
HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treated

Human papillomavirus type 16 is oncogenic and can cause skin diseases and problems with the reproductive system. But only women can develop cancer. HPV genotype 16 - what is it, what are its methods of spread, symptoms and treatment methods?

HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treatedHPV genotype 16 is a dangerous type of virus that leads to cancer

What danger does papillomavirus type 16 pose?

The organs of the reproductive system and human skin are affected. The DNA of a virus can be used to determine which species it belongs to. But the 16th genotype of HPV is of great concern, since patients can live with it for many years, unaware of its presence in the body.

The manifestation of papillomavirus in men is not as aggressive as in women. For example, in the latter it can lead to the development of cancer. The genotype is characterized by the ability to reproduce uncontrollably. This causes the formation of cancerous tumors in the patient’s body.

It is noteworthy that transmission of infection can occur as a result of intimacy - the first partner may not have characteristic signs of the disease, but the other will still become infected (if the immune system is weakened).

HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treatedThe infection is transmitted sexually

The degree of cancer risk of different types of papillomavirus

It is customary to carry out HPV genotyping according to the degree of risk of cancer formation:

  • non-oncogenic – lead to the development of benign flat tumors;
  • with a low risk of cancer formation;
  • with medium and high.

Under certain conditions, the virus can become active and multiply in the upper layers of the skin and epithelial tissues of the mucous membranes.

HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treatedThere are several dangerous types of HPV

Methods of transmission and symptoms of papillomavirus infection

Doctors identify the following ways of spreading the disease:

  • sexually;
  • through touch;
  • self-infection during shaving.

Human papillomavirus type 16, after entering the active phase, causes the appearance of multiple skin growths called warts. They are completely painless and cause only aesthetic discomfort.

Warts usually form on the surface of the hands, fingers and feet. The color of the formations matches the skin tone and is almost invisible. They can disappear on their own; you don’t even need to undergo treatment - the symptoms will go away as a result of the activation of the body’s immune system.

HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treatedWarts appear on the surface of the skin

The second type of formations that are characteristic of the virus are genital warts. These are condylomas of a genital nature, forming only on the organs of the reproductive system and in the groin area.

Most often appear:

  • on the mucous membrane of the external parts of the reproductive system;
  • in the anus area.

Sometimes warts can develop on the mucous membrane of the internal organs of the reproductive system.

HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treatedCondylomas may form in the genital area

Stages of virus development

After HPV enters the body, it mostly enters the sleep stage. It is called latent. The patient is already sick, but does not yet suspect it.

HPV has the following stages of development:

  1. Incubation period. For the human papillomavirus, it can vary, depending on the patient’s immunity. At this stage, it is only possible to detect infection using the PCR method. Incubation can last from 3 weeks to several years. Activation of cell division and the transition of the papillomavirus to the next stage can occur with a decrease in immunity.
  2. The appearance of corresponding symptoms.
    HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treated Most of all, it is characterized by rapid cell division and the formation of the first signs. Pathology can be diagnosed at this time as a result of histological examination and cytology. To identify the virus, a cytological examination is performed
  3. The DNA of the virus penetrates into the cell nucleus. Under the influence of a pathogenic agent, its modification occurs. Foreign DNA can be detected by examining biomaterial under a microscope.
  4. Irreversible mutation of infected cells and the development of oncology.

Diagnosis and principles of treatment of papillomavirus

In order to correctly assess the patient’s condition and prescribe the therapy he requires, a high-quality diagnosis should be carried out, which includes:

  1. Visual examination is the most accessible way to detect manifestations of the disease.
  2. Polymerase chain reaction - determines the type of HPV and predicts the nature of the disease.
    HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treated HPV type is determined using polymerase chain reaction
  3. The Digene test is a method that allows you to find out with the greatest accuracy: whether there is a papillomavirus and what type, whether there is a high risk of developing cancer, and the degree of tissue damage. When used together with another method, more accurate results will be obtained and it will be possible to quantitatively diagnose HPV.
  4. Smear cytology provides the opportunity to detect the slightest changes that have occurred in the morphological cellular structure. It is not recommended to use it for oncogenic type of papillomavirus, since the result will be uninformative.
  5. Histological examination is carried out using biomaterial obtained during colposcopy.

HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treatedThe drug Panavir is prescribed to treat the infection.

Malignant tumors of the genital organs that are associated with infection with papillomavirus should be removed surgically or with the help of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. During the treatment process, immunomodulators, the drug Panavir, and vitamins are prescribed.

Methods of treating papillomavirus genotype 16

Therapy is aimed at relieving the patient of current symptoms, strengthening the immune system and suppressing HPV activity. In this case, treatment is accompanied by:

  • immunostimulating drugs, for example, Immunal;
  • antiviral substances;
  • in some situations, it is recommended to take cytostatics - medications that help suppress the growth of a malignant neoplasm.

HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treatedImmunal helps strengthen the immune system

External signs of the disease - warts - should be gotten rid of, since damage to such growths can lead to the development of inflammation. Papillomas are removed in the following ways:

  1. Electrocoagulation. Burning off a wart by applying electric current to it. The procedure is painful and will require local anesthesia, with possible scarring.
  2. Laser removal. Upon completion of the procedure, no traces of the intervention remain on the skin. The risk of relapse is also eliminated - warts will not appear again.
  3. Cryotherapy.
    HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treated The growths are frozen when exposed to liquid nitrogen, and there is no need to numb the treated area, although if large skin lesions are removed, then there may be scarring. The rehabilitation period after surgery is two weeks. During this time, the wart will fall off and the skin will heal. Wart removal is carried out using laser method
  4. Surgical method. Used in rare cases. You will need to use painkillers, and bleeding will develop during the procedure. It may leave scars.
  5. Radio wave method. Removal of formations is carried out using a radio knife. The technique shows excellent results, and bleeding will not develop.
  • The best prevention of infection is maintaining an orderly intimate life using barrier protection and following personal hygiene standards.
  • For information about the dangers of infection with human papillomavirus type 16, see below:


How dangerous is HPV type 16 for women and how to treat it?

Human papillomavirus type 16 in women provokes the development of malignant tumors. This variety is oncogenic and is considered one of the most dangerous for the human body.

The appearance of papillomas first occurs on the mucous membranes of the female genital organs.

Oncological disease develops under the influence of external (stress, frequent deformation of the growth) or internal factors (hormonal disorders, decreased immunity).

HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treated

How does infection occur and the main risk groups?

HPV genotype 16 is more common than the others. According to statistics, this type of virus is found in 60% of infected women. Infection occurs through sexual contact.

This is the main method of infection with papillomavirus 16.

However, the possibility of transmission of infection also exists through household means, if the skin is deformed, there are wounds or scratches, which opens the possibility for the penetration of harmful microorganisms.

The risk of infection increases with unprotected sexual intercourse. However, a condom is not a reliable barrier to the virus. The likelihood of infection is present during anal, oral and vaginal intercourse.

In rare cases, the virus spreads to private parts from other parts of the body (self-infection). Papillomavirus 16 is also transmitted from mother to child. The likelihood of this increases during the birth process.

HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treatedDuring infection, HPV genotype 16 is introduced into the DNA. In this case, there is a decrease in the body’s protective functions and cancer begins to develop. This process can have different durations: from several months to tens of years. The rate of development of pathology is influenced by the state of the body and external factors:

  • stress;
  • hormonal changes in the female body;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • heredity;
  • frequent deformations of papillomas;
  • low immunity;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • taking medications that weaken the immune system.

Accordingly, women of different social classes are at risk. Every second patient infected with papillomavirus genotype 16 develops cancer.

HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treated

Symptoms and appearance of formations

After infection, the virus can remain in the body for several months without manifesting itself. Symptoms occur under the influence of external or internal factors. First, papillomas appear in intimate places.

They may not be noticed immediately, since in most cases the neoplasms are localized on the mucous membranes: the walls of the vagina and cervix, and the labia minora. In such cases, growths are detected during examination by the treating gynecologist.

The appearance of papillomas is the main sign of infection with the HPV virus. If the immune system is strong, there are no other manifestations. In such cases, the virus does not make itself felt for many years. Under the influence of negative factors in women, symptoms appear during the first months after infection. Signs of HPV:

  • HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treatedpain syndrome;
  • bleeding;
  • a burning sensation that usually occurs during sexual intercourse;
  • vaginal discharge, sometimes accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

There are other symptoms of papillomavirus type 16. When infected, pathological conditions develop:

  1. Bowenoid papulosis. The disease is accompanied by the appearance of rashes of a specific nature - these are plaques of different sizes that rise above healthy tissues. The rash is localized in intimate places: labia, vaginal walls. Bowenoid papulosis often precedes the appearance of malignant tumors.
  2. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia or cervical dysplasia. This is another condition of a woman’s genital organs that must be monitored and, if possible, cured, since there is a high probability that a malignant tumor may develop against its background.
  3. HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treatedCondylomas, often genital. Localized in intimate places. If HPV genotype 16 is not treated, the growths will spread further and move to the thighs.

When infected, it is important to promptly pay attention to the symptoms. The fact is that the type 16 virus can develop quite quickly; under the influence of negative factors, women develop cancer.

To confirm suspicions, you should know what papillomas on the genitals look like. These are neoplasms that can have different shapes: flattened or elongated, thread-like or pointed.

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The sizes are also very different.

Some papillomas unite into growths of large diameter and may resemble a cauliflower in configuration. Single condylomas are often characterized by their small size and have a thin stalk. The structure of such formations is velvety and uneven.

Papillomas are soft to the touch, so they are easy to deform. The color of growths on the genitals is often light: pink, flesh-colored, white. Pigmented papillomas are much less common. Darkening of tumors occurs when they are damaged regularly.

Diagnostic measures

HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treated

If there are formations on the walls of the vagina or cervix, it is recommended to conduct a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) analysis. It is used to determine the DNA of the virus. You should know that HPV is not detected in the blood. Harmful microorganisms are localized in the structure of the mucous membranes and skin, provoking intense cell division, which, in turn, leads to the appearance of growths.

For analysis, biomaterial is used in the form of a smear from the cervix. It is recommended to prepare for the procedure. In this case, you should not visit the toilet 2 hours before collecting biomaterial.

If a course of treatment is being carried out, you should stop taking the drug in the form of ointments and suppositories one day before. This is done in order to obtain a more accurate analysis result.

If papillomavirus genotype 16 was detected in the biomaterial, it is recommended to conduct additional studies: for example, Digene screening is done.

HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treatedThe degree of risk of developing cancer is determined by the Lg indicator:

  • 0–3 Lg - weakly positive result, which means an insignificant likelihood of oncology;
  • 3–5 Lg - average risk of malignant tumors against the background of papillomavirus 16;
  • 5 Lg and above - a high risk of developing a pathological condition.

Therapeutic measures

When infected with human papillomavirus type 16, which is oncogenic, all growths on the genitals must be removed. This need is due to the fact that the risk of their transformation into malignant formations is too high. Accordingly, the removal of papillomas is the main measure of treatment for HPV 16. The choice of method of influencing the formations is determined by the location of their localization.

If papillomas are located on the skin (labia, inner thighs, area around the anus), the electrocoagulation method, cryodestruction, and laser are used. In this case, the deformed area of ​​skin will quickly heal. Thanks to the adhesion of damaged blood vessels, the risk of bleeding is eliminated.

HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treated

In addition, the use of radio wave therapy eliminates swelling. This method is much less traumatic for the mucous membranes compared to the procedures discussed above (laser, liquid nitrogen, electrocoagulation).

The answer to the question whether genotype 16 infection is curable will be negative. The HPV virus is very difficult to completely eliminate from the body, but it can be kept under conditional control.

For this purpose, a treatment regimen is prescribed:

  1. Taking immunomodulatory drugs. Such remedies help restore the body’s protective function and strengthen the immune response to third-party virus invasion. An example of such drugs is Interferon. Thanks to this remedy, you can stimulate the body, which will lead to inhibition of viral activity. As a result, the intensity of cell division will decrease, and the amount of excess tissue will stop increasing.
  2. HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treatedTaking antiviral drugs. The main task of such funds is to stop the active activity of harmful microorganisms. Antiviral drugs give better results with complex therapy, when the patient simultaneously takes immunomodulatory drugs. An example of such a medicine is Viferon. Available in the form of ointment, suppositories, gel. Most of these drugs are characterized by other properties: anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, wound healing. Thanks to this, simultaneously with the suppression of viral activity, healing of deformed formations occurs and the inflammatory process stops.

You need to know that in 25% of cases, after removal of papillomas, a relapse occurs. The growths return, which increases the risk of developing malignant tumors.

In cases where patients try to resolve the issue of removing lesions at home, the reappearance of papillomas occurs much more often.

It should be remembered that sometimes the treatment regimen discussed above helps to completely get rid of the virus.

However, this is facilitated by the body’s natural process of fighting harmful microorganisms.

This result is possible if all negative external and internal factors that lead to the formation of papillomas have been excluded.

In addition, it is very important that at the time of recovery of the body, chronic diseases are cured, which will improve immunity. Given the combination of these factors, there is a possibility that the virus will disappear completely.


Human papillomavirus type 16 - treatment

Human papillomavirus type sixteen poses a serious threat to human health. First of all, this strain of infection requires increased attention when present in the fair sex.

HPV type 16 in women, what is it and why is this disease dangerous? According to data presented by the World Health Organization, this virus attacks the female body in seventy percent of cases.

Based on the same statistics, we can say that this virus is much less common in men.

HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treated

Why is HPV infection dangerous?

Over the past few decades, HPV infection has become widespread. For a person who does not understand the intricacies of medical science, this diagnosis raises many questions.

Questions such as: what is papillomavirus and how it is transmitted can confuse the average person.

That is why, before talking about treatment, it is necessary to understand the question of what HPV infection is.

This strain of viral infection does not pose a danger to human health, subject to timely detection and treatment. Benign growths on the skin completely disappear with proper treatment. According to the latest data, more than a hundred types of this virus have been registered in the world.

HPV type 16 poses a danger to human life due to its high oncogenicity.

In simple words, this infection can provoke the formation of cancerous tumors. The presence of this type of infection in the female body significantly increases the risk of developing cancer in the genital area. That is why it is very important to know how exactly such an infection is transmitted.

According to experts, this virus is present in the internal environment of the body in more than ninety percent of the population of our planet. Once it enters the body, the virus does not manifest itself in any way for many years, being in a state of lethargy.

However, when certain factors come together, the infection can wake up and begin active activity. According to scientists involved in the study of various types of viruses, this strain has external manifestations only in ten percent of cases.

In other situations, the development of the virus occurs latently.

Clinical picture

The main sign of the development of pathology against the background of virus activity is the formation of various neoplasms on the surface of the skin and mucous membrane. Most people do not pay due attention to emerging warts, which significantly aggravates the treatment process.

Human papillomavirus type 16 provokes the appearance of papillomas, the diameter of which does not exceed one centimeter. Skin growths can be naturally colored or have reddish tints.

In most cases, such growths are localized singly, at some distance from each other.

HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treated

In a situation where growths form in large quantities, the risk of their fusion and enlargement of the lesion increases significantly.

When several warts merge, the skin growths take on a cauliflower-like appearance. This type of neoplasm is in most cases localized in the groin area.

Such growths are called the medical term “condyloma”.

Condylomas are benign in nature and provide their owners with aesthetic discomfort. This type of tumor can be successfully treated and almost never causes serious complications.

Please note that when the first symptoms of growths appear, you should seek medical help.

Carrying out an examination and taking tests will allow you to timely determine the type of virus and begin therapy.

Description of the infection process

Experts have identified a number of specific factors that significantly increase the risk of contracting HPV infection. These factors include:

  • early entry into sexual activity;
  • indiscriminate change of sexual partners;
  • the presence of previous infectious or sexually transmitted diseases;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the immune system and hormonal imbalances;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages and tobacco.

In addition, experts say that factors such as long-term use of hormonal drugs, excessive interest in fitness, the presence of cancer or an unstable psycho-emotional state also contribute to the transmission of the virus. The risk group for this disease includes people who have undergone chemotherapy. Since a fairly large number of people are at risk, it is necessary to find out how the infection itself occurs. HPV types 16 and 18 have four main modes of spread:

  1. Sexual contact is the most common form of transmission of the disease. With intimate intimacy without the use of barrier contraceptives, the probability of infection with papillomavirus is about ninety percent. A particular danger is that the partner acting as a carrier of the virus may not even be aware of its presence. The infection can enter the body through any form of sexual intercourse (vaginal, oral or anal contact).
  2. Violations of hygiene rules are another equally common route of HPV infection. When using someone else's shaving accessories, hygiene or cosmetic products, the risk of infection is about thirty percent. According to studies, viral DNA has reduced resistance to environmental influences. This means that this strain, being outside the human body for a long period of time, loses its properties. Transmission of the virus by this route is recorded infrequently and poses a danger only to people with weak immunity.
  3. From the carrier's mother to the newborn - this route of transmission of HPV is also observed quite rarely. In this case, infection occurs as the child passes through the birth canal. It should be noted that infection occurs only when there are various growths on the woman’s genitals.
  4. Contact-household method - this type of transmission of the virus is recorded only in ten percent of cases. The infection is transmitted when infected secretions (saliva, blood) come into contact with household appliances and shared bedding. The infection enters a healthy body through microcracks on the surface of the skin.

HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treated

Here it should be said that for the transmission of the virus certain factors must “coincide”, since the papillomavirus has weak resistance to external aggressive influences.

 HPV type 16 in men manifests itself in the form of the formation of various neoplasms on the surface of the skin. Most often, such formations are localized in the groin area.

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The appearance of growths in the genital area can significantly worsen the psycho-emotional state of the patient due to the unaesthetic appearance of the genitals.

The most common mistake made by most people with condylomas is attempting to self-medicate using potent medications and folk remedies.

Many representatives of both male and female sexes are embarrassed to see a doctor because of the appearance of the growths.

However, measures taken independently may not only not give the expected result, but also cause the development of complications.

Possible complications

According to WHO, this strain of viral infection most often attacks women.

Scientists studying this type of virus have come to the conclusion that it is the sixteenth type of HPV that has the highest level of oncogenicity.

Upon penetration into the internal environment of the human body, pathogens begin to rapidly multiply, which leads to changes in certain cells. This mutation is the main cause of the formation of malignant tumors.

Timely treatment of HPV type 16 in women can prevent complications such as cervical cancer and the spread of cancer metastases along the surface of the skin.

The presence of this disease in men provokes the development of a complication such as Bowen's disease. Failure to take timely measures can lead to the development of a malignant tumor in the penis area.

The only way out in this situation is complete removal of the genital organ.

In both cases, delay in diagnosis and therapy can lead to the spread of cancer metastases, which will significantly complicate the course of the disease. It should also be emphasized that in some cases delay can lead to death.

HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treated

How is diagnostics carried out?

When you first detect the formation of neoplasms on the surface of the skin or mucous membranes, you should immediately contact a specialist.

In this situation, to clarify the diagnosis and identify a specific strain of the virus, you need to undergo a number of additional tests. Such measures will not only identify the cause of the disease, but also determine a further treatment strategy.

It is also important to mention that if you have a regular sexual partner, examinations should be carried out in parallel.

Among additional diagnostic measures, a test such as polymer chain reaction should be highlighted. This technique is based on studies of a smear taken from the surface of the mucous membrane of the cervix. It is this type of diagnostic measures that allows us to identify the virus in question. In addition, it would be useful to undergo cytological tests.

Today, gynecology uses a DNA analysis method to detect the presence of infection.

By studying the provided genetic material, several types of papillomavirus can be identified with a ninety percent guarantee.

All of the above methods make it possible to reliably determine a specific strain of viral infection, which greatly facilitates the development of a strategy for future therapy.

Treatment methods

In conclusion, let's look at how to treat HPV type 16 in women. First, it is necessary to mention that this disease is difficult to treat. In most cases, complex measures are used, including the use of potent antiviral medications and surgical removal of growths.

The complex treatment includes taking antiviral drugs, medications that correct the functioning of the immune system, as well as a course of vitamin therapy. In addition, over a long period of time, the patient must give up bad habits, normalize the diet and pay increased attention to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Several techniques are also used to remove tumors. The choice of removal method depends on the area of ​​the lesion, the size of the tumors and the depth of their spread. The most common methods of mechanical impact on such growths are:

  • laser coagulation;
  • cryodestruction;
  • surgical excision.

HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treated

In a situation where the disease is in an advanced stage and there is a risk of transformation of the neoplasm into a malignant tumor, more radical methods of therapy are required.

In this case, in addition to surgery, the patient may be prescribed a course of chemotherapy.

The main goal of these procedures is to prevent the development of a cancerous tumor and possible relapses of oncology.

In order to prevent such a situation, it is necessary to pay increased attention to the prevention of the disease. Today, many private clinics and public medical institutions offer their visitors to undergo the immunization procedure.

In addition, the risk of HPV infection can be significantly reduced by using barrier contraceptives. In order to promptly detect the presence of the disease, women are advised to visit a gynecologist every six months for a routine examination.


HPV type 16 in women - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, manifestations and medications for treatment


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Today there are millions of viruses in the world, many of which have not been studied by science and medicine. The risk of infection by any of them is high for everyone, since harmful microorganisms literally surround a person.

There are also particularly dangerous forms of life that can lead to severe diseases. HPV type 16 in women

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a special human papillomavirus that is difficult to treat and can cause cancer.

What is HPV type 16 in women?

This is one of the most common and dangerous strains of human papillomavirus with a high risk of infection, which is diagnosed in 60% of HPV patients.

The disease is oncogenic in nature: HPV invades DNA cells and harms the woman’s natural antitumor immunity.

For this reason, new growths begin to appear on the skin, often affecting the mucous membranes.

Without treatment, HPV type 16 often leads to the development of cancer, dysplasia, cervical erosion and other dangerous pathologies. The infection is transmitted predominantly through sexual contact; the risk of infection increases with frequent changes of partners and unprotected contacts. Due to social factors, the disease is common among girls under 30, but there are exceptions.

Symptoms of HPV 16 in women

For the first 3-4 months, the disease proceeds almost unnoticed and is difficult to detect. Then papillomas form on the woman’s skin or mucous membranes. They can appear in a variety of places - on the genitals, mouth and nose.

Other risk areas are areas with delicate skin: neck, back, armpits, perineum. Externally, papillomas look like growths with a stalk. In the future, they can grow and merge. Low immunity contributes to the formation of large conglomerates of growths.

When HPV affects the genital organs, itching, burning, and painful urination appear.


Papillomavirus type 16 in women is formed under the influence of certain factors. The likelihood of infection increases with severe hypothermia, hormonal disorders, immunosuppressive therapy, and other diseases.

A high risk of HPV infection occurs in pregnant women during childbirth. The appearance of the virus itself in the body is almost always determined by the woman’s lifestyle, since microorganisms are sexually transmitted.

The causes of HPV infection may be the following:

  • unprotected sexual contacts;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • medical manipulations;
  • airborne infection through contact with HPV carriers;
  • careless hair removal or shaving.

HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treated


Often, to identify human papillomavirus type 16 in women, a medical examination is enough. When typical genital warts are found on the body, it is easy to determine the clinical picture.

In gynecology, colposcopy is used to diagnose HPV - examination of the vaginal opening. Sometimes it is necessary to undergo tests to identify the causative agent of HPV and the genotype of the disease, since there are papillomas of high cancer risk.

In some cases, patients will need to undergo a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) or HPV DNA test.


Coping with HPV type 16 in a woman is difficult, but possible.

Immediately after examinations and a confirmed diagnosis, it is necessary to begin antiviral treatment in order to reduce the possibility of developing cancer. Therapy is based on several principles.

First, you should take care of strengthening your immune system, after which the activity of the virus will decrease. Next, the malignant tumors are removed.

It is recommended to treat HPV 16 in women with the use of antiviral drugs. For example, the drug Inosiplex quickly suppresses the proliferation of infection.

Interferons help improve immunity and exhibit an antitumor effect. The drugs Amiksin and Cycloferon help the body restore its protective properties to fight papillomavirus type 16.

Medicines are used that prevent HPV cells from multiplying.

During therapy, it is necessary to undergo frequent examinations by a gynecologist and undergo regular tests. Such measures are taken until positive results appear. Only active treatment can reduce the risk of cervical dysplasia, precancerous conditions, and tumors. With HPV, women should follow a work-rest schedule, eat a balanced diet, and include light physical activity in their schedule.


To treat strains of papillomavirus, drug therapy is prescribed in most cases. Doctors prescribe immunomodulators and antiviral drugs to patients. Medicines are available in the form of tablets, ointments, creams, gels, powders for dissolution, and intravenous injections. In advanced cases of HPV in women, complex treatment is used.

Cryopharma is a well-proven aerosol based on dimethyl ether and propane, which helps to cope with single papillomas with HPV in women.

Cryopharma is sold complete with applicators on which the product is applied. They need to be applied to new growths. The medicine freezes the papilloma. Avoid contact of the substance with healthy skin and mucous membranes.

The drug is prohibited for use in children under 4 years of age, pregnant women and women during lactation.

Verrukacid – drops for external use. The kit includes an applicator for applying liquid. The product is relatively new, but effective. The active component of the drug is metacresol.

This liquid is used to cauterize the papillomas, which leads to their destruction. Drops are applied to the affected area pointwise, locally; they should not be allowed to come into contact with other areas of the skin.

The medicine is applied 4-5 times with an interval of 5-7 minutes.

HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treated

Antiviral drugs

Medicine has made great progress in the fight against human papillomavirus infections. Today, the pharmacological market offers a number of effective antiviral drugs for the treatment of HPV type 16.

Their effectiveness is achieved due to additional immunomodulatory properties. A set of measures suppresses the activity of the virus in a woman’s body and promotes the effective treatment of papillomas.

The group of antiviral drugs is represented by tablets, injection solutions, and creams.

Viferon is a well-known medicine for the treatment of HPV type 16, which is available in the form of an ointment or gel. The product contains human interferon and has an antiviral effect.

Practically without being absorbed into the blood, the gel deprives the papillomavirus of the ability to reproduce. One of the advantages of the drug is the ability to use it during pregnancy and lactation.

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Viferon increases the overall protective properties of the body.

Isoprinosine is a popular antiviral tablet for HPV in women with the active ingredient inosine (a purine derivative).

The drug quickly blocks the enzymes of the virus, which causes its death, and helps the body produce interferon. The medicine also inhibits the formation of inflammatory mediators.

Doctors prescribe taking 2 Isoprinosine tablets per day for 2 weeks. If necessary, the course is extended for a month.

Allokin alpha is a lyophilisate from which an injection solution is prepared. The main active ingredient is a synthetic analogue of alloferon.

The drug stimulates the production of interferon in a woman with HPV and activates the mechanisms of cellular immunity. Allokin alpha works well against tumors and kills the virus.

Injections with the medicine are given subcutaneously once every two days. In total, doctors prescribe 6 injections per course of treatment.

Removal of papillomas

Today, medicine offers women several treatment options for the HPV type 16 virus. Removal of warts and papillomas of various genotypes can be carried out using the following methods:

  • Freezing of formations with liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction). During the procedure, the skin is exposed to low temperatures. After this, a slight swelling and a watery bubble appears at the site, which subsequently bursts.
  • Treatment with a laser beam. This method of therapy for HPV is considered one of the most painless. Papilloma is affected by high temperatures. After the procedure, a black charred dot remains at the site of formation.
  • Chemical cauterization is the treatment of growths using chemicals. Rarely used due to the high risk of burns.
  • Radical treatment of HPV type 16 with radio waves. This method involves influencing the papilloma with a special device, which dissects the tissue around the growth. The formation is removed using radio waves.

HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treated


The immune system of a healthy woman can completely destroy papillomavirus genotype 16 approximately 6-12 months after infection with HPV. As a rule, tests are carried out three times. If there is no positive result, repeated treatment is applied. Complex therapy minimizes the possibility of developing cervical cancer and other dangerous diseases.


HPV types 16 and 18 in women can be prevented using a number of techniques. We are talking about the formation of stable immunity to infection. It is necessary to vaccinate with HPV type 16 DNA with Gardasil and Cervarix. For prevention, a woman must adhere to the following rules:

  • safe sex;
  • regular visits to the gynecologist;
  • timely treatment of gynecological and venereal diseases;
  • healthy lifestyle.


HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treated Treatment of HPV type 16 in women

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Features of HPV type 16 in women

Human papillomavirus type 16 is one of the most dangerous strains. According to some statistics, it affects 60 to 70% of women around the world.

The difficulty is that most of these women suffer the disease latently, that is, without showing any symptoms. However, the pathology can cause severe complications, including cancer.

So, how does HPV 16 progress in the fairer sex, is it difficult to recognize and how to treat this unpleasant disease?

HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treated

Features of HPV 16

After penetration into the body, the pathogen begins to actively spread, affecting cells. The peculiarity of this virus is that it changes the DNA structure of its carrier. This ultimately leads to rapid and uncontrolled cell division.

The expected result is the appearance of neoplasms, some of which risk becoming malignant over time. At the same time, it is impossible to remove the “pest” from the body.

Despite the fact that recently notes have begun to appear about cases of successful treatment of HPV, you should not trust them - science has not yet fully explored this issue.

For the onset of the disease, it is not enough for the virus to enter the body; you still need to “wait” for the onset of favorable conditions in the form of a decrease in immunity. The reason for this may be:

  • colds;
  • other sexually transmitted infection;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • severe stress;
  • hypothermia;
  • undergone abortion.

As soon as the body’s defenses are weakened, the virus begins to reproduce and, accordingly, its destructive activity.

Papillomas, which are located on the internal genital organs of a woman, can cause significant discomfort. You can learn about the causes, symptoms of papillomas, and treatment options.

How is HPV 16 transmitted?

The main and main route of infection is sexual. It is not surprising that the vast majority of infected women have not reached the age of thirty. In addition, these ladies lead an active sex life, often entering into unprotected contacts with unfamiliar, untested partners. And:

  • Moreover, sometimes a simple kiss is enough for infection.
  • A household method of spreading infection through dirty dishes, bed linen, towels, etc. cannot be ruled out.

HPV 16 can be transmitted to a child from the mother. This happens at the moment when the newborn passes through the birth canal of an infected woman.

Symptoms of HPV 16

Complications can occur at any time. This is in the early stages. When the disease is more active, the patient will encounter:

  • burning and itching in the genital area;
  • the formation of genital warts on the skin folds of the labia majora.

Also characteristic:

  • pain during urination and sex;
  • extramenstrual bleeding, especially after sexual intercourse;
  • deterioration of the general condition of the body as a result of intoxication.

Over time, the new growths that appear will only grow. At first, the woman will not feel them, but at some point discomfort will inevitably appear. Moreover, the longer there is no medical assistance, the more metastases the papilloma will “throw.” After some time, these tumors can become malignant, developing into cancer.

Symptoms usually appear three to four months after infection. Unfortunately, during this time the disease has already managed to develop sufficiently.

HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treated

Diagnosis of HPV 16

Despite the almost complete absence of symptoms, some results can be obtained from conversations with the patient. Anamnesis will reveal the general state of her immunity and will allow us to assess the prospects for the development of the suspected disease.

In addition, asking about the activity of her sexual life allows us to identify the patient in any of the risk groups.

Although this cannot be regarded as a full-fledged diagnosis, such a brief “acquaintance” brings certain results.

A more effective examination is using a gynecological speculum. The doctor examines the vagina and cervix for papillomas. At the same time, material is taken for analysis:

  • PCR (the test helps to immediately determine the type of virus);
  • PAP test (cytology);
  • colposcopy with biopsy;
  • DNA analysis.

Please note that only the first item in the list indicates the detection of a pathogen. Other diagnostic methods involve an emergency search for atypical cancer cells. The reason for this is the high risk of developing cancer.

When HPV is detected, doctors often test the immune system. The course of future therapy sometimes depends on its results.

Treatment of HPV 16

Some people should immediately cool their ardor - there is no complete treatment for this disease. The virus has “lived” in the body and will continue to do so; it is almost impossible to remove it from the cells.

Why practically? The fact is that modern science has not yet found that cherished medicine that would cleanse the female, and even male, body of harmful microorganisms. However, it is possible to reduce HPV activity.

Moreover, this is done both surgically and medicinally:

  • Surgical intervention. It is carried out in cases where there are signs of metastases and an advanced stage of the disease. This has no effect on the virus itself. Only external signs of the disease in the form of condylomas are destroyed. It is especially often used in cases where the degeneration of neoplasms into malignant tumors has begun or there is a high risk of this process beginning in the near future. Both classical and modern methods of surgery are used: cryotherapy, lasers.
  • Drug treatment. HPV is immune to modern antibacterial drugs, so the effect of the drugs is aimed at strengthening the condition of the patient’s body and reducing the activity of the dangerous virus. The most commonly used are Interferon (from 71 to 122 rubles), Inosiplex (from 595 to 1,321 rubles), Amiksin (from 612 to 975 rubles), Cycloferon (from 195 to 820 rubles). These drugs increase the body's immunity and suppress the reproduction of the virus.

A few words should be said about folk remedies for combating HPV - they do not exist.

Numerous ointments and lotions, recommended by relatives and not so grandmothers, only strengthen the body, but the virus is indifferent to them.

If you really want to use them, do it under the supervision of a doctor - wasted time in treating such a disease can lead to disastrous consequences, including death.

You should not burn papillomas, cut them off, or even tear them off. This can trigger the onset of uncontrolled cell growth.

HPV genotype 16: what it is and how the disease is treated

Consequences and danger

The disease deals a direct blow to the genitourinary system. This can lead to sexual dysfunction and even infertility. But it's not that scary. Much more serious are the complications of HPV 16, such as:

  • bowenoid papules;
  • cervical dysplasia.

These diseases have a very high oncogenic potential, that is, they can provoke cancer. According to WHO statistics, about 60% of all cases of cancer of the female genital organs are caused by exposure to this virus. However, the common belief that a tumor can only affect the cervix is ​​erroneous. Cancer affects:

  • labia;
  • vagina;
  • birth canal.

Also, a dangerous disease can occur in the bladder, although this is quite rare.

Please note that any type of HPV weakens the body, making it vulnerable to other viruses and bacteria. As a consequence, there is the development of parallel diseases, the most popular of which is chlamydia. However, cases of HIV infection are not uncommon.

At later stages of the development of the disease, neoplasms can be detected during a visual gynecological examination. No such treatment for HPV has yet been developed, so all medical measures are aimed at suppressing the activity of the virus, as well as eliminating neoplasms. You can also learn about the different types of HPV 16 in women and treatment options by watching this video.


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