
Why prostatitis is dangerous: common complications of the disease

The development of prostate inflammation is an extremely dangerous problem that causes representatives of the stronger half of society serious discomfort and a lot of trouble.

However, not all patients realize how dangerous prostatitis is in men and what the consequences are if there is no proper treatment.

As a result, this can lead to dangerous complications in the form of the disease transitioning to the chronic stage.

Why prostatitis is dangerous: common complications of the disease

Changes in prostate tissue

The consequences of changes in prostate tissue manifest themselves in different ways. But often they look like this: severe pain, deterioration of erection and frequent urge to urinate. Such problems are caused by significant changes in the organ due to progressive inflammation.

As the disease progresses, irritation of the prostate gland occurs, as well as swelling. The organ increases in size, which is accompanied by certain symptoms due to compression of the urethra and irritation of pain receptors near the tissues.

Why prostatitis is dangerous: common complications of the disease

In addition to severe symptoms, the consequences of prostatitis for men can lead to various disruptions in the tissue connections of the prostate. This is facilitated by a sluggish inflammatory process, as well as the formation of scars. When muscle and glandular tissues are replaced, the functioning of the gland is impaired, which is classified as prostate sclerosis or chronic prostatitis.

The consequences of pathology with this form of progression can be extremely severe, and the only method of treatment involves surgical intervention. The main symptoms of sclerotic changes include the following troubles:

Why prostatitis is dangerous: common complications of the disease

  1. Problems with free emptying of the bladder. The process of urination will be problematic and painful. In this case, the patient suffers from frequent urges, cannot rest normally at night and begins to experience nervous breakdowns. The phenomenon is aggravated by inflammation of the bladder and seminal vesicles:
    • Pain in the perineum of a sharp and cutting type.
    • Erectile disfunction.

In its chronic form, prostate adenoma is practically incurable without the use of surgical techniques. Dangerous consequences of the problem include the appearance of residual urine, which gradually accumulates in the kidneys and leads to infection.

In addition to discomfort and complete loss of erection, the disease causes acute renal failure. Such symptoms do not appear immediately, but 5-10 years after the onset of development.

Predisposing factors include old age, various forms of vascular atherosclerosis, disruptions in blood circulation and hypertension.

To effectively treat pathology, it is necessary to use minimally invasive surgical methods, such as laser tissue vaporization. The procedure literally vaporizes the changed areas of the prostate through the delivery of a laser beam.

Chronic form

Why prostatitis is dangerous: common complications of the disease

In the absence of comprehensive treatment, prostate inflammation progresses to the next stage, which is called chronic prostatitis. Not everyone knows how dangerous this type of disease is, but as soon as the first serious symptoms begin to appear, a logical question arises: where did they come from and how to deal with them.

Fortunately, modern antibiotics are good at eliminating general symptoms , but after taking them you have to undergo a long course of therapy to restore the functionality of the organ.

If you ignore the need for treatment, this will increase the risk of developing chronic sluggish prostatitis.

Although manifestations of such a pathology are rare and concern only a frequent urge to urinate, as the disease progresses, serious changes will occur in the prostate gland. In the future, the symptoms will only worsen, which can cause the following problems:

  1. Acute pain.
  2. Stagnation of urine.
  3. Increased body temperature and others.

During the examination, the urologist is able to find a number of changes in the prostate, which manifest themselves in the form of scars in the tissues, irritation and an increase in the size of the organ. The consequences of chronic prostate adenoma do not always make themselves felt immediately, but can be protracted and appear after many years.

The chronic form of the disease impairs the functioning of the prostate, which causes a number of changes in hormonal levels and worsens the general condition of the man. Reproductive functions and sexual desire come under attack. To eliminate symptoms, it is necessary to use complex therapy, and its action is aimed at preventing the complication of symptoms.

Development of adenoma

It is no secret that the consequences of progressive prostate inflammation do not always include the development of adenoma. This disease is an independent pathology, which is formed due to excessive production of dihydrotestosterone with a decrease in the intensity of testosterone synthesis. Among the predisposing factors for this problem are the following phenomena:

  1. Genetic factor.
  2. Natural age-related changes.

In any case, the relationship between chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma has long been proven. At the same time, the sluggish course of inflammation causes a number of additional abnormalities, such as organ dysfunction.

Why prostatitis is dangerous: common complications of the disease

The prostate is a hormone-dependent organ, so any malfunction in its functioning negatively affects the synthesis of male sex hormones and their further absorption.

In addition, with any deviations, the production of androgens, which are the natural fuel for the prostate gland, increases.

An excess of such a substance begins to be absorbed by tissue compounds, which contributes to an enlargement of the prostate, as well as numerous changes in the tissues, which are called adenoma or benign hyperplasia.

Among the key manifestations of the disease are dysfunction of the bladder and problems with urination, which deprives patients of a normal lifestyle and forces them to undergo drug therapy with the installation of a catheter.

Unfortunately, prostate adenoma cannot be treated, and even advanced surgical methods cannot provide a 100% guarantee that relapses will not recur in the future. The only way out of the situation is radical prostatectomy. But even after such procedures, the patient will have to use drugs for life that block the synthesis of androgens and prevent the re-development of hyperplasia.

Why prostatitis is dangerous: common complications of the disease

As for the connection between prostatitis and malignant tumors, it has not been scientifically proven, but is controversial. Oncological pathologies can appear in men who have never had to suffer from prostatitis, however, as a percentage, the number of patients exposed to cancer after inflammatory processes in the prostate gland is much higher.

Problems with urination

Often, chronic prostatitis leads to severe disruptions in the urinary system.

This is facilitated by swelling of the prostate gland, which begins to compress the urethra and narrow its lumen.

As a result, the man cannot go to the toilet normally, and the symptoms only worsen, becoming more pronounced. In this case, the patient is worried about the following problems:

Why prostatitis is dangerous: common complications of the disease

  1. Frequent urge to urinate.
  2. Inability to empty the bladder normally.
  3. The urine stream is not strong enough.
  4. Sensation of cutting pain and burning in the urethra.

Also, the progression of prostatitis is fraught with numerous disruptions in kidney function.

This is explained by the stagnation of urine residues in the bladder, where favorable conditions for the life of pathogenic microorganisms are formed.

Together with the infected fluid, harmful agents enter the kidneys, disrupting their functionality. The inflammatory process in these organs is dangerous because it can provoke the development of renal failure.

To get rid of such manifestations and prevent incomplete bowel movements of the bladder, it is necessary to perform surgery and install a valve. With its help, the operation of such a system is stabilized, but this is an extreme method, which is resorted to only in critical cases. Often the problem is dealt with by emptying the bladder.

Reproductive system dysfunction

Why prostatitis is dangerous: common complications of the disease

The most common complication of prostatitis is disruption of the functionality of the reproductive system, as well as a decrease in the synthesis of male sex hormones, which increases the risk of infertility. The first thing that comes under attack is potency, and this can be caused not by a physiological failure, but by a psychological factor due to increasing symptoms.

As the disease progresses and the lumen in the urethra shrinks, the process of ejaculating semen becomes more difficult. As a result, ejaculation takes too long or does not occur at all. Also, a man cannot have an orgasm during intercourse. As a result, erection is greatly reduced, and the risk of infertility becomes maximum.

Such problems are often explained by changes in the composition of prostate juice. Chronic prostatitis disrupts the normal passage of sperm due to a reduction in the number of lecithin grains in the secretion of the prostate gland. The lack of proper therapy leads to the complete disappearance of such protein compounds, as a result of which the patient is deprived of reproductive ability.

To avoid such critical consequences, it is important to undergo complex therapy on time. If, after completing the course, problems with sexual desire, the synthesis of sex hormones and erection do not disappear, you will have to take additional therapy to restore sexual functions.

It is quite possible to prevent the worsening of symptoms if you do not ignore the problem and begin comprehensive treatment.

If you notice erectile dysfunction and a deterioration in the quality of sexual life, you need to consult an experienced urologist and diagnose the pelvic organs.

Psychological complications

In addition to disruptions in the functioning of the prostate gland and other organs of the genitourinary system, untreated prostatitis can worsen the functioning of the nervous system. As a result, this causes the following complications:

  • Depression.
  • State of apathy.
  • Nervousness.
  • Asthenic syndrome.

Such problems always reduce cognitive functions such as memory, attention and mental abilities. Together, this worsens the patient’s general condition and causes him great discomfort.

Deviations in the nervous system are associated with stressful situations and psycho-emotional stress caused by the symptoms of prostatitis. Due to the frequent urge to urinate at night, the patient cannot rest properly at night, which is fraught with other nervous disorders.

Why prostatitis is dangerous: common complications of the disease

A professional psychotherapist and neurologist will help you get rid of complications.

The attending physician can prescribe a man a complex of medications that stabilize the activity of the nervous system and eliminate stressful situations due to increased stress on the psycho-emotional component.

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Particular emphasis is placed on the fight against depression, which appears due to exacerbation of prostate adenoma. This condition seriously threatens the nervous system and human psyche.

Without a doubt, prostatitis is the most common male disease, and hardly anyone knows that 7 out of 10 men suffering from this pathology die due to prostate cancer.

Particularly frightening is the fact that most patients simply do not react in any way to the appearance of serious signs of such a pathology, and when the symptoms become extremely unbearable, specialists simply shrug their shoulders and cannot help in any way. Even if one of the symptoms begins to bother a man, he needs to immediately consult a urologist and receive up-to-date recommendations on further actions.

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How dangerous is chronic prostatitis and what are its consequences?

Why prostatitis is dangerous: common complications of the disease

Increasingly, men under 30 years of age are turning to urologists complaining of pain and intimate problems. Often the reason for this is prostatitis - a dangerous male disease that can have serious consequences if treatment is neglected. When the disease occurs, the prostate gland becomes inflamed, swollen, and irritated. Due to the enlargement of the organ, a man experiences a number of unpleasant symptoms. Any form of the disease, but most severely chronic prostatitis, is dangerous due to structural changes and scarring, disruption of the functioning of the genitourinary system and other complications.

Causes, symptoms and consequences of prostatitis

In urology, there are acute, chronic, bacterial, as well as asymptomatic forms of the inflammatory process. Each has its own clinical manifestations, but there are features that will definitely reveal the disease: Why prostatitis is dangerous: common complications of the disease

  • the man notices that the stream of urine has weakened, he often wants to go to the toilet, and there is a feeling of incomplete emptying;
  • Sexual desire decreases, pain appears during sexual intercourse, discomfort in the rectum, scrotum during ejaculation, and in the lower back.

The acute form is caused by bacteria and is severe. The patient has pain in the genitals, severe chills and fever. The pathology requires mandatory treatment, as it is dangerous for complications for many internal organs.

Bacterial inflammation of the prostate is often caused by E. coli, sometimes by other pathogens. This form is characterized by symptoms similar to those of the acute form, but they are less pronounced.

Bacterial prostatitis often develops into chronic prostatitis if it is not treated for three months or more.

Also, treatment may not be timely due to the lack of symptoms; often it is not possible to identify the pathogenic zone even with laboratory tests.

The asymptomatic form hardly manifests itself; the diagnosis is made by chance. The development of the disease is provoked by stress, depression, certain bacteria, and problems with the pelvic muscles.

 Lack of treatment or improper therapy threatens the development of serious complications for a man. They can affect not only the urinary system, so the disease cannot be ignored.

All possible complications of different forms of prostatitis are listed below. Information about them will be an incentive to quickly go to the doctor and start fighting the disease.

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How dangerous is the acute form of the pathology?

Bacteria enter the gland through the urethra or rectum, causing inflammation that accompanies unpleasant symptoms. As the infection progresses, the organ swells more, and the man begins to complain of serious problems with urination. Sometimes it is not possible to urinate at all; in such situations, urgent medical help is needed.

Why prostatitis is dangerous: common complications of the disease

The acute form entails many complications, including:

  • Chronic prostatitis, which develops if acute is not treated;
  • An abscess is a dangerous condition that can lead to infection of the body. Rupture of pustules requires mandatory hospitalization and surgery, since without medical help, death is possible;
  • Delayed urine output on a permanent basis;
  • Sepsis;
  • Bladder obstruction.

Prostatitis affects the development of other gland diseases, for example, it stimulates the formation of cysts or stones. Erection is also impaired, pain during sexual intercourse, premature ejaculation, and impotence. Often the disease causes psychological problems, less often it leads to the formation of scars that interfere with the normal movement of seminal fluid.

Consequences of the chronic stage

The acute phase is well treated if measures are taken on time. Incomplete or incorrect therapy causes sluggish prostatitis. Symptoms are mild; men experience frequent urges to go to the toilet.

The disease may not manifest itself for a long time, but changes in the organ still occur, which is the main danger. Soon the condition worsens, the patient notes acute pain, increased body temperature, and stagnation of urinary fluid.

When going to the hospital, the doctor uses an ultrasound to see the enlargement of the gland, its enlargement and the appearance of scars.

The chronic form causes organ dysfunction, which affects hormonal balance and reproductive function. If you ignore the disease, the following consequences are possible:

  • Hyperplasia. The pathology is characterized by the appearance of a benign growth in the urethra or prostatic canal. The formation increases, the outflow of urine worsens. Stagnation causes severe inflammation and cystitis. The main complication of hyperplasia is cancer;
  • Infertility. Lack of treatment is dangerous due to a decrease in the quality and quantity of sperm. The viscosity of sperm, the activity of germ cells also changes, negative processes can lead to the complete absence of living ones;

  Is chronic prostatitis treated in men?

Why prostatitis is dangerous: common complications of the disease

  • Impotence. Similar consequences of chronic prostatitis appear when there are serious problems with erectile function.
  • Vesiculitis. The disease is an acute inflammation in the seminal vesicles, which is difficult to treat;
  • Decreased sexual desire. When the gland becomes inflamed, it swells greatly, which causes pain during sex. A man is subconsciously afraid of repeated problems and simply loses interest in sex;
  • Urethritis. The narrowing of the urethra causes severe pain when going to the toilet;
  • Pyelonephritis. The infection multiplies in the kidneys, inflammation begins, which often leads to a deterioration in the functions of the organ;
  • Cystitis. The disease can be combined with urethritis. The man notes pain when urinating, fever, and impaired urine output;
  • Epididymo-orchitis. Inflammation of the testicles requires removal of the organ, but rarely occurs as an independent disease;

 A man with bacterial prostatitis can infect a woman. The infection can affect any organ, not just the genitourinary.

  • Sclerosis. The gland shrinks, shrinks and ceases to perform its functions. Therapy consists of removing it, since drug treatment is ineffective and leads to death;
  • Mental disorders. Constant failures in bed and pain cause severe depression, which provokes psychological impotence and neurosis.

Complications of the bacterial form of the disease

Infectious inflammation of the prostate is dangerous due to the following consequences:

  • problems in sexual relationships;
  • hypoplasia;
  • inability to conceive a child;
  • cancer;
  • sepsis;
  • gland abscess;

Why prostatitis is dangerous: common complications of the disease

  • pain in the back, anus, perineum, abdomen;
  • changes in the structure of the bladder.

How dangerous is bacterial prostatitis in men for women?

During sex, germs are easily transmitted to a woman, and the consequences of infection are unpredictable. First of all, the risks of dysfunction of the appendages increase. In severe cases, pregnancy outside the uterus, labor ahead of time, and infertility are possible.

Most often, a woman faces the following complications:

  • Pyelonephritis . The disease can lead to kidney failure;
  • Adnexitis. Bacteria that enter the body during sexual intercourse with men cause inflammation of the appendages. The infection quickly spreads through the tubes and ovaries, and oophoritis and other pathologies may develop. Because of this, adhesions and scars appear, and the disease takes a chronic course. The woman's temperature rises, she suffers from nausea, pain in the lower abdomen, and purulent discharge. Soon endometriosis or even infertility occurs, growths appear in the appendages and uterus;
  • Cystitis. Bacteria interfere with the normal functioning of the bladder, causing urinary incontinence or frequent urge to go to the toilet.

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It is not difficult to determine the infection; the first symptoms are pain in the lower abdomen, itching in the vagina. To protect herself, a woman needs to give up promiscuity, use contraceptives, and regularly visit a gynecologist. A man should also remember that bacterial prostatitis is sexually transmitted, so it is worth abstaining from sexual relations until complete recovery.

What can cause complications of prostatitis?

Most often, prostatitis is caused by bacteria that were already in the body or somehow entered the genitourinary canals through the intestines or urinary system. Consequences are provoked by interrupted therapy or its absence. Other associated factors also increase the risk of complications:

  • heredity;
  • weak immunity;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • promiscuity;
  • stress, nervous exhaustion;
  • hypothermia;
  • bad habits;

Why prostatitis is dangerous: common complications of the disease

  • frequent diseases of the genitourinary system of an infectious nature;
  • incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • long absence of sex
  • poor nutrition.

Even the common cold can cause additional health problems. A man needs to be treated on time, visit a doctor for a preventive examination, and lead a correct lifestyle. In the early stages, prostatitis is easily treatable, but if the disease is neglected, serious complications arise. And such pathological changes are not always possible to correct.

Prevention of prostatitis

To protect yourself, a man just needs to follow a few recommendations:

  • Need to do sport. Running and various games, such as football, swimming, are suitable. Moderate physical activity helps reduce the risk of circulatory disorders;
  • A man needs to eat right, limiting the consumption of fried, spicy, and unhealthy foods. It is necessary to introduce more vitamins and useful minerals into the diet, give up alcohol and smoking;
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 Men turn to the doctor when the symptoms become unbearable and the disease has become chronic. Advanced cases are difficult to treat, so therapy should be started as soon as the first signs appear.

  • To avoid getting an infection, you should protect yourself during sex;
  • The gland is negatively affected by interrupted sexual contact, constant change of partners, lack of regular intimate relationships;

Why prostatitis is dangerous: common complications of the disease

  • It is advisable to harden the body, but not to allow severe hypothermia.

Another of the most effective preventive measures is visiting a urologist at least once a year.

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Complication of prostate inflammation

The consequences of prostatitis can be different. Pathology is detected in men throughout life and has different ways of occurrence.

If any alarming symptoms of the disease appear, it is recommended to immediately visit a specialist. This will help avoid the development of severe complications of prostatitis.

To understand the possible complications of the disease, you need to know how it progresses and what systems it affects.

Why prostatitis is dangerous: common complications of the disease

Characteristics of the pathology

The male genitourinary system has a complex structure. The glands are of primary importance in the reproductive system. The male sex glands include the prostate and testicles. Each organ is responsible for its own function.

The prostate gland is located under the base of the bladder. It consists of three lobes. The two lobes are located on the sides of the urethra. The third part is located behind it. The ureter passes between the lobes.

Above the prostate gland is the bladder valve.

The prostate gland is necessary for the proper formation of sperm fluid. Seminal fluid consists of fluid and sperm. The fluid is produced in the organ under the influence of the substance testosterone. It provokes the release of secretions into the vas deferens during sexual intercourse. If a pathological process develops in an organ, this function is disrupted.

The organ consists of a membrane and alveolar glands. When one of the constituent parts becomes inflamed, prostatitis occurs. Prostatitis has a different nature of origin and differs in the nature of its course.

Experts distinguish several types of pathology. Bacterial and non-bacterial origins of prostatitis are distinguished. In the bacterial form of prostatitis, the prostate gland becomes infected with pathogens. Bacteria have a detrimental effect on the prostate glands.

Pathogenic microbes feed on the cells of the organ tissue and leave their waste products in it. Under the influence of a microbe, inflammation of a small area of ​​the gland occurs. Inflammation spreads throughout the membrane and causes swelling of the entire organ. At the same time, many patients experience spontaneous death of pathogenic microorganisms. Diagnosing the causes of prostatitis is difficult.

The non-bacterial form of prostatitis depends on various causes and entails the development of consequences in men.

The pathology has two course patterns:

  • Acute onset of the disease;
  • Chronic course of pathology.

The acute form of prostatitis is characterized by the appearance of symptoms in the first days of development of the inflammatory process. With this form of prostatitis, a man may experience an increase in body temperature and a fever.

Pathology requires timely medical intervention. The chronic form of prostatitis often occurs without obvious signs.

In most patients, the disease is detected during a routine medical examination.

Causes of pathology

Prostatitis often causes the development of various complications. This is due to the peculiarities of its appearance. The appearance of prostatitis is influenced by pathogenic factors such as:

  • Why prostatitis is dangerous: common complications of the diseaseInflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • Injury to the prostate gland;
  • Features of a man's life;
  • Pathological effects of temperatures;
  • A sharp decrease in immune defense;
  • Infection with various microorganisms;
  • Consequence of sexually transmitted diseases.

The main cause of the development of prostatitis is the inflammatory process in the organs of the genitourinary system. The process, if treated incorrectly or completely absent, can quickly spread through the urinary canal to other tissues. In many patients, prostatitis occurs in an acute form. In order to properly treat the pathology, it is necessary to diagnose it in a timely manner.

Injury to the organ can occur due to an incorrect fall on the tailbone or a strong blow to the soft tissue. The process affects the condition of the organ shell. In case of injury, compression of the walls of the organ is often observed. Compressed tissues undergo an inflammatory process. As a result of this phenomenon, various additional consequences arise.

In many men, the pathology is diagnosed against the background of a sedentary lifestyle and poor circulation in the pelvis. Modern professions require long periods of sitting. This position affects the delivery of oxygen to the pelvic tissues. Trophic nutrition is disrupted in them. Due to this, the prostate gland swells and prostatitis forms.

Prostatitis is diagnosed in many bath and sauna lovers. The procedure involves a sharp change in body temperature. In this case, the delicate tissues of the gland can become inflamed.

Symptoms of the pathological process

Symptoms of prostatitis are varied. Many men have no complaints for a long time.

The appearance of the disease is characterized by a complication of the urinary process. Urine is excreted by drip or fluid incontinence is observed. When visiting the toilet, the patient notes a feeling of a full bladder. The urge to urinate increases at night. The man often wakes up. This leads to the development of irritability and constant fatigue.

Also, with prostatitis, the appearance of pain syndrome of various etiologies is observed. Pain may appear in the lower abdomen when urinating. There are also cutting pains in the area of ​​the urethra. Unpleasant sensations also occur during bowel movements. The act of defecation becomes painful. A man experiences prolonged constipation.

Why prostatitis is dangerous: common complications of the disease

Complications after pathology

Treatment of prostatitis should be carried out in a timely manner. Improper treatment causes the development of various consequences of the disease. The following consequences of prostatitis are distinguished:

  • Erectile dysfunction;
  • Various inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Impotence;
  • First degree infertility;
  • Psychological consequences;
  • Decreased sexual activity.

Many patients who have had prostatitis experience a consequence in the form of erectile dysfunction. At the same time, the duration of sexual contact in a man decreases, and sometimes there is no ejaculation. The erect state of the penis suddenly disappears. Such consequences must be removed after a thorough diagnosis.

Inflammation from the prostate gland can spread to neighboring organs and tissues. In this case, a man may develop a variety of urethritis and cystitis. The processes cause additional discomfort in patients. The consequence of such processes may be a violation of the outflow of urine. Chronic incontinence develops.

A serious consequence of the disease is impotence. With impotence, a man loses the ability to arouse. This process occurs due to disruption of the blood supply to tissues. Swelling prevents the corpora cavernosa from filling properly. The consequence can only be eliminated with long-term drug therapy.

Prostatitis is a pathological factor in the development of first degree infertility. Infertility in this case is characterized by a violation of the composition of sperm. The secretion changes its viscosity and acid composition. This pathology can be identified by taking a semen analysis.

A spermogram allows you to accurately determine the reason for the lack of conception. The andrologist will help you choose the necessary treatment. Severe acute prostatitis can cause second degree infertility. This form of the disease cannot be treated therapeutically.

Long-term sexual failures affect a man’s psychological state. He begins to avoid sexual intercourse. Libido restoration is carried out under the supervision of a psychologist. This consequence is found in 30% of patients.

Timely therapeutic intervention allows you to quickly eliminate the disease. In this case, the consequences of prostatitis do not develop.


The danger of prostatitis in men - what is it?

Inflammation of the prostate gland may be asymptomatic, but this does not mean that this disease should not be taken seriously. Doctors have proven that the danger of prostatitis for men is great. If you do not start treatment in time, you can face numerous health problems.

Why is prostatitis dangerous?

Why is prostatitis dangerous in the first place? The fact that leads to impotence and infertility, causes acute urinary retention. Due to inflammation of the prostate gland, men experience erection problems and avoid sexual intercourse.

Common complications of prostatitis

When talking about the dangers of prostatitis, doctors place the main emphasis on the complications caused by these diseases. The most common of them include.

  • Urethritis is inflammation of the urethra. With urethritis, renal failure develops simultaneously with urination problems.
  • Vesiculitis (inflammation of the seminal vesicles). It manifests itself as discomfort in the sacral area, frequent urge to urinate and painful erection.
  • Prostate abscess is an accumulation of pus in the prostate tissue. In some cases, the consequence of an abscess is death.

Prostate adenoma, cancer and infertility

Why prostatitis is dangerous: common complications of the disease

Why is chronic prostatitis dangerous? Besides ademona, it can cause prostate cancer. But what’s even worse is that one of the consequences of prostatitis is male infertility. The prostate gland takes part in the production of sperm, and with inflammation this process is disrupted. It is possible to restore male fertility, but this is a long process that requires strict adherence to all the recommendations of the urologist.

erectile disfunction

Another main danger of prostatitis is erectile dysfunction. It is observed in approximately half of patients with chronic prostatitis. Usually it all starts with premature ejaculation. Being afraid to perform poorly in bed leads to erection problems and even impotence.

Nervousness and irritability

Numerous complications of prostatitis can unsettle any man. This disease causes nervousness, irritability and chronic fatigue in patients. They lose confidence in their own sexual capabilities and refuse to have an intimate life. In such a situation, gentlemen need not only a urologist, but also a neuropsychiatrist.

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We described above what danger prostatitis poses if it is not treated. Do not forget about the serious consequences of this disease and treat it promptly.

If the patient, due to the sensitivity of the problem, does not dare to share his experiences with loved ones and go to the urologist, his condition will worsen.

A good specialist will tell you why prostatitis is dangerous for men and prescribe adequate treatment, which is sure to bring a positive result.


Chronic prostatitis in men - consequences: how dangerous the disease is and what it can lead to

Few people know what prostatitis leads to if left untreated. The prostate is responsible for men's health; disruption of its functioning can lead to serious complications. A timely visit to a doctor will help save the patient from long and protracted treatment. Read how to relieve chronic prostatitis in men, the consequences of which can be a serious health hazard.

Types of disease and symptoms

The disease develops due to an unhealthy lifestyle, frequent changes of sexual partners and a sedentary profession.

Most patients are men between 30 and 50 years old. There are several types of the disease, each of which has its own symptoms.

Acute prostatitis develops rapidly and is dangerous, because it leads to chronic hyperplasia. At the first signs, you should contact a urologist so that the disease does not develop into a chronic stage.

This type is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. General weakness, elevated body temperature.
  2. Pain in the perineum, during urination and defecation.
  3. Sexual impotence.

Why is prostatitis dangerous for men? If the acute stage is not treated, the disease becomes chronic. Also caused by inactivity, weak immunity, hypothermia, bad habits or stress.

The symptoms are practically the same, but appear more often:

  • Problems with urination.
  • Discomfort during bowel movements, slight pain.
  • Itching and burning in the genital area.
  • Erectile disfunction.

Bacterial prostatitis can also be divided into chronic and acute types. It differs only in the cause of the development of the disease. As the pathology progresses, the composition of the secretion changes; the causative agents are harmful bacteria.

Calculous prostatitis - this diagnosis is more often made in old age. This is an inflammatory process in which calcifications and phosphates are formed in the prostate gland. Only a doctor can help diagnose pathology.

Symptoms include:

  1. Pain in the sacral area.
  2. Problems with urination.
  3. General weakness and apathy.
  4. Decreased sexual desire.

Congestive prostatitis occurs mainly due to a sedentary lifestyle. This is a chronic disease that is caused by poor circulation. Often there are no symptoms, it can be confused with an acute or other type. The only way to correctly diagnose the disease is laboratory and ultrasound examination.

Infectious prostatitis is a close relative of bacterial pathology. It appears in the same way, but occurs in the younger generation of men who are promiscuous. It has an acute and chronic form, the causative agent is a viral and fungal infection.

Purulent prostatitis. The most dangerous consequence is the discharge of pus.

Important! If a symptom is detected, you should immediately consult a doctor, as the infection can also affect other internal organs.

In this case, an additional symptom is fever.

Why is prostatitis dangerous?

The prostate gland is an organ that only men have. The prostate has important functions that directly affect health and sex life.

The main functions of the body include:

  • Liquefaction of the ejaculate, in which the sperm is capable of fertilizing the egg.
  • Developing a secret.
  • Ability to release sperm.

Many people do not know how dangerous inflammation of the prostate gland is if treatment is not started on time. In this case, all basic functions are disrupted: barrier, motor and secretory.

The male body stops functioning normally, complications can be provoked:

  • Erectile disfunction. Sexual impotence can even cause depression. With a huge number of special medications, you can get rid of the consequences. However, treating the symptoms will not cure the problem. Impotence is caused by hormonal imbalance and can provoke many other dangerous diseases.
  • Nervous disorders. Men who are aware of sexual helplessness or are constantly experiencing discomfort become irritable. For some, apathy is typical. Stress can provoke mental disorders; you will need the help of not only a urologist, but also a psychologist.
  • Infertility. When secretory function is impaired, sperm quality decreases significantly. This affects sperm activity and the ability to have offspring. This complication occurs less frequently than others, but the main cause of infertility is hyperplasia.
  • Genitourinary diseases. The disease can cause the formation of stagnation and stones. These complications occur if prostatitis is not treated. There are also significant problems with urination.
  • Development of cancer. You can provoke the appearance of an adenoma, benign prostatic hyperplasia or a malignant tumor. This outcome requires urgent surgical intervention and long-term drug treatment.

The first thing to do when you notice symptoms is to consult a doctor. Think about your lifestyle. The best way to prevent the development of the disease is prevention.

Complications of acute prostatitis

The acute form manifests itself abruptly and can occur due to poor nutrition, severe hypothermia or infection. In this case, small problems can develop into serious complications.

Consequences of prostatitis for men:

  1. Prostate abscess. Additional symptoms occur: high fever, acute pain in the perineum and difficulty emptying the bowel and bladder.
  2. Chronic form of the disease. If not treated in a timely manner, the process may become irreversible. Symptoms will appear periodically, and in order to stop them you will have to completely change your lifestyle and constantly undergo preventive therapy.

Consequences of chronic prostatitis

If it is already too late to fight the signs of inflammation of the prostate gland, and the disease has entered the chronic stage, then a relapse will not be long in coming.

This form has serious consequences of prostatitis in men if left untreated:

  • Benign tumor. An adenoma is a neoplasm on an organ that has the same symptoms. Only an ultrasound scan and tests can determine a tumor. Sometimes an adenoma can cause cancer.
  • Infertility. In 45% of cases, men who cannot have children suffer from a chronic form. You should immediately consult a doctor, otherwise the process will be irreversible.
  • Erectile disfunction. Problems with erection do not always occur; they are not permanent, but periodic. However, if a man does not consult a urologist in a timely manner, a man’s sexual desire is significantly reduced.
  • Mental illnesses. May be mild. At the same time, stressful situations, nervous tension and constant discomfort slowly drive a person crazy. Depression will have to be treated with antidepressants and psychotropic medications if measures are not taken.
  • Organ sclerosis. An unpleasant complication in which the size of the penis decreases and specific wrinkles appear on the penis. There is only one way out - surgical removal of the prostate gland.
  • The occurrence of diseases of the genitourinary system. The inflammatory process in the prostate can cause the development of other pathologies. Often inflammation of the prostate gland is accompanied by vesiculitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis or epididymo-orchitis.

Don't forget about the rules of personal hygiene. Keep your genitals clean, avoid hypothermia and frequent changes of sexual partners. If you are promiscuous, use a condom as contraception . Sexually transmitted diseases are the cause of the development of untreated inflammation.

Complications of the calculous type

The pathology is more typical for men after 40 years of age. Occurs due to the formation of stones. If the chronic form is not treated, the consequences can be disastrous.

Possible complications include:

  1. Prostate fibrosis. The disease has several stages; in the first phase, the process can be reversed. With this pathology, the urinary canal narrows and cysts can form.
  2. Abscess. An inflammatory process that is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and purulent discharge.
  3. Enuresis. This is urinary incontinence in which a person cannot control going to the toilet. Most often, embarrassments happen at night.
  4. Impotence, infertility, decreased sperm quality.
  5. Vesiculitis or other diseases of the genitourinary system.

Complications of congestion

Note! When congestion occurs, problems begin not only in bed, but also in the toilet.

Often a man has a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.

The consequences of stagnation include the following pathologies:

  • Diseases of neighboring internal organs. Stagnation can provoke kidney failure and cause slow metabolism. There is also a risk of thrombosis.
  • Paraproctitis. This is an inflammation of the tissue that is located around the rectum.
  • Purulent abscess.
  • Infertility.
  • Impotence.

Modern treatment and prevention

The sooner you see a doctor, the greater the chance of recovery. The urologist will prescribe drug therapy. These may be antibiotics and other antibacterial agents, anti-inflammatory herbal preparations, massage and other physiotherapy.

Also recommended as prevention and treatment:

  1. Give up bad habits, do not drink alcohol and do not smoke.
  2. Eat properly. Include more vegetables and fruits in your diet, avoid fried and other junk foods.
  3. Exercise. Physical activity is the best prevention of stagnation.


Why prostatitis is dangerous: common complications of the disease Link to main publication
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