
Papillomas: psychosomatics of the development of tumors on the body

The research carried out allows specialists to state with complete confidence that an exacerbation of the human papillomavirus can be psychosomatic in nature, resulting from severe nervous shock.

Papillomas: psychosomatics of the development of tumors on the body

Psychological problems as a reason for the activation of the virus on the body

The immune system acts as a control system for the causative agent of papillomas. When the immune system is weakened, papillomas begin to appear in large quantities on various parts of the body.

  • Circumstances under which a person experiences severe stress, prolonged psychological discomfort or a constant feeling of dissatisfaction have a detrimental effect on the nervous system in particular and the immune system in general.
  • The body’s defenses are weakened, the papilloma virus is activated, and this happens in places where epithelial cells have already undergone changes.
  • The disease can be caused by psychological problems such as:
  • Constant disappointment in one's own capabilities or inadequate assessment of them.
  • Dislike and disgust towards a person nearby, closeness with whom it is impossible to avoid.
  • A feeling of envy towards more successful people that a person cannot overcome.
  • Low level of self-esteem, unflattering opinion about one’s own strong-willed qualities.

Psychoanalysts who are closely studying the relationship between the appearance of papillomas and a person’s emotional state have come to the conclusion that by the location of the formations one can judge in what area of ​​their life a person experiences negative influences on his psyche.

Papillomas: psychosomatics of the development of tumors on the body

According to this theory:

  • A person with multiple papillomas on the body throughout his life tends to be insincere when in contact with others, and absolutely without reason. He can deceive simply for the sake of deception itself, without realizing that he can not do this and at the same time not have any negative reactions from the interlocutor.
  • Facial formations can signal constant, stressful, toxic thoughts about one's own status and achieving goals. At the same time, we are not talking about healthy ambitions and planning; the idea of ​​domination among these people overshadows life itself.
  • Growths on the neck indicate pronounced pride, a categorical unwillingness to compromise and intractability. In psychosomatics, the neck is responsible for flexibility and the ability to find balance in relationships with others; if a person begins to be too stubborn, it can become covered with papillomas.
  • Neoplasms on the genitals - a person is uncomfortable with intimate intimacy in general or with a specific partner.

Mental health and cervical dysplasia

Papillomavirus types sixteen and eighteen cause the development of cervical dysplasia. The following psycho-emotional problems of a woman can lead to the activation of the disease:

  • Lack of feeling of one's own sexuality and attractiveness.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Inability or inability to enjoy intimacy.
  • Rejection of men.
  • Embarrassment of one's own body.
  • Constant feeling of infringement of one's rights.

Papillomas: psychosomatics of the development of tumors on the body

Who is at risk for HPV?

  1. From a psychosomatic point of view, people who are at risk of developing papillomas are those who are dissatisfied with themselves or their position in society, who tend not to accept their appearance, who are pessimistic, and who do not love themselves enough.

  2. Such patients never get out of a state of tension, which becomes fertile ground for the formation of stress and neurotic states.

  3. The risk group includes women, men and children who can attribute at least some of the following characteristics:
  • Close blood relatives of the patient were susceptible to depression or had a diagnosed mental disorder. These disorders are often inherited.
  • Belonging to the age group after 50 years. People at this age often worry about any reason, although, in most cases, these worries have no real basis. Not wanting to do anything, such people get stuck in psychological discomfort.
  • Women exposed to hormonal influences are most often new mothers, or simply women at the peak of their reproductive age.
  • The absence in life of things or circumstances that a person perceives for himself as a guarantor of stability and well-being. For example, lack of a permanent job. Against this background, a pathological feeling of lack of demand and unfulfillment may develop.

Papillomas: psychosomatics of the development of tumors on the body

Also, people who regularly take psychotropic substances or drugs to suppress the manifestations of hypertension, who have experienced violence against themselves, especially in childhood, who have chronic diseases and sleep problems, can become victims of psychosomatic activation of papillomas.

Psychological help

The key point in providing psychological assistance in this situation is a detailed analysis of the reasons that led to chronic stress.

Psychosomatic problems cannot be solved with drug therapy alone. The patient, first of all, needs to get rid of the negative attitude that is stuck in his head.

Contacting a psychoanalyst will help a person figure out exactly what problems are troubling him. The specialist’s job is to ensure that during therapy sessions a person realizes that papillomas are neoplasms that are alien to his body.

They are not needed, they do not bring any benefit, and in order to stop being their carrier, you need to forget about disappointments and losses. People suffering from papillomas should have a clear picture of a new world, which they can and should easily enter without taking illness and discomfort with them.

Papillomas: psychosomatics of the development of tumors on the body

Psychosomatic illness will recede if the patient’s brain stops considering negative experience as its tormentor, and begins to treat it as a unique life baggage that allows one to avoid making serious mistakes in the future.


Positive attitudes are only half the battle. Treatment must be comprehensive - psychotherapy must be combined with traditional methods.

Methods of therapy without the use of medications

When working with people whose appearance of papillomas is psychosomatic in nature, specialists use the following methods:

  • Suggestive . Consists in the psychotherapist’s influence on the patient’s thoughts. Information is suggested from session to session; in severe cases, hypnosis is used for this.
  • Positive therapy. These are conversations between a specialist and a patient, during which they learn how to correctly assess various situations and how to properly cope with stress factors. The severity of the disease determines the number of sessions. You may need from 20 to 50 of them.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy . The doctor teaches the patient to find strengths in himself and develop them, helps to change his thinking, and gets him out of dependence on stereotypes.

Drug treatment

The principle of drug therapy for psychosomatic diseases comes down to eliminating the depressed state. Antidepressants and tranquilizers are used for this.

In the process of treating the human papillomavirus, anxieties, fears and depression that interfere with enjoying life are suppressed.

Also, to minimize the negative consequences of taking psychostimulants, the patient is prescribed sedatives. They help cope with aggression and anger, feelings of resentment and tension.

If the disease is at an initial stage and the human psyche has not yet felt the severe consequences of stress, you can not resort to synthetic drugs, but solve the problem with the help of herbal medicine. Properly selected herbal compositions, decoctions and infusions from them will help cope with emotional instability.


Any psychotropic medications should be selected by a specialist. Only he can determine the optimal dosage and course duration.


We can talk about a favorable prognosis for recovery only if all psychosomatic factors that led to an exacerbation of the papillomavirus have been eliminated. If the patient successfully undergoes appropriate psychotherapy, the formation of new papillomas will stop.

Already existing growths can be removed surgically. After the papillomas are dealt with, the patient is recommended to undergo psychosomatic therapy again to avoid relapses.

Also, if you want to recover, it is imperative to make adjustments to your lifestyle, namely: follow the principles of proper nutrition, devote time to physical activity, learn to cope with stressful situations, avoid depression and regularly carry out activities aimed at strengthening the immune system.

It is important to remember that not all cases of activation of papillomavirus are associated with psychosomatics. To identify the true causes, it is necessary to consult a doctor as quickly as possible, because at an early stage of the disease, a specialist will help the patient very quickly achieve a state of remission.


Psychological causes of papillomavirus - Psychology

Skin rashes are the result of a weakened immune system. This happens against a background of stress and overexertion. That is why psychosomatics studies in detail the phenomenon of papillomas on the human body.

Psychosomatics of papillomavirus

Papillomas are benign neoplasms on the skin or mucous membrane of organs. This is an infectious disease that manifests itself when general immunity decreases. In this connection, it is worth talking about the psychosomatic aspects of the disease.

Papillomas: psychosomatics of the development of tumors on the body

Papillomas psychosomatics:

  1. Skin is the border between the inner world of a person and the outer world. If a person is in conflict with someone (something) from the outside world, then growths form on the skin as a projection of the conflicting object. Contradictions with the world usually arise against the background of a person’s devaluation of himself.
  2. The second psychosomatic explanation: papillomas warn a person about the presence of problems in the place where they appeared.

However, there is also an expanded explanation for the occurrence of papillomas. Based on their location and quantity:

  • many growths - a person is prone to deception and self-deception;
  • neoplasms on the face, cheekbones - the person is only interested in his own enrichment and benefits, is ready to go over his head in order to achieve the goal;
  • growths on the neck are an indicator of stubbornness, intractability, pride (the neck in psychosomatics is a reflection of flexibility in relationships with others);
  • growths on the genitals - dislike of intimacy.

The general prerequisite for the appearance of papillomas is a person’s dissatisfaction with the present, the desire to return to the past and change or repeat something.

Psychological reasons for the development of the virus

A person’s dislike for himself, self-criticism, non-acceptance of his appearance or character traits is the main reason for the occurrence of papillomas. Constant dissatisfaction with yourself causes internal tension and drives you into stress. It, in turn, weakens the body's defenses. The immune system weakens, making it easier for infections to penetrate and spread in the body.

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Papillomas: psychosomatics of the development of tumors on the body

Other psychological reasons for the appearance of growths include:

  • old grudge;
  • hatred of oneself and others;
  • indignation, anger, frustration;
  • collapse of illusions;
  • chronic sadness;
  • dependence on other people's opinions, excessive sensitivity to criticism.

A mole is a spark of life

In psychosomatics, there is another interesting theory, according to which moles are an indicator of a person’s temperament.

Moles, pigmentation and other skin imperfections are characteristic of unbalanced people. This is an indicator of emotionality.

What is noteworthy is that they can disappear if a person learns to control his emotions. The opposite is also true: the clearer the skin, the calmer and more restrained the person is.

Visualization of guilt

Papillomas: psychosomatics of the development of tumors on the body

Moles and papillomas do not appear immediately. They are preceded by skin pigmentation. It is believed that spots are an indicator of suppressed feelings of guilt and fear of other people's opinions. Fear and guilt may not be recognized by the person himself, but they prevent him from developing and asserting himself.

Infection activation

80% of people have human papillomavirus in their bodies. But this does not mean that all people suffer from psychological problems and growths. The virus itself is harmless.

However, against the background of psychological trauma, stress and weakened immunity, it becomes more active. It can take decades from the moment the virus enters the body until it becomes active, or it can take a couple of days or months.

It all depends on the state of the body and the strength of the emotional shock.

The reason for activation may be one or more problems. Moreover, sometimes they are hidden or delayed. You can never say in advance what exactly will be the trigger, the cause of the appearance of papillomas.

Treatment of HPV through psychosomatics

Taking antiviral drugs will not give the desired result. You need to get rid of papillomas through psychotherapy and medical treatment.

And if there is a mental disorder, then taking additional medications is indicated, for example, antidepressants or tranquilizers, sedatives.

For mild stages of anxiety, herbal, homeopathic sedatives are prescribed.

It is important! Only a psychotherapist can prescribe medications and their dosage and duration of use. Self-medication is strictly prohibited. Thoughtless use of psychotropic drugs can lead to complications and mental disorders, drug dependence.

Psychosomatics against the virus

During sessions of psychotherapeutic assistance, the client must understand that papillomas are an unnecessary element for the body; they are a reflection of grievances and hardships of the past. You need to find the deep cause of anxiety and eliminate it.

Disappointment, loss, illness, pain, resentment - all this and much more can be the hidden cause of the appearance of growths. It is necessary to accept the experience of the past, learn the lessons and build the future on their basis.

It is necessary to open up to something new, to start a new chapter in life.

It is important! We must not forget about traditional drug therapy. Treatment must be comprehensive. Otherwise, the virus may develop into malignant neoplasms. And they are much more difficult to cure.

The relationship between HPV activation and psychological state

Papillomas: psychosomatics of the development of tumors on the body

The activation of the virus is promoted by a state of anxiety and fear. Tension, aggression, resentment, anger prevent a person from enjoying life and moving forward. As a result, the individual becomes fixated on the traumas of the past, and papillomas arise as a visualization of these memories.

How to suppress HPV activity, psychosomatic factor

Psychoanalysis is effective in treating papillomas. This method allows you to identify deep problems, psychotraumas, and personality complexes. And also to understand the character, personal characteristics of the client, his lifestyle and type of thinking, worldview.

Without eliminating the psychosomatic factor, growths will continue to appear. They can only be removed surgically, but even then not for long – new ones will appear. For quality relief and a positive prognosis, it is necessary to increase a person’s resistance to stress. Teach him to cope with stressful situations and depression. The client should change his entire lifestyle:

  • strengthen immunity;
  • exercise;
  • monitor your diet;
  • normalize the regime of work and rest, sleep and wakefulness;
  • take care of your skin;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • develop communication skills;
  • walk;
  • practice meditation or master other techniques for self-regulation of psycho-emotional state;
  • develop positive thinking;
  • love your body.

There are varieties of the virus that have little dependence on the psychosomatic state of a person. But even in such cases, a positive attitude improves the prognosis of treatment.

The role of HPV in the appearance of warts

Warts are overgrown papillomas, the result of viral activity. You can become infected through a microscopic wound. As for the reasons for the manifestation, they are the same: stress, illness, hormonal imbalance. The psychosomatic reasons are also the same as those of papillomas: dissatisfaction with oneself, the hardships of the past.

Psychosomatics of papillomas of various localizations

Louise Hay and Liz Burbo conducted a lot of research on the topic of the occurrence of papillomas. Let's look at the reasons for their appearance, according to the theory of each of the psychosomatists.

By Louise Hay

According to Louise Hay's theory, papillomas are the result of sadness, disappointment in the present and future. People with this diagnosis were more often disappointed in themselves and became convinced that it was impossible to realize their plans. Moreover, women fell ill more often than men.

And what’s also interesting is that purely female causes of HPV include fear of loss of sexual attractiveness and fear of motherhood. In women, papillomas more often appeared on the walls of the cervix.

To heal, Louise Hay recommends that clients accept and love themselves, learn to trust the world and themselves, constantly develop and assert themselves.

Papillomas: psychosomatics of the development of tumors on the body

A common reason for men and women is hidden, suppressed hatred and negative emotions. Based on the location of the appearance of growths, they say the following:

  • foot – negative ideas about the future, self-hatred;
  • hands – complexes, dissatisfaction with appearance;
  • body – slagged with negative thoughts;
  • neck – fear of expressing one’s opinion;
  • groin – fear of intimate relationships, inability to build relationships with the opposite sex, embarrassment of one’s body, rude character.

Difficulties in relationships, fear of superiors, inability to communicate - all this activates the human papillomavirus.

By Liz Burbo

Liz Burbo sees the reason in the lack of harmony between man and the outside world. We need to work on harmonizing our perception of the world around us. You need to get rid of unhealthy thinking. Stress, dissatisfaction with oneself, unrealized opportunities are the main negative psychological factors in the development of papillomas.

Other reasons include:

  • lack of love;
  • lack of faith in the future;
  • non-acceptance of a specific part of the body (where the growths occurred);
  • non-acceptance of oneself;
  • feeling of hopelessness;
  • hidden hatred and resentment.

Risk factors for the development of oncological processes

All people are at risk for stress, regardless of gender and age. We find ourselves under stress during an exam, when submitting a work project, or at a time of conflict with loved ones and acquaintances. But there are people who are more susceptible to stress and illnesses that arise from it than others.

Risk factors include:

  • poor heredity (mental disorders or depressive tendencies in relatives);
  • age above average, old age (older people are more susceptible to unreasonable anxiety, but make less effort to cope with it);
  • women who have given birth and are pregnant or women at the peak of reproductive maturity (hormonal levels change, which causes internal tension);
  • inferiority complex and uselessness (may be caused by lack of work, unstable living conditions);
  • low level of intelligence and education (such people are more often overcome by emotions, especially negative ones);
  • insomnia, sleep disorder;
  • violence suffered in childhood.

From a medical point of view, people who use medications against hypertension and psychotropic drugs are at risk. People with chronic diseases and dark skin color are also at risk.


Psychosomatics and papillomas on the body: how psychology affects the human papillomavirus

  • Dermatologist of the highest category Inna Vladimirovna
  • 45902
  • Update date: December 2019

In questions about the reasons for the appearance of papilloma on the body, psychosomatics occupies an important place.

Leading medical experts have repeatedly mentioned that psychosomatic conditions are among the main factors that weaken the immune system. Due to the fact that the body’s protective properties are reduced, latent diseases begin to enter the active phase of development.

This is why nervous tension and constant stress can lead to viral rashes on the skin.

Risk factors

Absolutely every person has had to find themselves in stressful situations. They arise due to difficulties at work, exams, death of loved ones. It would take a very long time to list them. Most people manage to cope with stress on their own. They manage to find the strength within themselves to solve the problem. After this they return to normal life.

There is a group of people who become depressed at the slightest stress. They are the ones who are most at risk of sooner or later seeing benign growths on their own body that have arisen against the background of HPV activation.

The risk group includes men and women, as well as young children, who are characterized by at least some of the following descriptions:

  • Close relatives of the person have experienced depression or been diagnosed with a mental disorder. Such disorders are often passed down through families;
  • Belonging to an age group older than average. Experiences, which are often unfounded, often bother older people. Most of them do not try to do anything to eliminate their depressed mood;
  • Women at the peak of their reproductive years. During this period, their mood is greatly influenced by hormones. They also affect psychological well-being. This is one of the reasons why many suffer from depression after childbirth;
  • Lack of permanent job. Against this background, a person may develop a complex of inferiority, uselessness and unfulfillment;
  • Having a low intellectual level. The category of people corresponding to this characteristic often gives in to emotions, which are not always positive.

Papillomas: psychosomatics of the development of tumors on the body

HPV is often activated in depression

Experts also consider people at risk who:

  • Regularly take medications to suppress symptoms of hypertension;
  • As a child, you experienced violence against yourself;
  • Have chronic diseases;
  • Have dark skin;
  • Complain about sleep disturbances;
  • Taking psychotropic medications.
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All these conditions and characteristics, which are an integral part of human life, can lead to serious illnesses. Papillomavirus is no exception.

Principles of psychosomatics for HPV

Medicine defines the human papillomavirus as an infectious disease that makes itself felt in moments of severely decreased immunity. However, experts cannot yet explain why benign neoplasms appear in one place or another on the skin or mucous membrane. Experts involved in the study of psychosomatics offer their explanation:

  1. The skin is constantly in contact with the outside world. Thanks to it, a person declares himself to nature. If he does not value himself, then the body reacts to this in a rather unusual way. Various growths begin to appear on the skin, acting as a projection of a person’s relationship to what surrounds him;
  2. The body is trying to warn a person about the appearance of problems in the place where a lot of papillomas have arisen.

These theories are quite unusual. However, few people dare to argue with the fact that body growths often grow on those who do not love themselves and constantly criticize their own appearance. This can also be explained from a scientific point of view.

When a person is very dissatisfied with something, his body becomes hostage to stress or depression. Such conditions negatively affect the immune system, which, as a result of such disorders, ceases to cope with its main function.

Therefore, it becomes easy for infections to enter the body and quickly spread to its different parts.

Papillomas: psychosomatics of the development of tumors on the body

In a depressed state, a person becomes more susceptible to infection

Based on the presence of benign growths and their location, experts who engage in psychoanalysis can tell a lot about a person. The following conclusions can be drawn:

  • Multiple papillomas - a person is prone to deception during contact with others;
  • Growths on the face, especially on the cheekbones - a person is solely interested in personal enrichment. To achieve his goal, he is ready to forget about integrity;
  • Neoplasms on the neck are a sign of intractability, stubbornness and pride. This is due to the fact that in psychosomatics this part of the body is responsible for flexibility and understanding in relationships with other people. If a person begins to be very stubborn, then his body reacts to this by the appearance of papillomas in the neck;
  • Papillomas on the genitals and genitals - intimate intimacy is unpleasant for a person.

Many psychological problems can lead to cancer. Typically, benign papillomas do not degenerate into malignant ones. But, if a person is constantly depressed, then his immune system is very weakened. All this allows cancer cells to take an active position and grow in the most favorable place for them.

Psychological help

The psychosomatics of papilloma requires detailed study. With such disorders, it is impossible to cure with antiviral medications alone. The patient will need professional psychological help.

If he does not get rid of the problem that is stuck in his head, then no therapy will give him the desired result.

In this case, non-drug treatment is relevant to get rid of depression and related problems.

When treating HPV, you will need to visit a psychoanalyst. It will help a person understand what exactly is bothering him. During the sessions, the patient will understand that papillomas and other neoplasms are foreign.

That is, they are completely unnecessary for the human body. To get rid of them, you need to forget about past disappointments and losses.

People with HPV must take a step towards a new life, where there is no place for problems and diseases.

Papillomas: psychosomatics of the development of tumors on the body

The help of a psychologist will not be superfluous

A psychosomatic illness will be defeated if a person begins to strive for something new. He should accept everything else as a useful experience that will help him avoid such serious mistakes in the future.

A good attitude is only half the success. More traditional methods of treating HPV are equally important. If they are neglected, the disease can develop into an advanced form. And this is fraught for patients with the appearance of malignant neoplasms that require more complex and lengthy therapy.

Drug treatment

During the treatment of psychosomatic diseases that lead to the appearance of benign formations on the body, it is customary to use antidepressants. Medicines in this group help get rid of depression. Tranquilizers operate on the same principle.

Drug therapy for HPV caused by depression and anxiety is aimed at suppressing anxiety and fears that prevent the patient from fully enjoying life. It also helps normalize the function of the autonomic nervous system.

At the discretion of the specialist, patients with this diagnosis are prescribed sedative medications. They help get rid of the following conditions:

  1. Tension;
  2. Resentment;
  3. Aggression;
  4. Anger.

Sedatives are useful because they can counteract the effects of psychostimulants. They are recommended to be taken in the evening, as sedatives slow down the body's reactions and cause drowsiness.

Any medications that belong to the group of psychotropic drugs must be prescribed by a specialist. Self-medication with them is strictly prohibited.

The doctor not only prescribes the medicine, but also determines its optimal dosage and the duration of the therapeutic course. Short-term use of psychotropic drugs does not give a positive result.

But too long treatment can have unpleasant consequences, for example, the emergence of drug addiction.

Doctors do not insist that patients with mental disorders take exclusively synthetic medications. If the case is not too advanced, then the patient may well limit himself to therapy based on herbal infusions. Young children are usually offered homeopathic medicines that do not harm the fragile body.

Papillomas: psychosomatics of the development of tumors on the body

In most cases, medicinal antidepressants can be replaced with herbal and homeopathic remedies


The prognosis for recovery will be favorable if the psychosomatic factors that led to the exacerbation of the papillomavirus are eliminated. If the patient refuses such treatment, benign growths will continue to form on his face or body. Surgical methods, which will be suggested by the attending physician, will help remove existing papillomas.

After eliminating benign neoplasms, a person should definitely undergo psychosomatic therapy. Thanks to it, the patient will learn to cope with stressful situations and avoid depression.

For the treatment prognosis to be truly favorable, a person must completely change his usual lifestyle. He needs to start eating right, exercising, taking care of his skin and strengthening his immune system.

Regular yoga classes, walks in the fresh air and meditation will help you avoid unpleasant thoughts that depress not only your mood, but also your immune system.

It must be remembered that not all types of papillomavirus can be explained by psychosomatic reasons.

It is not so rare that the disease worsens regardless of what the person’s mental state is and whether he suffers from depression. Infection and the development of pathology are purely individual processes.

Although even in this case, psychosomatics is of great importance, since with the right attitude, patients achieve remission faster.


Psychosomatic papillomas: what is it and what are its features?

The human papillomavirus (HPV) can remain dormant in the body for a long time (from several months to several years), without causing any diseases or reactions. This condition is revealed by papillomas in psychosomatics, which is a direction in medicine. But a weakened immune system caused by:

  • stress;
  • past illness;
  • failure in the hormonal system;
  • failure in the endocrine system.

All of the above factors can “wake up” the disease. That’s when papillomas appear on the skin and mucous membranes – the result of the fatal effects of HPV. These neoplasms are often benign in nature, and after some time they disappear without a trace. But some types of virus provoke the development of malignant tumors, such as cancer.

Papillomas: psychosomatics of the development of tumors on the body

As already mentioned, the state of immunity is very important in the development of the disease. What about mental factors, what role do they play in this process? More on this later in the article.


Virus activity and causes of psychosomatic manifestations

Papillomas: psychosomatics of the development of tumors on the body

Any disease, every accidental or non-accidental failure in the body is caused by psychological factors, this is called psychosomatics. Let's look at the emergence and development of papillomas from the point of view of this area of ​​medicine.

Skin is our protection, and it is what others see. Problems with the epithelium signal that a person is not protected from the outside world, he feels weak, others either influence him too much or hurt his feelings.

In addition, external manifestations on the epidermis repel those who see them. Thus, this provides an opportunity to distance oneself from the outside world, again a kind of protection.

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The growth, in turn, indicates that a person has been suffering for a very long time from something unnecessary in his soul, as now, this excess has also appeared on the surface of the skin. And in addition, how to get rid of this unnecessary piece of skin, in the same way you need to truly bring out the very essence of the internal problem on a psychological level.

Papillomas, whose psychosomatics are a medical issue, look ugly, disfigure the appearance, and the internal “extra part” negatively affects the inner world, preventing one from realizing one’s own harmony and finding peace within oneself.

External manifestations of PVI

There are about a hundred types of HPV, they are studied and classified. Some viruses are easy to treat, others are not easy to detect, and others cause serious problems in the body. Such a variety of types of infections determines both the variety and number of their manifestations. Let's look at some of them.

1. Papilloma(s) (these are often simply called warts). They usually appear on the skin and are flesh-colored. They behave like a virus: they appear, disappear, for no apparent reason, and after some time they appear again, depending on the state of the immune system.
2. Genital warts. They can be single or settle in a “colony”. Invisible to the naked eye, they are often perceived “like family.” Appear on the mucous membranes of the genital organ.
3. Fusion of genital warts. They are formed simply in such groups, they can be seen on the epithelium from above.
4. Flat condyloma, which is located on the body of the cervix. These manifestations of papillomavirus infection signal a problem, and can be a bad sign. They are a manifestation of chronic PVI, perhaps even advanced. The choice of treatment depends on the diagnosis, therefore, having identified such a formation and formation data, a biopsy and cytological examination are required.
5. Cervical cancer. The most common malignant tumor of the female genital organs.
6. Chronic cervicitis. Inflammation of the cervix. It is usually asymptomatic in the acute phase, therefore, due to the lack of cure, it develops into a chronic degree of progression.
7. Squamous metaplasia. The process of natural healing of erosion. Does not require intervention.
8. Dysplasia. Epithelial damage. Timely detection is the key to preventing the occurrence of cancer.
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Papillomas: psychosomatics of the development of tumors on the body

Treatment of PVI

Treatment methods for PVI are divided into:

  • conservative treatment;
  • surgical removal.

With conservative treatment, a drug regimen is selected for each specific patient on an individual basis. For treatment, various drugs are used:

  1. Interferon preparations. Provide the body with protection against viruses. Available in a range of drugs.
  2. Specific antiviral drugs. They have a supportive effect on the entire immune system of the body.
  3. Immunomodulators. The most faithful helpers in the fight against human papillomavirus.
  4. Indinol. A chemical compound that is credited with a high anticarcinogenic effect. Contained in some varieties of cabbage. A medicinal form has been synthesized that is used to combat PVI.

At the moment, there are a large number of methods for surgical removal of external manifestations of PVI. There are many ways among them:

  1. Chemical coagulation. Indicated for the removal of genital warts. Quite painful. Scars may remain. Can be used by nulliparous women.
  2. Freezing with liquid nitrogen. The procedure goes quite quickly, the patient feels virtually no pain. Indicated for the removal of a few genital warts.
  3. Electrocoagulation. The patient experiences discomfort during the procedure, healing takes a long time. Possible complications: scars, neck deformation, bleeding.
  4. Surgical laser. Allows you to remove all malignant tissue. Has become widespread. Preferred for treatment.
  5. Radiosurgery. Painless procedure. You can give it preference, but due to the high price of the equipment, it is not often found in medical institutions.
  6. Conventional surgical removal. This is done using a medical scalpel. Of course, the patient is given local anesthesia.

What is important to know about psychosomatics in general?

Psychosomatics of papilloma is a branch of medicine that studies the effect on the human body and its psychological factors.

All our emotions, our thoughts and moods are reflected in the physical body. The principle of unity, mental and physical, is the basis of medicine.

By and large, psychosomatic diseases and disorders are manifestations of a violation of the body’s adaptation. We are always experiencing stress of some kind in one form or another.

But when the psyche cannot cope, the tension goes off scale, this also affects the functioning of the physical shell, because everything in our body is very tightly connected.

The difficulty is usually the inability to determine the problems of the mental component. Often, in order to come to the conclusion that an illness has a psychosomatic root, it is necessary to exclude all possible physical influences.

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Psychosomatics of papilloma: identification of causes, recommendations

Almost every person has found himself in stressful situations. For some, these are family problems, difficulties at work, the death of a loved one, etc. Most people manage to overcome stress on their own; they have enough strength to deal with difficulties. After defeating the stressful condition, they return to normal life.

However, there is a category of people who become depressed. This category is at risk and risks sooner or later seeing growths on their body that appear against the background of the development of the papilloma virus.

Psychosomatics of papilloma is a field that covers medicine and psychology, which studies the impact of psychological factors on the occurrence and development of somatic diseases.

Psychological reasons for the development of the virus

Many people ask the question - what causes the development of HPV? The causes of papillomas do not always come down to medicine.

Psychosomatics determines that most often the cause of the disease is a person’s dissatisfaction with his life, the desire to return to the past in order to relive certain life moments.

From a psychological point of view, papillomas on the body are activated in the human body under the influence of one or more serious, sometimes hidden problems.

Typically, these people do not value themselves, treat themselves with increased severity and do not forgive themselves even for basic mistakes. They do not value or notice their own merits.

In general, the skin in psychosomatics is a mirror of how a person contacts the outside world. Most often, papillomavirus is diagnosed in female patients. This is explained by the difference between women's thinking and men's. Men are more inclined to think and analyze, while women are more inclined to feel and worry. This is why men are usually only carriers of the infection.

The mental causes of the disease are incorrect thoughts that arise in the head and a negative perception of the world around us. The appearance and development of papillomas indicates a person’s negative attitude towards himself, an acute reaction to the opinions of others about himself.

Papillomas: psychosomatics of the development of tumors on the bodyThe mental causes of the disease are incorrect thoughts that arise in the head and a negative perception of the world around us.

From a medical point of view, the papilloma virus is an infection that can remain dormant for a long time and appear at the moment of a strong decrease in immunity.

Medicine cannot yet explain the reason for the appearance of formations on the skin. Experts who study psychosomatics “see” the root cause of the disease as the attitude towards oneself and others.

They refer to psychological causes and identify the main factors influencing the development of the disease:

  • belief in one's imperfection;
  • pettiness and negative attitude towards others.

Principles of psychosomatics against the virus

Problematic issues of papillomavirus and its treatment are revealed in the works of Sinelnikov, a famous psychotherapist and homeopath, author of a number of books and scientific articles.

Papillomas according to Sinelnikov - lack of dynamic balance with the environment. According to his theory, a balance between man and nature should exist not only on the physical level, but also on the mental level.

In his opinion, consciousness has priority over matter.

The founder of the self-help movement, author of more than 30 books, Louise Hay, believes that the cause of emotional problems and physical ailments, including the development of papillomas, are unexperienced negative emotions. To heal, she suggests replacing a negative attitude with a positive one:

  • love and accept yourself as you are;
  • trust people and life in general;
  • assert yourself, do not stand still and move only forward.

The founder of the Center for Personal Development in Canada, famous doctor and psychologist Liz Burbo, describes in her books that the key to physical health is a harmonious perception of the world around us.

From a medical point of view, the main causes of disease are:

Papillomas: psychosomatics of the development of tumors on the bodyAccording to Liz Burbo, the causes of physical diseases, including the development of papillomas, lie in an “unhealthy” way of thinking

  • bad heredity;
  • bad habits;
  • environmental impact.

According to Liz Burbo, the causes of physical illness, including the development of papillomas, lie in an “unhealthy” way of thinking.

The development of a disease such as HPV, according to Louise Hay and Liz Burbo, is caused by stress, dissatisfaction with oneself and unfulfilled human capabilities. These factors give rise to mental suffering, for which a person pays with physical illness.

Therapy through psychosomatics

This theory seems quite unusual, but most of the patients suffered from depression, they were not satisfied with their appearance and they did not like themselves. This condition negatively affects the immune system, which, due to disturbances, cannot cope with its task. Infectious diseases enter the human body without complications and spread throughout its parts.

Specialists in the field of drug-free therapy who are involved in psychoanalysis can tell a lot about the owner of the growths on the body and the reason for their location:

  • papillomas on the neck - indicate a person’s intractability, stubbornness and pride. The neck in psychosomatics is responsible for flexibility and mutual understanding in relationships;
  • multiple papillomas on different parts of the body are evidence of a person’s tendency to deceive;
  • the presence of warts and condylomas on the face - the person lacks integrity and is only interested in personal enrichment;
  • papillomas in the groin area - a person has a negative attitude towards intimacy, etc.

Many psychological problems can lead to disruption of the general condition, the appearance of benign and even non-benign tumors.

Typically, benign papillomas do not degenerate into malignant ones, but constant depression and weakened immunity can contribute to the transition of an ordinary skin disease to the development of cancer cells.

This threatens an incurable disease and death of a person.

Papillomas: psychosomatics of the development of tumors on the bodyMany psychological problems can lead to disruption of the general condition, the appearance of benign and even non-benign tumors

Drug treatment

In medical practice, psychosomatic diseases that contribute to the appearance of benign tumors are treated with antidepressants. These remedies allow a person to “overcome” a depressed state.

Tranquilizers have the same effect. Drug intervention can only suppress a person’s anxiety and fear.

Short-term use of this type of medication does not produce results, and long-term use can cause addiction.

The prognosis for recovery will be favorable only if psychosomatic factors are eliminated. If the patient refuses treatment, growths will continue to form. Doctors can only offer surgical removal of papillomas without eliminating the causes of their appearance.


Psychosomatics: papillomas, warts


Papillomas: psychosomatics of the development of tumors on the body Link to main publication
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