
Contraindications for prostatitis in men: lifestyle changes

Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate gland in the male body.

The reasons for its development can be stagnation in the tissues of the organ, regular failure to complete an erection, a complete lack of sexual intercourse, and the pelvic area (sedentary lifestyle, problems with the spine and intestinal pathologies), as well as all kinds of infections and viruses.

Like any inflammatory process, prostatitis has its own contraindications. Prostatitis is also characterized by its classic signs: a rush of blood, swelling and pain.

If you do not pay attention to this problem in time and do not seek medical help, the consequences can be disastrous: from loss of male libido and problems with potency, ending with cancer.

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Contraindications for prostatitis in men: lifestyle changes
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Inflammation of the prostate gland requires not only timely and correct drug treatment - first of all, a man must try to change his usual lifestyle. The speed of recovery of the body will depend on how correctly he follows all medical recommendations.

The main contraindications for prostatitis for men:


Excessive alcohol consumption often causes the development of prostatitis. Especially during therapy, a man should completely abstain from any alcoholic beverages, as this can adversely affect the general condition of the body or provoke serious consequences in chronic prostatitis.

The prostate gland in the male body is designed to perform a reproductive function, as well as influence the quality of sexual life. Drinking alcohol disrupts the normal functioning of the genitourinary system in the body and impairs the quality of sperm.

Once in the body, alcoholic drinks contribute to a rapid flow of blood to the pelvic organs, which causes circulatory disorders and the formation of stagnation.

Contraindications for prostatitis in men: lifestyle changes

When a man frequently drinks alcohol in large doses, his body secretes less and less male hormones, which often leads to the development of impotence and the inability to have a child.

Experts allow drinking alcohol in small quantities only for men who do not suffer from prostate problems.

However, this does not mean that drinking alcohol should develop into a bad habit - only in the most exceptional situations.

With chronic prostatitis, a man must permanently eliminate alcohol from his life. Various alcohol cocktails and cheap red wine pose a particular danger to the human body. In general, all inexpensive alcoholic drinks are made from low-quality unrefined raw materials, so they contain a huge amount of fusel oils, which are harmful to prostate health.

The harm from beer lies in its negative impact on the health of not only the prostate, but also the testicles. Its daily use almost always leads to the development of prostatitis.

The reason for this is the presence of a large amount of female hormones in beer, which is why a man’s body undergoes changes in hormonal levels and, as a result, the development of pathologies of the genitourinary system.

In older men, impotence may begin.


When a man asks a urologist a question about what should not be done for prostatitis, he gives a lecture about the dangers of nicotine. It is no less toxic than alcohol. In addition, cigarettes contain a huge amount of tar, which is harmful to the body.

A man who smokes runs the risk of suffering many serious consequences: a decrease in the level of testosterone in the blood, a deterioration in vascular tone, impaired blood microcirculation and a decrease in general and local immunity. All these factors are very important for prostatitis. Testosterone levels are responsible for the activity of the prostate gland and the entire genitourinary system.

Its deficiency significantly reduces the quality of pleasure received from intercourse. Hormones have an effect on changes in sexual characteristics.

Contraindications for prostatitis in men: lifestyle changes

Impaired blood circulation contributes to the development of stagnation in the blood. Incomplete ejaculation and its accumulation in the prostate are often observed. As a result, the prostate gland becomes inflamed and its activity is disrupted.

Heavy smokers are at risk and may suffer from prostatitis from a very young age.

Drug addicts and smokers most often become victims of the development of an acute form of pathology or frequent relapses with chronic prostatitis.

Nicotine addiction, no less than physical inactivity, causes severe oxygen starvation and persistent changes in blood vessels, which play a leading role in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the prostate.

As a result, her condition steadily worsens. Nicotine, entering the blood, causes spasms of the veins, which remove carbon dioxide and metabolic products from the gland.

For this reason, the excretory ducts narrow and they are no longer able to remove the secretion completely.

Colds and hypothermia

The most common cause of exacerbations of chronic prostatitis is hypothermia.

This is explained by the fact that exposure to low temperatures greatly weakens the immune system, which makes the body less able to cope with various infections and, as a result, the development of inflammation. During the period of a cold, the course of the pathology worsens.

Therefore, it is necessary to always keep your lower back, legs and genitals warm to avoid the development of possible complications. You especially need to protect yourself from infectious diseases that occur after hypothermia.

It should also be remembered that saunas and hot baths also have a negative effect on the body, especially when inflammation develops. This facilitates the penetration of infection into the blood.


Often patients suffering from prostatitis avoid or limit themselves to sexual intercourse. Urologists advise against doing this.

Regular sex life is necessary for prostatitis, as it helps relieve the main symptoms, get rid of pain and remove discomfort.

The exception is an infectious form of pathology, in which sexual contact should be avoided until the body is completely restored.

Contraindications for prostatitis in men: lifestyle changes

In men who have very rare or inconsistent sexual contacts, stagnation of secretions occurs in the prostate. And especially complete abstinence is one of the main contraindications for prostatitis.

The essence of the negative impact of the lack of sexual intercourse is that seminal fluid is released only when a man has a full orgasm.

It is also not recommended to practice interrupted sexual intercourse.

Prostatitis can worsen due to a man’s sexual relations with partners whose vaginal microflora is unfamiliar to his body. In this case, the partner does not necessarily have to suffer from sexually transmitted diseases.


Frequent stressful situations are no less dangerous for the male body. During periods of intense anxiety and emotional stress, an exacerbation of pathology is often observed. To prevent this from happening, the work and rest regime should be normalized.


Prostatitis is the most serious disease of the male reproductive system: its development can cause the development of prostate adenoma, infertility and the development of tumors. It is extremely important to begin timely treatment. However, most men are tormented by the fear of contacting a specialist, caused by embarrassment due to the delicacy of this problem.

This is what causes the transition of the acute stage of prostatitis to the chronic stage, which is much more difficult to cure. The solution for such men is simply turning to friends and the Internet, purchasing medications on their own and then taking them. Self-medication often leads to disastrous consequences.

All medications should be selected exclusively by a specialist, taking into account the existing symptoms, causes and nature of the pathology and based on the tests obtained. A product purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription can not only help, but also make the situation much worse.

It is not recommended to use folk remedies without a doctor’s permission, as their use can lead to allergies.

Contraindications for prostatitis in men: lifestyle changesSedentary lifestyle

Sedentary lifestyle

Lack of sufficient physical activity leads to impaired blood circulation throughout the body, stagnation and the development of inflammation in the prostate gland. If a man has a sedentary job or has to spend a lot of time in the car, he needs to go in for sports. Particularly useful: swimming or race walking.

Good results can be obtained with regular exercises (set of exercises) at home. You need to understand that if you have prostatitis, you should control your physical activity. Many patients are prohibited from jogging. It is better to consult with your doctor, who will be able to select an individual set of exercises.

Prohibited Products

It is known that the health of the entire body largely depends on nutrition. Nutritious and healthy food contributes to the normalization of health and rapid recovery in the process of treating any pathology. Junk food, on the contrary, greatly delays recovery. During treatment (as well as remission), it is not recommended to load the body with the following heavy foods:

  • smoked meats;
  • preservatives;
  • starch;
  • cabbage;
  • fatty meat (broth), caviar and fish;
  • fresh baked goods;
  • mushrooms;
  • semi-finished products;
  • offal;
  • sugar;
  • fried foods;
  • legumes

Contraindications for prostatitis in men: lifestyle changes

Normalizing nutrition will alleviate the patient’s condition and speed up the recovery process. Fried and fatty foods are considered especially harmful. It contributes to blockage of blood vessels and poor circulation in the prostate. The same goes for spicy and salty foods.

If you have prostatitis, you should avoid eating animal fats and proteins, which create additional stress on a weakened body. You can replace them with vegetable proteins, which have a beneficial effect on the entire body. All of the above products are strictly prohibited, since their use irritates and inhibits the activity of the gland.

They are harmful even for absolutely healthy people, and for those suffering from prostatitis, they are simply dangerous.

As for drinks, in addition to alcohol, the following are prohibited:

  • coffee and all drinks that contain caffeine - they only irritate the organs of the genitourinary system and interfere with urination:
  • carbonated drinks;
  • any tonic drinks.

If you have prostatitis, you should not reduce the amount of fluid you drink. You should drink at least two liters of water per day. It is also necessary to enrich your body with vitamins and minerals, which will have a positive effect on the dynamics of treatment. To avoid a decrease in the body’s immune forces, it is enough to change your diet, supplementing it with healthy foods.

Medical treatment

Special attention should be paid to contraindications associated with medical treatment.

Contraindications for prostatitis in men: lifestyle changes

Massage is the most popular procedure for prostatitis. This is a very delicate topic, since this procedure is associated with the rectum and not every patient will dare to undergo it.

However, when pathology greatly interferes with a man’s life, it may be tempting to massage himself using a special massager. Under no circumstances should this be done, especially without professional diagnostics.

There are several contraindications for this massage:

  • the bacterial form of the pathology leads to the spread of pus throughout all organs;
  • congestion in the veins;
  • prostate tuberculosis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • prostate or rectal cancer;
  • formation of stones or cysts in the prostate.

All these pathologies can only be identified by a urologist.
The following procedures are also contraindicated:

  • mud therapy (for oncology);
  • combining water and sunbathing, at the same time overcooling and overheating the body;
  • treatment with antibiotics (for renal failure and diabetes).

Contraindications for prostatitis in men: lifestyle changes

Folk remedies for prostatitis should be used very carefully for the following reasons:

  • doubtful origin;
  • individual intolerance to some components (you should consult a specialist and get tested for allergens).

The presence of other pathologies in the body also prohibits many folk recipes:

  • garlic is prohibited for gastritis, kidney pathology, stomach ulcers and epilepsy;
  • aspen bark – for joint diseases, cystitis and cancer;
  • an overdose of zinc contributes to insufficient absorption of other beneficial substances;
  • pumpkin seeds should not be consumed by overweight men;
  • Propolis is not recommended for pathologies of the gallbladder and liver.
Read also:  Anal warts: diagnosis and treatment of neoplasms

In any case, before taking any folk remedy, consult your doctor. Alternative treatment will be effective only if all nuances are strictly followed and they are individually selected taking into account the patient’s physiology.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the main contraindication for prostatitis is self-medication. Before you begin to solve the problem, you should conduct a qualified diagnosis, after which the doctor will select individual treatment for each person, taking into account an assessment of the overall clinical picture.

And giving up bad habits, a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet will definitely give the desired effect.

Despite the fact that most men take the problem of prostatitis quite seriously, not everyone is able to give up something that only worsens the condition. Today, medicine points to dozens of standard contraindications that simply need to be excluded by every man suffering from this pathology, especially if it has already become chronic. Otherwise, this problem, even with complex treatment, will not lose its position for many years.

The causes of prostatitis development are most often addiction to alcohol and cigarettes, infections and related pathologies.

Doctors recommend that all men over 30 years old undergo regular prostate examinations for preventive purposes.

When the first symptoms of prostatitis are detected, treatment will bring the desired effect and help prevent the occurrence of possible complications. In addition, advanced inflammation of the prostate often leads to the formation of malignant tumors.


Main contraindications for men, or what not to do with prostatitis and prostate adenoma

Contraindications for prostatitis in men: lifestyle changes

A disease such as inflammation of the prostate gland has become significantly younger in recent years. However, symptoms may vary between men.

In some, the disorders are accompanied by clearly noticeable pain, in others - impaired sexual function, and in others - problems in the process of urination.

Therefore, having noticed something is wrong, men do not always immediately go to the doctor, attributing the problems that arise to fatigue, vitamin deficiency, colds and other third-party factors, thereby wasting precious time. The information below will allow you to obtain maximum information about the disease and prevent such developments.

Types and degrees of disease

In medical practice, there are two types of prostatitis:

Contraindications for prostatitis in men: lifestyle changes

  • spicy . This disease appears suddenly, sharply manifesting obvious symptoms. When undergoing laboratory testing, in most cases, specialists are able to quickly identify the causative agent of the disease;
  • chronic _ Such a disease either actively manifests itself or fades away again, giving the patient the illusion of a complete recovery. It is quite difficult to get rid of such a disease, since during the examination it is quite difficult to identify the true pathogen, so specialists have to choose medications “blindly”.

The inflammatory process can occur diffusely, affecting the entire area of ​​the gland, or be focal in nature, affecting the organ in separate places. Also, depending on the part of the prostate that is affected by the disease, prostatitis can be catarrhal, follicular or parenchymal.

It will not be possible to independently determine the form and type of the disease without conducting a special examination. As a rule, the specialist makes the final verdict after receiving test results and conducting a full examination of the patient.

Since prostatitis is quite often a consequence of sexually transmitted diseases, laboratory testing is important.

Contraindications for prostatitis in men

If you have been diagnosed with prostatitis, this does not mean that you should give up on yourself and fall into deep depression. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, this disease can be completely cured.

But to speed up the treatment process, alleviate symptoms and consolidate the result, you still have to follow some simple rules:

  • Contraindications for prostatitis in men: lifestyle changes
    stop drinking alcohol . Even if it’s an innocent glass of beer after work with friends, you will have to give up this habit during the treatment and rehabilitation period. The fact is that alcohol irritates the prostate gland, thereby increasing pain and increasing the urge to urinate, which in most cases turns out to be false. Because of this, the patient’s well-being worsens, and only memories remain of a healthy, deep night’s sleep;
  • no smoking . Smoking has a bad effect even on a healthy body. And if the patient has problems with the prostate, the situation becomes even more complicated. Nicotine entering the body causes spasm of the veins, which impairs blood flow. As a result, a minimum of oxygen reaches the gland, and the work of the excretory ducts is weakened, which immediately leads to stagnation of the secretion and a decrease in the tone of the prostate. Quitting smoking will help improve the patient's health.

Sex: benefit or harm

Contraindications for prostatitis in men: lifestyle changes

Regular sex with the same partner will benefit a man with prostatitis.

The fact is that with this disease, regular medical massage of the prostate is required to improve well-being and speed up the healing process. If it is not possible to attend such sessions, sex will be an excellent substitute for the procedure. The contraction of the corresponding muscles and the gland itself that occurs during ejaculation will only benefit the man.

Constant sexual abstinence will harm your health.

List of contraindicated foods

If you are aiming to eliminate symptoms and make a full recovery, following a diet is a must. With this diagnosis, we are not talking about counting calories, but about organizing a balanced diet and completely eliminating harmful foods.

Prohibited treats include:

Contraindications for prostatitis in men: lifestyle changes

  • caviar and fatty fish;
  • fatty meat and meat broths;
  • tea, coffee and other tonic, as well as carbonated drinks;
  • baked goods;
  • sorrel, legumes, mushrooms;
  • smoked products;
  • canned vegetables and fruits;
  • salt and spices in large quantities.

It is advisable to drink about 2 liters of water per day and ensure that there is no urinary retention.

Patients are advised to include in their diet foods that help improve digestion and bowel movements. It is advisable to consume fresh vegetable oil, cereals, vegetables, fermented milk products, dried apricots, prunes, foods rich in vitamins, fiber and protein.

Self-medication, or what drugs should not be taken

Often, patients, faced with the first symptoms of an illness, do not rush to the doctor, prescribing medications themselves on the advice of friends or colleagues.

In fact, this cannot be done, since the treatment strategy and choice of drugs depends on the type of disease; a self-prescribed remedy can only aggravate the situation and not bring relief.

In order not to harm your health, it is recommended to take medications prescribed by your doctor, observing the duration, intensity and dosage of the intake.

You should be careful when using mud. Such procedures are contraindicated in patients who simultaneously suffer from high blood pressure, severe atherosclerosis, kidney disease and circulatory disorders.

Is it prohibited to do therapeutic prostate massage?

Contraindications for prostatitis in men: lifestyle changes

Massage is contraindicated in bacterial and acute forms of the disease.

It is also extremely undesirable to carry out the procedure in acute forms of the disease in combination with cancerous tumors, cysts, problems with the urinary process and in some other clinical cases.

What else can irritate the prostate gland?

Contraindications for prostatitis in men: lifestyle changes

The disease can occur due to hormonal imbalances, age-related changes in the body, hereditary and chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, bad habits, improperly organized lifestyle and other factors.

What should you not do if you have prostate adenoma?

Patients suffering from adenoma should give up smoking, drinking alcohol, disordered eating, taking medications without a doctor's recommendation, as well as rectal massage (if you have been diagnosed with cysts, malignant tumors and other concomitant diseases of a serious nature).

Principles of medicinal and traditional treatment

As we said above, it is not recommended to prescribe medications for prostatitis on your own, so we will not give recommendations regarding medications in the article.

No less effective are folk recipes that can be used either separately or as part of complex therapy:

  • beaver stream . This is beaver musk, which is found under the skin in the lower abdomen of the animal (beaver). The drug cleanses the circulatory system, helping to improve blood circulation. The medicine is taken twice a day. It is not allowed to take more than 100 ml of product per month;
  • linseed oil . This is a fairly effective folk recipe that even surpassed flaxseed in effectiveness. The oil is taken orally, 1 tbsp. twice a day. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, you can add 1 tsp to the established dosage. pumpkin oil or propolis;
  • pumpkin seeds . Pumpkin seeds should be unroasted. It is necessary to grind 0.5 kg of pumpkin seeds and pour 200 g of honey over them. Make small balls from the resulting mixture, which should be consumed 1 piece 30 minutes before meals 1 or 2 times a day. The balls should be chewed slowly. The medicine is stored in the refrigerator;
  • celandine and honey . This remedy is used after completion of drug treatment. 100 g of dry leaves of the plant are poured with 700 ml of boiling water. After the broth has cooled slightly, 500 g of honey is dissolved in it. The product is stored in the refrigerator and taken 1 tbsp. before meals 3 times a day.

Video on the topic

Dermatovenerologist about what not to do for prostatitis:

Prostatitis is a dangerous disease, delay in treatment of which is extremely undesirable. Therefore, you should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment. If you notice something is wrong, immediately go to see a doctor.


Contraindications for prostatitis in men: what not to do when treating chronic prostatitis

  • Urologist-andrologist 1st category Denis Georgievich
  • 29689
  • Update date: December 2019

Certain contraindications for prostatitis are directly related to the form of the disease and the degree of its activity.

If you neglect them, the inflammatory process in the gland will begin to occur with complications.

When prescribing treatment, the doctor must explain to the patient what he should avoid in order to prevent unpleasant consequences and speed up recovery.

Junk food for prostatitis

Leading medical experts tirelessly say that nutrition greatly affects a person's health. If a man prefers a balanced diet enriched with plant products, then he can quickly recover. Poor nutrition only contributes to the worsening of the painful condition.

If you have prostatitis, you should not eat foods and dishes that complicate the functioning of the digestive system and have a detrimental effect on the condition of individual internal organs. The following are prohibited:

  • Smoked meats;
  • Cabbage;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Conservation;
  • Fatty meats and fish;
  • Starch;
  • Sugar;
  • Fried foods;
  • By-products;
  • Semi-finished products;
  • Fresh bakery;
  • Legumes.

Contraindications for prostatitis in men: lifestyle changes

It is better for healthy men to avoid harmful foods as well.

First of all, a man with prostatitis needs to take care of his own diet. A balanced diet allows you to improve blood circulation in the problematic gland and avoid unnecessary stress on a weak body. Other products that can inhibit prostate function and irritate it are also prohibited. It is worth noting that they are harmful even for healthy men.

Patients have to give up not only their favorite treats, but also some drinks. Doctors forbid them to drink coffee and soda. Tonic drinks are no less harmful. It is best to replace them with herbal teas and infusions, which have a positive effect on the genitourinary system and also strengthen the immune system.

Read also:  Ginger for prostatitis: healing properties and methods of use

Down with bad habits

Men who have bad habits are at greater risk of one day encountering such an unpleasant disease as prostatitis. Therefore, if a person intends to prevent inflammation in the prostate or suppress its activity, he should give up alcohol and smoking, and also start leading a healthy lifestyle.

Alcohol for prostatitis

Due to alcohol abuse, the risk of inflammation in the prostate increases several times. If a man is already sick with prostatitis, then he should completely give up alcohol in order to make his treatment as effective as possible. If this recommendation is not followed, then prostatitis becomes chronic and often bothers the patient with exacerbations.

Due to alcohol, the prostate gland ceases to cope with its main tasks normally. This affects reproductive function and the quality of intimate life. Alcohol has a particularly strong effect on the condition of sperm.

Contraindications for prostatitis in men: lifestyle changes

If prostatitis is diagnosed, alcohol is prohibited

Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages leads to the following disorders:

  1. Stagnant processes occur in the pelvic organs;
  2. The amount of male hormones decreases;
  3. Impotence develops.

If a man does not have prostate problems, he can drink small amounts of alcohol from time to time. However, this should not become a bad habit. If inflammation is present, this product is strictly contraindicated.

Various cocktails and inexpensive strong wines are considered the most harmful to men's health. This also includes other cheap products that are made from low quality ingredients.

The effect of nicotine on the development of prostatitis

Smoking negatively affects not only the condition of the prostate, but also the entire body as a whole. A bad habit can cause hormonal imbalance, which causes inflammation in the gland. It ceases to cope with its functions due to the development of stagnant processes and poor blood circulation in the genitourinary system.

Nicotine causes a rapid decline in the immune system. Therefore, the body of smokers is vulnerable to various infections. Some of them may well lead to inflammatory processes in the prostate.

The psycho-emotional state of a smoker who abuses alcoholic beverages suffers greatly. Against this background, the level of testosterone in the body changes, which negatively affects the sexual sphere.

A man ceases to receive maximum pleasure from intimacy; he may experience incomplete ejaculation, as well as an accumulation of fluid in the gland. All this only further aggravates the disease.

Active smokers first encounter diseases of the genitourinary system at an early age.

When treating prostatitis, men are prohibited from smoking. By following this rule, they are able to achieve long-term remission.

Contraindications for prostatitis in men: lifestyle changes

Smokers' bodies are more vulnerable to infections

Procedures that are harmful for prostatitis

During an appointment with a doctor, the patient learns not only what not to eat with prostatitis, but also what procedures to refuse in order to avoid exacerbation of the disease. A number of medical procedures may be contraindicated in patients with inflammation in the gland.

Massage is one of the most popular procedures for prostatitis. However, not every man dares to agree to it. But sometimes patients try to massage themselves using a special massager. Under no circumstances should you do this.

Such manipulations should be performed by an experienced specialist. In addition, the procedure is contraindicated for those who have hemorrhoids, prostate or colon cancer, gland stones or tuberculosis. These pathologies are identified by a urologist.

If they are present, a safer treatment method is selected for the patient.

Contraindications also include mud therapy, sun and water baths, which are taken simultaneously. This also includes antibiotic therapy. It is especially harmful for men who have kidney failure or diabetes.

Contraindications for the use of folk remedies

As for the use of traditional medicine for medicinal purposes, in most cases they are also contraindicated. Few men decide to consult a specialist with a similar problem. They try to heal on their own using unconventional methods.

Contraindications for prostatitis in men: lifestyle changes

Traditional medicine also has contraindications

It is prohibited to use folk remedies for prostatitis in men in the following cases:

  1. In case of hypersensitivity to the components of the medicinal product. To find out, you need to be examined by a doctor and tested for allergies;
  2. If the recipe is not trustworthy. Not all folk remedies that are written about on the Internet are useful and effective. To ensure their safety and effectiveness, you must first consult a specialist about this. It is also worth chatting on the forum with other people who have already practiced this treatment;
  3. If the components used in the recipe may lead to an exacerbation of other existing diseases. For example, a man should not be treated with garlic if he has problems with the stomach and kidneys; aspen bark is harmful for cystitis, joint pain and diabetes. It is better not to consume pumpkin seeds for overweight people. Propolis is dangerous for problems with the gallbladder and liver.

Before introducing a folk remedy into a treatment course, it is advisable to ask your doctor whether it is worth doing. This way the patient will avoid a number of troubles that may arise due to the consumption of products harmful to his health.

Inactive lifestyle

Men forced to lead an inactive lifestyle suffer from congestion in the pelvic area, which leads to prostatitis. If you have to sit in a chair most of the day, you need to play sports. Walking and swimming are especially beneficial.

If it is not possible to sign up for a swimming pool or regularly take walks in the fresh air, it is recommended to perform a simple set of exercises at home every day.

Acute and chronic forms of prostatitis force men to give up running. Instead, it is better to find more suitable exercises that will help keep yourself in good shape.


Often patients who have problems with the prostate gland try to minimize sexual intercourse. But you can't do that. Experts, on the contrary, recommend that patients have regular sex life, as it helps alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. It is necessary to exclude intimate intimacy only if the pathology has an infectious form.

If a man has inconsistent sexual intercourse, then stagnation of secretion may occur in his prostate. Complete abstinence from sex leads to the same result. An interrupted act is also not useful, since it deprives a man of a full orgasm, which is why seminal fluid remains in the canals. All these factors lead to prostatitis.


Few men think about the fact that constant stress negatively affects the gland. The prostate, like other internal organs, ceases to function properly due to emotional stress. Against this background, an exacerbation of the inflammatory process in the genitourinary system develops. Therefore, stress also falls into the group of contraindications.

Other contraindications that every patient diagnosed with prostatitis must be familiar with will be discussed by the attending physician, who monitors the dynamics of the disease and the effect of drug therapy on the body.

Until August 10, the Institute of Urology together with the Ministry of Health is conducting the program “Russia without prostatitis .” Within which the drug Predstanol is available at a discounted price of 99 rubles. , to all residents of the city and region!


Lifestyle with prostatitis and what not to do

Therapy and prevention of any disease is always a set of recommendations, compliance with which guarantees recovery or the absence of relapse in the future. What not to do with prostatitis, and how do these tips affect the course of the disease?

Stop your favorite habits

Most patients might not know about this disease if they followed a correct lifestyle that is beneficial for their body.

Even if an infection enters the genitourinary organs, a person’s own immunity is able to protect cells and tissues.

However, negative external factors and, especially, bad habits destroy and reduce the potential ability to remain healthy, and the man becomes ill.

What not to do for prostatitis:

  • alcohol;
  • smoking;
  • physical inactivity;
  • irregular sexual relations;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • hypothermia.


Experts in any field of medicine unanimously speak about the dangers of alcohol. It has a particularly negative effect on the genitourinary organs, and here’s why. Alcohol-containing liquids disrupt natural blood flow throughout the body. Alcohol becomes a provocateur of stagnation, and now a man already has several factors contributing to the development of prostatitis.

In addition, when ethyl alcohol enters the body, it reduces the release of male sex hormones, disrupting their normal concentration.

Finally, the nervous system suffers greatly from these drinks, and stress often causes a variety of changes in the body. They constantly undermine the immune system, thereby undermining the foundations of health.

The ban on alcohol should be complete; if you have prostatitis, you should not drink even a small amount of ethyl.


Do not think that the problems caused by smoking are only in the respiratory system. When a man inhales smoke, he absorbs dozens of different compounds that have an extremely negative impact on his health.

Various resins enter the bloodstream and are distributed throughout the body.

They cause especially severe harm to those organs and systems where blood circulation occurs through the smallest vessels - capillaries, which include the prostate gland.

Contraindications for prostatitis in men: lifestyle changes
Each cigarette poisons the smoker’s body, contributing to the development of prostatitis

Any qualitative changes in the composition of the blood very quickly affect the condition of this organ. And of course, smoking reduces the body's immune strength. The process of inhaling cigarettes can be thought of as an intoxication of the body that the smoker creates himself.

Almost all urological patients lead a sedentary lifestyle with prostatitis.

A “couch” lifestyle means guaranteed inflammation of the prostate and adjacent organs, the only question is when this will happen, after a year or 10–20 years.

Lack of movement impairs blood flow and the supply of nutrients from the blood to the tissues of the organ. Cells begin to starve and cannot quickly recover and renew themselves.

If in a young organism these processes are not so clearly expressed, and all organs and systems are still coping with the load, then over the years the mechanism fails. Diseases can appear one after another, and it is much more difficult to recover from them collectively than individually. Not a single therapeutic course for prostatitis takes place without advice on increasing daily physical activity.

Irregular sex

The condition of the prostate gland very much depends on how often and with what regularity a man has intimate relations. Sex itself is a stimulant for the prostate.

Firstly, thanks to desire, the blood supply to the organ begins to flow faster, and the result of this is an erection. Secondly, friction for several minutes is a very good massage.

Adjacent tissues are rhythmically compressed and the load reaches the prostate gland.

So, sperm renewal occurs, and it is desirable that this process be regular. Constantly having too much sex will also not be beneficial to your health.

In this case, the prostate gland begins to wear out, and even the simplest regenerative processes become impossible for it.

Unbalanced diet

What a man eats affects his male health. General gastronomic contraindications for prostatitis are:

  • Food rich in spices. Spices have an irritating effect on many organs, including the prostate gland, bladder, and urethra. With constant exposure to irritating elements, the walls of organs that act as a protective barrier become thinner, and prostatitis develops. The same can be said about salted or pickled foods.
  • Fatty food. It increases the level of lipids in the blood, thereby thickening it and disrupting blood flow. Fatty foods provoke stagnation. Moreover, it contributes to the man’s desire to rest, and a vicious circle results.

Contraindications for prostatitis in men: lifestyle changes
It is important to correct your diet


A decrease in normal body temperature provokes the development and aggravates many chronic diseases. Very often, against the background of hypothermia, a relapse of prostatitis, cystitis and other genitourinary diseases occurs, and a painful period of treatment begins for the man. Therefore, it is very important to dress according to the weather and not allow the body to become overcooled.

To prevent a relapse after forced exposure to the cold, it is necessary to take urgent preventive measures.

It seems that any physical activity is good for the male body, but doctors add prohibitions to this list. These include cycling.

Why is riding it one of the contraindications for prostatitis in men? Firstly, many patients with prostatitis have increased body weight.

By sitting on a bicycle, they load the prostate gland with their entire mass. She is under enormous stress.

Exercise for prostatitis

Pressure on the prostate negatively affects its functioning, and therefore it is advisable to first reduce weight to an acceptable level and only then introduce a bicycle (or exercise bike) into your life.

Secondly, the constant bouncing and jumping that happens when driving on uneven roads has a negative impact on the prostate. If you remember that the majority of our road surfaces are not smooth, you can imagine what harm they can cause to the prostate.

This rule does not apply if a man is riding a bicycle in a park area where the road level is constant and level. An exercise bike here also has an advantage over a bicycle, since training on it does not have this disadvantage.

Thirdly, a hard saddle, which is often found on men's bicycles, has a negative impact and injures the prostate and adjacent organs.

You need to choose a saddle of medium hardness, anatomical shape, and then there will be no injuries to the genitourinary organs.

Contraindications for prostatitis in men: lifestyle changes
Cycling is only useful on flat roads

Bath and sauna: is it possible or not?

Another popular question regarding the benefits or harms of prostatitis is visiting the steam room in the bathhouse and sauna. More recently, doctors insisted that overheating of the organ leads to an exacerbation of the inflammatory process in the prostate gland, therefore, such men are prohibited from visiting the steam room. Now the opinion of the specialist has changed somewhat.

Today, doctors allow people to go to the bathhouse if they have a chronic form of the disease. High temperature stimulates blood circulation and will help improve blood flow.

In acute prostatitis, when there is a clearly defined focus of infection, when visiting a bathhouse, the risk of infection of adjacent organs increases. Moreover, an increase in temperature in such patients contributes to even greater swelling and swelling in the groin area.

This brings men severe pain, which will then be very difficult to relieve.

What is possible

Among the useful habits that will improve the course of the disease and help prevent the disease:

  • Regular sex. The constant release of seminal fluid and its regular synthesis is a protection against congestion. By the way, this only applies to natural ejaculation. When practicing interrupted coitus, the beneficial properties of the process are neutralized.
  • Strengthening the pelvic muscles. There are a lot of exercises to strengthen this zone. Together with your doctor, you need to select the most suitable ones and practice them regularly.
  • Eating healthy foods. First of all, the prostate gland suffers from a lack of magnesium, selenium and zinc. It is believed that it is their constant lack that leads to the development of hyperplastic processes in the organ. What should a man eat to replenish these minerals? Among the foods on his table there must be pumpkin, seeds, fatty sea fish, blueberries, cauliflower, and nuts.

Let's sum it up

There are not so many basic rules for what the life of a man who does not want to suffer from prostatitis should look like. Compliance with them will not take much time. It’s enough to start, and after some time, the prohibitions will not seem so strict, but the pleasure of feeling good will now become a man’s constant companion.


Contraindications for prostatitis: what lifestyle men should lead and what not to do

The further prescription of appropriate drug therapy depends on the form of prostatitis and the degree of its activity. More than 30% of men are faced with such an unpleasant disease that requires immediate action for subsequent successful treatment.

To restore all functions of the prostate gland, not only special medications are needed, but also a radical change in the patient’s lifestyle.

In addition, there are certain contraindications for prostatitis, which all men suffering from inflammation of the gonad should be familiar with.

Mechanism of prostatitis development

Treatment for prostatitis in men is aimed at eliminating the development of infection inside the prostate gland. Factors that provoke inflammation include:

  • circulatory disorders of the pelvic organs;
  • decreased protective functions of the body's immune system;
  • stagnation of venous blood and prostate secretions;
  • bacterial infection of gland tissue.

The above factors are the main reason for the rapid development of the disease.

What causes blood flow problems

  • Improper functioning of the circulatory system is often caused by a lack of physical activity and the presence of bad habits such as alcohol and smoking.
  • A sedentary lifestyle provokes a number of pathological changes in the structure of small vessels and capillaries, as a result of which the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the prostate cells is disrupted.
  • The adverse effects of nicotine cause spasm of the prostate vessels, which prevents further removal of metabolic products from the body. In this regard, a number of the following pathological processes occur:
  • secretion removal is impaired;
  • pus formed as a result of inflammation provokes intoxication of the prostate gland;
  • Prostate dysfunction has a negative impact on the reproductive function of the pelvic organs, and also disrupts the natural balance of male hormones.

Important! Contraindications for congestive form are insufficient physical activity and lack of a healthy lifestyle.

Excluding alcoholic beverages from the diet, giving up nicotine and having active pastime are the basic requirements necessary for the patient’s speedy recovery.

Hypothermia and colds

The most common cause of exacerbation of chronic prostatitis is hypothermia. As a result of hypothermia, the normal level of body temperature drops, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in the immune system and a weakening of its protective functions.

  1. The body is not able to overcome the development of infection, as a result of which the inflammatory process in the tissues of the prostate gland begins to progress.
  2. Hypothermia (hypothermia), and the resulting colds, significantly aggravate the course of prostatitis.
  3. Need to keep warm:
  • legs;
  • lower back;
  • external pelvic organs.

It is important to remember: elevated temperature, like hypothermia, can have a negative impact on the development of inflammation. In acute and chronic forms of prostatitis, going to saunas and baths is prohibited, and taking a hot shower or bath is also unacceptable.

Sex with prostatitis

Experts are not able to give a definite answer to the question: is it possible to have sex with prostatitis? The thing is that sexual activity itself is an integral part of the life of any healthy man.

  • However, in the presence of an inflammatory process, sex can cause painful sensations in the prostate, and in some cases there is a complete lack of erection.
  • If the functionality of the male genital organs is not impaired, then full sexual intercourse in this case has a proven therapeutic effect.
  • During ejaculation, muscle tissue contracts, due to which the prostate is massaged, and sperm can move freely through the vas deferens.
  • But lack of sexual activity leads to hormonal imbalance, a significant decrease in testosterone and, as a result, disruption of the reproductive function of the prostate gland.

In chronic form

When the disease is chronic, having sex is simply necessary. An active sex life affects the health of the pelvic organs, and also has a beneficial effect on the tone of the entire body as a whole.

Promiscuous sexual intercourse will not bring the desired therapeutic effect, but will only provoke the appearance of new foci of inflammation. Only reasonable sexual activity with a regular partner can speed up the recovery period of the prostate.

The chronic form of the disease is usually characterized by the absence of symptoms or occurs with minor exacerbations that do not cause discomfort during sex.

In the case when a man experiences sexual impotence against the background of news received about the presence of inflammation, experts recommend seeking help from a psychotherapist.

In acute form of the disease

Sexual activity is also indicated for those patients who have an acute form of prostatitis. However, in this case, the difficulty lies in the fact that in the acute course of the disease, severe pain in the abdomen, groin and perineum may be observed during sexual intercourse.

At the same time, a strong burning sensation and discomfort accompany a man not only at the moment of ejaculation, but also during the process of emptying the bladder and even at rest.

In addition, patients with acute prostatitis experience a syndrome of general malaise, in particular elevated body temperature.

Sex is contraindicated for men who have bacterial prostatitis - a pathology of the prostate gland caused by pathogens such as gonococci, chlamydia, E. coli, etc.

It is important to understand that harmful microorganisms can be transmitted to a partner during sexual intercourse.

What else is not recommended for prostatitis?

In addition to giving up alcohol and smoking, men diagnosed with inflammation of the prostate gland are not recommended to:

  1. Take medications or dietary supplements not prescribed by your doctor.
  2. Perform prostate massage in case of an acute form of the disease.
  3. Resort to traditional methods of treatment.
  4. Engage in strenuous types of physical activity.

Doctors advise excluding from the diet:

  • sweet carbonated drinks that contain large amounts of sugar and harmful preservatives;
  • soybeans, beans and other legumes;
  • strong coffee, tea;
  • flour products;
  • spices;
  • smoked products;
  • fried foods.

When treating prostatitis, it is important to minimize the consumption of junk food

Important! In addition to junk food, stress and overwork of the nervous system have a negative impact on the male body.

The unstable emotional and psychological state of the patient provokes a subsequent exacerbation of the disease. Special breathing exercises or sedatives will help restore mental harmony and overcome stress.


Contraindications for prostatitis in men: lifestyle changes Link to main publication
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