
How to prepare an effective cough inhalation solution

Inhalation is an effective procedure for the treatment and prevention of diseases caused by viruses or bacteria. During it, the active substances enter the mucous membrane and are quickly absorbed. When taking medications normally, they first end up in the gastrointestinal tract, where further absorption occurs.

How to prepare an effective cough inhalation solution

Types of drugs for inhalation

Each disease requires a suitable solution. For a runny nose or allergic cough, these will be different medications. Their choice is agreed with the doctor. You cannot carry out inhalations only at your own request.

There are ready-made preparations that are already diluted with saline in the required proportions. Their ampoules just need to be added to the nebulizer. Some you need to cook yourself. To do this, you must carefully follow the dosage drop by drop. Since, when inhaled, medicinal substances are quickly absorbed, an overdose or an acute allergic reaction with all the ensuing side effects may occur.

Classification of drugs

  • Bronchodilators.

The action is based on reducing spasm in the bronchi. This phenomenon is observed in bronchial asthma. Inhalations with a portable nebulizer are vital for people suffering from this disease. With the help of these remedies, the condition of obstructive pulmonary disease and allergic cough is also alleviated.

How to prepare an effective cough inhalation solution

  • Mucolytics or expectorants

Helps against the accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract. It accumulates, causing a painful cough and causing discomfort. The active ingredients thin the mucus and it leaves the lungs, relieving symptoms.

Used for both wet and dry coughs. Mucolytics should be used with caution with other drugs. There are those that are incompatible with antibiotics.

Before use, you should consult your doctor or carefully study the instructions for use.

How to prepare an effective cough inhalation solution

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs

They reduce inflammation, swelling and discomfort in viral diseases. A solution with furatsilin has an antiseptic effect. For one application, 4 ml of solution is enough. The procedure should be used no more than 2 times a day.

How to prepare an effective cough inhalation solution

They can be used only as prescribed by the attending physician. Effective against bacterial infections. Completely useless for viral infections. To prescribe antibiotics to a patient, the doctor must make a clear diagnosis in order to understand the viral or bacterial origin of the disease.

How to prepare an effective cough inhalation solution

These are substances that have an effect on viruses. Can be used for the prevention and treatment of viral diseases, including influenza.

How to prepare an effective cough inhalation solution

  • Antiallergic drugs.

They quickly have an antihistamine effect. Their action is based on blocking contact of the allergen with the receptor. Allergic reactions in the form of a runny nose, sneezing, and nasal congestion pass quickly. This group also includes hormonal drugs and corticosteroids. How to prepare an effective cough inhalation solution

What to do with inhalations in a nebulizer

A nebulizer is a modern medical device for children and adults. With its entry into the market, the treatment and prevention of ARVI moved to a new level. With proper use, you can speed up recovery. The inhaler solution consists of a saline solution in which medications are diluted. Cough medications are used to relieve symptoms. They do not treat the underlying disease.

How to prepare an effective cough inhalation solution

For dry cough

This cough is observed at the beginning of the disease. The purpose of inhalation is to speed up the release of mucus, soften the throat and reduce inflammation. Inhalations with soda, thyme, chamomile, linden flowers and mineral water have a good effect. If this is a regular steam inhalation, you can add a drop of eucalyptus oil.

A lidocaine solution will help relieve a dry cough. Ampoules of solution contain 2 ml. It is necessary to carry out procedures 2 times a day. To prepare medicine for children under 12 years of age, add 2 ml of saline solution to the finished dose. Inhalations with lidocaine effectively combat painful dry cough.

Also, liquid with furatsilin helps against dry cough.

How to prepare an effective cough inhalation solution

If it is an allergic cough, antihistamines are used. The above inhalations in this case will only worsen the situation.

With a wet cough

A solution of furatsilin will be a good remedy for coughing. The cough solution for inhalation should be warm (36-40 degrees). Cold, at best, may not have an effect, at worst, it may cause a worsening of the condition.

The purpose of inhalation for wet cough is to liquefy viscous sputum. You can use mucolytics prescribed by your doctor. Ambrobene syrup helps with all types of cough. Its solution, sold in pharmacies, can be added to a nebulizer.

For adults and children over 6 years old, 2-3 ml of solution up to 2 times a day is enough.

How to prepare an effective cough inhalation solution

Rules for inhalation

  1. After hot inhalation, you should not go outside for at least 20 minutes. Sudden contact with cold air can cause complications.
  2. The method of inhalation depends on the goals of treatment. When you have a runny nose, this is inhalation through the nose. If the goal of treatment is a sore throat, cough, or pulmonary diseases, you should inhale through the mouth.

  3. After inhalation, smoking is prohibited, and it is also recommended to refrain from eating and drinking anything for at least an hour.
  4. Do not use drugs in their pure form. They should be diluted with saline solution. You can purchase it ready-made or prepare it yourself.

    To do this, you will need 10 g of table salt (a heaping teaspoon) and a liter of boiled water. The salt must be mixed well. This homemade solution can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours.

  5. If you decide to use herbal preparations, you need to buy their solution or liquid with extract at the pharmacy.

    Homemade herbal remedies contain particles that can damage the nebulizer. Ready-made preparations exclude this possibility.

  6. Inhalations with herbal preparations “for prevention” can be hazardous to health. Medicinal herbs contain many active substances and allergens.

    If there are no indications for use, such prophylaxis may lead to worsening of the condition or anaphylactic shock. The idea that all herbal preparations are safe is not true. It is necessary to follow the dosage and know the contraindications. Independent uncontrolled use of inhalations with natural solutions is fraught with consequences.

  7. To reduce the consumption of medicine, towards the end of the inhalation, you can add 1 ml of saline solution to the nebulizer and continue the procedure.

Steam inhalations without a nebulizer

Before the advent of nebulizers, the simplest and most common inhalation method was inhaling the vapors of hot potatoes or herbal decoction. This method really relieves nasal congestion and expectoration of mucus. This procedure is especially useful at the very beginning of the disease.

Steam inhalation without a nebulizer should be carried out with caution. There is a risk of burns to the respiratory tract if the steam is very hot. This is especially dangerous for children. They are contraindicated for children under three years of age. Up to 12 years of age, exposure time is no more than 2-3 minutes.

For adults, 5 minutes will be enough.

Steam inhalations cannot be a complete method of treatment, like inhalations with a nebulizer. Steam solutions are made at home. These are herbal decoctions, soda, a couple of boiled vegetables, essential oils. This method is more related to traditional medicine.

Steam inhalations for lung diseases and bronchitis do not make sense. Active substances during normal inhalation simply do not reach their destination due to the physiological characteristics of a person. They can only be used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Indications and contraindications

Before starting treatment, the doctor must make sure that the patient has no contraindications to the use of inhalations. There is a list of heart and lung diseases for which this method of treatment is prohibited. Inhalations should be prescribed with caution to allergy sufferers. Even a minimal amount of allergen in the composition can cause a severe allergic reaction.

Conditions and diseases in which you should refrain from any type of inhalation:

  • increased body temperature;
  • bleeding in the lungs;
  • suffered strokes and heart attacks;
  • cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • pregnancy (with restrictions)

If there are no contraindications, the doctor may prescribe inhalations for the following diseases:

  • Bronchial asthma;
  • ARVI;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • sinusitis and sinusitis;
  • inflammation of the bronchi (bronchitis);
  • prevention of diseases during the cold season (inhalations with immunomodulators).

Do's and don'ts during pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the placenta forms, which protects the fetus from toxic effects. It is during this period that the unborn child is most vulnerable.

In the first trimester, it is better to refrain from any medications, especially antibiotics. If such a need arises, you can only use medications approved during pregnancy.

Safe drugs for pregnant women:

  1. Mineral water.
  2. Saline solution.
  3. Soda solution.
  4. Herbal decoction (thyme, linden flowers, plantain, marshmallow, eucalyptus).
  5. Water with honey.
  6. Boiled potatoes.

From this list, only saline solution, mineral water and soda can be poured into the nebulizer. The remaining products are used like classic steam inhalations. Saline solution is needed to moisturize the nasal mucosa and relieve congestion typical of pregnant women. Alkaline mineral water, honey, soda and herbal infusions are good for coughs.


Inhalations with a nebulizer are effective for many diseases, the symptoms of which are runny nose, cough, and sore throat. If you use them wisely, you can speed up your recovery.

With the right solution, inhalations will be a good help in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, bronchial asthma, runny nose, cough and other diseases. Availability makes this method increasingly attractive. A nebulizer is a necessary thing in a family with small children.

Inhaling medicinal solutions is much faster than conventional syrup, which children do not always like.


Cough inhalations

How to prepare an effective cough inhalation solution

How do inhalations work for coughs?

A cold or viral disease develops in the upper respiratory tract. Early symptoms include a runny nose, sore throat and cough. Damaged mucous membranes require gentle care, warmth and hydration. The use of inhalation therapy is justified here.

Inhalation therapy is a technique of delivering drugs by inhaling airborne particles. The procedure ensures the delivery of drugs directly to the site of inflammation, bypassing the systemic bloodstream. This is the advantage of the method. When coughing, inhalations help to liquefy sputum with evacuation, relieve spasms, sanitize the nasopharynx and bronchi from the pathogen.

According to the mechanism of inhalation, they are divided into steam and apparatus. During steam inhalation, medicinal substances, together with steam particles, are deposited on the affected areas of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.

For hardware inhalations, special devices are used - nebulizers. They spray liquid medicines into tiny particles. This creates a “medicinal cloud” for inhalation.

This type of inhalation will deliver the substance to the small branches of the bronchi.

How to prepare an effective cough inhalation solution

The benefits of potato inhalations

The most common type of inhalation is heat and steam. They are not difficult to carry out at home. They provide a quick warming and moisturizing effect for colds, viral and other respiratory diseases.

A striking example of heat-steam inhalation is inhalation over potatoes when coughing. Why potatoes? This product contains substances that can retain heat in potatoes for a long time and effectively.

Benefits of the procedure:

  • simple accessible recipe;
  • regular home inhalers are suitable for use;
  • cheapness;
  • use during pregnancy and lactation;
  • use for individual intolerance to drugs and allergies.

In cases where deep vapor penetration is not required, this is an excellent alternative to expensive nebulizers. If the cough is a symptom of a cold or a mild viral infection, the use of this type of therapy is quite acceptable. Inhalation with potatoes for coughs is advisable for dry and wet coughs.

Warm-moisture procedures through an inhaler with potatoes when coughing cause blood flow to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and enhance the work of the bronchial epithelium.

With a dry cough, the damaged mucous membrane of the pharynx calms down and the soreness decreases. A wet cough stimulates the dissolution of thick sputum. For sore throat it has a pain-relieving effect.

When you have a runny nose, the discharge liquefies and is expelled. Thermal effects also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

To ensure that inhalation procedures do not cause harm, we will consider below how to breathe correctly over potatoes when coughing.

How to prepare an effective cough inhalation solution

Recipes with potatoes for inhalation

Inhalations over potatoes are possible with or without additional medications. Medicines for inhalation come in the form of special pharmaceutical preparations and solutions of soda, salt, and essential oils. This inhalation provides a targeted local effect on the site of inflammation.

To prepare the raw materials, you must use potato tubers or a decoction. You need to select 5-6 medium-sized potatoes, rinse thoroughly, place on the bottom of the pan, and add water. The water completely covers the vegetables. Boil the tubers over low heat until tender. Before using, mash the vegetables with a fork.

The second cooking method consists of the following steps. The cooking principle is the same. Before use, the broth is drained separately from the peel. Inhalation of potatoes for coughing is more effective if you add 1 teaspoon of salt and baking soda during cooking. Herbs or essential oils also have healing properties for respiratory diseases.

Essential oils have an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect for coughs. Then inhalation with potatoes for cough provides the following scheme: for 0.5 liters. add up to 5 drops of oil to the broth.

Oils of peppermint, eucalyptus, fir, cedar, and incense are useful for coughs. Oils can also be used as a separate method of treatment and prevention. They are added to clean, freshly boiled water, cooled to 45 C. A mixture of oils is allowed, but no more than 3 in one solution.

It is useful to alternate potato decoction with herbal decoction. To prepare the latter, 2 tablespoons of chamomile, coltsfoot, sage, linden, calendula, St. John's wort (2 - 3 types of herbs are mixed) are poured into 1 liter of water and brought to a boil. Then leave for 30 minutes. Strain and use the pure decoction.

How to prepare an effective cough inhalation solution

How is the procedure performed?

Everyone knows how to breathe over potatoes since childhood. It should be remembered that violation of the technique of performing the procedure is harmful to health. Therefore, first of all, we will remember the important rules.

Before starting treatment, you should consult a doctor, since different types of cough are treated differently. Before inhalation, it is advisable not to eat food for 1-2 hours. Be sure to measure your body temperature. Provide a comfortable venue and wear comfortable, breathable clothing. The solution is prepared fresh and is not reused.

Recommended reading: When is it better to inhale before or after meals?

If a potato substrate is used, the steam temperature is adjusted to 45 - 55o C. You can use the container in which the potatoes were boiled, wrapping it in an additional towel. If you use potato decoction, it is more advisable to pour it into a kettle or a home inhaler with a funnel. A homemade cardboard cone imitating a funnel is attached to the spout of the kettle.

The airways should be free of excess mucus. The day before, you should cough and clean the upper nasal passages. You need to position yourself at a distance of 30 cm above the dish. If this is not a medical inhaler, then you will need to make a “tent” from a blanket over the patient.

It is important that the heating is uniform. To do this, you need to breathe smoothly. Inhale shallowly the first 2-3 times, “familiarizing” the mucous membranes with the steam. It is recommended to inhale and exhale alternately through the mouth and nose. When you have a runny nose, breathe separately through each nasal passage.

Duration of inhalation 10 minutes. If alarming symptoms appear (tinnitus, dizziness), the procedure is stopped. You should not ignore simple safety rules when working with hot surfaces.

After completion, eating and drinking are not recommended for half an hour.

If cough inhalation is carried out using essential oils, then the oil is introduced into the hot liquid immediately before the procedure. The first time you should not breathe for more than 2 minutes to avoid allergic reactions. In the future - up to 10 minutes.

When using medicinal herbs, a decoction is prepared before the procedure and cooled to 40 - 45 o C. There are special aromatherapy rooms in medical institutions. The air there is humidified and enriched with vapors of essential oils. Treatment is usually group.

If a nebulizer is used, then the doctor will explain how to properly prepare the required solution. Preparations for inhalation by nebulizer are available in the form of nebulas or solutions. It is prohibited to introduce essential oils or homemade decoctions into it.

Medicinal solutions in the prescribed quantity are filled into the reservoir, and a mask or mouthpiece of suitable size is selected. The process of inhaling a healing “cloud” does not require any skills from the patient. Particles are directed into the respiratory tract using a compressor. The device operates from the mains. Therefore, it is important to follow safety precautions when working with electrical appliances.

How to prepare an effective cough inhalation solution

Is it possible to give inhalations to children?

The main rule of treating children is to not self-medicate. They have age-related anatomical and physiological characteristics of the respiratory organs. The thermal effect increases blood flow to the mucous membranes. Since the child has a high risk of swelling of the bronchial wall, narrowing of the lumen, respiratory failure may develop. Only a doctor prescribes inhalations for a child’s cough.

Steam inhalation is contraindicated for infants and young children (1 - 3 years old). If necessary, it is better to use a nebulizer. Steam treatment is prescribed with caution to children under 7 years of age.

Children should always be given specific instructions on how, with what, and for how many approaches to inhale. In the case of steam procedures with potatoes or potato broth, the inhalation procedure is possible only under the supervision of an adult. The technology is similar to that described above with a few exceptions:

  • Duration: no more than 5 - 8 minutes;
  • steam temperature is not higher than 30 - 40 C;
  • the total number is no more than 10.

Children's bodies are prone to allergic reactions. Therefore, breathing with potatoes when coughing is safer than breathing with essential oils.

Considering the susceptibility of the child’s body to colds and viral infections, it is advisable to use inhalation with salt or pine needles as a preventive method of treatment.

It is important that in children there is a rapid transition between dry and wet coughs and the development of complications. When giving your child inhalations at home, you need to regularly monitor the course of the disease with a doctor.

How to prepare an effective cough inhalation solution

Contraindications for steam inhalation

A cough is not always a reason for inhalation therapy. Like any therapeutic technique, steam inhalations have a range of contraindications:

  • age up to 3 years;
  • body temperature above 37 C;
  • chronic pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • disturbance of cerebral blood flow;
  • blood clotting pathologies, including a tendency to nosebleeds;
  • purulent-inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • tuberculosis;
  • unclear or unspecified diagnosis.

The last point is especially important in children. If the cough is not as usual, but barking or whistling, then steam inhalation will worsen the child’s condition.

Before inhalation therapy, the patient must make sure that he does not have any problems from the list.

For some diseases of the respiratory tract, steam inhalations for cough are allowed only during the recovery period. For example, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia.

How to prepare an effective cough inhalation solution

Recommendations for inhalations

Compared to other methods of drug administration, the inhalation route relieves the body of side effects associated with systemic action. Therefore, the list of indications is varied:

  • rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis due to ARVI;
  • bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiolitis of both viral and bacterial ethology;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • exacerbation of chronic respiratory diseases;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • “allergic” cough or runny nose;
  • occupational diseases of the larynx;
  • adenoid vegetations.

The more serious the pathology, the more specialized inhalers are used.



Cough inhalation solutions

How to prepare an effective cough inhalation solution

Diseases of which cough is a symptom are very common in childhood.

One of the methods of their treatment is inhalation, which helps moisturize the mucous membranes, reduce inflammation, make sputum more liquid and improve coughing, which speeds up recovery.

Children may be prescribed inhalations for the following diseases:

  • For cough caused by ARVI.
  • For acute bronchitis.
  • For laryngitis and pharyngitis.
  • For bronchial asthma.
  • During the recovery period from pneumonia.
  • For tuberculosis or cystic fibrosis.

How to prepare an effective cough inhalation solution

Inhalations cannot be carried out:

  • Children under one year old.
  • Children with bacterial sore throat.
  • At elevated body temperature.
  • Children with otitis media.
  • In case of intolerance to the drug.
  • For frequent nosebleeds.
  • When coughing with pus or blood.
  • In serious condition.

Inhalations have the following effect:

  • Stimulates mucus secretion during dry cough.
  • Softens sputum and makes it easier to expectorate during a wet cough.
  • Prevents the spread of infection into the lower respiratory tract.
  • Bacteria and dead leukocytes are removed from the respiratory tract.
  • Reduce the risk of complications.
  • Increase blood flow in the lung tissue.
  • Activate metabolic processes in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Inhalation and bathing with a dry cough cause copious sputum production, so these procedures must be carried out with caution. For more information about this, see Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

  1. The procedures are carried out an hour before meals.
  2. To have a therapeutic effect on the throat, you need to inhale through your mouth and exhale through your nose.
  3. The duration of one procedure is from 5 to 15 minutes.
  4. Inhalations are carried out in a course of 5-10 procedures.
  5. Before using any medications for inhalation, you should consult your pediatrician.

To carry out such procedures, you can use a steam inhaler or a container with boiling liquid. These inhalations involve the use of only those solutions that can withstand heat. Often this is water with the addition of soda, salt, essential oils or medicinal herbs.

Using a nebulizer for procedures allows you to spray medicinal substances into tiny droplets and deliver them into the respiratory tract to the place where their action is important. For its operation, such a device can use ultrasound, a compressor or a special membrane.

Depending on the particles generated in the device, nebulizer inhalations can be directed to different parts of the respiratory tract. Medicines transferred into small particles will quickly enter the tissues of the respiratory system, and will also act on them longer and more effectively than with other methods of administration.

Solutions specially designed for use in such a device are poured into the nebulizer. Most often they are diluted in saline solution, and the use of herbal decoctions and oil solutions in most nebulizers is prohibited. Some models also have restrictions for medications, such as corticosteroid hormones.

How to prepare an effective cough inhalation solution

The following substances are used for inhalation when coughing:

  1. Products that help moisturize and soften mucous membranes. These include salt and mineral water, saline solution, water with soda. Such moisturizers are especially often prescribed for dry coughs.
  2. Medications with a bronchodilator effect that help eliminate spasms in the respiratory tract. This group of drugs includes Berotec, Atrovent, Berodual and Ventolin. They are recommended for dry and allergic coughs.
  3. Agents with mucolytic action. Such drugs are Ambrobene, ACC, Bronchipret, Lazolvan, Mucaltin and others. They are indicated for both wet and dry coughs.
  4. Anti-inflammatory agents to reduce swelling and inflammation. This effect is provided by Tonzilgon N, Pulmicort, Cromohexal, Rotokan and other drugs. They are recommended for barking, allergic and wet coughs.
  5. Antitussive agents. These include Lidocaine and Tussamag. Such drugs are prescribed for barking cough.
  6. Antiseptic agents for cleansing mucous membranes. This group includes Chlorophyllipt, Furacilin, Miramistin and Dioxidin. Their purpose is indicated for wet or barking cough.
  7. Medicinal herbs with mucolytic, anti-inflammatory and emollient effects. Such herbs include sage, chamomile, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, mint, thyme and others. Their decoctions are used for dry coughs.
  8. Essential oils with anti-inflammatory and softening effects. This effect is observed in oils of pine, sea buckthorn, eucalyptus, almond and others. Inhalations with them are recommended for dry cough.

For information about why you should not do inhalations with boiled potatoes, see Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

Before performing inhalations, watch the following video, which talks about many important nuances during the procedure.


We select solutions for inhalation with a nebulizer for children and adults

Treatment of cough with inhaled medications is a popular and effective method of improving the condition of a patient suffering from respiratory pathology.

Local effects on the respiratory tract prevent the negative effects of drugs on other organs and systems. The main thing is to choose a cough inhalation solution that is suitable for a particular patient.

A preliminary consultation with a doctor can solve this problem.

Features of inhalations

To successfully eliminate cough with the help of inhaled medications, the use of a specialized device – a nebulizer – is required. The device crushes the medicinal liquid into tiny particles that penetrate the respiratory tract.

Appropriate inhalers are used in a hospital or clinic setting. Models designed for home use are sold on pharmacy shelves.

To achieve the maximum effect, before self-treatment, you must consult a doctor so that he explains all the features of using the device and specific products (dose, degree of dilution, frequency of procedures, etc.).

Typical groups of drugs for inhalation for coughs of different etiologies will be described below.

Antitussive medications (solutions)

A dry cough is an unpleasant symptom that causes a lot of inconvenience to the patient. Due to unproductivity, drying of the mucous membrane progresses with increasing irritation and local inflammation.

What to use for inhalation for dry cough? To minimize this symptom, you can use drugs that suppress the corresponding reflex or moisturize the mucous membrane that lines the respiratory tract from the inside.

The easiest way to improve the function of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi, mucous membrane of the larynx and trachea is inhalation with a nebulizer with saline solution for dry cough . The liquid form of sodium chloride (0.9% NaCl or, in common parlance, saline) moisturizes the irritated mucous membrane, further stimulating the secretion of epithelial glands, which improves sputum discharge.

Inhalations with saline solution for coughing using a nebulizer are effective for bronchitis, laryngitis, and pharyngitis. The procedure can be performed on both children and adult patients. The inhaler container must be filled with 4 - 5 ml of saline solution and inhaled according to the instructions.

List of specialized medications that reduce the severity of cough and are used to stabilize the condition of patients:

  • 1% lidocaine hydrochloride solution. The drug has an anesthetic effect. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor. Dosage for 1 session: children under twelve years of age - 1 and 2 milliliters of the drug with saline solution, respectively, patients older than the specified age - 2 milliliters with the same amount of sodium chloride. The number of daily inhalations does not exceed two;
  • Tussamag is a herbal preparation based on thyme extract. Dosage: adults - 1 ml of the medicine diluted with the same amount of saline, children 6 - 18 years old - one and two ml of Tussamag with 0.9% NaCl, respectively, for patients from 1 to 5 years the medicine is diluted with sodium chloride in a ratio of 1 to 3 The number of sessions is up to three per day.

Expectorants (solutions)

A wet cough is a symptom that accompanies 60 - 70% of pathologies of the bronchi and lungs. To eliminate the symptom, the doctor may recommend expectorant and sputum-thinning medications (mucolytics), which speed up the clearance of mucus from the respiratory tract.

Inhaler medications for wet cough:

  • Fluimucil, ACC Inject. The basic component is acetylcysteine, which destroys the bonds between sputum molecules, making it less viscous. One procedure requires 3 ml of medication for patients over twelve years of age without prior dilution. For children from 6 to 12 years old, acetylcysteine ​​is mixed with 0.9% NaCl in a ratio of 2 to 1, for children from 2 to 6 years old - 1 to 2. Frequency of use - 2-3 per day;
  • Ambrobene solution and Lazolvan are medications based on ambroxol hydrochloride. Dosage: patients over 6 years old - 3 ml of the drug, 2 - 6 years old - 2 ml, under 2 years old - 1 ml. Before use, the medicine is diluted with sodium chloride in the same proportion;
  • Pertussin is a thyme-based drug. Before refilling the nebulizer, you need to add saline solution to the medication. Component ratios: adults and children over 12 years of age – 1:1, younger patients – 1:2. Frequency: three times a day.

Before carrying out appropriate treatment for a wet cough at home, the doctor should explain to patients when and what medications are useful to use through a nebulizer.

Solutions for dilation of bronchi

Bronchodilators are a group of drugs used in combination with expectorant medications. The corresponding medications do not help reduce coughing. Bronchodilators widen the airways, making it easier to clear mucus.

Examples of effective solutions for use via a nebulizer:

  • Berodual. The drug is used to eliminate chronic bronchospasm. The exact dosage is indicated in the instructions, however, doctors use a proven scheme - 1 ml of the medicine is diluted with saline to achieve four milliliters of volume. The frequency of inhalation through a nebulizer is set individually;
  • Berotek. A medication used to relieve bronchospasm attacks. Doses (in milliliters): patients over six years old - 0.5, under the specified age - 0.25. The appropriate amount of medication is diluted with physiological (0.9% NaCl) solution. Frequency: three times a day.
  • Atrovent. The active substance of the corresponding drug for use through a nebulizer is ipratropium bromide. The dosage and frequency of use are the same as Berotek.

Antihistamines and hormonal drugs

A severe cough often develops based on an allergic component (bronchial asthma). To eliminate the corresponding symptom, the use of medications is required that affect not only the respiratory tract, but also the body’s immune response.

For treatment, inhalation solutions for cough nebulizer:

  • Dexamethasone. A hormonal agent used in a single standard dosage - 0.5 milliliters of liquid diluted to 4 ml with NaCl solution;
  • Cromohexal. An antihistamine, produced in standard 2 ml bottles. A nebulizer is filled with the contents of the appropriate container and prescribed to patients over 2 years of age four times throughout the day;
  • Pulmicort. A medication based on budesonide is effective for asthma and serious disorders of the respiratory system that require hormonal treatment. Doses: patients over twelve years old - 1 mg, from 6 months to 12 years - 0.25 mg. A single dose should be diluted with saline solution for a volume of 1 inhalation of up to 2 ml. The minimum amount of liquid required for the procedure is 2 ml. Under other circumstances, Pulmicort is not diluted. The frequency of use is determined individually. The corresponding medication is not used for ultrasonic nebulizers.

Pulmicort is available in different concentrations. Cough inhalation solution for children is dispensed at a dose of 0.25 mg/ml. “Adult” concentration – 0.5 mg/ml. The information is important to consider when carrying out home treatment for cough.

Antibacterial and antiseptic solutions

The use of antibiotics and antiseptics for coughs is justified only if the presence of bacterial invasion is confirmed. In the absence of microbes, the risk of complications and side effects is not justified.

The following drugs are used for inhalation through a nebulizer:

  • Fluimucil antibiotic. A combination medicine containing thiamphenicol with acetylcysteine. The medicine is sold in the form of a powder with a solvent. A single dose is 250 and 125 mg for patients after and before 12 years of age, respectively. The nebulizer is additionally filled with another 2 milliliters of saline solution. The number of daily inhalations should not exceed two times;
  • Miramistin. An antiseptic medicine that affects a wide range of microorganisms. Inhalations for coughs in patients over 12 years of age can be given undiluted in a dose of up to 4 milliliters. For children under twelve, Miramistin is diluted with saline solution (sodium chloride) in equal proportions with a total single dose volume of 4 ml;
  • Chlorophyllipt. Herbal product based on eucalyptus leaves. Inhalations through a nebulizer are carried out with a pre-prepared solution (the medicine is mixed with sodium chloride in a ratio of 1:10). Dose – 3 milliliters.

Fact! Chlorophyllipt contains dyes that cannot be washed off. This fact does not affect the quality of the nebulizer in the future, but should be taken into account by patients.

Vasoconstrictor solution for inhalation

Vasoconstrictors for inhalation through a nebulizer are used relatively rarely. The indication is allergic inflammation of the larynx (its mucous membrane) with increasing suffocation, which prevents the patient from breathing normally.

The following medications are used in practice:

  • Adrenalin. The medicine is fast-acting, but is used only as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision. For one session of physiotherapeutic procedure, a standard dose of 3 ml is prepared. First, the contents of 1 ampoule of the drug must be diluted in 10 milliliters of saline solution. Inhalation only needs to be done once;
  • Naphthyzin. An effective vasoconstrictor. The liquid is diluted with ordinary saline solution 1 to 5. Inhalations are carried out to reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa or upper respiratory tract.

Before using the appropriate products, you should definitely consult a doctor.


The use of medicinal solutions for inhalation through a nebulizer is a common method of treating coughs of various etiologies. The main thing is to consult a doctor and choose the appropriate medicine.

It must be remembered that most of the relevant products must be diluted beforehand. A saline solution (0.9% NaCl) for inhalation when coughing with a nebulizer is the best option for this purpose.


Cough medicines for inhalation

Cough is an unpleasant symptom of various respiratory ailments. Inhalation is an effective procedure that helps fight cough. Recently, the general availability of nebulizers has allowed many to carry out inhalations with “cold” steam not only in physiotherapy rooms. Next, let's look at nebulizer medications for coughs.

Please note that medications are prescribed only by a specialist. Taking into account various factors, the doctor should prescribe what to put in the cough nebulizer:

Diseases, symptoms, indications for use Pharmacological group of prescribed drugs
Dry cough, airway obstruction Bronchodilators, anti-inflammatory drugs
Moist cough Mucolytics, anti-inflammatory drugs
Bacterial infections causing cough Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs
Cough caused by allergies Bronchodilators, antihistamines, anti-inflammatory drugs
Strengthening local immunity Immunomodulatory drugs

Let's look separately at each group of drugs.

Nebulizer solutions for dry cough. Bronchodilators

A dry cough is a sign of inflammation and irritation of the mucous membranes, and nebulizer medications for a dry cough will alleviate the patient’s condition and help cope with the disease.

Bronchodilators relieve spasms and dilate the bronchi. These include nebulizer medications for dry cough:

1 Berodual. A bronchodilator often prescribed by doctors and proven to be effective. Berotek. Bronchial asthma, chronic and obstructive respiratory diseases, in which a dry cough appears, are treated using this medicine. Berotek is also used as a prophylactic agent.
2 Atrovent. Helps overcome bronchospasms (suffocation). It is a means of preventing disease. It is also prescribed for the treatment of bronchial asthma and a number of chronic respiratory diseases.


Mucolytics reduce the viscosity of sputum and remove it from the respiratory system. These include:

1 ACC Inject. Used as an expectorant to remove infected mucus from the respiratory tract. Helps with difficulty coughing up sputum. ACC Inject contains acetylcysteine ​​(the active ingredient of the drug), so it should not be taken together with antibiotics, because their absorption will be reduced.
2 Ambroxol is contained in medicines: Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Ambroxol. They help remove sticky mucus. Adding these solutions to a nebulizer allows you to effectively combat acute and chronic ailments of the respiratory tract. Do not perform procedures with this drug together with antitussives. It can be taken together with antibiotics, and the absorption of antibiotics improves.
3 Inhalations using mineral waters (Narzan, Essentuki 4, Essentuki 6, waters should be slightly alkaline, it is recommended to purchase them at a pharmacy). Inhalations with “mineral water” moisturize the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. These procedures should be performed in accordance with the doctor's recommendations. The water is first freed from gases. You can use mineral water ONLY in a steam apparatus !

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Respiratory diseases:

  • rhinitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • sore throat, etc.

They are inflammatory and are also treated with “cold” steam, using the following cough medications for a nebulizer:

  • Rotokan;
  • alcohol infusions of calendula, chamomile, yarrow;
  • propolis tincture;
  • alcohol tincture of eucalyptus;
  • Tonsilgon N, homeopathic medicine.

Solutions are prepared using cough nebulizer prescriptions prescribed by a doctor, adhering to the dosage and frequency of use.

Antibiotics and antimicrobials

  • If there is a need to simultaneously take antibacterial agents that dilute sputum and remove sputum, fluimucil antibiotic is prescribed.
  • Furacilin is prescribed for the treatment of ARVI. The drug disinfects and prevents infection from entering the deep parts of the lungs and bronchi.
  • Dioxidin has a wide range of disinfecting properties.
  • An effective remedy against staphylococcal infections is Chlorophyllipt.
  • Respiratory infections are treated using medical procedures with the drug Gentamicin.
  • Infections of the respiratory system accompanied by purulent discharge are treated using Miramistin.

Immunomodulatory drugs

To prevent influenza, ARVI, infectious and viral diseases of the respiratory system, inhalations with drugs such as Interferon, Derinat are used.


Inhalations with a nebulizer are very effective and are a common method of treating cough, but it should be borne in mind that it is not recommended to carry out procedures at elevated temperatures.

Prohibited use:

  • oil-based preparations;
  • herbal infusions, decoctions;
  • Eufilin;
  • Papaverine.

And in any case, what to breathe through a nebulizer when coughing should be determined by the attending physician.

Please also read the article on inhalation for dry cough for complete information on this topic.


How to prepare an effective cough inhalation solution Link to main publication
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