
White sputum when coughing: concomitant diseases and treatment

Sputum is a secretion formed in the trachea and bronchi, discharged when coughing, containing elements of saliva, discharge from the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses. The glands located in the trachea and bronchi constantly produce secretions, which is the norm. With various diseases, its character may change, for example, color, smell, quantity and other parameters change.

Causes of white sputum when coughing

White sputum when coughing: concomitant diseases and treatment

  • Depending on the etiology, the nature of the white cough discharge may vary, namely:
  • - fungal infection: with long-term use of antibacterial drugs, a significant decrease in the protective forces of the immune system, representatives of pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic fungi, for example, candidiasis, can begin to multiply on the mucous membrane of the tracheobronchial tree, which will lead to changes in mucous secretion. It will be a copious white, curd-like discharge;
  • — pulmonary tuberculosis: the nature of the sputum, its color, consistency and other parameters in tuberculosis can be different, however, sometimes the sputum acquires, just like in fungal infections, a curdled consistency and a white tint. However, with tuberculosis, there is a paucity of sputum discharge;

Important! If you experience a prolonged cough with curdled white sputum, you should definitely consult a doctor so that he can make a differential diagnosis between a fungal infection and pulmonary tuberculosis and prescribe the necessary appropriate treatment.

White sputum when coughing: concomitant diseases and treatment— viral infection of the respiratory tract: with this pathology, the sputum has a watery consistency, white, and slightly transparent;

— allergic reactions: this type of changes in the body is caused by individual intolerance to various substances. Cough with sputum production is usually caused by aerosol allergens, such as dust, gaseous chemicals, volatile liquids, etc. In this case, thick or slightly watery white mucus is released when coughing;

- bronchitis: at some stages of bronchitis, coughing up a whitish, transparent secretion may be observed, which indicates the onset of the inflammatory process;

- oncological pathology: in the initial stages of lung cancer, the separation of transparent sputum with a white tint may be observed, but the separation of pure white sputum is quite rarely observed; white sputum with blood streaks is more common, which indicates the presence of a complication;

- smoking: smoking abuse can lead to hypersecretion of the glands of the bronchi and trachea, which manifests itself in the form of a constant productive cough with the release of first white, then white with a grayish sputum. Later, an unpleasant odor may appear.

Principles and basic methods of treating a patient with white sputum separation

White sputum when coughing: concomitant diseases and treatment

You should definitely consult a doctor who can correctly determine the cause of the appearance of white sputum when coughing. Depending on the etiology, the necessary treatment is prescribed.

For example, when a fungal etiology is identified, antifungal drugs are prescribed, and it is also necessary to normalize the microflora of the respiratory tract, since the proliferation of opportunistic fungi usually occurs after long-term use of antibacterial drugs, which leads to disruption of the natural biocenosis.

When a diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis is made, the patient is sent to a specialized anti-tuberculosis institution, where he is prescribed antimycobacterial therapy that corresponds to the sensitivity of mycobacteria to drugs.

In case of a viral infection, bed rest with minimal physical activity, plenty of warm fluids, antiviral drugs are indicated; in case of a bacterial infection, antibiotics are indicated.


Expectoration of sputum, regardless of its nature, color, consistency and other signs, is a serious symptom that serves as a basis for contacting a doctor. White sputum occurs in many diseases, so it is necessary to correctly carry out differential diagnosis and promptly prescribe treatment.

Find out how to prepare and submit sputum for analysis here.


Clear or white sputum when coughing in adults and children

Coughing is a natural mechanism for clearing the airways of various foreign substances.

It may have natural causes not related to the presence of diseases in the body (dust, food fragments), or be the result of some health problems of an infectious or non-infectious nature. Coughing is often accompanied by expectoration of sputum, a mucus-like secretion from the glands of the trachea and bronchi.

The release of a small amount of clear mucus that does not cause discomfort is considered normal, while white sputum when coughing is a possible reason to be wary and consult a doctor for a diagnosis.

What does white or clear sputum mean when coughing?

Tracheobronchial secretions are initially transparent; they acquire color due to foreign impurities. Microscopic laboratory analysis may reveal the following inclusions in sputum, giving it a white color:

Courshmann spirals are shiny whitish spiral-twisted mucous filaments in a shell of leukocytes, columnar epithelial cells, as well as Charcot-Leyden crystals (decomposition products of eosinophils - granular blood leukocytes). Such impurities are typical for the sputum of people suffering from the following diseases:

  • bronchial asthma (during the study of its course by the German scientist G. Kurshman, spirals were discovered, which later received his name) - a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract, manifested by difficulty or wheezing, attacks of shortness of breath, suffocation, coughing, and during exacerbation - tachycardia, drowsiness , cyanosis of the skin, mucous membranes;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis. White sputum (often streaked with blood) is coughed up in the infiltrative form of the disease, which is also accompanied by periodic rises in temperature, weakness, pain in the chest when breathing, and loss of appetite;
  • pneumonia is inflammation of lung tissue caused by various factors. The discharge of white curdled sputum when coughing in adults or children is characteristic of diseases caused by fungi (Candida, Aspergillus). Viral lesions, as well as bacterial ones at the resolution stage, are characterized by serous-transparent discharge;
  • bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. The acute course is most often a consequence of untreated acute respiratory viral infections, or is of an allergic nature. Expectoration of a small amount of white sputum is typical for the initial stages of the disease; more often it begins with a dry hacking cough, attacks of which debilitate the patient. As the disease progresses, the amount of mucus discharge increases and its color may change. Chronic bronchitis is characterized by a wet cough that lasts at least 3 months annually for two years in a row. In the absence of adequate treatment, as well as the parallel development of pulmonary emphysema, it leads to the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which seriously impairs the quality of life, since breathing is so difficult that even minimal physical exertion causes attacks of severe shortness of breath;
  • Allergic bronchopulmonary (bronchopulmonary) aspergillosis (ABPA) is a disease caused by the genus of higher mold fungi Aspergillus. Often develops in patients with bronchial asthma. Chronic aspergillosis can occur in an erased form, which is characterized by expectoration of mucous transparent sputum (sometimes with brownish inclusions), a feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath during physical exertion;
  • malignant tumor processes in the lungs - a cough with difficult-to-clear viscous transparent mucus is typical for the initial stages of oncology. As cancer progresses, sputum changes its properties, pus and blood may appear in it;

Fungi - discharge from diseases of a fungal nature, opaque, white, cheesy consistency with an unpleasant odor. The causative agents of the disease can be fungi of the genus Candida (cause candidal bronchitis, sinusitis, pneumonia), Aspergillus (provokes the development of ABPA, aspergillus pneumonia).

People suffering from coronary heart disease (CHD) often expectorate copiously white, frothy sputum, especially when changing body position from vertical to horizontal.

Such discharge is characteristic of pulmonary edema - a frequent complication of cardiovascular diseases, serious surgical interventions, infections accompanied by severe intoxication of the body (influenza, measles, whooping cough, polio), anaphylactic shock, traumatic brain injuries, poisoning (chemical, alcohol, drugs, narcotic). Lack of timely medical care often (mortality rate - from 20 to 90% of cases) leads to the death of the patient.

Possible associated symptoms

Most often, white sputum is just one of the manifestations of acute or chronic respiratory diseases, allergies, heart problems, so the following symptoms may occur simultaneously with it:

  • increase in body temperature - moderate, up to 37.5-38°C (bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis) or severe, up to 39-40°C (pneumonia);
  • heavy wheezing, shortness of breath;
  • appetite disorders;
  • general weakness, lethargy;
  • feeling of tightness, pain in the chest area;
  • in case of allergic diseases, white sputum when coughing may be accompanied by redness of the eyes, lacrimation, runny nose, and skin rashes.

What to do if white and clear sputum appears

When white or clear sputum appears in the throat without coughing, this does not require seeking medical help if the mucus disappears on its own after 10-12 days, and there are no other signs of pathology.

When the discharge persists for a longer time, a cough appears along with other alarming symptoms (high fever, weakness, difficulty breathing, loss of appetite, chest pain), you should immediately consult a doctor for examination, diagnosis and adequate treatment.

IMPORTANT: you cannot self-medicate, since stopping only external symptoms can “blur” the clinical picture of the disease when you subsequently consult a doctor, as well as provoke the development of serious complications.

Diagnostics or necessary examinations

To make an accurate diagnosis, in addition to visiting a therapist, it is often necessary to see a specialist - an otolaryngologist, a phthisiatrician, a pulmonologist, a cardiologist, an allergist-immunologist, an oncologist.

In addition to the microscopic examination of sputum, other tests (blood, urine, smears for pathogenic microflora from the nasopharynx), examinations of internal organs (X-ray, MRI, CT, ultrasound) may be prescribed.

After a thorough screening, the attending physician selects a suitable treatment regimen based on the patient’s health status and the presence of contraindications to certain treatment methods (allergy to certain medications, pregnancy, childhood, etc.).

Possible treatment for sputum cough

Drug treatment of diseases characterized by white or transparent sputum with or without bubbles, discharged when coughing, comes down to the use of the following groups of drugs:

  1. Mucolytics (helping to thin thick mucus) and expectorants (facilitating its removal) drugs, the active ingredients of which can be of plant or synthetic origin:
    • "Sinupret" (dragés, drops);
    • "Flavamed" (effervescent tablets, oral solution);
    • "Codelac Broncho"
    • "ACC" (effervescent tablets, granules or powders for preparing a drink);
    • syrups "Ambroxol", "Ambrobene", "Ambrohexal", "Lazolvan";
    • "Bromhexine" (tablets, syrup, oral solution);
    • "Doctor MOM" (syrup, cough lozenges);
    • "Doctor Theiss" (syrup).
  2. Antibiotics - prescribed for bacterial infections accompanied by cough (pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchitis) - Amoxiclav, Sumamed, Ceftriaxone.
  3. For the treatment of diseases caused by viruses or fungi, antibiotics are ineffective, so the prescription of antiviral (interferon drugs) or antifungal (ketoconazole, amphotericin B, fluconazole) drugs is required.

Also, to alleviate the patient’s condition, the doctor may prescribe inhalations with saline solution, decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, calendula), essential oils diluted in water (tea tree, cedar, thuja), and special solutions for use in a nebulizer (“Lazolvan” , “Ambroxol”, “Mukomist”, etc.).

How to get rid of phlegm at home

In addition to the main treatment, you can use traditional medicine methods:

  • ingesting warm herbal infusions (chamomile, marshmallow root, linden), you can add honey if you are not allergic to it;
  • black radish juice, which is prepared as follows: cut the radish into thin slices, cover with sugar, leave for 6 hours. Drink the resulting juice 1 tablespoon every hour. You can mix it in equal proportions with warm milk, carrot, and beet juice, consuming the resulting mixture one tablespoon 6 times a day;
  • warm homemade jelly from viburnum berries with the addition of honey, which should be drunk throughout the day instead of tea or coffee;
  • gargling with a solution of sea or ordinary rock salt (1 teaspoon per glass of water) with the addition of a few drops of an alcohol solution of iodine;
  • if you don’t have a nebulizer for inhalation, you can breathe, covering your head with a towel, over a pan of freshly boiled potatoes or just fresh boiling water (you can add soda to it);
  • To facilitate the process of sputum discharge in children or adults, a special percussion massage can be used. The technique consists of placing one of the massage therapist’s hands on symmetrical areas of the chest surface of a sitting or lying patient and alternately rhythmically tapping it with the other hand clenched into a fist (first in front, then from the back). In front, the areas under the collarbones, near the lower costal arch are treated, from the back - above, between and near the shoulder blades. For each zone - 2-3 hits. As the patient exhales, his chest is compressed with both hands near the diaphragm. Warming rubbing of the patient is necessary before and after the session. The duration of the massage is daily 2-3 times for 5-10 minutes for 1.5-2 weeks.


To prevent the occurrence of phlegm and cough, you should adhere to general preventive measures aimed at strengthening the immune system:

  • balanced nutrition, inclusion in the diet of foods rich in iron, zinc, selenium, copper, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C;
  • exclusion of nervous and physical overload, hypothermia;
  • daily walks in the fresh air (the longer the better), moderate hardening, gymnastics;
  • during periods of seasonal viral epidemics, avoid (if possible) large gatherings of people in public places; if this does not work, the mandatory use of medical masks and their regular renewal;
  • getting rid of existing bad habits, especially smoking.
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FACT: since passive smoking is no less dangerous than active smoking in its negative impact on the respiratory tract, you should not stay in smoky, unventilated rooms for a long time.

When is such sputum considered normal?

White or clear sputum with or without coughing is not always a symptom of any disease.

Sometimes white mucus accumulates in the throat due to dry indoor air. This problem, which often occurs during the heating season, can be easily solved by installing an air humidifier or regular ventilation.

In older people (especially those prone to a sedentary lifestyle), the cleansing functions of the lungs gradually fade away.

This sometimes leads to the accumulation of viscous white foamy sputum in the lower respiratory tract, which is expelled by coughing, attacks of which most often occur during night sleep when the person is lying down.

This phenomenon is regarded by doctors as an age-related norm that does not require treatment.

White discharge when coughing occurs in heavy smokers and is not considered a pathology, provided that the daily amount of mucus does not exceed the norm (about 100 ml). It also appears with drug addiction, long-term use of any medications, or being in an unfavorable environmental environment.


White sputum when coughing is a symptom that does not always mean there are problems in the body. However, when it appears, it is better to take care of your health by consulting a doctor so as not to miss a serious pathology and start treatment on time.

Clear or white sputum when coughing in adults and children Link to main publicationWhite sputum when coughing: concomitant diseases and treatmentWhite sputum when coughing: concomitant diseases and treatment


Causes and treatment of cough with foam in adults

For many people, coughing with phlegm causes severe distress. In fact, the discharge of mucus from the bronchi is normal.

Thus, the respiratory system gets rid of foreign bodies, dust, and residues of pathogenic microorganisms. A visit to the clinic is mandatory if foam, pus or blood appears in the phlegm.

Such a symptom in an adult may indicate various dangerous pathologies.

Possible causes of white sputum

Foam in a cough should be a reason for a comprehensive diagnosis of the body. This manifestation is often the result of malfunctions in the respiratory, cardiovascular, and digestive systems. It is important to promptly identify the source of changes in the structure and color of mucus to prevent serious complications.

Mucus in the bronchi is produced for a reason. The main function of sputum is to protect the respiratory tract from various negative factors (external irritants, bacteria, fungi and viruses).

Usually the secreted secretion is transparent and moderately viscous. The color change is associated with the active proliferation of microbes or poisoning with toxic fumes.

For example, smokers develop brown impurities in their phlegm, sometimes with lumps.

What diseases cause cough with foam in an adult:

  1. Bronchitis can become a source of foamy, whitish phlegm. This disease occurs due to infection by pathogenic microorganisms. A change in mucus color indicates the accelerated proliferation of bacteria in the airways.
  2. Tuberculosis can be identified by the expectoration of brown sputum mixed with blood, but in the initial stages of the disease, white, foamy phlegm is released.
  3. Pneumonia is often confused with Koch bacilli infection. Damage to the alveoli of the lungs makes breathing difficult and, in addition to the classic symptoms (fever, chest pain and cough), is accompanied by copious discharge of foamy sputum.

Of course, it is necessary to mention that a common cold can also provoke expectoration of white mucus.

Uncharacteristic sources of foamy discharge

A cough with foam in an adult can be an indicator of the body about a sharp deterioration in the condition of the heart and blood vessels. It is believed that the appearance of chest spasms in the morning without fever is a sign of diseases of the coronary system. In this case, it is necessary to immediately undergo diagnostics in the clinic (consultation with a cardiologist, arrhythmologist).

Another common source of white sputum is gastroesophageal reflux disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

With this disease, acid from the intestines enters the respiratory tract, causing reflex contractions of the chest and provoking a paroxysmal cough. Intoxication can be added to this group of reasons.

Foamy mucus occurs when poisoned by narcotic substances, chemical vapors, or heavy metals.

You need to know that coughing with foam in adults is often a consequence of excessive use of nasal sprays.

White sputum without fever may indicate age-related deterioration in health. Weakening the functions of the circulatory system leads to mucus stagnating in the bronchi, which subsequently turns white and comes out in lumps.

Diagnostic methods

The appearance of a cough with white foam should be a reason for consultation at a medical facility. It is important to promptly identify the source of this condition and begin adequate treatment. First of all, doctors ask a question about body temperature. In most cases, a change in thermometer readings indicates the active development of a viral, infectious lesion of the body.

White sputum when coughing: concomitant diseases and treatment

You can suspect an inflammatory process in the bronchi and lungs based on the following symptoms:

  • shortness of breath, wheezing when inhaling;
  • heaviness and pain in the chest;
  • unmotivated fatigue;
  • poor appetite, dry mouth.

With cardiac or allergic cough, concomitant manifestations of the disease rarely occur. If the spasms are without fever, headache and nausea, then it is necessary to ventilate the room, increase the humidity and make sure that there are no negative influences of external factors (dust, wool, chemical fumes, cigarette smoke).

Sometimes white sputum comes out without coughing. In this case, it is necessary to undergo tests and make sure that there is no sluggish inflammatory process. Foamy discharge in adults may also indicate a gradual clearing of the respiratory tract and nasopharynx from waste products of pathogenic microorganisms after a respiratory disease.

Treatment of cough with frothy, white sputum

Impurities in expectorated mucus should alert the patient. Such manifestations of the disease may indicate a worsening condition and accelerated development of an infectious or viral lesion. Self-medication is strictly prohibited! Consultation with a specialized specialist (therapist) is necessary.

Most often, complex therapy is prescribed, including antibacterial and antiviral drugs, physiotherapy, the use of natural ingredients and manual therapy. If a foamy cough in an adult is the result of an acute respiratory infection, then broad-spectrum antibiotics are used. At the pharmacy you can buy Ceftriaxone, Amoxiclav and their analogues.

Provided that chest spasms are not signs of a serious illness (pneumonia, tuberculosis), the patient’s condition can be alleviated with the help of available cough syrups. Mucolytics are used to help the body reduce the viscosity of sputum. The most popular are Flavamed, Sinupret, and Ambroxol.

White sputum when coughing: concomitant diseases and treatment

If the foam is expectorated without fever and the doctor suspects residual effects after acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, then natural, relatively safe remedies are prescribed. You can improve the condition of the respiratory system with syrups “Doctor Mom”, “Gerbion”, “Gedelix”, “Eucabal”.

Alternative medicine

Traditional recipes show good results in the treatment of productive cough. You can ease the discharge of white sputum in an adult with milk with honey, black radish juice, chamomile decoction, St. John's wort or coltsfoot. If reflex contractions of the chest occur without fever, then warming compresses and mustard plasters are allowed.

Cough with foam quickly disappears when treated with inhalations. Inhaling the fumes of essential oils helps the bronchi to thin mucus and remove it from the respiratory tract. Rubbing with bear and badger fat helps many people. This effect increases blood flow, enhancing the effect of medications.

Preventive actions will not be superfluous. In order to prevent the recurrence of a cough with white sputum, it is necessary to promptly treat viral and infectious diseases, strictly monitor your health, and undergo a comprehensive examination at the clinic once a year (fluorography, blood tests, urine tests).


White sputum when coughing: causes and treatment

The appearance of secretion in the lungs is usually caused by tuberculosis, pneumonia, colds and other diseases associated with the penetration of foreign particles or microbes, which increases the amount of mucus. If there is no adequate treatment, then there is a high probability of complications (secondary infection).

The most common causes of sputum:

  • idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • air pollution (chemicals, flour, dust, etc.);
  • lung diseases;
  • asthma;
  • secondary bronchial infection (complication of colds, flu);
  • smoking;
  • bronchitis;
  • pulmonary edema.

What are the consequences of excessive secretion from the lungs? This interferes with gas exchange in the lungs and promotes bacterial colonization. Coughing effectively clears mucus from the lungs.

Sputum in a general sense is a mucous exudate produced by the walls (special epithelium) of the lower respiratory tract.

In the vast majority of cases, this is a pathological symptom, indicating the presence of a particular disease. In general, phlegm can come in a variety of shapes and colors.

If the disease is in the initial stage or has a non-infectious origin, white sputum is detected when coughing.

What is worth knowing about such an unpleasant manifestation of pathological processes?

Malignant lesion of the respiratory system. The causes of lung cancer themselves are numerous. Among the most common factors:

  1. ionizing radiation,
  2. frequent infectious and inflammatory diseases,
  3. but these factors pale in comparison to the main cause: long-term and systematic smoking. Smoking just 1 cigarette a day, an unlucky person has a 10% chance of getting cancer. The longer the experience and intensity of smoking, the higher the risks.

The symptoms are very typical. This is a long-term productive cough with white sputum, which over time transforms into foamy pink (with blood), weight loss, decreased functioning of the immune system, pain in the chest when breathing, shortness of breath, suffocation.

Cancer is potentially lethal. The farther the tumor is located from the center of the bronchi, the less blood comes out. This means that even in the later stages of the process there will be thick white sputum with minimal admixtures of hematological fluid. The more intense the process, the more specific the nature of the sputum.

In any case, mucus from the respiratory tract has a strong smell of rotting, which is due to the intense death of cytological units and all surrounding tissues.

White mucus also appears at the initial stages of an infectious pathological process, when the course of the disease is just starting and the immune system has not yet had time to produce a sufficient number of leukocytes.

First of all, we are talking about a classic acute respiratory viral infection. This is a general name that includes various diseases of infectious viral origin.

A classic viral seasonal disease, which cannot be prevented by numerous vaccinations. The virus spreads in cells and multiplies itself using the cellular apparatus of cytological units. Characterized by pain in the head, runny nose, breathing problems (mild).

It causes complications on vision, the reproductive system, and can “hurt” the joints. It all depends on the timeliness of the treatment started. As with any acute respiratory disease, a cough is observed. Thick white mucus is released. Throughout the disease, the nature of the sputum does not change, as well as its color.

As a rule, it comes off very poorly.

It's pneumonia. Develops as a complication of influenza or for stagnant reasons. Typically, congestive pneumonia is always characterized by exclusively white sputum during the cough reflex.

With an infectious genesis, this symptom manifests itself in the initial period of the disease. Inflammation of the lungs manifests itself as acute respiratory distress, chest pain, suffocation, and respiratory failure.

  • Bronchial asthma of any origin.

Characterized by paroxysmal course. It is triggered by viruses, allergens, and medications (such as aspirin asthma).

Each attack begins with an intense attack of suffocation or mild shortness of breath (depending on the severity of the disease), and ends with the discharge of white sputum during a cough.

The disease is incurable, but with properly selected therapy, long-term and high-quality remissions are possible.

A relatively rare condition in which fluid appears in the cavity of the respiratory structures. Pulmonary edema is a serious and potentially fatal disease. It is impossible to cope on your own; you need urgent help from a specialist.

Bronchitis is often indistinguishable from pneumonia. It is possible to differentiate one and another disease only through objective diagnostic methods.

The list of reasons is not exhaustive. It is possible to say anything more specific only after a thorough diagnosis. What are the research methods? It is stated below.

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During all the diseases described, the sputum changes from transparent to white.

White sputum when coughing in adults is far from the only symptom. Systematizing all of the above, we can identify the following nonspecific concomitant manifestations of diseases:

  1. Increased body temperature. As a rule, there is a febrility (within 38.1-39.1 degrees Celsius). With cancer, especially in the later stages, there is constant hyperthermia at a level of 37-37.5 degrees. The thermometer readings may not increase if a non-infectious process is occurring.
  2. Chest pain. Occurs with pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis and other typical conditions.
  3. Dyspnea. Mild state of lack of air. As a rule, it manifests itself during intense physical activity, also in a state of complete rest, which indicates severe pathological causes.
  4. Suffocation. A more complex breathing disorder, characterized by an acute lack of air.
  5. Other breathing disorders that provoke a specific condition - respiratory failure.
  6. Allergic manifestations: itchy skin, itchy eyes, lacrimation, increased production of mucus from the nose.

White foamy sputum when coughing never appears in isolation. There are always additional signs.


Pulmonologists diagnose lung problems. Consultations with an otolaryngologist or local physician (also an oncologist if there is a suspicion of a malignant lung tumor) may be required.

At the initial appointment, the specialist interviews the patient about complaints, their nature and duration.

An additional life history is required. It is important to determine whether the patient smokes, how often, whether there have been infectious and inflammatory diseases in the recent past, whether the sputum is always white or mixed with blood and pus.

Objective research is designed to put an end to the question of the origin of why thick white mucus is coughed up.

Among them are:

  • X-ray of the chest organs. An absolutely necessary study, the essence of which is minimal visualization of the lungs and, partially, the heart.
  • Bronchoscopy Minimally invasive examination. During this procedure, a small probe with a camera and a lighting diode at the end is inserted into the patient's bronchi. Allows you to detect cancer and other neoplasms, melting of the lungs and many other diseases.
  • General blood analysis. Gives a picture of classic inflammation or allergy (with eosinophils).
  • Allergy tests.

The complex of these studies is sufficient to make an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment Options

White sputum when coughing: concomitant diseases and treatment

Treatment is specific and depends on the type of disease and the nature of the pathological process. In most cases, the following groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal origin. They allow you to stop the inflammatory process, as the name suggests.
  • Antibacterial drugs. Prescribed to destroy pathogenic flora that actively reproduces in the respiratory tract.
  • Analgesics. Relieves pain.
  • Antipyretics based on metamizole sodium, paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen. They allow you to reduce body temperature to normal values ​​and partially relieve pain.
  • Antiviral.
  • Immunomodulators - promote the production of the body's natural interferon.

In exceptional cases, specialized surgery is recommended. Surgery is especially often prescribed in the case of lung cancer. In such a situation, the operation can be radical, aimed at cure, or palliative, to alleviate the patient’s condition. Specific methods of therapy are determined only by the treating specialist.


The list of complications of sputum production is varied. It all depends on the specific manifestations of the disease.


  • Secondary pneumonia of a congestive or inflammatory-infectious nature.
  • Severe respiratory failure (grade 2-3), which can be fatal.
  • Metastasis of the tumor to distant parts of the body: brain, spine, other structures of the central nervous system.
  • Intense pain syndrome.

Of course, we are talking about complications of the original disease. Sputum itself can lead to secondary aspiration and suffocation at night, especially in younger patients.

White sputum is a complex and complex symptom that often occurs in patients with infectious and allergic diseases. Oncology is somewhat less common. It is impossible to cope with the disease on your own. Don't risk your health. Consultation with your attending physician is recommended.

Coughing is a natural mechanism for clearing the airways of various foreign substances.

It may have natural causes not related to the presence of diseases in the body (dust, food fragments), or be the result of some health problems of an infectious or non-infectious nature. Coughing is often accompanied by expectoration of sputum, a mucus-like secretion from the glands of the trachea and bronchi.

  1. Contact your doctor. The first should be a general practitioner, then an otolaryngologist (ENT) or pulmonologist. The therapist will give you a referral. We also need to talk about the advisability of donating sputum.
  2. Buy 2 sterile jars for sputum collection. Drink plenty of warm liquid throughout this day. In the morning, on an empty stomach, take 3 deep breaths and cough up (do not spit) any mucus. One jar requires more discharge (this should go to the clinical laboratory), the other requires less (to the bacteriological laboratory).
  3. If the symptoms resemble tuberculosis, sputum must be submitted to a clinical laboratory, where Mycobacterium tuberculosis will be detected under a microscope, three times.
  4. You don't need to do anything on your own. The maximum is to inhale with Berodual in an age-appropriate dosage (if sputum was released after a cough) or dissolve an antiseptic such as Strepsils, Septolete, Faringosept (if there was no cough). Without knowing some nuances, for example, that if you have hemoptysis, you cannot take mucolytics (ACC, carbocisteine), you can seriously harm your body.



Gray sputum when coughing

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Cough with frothy sputum

Cough with sputum is one of the most common symptoms that is characteristic of many diseases.

It may be accompanied by other visible signs, such as snot, a temperature of 37, some people note that the reflex act causes a sore throat and discomfort when eating. These accompanying symptoms are characteristic of colds.

However, there are other ailments that cause a cough with copious sputum. It should be noted that the color and consistency of mucus can vary significantly depending on the disease.

Cough with white sputum

It should be noted that initially the mucus secreted by the bronchi and lungs is colorless. It changes its color under the influence of various impurities. Sputum turns white when it contains the following foreign compounds:

  • Kurshman spirals. They visually resemble whitish corkscrew-shaped formations. Such sputum is characteristic of a cough that is allergic or infectious-allergic in nature. A reflex act can begin after eating if the irritant is any food product or preservative.
  • Fungal pathogen in the respiratory system. Here we are talking about atypical pneumonia, which requires specific treatment. The characteristic color of foamy sputum is given by the presence of white lumps: the more of them, the richer the color of the discharge. Initially, the mucus has a thick consistency, which thins out after taking mucolytic medications.

It turns out that when coughing, white sputum can occur only in a limited number of diseases. It should be noted that these secretions are sometimes confused with pearl-colored mucus, which appears with cancerous tumors in the respiratory tract.

Cough with frothy sputum

A lot of mucus during a reflex act can be released in case of some serious health problems. The most significant of them are the following ailments:

  • A painful cough with a large amount of sputum, which literally fills the entire oral cavity, is a hallmark sign of emptying of a lung abscess. Initially, purulent mucus with an unpleasant odor comes out. The place it occupied is filled, and foamy discharge is observed.
  • Senile changes in the body. The lungs can no longer cope with their natural cleaning function on their own. Because of this, foamy sputum accumulates in the lower part of the respiratory tract. Because of this, there is a frequent cough that gets worse at night. If a person practically does not get out of bed, then the frequency of the reflex action does not depend on the time of day.
  • Cardiac ischemia. In this case, there is a prolonged cough with sputum, often at night. Foamy discharge is quite abundant. The reflex act, as a rule, begins when a person assumes a horizontal position.
  • Ailments that are accompanied by a significant release of toxins. This category includes ailments associated with an overdose of certain medications, including narcotic substances, radiation damage to the respiratory tract, etc.
  • Diseases that are accompanied by a decrease in protein levels in the blood. The discharge usually has a liquid consistency
  • Pleurisy and pneumothorax.
  • Uncontrolled intravenous administration of solutions. The reason for the appearance of a reflex act is an increase in hydrostatic blood pressure, and, as a consequence, pulmonary edema.

Is a person who has a cough with foamy sputum contagious? It all depends on what exactly causes it to appear. If we are talking about senile changes in the body or diseases of the cardiovascular system, then such a person will not be able to infect others. However, if we are talking about other ailments, then you need to be careful.

Cough with gray mucus

A reflex act, in which the discharge has a characteristic gray color, appears for the following reasons:

  • If a person has bad habits, in particular, an addiction to cigarettes and hookah. In this case, there is a sudden, prolonged paroxysmal cough.
  • Nervous breakdown, hysteria, depression. Pediatric doctors note that in children against this background, the reflex act begins suddenly. May be accompanied by a temperature rise of more than 37 degrees.
  • Working in a hazardous industry or living in a locality with an unfavorable environmental situation. Discharge during a reflex act is not only gray in color, but also has a viscous consistency.

A productive cough is always accompanied by sputum production. Visual analysis of its color and consistency allows the doctor to make a primary diagnosis, which in most cases is confirmed by specific tests.>

Cough with phlegm

Medical specialists apply the term “productive” to the concept of cough with sputum. This means that during a coughing attack, bronchial products are released - mucous secretions, which are expelled with coughing movements.

It is believed that such discharge is a sign of cleansing of the pulmonary system, and therefore one of the symptoms of a speedy recovery. However, we should not forget that the presence of mucous secretion may also indicate the development of serious diseases, for example, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, respiratory oncology, and coronary heart disease.

Causes of cough with phlegm

Discharge from expectoration can appear exclusively in diseases of the respiratory tract, representing the result of increased production and secretion of the bronchi (during bronchitis or asthma), effusion of blood plasma from the vasculature into the pulmonary cavity (during pulmonary edema), release of pus from the cavities (during an abscess , tuberculous cavities, bronchiectasis).

The most common reasons are:

  • upper respiratory tract infections (respiratory viral infections and pathologies);
  • obstructive form of bronchial inflammation;
  • pneumonia;
  • allergic conditions, including bronchial asthma;
  • rhinitis;
  • lung abscess;
  • tuberculosis.

The exact cause of the cough reflex can only be determined diagnostically, and the characteristics of bronchial secretions, as well as the presence of other accompanying symptoms, are of great importance.

Is coughing with phlegm contagious?

Is a person contagious if they cough productively? This question is often of interest to many patients, especially mothers of small children, who doubt whether it is possible to take their child to kindergarten if the attacks have become productive and mucus has begun to be coughed up.

It is worth noting that cough syndrome is contagious regardless of whether it is wet or dry if it is caused by a viral infection. On average, the period of “infectiousness” (in medicine – contagiousness) of a viral disease ranges from 5 to 10 days from the moment the first symptoms appear. However, some diseases can pose a danger to others for a longer period:

  • diphtheria – up to 2 weeks;
  • whooping cough – up to 18 days from the onset of the disease. As a rule, after 28 days, a patient who has had whooping cough will definitely not pose a danger, even if coughing attacks continue to bother the patient.

Therefore, it is not entirely correct to believe that if a child’s temperature has stabilized and a mucous secretion has appeared, then the risk of infecting other children is eliminated. The virus often still exists in the body and is released by the patient when they exhale and sneeze.

Symptoms of cough with phlegm

As the symptoms of the disease progress with the accumulation of secretions from the bronchial tree, the need arises to cleanse the respiratory tract of accumulated secretions. In this case, the cough reflex is triggered - the urge to sharply exhale air, due to irritation of the walls of the bronchi with mucous secretion.

When an abundance of mucus appears, it is important to distinguish the cleansing process from the transition of inflammatory pathology to a chronic form.

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White sputum when coughing in adults

If adults have a constant dry or wet cough, this condition indicates damage to the respiratory tract, which is caused by one or another disease.

This symptom is a kind of self-defense of the body and is caused when foreign particles appear in the respiratory organs, for example, it can be green sputum when coughing.

Often with colds, a cough appears with sputum, which is coughed up. Phlegm is a viscous, thick liquid produced by the mucous membrane.

It is based on water with glycoproteins, lipids and immunoglobulins. Depending on the composition, the foamy consistency can have a different color, which ranges from pale yellow to green and brown. A cough with obvious phlegm causes expectoration to clear germs and accumulated toxins from the respiratory tract.

When smoking, a large amount of mucus accumulates in the respiratory tract, which leads to a severe cough with phlegm.

Smoking also paralyzes the fine hairs that are found in the respiratory tract, which makes expectoration very difficult.

Causes and types of sputum when coughing

Cough without fever can be caused by different types of diseases. One of the reasons for the appearance of symptoms is the development of asthma. At the initial stage of the disease, the patient experiences slight hoarseness and a dry cough with difficult to separate sputum. After some time, the wheezing becomes strong and a strong cough with sputum appears. In this case, thick, foamy mucus may form in the form of discharge.

In addition, it can be noted:

  1. Another cause may be chronic bronchitis. A similar disease with chronic blockage of the airways causes a dry cough, which gradually turns into a cough without fever. In this case, the liquid consistency may contain salty, purulent brown mucus.
  2. A cough with yellow mucus often occurs as a result of a common cold. In this case, the color of sputum when coughing may change, as pus accumulates in it.
  3. Large quantities of mucus accumulate in the respiratory tract if dust, smoke and other irritants are inhaled, causing coughing with phlegm.

Often similar symptoms are observed with an allergic reaction or chronic sinusitis. A green liquid consistency when coughing is observed if the disease has become chronic.

A severe cough with sputum may also indicate the presence of a serious disease such as lung cancer. Therefore, you should be wary if blood streaks are found in the consistency. The mucus may also contain purulent accumulations.

If a dry cough smoothly turns into a cough with sputum, this may be a signal of the development of pneumonia. Yellow or gray salty sputum in turn changes color due to the activity of the bacteria present in it.

 Yellow sputum when coughing

It is especially dangerous if the mucus contains purulent or bloody accumulations. The yellow color usually appears when the main consistency is mixed with pus.

To accurately diagnose the disease and prescribe the correct treatment, the doctor prescribes a sputum test, which is collected in a special jar. The procedure is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach, before which the oral cavity is rinsed with a weak antiseptic solution.

Also, purulent sputum may be yellow if you smoke frequently. With bronchitis, the color of the liquid consistency can reveal the cause of the disease and the presence of bacteria in the body.

Treatment is prescribed only after a thorough examination and an accurate diagnosis.

White sputum

White sputum with a curd consistency indicates the presence of a fungal infection or tuberculosis in the respiratory tract. Fungi can infect the bronchi as a result of long-term treatment with antibiotics with reduced immunity. This leads to the appearance of pathogenic microflora on the mucous membrane. In the case of tuberculosis, mucus is usually secreted in small quantities.

If bloody spots are found in white sputum, the doctor may diagnose a pulmonary complication due to damage to the laryngeal vessels during coughing. The white, watery consistency can be caused by external irritants, a viral infection, or respiratory diseases.

Transparent sputum indicates that there is no inflammatory process. A thick and transparent consistency may indicate that pneumonia, bronchitis, allergies, asthma or a cold are developing.

With a constant increase in the amount of mucus and sputum, the patient becomes poisoned, so it is important to start treatment on time to prevent stagnation of accumulations in the bronchi.

Cough and blood

Bloody spots in the sputum when coughing indicate a respiratory disease. If such symptoms appear, you should immediately seek medical help to identify the causes and begin the necessary treatment.

When the reasons lie in the development of lung cancer, blood in the sputum is found in the form of streaks. Coughing up blood can also be caused by bronchitis, in which case small scarlet streaks can be detected in small quantities.

If the causes are the development of pneumonia, fresh traces of blood will appear from coughing with sputum. What exactly caused the painful symptoms will determine what treatment the doctor will prescribe.

Persistent cough

Before starting treatment, the doctor will order an X-ray of the lungs to rule out cancer. The reasons for this condition of the patient may lie in the presence of inflammation, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis. A prolonged cough can also occur in heavy smokers with prolonged bronchitis. This disease is considered chronic and is quite difficult to cure.

Prolonged cough is observed in people who, by the nature of their activities, are associated with chemicals. In particular, with constant contact with asbestos, people often develop the disease asbestosis.

To get rid of the disease, you need to change your occupation so as not to contract with the irritant; there are no other ways to solve this problem.

Cough in the morning

Quite often people cough in the morning, and there is nothing wrong with that. Thus, they cough up mucus that has accumulated in the respiratory tract overnight. However, it is important to understand that in healthy people, mucus is released in small quantities. If a large amount of sputum is produced, there may be reasons for this.

Most often, heavy smokers cough heavily and cough up mucus in the morning. As you know, a chronic morning cough signals tobacco poisoning. If treatment is not started in time, the symptoms will only get worse.

Chronic lung diseases and tuberculosis can also cause a severe cough in the morning. The patient may cough excessively if mucus has flowed into the throat from the sinuses.

Treatment of cough with phlegm

When cough and sputum are caused by ARVI or bronchitis, and the accumulated consistency is difficult to expectorate, the doctor prescribes treatment using special mucolytic agents that dilute the sputum. Also, in case of difficult to separate sputum, expectorants are prescribed.

Many people, worried about their health, sometimes refuse to take medications, preferring folk remedies. However, it must be taken into account that such treatment methods may also have contraindications and cause side effects. Therefore, before starting treatment, you should consult with your doctor.

It is also important to understand that mucolytic and antitussive drugs cannot be taken at the same time, otherwise the patient’s condition will only worsen.

Medicines that relieve cough are divided into three main groups:

  • Expectorants are prescribed to treat cold symptoms with thin sputum.
  • Antitussive drugs are prescribed when it is necessary to treat non-productive and dry cough.
  • Mucolytic drugs are used when it is necessary to treat symptoms of thick, viscous, and difficult to clear sputum.

Expectorant cough medicines

The drug thins the consistency, relieves inflammation, stimulates wave-like contractions of the bronchial walls, so that mucus is easily removed from the respiratory tract. However, treating symptoms with Althea is contraindicated in cases of individual sensitivity, duodenal and gastric ulcers. Diabetics should also exercise caution during treatment.

Thermopsis-based preparations help treat cold symptoms by irritating the respiratory center, which promotes expectoration of mucus. These include cough tablets Thermopsol, Codelac broncho with thyme. The medicine has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effect due to the active elements it contains.

Breast infusions, which include medicinal herbs such as oregano, coltsfoot, plantain, licorice, sage, anise, marshmallow, pine buds for coughs, chamomile, violet, wild rosemary, and calendula, help to quickly cure a wet cough.

Also, many people prefer to treat cold symptoms with the Bronchofit elixir, which contains wild rosemary, plantain, anise, licorice, sage, violet, and thyme.

Mucolytic cough medications

Mucolytic drugs are prescribed to drink when it is necessary to treat bronchitis. Such drugs dilute sputum, improve its excretion and thereby disrupt favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic organisms.

Medicines, the active substance of which is acetylcysteine, help get rid of severe symptoms of chronic bronchitis. They are also taken for laryngitis, otitis media, and pneumonia. These drugs are contraindicated in cases of pulmonary hemorrhage, bronchial asthma, pathology of the adrenal glands, liver and kidney failure.

Bromhexine and the drugs containing it Solvin and Bronchosan are widely used for inhalation. The effect of treatment can be seen after 2 days. With increased viscosity of sputum, drugs based on carbocysteine ​​are prescribed, including drugs such as Fluditek, Fluifort, Bronchobos and Libexin Muno.

The interesting video in this article offers information on how you can treat a cough.

Cough with phlegm

Medical specialists apply the term “productive” to the concept of cough with sputum. This means that during a coughing attack, bronchial products are released - mucous secretions, which are expelled with coughing movements.

It is believed that such discharge is a sign of cleansing of the pulmonary system, and therefore one of the symptoms of a speedy recovery. However, we should not forget that the presence of mucous secretion may also indicate the development of serious diseases, for example, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, respiratory oncology, and coronary heart disease.

Causes of cough with phlegm

Discharge from expectoration can appear exclusively in diseases of the respiratory tract, representing the result of increased production and secretion of the bronchi (during bronchitis or asthma), effusion of blood plasma from the vasculature into the pulmonary cavity (during pulmonary edema), release of pus from the cavities (during an abscess , tuberculous cavities, bronchiectasis).

The most common reasons are:

  • upper respiratory tract infections (respiratory viral infections and pathologies);
  • obstructive form of bronchial inflammation;
  • pneumonia;
  • allergic conditions, including bronchial asthma;
  • rhinitis;
  • lung abscess;
  • tuberculosis.

The exact cause of the cough reflex can only be determined diagnostically, and the characteristics of bronchial secretions, as well as the presence of other accompanying symptoms, are of great importance.

Is coughing with phlegm contagious?

Is a person contagious if they cough productively? This question is often of interest to many patients, especially mothers of small children, who doubt whether it is possible to take their child to kindergarten if the attacks have become productive and mucus has begun to be coughed up.

It is worth noting that cough syndrome is contagious regardless of whether it is wet or dry if it is caused by a viral infection. On average, the period of “infectiousness” (in medicine – contagiousness) of a viral disease ranges from 5 to 10 days from the moment the first symptoms appear. However, some diseases can pose a danger to others for a longer period:

  • diphtheria – up to 2 weeks;
  • whooping cough – up to 18 days from the onset of the disease. As a rule, after 28 days, a patient who has had whooping cough will definitely not pose a danger, even if coughing attacks continue to bother the patient.

Therefore, it is not entirely correct to believe that if a child’s temperature has stabilized and a mucous secretion has appeared, then the risk of infecting other children is eliminated. The virus often still exists in the body and is released by the patient when they exhale and sneeze.

Symptoms of cough with phlegm

As the symptoms of the disease progress with the accumulation of secretions from the bronchial tree, the need arises to cleanse the respiratory tract of accumulated secretions. In this case, the cough reflex is triggered - the urge to sharply exhale air, due to irritation of the walls of the bronchi with mucous secretion.

When an abundance of mucus appears, it is important to distinguish the cleansing process from the transition of inflammatory pathology to a chronic form.


White sputum when coughing: concomitant diseases and treatment Link to main publication
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