
What are the best cough tablets to give to a 3 year old child?

  • What are the best cough tablets to give to a 3 year old child?Cough is the most obvious symptom of upper respiratory tract diseases .
  • Treatment of cough at different ages can be carried out using various drugs , and the younger the patient, the more preferable are liquid dosage forms (for example, syrups).
  • But treatment of such a symptom may be more effective if tablets for coughing in children .

Types of tablets for coughs in children

For children's cough, there is no universal type of remedy that would have both a therapeutic and symptomatic effect.

Such drugs are divided into the following groups :

  1. Antihistamines (antiallergic drugs).
    Tablets are initially used to treat allergies of various origins, including cough.

    But given that such drugs have anti-edematous properties, this type of drug is prescribed as an additional treatment for coughs accompanied by swelling of the respiratory tract.

  2. Antitussive tablets.
    Such drugs act directly on the cough centers, eliminating the symptom at the reflex level.
    Technically, a person stops coughing, although the pathological processes themselves that cause such a reflex do not disappear.

    Therefore, such a medicine cannot be called a full-fledged therapeutic drug and is used as an addition to the main conservative therapy.

  3. Mucolytics.
    The remedies are relevant in cases where the patient has a dry cough without sputum production.
    This type of boozing is dangerous because sputum remains in the respiratory system, provoking the development of pathogenic microorganisms in the lungs, bronchi and throat, as well as stimulating the activity of cough centers.
    As a result, severe coughing attacks and suffocation are possible.

    Mucolytics dilute such sputum, making it easier to pass away.

  4. Expectorants .
    What are the best cough tablets to give to a 3 year old child? Such remedies are used for wet, productive coughs, when sputum is separated, but not well enough.
    This type of medicine promotes the rapid evacuation of such secretions, and at the same time can have an antiseptic or anesthetic effect.

Due to the presence of certain side effects and contraindications in different tablets, specific drugs, according to the instructions for use, can be used from a certain age or when the baby reaches a certain weight .

Tablets for children over 2 years old

Such means for treating children over two years old can be:

  1. Mukaltin.
    A herbal medicine that has an enveloping, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, promoting expectoration of sputum.

    The use of such a remedy is appropriate for tracheitis, laryngitis and bronchitis.

    At the age of 2-3 years, it is recommended to grind the drug into powder and dissolve it in warm juice or tea to the consistency of syrup.

    According to the instructions for use, the recommended dosage is one piece three times a day with intervals of at least four hours between doses.

  2. Libexin.
    An antitussive agent based on the substance prenoxdiazine.

    What are the best cough tablets to give to a 3 year old child?Used to treat pneumonia and bronchitis accompanied by dry, prolonged swelling.

    To achieve a beneficial effect, it is necessary to give the child at least 25 milligrams of the drug per day (this is a quarter of a tablet).

    The optimal dosage is half a tablet, divided into three equal parts, which should be given to the child during the day.

  3. Codelac.
    Expectorant medicine, which is the least preferred option for children two years old due to the possible occurrence of severe side effects due to the components included in the composition.
    The dosage in most cases is determined individually by the attending physician based on indicators such as the patient’s age and weight, the course of the disease and the presence of contraindications.

    The maximum dosage at this age should not exceed two pieces per day.

Tablets for children over 3 years old

  1. Bromhexine .
    A bronchodilator and mucolytic agent that helps to liquefy mucus that accumulates in the respiratory tract and its subsequent discharge.What are the best cough tablets to give to a 3 year old child?
    When taking this medicine in tablet form, you should take it with plenty of water.
  2. ACC.
    Antitussive agent that dissolves in water.
    Therefore, as a result, the baby can only drink the resulting solution, and not swallow the tablet itself, which at this age can cause difficulties for children.

    The drug is given to children over the age of three years in the amount of one piece at a time up to four times a day.

Tablets for children over 5 years old

Children aged five years and older can take most tablets prescribed for adults , but the appropriate dosage must be observed.

  1. Ambroxol.
    Mucolytic and expectorant, which helps to quickly reduce the viscosity of the resulting sputum.What are the best cough tablets to give to a 3 year old child?
    The dosage of the drug is calculated based on the norm of 1.5 milligrams of the drug per kilogram of the child’s weight per day.

    It is better to take the medicine three times a day in equal portions, and the total course of treatment should not exceed five days.

  2. Glauvent.
    A product based on a plant alkaloid contained in the yellow poppy plant.
    The drug helps to cope with coughs due to tuberculosis, bronchial asthma and bronchitis and is not addictive and does not depress the respiratory centers.

    Children are given one tablet per day, dividing it into four equal parts (each part is taken at intervals of approximately 3 hours).

  3. Pectusin.
    A preparation based on menthol and eucalyptus.
    It is a combined remedy and eliminates coughing attacks.What are the best cough tablets to give to a 3 year old child?
    For tracheitis, laryngitis and bronchitis, children can be given one piece three times a day.

    You must first explain that the medicine cannot be swallowed, but must be kept under the tongue until completely absorbed.

Preparations for the treatment of dry cough

In this case, first of all, you should take a course of mucolytic tablets , which include:

  1. Terpincode.
    A drug based on codeine, which has an antitussive effect, but subsequently, when the viscosity of sputum decreases, the expectorant effect of the drug appears.
    This is usually noticeable on the 4-5th day of taking the drug, which indicates the need to stop the course.

    The optimal treatment regimen involves taking Terpincode three times, one tablet at a time.

  2. Stoptussin.
    The medicine acts directly on the cough centers and reduces the degree of irritation of the bronchial tree.
    In this case, the mechanisms responsible for increasing the production of mucus are activated.What are the best cough tablets to give to a 3 year old child?
    If the patient's weight exceeds 50 kilograms, the dosage is increased to one piece per day.

    Like Terpincode, Stoptussin can only be given to patients over the age of 12 years.

  3. Tusuprex.
    The drug also affects cough centers, inhibiting them, and can be used for dry cough in children aged 2-3 years in a dosage determined by the attending physician (usually a quarter of a tablet 3-4 times a day).


What cough remedies are there for children?

What are the best cough tablets to give to a 3 year old child?

Cough is considered a common symptom that characterizes a number of different diseases. It is common, and this can make it seem like anyone can cure it. Moreover, an experienced doctor will under no circumstances prescribe treatment for cough remotely without first listening to the patient, and especially to a child who has any disease with its own characteristics. It is not enough to treat the cough itself - it is necessary to eliminate the disease itself that causes this symptom.

Self-medication is especially dangerous when it comes to children. Children's bodies are structured differently, and their illnesses have their own specific characteristics. Most often, a child needs relief from a dry, strong cough, which is the most painful and unpleasant. It is more difficult to make a choice of medicine because not every medicine is suitable for treatment for children, especially for children in the first years of life.

What causes a cough?

A cough in children does not always indicate the presence of any disease. Even a completely healthy child coughs several times a day: this removes excess protective mucus in the respiratory tract. Some of the most popular causes of cough include:

  • acute respiratory viral infections;
  • allergy;
  • poor air quality (too dry, dusty);
  • bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis;
  • adenoids and other infections of the ENT organs, accompanied by inflammation.

In addition to these reasons, a child’s cough can be caused by other, more rare ones. Therefore, it is very important to treat cough in children to consult a pediatrician, who will determine what causes this unpleasant symptom in this particular case.

What are the best cough tablets to give to a 3 year old child?

What cough remedies are there?

All cough remedies can be divided into three large groups:

  • antitussives (Bronchicum, Stoptussin) - prescribed for dry, exhausting, painful cough;
  • mucoltic (“Lazolvan”, “Ambrobene”) - prescribed for dry or wet cough and used to thin sputum;
  • expectorants (“Mukoltin”, “Pertussin”) - are prescribed for wet coughs and help speed up the removal of mucus from the respiratory tract.

In addition, the doctor may also prescribe medications to the child that suppress the cough mechanism itself, if he is convinced that it is not caused by excess mucus in the respiratory tract, but by other reasons (for example, allergic).

You should also take into account that you cannot use drugs that have an antitussive and expectorant effect at the same time. The choice of cough medicine for a child must be agreed with the doctor.

What are the best cough tablets to give to a 3 year old child?

Traditional remedies

Pediatricians recommend creating the necessary conditions to relieve cough before starting medication treatment:

  • the air in the room where the child spends time should be moist and cool. If it is not possible to moisturize it, you can use an inhaler;
  • the child should often be outdoors in the fresh air if there are no obstacles to this, such as high temperature;
  • Drinking plenty of fluids is recommended.

Traditional methods also have a good effect in the treatment of dry non-productive cough: mustard plasters, inhalations, warming ointments. They can quickly transform a dry cough into a wet one.

It is especially worth noting inhalations, which show high effectiveness if performed correctly. Inhalations are carried out using various solutions, both medicines and herbs.

Inhalations can be carried out either using special devices (inhalers, nebulizers) or the traditional method (through a kettle, covered with a towel over a bowl).

Medicines for inhalation are:

  • "ACC injection";
  • "Rotokan";
  • "Tonsilgon N";
  • "Fluimucil";
  • "Sinupret" and others.

Their use as a solution for inhalation is described in the instructions for each drug. Properly performed inhalations are safe for children from the very first days of life, while these drugs themselves, when taken orally, may have contraindications for children up to a certain year of life.

What are the best cough tablets to give to a 3 year old child?

Medicines for dry cough

A dry cough is a big problem for a child; it is painful, exhausting, and can cause vomiting, sleep disturbances and appetite problems.

It can be an early symptom of ARVI, influenza, pneumonia, or caused by third-party causes such as dirty air, allergies, spasms in the bronchial tubes.

Treatment can be aimed at suppressing the cough reflex or at thinning the mucus, which depends on the nature of the cough itself.

Among the medications, the most popular for dry cough are:

  • "Gerbion" is a syrup indicated for the treatment of dry cough for children over two years of age. Gently affects mucous membranes, relieves inflammation. Contains only natural ingredients. Contraindications include problems with the absorption of sugar (diabetes mellitus, fructose intolerance, etc.). May cause allergic reactions. Used orally after meals in accordance with the instructions for use.
  • Doctor Mom is one of the most famous cough syrups. It can be given to children over three years of age. Contains natural ingredients and has virtually no stated contraindications. Children with individual intolerance to any herbs included in the composition should not be given.
  • "Bronchicum" is an elixir, suitable for children over two years of age. Has a good effect on most types of cough. Contraindicated for allergic respiratory diseases.
  • "Sinekod" is a syrup that has an anti-inflammatory effect. Suppresses the cough reflex. If the cough is particularly severe, it is recommended to give the child medicine only at night. Can be taken by children over three years of age. There are also “Sinekod” drops, which can be taken over the age of two months. It has a sufficient number of side effects and contraindications.
  • Licorice root syrup is perhaps the most inexpensive medicine that can help with both dry and wet coughs. It has low effectiveness, but can give good results in combination with other drugs.
  • "Stoptussin" - cough tablets. Contraindicated for children under 12 years of age. Take after meals in dosage according to instructions. Prescribed for dry cough of any origin, suppress the cough reflex.
  • "Stodal" is a homeopathic remedy that has proven its high effectiveness in the treatment of dry cough in children. Available in the form of syrup with a pleasant caramel taste. You can give it to your child from a very early age. The only contraindication for use is individual intolerance to the components. Reviews and studies confirm that this homeopathic medicine gives a fairly good result, however, if it does not help in the first few days, it is necessary to change the treatment.
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The most effective treatment for cough in children under one year of age, especially dry cough, can only be prescribed by a doctor. It is highly not recommended to prescribe medications to a child on your own.

What are the best cough tablets to give to a 3 year old child?

Treatment for barking cough

Separately, it is worth describing the treatment of barking cough in a child. Symptoms of barking cough occur with swelling of the larynx. Most often it is dry.

Treatment of barking cough is carried out according to the same strategy: first, mucolic drugs are given that dilute sputum, which, when the barking cough turns into a wet one, are replaced with expectorants.

Herbal teas based on sage, chamomile, St. John's wort and mint help relieve a barking cough. It is necessary to temporarily exclude from the diet foods that can damage the mucous membranes of the larynx.

A barking cough is a serious reason to consult a doctor, especially if, along with its occurrence, the temperature rises, difficulty breathing and other dangerous symptoms occur.

What are the best cough tablets to give to a 3 year old child?

Medicines for wet cough

The main way to treat a wet cough is to help clear sputum. Therefore, for its treatment, drugs are used that dilute sputum, reducing its viscosity, as well as expectorant drugs that promote its rapid elimination.

Such products can be divided into herbal or synthetic drugs. It is recommended to treat children, especially the first years of life, with synthetic drugs, since natural drugs can cause severe allergies.

To treat wet cough use:

  • "Pectusin" are tablets consisting of natural ingredients. They must be kept under the tongue until completely absorbed;
  • "Solutan" - drops that have an expectorant effect. They have a large number of side effects and contraindications;
  • Breast preparations - available in the form of tea bags and taken orally. They consist of herbs, so they can cause allergic reactions. They have a pronounced expectorant effect. Reviews recommend using breast inhalation preparations.
  • "ACC" is a mucolic agent in the form of tablets or granules. Not used to treat children under two years of age. Has contraindications from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • "Lazolvan" is a solution for oral administration or inhalation. It has mucoltic and expectorant effects. Not suitable for individual intolerance to the components;
  • "Bromhexine" is a syrup that can be taken orally or inhaled based on it. Mucoltic agent. Similar in action to Lazolvan;
  • "Ambroxol" - available in tablet form, taken with meals in accordance with the instructions. It acts similarly to the drug "Lazolvan".

It is very important to note that children in the first years of life have their own characteristics:

  • they are strictly forbidden to give expectorants and antitussives, since their body is not strong enough to fully remove phlegm;
  • reviews show that it is preferable to give cough medicines in the form of syrups to young children: they are much easier to use and usually have a pleasant taste.

Treatment of wet cough in children also depends on the age of the child. Thus, children under the age of one year can be given inhalations and medications such as:

  • "Pectusin";
  • "Fluditek";
  • "Bromhexine";
  • "Bronchipret";
  • "Ambrobene";
  • children over one year old can be given additional “Linax” and “Prospan”;
  • for even older children, the choice of medication also increases and, in addition, the dosage increases.

Do not self-medicate; if you have symptoms of the disease, always consult a doctor. Only in this case, you are guaranteed a good result.


Can cough tablets be used for children: what else can be replaced?

Reading time for this article: 7 minutes.

A cough is the body’s way of warning about a developing illness. It accompanies diseases caused by infection, colds, and allergic reactions. Doctors recommend treating a cough because it creates serious discomfort for the child. Medicines prescribed for the treatment of cough in children can be liquid or in tablet form.

What are the best cough tablets to give to a 3 year old child?Tablets and cough medicines

Treatment of cough in children

From a medical point of view, cough is not a disease, so there are no pills that treat only cough.

A cough signals that the body is beginning to feel unwell, which needs to be urgently detected and taken action.

It is wrong to treat a cough and not take into account the disease itself, which the body is signaling. Once the cause is eliminated, the cough reflex will disappear.

If the child’s cough is particularly poorly tolerated, he should be given antitussive tablets along with the main treatment. In order to decide whether cough tablets can be taken for children, it is necessary to understand the principle of action of these medications.

How cough tablets work

Cough medications are based on their effect on the cough reflex and bronchi. Cough tablets, depending on the effect, are divided into 4 groups:

  • Expectorants. These tablets provoke a cough reflex so that phlegm comes out faster. They may contain thermopsis, marshmallow, mint, eucalyptus, licorice, etc.
  • Mucolytics. They make sputum more liquid and help remove it from the bronchi faster. Antihistamines. They are prescribed if the cough is caused by an allergic reaction.
  • Antitussives. These medications are available by prescription only and are rarely prescribed to children because they are addictive. They affect the cough reflex and reduce its activity.

Coughing allows the bronchi to clear itself, and its suppression will lead to the accumulation of phlegm and germs.

What are the best cough tablets to give to a 3 year old child?

Effective cough tablets

There are different groups of medications for treating cough, so you should consult your doctor before purchasing certain tablets.

The most effective tablet drugs in the fight against dry cough:

  • Stoptussin (children under 12 years old). The drug reduces the excitability of bronchial receptors and promotes mucus production.
  • Codelac (for children at least 2 years old). These tablets help reduce irritation of the cough center and facilitate the release of phlegm. It contains licorice, thermopsis and codeine.
  • Omnitus (children under 6 years old). The drug has an anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator effect.
  • Libexin (depending on the weight of the child). It reduces the sensitivity of respiratory tract receptors and dilates the bronchi.
  • Terpincode (children under 12 years old). Antitussive drug with expectorant effect.
  • Tusuprex (children at least 2 years old). The drug acts on the cough center in the brain and is not addictive.

The most effective tablet preparations for wet cough:

  • Bromhexine (from 3 years). The drug has a mucolytic and expectorant effect.
  • Mukaltin (from 3 years old). The tablets have an expectorant effect and help relieve inflammation. These medicines are based on marshmallow and sodium bicarbonate.
  • Askoril (from 6 years old). A mucolytic drug with an expectorant effect and an effect on the bronchi.
  • Ambroxol (from 12 years old). These tablets have only a mucolytic effect.
  • Ambrobene (from 12 years old). It has a mucolytic effect because it contains ambroxol.
  • Pectusin (from 7 years old). This drug contains menthol and eucalyptus, so it perfectly relieves inflammation and fights cough.

The most unpleasant cough is dry. Sometimes it is so unbearable that they try to treat it first. A dry cough needs to be converted into a wet cough using the remedies described above. Consultation with a doctor is required.

Useful tips for treating cough

During the treatment period, you need to control the humidity in the room and give the child warm liquid to drink. These steps will help loosen the phlegm and make the cough more productive so that phlegm and bacteria are cleared out. Only an experienced doctor can decide whether cough tablets can be given to a child in a particular case.

Be sure to follow the rules when taking cough tablets. It is unacceptable to treat a child with different groups of cough suppressants in parallel (expectorants and cough suppressants are incompatible). These violations will lead to serious consequences in the respiratory tract.

Cough treatment is carried out for no more than 4 days, if after the expiration of the period no positive dynamics are observed, it is necessary to show the child to a doctor. Particular attention should be paid to body temperature and the appearance of a “barking” cough. In this case, a doctor should be called immediately.

What are the best cough tablets to give to a 3 year old child?

Properties of thermopsis grass

This component is included in all cough medicines. Beneficial esters and complex substances enter the body and stimulate the bronchi to contract, thereby causing an expectorant reflex. This herb helps in treating coughs and has a positive effect on the child’s body: immunity increases and appetite improves.

Preparations based on thermopsis perfectly relieve inflammation and remove mucus from the bronchi. They improve blood flow, stabilize breathing, relieve pain in blood vessels and promote intense contraction of the bronchi.

Medicines based on thermopsis have a number of contraindications, only taking them into account parents decide whether it is possible to give their child cough tablets:

  • liver disease;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • kidney diseases;
  • epileptic seizures.

Despite the fact that thermopsis is a herbal remedy, if taken incorrectly it can lead to dangerous complications. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Additional measures to combat cough in children

From a medical point of view, inhalations have proven themselves to be excellent. To avoid traumatic situations, it is better to use a modern nebulizer. You should not breathe over the pan, as the steam may burn the baby's delicate mucous membranes. There are frequent cases of burns as a result of overturning a pot of boiling water. This type of inhalation should be avoided.

If you have a cough, you can use a compressor nebulizer. Medicines should not be poured into it without clear instructions from a doctor. You can only use 0.9% saline solution on your own.

The use of inhalations for cough has contraindications:

  • children under 1 year;
  • temperature above 37 degrees;
  • infections;
  • otitis;
  • blood in sputum.

Steam inhalations should be used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Non-steam inhalations should be used to treat the lower respiratory tract.

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Treatment of cough using traditional methods

There are many unconventional ways to combat cough in children. These methods are effective and will not harm the child’s body. The fewer chemicals entering the child’s fragile body, the better. Folk remedies are available to people of different incomes, and modern imported medicines sometimes cost a lot.

Salt therapy is an effective remedy available to every person. For treatment you will need a few tablespoons of sea salt and warm water. It is enough to breathe over the solution for half an hour to clear the airways and strengthen the immune system. Many public clinics offer free visits to the salt cave.

Another effective remedy for treating cough is black radish juice with honey. It’s easy to prepare: cut off the top of the root and scrape out the middle, then pour honey into the resulting space to the top. The product will infuse overnight and juice will be released, which should be given to the child 3 times a day, a teaspoon.

Each child's body is individual, and there is no universal remedy for everyone. When choosing, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • origin of cough;
  • age;
  • weight;
  • accompanying illnesses;
  • general health.

An expensive drug does not mean the best. The main thing is that it is chosen correctly. Experiments with children's health can lead to serious consequences. You do not need to select medications yourself or on the advice of a pharmacist. The drug must be prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account all symptoms.

Every parent is responsible for the life of their child. Even a slight ailment should not go unattended. It is always easier to cure a disease at the initial stage than in an advanced form. You need to listen to your child and always be on guard.


Correct advice: how and with what to treat a cough in a 3-year-old child

Before starting therapy for colds and seasonal diseases, parents need to ask themselves how to treat a cough in a 3-year-old child.

This is necessary because the recovery course can vary dramatically depending on the type of cough and the presence or absence of fever.

In addition, you need to know the rules for using folk remedies and whether prevention is possible. All this will be discussed in this article.

What medications are acceptable?

The use of medicinal names in the form of tablets, as well as medicinal syrups, is permitted. In the first case, cough treatment involves the use of:

Medicine Description and Application
Mukaltin An excellent plant-based remedy is wild medicinal marshmallow extract. It is prescribed for productive secretion of sputum and can be used one tablet three to four times every 24 hours. It would be best to do this after a meal.
Bromhexine This is a combined composition, which is a symbiosis of mucolytic and mucokinetic. Safe for children and can be used daily to treat coughs from 3 years of age

Cough in a 3-year-old child can be treated no less successfully through the use of syrups. The most common names are ACC, Gedelix, Bronholitin.

Each of them can be used daily, but in certain quantities. The dosage depends on the age category of the child and the presence of serious diseases of the respiratory system.

Considering this, it is impossible to do without a preliminary consultation with a pediatrician or pulmonologist.

Depending on the type of cough

A cough in an adult and a 3-year-old child can be with or without phlegm - that is, dry. Depending on this, the nuances of the recovery course may vary. Thus, for productive urges, a number of drugs developed on the basis of herbs are introduced into therapy. These include Pectusin, Doctor Mom and Solutan.

However, synthetic drugs can cure cough no worse: Lazolvan (it is also used for pharyngitis in children), Bromhexine, ACC. It is best to stop therapy after sputum is discharged.

For a dry cough in a 3-year-old child, therapy involves:

  1. The use of mucolytics, which are characterized by a thinning effect and help the child alleviate the sometimes painful process of expectoration.
  2. Use of secretomotor drugs. In the vast majority of cases, they consist of decoctions prepared on the basis of herbs. Their action is based on absorption through the stomach and improving secretion in a 3-year-old child.
  3. Antitussive reflex names are characterized by an inhibitory effect on the corresponding reflex.

Pulmonologists recommend therapy for a painful dry cough in a child using pharmaceutical compositions such as Gerbion, plantain syrup, Ambrobene. Their main advantage is their natural composition, and therefore they can be used by parents independently.

Before prescribing each drug, especially if a combination of several drugs is required, consultation with a pediatrician is required.

What are the best cough tablets to give to a 3 year old child?At elevated temperatures

An indispensable condition is the use of antipyretics. Usually we are talking about Nurofen syrup. If the child’s temperature is no more than 37 degrees, warm foot baths are acceptable. This will help cope with cough at 3 years old and improve the child’s general condition.

If there are pathologies of the skin, it will be unacceptable to carry out rubbing with the use of all kinds of warming ointments. This is also undesirable against the background of cardiovascular abnormalities and possible allergic reactions.

A 3-year-old child whose cough goes away without an increase in body temperature is allowed to be given medications within reasonable limits. At the same time, any cough tablets, syrups and ointments are recommended to be used in strictly limited quantities. In such a situation, treatment will not be accompanied by complications.

Folk remedies

If a child is 3 years old, you can quickly cope with a cough using exotic figs, which are prepared as follows:

  • two or three small fruits are placed in 200 ml of low-fat milk;
  • they are boiled until 100% ready - this is determined by the coloring of the milk in purple light and the specific aroma of figs;
  • It is advisable to use the resulting decoction not only as part of the treatment of a dry, prolonged cough, but also for pathologies such as whooping cough and colds.

It is recommended that a decoction of figs be used by a child at any age, including 3 years old, warm and before going to bed. This will help get rid of the cough much faster.

It will be equally useful to grind one medium lemon in a meat grinder or using a blender and add 10-15 ml of linden honey to it. Next, the medicinal composition is infused for three hours. You need to take it five ml two or three times within 24 hours.

Dry cough in a child over 3 years of age can be treated with bear or badger fat. It is used to rub the surface of the body. After this, the baby is carefully wrapped and left for 20-30 minutes. This is more than enough to cope with the urge to cough. Treatment can be reinforced with daily procedures, but not longer than one week in a row.

Physiotherapy methods

Paraffin applications, as well as magnetic therapy (which is quite painful), are excellent in helping with a wet cough in a child 3 years old or more. Wherein:

  • it is permissible to carry out inhalations if the device sprays the medicine directly throughout the entire oral cavity without additional procedures;
  • You can perform massage, ultrasound procedures;
  • massage allows you to cope with phlegm much faster, and therefore it is advisable to knead the child’s back and chest, which in the vast majority of cases children like.

If the baby has weakened blood vessels, bleeding from the nose is often observed, it is better not to carry out any inhalations - home or professional.

An excellent addition to physical therapy will be the use of vitamins and mineral complexes. They improve immunity and strengthen basic body functions.

What are the best cough tablets to give to a 3 year old child?

Preventive actions

It is much easier to initially exclude a cough in a 3-year-old child than to subsequently carry out long-term and complex treatment. Prevention is simple - proper and balanced nutrition, frequent walks in the fresh air, timely treatment of any type of cold.

Parents are advised to regularly clean and ventilate the room and keep the entire apartment clean. It is advisable to visit a pediatrician once a year or more often, if necessary. This will allow you to be aware of the child’s condition and monitor the absence or presence of any complications.


Choosing a remedy for treating cough in a three-year-old child

What are the best cough tablets to give to a 3 year old child?Hundreds of germs attack us and our children every day. But, fortunately, nature has created a powerful protective mechanism - a cough, thanks to which the body gets rid of pathogenic viruses and bacteria. Together with the mucus formed inside the bronchi, they are expectorated or swallowed, dying in the aggressive environment of the stomach. Up to 15 cough impulses per day are physiological for a healthy person.

However, there are situations when a cough turns into a symptom of a disease, becoming obsessive and debilitating. Looking at a sick child, parents wonder: what to give their child for a cough? But this thought is wrong. It is necessary to treat not the symptom itself, but its cause. Actually, the cough can only be alleviated.

Causes of cough in children 3 years old

First, let's figure out what reasons can cause a cough reflex in a baby. These may be incorrect environmental conditions of the child or pathological conditions. The first group includes too dry and too warm indoor air, as well as dust, tobacco smoke, etc. The list of diseases is longer:

  • acute respiratory infections, ARVI;
  • allergic diseases;
  • upper respiratory tract infections;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • whooping cough;
  • false croup;
  • foreign body in the respiratory tract;
  • rare genetic diseases (cystic fibrosis).

How to treat a suffocating cough in adults

According to medical statistics, in 92% of cases, the culprits of cough in children aged 3 years are infections and allergies. Of these, 90% are due to acute respiratory infections, and the remaining 10%, respectively, to atopic reactions.

What types of cough are there?

You must understand that for all the reasons mentioned above, the cough will be different, and there is no single cure for all types of this symptom. A competent doctor, before recommending any cough medicine for a 3-year-old child, will ask in detail about the nature of the cough reflex, the time and conditions of its occurrence, and accompanying symptoms (choking attacks, runny nose, fever, etc.).

Based on the presence or absence of sputum, experts distinguish 2 types of cough:

  • dry;
  • wet (productive).

A dry cough does not bring relief, it exhausts, torments the child, and causes pain. In this condition, the mucus inside the bronchi and trachea becomes thick and viscous or there is very little of it.

This type of cough often leads to disturbances in sleep, appetite, and even vomiting.

This occurs due to the close location of the cough and vomiting centers in the brain of children, and strong excitement from the first can transfer to the second.

The choice of remedy and principle of treatment for dry cough depends on the causes of its occurrence. This is either the suppression of a pathologically strong cough reflex (whooping cough, false croup), or the transformation of a dry cough into a wet one and stimulation of sputum production (in the initial stage of acute respiratory infections, influenza, bronchitis).

You cannot independently choose centrally acting medications for young children, i.e., those that suppress the cough reflex in the brain. This should only be done by a pediatrician.

As for ARVI, usually within a few hours an initially dry cough gives way to a wet one and requires appropriate treatment.

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A wet cough is accompanied by the formation and separation of sputum. The cilia of the mucous epithelium of the respiratory tract are responsible for this, which, as it were, “sweep out” lumps of mucus, and it is coughed up.

The appearance of a wet cough after a dry cough during the course of an illness is a favorable sign, indicating that the sick child’s body is trying to cope with the infection on its own.

The goal of treatment is to make viscous sputum more liquid and facilitate its discharge.

Possibilities for treating cough without medication in a 3-year-old child

For coughs, there are two treatment methods: non-drug remedies and medications. Before offering your baby potions, tablets and herbs (which are also unsafe), let's decide what the simplest but most effective thing can be done to alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

Create a favorable climate to improve sputum discharge: air humidity is not less than 70%, temperature 20-22o C. You can use special air humidifiers, household steam generators, inhalers-nebulizers with saline solution, or, in extreme cases, place cups of water around the room. Ventilate the room more often and carry out wet cleaning.

Give the patient plenty of fortified warm drinks. The viscosity of mucus in the respiratory system is directly related to the viscosity of blood. Therefore, increasing the amount of incoming fluid is effective in improving sputum discharge.

If there is no fever, the child should definitely walk in the fresh air. This will improve ventilation of the lungs, which will facilitate the removal of sputum.

Massage for cough in a 3 year old child

When a person coughs, the respiratory muscles are activated, and their movements help expel mucus. But in children under 3-4 years of age, the respiratory muscles are poorly developed, so with a wet cough, if there is no increase in body temperature, it is recommended to massage the child’s chest. In case of dry cough, it is contraindicated! The massage stages are as follows:

  1. Ask the little patient to stand up straight, spread his arms wide, take a deep breath and exhale long. As you exhale, bend forward and down.
  2. Massage the baby's back along the spine from top to bottom to the armpits, without affecting the lower back.
  3. Perform so-called postural drainage: place the child on his stomach so that the upper half of the body is slightly lower than the lower half. Gently tapping him on the back, ask him to cough. This will make it easier to expel mucus.

Cough medications for young children

All medications prescribed orally for cough in children 3 years of age are divided according to their mechanism of action into categories:

  • central action (antitussives);
  • mucolytics;
  • expectorants;
  • combination drugs.

Medicines of the first group (Sinekod, Gerbion plantain syrup, etc.) suppress the cough reflex in the brain. They are used, for example, for whooping cough, when the cough is in no way related to the state of mucus in the bronchi.

As mentioned above, only a doctor can prescribe them, having made a specific diagnosis.

Otherwise, when independently treating a child with centrally acting drugs, parents only risk worsening the baby’s condition by suppressing his protective reactions, and the infection in the respiratory tract will remain.

The drugs of the second group are mucolytics (ACC, Bromhexine, licorice root syrup, Ambroxol, Ambrobene, Lazolvan, etc.). They reduce the viscosity of sputum while increasing its quantity. They can be synthetic or plant-based.

Do not think that the more natural the medicine, the safer it is. Many herbs contain alkaloids that help activate the respiratory center, which subsequently leads to its inhibition, for example, Cetirizine, a thermopsis alkaloid.

In addition, children under 3 years of age are more likely to have allergic reactions, which are more pronounced in natural preparations.

Expectorants (Breast collection No. 4, Gerbion - primrose syrup, Doctor Mom, etc.) improve sputum discharge by increasing the movements of the cilia of the bronchial mucous epithelium. Because of this, subjectively, the cough may increase at first, but later, when the bulk of the sputum is released, the disease will subside.

The main mistakes parents make when medicinally treating coughs in children

  1. Independently prescribe a centrally acting antitussive drug to your child. As mentioned above, only a doctor can do this by assessing the condition of the small patient and making an appropriate diagnosis. Otherwise, parents risk harming the baby’s health by suppressing his defense reactions and maintaining the infection in the respiratory tract.

  2. Give the child drugs with opposite actions at the same time, i.e. an antitussive and, for example, a mucolytic. There will be more and more sputum, and there will be fewer opportunities for evacuating it.
  3. Give the listed drugs when the inflammatory process occurs only in the upper respiratory tract, i.e., the nasopharynx and larynx.

Traditional medicine to help treat cough in 3-year-old children

Attention! Consult your doctor before treating your child with natural or herbal recipes. Make sure there are no allergic reactions! We will present some of the most popular folk remedies:

  • Add 3-5 drops of aloe juice to 1 tsp. honey Give to the child 3 times a day;
  • Finely chop the onion, pour in honey and let sit. The next day, give 1 tsp. onions along with the resulting juice (you can use the juice itself). Duration – 3-4 days;
  • choose a large black radish fruit. Remove the top and pulp from the inside with a knife, put honey in the resulting empty space. Give the child 1 tsp of the juice that forms after a few hours. 3 times a day;
  • It is better to carry out the procedure at night. Dilute mustard powder in hot water (40°C), pour into a bowl. Immerse the legs in water for 20 minutes. and wrap him in a blanket. Afterwards, put on woolen socks and put the child to bed;
  • if there is no fever or purulent inflammation, you can do inhalations with mineral water, baking soda solution or chamomile decoction for 5-10 minutes. (3 times a day). It is easier to administer through an inhaler-nebulizer or use the simplest option - inhalation of steam over hot potatoes boiled in their jackets;
  • Mix equal amounts of alkaline mineral water and hot milk. Add honey, take a glass at night;
  • peel the ginger root, chop, pour boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain, add honey and give the child a hot drink;
  • a good folk remedy can be prepared using oats. Boil 1 cup of unrefined grains in 1 liter of milk, then keep in a water bath for 3 hours, then strain and give 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

Effective folk remedies for treating cough in children 2 years old

So, to summarize, it is worth noting that in the arsenal to combat childhood cough there are not only medications, but also non-drug methods. But only the attending physician can select the most effective remedy, accurately making a diagnosis and determining the necessary treatment.


If your baby is coughing. Choosing medications for children under 3 years of age

Right choice

The formation of sputum is a natural process of the bronchial tree. And a little mucus in the respiratory tract is normal.

However, when its quantity increases significantly, it becomes viscous and difficult to remove, a painful cough appears - all this threatens congestion in the bronchi, the proliferation of microorganisms and the development of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system.

That is why it is important to remove secretions from the bronchi. Depending on the characteristic features of the cough (wet or dry), approaches to its treatment differ.

Different groups of medications are used to treat cough, but mucolytics and expectorants are most often used.

Mucolytics - dilute bronchial secretions, changing the chemical structure of mucus, but without increasing its volume.

These drugs are effective and help cure coughs with viscous sputum that is difficult to separate, but, as a rule, they contain various synthetic substances.

Before using them, it is important to consult a doctor and find out whether the medication has side effects and whether it is approved for use in children.

Expectorants – remove mucus from the bronchi by increasing its volume.

Most of these drugs contain natural plant components, the biologically active substances of which (unlike synthetic drugs) are naturally included in the body's metabolic processes.

In addition, they are much safer, rarely cause side effects or complications during treatment, and are often approved for use even in young children.*

Caring by nature

Herbal preparations for the treatment of cough have a complex effect. Biologically active substances of medicinal herbs prevent the growth and reproduction of bacteria, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and also protect the respiratory tract from irritation, promoting the dilution and removal of mucus. Due to this, all parts of the pathological process are affected.**

Eucabal® syrup has exactly these medicinal properties . It contains extracts of thyme (thyme) and plantain. The content of only two active components in the medicine minimizes the risk of allergic reactions.

This distinguishes Eucabal® from other multicomponent herbal preparations, when using which it can be difficult to understand which ingredient the allergy has occurred to. The syrup is approved for use in children from 6 months. It is very convenient to take: 1 tsp.

twice a day for young children and only once a day for children from 6 months. up to 1 year.

Complete cough kit

It is important to note that when treating cough, an integrated approach is required and oral medications should be combined with external agents. So, to enhance the expectorant effect, it is worth adding Eucabal® Balsam C for external use.

Eucalyptus and pine oils in its composition have an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. The balm is suitable for rubbing the chest and baths for children from 2 months, and for inhalation - from 5 years.

Eucabal syrup and Eucabal Balsam C are suitable for the treatment of both dry and wet cough.

An important point: when using any medicines (both chemical and herbal), individual tolerance must always be taken into account.

The main thing in treating a cough is an integrated approach; in any case, if you notice signs of a prolonged cough in a child, you should not delay contacting a pediatrician.

Do not forget that any acute illness can become chronic if it is not treated in a timely manner and can bother the child for the rest of his life.

Necessary examinations and timely recommendations from a doctor will help your baby grow up healthy and strong!

* VC. Kotlukov, T.V. Kazakova et al. “Cough therapy in children with acute respiratory infections using plant extracts”

tracts", // Medical Council No. 14-2015

** E.M. Ovsyannikova, N.A. Abramova et al. “Treatment of cough in children with ARVI”, //Medical Council No. 9-2015

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