
Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat them

Cough accompanied by wheezing when breathing is a common symptom that is present in many diseases. This symptom often occurs in children. Wheezing can be either wet or dry. In some cases, children may also have snot.

All of these symptoms often indicate the presence of a disease that needs immediate treatment. They indicate that an inflammatory process is occurring in the child’s body. However, other diseases may also be present. A cough with wheezing causes discomfort to the baby.

In children, such signs can cause serious complications.

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat themIt is not uncommon for children to have wheezing along with a cough.

Reasons for deviations

Before starting treatment for a particular disease, it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence. Only through this can the most effective therapy be selected. Cough with wheezing can occur for various reasons. The main ones:

  • asthma;
  • neoplasms in the respiratory system;
  • foreign object stuck in the respiratory tract;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat themCough with wheezing is observed with the onset of asthma

In order to find out the cause of wheezing in the lungs, it is necessary to draw up a complete clinical picture of the disease. To do this, parents should pay attention to accompanying symptoms. It is not uncommon for a child to develop coughing and wheezing during infancy.

If such symptoms occur, doctors carefully examine the baby. There is no disease if the baby does not exhibit additional signs. In infants, coughing and wheezing may be normal. Until the age of 2 years, the baby has more elastic airways.

This is why wheezing sounds may be present.

For a 2-year-old child, unwanted symptoms may cause discomfort. During this period, the airways are already fully formed. Present signs may indicate some kind of violation. You should contact a medical facility for help if you have:

  • temperature;
  • runny nose;
  • sneezing and other unwanted symptoms.

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat themHelp is required if a runny nose is added to other symptoms

A child without a fever may have a cough and wheezing if he has asthma. In this case, coughing occurs most often in the afternoon. It intensifies at night.

There is no doubt about the presence of asthma if such a disease was present in the child’s relatives.

Coughing and wheezing when breathing in a small child may be present in the presence of serious disorders in the body. Such symptoms may indicate bronchiolitis. This is an infectious disease that affects the bronchi. With this disease the following symptoms are present:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • prolonged coughing attack;
  • rapid breathing.

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat themWith bronchitis, among other symptoms, the child develops breathing problems

Parents should immediately call a doctor if their child has these symptoms. There is a high probability that the baby will be hospitalized. This disease requires serious medical treatment.


With wheezing, the child may also have an elevated body temperature. In children, such symptoms may indicate the presence of serious illnesses that require immediate treatment. The temperature of a hoarse baby may indicate:

Such diseases are not life-threatening if treatment was correctly selected and started on time.

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat themWheezing with cough may occur with pneumonia

Bronchitis is a disease in which an inflammatory process occurs in the bronchi. This disease occurs more often in children than in adults. There are two known forms of this disease:

A child may become hoarse after an infection in the throat. Then it gradually begins to spread and affects the bronchi. This disease is treatable. The main thing is to choose the most effective and safe medications. The temperature during the disease increases significantly, and the child stops breathing fully.

Wheezing in a child may be accompanied by a cough and fever if the following diseases are present:

  • pneumonia;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis.

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat themWith pharyngitis, wheezing with coughing attacks is also present

With the listed diseases, the child complains of an increase in temperature just a few hours after their onset. In preschool age, such infectious diseases can result in serious complications. This is due to the fact that many medications are strictly prohibited for children.

A child often wheezes and coughs in the presence of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. In this case, a dry cough occurs, which after a short amount of time becomes wet. Such diseases can be easily dealt with in a short period of time by following all the doctor’s recommendations.

The first thing to do if symptoms occur is to contact your pediatrician. He will find out the cause of the disease and prescribe safe and effective treatment.

Wheezing, like coughing, can be wet or dry. Each variety may indicate certain diseases. They all have different symptoms and treatment options.

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat themImmediate assistance from a specialist is required if the temperature rises significantly

In addition to the elevated temperature, the young patient often has a hoarse voice. In some cases, emergency ambulance care may be needed. It is recommended to call paramedics if:

  • temperature indicators increased to 39-40 degrees;
  • the child is bothered by a prolonged coughing attack;
  • The little patient’s skin acquired an unnatural color.

Treatment with traditional methods

A cough without fever, accompanied by wheezing, can be cured without medications. As a rule, such symptoms do not indicate serious disorders. Many parents do not know what to do if their child has a cough and wheezing. They most often give preference to medications, not even suspecting that they can do without their help.

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat themGiving your child vitamin complexes is useful both during treatment and simply to improve health.

Wheezing and coughing without fever in a child are symptoms with which children often go to the hospital. If these symptoms occur, it is recommended:

  • Drink plenty of fluids. Drinks should be warm, but not hot. You can give preference to herbal or fruit teas. However, up to 10 years of age, any natural component can significantly harm a child, so it is imperative to consult a doctor before using it.
  • Walk with your child in the fresh air every day. A cough without significant wheezing in a child is not an obstacle to walking. It is recommended to stay home only if your baby has a high temperature or is not feeling well. Experts allow children to be taken for a walk even when the weather is cool outside. In this case, coughing and wheezing will not get worse.
  • Take vitamins. It is recommended to do this even without coughing. Vitamin complexes allow you to strengthen the body's protective functions. Thanks to this, the child will cope with the disease as soon as possible.

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat themRegular walks are beneficial and will help relieve symptoms faster.

When a small patient has difficulty breathing, it is recommended to give preference to inhalations. The child can also steam their feet in hot water with various herbs and essential oils added to it. However, this can only be done if the baby does not have an elevated body temperature.

In the early stages of the disease, warm milk with the addition of honey is highly effective. The beekeeping product must be completely natural. It is recommended to purchase honey directly from the apiary.

Radish also has healing properties. You can use its juice for treatment. You can also make a salad using this natural ingredient.

If a coughing attack occurs, you can give your baby a tablespoon of honey. Most often, deterioration of the condition occurs at night. Thanks to honey, the baby’s sleep will normalize and the attack will disappear.

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat themInhalations are effective in treating cough with wheezing.

Traditional methods

Drug treatment is selected based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient. Children with the same symptoms may be diagnosed with different diseases. A child who has a dry cough, wheezing and signs of inflammation of the respiratory tract is prescribed:

  • expectorants;
  • compresses;
  • medications to help relieve symptoms.

This treatment is recommended only in the absence of elevated body temperature. Otherwise, the doctor may prescribe other medications. As a rule, at elevated body temperatures, antibiotics are preferred. Unfortunately, in some cases it will not be possible to completely cure the child without them.

When prescribing medications, the doctor takes into account the baby’s weight and age. It also takes into account the presence of individual intolerance to any component. It is also worth noting that the course of antibiotics must be completed to the end. Otherwise, the disease may become chronic.

A doctor must prescribe medications for the treatment of children

In some cases, the baby may be hospitalized. This is possible if:

  • the young patient is under 2 years of age;
  • the disease is at an advanced stage.

Often, for effective treatment, it is recommended to combine traditional and drug therapy. Thanks to this, you will be able to get rid of the disease as soon as possible.

The cough is often accompanied by wheezing. Such symptoms may indicate the presence of a wide variety of diseases. The baby may also have an elevated body temperature. With such a sign, treatment should be started immediately. In some cases, urgent hospitalization may be necessary.

The topic of the video is difficulty breathing and coughing:


Difficulty breathing in a child - the child wheezes, but does not cough

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat them

Any deviations in the child’s condition greatly worry caring parents.

Naturally, anxiety is caused when a child wheezes but does not cough.

This phenomenon is most often not associated with pathologies and disappears when the causes are eliminated. At the same time, you should not treat it too calmly.

Difficulty breathing may indicate the development of a serious illness. In any case, this manifestation should be monitored by a doctor.

Common causes of wheezing

At its core, any wheezing is extraneous sounds that occur when a child breathes. They are caused by the appearance of obstacles during the passage of air mass through the upper respiratory tract.

Most often, wheezing is accompanied by a cough reflex when the body tries to clear the air passages on its own.

However, they often occur without a cough or the cough appears much later.

Read also:  How to treat ARVI in an adult, depending on the symptoms

There are two main etiological categories for the occurrence of such an anomaly:

  • narrowing of the lumen in the respiratory canals due to inflammation and bronchial spasms;
  • blocking of canals with mucous or purulent mass, as well as foreign bodies.

The causes of wheezing can be hidden in any element of the respiratory system - bronchi, trachea, lungs. Moreover, they may be pathological in nature or physiological in nature, not related to diseases.

The most common causes of wheezing include the following factors:

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat them

  1. Diseases of the respiratory infectious type, when the upper passages, bronchi, and alveoli are affected.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and lymph nodes - pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis.
  3. Bronchial spasms and accumulation of secretions, caused by both diseases of the respiratory organs and problems in other systems - the heart, kidneys.
  4. Penetration of gastric contents into the nasopharynx. This phenomenon is most typical for babies under 2-3 months of age.
  5. Foreign bodies – small objects (including pieces of toys), solid food elements.
  6. Allergy. The most common allergens are pollen, dust particles, medications, pet hair, and foods (especially citrus fruits).
  7. Age factor associated with the physiological processes of child development at the age of 1-3 years.
  8. Excessively dry air.
  9. Irritation of the mucous membrane as a result of prolonged inhalation of polluted air and vapors of harmful substances.

Wheezing without coughing

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat them

First of all, they are divided according to the accumulation of sputum in the respiratory tract.

Dry variety. Such wheezing occurs without clogging the canals with mucus. They are caused by residual effects after the completion of inflammatory reactions, muscle spasms of the bronchial walls and bronchioles, and tissue swelling.

According to the nature of the sound, dry wheezing can be whistling or buzzing. In the first case, they are provoked by a narrowing of the canal, which is especially typical for asthmatics and allergy sufferers.

Buzzing sounds are detected after inflammation as a result of the presence of thread-like jumpers.

Wet type. It is characterized by the accumulation of liquid mucus in the respiratory canals. The air flow, passing through this liquid, leaves bubbles in it, and their massive bursting creates wheezing. The wet type of anomaly appears more often when inhaling. The intensity of wheezing depends on the number and size of the bubbles.

According to this indicator, 3 types of phenomena are distinguished:

  1. Fine bubbling wheezing is similar to the reaction after drinking highly carbonated water. It can be provoked by diseases such as pulmonary infarction, bronchiolitis, bronchopneumonia.
  2. Medium-bubble wheeze is expressed by a sound similar to that produced by blowing into a straw immersed in water. It may indicate the presence of bronchiectasis, bronchitis with hypertrophied secretion, the first signs of pulmonary edema and pneumonia.
  3. Large-bubble wheezing has also received another name - bubbling wheezing. It can sometimes be distinguished even from a distance. An anomaly develops in children with a weakened cough reflex and indicates an advanced form of edema (including pulmonary edema).

To assess the risk of wheezing, it is important to identify associated symptoms. Based on this, the following options are distinguished:

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat them

  1. Wheezing may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature or occur without it. Usually, with a normal cause, this phenomenon is caused by the penetration of liquids from the gastrointestinal tract or foreign bodies into the respiratory tract and nasopharynx. The most dangerous option is the development of pneumonia without fever. The appearance of wheezing accompanied by temperature indicates the presence of an inflammatory reaction or an infectious lesion.
  2. A runny nose as an accompanying symptom is observed without nasal congestion, in the form of liquid nasal discharge. It is characteristic of allergic reactions and colds.
  3. General health. Intense wheezing contributes to the deterioration of the child’s general condition, which is caused by difficulty breathing and lack of oxygen. The baby becomes lethargic. Lips may turn blue.


Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat them

Lack of treatment often aggravates the situation and leads to the development of inflammatory processes, such as pneumonia.

Prolonged wheezing in children is fraught with serious consequences, even if there are mechanical reasons for its occurrence.

Difficulty breathing causes oxygen starvation of tissues, which worsens the child’s well-being, disrupts the functioning of the cardiovascular system and brain, and slows down physical and mental development. Significant blockage of the respiratory lumen can lead to suffocation and complete cessation of breathing.

A dangerous complication of unresolved wheezing over a long period of time can be the development of false croup in children under the age of 3-4 years.

This pathology is a rapidly progressive swelling of the larynx and can be caused by prolonged irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane. False croup is manifested by severe wheezing, noisy breathing and a barking cough. During an attack, the child may suffocate.


Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat them

The doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis based on an analysis of the medical history and examination results.

Laboratory and instrumental studies can clarify the conclusion.

Wheezing in a child is not always clearly audible, and therefore auscultation becomes an important primary method of examination, i.e. listening to the chest area using special instruments - a stethoscope, phonendoscope or stereophonendoscope.

Using auscultation, you can identify the following parameters:

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat them

  • the presence of small-bubble wet rales that are not audible by the ear, with determination of the extent of the lesion and the accumulation of exudate in the alveoli;
  • the presence of dry wheezing with different sounds;
  • localization of the lesion and nature of the pathology;
  • the occurrence of crepitus over the inflammatory focus.

For a more detailed examination, auscultation is performed in different positions of the patient. The doctor listens to it from the front, back and side surfaces of the chest. Dry wheezing is best detected in a supine position, when natural constriction of the bronchi is ensured.

To clarify the diagnosis, the following measures are necessary:

  1. Laboratory tests - general blood and urine tests, biochemical techniques, tests for allergic reactions.
  2. Instrumental studies - x-ray of the lungs and upper respiratory tract, ultrasound, bronchoscopy, laryngoscopy, pharyngoscopy.

Treatment of wheezing is prescribed by a pediatrician after determining the causes of its occurrence. If the phenomenon is non-pathological, it is necessary to eliminate the provoking factors and take preventive measures.

The most typical events are:

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat them

  1. Ensuring optimal conditions in the room where the child is located - humidity of at least 55 percent, temperature within 19-22 ºС, complete absence of dust and kitchen odors. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning.
  2. Increase fluid intake. It is useful to give warm tea, fruit juice, natural juices, compote, milk, broths.
  3. Optimizing nutrition by eliminating allergens and predominant fruits and vegetables. When breastfeeding a child, the mother should be provided with non-allergenic food.
  4. Cleansing the nasopharynx through regular, complete blowing of the nose.

Drug therapy is necessary for the pathological nature of wheezing. In this case, the following drugs are prescribed:

  1. Mucolytics to loosen blockages in the respiratory canals. Suitable products for children include Mucaltin, Ambrobene, Bromhexine.
  2. Antibiotics and antiviral drugs for inflammatory processes, colds, ARVI, infectious lesions (strictly as prescribed by a doctor).
  3. Beta-agonists in the form of inhalations to eliminate spasmodic phenomena and relax stenotic muscles.
  4. Antihistamines for allergic reactions.

One of the most effective ways to treat wheezing in a child is inhalation. They are recommended from the age of two.

The greatest efficiency is provided by devices for inhalation - nebulizers and pharmaceutical, ready-made solutions for them.

At home, preference is given to steam inhalations using soda and salt solutions, infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants, honey, and essential oils.

Among the traditional methods of treatment, drinking warm milk with the addition of honey, herbal decoctions, and ginger tea stands out. Medical procedures such as compresses, rubbing, and mustard plasters are actively used.

Wheezing in children, even unaccompanied by a cough, can be dangerous to health and fraught with serious complications. If severe symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor to identify the causes and prescribe treatment. Often wheezing is a sign of the initial stage of the disease, and timely initiation of therapy will prevent the disease from developing.


How and with what to treat wheezing in a child with bronchitis. How to get rid of wheezing without coughing, while exhaling

A child's body is fragile and sensitive. Children more often than adults suffer from various diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. Such illnesses in children are more acute and more often develop into complicated processes.

Cough, runny nose, lethargy, fever, wheezing, wheezing when exhaling in a child - what could be worse for a mother ? The baby needs to be treated immediately !

Causes of wheezing in the bronchi in a child

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat them Before you search for the right medicine, you should see a pediatrician . Coughing and wheezing in the sternum is just one of the symptoms of some problem in a small body.

The most common causes of wheezing when breathing are:

  1. Pneumonia . With the development of pneumonia, large quantities of sputum accumulate in children's bronchi. It interferes with the air flow during breathing, which causes wheezing in the child's chest.
  2. Respiratory and allergic diseases : bronchitis, tracheitis, influenza, laryngitis, bronchial asthma. Such pathologies provoke swelling of the bronchial mucosa and its spasm, causing strained, hoarse breathing.
  3. Entry of a foreign particle into the bronchi . Because of this, a healthy baby suddenly begins to wheeze and cough.
  4. Accumulation of fluid in the sternum area also leads to wheezing and whistling when breathing in a child . Hydrothorax (chest dropsy) is one of the symptoms of a disease associated with problems in the pulmonary circulation.

Important . The causes of dry wheezing in a child can have a much more serious and dangerous basis - a neoplasm in the organs of the respiratory system, cardiac pathologies.

"Hoarse" symptoms

Hoarseness is not a separate disease. This is just one of the symptoms coming from the main problem in the body. The following symptoms may accompany wheezing when breathing in a child:

  • dyspnea;
    Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat them
  • fever;
  • temperature;
  • headache;
  • weakness and lethargy;
  • increased sweating;
  • dry or wet cough;
  • soreness in the sternum area.

Types of wheezing

The pediatrician also determine the type of wheezing that is tormenting the child. This is necessary to choose the right therapy. In a child, wheezing when exhaling and inhaling is different and can be:

Dry . Such hoarseness usually accompanies a hacking, hacking cough. More often, the culprits of whistling, hoarse breathing are bronchial asthma or manifestations of allergies. These conditions provoke swelling of the bronchi, which causes wheezing.

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Wet . This type of breathing sounds like bursting bubbles. Therefore, moist rales are also called “bubbling” rales. They can be loud and muffled. The culprit of the gurgling sounds is the abundance and stagnation of sputum in the bronchopulmonary system.

Thick mucus “glues” the lungs and bronchi from the inside, which causes such sounds. This is a sign of fading asthma or a manifestation of chronic, sluggish bronchitis.

In addition to the sound characteristic, hoarseness can be periodic, constant, similar to a crunch (fine-bubble wheezing). If wheezing is heard when you inhale, it is called inspiratory, and when you exhale, it is called expiratory.

All such characteristics help to assess the baby’s condition and identify the culprit of the problem. But the doctor is not limited to simple listening. The child will have to undergo blood, urine and sputum tests, and, if necessary, undergo x-rays or other examinations of the bronchopulmonary system.

How to hear wheezing in a child

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat them In children, it is much more difficult to listen to and identify pathological hoarseness in the chest than wheezing when breathing in an adult. The sounds your baby makes when he breathes vary depending on his age. Up to 6-7 years of age, children often hearhardbreathing , characteristic of ARVI in an adult. Respiratory “rigidity” goes away on its own over time.

A naughty baby creates difficulties during examination and due to a lack of understanding that you need to sit still and breathe/not breathe at the command of an adult. Especially if he feels good. Pediatricians have to try hard to hear the little one’s problematic breathing.

Doctors listen to the baby using a special device - a phonendoscope . This device amplifies breathing sounds several times, and pulmonary wheezing becomes distinct.

Hoarse breathing in babies

If it can be very difficult to listen to the sternum in preschool children, then in babies under one year old it is even more difficult . After all, a baby is not able to tell and show where it hurts. But newborns love to cry loudly. A prolonged roar can also provoke wheezing without coughing in a child when breathing.

At the age of 1.5-2 months, babies begin to actively produce saliva. Some of the fluid enters the respiratory system, resulting in hoarse breathing . The responsibility falls on the shoulders of mothers. Take a close look at the child. Good appetite, activity, absence of fever are signs of a healthy baby.

When a crying child calms down in his own arms, you need to take a closer look at other symptoms. Blueness of the skin and difficult, hoarse breathing are a clear sign of the disease. Such symptoms may also indicate a foreign body entering the larynx .

Important . Regardless of the presence of additional symptoms, unnatural behavior of the baby requires an immediate examination by a pediatrician.

How to treat wheezing in a child

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat them In the presence of a dry, hacking cough, accompanied by wheezing in the chest, treatment is carried out using special medications intended for children. In the absence of fever, the pediatrician prescribes symptomatic treatment, compresses, and inhalations. If there is a fever and a bacterial infection is detected, the baby will have to take a course of antibiotics .

Important . Antibacterial treatment is strictly prohibited from being prescribed independently. Especially when it comes to a small organism.

To determine how to treat a child’s cough with wheezing, the doctor first takes into account his age . If the baby is very small, there are signs of intoxication and a prolonged fever, he and his mother will have to go to the hospital. During therapy, additional treatments :

  1. Moist wheezing goes away from the baby after inhalations (in the absence of fever). The child needs to breathe in the steam (use soda and salt solutions, saline solution, mineral water).
  2. To reduce a child's dry cough and wheezing, you need to thin and remove mucus. For this, various compresses made from potatoes, honey, and cabbage leaves are used.
  3. During treatment, the baby should drink a lot. Give your baby warmed milk with honey, linden tea, homemade compotes, fruit drinks, and freshly squeezed juices.

If your pediatrician offers to undergo additional tests to understand how to get rid of wheezing in your child, do not refuse! After all, you can only help your baby recover with the help of competent therapy.

Treatment of wheezing when coughing in a child with folk remedies

To get rid of hoarseness in children, gentle folk remedies How to treat dry wheezing in the lungs using traditional methods?

  1. Herbal tincture . Make a collection of plantain (5 parts), peppermint, marshmallow roots (4 parts each), coltsfoot (3 parts) and licorice (2 parts). Pour the herbal collection (25-20 g) with cool water (200 ml) and leave for 2.5-3 hours (close the container tightly). Then boil the infusion for 8-10 minutes and strain. Give children 10-12 ml to drink on an empty stomach three times a day.
  2. The herbal mixture can also be prepared from plantain (12 g), mint (5 g) and wild rosemary with licorice (8 g each). Boil the mixture in 500 ml of water for 2-3 minutes and leave for 20-30 minutes (cover the container with a thick cloth). Drink in the same amount.
  3. Mash a couple of bananas, add honey to the puree (if the child does not have allergies) and water. The baby needs to gradually eat the entire portion of the tasty medicine per day.
  4. Figs boiled in milk are an excellent remedy for wheezing due to bronchitis in a child. Eat the boiled fruits yourself, and let the little one drink the milk broth that was obtained.

Attention . Even mild treatment using traditional methods must be agreed upon with a doctor! Otherwise, you can harm the small organism.

How to stop wheezing in a child due to a foreign body

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat them If the baby is hoarse due to illness, wheezing in the lungs is treated with medication. But when a foreign body , immediately call an ambulance . A baby can swallow any small object (balls, coins, buttons, bones).

Once in the respiratory system, they clog the bronchial lumen and lead to suffocation (asphyxia). And the sharp edges of objects can injure the respiratory organs, causing internal bleeding.

Important . Do not try to remove the foreign body yourself. The only thing that can be done before the ambulance arrives is to use the Heimlich method.

Heimlich method . Stand behind the baby and clasp his body with your arms around the middle of the abdomen. Squeeze your fingers together. Then strongly and sharply squeeze your body towards you in an upward direction. This will create pressure in the peritoneum, which provokes the release of the stuck object.

How to treat wheezing in a child with pneumonia

Wheezing in the chest in a child may appear as a symptom of a dangerous disease - pneumonia . Pneumonia is accompanied by other symptoms: blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle, hoarseness, high fever, rapid, difficult breathing, and severe cough.

Childhood pneumonia is treated in a hospital setting using antibacterial agents, mucolytics, expectorants, and NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). After the main therapy, the baby is prescribed a course of physiotherapy and vitamins.

To prevent the return of diseases accompanied by wheezing in the chest, harden your baby and take him for walks more often . Maintain a healthy microclimate in the nursery and visit the pediatrician regularly.

Health to your baby!

Video about cough medicines

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you about cough medicines and how to properly cure a dry cough.


How to treat a hoarse cough in a child

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat themA dull, noisy and whistling sound produced during breathing indicates the formation of mucus in the bronchi and trachea . Regardless of the reasons for the occurrence of this condition of the body, it is very dangerous for human health and life, since mucus can cause blockage of the bronchi, which leads to suffocation. Cough with wheezing very often appears as a result of the development of an inflammatory process in the bronchi and bronchioles. In addition, there are other factors that cause this condition in the body.

Mechanism of symptoms

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat them Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat them

  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • emphysema;
  • lungs' cancer;
  • tuberculosis.

However, signs such as cough and hoarseness are not the main indicators for making a diagnosis; for this, specialists conduct a number of studies.

Rheezing in the throat

The development of an inflammatory process in the throat and larynx leads to the child developing a hoarse voice and cough.

Such symptoms arise as a result of pathogens entering the throat from the nasal cavity, after which mucus descends into the lower parts of the respiratory system.

Therefore, experts strongly recommend treating even a mild cough, since it can quickly lead to the development of laryngitis, tracheitis or pneumonia.

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat them

Parents should know how to help their child before the doctor arrives and prescribes medications. If at night you notice that attacks of barking, dry, hoarse cough in a child have begun to appear, he should be given the following help before being examined by a doctor:

  1. Provide the baby with warm drinks - milk with honey, Borjomi, tea;
  2. Keep the child in an upright position, which makes the baby’s condition easier;
  3. Give antihistamines to reduce swelling of the larynx and eliminate asthma attacks. In addition, often this condition can be the cause of an allergic reaction of the child’s body to certain irritants.

As a rule, in this case, specialists diagnose acute stenosing laryngitis. Eucalyptus inhalations are very helpful in treating this disease. To do this, you can use a decoction of the plant or essential oil.

How is wheezing in the chest treated?

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat them

Sometimes patients may notice that they produce green or yellow sputum when they cough. This process indicates the penetration of a serious infection into the body and requires the use of antibiotics.


Wheezing in a newborn baby

Many parents worry when they hear hoarse breathing and wheezing in their infant. This disease sometimes appears in infants after birth. Some wheezing in newborns is absolutely safe, while others, on the contrary, warn of the presence of a disease. Let's figure out why a baby wheezes, what are the causes of this phenomenon, possible dangerous consequences and how to prevent wheezing.

Safe Reasons

The reasons for this phenomenon are various. Safe ones most often concern a child without fever or other signs of a cold. These include:

Physiological characteristics of the baby’s body

The baby eats well, is gaining weight, does not show anxiety, has not walked in drafts, and has wheezing. This is possible because a newborn baby’s airways are not yet fully developed and they are still quite narrow.

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This can cause wheezing during feeding or when the baby sleeps. After all the laryngeal cartilages are formed, wheezing will disappear without a trace. This usually happens by one and a half years, but maybe by three.

Also, in the first months of life, the baby learns to swallow and often chokes on his saliva, which can cause him to wheeze.

Dry indoor air

The nasal canals in infants are quite narrow, so dust quickly accumulates in the nasopharynx. The main reason for this is dry air. It’s a paradox, but caring and loving parents are most often to blame for this.

Taking care that the child does not get sick, they mistakenly believe that closing the windows tightly, not ventilating and heating the room where the child is, is the right way to protect him from hypothermia and colds.

But pediatricians recommend not to forget about regular 10-minute ventilation of the room in which the newborn is mainly located, as well as the need to periodically humidify the air with special humidifiers or at least place some container with cold water in the room or hang wet towels on the heating radiator. According to Dr. E. Komarovsky, the optimal conditions for a newborn can be considered an air temperature in the room of 18-22 ° C and a humidity of 40-60%;

Dust accumulation

Mothers should definitely do regular wet cleaning of their newborn’s room to prevent dust from accumulating, and then they will not be bothered by wheezing in the baby. It is also advisable not to get carried away with soft toys, since they tend to accumulate dust.

Unclean spout

Since the nose is a filter for the air we breathe, mucus periodically accumulates in the nasal passage, which, when dried, forms dry crusts, which provokes wheezing when breathing in infants. This also happens in adults, only infants cannot yet blow their nose and clear their nose on their own. Therefore, you need to remove crusts and mucus from the baby’s nose every day.

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat them At the pharmacy you need to buy special moisturizing drops or regular saline, drop a drop into each nasal passage of the child and then carefully remove the “cause of inconvenience” with a cotton swab.

Lack of physical activity in the child

If the baby is always in a lying position, is not picked up or played with, then there is a risk of “stagnation” and swelling in the lungs and respiratory tract, which leads to even more wheezing. This phenomenon is often observed among orphanage children, since nannies and teachers do not have enough hands and time to pay attention to all the children.

Contaminated air

Wheezing and the appearance of mucus in an infant can be caused by polluted air, which contains cigarette smoke or exhaust fumes, so babies should be carefully protected from such exposure.

For all of the above-described wheezing, medical and medicinal intervention is not required, but it is necessary to monitor the child’s general well-being.

With a normal body temperature of up to 37 degrees, good appetite and restful sleep, there is no reason to worry, but during your next scheduled visit to the clinic, be sure to pay this “little detail” to the pediatrician’s attention so that he can rule out any diseases.

Dangerous situations

Now let's talk about wheezing, which requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

The newborn’s body is weak and susceptible to many external factors that can provoke infection and the development of any pathology.

In this case, as a rule, wheezing is accompanied by additional symptoms: cough, difficulty breathing, anxiety, lack of appetite, elevated body temperature, etc.

To protect your baby from colds and wheezing, you need to follow simple rules when walking with your newborn baby on the street:

We recommend reading: How to treat a cough in a newborn

  • you should not walk in windy weather;
  • dress your baby according to the weather using the “+1” principle. That is, the child should be wearing 1 more clothes than you. If your child is dressed too warmly, he or she may become sweaty and easily get sick. A lightweight version of clothing if it’s cold outside is also not suitable, as the baby will simply freeze and get hypothermia. Many mothers, when dressing their children “lightly”, argue that the child should be toughened up. This is a controversial issue, and it also needs to be hardened correctly and competently;
  • avoid drafts. Even if the baby is in a stroller, you need to provide it with protection from wind, rain and snow;
  • Avoid contact between your baby and people with a recent, or even ongoing, viral disease.

The cause of wheezing can be pneumonia or bronchitis, which is very dangerous for an infant, since all diseases in babies under one year of age develop rapidly and doctors do not always have time to stop dangerous symptoms.

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat them A newborn's wheezing may also occur due to allergies or more serious conditions such as asthma, in which the airways become swollen and produce excess mucus.

A child develops hoarseness, coughing and wheezing if a foreign object gets into his larynx or respiratory tract, and such wheezing appears suddenly.

Never leave your baby alone with small toys, candy or other items that could cause choking! If this does happen, you should not panic, but urgently call an ambulance to prevent respiratory arrest.

Diseases with the symptom of wheezing and what to do

If the baby wheezes, has snot and cough, the temperature rises, the baby behaves lethargically, refuses to eat, then most likely the diagnosis will be “acute respiratory viral disease.”

In this case, only a doctor should decide on the necessity and correctness of treatment.

All that is required of you is not to force the child to eat, provide him with plenty of fluids and strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations regarding the treatment of a wheezing child.

If the newborn wheezes quite strongly, coughs with a “barking” cough, wheezes when he breathes, and when the baby inhales, the intercostal spaces are drawn in, and a high temperature (above 38.5 degrees) is observed, then doctors, as a rule, talk about pneumonia. If such symptoms are noticed, it is necessary to call a pediatrician to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. It often happens that the baby has to be hospitalized.

If the child’s voice is hoarse, the baby is breathing heavily, he has a fever, a strong dry cough and “whistles” in the chest, while all of these symptoms are aggravated at night, then you can suspect the baby has croup (difficulty in breathing, which is caused by inflammation and narrowing of the chest). lumen of the upper respiratory tract). When such an attack begins, it is necessary to call an ambulance or a pediatrician. While waiting for medical help, the child should be allowed to breathe humidified air. To do this, you can use a humidifier or fill the bathroom with hot water to make steam and bring the child into the bathroom for a couple of minutes. Afterwards, drip the nose with vasoconstrictor drops and provide an influx of cool fresh air. You can also give your baby anti-allergy drops, for example, Fenistil.

Children under one year of age may develop a disease such as bronchiolitis. In this case, small areas of the bronchi become inflamed. In this case, there is a strong cough that does not subside for a long time (sometimes several hours), difficult hoarse breathing, there are signs of a cold such as snot and sore throat, which is why the baby refuses to eat, is very irritated and capricious.

Cough and wheezing in a child: what the symptoms indicate and how to treat them If the baby’s poor health does not go away after a few days, then it is necessary to call a pediatrician for an examination. If the diagnosis is confirmed, hospitalization may be required

If the baby still has wheezing after a runny nose, the baby snores at night, his nose is constantly stuffy, and one of his relatives suffers from asthma or allergies - this may indicate that the child has developed bronchial asthma. You need to consult a pediatric allergist and carry out the necessary examinations for further treatment.

Also, when the baby breathes through the mouth, he has a runny nose, he snores in his sleep, suffers from frequent colds, clear nasal discharge and otitis media, is whiny and irritable, it is likely that his adenoids are enlarged or he is allergic to some irritant. In this case, only the pediatrician will be able to determine the cause of the child’s unsatisfactory well-being, that is, determine whether it is a runny nose, allergies or inflammation of the adenoids. After making the correct diagnosis, the doctor will be able to prescribe adequate therapy.

During illness, a child should drink a lot, this will reduce intoxication of the body. And also breathe fresh and humidified air. Dr. Komarovsky constantly emphasizes this.

He argues that during the acute period of illness (fever and severe malaise), it is necessary to provide such conditions at home, and after the onset of a lasting improvement in well-being (even if there is still a cough with phlegm, but the temperature has dropped, the child has regained his appetite and good mood) do not forget about walks in the open air.

You need to remember that a hoarse baby can be taken outside for 20-30 minutes in windless, sunny weather and be sure to choose the right clothes so as not to overheat or overcool the child.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the above describes not exact diagnoses, but their possible variants, in which the child may become hoarse.

Therefore, it is strictly not recommended for parents to independently treat wheezing in their baby, much less give him any medications without consulting a pediatrician! Such an irresponsible approach will pose a threat to the life and health of the baby.

You can help a small child if you accurately determine the main cause of the illness. Therefore, you should not refuse additional examinations if the doctor suggests them.


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