the course can be repeated);
  2. Grind the cabbage leaves and pumpkin in a meat grinder, apply the resulting mixture to the chest, cover it with cling film and secure it with a bandage, wash off the mixture after two hours (course of treatment is a week);
  3. crushed dry burdock leaves (100 g) pour in refined sunflower oil (300 ml), leave for 10 days, lubricate the chest with the resulting product, do not rinse.

It is important to understand that folk remedies should be used only as an auxiliary method that complements conservative therapy.


Mastopathy: why it occurs and how the disease is characterized

To prevent mastopathy, as well as for women who have been diagnosed with the disease, it is important to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition:

  • include foods rich in fiber in your daily menu - fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, dried fruits;
  • enrich the diet with fermented milk and seafood (sources of calcium and iodine);
  • ensure sufficient intake of vitamin E into the body (the main source is vegetable oils);
  • give up fatty, smoked, salty foods and fast foods;
  • exclude alcohol, sweet carbonated drinks, coffee and tea, chocolate, cocoa from the diet.

Not less important:

  • adjust the drinking regime (drink at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day);
  • observe the work and rest schedule, get enough sleep, avoid physical fatigue;
  • avoid stress;
  • fight excess weight (excess body weight can cause metabolic disorders);
  • do not be in the open sun, refuse to visit the solarium, saunas and baths, and other thermal influences;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • choose the right underwear (due to the irregular shape and size of the bra, the breasts are compressed, which contributes to the development of the disease), give preference to natural fabrics;
  • Regularly (every six months) undergo preventive examinations with a gynecologist.

The prognosis of the disease is favorable - cystic mastopathy, if diagnosed in a timely manner, can be treated quite easily with medication, and proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle help prevent the recurrence of cysts.

But if mastopathy is not treated, pathological processes in the breast will intensify, which can lead to suppuration and rupture of the cyst, and tissue degeneration into malignant ones. That is why it is important to start treatment in a timely manner and follow all medical recommendations.


Find out the causes of mastopathy and prevent the disease

Mastopathy: why it occurs and how the disease is characterized

Many women experience discomfort in the mammary gland that occurs before the start of the menstrual cycle and continues during it. The breasts at this time increase in size and cause discomfort. But not all representatives of the fair sex know that this is how the first signs of such an unpleasant disease as mastopathy appear.

What it is

A benign disease characterized by pathological proliferation of breast tissue is called mastopathy or fibrocystic disease. Every year the number of women suffering from it continues to grow.

According to statistics, from 30 to 70% of women are susceptible to this disease, and if the patient has any gynecological pathology, the risk of getting sick is close to 98%. This is a fairly serious disease that needs to be treated only under the supervision of a doctor.

It is known that in women suffering from mastopathy, the chance of developing a malignant breast disease (including cancer) increases by 3-5 times.

Mechanism of occurrence

The causes of mastopathy are associated with the occurrence of hormonal imbalance. In a healthy woman, hormonal processes occur in the body every month, which leads to cyclical changes in the mammary glands.

Hormones such as progesterone and estrogen affect both the menstrual cycle and breast tissue.

In its first phase (during a normal cycle), cells multiply in the mammary glands (proliferative processes), regulated by the action of estrogens.

And in the second phase, these processes are inhibited under the influence of progesterone. If a disorder appears in this scheme, mastopathy occurs.

Thus, the causes of mastopathy are associated with hormonal imbalance: in the body there is an insufficient amount of progesterone and an excess amount of estrogen, which leads to the proliferation of breast tissue.

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In addition, the causes of mastopathy may lie in an excess of the hormone prolactin in the body. In healthy women, it is produced by the pituitary gland while expecting a child and during feeding and is necessary for the formation of breast milk. If, due to some factors, prolactin begins to be secreted outside of pregnancy, mastopathy occurs.

Mastopathy: why it occurs and how the disease is characterized


The reasons that cause the appearance of mastopathy can be very different:

  • gynecological diseases of an inflammatory nature (polycystic ovary syndrome, andexitis, uterine fibroid, endometriosis). The reproductive system and mammary glands are closely related to each other, therefore any inflammatory processes affecting gynecology are sure to affect the condition of the breasts;
  • the causes of mastopathy in women can also be due to inadequate or irregular sex life;
  • endocrine disorders (thyroid diseases, metabolic disorders, diseases of the pituitary gland and adrenal glands). The mammary glands provide an almost instantaneous response to hormonal changes in the body, so the presence of any endocrine diseases can give rise to the appearance of mastopathy;
  • menstrual irregularities. As already mentioned, the condition of the mammary glands is associated with the production of sex hormones, so a violation of their regulation can lead to mastopathy;
  • abortions. The onset of pregnancy leads to a restructuring of the woman’s body: it begins to change in preparation for the birth of a child, and the mammary glands begin to produce milk. Forcibly stopping these processes has a detrimental effect on women’s health and leads to mastopathy;
  • refusal to bear and feed children. Most often, pathological processes in the mammary glands affect nulliparous women, since this condition is not natural for their body;
  • stress. As you know, nervous tension affects the most unprotected place in the human body; if it turns out to be the chest, mastopathy develops;
  • depression;
  • smoking;
  • uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs or their incorrect choice;
  • obesity;
  • poor nutrition;
  • physical inactivity;
  • heredity. As a result of a number of studies, it has been found that women whose mothers are diagnosed with breast or genital cancer have a much higher risk of developing mastopathy;
  • chest injuries. According to doctors, the causes of mastopathy may be microtrauma of the mammary gland, which can be obtained, for example, in a bus crush due to a careless elbow strike by another passenger;
  • uncomfortable underwear. The bra should always be of the appropriate size, since underwear that is not spacious enough contributes to poor circulation, and this is a direct road to mastopathy. Women should be careful when using models that have metal underwires designed to lift the breasts. This is due to the potential for microtrauma, since they tighten the glands unnecessarily. (It is better to choose products with plastic bones, as they do not interfere with normal blood circulation);
  • lack of iodine in the body;
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • excessive addiction to alcohol.

Mastopathy: why it occurs and how the disease is characterized


Knowing what causes can cause mastopathy, a woman should think about her health and follow certain rules that will prevent the disease from developing:

  • Healthy food;
  • avoid stress;
  • wear bras that fit;
  • take hormonal drugs only after consulting a doctor;
  • regularly examine the mammary glands;
  • visit a mammologist and gynecologist 1-2 times a year;
  • sleep at least 8 hours;
  • prevent the occurrence of microtraumas of the chest;
  • lead a correct lifestyle.

As you know, preventing a disease is much easier than treating it. That is why every woman should independently take care of her health, trying to be attentive to her body and lead a healthy lifestyle, since often the causes of the disease lie precisely in this. If you notice any changes in the mammary gland, immediately contact a specialist.



Mastopathy is a disease of the mammary glands, characterized by the proliferation of glandular and connective tissue, which results in the formation of cysts and seals.

The number of women suffering from this disease has been constantly growing in recent years. Mastopathy occurs in 30-70% of women of reproductive age. If a woman has any gynecological disease, then the risk of mastopathy increases to 98%.

Mastopathy: why it occurs and how the disease is characterized

It has been established that malignant tumors of the mammary glands occur 3-5 times more often against the background of mastopathy.

Causes of mastopathy

The development of mastopathy is most often associated with a disturbance in the rhythm of production of sex hormones in the female body, which can be associated with:

  • inflammatory diseases of the female genital area (salpingo-oophoritis, inflammation of the appendages, adnexitis, endometriosis, fibroids);
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract (hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, cholecystitis);
  • psycho-emotional background. Constant stress, dissatisfaction with sex life and other psychological factors can contribute to disruption in the regulation of hormone production, leading to changes in the mammary gland;
  • abortions. In case of termination of pregnancy, a hormonal imbalance occurs in the female body, which can lead to the development of mastopathy;
  • endocrine diseases such as hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome;
  • injuries and damage to the chest;
  • factor of heredity. If close relatives suffered from diseases of the mammary glands, this increases the risk of developing mastopathy.

The following factors increase the risk of developing this disease:

  • early onset of menstruation;
  • first birth after 25 years of age;
  • irregular sex life;
  • refusal to breastfeed or feeding the child breast milk for less than 5 months.
  • In domestic medicine, mastopathy is divided according to clinical and radiological typology, in which there are two forms of this disease: diffuse and nodular mastopathy.
  • With diffuse mastopathy, connective tissue grows with the formation of small nodules and cords.
  • With nodular mastopathy, dense nodes form in the breast tissue, which can reach the size of a walnut.
  • Diffuse mastopathy can occur:
  • with a predominance of the cystic component (damage to the ducts and alveoli occurs) or cystic mastopathy;
  • with a predominance of the glandular component or adenosis;
  • with a predominance of the fibrous component (changes occur in the connective tissue) or fibrous mastopathy;
  • in mixed form or fibrocystic mastopathy.

Isolated cystic mastopathy or fibrous mastopathy are quite rare. Since any neoplasm of the mammary gland contains both cystic and fibrous growths, instead of the terms cystic mastopathy and fibrous mastopathy, the term diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of one or another component is used.

Diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy most often affects both mammary glands and is localized in the upper outer quadrants of the breast.

One of the symptoms of mastopathy is pain in the mammary glands, which occurs a few days before menstruation. Sometimes the pain can radiate to the armpit, shoulder or shoulder blade. The pain appears aching or pulling, and may be accompanied by heaviness in the mammary glands.

But about 10-15% of women do not feel pain, which is due to differences in pain sensitivity thresholds among different women.

In 10% of cases with mastopathy, the lymph nodes in the armpits become enlarged.

Also a symptom of mastopathy is engorgement of the mammary glands, which is caused by swelling and venous stagnation of the connective tissue and is associated with the phase of the menstrual cycle. At the same time, the sensitivity of the mammary glands increases, they can become painful.

Sometimes these sensations may be accompanied by headaches, abdominal discomfort, anxiety, and nervous irritation.

Discharge from the nipple, which can be transparent, whitish, brownish or greenish, can indicate the presence of mastopathy.

With fibrous mastopathy, the mammary glands have a soft-elastic consistency, in which areas of compaction with rough heaviness are found. In this case, no discharge from the nipple is observed.

With cystic mastopathy, numerous cystic formations are found that are delimited from the breast tissue. The main symptom of mastopathy in this form is tenderness of the mammary glands, which increases before menstruation.

With adenosis, dense formations are detected in the gland tissue, which extend into the surrounding tissue.

Fibrocystic mastopathy is characterized by enlarged lobules of the mammary gland, sclerosis of the connective tissue inside the lobules. To the touch, fine diffuse granularity or disc-shaped doughiness is determined in the mammary glands.

Nodular fibrocystic mastopathy is a flat area of ​​compaction with a granular surface. Between menstruation the lump does not disappear. Formations can be single or multiple, detected against the background of diffuse mastopathy and may be present in one or both mammary glands.

Mastopathy: why it occurs and how the disease is characterized

Treatment of mastopathy

  1. Treatment of mastopathy should be comprehensive and determined by the form of the disease, the woman’s hormonal status, the presence of gynecological pathologies and other factors.
  2. Before starting treatment for mastopathy, the doctor must establish the cause that caused this disease and take measures to eliminate it.

  3. In the treatment of mastopathy the following are used:
  • hormone therapy using androgens, which have the properties of male sex hormones, antiestrogens that block the effects of estrogen (tamoxifen), bromocriptine, a prolactin antagonist;
  • iodine preparations. They are especially effective in the treatment of diffuse mastopathy. But they can be used if there are no abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • diet therapy. Products containing caffeine should be excluded from the diet, as it stimulates the nervous system and endocrine glands and further disrupts hormonal balance;
  • diuretics that help reduce swelling in the mammary glands, reduce their sensitivity and pain;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - have an analgesic effect;
  • sedatives. Since hormonal imbalance can be the result of stress, these drugs are used in the complex treatment of mastopathy;
  • quitting smoking and alcohol.

A more individual approach is used to treat nodular mastopathy. The choice of treatment method for mastopathy in this case is determined by the form of the disease, the size of the nodes, and the results of the biopsy.

Certain forms of nodular mastopathy, for example, fibroadenoma, are treated only by surgical removal of the nodes (sectoral resection).


Mastopathy: types, causes, first symptoms and complications of the disease - DoctorTut

Mastopathy: why it occurs and how the disease is characterized

Mastopathy is a fairly common pathological condition that affects breast tissue. Most women have at least once encountered fleeting mastopathy symptoms associated with painful sensations in the chest.


In medical circles, mastopathy is considered to be a dyshormonal mammary glandular pathology, in which the growth of breast tissue occurs, accompanied by the formation of various seals or cystic formations.

The photo shows what fibrocystic mastopathy of the breast looks like on ultrasound

Mastopathy is most typical for 30-50 year old patients , but women who are postmenopausal and not undergoing hormonal therapy do not have this disease. Often mastopathy is called fibrocystic disease of the mammary glands, etc.

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In fact, mastopathy is a group of dysplasia disorders characterized by a benign course. Mastopathic proliferation of mammary glandular tissues often extends to connective tissue structures, glandular ducts or alveoli.

At first, a diffuse mastopathy form is formed, which is characterized by the presence of tiny tumors localized throughout the mammary gland. During the diffuse period, it is easiest to cure mastopathy, because no surgical intervention is required.

But women at this stage rarely focus on minor breast soreness before menstruation, which goes away on its own after a couple of days.

Types of fibrocystic mastopathy

Experts classify mastopathy of the mammary glands into nodular and diffuse forms.

In this case, diffuse mastopathy can develop in several varieties:

  • Nodal;
  • Diffuse;
  • Glandular;
  • Fibrous;
  • Cystic;
  • Mixed.

For diffuse mastopathy, the proliferation of mammary glandular tissues is typical, accompanied by slight pain a couple of days before menstruation. Several small formations form in the upper zone of the mammary gland.

If there is no therapy at this stage, then the pathology degenerates into nodular mastopathy. This pathological form is characterized by the formation of fairly dense nodules that can be easily palpated by a mammologist.

This significantly increases pain in the breast tissue. It is stabbing and pulling in nature, often radiating to the back, shoulders or ribs. These pains do not depend on menstruation and may be accompanied by discharge of an unknown liquid substance from the nipples.


The localized mastopathy form is characterized by the presence of one or several dense foci, which are distinguished by a more compacted, granular-lobular structure and have a clear limitation. It is distinguished from diffuse mastopathy by the presence of a small number of compactions.


  • This form of mastopathy manifests itself as a flattened, soft form of the mammary glands.
  • At times they become larger and may hurt a little.
  • Involutive changes in mammary glandular tissues consist of the replacement of normal structures with adipose tissue.
  • Sometimes the involutive process spreads to the axillary lymph nodes.


Experts believe that the main prerequisite for the formation of fibroadenoma is a hormonal imbalance and a change in the quantitative ratio of hormones.

Usually the cause of this process is excess estrogen levels. This happens against the background of inflammatory or tumor processes in the ovarian tissues, disorders of the hypothalamic or pituitary functionality, disruptions in adrenal activity, etc.

  1. Also, an excess of prolactin hormone can lead to the development of fibroadenoma.
  2. Then patients experience constant slight thickening of the entire mammary gland, swollen nipples and other symptoms, which usually appear only before menstruation and go away after a couple of days.
  3. There are other factors leading to the development of mastopathy. These include:
  • Regular sexual dissatisfaction. Regular sexual relations can increase immunity, ensure the correct course of all metabolic processes and contribute to the production of the required amount of hormones. But if a woman has sex irregularly, then the ovaries begin to malfunction, causing menstrual irregularities, emotional irritability, hormonal imbalance, etc.;
  • Late or complicated labor. They are accompanied by a strong hormonal explosion; the higher the severity of delivery, the more various hormonal substances are released into the blood. In the future, it may happen that the hormonal balance cannot be restored completely;
  • Psychological problems. Here, experts include troubles in the professional sphere, family quarrels, troubles with the child’s health, overwork and stress;
  • Artificial termination of pregnancy. Abortion is always regarded as severe stress, the body is already preparing to grow a new life, the hormonal composition changes, all systems are reconfigured. And suddenly, unexpectedly, everything ends. As a result, the body cannot immediately readjust to its previous state and hormonal imbalance may occur;
  • Breast-feeding. Today, obstetrics and gynecology encourage breastfeeding. But many women do not want the shape of their breasts to deteriorate, stretch marks to appear, etc., so they refuse breastfeeding. Milk accumulates in the mammary glands, which is fraught with the development of inflammatory processes (mastitis), and then mastopathy;
  • Liver problems. The liver system cleanses the blood of various types of toxic substances, as well as hormones that have already served their purpose. If the liver does not cope with its work, then “defective” hormones begin to accumulate in the bloodstream. As a result, unpredictable hormonal complications may develop, such as disruption of the pituitary-hypothalamic activity, etc.;
  • Gynecological pathologies. Inflammatory processes in the ovaries lead to problems in the production of estrogen hormones. As a result, both estrogen deficiency and excess may develop;
  • Hereditary factors. Experts say with full confidence that fibroadenoma can be transmitted hereditarily. But not the disease itself, but a predisposition to it. In other words, ladies with a family history of women suffering from mastopathy are at risk for this disease;
  • Endocrine disruptions. Often, disorders in the thyroid gland lead to disruptions in pituitary-hypothalamic activity, which leads to hormonal imbalance;
  • Obesity. A similar disease develops against the background of metabolic disorders, which also provoke mastopathy. In addition, estrogens are also formed in adipose tissue, which leads to their excess and hormone imbalance;
  • Bad habits. Alcohol, smoking - these addictions seriously affect the hormonal background;
  • Traumatic factors. Accidental blows, jolts, or compression can trigger the process of fibroadenoma formation, which can last for years.


  • The characteristic first signs of fibrocystic forms of mastoma include swelling, pain and coarsening of the mammary tissue.
  • This symptom complex is called mastodynia.
  • Lumps in the breast are often painful when palpated, and pain symptoms become more intense before menstruation and in the second half of the cycle.
  • Sometimes one compaction is detected, but the formation of multiple formations is quite possible.
  • The most common manifestations of mastopathy in women and men are:
  1. Feeling tightness in the chest;
  2. Palpable nodules in glandular tissue;
  3. Colostrum-like discharge;
  4. Pain that tends to intensify when touched;
  5. Swelling of the mammary gland.

If the mastopathy is cystic in nature, that is, cavity formations filled with fluid form in the chest, then some patients experience swelling and enlargement of the lymph node structures.

If an infectious process is added to the pathology, which often happens with cystic mastopathy and fibroids, then there is an increase in temperature, hyperemia of the skin on the chest, and green-yellow mucus is released from the nipples.

Features of the disease in children under one year old

Mastopathy can also develop in children. In this case, there is noticeable swelling of the affected breast, and it can become significantly larger.

Upon palpation, the child begins to cry, because such a procedure causes him pain. When pressing on the nipple, a whitish liquid substance is usually released.

Mastopathy in children is diagnosed using ultrasound; mammography is ineffective in this case.

In fact, up to 3 years of age, mastopathy in children is physiological in nature. Over time, it passes without a trace. After 3 years, it is already considered by specialists as a pathology. Treatment is usually non-hormonal and involves taking fortified drugs, immunomodulatory and sedatives.

Breast diagnostics

Self-examination, which involves independent palpation of the breast, is a timely way to detect the presence of neoplasms, compactions and other abnormalities in the mammary glandular tissues.

As for instrumental methods for determining mastopathy, they include the following studies:

  • Ultrasonography;
  • Biocontrast mammography;
  • Diaphanoscopy;
  • MRI;
  • Pneumocystographic examination;
  • Ductography;
  • Colposcopy;
  • Biopsy;
  • Blood test for hormones, etc.

Why is this tumor dangerous?

The main danger of such a pathological process as mastopathy is considered to be the fact that with its long-term development and the absence of appropriate therapy, there is a high probability of malignancy and the formation of a cancerous formation.

How to cure the disease?

  1. The main direction in the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands is the adjustment of hormonal levels.
  2. The treatment process is carried out under the supervision of specialists such as an endocrinologist and gynecologist.

  3. If there is pronounced pain and increased estrogen levels, then drugs like Faresterone or Tamoxifen are prescribed, which reduce the hormonal effect on the mammary glandular structures.

Since mastopathy often causes menstrual irregularities, oral contraceptives are also prescribed.

Also, drug therapy involves taking antioxidant drugs, which is done to prevent the tumor process from degenerating into cancer.

Preparations based on zinc, selenium and fortified substances such as ascorbic acid and tocopherol have excellent antioxidant properties. It is recommended to take medications that regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland (potassium iodide, thyroid hormone preparations), soothing tinctures such as motherwort, valerian, and immunomodulatory therapy.

If there is a suspicion of a malignant origin of the nodular compaction or there is a risk of its malignancy, then resort to surgical removal. There are many folk remedies, but they are not recommended for use as primary therapy.

For this, a decoction of burdock root, pulp of aloe leaves with honey, tincture of walnut shells, etc. are used.

Prognosis for treatment

If the pathology was detected at the initial stage and treatment was started in a timely manner, then the chances of a complete cure are about 99%.

Typically, such tumors do not have a tendency to malignancy or any complications. However, if after treatment there is a hormonal imbalance, then there is a high probability of relapse of the pathology.


To avoid the occurrence of various kinds of deterioration in the condition, you need to know what should not be allowed if you have mastopathy:

  1. You can't sunbathe. Ultraviolet light provokes the release of estrogen hormones and increases the sensitivity of mammary glandular tissues. Even under an umbrella, the chest will be exposed to scattered ultraviolet radiation;
  2. You cannot take a steam bath or visit a sauna;
  3. You cannot carry out physiotherapeutic procedures such as massage, all kinds of warming up, etc.;
  4. Hypothermia of the breast should also not be allowed, because it is fraught with complications of inflammatory processes;
  5. Hormonal contraceptives should also be excluded, because they further imbalance hormone levels;
  6. Eliminate stress, overexertion and nervous disorders;
  7. Avoid drinking coffee, smoked and salted foods, fried and fatty foods, spicy foods and alcohol.


To avoid the development of fibrocystic mastopathy, you need to follow some rules:

  • Eat nutritiously and maintain a healthy lifestyle;
  • Avoid excessive stress;
  • Introduce regularity into sexual relations;
  • Choose the right bra;
  • Do not give up breastfeeding;
  • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • Avoid traumatic factors and UV radiation.
  • Such simple actions can prevent the occurrence of problems with the mammary gland.
  • This video will tell you why your chest hurts:


Mastopathy: why it occurs and how the disease is characterized Link to main publication
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