
Runny nose during pregnancy 1st trimester: etiology and danger

Runny nose during pregnancy 1st trimester: etiology and danger
Most people don't consider a runny nose to be a serious problem, but it rarely occurs on its own, so you have to treat its underlying cause - a disease or infection. During pregnancy, it is unacceptable to ignore such a condition, because even a minimal negative effect on the pregnant woman’s body can lead to impaired fetal development. Find out what causes a runny nose in the first trimester of pregnancy and how to deal with it.

What are the dangers in early pregnancy?

How bad a runny nose is during pregnancy, and whether it is dangerous in general, depends on the presence of additional, accompanying disorders in the functioning of the female body.

At the very beginning of pregnancy, active hormonal changes occur, accompanied by a significant increase in the amount of estrogen and progesterone. These hormones cause swelling and thin the nasal mucosa, preventing free breathing. If no other unpleasant phenomena are observed, no treatment is required.

Learn everything about the first trimester of pregnancy.

Deterioration of the pregnant woman's condition, the appearance of fever, migraines, cough and sore throat indicate that a virus has entered the body, untimely treatment of which can lead to irreparable consequences.

Infectious processes negatively affect the condition of the placenta, limit the supply of nutrients to the embryo and contribute to the development of hypoxia, which often ends in miscarriage in the first trimester.Runny nose during pregnancy 1st trimester: etiology and danger Simply put, it is not so much the runny nose itself that is scary, but the reason for its appearance, although difficulty breathing can also cause the development of hypoxia in the unborn child.

Reasons for appearance

Today, a runny nose can be successfully treated with traditional and non-traditional methods; the main thing is to correctly determine the cause of such an illness.

The most common of them (at the beginning of pregnancy) include:

  • viral and infectious diseases (accompanied by fever and other symptoms characteristic of ARVI);
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • work in dusty or very “dry” rooms with low air humidity;
  • allergic reactions;
  • cold;
  • tumor neoplasms;
  • incorrect anatomical structure of a woman’s nasopharynx;
  • nasal injuries.

Find out what happens to the body at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 weeks of pregnancy.

In the first months of development of the embryo, all the organs and systems it needs are formed, so the strategy for treating a runny nose, regardless of the reasons for its development, must be discussed with an ENT doctor or gynecologist. Runny nose during pregnancy 1st trimester: etiology and danger


Swelling of the nasal mucosa and accumulation of mucus in the sinuses not only make breathing difficult, but also lead to the development of other unpleasant symptoms of a runny nose:

  • burning sensation in the nose;
  • the appearance of dryness and tickling;
  • sneezing;
  • decreased taste;
  • voice change.

Important! Ordinary drops for the common cold are not suitable for eliminating this problem during pregnancy. Almost all of them have a strong vasoconstrictor effect, enter the maternal bloodstream and, along with it, spread throughout the body, disrupting the blood supply to the embryo. This limits the nutrition of the unborn child and can cause deviations in its development.

In addition, prolonged sinus congestion can trigger the development of migraines, dizziness, increase blood pressure and even lead to loss of consciousness.

All this significantly reduces performance; the pregnant woman always wants to sleep, which is why she often becomes irritable and nervous. Runny nose during pregnancy 1st trimester: etiology and danger

How and what to treat a runny nose during pregnancy

Many pharmaceutical drugs are indeed prohibited for use by pregnant women, but this does not mean that there is nothing to choose from. To minimize the negative impact on the baby, doctors recommend purchasing products intended for infants. In addition, you can always use inhalations and rinse the nasal cavity with saline solutions.

Cold drops

There are several types of drops, the use of which has no serious restrictions even in the first trimester. However, you should still be careful when using them, which is explained by the slight vasoconstrictor effect of some of them.

  1. Pinosol - comes in the form of drops or spray and consists of natural ingredients: essential oils of fir, menthol and eucalyptus.Runny nose during pregnancy 1st trimester: etiology and danger They perfectly relieve swelling and reduce the viscosity of mucus, but in any case, use of the drug should not exceed one week. Contraindications to the use of Pinosol are individual intolerance to the constituent components of the product and the development of sinusitis. Ignoring contraindications or exceeding the dosage (usually prescribed 1-2 drops, 3-4 times a day) is fraught with burning, itching and swelling of the nasal mucosa.
  2. Nazivin Sensitive - comes in the form of drops and spray and is recommended for use only when the likelihood of benefit to the woman outweighs the possible risk to the embryo.Runny nose during pregnancy 1st trimester: etiology and danger Unlike the previous version, the composition here is not natural and includes oxymetazoline hydrochloride (the main active ingredient), citric acid, sodium citrate, glycerol (85%). The mild vasoconstrictor effect of this remedy explains its rare use in pregnant women, although it is still used to treat runny nose due to viral and colds, sinusitis, otitis and rhinitis of any origin.
  3. Vibrocil is a drug characterized by a vasoconstrictor effect, which is why it is prescribed to expectant mothers only according to a doctor’s indications.Runny nose during pregnancy 1st trimester: etiology and danger The drops contain phenylephrine, lavender oil, dimethindene malet and additional auxiliary components. The product effectively eliminates nasal congestion, reduces swelling and has an antihistamine effect on the body, helping to cure sinusitis, rhinitis (except atrophic fetid) and acute otitis of the middle ear.
  4. Tizin is available in the form of drops and is based on the action of tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride.Runny nose during pregnancy 1st trimester: etiology and danger This active substance quickly relieves swelling, reduces mucus production and is practically not absorbed into the bloodstream, which significantly reduces the possible risk to the unborn child.

Any of the listed drugs has its own specific contraindications, so even if they are relatively safe for the unborn child, it is worth discussing the possible dosage with an ENT specialist.

Nasal rinsing

Rinsing the nose with saline solutions has a beneficial effect on the condition of the entire nasopharynx, since germs, mucus and dust are washed out of it along with the solution. The shell itself becomes much softer and the feeling of dryness disappears. Using saline solutions in the first trimester can be an excellent solution to the problem of “hormonal runny nose” when no other treatment makes sense.

The main thing is to choose the right composition, and there are many of them on the modern market:

  1. Aquamaris is the safest option for such products.Runny nose during pregnancy 1st trimester: etiology and danger In fact, this is purified and mineral-rich water of the Adriatic Sea, which perfectly fights inflammatory processes, stimulates the development of the body's protective functions, softens crusts and has a positive effect on the regenerative abilities of the mucous membrane (accelerates recovery). Excellent for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, nasopharyngeal diseases, and can also be used as a prophylactic during epidemics of viral diseases. Among the contraindications to the use of Aquamaris, it is worth highlighting obstruction of the nasal sinuses, individual intolerance, growths in the nasal cavity and a physiological tendency to bleeding. Exceeding the dosage can provoke an allergic reaction in the form of itching and burning.
  2. Humer is purified isotonic water from the depths of the sea.Runny nose during pregnancy 1st trimester: etiology and danger An excellent product for local cleansing and moisturizing of the nasal mucosa, which can quickly ease breathing. It is used for preventive purposes, as well as for the treatment of ailments of the nasopharynx, sinuses and even allergic rhinitis. In rare cases, with frequent use, an allergic reaction in the form of hyperemia of the mucous membrane may occur.
  3. Salin is an isotonic solution of sodium chloride with auxiliary components. Can be used at any stage of pregnancy to eliminate swelling of the nasal mucosa, soften the crusts formed on it, thin the mucus and facilitate nasal breathing with a runny nose of any origin. Prescribed for various types of rhinitis, a constant feeling of dryness in the nose. Contraindications to the use of the solution are cerebral or pulmonary edema, hyperkalemia and hyperchloremia, heart and kidney failure.

As an alternative option for rinsing the nose in the initial stages of pregnancy, Miramistin purified water, characterized by antibacterial capabilities, is used. It accelerates the regenerative processes of the mucous membrane, stimulates the development of the body's defenses and prevents the occurrence of infectious processes inside the nasal cavity. Since Miramistin is not absorbed into the general bloodstream of a pregnant woman, it can be used at any stage of pregnancy.

Warming up the maxillary sinuses

A good therapeutic effect is characterized by warming up the maxillary sinuses, which helps to liquefy and remove accumulated mucus. For these purposes, you can use a thick bag of salt heated in a frying pan or a freshly boiled chicken egg.

True, such treatment is only suitable for pregnant women who are dealing with a common cold or allergic rhinitis, since in the presence of bacteria, heat will only aggravate the problem and contribute to the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.


Inhalations are another good addition to basic therapy. With their help, it is possible to reduce inflammation of the nasal mucosa, reduce swelling and remove phlegm, while at the same time well moisturizing the inside of the nasal sinuses.

There are “cold” and hot steam inhalations. The first is carried out using a nebulizer and medicinal compounds; for the second, various essential oils (for example, eucalyptus or tea tree) are mixed in boiling water and the steam is breathed under a covered towel.

When carrying out steam inhalation, you should follow certain rules so as not to burn the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose:

  • after removing from the heat, it is better to set the broth aside for 3–5 minutes so that it cools slightly at room temperature;
  • while the composition is very hot, it is better to keep your head as high as possible above the bowl or pan;
  • The steam must be inhaled slowly.

Important! After completing the procedure, stay at home until your head and body are completely cool. Cold air after inhalation will only worsen a runny nose.

The optimal time for the procedure is 1–1.5 hours after the last meal.

Drink plenty of fluids

When a pregnant woman has a runny nose, she is advised to drink plenty of fluids. The expectant mother should drink at least 2 liters per day and it is better if it is vitamin fruit drinks, rosehip decoctions or fresh compotes. This will prevent drying of the oral mucosa (appears due to forced mouth breathing) and improve overall well-being.

Prevention measures

With the onset of pregnancy, any woman should reconsider her behavior and protect herself as much as possible from unfavorable environmental factors. This will help avoid many diseases, in particular such an unpleasant phenomenon as a runny nose.

Preventive measures in this case include:

  • frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • regular ventilation of the room with wet cleaning;
  • taking vitamins and eating only healthy foods (balanced diet);
  • eliminating the possibility of hypothermia;
  • use of oxolinic ointment during epidemics of viral diseases (if possible, it is advisable to avoid public places).

Find out what the correct daily routine for a pregnant woman should be.

When the first signs of a cold (or just a runny nose) appear, it is better to immediately consult a doctor and prevent complications of the condition. Only at first glance, a stuffy nose seems to be a harmless phenomenon - in the absence of adequate treatment, especially in the first months of pregnancy, one should not exclude the more serious consequences mentioned above.

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How and with what to treat ARVI in pregnant women: video


I’m now 6-7 weeks from conception, I’m also snot like a stream, I’m sore, my throat hurts. I know about Hexoral that it’s not allowed during B, especially in the 1st trimester, Oscillococcinum is okay, the doctor didn’t allow me. Lysobact, Dolphin, Bioparox, milk with honey, canvas with honey (I love yellow). Don’t worry about the most important thing!!! I was also sick in 1B, my son is 3 years old, he was born healthy, without any abnormalities, so don’t make yourself worry, say that everything is fine!!! ##

  • I want I want


Is a runny nose dangerous during pregnancy? – on!

Runny nose during pregnancy 1st trimester: etiology and danger

During pregnancy, the risk of catching a runny nose is much higher than before this wonderful moment. How dangerous is a runny nose for women in an “interesting position”?

A runny nose during pregnancy may be due to:

  • hormonal;
  • colds (viral, infectious);
  • allergic.

In each case, we are concerned about approximately the same questions.

  1. Is a runny nose dangerous during pregnancy?
  2. Are there safe and effective ways to combat it?

Face to face with a runny nose

Runny nose during pregnancy 1st trimester: etiology and danger

Getting sick during pregnancy (as well as later in the first year of motherhood while you are breastfeeding) is very difficult. Experienced mothers know.

Firstly, fears remain about how the illness will affect the baby. Secondly, you can’t take almost any medications! That's when you realize how deeply the achievements of modern pharmaceuticals have penetrated into our lives and how we are all accustomed to their help when we are unwell.

During pregnancy - without medications - you are literally left alone with painful symptoms and do not know what to do.

Do you remember how you dealt with a runny nose in the “pre-pregnancy” era? Sometimes you dissolve some anti-cold “powder” in a glass of water, which relieves unpleasant sensations (nasal congestion, “heavy” head, etc.).

), injected a vasoconstrictor spray into your nose (or dropped drops) - and you almost immediately feel relief. The nose is not running, the eyelids are not filled with lead, the head is more or less clear. But without these life-saving remedies, a banal runny nose turns into a symptom that poisons the entire existence.

But in addition to the broken state, it also poses a real threat to the fetus.

Is a runny nose dangerous during pregnancy?

Runny nose during pregnancy 1st trimester: etiology and danger

The main danger, especially in the early stages, is the disease, the symptom of which is rhinitis. A virus or infection can travel through the blood to the baby in the uterus and cause abortion.

And a runny nose in itself is not harmless. It leads to a change in the emotional status of a woman, and this can ultimately negatively affect the course.

If a runny nose does not go away for a long time, sleep is disturbed, frequent headaches occur, constant fatigue appears, and a negative attitude towards pregnancy may even develop.

In addition, a runny nose makes it difficult for the expectant mother to breathe; accordingly, the baby may not receive enough oxygen, and this can affect the formation and development of the embryo.

There is no need to be afraid. After all, it is known: forewarned is forearmed!

The main thing is to identify the cause of a runny nose and know how to neutralize it.

To the doctor!

And as soon as possible. If a runny nose is caused by ARVI, flu or allergies, the supervising doctor will weigh all the risks and prescribe the appropriate treatment regimen.

The most important thing here is to neutralize the infection. We listen to the doctor - we don’t self-medicate!

What to do with the “pregnant runny nose”, which sometimes goes away... only after childbirth?

Hormonal runny nose: “we recognize the enemy by sight”

As a rule, it occurs at 6 weeks of pregnancy. It can go away as suddenly as it began, or last until childbirth. However, not every pregnant woman suffers from “pregnancy runny nose.”

It is believed that the prerequisites for this condition may be:

  • regular drying of mucous membranes in unfavorable climates;
  • frequent colds and weak immunity;
  • deviated nasal septum;
  • allergy to anything;
  • taking oral contraceptives before pregnancy.

This type of runny nose does not require specific treatment. On the one hand, if it’s just a matter of hormones and rhinitis is not a symptom of the disease, then there is no particular danger. But on the other hand, all kinds of viruses and infections readily “flock” to the weakened immunity of a pregnant woman and the inflamed mucous membrane. Nasal congestion means forced breathing through the mouth, and this increases the risk of colds.

Is there any way to get rid of a runny nose during pregnancy?

Runny nose during pregnancy 1st trimester: etiology and danger

But this is not such a hopeless situation - a runny nose during pregnancy. There are a number of other ways to relieve a cold.

  1. Drink more fluids with the addition of lemon juice (if you are not allergic to citrus fruits).
  2. Rinse and clean your nose regularly with saline solution.
  3. Install a humidifier, at least in the bedroom. (It will also be useful after the baby is born - dry air is very harmful to the baby’s health.)
  4. You can reduce swelling of the nasopharynx by placing an extra pillow under your head while sleeping.
  5. Nasal congestion can be temporarily relieved by massaging (using your fingers) the points at the base of the nostrils, above the upper and under the lower lip.
  6. Spend more time outdoors, but avoid hypothermia.
  7. Do breathing exercises. Practice shallow breathing with long exhalation and inhalation. With the help of such exercises for five minutes - once an hour, you can deal with a runny nose much faster and more effectively.

The runny nose will certainly go away, and all you have to do is enjoy your pregnancy and prepare to meet your baby!



Why is a runny nose dangerous for the fetus during pregnancy?

The increased sensitivity of a pregnant woman to colds is due to a decrease in immune reactivity.

This physiological feature of this period allows you to maintain pregnancy and prevent spontaneous abortion. The consequence of temporary immunodeficiency can be a frequent runny nose.

In this article we will look at how a runny nose affects the fetus during pregnancy, and how to protect yourself from unwanted consequences.

Runny nose during pregnancy 1st trimester: etiology and danger

To choose the right medications, you need to understand what caused your runny nose. It can be:

  • hormonal fluctuations;
  • infectious diseases (viral, bacterial);
  • allergic reactions.

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman becomes more susceptible not only to colds, but also to stress factors. Hypothermia, contact with a sick person, poor nutrition - all this together can lead to the appearance of symptoms such as:

  1. rhinorrhea (nasal discharge may be watery, viscous, clear or yellowish);
  2. nasal congestion, which leads to difficulty breathing through the nose;
  3. hyperthermia (observed with infectious origin of rhinitis);
  4. headache, dizziness, poor appetite and drowsiness can result from intoxication and hypoxia;
  5. pain in the paranasal area, which indicates the development of sinusitis;
  6. Sneezing, coughing, itching and signs of conjunctivitis may be a concern with allergic rhinitis.

What is the danger for a pregnant woman?

The “pregnant” period for a woman is one of the most important in her life, but a common cold can overshadow its course. As symptoms of the disease appear, the woman feels constant fatigue, blood pressure may rise and toxicosis may develop.

The formation of an inflammatory focus in the nasopharynx leads to an increased risk of complications associated with the spread of inflammation to surrounding organs. So it's possible:

  1. development of laryngopathy, when swelling spreads to the mucous membrane of the oropharynx. Symptomatically, this condition is manifested by a sore throat, hoarseness and coughing;

Cough during pregnancy poses a risk of premature birth or miscarriage, because increased intra-abdominal pressure leads to increased uterine tone.

  1. hearing loss - due to swelling of the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube and disruption of its airway function. A woman may notice how her ears become blocked;
  2. development of sore throat, pharyngitis. Difficult nasal breathing forces a woman to breathe through her mouth, so cold, unpurified air comes into contact with the mucous membrane of the oropharynx and damages it;
  3. the occurrence of sinusitis (frontal sinusitis, sinusitis). The risk of developing diseases increases if a woman had chronic sinusitis before pregnancy. The complication is caused by the activation of bacterial microbes or the addition of new pathogenic agents;
  4. the appearance of an attack of bronchospasm if the cause of the disease is an allergic factor.

Danger to the fetus

How dangerous is a runny nose during pregnancy for the embryo?

If the cause of nasal congestion in a pregnant woman is an infectious disease, there is a risk of intrauterine infection of the embryo.

This is observed if the infection from the nasopharynx begins to spread through the bloodstream throughout the body.

What else is dangerous about rhinitis?

  • Nasal congestion leads to disruption of gas exchange in the lungs. This is due to two factors. Firstly, as the uterus enlarges, the diaphragm rises higher and higher, thereby supporting the lungs and reducing their respiratory capacity. On the other hand, less oxygen enters the lungs due to nasal congestion, which leads to fetal hypoxia. Nervous tissue is the most sensitive to oxygen starvation, therefore the risk of mental retardation in the embryo increases;
  • Runny nose during pregnancy 1st trimester: etiology and dangerhyperthermia is a physiological feature of the body that indicates the immune system is fighting infection. The greatest danger is observed in the first trimester. The severity of complications of fever depends on its level, cause, duration and gestational age. Hyperthermia disrupts protein synthesis, which can cause defects in the nervous, cardiovascular systems, facial skeleton and muscles. In addition, high long-term fever is fraught with intrauterine death of the embryo, increased uterine tone, impaired blood circulation in the placenta and fetal hypoxia.

Thus, the combination of symptoms of the disease increases the risk of:

  1. spontaneous abortion;
  2. the appearance of developmental defects;
  3. intrauterine fetal death;
  4. premature rupture of amniotic fluid;
  5. intrauterine infection;
  6. development of fetoplacental insufficiency, due to which the placenta loses its ability to fully provide the fetus with nutrients and oxygen.

What medications are allowed during pregnancy?

Complications of a runny nose can be caused by improper treatment.

Today, there are many medications that help eliminate cold symptoms. Every woman needs to know that during pregnancy she should be extremely careful in choosing medications. Their therapeutic effect for rhinitis can be detrimental to the embryo.

Often, when rhinorrhea appears, we try to drip the nose with vasoconstrictor drops. This helps temporarily eliminate a runny nose and restore nasal breathing. The effect of the medicine is to reduce secretion and swelling of the mucous membrane due to the narrowing of local blood vessels.

If you use large dosages, there is a possibility of developing systemic vasospasm, which is very dangerous during pregnancy. Why should vasoconstrictor drops be used with caution during pregnancy?

  1. medications quickly penetrate the placenta into the embryo’s body, which is fraught with mutations and death;
  2. narrowing of blood vessels reduces the delivery of nutrition and oxygen to the embryo, which leads to its hypoxia;
  3. deterioration of blood supply is also observed due to contraction of the myometrium.

When allergic rhinitis develops, you need to know which antihistamines are safe and which can harm the unborn child.

Group of drugs Drugs Note
Antihistamines Diphenhydramine Can lead to heart defects, increases the risk of spontaneous abortion due to increased uterine tone
Suprastin, Cromolyn sodium Prohibited, but in later periods can be used as a last resort
Pipolfen, Tavegil Prohibited
Cetirizine, Claritin With doctor's permission
Saline solutions Aqua Maris, Dolphin, No-sol Allowed throughout pregnancy, indicated for therapy and prevention
Vasoconstrictors Tizin, Ximelin Allowed with caution
Nazivin, Nazol Prohibited
Herbal remedy Pinosol Prohibited if you are allergic to essential oils
Homeopathic medicines Delufen Allowed. Has antimicrobial, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory and decongestant effects
Antibacterial agents Bioparox, Isofra With doctor's permission after 14 weeks of pregnancy
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Runny nose during pregnancy 1st trimester: etiology and danger

The danger of using medications increases if they are used in large dosages and over a long course. In addition to the negative effect on the embryo, vasoconstrictor medications lead to dryness of the nasal mucosa in a pregnant woman, addiction and chronic atrophic rhinitis.

Do not forget that the duration of treatment can be reduced if you follow some recommendations:

  1. The drinking regime should be 1.5-2 liters per day. Its volume should be monitored by a doctor to avoid increased swelling. A pregnant woman needs to drink fruit drinks, warm milk, still water, compotes or tea;
  2. bed rest is necessary to restore the body's strength;
  3. aloe juice is useful for instillation of the nasal passages;
  4. washing of the oropharynx and nasal passages is carried out with herbal decoctions (sage, chamomile) or saline solutions;
  5. vitamin nutrition is indicated;
  6. It is necessary to ventilate the room, wet cleaning and air humidification.


The frequency of colds can be reduced by avoiding hypothermia, spending long periods of time with sick people, eating healthy foods and spending enough time in the fresh air. In addition, sleep and protection from stress are important for a pregnant woman. Comprehensive prevention will not only strengthen the immune system, but also improve the mood of the expectant mother.

Is a runny nose dangerous during pregnancy? It all depends on its cause and treatment tactics. If you start rinsing your nose in time, increase your drinking regimen and take vitamins, the disease will quickly recede without giving any chance of complications. The main thing is to notice the symptoms in time and consult a doctor.

Galaktionova Svetlana



What methods are allowed for the treatment of runny nose during pregnancy, rules for their implementation

Almost every woman experiences a runny nose during pregnancy. This is a pressing question - how to treat a runny nose during pregnancy, and how to quickly eliminate the pathology without harming the child.

Nasal congestion is also a common pathological symptom.

It is much more difficult for an expectant mother to resist these problems, since almost all effective remedies are prohibited due to their ability to penetrate the placenta.

Why does a runny nose appear during pregnancy?

Almost every pregnant woman has a runny nose. This happens because the situation itself increases the risk of developing acute respiratory infections. Immunity during pregnancy deteriorates, making a woman susceptible to airborne pathogens. Also, reasons why an expectant mother may get sick include:

  • Changes in hormonal levels. Due to increasing hormonal changes and increased production of estrogen and progesterone, swelling of the nasal cavity occurs, and the woman complains of congestion.
  • Drying of the mucous membrane. This is facilitated by an increase in the amount of blood in the body or insufficient air humidity in the room where the woman is most often located, or the presence of allergens there.
  • Chronic diseases of the nasopharynx diagnosed before conception - deviated nasal septum, adenoids, sinusitis. These conditions worsen during pregnancy, so it is important to obtain recommendations from an otolaryngologist at the planning stage.

Varieties and symptoms

There are 3 types of rhinitis:

  • Infectious. Infectious runny nose develops as a result of colds and acute respiratory infections. The symptom occurs in pregnant women due to weakened immunity, because the body becomes more vulnerable to external irritants and is unable to fully fight them.
  • Allergic. It develops against the background of hypersensitivity when an allergen penetrates the respiratory tract. Irritating agents most often are: pollen, wool, dust, medications, household chemicals.
  • Hormone. During pregnancy, serious hormonal changes occur in the body of the expectant mother. Because of this, rhinitis occurs. Congestion develops due to the influence of high levels of estrogen. Hormonal runny nose is typical for the second trimester, it does not stop until childbirth. In this case, congestion is not accompanied by mucus discharge; the woman complains only of itching and dryness in the nose. This disorder does not need to be treated; after the birth of the child it goes away on its own.

With an infectious or allergic rhinitis, the following symptoms develop:

  • copious mucus discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • swelling of the face;
  • Additionally, a sore throat with cough may appear.

If the infection spreads, swelling increases, the temperature may rise, drops do not help relieve congestion. Such dangerous symptoms require urgent examination of the patient by a doctor.

Treatment rules

Treatment of a runny nose during pregnancy is agreed with the doctor so that it does not affect the health of the unborn child. The selection of safe tactics is correlated with the etiology of the disorder. There are different methods and groups of medications that can be used in the treatment of pregnant women.

First trimester

A runny nose during pregnancy in the 1st trimester can be treated by rinsing the nose. Drops are contraindicated because they cause serious harm to the health of the fetus, which does not yet have full protection in the form of the placenta.

Vasoconstrictor drops are addictive and harm the child because they disrupt his oxygen supply.

Washing is carried out with different solutions - usually with sea salt.

Any method of treating a runny nose during pregnancy in the 1st trimester should be discussed with a specialist.

Second trimester

If rhinitis in the second trimester becomes a sign of a cold, the woman needs bed rest. The following methods may be prescribed to treat a runny nose during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester:

  • rinsing, instilling solutions with sea salt;
  • according to the doctor's indications, drip approved medications;
  • use of antiseptics and antibiotics only as prescribed by a doctor.

Third trimester

When rhinitis develops, the following methods are used to treat a runny nose during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester:

  • humidifying the air and maintaining a comfortable temperature at 20 – 22 degrees;
  • walks in the open air;
  • instillation and rinsing of the nasal cavity with saline solutions, inhalations with the same agents are also sometimes allowed;
  • the use of aromatic oils with anti-inflammatory effects, provided that there is no tendency to hypersensitivity;
  • as prescribed by the doctor, antibiotics and hormonal medications in the minimum possible dosage.

Cold drops

A runny nose can be characterized by a different nature of its origin. A doctor should identify the exact causes and recommend how to cure a runny nose during pregnancy. But many women start using drops on their own, which is dangerous for the baby’s health. There are the following groups of drops for rhinitis:

  • Antibacterial. Most often they are prohibited for pregnant women. If a runny nose is caused by bacteria, and it cannot be cured using available methods, then the doctor prescribes drugs in a reduced dosage and constantly monitors the condition of the woman and fetus. Preference is given to products like Isofra.
  • Vasoconstrictors. They are prohibited in the first and third trimesters, in the second they are prescribed with caution. Doctors choose indirect vasoconstrictor drops for women - Sinupret. They act gently and quickly relieve congestion.
  • Antihistamines. It is not recommended to use during pregnancy; it is prescribed in case of urgent need under the supervision of a doctor. Preference is given to drops of the latest generations - Loratadine.
  • Corticosteroids (hormonal). They tend to be the choice for acute rhinitis.

Vasoconstrictor drops can harm the body because their effect extends to all blood vessels, this also applies to the placenta. As a result, fetal hypoxia occurs, which has a negative impact on the intrauterine development of the child. Vasoconstrictor drops are prohibited for women prone to high blood pressure. They are used in extreme cases, and only approved for children, once and at night. These are Nazivin, Nazik, Vibrocil. The dosage must be discussed by the doctor, and the course of treatment should not last more than 3 days. Drops for rhinitis based on plant extracts are safer. These include Pinosol. It helps with infectious rhinitis, but is prohibited for allergies, because the body may develop an additional negative reaction to the composition of the product - eucalyptus, pine, peppermint oil.

In general, a runny nose during pregnancy should be treated with rinsing, inhalation, and some traditional methods. But this should be discussed with your doctor first. He will explain what pregnant women can do for a runny nose.

Organization of inhalations

The main contraindication for organizing inhalations is a rise in temperature and heart disease. Allergic and infectious rhinitis responds well to inhalation therapy. They are sold using a nebulizer or breathed over a pan of hot water. You can add fir, eucalyptus oil, a decoction of calendula and other medicinal herbs to the water. They have an antimicrobial effect, they help get rid of inflammation.

For the procedure, a pan is filled with boiling water and a few drops of essential oil are added to it. You should breathe above the steam, the main thing is to do it carefully so as not to get burned. The following components are also added to the water:

  • slightly alkaline mineral water;
  • a slightly diluted soda solution;
  • herbal medicines are tinctures of medicinal plants, they are diluted together with physiological solution in a ratio of 1 to 40;
  • Sinupret is drops, but they can be diluted with saline 1 to 1.

Inhalations are good because they act directly on the affected nasal mucosa without affecting other organs. The duration is approximately 5 minutes; 3 to 4 inhalations are allowed per day. They are done an hour after eating, and after that it is not recommended to go outside immediately.

Organization of washings

Rinsing is an effective procedure for a runny nose during pregnancy. You need to rinse your nose with the following means:

  • saline solution - it rinses, making breathing easier;
  • saline solution - acts similarly to saline solution, you can prepare it yourself: dissolve a teaspoon of table or sea salt and a drop of iodine in a glass of boiled water;
  • solution with furatsilin - it works well when pus comes out of the nose, it is an antimicrobial agent - dissolve the tablet in a glass of water;
  • pharmaceutical drugs: Salin, Aqualor, Quix, Dolphin, these products are completely harmless.

To carry out the procedure, you can take a container with a spout or a pear. Do it 3 – 4 times a day.

Other methods of assistance

Also, if you have rhinitis in a pregnant woman, you should follow simple rules on how to treat a runny nose during pregnancy:

  • Indoor air humidification.
  • If there are no direct contraindications, compresses and warming procedures.
  • Drink plenty of fluids - it is better if it is mineral water without gases, natural compotes, rosehip decoction, green tea, fruit drinks.
  • Acupressure massage of the wings of the nose and nostrils, above the bridge of the nose with special ointments - Zvezdochka, Doctor IOM.
  • The correct sleeping position is on a high pillow that raises your head no less than 30 degrees.
  • Physiotherapy procedures prescribed by a doctor.

Traditional medicine recipes

Any method of treating rhinitis from the field of traditional medicine must be agreed with a doctor. Of the most popular and safest, it is worth noting:

  • Soda-tannin drops. Brew a teaspoon of tea, evaporate the broth for 15 minutes over an open fire, strain, add a level teaspoon of baking soda, mix well. You need to instill the product into your nose 4 times a day, 2 drops in each nostril. The duration of treatment is a week.
  • Local heat - hard-boil eggs, wrap them in canvas and apply to the wings of the nose, holding for 10 minutes.
  • Onion inhalations. Peel and chop the onion on a plate before going to bed and place it near the bed. Onions should be replaced with fresh ones 2 times a day.
Read also:  Mastopathy and pregnancy: course and possible complications

What is prohibited to do

  • In case of acute runny nose, it is forbidden to hover your feet, conduct electrophoresis and UHF.
  • You cannot use antibacterial drops or take antibiotic tablets; they are indicated only for relieving a bacterial runny nose and only after being prescribed by a doctor.
  • It is prohibited to take immunostimulating medications - for example, echinacea or licorice tinctures. They are harmful to the unborn child because they increase the blood pressure of the woman and child and the pulse rate.

How dangerous is rhinitis during pregnancy?

If in a normal state women may not pay attention to a runny nose, then during pregnancy they have a large number of questions. One of them is about the danger of rhinitis.

In the early stages, it is not a runny nose that is dangerous, but the reasons that affected the body and provoked its development. Viruses enter the blood of the fetus, causing spontaneous miscarriage at the beginning of pregnancy.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, symptoms of rhinitis interfere with the normal flow of oxygen to the baby. If no measures are taken, hypoxia occurs with dangerous consequences.a

Prevention in pregnant women

Few women manage to avoid colds while carrying a child. But simple recommendations in the early and late stages will help alleviate such lesions:

  • Avoid hypothermia.
  • Try to visit places with large crowds of people less often.
  • Do not contact people who have a cold.
  • Walk more in the fresh air.
  • Avoid penetration of allergens into the nasal cavity.
  • Drink special vitamins that help maintain immune function.
  • Maintain normal air humidity in the house.

If rhinitis occurs in a pregnant woman, you do not need to take measures on your own. You should consult a doctor who will determine how to treat a runny nose during pregnancy more effectively, taking into account its etiology.

Self-medication at home with traditional medicine or drops will only do harm in this situation.

A woman must remember that during pregnancy she is responsible not only for her own health, but also for the health of the unborn baby.

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Runny nose during early pregnancy

A runny nose during pregnancy - 1st trimester - poses a danger to its further course. When the nose is stuffy, the supply of oxygen to the bloodstream is reduced, insufficient quantities of oxygen enter the uterus, and the formation of basic organic systems may be disrupted.

The woman, trying to compensate for the lack of oxygen, begins to reflexively breathe through her mouth. This method of breathing is an open gate for viruses and bacteria, which, bypassing the protective barrier, immediately penetrate into the lymphoid tissue of the tonsils, provoking the onset of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.

So why do doctors treat a runny nose that occurs without fever and with one symptom - nasal congestion on one side and a mucous clear discharge - “frivolously” and do not try to cure it?

A runny nose at the beginning of the 1st trimester of pregnancy is physiological.

During conception, a hormonal “boom” occurs in the body of the expectant mother - the production of progesterone and estrogen increases several times, blood supply accelerates, and the mucous membranes, saturated with blood vessels, swell. Because of this, a woman may experience slight swelling of the larynx and nasal congestion. Any nasal congestion stimulates the production of protective secretions.

Such a runny nose does not pose any danger to a pregnant woman, but it can provoke consequences that will adversely affect the condition of the baby and the health of the expectant mother.

A favorable environment is created in the nose for increasing the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms - warm and humid - and they begin to multiply intensively.

Any “push” - a cold caused by hypothermia, contact with a carrier of the virus - and the disease is guaranteed.

How to treat a runny nose in the early stages of pregnancy and can you use the usual remedies for this?

How to distinguish physiological rhinitis in the first trimester of pregnancy from a cold?

A physiological runny nose occurs with only one symptom – nasal congestion and the discharge of a small amount of liquid, transparent secretion.

Fatigue, lethargy, and irritability may be present, but they can most likely be explained by the adaptation period - the body’s adaptation to a new state.

Treatment of rhinitis of this type is necessary only in cases where it causes significant inconvenience - a cough appears due to the accumulation of nasal mucus after sleep, nasal congestion at night does not allow a normal night's sleep, tinnitus and headaches appear.

You can understand that a runny nose during pregnancy is caused by a cold by the following signs:

  • dry cough, soreness and pain when swallowing appeared;
  • nasal mucus flows down the back wall of the larynx in large quantities;
  • the discharge gradually thickens;
  • the temperature rises above the subfebrile level - above 37.3ºС.

In this case, you need to consult a doctor. A cold in the first trimester has a negative impact on the formation of the cardiovascular and urinary systems and can interfere with the development of the fetal brain.

You need to be treated even when the temperature does not rise. Thickening of nasal discharge is a symptom of a bacterial infection, and this contributes to the occurrence of complications - sinusitis and sinusitis.

These diseases are dangerous: they are purulent-inflammatory in nature, and if pus enters the bloodstream, they can provoke pyelonephritis, inflammation in the gynecological organs, sepsis, meningitis... With the latter diseases, pregnancy has to be terminated.

Do rhinitis caused by allergies need to be treated? A cold has nothing to do with its appearance, and the introduction of an infectious agent does not occur. Such rhinitis also requires treatment, as it causes the same consequences - it increases the likelihood of introducing or exacerbating a bacterial infection and impaired breathing through the nose.

You should not be surprised if the allergen turns out to be substances or products to which the woman has never experienced irritation. During a special condition, susceptibility changes, and a smell that was previously absolutely safe can cause allergic rhinitis.

  • It is impossible to give unambiguous recommendations for the treatment of rhinitis in early pregnancy if the causes of its occurrence are not found.
  • Physiological rhinitis of pregnant women
  • If the runny nose is physiological, then to alleviate the condition, it can be recommended to rinse and moisturize the nasal mucosa.

First of all, conditions should be created to make the pregnant woman feel comfortable. To do this, it is necessary to carry out daily wet cleaning, ventilate the room, reducing the amount of dust and viruses in the air. Rooms with dry air should be avoided - an industrial air humidifier can easily be replaced with open containers of water and a wet cloth on heating radiators.

The water in the containers needs to be changed regularly, and the fabric needs to be washed - preferably with laundry soap or baby powder. Standing water or constantly damp sheets quickly turn into breeding grounds for infection.

To moisturize the nose, you can drip salt products into it - for example, “No-salt” drops or lubricate the nasal passages with sea buckthorn or vaseline oil.

It is not recommended to completely rinse the nose - you can wash out all the beneficial microflora and an infection will immediately settle in the “free space”. Rinsing a blocked nostril is carried out only when there is a large accumulation of mucus.

It is necessary to try to create comfortable conditions for sleep. To prevent your nose from getting stuffy while you sleep, you can raise the pillow - no higher than 30º - and place a cushion under your neck. It is very important to learn how to make it easier for yourself to fall asleep: at the very beginning of pregnancy, only a blocked nostril creates discomfort, then the difficulties will increase - the enlarged uterus will interfere with sleep.

If strong odors do not irritate you, you can use aromatherapy for up to 5 weeks - spray essential oils of eucalyptus, tea tree, mint or lavender in the air. From the 5th week of pregnancy, only mint and lavender essential oils are used.

Another method that makes breathing easier is acupressure for a runny nose.

You need to massage active points in the following order:

  • depressions on the wings of the nose;
  • under the lower lip opposite each nostril;
  • tip of the nose;
  • bridge of the nose – soft stroking movements from top to bottom;
  • temples and dots in the inner corners of the eyes.
  1. Massage during pregnancy can be done for 10 minutes - no more.
  2. If these measures do not help and the condition worsens - the amount of discharge has increased and it has become thicker, the temperature has risen, we can conclude that rhinitis is caused by a cold and should be treated.
  3. Rhinitis of infectious etiology in early pregnancy is treated according to the following scheme:
  • if possible, bed rest and reduced exercise;
  • increasing the amount of warm liquid you drink - in the first trimester, negative changes in the urinary system rarely appear, but if they do appear, then the drinking regime is not expanded;
  • rinsing the nose with saline solutions - “Dolphin”, “Aquamaris”, “Aqualor” or a homemade composition - a tablespoon per 500 ml of water;
  • to increase immunity - Grippferon or Derinat drops;
  • to eliminate dryness and inflammation - Pinasol drops.

Vasoconstrictors can be used only symptomatically and only those prescribed by the doctor. Farmazolin, Nazivin or Euphorbium compositum are considered the most harmless for pregnant women.

Folk remedies for the treatment of runny nose during pregnancy should be used with caution:

  • milk with honey and butter, cranberry juice, rosehip – acceptable;
  • warming up the feet, inhalations, raspberry jam are prohibited: all these means increase the tone of the uterus, and the embryo that has not yet consolidated can be rejected.

Do you want drops according to traditional recipes?

During pregnancy, you can use beet and onion juices (diluted half with water), pure carrot juice, or a mixture of these juices. The drugs have not only anti-inflammatory, but also immune effects.

When treating allergic rhinitis, you should eliminate all possible allergens - odors and foods, use antihistamines prescribed by the doctor and use the same means to relieve congestion as when treating a physiological runny nose.

A runny nose during pregnancy in any trimester is treated only under the supervision of a doctor. Sometimes it is necessary to prescribe antibiotics or other inflammatory drugs, the risk of which can only be assessed by a doctor.

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.


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