
Cocoa butter for cough: recipes and instructions for use

The use of cocoa butter for coughs is explained by its healing properties. The product is used to treat bacterial and viral inflammation, reduce pain, restore and protect damaged tissue. Medicines made from it have recently become popular among patients.

Medicinal properties

Cocoa butter is rich in beneficial microelements and biologically active substances, due to which a therapeutic effect is achieved.


  • fats (triglycerides, lauric, oleic, palm acid);
  • proteins;
  • complex carbohydrates (starch, cellulose);
  • tanning compounds;
  • minerals;
  • caffeine;
  • vitamins (retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid).

Due to the listed substances, cocoa butter has anti-inflammatory, antitussive and enveloping effects.

Other therapeutic effects include:

  • increased tissue regeneration of the throat mucosa;
  • improved digestion and absorption of beneficial compounds;
  • stimulation of immunity;
  • thinning of sputum;
  • pain reduction;
  • reducing the risk of developing cancer.

Therefore, the product is used not only for pathologies of the respiratory system, but is also actively used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the gallbladder and digestive tract.

Indications for the use of cocoa butter for coughs

  • Due to its natural origin and the absence of components that could negatively affect the functioning of organs, cocoa butter is allowed to be given even to children.
  • The instructions for use describe the following indications:
  • cough of unknown etiology;
  • inflammatory diseases of the bronchi;
  • cold;
  • damage to the mucous membrane.

It is best to use the oil when the very first symptoms occur, in which case the treatment is most effective.

Popular recipes

The sources indicate many folk remedies and alternative medicine methods that use cocoa butter for coughs. The choice of medication depends on the individual tolerance of the components. Before cooking, it is better to melt the butter in a water bath, so it will acquire a liquid and homogeneous structure.

With honey

Not only beekeepers, but also doctors talk about the benefits of the product. Doctors recommend it as an anti-inflammatory, enveloping agent that has a positive effect on the immune system and speeds up the healing process. Using a cough recipe with cocoa and honey can improve the patient’s well-being in a short time.

to prepare the medicine you will need one more ingredient - milk in an amount of 200 ml. you need to add half a teaspoon of oil and a tablespoon of honey to it. All this must be heated, stirred and not brought to a boil, so that the beneficial substances are preserved. drink only at night or twice a day.

with butter

the product has the same healing effects as cocoa butter, but in combination with each other, the enveloping, analgesic effect increases, sore throat decreases and coughing attacks are reduced.

To prepare the medicine you will need:

  • butter 100 g;
  • pork fat (3 tablespoons);
  • dark chocolate (100 g);
  • cocoa butter (tablespoon).

If necessary, the components must be crushed, mixed together, melted on the stove in a thick-bottomed container or in a water bath. Stir constantly to obtain a homogeneous mass. Remove from heat and leave until completely cool. the resulting product, with a dense consistency, can be spread on bread and consumed during meals or dissolved in a teaspoon an hour before meals.

with milk

This component contains a large amount of protein, biologically active substances, minerals and other compounds necessary to restore strength during illness and eliminate symptoms. in combination with cocoa butter, the product has a pronounced softening effect and stimulates the removal of phlegm.

To make the medicine you will need 250 ml of milk and a teaspoon of cocoa. Mix the products and heat them in a water bath. For a speedy recovery in the first days, it is recommended to drink at least six glasses of the drink.

Using a cough remedy with cocoa and milk stimulates sweating, so it not only eliminates attacks, but also reduces intoxication.

with propolis

  1. the resinous substance has a complex and variable composition, which depends on the type of plant, climate, season and other factors.
  2. the basis are:
  • essential oils;
  • tanning compounds;
  • wax;
  • vitamins;
  • proteins;
  • organic acids;
  • alcohols;
  • flavonoids.

The listed components enhance each other’s properties and thereby increase the positive effect on the body. a medicine with cocoa butter and propolis not only eliminates inflammation and relieves cough, but also destroys pathogenic microflora and removes toxic elements.

to treat colds, sore throat, bronchitis and any other disease of the respiratory system, you need to mix oil and propolis in a ratio of 10:1. The ingredients should be heated and the drink should be consumed twice a day - in the morning and before bed.

other recipes

There is another less popular but effective remedy - a mixture of badger fat and cocoa butter. To prepare, you need to combine two melted ingredients and wait until they cool completely. Dissolve half a teaspoon before meals.

The medicinal product is also suitable for external use. For the procedure, you can buy cocoa essential oil, which is sold in pharmacies. Massaging the chest or back increases blood circulation and speeds up the removal of mucus.

Peculiarities of treatment for children

An oral medicine made from cocoa butter has a pleasant taste and aroma, so eliminating a cough is not accompanied by the baby’s whims and dissatisfaction.

To prepare the product, place it in one container:

  • half a glass of warm milk;
  • a quarter of a chocolate bar;
  • half a tablespoon of oil;
  • a teaspoon of honey.

Mix everything in a water bath until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Drink a glass once a day before bed.

Before using cocoa butter, it is necessary to consult with a pediatrician and discuss therapy, since the development of an allergic reaction in children cannot be ruled out.

Contraindications and side effects

  • The product, despite its beneficial properties, is not recommended for all patients.
  • It is prohibited to use in the presence of the following conditions:
  • individual intolerance to components;
  • diabetes mellitus type 1 or 2;
  • excess body weight;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • liver diseases.

It is not advisable for nursing mothers to use cocoa butter for coughs, since biologically active components can accumulate in milk and contribute to the development of allergies in infants.


Users on websites leave mostly positive comments. Patients note the low cost of the medicine received, the pleasant taste and smell, and the ability to treat not only adults, but also children.

The advantages also include high efficiency, rapid elimination of cough and other signs of the disease. The disadvantages include a list of contraindications and the risk of developing allergies.

Doctors also recommend the product as a complement to the treatment of sore throats, colds, and mild forms of pharyngitis. However, doctors do not advise deciding on its use on their own, since some patients have intolerance to the component.


Cocoa butter, when used externally or taken orally in combination with other substances, quickly eliminates cough and promotes a speedy recovery. Suitable for preventing inflammation of the respiratory system. Before starting therapy, it is very important to read the instructions to avoid complications.


Cocoa butter for coughs for children

When it is necessary to give a child an effective cough remedy, many mothers resort not only to pharmaceutical drugs, but also to natural alternatives, which include cocoa butter. Is it possible to use it in childhood and how to do it correctly?

This is the name given to the fat obtained from cocoa fruits, which is used in the preparation of chocolate, as well as in the production of cosmetics and perfumes. This oil is characterized by a creamy hue, pleasant taste and smell of chocolate. It is represented by a solid mass that melts upon contact with the human body.

This natural substance also has medicinal properties, thanks to which cocoa butter has become in demand in medicine since the 18th century. In particular, pharmacists use it in the manufacture of suppositories and ointments. It can be used both internally and externally.

The use of cocoa butter these days is very extensive:

  • This oil is used to treat many skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, fungal infections), as it has the property of stimulating regeneration processes. For this reason, cocoa butter is in demand for the treatment of burns, wounds and stretch marks.
  • Cocoa butter is used for prophylactic purposes against the risk of gastric ulcers and cancer pathologies. It is effective for diseases of the biliary tract, and also strengthens vascular walls.
  • Cocoa butter extracted from the fruit is an excellent alternative to medications in the treatment of respiratory diseases. Due to the presence of theobrobin, it can inhibit the cough reflex. When using cocoa butter, the healing of the mucous membrane is accelerated, since the product envelops the tissue, which also reduces pain when coughing. If you use cocoa butter to rub your chest, it will improve blood flow in the upper body and promote expectoration and faster recovery.

Cocoa butter for cough is recommended for children from the age of three. Earlier use can provoke an allergic reaction, since children under 3 years of age are more susceptible to various external influences.

To help your child with a cough, cocoa butter can be given in its natural form. The baby is offered a small piece (the size of a pea) 5-6 times during the day. The oil should be absorbed like regular cough lozenges.

However, much more often cocoa butter is mixed with other components, adding:

  1. Milk. Add a teaspoon of butter to 250 ml of milk, place the container with milk in a water bath and wait until the butter has completely dissolved. When coughing, you can drink this remedy in the amount of 3-6 glasses a day. The drink can be sweetened with bee honey.
  2. Milk and chocolate. Heat 500 ml of milk, add melted cocoa butter (a tablespoon) and melted chocolate (25 grams). The drink is given 2 tablespoons 4-6 times a day.
  3. Badger fat. Combine the ingredients, taken one tablespoon at a time, by heating them and mixing thoroughly. After cooling, this mixture will harden a little. It is given before meals, 1/2 teaspoon. Due to its high fat content, this remedy should not be taken for diseases of the gallbladder or liver.
  4. Propolis. Cocoa butter should be melted and mixed with propolis in a ratio of 10 to 1. After cooling, the mixture is given three times a day, 1/2 teaspoon.

In addition, cocoa butter can be rubbed on the baby's chest and lubricated the mucous membrane of the nasal passages.

When using cocoa butter in treating a child, you should remember the following rules:

  • The dosage of cocoa butter for each child should be selected individually together with the attending physician.
  • The product should not be given to children shortly before bedtime, as this may cause insomnia.
  • Cocoa butter is discontinued if an allergic reaction occurs.
  • This oil and recipes containing it are not suitable for treating coughs in children with diabetes or obesity.
  • If you have any doubts about using cocoa butter on your child, consult your pediatrician.
  • Store cocoa butter in a dark place at low temperature in a container that closes tightly. Note that this product has a fairly long shelf life (3-5 years).
  • If the top of the cocoa butter is covered with a whitish coating, this does not impair its properties and does not mean that the product has deteriorated.
Read also:  Codeine-containing cough medicines

Parents who have tried cocoa butter for their children's coughs often speak positively about it. They note that products based on this oil help to quickly get rid of a severe cough and reduce discomfort in the throat. According to most mothers, children are almost always happy to be treated with such a tasty remedy and do not refuse “chocolate” milk.

Parents call the main advantage of cocoa butter as a remedy for coughs the natural origin of this product, which is why in most cases there are no side effects. There are also no difficulties with purchasing cocoa butter, because it can be purchased both in pharmacies and stores, and at special exhibitions or on the Internet.

For a recipe for a drink with cocoa butter that helps with colds, see the following video.

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Cocoa butter for coughs, how to take the remedy correctly for a cold, can you use a milk drink during pregnancy

Thanks to coughing, the body’s protective reflex, the functioning of the respiratory system is restored, and pathogenic microorganisms are eliminated along with mucus.

A person has a cough for a reason - it is a sign of a disease, and its symptoms must be treated correctly. Cocoa butter is recognized as one of the best herbal remedies for coughs: it is suitable for patients of all ages.

Beneficial features

Cocoa bean butter is a special fat mass that is squeezed from the fruits of the chocolate tree. It is used to make confectionery, perfume and cosmetics.

The fruits have been known for their medicinal properties since the 18th century, and the product does not cause any adverse reactions other than allergies.

In the pharmaceutical industry, the oil is used as a component of suppositories and ointments.

In particular, the oil is used for:

Reducing wound healing time

  • therapy of skin diseases: fungi, eczema;
  • healing burns and wounds: oil regenerates skin cells;
  • treatment and prevention of heart attack, ulcers and biliary tract diseases;
  • prevention of the development of malignant tumors;
  • removing excess cholesterol and restoring blood vessels.

Cocoa butter has an anesthetic and healing effect.

Active substances stimulate expectoration of mucus and weaken coughing attacks, therefore, for the treatment of colds, the fruits of the chocolate tree are an indispensable assistant, not inferior in effectiveness to synthetic drugs.

The product contains the alkaloid theobromine, which fights cough and is used in the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases, including asthma. In addition, cocoa contains a lot of vitamins A, C and E: they suppress inflammation and restore the immune system.

In addition, the product contains tannins, acids, fats and caffeine. Due to the presence of a tonic component in the composition, the product cannot be taken by everyone; for example, with high blood pressure, caffeine will only worsen the condition.

Methods of application

Cacao butter

It is important to purchase a completely natural product, since synthetics or cocoa with added chemicals will not benefit the body. A high-quality product, of course, is more expensive, since cocoa is delivered from African countries, where it is grown, collected and produced for the end consumer. It must be remembered that cocoa dissolved in water does not leave a sediment.

Folk remedies based on caffeine-containing products should not be used before bedtime, since this component excites the nervous system. For this reason, to treat nighttime coughing attacks, you need to use another remedy, for example, badger lard with milk and honey.


As a rule, if the patient constantly coughs, cocoa is drunk in the form of a special cocktail. The most popular recipe is a combination of milk, honey and cocoa powder.

 The drink calms the urge to cough and is good in treating bronchial inflammation. To prepare, you need to warm a mug of milk, add ½ tsp. cocoa and add 2 tsp. honey

The product is healthy and very tasty, so children are happy to be treated with this medicine.

A mixture of badger fat and cocoa butter

From time to time it is useful to combine cocoa butter with badger lard. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. melted fat and butter, mix and let cool. After hardening, the product is ready for use.

Since badger fat has a specific smell, it is recommended to drop a little cocoa essential component: the medicine will smell pleasant and will not cause a gag reflex.

However, people with liver and gallbladder diseases should not drink this product due to its high fat content.

Tree oil and chocolate are used if there is no allergy to sweets. Take 1 tbsp. l. butter and ¼ tile of confectionery, the ingredients are melted in 500 ml of warm milk. It is advisable to choose dark varieties of chocolate, as they contain more cocoa. Also, this variety is counterfeited less often compared to others.

If you add propolis, the usefulness of the product will increase significantly. You need to melt the cocoa butter, grind the propolis and mix (there should be 10 times more butter). The mixture can be used after it has cooled. A recipe with beekeeping products is prescribed for patients with sore throat or pneumonia.

Bananas themselves are used to treat coughs, as they have a coating effect on the throat. Instead of butter, you can use powder: mash the banana until puree and add cocoa. Then hot milk is added and mixed in a blender. The product should be drunk in the morning and afternoon.

Cocktail with banana and cocoa

The recipe with soda is effective against phlegm: it helps to liquefy it and expectorate it. The product fights dry cough, helps with bronchitis and advanced pneumonia. To prepare, take 250 ml of milk and heat it, then pour in 1 tsp. soda and oil.

Also, solid chocolate tree oil can be sucked like a cough drop, but this method is recommended only for adults.


The product is used for rubbing the chest, in this case you need to use pure oil. To achieve a good therapeutic effect, you need to wrap yourself in a warm blanket and go to bed. The warmth will warm the throat, bronchi and lungs, and healthy sleep will restore immunity. As a result, the disease will recede faster and cold symptoms will soften.

Ointment for nasal congestion

In addition, the oil is used as a nasal ointment. The product softens the mucous membrane, relieving its irritation and dryness, nourishes it with vitamins, due to which its walls and small blood vessels become stronger. The runny nose subsides, less mucus is produced, and the patient can breathe freely.

Inhalations with the addition of essential oils of cocoa beans and eucalyptus are also common. You need to boil water in a saucepan, add a little oil of each type, then cover with a towel. You need to inhale slowly and deeply: sharp breaths can burn your lungs.

Possible contraindications

Cocoa butter and cocoa powder are plant-based ingredients, so they cause virtually no adverse reactions. However, due to its specific composition, the use of the product is not recommended for the following diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus: depending on the type and stage of the disease, the doctor may allow the use of cocoa butter for coughing;
  • obesity: due to the high calorie content of cocoa, overweight people should not take the product orally;
  • increased stomach acidity, gastritis: possible risk of exacerbation of pain;
  • hypertension: caffeine is contraindicated in patients with high blood pressure;
  • allergy to cocoa.

Allergies in pregnant women

During pregnancy, women can use cocoa-based products, but under the supervision of a doctor and in small doses, since excess can cause allergies.

Also, caffeine-containing products impair the absorption of calcium, and this macronutrient is very important for the developing fetus.

 Pregnant women are advised to avoid this product and replace it with, for example, raspberries: the berry is also useful for dry and wet coughs.

To treat children, approval and instructions from a doctor are required, since the child’s body may react inadequately to caffeine in the powder and oil.

If a child drinks cocoa for the first time, then there is no need to give him a large dosage right away. The amount should be gradually increased starting from a small amount to avoid potential negative reactions.

For children under 2 years of age, taking the product is generally prohibited.

Cocoa is a healthy plant product from which you can make delicious warm drinks. Together with milk and honey, cocoa is used in the form of butter and powder and helps against respiratory diseases. Before use, you must ensure that there are no contraindications. It must be remembered that drug therapy cannot be abandoned - cocoa only complements the main treatment.


Cocoa Butter for Coughs (Medicinal Properties and Recipes)

A cough can take you by surprise at the most inopportune moment. The main reason for its appearance is viral diseases. But before you run to the pharmacy for expensive medications, you can try cocoa butter for cough.

This folk remedy has a number of advantages that are not characteristic of other medicines. Among them are a pleasant taste, no negative impact on human health, and the ability to be used by both adults and children.

How to apply it? What medicinal properties does it have? What are the indications for use? When should you not use it?

The healing properties of cocoa butter for coughs

Cocoa butter is obtained from the seeds of the chocolate tree. It is light in color and smells like chocolate. Cocoa butter cough properties have miraculous powers. What makes it especially valuable is its biologically active component - theobromine. The chocolate product contains the most of it.

It is used in medical activities and cosmetic procedures. As a folk remedy, they like to use it for coughs. And pharmaceutical laboratories make medicines based on it for use on the skin.

Buying the right ingredient is not difficult. The main thing is to clarify for what purposes you need it.


  • restoration of the respiratory system after damage;
  • expectoration;
  • warming effect and softening of the throat;
  • maintaining immunity.

Indications for the use of cocoa butter for coughs

This product is actively used in many branches of medicine. Used for internal and external diseases. Its beneficial properties make it indispensable in the home medicine cabinet.

Under what conditions can cocoa butter be used:

  • skin diseases. The product is suitable for the treatment of skin diseases. Promotes neutralization and speedy healing.
  • prevention of cancer.
  • respiratory tract diseases. The question often arises: what kind of cough does cocoa butter help with? It helps with both dry and wet coughs. Helps with colds, heals affected respiratory tracts, warms, promotes the removal of macrophages, suppresses cough. It can be used externally and internally. Cocoa butter is also used for coughs.
Read also:  Raspberry jam for cough: the benefits of a popular folk remedy

Contraindications to the use of cocoa butter for coughs

You can treat with this remedy both large and small. As with any traditional and non-traditional medicine, the rules of use should be followed. Do not use too much and too often, use only high-quality products (buy at a pharmacy or from a trusted supplier).

It would seem that such a universal product is perfect for everyone, without exception, for the treatment of colds and coughs. But it also has contraindications, which you should carefully read before use:

  • Diabetes. It cannot be used for diabetes mellitus either for external or internal purposes.
  • Intolerance to the product (its components). If a person cannot tolerate cocoa, chocolate or coffee, it is definitely not worth treating with this remedy. This will cause an allergic reaction. It's not worth the risk!
  • Insomnia. As mentioned above, cocoa and chocolate contain theobromine. Its action is very similar to that of caffeine. If you suffer from insomnia, you may want to consider other treatments. Problems with excess weight. Age up to 2 years. It is not recommended for young children to eat medicinal products made with this product.

Method of using cocoa butter for cough

You must be tormented by the question: cocoa butter for cough, how to take this remedy. Cocoa butter method of use for cough is traditionally divided into two types:

For external use, ointments are usually used, which are made from the fruits of the chocolate tree. The finished ointment or the product itself is applied in a small portion to the sore spot - neck, throat, lung area or nose. You will need to wrap your neck tightly in a scarf and give the ointment time to absorb and warm the sore airways.

For flu, colds and coughs, it is recommended to massage the lungs. The desired area is rubbed and massaged. This simple procedure helps improve blood circulation, warm the body and improve condition.

If flu and colds are accompanied by a runny nose, then the nose can also be lubricated, even for prevention. This will not only relieve a runny nose, but also help prevent illness.

How to drink cocoa butter for a cough?

The simplest and most common way to use it is to consume it in its natural form. To do this, just take a small piece of solid oil and suck for several minutes five to six times a day. These cough drops are completely natural and do not contain any chemicals or harmful substances.

Drinking aids are no less common. They are prepared with the addition of milk, chocolate chips, honey, fat and even chocolate.

When using, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • do not use several hours before bedtime;
  • if a rash appears during external use, stop using;
  • Consult your doctor before use and if you experience any discomfort.
  • your doctor will help you determine the dose;
  • before treatment, find out exactly the diagnosis and cause of the cough; Combine with full treatment and use only as an additional remedy.

Cocoa butter for coughs in children

Cocoa butter for coughs in children is a tasty and healthy remedy. Before use, you should consult a specialist to make sure there is no allergic reaction to chocolate products.

Children love cocoa butter for cough. Young researchers will enjoy delicious medicines with the addition of milk, chocolate and honey. Then you should wrap the child properly and let him sweat. Then change your clothes and cover yourself with a warm blanket again.

Soon you will see that a strong cough no longer bothers you, the discomfort in your throat has disappeared and breathing has become much easier.

Cocoa butter recipes for cough

You can use cocoa butter together. This will give the “medicine” a different taste and enhance its beneficial properties.

Cough recipe cocoa butter and honey

The main product must be melted. To do this you will need a microwave oven or a simple stove. A small piece should be placed in a cup and placed in the microwave for a few minutes. The main thing is that the chocolate product is completely melted and turns into a homogeneous mass. Usually 2-3 minutes will be enough for this action.

If you don't have a microwave oven, you can do without it. In order to melt the chocolate product, you will need a saucepan, a small container and the butter itself. Pour water into the pan and put it on low heat. Take another container.

A smaller saucepan, preferably with a handle, is perfect for this. We will need to place our oil in it. Then dip the container with oil into water and let it melt. Once the cocoa butter is ready to use, add a few tablespoons of honey and stir.

Eat the prepared mixture no more than twice a day during the day.

Cough recipe cocoa butter

If you mix cocoa and butter, you get your favorite dessert from childhood. And now it can also help with coughs. To prepare you will need:

  • butter;
  • cocoa;
  • sugar;
  • water.

First you need to boil water and sugar over low heat. Then mix butter and cocoa, add to the total mass and use a mixer. Eat the finished product warm 2-3 times a day, one spoon.

Milk with cocoa butter for cough

The solid product will need to be melted in a microwave oven or on a regular stove using water. Then add preheated milk to the melted mass. If the medicine is not sweet enough, you can add a little honey, jam, or sugar. It's better to eat it as a snack.


Cocoa butter for cough: composition, recipes, contraindications

Tired of coughing? Drugs from pharmacies do not help or are you tired of feeding pharmaceutical companies and being treated with chemistry? From this article you will learn how to cure yourself and your child with the help of a tasty and natural medicine.

You can effectively get rid of a cough not only with pharmaceutical drugs, but also with alternative methods. One of them is the use of cocoa butter. What are the benefits of this fragrant product?

Composition and beneficial properties

Cocoa butter is a completely natural product obtained from the fruits of the chocolate tree. It has found application in cosmetology, perfumery, confectionery and medicine. Vegetable fat is used as a base for suppositories and ointments.

The oil has a bright chocolate smell, white color and brittle texture. You can purchase it at a pharmacy, at specialized exhibitions or via the Internet. Be sure to read the instructions before use. Some manufacturers produce oil for cosmetic purposes; it should not be taken internally.

The composition of natural oil includes:

  • vitamins;
  • palm, lauric and oleic acids;
  • minerals;
  • triglycerides;
  • tannins;

Cocoa butter has the following effects on coughs:

  • antitussive;
  • expectorant;
  • pain reliever;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • softening and enveloping;
  • immunostimulating;
  • healing.

The antitussive effect is achieved through theobromine. Its synthetic analogues are often included in drugs for the treatment of bronchitis, pulmonary hypertension and bronchial asthma.

How to take cocoa butter to treat cough?

Cocoa butter helps remove phlegm and speeds up the healing of the throat mucosa. Due to the enveloping effect, pain is reduced. When used externally, it will help clear the respiratory system of infection and improve blood circulation.

To prepare cocoa butter for cough, use one of the following recipes:

  1. With milk. When treating cough, one teaspoon of oil should be added to a glass of milk and heated in a water bath. If there is no allergy, then you can add honey. During the day to treat cough you need to drink 3-6 glasses.
  2. With badger fat . For 1 tablespoon of melted cocoa butter, you need 1 tablespoon of badger fat. Prepare the mixture and cool. The hardened mass should be taken 0.5 teaspoon before eating. For a pleasant aroma, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil with cocoa. For people with gallbladder and liver problems, this medicine is undesirable due to its fat content.
  3. With chocolate. ¼ chocolate bar and 1 tbsp. Melt a spoonful of cocoa butter and mix with 2 tbsp. warm milk. You can take no more than 2 tbsp at a time. spoons up to 6 times during the day.
  4. With propolis . Melt cocoa butter and mix with crushed propolis in a ratio of 10 to 1. After cooling, take the mixture 0.5 teaspoon no more than 3 times a day.
  5. In its purest form. Suck a small piece of cocoa butter like candy. No more than 5-6 times during the day. This use will reduce an irritating, dry cough and relieve a sore throat.
  6. Massage. Rub cocoa butter over the lung area. It will significantly improve your well-being and blood circulation.
  7. Lubrication of the nasal mucosa. This method will be effective against colds. It can also be lubricated as a preventive measure against infections.
  8. Inhalation. Inhalation with a mixture of tea tree and cocoa essential oils will help quickly cure a cough. You need to add a couple of drops of oils to hot water and inhale the vapors.

  Coffee and chocolate diet


For any treatment, instructions and recommendations must be followed. In some cases, cocoa butter cannot be used.

Contraindications include:

  • elevated temperature;
  • high pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • allergy.

It is not recommended to use cocoa butter during pregnancy, since cocoa is a strong allergen, and during pregnancy, the sensitivity of the woman’s body increases significantly. In addition, when using cocoa, the absorption of calcium, which is necessary for fetal development, deteriorates.

Treatment of cough in children

Cocoa butter is useful not only for adults, but also for children. Before giving the product to a child, it is better to consult a doctor and discuss the dosage. The advantage is that you don’t have to persuade your baby for a long time. All children enjoy drinking “chocolate” milk.

To prepare it you will need 0.5 tablespoons of butter and half a glass of warm milk. If you are not allergic to honey, you can add it. After taking the medicine, it is better to wrap the child up and let him lie down.

Positive effects include relief from cough, reduction of fever and easing of sore throat.

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Click on me! I want chocolate.

Cocoa butter is a natural product that has virtually no contraindications and does not cause side effects. The oil quickly eliminates coughing and cold symptoms; its use strengthens the immune system and is suitable for treating children and adults.

Chocolate treats cough (study)

The secret of chocolate's action lies in a component found in cocoa. This substance helps with both acute and chronic cough.

A study was conducted by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute in which more than 300 people with chronic cough took part. They were given a substance theobromine, which was obtained from chocolate. Patients took it twice a day for two weeks.

  Chocolate face mask

Early data showed that health improvement was observed in 60 percent of cases. Researchers believe that dark chocolate contains a large amount of a substance that has a positive effect on chronic cough.

As a result of the study, it became clear that chocolate is not a cure for cough, since the symptoms returned to the patients immediately after the end of treatment .

Previous research has shown that theobromine has sensory nerve blocking properties . And they, in turn, stop the cough reflex.

It turned out that this substance is much more effective than codeine.

One ounce of dark dark chocolate contains about 450 mg of theobromine.
In sweet dark, its content is 150 mg, and in milk it does not exceed 60 mg. It is possible that in the future the treatment of cough will be based on the use of dark chocolate. But its use for medicinal purposes has many side effects (the main one is weight gain).


Using cocoa butter for coughs: dosage, recipes

It is difficult to treat a child for cough, as well as other diseases, since 90% of medicines always have an unpleasant aftertaste. But in solving the problem, folk recipes come to the rescue.

This form of therapy has been gaining momentum in the last decade due to its primitive preparation and great potency/ability to achieve the desired effect. Cocoa butter for cough is not only a tasty medicine, but also effective.

But like any method of treatment, it has positive and negative qualities. Therefore, before you start using it, you need to know the nuances of use. The cooking process is also important.

Useful properties of cocoa

It’s easy to create a medicine with your own hands at home, taking into account the availability of precise step-by-step instructions. But how to choose what is effective? Seeing a doctor would be a good idea.

The specialist will not only recommend the appropriate recipe, but will also prescribe the dosage. After all, you cannot count on the harmlessness of alternative medicine. Many people underestimate its properties.

You can use cocoa butter as an effective medicine for the following reasons:

  • the taste is reminiscent of chocolate (the basis for a standard chocolate bar);
  • appeals to all children and adults (recipes are used not only for treatment in childhood, but are recommended for adults);
  • naturalness of the product;
  • a large number of useful microelements and vitamins.

Obtained from the fruits of the cocoa tree. Use is allowed not only in medical practice, but also in cosmetology and perfumery. Easily melts upon touching the body.

The healing properties of cocoa fruits became known at the beginning of the 18th century. In pharmaceuticals it is used as a component material for suppositories, ointments, and lollipops. Recommended for external and internal use.

The composition of cocoa beans and the resulting products contains:

Molecular compounds Amino acids Carbohydrates Microelements Macroelements
Anandamide and arginine Finilaline Dextrin Zinc Potassium and chlorine
Tryptophan and polyphenol Tryptophan and threonine Monosaccharides Iron Phosphorus and calcium
Epicatecin Methionine Starch Molybdenum Sulfur and magnesium
Histamine Lysine and leucine Disaccharides Cobalt Sodium
Tyramine Isoleucine Copper
Salsolinol Histidine and valine Manganese

  Effective treatment of cough with folk remedies

In addition to these substances, the composition contains acids that help in treatment, as they have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties. They also help coat the mucous membrane of the throat and relieve cough reflexes due to the antitussive effect on parts of the brain.

Important! A natural product is used for cough therapy. A bar of natural chocolate or cocoa powder will do. No white or milk chocolate is used. He already has additives that will not give the desired result.

Indications for use

You can take cocoa butter to treat cough at any age. A small number of contraindications allows you to prepare a wonderful cocktail, syrup, candy and other forms for your child to inhibit the cough reflex.

Before using one or more recipes containing cocoa beans, you should consult a physician. Cocoa butter is prescribed as a medicinal drug:

  • when dryness and sore throat appear;
  • for therapy against colds with fever;
  • bronchitis;
  • cough.

The complex effect ensures rapid healing of damage to the mucous membranes and immediately softens them. Enveloping the airways, the oil provides pain relief, relieves inflammation and pain. In addition, it is recommended for use in dry and wet coughs, as it helps to liquefy and remove mucus.

It is often recommended to prepare recipes with cocoa beans to restore immunity and eliminate viruses and bacteria.

In the presence of a pulmonary infection, cocoa butter (more precisely, theobromine, which is in the composition) suppresses the work of pathogenic substances and elements. It is an excellent antiseptic, so for acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections and colds, a chocolate recipe is included in the regimen.

How to take cocoa butter

The fat obtained by squeezing cocoa beans is used both externally and internally. Depends on your goals.

Helps quickly relieve the inflammatory process in the presence of skin diseases (fungus, dermatitis, eczema). But this does not mean that you cannot make chocolate masks or compresses when you cough. They will also have a good effect on the internal organs through the pores.

Interesting fact! Chocolate drinks are recommended in the presence of gastric ulcers, and also as a means of inhibiting the development of cancer cells.

The texture of cocoa butter is dense and hard. When preparing a recipe, use is allowed in melted form. Ghee is obtained by heating in a water bath. In this case, liquid (honey, milk) is added after the solid chocolate has completely dissolved.

Which method of use to choose depends on the course of the disease and stage of development. Most often prescribed internally. To use, you need to remember the following points:

  1. Cocoa butter for cough for children does not have to be given with milk or any other ingredient. In its pure form, it is enough to give the prescribed dose for resorption. It is recommended to give at least 5 pieces per day, but after resorption, do not drink for at least 30 minutes. Helps reduce dry cough, dryness, irritation.
  2. Use butter only in melted form with warm milk. For 2 glasses of milk no more than 1 tsp. But the recipe will help if you are not lactose intolerant.
  3. The “beard” recipe is a combination of badger and chocolate fat. Both ingredients are melted before combining. The proportions are equal. Prohibition for use: liver disease, gallstones. Considered a natural immunomodulator.
  4. Gel or ointment for internal use contains propolis and cocoa. The proportion is 1 to 10. Take chilled. The dose should not exceed 1 tsp 3 times a day. half an hour before meals.

External use

It is correct to take it internally and at the same time use it with prescriptions for external use only after visiting a doctor. Otherwise the results will be unpredictable.

As an external agent it is used in pure form and in combination with additional ingredients. Widely used for massage in the bronchi and lungs. Can be used as an ointment to lubricate the sinuses.

But long-term use is not recommended. It is also used for inhalation to relieve paroxysmal cough. But already in the form of essential oil. Combined with tea tree oil, which increases the chances of quickly clearing the bronchi and respiratory tract.

Cocoa butter for treating cough in children

Any cough cocoa recipe is suitable for a child. But what parents most often recommend to each other is chocolate milk. The cocktail's additives include chocolate, butter, honey, and badger fat.

Such ingredients make the drink tastier and healthier, but be sure to monitor for an allergic reaction to the recipe used. According to medical statistics, the number of allergy sufferers has increased. Moreover, there is an impetus for the development of food intolerance after influenza, ARVI and acute respiratory infections.

  Effective cough recipes with banana

After taking the drug, the baby should go to bed and rest for at least half an hour. It is recommended to wrap the child up at night. This milkshake helps lower the temperature, remove waste and toxins through sweat, and relieve sore throat.


One of the most original cough recipes is a banana-chocolate cocktail. The base is natural milk - 1 glass. Be sure to boil no more than 40 degrees.

A pre-prepared banana mass is added to it: 1 banana, mashed into a paste with 2 tsp. Beat the resulting mixture with a blender. Use twice a day: in the morning and before bed. But this option is not suitable for pregnant women.

In most cases, cocoa butter is taken with milk. Before mixing, melt the chocolate in a water bath. Prepare no more than 1 glass for immediate consumption. It is not recommended to store or reheat. To enhance the taste, you can add melted chocolate (2-3 pieces) and honey (1 tsp).

Cocoa butter for coughs is also useful with badger fat. Melted (equal amount) 1 tsp. Add to milk and drink warm in small sips. You can leave the mixture without additional dissolution and let it harden. Take half a teaspoon three times a day.

Propolis and cocoa butter will help with advanced forms of pneumonia as an additional medicinal substance. Mix 1 to 10 in a liquid state. After hardening, take half a spoon three times a day.


The pharmacy does not sell chocolate syrups or ointments, which means that recipes are passed on by word of mouth. Therefore, instructions for using any of the proposed dosage form options may not be completely complete. Let us clarify the nuances of when and who should not be treated with chocolate:

  • problems falling asleep (restless sleep, insomnia);
  • overweight;
  • children under 2 years old;
  • intolerance;
  • diabetes.

During pregnancy, you can use chocolate treatment, but only after receiving recommendations from your doctor and the gynecologist monitoring your pregnancy.


Cocoa butter for cough: recipes and instructions for use Link to main publication
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