
Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do it

Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do it

Physical exercises for prostate adenoma are recommended for all patients without exception. Regular training has a therapeutic effect on all pelvic organs and keeps the reproductive system in good shape. With regular exercise, the risk of developing chronic prostatitis is minimized. With sufficient physical activity, the heartbeat accelerates, and internal organs are better supplied with blood. Thanks to this, inflammatory processes are reduced and congestion in the pelvic organs disappears. It is advisable to carry out such measures for preventive purposes. Mature men who actively engage in sports are much less likely to suffer from prostatitis.

Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do it

For classes to be beneficial, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to organizing the training process.

It is advisable to use the services of a professional trainer or exercise therapy instructor who specializes in men's health problems, knows how to help his clients and, most importantly, not harm them.

If you perform physical exercises thoughtlessly, unsystematically, then there is a risk of deterioration in well-being.

For prostate adenoma, numerous types of physical activity have a good therapeutic effect. You can go to the gym, do swimming, yoga, and include aerobic exercise in your training process. You can combine different types of activity to increase the effect of your training.

Goals of therapeutic exercises for adenoma

Gymnastics for prostate adenoma is indicated at all stages of the development of the disease, except for the acute period. When you experience severe pain or difficulty urinating, it is better to temporarily stop playing sports.

During this period, the patient is prescribed bed rest for a speedy recovery. Otherwise there are no restrictions. Doctors recommend moderate physical activity even for patients during the postoperative period.

Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do it

You must set a clear goal for yourself. Decide what you want to achieve with exercise. Prostate adenoma is a tumor that grows from connective tissue. Due to the chronic inflammatory process in this organ, healthy cells gradually die. That is, inflammation is always paramount.

If you start treatment at an early stage of the disease, then there is a high probability of full recovery without serious drug therapy and surgical intervention.

Regular exercise has the following benefits:

  • The muscles of the abdomen, perineum, and peritoneum are strengthened, thereby reducing the likelihood of disruption of the urination process;
  • Internal organs are better supplied with oxygen and nutrients, thanks to increased blood circulation;
  • Vessels and arteries become strong, elastic, the likelihood of internal bleeding is reduced;
  • Metabolic processes in the body are accelerated;
  • Regular exercise provokes an active release of male hormones, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive system.

Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do it

Doctors confirm that older men who play sports are less likely to suffer from prostate adenoma. If the illness has already overtaken you, you should not give up physical activity. you just need to reconsider your attitude towards sports, change the type of load and the course of the training process.

Experienced exercise therapy instructors, rehabilitation doctors and sports trainers will help you with this. Together they will develop an optimal set of varied workouts for you.

Precautionary measures

In the process of rehabilitation and recovery from a serious illness, it is always necessary to use the principle of moderation. Don't push yourself in the gym. This way you will only achieve the effect of overtraining. It is not recommended to engage in the following sports:

  1. Boxing, other types of martial arts;
  2. Team sports – football, basketball, volleyball, hockey;
  3. Powerlifting, bodybuilding.

Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do it

Any sport where there is a high risk of injury is prohibited. The patient should not lift heavy objects. Exercise in the gym is allowed, but only with light additional weight. Most trainers recommend training only with your body weight. If you structure the training correctly, this will be enough to achieve the proper therapeutic effect.

Before starting your workout, be sure to warm up and gradually warm up your muscles. A mandatory step is joint gymnastics. You need to alternately work on the neck, spine, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle joints. In this way, the risk of injury is significantly reduced.

After training, you should do some comprehensive stretching. It is advisable to do this under the supervision of a trainer.

Rules for playing sports

The question of where and how to play sports with prostate adenoma is acute for many patients. If your local clinic has a physical therapy room and an experienced instructor works there, contact him for help. The urologist who is treating you will give you a referral to this specialist.

He will develop a comprehensive training program. The first few classes must be conducted in the gym with an instructor. He will show you how to perform each exercise correctly and will control your technique.

Then, when you get comfortable, learn to feel your body on your own, you can practice at home on your own.

Many large fitness centers and gyms have health groups where training is conducted by exercise therapy instructors. You can always find an acceptable option for yourself. The only problem is that most men are not ready to admit to others that they have problems with the prostate gland. That is why they try to train on their own and hide existing illnesses from the coach.

Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do it

If you really expect qualified help, there is no need to hide anything. This problem occurs in the vast majority of men over 40 years of age. The trainer works with you as a team.

A true professional will never talk about his clients’ illnesses.

He needs information about existing ailments only in order to select the optimal training process scheme, improve your overall health, and not harm you.

Some patients prefer to practice at home using video instructions and online training. In this way, you can perform a number of simple exercises that do not require special training. But it is highly advisable to first consult with an instructor.

Often during therapeutic exercises, patients incorrectly distribute the load on the joints. Exercise therapy at home will help with prostate adenoma, but over time you may have problems with the hip and knee joints.

Take care of your health, control the technique of each, even the simplest exercise.

Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do it

You don't need any special ammunition. Choose comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement and high-quality sports shoes. If you do yoga, Pilates, or other breathing practices, then classes are held barefoot.

Static exercises

Your main goal is to strengthen the muscles of the peritoneum, perineum, and lower back. Static exercises will help with this. They are simple, do not require special training, and are suitable for self-study at home.

The most effective, simple and popular is the Kegel exercise. It can be done in any position - sitting, lying down or moving.

Its essence is that you squeeze the muscles of the anus and buttocks as tightly as possible, hold them in this position for several seconds, then relax. You need to do 30-50 repetitions.

Over time, you will feel that this exercise engages your abdominal muscles. In this way you can combat urinary problems.

All muscles located around the urinary tract will be well developed. You will never have problems with urinary incontinence.

Another effective exercise is the gluteal bridge. Lie on your back, bend your knees, and place your feet well on the floor. Raise your pelvis as high as possible and hold the position for a few seconds. Lower your pelvis down. This exercise must be performed 20-30 times.

When you lift your pelvis, squeeze your buttocks as much as possible at the top. This will give an additional effect. This exercise falls into the rehabilitation category. It helps not only with prostate adenoma, but also with osteochondrosis, sciatica, and lumbar intervertebral hernias.

Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do it

Lying on your stomach, you can perform the static swallow exercise. Raise your straight legs and arms at the same time, lift your chest and hips off the surface. Hold this position for as long as possible, then smoothly lower to the starting position.

The classic exercise plank from the elbows or from the hands perfectly develops and strengthens the core muscles. The emphasis is on the feet and elbows, the back is straight, the pelvis cannot be lifted up, the abdominal muscles and buttocks are as tense as possible. You need to hold this position for 30 seconds at first, constantly increasing this time.

Static exercises can be performed while sitting on a chair. Grab the side of the seat with both hands, lift your pelvis and move it slightly forward, resting your feet on the floor. You need to hold this position for as long as possible.

If you work out in the gym, then many static and dynamic exercises can be performed on TRX loops.

Dynamic exercises

Statics must be alternated with dynamic physical activity. Classic squats, lunges back and forth and diagonally, deadlifts, bends are those exercises that are extremely important to perform under the supervision of a coach or exercise therapy instructor. You only need to work with your own weight without additional weighting.

If you prefer cardio training, then orbitrek classes are perfect for you. This is a rehabilitation exercise machine; you won’t get pain in your knees on it, as when exercising on a treadmill or exercise bike.

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Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do it

Other types of physical activity

You can choose other types of physical activity:

  • race walking;
  • run;
  • swimming;
  • Biking;
  • horseback riding;
  • yoga, pilates;
  • regular workouts in the gym.

Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do it

If you choose between running and race walking, it is better to give preference to the second option. Such activities are safer. Swimming in the pool has an excellent therapeutic effect. You can choose any style, but there is a danger of hypothermia. You should not exercise in water whose temperature is below 23-25 ​​degrees. The maximum training duration is one hour.

Cycling and horse riding are excellent forms of physical activity for prostate diseases because they combine muscle training and perineal massage.

There is no need to develop high speed, because there is always a risk of falling.

Pay attention to yoga. Although these activities are considered more feminine, during them all the muscles of the body are worked out, and breathing practices supply the internal organs and systems with the oxygen necessary for normal functioning.

Physical activity in the postoperative period

If you have had surgery to remove an adenoma, you can begin active training only after a few months. Moderate loads and static exercises can be done in the hospital immediately after surgery. Exercising the muscles of the perineum can help you get rid of urinary incontinence. This presentation is common after surgery.

You have the power to reduce the likelihood of complications. You only need to exercise under the supervision of an instructor. Most exercises are performed lying down. Be sure to listen to yourself. If you experience the slightest discomfort, you should stop exercising. You should not exercise if your body temperature is elevated.

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What exercises should you do for prostate adenoma: physical therapy and yoga

Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do it

Prostate adenoma is an age-related phenomenon that, to one degree or another, awaits every man who lives to old age.

It occurs due to changes in hormonal levels in old age. Science has not established a direct connection with pathologies and sexually transmitted diseases.

However, we have the power to delay the development of prostate adenoma with the help of physical education.

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Exercises for prostate adenoma

  1. Increases blood circulation in the prostate;
  2. Increase the tone of the prostate, improve the activity of the nervous system;
  3. Eliminate the consequences of an immobile lifestyle, the remnants of prostate inflammation during remission;
  4. Strengthens the muscles of the perineum, prostate, pelvic joints and hips.

Part of the causes of prostate adenoma are excess weight and vascular atherosclerosis. These negative factors are also eliminated, including through thoughtful physical activity.

When treating prostate adenoma, any physical exercise is useful, starting with regular morning exercises. But special exercises have also been developed that are useful specifically in the case of prostate adenoma.

Sports to do if you have prostate adenoma:

  • run;
  • race walking;
  • swimming;
  • GTO complex;
  • a ride on the bicycle;
  • horseback riding.

What can you do?

Kegel exercises

Therapeutic exercises for prostate adenoma are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the perineum and prostate. It’s easy to identify them: a man holds the stream of urine when peeing. Those muscles (prostate muscles) that will work in this case need to be trained.

  1. Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do itWe alternately tense and relax the prostate muscles. The faster the better.
  2. We strain the muscles, hold them tense for 4 seconds, and gradually relax.
  3. Smoothly tense the muscles, as when defecating. Let's relax.
  4. During the first lesson, we repeat each exercise eight times. We repeat this cycle five times a day.

We increase the number of repetitions of each BPH exercise in a cycle by four weekly until we reach 45 repetitions. You need to do such exercises for prostate adenoma every day.

Of all the exercises for prostate adenoma, we choose those during which tension occurs in the pelvic organs and prostate muscles.

Treatment of prostate adenoma in men with yoga exercises begins with breathing:

  1. We close our eyes. We fully concentrate on inhaling/exhaling.
  2. We lie down and do relaxation exercises. We relieve all tension, relax the body from the feet to the top of the head.
  3. Triangle asana. The back is straight, we stand with our legs as wide apart as possible. We take the left foot with both palms and rest our face on the knee. Hold the pose for 15 seconds. We do the same with the right foot and knee.
  4. Closed ring asana. Lying on your stomach, raise your upper body. We raise our legs, grab our ankles with our palms. Hold the pose for half a minute.
  5. Eagle asana to stimulate potency. We stand on a half-bent right leg. Throw the left one over the thigh and shin of the right one. Freeze for a minute. We change legs.


What physical exercises should be done for prostate adenoma?

Exercises while lying on your back:

  1. Raise your pelvis, spreading your knees to the sides. So six times per cycle. Three cycles a day.
  2. We bring/spread the legs, bent/extended at the knees alternately. 11 times per cycle. Twice a day.
  3. We alternately raise our legs, bend our knees, and apply them to our stomach. Five times per cycle, two cycles per day.
  4. "Birch". We hold the lower back with our hands, direct the pelvis and legs vertically. Five times per cycle, two cycles per day.
  5. Hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees. Move your pelvis to the left (inhale)/right (exhale).
  6. Chin to chest, palms on forehead. Pull your right leg up. Then left. Ten times each.

Standing exercises:

  1. Body tilts left and right. Thirty times.
  2. Swing your legs back and forth. A hundred times each.
  3. Jumping in place. We alternate between high and low. We start with fifty, gradually increase to three hundred times.
  4. Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do itPalms on the back of the head in a lock. As we inhale, we half squat, spreading our knees, lowering our hands to our heart. Exhalation. While inhaling, slowly return to the starting position.
  5. Hands down. Gradually bend the right knee, raising the thigh as much as possible. Then do the same with the left knee.
  6. We squat down. As you inhale, we slowly stand up, moving our right leg to the side. Then do the same with the left leg. Ten times each.
  7. Rotational movements of the pelvis. Five times left, five times right.
  8. The patient stands leaning on the bed. Squats, holding onto a support. The left knee moves to the right. Then vice versa.

Exercises while standing on all fours:

  1. We pull the right leg towards the left hand. To the starting position. Now it's the other way around. Repeat six times.
  2. As you inhale, raise your arms up, and as you exhale, sit on your heels. Exercise is contraindicated for people with vascular diseases (varicose veins, blood clots).

Exercises lying on your side
If gymnastics is performed on the left side, then the left arm is under the head, and the right hand should rest on the floor or grasp the couch. And vice versa.

  1. We raise our right leg up and lower it. Do this five times. Then we turn over, the same with the left leg.
  2. Same as in the previous exercise, but change the leg and side after each lift. Gradually increase the number of leg raises in both positions to eight.
  3. "Scissors". We lead the right leg forward, the left leg back. We mutually change the positions of the legs. Ten times per set. Change sides and repeat.

Exercises while lying on your stomach:

  1. "Boat". Place your hands along your body and hold it like that. Raise your legs at the same time, without bending, and your upper body. We hold the pose for as long as we can stand it. Let's relax. We repeat three times.
  2. We lie down with our stomachs on the ball (preferably a special “gymnastic” ball). We roll around on the ball on the floor for half an hour. Once a day.
  3. Hands along the body. We take turns raising our arms and legs. We do it until we get tired.

Seated exercises:

  1. We sit down straight, stretch our legs forward. Place your palms on your ankles and lean forward. We try to reach our toes with our fingertips.
  2. Trying to do the splits. We spread our legs to the sides as far as possible and hold the pose for half a minute. Don’t despair that you can’t actually do the splits. Every day we add stretching millimeter by millimeter... Perhaps, when it will work out, like the gymnast on TV. But even if it doesn’t work out, the attempts themselves are useful.
  3. Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do itWe sit down straight, stretch our legs forward, and spread them apart. We move on our buttocks. About forty “steps” with your buttocks at a time.
  4. We bend our back. Squeeze and draw in the muscles of the anus as you inhale. As you exhale, relax. Three times per cycle. 15 times a day.
  5. We get down on our knees, spread our heels to the sides and close our big toes. Keep your back straight. We sit with our buttocks between our heels, touching our palms to our soles, tensing/relaxing our gluteal muscles. Ten times per cycle, five cycles per day.

Abdominal breathing exercise:

  1. We take a breath, the deepest one possible.
  2. We inflate our belly.
  3. We hold the pose for 12 seconds.
  4. We draw in our stomach to the limit.
  5. Exhale as much as possible.

We repeat this seven times.

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The main thing in all exercises is that they put stress on the area where the prostate is located. Thus, blood flow intensifies and muscles develop.

It is not necessary to do all the exercises listed.
Choose the most suitable ones that you like and succeed in. The main thing is not to be lazy to do them every day. See below for photo-drawings of morning exercises for prostate adenoma in men.
Physical exercises for prostate adenoma in pictures:

Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do it
Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do it
Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do it

Is there a cure for this disease?

Physical exercise and proper nutrition alone cannot cure prostate adenoma. They are only a background for conservative treatment with medications (possibly at an early stage of the disease), and are important for the prevention of prostate diseases. Their significance is great at the stage of remission after surgery.


It is good to complement physical exercises with prostate massage. Doing it yourself or entrusting it to random people is dangerous. Hire a specialist.


Physical exercises for adenoma and prostatitis in men - therapeutic exercises

Inflammation of the prostate and adenoma are those pathologies that significantly reduce the quality of life of men, including sexual life.

They disrupt proper sleep, provoke a frequent urge to urinate, and become a source of severe pain, which also changes the psychological state of the patient.

Physical exercises for adenoma and prostatitis help speed up the healing process and are always included in the course of treatment. Let's consider the benefits of morning exercises and types of exercises for problems with the glandular organ.

The need for gymnastic exercises for prostate adenoma

Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do it

Treatment of prostate adenoma with physical exercise is an additional method recommended along with drug therapy, which is always prescribed by a medical specialist.

A set of training sessions is recommended on an individual basis. Be sure to take into account the specific disease, the patient’s complaints, the stage of the pathological process, the degree of progression of the disease, the presence of concomitant ailments, the person’s age group, and other facts.

It is worth knowing: therapeutic exercises for prostate adenoma and prostatitis help to increase blood circulation in the pelvic organs, reduce the load on the rectum, which significantly improves the patient’s well-being and reduces the severity of anxiety symptoms.

The main task of Kegel exercises, yoga or exercise therapy is to increase blood circulation in the perineal area. Blood helps carry oxygen in the body; accordingly, more of it enters the glandular organ, as well as the necessary nutrients for accelerated cell regeneration.

Under the influence of increased blood pressure, dilation of blood vessels is observed, as a result, the volume of circulating fluid in the body increases. This allows you to speed up the natural process of forming new healthy cells that replace defective ones.

By normalizing blood circulation in the prostate and nearby tissues, congestion is eliminated and the risk of infectious and inflammatory processes is reduced. Practice shows that regular exercise helps slow down the growth of prostate adenoma, prevents exacerbation of chronic prostatitis and the development of complications associated with this disease.

If the patient has a history of surgical intervention in the prostate gland, then a therapeutic course of exercise helps speed up the recovery process, improves erectile function, and restores sexual activity.

Types of exercises

Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do it

Exercises for prostate adenoma and chronic prostatitis in men have undoubted benefits for the body.

Patients are recommended to lead an active lifestyle, take long walks, engage in aerobics and other activities.

In medical practice, there is a list of gymnastic complexes and training that are aimed directly at improving the functionality of the prostate gland.

Important: the intensity and complexity of the classes are selected according to the body’s capabilities, the load increases gradually. It is necessary that physical exercise causes mild fatigue and does not require excessive effort from the patient.

Kegel method

Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do it

Doctors often recommend exercises for prostate adenoma in men, in particular, the Kegel technique. Initially, such training was developed for the fair sex during the postpartum period, but after some modification they became suitable for men.

The technique of medical specialist Arnold Kegel is based on repeated tension (contraction, compression) of the pubococcygeus muscle, which is located between the tailbone and the pubis.

Classes are highly effective, provided that the man practices every day on a regular basis. Daily Kegel exercises provide the following therapeutic effects:

  • The process of urination is facilitated;
  • The quality of erection improves;
  • The duration of sexual intercourse increases;
  • Symptoms associated with the disease disappear.

Contraindications to the method are exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, inflammatory and purulent processes in the body, tumor neoplasms.

Kegel gymnastics for prostate adenoma in men involves the following options:

  1. During urination, you need to interrupt the stream of urine several times. This must be done every time you go to the toilet.
  2. The man takes a comfortable position, then tenses the muscle for a few seconds, then relaxes - repeat up to ten times. In the first stages, five repetitions are enough.
  3. Rhythmic contraction of the pubococcygeus muscle for one minute. Over time, the execution time can be increased to three minutes.

For your information, systematic exercise during the treatment of prostate adenoma enhances the effects of medications - they are absorbed faster, which significantly improves the therapeutic effect and speeds up the recovery process.

If painful sensations are observed during exercise, it is recommended to reduce the intensity of training. This is due to the fact that the pubococcygeus muscle is “not used” to a certain load.


Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do it

You can treat prostate problems with yoga. This is a static therapy method focused on gentle stretching of muscle tissue. During training, the following effects on the body are noted:

  • Symptoms of disorders of the genitourinary system are leveled - pain during urination, frequent urge to go to the toilet, etc.;
  • The quality of seminal fluid improves. Gymnastics helps normalize the process of sperm production;
  • Potency increases and erection improves. Poor circulation, congestion in the pelvis, destruction of blood vessels - all this reduces male performance in bed.

The main difference between yoga and other physical exercises is that at the same time a man performs breathing and physical exercises. It is this combination that helps restore the normal functioning of the entire body as a whole.

Useful complex for men:

  1. The man stands straight, his feet are shoulder-width apart, his arms should be raised up. Then take a deep breath, and hold your breath for a few seconds. Next, the arms are raised and lowered three times.
  2. The initial position is the same as in the first option. They stretch their arms out in front of them and inhale deeply, holding their breath. The limbs are spread to the sides twice, exhaled when lowering the arms for the last time.
  3. As you inhale, stretch your arms forward and clench your fists, then pull them forcefully to your chest. Exhale, repeat several times.

Note: against the background of prostate adenoma and prostatitis, it is recommended to pay attention to asanas - utanasana, agnisara, sirshasana, karani, jana virasana, etc.

In order for the training to give the desired therapeutic effect, it is recommended to work with an instructor at first. Only after a man has mastered the technique and has no questions can he move on to independent practice at home.

Physical training

Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do it

Physical exercises for prostate adenoma are aimed at strengthening the spine, training the muscles of the perineum, and the lateral abdominal muscles. You can train in different positions - lying, standing, on your side, etc.

Doctor Evdokimenko notes that it is therapeutic exercises that significantly speed up the recovery process for prostate pathologies. The main rule is regular classes without breaks.

Therapeutic exercises for prostatitis and prostate adenoma involve performing the following exercises:

  • The man stands on the floor, his back is straight. Alternately raises his knees, touching his stomach;
  • Squats - a man slowly squats, with his knees pointing out to the sides;
  • Tilts in different directions;
  • The man lies on his back, raises his legs and imitates riding a bicycle;
  • Rhythmic contraction of the muscles of the anus;
  • Lie on your stomach, and then alternately raise your lower limbs as high as possible.

All exercises are performed several times in a couple of approaches. It is not recommended to overload the body. If a man feels that this or that workout is difficult for him, then he can take a short break and then repeat the approach.


Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do it

When massaging the perineum, there is an indirect effect on the glandular organ. When performing this technique, there is no direct contact with the organ, but this does not detract from the advantages of the technique. These include the following effects:

  1. Local blood circulation improves;
  2. Congestion is leveled out, the outflow of prostatic juice increases;
  3. Inflammatory processes are reduced;
  4. Sexual desire increases;
  5. Pain syndrome decreases;
  6. The process of urination improves;
  7. The tone of the perineal muscles is restored.

Important: perineal massage is not performed if there is a history of bladder stones, malignant formations, exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, prostate cyst, hemorrhoidal disease.

The classic version is when a man places a tennis ball in the crotch area and sits on it. In this case, swaying movements are carried out. This method is suitable for those men who do not have a very sensitive prostate gland. Otherwise, painful sensations are observed.

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To carry out the procedure, you can contact a specialist. During the manipulation, the massage therapist works on the lower abdomen, lower back, sacrum and back area. Particular attention is paid to the area below the navel. As an alternative to contacting a specialist, you can ask your relatives. It is recommended that you first familiarize yourself with the technique in the video.

Physical activity after surgery

Surgery is often used to treat prostate adenoma. It is necessary in cases where other treatment methods have not given the desired result or the size of the adenoma is very large.

After surgery, physical activity has its own characteristics. On the second day after the medical procedure, the patient can get up and walk, but only a short distance. After about 10 days, the patient can go home - if the course of the disease is uncomplicated.

For one and a half months you need to avoid physical activity and wear a bandage, especially if there was an open procedure. It is important to avoid the following:

  • Physical work;
  • Long walks;
  • Lifting weights;
  • Bend forward, etc.

Everyone's injured prostate gland recovers differently, so it is impossible to say exactly when you can exercise. As a rule, the body recovers eight weeks after surgical treatment. You need to return to physical training gradually. At the slightest deterioration in general health, give yourself rest.

When performing classes, a reasonable approach is required. Exhausting workouts will not bring benefits to the body. Excessive zeal can result in aggravation of the clinic and new problems.


What exercises will help with prostatitis and prostate adenoma?

Benign prostate tumor and prostatitis are common diseases characterized by a long course and an unclear clinical picture. Diseases require an integrated approach to treatment: the use of medications, physiotherapy and exercise therapy.

Exercises for prostatitis and prostate adenoma are aimed at normalizing blood circulation in the organ, as well as in other anatomical formations of the pelvis, which can increase the effectiveness of therapeutic techniques and improve the prognosis for the patient.


Only a doctor can help in selecting therapeutic exercises for prostate adenoma, since improperly performed exercises can cause additional health problems.

The importance of physical activity for the body

Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do itTreatment of prostate diseases in men should be based not only on the use of medications and surgical interventions. It is very important that the patient changes his lifestyle, primarily the level of physical activity and nutrition.

Physical exercises for adenoma and prostatitis allow you to maintain the tone of important muscles of the pelvic floor, abs and deep back muscles.

Their sufficient development makes it possible to speed up the patient’s rehabilitation after surgery, as well as improve his preparation for invasive treatment methods.

It should be noted that in the postoperative period, you should not immediately load the body with heavy exercises. You should gradually begin to perform gymnastics for prostate adenoma, expanding the range and intensity of physical activity.

Doctors know that regular exercise aimed at strengthening the muscular frame of the body reduces the risk of developing prostate diseases, which is associated with their normalizing effect on the functioning of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

It is believed that for preventive purposes one should take regular walks, swim in the pool, and do exercises for the legs, arms, and torso. Lifting heavy weights should be limited, as such activities often cause injuries if done incorrectly.

Physical exercises for prostate adenoma

Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do it

All of these activities involve active contraction and relaxation of muscle fibers. In turn, static exercises are characterized by a long phase of muscle contraction and relaxation. The most famous of them are: various versions of planks, squats with legs bent to 90 degrees at the knees and maintaining this position, etc.

Benign lesions of the prostate gland involve the use of a rehabilitation gymnastics complex after surgery.

In this case, physical education should be performed gradually with a slight increase in exercise time and load level each week.

Such gymnastics is aimed at reducing the severity of congestion in the pelvic area, as well as stimulating blood flow in the organs and increasing the overall tone of the body.

Many doctors recommend performing Kegel exercises for men to strengthen the perineal muscles. It is important to note that these exercises do not require a visit to the gym - they can be completed entirely at home.

Kegel exercises for prostatitis and adenoma are performed in the following sequence:

  • a man should alternately contract and relax the muscles of the perineum. For this purpose, you should achieve a feeling of contraction and tension of the buttocks, followed by retraction of the anus. It must be said that the number of repetitions in the first days of classes should be minimal - about 10. Gradually, they can be increased to 40-60 with 3-4 approaches during the day;
  • rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the perineal muscles at intervals of 5-10 seconds also allows for their gradual strengthening. A similar exercise against prostate adenoma should be performed about 10 times per approach. The duration of the contraction can be gradually increased;
  • When urinating, you need to interrupt the stream of urine several times during one trip to the toilet, and then resume the process. This exercise has a good effect on the pelvic floor muscles, but may be accompanied by pain or discomfort in the first days, which quickly passes.

It is important to note that such exercises for prostatitis and prostate adenoma should be mastered in the same position, gradually changing it.

For example, the first approaches can be performed lying on your back, the next in a squat, and the final ones on your knees.

This will allow the muscles of the perineum to be more evenly loaded, ensuring its strengthening and a positive effect on the pelvic organs.

Exercise sets

Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do it

  • regular push-ups allow you to maintain a high level of physical fitness and strengthen not only the muscles of the arms and chest, but also the paravertebral muscles;
  • various plank options, which can be alternated, are aimed at maintaining the tone of the deep muscles of the back and abs;
  • a man should lie on the floor, then raise his straight legs vertically up and fix them in this position. At the end of the exercise, release them down, repeating the movements several times;
  • Walking on the buttocks, performed on a gymnastic mat, is one of the best exercises for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. It is important to note that the load should be increased gradually, allowing the body to adapt;
  • A good exercise for prostate lesions is the well-known “bicycle”, which involves moving your legs to simulate pedaling. In addition to the strengthening effect on the leg muscles, the “bicycle” allows you to have a positive effect on the muscular corset of the torso;
  • Hip raises, which can be done standing or hanging on a horizontal bar, also have a positive effect on the state of blood flow in the pelvic area.

There are a large number of exercises to reduce prostate adenoma and treat prostatitis. The attending physician is able to select the most rational set of physical activity for the patient, taking into account the man’s level of athletic training, as well as the degree of development of the disease.


Gymnastics for prostate adenoma: what are the benefits and how to do it

Gymnastic exercises are always carried out in a medical institution on an individual basis, or as part of special groups. Moreover, such classes take place in three main stages.

Exercises for treatment begin with a full warm-up, which includes aerobic exercise, such as running, as well as joint movements aimed at preparing the musculoskeletal system for stress. The optimal warm-up duration is from 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the upcoming exercises and the patient’s condition.

Therapeutic exercises for prostate adenoma include a number of exercises to strengthen the muscular corset of the body (back, abs and perineum), as well as muscles whose activity is associated with emptying the bladder.

At the end of the active load phase, a load is practiced aimed at improving blood flow in the pelvic floor, which is necessary to reduce congestion. The duration of the stage is from 20 to 40 minutes. The time always increases gradually.

Under no circumstances should you immediately engage in heavy and prolonged exercise.

The final stage of therapeutic exercises is aimed at stretching those muscle groups that actively participated in the exercise process. To do this, use exercises related to dynamic stretching. The duration of the cool-down is about 10 minutes. During this period, the cardiovascular system restores normal levels of heart rate and blood pressure.


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