
A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problems

A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problems

An adult snoring is, although an unpleasant phenomenon, but, by and large, quite common. Few of us are surprised if a fellow traveler on the train or a friend who came to visit for the night, after a certain amount of alcohol, snores profusely and persistently until the morning. But children's snoring is something completely incomprehensible. Therefore, parents who notice such a feature in their child often turn to the famous children's doctor and author of books on children's health, Evgeniy Komarovsky, who, in turn, tells what night snoring in a child can mean and whether it can be treated.

A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problems

Snoring occurs when there is a mechanical obstruction to the free circulation of air in the respiratory tract. During sleep, a person relaxes all his muscles, not only his arms and legs, but also small muscles – the palatine muscles. This partition, whose task is to prevent food from entering the respiratory organs, begins to vibrate in a relaxed state, and this sound is called snoring.

Evgeny Komarovsky notes that most often children snore for two reasons:

Accumulation of dried mucus in the respiratory tract.

There are other reasons, but they are much less common. Thus, snoring can be a consequence of a malocclusion; quite often children suffering from epilepsy, obesity (not overweight, but obesity), and children with certain pathologies of the respiratory organs snore in their sleep.

A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problems

Quite often, parents of infants complain that their child snores in their sleep. Komarovsky urges not to confuse snoring and snoring. Babies sniffle not because of illness, but because they have a certain physiological distinctive feature - the nasal passages are very narrow from birth. Such snoring is not a pathology and does not require treatment.

A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problems

However, it is necessary to help the child. Komarovsky advises creating sufficiently humidified air; if necessary, irrigating the nasopharynx with saline solutions.

If an older child snores, and he did not do this before, but at 2 or 3 years old he began to snore, you should start looking for the cause of the phenomenon by assessing the conditions in which the child sleeps.

If a child breathes dusty, dry air, they put him to sleep in a room where there are a lot of “dust collectors” - carpets, soft toys, books, if wet cleaning and ventilation are done not every day, but once a week, there is nothing surprising, according to Komarovsky, in no snoring.

In the respiratory tract, due to this microclimate, mucus dries out, which is produced by the body to protect against viruses and other harmful organisms. Dried mucus becomes a mechanical barrier to normal breathing at night during sleep.

When asked what to do, Komarovsky answers in some detail: ventilate, wash the floors more often and remove dust, remove all carpets, buy an air humidifier so that the child’s bedroom always has an air humidity of 50-70%, and an air temperature of no more 18-20 degrees. It makes sense to instill a saline solution into the nose, thus moisturizing the mucous membranes. For the same purpose, you need to give your child more to drink.

A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problems A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problems

Snoring can be a consequence of a sore throat; after this serious illness, swelling of the larynx persists for some time. This condition does not need correction, snoring will go away. Such a sound night effect is possible after any respiratory disease in which the respiratory organs were affected.

If a child snores at night and breathes through his mouth, and during the daytime there is also difficulty in nasal breathing, adenoids are likely - an overgrowth of the lymphoid tissue of the pharyngeal tonsil. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, depending on the stage and severity of the disease. In some cases, surgery is indicated.

If you have systematic snoring, you should definitely start your examination with a visit to an ENT doctor. In addition to adenoids, the doctor may detect other causes of snoring - a deviated nasal septum, polyps in the nasal passages, foreign small objects that the child could accidentally push into the nose or inhale, laryngitis or incipient bronchial asthma.

A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problems

When a child is obese, fat spreads not only to the subcutaneous space, but also to the tissues of the pharynx, which causes narrowing of the lumen and vibration during relaxation of the soft palate . This type of snoring can be treated by reducing the amount of food consumed, diet, exercise and active games. A nutritionist can help you lose excess weight.

A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problems A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problems

There are several types of malocclusion that can cause nighttime snoring. A pediatric orthodontist will help answer the question of why children snore in the absence of a runny nose.

Usually, if the lower jaw is poorly developed and displaced back, during sleep, when the muscles relax, the root of the tongue comes into contact with the uvula. The passage of air becomes difficult.

The orthodontist will decide what to do after examining the child’s jaw; usually such pathologies, identified at an early age, can be successfully corrected without surgical intervention.

If children's snoring is ignored and the true cause of the disorder is not looked for, the consequences can be unpleasant.

Dried mucus in the oropharynx can cause chronic respiratory diseases in children, and neglected adenoids are very difficult to treat.

Snoring can lead to short-term disturbances in pulmonary breathing and respiratory arrest. This medical condition is called “sleep apnea” and can be deadly. According to statistics, such a complication develops in only 2-3% of children suffering from night snoring, but this possibility cannot be ignored.

A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problems

Without exception, all children who snore sleep worse, and impaired sleep quality leads to nervous exhaustion, metabolic disorders and decreased concentration and learning ability.

Dr. Komarovsky will talk about the causes of children's snoring in the video below.


Causal factors for the development of snoring in an infant

Snoring is a manifestation of a dangerous syndrome – obstructive sleep apnea. This pathology poses a threat to the human body, because it constantly needs oxygen. When its quantity decreases, malfunctions in the functioning of all organs of the human body may occur.

A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problemsChildren's snoring is a cause for serious concern for parents

Snoring in children

Snoring is especially dangerous if it is a newborn child or infant.

The bodies of young children need a constant concentration of oxygen and nutrients in the blood, especially if the baby is only a few months old.

This is due to the fact that the child’s body has not yet fully adapted to the environment and even the slightest decrease in oxygen levels can lead to severe hypoxia. This is why it is dangerous when a child snores in his sleep.

Hypoxia in a child, especially a newborn, is more pronounced than in adults. It is expressed in the form of cyanosis of the skin, a loud sharp cry, disruption of the heart and brain.

The child's brain is the most sensitive to hypoxia. In the future, this can cause mental retardation, the appearance of cysts and cysts. These pathologies are difficult to treat and require significant financial resources. Instead of treating these diseases, it is easier to deal with snoring.

A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problemsBaby snoring causes brain hypoxia

Causes of snoring

There are quite a few reasons why snoring occurs during sleep. But the main factors in children are a runny nose, narrow nasal passages, and lack of teeth. These reasons can cause snoring outside of other pathologies and over time it will go away on its own.

If this is an infant, then a runny nose occurs regularly after crying or slight temperature changes. This is due to the fact that the nasal mucosa is not yet mature and swells easily. This swelling provokes the appearance of snot. They must be removed using special rubber bulbs.

Narrow nasal passages are an anatomical feature of a child. It is due to the fact that at the time of birth the facial part of the skull is still underdeveloped relative to the brain part. This is why babies have such small faces compared to the rest of their heads. Along with the facial part of the skull, the cartilage of the nose does not have time to mature. They reach normal size by the age of 3 years.

A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problemsSnoring in newborns may be a physiological feature and is associated with narrow nasal passages

The absence of teeth causes the tongue to droop towards the larynx. This narrows the airway, creating sleep snoring, which is why your baby snores. The problem goes away with the appearance of chewing posterior teeth, which provide fixation of the tongue.

There are also a number of pathological conditions that can cause snoring in young children. These include:

  • sinusitis or sinusitis;
  • deviated nasal septum;
  • adenoids;
  • nasopharyngitis.

A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problemsThe most common cause of childhood snoring is adenoiditis.

Diseases can cause swelling of the mucous membrane, narrow the airways and provoke a deviated nasal septum. It is very difficult to rid a baby of snoring, because due to age it becomes impossible to use many anti-snoring remedies. But still, if the baby snores, then you need to react immediately.

How to stop snoring in a baby

We need to find out why the baby snores in his sleep, so first you need to contact your local pediatrician. If you can establish the cause of snoring with your pediatrician, you can begin choosing treatment. If not, then you should contact an otolaryngologist.

The main way to treat snoring when the tongue is stuck is to use special nipples. They differ in that the tip has a special shape that puts pressure on the tongue. As a result, the tone of the tongue muscles increases. The tension that occurs as a result of the action of the nipple does not allow it to move towards the pharynx.

A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problemsWhen a runny nose occurs, it is necessary to regularly clear the nasal passages of accumulated mucus.

This method of treatment has one drawback - it is not recommended to use pacifiers when the front milk teeth have already appeared. This can lead to malocclusion and change the angle of growth of the molars.

It is necessary to regularly remove snot from a runny nose to ensure sufficient patency of the nasal passages. If this is not done, then snoring may worsen, because they will change from a mucous consistency to a denser one and will become more difficult to remove. In addition, this can lead to the development of sinusitis, sinusitis or a deviated nasal septum.

But if snoring in a baby’s sleep is caused by its curvature, then you should not immediately carry out an operation to straighten it. The child's skeletal system is not yet mature; he may simply outgrow this problem. Doctors do not recommend plastic surgery of the nasal septum if the child is under 14 years of age.

A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problemsIn some cases, limiting the amount of fluid consumed can help get rid of snoring.

If snoring is caused by swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx or larynx, then there are a number of simple measures that can help. Firstly, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fluid consumed by the child if there is an excess. This applies to children who, in addition to breast milk, already receive juices, water, and tea. Excess fluid does not benefit the body and this leads to swelling.

Secondly, you can give your child a regular pacifier. Swallowing movements will help reduce swelling. That is, muscle contraction will increase blood supply, lymph outflow from tissues and uniform distribution of interstitial fluid.

Prevention of snoring in children

It is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it. This is especially important if the child is an infant. Mothers need to adhere to a number of rules so that the child does not start snoring in his sleep:

  1. Prevention of nasal congestion.
    A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problems This can be helped by eliminating hypothermia, ensuring optimal air humidity in the room where the child is, and eliminating prolonged screaming. The complex of these measures reduces the likelihood of developing swelling of the nasal mucosa, nasopharynx and oropharynx; accordingly, snoring during sleep will not occur for this reason. Maintaining optimal air humidity helps reduce the risk of snoring
  2. The correct position of the child in sleep. Infants should sleep without a pillow, especially during the first few months. This ensures that the airways are in an anatomical position. It is also worth making sure that the child does not throw his head back while sleeping. This can lead to increased cervical lordosis and curvature of the larynx.
  3. Promote normal physical development.
    This includes gymnastics and strengthening massages. The normal physical development of a child helps strengthen the muscle corset, especially in the neck. It is necessary to place it on the baby’s tummy from the second month of life. Raising the head from this position ensures an increase in the strength of the neck muscles. Strengthening massages improve blood circulation not only to the muscles and skin, but also to the underlying organs.A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problems Thus, neck massage will increase blood flow to the larynx, reducing its swelling. Gymnastics and massage improve the child’s health and prevent snoring
  4. Timely introduction of complementary foods. By ensuring that the child’s body receives all the necessary nutrients, optimal tissue trophism can be achieved. A sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, micro and macroelements will ensure good metabolism and, accordingly, increase muscle tone and prevent the accumulation of lymph and tissue fluid in the neck.
  5. Regular visits to the pediatrician. It is necessary to visit your local doctor every month for an examination. This will allow timely detection of changes or occurrence of violations. Timely treatment will make it possible to quickly get rid of the problem of snoring during sleep.
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It is worth paying attention to whether the child snores in his sleep, especially if he is an infant. The very first thing to do is to find out why the child snores; there may be no reason to worry.

A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problemsScheduled visits to the doctor will help you not to miss the onset of a dangerous disease

Snoring is harmful to an adult's body, but it can be detrimental to a child. The consequences that can arise from snoring are very difficult to treat, and there are currently no medications that would not have a negative effect on the liver.

The following video will introduce you to the possible causes of child snoring:


Why does a baby snore: what to do if a newborn snores

For every new mother, the health of the baby is a cause for concern. When, instead of sweet snoring, you hear “heroic” snoring, you should not immediately sound the alarm; first you need to identify the causes of this phenomenon and understand in what cases the baby makes characteristic sounds.

If a newborn snores in the first days of life, this may be due to physiological reasons, for example, the narrowness of the nasal passage and the presence of mucus in it, which can be easily removed, thereby making breathing easier.

You should also understand the situation when the baby’s snoring indicates disorders in the body, and more serious measures will be required to eliminate them.

A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problems

Physiological causes of snoring

In order to correctly interpret the phenomenon of child snoring, it is necessary to observe how the baby behaves. If your baby snores from time to time, but other than that there are no other symptoms, there is no need to worry, the problem can be easily eliminated. Let's look at the most common and safe causes of snoring in newborns.

Vibration of the palate during inhalation

A physiological feature of most children in infancy is soft and mobile epiglottis. During inhalation, they are absorbed inside, which is why a characteristic sound is produced. In this case, you can prevent snoring by placing your baby on his side or tummy.

Thymus enlargement

In the body of every person there is a gland that is responsible for immunity - this is the thymus. A child under two years old may have a fairly large gland, and when the child sleeps on his back, it can put pressure on the trachea, causing snoring. With age, the manifestation that bothers you will disappear by itself, but before that you can fight it by changing the sleeping position of the baby.

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Narrow nasal passage

Newborn babies have a large chest and the nasal passages are very narrow. To fill it with oxygen, the baby needs to make a lot of effort.

Often this process is accompanied by loud snoring and grunting and is confused by a restless mother with snoring.

If during feeding the baby does not abandon the breast to catch his breath, there is no need to worry, everything is in order with the supply of oxygen, even if the baby snores in the process. It should be remembered that this is an age-related phenomenon and will pass over time.

Crusts in the nose

With insufficient and untimely hygiene of the nasal cavity, the baby snores due to the clogging of the nose with crusts, which make breathing difficult. You can relieve your child from sniffling by thoroughly cleaning the nose with a cotton swab lubricated with baby oil.


A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problems

Pathological causes of snoring

When an infant snores, it can be caused not only by physiological reasons. Infant snoring may indicate pathological conditions of the body and diseases.

  • Nasal congestion. A baby may snore with a cold or allergic rhinitis. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor so that he can identify the causes of the child’s runny nose and recommend remedies to get rid of it. The mother herself should not forget to carry out regular hygiene procedures for the baby’s nasal cavity: morning and evening, after bathing. By relieving your baby of nasal congestion, you will eliminate snoring.

Important! Do not treat your baby’s runny nose carelessly; the appearance of mucus in the nose can become a breeding ground for pathogens, which can later lead to the development of infectious diseases. Do not self-medicate; only a doctor can determine why a newborn baby snores at night and what type of rhinitis he has - allergic or viral.

  • Adenoids. Snoring can be caused by enlarged tonsils, which block the airways and prevent the child from breathing fully. In this case, difficulty breathing is accompanied by snoring, which comes from the nasopharynx.

A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problems

To understand why a child snores in his sleep and whether this is due to enlarged tonsils, you need to contact an ENT specialist, who will conduct an examination and prescribe treatment. Children with this pathology are prescribed drug therapy; if it does not give the desired effect, after one year of age it is recommended to resort to removal of enlarged adenoids.

  • Apnea. A disease characterized by temporary holding of breath during sleep can also cause snoring in a child. At such an early age, the muscles of the pharynx are weak enough to fully contract the walls of the airways. At the same time, the baby breathes unevenly, he often sighs and snores.

 Apnea is a very dangerous phenomenon; if you notice symptoms such as holding or stopping breathing in your child during sleep, immediately contact a specialist. The condition can be alleviated by taking medications and physical therapy.

  • Incorrect structure of the nasopharynx. The pathological phenomenon, as a rule, is congenital. In this case, the moving palate prevents the passage of air; due to the formation of too narrow a gap, it is difficult for the child to breathe, and he grunts in his sleep. The problem is solved exclusively by surgical methods, since the state of lack of oxygen is very dangerous for the child’s life.


A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problems

  • examination of the child: throat, nasopharynx, ears;
  • identifying additional symptoms other than snoring;
  • X-ray;
  • taking a nasal swab;
  • blood and urine tests.

After receiving the test results, the doctor can determine why the baby regularly snores. As procedures to prevent snoring, a specialist may recommend both conservative medicine methods and surgical intervention.

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In order to make your baby's breathing easier, it is recommended to follow these simple rules:

  1. The room in which a newborn baby sleeps should always be thoroughly cleaned and ventilated.
  2. A baby pillow should not be high, it should be flat and comfortable. A high feather bed causes the neck to bend, which causes snoring.
  3. Hygiene of the nasal cavity should be performed at least twice a day, this will prevent the nose from clogging with crusts and make breathing easier.

A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problems

It is very important to promptly identify the causes of snoring in a baby, because not only harmless physiological phenomena, but also quite serious pathological conditions and diseases can be to blame. Air deficiency does not have the best effect on the development of a child’s body, so if your baby snores, do not delay in seeing a doctor.


The baby snores in his sleep: treatment of snoring in newborns

Sniffling is normal in babies. If alarming symptoms appear (crying, sleep disturbances, bloating or diarrhea), you need to be wary. Have you noticed that your baby snores in his sleep? Watch him for a few days.  

In this article we will look at the causes and main symptoms of snoring in newborns in order to promptly begin treatment.

Symptoms of snoring in children

A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problems In most cases, sniffling goes away as you get older.

What to do if your newborn snores or grunts? It happens that the baby sleeps with his mouth open and snores. A symptom of a dangerous disease is the cessation of the respiratory act. As you inhale, you may notice that the baby is breathing unevenly.

Other symptoms:

  • frequent crying;
  • diarrhea;
  • bloating;
  • moodiness;
  • restless sleep;
  • runny nose;
  • heat;
  • stopping breathing.

If your newborn grunts or snores quietly for several days, there is no need to worry. Usually the sounds disappear after the first teeth appear. Also, in young children, this often indicates a lack of air in the room.

If one or more of the above symptoms appear, do not delay, but look for the reasons.

Causes of snoring in children

If you are concerned about the question of why a newborn snores, there may be several reasons. Typically, a baby makes such sounds during the deep phase of sleep. The condition is not a pathology and disappears on its own.

Respiratory problems are directly related to children's snoring. A newborn makes sounds due to mucus that has accumulated in the nose after suffering from viral diseases.

Video: Doctor Komarovsky - why a child sleeps poorly. 


If night snoring in a child is noted as an independent phenomenon, then there is no reason for concern. This indicates physiological changes that are easily reversible.

Healthy reasons:

  1. Soft and flexible larynx. In children, vibration of the upper palate is observed when inhaling, which is why a characteristic wheezing sound is heard.
  2. Enlarged thymus. Some children under two years old have an enlarged gland, which is responsible for immunity. When you sleep on your back, the thymus puts pressure on the trachea, which is why this syndrome occurs. Over time, the baby will outgrow this problem.
  3. Nasal passages, chest. It takes a lot of effort for a baby to fill the large chest with oxygen. The process is hampered by undeveloped and narrow nasal passages.
  4. Crusts in the nose. After suffering from viral diseases or as a result of insufficient hygiene, crusts appear, so breathing during sleep becomes difficult and night snoring occurs.
  5. Fatigue. After a long walk, a newborn may fall asleep and snore, which indicates fatigue.

Usually the disease disappears after some time and does not require medical intervention. Physiological reasons will not affect the child's health.

If your baby snores and there are no other symptoms, ventilate the room more often. The air should be clean, fresh and not dry.


Perhaps your infant snores due to body characteristics or the presence of diseases.

  1. Runny nose. Mucous secretions are an ideal environment for the development of infection. Only a doctor can determine the cause of a runny nose and eliminate it.
  2. Adenoids. Impaired nasal breathing leads to the baby beginning to breathe through the mouth. The adenoids may enlarge and block the flow of air through the nasal septum.
  3. Apnea. A dangerous disease that is accompanied by temporary holding of breath during sleep.
  4. Pathologies of the nasopharynx. If the reason lies in the structural features of the nasopharynx, then it is noticeable how much effort the baby makes while inhaling.

Another cause of snoring is obesity. Until six months, this phenomenon is not treated, but only observed. Excess weight at an early age can lead to constant snoring, disorders of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

Why is child snoring dangerous?

A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problems Snoring in infants can cause complications.

If you ignore dangerous symptoms, apnea will occur over time. It is accompanied by relaxation of the muscles that close the gap for air intake. Breathing simply stops, and oxygen does not enter the body for about a minute!

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When the baby resumes breathing, a sharp inhalation occurs. The baby may sob, sigh convulsively, or wake up crying. As a result, he does not get enough sleep, becomes moody and significantly lags behind in development. Obstructive apnea syndrome in its advanced form leads to vascular and metabolic disorders in the body.

Without proper treatment, snoring in an infant causes hypoxia (oxygen starvation). The disease is accompanied by disturbances in heartbeat and general well-being.


To find out why your baby snores in his sleep, don’t delay going to the hospital. The first thing to do is contact your pediatrician.


  • examination of the oral cavity, nasopharynx and ears;
  • identification of additional symptoms;
  • nasal swab;
  • X-ray;
  • urine and blood analysis.

To determine apnea in a baby, the doctor conducts an additional study - polysomnography. 

Based on the diagnostic results, the specialist will determine why the child often snores in his sleep. Maybe he's fine.

Features of treatment

A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problems If alarming symptoms occur, consult an otolaryngologist.

If an infant snores during sleep, treatment is prescribed after determining the cause. Fever, wheezing and shortness of breath are signs of serious disorders in the body. In this case, treatment only at home will not help.

After the examination, the doctor will advise the parents about medications, medications and physical therapy for the baby. In case of anatomical features, the doctor will take other measures. Such anomalies are removed through surgery.

Age-related features or nasal congestion do not require medical intervention. Clean your child's nasal passages yourself with a cotton swab moistened with baby cream. After this, the snoring should stop.

Prevention of children's snoring

If your baby does not snore in his sleep, then do not rush to relax. It is necessary to prevent the occurrence of the disease so that the baby sleeps and develops normally.

Preventive measures:

  • clean your nose with cotton swabs lubricated with cream;
  • monitor the air humidity in the room;
  • The head should lie flat so that there is no bending of the neck.

Place your baby on its side before going to bed. In this position, the baby is unlikely to snore.

An essential component of a good night's sleep is a crib. It should be comfortable, but not too soft. You can buy a positioner pillow that will fix the baby's body in a certain position.

Try to always monitor your baby's condition while sleeping. Regularly ventilate the room and monitor the hygiene of the baby, then he will grow up healthy and healthy.

Pay attention to the slightest changes in breathing during sleep. If it is accompanied by alarming symptoms, consult a doctor - protect your child from possible complications.

Video: Preventing snoring in children - how to clean their nose. 


Why does a child snore in his sleep - reasons and ways to eliminate them

When a child snores in his sleep, serenely stretched out on a pillow, it only causes tenderness. Concern arises when a baby snores. This phenomenon is not normal and requires clarification of the reasons. Before visiting the doctor, monitor how often your baby snores.

Assess the baby’s general well-being, his behavior during the day, listen to his breathing several nights, you can keep a notebook of the baby’s condition by day. If a child snores all the time in his sleep, only an experienced doctor can find the cause. To make it easier for the doctor to find the root cause, tell us in detail about your observations of the child, as well as the peculiarities of his health recently.

The sooner the source of the malaise is found, the more quickly it will be possible to overcome it, and the baby will sleep peacefully again.

The baby snores in his sleep due to airway obstructions that interfere with normal air circulation: adenoids, swollen uvula, softened sagging palate. The list of primary sources of snoring is not limited to this; we’ll talk about them further.

Causes of snoring in infants and older children

All adults are worried about why the child snores when he sleeps, hearing the characteristic sounds that he makes at night. If this happens constantly from birth, a common cause is malocclusion. Children with epilepsy also snore. Sometimes snoring is complicated by apnea, a phenomenon where breathing is held for 10 seconds or longer.

Don't ignore children's snoring. Its appearance should alert you, even if the child snores for just one night. In addition to health problems, this prevents the baby from getting enough sleep. This negatively affects his activity. A child who sleeps poorly may lag significantly behind his peers in development. There are many reasons why a baby snores.

Nasopharyngeal problems

If the baby has recently suffered from tonsillitis, the throat will swell for a while. As long as the swelling persists, the child will continue to snore. Even if the tonsils are slightly enlarged, the air passage narrows, disrupting air exchange.

Also, snoring in an infant is often observed due to problems with the tonsils. Adenoids can also be a source of snoring. The child practically does not breathe through his nose, there is no discharge.

The baby's mouth is always slightly open, and he only breathes this way, as he is unable to pass air through his nostrils.

Excess weight

Obesity should also be considered as a reason why a child snores. Fat enters the pharyngeal tissues, the respiratory lumen decreases, and it is more difficult for air to pass through them.

As a result, vibration of the tongue and the walls of the pharynx begins. You can cope with this with a proper diet, active games and regular exercise.

A nutrition program and sports activity should be developed by a doctor.


In the absence of visible reasons related to the child's health, the baby snores in his sleep - this also often happens. One of the likely causes is incorrect bite from birth.

When the lower jaw moves back, the uvula rubs against the lingual root. The passage of air flow is blocked.

When the airway is small, the air begins to flow faster, the tongue begins to twitch, and this causes the baby to snore.


The child makes sounds that differ from the usual snoring, reminiscent of throat gurgling while gargling. This is Rolandic epilepsy. As a rule, the problem goes away with age, but constant monitoring of the child’s condition and observation by a doctor is still required.

In addition to the above reasons, a child often snores due to congenital problems with the nasopharynx and other anatomical features. The baby will snore due to the presence of pathologies such as a deviated septum, a small size of the lower jaw, too narrow nasal passages or a prolapsing, excessively soft palate. All these anatomical problems can be corrected surgically.

A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problems

The result of snoring - how it affects your health

It is very easy to monitor whether your child snores. You need to wait until the baby falls asleep and listen to his breathing. If a newborn snores, his mouth usually immediately opens slightly, his head falls back, and his breathing is restless and intermittent.

Very often a child breathes loudly in his sleep. In the morning, the baby gets up poorly, constantly feels sleep-deprived, and his complexion becomes pale.

If a child snores heavily and this happens for a long time, various health problems may arise.

The first is a violation of the harmony of night rest. Sleep has two phases: fast and deep, this applies to both children and adults. They alternate in a certain order. When a baby snores, the harmony is disrupted. The baby takes a very long time to fall asleep and may wake up periodically at night, as a result he does not get enough sleep.

If you notice that a child snores through his nose or mouth during his sleep, check if he is choking or if there are short breathing delays. These signs may indicate the appearance of adenoids.

Night observation is not enough. It is also necessary to monitor how he behaves during the day. Due to poor sleep, the baby becomes irritable, lethargic, and sometimes even angry and aggressive.

The baby feels depressed, drowsy, and develops apathy. Children who snore also have attention problems. These signs are clearly visible in older children.

If we are talking about a baby, you may notice increased crying, a worse reaction to your actions and a decrease in concentration.

If a child snores heavily, this may negatively affect his overall development in the future. Snoring often causes hormonal imbalance. Due to constant fatigue, the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which help digest food, deteriorates. The result can be overweight and even obesity.

If you hear a child snoring, you must look for the reasons. If you do not pay attention to the problem in time, internal organs may suffer. You should consult a doctor immediately if your child has not recently suffered from any illness, but snores in his sleep. Babies often make snoring noises at night for a while after a cold, but they should stop soon.

A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problems

First aid for snoring after a cold

Before you find out why your child snores, you should not self-medicate, otherwise it can cause harm. However, if you know that the problem is caused by respiratory diseases, from which the nose is constantly blocked, you can provide first aid to your baby. In order to do this, there are several methods from traditional medicine:

  • Rinse with saline solution. The product is sold at the pharmacy, but it can be made at home, the effect will be the same. Add 1 tsp to a glass of warm water. salt and stir. The temperature of the solution should be comfortable for rinsing, because it needs to be poured deep into the nose. Place 4-5 drops of the mixture into each nostril. You shouldn’t blow your nose right away; you need to wait some time until the salt starts to take effect.
  • If the rinsing is successful, you can additionally use vasoconstrictor drops or anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • The regular pillow should be replaced with a special orthopedic one. It should be low, firm and elastic. You should not take a high pillow; it is not advisable to sleep on it even for children who do not suffer from snoring.
  • If your baby sleeps on his back and makes snoring sounds, you can gently turn him onto his side.
  • Before going to bed, you need to check the room thoroughly. You can put a humidifier or ionizer in the room and turn it on while you sleep. The essential oil of mint, anise or eucalyptus has a positive effect on the respiratory organs. They also promote sound and restful sleep for the baby. A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problems
  • Special aromatic patches can help normalize breathing. They are glued to the baby’s clothes, pillow or mattress. These products have undergone clinical trials that have shown their safety. The only limitation is that the patches can be used from 2 years of age. They are good for snoring that occurs after a cold or runny nose. They also strengthen the baby’s immunity.

The doctor will advise further steps to treat the baby after he finds out why the child snores through his nose or mouth.

Other ways to help your baby

Sometimes the problem may not be due to a cold at all. Scientists have developed special aerosols that will help cope with snoring. These products include MySleepGood and Snorex.

The drug "Snorex" based on phytocomponents was developed as a drug whose goal is to completely eliminate snoring. It is made in the form of a spray, its main component is natural ingredients in their original form.

This feature allows the medicine to be quickly absorbed in the baby’s body. Snorex is applied locally, so it acts immediately after application.

The main advantage of the medicine is its complete and deep effect on the nasopharynx and respiratory organs, which effectively eliminates the causes and symptoms of snoring.

MySleepGood aerosol also consists of natural ingredients. Its main effect is normalization of the functioning of the oropharynx and toning. Within a few uses, snoring is completely eliminated.

One dose of spray lasts throughout the night, ensuring restful sleep. The products are safe, environmentally friendly and effective. It affects the child immediately after use.

The aerosol can be used by both children and adults.

An effective remedy for reduced nasal passages from birth is the Anti-Snoring device. It is a silicone clip.

The product is considered reflexotherapeutic, as it affects the reflex areas in the area of ​​the nose and nasopharynx. The use of Anti-Snoring allows you to quickly get rid of the problem at night, and the child’s body falls into a healthy sleep.

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The average time to use Anti-Snoring is 2 weeks. There is a restriction: children under 2 years old cannot use the device.

You should not use any of these remedies without first consulting your doctor. If a child snores, the reasons should be found out first. Only after this can you be treated with special medications. The choice of medications depends on the original source of the problem.

Why does a child snore when he sleeps - Komarovsky.

Conclusions: prevention and treatment of the problem

Any snoring can be dangerous to your baby's health, even if it is quiet, audible from time to time, or manifests itself in the form of snoring. We are even talking about apnea. With oxygen starvation, normal cell development is impossible.

The longer you delay in finding out the causes and treating snoring, the more likely it is that problems with the child’s health will arise. You will probably have to visit several doctors and undergo a series of examinations.

Based on this, you can create a complete picture of the disease, reliably find out its causes and begin treatment.

All doctor's recommendations are mandatory. In addition, you should independently monitor the child’s lifestyle to prevent problems from arising.

It is required to regularly clean his room, ventilate it, and monitor the optimal humidity in the room. Your baby should sleep on the right pillow and comfortable bed.

This will help not only prevent snoring, but also teach your baby a healthy lifestyle.


Snoring in a child during sleep treatment

Domestic statistics are inexorable - approximately ten or even fifteen percent of children reaching the age of two to six years can snore during their sleep.

Most parents still do not understand whether this is normal or pathological and do not always begin the necessary treatment of the problem in a timely manner. So why does a child snore, what is the mechanism of its development and how can it be cured as quickly as possible?


At the immediate moment of inhalation by a child, air penetrates the baby’s mouth or nose, passes through the pharynx into the larynx, then enters the trachea and bronchi to the alveoli of the lungs, where, in fact, full gas exchange should occur. When the air in this process does not encounter the slightest obstacles in its path, the child’s breathing in sleep turns out to be completely silent.

However, when a narrowing of the airways occurs in one of the described sections, when the pharyngeal lumen narrows somewhat, and the walls of the pharynx actively touch or even hit each other, children’s snoring occurs. It is this type of vibration of the soft tissues of the pharynx (palate, palatine arches, uvula) or their beating against each other that ultimately produces the effect of snoring in a child.

So, you should remember if you suddenly notice that your baby (newborn, preschool or school age) is constantly snoring at night - this is definitely not the norm, and perhaps the condition already needs to be treated.

Situations are slightly less dangerous if severe snoring of a newborn (or just a small child under the age of 15) during sleep is associated with a cold. In such situations, it is clear that the problem is provoked by swelling of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, which can be quickly eliminated along with one or another cold, which requires urgent treatment.

With this type of snoring, not complicated by more serious diseases, air is able to enter the respiratory tract during each breath (albeit with some obstacles), as a result, the oxygen supply to the tissues of children's lungs is completely unimpaired. But, unfortunately, in two percent Children under the age of fifteen may develop completely different forms of snoring, complicated by other problems.

In such situations, children may snore quite heavily during sleep, which is periodically accompanied by short-term stops (holds) of breathing with a maximum duration of about ten seconds or more.

This condition is already considered a completely serious independent disease. This disease is called obstructive childhood sleep apnea syndrome, which requires adequate immediate treatment.

How dangerous is complicated snoring?

For both adults and children, sleep apnea syndrome is quite dangerous, which means it should be treated urgently. The main danger of uncomplicated snoring in children lies in the difficulty of recognizing it. Indeed, not a single mother is able to independently determine what kind of snoring her child is experiencing.

Only an experienced otolaryngologist can recognize childhood sleep apnea syndrome during a strictly special examination, the so-called polysomnography.

If the baby constantly snores at night, and there are obvious delays in the process of his breathing, the mother must understand that the situation is definitely very serious.

With such delays, the child’s brain tissue and the tissues of all his internal organs experience hypoxia - dangerous oxygen starvation, which means treatment of the problem must begin as quickly as possible.

As you understand, if the problem of snoring in children is ignored for a long time, sleep and rest may significantly deteriorate in young patients, and their general well-being may be upset.

Quite often, such children experience attention deficit disorder, apathy, or, conversely, hyperactivity and irritability; they may perform poorly in school. Such children may sooner or later begin to lag behind their peers in both mental and physical development.

Why does the described problem occur?

As it turns out, there are significantly fewer reasons why children may snore than adults. The main causes of children's snoring with their detailed descriptions will be presented in the table below.

Possible cause of the problem Detailed description

Colds of various types It is necessary to understand that elementary congestion of the nasal airways, difficulty in breathing through swollen parts of the pharynx due to an acute respiratory disease can be considered the most common possible cause of children’s snoring during sleep. In this case, most often, immediately after complete recovery, the child is able to sleep peacefully, without making any sounds.
Adenoiditis or tonsillitis It is in children under the age of fifteen that, due to regular hypothermia or infection with viral diseases, the adenoids and/or tonsils can grow noticeably, thereby complicating the breathing process. The problem can be so serious that children may even require surgical treatment. Among doctors, it is generally accepted that severely advanced adenoiditis or tonsillitis (when the tissues have grown too much) cannot be cured without surgery. But only an experienced specialist – an ENT doctor – can resolve such issues.
Allergic reactions Today, quite often our children encounter various kinds of allergic reactions, which, in addition to rash or itching, can be manifested by swelling of the tissues of the pharynx. In such a situation, the problem should be resolved by an allergist.
Some structural features or anomalies of the nasopharynx It must be said that there are certain congenital causes of snoring that cannot be cured on your own. We are talking primarily about:

  • Nasal passages or airways that are too narrow.
  • Curvature (to varying degrees) of the nasal septum.
  • Bite anomalies.
Overweight Unfortunately, not only adults, but also children are susceptible to obesity. The problem is that with this disease, fat begins to be deposited in all parts of the child’s body, and this can lead directly to a narrowing of the airways.

How can I get rid of this problem?

Since the child’s body is significantly different from the adult’s body, since the causes of the disease in children are somewhat different, it is logical to assume that snoring in children should be treated differently.

For the successful treatment of uncomplicated snoring in children, there are several fairly simple and understandable techniques, which we present below:

  1. For example, if snoring occurs due to a cold, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the nasal passages or (if the child is large enough and knows how to do this) gargle with saline solution. You can buy saline or saline solution at the pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself.

    To do this, you will have to take one teaspoon of purified (without additives) sea salt per liter of boiled water. You can rinse your nose or throat up to five times a day, be sure to do this the last time just before going to bed. In general, in order to successfully treat snoring in such a situation, first of all, you will have to cure the cold.

  2. To improve the breathing process and to generally strengthen the body, it is advisable to drink specially prepared warm tea with the addition of rose hips as often as possible.

    To prepare such tea, you will need to grind about four tablespoons of dried rose hips, pour one liter of boiling water over them, and then leave for about half an hour.

    Then the tea will have to be strained, after which it can be given to the child literally throughout the day. You can also prepare a special herbal mixture with rose hips, blackberry leaves, chamomile flowers, and nettle root.

    To prepare such an infusion, you will have to take exactly fifty grams of each of the described ingredients. Then, three tablespoons of the prepared mixture will need to be poured with one liter of boiling water as hot as possible, let it brew for half an hour, and then strain and give to the baby to drink as a compote.

  3. If the problem is associated with the child's excess weight, an adequate diet should be followed for at least three or even four weeks.

    It is urgently necessary to try to reduce the consumption of baked goods, wheat, and fatty dairy products, at the same time, it is advisable to add more cereals or fresh vegetables to the diet. Food products such as eggs, fruits or berries, nuts, provided that there is no allergy to them, are completely allowed to be included in the diet.

Unfortunately, it will be much more difficult to cure complicated snoring in children. This may even require surgery. But such issues will definitely have to be resolved only with a qualified doctor.

A child snores in his sleep: causes, mechanism of development and differences from snoring

Parents almost immediately notice if a child snores during sleep, but if the symptom is mild, they are in no hurry to seek help from a pediatrician. This negatively affects the baby’s health, since snoring can be caused by a progressive disease of the ENT organs or respiratory system.

Snoring and snoring - what's the difference? Sniffling is a soft sound caused by narrowing of the upper airways. One of the most common causes of sniffling in childhood is insufficient air humidification in the room where the child sleeps, especially during the heating season.

The mucous membrane dries out and crusts begin to form, making nasal breathing difficult. Snoring develops as a result of microvibrations of the soft tissues of the nasopharynx and oropharynx, narrowing of the lumen of the lower respiratory tract, as well as pathological formations on the wall of the larynx. Snoring occurs during deep breathing at night, and in uncomplicated cases it becomes the first sign of an incipient cold.

Causes of snoring that are not dangerous and can be easily eliminated include colds caused by acute respiratory viral infection and allergic diseases of the nasopharynx. Snot that accumulates on the nasal mucosa due to the small diameter of the nasal passages interferes with normal breathing during sleep.

A child snores in his sleep as a newborn and in infancy due to the constant position on his back; in addition to snoring, snot provokes coughing during the night. This is due to the flow of mucus into the larynx, bronchi and trachea, which can provoke the transition of the disease to the phase of bacterial infection.

Causes of snoring in infants and older children, in addition to colds and allergies, include:

  • deviated nasal septum;
  • nasal tract polyps;
  • sagging of the soft tissues of the palate;
  • hyperplasia of adenoids, tonsils, uvula;
  • foreign objects of the nasal concha;
  • cysts, tumors of the oropharynx;
  • bronchial asthma;


A baby snores in his sleep: how to eliminate breathing problems Link to main publication
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