
Symptoms of postmenopause and methods of treating age-related complications

Postmenopause is the final stage of menopause. It is characterized by complete loss of reproductive function. A woman's periods stop and the first signs of aging begin. Postmenopause is accompanied by a number of changes regarding physical and psychological health. In medicine, it is conventionally divided into early and late.

What is postmenopause

Menopause is a process of biological decline in a woman's reproductive function. It is divided into three stages: premenopause, menopause and postmenopause . The first period begins at 35-40 years.

It is characterized by a gradual decrease in estrogen in the body, which leads to menstrual irregularities. It is considered the preparatory stage of menopause. Menopause is a woman's last period.

The final stage occurs 12 months after the end of the critical days. This occurs between 50 and 55 years of age.

The absence of menstruation during postmenopause is due to the cessation of renewal of the functional layer of the uterus with a decrease in estrogen levels. The volume of the organ and appendages gradually decreases.

Changes in hormonal levels also affect the functioning of the excretory system.

There is less vaginal secretion, which causes dryness and discomfort during intimacy.

At the final stage of menopause, the likelihood of developing infectious diseases . The protective function of the genital organs decreases, so they become more vulnerable to infections.

As a result of decreased muscle tone, difficulty holding urine during physical activity occurs. There is a risk of developing cystitis, vaginitis and colpitis .

According to statistics, the most pronounced signs of this period are hot flashes and anxiety.

, it is impossible to conceive a child during postmenopause . But in practice, cases of pregnancy often occur. This happens when the menopausal period is incorrectly determined.

Menstrual irregularities occur against the background of gynecological diseases. A woman mistakes the absence of menstruation for menopause and stops using protection. Therefore, pregnancy during this period is an unexpected occurrence.

Signs of postmenopause

The severity of symptoms depends on a combination of factors. These include heredity, the presence of gynecological diseases, the number of pregnancies, abortions, etc. During postmenopause, some characteristic symptoms of menopause are smoothed out. However, there are other signs of hormonal changes in the body. These include the following:

  1. Due to deterioration of digestive function, constipation becomes more frequent .
  2. Papillomas may appear on the body. Some types of moles degenerate into malignant tumors.
  3. As a result of metabolic disorders, heart and vascular diseases develop . The risk of forming cholesterol plaques that clog blood vessels increases. Deterioration of blood circulation in the area of ​​the heart muscle can provoke angina or ischemia.
  4. Insufficient collagen production leads to dry skin and the appearance of new wrinkles .
  5. Complete absence of menstruation for more than a year.
  6. More gray hair appears on the head and hair loss increases. The structure of nails changes and growth slows down.
  7. With a lack of estrogen, the skin becomes more susceptible to sun damage. Pigment spots may appear.
  8. During postmenopause, a woman becomes more irritable. This is caused by increased suspiciousness and lack of sleep.
  9. Changes in the functioning of the vascular system lead to memory impairment , as well as decreased vision and hearing.

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Discharge rates in postmenopause

During this period, vaginal secretion should be colorless and light. Bleeding indicates a high probability of tumors in the pelvis. In this case, the woman needs to undergo examination.

White discharge of a thick consistency indicates the development of candidiasis. It is accompanied by severe itching in the vaginal area.

A change in the smell of vaginal secretions in the presence of mucous or foamy discharge signals an infectious disease.

Postmenopause and osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is an increase in the fragility of bone tissue due to a decrease in its density and changes in the internal structure. The main reason for the development of the disease is dishormonal disorders. Osteoporosis of the first type is characteristic of the postmenopausal period. Changes in bone structure occur as a result of decreased estrogen levels.

Osteoporosis may not manifest itself for a long time. Its main symptom is frequent fractures. Bones become more fragile, so injury is possible even during episodes that are insignificant for a woman. The bone can be damaged by careless foot placement or an accidental fall. An intense cough or sneeze is enough to damage the vertebrae.

Diagnosis of the last stage of menopause

The doctor cannot make a diagnosis based on indirect evidence. He is guided by the results of ultrasound and hormone tests . During an ultrasound examination, the doctor will detect slow growth of the endometrium and the absence of a dominant follicle in the ovaries. The results of hormone tests will contain the following data:

  1. The LH level will exceed the norm of 52 mU/ml.
  2. The amount of estradiol will drop below 35 pmol/l.
  3. The FSH reading will exceed 20 mU/ml.

To exclude concomitant diseases, the doctor individually prescribes additional diagnostic procedures.

If there are lumps and pain in the mammary glands, an ultrasound or non-invasive breast examination is performed. A general blood test helps evaluate the functioning of internal organs.

Osteodensitometry is carried out to measure the density of bone structures, which is important if osteoporosis is suspected.

Possible complications

Indirect symptoms of postmenopause include various gynecological diseases . Their occurrence is due to a decrease in the function of natural defense mechanisms.

In adulthood, the risk of tumors in the mammary glands . Therefore, during the postmenopausal period, it is especially important to undergo regular examinations by a gynecologist and mammologist.

In addition, the risk of developing the following complications increases:

  • dysfunction of the nervous system;
  • cystic formations in the ovaries;
  • osteoporosis;
  • genitourinary infections;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • accumulation of serous fluid in the uterus.

How to support the body during this period

In women who are overweight and nicotine dependent, postmenopausal symptoms are more pronounced. Maintaining a correct lifestyle helps reduce the intensity of their manifestation.

It is advisable to reduce the consumption of alcohol and coffee during menopause. The diet should include sufficient amounts of fruits, vegetables, protein foods and dairy products.

The necessary substances can be obtained by taking vitamin complexes.

Features of HRT

Hormone replacement therapy is carried out when there is a lack of certain hormones in the body. It helps relieve the symptoms of menopause. Some women refuse to use these drugs due to their reluctance to interfere with natural physiological processes.

Doctors consider taking hormonal medications necessary if a woman has difficulty with the symptoms of menopause.

Such medications are available in the form of tablets, vaginal suppositories and injection solutions. Side effects of their use during postmenopause include:

  • return of menstruation;
  • weight gain;
  • there is a risk of developing cancer;
  • the appearance of cardiovascular pathologies.

  Menopause and pregnancy

Before treatment with hormones, a woman must undergo an examination to exclude the possibility of side effects. Drugs are selected individually. If negative manifestations occur, treatment is stopped. The most common medications used during the postmenopausal period include Klimen, Cyclo-Proginova, Klimonorm and Femoston .

Benefits of taking phytoestrogens

An alternative to hormonal treatment is phytoestrogens. Their advantages include the complete absence of side effects. They help slow down the aging process of the body and reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis. In addition, these substances have a positive effect on the nervous system. During the postmenopausal period, women need to pay attention to the following phytoestrogens:

  • alfalfa;
  • licorice;
  • Red clover;
  • sage;
  • St. John's wort.

A certain amount of substances can be found in food. A woman should include pistachios, sesame seeds, dates, soy milk, garlic, almonds, blueberries and flaxseeds in her diet. Natural estrogens should not be consumed uncontrollably. But it is advisable that the listed products be present in the diet daily.

How to improve the condition of the nervous system and bones

The central nervous system is particularly susceptible to the effects of hormones during postmenopause. In order to eliminate anxiety and restore sleep, sedatives are prescribed. Among them are Cleofrit, Gelara and Grandaxin . The following remedies help increase bone density:

  • Osteogenon;
  • Bonviva;
  • Aquadetrim;
  • Calcemin.


Medicinal herbs do not eliminate the cause of poor health during menopause, but help relieve its symptoms.

Effective herbal sedatives include hops, valerian extract and St. John's wort .

Motherwort and hawthorn help normalize blood pressure and improve well-being . Borage oil fights dry skin and the first signs of aging.

An infusion of red clover helps increase sexual activity during the postmenopausal period . Royal jelly in combination with beebread and honey has a positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine and genitourinary systems. Taking herbal tea from oregano is important if a woman has bleeding.

Prevention of complications in the presence of postmenopausal symptoms

By following the recommendations of doctors, a representative of the fair sex can not only reduce the manifestation of this period, but also avoid possible complications. Prevention includes the following principles:

  1. You should visit a gynecologist, mammologist, therapist, and also have an ultrasound of the pelvic and breast organs at least twice a year.
  2. It is imperative to carry out oteodensitometry to check the condition of the bones. This will help prevent the development of osteoporosis in time.
  3. It is advisable to limit or completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
  4. You should regularly check your cholesterol levels to rule out the possibility of developing diabetes.
  5. Controlling your own weight will help avoid unnecessary stress on your internal organs.
  6. It is recommended to take care in advance of selecting hormonal medications.
  7. Playing sports and regular walks in the fresh air will help keep your body in good shape. During this period, yoga, Pilates and stretching are considered the most suitable types of physical activity.

Bottom line

Every woman will experience postmenopause sooner or later. It is impossible to avoid this condition, but it is quite possible to reduce the intensity of its manifestation.

Her health in the near future depends on whether a woman follows the doctor’s recommendations or not. The pharmaceutical market is filled with a large number of drugs designed to eliminate the symptoms of menopause.

They can be taken only after the approval of a gynecologist.

With the right approach, it is possible to slow down the aging process and avoid the consequences of menopause.


Menopause: symptoms, age and treatment methods ????➡️????

The processes of age-related changes leading to the aging of the body are characteristic of all life on the planet, including humans. With the onset of a certain age, atrophic changes begin in the body of women, leading to the extinction of the reproductive functionality of the reproductive system and the degradation of certain parts of the body.

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The main signs of aging of the female body include the onset of the menopausal period, symptoms of which occur at the age of 43-46 years, when the first changes in the menstrual cycle begin to appear.

At this stage of a woman’s life, hormonal changes occur throughout the body, which is the root cause of menopause.

Menopause and its varieties

The onset of menopause in women is a consequence of complex processes occurring in the body throughout life. The menopausal period is characterized by complete or partial loss of ovarian functionality. This is the reason for the decline of a woman’s reproductive potential.

There are different types of menopause, which, depending on the reasons preceding it, can occur in the following form:

  1. pathological;
  2. physiological;
  3. artificial.

Menopause in women with a pathological course may be a consequence of the development of pathological changes in the reproductive system.

For example, the appearance of a tumor-like neoplasm can cause symptoms similar to those of menopausal syndrome.

Moreover, the timing of the onset of such menopause can be different, since a pathological neoplasm can occur at 25 years old and at 50.

The onset of an artificial form of menopause is a consequence of external factors on the female body, which may include surgical operations on the organs of the genitourinary system: hysterectomy, oophorectomy, chemical and radiation therapy used to treat oncology, severe stress, as well as the consequences of injury. But in most cases, menopause caused artificially is a consequence of surgical removal of the uterus or ovaries.

And finally, the beginning of the physiological form of menopause, or menopause, is a natural process of aging of the female body with a gradual decline in reproductive functionality.

Why does menopause occur?

Female sex hormones - estrogens, necessary to ensure the menstrual function of the reproductive system, as well as the onset and subsequent normal development of pregnancy, are actively synthesized in the ovaries throughout the fertile period. But with age, a woman’s reproductive organs begin to gradually lose their ability to produce these hormones. As a result, this responsibility partially passes to the adrenal cortex, but the level of hormones produced by it is noticeably lower than that produced by the ovaries during the fertile period. Therefore, the production of estradiol becomes unstable, which leads to fluctuations in the menstrual cycle, a change in the nature of its flow over a certain amount of time. If the level of hormone production decreases to a critical level, then menstruation may disappear altogether with the subsequent appearance of menstrual syndrome. In such a situation, a lot depends on the physiological age of a woman, but not everything.

The timing of menopause depends on many factors present in a woman’s life, but on average, the time of menopausal changes in the female body occurs at the age of 42-50 years.

There are certain rules that you can follow to slightly delay the onset of menopause:

  • active and healthy lifestyle;
  • exclusion from the diet of fatty foods and alcohol-containing products;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • daily spending time outdoors for at least 120 minutes a day.

Among other things, it is recommended to avoid stressful situations whenever possible.

Age limits

Menopause and the onset of menopause are clear characteristic processes characteristic of the transition period of the female body from the stage of reproductive functionality to the end of the menstrual cycle.

Menopause, translated from Latin, means “stage” that every woman must enter at a certain time in her life. It has been established that the onset of menopause for all women occurs at different ages. And this is not surprising, because menopause begins depending on the influence of various factors:

  1. Lifestyle.
  2. Environmental conditions, especially climatic conditions.
  3. Features of genetic predisposition that are inherited.

Statistics say that the onset of menopause should normally occur at the age of 45-47 years. It is from this period that experts consider the beginning of the decline in the functionality of the reproductive system of the female body.

But the period of menopause can occur before the age of 45, accompanied by specific symptoms and a rapid change in the menstrual functionality of the ovaries. This course of menopause is called early, requiring a special approach to the state of the body and the general well-being of a woman at a given period of life.

It has been established that the main cause of the menopausal period is age-related changes in the body. But also the modern life of most representatives of the fair sex is oversaturated with negative factors, bad habits and incorrect lifestyle, which affects the onset of menopause before the due date.

This can be a consequence of exposure to either one pathogenic effect or their totality.

What the following statistics prove: non-smoking women and those who do not drink large quantities of alcohol-containing drinks begin to experience the first manifestations of menopause, which occurs several years later than women who do not give up these bad habits.

Moreover, a woman’s diet also plays a huge role. In order to preserve complexion, firmness and elasticity of the skin for as long as possible, it is necessary to exclude all fried, fatty, spicy, salty and smoked foods from the daily diet. But at the same time, fully enrich your menu with fresh vegetables and fruits.

During the menopause, especially at the age of its onset, the psycho-emotional state of a woman plays an important role.

If a woman in the recent past has encountered a powerful emotional shock, then the premenopausal period in this case can begin much earlier than the natural onset of menopause.

The occurrence of menopause in a woman at the age of forty is becoming increasingly common due to the regular emotional upheavals that occur at every step in the modern world.

Stages of menopause

Experts characterize the entire duration of menopause as a chain of interconnected processes of change in the female reproductive system, differing from each other in specific manifestations and time intervals. Hormonal changes in the female body are divided into three stages of menopause: premenopause, menopause and postmenopause. Premenopause and postmenopause are the longest phases of the menopause. Let's look at each of them.

  1. The premenopausal period, or premenopause , is a temporary period of life activity. It precedes menopause itself. It begins approximately after 40 years and lasts for 3-4 years. During premenopause, changes are observed in the menstrual cycle with increasing timing of the onset of menstruation and a gradual decline in the functioning of the ovaries, which leads to a decrease in the likelihood of conception and subsequent childbearing. But we should not forget that the premenopausal period does not entail a complete decline in reproductive function. The ovaries retain their functioning for a little while, so a mature egg may be released from the follicle, fertilized, and a sudden pregnancy may occur. Therefore, with the onset of menopause, it is not recommended to abandon contraceptives.
  2. Menopause , or as it is also called perimenopause, which occurs within 12 months from the day of the last menstrual cycle. During menopause, the body begins its basic preparation for the transition to the senile period. Moreover, during menopause, there is a complete end to menstrual functionality, provided that there are no periods during the year.
  3. Postmenopause is the final stage in the menopause, characterized by a complete decline in the reproductive abilities of the female body, beginning immediately after menopause. The postmenopausal period in a woman continues until the end of her life. Throughout postmenopause, the likelihood of developing cells of atypical origin increases. This can cause the formation of a cancerous tumor in the reproductive system of the female body.

A characteristic feature of the menopausal period in postmenopause is the likelihood of the occurrence of concomitant pathological changes that have never been observed before.

Therefore, in postmenopause, it is necessary that a woman does not wait for the moment when the incomprehensible symptoms worsen when they manifest themselves: the formation of bloody or whitish discharge, but immediately seek medical help in order to undergo all the necessary diagnostic methods. Regular examination and visits to the gynecologist (at least 2 times every six months) will help prevent the development of the oncological process, which is observed in 70% of all cases in women over 55 years of age.


The features of the menopause that manifest themselves in a forty-year-old woman are practically no different from the symptoms of the natural onset of menopause.

Some women experience menopause without noticing any significant changes, but in most cases, the following changes are noted among the symptomatic manifestations of menopause:

  • The level of estrogen, which affects the menstrual functionality of the female reproductive system, begins to decrease. This entails changes in the nature of menstruation: delays appear with different amplitudes of flow.
  • Attacks of hot flashes occur, accompanied by a feeling of sudden heat in the face, neck and chest, often followed by chills.
  • Disorders of the psycho-emotional state, characterized by increased irritation, tearfulness and nervousness.
  • Dryness appears in the vaginal area, which causes discomfort during sexual intercourse.
  • Decreased libido and sexual activity.
  • Disorders in the genitourinary system, manifested by urinary incontinence during sudden physical stress: laughing, coughing, or sneezing.
  • Active gain of extra pounds.
  • The appearance of fatigue in a chronic form.
  • Abrupt nature of blood pressure, significantly affecting overall well-being.

In the presence of the above symptomatic manifestations, one can judge the onset of menopausal syndrome. But in order to exclude the development of possible pathologies, it is recommended to check the condition of your body during clinical trials.

Verified indicators of the condition of the female body are the basis for making an accurate diagnosis - the presence of pathology or the onset of menopause.

Therapeutic treatments

Menopausal symptoms can manifest themselves to varying degrees, therefore therapeutic treatment should be selected individually in each specific case, taking into account all the characteristics of the condition of the female body.

Even when menopause occurs without any significant changes, qualified experts recommend supporting the immune defense system by taking vitamin and mineral complexes that help strengthen and protect all internal organ systems from the effects of hormonal changes.

Among the most popular and effective vitamin complexes are “ Menopace ” and “ Menopause ”. These drugs contain all the necessary components that help strengthen bones, the nervous system and prolong the functionality of the ovaries over time.

Symptomatic spectrum medications may also be prescribed, which include:

  1. sedatives;
  2. sleeping pills;
  3. medications to lower blood pressure.

  • In acute cases of menopausal symptoms, experts recommend drugs from the group of hormone replacement therapy. Among which are the following: Proginova , Estrofem and Premarin .
  • As a combined approach to therapeutic treatment to eliminate unpleasant symptoms in the initial stages of menopause, drugs such as Klimen , Femoston and Klimonorm .
  • If there are contraindications to the use of hormone-containing drugs, an alternative is drugs developed on a plant basis, including phytoestrogens. The most popular herbal medicine is “ Estrovel ”, developed to eliminate the symptoms of menopause and prevent the development of osteoporosis.
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With the onset of menopause and persistent symptoms, it is necessary to initially consult with a specialist and undergo all necessary diagnostic methods to identify concomitant pathologies.

And only after consulting a doctor can you use prescribed medications to normalize your general well-being.

Self-medication during menopause is highly discouraged, as there is a possibility of developing irreversible consequences.


Postmenopause: its psychology, symptoms and treatment

Are you ready to stop thinking about your problem and finally take real action that will help you get rid of it once and for all? Then perhaps you will be interested in this article .

The duration of each woman’s reproductive age depends on many individual characteristics, including genetic ones.

Periods of age-related decline in estrogen levels, leading to serious changes in the body, are called premenopause, menopause and postmenopause.

You can learn about premenopause and menopause in the articles:

What is postmenopause

What is postmenopause in women? The postmenopausal period in a woman’s life begins with the complete completion of menstrual bleeding, and ends with the advent of old age at 65-70 years.

Postmenopause does not occur suddenly - it is the last, final stage of menopause.

During the first three years, the ovaries can still produce follicles, but these are isolated cases; later they disappear completely.

The postmenopausal period in women most often occurs at the age of 50-55 years. But early and late postmenopausal periods are also possible, which are divided by the number of years without menstruation: 5 and 10 years, respectively.

Causes of postmenopause: lack of the required amount of estrogens and progesterones in the body - the main “female” hormones.

Symptoms of the late stage of postmenopause and possible complications

The main symptom that the postmenopausal period has begun is the complete absence of menstruation for at least a year . However, other signs of postmenopause can be identified. They may vary depending on the period. What happens in the female body during early postmenopause:

  • The skin and hair are changing. The skin fades and deep wrinkles appear. Hair is thinning and turning grey. Nails suffer - they become thinner and break easily;
  • Urethral and urogenital disorders appear - urination becomes more frequent, urinary incontinence is possible when coughing or sneezing;
  • Diseases such as cystitis, colpitis, urethritis can develop - when postmenopause occurs, the endometrial layer becomes thinner and the mucous membrane dries out. This disrupts the normal functioning of the immune system and creates favorable conditions for the development of infectious complications;
  • The appearance of benign neoplasms is possible. These include serous cystomas, polyps and uterine fibroids.

Late postmenopause is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • The likelihood of developing osteoporosis increases. This means that the skeletal system loses its ability to regenerate independently, bone tissue loses strength, becomes fragile and brittle. Fractures take a long and difficult time to heal;
  • Since changes affect the genitourinary system, kidney diseases appear;
  • Hyperandrogenism develops. This disease means the presence of an excess of male sex hormones in the female body. Manifested by increased hair growth, decreased voice timbre;
  • Development of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, atherosclerosis;
  • Benign, malignant neoplasms and other breast diseases. It is important to identify these pathologies in a timely manner. You can palpate the mammary glands yourself. If there are lumps or breast pain, you should consult a doctor;
  • Neurological diseases: problems with hearing, vision, memory.

Hot flashes, weakness and other signs of menopause disappear completely after the final cessation of menstruation. The manifestation of these symptoms is possible in rare cases of complications and pathologies in the early stages of postmenopause.

Due to changes in microflora in postmenopause, scanty discharge during this period is a normal sign. You should be concerned if there is not a decrease, but, on the contrary, an increase in vaginal secretion. Heavy or bloody discharge in postmenopause may indicate a developing disease.

Due to hormonal imbalance, weight fluctuations may occur. During the postmenopausal period, many women gain extra pounds that they cannot lose for many years. Subsequent weight loss often indicates the development of osteoporosis, in which bone mass becomes lighter.

Postmenopause and pregnancy

Any woman is interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant during menopause, in particular during the postmenopausal period. The likelihood of this event is extremely low, but the possibility of pregnancy remains possible during the first two years of absence of menstruation .

In addition, there are methods of artificial stimulation of the ovaries, which bring a woman into a state in which she can become pregnant. This method is not used if there are health problems, since the likelihood of maintaining the pregnancy and giving birth to a healthy child in this case is very low.

Another way to conceive a child is in vitro fertilization (IVF). In cases where one's own eggs are not available, donor eggs are used.

Interesting fact: the latest pregnancy using IVF and a donor egg occurred in a woman in Spain. She was 67 years old at the time of birth. The latest natural pregnancy and childbirth was recorded at 59 years old, and the oldest woman who became pregnant and carried a child without hormonal drugs was 54 years old.

More than 9,000 people got rid of their psychological problems using this technique

Psychological problems of postmenopausal women

Each period of menopause, no matter how long it lasts, is accompanied not only by physical symptoms, but also by mental changes. This is primarily due to low levels of hormones, as well as the fact that it is morally difficult for a woman to accept her new condition.

Panic attacks

Panic attacks are a mental disorder that often lasts throughout the menopause. Postmenopausal women are also susceptible to this symptom.

A panic attack is characterized by:

  • Suddenness against the background of complete well-being;
  • A sudden onset of feelings of fear and anxiety;
  • Weakness and increased heartbeat;
  • The feeling that you are about to lose consciousness, but this does not happen.

What to do if you have a panic attack:

  • Use distracting maneuvers: count slowly or read backwards, focus on arranging objects in order;
  • Apply breathing exercises: inhale on a count of 5, hold your breath for three seconds, exhale also for 5, hold your breath again. The cycle must be repeated ten to fifteen times;
  • To increase the level of carbon dioxide in the blood - inhale and exhale into a bag or into your hands pressed to your nose and mouth.

Sleep disturbance

Sleep problems occur in many postmenopausal women. First of all, sleep is affected by a decrease in the level of melatonin, a hormone that promotes sleep. This also occurs due to constant nervous tension and unpleasant symptoms that interfere with relaxation.

The most common problems that appear are:

  • Difficulty falling asleep;
  • Intermittent sleep at night;
  • Early (at 3-4 am) awakenings;
  • Daytime sleepiness;
  • Insomnia.

How to help yourself with sleep disorders. There are several ways:

  • Do relaxing meditations;
  • Use aromatic oils that promote calming (such as lavender or ylang-ylang);
  • Change your lifestyle and diet: before going to bed, do not overeat, but take a walk and ventilate the bedroom. Lighten your diet by reducing the amount of fatty foods and introducing vegetables and herbs.

Increased anxiety

Most women take the transition to a new stage of life very seriously. Therefore, increased levels of anxiety and restlessness are quite common . In itself, it does not entail serious consequences for the psyche, but in the case of certain character tendencies it can lead to depressive, neurological or hypochondriacal disorders.

For constant nervous tension, taking light decoctions or herbal teas that have sedative properties will help . These include mint, lemon balm, motherwort, oregano, and valerian.

Treatment and prevention

Treatment for postmenopause should be prescribed only after passing the necessary tests and consultation with a gynecologist, endocrinologist and (in the case of psycho-emotional problems) a psychiatrist, who will conduct a diagnosis . There is no specific norm of hormones determined during the postmenopausal period. The diagnosis is made based on medical history, main symptoms, estrogen deficiency and excess follicle-stimulating hormones.

For severe unpleasant symptoms that complicate life, hormone replacement therapy can be used. Your doctor will tell you how to take your medications and will develop a system and dosage cycles. Throughout the course, you must regularly visit a specialist for possible adjustments to the medications; you also cannot stop taking them without permission, reduce or change the dosage .

In addition to hormone therapy, the postmenopausal condition can be relieved with the help of symptomatic treatment with non-hormonal agents, drugs with phytoestrogens and homeopathy.

Prevention of postmenopause includes recommendations:

  • Lead a healthy lifestyle, do not smoke, do not drink alcohol;
  • Eat light, balanced foods, exclude fatty, fried, salty foods from the menu, replace strong black tea and coffee with green teas and herbal infusions;
  • Give your body adequate physical activity, walk more and be in the fresh air.
  • Take vitamins and other beneficial microelements (calcium).

There are no drugs that preserve a woman’s beauty in its original form. However, you need to remember that following simple tips and recommendations will help every representative of the fair sex maintain the joy of life in old age for many years.


Postmenopause in women: what is it, how does it manifest, how to treat

Do not self-medicate. All information is for informational purposes only. Only a doctor can prescribe treatment.

The onset of suppression of reproductive function is determined by the individual characteristics of the female body and genetics. Menopause is divided into several stages, each of which has its own symptoms.

The last stage is postmenopause, which many women perceive in a depressive way. But you need to understand that the postmenopausal period is an inevitable part of every woman’s life.

Therefore, you should not worry or worry; instead, it is advisable to prepare your body for the arrival of the postmenopausal stage.

Postmenopause - what is it?

Few people know what postmenopause is in women, how it manifests itself, and what consequences it has.

Postmenopause is the long period of time after the cessation of menstruation. It is impossible to say exactly when this period begins, since the female body is individual in this regard. The period when postmenopause occurs is determined by the genetic characteristics of the body, the state of the immune system, diseases suffered during life, and lifestyle.

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The gonads do not function during this period, cyclical renewal of the uterine mucosa does not occur, so there is no menstruation.

At what age does postmenopause occur?

There is no clear answer to this question. Each woman has hereditary characteristics that affect the time at which menstruation ends, as well as past illnesses, problems of the reproductive system and other factors that determine the period of decline of fertility.

The postmenopausal period is not characterized by a sudden and rapid onset. This is the slowly developing last stage of menopause, following perimenopause and menopause.

  • Premenopause. It usually manifests itself in women at the age of 40, but in some representatives of the fairer sex the first signs of declining fertility are recorded as early as 35 years. My periods are still coming, but irregularly. The process of suppression of ovarian function begins.
  • Menopause. A short stage of menopause, determined by the last menstruation in life. Diagnosed one year after the completion of the last menstrual flow.
  • Postmenopause. The last stage of menopause, in which there is no menstrual flow. Most often it begins in women between 50 and 55 years old, but it can happen earlier. There is early postmenopause, when there is no menstruation for 5 years, and late postmenopause, when bleeding is not observed for 10 years.

Every woman needs to prepare for an unpleasant but inevitable stage of life. And for this you need to know what transformations are carried out in the body when reproductive ability fades.

Symptoms of the postmenopausal period

Since the onset of postmenopause does not occur within a certain time frame, to establish the last menopause, one must focus on menstruation. If menstrual flow is absent for a year or more, then it can be assumed that postmenopause is occurring. The following symptoms are observed during this period:

  • drying of the vaginal walls;
  • disorders of the heart and blood vessels;
  • rushes of blood to the upper body;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • excessive sweating;
  • emotional instability;
  • tendency to obesity;
  • negative change in the structure of bone tissue;
  • weakening of sexual desire;
  • urinary incontinence, development of diseases of the urethra and bladder;
  • deterioration of metabolism;
  • insomnia;
  • loss of firmness and elasticity of the skin, formation of deep wrinkles;
  • excessive hair loss;
  • change in figure, sagging breasts.

The intensity of the manifestation of postmenopausal symptoms in women is determined by heredity and the physical condition of the body. It is impossible to completely eliminate the symptoms, but there are ways to make you feel better.

To prevent the development of various pathologies in the last menopause, a woman should consult a medical specialist and take a course of prescribed medications.

What changes occur in the female body during postmenopause?

The postmenopausal stage is marked by hormonal imbalance. The formation of sex hormones decreases, estrogens and progesterones are in low concentrations in the blood, and the synthesis of follicle-stimulating hormone, on the contrary, increases.

The cyclical renewal of the endometrium does not occur, so menstruation is impossible. The uterus and appendages shrink, mucous discharge from the vagina becomes scanty.

Women experiencing the postmenopausal stage experience vaginal prolapse.

The vaginal microflora changes, which increases the likelihood of infectious diseases of the genital and urinary organs. The most common pathology during this period is cystitis.

The muscle tissue in the pelvic area weakens, resulting in urinary incontinence when laughing, coughing and other sudden actions.

One of the main manifestations of menopause is that metabolism deteriorates. Nutrients from food are poorly absorbed by the body. Due to a lack of vitamins and microelements, appearance deteriorates, a tendency to baldness appears, and dermatological diseases develop.

Is it possible to get pregnant after menopause?

It is just as difficult to name the exact age at which a woman will not be able to get pregnant as the age at which menopause begins.

In medical practice, there have been cases when patients experiencing oppression of the reproductive system and reaching old age naturally carried and gave birth to a child.

Many women after 50 years become pregnant after undergoing a hormonal course, increasing estrogen activity with the help of hormonal medications.

After the last menstruation, the gonads continue to create follicles for another 2–3 years. Therefore, during this period of time, the probability of conception exists.

There are often cases when patients 45–50 years old come for a consultation with a doctor due to a long absence of menstrual flow, and during the examination they find out about their pregnancy. Unfortunately, for most older women, a small child is a burden, so at this age patients usually go for an abortion.

To avoid such a situation, every woman should use protection during every intimate act for several years after her last menstruation.

The best method of protection for women during menopause is the use of hormonal drugs. These medications not only reduce the likelihood of conception, but also reduce the risk of developing diseases associated with the fact that the functioning of the ovaries and uterus is disrupted, and hormone levels drop sharply.

How to support the body during postmenopause?

The main thing that every woman needs to remember is that caring for the reproductive system should begin several years before menopause. It has been established that patients who have normalized their lifestyle and started taking hormone replacement medications before the first signs of menopause feel better during menopause and postmenopause and suffer almost no unpleasant symptoms.

Below is a list of recommendations to help women survive the postmenopausal stage more easily.

  • Proper nutrition . Strict diets are not recommended, since the female body must receive the optimal amount of nutrients.
  • Taking vitamin and mineral complexes. A deficiency of useful elements negatively affects the synthesis of sex hormones. Calcium and vitamin D are especially important for the female body; they inhibit the beginning of pathological processes.
  • Active lifestyle. Elderly women should regularly take walks and exercise.
  • Physiotherapy. During postmenopause, massage, electrophoresis, sanatorium-resort holidays, therapeutic exercises, aromatherapy and other activities are useful.
  • Taking medications recommended by your doctor . Do not use hormonal medications on your own without consulting a medical professional.

Why is it important to visit a gynecologist during postmenopause?

At the postmenopausal stage, women should regularly visit a gynecologist and undergo the necessary tests. This will prevent serious health problems: endometrial tumors, ovarian cysts, etc.

Postmenopause itself is not a pathology. During menopause in women, the reproductive system enters a resting phase after a long period of fertility. The worn-out body can finally rest, since it no longer depends on the cyclical functioning of the genital organs. Therefore, menopause is a wonderful period of life, unless, of course, there are pathological phenomena.

If an elderly woman has a strong and resilient body and has no pathologies, then the postmenopausal stage proceeds without complications.

The tissues of the uterus are rebuilt and the level of hormones changes over the course of 8–10 years, so for a healthy woman the changes are not particularly noticeable.

But if the patient’s body is weak and painful, then the restructuring of the reproductive system is very difficult, the functioning of many organs and systems gradually deteriorates.

A particularly dangerous signal during postmenopause is vaginal bleeding. During this period of time, menstruation is impossible, so if blood appears from the vagina, you should immediately go to the doctor.

Possible complications during postmenopause

Pathologies of the genitourinary system are diagnosed in women mainly 2–4 years after the cessation of menstruation.

These diseases develop due to the fact that dystrophic processes occur in the genital and urinary organs that are susceptible to estrogen, caused by inhibition of the gonads.

As a result of inhibition of hormonal synthesis, the following pathological phenomena occur:

  • senile colpitis;
  • dyspareunia;
  • atrophic cystourethritis;
  • frequent urination;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • reduced lubrication;
  • prolapse of the uterus and vagina.

In some cases, estrogen deficiency leads to the development of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

In 40 out of 100 women, a lack of estrogen provokes osteoporosis. Pathology of bone tissue is characterized by slow development and absence of symptoms in the early stages, so making a correct diagnosis is very difficult. Symptoms appear when bone tissue is already severely destroyed. Main signs of the disease:

  • spinal column deformity;
  • decrease in body length;
  • intense pain in bones and joints;
  • fractures and other bone damage even with minor mechanical impacts.

Among the important features of the course and signs of postmenopause in a woman, one can note the formation of hormone-dependent tumors.

Most often, endometrial neoplasms are detected; in some cases, fibromas, thecomas and other tumors are formed. These neoplasms can provoke uterine bleeding or develop into cancer.

Therefore, if there are suspicious symptoms, a woman should immediately consult a doctor and undergo the prescribed course of therapy.

Therapeutic measures for postmenopause

There are many medications that can help relieve the symptoms of menopause. But you can take these drugs only on the recommendation of a doctor and after taking a hormone test. Based on the results of the analysis, a medical specialist will confirm the development of menopause and prescribe the optimal drug treatment. Selecting medications at your own discretion is strictly prohibited.

In some cases, it is necessary to treat an already developed pathology associated with estrogen deficiency in a patient. Most often, hormonal deficiency is a provocateur of ovarian cysts. The disease is eliminated through both conservative therapy and surgical intervention. But surgery is prescribed only in advanced cases, when the cystic formation reaches a large size.

The main way to compensate for estrogen deficiency is to take hormonal medications. The most popular and effective drugs are:

  • Divina;
  • Klimara;
  • Femoston;
  • Divisek;
  • Proginova.

However, hormonal medications have contraindications. It is prohibited to use these drugs when:

  • liver dysfunction;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • tumors of the uterus and mammary glands.

Folk remedies help relieve the symptoms of menopause, normalize blood circulation and the condition of bone tissue:

  • licorice infusion;
  • sage decoction;
  • St. John's wort infusion.

During postmenopause, a woman should eat a high-quality and nutritious diet, regularly consume fruits and vegetables, cereals, nuts, legumes, and dairy products. Fatty meats, simple carbohydrates, pickles, smoked foods, refined sugar sweets, spices, coffee, and alcoholic beverages should be excluded from the diet.

By leading an active lifestyle and following medical recommendations, an elderly woman can avoid the appearance of tumors, as well as serious pathologies of the heart, circulatory system, and musculoskeletal system, which can lead to disability.

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