One of the most dangerous “male” diseases is prostatitis - acute inflammation of the prostate gland. The disease is accompanied by unpleasant sensations when urinating and can lead to infertility. Different types of prostatitis develop at different rates and require a special therapeutic method. The disease has a number of serious complications and requires timely diagnosis. This will help determine the specifics and type of the disease in time in order to begin treatment at an early stage of the disease.
Forms of the disease, symptoms
The disease can occur in acute and chronic forms. The treatment method is selected depending on the symptoms that characterize the course of the pathology. Signs of acute and chronic forms are different and have a number of features. The acute form always precedes the chronic form, which can develop into more serious diseases such as adenoma and cancer.
Therapy for prostatitis at any stage of development has a favorable prognosis, unless complications arise.
Acute prostatitis
Prostate tissue is exposed to pathogenic microorganisms. Also, the acute form develops as a result of damage to the organ by a fungus. Due to the inflammatory process, the balance of microflora is disturbed and immunity decreases. As a result, inflammation of the prostate gland worsens. Other causes of acute prostatitis include:
- Reduced or weakened immunity. Men who have chronic diseases of the genitourinary system and are often susceptible to colds are more likely than others to have problems with the prostate.
- Surgical intervention. Any surgical operation can cause various diseases.
- Pathologies of internal organs . The presence of pathogenic microorganisms can trigger the development of prostatitis.
- Hormonal imbalance and increased estrogen production . The risk group includes men aged 30-40 years.
- Caries . Untreated dental disease is one of the most common causes of prostate disease. Diseased teeth provoke the spread of microbes throughout the body and cause bacterial prostatitis.
Symptoms of acute prostatitis:
- severe aching pain in the muscles and lower back;
- delays and frequent urge to urinate;
- erectile disfunction.
The acute phase requires immediate treatment. The patient is prescribed medication and physical therapy.
Important! At the first signs of the disease, you should immediately undergo examination by a doctor; sometimes hospitalization may be necessary. During the examination, the specifics of the pathology are determined and treatment is prescribed. Self-medication can cause the acute form to become chronic and cause serious complications (abscess of nearby tissues and vascular thrombosis).
Chronic prostatitis
The most dangerous and serious form of the disease. It is characterized by a “sluggish” course: more often than not, signs of prostatitis do not appear. All types of chronic prostatitis arise as a result of ignoring symptoms and lack of timely treatment; sometimes it can occur without an acute form. Possible causes of chronic prostatitis also include:
- congestion in internal organs;
- sedentary work, physical inactivity;
- weakened immune system;
- poor nutrition;
- bad habits;
- injuries;
- infectious diseases of the genital organs;
- stress;
- hypothermia.
Lack of therapy can lead to the development of adenoma. The disease is often asymptomatic, so men should undergo regular medical examinations, especially after 30 years of age.
Consequences of chronic prostatitis:
- dysfunction of the genitourinary system;
- burning pain in the groin;
- decreased libido, lack of erection;
- general malaise, weakness.
Chronic prostatitis is treated on an outpatient basis, but sometimes the patient may be admitted to a hospital. Therapy includes a complex of physical procedures, antibiotics and a therapeutic diet. Massage is prescribed as additional therapeutic measures; in particularly advanced cases, surgery is performed.
It is an inflammation of the prostate caused by pathogenic microflora. It can occur in both acute and chronic forms. Most often it develops against the background of previous infectious and fungal diseases, such as influenza, rubella, chickenpox, and herpes.
Factors that influence the development of bacterial prostatitis include smoking, alcohol consumption, weakened immunity, and acute respiratory viral infections. Most often, this form occurs in patients between 20 and 40 years old. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents are used for treatment.
A rare type of prostatitis, the main cause of which is bacteria - Escherichia coli, staphylococci, Trichomonas, chlamydia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Diagnosed by blood, urine and secretion tests. The symptoms correspond to the acute form.
The disease is provoked by nervous disorders, smoking, alcohol addiction, stress, and depression. Sometimes infection can occur during the postoperative period.
Treatment therapy includes taking antibiotics and non-steroidal drugs to relieve inflammation. Violation of the treatment course can lead to prostatitis becoming chronic.
The cause of the pathology is the entry of fungi (aspergillus or candida) into the prostate tissue.
Fungal infections can occur as a result of hormonal changes and long-term use of antibiotics and antibacterial drugs. It also occurs against the background of chronic diseases and reduced immunity.
Treatment with traditional methods and self-medication can lead to a chronic form and serious complications.
Sometimes it is asymptomatic, which makes timely diagnosis difficult. The latent form can cause cancer cells to multiply. Diagnosed by biopsy. With fungal prostatitis, disturbances in the functioning of the genitourinary system, urethritis, cystitis, pain in the groin and pelvis, and fever are observed.
It is a chronic type of non-infectious origin. The causes are stagnation in the circulatory system in the pelvic area or stagnation of prostate secretions. It can occur in a latent form or with mild symptoms. Signs may include slight nagging pain in the genitals, groin or pelvic area, fever and pain when urinating.
Sometimes it manifests itself in the form of sexual disorders (decreased libido, insufficient erection, liquefaction or retention of sperm). For treatment, drugs that stimulate blood circulation and hormonal agents are used. Physical therapy exercises will also be effective.
The most dangerous type for the patient’s health is the purulent type. It is characterized by discharge from the urinary canal and an increase in temperature, indicating the presence of infection.
Stages and subtypes:
- Catarrhal. This subtype of prostatitis is isolated as a separate disease of infectious origin. The difference is the absence of purulent discharge. All inflammatory processes take place only in the excretory ducts of the gland. The causes are complications of influenza, tonsillitis and ARVI. It manifests itself in the form of a frequent urge to urinate with a weak, aching pain. The prognosis is favorable. Comprehensive treatment of concomitant diseases is usually prescribed.
- Follicular. The acute stage begins with inflammatory processes in the ducts of the gland and is a consequence of pathological manifestations in other organs. Symptoms are mild and often unnoticeable to the patient. It can be caused by infection or inflammation of the ENT organs, respiratory system, urethra, etc. It manifests itself in the form of acute pain, a sharp increase in body temperature, and at an advanced stage purulent discharge appears. With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable. If treatment is not completed in time, it may progress to the parenchymal stage.
- Parenchymatous . It is one of the most difficult and dangerous stages. The purulent nature extends to all lobes of the prostate gland. With this subtype of the disease, the outflow of prostate secretions is disrupted and clogged with pus and mucus. The chronic form is often protracted. The patient experiences functional disorders of the genitourinary system, decreased erection and dissatisfaction with orgasm. Among the most common causes of purulent prostatitis is gonococcal infection. The treatment is long, but has a positive effect. Self-medication can lead to life-threatening complications.
- Abscessing . The stage is the most dangerous and requires immediate treatment. Manifests itself in the form of an abscess of prostate tissue. May cause kidney failure, infertility, cystitis and sepsis. Complications can be fatal.
One of the main treatment methods is taking antibacterial drugs. In advanced cases, the patient undergoes surgery. Self-medication can lead to the death of the patient.
It is a complicated form that manifests itself during a long course of the disease. The cause is improper therapy or complete lack of treatment.
Characterized by the formation of stony inclusions in the ducts of the gland.
Endogenous stones can block the urethra, causing the patient to experience severe pain during sexual intercourse, walking and urination.
Can lead to complications such as impotence and infertility. Treatment takes place in a hospital setting, sometimes the patient undergoes surgery. Prolonged lack of treatment can cause prostate cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia and adenoma.
Preventive measures will help avoid the development of pathology and reduce the likelihood of infection. The simplest preventive measures are:
- regular sexual relations;
- personal hygiene;
- quitting smoking and alcohol;
- wearing comfortable cotton underwear;
- maintaining immunity;
- proper nutrition;
- protection against hypothermia.
At home, you can prevent the development of pathology by performing simple physical exercises daily - cycling, bridge, birch tree.
By dedicating 10 minutes every day to physical exercise, you can reduce the risk of prostatitis by half.
Simple exercises will also help improve your well-being:
- Stand straight, focusing on one leg. Make big, wide swings back and forth with your other leg. It is recommended to do 100 swings with each leg.
- Tilts. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and tilt your body alternately to the right and left.
- Try to hold your breath for 10-15 seconds several times throughout the day. Repeat breathing exercises at least 5 times a day.
Treatment of prostatitis is a long and complex process that can cause a lot of trouble. To protect the body from the development of this pathology, you should undergo regular examinations and carry out preventive measures.
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Prevention of prostatitis in men: how to avoid inflammation of the prostate gland
Inflammation of the prostate gland is the most common urological disease in men over 30 years of age. But it is quite possible to avoid it. Prevention of prostatitis involves a set of measures aimed at preventing and eliminating risk factors that provoke the development of prostate inflammation. We will find out further what can be done to preserve men's health.
Who needs to take preventive measuresPrimary and secondary preventionWhat to do to prevent prostatitisWhat to eat to prevent prostatitisLifestyleReviews from men
Who needs to carry out preventive measures
Every man of reproductive age is predisposed to the development of prostate inflammation. The likelihood of getting the disease increases after 50 years of age, but if there are risk factors, the disease is often diagnosed at 20–25 years of age.
The prostate gland is located in the central region of the pelvis below the bladder. Due to its vulnerable location, the organ reacts sharply to cold and injury, and there is a high risk of infection from the urethra and intestines.
The risk of developing inflammation of the prostate gland is increased by unfavorable factors:
- infectious or venereal diseases of the genitourinary system;
- sedentary work;
- irregular sexual relations, abstinence from sexual contacts;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- hormonal imbalances;
- hypothermia of the body;
- bad habits;
- reduced immunity;
- poor nutrition;
- intestinal problems: constipation, frequent diarrhea, hemorrhoids.
Men at risk should take preventive measures to prevent the development of prostate inflammation. The combination of various factors increases the likelihood of the disease several times.
In the early stages, the disease may not manifest itself in any way and may occur in a latent form.
Symptoms begin to worry after 35–40 years, when the pathological process in the prostate gland has entered the next stage.
The disease significantly reduces a man’s quality of life and often leads to impotence and infertility. Timely effective prevention of prostatitis will help prevent the disease and its complications.
Primary and secondary prevention
Measures to prevent inflammation of the prostate gland are conventionally divided into:
- for primary prevention, the purpose of which is to prevent the occurrence of the disease;
- on the secondary level – helps men who have experienced prostate inflammation to avoid relapses.
Negligence towards health often becomes the main cause of disease. Primary prevention prevents inflammation in the male organ due to poor lifestyle choices and is especially important for men at risk. The measures taken will help improve blood circulation in the pelvic area and prevent the development of the disease due to infections or hypothermia.
Preventive treatment after diagnosed inflammation of the prostate includes measures to prevent the disease from becoming chronic. Prostatitis is characterized by frequent relapses.
According to statistics, in 50% of cases, inflammation of the prostate gland occurs again. The chronic form of the disease is difficult to treat and is more severe.
A man facing this disease needs a course of medications and physiotherapy sessions. It is important to follow the treatment procedures prescribed by your doctor and change your habits and lifestyle.
What to do to prevent prostatitis
Prevention of prostatitis is individual for each man, because the factors that provoke the disease are different for everyone. The choice of measures to prevent prostate inflammation is influenced by:
- age;
- concomitant chronic pathologies of the body;
- form of the disease;
- the reasons that led to the development of the disease (with secondary prevention).
Popular remedies for prostatitis will help to avoid inflammation of the prostate. Knowledge of general prevention methods will significantly increase the chances of every man to avoid the development of a pathological process.
Prevention of prostate diseases includes mandatory physical exercise. Often inflammation of the prostate gland occurs due to impaired blood supply to the pelvic organs against a background of low activity. Blood and secretions in the prostate stagnate and, as a result, inflammation begins in it.
The best prevention of congestive prostatitis is physical therapy for men. Exercises strengthen the muscles of the perineum, eliminate venous congestion, and help increase potency.
Any form of physical activity will be useful to prevent congestion. It is recommended to start each day with daily ten-minute exercises, do short warm-ups throughout the day, and regular workouts in the gym are encouraged (but without excessive stress and overexertion). The use of exercise bikes is not recommended.
To prevent prostatitis, you can use a set of Kegel exercises. In men engaged in this program, the tone of the perineal muscles noticeably increases, the gland receives a natural massage, which increases the outflow of secretions and increases blood circulation.
Prostate massage
Massage plays an important role in the prevention of chronic prostatitis. Prostate stimulation can be performed in a physiological office or at home. It is convenient to use a special urological massager for this purpose. Stimulation is recommended to be carried out daily once a day for 15 minutes for two weeks.
The procedure has a positive effect on the main male organ:
- improves the outflow of secretions from the prostate;
- strengthens the muscles of the gland and pelvic floor;
- increases blood circulation in the genital area;
- accelerates the regeneration of prostate tissue.
Prostate massage can only be prescribed by the attending physician after examining the patient. Rarely prescribed for primary prevention. In case of chronic prostatitis, stimulation with a massager is prohibited during the period of exacerbation, with anal fissures and hemorrhoids.
Taking specialized medications will help you avoid prostatitis. According to their effect, they can be narrowly targeted, broad-spectrum or complex. They are produced on the basis of plant components or chemicals.
The most effective drugs against prostatitis:
- Viferon (suppositories) – an immunomodulator, increases the body’s defenses against infections that cause inflammation (300–500 rubles);
- Prostatilen is a combined drug that has therapeutic and preventive effects for prostate diseases (500–600 rubles);
- Prostate Forte - a biocomplex that helps improve and maintain prostate function (RUB 710–800);
- Metranidazole is an antiprotozoal drug that is used both for prevention and in the complex treatment of prostatitis (80–120 rubles);
- Tsifran is an antibacterial drug that effectively prevents chronic prostatitis (90–200 rubles);
- Prostanorm is a herbal medicine that has an antimicrobial effect and effectively prevents pathologies of the prostate gland (RUB 130–220);
- Prostalamine – normalizes and stimulates the activity of the prostate (270–340 rub.)
Taking medications is necessary to prevent relapses of the disease. They are used mainly for chronic illness as prescribed by a doctor.
Folk remedies
At home, prevention of prostate inflammation may include traditional medicine methods. The use of recipes based on natural ingredients is safe for health, but effectively prevents the initial occurrence of prostatitis and is especially recommended to prevent relapses.
Traditional healers advise men to use pumpkin seeds to maintain health. They are rich in zinc, an element necessary for the normal functioning of the prostate gland. You can simply chew the seeds (eat at least a handful a day), or you can prepare a healing composition:
- 500 g of pumpkin seeds are pre-peeled, dried and crushed;
- take 200 g of honey;
- mix the components thoroughly;
- put in a cold place for 5–7 days (the consistency of the mixture should resemble dough);
- Divide the mixture into walnut-sized pieces;
- eat 2 honey balls 15 minutes before breakfast and lunch.
Instead of pumpkin seeds, use peeled walnut kernels in the same proportions. The course of prophylaxis is 15 days. Repeat once every 3-4 months.
What you need to eat to prevent prostatitis
To prevent inflammation of the prostate gland, it is important to adhere to certain nutritional rules. The diet should be balanced and contain useful substances that have a positive effect on men's health:
- zinc;
- selenium;
- vitamins A, C, E;
- polyunsaturated fatty acids;
- lycopene
You do not need to adhere to a strict diet, but it is advisable to exclude overly spicy, salty and fried foods from your diet. Adding healthy foods to the menu will help improve the condition of the prostate, and drinking enough water helps eliminate infections from the genitourinary tract.
Foods to eat to prevent prostatitis:
- nuts (Brazil nuts are especially useful, containing record amounts of zinc and selenium);
- seafood;
- liver;
- bell pepper;
- broccoli;
- grenades;
- sea buckthorn;
- carrot;
- tomatoes.
Regular consumption of the listed products improves a man’s hormonal levels and improves the functioning of the reproductive system. Dishes made from them are also recommended for therapeutic purposes for prostatitis.
Prevention of prostate diseases involves mandatory lifestyle changes. This applies to both older men and young people.
Modern young men increasingly prefer to spend their leisure time at the computer or with a gadget in their hands. This lifestyle leads to stagnation in the perineum and provokes the development of inflammation of the genitourinary system.
Promiscuous sexual relations and extreme sports also often become causes of prostatitis.
Bad habits
Bad habits negatively affect the condition of the prostate. Alcohol in large doses causes vasoconstriction, which impedes blood circulation in the pelvic organs. In addition, drinking alcohol disrupts the synthesis of hormones responsible for the normal functioning of the prostate gland.
Blood circulation is also impaired when smoking. Nicotine and carcinogenic substances from tobacco smoke inhibit the stimulation of male hormones in the ovaries, which negatively affects the functioning of the prostate. A man who smokes has a weakened immune system and is more susceptible to infections.
Sex and masturbation
Orgasm in a man stimulates prostate tissue. Regular sex life improves blood flow to the prostate gland and is necessary for the natural outflow of seminal fluid. Promiscuous relationships and unprotected contacts contribute to the development of the disease no less than abstinence, as they increase the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections.
If it is not possible to have sex with a regular partner, it is recommended to masturbate. After 50 years, a doctor determines a man’s need for masturbation.
Visiting the sauna and swimming in the ice hole
To prevent inflammation of the prostate gland, it is recommended to visit the sauna. The heat in the steam room warms up the body, increases blood circulation throughout the body, and accelerates metabolic processes. In case of chronic prostatitis, the possibility of visiting a bath should be discussed with a specialist.
Swimming in ice water is associated with a high risk of hypothermia and inflammation of the prostate. Men who have already suffered from prostatitis are strictly prohibited from swimming in the ice hole.
Reviews from men
“Even in my youth, due to negligence, I developed inflammation of the prostate, but this was discovered only recently. Thanks to effective prevention, which I do at the insistence of the doctor, the process was stopped and for 6 years now I have not remembered the disease. I completely changed my lifestyle, quit smoking, drink very rarely, and try to move more. I took a complex drug for prostatitis as a prophylactic course.”
Mikhail, 52 years old
“I saw my father suffer from prostatitis, so I thought about preventing the disease from an early age - I didn’t want to be in his place. I believe that prevention is the best defense against this unpleasant disease. I run regularly in the morning, watch my diet, and try not to get too cold anywhere. And, of course, sex with my beloved wife helps me avoid any prostate pathologies!”
Ivan, 46 years old
Arthritis and inflammation of the prostate gland
Health › Arthritis
Have you been trying to heal your JOINTS for many years?
There are many microorganisms that can provoke reactive arthropathy, including:
- chlamydia, which can also affect the mucous membrane of the eye, causing Reiter's syndrome;
- ureaplasma;
- coccal microorganisms;
- pathogens of acute intestinal infections;
- respiratory pathogenic bacteria;
- causative agents of other diseases, including chronic ones.
Symptoms of reactive arthritis of the knee
The disease begins acutely and has three classic main manifestations:
- inflammation of the joints, mainly the knee, pain in the joint area, swelling, limited mobility;
- inflammation of the conjunctiva: redness, feeling of dryness and burning in the eyes, photophobia, excessive lacrimation;
- inflammation of the genitourinary system: burning during urination, burning in the genital area, inflammation of the prostate gland develops in men, profuse mucous discharge from the vagina appears in women.
How is the disease diagnosed?
Diagnosis is carried out by a general practitioner based on the clinical picture of the disease:
To clarify the diagnosis, the following studies are prescribed:
- blood analysis;
- urine and stool analysis;
- scraping from the mucous membranes of the genital organs.
Additionally, an antibiotic sensitivity test is performed. This will help you choose a treatment regimen.
Treatment methods
Treatment of reactive arthritis of the knee joint in the acute period is performed in a hospital under the supervision of the attending physician.
- To reduce fever and eliminate general malaise, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs from the ibuprofen group are used, which also have an antipyretic effect.
- To correct the state of immunity, immunomodulatory agents are prescribed. If the immune response is excessive, drugs are used to suppress it.
- General health procedures are also prescribed to correct the condition of the body and the general condition of the patient.
- After the acute phase has passed, observation by a rheumatologist and therapist is indicated to prevent relapse of the disease.
What diseases cause lower back pain and what can be done to eliminate them?
They can be divided into two characteristic groups: primary and secondary pain syndromes.
Secondary syndrome occurs due to a number of reasons:
How pain manifests itself - classification
Pain in the lumbar region varies in nature, depending on the cause of its occurrence.
They can be sharp and harsh, strong, chronic and nagging, as well as aching.
What causes
What can be done in such cases?
But even this “wizard” cannot eliminate some diseases.
Properly selected physical exercises are indicated only for diseases associated with the spine.
A set of simple exercises for home
- No. 2. Pain relief for nagging pain in the lower back
- No. 3 Elimination of pain in the spine
- #4 Stretching and strengthening the back muscles
More on the topic: X-ray signs of rheumatoid arthritis are
No. 5 Final exercise
Video with simple exercises
Spinal spondylitis - signs, symptoms and treatment of the disease
Forms of the disease
- tuberculosis;
- actinomycotic;
- brucellosis;
- gonorrheal;
- syphilitic;
- typhoid.
- Staphylococcus epidermidis or aureus;
- Escherichia coli and Proteus;
- streptococci;
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Hemophilus influenzae and others.
A separate form is a type of disease caused by fungi.
Causes of spondylitis
The direct cause of the disease is microorganisms.
Spondylitis: symptoms and signs
Different forms of spondylitis have some features of the clinical course.
Spinal osteomyelitis
Tuberculous spondylitis
This is one of the most common forms of the disease. It affects several vertebrae, most often in the thoracic region.
Other specific spondylitis
- Spinal pathology can develop with typhoid fever (after a “bright period” of good health) and dysentery.
- Spondylitis can be a complication of an acute rheumatic process, combined with the formation of heart disease and oligoarthritis.
- The diagnosis is based on the following data:
- Differential diagnosis is carried out with the following diseases:
Treatment methods for spondylitis
- Main areas of treatment:
- Antibiotics for spondylitis:
Group of drugs | Active substance |
Fluoroquinolones | Ofloxacin Pefloxacin |
Lincosamides | Clindamycin |
III generation cephalosporins | Ceftazidime Ceftriaxone |
Aminoglycosides | Gentamicin |
Glycopeptides | Vancomycin |
Spondylitis surgery
- Indications for surgical treatment of spondylitis and osteomyelitis of the spine:
- The essence of surgical treatment of spondylitis is to remove the damaged tissue and replace it with a graft:
- After spinal surgery, a period of rehabilitation is required.
Rehabilitation and recovery. Exercises
Traditional treatment of spondylitis
Inflammation of the prostate gland: symptoms and treatment
Why is the prostate called the “second heart”
Forms and symptoms of prostate inflammation
- heat;
- sharp pain above the pubis, in the rectum;
- change in urine color.
Diagnostic methods and causes of prostate inflammation
In these cases, it is necessary to consult a urologist and give recommendations on how to check whether the formation is benign.
Effective methods for treating prostate inflammation
- medications (antibacterial, immunostimulating, painkillers, anti-inflammatory);
- diet;
- local treatment.
Prevention of prostate diseases
- visit a specialist;
- do an ultrasound of the kidneys and genitals;
- take a general urine test.
Folk remedies for the treatment of prostate inflammation
Prostate inflammation
- Uncontrolled urine output in small quantities
- Painful urination
- Groin pain
- Headache
- Burning sensation when urinating
- Urinary retention
- False painful urge to urinate
- Sleep disturbance
- Chills
- Weakness of the stream during urination
- Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder
- Fever
- Irritability
- Weakness
- Decreased duration of erection
- Decreased libido
- Erased orgasm
- Cardiopalmus
- Flakes in urine
- Frequent urination
- The main source of this disease is infections caused by the following microorganisms:
- The risk of developing an inflammatory process increases due to the following reasons:
- One of the above factors, or several, can affect the appearance of prostatitis.
Inflammation of the prostate in men can occur in several forms:
In addition, there are several ways through which pathogenic bacteria infect an organ such as the prostate gland:
- The main symptoms of inflammation of the prostate gland in a sluggish form:
- In some cases, the main clinical sign that the prostate is inflamed is male infertility.
- It follows from this that the diagnosis will consist of several stages.
- First of all, the clinician needs to perform several activities:
- The second stage of diagnosis is laboratory tests, which involve performing:
- In addition, suppositories for prostatitis effectively and quickly combat the symptoms of the disease.
- In cases of abscess formation, surgical intervention will be required to open and drain the abscess.
- You can cure the chronic course of the inflammatory process, or rather, achieve stable remission with the help of:
- The most effective suppositories for prostatitis should include:
- extract from the prostate of bulls;
- bee products;
- thiotriazoline;
- healing mud.
- fatty, spicy and salty dishes;
- smoked meats;
- fats of animal origin;
- alcoholic drinks.
- red root;
- licorice roots;
- marshmallow root.
The period of such treatment of the inflammatory process should not exceed ten days.
The acute form of prostatitis is characterized by the following consequences:
The following complications are most typical for the chronic inflammatory process:
- pyelonephritis;
- cystitis;
- spread of the inflammatory process - the epididymis or seminal vesicles are often affected;
- male infertility.
Can joints hurt with prostatitis?
Their occurrence is provoked by several factors:
Prostatitis is divided into two main types:
Acute prostatitis | It is characterized by a vivid clinical picture. This type of prostatitis manifests itself as: Diagnosis and treatmentTherapy involves the following: Joint painFor these purposes the following are assigned:
Infectious arthritis and prostatitisReactive arthritis of the knee jointsHave you been trying to heal your JOINTS for many years? CausesThere are many microorganisms that can provoke reactive arthropathy, including: Symptoms of reactive arthritis of the kneeThe disease begins acutely and has three classic main manifestations: How is the disease diagnosed?Diagnosis is carried out by a general practitioner based on the clinical picture of the disease:
Additionally, an antibiotic sensitivity test is performed. This will help you choose a treatment regimen. Treatment methods
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How pain manifests itself - classification
What causesWhat can be done in such cases?
A set of simple exercises for home
Video with simple exercisesSpinal spondylitis - signs, symptoms and treatment of the diseaseForms of the diseaseSpecific spondylitis:
A separate form is a type of disease caused by fungi. Causes of spondylitisThe direct cause of the disease is microorganisms. Spondylitis: symptoms and signsDifferent forms of spondylitis have some features of the clinical course. Spinal osteomyelitisTuberculous spondylitisThis is one of the most common forms of the disease. It affects several vertebrae, most often in the thoracic region. Other specific spondylitis
Treatment methods for spondylitisMain areas of treatment: Infectious arthritis (nonspecific arthritis)In infectious arthritis, the lesion usually reaches the elbow, ankle, wrist, knee and phalangeal joints. DiagnosticsDiagnosis of infectious arthritis is carried out by a rheumatologist using x-ray examination and characteristic symptoms. PreventionHow does urogenic reactive arthritis manifest?ContentClassification of urogenic reactive arthritisEtiology of development of urogenic reactive arthritisClinical signs of the development of urogenic reactive arthritisComplications during urogenic reactive arthritisTreatment of reactive arthritisThere are 3 most important components of the treatment of reactive arthritis. |
Arthritis and inflammation of the prostate gland Link to main publication
Inflammation of the prostate: types, causes, symptoms, treatment
Inflammation of the prostate is a disease that is typical only for males and is characterized by an inflammatory process in the prostate gland. The disease occurs between the ages of twenty and fifty, but the main risk group is men over thirty.
Online consultation on the disease “Inflammation of the prostate.”
Ask a question to the specialists for free: Urologist.
As with any other inflammation, the source of this disorder is pathogenic bacteria. However, there is a wide range of predisposing factors that increase the risk of developing such a disease.
The disease has its own specific symptoms, the basis of which can be considered discomfort during urination, pain in the groin area and weakening of the urine stream.
A urologist makes a diagnosis of inflammation of the prostate gland after carrying out a number of laboratory and instrumental diagnostic measures, as well as based on characteristic clinical manifestations. Treatment for this disorder is conservative and involves taking medications, physiotherapeutic procedures and following a gentle diet.
The main source of this disease is infections caused by the following microorganisms:
- ureaplasma;
- mycoplasma;
- chlamydia;
- gonococcus;
- coli.
The risk of developing an inflammatory process increases due to the following reasons:
- prolonged hypothermia of the body;
- lack of physical activity in a person’s life;
- chronic constipation;
- disturbances in the normal rhythm of sexual activity. This may include excessively frequent sexual intercourse or, conversely, prolonged abstinence from sex;
- the presence of chronic infectious diseases;
- obesity;
- previous trauma to the genital organs, which caused local circulation problems;
- hormonal imbalance;
- lack of vitamins and nutrients in a man’s body;
- addiction to bad habits, namely smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
- frequent change of sexual partners;
- unprotected sexual intercourse;
- excessive physical activity, which can lead to disruption of the secretion of the sex glands;
- interrupted sexual contact;
- the presence of inflammatory processes in the rectum;
- decreased immune system;
- severe dehydration of the body;
- hereditary factors;
- previously suffered urological pathologies - their course may lead to the development of complications such as inflammation of the prostate gland or prostate adenoma.
One of the above factors, or several, can affect the appearance of prostatitis.
Inflammation of the prostate in men can occur in several forms:
- acute – characterized by a sudden and unexpected onset of symptoms. This course also has several varieties and is divided into catarrhal, follicular and parenchymal prostatitis;
- chronic – characterized by a lower intensity of characteristic clinical manifestations, as well as alternating periods of exacerbation and remission.
In addition, there are several ways through which pathogenic bacteria infect an organ such as the prostate gland:
- ascending - the infectious process spreads to the prostate through the urethra, which can be facilitated by unprotected sex or poor genital hygiene;
- descending - pathological microorganisms penetrate from other organs of the genitourinary system;
- lymphogenous - the most unusual route of penetration of bacteria, in which they are transported using lymph flow from other inflamed internal organs.
The clinical manifestation of such a disease will differ depending on the form in which it occurs. Thus, the symptoms of acute prostate inflammation will be as follows:
- an increase in body temperature, which is often accompanied by severe chills;
- the appearance of pronounced pain in the groin area;
- burning and discomfort during urination;
- noticeable weakening of the urine stream;
- severe headaches;
- general weakness and malaise;
- frequent and often false urge to visit the toilet to empty the bladder;
- retention or leakage of urine;
- increased irritability and emotional discomfort;
- feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
- sleep disturbance;
- discharge of purulent fluid from the urethra - this occurs in cases of the addition of a purulent process;
- increased heart rate.
Inflamed prostate
Chronic inflammatory process in the prostate gland is quite rarely a consequence of untreated acute inflammation. Often the cause is the chronic occurrence of another inflammation in the organs of the genitourinary system.
The main symptoms of inflammation of the prostate gland in a sluggish form:
- slight pain during urination;
- decreased sexual desire;
- fatigue;
- irradiation of pain from the groin area to the lower back and perineum;
- the appearance of white flakes in the urine in the morning;
- frequent nocturnal erections;
- erased orgasm or its complete absence;
- change in pain intensity during sex;
- decreased duration of erection.
In some cases, the main clinical sign that the prostate is inflamed is male infertility.
Establishing a correct diagnosis requires performing a whole range of diagnostic procedures. Only after all laboratory and instrumental examinations have been carried out will the clinician decide how to treat prostate inflammation.
It follows from this that the diagnosis will consist of several stages.
First of all, the clinician needs to perform several activities:
- carry out a detailed survey of the patient aimed at identifying the presence and intensity of signs of prostate inflammation. This will enable the clinician to distinguish the acute course of the disease from the chronic;
- study the medical history and life history of the patient - this will help to identify the reasons why the prostate gland becomes inflamed;
- conduct a physical examination, which consists of rectal palpation of the prostate.
The second stage of diagnosis is laboratory tests, which involve performing:
- microscopic examination of the secretion of the prostate gland - to identify functional disorders in the functioning of the prostate;
- bacterial culture of urine and smear from the mucous layer of the prostate - to detect infections that can be sexually transmitted;
- general urinalysis - to determine inflammatory changes in the urinary organs;
- spermograms – to confirm or refute male infertility.
Rectal palpation of the prostate gland
The tactics for eliminating acute and chronic inflammation of the prostate gland will be somewhat different. Thus, uncomplicated acute prostatitis can be treated at home, but in cases where a purulent process is associated, therapy will be required in a medical facility. Rules for neutralizing the disease include:
- strict adherence to bed rest;
- complete refusal of sexual relations;
- taking antibacterial agents;
- prescribing medications aimed at improving blood circulation;
- the use of anti-inflammatory drugs for prostatitis - they will not only reduce the manifestation of the inflammatory process, but also eliminate pain;
- taking analgesics - for severe pain during urination.
- In addition, suppositories for prostatitis effectively and quickly combat the symptoms of the disease.
- In cases of abscess formation, surgical intervention will be required to open and drain the abscess.
- You can cure the chronic course of the inflammatory process, or rather, achieve stable remission with the help of:
- antibacterial therapy - the course of treatment can vary from one to two months;
- prostate massage;
- strengthening the immune system;
- implementation of physiotherapeutic procedures by exposure to laser radiation, ultrasonic waves and electromagnetic waves;
- warm medicinal microenemas – if physiotherapeutic treatment is not possible;
- rectal suppositories;
- taking sedatives or antidepressants in cases of potency problems.
The most effective suppositories for prostatitis should include:
- extract from the prostate of bulls;
- bee products;
- thiotriazoline;
- healing mud.
In addition, regardless of the form of the disease, patients with a similar diagnosis are recommended to change their diet and completely abandon:
- fatty, spicy and salty dishes;
- smoked meats;
- fats of animal origin;
- alcoholic drinks.
Traditional medicine can be used as an auxiliary remedy for inflammation of the prostate gland in men, which involves the use of:
- red root;
- licorice roots;
- marshmallow root.
Ground marshmallow root
The most common question from patients with a similar diagnosis is: is it possible to have sex with prostate inflammation? Clinicians recommend abstaining from sexual intercourse until complete recovery or stable remission is achieved.
The period of such treatment of the inflammatory process should not exceed ten days.
If the symptoms of prostate inflammation are ignored or the treatment course is incorrectly prescribed, there is a possibility of developing complications of both acute and chronic inflammation.
The acute form of prostatitis is characterized by the following consequences:
- abscess formation;
- bacteremia;
- spontaneous rupture of the abscess. Such a complication will be indicated by such signs as an increase in temperature to 40 degrees, the release of cloudy urine with a sharp and unpleasant odor - when purulent fluid penetrates the urethra, impurities of pus and mucus in the stool - when an abscess is opened in the rectum.
The following complications are most typical for the chronic inflammatory process:
- pyelonephritis;
- cystitis;
- spread of the inflammatory process - the epididymis or seminal vesicles are often affected;
- male infertility.
To avoid the appearance of such a disorder or prostate adenoma, male representatives must adhere to several rules:
- completely give up addictions;
- to live an active lifestyle;
- if possible, limit yourself from the influence of stressful situations;
- avoid hypothermia;
- have only protected sex;
- have a regular sexual partner;
- enrich the diet with ingredients such as honey and parsley, garlic and nuts. Such products are beneficial for the prostate gland;
- carry out the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases - for this you need to be regularly examined by a urologist.
In addition, it is very important to seek qualified help at the first signs of such a disease, because only a clinician knows how to relieve inflammation of the prostate. When trying to get rid of the disease on your own, there is a possibility of worsening the inflammatory process.
Classification of prostate diseases
practitioners have an ambivalent
attitude towards the issue of classification in
On the one hand, they understand the importance and necessity of this issue,
but on the other hand, they see the imperfection
of many classifications, which often
contain many controversial issues
that reduce the practical value
of such a classification for the clinician.
modern scientific literature
there are more than 50 classifications
of prostatitis.
the classification of the
US National Institute of Health (NIH)
is widely used abroad and accepted as the according to which there are: acute bacterial
prostatitis (I), chronic bacterial
prostatitis (II), chronic abacterial
pelvic pain
syndrome III), including with or without an inflammatory component
(IAC), as well as asymptomatic
prostatitis (IV).
It should
be noted that this classification,
despite its simplicity, contains a number of
controversial issues.
Firstly, this concerns the wording “bacterial” and
It is known that in
addition to bacteria, viruses, fungi
can as an etiological factor .
In this regard, some
authors propose to distinguish between infectious
and non-infectious prostatitis, to note
the phase of remission or exacerbation, as well as
the presence of complications.
In addition, for practical use it makes sense
to indicate the stage of the pathological
process: congestive (stagnant),
infiltrative or sclerotic.
Secondly, the most controversial provision
of this classification is
the combination into one group of non-infectious
CP and pelvic pain syndrome, previously
known under the term “prostatodynia”.
Recent studies indicate that
most often this condition is not associated
with the prostate gland and should
be considered as a disorder
of neuromuscular genesis (from the Greek genesis -
origin, occurrence), namely,
as myalgia (muscle pain), caused by
pathological tone of the pelvic
floor muscles.
Apart from terminological inaccuracy,
this lays the groundwork for future
diagnostic and therapeutic
Please note that we have not yet touched upon the topic of other pathological
conditions of the prostate gland:
benign hyperplasia, cancer,
tuberculosis, etc.
are still stuck on the first question.
What is prostatitis?
This definition covers a wide range of diseases
and processes occurring in the prostate
gland and lower urinary tract, ranging
from the so-called prostatodynia with
non-infectious prostatitis, allergic
and metabolic disorders of the prostate
gland and ending with infectious
The lack of terminological
unity is especially important in the case of
non-infectious CP, which is interpreted
by various authors as: prostatodynia,
chronic pelvic pain syndrome,
post-infectious prostatitis, myalgia
of the pelvic floor muscles, congestive prostatitis.
And there is still no consensus on this issue
General signs of
prostate disease:
Urinary disorders: pain at
the beginning and end of urination,
constant aching pain;
Disorders in the sexual sphere: from
premature ejaculation with
a normal erection and a decrease in the feeling
of orgasm during ejaculation, to a weakening
of sexual desire and a decrease in the production
of sex hormones.
normal ejaculation in men
occurs no earlier than 1.5-2 minutes
after the start of sexual intercourse, then in
cases of prostatitis, sometimes immediately
after insertion of the penis into
the vagina.
All this causes a false fear of sexual intimacy, uncertainty
in one’s capabilities, which ultimately
leads to sexual neurosis and further
worsens sexual function.
A type of
sexual disorder in patients with chronic
prostatitis is impaired erection
of the penis: from a normal erection,
but disappearing during sexual intercourse,
to complete absence when attempting
sexual intercourse.
This disorder
is most painful for
In such patients, with a weakened
ejaculation may occur
attempts and sexual intercourse does not bring satisfaction.
of prostate disease,
in particular it is associated with
a sedentary lifestyle, non-compliance with
the rules of sexual hygiene, uncontrolled
use of medications, and the influence
of harmful environmental factors.
There are two groups of the disease: infectious
and congestive prostatitis.
The causative agents
of the first group are microorganisms:
staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia
coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, as well as
gonococci, Trachomonda vaginalis,
chlamydobacteria, etc.
The main causes of the second group are stagnation of blood in
the veins of the prostate gland and stagnation
of secretions in it.
, up to 1 liter of blood
can be deposited in
the venous plexuses of the pelvis Reasons: irregular sex life, interrupted sexual intercourse,
sexual excesses, abuse
of masturbation, defective ejaculations
due to stress during sexual intercourse.
Venous stagnation can occur with
sedentary work, constipation and
alcohol abuse.