
Which doctor treats mastopathy: reasons for visiting different doctors

Pathological changes in breast tissue, called mastopathy, have a negative impact on the overall health of a woman.

In some cases, the disease can lead to malignancy, so treatment must be treated as responsibly as possible, and most importantly, consult a doctor in time when the first alarming symptoms appear.

Women often have questions: which doctor should they contact to start the examination, and what other doctors treat mastopathy?

Which doctor treats mastopathy: reasons for visiting different doctorsTimely consultation with a doctor is the key to successful treatment of the disease

Who to contact first

Mastopathy is a fairly common disease, however, the risk of cancer and painful signs cause serious concern among patients.

Seeing a doctor is mandatory if symptoms that are uncharacteristic for a healthy woman are detected.

Many people confuse them with premenstrual symptoms, unaware of the pathology, because the pain in both cases is largely the same in nature. As a result, if left untreated, the disease progresses to a more advanced stage.

Which doctor treats mastopathy: reasons for visiting different doctorsA preventive breast examination is a must when visiting a gynecologist.

If you already have mastopathy, or at an appointment for another reason, the attending gynecologist should examine the breasts. A woman must tell him about her well-being and signs of concern.

At the first examination, it is necessary to list all the diseases suffered during life, especially for infectious diseases. This information is important, since pathological changes in the tissues of the mammary glands cannot be ruled out as a result of infections.

If abnormalities in the structure of breast tissue are detected, the gynecologist will refer you to a mammologist.

Treatment of mastopathy by a mammologist is mandatory, since it is he who must conduct a detailed examination and prescribe all procedures to determine the course of the pathology.

Which doctor treats mastopathy: reasons for visiting different doctorsA detailed examination of the mammary glands is carried out at an appointment with a mammologist

A mammologist specializes in many diseases of the mammary glands of various types. These are not only all forms of mastopathy, but also mastitis, cysts, fibroids, lactostasis, as well as malignant neoplasms. You should also contact him if there are disturbances in the secretion of breast milk, damage to the nipples and postpartum complications.

When a diagnosis of mastopathy is made, the mammologist prescribes comprehensive treatment to the patient. Its main procedures include:

  • drug treatment;
  • modern physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • laser beam therapy;

Which doctor treats mastopathy: reasons for visiting different doctorsThe optimal treatment option - medications, dietary supplements, various procedures - should only be selected by a doctor

  • reflexology;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • herbal treatment;
  • homeopathic methods.

Do not be afraid of going to the doctor, as timely identification of the problem will facilitate the process of solving it.

Mandatory reasons for consultation

In some cases, the mammologist will refer the patient to other doctors to clarify the diagnosis. Most often this is an oncologist and a surgeon. Their consultation is required if large nodular tumors are found in the breast, which is a sign of cancer. If diseases of the endocrine system accompany mastopathy, you can contact an endocrinologist.

Which doctor treats mastopathy: reasons for visiting different doctorsIn case of mastopathy, it is important to identify any imbalance of hormones in the body.

Popular consultations with doctors online are not a panacea for the proliferation of connective tissue of the mammary glands; this diagnosis requires palpation of the gland and its examination.

An examination by a mammologist is required if the following signs are detected:

  • large compactions that do not decrease after menstruation;
  • localized pain in the chest or a pulling sensation throughout the chest, intensifying on certain days of the cycle;
  • yellowish (with an admixture of pus or bloody) discharge from the nipple;

Which doctor treats mastopathy: reasons for visiting different doctorsVarious types of nipple discharge

  • changes in nipple shape, color or size;
  • pain and fever;
  • acute nature of the pain or its duration for more than 14 days;
  • redness of the skin in the chest area, the appearance of spots.

Many women diagnosed with mastopathy do not complain of pain, but only feel lumps in the mammary glands - nodules.

However, even if nothing worries you, but there is a suspicion of the presence of formations, it is better to play it safe and make an appointment with a gynecologist.

Most often, the manifestations of the pathology subside after menopause, but if this does not happen, and the formations have increased in size, then professional help is required, since the possibility of cancer cannot be excluded.

Doctors and their examinations

After going to the hospital, you will need to be examined by several specialists, each of whom may prescribe additional diagnostic tests.

  1. Mammologist.
    Which doctor treats mastopathy: reasons for visiting different doctors He examines the patient and asks about disturbing symptoms. The examination includes feeling the lymph nodes in the armpits, as well as in the area under the collarbone and above the collarbone. The doctor will examine the nipples and determine whether there are any pathological changes. In a lying and standing position, palpation of the mammary gland is performed to determine the possibility of displacement of formations. Palpation is carried out both superficial and deep. Pathological changes can be detected using mammography
  2. The mammologist gives a referral for an X-ray examination of the breast, called a mammogram. The optimal time for it is the first week of the menstrual cycle in women. The examination provides information about the severity of changes in the glands, as well as the form of the pathology. The picture is taken in two different projections in order to obtain the most accurate result.
  3. You can also receive a referral from a mammologist for an ultrasound examination of the mammary glands. It provides information about the structure of education and is carried out in the same time period as the previous one. Ultrasound is considered a safer method compared to mammography.
  4. The oncologist, if necessary, in addition to the examination, performs a biopsy - removing a small piece of tissue from the gland using a needle.
    Which doctor treats mastopathy: reasons for visiting different doctors This is necessary to confirm or exclude a malignant neoplasm. Ultrasound-guided breast biopsy
  5. The biopsy results are sent to a histologist, who examines them by examining the tissue sample under a microscope.
  6. The endocrinologist issues a referral for hormone tests. The method is aimed at determining the levels of estrogen and progesterone. In some cases, a woman is also tested for hormones of other organs (thyroid gland, adrenal glands).

There are other specialists who can help determine the form of the pathology and the speed of its development. Some women with suspected malignant or benign lesions should undergo liver examination, ultrasound of the ovaries or pelvis.

Which doctor treats mastopathy: reasons for visiting different doctorsIn some cases, additional examinations may be needed

Contacting a surgeon

Treatment is carried out under the constant supervision of a mammologist, who prescribes medications and procedures that eliminate the causes of mastopathy, reduce pain in the breast area and reduce the size of fibrous tissue and the cysts themselves.

The beginning of treatment is a study of hormonal levels. Particular emphasis is placed on eliminating diseases that lead to the proliferation of connective tissues.

Most often these are pathologies of a gynecological nature, abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system or liver.

An examination by a surgeon is mandatory if diffuse type mastopathy is detected.

Which doctor treats mastopathy: reasons for visiting different doctorsGetting rid of some forms of mastopathy is only possible through surgery

If the cause is correctly identified, mastopathy can be easily treated. Surgical intervention is mandatory for the fibrocystic form. Anesthesia - local or general anesthesia.

Typically, a referral to a surgeon is issued if the body does not respond to medication treatment.

If a malignant tumor is suspected, this specialist is contacted almost immediately after the first examination.

Their indications for surgery are as follows:

  • cyst size more than 1.5 cm;
  • rapid increase in the size of nodes (2 times in 3 months);
  • nodule size more than 2 cm;
  • unsatisfactory biopsy results.

In any case, a woman should constantly monitor her health, strictly following the recommendations of a mammologist, surgeon or other doctor observing her.

Compliance with the instructions of the attending physician will minimize pathological processes in the mammary gland

Consultation with a nutritionist

A visit to a nutritionist for mastopathy is not just a whim, but a mandatory procedure for competently preparing a daily diet. Your well-being during illness largely depends on nutrition.

Pain can occur if there is no strict regimen, and the quantity and quality of food consumed is not controlled.

The nutritionist will create an individual menu, which involves a significant reduction in fat intake.

The effect of estrogen on the mammary glands will decrease if the patient eats enough fiber-rich foods.

Coffee lovers should replace it with green tea

A nutritionist will help you get rid of cravings for foods that are harmful for mastopathy. The most common are butter bread, drinks with caffeine and methylxanthines (black tea, Coca-Cola, cocoa), and chocolate products. Significant benefits for a weakened body are the consumption of iodized salt and seafood, as well as fermented milk products, liver, and vegetable oils.

To eliminate the possibility of mastopathy appearing or progressing into an advanced form, it is recommended not to forget about regular examinations with a gynecologist or mammologist.

It is important to take care of your body, move more, and avoid stressful situations.

If you experience pain or feel lumps in your chest, then it is better not to risk your health and make an appointment with any of the above doctors as soon as possible.

In the video, a mammologist will talk about the signs and treatment of mastopathy:


Cystic mastopathy

Diseases Which doctor treats mastopathy: reasons for visiting different doctors

Almost half of women of childbearing age are diagnosed with breast diseases. For example, cystic mastopathy is quite common. It is characterized by benign formations in the mammary glands. At the first stage of development of the disease, they do not bother the woman, the pain is minor and passes quickly. However, if no action is taken, then at the third stage it degenerates into cancerous tumors that are life-threatening to the woman.

Signs of illness

Cystic mastopathy has symptoms that can easily be confused with the initial stage of ARVI or other ailment.

For example, a woman may feel pain in her head, become very irritable, and behave inappropriately in standard everyday situations. In addition, swelling appears in the legs.

At the same time, there are obvious signs of the disease that are typical only for mastopathy and its varieties:

  • Discomfort in the chest area. The pain changes its character, sometimes even throughout the day. For example, it may be achy or dull. In addition, 2-3 days before the start of the menstrual cycle, the discomfort intensifies and becomes literally unbearable, especially in the second and third stages.
  • Lumps appear in the chest, which often do not have clear boundaries. Most women can feel them on their own.
  • A discharge appears from the nipples, the color of which varies from light to brown.

In addition, in approximately 10% of patients, enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit area are palpable. This indicates that a pathological process has begun. But often this symptom accompanies others, for example, lumps in the breasts or discharge from the nipples.

Which doctor treats mastopathy: reasons for visiting different doctors

Cystic mastopathy develops due to the presence of a number of factors, both external and internal. For example, a woman’s health is negatively affected by poor environmental conditions. Diabetes mellitus, which is an internal risk factor, also provokes illness. There are other reasons for the problem:

  • Malfunction of the reproductive system.
  • Rare sexual contacts, as well as sexual intercourse without orgasm.
  • Frequent stressful and conflict situations.
  • Excessive body weight.
  • Chronic disease of the reproductive system.
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Lack of sleep, overeating, long-term and unbalanced diets have a negative impact. Doctors recommend that women who have any of the risk factors begin moderate sports training, eat right, and stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

If any symptoms of cystic mastopathy appear, a woman should make an appointment with a mammologist. He will examine the patient and also ask a number of questions to make a diagnosis:

Which doctor treats mastopathy: reasons for visiting different doctors

After receiving answers and conducting a series of examinations, the doctor will be able to make a diagnosis. Most likely, the patient will be prescribed medication. In addition, it is important to follow preventive measures to prevent mastopathy.

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Women's breasts are the source of many serious diseases that require professional medical intervention.

The question of which doctor to consult with mastopathy will always be relevant among the female population.

The main problem is that most mammary gland pathologies occur without obvious clinical manifestations and are discovered by chance or in the stage of complications.

Mastopathy is a benign formation that comes in several types. In medical practice, doctors distinguish the following types of pathology :

  • nodular (characterized by the appearance of one dense node in the tissues of the gland);
  • diffuse (several nodules are noted, which are located on one or both sides);
  • cystic (represents the appearance of cavities filled with fluid);
  • fibrous (characterized by the proliferation of connective tissue).

Which doctor treats mastopathy: reasons for visiting different doctors 

The causes of mastopathy in women in most cases are an imbalance of sex hormones, which leads to hyperplasia of breast tissue. Pathology is rarely accompanied by specific symptoms, only if the formations reach large sizes. Among the signs of mastopathy, only the presence of a lump (or lumps) in the mammary gland, which is detected by a doctor or the woman herself, stands out.

In women, mastopathy is treated by a mammologist who, if necessary, uses the help of related specialists: surgeons, oncologists, endocrinologists.

The doctor makes a diagnosis of mastopathy only after a thorough comprehensive examination of the patient, during which other types of diseases will be excluded.

Treatment of the pathology can be conservative (smoothing out hormonal levels) or surgical (removing seals).

Why can't you ignore mastopathy?

Women may not notice the development of the disease for a long time, which leads to adverse consequences. If you have mastopathy, you should definitely go to the doctor, since the presence of pathology increases the risk of breast cancer several times.  

Having visited a mammologist, the patient is obliged to follow his recommendations, in particular follow the doctor’s instructions if there are indications for surgical intervention.

When diagnosing mastopathy, the doctor always calculates the likelihood of malignancy of the tumors and only after that makes a decision on surgical intervention.

In some cases, mastopathy is treated by a doctor through dynamic monitoring of the patient, since some of the tumors resolve on their own. However, a favorable prognosis without specific therapy is typical for girls with small nodules that are not prone to progressive enlargement.

If there are clinical manifestations that reduce the patient’s quality of life, it is recommended to take hormonal medications. In case of development of the inflammatory process against the background of mastopathy, surgical intervention is performed.

The doctor is obliged to convince the patient of the need for surgery, since mastitis is dangerous due to complications such as sepsis.


What is FCM (Fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands)? Which doctor to contact | Medical Center "President-Med"

Fibrocystic mastopathy (FCM) of the mammary glands is a condition characterized by the appearance of painful lumps in the breast. The disease is benign and common: more than 50% of women of reproductive age develop FCM.

Causes of fibrocystic mastopathy (FCM)

Changes in breast tissue occur under the influence of ovarian hormones. With hormonal imbalance (excess estrogen), especially long-term, FCM develops.

Other reasons include:

  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • stress;
  • heredity;
  • lack of breastfeeding;
  • prolonged insolation;
  • abortions;
  • lipid metabolism disorder;
  • liver pathologies;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • lack of sex life;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • harmful working conditions.

In nulliparous women, the likelihood of developing FCM is higher: the more children born and the longer breastfeeding, the lower the risk of fibrocystic mastopathy.

Which doctor treats mastopathy: reasons for visiting different doctors

Symptoms of fibrocystic mastopathy

In the initial stages, FCM is practically asymptomatic. The main manifestation of FCM is swelling of the mammary glands and the appearance of painful lumps. Symptoms are more severe immediately before and/or during menstruation. Taking birth control pills alleviates symptoms.

A woman may feel:

  • pain or discomfort in the mammary glands;
  • pain that does not go away after menstruation;
  • feeling of full, swollen, heavy breasts;
  • pain or discomfort under the arms;
  • enlargement of one breast;
  • painful lump;
  • nipple discharge;
  • enlarged supraclavicular and/or axillary lymph nodes.

Diagnosis and self-diagnosis of fibrocystic mastopathy

Diagnosis and treatment of FCM is carried out by a mammologist. The doctor will conduct a physical examination of the breast, palpation and one of the studies: mammography, ultrasound, radiothermometry. If suspicious areas are identified, a puncture biopsy (sampling of material using a thin needle) and cytological examination of punctate and/or nipple discharge will be required to exclude tissue malignancy.

The mammologist will also explain the basic techniques of self-diagnosis: monthly palpation of the mammary glands in a standing and lying position.

Treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy

Therapy of any hyperplastic processes in the mammary glands is considered as the prevention of malignant tumors. Treatment is prescribed by a mammologist after examination and identification of the form of FCM (diffuse or nodular).

The doctor prescribes a comprehensive treatment regimen:

  1. Dairy-vegetable diet.
  2. Psychotherapeutic trainings.
  3. Selection of adequate contraception.
  4. Correction of gynecological disorders.
  5. Reducing the consumption of xanthine-containing products (coffee, tea).
  6. Treatment of concomitant pathologies (liver, kidneys, thyroid, heart).
  7. Elimination of metabolic disorders.
  8. Vitamin therapy.
  9. The right way of life.
  10. Exercise therapy, swimming.

Doctors recommend not visiting baths/saunas, solariums, or topless sunbathing.

Hormonal therapy is prescribed after a thorough examination. The decision about surgical treatment is made by the doctor. Since diagnosing cancer is difficult in the presence of fibrocystic mastopathy, you should regularly visit a mammologist and undergo examination.

To undergo diagnosis and treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands, make an appointment with mammologists at the President-Med medical centers


Which doctor to contact for fibrocystic mastopathy - all doctors treating the disease

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Here you can choose a doctor who treats fibrocystic mastopathy. If you are unsure of the diagnosis, make an appointment with your GP or GP to clarify the diagnosis.

This page presents ratings, prices and reviews of Moscow doctors specializing in the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy.

To select the most effective treatment, your doctor may refer you for a consultation with specialists: an ultrasound specialist, an endocrinologist, an oncologist, or a radiologist.

Popular Rating Experience Cost Reviews
9.2 311 reviews Mikhailenko Anatoly Nikolaevich Experience 39 years Doctor of the highest category 8.6 11 reviews Pavlov Igor Aleksandrovich Experience 18 years 8.6 309 reviews Oncodermatologist Dermatologist Cosmetologist Mammologist Trichologist Venereologist Bagryantseva Maria Evgenievna Experience 7 years Doctor of the highest category 8 (499) 519- 38-31 8 (495) 185-01-01 9.2 81 reviews Vasilyev Alexander Petrovich Experience 36 years 9.5 39 reviews Basanov Ruslan Vladimirovich Experience 24 years Doctor of the highest category Ph.D. 9.5 189 reviews Anna Vladimirovna Panichenko Experience 23 years Ph.D. 9.2 9 reviews Brylevsky Sergey Aleksandrovich Experience 17 years Doctor of the highest category 9.5 161 reviews Obstetrician Gynecologist Mammologist Gynecologist-endocrinologist Arnaut Svetlana Ivanovna Experience 28 years Doctor of the highest category Ph.D. 8 (499) 519-36-12 8 (495) 185-01-01 9.2 79 reviews Mammologist Surgeon Endoscopist Garkavenko Vladimir Nikolaevich Experience 22 years Doctor of the highest category 9.2 263 reviews Baryshnikova Olga Sergeevna Experience 35 years Doctor of the highest category 1 2 3 4 5

  • Increased nipple sensitivity
  • Chest pain
  • White discharge from nipples
  • Brown discharge from nipples.

If you find similar signs in yourself, do not wait, consult a doctor immediately!

Which doctor treats mastopathy: reasons for visiting different doctors

A mammologist is a specialist who deals with breast diseases. A woman can turn to him herself or through a referral from a gynecologist. At the appointment, you need to take all the results of previous examinations. No special preparation is required, just take a hygienic shower. It is not advisable to use deodorants with strong odors.

The mammologist needs to be told about any problems associated with the mammary gland: lumps, pain, redness, discharge from the nipples. For each symptom, it is important when it appeared and under what circumstances. The more complete the information, the higher the likelihood of a correct diagnosis.

Svetlana Ivanovna is a wonderful and qualified doctor! She conveyed all the information correctly to me. happy! Under moderation, January 28, 2020 A very positive and sociable doctor. Maria Evgenievna answered all my questions. She explained everything to me clearly, examined me thoroughly and gave recommendations. I'll go to the doctor again. Under moderation, January 28, 2020 It is clear that the specialist is experienced, delicate and tactful. This was not an initial appointment, I am being treated by this doctor! We can say that now he is saving me from surgery! He was recommended to me, I trust this doctor! He carefully questions everything, collects anamnesis, conducts an examination, makes a balanced decision in favor of the patient and prescribes treatment that helps. For moderation, January 27, 2020 The doctor is friendly and professional. She examined me and talked to me. She prescribed medications and recommended an ultrasound scan at their clinic. Overall, I'm satisfied with the reception. Anatoly Nikolaevich is a very good, sensitive and attentive doctor. We found a solution to my problems. The doctor examined me, gave me recommendations and sent me for an ultrasound. I am satisfied and will contact this specialist again! Polite, attentive and professional doctor. He conducted an examination, explained everything in detail and gave recommendations for treatment. The doctor didn’t say anything unnecessary, just everything to the point. Igor Aleksandrovich is a professional and correct doctor. He carefully approached my problem, prescribed tests and surgery. Show 10 reviews out of 5441

  • Treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy.

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Which doctor should I contact if I have lactostasis?

Painful stagnation of milk in the breast, or lactostasis, is a problem faced by many breastfeeding women. This is especially true at the very beginning of breastfeeding, when lactation has not yet been established.

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This condition should not be taken lightly or neglected, but you should not panic either - competent and timely measures to eliminate lactostasis almost always help to cope with the problem at home.

Which doctor treats mastopathy: reasons for visiting different doctors

Should you visit a doctor if you have lactostasis?

Since lactostasis itself is not a disease, but only an unpleasant condition characterized by painful congestion in the mammary glands, there is no need to worry too much at the first pain.

But you should still remember that lactostasis may be followed by a real disease - mastitis. Treatment of mastitis, as well as the elimination of lactostasis, is carried out according to almost the same scheme: using pumping and massaging the breasts.

Traditional treatment, which involves taking medications, as a rule, is not required for a nursing mother with such problems.

Mastitis in a nursing mother: symptoms and treatment: Lactation (postpartum) mastitis is an inflammatory disease of the mammary glands that occurs during breastfeeding.

Most often, the disease occurs in primiparous women in the first weeks of lactation, as well as during weaning.

Mastitis during breastfeeding is caused by pathogenic microorganisms (Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus) - read more

When is it necessary to visit a doctor?

A situation that requires a visit and consultation with a doctor is increased body temperature. However, in this case, you should adhere to some rules:

  • It is recommended to measure the temperature of nursing women in the elbow bend (to obtain a more correct result);
  • If the temperature rises, a control measurement should be carried out immediately after pumping.

And only in the case when the temperature measured in the elbow bend does not decrease even after pumping, we can talk about inflammatory processes inside the body. In this situation, visiting a doctor is necessary and justified.

It is recommended for mothers who gave birth to their babies less than 2 months ago to pay attention to elevated temperatures. In this case, the temperature may be caused by inflammatory processes in the uterus.

As a rule, such conditions are also accompanied by an unpleasant characteristic odor of vaginal discharge.

If these symptoms combine: high temperature and characteristic odor, an ultrasound scan of the uterus should be performed immediately.

Which doctor treats lactostasis?

It is widely believed that lactostasis and mastitis are treated by a mammologist. However, this opinion does not correspond to reality, because a mammologist is a doctor who identifies neoplasms in the mammary glands, and the fight against milk stagnation is not his specialization.

As for lactation consultants, who have become popular recently, these specialists will help you put your baby to the breast correctly, tell you, if necessary, how to express milk, and help you choose feeding positions that are comfortable for mother and baby. However, the fight against developed lactostasis or mastitis is not their competence.

A surgeon can provide real, competent help with lactostasis.

This doctor specializes in treating conditions such as mastitis or abscess (complicated mastitis that requires surgery).

However, do not be afraid: as a rule, surgery is a last resort. But to give adequate advice and help to cope with the difficulties that have arisen as soon as possible - all this is within the power of a surgeon.

If for some reason it is impossible to visit a surgeon, it is recommended to visit an antenatal clinic to meet with an obstetrician-gynecologist.


Only a doctor can competently assess the condition of a woman and her mammary glands. Timely professional assistance can prevent simple milk stagnation from developing into more serious diseases.

The usual treatment regimen for lactostasis is:

Breast lactostasis and its treatment: any mother can cope with the treatment of lactostasis (if this process has not yet reached a critical point) on her own at home. All actions for this problem are designed to restore the movement of milk in the blocked duct - that is, it is simply necessary to clear the stagnation - read more

UNIQUE VIDEO: Lactostasis: how to express milk?

As for antibiotics, the need for such drugs arises only in the case of infectious (or non-infectious, but accompanied by cracked nipples) mastitis. At the same time, there are modern antibacterial drugs that can be used without stopping breastfeeding.

Treatment of lactostasis through physiotherapy - ultrasound is also popular.

According to professionals, the duration of treatment for lactostasis is approximately 24 hours. Mastitis is treated for about 3 days.

If you have lactostasis, you can and should continue to feed your baby breast milk. Taking antibiotics should not be an obstacle to continuing breastfeeding.

We wish you a long and enjoyable breastfeeding experience!

READ ALSO: Sometimes nursing mothers experience breast pain when feeding their baby. This symptom should be taken carefully, because it can be a harbinger of serious illnesses - why do your breasts hurt when feeding your baby? Reasons and what to do?

Lactostasis and Mastitis

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Which doctor should I contact for pain in the mammary gland?

Among diseases of the reproductive system in women, mastitis and mastopathy are in first place, which can cause cancer. To prevent this from happening, constant medical supervision is required, and sometimes consultation with a specific specialist is necessary. Based on the symptoms, you can guess why your chest hurts, but the doctor will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

In what cases should you visit a mammologist?

Which doctor should I contact for pain and lumps in the mammary gland in women? It is recommended to start the examination with a mammologist. This is the main specialist who observes and treats patients, but sometimes he requires consultation with specialist doctors.

A mammologist can independently observe and treat the following diseases:

  • Mastopathy without complications - with this pathology, compactions appear in the glandular tissue, which can be accompanied by discomfort and pain in the chest.
  • The initial stage of mastitis usually develops after childbirth and requires treatment and medical supervision. The specialist prescribes conservative therapy at the first manifestations of the pathology.
  • Oncology – in case of benign lumps or after surgery, a specialist observes the patient and can adjust the recovery program.

The doctor does not operate, but controls the treatment and provides high-quality rehabilitation after surgery. A mammologist is a general specialist who can make an accurate diagnosis of complaints.

Symptoms for which we contact a mammologist

  • any lumps in the chest;
  • increase in gland size;
  • the appearance of pain and discomfort in the chest;
  • if your health is disturbed against the background of the listed signs.

Also, women over 35-40 years old should visit a mammologist for a routine examination. This program is the best prevention of breast diseases.

If necessary, the doctor prescribes diagnostics to identify a specific pathology.

When should you contact a gynecologist?

If your chest hurts due to damage to the organs of the reproductive system, a gynecologist will complement the treatment. Typically, a woman does not know about the presence of such diseases, since they are hidden and are detected during an abdominal scan or during a routine medical examination. In most cases, a referral to a doctor is written by a mammologist.

The gynecologist takes part in the treatment of diseases of the mammary glands in the following pathologies:

  • Inflammation of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries and their appendages usually predisposes to the development of breast diseases. These pathologies weaken the immune system, which can result in the growth of lumps or mastitis.
  • Destructive lesions of the reproductive system - most often these are erosions or developmental abnormalities. The doctor also prescribes conservative treatment and monitors the condition of the patient’s mammary glands.
  • Tumors – if there are lumps, there is a risk of secondary damage to the mammary glands. In this case, additional consultation with an oncologist may be required.

Gynecologists often treat patients with classic breast diseases in the absence of a mammologist in the clinic.

You should contact a gynecologist if changes in the mammary gland are accompanied by:

  • pain in the lower back or pelvic area;
  • urination problems, problems with stool;
  • discharge from the genital tract.

All these symptoms indicate damage to the genitourinary system and may be the cause of breast diseases. A preliminary diagnosis will be made after the examination; it can be clarified based on data from tests and instrumental examinations.

When is it necessary to consult an oncologist?

An oncologist treats lumps in the mammary gland that form as a result of impaired cell division. For benign tumors, conservative therapy and observation by a doctor of this profile may be prescribed. If cancer is detected, the doctor will recommend urgent surgery.

Symptoms for which we contact an oncologist

  • detection of large lumps in the breast;
  • neoplasms grow and cause discomfort;
  • increase in breast volume;
  • against the background of these symptoms, there is a decrease in body weight against the background of normal appetite;
  • Bloody or purulent discharge from the nipple is observed.

If the listed symptoms appear, you should not postpone your visit to the oncologist. In the early stages, many tumors are curable and do not recur - the sooner the patient sees a doctor, the more favorable the prognosis.

What does the surgeon treat?

Usually it is used for purulent mastitis or gangrene of the chest, when urgent surgery is required. The first examination is carried out by a mammologist, but the surgeon assesses the relevance of the intervention and sets a time frame. If the hospital does not have an oncologist, a specialist may be contacted if a tumor is suspected.

List of symptoms for which you need to see a surgeon

  • severe chest pain accompanied by redness and swelling;
  • the appearance of purulent discharge from the nipple;
  • increase in temperature against the background of the listed symptoms.

The surgeon will help determine the cause of these complaints. They usually appear in the presence of a purulent focus in the gland.

You cannot postpone a visit to the doctor; if the disease turns into gangrene, amputation of the chest will be required.

In what cases is an endocrinologist needed?

Consultation with this specialist is necessary for hormonal changes that accompany the disease. In most cases, they are the main cause of the development of mastopathy and can lead to cancer. The endocrinologist will supplement treatment with medications and may prescribe a diet that will stabilize all disorders.

When to see an endocrinologist

  • for obesity;
  • if diabetes mellitus is detected;
  • with an enlarged thyroid gland;
  • during the transitional age period;
  • for mood changes or depression.

All these symptoms can provoke mastopathy, and the prescribed therapy will prevent its development.

If, against the background of the listed signs, you have lumps in your breasts, or you have discovered the removal of their nipple, then a visit to the endocrinologist should be made urgently.

In case of health problems, do not self-medicate, consult your doctor.

Read also:  Acyclovir for warts: instructions and contraindications to the drug

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Mastopathy: when is it time to go to the doctor?

   The global medical community is concerned about the growing number of women suffering from mastopathy. This diagnosis is now confirmed in every seventh person. It is also frightening that the previous age criteria for this disease - from 25 to 50 years - are shifting towards lowering the bar. There is already evidence of mastopathy in 14-year-old adolescents.

   The global medical community is concerned about the growing number of women suffering from mastopathy. This diagnosis is now confirmed in every seventh person. It is also frightening that the previous age criteria for this disease - from 25 to 50 years - are shifting towards lowering the bar. There is already evidence of mastopathy in 14-year-old adolescents.

How not to fall into a risk group, prevent the disease in a timely manner or detect it in the early stages? Modern medicine provides such an opportunity. Read about ways to prevent mastopathy, and if the disease has already settled in the chest, methods for detecting and treating it.

10 factors for the occurrence of mastopathy

Why did this happen? How did I get it? Thousands of women who have been diagnosed with mastopathy ask themselves these questions every day. But even doctors find it difficult to give an objective answer.

Despite giant leaps in the development of modern medical equipment, the exact cause of changes in breast tissue that occur in mastopathy has not yet been identified.

The most common assumption is that it is related to a hormonal imbalance. Proponents of this version motivate it by the active manifestations of mastopathy in the premenstrual period, when large-scale hormonal changes .

Doctors note the early onset of the menstrual cycle as the second factor provoking the occurrence of mastopathy . During this period, the female body, unprepared due to its young age, does not have time to adapt to the hormonal changes that have occurred. The “weak” point is the tissue of the mammary glands, which react to the increasing amount of estrogen.

The third factor is the late onset of menopause. If a woman’s “autumn” begins after 50 years, hormones affect the breast tissue for a longer period than in those who experienced menopause earlier.

The fourth factor that provokes mastopathy is the absence of a successfully completed pregnancy or a late first pregnancy. In this case, the hormones again act on the breast tissue for a longer period of time compared to those who felt the joy of motherhood earlier.

The fifth factor is considered to be regular induced abortions. Gynecologists are sure that 3 abortions increase the risk of mastopathy by 7 times.

This is explained quite prosaically: during pregnancy, hormonal changes in the body occur.

Termination of pregnancy forcibly disrupts it, and the tissue of the mammary glands, which has already adapted to the state of pregnancy, is forced under the influence of hormones to return to its previous state.

The sixth factor that can provoke the appearance of mastopathy is too short or, on the contrary, a prolonged period of breastfeeding.

Doctors call the seventh factor prolonged stressful situations, which can lead to significant hormonal changes and dysfunction of the endocrine system.

The eighth factor distinguishes those suffering from metabolic disorders and thyroid dysfunction. Statistics say that in women with mastopathy, in more than 60% of cases, dysfunction of the thyroid gland occurs. Patients with diabetes should also be more attentive to the condition of the mammary glands.

But the ninth factor should alert those suffering from liver diseases, especially chronic hepatitis. Nature has endowed the liver with the functions of a “nurse” for the body. It utilizes many hormones, including estrogens. An unhealthy liver is not able to cope with the incoming amount and fails, which affects the condition of the mammary glands.

The tenth factor in the occurrence of mastopathy is gynecological diseases that affect almost every second woman: menstrual irregularities, chronic inflammatory diseases of the ovaries, endometrium, cysts, uterine fibroids and other problems of the female reproductive system. Mammologists strongly recommend regular examinations in order to promptly identify and treat diseases that provoke changes in the structure of breast tissue.

Mastopathy is insidious, so a comprehensive study is recommended to establish an accurate diagnosis. Abnormalities of breast tissue are detected by palpation, mammography and ultrasound.

If there is any doubt about the diagnosis, a biopsy is used to clarify it. Together with these research methods, blood tests are used to determine the hormones of the endocrine glands to diagnose mastopathy.

The recommendation to use such an impressive number of techniques is due to the fact that it is often difficult for a doctor to distinguish mastopathy from the physiological changes that occur monthly in the mammary gland during the menstrual cycle. Unfortunately, there are facts of too frequent detection of mastopathy and, on the contrary, ignoring the disease. In the latter case, doctors confuse changes in the breasts with PMS symptoms.

To minimize this risk, if mastopathy is suspected, studies are strongly recommended to be performed on days 6-14 of the menstrual cycle. During this period, swelling in the tissues of the mammary glands decreases, and they look natural.

How to detect mastopathy yourself

Every woman needs to regularly examine the condition of her mammary glands. Please note that it is important to perform self-examination at the same time every month - 6-14 days from the start of menstruation.

Check your underwear for any nipple discharge. If there are no spots, just in case, squeeze the nipple and check to see if liquid of any kind appears.

Pay attention to the appearance of the nipples. Don’t miss a single detail: are they symmetrical, are there any areas of retraction, bulges or swelling. Objectively assess the condition of the skin color of the breast.

Then stand in front of the mirror with your arms down, turn right and left. Carefully examine the mammary glands for asymmetry, displacement when turning or bending. Repeat the procedure with your arms raised.

Begin the process of palpating the chest, as well as the axillary area. It is recommended to do this while standing or lying down, since some changes in the gland tissues can shift with different body positions. Even if you suspect the presence of any lumps or suspicious areas, promptly check your suspicions with a mammologist.

If your guess turns out to be wrong, don't worry when your doctor suggests an annual breast exam. This is an effective way to notice the disease at its beginning and cure it relatively quickly.

Virtual appointment with a mammologist

Fear of doctors and medical institutions in general stops many women from being examined by a mammologist. They are frightened by the need to expose themselves in front of a stranger, talk about their feelings and the expected pain during the examination.

In fact, these are all false reasons that women use to explain their reluctance to visit a mammologist. The whole point, most likely, is a negligent attitude towards oneself. After all, many people begin treatment only when the disease has been bothering them for a long period. And since almost every second person ignores preventive examination, we will hold a virtual appointment with the doctor.

First of all, the doctor will ask the patient about what is bothering her. He will ask you to clarify the nature of the pain, if it was felt. If there is pain in the mammary gland, be sure to ask whether it is dull, sharp or aching, and whether it is associated with the beginning of the menstrual cycle. Check the condition of the nipples for discharge.

You cannot hide from your mammologist your previous operations on the mammary and thyroid glands, as well as all diseases that could provoke the occurrence of mastopathy. It is necessary to remember the age when menstruation first began, how quickly they became regular, formulate the nature of the menstrual cycle, and note the time of menopause.

In making a correct diagnosis and identifying the cause of mastopathy, the mammologist can be helped by information about pregnancies and abortions, breastfeeding, the nature of sexual activity and methods of contraception used.

Difficult? Maybe. But this is the key to women's health.

  • Symptoms of mastopathy
  • You need to know the enemy by sight. In order to promptly recognize mastopathy and seek clarification of the diagnosis from a mammologist, try to pay attention to whether you have its most common symptoms:
  • - discharge from the nipples;
  • - soreness of the mammary glands, which may intensify at the beginning of menstruation and subside towards its end;
  • - feeling of tightness in the chest;
  • - nodular formations in the mammary gland.

The key to success in the treatment of mastopathy is an integrated approach. It is necessary to save the patient not only from the consequences of the disease, that is, mastopathy, but also to eliminate the cause of its occurrence.

The main stages of mastopathy treatment:

  • diet. You will have to give up all products containing caffeine. This is due to the fact that caffeine stimulates the nervous system and endocrine glands, which contributes to hormonal imbalance:
  • use of iodine preparations. They are recommended in the treatment of diffuse forms of mastopathy. However, there is a contraindication: use is possible only with normal thyroid ;
  • taking diuretics that help reduce tissue swelling in the mammary glands;
  • taking anti-inflammatory drugs that also have an analgesic effect;
  • taking sedatives. Recommended to eliminate hormonal imbalances that occur due to constant stress.

The basis for the treatment of mastopathy are hormonal drugs:

  • androgens, which have the properties of male sex hormones;
  • antiestrogens, have the property of blocking the effect of estrogen;
  • bromocriptine is an antagonist of the hormone prolactin, responsible for the formation of milk in the mammary glands.

Remember that the treatment regimen should only be prescribed by a mammologist. Self-medication of mastopathy is fraught with the development of cancer with the ensuing possible sad consequences.

Despite the seriousness of such a disease as mastopathy, it can be prevented. To protect yourself from illness, it is necessary to prevent exposure to all possible risk factors.

If you regularly experience stressful situations, start using sedatives. For example, motherwort and valerian.

  1. Review your diet and give up coffee, tea, chocolate, Coca-Cola and other drinks containing caffeine.
  2. Normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, since women suffering from constipation and dysbiosis have a higher risk of developing mastopathy.
  3. Avoid hormone therapy.
  4. Don't smoke and stop drinking alcohol.
  5. Lead a healthy lifestyle, spend more time outdoors and exercise regularly.

If you follow these preventive standards, mastopathy will bypass you. But a mammologist will be able to confirm this at an annual preventive examination, which should not be neglected at all. Even if you feel great.

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Which doctor treats mastopathy: reasons for visiting different doctors Link to main publication
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