
Why does a child have clean lungs but still have a cough and what to do?

A debilitating cough brings discomfort to both the child and his parents. This symptom occurs in a variety of diseases. With the complaint that the lungs are clean, but a small child has a cough, they often go to the doctor.

Some parents are sure that this does not indicate any violation. However, it is not. Even with clear lungs, a cough can signal the presence of a disease. Some illnesses may require immediate treatment.

That is why, if unwanted symptoms appear, you should seek help from a doctor.

Why does a child have clean lungs but still have a cough and what to do?A cough may indicate illness even with clean lungs.

Causes of cough

A child's cough most often indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. A pure pulmonary section is observed when the disease occurs in the upper parts of the respiratory system. This happens often. Clear lungs when coughing may indicate the presence of various diseases. The following diseases can be diagnosed:

  • viral rhinitis;
  • an allergic reaction to something;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis.

These are the main diseases in which the cough does not go away for a month or more, but the baby’s lungs are clean. Preschool children who attend kindergarten are most susceptible to viral rhinitis. When the disease appears, the baby begins to actively sneeze.

Then there is a discharge of clear liquid from the nasal cavity. The nose turns red. The throat begins to dry out and hurt, the child coughs. During examination, the specialist will not hear wheezing sounds in the lungs.

A child with rhinitis coughs because secretions flow down the back of the nasal cavity.

Why does a child have clean lungs but still have a cough and what to do?The appearance of a cough may be due to inflammation of the pharynx or larynx

A child's cough with clear lungs may not go away for a month or more if there is an allergic reaction. Typically, this disorder manifests itself in those children who live in large cities with heavily polluted ecology. The allergen may be:

  • dust;
  • pet fur;
  • plant pollen;
  • medications;
  • chemical substances;
  • household chemicals.

If a child has had unwanted symptoms for a month or more, it is likely that the allergen is in the house where the baby lives. Do not delay treatment. In some cases, an allergic reaction can result in an inflammatory process in the bronchi.

Why does a child have clean lungs but still have a cough and what to do?The lungs remain clean, but a cough appears - this phenomenon is typical if the child is allergic to something

With pharyngitis, the inflammatory process occurs directly in the child’s throat. This disease is often confused with tonsillitis. However, any doctor can easily determine what disease the baby has.

It is worth noting that with clean lungs and a cough, the baby does not wheeze. This is due to the fact that the inflammatory process occurs in the upper parts of the respiratory system.

Parents often mistake physiological coughing for pathological coughing. In the first case, the symptom is not a disorder. Each person coughs up to 17-22 times daily. At the same time, the lungs are absolutely clean, and there are no disturbances in the body.

Whooping cough as a cause

Whooping cough is a disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. In an uncomplicated form of the disease, the child’s lungs are clean, but there is a strong cough.

Whooping cough is an infectious disease caused by the whooping cough bacillus. To prevent it from causing serious complications, it is necessary to start treatment as early as possible.

Whooping cough is especially dangerous for preschool children.

Why does a child have clean lungs but still have a cough and what to do?With whooping cough, the child experiences a sore throat with severe coughing attacks

Whooping cough can be transmitted from a person who is in the early stages of the disease. The incubation period is approximately two weeks. In some cases it may take a month. At the initial stage of the disease, passing symptoms are observed.

The child periodically simply coughs and does not complain of significant deterioration in his condition. After a short amount of time, a sore throat begins to appear. The cough gradually gets worse. It is difficult for the child to cough up the mucus that has formed. Night attacks may occur.

In this case, the cough prevents the child from sleeping fully.

Gradually the little patient's condition worsens. The cough is paroxysmal. The attacks always end in vomiting. The child complains of the following symptoms:

  • prostration;
  • apathy;
  • anxiety;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • refusal to eat;
  • paroxysmal cough that does not go away for about 5 minutes.

Why does a child have clean lungs but still have a cough and what to do?Because of whooping cough, the child gets tired quickly and may lose appetite

With clean lungs, a child can have up to 20 attacks per day. In a complicated form of the disease, their number can reach up to 50. The condition of the little patient worsens significantly. This is due to the fact that his debilitating cough causes insomnia. The child cries constantly. The following symptoms may occur:

  • swollen area around the eyes;
  • swelling of the face;
  • bleeding from the nasal cavity;
  • fainting and loss of consciousness;
  • frequent sneezing.

After about a month, the condition may improve slightly. However, the cough does not go away. With clean lungs, body temperature does not rise. An increase in indicators is possible only with a complicated form.

Why does a child have clean lungs but still have a cough and what to do?The appearance of swelling on the face is one of the complications of whooping cough

The disease can only be diagnosed by a blood test.

Highly toxic medications may be prescribed to treat whooping cough. Without treatment, the infection spreads to the bronchi. In this case, there is a significant increase in temperature and difficulty breathing.

With complications of the disease, the child may experience seizures. Brain hemorrhages are possible. With such complications, changes in the lungs are observed.

Cough in newborns

Children under one year of age are susceptible to various diseases. Parents worry when the baby has any undesirable symptom. Often infants have a cough despite clear lungs. This sign can appear for various reasons. Usually it does not indicate the presence of any violation.

Why does a child have clean lungs but still have a cough and what to do?Cough occurs when foreign objects enter a child's throat

A baby needs a cough to clear the airways. This is a protective reaction of the body.

The cough may come on suddenly and not go away for a long period of time. In most cases, this indicates that there is a foreign object in the respiratory system. In order for the cough to go away, you need to take it out. If necessary, call an ambulance.

Often, cough in newborns does not indicate any pathology. It's possible:

  • when dust gets into the child’s respiratory system;
  • with a large amount of discharge in the nasal passages;
  • with excessive salivation.

Often newborns cough in the morning. At the same time, the baby's lungs are clean. This is the norm. The symptom goes away on its own.

Why does a child have clean lungs but still have a cough and what to do?Cough is also a reaction to dust

Cough therapy

Treatment for coughing with clear lungs is prescribed depending on many individual characteristics. Physiological cough is considered normal and does not require therapy. In the presence of pharyngitis, laryngitis or rhinitis, as a rule, the child is prescribed antibacterial drugs. The most popular of them:

  • Augmentin;
  • Cefodox;
  • Amoxil;
  • Framycetin.

Under no circumstances should you rely on your knowledge and independently choose a medicine to treat your baby. Otherwise, the use of medications can result in serious complications.

At an early stage of the disease, you can do without antibacterial drugs. It is worth noting that such drugs significantly reduce the body's protective functions. That is why, after a full recovery, parents should pay attention to restoring the baby’s condition.

For this purpose, vitamin and mineral complexes can be prescribed.

Why does a child have clean lungs but still have a cough and what to do?Self-selection of drugs for the treatment of cough in a child can cause various complications.

At an early stage of the disease, treatment consists of:

  • rinsing the nasal cavity;
  • gargling;
  • the use of decoctions and tinctures from natural ingredients.

Some natural ingredients can cause individual intolerance. In this case, the baby's condition will worsen.

Cough with clear lungs is often present in children. This phenomenon may signal the presence of various diseases of the upper respiratory tract. However, in some cases, such coughing is normal. Antibacterial drugs are used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases. After using them, you will need to restore the body's immune system.

Cough medicines will be discussed in the video:


Severe cough in a child: what to do, 9 causes of cough, how to treat it - advice from a pediatrician

Article last updated: 03/28/2018

Although a cough may seem terrible, it is not usually a sign of a serious condition. Coughing is a technique that the body uses to keep the airways clear, rid the nasal cavity of mucus or the throat of phlegm. It is also a method of protection when a piece of food or other foreign body gets stuck.

Child's cough

There are two types of cough - productive (wet) and non-productive (dry).

Children under 4 months of age do not cough much. Therefore, if a newborn coughs, it is serious. If a child is coughing just terribly, this may be a manifestation of infection with respiratory syncytial virus.

This infection is extremely dangerous for babies. When a child is older than 1 year, coughing becomes less of a cause of concern. And often it is nothing more than a cold.

But sometimes a child’s severe cough is a reason to visit the doctor. Understanding what the different types of cough mean will help you know when to see a doctor and how to treat a cough in your baby.

Its main cause is inflammation and mucus production in the upper respiratory tract. At night, a cough occurs because mucus drains down the back of the throat. A productive cough also clears mucus from the lungs during pneumonia or bronchitis.

Why does a child have clean lungs but still have a cough and what to do?Peculiarities

A wet cough is an effective way to rid a child’s body of unnecessary fluids in the respiratory system. When an infant's cough is the result of a bacterial infection, the mucus and sputum produced will contain bacteria, which the pediatrician can detect through culture.

Older children may spit out the mucus. Younger children tend to swallow it. As a result, babies with a wet cough may also develop an upset stomach. The upside to this is that anything ingested will eventually leave the body through stool or vomit.

Dry and raspy cough

A dry cough is a cough in which no mucus or phlegm is produced. The cough reflex is provoked by irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

In addition to removing irritants, coughing also removes mucus. If mucus is produced in negligible quantities, this, accordingly, leads to the development of a dry cough.

If there is little sputum, the cough will be unproductive.

Even if the cough is dry, mucus and phlegm are still present in the lungs or airways. Most likely, their number is so small that they cannot expectorate when coughing.

Typically, the cough may begin as a nonproductive cough (dry cough). Over time, it turns into a productive (wet) cough.

In addition to certain infections, any irritation of the airways due to allergies, air pollution, cigarette smoking, and exposure to certain medications can lead to a dry cough.

Inflammation in the upper respiratory tract is almost always accompanied by a dry cough. However, if the infection spreads lower to the bronchi and lungs, or mucus leaks, a nonproductive cough can become productive.

Why does a child have clean lungs but still have a cough and what to do?

False croup with stenosing laryngotracheitis

The hallmark of croup is a deep cough that sounds like barking and is worse at night. The baby's voice is hoarse. The patient's breathing during sleep is accompanied by a high-pitched and whistling sound (stridor).

This condition requires immediate medical attention.

Parents of a child who is allergic to cat hair, dust, or other elements in their environment may feel like they have a cold that will never go away.

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Allergies can cause nasal congestion or a runny nose with clear mucus, as well as a cough due to constant drainage. Children with asthma also cough often, especially at night.

When a child has asthma, he or she experiences attacks of wheezing. Exposure to cold in a person with bronchial asthma can also cause coughing.

If your baby starts coughing after running (exercise-induced asthma), this is another symptom in favor of asthma as the cause of the cough.

Why does a child have clean lungs but still have a cough and what to do?

Pneumonia or bronchitis

Many cases of pneumonia, an infection in the lungs, begin as a cold. If your child has a cold that gets worse—a persistent cough, difficulty breathing, fever, body aches, chills—call a doctor. Bacterial pneumonia often causes a wet cough, while viral pneumonia causes a dry cough.

Bronchitis occurs when the structures that carry air into the lungs become inflamed. This often occurs during or after a cold and flu. Bronchitis causes a persistent cough for several weeks.

When a child has bacterial pneumonia or bronchitis, they will need an antibiotic to treat the infection and cough.

When a child has a cough and runny nose that lasts more than ten days without signs of improvement, and your doctor has ruled out pneumonia and bronchitis, sinusitis can be suspected in the baby.

Why does a child have clean lungs but still have a cough and what to do?

If the doctor determines that the child has sinusitis, he will prescribe an antibiotic. The cough should stop once your sinuses are clear again.

Foreign bodies in the respiratory tract

A cough that lasts two weeks or more without other signs of illness (eg, runny nose, fever, lethargy) or allergies is often a sign that a child has a foreign object stuck.

It gets into the throat or lungs. This situation is more common among young children who are very mobile, have access to small objects and like to put everything in their mouth.

In most cases, it is immediately clear from the child that he has inhaled some object - the baby will begin to choke. At this moment, it is vital for parents not to become confused and provide first aid.

May cause convulsive cough. A child with whooping cough will usually cough nonstop for 20 to 30 seconds and then struggle to catch their breath before another coughing fit begins.

Signs of a cold, such as sneezing, runny nose and weak cough, make themselves felt within two weeks before the onset of more severe coughing attacks.

In this situation, call your doctor immediately. Whooping cough can be severe, especially in children under 1 year of age.

Read a detailed article by a pediatrician about the causes, symptoms and methods of treating a disease such as whooping cough in children.

Cystic fibrosis affects approximately 1 in 3,000 children, and a persistent cough with thick yellow or green mucus is one of the most obvious signs that a child may have inherited the disease.

Other signs include recurrent infections (pneumonia and sinusitis), poor weight gain, and a bluish tint to the skin.

Environmental irritants

Gases from the environment, such as cigarette smoke, combustion products and industrial emissions, irritate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and cause the child to cough. It is necessary to immediately determine the cause and, if possible, eliminate it.

Visit to the doctor

Why does a child have clean lungs but still have a cough and what to do?

Seek medical help if:

  • the child has trouble breathing or strains too hard to breathe;
  •  rapid breathing;
  • bluish or darkish color of the nasolabial triangle, lips and tongue;
  • heat. You need to pay special attention to it when there is a cough, but no runny nose or nasal congestion;
  • an infant under three months has a fever and cough;
  • an infant under three months of age experiences wheezing for several hours after a coughing attack;
  • when coughing, sputum with blood comes out;
  • wheezing when exhaling, heard at a distance;
  • the baby is weak, capricious or irritable;
  • the child has a concomitant chronic disease (heart or lung disease);
  • dehydration.

Signs of dehydration include:

  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • little or no saliva;
  • dry lips;
  • sunken eyes;
  • crying with little or no tears;
  • infrequent urination.

Cough examination

Typically, children with a cough do not need extensive additional testing.

Usually, the doctor, having carefully studied the medical history and other symptoms, can already find out what is causing the cough when examining the child.

Auscultation is one of the best methods for diagnosing the causes of cough. Knowing what a cough sounds like will help the doctor decide how to treat your child.

  • The doctor may order a chest x-ray if the child has suspected pneumonia or to rule out a foreign body in the lungs.
  • A blood test will help determine if a serious infection is present.
  • Depending on the cause, the doctor will tell you how to treat a cough in an infant.

How to treat a cough?

Because wet coughs serve an important function in children—helping their airways clear out waste materials—parents should try to help wet coughs achieve their goal.

Why does a child have clean lungs but still have a cough and what to do?

How to remove phlegm from a baby?

  • To do this, you need to make sure that the child drinks a lot of liquid, which will not irritate his throat even more. For example, apple juice or warm broth. You can also give honey to your child over 2 years of age as a natural cough medicine. Naturally, in the absence of an allergy to it.

However, if your baby's condition worsens or his wet cough continues for more than two weeks, you should consult a healthcare professional to review treatment;

  • If the development of cough is triggered by an allergen, the doctor prescribes antihistamines. If the cause is a bacterial infection - antibiotics;
  • If your child's doctor suspects a foreign body is causing the cough, he will order a chest x-ray. If a foreign object is found in the lungs, the object must be surgically removed;
  • if the patient's condition worsens, it may be necessary to use a bronchodilator through a nebulizer (a more advanced version of the inhaler). This will make the patient's breathing easier by dilating the bronchioles.

Treatment of cough in newborns takes place only under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Treating a cough in a baby at home involves several steps:

  1. Why does a child have clean lungs but still have a cough and what to do?If your child has asthma, it is important to have a treatment plan developed by your doctor. It includes basic therapy, which is carried out constantly, and medications in case of an attack.
  2. If you have a barking, “croupy” cough, turn on the hot water and let the steam fill the entire space of the bathroom. Stay there with your child for 20 minutes. The steam will help your baby breathe easier.
  3. Sometimes short exposure to cold air will help relieve a cough. Make sure to dress your child for the weather.
  4. Do not give cough medicine to a child, especially a newborn or infant, without first consulting a doctor.
  5. Keep your child's head elevated while sleeping to reduce coughing at night. A quick and effective way to do this is to place a pillow under the mattress on the head side, which will slightly elevate the baby and will not move or dislodge during the night.
  6. A humidifier in the room will prevent your child's mucous membranes from drying out and causing an irritating cough.

Some illnesses and coughs in infants are accompanied by mild fever (up to 38°C).

In these cases, follow these steps:

  1. Children under 1 month. Call your pediatrician. Fever is not normal.
  2. Infant up to 3 months. Consult your doctor for advice.
  3. Infants 3 - 6 months. Give Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. If necessary - every 4 - 6 hours. Follow dosage directions carefully and use the syringe that comes in the package with the medicine, not a homemade spoon.
  4. Infants 6 months and older. To reduce the temperature, use Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.

Do not give both drugs at full age dosage at the same time. This may cause accidental overdose.

Thus, if parents know why their child coughs and how to treat a severe cough, various unpleasant consequences of this symptom can be avoided.


Coughing in a child: causes and treatment

Parents are afraid of the manifestations of an acute cough and do not pay attention to its mild form. But coughing in a child speaks both of enlarged adenoids or pharyngitis, and indicates more serious illnesses.

Although, enlarged adenoids in itself are unpleasant, since children with this diagnosis are much more likely to suffer from colds. If the cough is even mild, but persistent, the child must be examined by an otolaryngologist.

Causes of coughing in a child

Among the most likely reasons are the following:

1. As a result of rhinitis, sinusitis or sinusitis, postnasal drip occurs, in which nasal discharge flows onto the back of the pharynx. Because of this, irritation of the mucous membrane occurs, which causes a constant dry cough. In addition, vasoconstrictors and antihistamines can irritate the mucous membrane.

Why does a child have clean lungs but still have a cough and what to do?

2. A common cause of coughing is heartburn, called gastroesophageal reflux. The contents of the stomach enter the oral cavity through the esophagus and irritate the mucous membrane of the larynx. A sore throat appears, which causes coughing without cold symptoms.

3. If a dry cough constantly haunts a child for a long time, then there is a high probability of allergic reactions. Moreover, measures aimed at treating colds do not give positive results.

The allergy occurs suddenly; at the initial stage, the child has a cough and a stuffy nose. Active sneezing begins, and tears flow from the eyes.

Later, the condition worsens, a serious disruption of the respiratory system occurs, although there are no inflammatory processes in the throat.

Why does a child have clean lungs but still have a cough and what to do?

4. A mild cough may occur due to cardiovascular diseases, with the development of respiratory failure and pulmonary edema.

5. Enlarged lymph nodes compress the trachea or bronchi, causing constant coughing. At the same time, the respiratory organs themselves are in normal condition.

Constant coughing in a child

  • In addition to the main reasons associated with various pathologies, a child can constantly cough without painful deviations.
  • Causes of a mild cough in a child in normal health:
  • The first is physiology - when a reflex clearing of the respiratory tract from mucus and other foreign substances occurs.
  • Irritants in the respiratory tract. This applies to the trachea or larynx, where food particles and dust more often enter. The cough continues until the airways clear.
  • Foreign bodies often get into the bronchi when small children put all sorts of small objects into their mouths. Ultimately, they enter the respiratory tract, causing a sudden cough without any health problems.

Dry cough in a child

Reasons that cause a dry cough in a child:

  • Respiratory viral infections that, penetrating the respiratory tract, lead to inflammation and death of epithelial cells. Because of this, sensitive cough receptors are stimulated.


What to do if your child’s cough won’t stop

Coughing in children may signal the onset of a serious illness or be a normal physiological response to an irritant. It is important to recognize the symptoms that appear early and understand the source of this phenomenon.

A constant cough in a child should alert parents, as it sometimes occurs against the background of severe pathologies. If the doctor reassures that there is no problem, then the child’s body will quickly cope with the obstacle without additional measures.

Why does a child cough?

The causes of cough in children are different: viral infections, foreign body entry, allergies, mucus accumulated in the throat after a night's rest. A dry cough often indicates the initial stage of ARVI. After 2-3 days, the cough becomes wet and sputum begins to be discharged.

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But symptoms can also be caused by dangerous conditions, such as bronchial asthma or pulmonary obstruction. If a child constantly coughs, you should definitely consult a doctor who will help you figure out whether this condition is normal or whether the little patient is in serious danger.

Physiological reasons

Constant coughing in a child, caused by natural processes in the body, manifests itself without signs of a cold. It is caused by the following reasons:

  • the flow of mucus down the back wall of the throat from the nasal cavity, when the patient cannot, due to age, or does not want (he is in class during lessons, for example) to blow his nose;
  • foreign body entering the throat (usually a food particle);
  • being in an area where gas, smoke, harmful chemicals are distributed - they penetrate the respiratory tract through the air;
  • sore nose (pollen, pepper, poplar fluff).

After eliminating the obstacle, the cough stops, and the baby immediately feels better. There are no painful attacks, no shortness of breath, no fever. After the threat has passed, the body no longer needs protection to protect against a possible threat to life.

Allergic bronchitis

An allergic cough is a manifestation of individual intolerance to a certain substance. Irritation of the cough center can lead to constant coughing, in which watery and transparent discharge appears from the nasal cavity, and tearing is noted. The eyes turn red, the nose itches - and this is just the beginning.

If allergens are not eliminated, the patient's condition continues to worsen. Adults should know what substance the child is allergic to, and a physician will help them with this. He will determine the irritant through special tests and prescribe antihistamines that eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Inflammation of the respiratory system

Against the background of lung diseases, a constant cough appears, which may be accompanied by difficulty breathing. Very dangerous symptoms are the appearance of blood or pus in the sputum, hissing and wheezing, fever, shortness of breath.

If it is a viral infection, then complete recovery occurs in 1-2 weeks, but with complications, the cough may not stop for up to 3 months or more.

It is necessary to accurately establish the causes of cough in children in order to differentiate the symptoms.

Possible inflammatory diseases:

  • diseases of the bronchial tree - bronchitis, obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma, pneumonia;
  • chronic diseases of viral etiology - lung tissue is affected by herpetic, retroviral, adenoviral infections;
  • upper respiratory tract diseases – sinusitis, streptococcal tonsillitis, pharyngitis.

With ARVI, the patient suffers from attacks of dry cough in the first few days. After 2-3 days, exudate forms in the lungs, and coughing speeds up the healing process. In this way, the body cleanses the lungs of sputum, which contains a huge amount of non-viable pathogens and leukocytes.

A sore throat after an acute respiratory viral infection with a wet cough goes away in about 1 week. This is provided that the treatment was organized correctly and the parents strictly followed the doctor’s recommendations. Otherwise, the infectious agents remain in the body and, when the immune system is weakened, appear with renewed vigor.

Nervous cough

In children with an unstable psyche, whose life is full of stress, constant coughing manifests itself as a defensive reaction against a background of fear and anxiety. A child coughs when he tries to “disguise” the feeling of a trick, the fear of physical pain, or distrust of people.

It’s as if he creates a curtain that prevents a stranger from penetrating his soul, recognizing his weaknesses, feeling his cowardice. On the other hand, this gives him the opportunity to postpone the terrible moment, retreat and “hide” for a while.

Young children do not yet realize all this, but if they are constantly punished, then, like older children, they “hide” behind a cough from their fears.

Gastrointestinal diseases

A child may cough due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • gastritis;
  • reflux esophagitis.

The muscle that closes the esophagus near the stomach (sphincter) prevents the contents of the stomach sac from flowing back into the esophagus.

If this happens (the stomach is full, the sphincter is weakened, gas formation begins), the food bolus along with hydrochloric acid is thrown out in portions into the esophagus, causing a strong burning sensation.

Heartburn can last for a few minutes or for hours. If the acid reaches the throat, a tickling sensation appears, and then coughing begins.

Heart problems

A periodic cough in a child may occur against the background of heart disease. When the heart malfunctions, the ventricles do not function properly. The right one fills the lungs with blood, but the left one pumps it out poorly.

The lung tissue swells - oxygen starvation begins. Against the background of hypoxia, the child feels a lack of air. He coughs to clear the obstacle. These attempts lead to nothing.

If parents do not realize it in time and consult a doctor, something irreparable can happen.

Other reasons

As when a foreign body enters the respiratory tract, a child coughs continuously with measles and whooping cough. If you have not been vaccinated against these diseases, a person can become infected with a serious illness at any time.

Why does a child have clean lungs but still have a cough and what to do?In the case when parents notice a cough in a child that does not stop for several days and appears more than 10-15 times a day, it is necessary to take a close look at the baby.

Infections are accompanied by skin rashes, fever, and difficulty swallowing. The diseases are insidious because at the initial stage they are disguised as ARVI, and they are difficult to recognize. At the final stage, if not treated in a timely manner, these infections can lead to disability and even death.


At the first appointment, the doctor will carefully examine the child and listen to the chest with a stethoscope. To accurately establish the causes of a child’s persistent cough, additional types of examination are prescribed:

  • examination of nasopharyngeal cultures;
  • tuberculin test;
  • blood analysis;
  • radiography, CT, MRI.

The work of a specialist is complicated by the fact that coughing is possible due to various diseases. The procedures sometimes take several days, and the pathology continues to worsen during this time.

What to do if your child is constantly coughing

Cough treatment is carried out in a complex, so several procedures are carried out on one day. If a child begins to cough, he is prescribed medications for oral administration and external rubbing or compresses.

Drug therapy

To remove a dry cough during a cold and turn it into a wet one, the doctor prescribes expectorants:

  • Bronchicum;
  • Codelac Broncho.

Bronchicum reduces the viscosity of sputum and accelerates the process of its elimination. Doctors prescribe lozenges or syrup depending on age. Children under 2 years of age are prescribed 0.5 tsp. syrup three times a day, up to 12 years - 1 tsp. 2-3 times during the day. Lozenges are taken in the age period of 6-12 years, 1 piece 3 times a day, from 12 years old you can give 2 lozenges 3 times a day.

Codelac Broncho, in addition to chemical components, contains natural herbal extracts: thyme, licorice root. The drug is effective for a prolonged cough in a child. It speeds up recovery and promotes rapid removal of sputum. Has antibacterial and antiviral effects. For children, the release form used is syrup. It is given to children starting from 2 years old, 100 ml 3 times a day.

A dry cough can be treated with antitussive medications (Sinekod, Codelac), but only as prescribed by a doctor. Self-administration of these drugs, especially by young patients, is prohibited.


Inhalations are used to moisturize the mucous membranes and relieve a sore throat. Children really do not like such procedures, but even a few minutes of such treatment are enough to stop continuous coughing. Solutions and decoctions are used for inhalation:

  • water with soda;
  • aqueous infusions of expectorant and anti-inflammatory herbs;
  • mineral water.

Solutions can be prepared on the basis of medications containing natural ingredients (for example, Doctor Mom), but these points must be discussed with your doctor.

Folk remedies

Not all traditional methods of treatment are readily tolerated by children. But there are effective recipes that do not cause rejection in the child.

Why does a child have clean lungs but still have a cough and what to do?Before using home remedies, you should consult your pediatrician. Then the child is likely to tolerate such treatment well.

For example:

  1. Wash the black radish, cut a hole in it and pour a little honey into the “bowl”. After a few minutes, juice will appear in the cavity. Together with honey, it forms a medicinal and very tasty syrup. Children drink it with great pleasure.
  2. Foot baths are no less effective. You need to pour water into the basin (halfway) and stir 1 tbsp in it. dry mustard. As the water cools, it should be added from a kettle with a spout. 10-15 minutes is enough. Then wipe your feet dry and put on warm socks.

Among the traditional methods of treatment, you need to choose those that involve taking the medicine internally, and external methods, such as warming compresses, applications, and rubbing. These are only auxiliary methods, and parental decisions must be approved by a specialist.

Other methods

If the child is healthy in all respects, and doctors suspect he has a nervous cough, then it is necessary to find out what is the source of negative emotions.

A psychologist is involved in the work, clarifying the cause of the pathology and using special exercises to liberate the child and reduce his level of anxiety and fear.

Drugs are prescribed that improve the functioning of the central nervous system. In some cases, antidepressants may be required.

Why is a prolonged cough dangerous?

A huge number of diseases that are accompanied by cough are diagnosed every day. The condition is dangerous because adults who think that a child is developing an acute respiratory viral infection ignore contacting a doctor. But such confidence can lead to dire consequences. If your child begins to cough, you should immediately contact a specialist.


[email protected]: The child has a cough, everything is clear in the lungs

Give nasal and throat swabs; blood for allergens, immunoglobulins to rule out asthma or others (and if it’s not an allergic cough, take these tests to your pediatrician 🙂) I wouldn’t do an X-ray at one year old (in extreme cases they do!) Once the temperature has risen, a bacterial infection is possible, which can be treated antibiotic.

Contact another pediatrician to listen to a (preferably young) child. Physiotherapy would be a good thing to do, but when the temperature drops. If the cough does not go away for a long time, then it may be tracheitis (the main symptom is a cough that gets worse in the morning.

) The most characteristic sign of tracheitis is a dry cough at night and especially in the morning, as well as coughing attacks when taking a deep breath, laughing, crying, or when the air temperature changes. Get well!

you need to find goose fat and lubricate the child’s chest and neck at night and make sure that all clothes are covered in the morning and change to dry ones

You yourself will recognize pulmonary edema by your child, but it may be too late. Better take a photo. , especially since you have a fever now!

It’s better to go for an x-ray (take a referral from a doctor) - this is to reassure you. Pertusin helps with cough (it's herbal), what age is the child? If you’re an adult, you can use Codelac, which is also herbal and helps a lot with coughs.

Swelling of the lungs and visually visible (shortness of breath, foam). And the child probably has tracheitis. Try physical therapy, heating, etc.

The cough is not pulmonary, thank God! But the doctor is kind of strange. This is the throat. Physiotherapy is necessary. Why aren't you being referred to a physiotherapist?

The youngest daughter is also sick - the cough is very strong and it was at night, yesterday she asked the same question. Look at the link, maybe some of the answers will be useful to you.

Get an x-ray to reassure yourself - it's no joke that he's been coughing for a month. The doctor can’t always identify it (the doctor diagnosed our child with pneumonia, we started injecting him after the weekend, we went for an X-ray, and there was nothing) On the contrary, everyone recommends an aquarium.

Read also:  Symptoms of cervical leukoplakia and methods of treating pathology

There is a very good serlop called “CUKA”

We urgently need to change doctors!!!

chronic bronchitis, my cough did not go away for 3 months. Make a fluorography. With pulmonary edema, there will be severe suffocation, blueness, shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, lack of air, and dizziness. If you have bronchitis, you will have difficulty breathing, quickly get tired when walking, and shortness of breath.

In general, there could be a lot of reasons.
You can read it here: I’ll find out.
рф/?p=2492 But, ideally, of course, it is better to show it to a doctor.


How and with what to treat residual cough in a child, as well as its causes

Residual cough in a child is a fairly common phenomenon. It practically does not prevent the baby from leading a full active life, but it worries parents a lot.

First of all, adults are concerned about whether such a cough needs to be treated, or whether it goes away on its own, how long this symptom can persist, and whether it is possible to take a coughing child to kindergarten or school.

The answers to these questions will be given in the article.

Residual cough is a symptom that persists for some time after a respiratory illness, appears occasionally, is not accompanied by other signs of ill health, and becomes less pronounced every day.

This cough can be dry, wet, and can occur at night if the child sleeps in a stuffy room, or during the day when the baby jumps or inhales cold air outside.

In this case, the patient should not feel any particular discomfort.

Important! It is necessary to distinguish a residual cough from complications of a previous illness, which can be manifested by a repeated increase in body temperature, increased frequency and intensification of coughing attacks, copious discharge of purulent sputum, and the appearance of whistling and wheezing sounds when inhaling or exhaling.

Causes of this cough in children

Residual cough can occur with the following diseases:

  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • laryngotracheitis;
  • whooping cough

All of these diseases are accompanied by more or less pronounced damage to the inner surface of the respiratory tract.

After the inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the larynx, trachea, and bronchi subsides, it takes time to restore and clear the remains of dried sputum. This process can take several days or even weeks.

Throughout the recovery period, the child may cough periodically. Doctors regard this as a variant of the norm, as a natural completion of an acute respiratory disease.

There is another mechanism for the occurrence of residual cough - overexcitation of the cough center in the brain and increased sensitivity of the respiratory tract to any irritants.

This mechanism is especially characteristic of whooping cough, which some children cannot get rid of for months.

These guys have no inflammatory process in the respiratory organs, no pathological discharge, but cough appears for any reason - from cold air, dust, cigarette smoke.

The residual cough from whooping cough is usually dry. If it becomes debilitating (some children may even vomit during coughing attacks), mandatory medical intervention is required. In this case, it is, of course, impossible to consider this symptom as a harmless variant of the norm.

And finally, the third reason for residual cough in children is self-medication. Many parents tend to independently prescribe and give their child expectorant herbal syrups for weeks, believing in their naturalness and harmlessness.

As a result, it turns out that the inflammatory process has subsided, there is no sputum, but the child does not stop coughing because the medicine continues to act on the body.

In such situations, literally a few days after stopping the drug, the cough disappears on its own.

However, parents may simply not complete the treatment of tracheitis or bronchitis in their child by stopping following the doctor’s prescriptions. Without external help, clearing the baby's airways of mucus can take weeks. In such conditions, not only does a residual cough occur, but the risk of complications, such as chronic obstructive bronchitis or pneumonia, increases.

Important! If parents have doubts about whether their child really has a residual cough, they should definitely consult a doctor. After listening to the baby’s chest, the specialist will be able to say with confidence whether he is dealing with a normal condition or a pathology. With a residual cough, there should be no wheezing over the lungs.

How to treat residual cough in a child

Almost all pediatricians are of the opinion that residual cough does not require special treatment or prescription of additional medications (other than those the patient is already taking).

After complete restoration of the mucous membrane and normalization of the functioning of the respiratory tract, it will disappear on its own.

To alleviate the residual effects of the disease, you just need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. ventilate the children's room more often;
  2. give the patient warm tea, compote, milk;
  3. regularly clean the apartment to reduce dust;
  4. humidify the air in the rooms using improvised means or special devices;
  5. protect the baby from cigarette smoke, chemical fumes and other negative factors affecting the respiratory system.

That is, if there is a residual cough that does not cause discomfort, it is not advisable to give the patient expectorant or antitussive medications. Various vegetable syrups will also be useless.

The exception is a debilitating dry cough that persists for a long time with whooping cough. With it, children are prescribed antitussive drugs (Sinekod, Tussin plus, Stoptussin, etc.

), however, they should not be given to a child without a doctor’s recommendation.

If parents cannot calmly react to a child’s cough and want to help the patient in every possible way, you can try traditional medicine - in particular, try to cure the child’s residual cough using the following means:

  • Warm milk with honey and butter. This mixture must be given to the child several times a day, the last time before bedtime.
  • Decoctions of medicinal plants (for example, breast milk, approved for use in children). They should be brewed and taken in accordance with the instructions printed on the package of herbs.
  • Radish juice with added honey. To obtain such juice, you can either make a notch at the base of the root vegetable and pour honey into it, or cut the vegetable into rings and add honey. After some time, liquid will begin to be released, which must be given to the child several times a day, a teaspoon.
  • A decoction of oats and milk (prepared by simmering unpeeled oat grains covered in milk for a long time in an oven or over low heat). This decoction coats the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx, reducing the number of episodes of coughing.

Inhalations with mineral water, saline or a decoction of medicinal herbs will help quickly remove residual cough. To carry out such a treatment procedure, you need a home inhaler (compressor or ultrasonic nebulizer).

Wet inhalations do not irritate the mucous membrane, provide additional hydration to the respiratory tract, soften and accelerate the removal of dried mucus.

But it is better not to treat children with hot steam inhalations to avoid burns.

Compresses can be given to your child to relieve any residual cough. The best option for children is to apply warm, but not hot, boiled and slightly mashed potatoes to their chest, wrapped in plastic and a towel. Another option is to warm the child’s chest with a warm cake made from boiled potatoes and melted lard.

You can also rub the chest with badger fat, followed by wrapping it in a warm scarf or scarf.

There are other options for cough compresses; you can learn about them in discussions on parent forums on the Internet.

The main thing is not to blindly trust the reviews of other users and always maintain a sound mind, remembering the danger of a child getting a burn or an allergic reaction.

Advice! The famous pediatrician, Dr. Komarovsky, in his videos recommends that if a child has a residual cough, parents do not ask the doctor for medicine and do not use “grandmother’s” methods of treatment.

And take more walks with your baby outside and ensure in the apartment the conditions necessary for restoring the respiratory tract and full recovery - cleanliness and cool, moist air.

That is, there is no need to try to cure the residual cough by any available means; the child’s natural recovery mechanisms should be activated.

Parents, of course, can help the child’s body with this, but not with medications, but with plenty of fluids, fortified foods, daily walks and cleanliness.

How long can a child's residual cough last?

Hardened, physically active children, for whom their parents, during the treatment process, created a microclimate in the apartment favorable for recovery, usually suffer acute respiratory tract diseases without any residual effects, or with a short-term residual cough. The protracted course of the processes of restoration of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and, accordingly, a prolonged residual cough, is typical for children with weakened immunity, who are influenced by the following negative factors:

  • Cigarette smoke (passive smoking is a severe blow to the respiratory system).
  • Dusty air in the room.
  • The air temperature in the apartment is too low or too high.
  • Hypothermia.

If we talk about how long a residual cough in a child can normally last, then approximately 1-2 weeks. This time is enough for a complete recovery.

If your child coughs for longer, you should definitely consult a doctor. In addition, it would not hurt to undergo an examination for children who repeatedly suffer from acute respiratory infections complicated by bronchitis throughout the year.

Such children may have chronic diseases that must be identified and treated.

Is residual cough contagious?

A residual cough can last for several weeks, so parents are faced with a natural question about whether their child is contagious and whether he can be taken to kindergarten or school.

Indeed, people are accustomed to the fact that coughing is a sign of illness, and therefore a coughing person is a possible source of infection.

However, with a residual cough, everything is somewhat different - it occurs when there are no more viruses in the respiratory organs, but there is damage to the mucous membrane and remnants of dry mucus. That is, children with residual cough do not pose a threat to others.

On the other hand, after suffering from a cold, the immune system is suppressed, and the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is not ready to protect itself from new viruses and bacteria.

Therefore, if a coughing child encounters an infection in kindergarten or school, the likelihood of the disease occurring will be very high.

This suggests a conclusion - it is necessary to first treat the cough and only then resume training.

If the cause of the residual cough is a history of whooping cough, it is imperative to consult a doctor about the possibility of the child visiting a child care facility. With this disease, the patient remains contagious much longer than with a regular ARVI, so it is necessary not only to treat the cough, but also to withstand certain temporary periods.


Residual cough is a symptom that does not require drug treatment.

To alleviate a child’s residual cough, it is enough to clean and well ventilate the child’s room, provide the patient with plenty of fluids, and protect him from irritants such as cigarette smoke and chemical fumes.

If something in the baby’s condition is alarming, parents should definitely contact a pediatrician or therapist. You should not start giving any medicines to a coughing child without consulting a doctor.


Why does a child have clean lungs but still have a cough and what to do? Link to main publication
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