
Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths

Warts are benign lumps on the skin caused by the human papillomavirus. Photos of viral warts can be easily found on the Internet and examined in detail. They can appear singly or in groups. The size of viral warts can range from 1 to 10 mm, and sometimes there are specimens larger than 20 mm.

Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths

Signs of viral warts

Various formations often appear on human skin, causing discomfort, but not all of them are warts. Therefore, it is important to know how to identify a viral wart.

Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths

The symptoms of this disease are very few. New growths on the skin grow slowly and imperceptibly. They don't itch or hurt. Patients consult a doctor only with complaints about the external unattractiveness of the area of ​​the body affected by warts.

Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths

On human feet, warts manifest themselves differently. Under the influence of body weight, they are constantly under pressure and cut into tissues, causing discomfort and pain.

Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths

Diagnosis of viral warts is extremely important, because the disease not only brings aesthetic discomfort, but also signals a malfunction of the immune system.

Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths

Classification of viral warts

To determine the type of tumor, you need to know what viral warts look like and where they appear. Doctors distinguish the following types:

  • ordinary. They are small bumps on the skin of the hands and do not differ in color;
  • plantar. Occurs on the feet or toes. They are under pressure, so they grow inward rather than outward. This structure of the wart leads to damage to internal tissues and is accompanied by constant pain. This species is sometimes called "spurs" or "spikes";
  • flat. They have a light yellow tint or do not differ at all from the color of the skin. They generally occur more often in children than in adults. Can be found on the bends of the arms, legs, neck, armpits, chest;
  • genital warts. Occurs on the genitals. Transmitted sexually, but manifests itself after a few months;
  • papillamatous. Occurs in small children under 1 year of age. The wart affects the larynx and gradually grows. If the tumor is not removed in time, it can lead to blockage of the airways.

Why do warts appear?

In order to successfully treat and subsequently prevent the recurrence of the disease, it is necessary to understand why it occurred. The cause of viral warts is the human papillomavirus.

Many strains of the virus are completely harmless and do not manifest themselves in any way. Warts occur when the immune system is weakened due to poor diet, an infectious disease, or another virus.

  • You can become infected with the human papillomavirus through:
  • blood. Through direct contact with damaged skin, the virus can be transmitted from wound to wound;
  • mucous membranes;
  • sexual contact.

Often this disease can be picked up in public places. To avoid infection, you should use only your own hygiene products, towels, and clothing.

The appearance of viral warts in children is associated with their active activity, leading to multiple skin lesions. And in conditions of contact with the virus located in ponds, sandboxes and other places, the disease is guaranteed.

How to defeat viral warts?

Today, many ways to combat warts have been invented. However, it is almost impossible to defeat the virus. If it enters the body, it will remain there forever, but the virus may not manifest itself.

There is no universal method for removing viral warts. Each individual case requires its own method. Therefore, if neoplasms are detected, you should consult a doctor.

Removing warts with treatment

You can get rid of unnecessary tumors using the following medications:

  • ointments. Penetrate into the bloodstream through the skin and dull the effect of the virus, which in turn removes warts as a symptom;
  • creams. The active substance cauterizes the damaged area from the outside, promoting the death of wart cells;
  • tablets. Antiviral and immunostrengthening drugs are used to weaken the disease and improve the body's resistance.

Ways to remove warts

So that the tumor does not disturb it, it can be removed. There are several such methods:

  • cryodestruction. The method is based on freezing the wart body with liquid nitrogen. After the procedure, tissue necrosis occurs, and it falls off on its own;
  • electrocoagulation. Under the influence of current, the wart is detached from the body. The advantages of the method are that it allows you to remove tumors of any size;
  • laser removal. Using a laser, the wart is removed painlessly and quickly. The method is gaining more and more popularity.

Removing warts using traditional medicine

Methods associated with traditional medicine are quite effective, but it is advisable to first consult with a specialist. To remove warts use: celandine, garlic, vinegar, iodine, etc.

Photos of viral warts

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Viral warts

Viral warts are neoplasms of the skin or mucous membranes of a viral nature of a benign nature.

The cause of appearance (etiology) is human papillomavirus (HPV). There are about 200 types of this virus. Viral warts are caused by HPV types 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 27, 28 and a number of other types.

The virus enters through abrasions on the skin and can remain latent (dormant) in the thickness of the mucous membrane or in the skin for months and years. HPV does not enter the bloodstream and therefore cannot be detected there.

Under favorable conditions, it is activated, it is integrated into the genome of skin cells and the cells grow incorrectly, forming the body of the wart. Risk factors that contribute to the development of the virus may be: hypothermia, stress, severe illness, wearing tight shoes, abrasions on the skin. This leads to a decrease in general or local immunity and activation of the virus.

The main symptom of the disease is the formation of one or more papules on the skin and mucous membranes. A papule is a nodule with a diameter of several mm, without liquid content, that occurs in the superficial layers of the skin. It grows slowly, new papules may appear nearby.

All viral warts are classified according to location and/or form of formations (click on the image to enlarge it):

Image Description
Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths Vulgar warts. Appear on the back of the feet and hands. Painless papules measuring 1–5 mm.
Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths Palmoplantar warts. Papules 3–10 mm on the palms and soles of the feet, often painful when pressed, with a granular surface and black dots in the center, as a result of vascular thrombosis.
Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths Flat warts. On the forearms, hands and face, most often in children and adolescents, there are flat, flesh-colored papules, rising 1 mm above normal skin. Painless.
Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths Filiform warts. On the skin of the face and body there are growths of 1–3 mm.
Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths "Butcher's" warts. Warty growths like “cauliflower” on the back of the hands and fingers. Often occurs in meat production workers.
Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths Mosaic warts. Multiple foci of hyperkeratosis (that is, thickening of the skin like dry calluses) on the palms and soles, covered with cracks.
Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths Cystic warts. On the soles there is hyperkeratosis with cracks; if you open such a lesion, curdled contents appear.
Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths Focal epithelial hyperplasia (Heck disease). On the lips and oral mucosa there are papules 1–5 mm, merging into groups. Only Indian peoples get sick.
Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths Verruciform epidermodysplasia. Hereditary pathology: flat papules and age spots appear on the skin of the face and extremities, merging into groups.

Diagnosis of viral warts

The diagnosis is made by a dermatologist. To do this, the patient needs to go to the Dermatological and Venereal Diseases Dispensary with a compulsory medical insurance policy. Or go to a private clinic and see a dermatologist.

An examination is sufficient to make a diagnosis. Blood is not tested for HPV.

Treatment of viral warts

Treatment is carried out by a dermatologist in the KVD (compulsory medical insurance system) or private clinics.

There are two directions in the treatment of viral warts: removal (destruction) of warts and immune therapy to combat the virus.

The doctor’s task is not to completely remove the virus from the body, since the virus can still enter a latent form and lie dormant in the skin for many years. The task is to remove warts, since viruses accumulate in their thickness.

If the warts are single, removal is sufficient. If multiple, in different parts of the body, it is necessary to add immune drugs (isoprinosine tablets). Isoprinosine stimulates the activity of T cells, the production of interferon, etc., that is, it exhibits nonspecific antiviral activity, in fact, it simply increases immunity.

The length of time you take isoprinosine varies from person to person, on average 2–4 weeks. In case of relapses, repeat the course. Dosage: adults - 2 tablets 3 times a day. For children - depends on body weight.

  • Very rarely, in case of persistent relapses with identified immunodeficiency, subcutaneous injections of interferon preparations are performed.
  • Physical removal methods:
  • Chemical methods of destruction (used only in adults):

Prevention of viral warts

There is no specific vaccine against warts.


Viral warts: treatment and removal

Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths

The appearance of warts on human skin is associated with the penetration of papillomavirus into epidermal cells. With good immunity, growths do not form. Activation of the pathogen occurs only under the influence of favorable conditions associated with weakening of the body. A viral wart is a benign formation of flesh-colored or light brown color ranging from 2-3 mm to 1 cm in size. In most cases, the altered epithelium does not cause problems for the patient, except for aesthetic discomfort, and does not pose a health hazard.

Causes of warts

  • Due to the fact that the human papillomavirus in a latent or active phase can be found in more than 50% of the world's population, people of any age and gender are not protected from the formation of warts. Thickening of the skin and oval-shaped nodules are localized on parts of the body most often exposed to friction and the risk of infection:
  • Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths
  • Viral warts are also located on the face and torso.
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Infection of the body occurs through contact - through sexual intercourse, using the personal belongings of an HPV carrier, through kissing or shaking hands. Potential habitats for the virus are public places (baths, saunas, beauty salons). Children can become infected on sandy beaches or bodies of water. The conductor of infection is damage to the skin and mucous membranes in the form of small scratches, hangnails, and microcracks.

 Since the papillomavirus, which causes the appearance of warts, does not penetrate the lower layers of the dermis, the formation of flattened multilayer growths is not accompanied by inflammatory processes and the risk of degeneration into a cancerous tumor. 

Factors that provoke the growth of tumors include:

  • weakened immunity due to infectious diseases, antibiotics, surgery, vitamin deficiency;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • stressful situations, disrupted sleep and rest patterns;
  • increased work of sweat glands;
  • damage to the skin of the face or armpits during shaving or hair removal;
  • washing hands in tap water;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • sexual contacts with multiple partners.

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Types of neoplasms and types of treatment methods

Depending on the location and shape of the growths, there are several types of viral warts:

  1. Ordinary (vulgar) . They have a round, rough shape and are diagnosed in 70% of patients. Such growths in most cases are located on the fingers, palms, and back of the hands due to frequent damage and contamination of the skin or contact with potentially contaminated objects;
  2. Plantar. They resemble a callus, arise as a result of pressure on the foot or from the friction of uncomfortable shoes, and are distinguished by the growth of warts into the dermis. In this case, the formation may consist of several lesions hidden under a thick layer of keratinized cells. Structurally, these growths consist of thread-like papillae (“spikes”). At the initial stage, discomfort is felt only while walking, but subsequently painful sensations accompany the patient even when there is no load on the foot;
  3. Flat (youthful). Growths appear in adolescence on the bends of the knee and elbow joints, in the neck and chest area. In shape, these are flattened formations, slightly protruding above the skin, no more than 3 mm in size. Due to their slight pigmentation, they can be confused with moles or freckles;
  4. Anogenital or pointed. Warts form on the mucous membranes of the genital organs and are transmitted exclusively through sexual contact;
  5. Other. In some cases, growths similar in appearance are caused by a fungus or another type of virus. As a result, the patient may be diagnosed with seborrheic keratosis, molluscum contagiosum, and chromomycosis, which require a different therapeutic approach.

Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths

Treatment with pharmaceutical products

It is impossible to remove HPV from the blood. Once it enters the body, it remains in the cells forever.

Treatment and disposal of viral warts is comprehensive and is aimed at eliminating external growths, strengthening the patient’s immunity and preventing relapses.

In this case, the prescription of immunomodulators can be replaced by enriching the diet with vitamins, giving up bad habits, physical activity and a healthy lifestyle.

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Among pharmaceutical products, ointments for external use are widely used (Solcoderm, Verrukacid, Viferon, Collomak, Salicylic ointment).

Due to the dense consistency, the products are well applied to the skin, the active ingredients quickly penetrate inside and begin to suppress the effect of HPV.

The acids included in the ointments have keratolytic properties, due to this, the upper keratinized layers of cells soften and dissolve, followed by the fall of warts. At the same time, the risk of residual scars and cicatrices is minimal.

Tablets for oral use have an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect, helping to inhibit the activity of the pathogen from the inside (Anaferon, Ergoferon, Groprinosin).

The medications are taken after the doctor’s recommendation.

When self-prescribing pharmaceutical products, there is a possibility of increasing HPV resistance to certain drug components, which will complicate further treatment of the virus. 

Removal using hardware procedures

The decision on the need to remove growths is made by a dermatologist or surgeon.

In this case, the following dangerous symptoms that cause changes in the wart are taken into account - blackening, increase in size, the appearance of bleeding or weeping surface of the epithelium, damaged structure or tearing of the changed area of ​​​​the skin. Pathological formations are disposed of in case of a high risk of injury, when open areas are affected (fingers, face).

 Self-removal of viral warts by steaming or cutting is prohibited, since the risk of infection spreading to healthy areas of the body increases.

Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths

Of the existing hardware techniques that can relieve patients from dermatological problems, preference is given to the following types of procedures:

  1. Cryodestruction . The essence of the technique is the effect of liquid nitrogen on the lesion. The frozen tissue becomes necrotic and the wart falls off. After the operation, the treated area of ​​skin is covered with a crust, which must not be damaged until it peels off on its own. In this case, slight peeling and blanching of the new epithelium is observed. If the growths occupy a large area, several sessions of cryodestruction will be required;
  2. Laser removal. The procedure is considered the most effective and painless method, suitable for patients of any age. During the procedure, warts are “evaporated” using a laser, and the beam is directed only at the pathological area. At the same time, the vessels in the affected area are coagulated (soldered together), which avoids infection. To completely remove viral warts, regardless of size, one session is enough;
  3. Electrocoagulation. The operation requires the use of anesthesia as it is quite painful. The method involves cutting off the growth using a special apparatus with a loop to which an electric current is applied. The procedure is a one-time procedure and is used to remove large and small warts on any area of ​​the skin. A big advantage of electrocoagulation is the absence of bleeding during the session;
  4. Other types of wart removal procedures. Other methods of hardware or surgical treatment (radio wave therapy, removal of viral formations with a scalpel) are gradually losing relevance due to the high rate of relapses and the need for re-treatment of the virus.

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Viral warts treatment in Kazan

Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths

Over a lifetime, a person's hair grows an average of 950 km.

Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths Warts are new growths that form under the influence of a virus on any area of ​​the skin. Most often this is:

  • Hands;
  • Soles of feet;
  • Neck;
  • Face;
  • Mucous membranes of the genital organs;
  • The area near the anus.

The cause of their occurrence is HPV (human papillomavirus). Doctors know more than 100 types of this virus, and some of them can cause malignant neoplasms. Therefore, if such growths occur, you need to consult a dermatologist. The specialists at the MEDEL Clinic have extensive practical experience in the treatment of warts.

HPV causes

The causative agent of the disease can enter the human body in places such as a sauna, SPA salon, or swimming pool. Also, HPV can be transmitted from a person who is a virus carrier to a healthy person through household and sexual contact.

How do warts appear?

These neoplasms, hiding under the layer of the epidermis, grow very slowly. Their color does not stand out at first. However, as time passes, the warts darken to a gray or brown hue. Typically, neoplasms bring only aesthetic discomfort. However, warts can be painful if, for example, they form on the hands. As a result of injuries, the upper part of the tumor is often deformed, wet and bleeding. Plantar warts cause the greatest problems. The growths cut into the dermis, injure the tissue, causing pain when walking. If the infection spreads, the warts will grow, thereby aggravating the condition of the infected person. If viral warts occur, you must:

  • Strengthen immunity;
  • Destroy the virus;
  • Remove skin formation;
  • Prevent relapses.

These types of treatment are chosen by the dermatologists of the MEDEL Clinic. The body of a healthy person with good immunity can reject infection or defeat it quickly enough. This is facilitated by a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition with the necessary vitamins and microelements. Conservative methods of treating viral warts involve dermatologists using special medications externally. They help soften and slough off the stratum corneum of the skin.

Wart removal

The most effective method to solve the problem is to remove viral warts. At the MEDEL Clinic this is done using procedures such as:

  • Removal of warts with laser;
  • Electrocoagulation;
  • Cryodestruction.

Such treatment methods are selected individually by a dermatologist, taking into account:

  • Wart size;
  • Its location;
  • Depths;
  • Number of rashes.

At the MEDEL Clinic, damaged growths that bleed and become wet are also removed. The most effective method of removal is cryotherapy (cryodestruction). Liquid nitrogen squeezes out the contents of the wart, causing tissue necrosis. A crust forms at this place, which subsequently disappears. Healing occurs quite quickly. Electrocoagulation is also an effective method. The miniature loop is heated with electric current and easily and quickly cuts through the growth. During the procedure, local anesthesia is used if necessary. Removing warts with a laser is painless, precise and delicate, without heating the surrounding tissue. One procedure is sufficient to remove growths of any size. Specialists at the MEDEL Clinic recommend that if warts appear, do not self-medicate, but be sure to make an appointment with a dermatologist. Under no circumstances should you remove them yourself; this could make the situation even worse. Modern technologies used at the MEDEL Clinic get rid of viral warts painlessly, effectively and easily.

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Viral warts: features, ICD code, treatment in children and adults, removal on the leg and arm

An infectious wart is an epidermal skin growth that occurs when infected with the human papillomavirus. Common locations: genitals, face, back, legs, arms, under nails, feet.

Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths

What is and ICD-10 code

Viral warts are small pathological growths. They do not cause discomfort. If the elements are located in hard-to-reach places (genital, anal area), patients may not know about their existence for a long time. When rubbed or damaged, they begin to bleed.

The viral type of warts has code B06 according to ICD-10. Human papillomavirus infection is characterized by a chronic course.

Favorite localization is epithelial cells. Here the pathogen grows, feeds, and reproduces. When favorable conditions occur, the papillomavirus provokes the proliferation of modified cells.

According to the international classification, there are several types of viral warts caused by HPV:

  1. Ordinary - characterized by a round shape, rough surface, flesh color. The formation grows up to 3 mm. Vulgar papillomas are common in childhood. In the literature they are found under a different name - juvenile. The formations are located on the elbows, neck, and axillary area.
  2. Plantar – localized on the feet. They affect the toes and heels. A characteristic feature of this type of formation is the internal rather than external growth of a viral wart. Unlike other foreign elements, spines exhibit severe symptoms. Patients complain of pain in the soles of their feet when walking. Gradually, the symptoms of infection subside. The condition must be differentiated from calluses.
  3. Anogenital - characterized by a long incubation period. Appear a few months after intimate contact. Appear on the genital and anal area.
  4. Papillomatous - appear in children. They grow inside the larynx. The large size of the viral wart leads to obstruction. The child may suffocate.

Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths

What virus causes warts

About 120 types of HPV are known to medicine. According to statistics, about 80% of HIV-infected patients are infected with papillomavirus. Half of the population is carriers of the infection. An infectious person is not even aware of the infection. The only manifestation of the disease may be growths on the skin.

  • Plantar formations appear when infected with types 1, 2, 4 of HPV. Juvenile warts are caused by types 26, 27, 57.
  • Flat - occur when viruses of 3, 10, 28, 49 types persist in the body. The head, neck, and lungs are affected by types 6, 11, and 30 of the virus.
  • Genital warts appear when infected with types 11, 42, 54 of HPV. There are viruses of high oncogenicity and low. Strains 16 and 18 are considered malignant.

The quantity and form of papillomavirus are detected using diagnostic research methods.

Causes and symptoms of HPV warts

The main cause of warts is HPV. Infection occurs through damaged skin and mucous membranes. Common routes of infection are household contact, sexual contact, and vertical (a sick mother infects her child).

The fetus passes through the birth canal, where viral elements live. Multiple sexual intercourse can result in chronic infection.

Penetration of papillomavirus through household contact occurs during bodily contact if there are scratches or wounds on the skin.

The appearance of skin growths occurs under the influence of the following unfavorable factors of the internal and external environment:

  1. Constant stressful situations and mental disorders lead to the activation of the papillomavirus.
  2. Against the background of endocrine pathology, when metabolic processes in the body are disrupted.
  3. Hormonal problems provoke the development of various growths. Pathology often manifests itself during pregnancy and adolescence, when hormonal imbalance occurs.
  4. Cuts, microtraumas, cracks on the body become entry points for HPV.
  5. Bad habits and an unhealthy lifestyle increase the risk of developing dermatological problems by 2-3 times.
  6. Visiting crowded places such as bathhouses, saunas, and swimming pools can result in HPV infection. The virus enters when a wounded area comes into contact with a source of infection.
  7. Poor personal hygiene, using other people's towels or cosmetics leads to infection and the appearance of viral warts.
  8. Vitamin deficiency and metabolic disorders in the body are common causes of viral warts on the body.
  9. Existing STIs (herpes, syphilis, HIV) provoke the development.

The incubation period of HPV ranges from several months to 5 years. The infected person is unaware of the infection. The asymptomatic course of the pathology leads to advanced cases of the disease. You can suspect the presence of HPV based on the following symptoms:

  1. If a viral wart is located in the urogenital tract, the patient notices discomfort during urination. The external location of the formations on the genitals and inguinal folds allows you to see pathological growths and seek medical help in a timely manner.
  2. Formations may appear in the oral cavity. With frequent traumatization by food and teeth, bleeding begins.
  3. Laryngeal papillomatosis is characterized by discomfort during swallowing and impaired passage of food. Numerous elements of medium and large sizes are capable of blocking the entrance to the larynx. The situation ends with stenosis.
  4. Elements on the skin do not appear clinically. When the affected areas are injured, bleeding develops, a burning sensation, and pain appear in the area of ​​irritation.

Treatment methods

Treatment of viral warts includes a complex of medications and procedures. A dermatologist determines therapy based on the patient’s health status, the presence of concomitant diseases, the severity of the underlying pathology, and the prevalence of growths.

The course of treatment can last several months. The patient needs to periodically repeat the treatment course to prevent relapse of the disease. Dermatologists prescribe medications and procedures to remove growths.

Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths

Antiviral and immunostimulating drugs

  1. Viferon is an antiviral drug. Helps get rid of viral infections. Doctors prescribe the drug for acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. It has pronounced effectiveness against the growth and reproduction of HPV, consists of human interferon - increases the body's defenses. Viferon is available in suppositories, ointments, and gels.

    For papillomatosis, it should be applied to pathological areas 2-3 times a day.

  2. Panavir shows good results in the fight against viral agents. Used to treat herpes, manifestations of HPV. The medication stops the spread of elements and blocks their reproduction. The drug belongs to homeopathy.

    Rarely causes side effects and is well tolerated. Administer 200 mcg intravenously for 2 days.

  3. Aldara is an effective ointment for viral warts. Relieves inflammation, restores local immunity. Aldara is applied 1 r/d. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.
  4. Cycloferon tablets restore weakened immunity.

    The dosage is determined individually.

Safe removal of growths

The following hardware methods effectively remove pathological growths:

  1. Surgical treatment remains the unchanged method of combating warts. An ordinary scalpel relieves a person of various skin growths. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The disadvantage of treatment is that scars remain.
  2. Laser destruction removes pathological formations in a short period of time. Under the influence of the laser, the structure of the element is destroyed. There are no traces left from the procedure.
  3. Cryodestruction is a common method of removing warts. Liquid nitrogen freezes the formation. It dries and falls off in 2-5 days. The technique is painless and safe.

Treatment at home has an additional effect on the growths. You can try to remove foreign elements using celandine and onions.

Possible complications

The main complications of the disease include:

  1. Inflammatory changes around the affected areas occur with frequent trauma to the affected areas. After surgical removal, inflammation of the skin area is sometimes observed. If the problem is left unchecked, bacterial infection can occur.
  1. Bleeding occurs with constant trauma, when infectious warts are located under the armpits, on the inner surface of the thigh. If elements grow in the neck area, they rub against jewelry.


Viral warts are a viral infectious disease, which is characterized by the appearance of small benign neoplasms (skin growths) on the skin and mucous membranes. It occurs quite often and affects people of any gender and age.



Viral wart and its treatment

Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths

You can quickly remove papillomas and warts using...

Warts develop when the body is infected by viruses, which is why they are called viral warts. Papillomaviruses are classified as genus A and cause the appearance of small benign tumors. The following types of virus are distinguished:

  • virions do not have an envelope, and their diameter is 50-55 nm;
  • the genome is circularly twisted DNA with two helices, consists of 8 thousand base pairs;
  • The capsid includes 72 capsomeres and has the shape of an icosahedron.

Each type of virus has its own characteristics. The bulk of the virion is represented by structural proteins.

Each virus provokes the appearance of certain types of growths:

  1. type 1 – plantar and palmar growths;
  2. type 2 – vulgar formations;
  3. type 3, 10, 28, 29 – flat formations;
  4. type 4 – plantar and simple warts;
  5. type 5, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 36, 39, 40 – generalized warts;
  6. type 6, 11 – genital warts, respiratory papillomatosis;
  7. type 7 – flat growths in contact with animal meat;
  8. type 13, 32 – Heck disease;
  9. types 16, 18, 31, 33 and 35 – carcinoma and genital dysplasia;
  10. type 26 and 27 – the appearance of a growth with reduced immunity;
  11. type 30, 34, 37, 38 - some cases of benign and malignant formations.

Transmission and spread of viral warts

A viral wart is transmitted in the following ways:

  • when contacting a sick person through existing microcracks and injuries;
  • autoinoculation (sudden transfer of infection from the primary area to other areas);
  • proliferation of damaged growths.

Also, the likelihood of infection increases when the affected surface comes into contact with healthy areas of the skin.

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Symptoms of manifestation

  • After identifying the different types of the virus, doctors found that the nature of the disease is related to the specific characteristics of the pathogen, its type and location.
  • Basically, ordinary growths appear on the hands in the form of flesh-colored or brown hyperkeratotic, exophytic papules.
  • Common warts are represented by dense rounded nodules with a rough layer; they can appear on the back of the fingers, hands, scalp or face.

Due to high pressure on the feet, plantar growths develop, which are painful and consist of clusters of filiform papillae with dense stratum corneum. Their feature is internal growth.

Flat warts (juvenile type) are small, flesh-colored nodules with a flat, smooth surface. Usually localized on the face, neck, back of the hands, chest and at the bends of the legs and forearms.

  1. Pointed (anogenital) growths appear on the mucous membranes and skin of the genital organs and are transmitted sexually.
  2. Perianal formations appear in men in the anus, in women - near the back of the vaginal opening and labia, and spread to the rest of the external genitalia, affecting the anus and perineum.

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Diagnosis of pathology

Proper treatment of viral warts is possible after appropriate diagnosis. Basically, the diagnosis is determined by history, physical examination, calposcopy (for growths in the cervix), Papanicolaou scrapings, which are taken from the mucous membrane of the cervix.

If atypical or persistent lesions are detected, a biopsy and histological examination of the resulting material should be performed.Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths

Also, in tissue sections, immunological methods make it possible to determine the capsid antigen, and the type of virus is detected by restriction endonucleosis analysis of DNA, which is isolated from damaged tissues.

Choosing the right treatment

Treatment of viral warts is carried out only under the supervision of a specialist, otherwise an incorrectly chosen method can lead to their degeneration into a malignant formation.

A radical way to eliminate a viral wart is removal. The choice of method is based on the type and area of ​​localization of the growth.

A specialist can offer several types of treatment for growths:

  1. surgical removal and laser application;
  2. cryosurgery (freezing with carbonic acid or liquid nitrogen);
  3. local use of metabolites;
  4. spot application with caustic acids;
  5. diathermocoagulation;
  6. scraping using a pointed Volkmann spoon;
  7. electrocoagulation;
  8. treatment with celandine juice or thuja juice, taking burnt magnesia.

When choosing the appropriate treatment for a viral wart, you should remember that it is not possible to completely get rid of the virus. The pathogen can be “euthanized”, and its unpleasant manifestations can be completely removed.

Possible complications

Complications from such neoplasms include itching and bleeding. Under certain conditions, bacterial or fungal infections may additionally occur. If multiple warts accumulate in one area, obstructions may occur. Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths

Complications may also occur with some treatment methods. For example, laser removal often results in scars on the limbs and other parts of the body.

There is currently no specific drug or method to prevent the manifestation of viral growths. But if you follow certain rules, you can minimize the risk of contracting pathology in children and adults. First of all, adults should avoid casual sexual contacts and choose their partners carefully.

You should also use barrier methods of contraception. In public places (swimming pools, saunas), you should use individual shoes, treat your feet with antiseptic solutions, and avoid communicating with infected people.

The risk of infection in case of weakened immunity can be reduced by taking immunomodulatory agents (viferon, interferon, geneferon, etc.).


Scandinavian Health Center

Plantar warts in medicine are considered benign skin tumors of viral origin.

Almost every person has encountered foot problems at least once in their life. When the skin of the lower extremities is affected, self-diagnosis is extremely difficult, since different foot diseases have very similar symptomatic manifestations.

  • The Scandinavian Health Center employs experienced dermatovenerologists who will diagnose and prescribe optimal treatment for various skin lesions on the feet.
  • In the dermatovenereology office, papillomas, warts, and genital warts are removed using the most modern, effective and safe methods.
  • Make an appointment by phone: +7 495 280-82-00
Service Price
Cryotherapy (cryodestruction using the AZOCRYOD device) – wart (1 formation) 800.00 a
Radio wave removal of warts on the body 1 mm. 800.00 a

V. Mikolaevich January 26, 2020  

Fast, quality help. Professional! I recommend!

Novikova Elena Yurievna December 23, 2019  

Warmest words to the Doctor (with a capital D) for her professionalism, attention, and patience. I visited Maria Vladimirovna twice. She knows how to support More

Ermakova M.A. November 26, 2019  

I contacted A.A. like visiting a trichologist. I was absolutely satisfied with the reception! A doctor both as a person and as a specialist. Everything was clearly explained, treatment Next

Yurasova Anna September 30, 2019  

Many thanks to Maria Vladimirovna for her professional approach, first of all, to the woman patient!!! It is very important when the doctor explains Further

Romanova Elena June 8, 2019  

I join the opinion of the patients, Denis Nikolaevich is a God-given doctor! I thank him for the effective treatment. Qualified and attentive! Further

Viral warts are a fairly common disease that affects the soles and toes and is often confused with dry calluses.

These benign neoplasms are formed as a result of the papilloma virus entering the human body if the immune system malfunctions and the body is unable to fight the problem on its own.

How is the virus transmitted?

Currently, there are more than 100 varieties of the papilloma virus, which provoke the formation of painful growths on the feet.

The papilloma virus is transmitted through household means - through shoes, clothing, and household items. It can also enter the body through wounds and cracks on the legs in the pool, sauna, or while walking barefoot in nature.

Thus, the risk of developing warts increases if:

  • the immune system is weakened;
  • there are foot injuries, cracks, wet calluses;
  • there is a fungal or bacterial infection on the legs;
  • increased sweating of the feet;
  • microtraumas of the skin or mucous membrane (they contribute to the penetration of infection);
  • tight and uncomfortable shoes;
  • atherosclerosis or diabetes mellitus (due to diseases, the nutrition of the epithelium of the foot occurs).

Viral warts: main manifestations

A viral wart is similar in appearance to a dry callus. It is a keratinized growth with dense edges on the sole or toes, which over time can darken, increase in size, and a hole forms in the center through which a thorn can be seen.

If several warts are formed, we are talking about such concepts as “mother” and “daughter” warts. The “mother” is usually the largest, and smaller “daughters” are formed around it.

Methods for removing viral warts

A wart requires immediate removal, as the virus often spreads to neighboring tissues and leads to the appearance of new lesions. When you try to remove a tumor yourself, the risk of spreading the virus significantly increases. Removal should be carried out exclusively within a medical facility in compliance with the necessary sterile conditions.

Relatively recently, the only reliable way to get rid of such warts was surgery. Today, more gentle methods are used.

Our Center gives preference to such safe and effective removal methods as:

At the Scandinavian Health Center, experienced dermatovenerologists will determine the best method of treatment and remove the tumor in the safest and least traumatic way.

What is the essence of the radio wave method?

No preparation is required for the procedure. Therapeutic manipulation can be performed on the day of visiting the doctor.

Removing warts using the radio wave method makes it possible to carry out the procedure in a short time and obtain an excellent cosmetic effect.

After treating the affected area with a special antibacterial agent, the doctor selects the optimal treatment regimen and begins the process of excision of the wart. The depth of the cut depends on the size of the wart root.

  1. The impact occurs using a special electrode, which converts the electric current into high-frequency waves (3.8 - 4 MHz), causing the evaporation of cells affected by the papilloma virus.
  2. Surgitron acts in a targeted manner without affecting healthy tissue, which is one of the most important advantages of the method.
  3. During the first two days after the procedure, the treatment site should not be wetted, and for a week the resulting “crust” should not be picked off.
  4. It is advisable to combine the removal of viral warts with the use of immunomodulators to strengthen the body, which should independently protect the body from the emergence of new foci of the disease.


Viral wart: diagnosis and methods of removing growths Link to main publication
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