
How to treat a cold: features of traditional and folk medicinehow to treat a cold

A cold is a colloquial concept that unites diseases caused by hypothermia of the body. But often infectious diseases such as influenza, laryngitis, pharyngitis, acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI) and others are classified as colds.

How to treat a cold: features of traditional and folk medicineHow to treat a cold

Causes of colds

The main causes of colds are:

  1. Hypothermia. If the human body is not prepared for sudden temperature changes, then irritation of receptors with cold reflexively causes dysfunction of internal organs and favors the development of the disease. Hypothermia is often accompanied by activation of pathogenic bacteria in the nasal cavity. This leads to the development of rhinitis (runny nose).
  2. Weak immunity. Factors that reduce the body's protective function are exacerbation of chronic diseases, poor environmental conditions, unhealthy diet, unhealthy lifestyle, the presence of helminths, and stress.

Treatment at the first symptoms of a cold

When the first signs of the disease appear, in order to prevent further development of the cold, you can use alternative medicine recipes.

Onion infusion

Chop one onion and pour a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave for 5-10 minutes. Drink the entire glass in one gulp.

Phytoncides (bioactive substances that can suppress pathogenic bacteria), which onions contain in large quantities, will quickly help cope with the disease at an early stage.

Bath with essential oils and sea salt

How to treat a cold: features of traditional and folk medicineHow to treat a cold

Prepare a bath (t no higher than 38 °C). Add 200-250 grams of special salt and 15 drops of eucalyptus oil, peppermint, sage or rosemary to the water.

The duration of the procedure is no more than 15 minutes. Afterwards, the patient needs to wipe himself dry, lie down and warm up under the blanket. Additionally, you can drink warm tea with raspberries, lemon, ginger or honey.

At the first symptoms of a cold, gargling and rinsing the nasal cavity are helpful. These procedures cleanse the mucous membranes of viruses and moisturize them.

You need to rinse your nose with warm saline solution 2-3 times during the day. Pharmacy preparations Salin, No-sol, Aquamaris are suitable for this. The rinsing solution is easy to prepare yourself. In a liter of clean water, stir 1 teaspoon of ordinary salt and 2-3 drops of iodine.

It is recommended to gargle with diluted furatsilin or a soda solution (1 teaspoon per 200 ml of warm water). In the initial stages, colds respond well to treatment.

How to treat a cold: features of traditional and folk medicineHow to treat a cold

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What is opisthorchiasis: treatment at home

Treatment of colds and runny nose with folk remedies

How to treat a cold: features of traditional and folk medicineHow to treat a coldOne of the unpleasant symptoms of a cold is a runny nose. It is manifested by copious mucus discharge from the nose.

You can overcome it with folk remedies:

  1. Nasal rinsing. It can be made not only with saline solutions, but also with decoctions of medicinal herbs (field chamomile, calendula). To prepare a decoction, add a pinch of herb to a glass of water and cook in a steam bath until it boils. Allow to cool and strain;
  2. Nasal drops. A couple of times a day, drop 3-4 drops of Kalanchoe juice or freshly squeezed beet juice into each nasal passage. You can prepare a medicine from onion juice and vegetable oil by mixing them in a 1:1 ratio;
  3. Inhalations. They provide a mild and long-lasting effect of the drug on the nasal mucosa. Inhalations are carried out with a special inhaler or in the traditional way (inhaling steam over a container). For inhalation, you can use any alkaline mineral water (without gas), decoctions of medicinal plants (pine needles, eucalyptus, chamomile). You can do inhalations by adding 2-3 drops of essential oil;
  4. Dry heating. Pour heated salt or peas into a small fabric bag. Apply a warm bag to the nasal sinuses. Hold until it retains heat. Repeat warming up in the morning and evening.

You need to know that with any runny nose it is important to blow your nose correctly. You need to blow your nose carefully so that the pressure in the nasal cavity does not rise. Otherwise, bacteria and viruses that are in the nose can enter the auditory tube, which will lead to inflammation of the middle ear. It can also damage the mucous membrane, which is already inflamed.

Folk remedies for colds and sore throat

A cold is often accompanied by a sore and sore throat. You can get rid of them using alternative medicine recipes:

  1. Gargling. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day. You can rinse with garlic water (chop 2 medium cloves, add hot water, after an hour the medicine is ready), diluted tincture of calendula or eucalyptus (dilute 1 teaspoon in a glass of warm water), infusion of sage or chamomile (brew a tablespoon of dry herb with 200 ml of boiling water , leave for about an hour), clove tincture (steam 10 pieces in a glass of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes);
  2. Lubricating the mucous membrane and tonsils with sea buckthorn oil 3 times a day;
  3. Onion juice (not used for treating children). Adults take 1 tablespoon twice a day. After squeezing, the pulp is used as a compress on the neck.

Such procedures help remove pathogenic organisms from the mucous surface of the throat and create conditions unfavorable for their reproduction.

Elena Malysheva tells how to properly treat flu and colds.

How to treat a cough due to a cold at home

There are many effective methods for treating cough. The most popular of them:

  1. Radish with honey. Wash the black radish fruit and cut off the tail. Make a hole inside and put 2-3 teaspoons of honey into it. The radish should be infused for at least 4 hours. After which, the resulting juice is drunk 3 times a day. For small children, 1-2 teaspoons are enough, children over 6 years old and adults take 1-2 tablespoons. Radish juice thins mucus well and promotes its removal;
  2. Inhalations based on essential oils, alkaline solutions or steam from boiled potatoes. Medicinal substances in a vapor state enter the respiratory tract and instantly affect the inflamed mucous membranes. Inhalations are used to treat both non-productive (without sputum) and productive (with sputum) cough;
  3. Rubbing with fat. Fat of animal origin is used: badger, goat, bear. First you need to melt it in a steam bath, and then rub it on the patient’s chest. If the cough is accompanied by wheezing, you can add a pinch of dry mustard to the fat. The result of treatment is noticeable after 3 days;
  4. Plantain decoction. Has a good expectorant effect. Pour a small pinch of dry leaves with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 4 hours. Take the strained drink 30 minutes before meals, 2-3 sips three times a day.

Treatment of headaches and fever due to colds

A cold is much more difficult to bear if it is accompanied by a headache. One of the reasons for its manifestation is an increase in temperature.

How to treat a cold: features of traditional and folk medicineHow to treat a cold

Help relieve headaches during a cold:

  1. Balm “Star”. They need to lubricate the forehead, behind the ears, temples;
  2. Lemon. Rub lemon juice onto your temples and forehead;
  3. Compress. Moisten a gauze cloth in a vinegar solution (warm water and 9% vinegar 1:1) and apply to the forehead.

For any disease, if the patient’s temperature is not higher than 38.5 °C, doctors recommend not taking antipyretics. By raising the temperature, the body reacts to viruses and bacteria that have entered and fights them.

If this condition is poorly tolerated by the patient or the temperature has exceeded 38.5 ° C, it should be lowered. Suitable for this:

  1. Tea with raspberries or currants. You can use jam, dry, frozen berries and even dry leaves. After drinking warm tea, you need to wrap yourself up warmly and try to sleep;
  2. Linden infusion. Brew a pinch of linden blossom in a glass of boiling water. Take as tea three times a day;
  3. Rubdowns. They are used if you need to quickly lower the temperature, especially in young children. Wipe the patient's skin with a gauze cloth soaked in a vinegar solution. When the skin becomes dry, repeat rubbing again. So 3 times in a row. Typically, after such a procedure, the temperature drops by 1° C.

In addition, in order not to aggravate the course of the disease, the patient must adhere to bed rest.

An effective recipe for treating a sore throat can be found in this video.

Additional measures for colds

All the unpleasant symptoms of a cold - runny nose, headache, sore throat, fever - indicate that the patient’s body is fighting the disease. To help him, it is necessary to provide favorable conditions and good care:

  • at high temperatures - observe bed rest;
  • drink a lot. Warm, plenty of fluids help remove toxins from the body;
  • food should be light, but complete;
  • eat more foods containing vitamins. It can be juices, vegetables, fresh fruits;
  • maintain the microclimate in the room: the air should be humid and slightly cool (about 20 ° C), this prevents the spread of pathogenic microbes.


Prevention of colds consists of strengthening the body, increasing immunity, and hardening.

Additional immune support will help avoid colds. A good way of prevention is to take immunostimulants - tinctures of echinacea, ginseng and others.

During the autumn-winter period - the peak of colds - it is especially important:

  • wash your hands when coming home;
  • consume more vitamins, onions, garlic, ginger and enough liquid;
  • Avoid attending public events and close contact with sick people.

How to treat a cold: features of traditional and folk medicineHow to treat a coldFolk remedies are excellent in reducing a child’s temperature.

Traditional medicine will help with chronic prostatitis. Detailed recipes are in the article.

Dry cough can also be treated using folk remedies. There are effective recipes in this article.

If you can’t avoid crowded places, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Lubricate your nose with antiviral balms and ointments. This makes the mucous membrane practically immune to viruses;
  2. Hold cloves or lemon peel in your mouth. This will help destroy pathogenic microorganisms that have entered the nasopharynx;
  3. Upon returning home, you can wash your nose with saline solution and rinse your mouth with calendula or propolis tincture.


Using traditional medicine to fight colds, you can soften the symptoms of the disease, alleviate the patient’s condition, and prevent the development of complications. In the early stages, the disease can be easily treated with home remedies. And the effectiveness of these treatment methods has been tested by time.


Folk remedies for colds

A cold is the onset of hypothermia of the entire body as a whole or its individual parts, the receipt of various infections that affect the respiratory tract, followed by inflammation of the mucous membrane in the throat or nose. Folk remedies against colds will have the desired beneficial effect.

In our everyday life, the common cold is called an infectious disease, especially such as:

  • ARVI.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Flu.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Nasopharyngitis.
  • Herpes.

Cold symptoms.

It will be difficult to determine on your own whether it is a cold or the flu, and if it is impossible to contact the nearest doctor, it is better to study all the symptoms that have overtaken you. The main feature of any ARVI is the onset of difficulty breathing through the nose (not to be confused with an allergy), the throat hurts and you feel a sore throat and an elevated body temperature.

The difference between a cold and a sore throat is expressed by nasal congestion, secretion of clear fluid (usually copious amounts), sneezing, natural itching in the nose itself, and many people have red eyes.

After a day of cold, the secreted liquid already turns into a viscous state, with a change in color. But here, too, do not confuse a cold with an allergy (sneezing, discharge, itching). If you have a cold, measure your temperature; it will not be normal.

How to cure a cold in 1 day?

How to treat a cold: features of traditional and folk medicineHow to treat a cold

A unique cocktail. This is the most proven and effective unique method. To do this, you will need to mix high-quality vodka with real juice from fresh, garden onions in the same proportions, add real juice from a ripe lemon and only 1 tbsp of high-quality honey.

If the patient weighs approximately 45-75 kg, then the dose will be only ½ a regular glass, when the weight is more than 75 kg, then the dose will be a whole glass. The cocktail should be drunk only in small sips, lie down under a warm blanket and get a good night's sleep until about 10 o'clock.

Treatment of colds in children with folk remedies

How to treat a cold: features of traditional and folk medicineHow to treat a cold

If a child has an unfavorable cold, then do not panic, because almost any parent can cope with it on their own. A cold in a child usually occurs completely unexpectedly. The incubation period cannot always be determined.

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If children's immunity is poor, it will be easy for a child to get a cold, especially in cold times. The smaller the child, the faster and more acutely the cold develops, which usually begins with a rather sharp rise in temperature, especially at night.

Any child begins to be capricious, change his mood, express anxiety, apathy and drowsiness. He will also begin to get tired quickly, will not want to eat, and will not need any toy or any game offered.

Treatment of colds with folk remedies.

1). If a child has a sore throat, cough and nasal congestion, then use regular soda inhalation or use healing herbs such as eucalyptus, medicinal chamomile and sage. Potato steam will be useful, where the parent can breathe together with the child, the main condition is the absence of any temperature.

2). A useful treatment, and also tasty, can be used using honey or real jam from garden raspberries. You are allowed to drink fresh juice obtained from a fresh apple, ordinary apple compote or cranberry juice. You can eliminate existing pain in a child’s throat with milk, honey and butter.

3). Always strictly ensure that there is sufficient air humidification in the room where the child is. After all, any dry air will make breathing difficult, increase soreness, and form crusts in the mucous membrane itself.

4). Think about garden garlic and garden onions, which you simply add to your child’s suitable food. You can hang the cut ingredients throughout the room, creating protection from unfavorable microbes.

How to treat a cold folk remedies.

Linden. Tea made from linden is allowed even from 3 months. It is sold in any pharmacy, in special bags. You can also brew medicinal fresh linden flowers and drink it to your child only after eating.

Chamomile. This is an effective remedy that can lower the temperature. Let the child drink chamomile tea immediately after eating. After tea, wrap your child up or cover him with a blanket.

Raspberries. Tea with fresh garden raspberries (can be dried) will give the expected effect. If you have raspberry jam, that will work too. True, any jam, due to sugar, loses a little of its necessary qualities.

Honey and milk. Boil exactly 1 regular glass of milk. When it has cooled down to 45 degrees, immediately add 1 tablespoon of real healthy honey. As soon as the child drinks this remedy, let him immediately lie down under the blanket.

Nettle. If suddenly your child has any allergy to raspberries or even chamomile, then nettle tea will replace them.

Treatment of colds during pregnancy with folk remedies

How to treat a cold: features of traditional and folk medicineHow to treat a cold

Pregnancy and a cold are already a risk for every expectant mother. In this case, the main thing is not to take regular aspirin or antibiotics out of your medicine cabinet. These medications can affect your baby's fetus and other complications. We suggest using folk remedies for colds for pregnant women, which should preferably be used only with the correct recommendation of a good doctor.

There is no need to use traditional methods, even if at first glance the most harmless means. You should always strictly understand that natural herbs may also be contraindicated for many pregnant women. There are even plants that provoke miscarriage, cause allergies, vomiting, and diarrhea.

An important step in this treatment is a correctly composed daily diet, sufficient and controlled drinking of ordinary water. Avoid any unsuitable heavy, spicy, fried and salty foods. Replace all this with dietary broths, stewed vegetables, and porridges.

Folk remedies for colds during pregnancy.

If you have a sore throat. This soreness can be eliminated with the help of well-known herbs, which are available in any pharmacy. The most suitable for decoctions are eucalyptus, healthy sage and medicinal chamomile. Cooking instructions will always be described on any package.

You are allowed to gargle with a soda solution. You can prepare this solution yourself. For 1 tsp of soda you will need 250 ml of warm liquid (boiled water) and add 2 drops of iodine.

Important advice!!! Gargling your throat; pregnant women are allowed only 2-3 rubles per day and no more than 3 calendar days.

If there is a cough. For the cough itself, a tea consisting of the leaves of black currant, healing coltsfoot and medicinal plantain is ideal. Everything should be mixed in equal quantities and 3 tablespoons are poured with 1 liter of clean boiling water in a suitable thermos. This tea is drunk up to 4 times a day, always before meals and exactly 250 ml.

If your cough is very dry, use licorice root and medicinal adonis. These herbs are taken in a volume of 1 tsp and must be brewed in 1 liter of boiling water. It is taken 3 times a day, with a dose of 300 ml. Always drink only after preheating the entire composition.

If your nose is stuffy. For this case, you can prepare your own medicinal mixture that can make your own breathing easier. We will need oils such as mint, brown, eucalyptus and clove (ask at the pharmacy).

Each oil needs exactly 10 pipette drops, which are mixed in a glass container and closed with a tight lid. Immediately before use, always shake the bottle. After opening the lid, immediately inhale the emanating aroma of the oils.

You can even breathe it in for about 30 seconds.

A universal remedy for colds for pregnant women.

The following natural remedy can help you cope with a cough, relieve a sore throat and eliminate a runny nose. Take homemade and warm milk (1 glass), completely dissolve 1 tablespoon of good honey in it. Next, also dissolve just a piece of cocoa butter (necessarily high-quality).

Necessary recommendations.

Avoid any worries and any overwork, maintain proper bed rest, humidify all the air in your room, do not overeat, drink fluids, eat foods with vitamin C. Grapefruit would be better for pregnant women.

A cold during pregnancy can only be cured if it is mild. If a cold develops in a rather severe form, affects the entire appetite, sleep, green discharge and is accompanied by fever, then do not hesitate and contact a trusted specialist.

Cold treatment with folk remedies quickly

How to treat a cold: features of traditional and folk medicineHow to treat a cold

1). You can't work. If you experience cold symptoms, it is best to go home. This will help prevent various extraneous complications.

2). Drinking enough. Drink helpful fruit drinks, juices, tea and plain water. Do not drink hot drinks, including strong drinks.

3). Temperature measurement. If it does not exceed 38 C, then it is better not to take medication at all. The body usually copes with it on its own.

4 ). Necessary warmth. Feet should always be in warm socks. And under a warm blanket you need to sleep for 8 hours and gain strength.

5). Vitamin C is required . This vitamin can quickly boost any immunity, and this directly affects a quick recovery.

Ginger. Its root is created to cope with colds. Pour boiling water over the chopped roots. When the drink has cooled, add a little honey to it.

Pine cones. Cones must be collected before the end of June, approximately 4 cm wide and those that have not had time to open. Take a full jar of them (1 liter), after cutting them into equal slices.

Fill it completely with good vodka and leave for a whole decade. Next, pour into another container from the stack. To cure a cold, it is enough to take just 1 tbsp.

l of this tincture, 3 times a day, 25 minutes before any food.

This recipe can also be used if you have headaches, tuberculosis, pneumonia and bronchitis.

Important recommendation!!! This prescription will be strictly contraindicated for any kidney disease and chronic hepatitis.

Honey. This natural product has always aroused special respect among all people (except for those who are allergic to it). Its composition is able to cope with almost any emerging infection or virus. Always use only natural honey and avoid low quality.

To cure colds, it is dissolved in milk, tea and even water. Indeed, in this form, its components almost immediately enter our blood, then into all body tissues and cells. But always remember that such honey contains a lot of glucose and especially fructose.

Bath or sauna. The main thing is to catch the necessary moment when there is chills, weakness and aches of the whole body are felt, there is a sore throat and there is no fever.

Any bath or sauna must contain essential oils.

You need to steam for about 2 hours and regularly drink liquid, for example ginger lemonade, real citrus juice, which is diluted 1 to 1 with water, or ordinary water.

Choose a bathhouse only in the closest proximity to your home. After all, after any bath you will have to immediately lie down in your warm bed.

Important information!!! Anyone who has any serious problems with their heart, people suffering from blood pressure (hypertension), varicose veins, thrombosis should refuse a 2-hour bath.

  • Treatment of colds on the lips with folk remedies.
  • How to treat a cold: features of traditional and folk medicineHow to treat a cold
  • A cold on the lips (also known as herpes) is an unfavorable viral disease, a consequence of other colds or exposure to the herpes virus, or a severe weakening of one’s own immunity.

Dry medicinal mint leaves. We will need the following items: 1 tablespoon of medicinal leaves, ordinary gauze, 1 glass of boiling water, suitable dishes, a large saucepan, cotton swabs or cotton cloth.

The leaves are placed in a container, poured with boiling water and always covered with a suitable lid. We place this vessel in a large prepared pan of water, turn on the heat and let it sit for exactly 15 minutes. After cooling, the broth is filtered.

We moisten our cloth or tampons in the resulting decoction and apply it to our cold (herpes). The more often you apply the lotion, the faster you will get rid of your cold.

Fresh medicinal mint leaves. Here you need almost the same necessary elements: exactly 2 tablespoons of leaves, which should be finely chopped and 1 glass of clean boiling water. The rest of the preparation will be the same as with dry leaves. All these folk remedies for colds on the lips from mint have always had an effective therapeutic effect on everyone.

Chamomile. In addition to fighting herpes externally, chamomile fights the problem from the inside. We will need exactly 1 tablespoon of chamomile (dried flowers), boiling water (1 glass), ordinary gauze, 2 dishes of different sizes and volumes, cotton swabs or soft fabric.

A healing solution from chamomile is brewed in the same way as described above - from mint, only for 25 minutes. The strained decoction is applied externally using lotions. For effectiveness, add 1 tbsp propolis tincture 10%. Lotions are applied every next hour.

You can find out more detailed and detailed information about the treatment of herpes on another page, just click HERE.

FINAL PART. Each of us is strictly individual, so the proposed recipes can also affect everyone individually. That is why, first you must obtain the necessary approval from your proven, competent specialist. Do not take any folk remedy without its real approval.

Many of us have often used our (other) natural methods to cope with the colds we have. I would like to ask you to place these methods and methods open to anyone on our site.

Any of you can distribute these already published recipes to help. To do this, simply share the recipes on your favorite social network. The button (icon) is located at the bottom of any published article.

Good health to everyone!!!


Folk remedies for ARVI and colds

When the cold and damp season arrives, many people (especially those with weak immune systems) begin to suffer from colds and viral respiratory diseases.

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Some of them immediately panic and go to doctors for help, who immediately prescribe them a bunch of expensive medications, and sometimes even antibiotics.

Another category of people, more sensible, prefers more accessible and safe treatment - folk remedies for colds, runny nose and cough made from natural products and remedies. So, how to treat a cold with folk remedies at home?

How to treat a cold: features of traditional and folk medicineHow to treat a cold

What is the treatment with “grandmother’s” methods?

It is believed that a person’s immune system should overcome a common cold on its own, without the use of drugs. This is provided that the person does not have the flu or something worse.

The recipes described below will help the body cope with the disease faster and will not “do all the work of the immune system”, as drugs do.

Let's take a closer look at ways that will help get rid of the symptoms of the disease, strengthen the immune system and alleviate the general condition of the patient. If herpes has “crawled out” on your lip, we have already written in this article how to treat a cold on the lips with folk remedies.

Treating a runny nose

A sudden runny nose is not only the first symptom of an onset of illness, but also an SOS signal for you, which will allow you to take action and prevent the condition from worsening. And you don’t have to spend money on medications at all.

Sea buckthorn, olive or menthol oils are the first remedy for a cold. Folk remedies act gently and soothingly, stimulate the immune system and have a slight vasoconstrictor effect. If prepared properly, they make an excellent substitute for pharmaceutical drops.

More folk remedies for runny nose and colds:

Garlic drops

Take 2-3 cloves of garlic, grind them until smooth, and then pour in 50 milliliters of boiling water. Then the solution is placed in a warm place, where it is infused for some time (1-2 hours).

A couple of drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day and you will breathe much better.

Onion juice has a similar effect (diluted with water in the proportion of a drop/tablespoon), but it can be instilled much more often, even every hour. More about garlic:

Honey drops

If you have a jar of linden honey, it can be used to fight a runny nose. Dilute honey with boiled water in a ratio (1:2) and instill it four times a day, five to eight drops in each nostril. By the way, cough honey is the most effective remedy for children.

Aloe juice

Perhaps it is best to start treating a cold with folk remedies at home. It is not for nothing that this inconspicuous plant stands on the window sills and balconies of many apartments and private houses. Its beneficial properties allow you to cope with wounds and ulcers, strengthen the immune system, and reduce the level of toxins in the body. The list goes on and on.

But its most famous property is its ability to clear even the most clogged nose in a matter of minutes, allowing its owner to breathe freely for some time. A couple of drops of freshly squeezed juice 4 times a day will be enough. Note! The most beneficial are the mature lower leaves of the plant, which should be cut off first. It is also recommended to use the juice immediately.

If it is stored for a long time, the beneficial properties will disappear.

More remedies for runny nose:

Sore throat with a cold

Often, acute respiratory infections and colds are accompanied by a sore throat and sore throat, which causes discomfort for many.

By preparing an infusion in which chamomile, calendula, sage and plantain are mixed, you can alleviate your condition and prevent the occurrence of sore throat.

If the disease is not so advanced (no more than 1-2 days have passed since the deterioration of health), it is recommended to start gargling with eucalyptus tincture, prepare a soda-salt solution, and swallow a couple of tablespoons of fresh beet juice several times a day.

Garlic works well against this symptom. You need to grate it, add hot water, strain through cheesecloth and dilute with water. The taste of this medicine, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired, so it makes sense to sweeten the resulting mass with a few spoons of honey.

If you have severe pain in the throat, you should avoid hot and irritating foods. A warm drink such as tea with raspberry jam is recommended.

If your antiseptic rinses result in a burn to the mucous membrane (overdo it - who doesn’t), an oil solution of chlorophyllipt, sea buckthorn oil, as well as pieces of propolis, which the patient needs to put in the mouth and chew slowly, will come to the rescue.

More funds:

Fever and headaches

Although it rarely causes extreme heat and fever, a cold is often accompanied by a fever, a feeling of fatigue and a headache. To prevent possible complications, it is recommended to stay in bed, and the following folk remedies for colds and flu will help relieve symptoms.

Essential oils

Headaches are well relieved by aromatherapy. Take menthol oil or another essential composition and start smearing it on the temples, sides of the nose, and you can also smear it on the forehead.

Attention! If you have a severe headache, this may be a symptom of a serious infectious disease - meningitis. Therefore, if a migraine occurs, call a doctor immediately and do not self-medicate!

Don’t forget about the already traditional warm teas based on various berries and herbs. The following options are extremely popular now:

Tea with raspberries

Raspberries contain a lot of immunostimulating vitamin C, as well as salicylic acid, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Raspberries (its leaves and berries) are an excellent diaphoretic and antipyretic, giving a head start to many tablets and, unlike them, absolutely harmless.

For example, treating colds during pregnancy with folk remedies, first of all, involves drinking warm drinks with raspberries. You just need to brew tea from berries in the proportion of 2 tablespoons per glass of water, let it brew for ten minutes, and then drink. It is best to do this while lying in bed and covered with a warm blanket.

This way you will warm up more and remove toxins from the body along with sweat.

Cinnamon infusion

Add a cinnamon stick to 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, then drink. The bactericidal properties of cinnamon help cope with ARVI and colds. Making ginger tea with a dash of cinnamon will be especially beneficial.

Having drunk this infusion, the patient will feel a weakening of symptoms, and the diaphoretic properties will help lower body temperature. Another important plus is the properties of cinnamon to relieve fatigue, ease depression, and cope with weakness.

These symptoms often accompany colds.

Cranberry juice

The berries, washed in running water, are squeezed out, and the resulting juice is placed in the refrigerator.

The pomace is boiled over low heat in a ratio of 100g per liter, then filtered, and the remaining infusion is mixed with juice from the refrigerator.

The beneficial properties of this fruit drink are preserved for three days, during which the fruit juice stored in a cool place can be heated and drunk warm. It is not recommended to boil the liquid again.

All of the above recipes are relevant at not too high temperatures. If the thermometer readings approach 39 degrees and even cross it, it is better to seek help from a doctor. This temperature is already quite dangerous for the body, so it will have to be brought down with medication. How long does the temperature last for ARVI and how to deal with it, we wrote in this article.

Some interesting information on how to distinguish the flu from a cold:

How to treat a cold: features of traditional and folk medicineHow to treat a cold

How to deal with a cough?

The most debilitating type of cold is considered to be a cold with cough. Attacks of dry cough prevent you from eating normally, hurt your throat, and sometimes even prevent you from falling asleep. A wet cough with copious sputum production is also not very pleasant. Fortunately, traditional medicine comes to the rescue here too.

The throat and trachea are softened by drinking warm milk with honey and gargling with a soda solution. It is also recommended to eat onions, garlic and other foods that are especially useful for colds. Read about how to distinguish bronchitis from a common cough here.

So, folk remedies for coughs and colds:

Radish with honey

The cough recipe that has gained the greatest popularity in the countries of the former USSR is extremely simple. Take a regular black radish, cut out the core and fill the resulting cavity with a teaspoon of honey. Soon a liquid will form there, which should be drunk as a medicine. We wrote in detail how to make this tool in this article.

"Milk of the Poppy"

Milk of the poppy helps a lot with a hacking cough. A certain amount of crushed poppy seeds is mixed with boiling water (determined by eye), after which the substance is allowed to brew for a while. Afterwards you can drink it.

carrot juice

A tablespoon of honey is added to a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice and then diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. This gargle solution will help soothe a sore throat and get rid of persistent coughing attacks.

Mustard compress

Mustard powder, radish juice and honey (equal parts of each ingredient) are mixed into a homogeneous mass, then wrapped in gauze and pressed against the chest. You can wrap a wool scarf over it.

Attention! It is not recommended to make compresses at high temperatures and keep them in the heart area.


For adults, a compress of mashed potatoes mixed with vodka is also suitable. Such cakes, not too liquid, but not too dry, are wrapped in plastic bags and then applied to the chest area and back. To keep everything tight, you can wrap yourself in a long towel or wear a tight sweater.

More recipes:

Recipes for children

Treating a cold with folk remedies for a child is often not easy. Young patients often refuse to eat onions, garlic, drip pinching drops into the nose and make compresses. It's okay - in folk medicine there is a solution to this pressing problem:

  • butter and honey are mixed in a 1 to 1 ratio; a pinch of vanillin can be added to the mixture. Give the patient one teaspoon throughout the day;
  • cough candy Take a tablespoon of sugar and keep it over the fire until it melts. The resulting dark brown substance is mixed with milk and cooled. The finished candy should be placed in the mouth and sucked;
  • The following berries and herbs are pleasant to drink and relieve fever well, and also ease the general condition - raspberries, viburnum, currants, chamomile, mint, lemon balm. For small children under the age of 7 years, a daily serving of 200 ml per coffee spoon of herbs/berries is enough. They are all prepared in the same way - the base is poured with boiling water, infused for a while, and then drunk warm before and after meals;
  • It is better not to give raspberry and chamomile teas to children prone to allergies, so it makes sense to replace them with an equally effective nettle infusion. Linden tea is no less versatile - you can not only drink it, but also drop it into your nose and use it as a rinse for your mouth and throat.

Folk remedies for treating colds in children must, however, be used with caution. First, make sure that your child is not allergic to this product. Uncontrolled use of any “grandmother’s” methods can lead to specific complications. In particular, for example, to bronchial obstruction.

How to treat colds during pregnancy with folk remedies?

A pregnant woman needs to be especially wary of viruses and infections, since such diseases can often affect the development of the baby. ARVI during pregnancy must also be treated under the strict supervision of a doctor.

If you have a common cold without fever, you can and even should try “grandmother’s remedies.” We wrote about how to treat a runny nose in this article. And about the fight against cough - here.

Read also:  How a newborn baby is examined by a neonatologist

You shouldn’t be scared, but you need to take measures right away to prevent complications from developing.

Preventive measures to combat colds and ARVI

You may not get a cold at all if you take care to prevent it in advance. The set of standard preventive measures includes:

  1. avoiding hypothermia and crowded places. Everything is clear here - you need to dress warmly, even if it seems to you that you will look ugly in a fur coat and hat, and you definitely shouldn’t be in damp shoes and frozen clothes for a long time. It is better not to appear in crowded places when an epidemic of viral diseases is raging with might and main - the infection spreads quickly through airborne droplets. Not everyone’s immune system can cope with the disease and nip it in the bud;
  2. working on your body. This includes many practices - hardening, physical activity, proper diet. Healthy and physically developed people are less likely to encounter the need for treatment and do not see doctors for years;
  3. immunostimulants. Echinacea tincture, propolis, ginseng, Chinese lemongrass - consuming all of the above will help strengthen the immune system. It is recommended to take them even if the disease has already begun, as additional support for traditional medicine;
  4. rinsing the sinuses with salted water. A saline solution effectively cleanses the mucous membrane of microbes that have entered it. We walked around the city, returned home, took the prepared warm saline solution and cleaned out the nasal passages using a medium-sized syringe. The risk of disease will decrease significantly.

Symptoms will go away faster if the body is properly prepared. Although treating colds with folk remedies allows you to get rid of the disease within a week, it is still better to prevent their occurrence.

Start preparing for the cold and damp season in the summer - spend time on water and sun treatments, eat seasonal berries, fresh vegetables and fruits, watch your weight and eat right.

Then no cold will be scary for you.

Well, the most important thing to remember is that it is impossible to quickly cure a cold with folk remedies; you will have to “suffer” the inconvenience for several days.

And you cannot rely on traditional medicine as the only right solution if you find yourself with dangerous symptoms - a temperature above 39 degrees, the presence of blood in the sputum, bouts of prolonged persistent cough, etc. With such problems you should contact a medical institution.


The most effective folk recipes for treating colds

  • Despite the fact that the windows of modern pharmacies are replete with a huge number of different medications, today traditional treatment for colds is no less popular than several centuries ago.
  • How to treat a cold: features of traditional and folk medicineHow to treat a cold
  • And since it’s winter, the site “Beautiful and Successful” is in a hurry to share with its readers the best methods and recipes of traditional medicine for the treatment of colds.

For several centuries, our wise ancestors treated many ailments with medicines given to us by nature itself. I must say, these natural preparations did their job perfectly. There were many means with which traditional healers treated their patients.

But among them there are several of the most common and effective.

Treatment of colds with folk remedies using honey

This is a tasty and affordable medicine for the manifestations of acute respiratory viral infections and today, first of all, everyone who has a cold buys it.

For a sore throat, cough, or runny nose, drink regular black tea with lemon in small sips with a bite of honey several times a day. If you start such treatment immediately after the very first signs of the disease appear, relief will come within a day.

But if you add honey to hot tea with lemon, there will be no result: when heated, this beekeeping product loses its healing properties.

There are several effective folk recipes based on honey against cold symptoms.

  1. For a cough or sore throat, it is recommended to mix honey, butter and alcohol in equal parts (instead of alcohol, you can take vodka or even herbal balm), heat the mixture slightly in a water bath and drink before bed. For coughs and hoarseness, it is also recommended to rub this remedy on the chest and back.
  2. Add a tablespoon of honey to a glass of heated milk and drink the product in small sips. Helps well with hoarseness and cough.
  3. It is recommended to suck on sugared honey for sore throats.
  4. A mixture of honey and warm water (1:1) for a cold should be dropped into the nose for a runny nose.
  5. An effective folk remedy for treating colds is honey with black radish. To prepare this remedy, you should take a large root vegetable, wash it thoroughly and dry it, cut out the core and place a spoonful of honey inside. After some time, the radish will release juice, which should be consumed one tablespoon several times a day. This remedy has an excellent general strengthening and expectorant effect.

Garlic is a proven folk remedy for fighting colds.

In addition to honey, our ancestors have been treating respiratory diseases with garlic for a long time. Today, scientists have already proven that garlic essential oils have a pronounced antiviral and antibacterial effect. Doctors recommend using this spice as a prophylactic.

Garlic-based folk recipes for colds help speed up recovery and make the course of the disease less acute.

The website recommends fighting viral respiratory infections using the following means:

  • Garlic inhalations. For nasal congestion and coughing, it is recommended to inhale the smell of garlic, peeled and crushed in a garlic press, for 10-15 minutes.
  • Mix garlic juice with sunflower oil in a 1:1 ratio and use the mixture for instillation into the nose for a runny nose.
  • Garlic drops should be taken orally to combat viral respiratory infections. This folk remedy for treating colds is prepared from two peeled and crushed heads of garlic and a glass of vodka. The product should be dripped onto the tip of the tongue and then distributed throughout the mouth.
  • Garlic juice with milk perfectly helps speed up recovery from respiratory diseases. You need to mix 8 drops of garlic juice with 10 ml of warm milk and drink the product. The medication should be repeated at least 3 times a day.

Traditional medicine recipes for colds from onions

Onions are a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals, organic acids and other useful substances, so consuming them helps strengthen the immune system, which is very important for colds. In addition to its general strengthening effect, onions also have anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, and expectorant effects.

There are a huge number of folk recipes for colds that use onions or onion peels.

Here, for example, are a few of the simplest, but at the same time very effective:

  • For the flu, it is useful to lubricate the nasal mucosa up to 4 times a day. This method is especially effective when used in the first days of the disease.
  • Onion juice with honey is a very good expectorant and diaphoretic. To prepare it, you need to mix one part of onion juice with two parts of honey. Take the medicine one teaspoon up to five times a day.
  • It is recommended to mix finely grated onion with a gruel of chopped apple and honey. This remedy helps relieve inflammation in the throat if you take it a teaspoon several times a day.
  • Combine grated onion with goose fat in a 1:1 ratio. Rub this remedy into the chest, and then tie it with a warm scarf. The procedure should be carried out before bedtime, and if necessary, repeat the rubbing in the morning.
  • For coughs and colds, traditional medicine recommends taking 4-6 tablespoons of onion broth orally, for the preparation of which you take half a kilogram of onions, 0.4 kg of sugar and 50 g of bee honey. The onion needs to be peeled and chopped, pour a liter of water over it, add sugar and cook over low heat for 3 hours. At the end of cooking, add honey to the mixture. The decoction is especially recommended for people suffering from stomach diseases, since eating fresh onions can cause an exacerbation of gastritis.
  • Onion peels are also often found in traditional medicine recipes against colds. For respiratory tract infections, it is recommended to inhale with a decoction of onion peels prepared from 4 tablespoons of raw materials and 1.5 liters of water.

To treat cough, runny nose and sore throat of viral etiology, traditional medicine recommends using not only onions and garlic, but also other vegetables.

Vegetables for colds in folk medicine

Potatoes take pride of place as the healthiest vegetable in the fight against viral respiratory tract infections. Most often it is used for inhalation, boiled in its “uniform”.

Potato vapor relieves inflammation of the throat mucosa and has an expectorant and tonic effect. This procedure brings significant relief even with a painful cough.

Potatoes are also used for warming compresses.

Boiled and slightly cooled tubers are kneaded, mixed with a small amount of soda, placed in a plastic bag, wrapped in a towel and applied to the chest for 10 minutes. Practice shows that if you perform this procedure on the first day of illness, the very next day the sore throat will decrease and the discharge of sputum when coughing will significantly improve.

Another vegetable that appears in folk recipes for colds and flu is beets.

Its heated juice is recommended to be dropped into the nose for rhinitis. Beetroot juice with the addition of apple cider vinegar is useful for gargling with frequent pharyngitis. To prepare this remedy, you need to grate the beets on a fine grater, place the pulp in a half-liter jar, add a tablespoon of vinegar, leave for an hour, and then squeeze the juice out of the pulp.

Traditional recipes for treating colds also recommend mixing beet juice with carrot juice and adding a little honey to the mixture. This remedy should be instilled into the nose for a runny nose.

How to treat a cold: features of traditional and folk medicineHow to treat a cold

Traditional treatment of colds and fever

Many folk recipes for treating colds are recommended to be used only in the absence of fever.

If the body temperature rises above 37⁰, you should forget about steam inhalations, rubbing and warm compresses.

At high temperatures, you also cannot use many other traditional medicine recipes: warm milk with honey, onion gruel and other remedies often simply “don’t go down your throat.”

In this case, you can drink warm mineral water: alkali relieves inflammation and sore throat well. Drinking herbal teas is also beneficial. Traditional medicine especially recommends drinking linden tea for the treatment of colds - an excellent diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory remedy.

In addition to linden tea, it is recommended to drink warm cranberry juice at elevated temperatures. This drink can be considered one of the favorite traditional medicine recipes for colds: it perfectly quenches thirst, reduces fever, and provides the body with vitamins much needed for health.

There are a lot of traditional medicine recipes against ARVI, but for recovery it is not at all necessary to use them all at once. The main goal of therapy in such cases is to support the body’s defenses so that it can cope with the infection itself.

It is also important to remember: traditional methods and recipes must be agreed with your doctor. Even the most harmless at first glance recipes can in some cases cause serious harm.

Traditional treatment for colds can give excellent results, but only if the patient has no contraindications to it.

Author – Pelageja, website – Beautiful and Successful

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