If prostate diseases mainly affected men over 40 years of age, now the age category of patients has become significantly younger. The main danger is the infectious nature of the disease, so suppositories for prostatitis with an antibiotic are often prescribed during therapy.
Modern men care little about their health, especially at a young age. It seems that everything is still ahead, you will have time to do everything. Meanwhile, they lead an inactive lifestyle, are exposed to stress, and abuse junk food and alcohol. Absence of sexual contact for a long time, or, conversely, indiscriminate sex, fraught with infections and diseases of an intimate nature.
The advantages of this form of release
There are two types of disease:
- congestive (stagnant) – associated with congestion in the pelvic organs and prostate;
- bacterial (infectious) – caused by infection with pathogenic bacteria.
For infectious prostatitis, therapy with suppositories containing an antibiotic is most effective.
- destroy pathogenic organisms,
- relieve inflammation
- significantly brings recovery closer.
The cumulative effect is one of the properties of an antimicrobial drug. Suppositories fight the problems of the affected organ around the clock.
Antibiotic suppositories for prostatitis are convenient and act most quickly on the organ requiring treatment.
- The main thing is intolerance to a component of the drug.
- Patients with heart failure or hypertension need to be careful in choosing such drugs. The medicine must be taken under the supervision of a doctor.
- Additional contraindications are blood, liver, kidney diseases, decreased immunity, dysbacteriosis or psoriasis.
- May affect concentration.
Side effects
- Side effects with the rectal method of application are minimized. The product does not injure the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and is absorbed in the intestines.
- It should be used with caution by men who are at risk for contraindications. Allergic reactions are possible: itching, burning, skin rashes, nausea, diarrhea, flatulence.
- Exacerbations of gastrointestinal problems, arrhythmia, vomiting or headaches may occur.
Before taking, carefully read the instructions and follow the instructions of your doctor.
Why is this form of release better?
After insertion into the rectum, the suppository begins to melt at body temperature. The therapeutic effect occurs after half an hour: being absorbed through the intestinal walls, the active components penetrate into the blood.
The speed of action can be compared with the injection form of administration. But, unlike other methods of administration, rectal minimizes the pathological effects of the ingredients on the liver and gastric mucosa. Practically does not cause allergic reactions or intoxication.
Alcohol compatibility
Antibiotics and alcohol are incompatible things, contradicting each other. The same applies to treatment with antibiotic suppositories.
- Alcohol has a negative effect on the prostate and reduces immunity. Inflammation can cause the condition to worsen. In acute forms of prostatitis or adenoma, the body is already susceptible to intoxication. By drinking alcohol, the patient aggravates the situation. Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, and headaches are possible. The effectiveness of therapy is reduced to zero.
Antimicrobial suppositories prevent the complete breakdown of alcohol and accumulate carcinogenic substances in the human blood. This can trigger irreversible processes. For example, cirrhosis of the liver or tissue death.
Types by action
- Pain syndromes in the groin, lower abdomen, back, anus are associated factors of prostate inflammation. The pain can be sharp and severe, or it can be mild and aching. There is no point in enduring pain with courage. The effectiveness of anesthetic suppositories in this case is guaranteed. However, rectal painkillers (as the name suggests) do not treat the disease itself, but only relieve pain and can relieve inflammation.
Here is an approximate list of drugs that have analgesic properties:
- Analgin;
- Papaverine;
- Relief;
- Proctosan;
- Natalsid.
Relieving inflammation
- Suppositories for prostatitis in this group are designed to fight the inflammatory process in the damaged organ.
- They often contain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Usually this active substance is diclofenac. One of the potent drugs that has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic properties. The active component penetrates into the blood almost instantly and has a beneficial effect on the pelvic organs, especially the prostate.
These are the following medications:
- Diclofenac,
- Dikloberl,
- Voltaren,
- Vitaprost,
- Prostatilen.
You need to be attentive and careful. Diclofenac causes many side effects. It is prohibited to take such medications without a doctor's prescription.
Antibacterial agents
- There are antibacterial suppositories taken for diagnosed prostatitis that do not contain antibiotics. Their composition is completely natural, but they also have anti-inflammatory properties. They have an antimicrobial effect. The most famous in this category are Uroprost, Vitaprost, and their analogues. Prescribed to patients with a history of any form of the disease: chronic, acute.
- The main active component is an extract from the prostate of cattle. These biologically active protein substances act on the prostate - eliminate inflammation, pain symptoms, and actively fight pathogenic bacteria. Increase local immunity, performing a protective function.
- Side effects of drugs such as Uroprost, Vitaprost or their analogues are minimized due to their natural origin. In isolated cases, intolerance to components can cause an allergic reaction. Then the medication should be stopped.
In complex therapy, immunomodulatory medications are prescribed.
- Rectal suppositories of this category restore the prostate epithelium. They stimulate new cells to grow and reanimate damaged ones. Thanks to such a component as human interferon, they increase the local immunity of the pelvic organs and the whole body.
The most common:
- Genferon,
- Longidaza,
- Galavit,
- Methyluracil.
Effective drugs
- Proctosedyl is prescribed as part of complex symptomatic treatment. The main therapeutic property is anti-inflammatory, thanks to the glucocorticosteroid hydrocartisone included in its composition. Eliminates swelling, relieves inflammation, relieves pain.
- The second active component is framycetin sulfate. Proctosedyl is a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug.
- The drug contains components that cause a local analgesic effect.
Proctosedyl begins to act within a few minutes after use, this is an undeniable advantage in choosing a drug.
- Rifampicin suppositories are considered one of the most effective in the treatment of all forms of bacterial prostatitis. Refers to antibiotic therapy.
- Relieves inflammation in prostate tissues, eliminates pathogenic microflora.
- Rifampicin suppositories for prostatitis contain antispasmodic substances that effectively eliminate pain in the pelvic organs or perineum.
- Azithromycin helps to quickly carry out effective treatment.
- They have an antimicrobial effect. The antibiotic included in their composition has a wide range of action and actively fights many genitourinary infections.
- It is also used in patients with acute and chronic prostatitis.
- When taking it, you must follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor. Usually well tolerated.
- Erythromycin suppositories for prostatitis have a similar effect.
One of the inexpensive drugs is ichthyol suppositories. They are also one of the most effective.
Ichthyol suppositories
- fight inflammation
- its causative agents,
- relieve pain symptoms,
- normalize blood circulation,
- have disinfectant properties.
They have no side effects and restrictions on contraindications.
With beta-sitosterol
Suppositories for prostatitis with beta-sitosterol belong to the category of herbal preparations.
- The active component is effective in independently combating the disease and in complex treatment.
- Beta-sitosterol is found in cereals or soy. This phytosterol acts on the prostate, protecting it.
Prostatin for prostatitis/hemorrhoids
Prostopin is a drug of natural origin. Active components - beekeeping products:
- propolis,
- royal jelly,
- beebread,
- pollen.
Suppositories with bee products are effective in the fight against prostatitis, prostate adenoma, inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system of men and women, and hemorrhoids. They have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. They help in the treatment of erectile dysfunction and have a beneficial effect on spermatogenesis.
Take into account intolerance to the components of Prostopin when prescribing.
- Longidaza rectal suppositories have proven effective in treating the most advanced stages.
- They have an anti-inflammatory, chelating, immunomodulatory, antioxidant effect on the affected organ.
- The therapeutic effect is achieved very quickly, given that one suppository is designed for 2-3 days. Appointments are scheduled by courses.
- Prostatilen suppositories (analogues of Vitaprost and Uroprost) for prostatitis are products of animal origin. Made from bovine prostate extract, they have a beneficial effect on the male prostate.
- Refers to antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory.
- Fights congestion in the pelvic organs, prevents the formation of blood clots, increases local immunity, and has a positive effect on spermatogenesis. Usually well tolerated.
- Methyluracil relieves inflammation and has a regenerating effect on the prostate gland.
- Heals wounds, promotes the growth of new epithelial cells, restoration of damaged tissues.
- Suppositories Olestesin of natural origin.
- The active ingredient is sea buckthorn oil.
- It has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves pain, and regenerates the epithelium.
- Provides antimicrobial therapy.
For prevention
- Medicinal suppositories of natural origin, containing beekeeping products, have proven to be a method of preventing prostatitis.
- They are taken at the stage of weakening symptoms to prevent a new source of inflammation and the transition of the disease to a chronic form.
- They have decongestant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, regenerating properties.
Here is a sample list:
- Hemo-pro;
- Prostopin;
- Propolis DN.
Regular sex life and proper nutrition are the main methods for preventing congestion in the pelvis.
How to prepare suppositories for prostatitis at home
One of the disadvantages of this form of drug release is the inconvenience of administration. However, the positive properties of rectal administration predominate, and this, we recall:
- rapid impact on the affected organ,
- minimal impact of medicinal components on the entire body, which reduces the likelihood of intoxication and minimizes the likelihood of side effects.
- Firstly, all rectal agents are introduced into the rectum immediately after defecation, preferably with an enema. This is a prerequisite for effective influence.
It is not always convenient, especially if the drug is prescribed several times a day.
- Secondly, after inserting the suppository, you need to remain in a lying position for 30-40 minutes. It, melted by body temperature, can leak out.
This is also not always acceptable.
- Minor inconveniences are outweighed by the benefits of rectal suppositories for prostatitis.
- The opinion of doctors is that this method of administering medications is very simple, but most effective.
- We must not forget that such drugs must be taken strictly in accordance with the prescriptions of the attending physician, excluding any amateur activities.
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Source: https://AnnaHelp.ru/prostatit/svechi-effektivnye-s-antibiotikom.html
Suppositories for chronic prostatitis: effective drugs
Suppositories for chronic prostatitis are a medicinal form that is used rectally. Medicines from this category allow you to achieve a quick and harmless therapeutic effect. They are actively used to prevent relapses of pathology.
Description of drugs
Only a doctor should prescribe suppositories for chronic prostatitis. The choice of a specific medicine depends on the characteristics of the pathology. With the help of such medications, it is possible to establish bladder emptying and prevent congestion in the gland.
When entering the intestinal structure, suppositories melt under the influence of human body temperature. As a result, all components of the drug penetrate the bloodstream. Thanks to this, medicinal components spread throughout the body. First of all, the active ingredients penetrate the prostate.
The course of use of such funds is approximately 7-10 days. After which the doctor recommends interrupting and starting therapy again. The substance is injected into the anus after it has been cleansed. Candles have a number of restrictions on their use, so choosing them yourself is not recommended.
There are quite a few medications to combat chronic prostatitis. They cope with pain, relieve inflammation, and have an antispasmodic effect. These medications also differ in composition. They can be of artificial or plant origin.
Advantages and disadvantages
Suppositories are very popular because they have a number of advantages:
- They produce a gentle effect on the body. This is due to excretion through the intestines. This dosage form is not processed by the liver;
- The composition can be used by people with swallowing disorders;
- The effect after application occurs within 2-3 hours. The medicine acts directly on the affected organ;
- When using suppositories, there is minimal stress on the kidneys. The organ removes a smaller amount of active substances than in the case of oral administration.
The use of this medication form for chronic prostatitis has certain disadvantages. These include the following:
- Candles may not be very convenient to use. After opening the package, the composition must be used very quickly, since it melts under the influence of the heat of the hands;
- The shelf life of suppositories is much shorter compared to tablets;
- After administering the medicine, you need to stay in bed for at least a quarter of an hour. Otherwise, the composition will leak out of the anus, and the effectiveness of the substance will be reduced;
- The active components present in the suppositories can irritate the intestinal mucosa. When the immune system is weakened, there is a possibility of proctitis.
In addition, it is not always possible to use suppositories for chronic prostatitis.
Key restrictions on the use of this dosage form include:
- complex types of hemorrhoids;
- presence of bleeding;
- anal fissures.
Classification of funds
Effective suppositories for chronic prostatitis have a combined effect. They help cope with viruses and bacterial microorganisms, relieve inflammation and pain. Many drugs have a regenerating effect, strengthen the immune system, and have antispasmodic properties.
The antimicrobial effect leads to a decrease in the activity of harmful bacteria that provoke the development of chronic prostatitis. Doctors usually prescribe medications from the fluoroquinolone group. Preparations containing ichthyol and propolis can also be used.
Antiseptic components in such medications help eliminate inflammation. Antibacterial suppositories help cope with swelling, normalize temperature, and significantly reduce pain.
It is not recommended to use such drugs if chronic prostatitis is accompanied by bleeding disorders, allergic reactions or ulcerative lesions of the digestive organs.
After completing the treatment course, probiotics and prebiotics must be prescribed. They help restore intestinal microflora.
Rifampicin is most often used . It prevents the formation of a surface shell of bacteria, which stops their development. The elements of the drug instantly penetrate the structure of the prostate and strengthen the body’s immune forces. The medicine also successfully copes with pain and vascular spasms.
In addition, for chronic prostatitis, medications that contain chloramphenicol or erythromycin can be used. Substances containing synthomycin are highly effective.
Anti-inflammatory suppositories
Effective suppositories for the treatment of chronic prostatitis include the following medications:
- Diclofenac. This is a fairly serious remedy that relieves pain in a short time. Since the medicine has a powerful effect, it has many restrictions on its use. The medication is contraindicated for intestinal disorders. Diclofenac is also able to increase blood pressure parameters. It negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys and liver. In some situations, its use leads to pain during bowel movements.
- Voltaren. Its active component is also diclofenac. The medicine does not cause damage to the digestive organs and does not include toxic elements. However, such suppositories are prohibited for use by people with ulcerative lesions of the digestive organs. Contraindications also include a tendency to allergic reactions.
- Prostatilen with zinc. This is a complex medicine that successfully copes with swelling and enhances secretion production. The substance stimulates libido. However, it is prohibited to use for heart disease. The zinc content in these suppositories is of great importance for men's health. There is a lot of this element present in sperm. Every day a man should receive 15 mg of the substance. During active sports activities and sexual activity, you need to consume up to 50 mg of the microelement per day.
General restorative drugs
For chronic prostatitis, you should definitely use substances that normalize body tone and have immunomodulatory properties. These elements improve tissue nutrition, normalize metabolism and strengthen local immunity.
Effective drugs that are actively used for chronic prostatitis include:
- Methyluracil suppositories. Such suppositories stimulate metabolism in tissues, which improves their nutrition. The medicine also has a good effect on blood composition. Typically, such substances are prescribed outside the period of exacerbation. They promote tissue regeneration and improve prostate function.
- Galavit. The medicine has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect. It is used for chronic infectious prostatitis. The substance helps cope with infections of the genitourinary system. Galavit enhances the activity of antibiotics. Also, these suppositories stimulate the immune system. They are best used as part of combination therapy.
- Longidaza. This is an effective drug that is best used at an early stage of the disease. Thanks to the course use of suppositories, it is possible to obtain an anti-inflammatory effect. The medicine is also a powerful immunomodulator and has a chelating effect. Suppositories increase cellular permeability, cope with swelling and are an excellent prevention of adhesions.
- Viferon. The medicine is an effective immunomodulator. It affects blood vessels and improves blood supply to the prostate. The substance also enhances the activity of antibiotics.
- Prostopin. The drug copes well with inflammation, has a tonic effect, and has healing and tonic properties. The use of suppositories helps to influence the intestines and the entire genitourinary system. Therefore, they should be used not only for chronic prostatitis, but also for hemorrhoids. Prostopin contains many useful components - beebread, honey, propolis. The medicine also includes pollen and royal jelly.
Folk recipes
To cope with chronic prostatitis, you can make candles with your own hands. It is important to choose the right components of the medicine.
Homemade remedies produce a mild effect on the affected organ. They have no side effects or contraindications.
The most effective recipes include the following:
- Mix wax, propolis, and goat fat in equal proportions. Then add alcohol and heat in a steam bath. When the composition becomes homogeneous, it can be removed from the stove. Suppositories with a diameter of 1 cm should be made from the warm mass. Their length should be 5 cm. As the suppositories cool, they become harder. They should be kept in the refrigerator.
- Take 200 g of lanolin and melt in a steam bath. Add 50 g of wax and propolis. Mix the ingredients, pour into a clean container and cool. Cut the mixture into pieces and shape them into candles.
- Grind 40 g of propolis, pour in 220 ml of alcohol. Leave the infusion for 10 days, shaking it occasionally. Then put on the stove and cook until the alcohol evaporates. Add 200 g of cocoa butter to the resulting composition. Heat the composition in a steam bath, then cool. Form candles from the prepared mass.
Such products must be used for 15-30 days. After which you need to take a break for 2-3 months. To completely cope with chronic prostatitis, 3-4 treatment courses will be required.
To avoid relapses of chronic prostatitis, you need to use special means. Most often, experts advise choosing the following drugs:
- ichthyol candles;
- preparations with propolis;
- medicines with the addition of cocoa butter;
- sea buckthorn suppositories.
All these substances cope well with inflammation. Immunomodulatory compounds can also be used for preventive purposes.
They are prescribed during the period of remission in courses of 5-10 days. This will help strengthen the immune system. In the presence of chronic prostatitis, such courses are carried out 1-2 times a year.
Properly selected rectal suppositories perfectly cope with the symptoms of chronic prostatitis and help avoid exacerbation of the disease. To achieve the desired results, you must consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow his instructions.
© 2018 – 2019, MedProstatit.ru. All rights reserved.
Source: https://MedProstatit.ru/svechi-ot-hronicheskogo-prostatita.html
Inexpensive and effective suppositories for prostatitis in men: list of drugs and their names
Congestion can be caused both by a man’s lifestyle and by infection. That is, lifestyle can be attributed to a separate cause of the disease.
The meaning is this: if a man avoids walking, moves little, often travels in transport and cars, excluding any physical activity, then problems with blood circulation appear in the body.
It is no secret that blood nourishes all internal organs, responsible for the delivery of oxygen to them. During exercise (whether active training or walking), blood washes the prostate gland, delivering fresh oxygen to its cells and removing waste metabolic products, which ensures healthy prostate function.
In addition, the prostate gland is subject to pulsed external pressure due to contraction of the pelvic muscle fibers.
Lack of regular sexual intercourse can also lead to stagnation. Any kind of exercise will not help you when you have no sex life.
Infectious diseases
Venereal diseases lead to inflammation of the prostate gland. Becoming their owner is quite easy and is not very difficult for any man. But it is much more difficult to recover. STDs indirectly or directly cause problems with the prostate gland.
Daily diet
What a person eats has a significant impact on health. The prostate gland is no exception; its functioning can be affected by the amount of hot spices, salt and protein in the daily menu.
The immediate cause of prostate inflammation is age. After 45-50 years, this disease affects every third person.
Treatment of prostatitis
Treatment of this disease can be surgical or medicinal . The second type is also called conservative. There are many medications for the treatment of prostatitis:
- Medicines to relieve the consequences of the disease (problems with urination, pain, temperature);
- Tablets that contain various combinations of herbal ingredients;
- Physiotherapy;
- Microclysters with various fillers;
- Rectal suppositories (we will look at them in more detail).
Surgical methods are used during the appearance of stones in the prostate gland or an irreversible increase in parenchyma, which interferes with the normal functioning of the body. Treatment of the prostate gland with suppositories is of great interest.
Rectal suppositories for prostatitis are a convenient and effective way to treat the prostate gland.
Let's explain:
- Constant and gradual flow of the drug into the prostate. This can be explained by the fact that the contents of the suppository are slowly absorbed in the required place and do not pass further through the intestines;
- Absorption of the drug occurs without the help of the upper intestines and stomach, due to which there is no toxic effect;
- The suppositories are inserted close to the infected organ (the suppository and the prostate are separated only by the wall of the rectum).
There are a large number of suppositories for prostatitis, and their classification is based on the effect that these drugs have. Let's look at the most common means:
- Anti-inflammatory drugs;
- Rectal suppositories with antibiotic;
- Preventive agents;
- Anesthetic drugs;
- Magnetic and other preparations.
Antibiotic suppositories
This type of medication is designed to effectively solve two problems at the same time - relieving spasms and removing microorganisms in the prostate (normally, there should be no microbes here).
Bacteria can appear in the prostate during inflammation or STDs caused by other organisms (for example, if, as a result of improper circumcision, an ascending infection has entered the urinary canals).
The antibiotic contained in the rectal suppository can either cause early death or stop the proliferation of the microorganism. As a result, the prostate parenchyma becomes newly sterile.
Rifampicin is used as an antibiotic in these suppositories, stopping RNA synthesis inside the bacterium and does not affect the replication process in men. It is also produced separately in the form of ampoules, tablets or capsules.
There are few side effects, so the drug is successfully used by a wide range of patients. An additional element is considered an antispasmodic, which reduces spasm of smooth muscles in the pelvic organs.
Rifampicin suppositories are used to treat chronic and acute prostate disease. In the latter case, the duration of treatment can be up to a month.
Suppositories that relieve inflammation
For example, it is prohibited to use non-steroidal medications for bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, or ulcers of the stomach and lower intestines.
Side effects include, for example, vomiting, excessive gas production, high blood pressure, diarrhea, etc. The active substance of these suppositories is diclofenac, in pharmacies these are the drugs “Voltaren”, “Diclofenac”.
They can be used only after the consent of the doctor. Used for hemorrhoids, chronic and acute prostatitis.
Not very toxic to the digestive system; when used rectally, they perfectly relieve inflammation in the pelvic organs.
Rectal anesthetic suppositories
In this case, we are talking about drugs for complex purposes . For example, Proctosan can be used to relieve pain in the anus (for which Proctoglivenol is also suitable).
Both of these agents, in addition to their anesthetic effect, have the ability to improve blood circulation in the anal sphincter area.
Other drugs, Relief and Natalsid, are also prescribed for hemorrhoids, but can be used to relieve local pain in prostatitis.
It is impossible to cure prostatitis with these drugs, since they only remove the symptom, but it is possible to prevent hemorrhoids. Indomethacin is used as the active substance.
Candles for self-use
We are talking about a medicine that contains beta-sitosterol , a plant element found in soybeans, wheat germ and rice bran. It is best suited for disease prevention rather than treatment. In the second case, it is necessary to combine this remedy with other powerful drugs.
Preparations with propolis
Propolis is a universal natural substance that is suitable for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Preparations with propolis have a complex effect on the prostate and nearby organs, and are distinguished by the fact that they:
- Universal to use and do not require doctor’s consultation;
- Natural;
- Hypoallergenic.
Preparations with propolis improve well-being and increase potency. Some of the suppositories are absorbed into the prostate, and some into the blood, systemically affecting the body, improving well-being and elevating mood.
Propolis is used in such preparations as:
- Propolis D, DN;
- Phyto-propolis;
- Hemo-Pro;
- Prostopin.
With ichthyol. Effect:
- It has no side effects other than allergies.
- Local anesthesia.
- Reduces inflammation.
Why and when are candles used?
Suppositories are used for:
- Prevention of complications after surgery;
- Restoring lost potency as a result of prostatitis;
- Chronic and acute prostatitis;
- Elimination of difficulty urinating, swelling, pain;
- Preparing for surgery to remove the prostate.
Using candles
The introduction of these drugs is not easy, there are some rules . If they are not followed, the treatment will not be effective.
There aren't that many rules:
- Before administering the drugs, it is necessary to make a microenema; immediately after emptying, you can administer it;
- Read the instructions carefully: you need to clearly know what you are prohibited from combining candles with;
- After administration, you need to remain on your stomach for half an hour or more. It is advisable to carry out the procedure at night, in which case the drug will have enough time to be completely absorbed;
- The prostate is located in front of the rectum, so the medicine must be administered in a lying position.
Also a valuable rule: no need to self-medicate ; check with your doctor which suppositories can be used. This does not apply to candles made from herbs and with propolis.
List and names of existing candles
Diclofenac is a unique drug that contains an anti-inflammatory non-steroidal element. It is used not only during prostatitis, but also in other diseases as a drug that has a large-scale and strong effect.
Anti-inflammatory agent with narrowly targeted effects. The latter means that the drug Vitaprost selectively acts on prostate tissue, without being absorbed into nearby ones. This feature makes the drug quite convenient for treating the prostate gland. All varieties of these candles contain Saprost as the main active element.
- Vitaprost Plus;
- Vitaprost Forte;
- Vitaprost.
The last two products have “Saprost”, and also have the following effects:
- Activates the muscles of the bladder, which helps it empty completely;
- Reduces swelling of the prostate;
- Activates the secretion of prostate juice;
- Prevention of prostate vein thrombosis;
- Brings order to the ejaculate;
- Reduces the chance of non-bacterial prostatitis;
- In case of adenoma, it causes degradation of the tumor.
“Plus” preparations, in addition to prostate extract, contain an antibiotic – lomefloxacin, which has a wide range of effects. Otherwise, the candles repeat the effect of the last two options. Medicines are prescribed to normalize the functioning of the prostate in case of chronic prostatitis, and “Plus” suppositories can also treat the acute process of the disease.
Treatment time: 2 weeks, one suppository per day. It must be remembered that Vitaprost must be used separately from anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs (for example, Diclofenac), since their toxicity increases.
Overdose: hallucinations, stupor, tremors of limbs - do not use more than one suppository per day! Tell your doctor if you notice anything abnormal.
Quite often, doctors prescribe the drug prostatilen. These suppositories are made from bovine prostate protein extract . This extract, when it enters the prostate, protects it from leukocytes (thus, an inflammatory process does not appear in the gland) and activates the functioning of the prostate. Relieving inflammation leads to normalization of urination, and the quality of sperm and libido also improves.
Use one suppository 2 times a day for 2 weeks during prostate adenoma and various types of non-infectious prostatitis.
In rare cases, the drug causes side effects (usually an allergy to foreign proteins). It has been noted that using suppositories for longer than 2 weeks leads to the opposite effect.
The allergy appears in the form of urticaria , no other manifestations have been identified. During infectious prostatitis it must be used in combination with an antibiotic! In pharmacies you can also find Prostatilen-Zinc suppositories.
This is an anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drug (NSAID) that contains diclofenac sodium. Used to relieve inflammation and remove appearances resulting from these processes.
Preparations with indomethacin
There are a number of side effects - diarrhea, rectal erosion, constipation, nausea, flatulence.
Contraindications: gastrointestinal ulcers, colitis, hypertension, cardiovascular failure, liver and kidney dysfunction, asthma. Treatment of prostatitis with the help of these suppositories is carried out in rare situations.
Candles with ichthyol
Ichthyol has anti-inflammatory effects and has analgesic properties. Side effects include allergies. This is a safe remedy, it is excellent for the treatment of hemorrhoids and symptoms of prostatitis, also for women with gynecological diseases.
Do not forget that these products must be used strictly according to the instructions. Do not increase the indicated doses as this may adversely affect your health and well-being.
But at the same time, it is necessary to use them regularly for several weeks or months.
The duration of the course of treatment will also depend on the course of the disease and the general health of the man, therefore it is also prescribed by the doctor only on an individual basis.
Source: https://urolog.guru/lechenie/lekarstvennye-sredstva/svechi-ot-prostatita-nedorogie-i-effektivnye-perechen-preparatov.html
Suppositories for prostatitis
First you need to decide what suppositories are for prostatitis. Everything is very simple. This is a unique type of medicine for men that is taken rectally. That is, by introducing the drug into the rectum; then the medicine is absorbed, that is, absorbed by the vessels located on the inside of the intestine.
After this, the medicine enters the circulatory system and spreads throughout the body, entering the organs and producing the desired effect. Suppositories for prostatitis are considered effective due to the fact that this method of administering the medicine is extremely productive.
For example, anti-inflammatory drugs are often used to get results as quickly as possible and reduce inflammation. Of course, the fastest way is intravenous administration, but often this is not suitable for a variety of reasons. In this case, you need to look for the most effective candles, for example on the Internet based on reviews, and the price will not always indicate the quality.
You need to try different options: with and without propolis, expensive and inexpensive: with drugs it happens that one thing suits someone, and at the same time, it does not help another at all.
Why is it effective?
In case of prostatitis, suppositories are doubly effective, since the medicine is in close proximity to the object of inflammation, the prostate, and therefore has a direct and rapid effect.
Below we will consider the main types of candles, which are both inexpensive, effective and efficient.
Expensive drugs should be taken only as directed, since the effects of many of them have not been properly tested - and this requires the knowledge of a specialist.
Prostatitis as a disease is quite common and is found in 70% of older men and 10% of young men. This is an inflammation of the prostate gland, also called the prostate.
symptoms of prostatitis in men are itching, unpleasant pain, difficult or painful urination, night urges. Treatment should begin when the first symptoms appear; it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.
But still, some people do not trust doctors and treat themselves (treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies). In this case, candles are the best and harmless option. They call their treatment local.
Indications for use
Suppositories for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis should be prescribed by a urologist. Self-treatment is not recommended: in order to cause complications or situations “when we treat the wrong thing and waste precious time.”
Suppositories are indicated if a man:
- Acute prostatitis or bacterial
- Chronic inflammation of the prostate
- Complicated courses of prostate disease
It usually lasts 7-10 days (can be repeated after 3 weeks to consolidate results). Timely treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland prevents the progression of the disease process, so it is necessary to identify it in the early stages and not self-medicate. Depending on the type of inflammation, there are different types of suppositories for prostatitis:
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antibacterial
- Painkillers
- Immunostimulating
Natural components, which are contained in many drugs, act quite effectively on the source of the disease.
Unpleasant sensations appear due to vascular spasms. To relieve inflammation, this type of suppository is used. In addition, they destroy pathogenic bacteria, that is, they also have antiseptic properties. Quite often, doctors recommend complex therapy; the effect in such cases is noticeable within an hour. Let's look at the main drugs.
Firstly, it is worth mentioning “Voltaren”, this medicine has a strong anti-inflammatory effect for prostatitis in men, the active substance is diclofenac.
The action lasts approximately 12 hours, which explains the popularity of the drug. Sometimes pharmacies don’t have Voltaren, then you can ask for “Diclovit” - it’s an analogue. The active ingredient is the same, but this is a combined drug.
It has an analgesic effect, but not very pronounced. "Dicloberl" is also based on diclofenac.
Interestingly, there are suppositories for prostate inflammation, which are called “Diclofenac”; they contain the highest concentration of the active substance, quickly eliminate pain and are considered very effective. But you need to remember that the use of this drug is extremely contraindicated for people who suffer from liver disease, kidney disease or have hypertension.
The safest medicine in this series is “Ichthyol suppositories”, they improve blood circulation, do not act so quickly, but still fight spasms. They have virtually no contraindications; unless there are rare cases of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Antibacterial and nourishing
They do not have a pronounced effect, but they actually treat, that is, they destroy pathogenic bacteria and organisms. Here you can list all drugs containing rifampicin. To restore the gland, you can use “Methyluracil” - it improves the so-called trophic nutrition of internal tissues, restores the prostate gland and improves immunity.
- These are leaders among suppositories and have a good advantage - they do not enter the liver, but are completely broken down in the intestines.
- More examples:
- "Vitaprost"
- "Uroprost"
- "Prostatilen"
These medications are worth mentioning last, as pain relief is not a cure, it is just a temporary measure. “Indomethacin” is a powerful painkiller, the effect lasts quite a long time. Most often it is prescribed in combination treatment. You should not use this drug for a long time. Possibly addictive.
They are used when there is severe discomfort; naturally, a person wants to dull the pain and do something... in this case they will be very effective.
What properties does it have:
- Antipyretic
- Antispasmodic
- Antiplatelet
Suppositories for prostatitis with an immunostimulating-immunomodulatory effect, as is clear from the name, are designed to increase the immune component, activating regenerative processes in the prostate (in the affected tissues).
If we list a list of drugs of this type, then this is:
- "Galavit"
- "Methyluracil"
- "Genferon"
A way to eliminate prostatitis without suppositories
There are many different ways to get rid of this male scourge (including prostate massage), many men have already tried most of them, but the result is not always so obvious and not always unambiguous.
We offer a unique device for recovery from inflammation of the prostate gland - HAPPY MAN. Many of you have probably already translated the name of the device - “Happy Man”, it is still unique in Russia - it was developed by the Harbin Research Institute. In the menu you can find its description - its capabilities are very great - one of them is getting rid of prostate inflammation.
- Watch the video:
- And here you can order the device
- Also on topic:
- prostatitis and impotence
- how to prevent prostate inflammation
Source: https://happymans-xxl.ru/prostatit-svechi.html
Which suppositories are better for prostatitis?
Home › Treatment
In post-Soviet countries it is very difficult to treat prostatitis.
Everyone is afraid of going to an unscrupulous doctor who will first prescribe ineffective treatment, and only then (when there is a decent amount left in the pharmacy) normal drugs.
It is no less scary to believe in commercials and websites offering to cure a disease with a “miracle” drug. There is only one way out: start collecting information about existing drugs yourself.
We will describe the main suppositories that help in cases of prostatitis and prostate adenoma. It is important to remember that everyone’s body is different, and what will help one may not work on another, that is, which suppositories are the most effective for prostatitis, it is difficult to say. In addition, in order for the treatment to be effective, you need to know the stage and type of prostatitis - so as not to harm yourself.
So, check with a urologist and sonologist (ultrasound doctor) what kind of prostatitis you have, and study the list of suppositories for its treatment.
Important Warning
A dosage form such as rectal suppositories for prostatitis is called local therapy. They are inserted into the rectum, and it turns out that only the intestinal wall will separate the inflamed prostate gland and the suppository itself.
Candles are not a panacea
However, despite such a thin “barrier”, suppositories are not the only remedy that can alone solve the problem of prostatitis, especially acute ones. Because in suppositories the active ingredients are contained in low concentrations. In addition, they often require help to guide them directly into the gland tissue.
Need physiotherapy
Therefore, for even inexpensive suppositories for prostatitis to be effective, help their active substance penetrate the prostate. This requires physiotherapy:
- irradiation with helium-neon laser,
- ultraphonophoresis (carrying out medicine with ultrasound).
In addition, to help exert its effect, the drug from the suppository must not be inactivated (“neutralized”) in the prostate tissue. To do this, you need to remove inflammatory fluid from it, which inevitably accumulates - even with chronic prostatitis. How to do it? Using prostate massage (the method is contraindicated in the presence of infected stones)!
If, after placing a suppository, pain or itching is felt in the rectum, this indicates an allergy. In this case, the drug must be discontinued and an analogue with the same effect, but with a different active ingredient, must be found. In the meantime, take an antihistamine (Diazolin, Loratadine, Cetrin).
Any suppositories are placed either after a bowel movement or after an enema!
Antiseptic suppositories
Antiseptics are not antibiotics. These are substances of synthetic or natural origin that:
- they can destroy not only bacteria, but also viruses and fungi (and prostatitis can be caused by any microorganism);
- do not cause pronounced dysbacteriosis;
- bacteria develop resistance to themselves more slowly.
Antiseptic suppositories for the treatment of prostatitis are used for:
- acute bacterial prostatitis - together with intravenous antibiotics;
- chronic bacterial prostatitis, including when there are infected stones (along with suppositories with antibiotics);
- chronic nonspecific prostatitis;
- ureplasmic prostatitis;
- chlamydial prostatitis;
- viral prostatitis.
Anti-inflammatory suppositories necessary for chronic prostatitis include:
Ichthyol candles
Composition: ichthyol 200 mg. Action: antiseptic, regulates vascular tone, improves tissue healing, improves metabolism. Application: 1 candle 1-2 times a day.
Price: No. 10 – 80 rub.
The vast majority of antiseptic candles are based on propolis, a resinous substance that bees use to seal hives and polish honeycomb cells. Propolis destroys a large number of microorganisms, and also, in itself, has anesthetic and healing properties.
Such suppositories with propolis include:
Application: 1 sv* 1 r/day (preferably at night) Price: No. 15 – 480 RUR
Application: 1 sv*3 r/day – 10 days Price: No. 6 – 300 r
Source: https://prostalife-info.ru/lechenie/kakie-svechi-ot-prostatita-luchshe.html