
What cough tablets are recommended to take while smoking?

Smoker's cough tablets are needed to get rid of asthma attacks. Most nicotine addicts experience a painful, tearing cough. The peak of reflex attacks occurs in the morning, as soon as a person wakes up, immediately after smoking another cigarette. The cause of dry cough is the toxic substances present in tobacco smoke.

Namely, nicotine tars deposited on the bronchial mucosa provoke pathological changes in the respiratory organs, which, in turn, irritate cough receptors.

Bronchial spasms caused by tobacco smoke have their own distinctive signs:

  • Exacerbations occur in the morning hours.
  • There is a feeling of hoarseness, a feeling of heaviness, and prolonged expectoration.
  • Sputum formations are colored dirty brown.
  • Frequent attacks of shortness of breath.
  • Headache.
  • Fast fatiguability.

In smokers, coughing attacks are not accompanied by high fever. You should know that even if you completely give up cigarettes, a person may experience a non-productive cough for some time, on average up to one month.

The process of cleansing the lungs and resuming normal breathing in nicotine-dependent people takes 4–9 months.

There are two types of cough in a smoker: dry, without sputum, and wet, accompanied by the release of accumulated mucus. The consequences of an exhausting, unproductive cough reflex can be very diverse, from difficult breathing to broken ribs.

It is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible, and a qualified specialist will help you decide on the choice of medications.

  • What cough tablets are recommended to take while smoking? Bronchogen. This is a highly effective drug that relieves annoying and debilitating symptoms after a month of therapy. Thanks to the presence of peptides, the number of attacks, sputum formations is reduced, and the level of intensity of bronchospasms is reduced. You can take Bronchogen tablets both for treatment and as prevention. As a rule, it is recommended for bronchitis in smokers and chronic forms of bronchitis. The drug is prescribed one capsule 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 20 days.
  • What cough tablets are recommended to take while smoking? Fluimucil. A product with a mucolytic effect can significantly reduce the viscosity of accumulated mucus and quickly clear the airways. This is one of the main conditions in the treatment of reflex attacks in smokers. Recommended dose: one tablet dissolved in 1/3 glass of water, once daily. The course of treatment is determined by the attending physician.
  • What cough tablets are recommended to take while smoking? Mukaltin. A person who smokes often complains of difficult separation of mucus formations; the active substance in mucaltin is marshmallow root, which helps remove mucus from the bronchi. A dry cough turns into a wet cough reflex, which alleviates the general condition of the patient. In addition, the medicine contains sodium bicarbonate, which simplifies coughing and thins mucus. This unique formula of the drug allows you to effectively combat all causes of painful cough. Recommended dose: one tablet three times during the day before meals.
  • What cough tablets are recommended to take while smoking? Fervex. A combined medicine with antihistamine, analgesic, antipyretic, and restorative effects. The presence of a large amount of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in the preparation makes it possible to compensate for the lack of this substance in the human body. Pheniramine maleate blocks histamine receptors, which significantly reduces inflammation in the mucous membrane of the respiratory canals. The drug is taken one tablet twice a day.
  • Biocalyptol. The combined product, made on a plant basis, has an antitussive, mucolytic, expectorant, antiseptic effect. Thanks to natural components (guaiacol, pholcodine, eucalyptol), the level of excitability of the cough center, the secretion of the bronchial glands is reduced, and the tone of the respiratory organs is reduced. The recommended dose for an adult is one tablespoon 3-6 times throughout the day.
  • What cough tablets are recommended to take while smoking? Gedelix. A natural preparation, the active substance is ivy leaf extract, has a complex effect on the entire human body: it thins mucus formations, simplifies the process of removing them from the respiratory tract, eliminates spasms during dry coughs, and normalizes breathing. The drug has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the patient, fights symptoms of respiratory diseases, bronchitis, and is effective for treating cough in smokers. Recommended dose: 1 tbsp. l. twice a day.
  • What cough tablets are recommended to take while smoking? Doctor Mom. The drug is in the form of a syrup, containing exclusively natural ingredients (elecampane, licorice root, etc.). Doctor Mom helps relax the bronchial muscles, reduces the intensity of bronchospasms, thins accumulated mucus, and effectively removes it from the respiratory system. Recommended dose: 2 teaspoons three times a day.
  • What cough tablets are recommended to take while smoking? Eucabalus. The syrup belongs to the group of respiratory combination drugs with expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects. Eucabal is effective for bronchitis, inflammation in the upper parts of the respiratory system, accompanied by reflex attacks with difficult to separate sputum. Recommended dose: one dessert spoon twice a day. The course of treatment depends on the complexity of the disease.
  • What cough tablets are recommended to take while smoking? Codelac. A combined remedy with a strong antitussive effect, it contains codeine, sodium bicarbonate, licorice root, and thermopsis herb. The drug reduces the number of unproductive cough attacks, quickly clears the respiratory tract of mucus formations, and improves the patient’s well-being. Codelac has a powerful effect on diseases of the respiratory system with difficult mucus discharge: with pneumonia, acute and chronic forms of bronchitis, bronchiectasis. Recommended dose: 1 tablet three times a day.

Considering the complexity of the process of cleansing the respiratory system, every nicotine-dependent person must conclude that smoking is dangerous to health. The main thing is to seek help from a qualified specialist in time.


TOP 5 inexpensive and effective tablets for smoker's cough

Smoking causes the human body to undergo many negative changes, each of which can cause serious illnesses.

Any dysfunction is manifested by certain symptoms, the main one being cough. Even after giving up this addiction, a person struggles with its consequences for a long time.

How to help the body cleanse itself faster? One way is special cough tablets. This material will be devoted to a review of the main ones.

Causes and symptoms of cough

If the smoker's experience is sufficiently extensive, if the cough is dry or accompanied by sputum production, if there are no symptoms of a cold, and it has not been possible to get rid of the cough for two or more months, it can be said with a high degree of probability that we are faced with the so-called. "smoker's bronchitis"

The cause of a smoker’s cough is poisons, tars and other substances that are inhaled along with smoke and settle on the surface of the respiratory tract, accumulating and suppressing their functioning, which leads to the development of various diseases of the respiratory system and others.

The body is trying to get rid of the harmful effects, and with the help of coughing it tries to remove toxins (and the phlegm formed because of them). But he is unable to cope on his own and the cough symptoms only get worse. Then special medications come to the rescue.

All the described tablets have their advantages and disadvantages. We will talk about the main ones, however, the final decision on the choice of drug should be made by the doctor , after a thorough examination of the smoker.

When will pills help get rid of a cough?

In what cases can we confidently say that it is time to resort to drugs? If one or more factors are present :

What cough tablets are recommended to take while smoking?

  1. The cough continues for more than 8 weeks without a break.
  2. The disease is progressing. At first, appearing only in the morning and disappearing after 1-2 cigarettes, but later taking up more and more time.
  3. The cough is dry and it takes a long time to clear the throat.
  4. On the contrary, it is accompanied by a large volume of sputum secreted: dull white, yellow or dark to black.
  5. The appearance of shortness of breath with or without exertion.
  6. Tingling or pain in the chest when taking a deep breath.

These are the main reasons, but there may be others.


To select treatment for cough, the patient is examined:

  • general and complete blood tests;
  • examine sputum;
  • carry out other events.

The main thing is to understand that the first step to recovery should be quitting smoking!

Types of medications

According to the form of use, all tablets can be divided into three types : those that must be swallowed, those that must be dissolved or dissolved in water.

According to their influence they are:

  1. Mucus thinners . Used for dry coughs to reduce the viscosity of accumulated fluids.
  2. Expectorants . Allows you to quickly remove phlegm from the bronchi.
  3. For pain and spasms in the throat.
  4. Complex . Combining several previous effects.

Depending on the degree of the disease and parallel ailments, the doctor may additionally prescribe body strengthening agents, antibiotics and other drugs.

What inexpensive but effective tablets are there?

Let's look at the most common drugs, the most affordable, which can be found in almost any pharmacy. In addition to the expected effect, we will also point out the average prices for tablets in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.

Please note that we do not sell medicines! Drug prices are taken from available sources at the time of writing and represent estimated costs , which may vary depending on the country, region or level of domestic inflation.

As an example, prices in large chain pharmacies in the capital regions of three countries were selected.


The most expensive of the funds under consideration . Designed to comprehensively relieve painful cough symptoms, bronchospasms, promote accelerated mucus removal, and reduce pain.


It is a capsule in a self-soluble shell. Most often, one capsule is prescribed twice a day for up to 20 days or more.


  • pregnancy;
  • intolerance to peptides (the main components of bronchogen) and other components.


Bronchogen, 60 capsules
Kyiv, UAH 1120
Minsk, white rub
Moscow, rub 720

What cough tablets are recommended to take while smoking?


Full name: Acetylcysteine. It has a wide range of effects: from mucolytic to general detoxifying on the body. An excellent remedy for increased viscosity of sputum.


They are effervescent (soluble in a small amount of water) tablets of different dosages. Daily prescription for adults: 400-600 mg. General course: 3-6 months.


  • pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • hepatitis;
  • exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug.


ACC, 20 tablets/100 mg
Kyiv, UAH 120
Minsk, white rub 7
Moscow, rub 260

What cough tablets are recommended to take while smoking?


A product with a pronounced mucolytic property - it dilutes fluids accumulated in the respiratory tract, which promotes their rapid elimination. The best remedy for smoker's reflex cough.


Soluble tablets are taken 1-2 times a day. General course - in agreement with the treating specialist.


  • children under 18 years of age;
  • gastritis, ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases;
  • intolerance to the components included in the drug, in particular acetylcysteine.


Fluimucil, 10 tab. thorn
Kyiv, UAH 100
Minsk, white rub 9
Moscow, rub 130

What cough tablets are recommended to take while smoking?


An excellent expectorant (tablets) based on natural ingredients - marshmallow herb. Softens cough, promotes sputum removal.


The most common doses: 1 tablet. three times a day on an empty stomach. The general course is in consultation with the doctor.

Read also:  Cough and sore throat: treatment with medications


  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • personal intolerance to the drug.


Mucaltin, 30 tab / 50 mg
Kyiv, UAH 23
Minsk, white rub 1,3
Moscow, rub 50

What cough tablets are recommended to take while smoking?


The most affordable product (tablets), while still being quite effective. The low price is usually associated with the presence of domestic production of the drug. The main direction of action is expectoration, however, bromhexine also has a mild antitussive effect.

  • Dosage:
  • Three times a day, one or two tablets until recovery.
  • Contraindications:
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • feeding period;
  • children under 6 years old;
  • intolerance to the ingredients of the drug and sugars.


Bromhexine, 20 tablets
Kyiv, UAH 6
Minsk, white rub 0,45
Moscow, rub 15

What cough tablets are recommended to take while smoking?

The same drugs are also used to treat coughs that occur when quitting smoking. Everything about this type of cough can be clarified in this material.

What else to treat?

In addition to smoker's cough tablets, there are other methods and medicines for smoker's cough. These include, in particular:

  • syrups;
  • inhalation;
  • folk remedies: infusions, decoctions, etc.

Treatment can be prescribed in several ways at once, and in some cases it is combined with the cure of parallel ailments. In any case, we should not forget about two basic rules: you have to quit smoking, and the course, dosage, and timing are prescribed by the doctor !

Only by completely getting rid of addiction is it possible to cure a smoker’s chronic cough. Otherwise, the accumulation of toxins will not stop, and the cough will progress, turning into other, more dangerous forms.


How to cure a smoker's cough

A smoker's cough has its own characteristic features - it is persistent, moist and hard. It occurs early in the morning and lasts for several hours until thick mucus, saturated with toxic compounds, comes out of the lungs and bronchi. Heavy smokers wake up even at night due to a strong suffocating cough.

It would seem that nothing terrible is happening; with the help of this reflex reaction, the body gets rid of toxic resins and harmful substances. But a smoker’s cough does not appear on its own - everything indicates damage to the epithelial cells and mucous membrane of the upper and lower respiratory tract. This is where chronic obstructive pulmonary disease begins.

How to find out if smoking is the cause of your cough

Before treating a smoker’s painful cough, the doctor prescribes instrumental diagnostics to assess the damage caused to the body by tobacco smoke. Sometimes the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is so damaged that the use of special pharmacological drugs is required to partially or completely restore it.

With minor deformation, the cough is eliminated with the help of expectorants and throat softening medications. Traditional medicine has also proven itself well. But the primary task of the doctor is to encourage the patient to get rid of the bad habit forever.

Experienced smokers are able to distinguish a cough from long-term smoking from that which occurs during ARVI or a cold. And people with relatively little experience (2-3 years) do not understand such subtleties. What are the features of a cough in a smoker:

  • the unpleasant symptom of mucus accumulation in the lungs disappears before lunch;
  • when coughing, viscous dark saliva is released;
  • the desire to cough arises with a sharp breath, laughter, yawning;
  • cough overcomes with increased physical activity.

But the main difference is the absence of signs of a bacterial or viral infection: hyperthermia, aching joints, headache, nasal congestion. If a person has a dry, barking cough that occurs around the clock, then this is a sign of a peculiar reaction to smoke. In this case, treatment will not be effective until the patient gets rid of the bad habit.

A smoker's alveoli are constantly irritated due to the action of poisonous tars and toxic substances in tobacco smoke.

The epithelial cilia are stuck together, so their functional activity has decreased significantly - they are unable to fully clean the surface of thick sticky mucus. Even after completely quitting smoking, a person continues to cough for several months. At this time, the lungs and bronchi are cleansed of tars and harmful compounds, and the work of the alveolar cilia is restored.

There are many methods that can help a former smoker stop coughing so annoyingly and violently. If a person is not yet ready to give up a bad habit, doctors also recommend using syrups, tablets and lozenges for productive discharge of phlegm.

Tablets and dragees

During treatment, pulmonologists recommend that patients completely quit smoking. If a person is not yet ready to give up a bad habit, there is an alternative - an electronic cigarette. The steam it produces does not contain toxic resins or toxic compounds.

Tablets, capsules and dragees have proven themselves to be effective in the treatment of smoker's cough. Their action is aimed at increasing mucus in the respiratory tract, diluting it and removing it from the lungs and bronchi. Such drugs are very inexpensive, but this does not affect the quality of treatment. These include:

  • cough tablets (they are also called penny tablets);
  • Mukaltin;
  • Ambroxol;
  • Bromhexine.

Mucus will be cleared better if you drink plenty of fluids while taking medications. This can be pure still water, decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, fruit drinks and jelly from berries, fruit juices and compotes. Vitamin drinks will not only cleanse the alveoli of the lungs, but also eliminate the deficiency of vitamins and microelements caused by smoking.

Instant tablets Fluimucil and ACC help cure a smoker's cough. If you put the drug in a glass of water, you will get an effervescent drink with a pleasant taste and aroma. This dosage form is well absorbed in the body, and the patient does not have to additionally consume a lot of liquid.

The course of treatment with Fluimucil and ACC lasts from 10 to 14 days. When significant damage to epithelial tissue is diagnosed, the duration of drug use increases to 1-1.5 months.

Often, infectious foci of bacterial origin form on the inflamed mucous membrane of the bronchi, bronchioles and lungs. In such cases, antibiotic therapy cannot be avoided.

Before it is carried out, the type of pathogenic pathogen and its sensitivity to drugs are determined.

Laboratory tests can take several days, so treatment begins immediately with broad-spectrum antibiotics:

  • Amoxiclav;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • cephalosporin series;
  • Clarithromycin.

These drugs destroy almost all known bacteria, but do not bypass the beneficial intestinal microflora. To prevent dysbiosis, it is recommended to take probiotics and prebiotics (Linex, Acipol, Lactobacterin, Enterol, Bifidumbacterin).

What cough tablets are recommended to take while smoking?

When diagnosing a smoker's cough, the doctor assesses the damage caused to the body by nicotine


You can reduce the severity of the inflammatory process of the bronchial mucous membranes with the help of sweet thick syrups, known to everyone since childhood: Pertussin, marshmallow syrup and licorice. They soothe the irritated lining of the throat and help produce phlegm.

The drugs have a mucolytic effect, thinning thick mucus for its rapid removal. Do not forget that Pertussin contains ethanol, so you should not drive a vehicle while taking it.

To treat smoker's cough, syrups with a more complex composition are used. They increase the body's resistance to infections, restore damaged membranes of the respiratory tract, and help with acute respiratory viral infections and colds. But their main action is expectorant. A course of medication (7-14 days) eliminates paroxysmal cough due to the rapid production of sputum.

Which syrups are most effective:

We also recommend reading:What cough tablets are recommended to take while smoking? How to quickly cure a dry cough?

  • Bronchorus, Ambroxol, Ambrobene, Lazolvan;
  • Bromhexine;
  • Codelac and Codelac Neo;
  • Bronholitin.

Linkas contains plant herbs that have bactericidal, aseptic, and antimicrobial effects. Taking sweet syrup helps eliminate the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract, dilutes and removes accumulated bronchial secretions.

Homeopathic syrups are used as complementary therapy for smoking. They contain plant extracts and various chemicals.

If these compounds are taken in large doses, a person develops a severe cough due to irritation of the larynx. Taking small amounts of chemical compounds accustoms the body to the action of provoking agents.

Therefore, even after penetration of many harmful substances into the organs of the respiratory system, damage and inflammation of the mucous membranes do not occur.

Homeopathic medicines include:

Syrup with herbal composition Doctor Mom is recommended by pulmonologists for a course of treatment. The medicine will eliminate the cough of a smoker in a short time. Unlike other drugs, it contains an optimal amount of medicinal herbs, each of which has its own beneficial properties for the human body.

When choosing any dosage form to eliminate paroxysmal cough, you should pay attention to the amount of herbal ingredients it contains.

If the collection or syrup contains more than 10 types of herbs, then it is better to purchase a medicine with a less diverse composition. To attract buyers, manufacturers add an excessive amount of components.

As a result, their active ingredients cannot fully demonstrate their therapeutic properties.

Lozenges, lozenges and lozenges

Resorption preparations help increase the volume of mucus produced and facilitate its removal. Lozenges and lollipops with mint and menthol not only soften the throat, eliminate sore throat, but also help to quit smoking. When purchasing tablets, you should pay attention to medicines and dietary supplements that contain plants with a strong aroma:

  • thyme;
  • sage;
  • eucalyptus.

They contain essential oils with bactericidal, antiseptic and antimicrobial properties.

This allows the active substances to be completely absorbed by the mucous membranes and have maximum therapeutic effect.

Lozenges reduce the severity of the inflammatory process and eliminate tissue swelling, which helps sputum to liquefy and be released from the upper respiratory tract.

Such dosage forms are used in the treatment of dry and wet smoker's cough. Diabetics should opt for drugs without sugar and glucose. The following lollipops and dragees have proven themselves well:

  • Faringosept;
  • Doctor Mom;
  • Strepsils;
  • Homeovox;
  • Septolete;
  • Tonsipret.

During a course of treatment with absorbable drugs, you need to drink a lot of fluids. This helps the formation of sputum and its dilution. Do not exceed the number of tablets taken daily. Despite their sweet taste and pleasant aroma, lollipops are medicine, not candy, and have side effects.

What cough tablets are recommended to take while smoking?

Herbal lozenges help eliminate smoker's hacking cough

Folk remedies

In the treatment of smoker's cough, drugs made according to the recipes of traditional healers are used. With their help, you can remove harmful substances and toxic resins from the bronchi and lungs, and increase the functional activity of all body systems. How to cure a cough with folk remedies:

  • pour 5 tbsp into a thermos. spoons of dry herbs wild rosemary, violet, sage and pour a liter of boiling water. Leave for 7 hours, strain. Take 0.5 cups of warm drink 3-4 times a day before meals;
  • place 5 tbsp in an enamel container. spoons of thyme and 4 tbsp. spoons of eucalyptus, chamomile, marigold. Pour a liter of boiling water and leave covered for 3 hours. Strain, take 50 ml 5-6 times a day before meals;
  • dilute a tablespoon of flower honey and the same amount of high-quality butter in a glass of warm milk. Drink the mixture in small sips and lie down, wrapped in a blanket;
  • pour 7 tbsp into a thermos. spoons of dandelion root and St. John's wort herb. Pour in 2 cups of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 0.25 cups of the drink 4-5 times a day before meals.
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You can cure a smoker's cough with a bath or sauna. At home, pulmonologists recommend daily inhalations with herbs, essential oils or pharmacological drugs.

If there is significant damage to the mucous membrane of the lungs and bronchi, lozenges and syrups will not have the desired effect. Only an experienced doctor can eliminate a cough. He will conduct a thorough diagnosis, assess the extent of damage caused by tobacco smoke and prescribe comprehensive treatment.


What tablets and remedies can be used to combat cough in smokers?

In people who smoke, tobacco use leads to the development of cough. It can be either dry or wet. Depending on its type, appropriate medications should be selected.

There are many syrups and tablets known, but it is important to know exactly how to treat a smoker’s cough. Drugs are selected for a person individually and taking into account the presence of allergies.

Before using a specific medication, you must read the instructions supplied with it.

What cough tablets are recommended to take while smoking?

Features of the development of cough in smokers

With constant smoking for two years, a person begins to develop chronic bronchitis. At first, the disease manifests itself in the form of mild coughing that occurs in the morning.

The symptom manifests itself sporadically and is not accompanied by any serious discomfort in the smoker. The cough is dry at first.

After just a few months, it can become moist and be accompanied by sputum production.

When coughed up, it has a green tint. If you have been smoking for a long time, it may contain blood spots. This condition will indicate the possible development of lung cancer.

The late form of chronic bronchitis, which occurs due to smoking, is accompanied by a prolonged cough. He already bothers the patient every morning. It becomes more and more difficult for a person to get rid of phlegm accumulated in the bronchi.

Coughing becomes deeper. When a smoker begins to cough up, he experiences chest discomfort. When coughing, nausea with vomiting is also observed.

There may be a feeling of shortness of breath.

What cough tablets are recommended to take while smoking?

In people who smoke, the symptoms have the following features:

  • body temperature remains normal;
  • there are no signs of infection;
  • there is no deterioration in general condition;
  • cough occurs mainly in the morning and stops immediately after a person starts smoking;
  • shortness of breath occurs when inhaling, fast running and walking;
  • sputum is produced that is viscous and dense in consistency.

The clinical picture depends on the duration of the habit, as well as on the number of cigarettes used during the day.


Medicines to treat smoker's cough

Almost all experienced smokers experience an irritating and painful cough. The peak of attacks is observed in the morning after waking up, when a person smokes the first cigarette of the day.

The cough reflex is the body's reaction to toxic substances contained in tobacco smoke. Questions regarding what to treat, in what dosage and determining the duration of treatment are within the competence of the pulmonologist. Drugs for the treatment of smoker's cough are mainly mucolytics and bronchodilators.

Features of a smoker's cough

A smoker's cough occurs as a result of impaired functioning of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi and increased viscosity of bronchial secretions. The sputum released during this process is a kind of protective mechanism through which toxic tars and harmful substances that make up cigarette smoke are removed from the body. A smoker's cough can be dry and severe.

In smokers, the alveoli of the lungs are constantly irritated by toxic substances, resulting in the formation of very viscous mucus. In this case, the epithelial cilia are unable to clear the surface of the lungs, and therefore a cough occurs. Attacks also occur with sudden inhalation, yawning and laughter. The cough gets worse after physical activity.

Even after giving up cigarettes, a person coughs for several months. This is the process of cleansing the bronchi and lungs from harmful compounds and tars from tobacco smoke. Smokers' cough is not accompanied by fever, nasal congestion or headache, i.e. it has nothing to do with colds. As the day progresses, this symptom weakens.

Most smokers are not bothered by this result of their bad habit. Mostly smokers have an important cough with sputum production. The secreted mucus is colorless or has a grayish or greenish tint.

But if you continue to smoke without taking any measures, this symptom turns into chronic bronchitis.

Gradually, mucus secretion increases, small bronchial processes become clogged, and sclerotic changes occur in the deep layers of the bronchial walls.

All these pathological processes lead to destruction of the bronchi. The smoker’s respiratory system is no longer able to function fully, which provokes digestive disorders and disruptions in the circulatory system. The blood vessels of the brain become clogged as a result of insufficient oxygen and nutrients.

Smokers often develop respiratory tract infections. Chronic inflammation can become malignant, leading to lung cancer. This cancer pathology occurs in smokers 25 times more often than in those who do not smoke. Therefore, it is necessary to take timely measures to restore the functioning of the bronchopulmonary system.

How to eliminate with medication

Treating a smoker's cough with medications will help speed up and facilitate the process of sputum production, which will reduce the frequency of a cough attack. But, if you do not quit smoking, this symptom will return again, since the poisoning of the body by nicotine tar in the smoker continues.

Therefore, to effectively eliminate cough in a smoker, it is necessary to give up this bad habit forever. The treatment regimen is selected depending on the presence of concomitant diseases and general health. To do this, a comprehensive examination is carried out, involving sputum analysis and fluorography.

For drug therapy of cough, smokers are prescribed:

  • mucolytics - to thin viscous sputum;
  • expectorants - to facilitate the release of mucus from the respiratory tract;
  • antibacterial drugs - in the presence of an inflammatory process;
  • hormonal agents - in the presence of bronchial obstruction.

These medications come in liquid or tablet forms. Expectorant medications help remove mucus, but at the same time they intensify coughing attacks. Drugs are also used to alleviate the symptom in question. Treatment will be more effective if you drink plenty of fluids while taking medications.

What cough tablets are recommended to take while smoking? To relieve cough, smokers are prescribed drugs to thin the sticky sputum.

Cough tablets

The most effective cough tablets for smokers are:

Treatment of smoker's bronchitis

  • Bromhexine;
  • Ambroxol;
  • Mukaltin;
  • ACC-long;
  • Bronchogen;
  • Fluimucil;
  • Codelac.

The therapeutic effect of Bromhexine tablets is to thin the mucus and stimulate the cough reflex. It helps ease the coughing process. This drug contains substances that promote the expansion of the alveoli, which accelerates the movement of sputum through the bronchi.

Ambroxol tablets have a similar effect and help cope not only with wet, but also with dry cough.

Mucaltin tablets contain marshmallow root, which helps facilitate the separation of mucus and its release from the bronchi.

ACC-long are effervescent tablets of various dosages, the active ingredient of which is acetylcysteine, which has a powerful mucolytic effect and ensures easy expectoration of sputum.

This effect is due to the direct effect of the drug on the mucus secreted by the bronchi. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of smokers' cough and its complications. Bronchogen is a drug with complex effects that helps eliminate painful cough symptoms, relieves bronchospasm, quickly removes mucus and reduces pain.

The medicine is available in capsule form. The dosage is determined by the doctor, but the duration of treatment is usually 20 days or more. Pregnancy and peptide intolerance are indicated as contraindications to the drug. A drug similar in action is Fluimucil.

Almost always, the mucous membrane of the bronchi of an adult smoker is inflamed. In this condition, bacterial infectious foci quickly develop there. If they are detected, the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs. Before prescribing treatment, it is necessary to determine the type of pathogen and their sensitivity to drugs.

In the absence of such an analysis, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed. These include Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, Clarithromycin, cephalosparins. They are capable of destroying almost all known types of bacteria.

Effective drugs in syrup

Thick cough syrups help reduce the severity of the inflammatory process on the bronchial mucosa. In addition, they soothe irritated bronchial mucosa and promote the formation of sputum. Mucolytic syrups dilute viscous mucus, and in this state it is more quickly removed from the bronchi.

In order to cure cough in smokers, syrups with a complex composition are prescribed. Their complex effect is to increase the body's resistance to various infections and restore the lining of the respiratory tract. First of all, they promote expectoration, which alleviates coughing attacks. The duration of taking cough syrups varies from 7 to 14 days.

The most effective drugs are considered to be:

  • Lazolvan;
  • Bronholitin;
  • Gerbion;
  • Erispirus;
  • Erespal.

Among expectorants produced in liquid form, Lazolvan has a good mucolytic effect. Syrups based on licorice root, as well as Gedelix and Doctor Mom, soften coughs and improve sputum discharge.

Gerbion syrup is intended for the treatment of both dry and productive cough in smokers. It has a herbal composition and has an antimicrobial and expectorant effect. In addition, this syrup has a relaxing effect on the bronchial muscles.

Other medicines

Bronchodilators are prescribed to treat cough in heavy smokers suffering from bronchitis. These cough medicines for smokers quickly open the airways, thereby eliminating coughing attacks and shortness of breath. Most often, Salbutamol, Formoterol, Berodual, Clenbuterol are prescribed for the treatment of nicotine-dependent people.

Read also:  Cough syrup with ivy: an effective and natural remedy

What cough tablets are recommended to take while smoking? A smoker's cough will go away if you quit smoking cigarettes forever

While taking these medications, you may experience an increase in sputum production. In this case, it is necessary to take simultaneous medications to cleanse the bronchi (Mukaltin, Lazolvan, licorice root, Gedelix). Drugs such as Ventolin and Salbutamol relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi, thereby stopping the spasm and expanding their lumen.

If the symptom in question in a smoker is caused by obstructive bronchitis, then steroid hormones are prescribed for its treatment, which are selected individually.

The only way to effectively eliminate morning coughing attacks is to completely abandon this bad habit. Only this method eliminates the source of constant bronchial irritation. Of course, the next day after quitting cigarettes, the coughing attack will not disappear; moreover, it will intensify.

But this is a temporary phenomenon that can be alleviated. This reaction of the body is due to the gradual restoration of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. A smoker's cough is dangerous for the development of bronchiectasis, bronchial asthma and oncological processes. All these complications can be prevented if you quit smoking in a timely manner.


Drug treatment for smoker's cough

During smoking, tars settle on the surface of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. This leads to disruption of the movement of cilia and difficulty in clearing the bronchi of foreign bodies and excess mucus.

Stagnant sputum is a place where bacteria multiply, resulting in the formation of chronic bronchitis.

To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to treat smoker’s cough with medications, and to get rid of the disease forever, it is recommended to give up the addiction.

How to treat smoker's cough, effective remedies

Against the background of long-term smoking, pathological changes in the mucous membrane lining the bronchi develop. To combat a persistent cough, you cannot limit yourself to one drug, since you need to influence the disease from several sides.

Important! To cure chronic bronchitis, a smoker should first stop smoking. This step will eliminate periodic relapses of the disease, subject to adequate therapy.

Effective groups of drugs for treating smoker's cough:

  1. Expectorants, which are presented in various dosage forms: tablets, syrups, solutions for inhalation or injection.
  2. Antibiotics are prescribed in tablet and injectable forms.
  3. Bronchodilators are drugs for expanding the lumen of the bronchi, necessary to facilitate breathing, discharge mucus, and reduce obstructive cough. Medicinal inhalations are effective.

You can treat a smoker's cough with tablets at home if your doctor prescribes the course and required dosages. In case of severe bronchitis with pulmonary insufficiency, the patient is hospitalized in a hospital and more injections are prescribed there.

Typically, therapy is necessary during an exacerbation, which is characterized by an increase in coughed up sputum, the appearance of pus, streaks of blood, and an increase in body temperature. During remission, the smoker is bothered by a dry cough with periodic coughing up of thick lumps of mucus. This condition requires treatment if there are attacks of suffocation due to cough and bronchial obstruction.

Cough expectorants for smokers

Medicines in this group are prescribed to facilitate coughing up thick mucus by breaking the protein bonds of the phlegm. Bronchial discharge becomes liquid and does not stick to the walls of the respiratory tract.

Even under the influence of mucolytic agents, the movement of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium is activated, which push mucus upward from the bronchi and trachea. Also, an expectorant medicine for smoker's cough stimulates the regeneration of the bronchial epithelium and increases the concentration of antibiotics at the site of inflammation.

The combined effect of modern mucolytics has a good therapeutic effect for prolonged and painful cough. The advantage of the drugs is their availability and wide price range. The disadvantage is the development of abundant sputum synthesis against the background of uncontrolled, long-term use of certain expectorant medications.

Important! When coughing due to smoking, you should not use antitussives, since phlegm stagnates in the bronchi, and taking the drugs will only worsen the condition.

Smoker's cough tablets

Before treating a cough, you need to undergo standard examinations to determine the function of external respiration. Next, the doctor selects an effective expectorant for the smoker based on the diagnostic results.

Smoker's cough tablets are represented by the following names:

  • Bromhexine makes sputum more liquid, increases the flickering of the bronchial epithelium, stimulates the cough reflex, and increases the synthesis of surfactant (a substance necessary for straightening the alveoli). The medicine is prescribed in a daily dosage of 60-70 mg, divided into four doses at equal intervals. Analogues of the product: Bromhex, Solvin.
  • Ambroxol acts similarly to Bromhexine, only with greater stimulation of surfactant synthesis and an increase in the liquid part of sputum. The drug is prescribed at a daily dose of 90 mg, divided into three doses. Synonyms: Lazolvan, Mukolvan, Ambrobene.
  • Acetylcysteine ​​is distinguished by its predominant effect on the breakdown of peptide bonds of mucus, which leads to the liquefaction of thick mucus adhering to the walls of the bronchi. Additionally, the drug is an antioxidant. Tablets of 200 mg are used three times a day. Analogs: ACC, Fluimucil.
  • Carbocisteine ​​reduces the viscosity of sputum, thins it, and promotes expectoration. Carbocisteine ​​cough tablets for smokers are prescribed 750 mg three times daily. Synonyms: Fluditek, Fluifort.

Syrups prescribed for smoker's cough

If tablets are represented by synthetic mucolytics, then syrups account for many herbal preparations. List of prescribed expectorants:

  • Alteika is a syrup based on Althea root. The medication reflexively causes an increase in the secretion of the liquid component along with mucus into the lumen of the bronchi. Active coughing up of sputum also occurs due to stimulation of cough receptors. The drug is prescribed to smokers 2 tablespoons three times daily. Althea root also contains Mucaltin, Altemix, Rubital-Forte.
  • Gedelix is ​​formulated with ivy extract, which has the same effect on the respiratory system as preparations with marshmallow root. It is recommended to take smoker's cough syrup three times daily, 1 tablespoon. Analogues: Bronchipret, Herbapax, Pectolvan Ivy, Prospan.
  • Pertussin is a combined syrup because the composition contains thyme extract and potassium bromide. The drug quickly begins to act, making it easier to cough up thick and viscous mucus. You need to take the medicine 1 tablespoon three times a day.

It is recommended to treat cough while smoking with syrups during remission, when the patient is bothered by mild symptoms. During the period of exacerbation, the effectiveness of herbal syrups will not be enough.

Important! If the patient has diabetes or alcohol dependence, you should carefully study the composition of the syrup before taking it, as it may contain ethanol and sugar.

Inhalations for chronic smoker cough

An effective method of combating exacerbation of chronic bronchitis in a smoker is inhalation with a mucolytic. To inhale a medicinal substance, you must have a home nebulizer. If the device is not at hand, you can ask your doctor to prescribe inhalations at your local physical therapy office. The following list of medications is used for treatment procedures:

  • Acetylcysteine ​​or its analogs at a concentration of 10% should be taken 3 ml per inhalation. The course of treatment is 7-10 procedures. You also need to know that to use a product together with an antibiotic, it is recommended to use a special combination drug - Fluimucil + antibiotic.
  • Ambroxol and similar agents are indicated in a dosage of 2 ml per breathing session. The medicine goes well with antibiotics, as it increases their bioavailability.
  • Gedelix is ​​diluted half and half with water. For one inhalation you need to prepare 3 ml of solution.

In addition to the listed cough expectorants, regular saline sodium chloride solution and alkaline mineral water are prescribed for smokers.

Antibacterial therapy for smoker's bronchitis

The use of antibiotics is necessary in the formation of an active inflammatory process of the respiratory tract. The condition will correspond to a bright clinic: elevated body temperature, cough with copious and purulent sputum, symptoms of intoxication. Such exacerbations are typical for experienced smokers in the autumn-spring period.

Drugs for treatment are selected by the attending physician.

The most commonly used antibiotics are macrolides, which are represented by the following names:

  • Azithromycin is indicated at a dosage of 500 mg once daily. Treatment is prescribed for 7 or more days, depending on the effect and severity of the infection.
  • Erythromycin is used 500 mg 4 times a day.
  • Clarithromycin is used 250 mg twice a day.

Medicines are taken 30 minutes before or 30 minutes after meals, always at regular intervals.

Bronchodilators to relieve obstruction

Smokers often experience bronchial obstruction during an exacerbation against the background of a strong cough. The condition is characterized by a narrowing of the lumen of the bronchiole due to accumulated sputum, impaired air conductivity, and the development of hypoxia.

The following medications are prescribed to relieve symptoms:

  • Ipratropium bromide is used several inhalations 3-4 times daily depending on the degree of obstruction. Analogous to Atrovent.
  • Salbutamol is indicated as an emergency medicine for use on demand. The bronchodilator effect occurs within 5 minutes. Do not inhale the drug more than 4 times a day. Analogues: Ventolin, Nebutamol.

Important! Prescription of medications should only be carried out by a qualified doctor, because the drugs have many contraindications and side effects.

Bronchodilators can be used both in the form of an aerosol and a solution for inhalation with a nebulizer. The dosage of the drugs depends on the severity of the obstruction, the patient’s condition, and the number of coughing attacks with suffocation per day.

Expectorant herbs for smokers

Traditional medicine has a large selection of plants to relieve smokers' cough.

The most popular representatives of the flora:

  • Licorice is beneficial due to its root. For the decoction, take 1 teaspoon per glass of water. The liquid is kept in a water bath for 20-30 minutes. For cough, drink 30 ml 4-5 times a day.
  • Coltsfoot is used as a decoction of the leaves, which is prepared at the rate of 2 tablespoons of leaves per 2 glasses of water. You need to cook in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Take 100 ml several times a day.
  • Sage is used in an amount of 20 grams per 250 ml of water. It is recommended to dilute the infusion with milk. The medicine is drunk warm with honey before bedtime.

The advantage of using herbs is that they are inexpensive and beneficial. The downside is that it is not effective enough for self-treatment of a smoker’s chronic cough.


Self-medicating a smoker’s cough for a long time is very dangerous, because it can lead to undesirable consequences. The patient must undergo examinations to exclude oncological pathology of the lungs and bronchi. Only knowing that dangerous diseases do not threaten will the doctor prescribe effective therapy to relieve cough.


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